Chapter 1 - Mayo Hypnosis Clinic
Chapter 1 - Mayo Hypnosis Clinic
How To Lose Weight Secrets of Success by Michel McGuinness Please feel free to share this e-book with your friends Copyright 2015. Michael McGuinness Author Michael McGuinness DHP B.Ed MNCH MCHPA MICHP Michael is one of Ireland's most experienced hypnotherapists. He has performed over 25,000 inductions and innovated many life-changing subconscious strategies. He is a graduate of the Institute of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy, which was the first college of hypnotherapy in Ireland. Michael was a member of the first group of graduates from that college. Subsequently, he set up a private practice in Maynooth in 1995. Weight management was of special interest to him and he was also was perplexed as to why so many people failed with traditional slimming methods. This led him to studying the effect of nutrition and psychological factors on successful weight management. He also did extensive research to discover what were the factors common to overweight people who successfully maintained their weightloss long-term, so that this could be replicted in a weightloss programme. This all resulted in a unique coaching programme, called The HypnoSlim Programme. It has transformed the lives of so many people down the years. After a long number of years in practice in Maynooth, he returned to my native Mayo in 2007 where he founded the Mayo Hypnosis Clinic, Castlebar. Introduction It is time for a fresh start. Forget about everything you have ever been told about weight loss. Start right now with an open mind and the following knowledge and strategies can help you achieve remarkable results. You may have the DESIRE to be successful but you also have needs that are in conflict with that desire when it comes to your relationship with food: reward yourself, relieve negative emotions and so on - this book can help you solve that. You have a conscious EXPECTATION that you can succeed but deep down you believe that you will fail – that is what has happened in the past and subconsciously you expect that to happen again. Your past does not have to be your future – this e-book can help you transform your expectation. You are now embarking on a journey that can change your life. Disclaimer All content presented is for educational purposes only, it cannot be considered as a substitute for the advice of a medical practitioner or any other such health professional. This e-book is downloaded on the strict understanding that the author cannot accept any responsibility for any loss or injury arising from the use or improper use of the download or any content contained therein. While every effort is made to provide accurate information, statistics shown cannot be guaranteed to be up to date or accurate. The author is not responsible for errors or omissions. Table of Contents Author........................................................................................3 Introduction................................................................................5 Overview...............................................................................8 Diet...........................................................................................13 Chapter 1.............................................................................14 How to create a healthy diet ..........................................14 Chapter 2.............................................................................27 Implementing your Plan.................................................27 Mindset....................................................................................40 Chapter 3.............................................................................41 Undoing the Brainwashing............................................41 Chapter 4.............................................................................46 New perceptions.............................................................46 Chapter 5.............................................................................62 Emotional Eating............................................................62 Subconscious ...........................................................................66 Chapter 6.............................................................................67 Subconscious Transformation........................................67 Overview Only a small percentage of overweight people who diet actually reach their target weight and maintain the weight loss long-term. What do they do that is different? This e-book address the three pillars of their success: 1. DIET: You have developed eating habits over time that cause you to crave junk food, crave sugar and feel false hunger. Learn the diet habits of naturally slim people, work in hornomy with the instinctive nutritional needs of your body and feel satisfied and full with natural, healthy foods. Going on a “diet” is usually the first step for those people who are unsuccessful in their attempt to lose weight and maintain the weight loss. It is the one thing you shouldn't do. If “dieting” means eating fewer calories than you need to MAINTAIN your healthy weight, then you will cause problems with your metabolism and set yourself up for a serious problem with binge eating, obsessing about food and yo-yo dieting. If “dieting” means eating or drinking anything other than natural unprocessed food and drinks, then you will end up in failure. Forget about fad diets, pills and liquid diets (which are for babies). In this section about diet you will discover how to approach eating so that you have the best chance of success. 2. MINDSET: Since you were just a child you started to develop certain thinking about food. Those early patterns of behaviour have become automatic and have developed into ingrained habits in adulthood This e-book can help you to discover how to relate to food in a responsible, mature way. When overweight people embark on a weight-loss programme, the focus in on following some “imposed diet” and finding some source of motivation – be it from a group, buddy or other. Also, they use one of those sources to keep them accountable. However, unless you develop self-responsibility, selfmotivation and self-accountability you will not maintain the weight you lose. One thing that never changes for those people is the thinking structure that is an intrinsic part of the way they relate to food. Our thinking drives our feelings, which in turn drives our behaviour. People who successfully manage their weight change their deepest held perceptions about food. This section can help you to create a new mindset and liberate you from the destructive thinking that has developed over time, much of which is now automatic thinking. 3. SUBCONSCIOUS CHANGE: When you have repeatedly carried out certain eating habits over time, they now have become ingrained subconsciously you need subconscious change to break these old patterns of behaviour. This FREE e-book covers the first two pillars of successful weight management. Subconscious change involves communication with your subconscious mind. The hypnosis programme covers the third pillar. Details are available at the end of the e-book. N.B. It is very important that you integrate the three pillars from the beginning. It is crucial that you have your subconscious working with you as get to work at implementing the new approach to diet and your new attitude to food. Before you start: It is important to know that certain medical conditions can affect your success. The first consideration in unexplained weight gain is the fact that some medical condition could be the culprit. If someone is gaining weight without any change in eating habits, then it is important that consideration should be given to the possibility that some condition is the actual cause of the problem. Biological Factors: Numerous genetic variables are associated with obesity and various medical conditions. Body weight is also affected by hormones and biological pathways within the body. People who are obese can find it harder to lose weight as these hormones and pathways tend to be dysfunctional in those people. Examples: Underactive thyroid: This is where the production of thyroid hormones slows down or stops. This causes the metabolism to slow down and causes more fat to be stored. Leptin. Science has now discovered that virtually everything to do with weight loss for both men and women is controlled by one master hormone. This hormone that controls 100% of your body’s ability to burn fat is Leptin. Being resistant to the hormone leptin is a major cause of obesity. Leptin is involved in giving a signal regarding the required level of fat that needs to be stored. When the leptin isn’t managing to deliver its signal, the brain thinks that you are starving. It can be almost impossible to overcome cravings in the face of the leptindriven signal. Just as the insulin production mechanism can malfunction in the case of diabetes, the leptin mechanism can also malfunction (leptin resistance). The main causes of leptin resistance are: 1.Calorie deficiency - shortage in the amount of calories consumed relative to the amount of calories required. (One of the big side-effects of restrictive dieting is that it affects leptin. This can be one of the reasons why after a period of this type of dieting, the person is overcome with an irresistible craving for food). 2. Excessive calorie intake – the opposite to the first reason. Eating junk food that is high in calories and low in nutrients is the main culprit for this. 3. Excessive sugar consumption – the over-consumption of sugary junk foods. 4. Lack of exercise. 5. Stress - Stress can lead to emotional eating BUT it also affects fat storage in the body. Stress increases cortisol, a stress hormone, as well as insulin. Both of those hormones speed up fat storage. When you are in a constant state of stress, “fight or flight,” your metabolism slows down. If you eat when under physiological stress (even when eating the healthiest foods in the world) you fail to digest, assimilate and burn calories. Stress causes blood to flow to arms, legs and away from the digestive system. It gets you ready for “flight or fight”, preparing your body for a physical contest and speeding up your thinking. If you are under ongoing emotional stress (financial worries, relationship conflict, family stress, work stress and so on), you fail to burn calories and you also are not building muscle. If you have physical stress in addition to emotional stress (smoking, drinking, processed food, restricted calories and so on), you are compounding your overall stress level. While anybody's stress level goes up and down as they meet stressful events, it is the ongoing high base level stress that is the problem. Medications : Many medications can prevent weight loss or cause you to gain weight. Steroids can cause weight gain. Talk with your doctor and ask him or her to suggest alternatives to your current steroid medications. Birth control pills and HRT can cause an unhealthy build up of estrogen in the body and can cause fat to accumulate on hips, thighs and rear. Some psychotropic and anti-seizure drugs can also affect your weight. Behaviour is driven by biochemistry and physiology and not just a matter of decision or motivation. It is important that you rule out such factors as the underlying cause of obesity. Diet Management Chapter 1 How to create a healthy diet Hunger is what drives you to eat, so before we look at what and how you should eat it is important that you understand hunger. There are three types of hunger: physical hunger, emotional hunger and fake hunger. 1. Physical hunger. Physical hunger is a gradual build up of the following symptoms: Feeling empty in the stomach. Rumbling in the stomach. Dizziness or light-headedness. Headache. Irritability. Difficulty in concentrating. Nausea Dieting can result in your inability to recognise hunger signals and an inability to recognise fullness. It is normal for hunger to occur 3 to 5 hours after eating. It is helpful to think of a scale of 1 - 10. 0 = Starving, headache. 3 = Hunger pangs. 5 = Feeling comfortable. 6 = Satisfied and content. 8 = Overfull. 10 = Nauseated, feeling guilty that you have eaten so much. You might want to start eating at number 3 on the scale and finish eating when you have reached number 6. Do not allow yourself to be starving before you eat, or become overfull when you stop. Managing physical hunger. What causes hunger in the first place? Our body needs energy and nutrients and we have a built-in mechanism to tell us what the body needs. Hunger is the signalling system to drive us to consume the nutrients we need. Processed food prevents the built-in mechanisn from functioning properly, so we end up craving junk food instead of craving the healthy food. The good news is that when we start eating healthy food over a period on time, this mechanism starts working properly again. Junk food contains a lot of empty calories, it is high in calories and low in nutrients. We could eat a lot of processed and still feel empty due to the low nutrient content. Natural food is high in nutrients but low in calories, so eating this food makes us feel satisfied. The food we eat is either used up, excreted or stored as fat. Calorie rich food gets stored as fat. People don’t need to work harder at food management, they need to work smarter. Working smarter means working in harmony with the nutritional needs of the body. So what is necessary to control hunger? The simple answer is having a diet of wholesome, natural food. Fibre fills us up and we feel satisfied. Generally, processed food is low in fibre. Even though we are eating a lot of substance when eating junk food, the body is not obtaining a lot of nutrients so, we keep eating more and more of the food as it is nutrient poor. You could be eating processed food all day long and still be hungry, due to the fact that your body is not getting the required nutrients. When we are eating the food that nature intended us to eat, the body regulates the amount of food we crave. 2. Emotional hunger. Emotional hunger is a sudden development of an empty feeling. This feeling has to do with the surfacing of some uncomfortable emotion inside. That emotion can be stress, loneliness, boredom, sadness, anxiety or other emotions. Sometimes it can be the result of some buried emotion from previous experiences with which you might not be in touch. You have learned to respond to this feeling with food. The food temporarily masks the feeling with its sensory and physiological comfort. When you get in touch properly with your body and emotions, you can easily recognise different sensations. 3. Fake hunger. This is is where you experience a “sugar crash” in your body, this results from a “spiking” of sugar in your body from having previously eaten something with a high concentration of simple sugars (chocolate, sweet cake etc). When you will have stopped eating this junk food, this type of hunger will be no longer a problem Understanding the food you eat. What NOT To Eat Sweets Fast food Biscuits Chips and other similar snack foods. Cakes and other pastries. Besides all the above-mentioned items, there are other types of foods that should also be avoided, greatly limited, or consumed sparingly. They are: Foods containing any trans fat (they enhance the texture, flavour and shelf-life of many processed foods - from biscuits to pizza) Foods high in saturated fat (those are solid at room temperature). Foods high in sodium. Foods high in sugar. Convenience is the one thing the above foods have in common. There is a variety of health risks associated with diets high in these types of foods. These foods are unhealthy to be consuming. What TO Eat Your plan should consist of significant amounts of the three essential nutrients: protein, fat and carbs. Your body needs a significant amount of all three. Protein MINIMUM protein intake should be about 50 grams per 100 lbs you weigh. Protein impacts on our level of hunger. You will be hungry again soon after your meal if the meal does not have a protein source. Maintaining the essential amount of protein during the day will ensure that will not feel hungry. Choose non-meat protein products whenever possible. Good Sources Of Protein Chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, beans, nuts. You can find out the content of protein in your food by checking the label on the packaging or online for non-packaged foods. Protein sources to avoid or limit: Luncheon meats Bacon, pork chops Certain cheeses (avoid highly processed cheese) Other facts about Protein: 1 gram of protein has 4 calories. Protein is necessary to build muscle. We should have sufficient intake of protein each day. The more muscle we have, the better we burn off fat. We tend to lose muscle as we grow older and find it more difficult to burn fat. You could eat the exact same food at fifty as you did at twenty but you can carry a few stone extra fat on your body. Protein stimulates the hormone glucagon. Glucagon is the digestive hormone that encourages us to burn and metabolise fat. Having protein in our diet signals to our bodies to feel full and satisfied. Fat Maximum of 30% of your total daily calorie intake should come from fat. Good Sources Of Fat Fish (mackerel, salmon and sardines, etc.) Fish Oil Nuts & seeds Olive Oil Canola Oil Other Facts About Fat 1 gram of fat has 9 calories (Pound Of Fat = 3500 Calories ) Diets that are high in trans / saturated fats can be cause different health problems, including heart disease. These fats are often termed "bad fats". Polyunsaturated / monounsaturated fats can help prevent the same health problems from occurring. These fats are called "good fats". An important point about low-fat and non-fat dairy products. Avoid processed dairy products. People buy low-fat dairy products in the belief that they are better, the opposite is the case. (Fat does not make you fat, the excessive consumption of calories (mainly from sugar) makes you fat). See the section on sugar later on. The fat contained in high quality dairy products helps us to digest the dairy product, helps us to feel full and turn off the hunger mechanism. Buy REAL milk and REAL butter – the spreads are not better for you. If ever you are in doubt about the best food to eat, just think of what your granny used to eat when she was growing up. The latest research shows that the food past generations have eaten is clearly the best. Stay away from processed foods with a long list of ingredients, they are slowly poisoning you – you are much more likely to die from cancer and other illnesses if you continue eating this type of food. Those foods can also be highly addictive due to added ingredients. Carbs 50% of your total daily calorie intake should come from carbs. Complex carbohydrates Complex carbohydrates are broken down in the liver to form sugar. The energy of complex carbohydrates takes longer to break down than the simple sugar in sugary junk foods, they are released more slowly and you do not get the famous damaging “sugar spikes “from this sugar. Many people are afraid to eat carbohydrates due to the popularity of lowcarbohydrates diets. People are not aware of the different carbohydrates, how some are good, and some are bad. Good carbohydrates stabilise blood sugar, balance energy and give well-being feelings long after eating has finished. Some examples of healthy foods containing complex carbohydrates: Whole Barley, grapefruit, apples, prunes, lettuce, pears, plums, oat bran cereal, oatmeal, asparagus, spinach, oranges, cabbage, carrots, wholemeal bread, onions, brussels sprouts etc. Simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates cause swings in your blood sugar levels, change your mood, lead to compulsive eating and lead to weight gain. Additionally, they cause withdrawal symptoms when you stop consuming them. We find these sugars in abundance on shelves in shops and in the average western diet. The sugar energy from fizzy drinks, biscuits, cakes, chocolate and desserts, flood your bloodstream with glucose almost immediately. Switching from the refined sugars in sugary foods to natural sugars in fruit can be for most people, the most decisive factor in long-term weight management. When you consume simple sugars you will get a short “sugar high”, then you feel your energy drain, your mood drops and you feel hungry again. Those sugars do not solve the loss of energy, emotional drainage or hunger, they create the opposite of what you want. How you feel for a few moments while you eat those foods is not what is important, it is how you feel for the 16 hours a day while you are awake. Eating sugary foods means that you SACRIFICE the good feelings of sixteen hours a day for the few moments you get a high from sugary junk foods. You also sacrifice the good feeling of being slim and looking good for those sixteen hours. You still get your sugar requirements into your bloodstream from natural foods but will not cause the mood swings, create cravings, lowered energy level or cause compulsive eating. Remember you can develop an addiction to simple sugar in the same way as someone gets addicted to other drugs. You have to quit the high concentration intake of sugar. You will always have a low intake of simple sugars in many foods, but it’s the high concentration of sugar in food that does the “spiking” damage. Some examples of foods containing simple carbohydrates: Table sugar, bread made with white flour, all baked goods made with white flour, fruit juice, most packaged cereals, pasta made with white flour, fizzy drinks, biscuits, cakes, chocolate and desserts, etc. Simple carbohydrates are refined. They tend to be more fattening and are usually found in foods with the least nutrients. The TRUTH about sugar. The guidelines introduced in the late seventies recommended reducing overall dietary fat consumption to 30% of total energy intake and saturated fat to 10%. Fat was seen as bad and the root cause of growing obesity. When you remove fat from food, it becomes tasteless, sugar was used to replace the fat. Low-fat products became the rage. Some low-fat products can have as much as ten times the sugar content of the full-fat product, the low-fat products can cause you to become MORE obese. It is important that you read the labels for the sugar content. 50% of the sugar we consume today is from items that people expect to be sugar-free such as tomato sauce, fat-free salad dressings, commercially prepared smoothies, barbecue sauce, multi-grain crackers and cereals, hamburger meat and all types of processed food. If you are consuming sugar on an ongoing basis, you have a high level of insulin corresponding to that consumption. Insulin is the hormone that causes an increased level of fat to get stored in your fat cells. Ghrelin is the hormone that signals hunger to the brain. The body increases ghrelin if a person is undereating and decreases it if he or she is overeating. However, it doesn't respond to sugar – it doesn't register it as food. This is why you feel hungry despite eating food with a high sugar content. All you get from such “food” is a sugar hit in the brain. Rule of thumb for shopping: Make sure to read the labels. If the label lists sucrose, corn syrup, sugar, fructose, white flour, etc, they contain simple carbohydrates. Purchase foods that are not refined or highly processed. You should choose fruit instead of fruit juice, which is very high in simple sugars. Factory produced versus nature. Simple carbohydrates are created in a factory while complex carbohydrates are designed by nature. Many similar foods can have remarkably different levels of sugar. For instance, some yogurts are sugar- free while others can be as high as 20%. It is an excellent idea to make a shopping list of your regular foods an compare the brands. Purchase the ones with the lowest sugar and calorie content. You would be amazed at the difference this can make to your weight in one year. Be careful not to consume calories in liquid form. Energy drinks are in vogue but the sugar content is extremely high in such drinks. These drinks are not particularly filling. You are just creating hunger by drinking them. Drinks To Avoid Energy drinks and fruit Juices - yes, fruit is healthy but fruit juices you purchase are full of sugar. The name "fruit juice" confuses people, they assume that it must be healthy. Water is the best drink. Just add a slice of lemon if you do not like the taste of unflavoured water. IMPORTANT fact about Cooking Cooking is another important factor when talking about your diet. When you cook at a heat above 248 degrees F (120 degrees C), new chemicals are created. Acrylamide is one of those chemicals, this chemical is indexed as a probable human carcinogen. Cooking at high temperatures can pose a risk of several types of cancer. Boiling, steaming, and baking are your best options. So, limit the use of the frying-pan, the deep-fat fryer and other methods that cause food to become charred. It is a matter of concern that a lot of what many youngsters now eat is food that is cooked in a deep-fat fryer, it doesn't auger well for their long-term health. The “FAT” Problem Being overweight means you have a “fat” problem – your diet and exercise habits are causing you to have excessive fat stored on your body. People get confused between “fat loss” and “weight loss”. If you stand on the weighing scales and you are 5lbs lighter and it is “fat loss”, then that is good news. If most of the loss is muscle tissue loss, then that is bad news. You need MORE muscle tissue not less, as the more muscle you have the better you burn fat. It is the padding of fat that makes you look fat. For instance, you can have two people weighing the same where one is solid muscle and the other with little muscle and a lot of fat. The one with the fat can look a few stone heavier than the other. Therefore, the weighing scales in not a good indicator of your fat percentage. The look in the mirror or a tape measurement or the belly fat pinch test is a better indicator of how much fat you are carrying. Unfortunately, when people lose weight on weight loss programmes, much of that loss CAN be muscle loss. The Weighing Scales While the weighing scales in not a good indicator of fat loss, it has an important role to play in weight management. How to we know that we are making progress in anything we do? We must have a means of measuring progress. What gets measured is more likely to get done. When I coach people who are quite obese, it is not unusual to hear them say that they don’t weigh themselves, they don’t like to know how heavy they actually are. It is important to know where you are right now if you want to set targets. When it comes to your weight, if you don’t consistently measure your progress on a weighing scales, one day you will step on the scales and become horrified at your weight. If you measure your progress on a regular basis it is easier to stay on track. It is better to see the scales as a means to measuring “your progress in achieving your goal of maintaining a healthy eating pattern on a consistent basis”. Your weight on the scales can be influenced by many factors. One such factor is your level of water retention which can vary according to how much water you drink ( the more your drink, the less you retain). your menstrual cycle, if you have consumed alcohol, etc. Your level of water retention can vary from 3 to 5 lbs per week. So, your weight can fluctuate independently of how you eat. It is better to see the TREND on the scales from month to month. A Final Note Many weight loss programmes promote supplements ( protein bars, drinks, etc) as part of their programmes. These supplements are no addition to weight management, this is just another revenue source for the company. (Very strange that any programme that should be promoting healthy eating is promoting processed food). Nothing other than wholesome natural foods should be a part of your diet. About 40% of adults are at their healthy body weight – you should be modelling what they do. Processed food has a long shelf-life because the microbes won't eat it due to the additives. If the microbes won't eat it in the packet, they don't wan't to eat it in your stomach. This is why this type of “food” gives you no energy, you still feel hungry and it can cause digestive problems. More recent research shows that processed food is more closely linked to cancer than previously believed. Chapter 2 Implementing your Plan Lifestyle Habits of Slim People Slim people do not diet That is because dieting makes you miserable, fat and obsessive. Dieting sends your body into famine mode. This will cause weight gain when you start eating additional food. Slim people eat junk Yes, most slim people eat the occasional hamburger, dessert or chocolate. They know the occasional piece of junk food is not going to cause any problem. No food is BANNED. Slim people do not binge Slim people tend to stop eating when they feel SATISFIED. They know they can always have more food later when they are hungry. People tend to feel hunger every three to five hours. Slim people are not obsessed They tend to think about their choice of food if they get hungry. They decide what to have, eat it, and then forget about it. Thinking about food creates the urge to eat it. Slim people do not abuse food You abuse food when you eat for emotional reasons as opposed to hunger reasons. Slim people exercise. This can be the decision to take the stairs instead of the lift, to walk instead of taking the car. It is good to think of exercise as any movement that speeds up the heart rate. You do not have to jog or go to the gym to get exercise. Slim people see healthy eating and exercise as a lifestyle. If a slim person starts putting on some weight, he/she will readjust to a better lifestyle habit, they do not “start a diet”. Conscious Eating The greatest satisfaction we get from food is from the taste buds in the mouth. This is where we get real pleasure from food. The quantity of food is not what matters, it is the length of time we hold each mouthful of food. Slim people can get more satisfaction from eating than overweight people, even though they eat much less food. Slim people tend to take smaller mouthfuls of food and savour each mouthful before releasing it down into the stomach. Will you get the same taste from a small bite of a biscuit as from the whole biscuit? There is no difference in taste level, there is just more bulk with the full biscuit. Now you can see how this awareness can decrease the quantity of food you eat. Calories should be not wasted, do not waste the taste. When you are eating, you should pay conscious attention to eating. You should be aware of the taste, texture and temperature of each bite, savour each second of having food in your mouth. You can see why eating while focused on your favourite soap or engrossed in a telephone conversation is not a good idea. Dieting Restrictive dieting results in losing touch with innate hunger signals. If you continue to do this, your innate defence mechanism will kick in and will overpower you to eat more than you require. You will start eating excessively and piling the weight back on again. Plan your eating each day in accordance with the natural rhythm of hunger This will result in slimness and you will never be starving. Restrictive dieting leads to the classical yo-yo dieting to which most overweight people succumb. They blame themselves for not being able to continue with the diet but it is not their fault, nature is more powerful than willpower. Additionally, when you deprive yourself of the required intake of food, your metabolism slows as the body thinks there is starvation. When you take in excessive food in your overeating cycle, the body now stores the additional food as fat due to a slower metabolism. Your body is now preparing for the next famine. Research has shown that reducing people’s required food intake by 30% or more produces symptoms of irritability, loss of endurance and obsessive behaviour around food. The obsessive behaviour continues long after the person starts eating properly again. The diets of many popular weight management programmes available today suggest an excessive reduction in calorie intake. You have become overweight due to taking in more calories than your calorie requirement per day. Planning to lose weight by taking in way fewer calories than is required for your healthy weight is a foolish one. I have seen weight loss programmes suggesting calorie intake of 800 calories per day, where the required calories to maintain a healthy weight is 1,800 calories. This is disastrous for your long-term fat storage. Restricted calories affect your fat burning and muscle building hormones, causing you to lose muscle and make your body more prone to storing fat. ___________________________________________________ The GOLDEN RULE of successful weight loss: Eat the required calories as if you were ALREADY your healthy weight (eating what you would need to MAINTAIN your healthy weight). The way you lose it is the way you keep it off. This rules out crash diets, fad diets and every diet under the sun that is not designed to continue as your lifestyle diet for the rest of your life. N.B. Healthy, wholesome food is high in nutrients and low in calories, junk food is high in calories and low in nutrients. Junk food quickly puts you over your calorie threshold and you can still be starving throughout the day. You can eat a substantial quantity of healthy food and still stay within your calorie limit. ___________________________________________________ This strategy will gradually bring your weight down as you are not eating sufficient calories to MAINTAIN your excessive weight. If you work off the excessive fat by additional expending of energy through exercise, weight loss will happen faster. Losing weight like this is not instant, but you must think of the long-term. You might be inspired by spectacular weight loss stories such as, “I lost six stone in six months”, weight loss testimonials. This is a foolish way to lose weight. You never see the three years later testimonial where they have put the weight back on, plus additional weight. Unfortunately, many weight loss programmes suggest the opposite to what is in your interest: to start to lose weight quickly. This is to convince you that you are successful on the programme and get you believing in their strategy. My aim is to keep this guide concise. I will not delve into the evaluation of calorie intake, calculation of BMR (calories you burn with no exercise at all), etc. This information is readily available online. Search for a BMR calculator, this will give you the required intake of calories for you. You can also get online calorie counters to give you the precise number of calories in different foods. This will give you a clear guide. You might be quite surprised by the number of calories you find in various foods. You can also find calorie burning calculators, which will show how many calories you presently burn and how different activities burn calories specific to your situation. This will guide you to what you should be eating every day. The slim person is not counting calories but he/she knows what food, and in what quantity they should be eating to maintain their healthy weight. However, as your body has been trained not to be in tune with real hunger, retraining it with the required intake of calories for your healthy weight is essential. The fantastic news is that by eating REAL FOOD (non-processed, natural food) over a period of time, hunger regulates itself beautifully. You can use the online calculators or / and packaging labels to discover the calories in the foods you want to eat. Remember you should eat enough calories as if you were already your correct weight. You might be surprised by your calorie requirements if you are not particularly active. Use BMR calculator to discover the required calories for your correct weight and then use a multiplier. Sedentary (little or no exercise) BMR x 1.2 Lightly active (light exercise 1-3 days per week) BMR x 1.375 Moderately active (moderate exercise 3-5 days per week BMR x 1.55 Very active (hard exercise 6-7 days a week) BMR x 1.725 Extra active (very hard exercise 6-7 days a week) BMR x 1.9 (The Harris Benedict Formula Calculator will do this online). The above section is the technical approach for estimating your food requirements – it is necessary to provide this information. The EASY way to discover what you should be eating to maintain your healthy weight is to set out a healthy food plan and then use the scales to see if there is a downward TREND on the scales. If necessary, you can keep adjusting your plan so that the downward TREND continues until you reach target weight. This is simple and straight-forward and a far cry from the calculations that must be done with conventional weightloss programmes that make your meal planning complicated, This approach is in line with the approach to meal planning of naturally slim people. If you lost just 1lb of weight per week on average for 52 weeks, you lose 52 lbs per year – 3st,10lbs. If you follow my golden rule (eat what you should be eating as if you were ALREADY your correct weight) the initial weight loss is greater due to the difference in the level of calorie consumption, this tapers off to settle in at 1-2 lbs per week. IMPORTANT. There are times when you will consume additional calories: going on holidays, weddings, weekends away (weekends!!!) etc - you will go up on the scales. That is O.K. Resume your plan again and get your downward TREND going on the scales. There can be setbacks in life that can affect your healthy eating plan, bereavement, illness, separation, financial problems, etc. Those events can thow you off-track, that is to be expected. Setbacks in life and setbacks with your eating plan are INEVITABLE. Every successful story, every successful person has met setbacks along the way. Successful people expect setbacks (without setbacks, you will never be truly successful with any major goal). Successful people see setbacks as feedback, they learn from the experience and that learning is crucial for their eventual success. Unsuccessful people see setbacks in a different light, they see themselves as a failure, they blame themselves, they blame others, they blame the programme – they find every EXCUSE possible. ATTITUDE is the difference between success and failure (your attitude is ingrained subconsciously – this is another reason for utilising the power of hypnosis). If your WHY to succeed is big enough, NOTHING is going to stop you achieving your goal – no matter what setbacks you experience. If a setback happens, PROMPTLY get yourself back on course. It is so common for people to let themselves drift, regain weight and then they have to claw it all back again to where they were before the setback. My goal is to help you take responsibility for the management of your diet – not to be spoonfed by a company. I want you to be proactive and take charge and become self-motivated. This empowers you and gives you a sense of being in control of the way you relate to food. There is a lot of information on the internet about meal planning - meals for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks and you are given the exact calorie count per meal. Plan your eating Plan you eating times for each day. Leave no more than 4 hours between meals. Planning what you will eat each time will help drive you to eat according to the plan. It has been proven that most people enjoy knowing when their next meal is and are less likely to search for other food when they know their schedule. Therefore, it is important to set a meal time and stick to it. If you feel like eating when you follow a planned day, it is not hunger, it is emotion dressed up as hunger. We can confuse “feeling uncomfortable” and “feel like eating”. We can mislabel emotions. Always wait for your next scheduled meal or snack time. The most successful plan is one of three main meals and then a small filler between meals. This goes with the natural rhythm of hunger. The filler snack should contain a healthy protein source and / or fruit. Keep yourself hydrated with water / flavoured water throughout the day. You should include a protein source in ALL three main meals. You have learned already that no matter how many calories you eat in a meal, you can start to feel hunger if the meal does not a have a protein source. Eating protein speeds up your metabolism. Protein takes a lot of work for the body to digest. When you eat 100 calories of protein, you will use up 25 of those calories just to digest it. Once again. I will mention processed SUGAR. Foods containing sugar in high concentration will cause withdrawal symptoms. It will cause you to feel empty, drained of energy, restless, hungry and cause mood swings. You may have believed in the past that eating more of it solved the problem. It did for a little while, then you were back shortly with the same symptoms again. Sugar does not solve the problem, IT KEEPS IT GOING. Replace refined sugars with the natural sugars in fruit. Soon you will feel better, feel less hungry and on your way to a slimmer, healthier you. If you are highly obese, do not cut your calorie intake by more than 25%. As your weight falls, keep cutting back on the calorie intake. You will finally reach the point where you consume the necessary calories to maintain your correct weight. Start every day with a substantial, healthy breakfast. If you are going on a long journey by car, you will first fill up the tank. Think of your body in terms of the car. People who start the day with a proper breakfast are 50% less likely to be overweight. Fill your tank every morning and ensure it stays on green ALL DAY by eating on a regular basis - remember you eat three main meals and a snack between main meals. This is crucial to keep the sugar levels from falling to red on the dial. If the level falls, you body takes over and will drive you to eat a junk food that rises the sugar level quickly. You are then off on a spiking - crashing pattern for the rest of the day. IMPORTANT. We are born to be a certain height, weight and programmed to need a certain level of calories and eat certain foods - like every other species on the face of the planet. If we don’t give the body the food it requires, no matter how much junk food we eat, the body will create a hunger for the food and nutrients it needs. Working in harmony with the nutritional needs of the body is crucial for success. Practical Tips Healthy home policy. Many families are now choosing this policy. It means that only healthy natural food is bought to eat at home for adults and children alike. “Treats” can be eaten when one is out for the day, etc. You are not being “nice” or “loving” towards kids or adults by giving them junk food. Don’t train children in wanting unhealthy food. Sugary food makes them hyperactive, it affects their learning and emotional state and sets them up for long-term sugar addiction and life-long obesity - that is not loving tender care, is it? When unhealthy food is in the house, it gets eaten. Even people who would never want to eat it, end up eating it when it is in the house after visitors coming or any other such reason. Hunger and thirst. We can be confused between physical hunger and thirst. Take a drink and if that does not solve the craving, it must be hunger. Research has shown that 37 % of people actually confuses thirst and hunger signals. PROVEN tip about water. Drinking a pint of water before meals can lead to a 75 calorie reduction in the calories consumed. Water makes your stomach feel full, so you are less inclined to clear your plate. While 75 calories may not seem like a lot, if you do this before breakfast, lunch and dinner every day, it mounts up to losing over 20lbs in one year. If you increase your daily intake of water, your body will begin to shed its excess fat, including the fat stored as cellulite. The water will also help strengthen the collagen in your skin, helping to reduce the lumpy look. Eating on the go. Don’t do it, it is a very bad habit, you are breaking one of the most important rules about eating in the process: slow, mindful eating. Make a shopping list Make a shopping list for the items you NEED at each shopping. Unless you do this, you will be influenced by the presentation of items, the choices made by other shoppers, etc. Make sure that you are not shopping on an empty stomach. Prepacked lunch If you are driving a long journey, going for lunch during work or even when shopping in town, have a healthy option available. When people don't have a prepacked lunch, there is the tendency to choose convenience food that is full of calories. Always have a bottle of water in the car. Choose real food Choose Mother nature’s food which is natural, non-processed and good for you. Just think of it, you feel good as you eat it, you physically feel good after eating it when you are physically hungry and you feel good for making a good choice. Those are three pluses for naturally healthy food. When you eat junk food, you feel good while eating it, you feel physically bad shortly after eating it and guilty for eating it. that is one plus and two minuses. Healthy eating is an OVERALL more pleasurable experience. Mental food diary Research shows that when you keep a written track on what you do, it tends to influence behaviour. However, writing a diary is a chore and it isn’t something that would continue. Practice making a mental food diary instead. Non-food weight target rewards Create non-food rewards that you can control that will encourage you to attain healthy eating and exercise goals, especially those that have been difficult to reach. An effective reward is something that is desirable, timely, and contingent on meeting your goal. Have a list of non-food rewards. Keep in mind that numerous small rewards, delivered for meeting smaller goals are more effective than bigger rewards, requiring a long, difficult effort. General rewards. Get away from the idea of using food as a reward. Reward yourself for work well done in life with activities that bring you pleasure, instead of eating food. You put in a hard day at the office - have a soothing bath, listen to a relaxing audio, etc. Those type of activities are pleasurable, they don’t add to your weight and you won’t feel guilty afterwards. Important points from this section. Recognise the different kinds of hunger. Mindful eating - eat slowly and enjoy each mouthful. Switch from refined sugars to natural sugars. Eat three main meals and filler snacks, no more than four hours between eating times. Eat lean protein with each meal. Eat a substantial breakfast EACH morning. Make a shopping list and switch to brands with lower calories, fat and sugar content. Drink sufficient water - are you confusing hunger with thirst? Eat the calories you need if you were ALREADY your healthy weight. Use non-food rewards. Make a mental food diary. Plan your eating. Give your body the food it instinctively needs. Healthy home policy - have choices between healthy foods. Mindset For Success Chapter 3 Undoing the Brainwashing One function of this e-book is to undo the food brainwashing to which you have been subjected since you were born. I know that you may blame yourself for being overweight, not being able to say no to junk food, unable to stop reaching for food when you feel emotional discomfort, etc. The truth is that you can stop blaming yourself right now. You are where you are due to all the conditioning that you have been subjected to all your life. No matter how hard you try, your conscious willpower will never be a match for the powerful conditioning in your subconscious mind. Your eating patterns have been reinforced again and again over time, they have become a formidable force inside you. Why do you think 95% of all diet plans fail? It is helpful to think of you conscious mind and subconscious as two separate individuals. The conscious mind is a small, rational and logical person and the subconscious mind is a powerful, primitive, emotional person. No matter how hard you try to influence this powerful, primitive, emotional person you just can not get through to this person. This powerful person does not respond to rational argument. The good thing about this powerful individual is that it learns in a visual, feeling way and is influenced by imagery and indirect language communication. We can use its way of learning to communicate with it and transform the way it behaves. The hypnosis programme can help you to communicate with the mind at a deeper level and bring about profound changes in the behavioural patterns. Thinking matters. Slim people with a healthy eating pattern are committed to being slim and have no inner conflicts in their mind about food. The slim person can enjoy the occasional unhealthy eating episode, but these episodes are in the plan. They might have a Sunday dessert, have a treat on special occasions, do a little unhealthy tasting here and there but all this is highly conscious, controlled and to plan. On the contrary, overweight people are not eating to plan feelings, fleeting thoughts, sensory stimuli, etc, drive their eating patterns. Beliefs, attitudes and conflicting wants have a huge part to play in the way we ultimately behave. The word “conviction” is a highly significant one when it comes to making a profound change in our lives. Conviction is the final judgement where we decide this is it, no matter what the discomfort or the sacrifice of what we give up, the desired outcome far outweighs any negatives along the way. The slim person would have the conviction that the pleasure of ongoing feelings of: balanced energy, better mood, healthy eating, their living in a healthy body, better health into the future, a longer life, being able to wear different fashion styles, being admired for their figure, the wonderful feelings slim and enjoyment of their slimness for the 16 waking hours each day is better than the occasional pleasurable moments of unnecessary eating. The overweight person has decided the total opposite to this. An analogy is useful here. We develop an emotional attachment to a substance/behaviour in a similar way as we develop a relationship with a person. Example. A woman is in an abusive relationship with a man. She knows that she is better off without the man but she stays in the relationship - maybe breaking up and going back again. She may still have emotions for the man, maybe she has concerns about being alone, financial difficulties, etc. She will stay like this until the moment comes when she is prepared to sacrifice the benefits she is getting from the relationship. When that moment comes, she is free from the destructiveness of the relationship but has to adjust to a new and challenging space where she has to find new solutions to her different needs. Similarly, the overweight person has to make the decision to enter that space where food is no longer providing emotional benefits and now has to find new solutions to met the needs that food previously met in his/her life. When we examine this closely, we can see how the beliefs held by the overweight person sabotage their success. Are any of those thoughts familiar: this once will not matter, now that I broken my daily plan I will keep going, I will start tomorrow, I deserve a treat, I do not smoke or drink, it is my time out, it smells delicious, it helps me when I am bored. The overweight person is using all these excuses to deprive themselves of all the benefits the slim person experiences from their healthy, controlled eating. Your present weight is the result of the sum of your individual decisions, every decision matters. Each decision you make takes you towards slimness or obesity. The moment of conviction is our moment of transformation. There can be a gradual build-up of convincing beliefs or just one overwhelming moment in time. The moment of conviction is the moment that the heroin addict begins the journey of becoming clean forever, that the smoker decides to quit for good, that momentous change happens in a person’s life. The person has now made a final decision where there is no going back, no matter what the sacrifice of positives or what risk is involved. This is a moment that can potentially turn a person’s life right around. The overweight person has not yet reached that moment of conviction. Presently, it is the temporary pleasure of junk food you are choosing. When you choose the benefits, your life will be transformed. People who gorge on junk food think that they are deprived if they have a healthy diet. Would their lives be worse without it? Is the life of a person who stopped the pleasure of smoking worse off without cigarettes? Is the person who has abused alcohol worse off having stopped drinking? Is the person who has quit taking illegal drugs worse off without the pleasure of the drugs? Of course, they would never dream of going back there again. Why do people addicted to eating junk food believe that their lives would be worse off without it? The answer to this is the effect of society’s brainwashing. Do you want to be the victim of brainwashing or do you want the benefits of being free from junk food and over-eating that bring misery into your life? The moment of conviction will occur when you have considered the pros and cons for healthy & unhealthy eating and you decide on the healthy option. Take time with your decision. Remember, you can’t have both, you decide whether you want all the benefits of slimness or not. The idea of not being in control of your eating is an illusion. The marvellous thing is that we are IN COMPLETE CONTROL. We execute the CONCLUSIONS we have reached. When I use the word “control”, I do not mean rational control, I mean subconscious control. Your subconscious guides you away from pain towards pleasure, as it sees it. The subconscious can perceive emotional discomfort as more painful than living with obesity. It can decide that altering your emotional state at any given moment of time by eating junk food, is more beneficial than tolerating obesity. Chapter 4 New perceptions It is helpful to think of the structure of behaviour in terms of the growing plant – roots(thoughts), stem(feelings) and flowers(behaviour). Our thoughts drive our feelings, which in turn drive our behaviour. Many overweight people try to change their behaviour but find that they fail repeatedly. If you cut a weed at ground level, what happens to the weed? It grows back again because the roots are still in place. If we try and change our feelings and behaviour without changing our thought structure, we are drawn back to the same old feelings and behaviour again. If you think of a tree growing, some of the roots may be visible above the ground, but the vast majority are below ground level. In a similar fashion, we are aware of some of the thinking that holds our feelings and behaviour in place but most of it is subconscious. The aim of this chapter is to help you look more closely at how your thinking is driving your destructive eating patterns. The Ultimate decision The length of time that the average overweight spends each day eating unhealthy foods is less than fifteen minutes per day. Are those fifteen minutes worth the loss of all the benefits accruing from making healthy choices? You can even eat something healthy for those fifteen minutes that would give satisfaction without causing all the destruction. Remember, the aftermath of unhealthy eating is guilt, worse mood, physical discomfort and decreased energy in addition to obesity, problems with health, longevity, etc. If a doctor said to you that he would give you “a treat pill” that gave you a high for a few minutes but the made you feel physically worse afterwards, made you feel guilty, lowered you energy level and, of course, contained hundreds of calories, would you take it? Yet, this is what you do when you eat junk food. See how brainwashing distorts our thinking. The power of NOW This is the space between a feeling and your reaction to the feeling. It is the space for creativity and rational choice - it is where we are MINDFUL. So, start today being mindful and see the broad picture before you react. Such questions as, “how will I feel ten minutes after making the choice, is the difference in the feeling worth the bad choice, etc. Mindfulness puts you in control - you disengage from automatic reactions. Overeaters often get carried away by the urge to eat and make a bad decision, and then afterwards feel guilty about the decision. While healthy eaters feel bad about bad eating decisions before they eat, and so make a good eating decision. Your old automatic sequence: Uncomfortable feeling – thoughts of the pleasure of eating – then eat the food. The hypnosis programme can help you create a new automatic sequence. Parts in harmony Part I. The part of your that wants to be slim. Part 2. The part that wants pleasure from food. The question is how to decide on your eating plan each week so that both parts are catered for and both are in agreement that the plan is fair to both. The problem with overweight people who engage in “dieting” is that is there is no harmony between both parts. When a person goes on a diet, the “want to be slim” part takes over to the exclusion of the other part and the “weight loss” begins. The “want pleasure from food part ” is neglected and gets real angry and with a powerful force takes over from the “want to be slim” part, the overeating REALLY begins and the weight starts piling back on again. This is the typical yo-yo dieting. If you can GET AGREEMENT between both parts, the goal of successful weight management gets more easy. Now make this practical by doing the following below: With your knowledge from the “what to eat section” and “The success scale” shown, later on, work out an eating plan for each day / week. Continue this ongoing planning into the future. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Planning is crucial for success. People plan for every aspect of their lives except for eating. They plan for their work, activities, finances, family, etc. If people lived their lives with spontaneity, just “going with the flow of their feelings”, their lives would be in chaos. The power of one Every decision matters. Each time you make a decision about eating, it takes you further towards slimness or obesity. Keeping stacking decisions towards slimness. Now you know why such comments as, “this one time won’t make a difference or I will start tomorrow” when you decide an unhealthy choice, is not the right thinking policy. When you repeat such comments over a year, it adds up to considerable weight gain. Finding the right solution. Most overeating is emotional eating. The person is stressed, angry, bored, lonely and this is the trigger for automatic eating - the opposite to mindful eating. The sequence: There is a life problem → causing a feeling → reactive eating → temporary numbing of feeling → guilt feeling for overeating → the original problem is STILL there + the original negative emotional is probably still there. If hunger in not the problem food is NOT the solution ever. Are you using food as the SOLUTION for problems? What are the other possible solutions to deal with the feeling as opposed to eating? Positive and negative motivation To help you find alternative solutions to food, its is necessary to look at two types of motivation: negative and positive motivation. Positive motivation: All the good reasons you have for changing your behaviour - look slimmer, more energy, etc. Negative motivation: All the reasons you have to continue with the behaviour. This is what locks unwanted (consciously) behaviour in place. It tends to be more powerful than positive motivation and it must be transformed to bring about lasting change in behaviour. The behaviour is fulfilling some emotional need in the person. You either have to transform the emotions that are driving the behaviour and /or find a new way of meeting an emotional need. ( I deal with the emotional side in the next part of this section). It is helpful to think of this process as a balance scales. There are needs on both sides of the scale and the side with the greater needs tilts the scale to behave in one way or the other. The greater the emotions linked into the reasons to behave in a certain way, the more it exerts pressure on the scales. An example of temporary change in thinking with the emotional charge: A girl who is overweight with bad eating habits is getting married in six months time. She has a great desire to look slim in her wedding dress, so she goes on a diet. The emotion involved exerts pressure on the positive motivation side, so it tilts the scale to good eating habits and she loses weight for the wedding day. Her mind was prepared to temporarily suspend the benefits from overeating due to overpowering need to be slim for the wedding day. However, now that the need to be slim for the wedding day is over, the need to use food to deal for everyday negative emotions comes into play again and tilts the scale to bad habits again. The girl didn’t just want to lose weight for her wedding but EXPECTED that she could do it due to the importance of the day - so she succeeded. This now brings us to an important law of the mind: the law of expectation. WHY slimming programmes have an INITIAL success People attending weight loss programmes have the belief that the programme will help them to lose weight. They are given a diet and are inspired to be successful. Their craving for junk food “disappears” and they follow the diet slavishly and may lose considerable weight. Where did the cravings go? They “disappeared” because they believed that this what would happen. The Law of Expectation (what the mind believes, the mind achieves). In the same way that a smoker who smokes a cigarette every half-hour and goes on a ten-hour plane flight without any craving for a cigarette, where did the craving go? Again, the law of expectation. Of course, there are additional forces involved in weight loss programmes: you might be competitive and want to succeed, fear the embarrassment of being the one not losing weight, etc. You go along each week to the programme and you don't want the embarrassment of not losing weight. So, you lose some weight, you get applauded, you are ready for next week, you might even be the biggest loser. This has nothing to do with weight management - this is playing weight loss games. Conventional weight loss programmes can help to temporarily boost your willpower. Sooner or later after pushing your willpower to its limits (sometimes after losing a lot of weight), you begin to be one of the worst performers, you begin to lose interest in the game. You also see others caving into the challenge, you have lost your drive and you drop out and start doing what REALLY makes you happy - you start overeating again and the weight starts piling on again. Sounds familiar? What was happening was in conflict with your subconscious programming and sooner or later you would revert back to the relationship with food that was “normal” for you. WILLPOWER: Willpower is the conscious effort to achieve a goal that is in conflict with a more powerful deeper goal. It is like a game of tug-o-war, you will inevitably lose the battle. You have to control the forces that are controlling you – you need skill power, not willpower. About 5-10% of people are highly suggestible, those are the people who would be chosen to take part in hypnosis stage shows. Those people would tend to easily drift in and out of trance states in everyday interactions. Assuming that the same percentage of attendees at weight loss programmes are highly suggestible, it would count for the percentage of attendees who maintain the weight loss over an extended period. They simply have become subconsciously influenced by the dynamics of group meetings. Wouldn't it have made more sense if that 510% had consulted for a hypnosis consultation instead – it would have been faster, cheaper and have cut out all the nonsense. The vast majority of the remaining 90-95% would also achieve subconscious change had they decided to do the same. Many different dynamics are behind the “success” of conventional weight loss programmes. One example is the teacher-pupil scenario: attending class each week and having to have weight shed (the homework done). Another is transference (which is very powerful) - this is where the person is developing feelings for the advisor and wanting to please by losing weight. Ongoing one-to-one weight loss programmes is an example of this: the overweight guy with the glamorous advisor. He is developing an attraction for the lady (may not aware of it consciously) and is chuffed by her happiness at his success. While the guy is on the programme, he will probably keep losing the weight. However, as soon as he leaves the programme his motivation is gone and he is back to the old eating habits again. Such weight loss programmes are aware of those dynamics and will try to keep the client on the programme for as long as possible. Hence, they may offer maintenance programmes and the like. You will also notice that their success statistics are based on the clients still on those programmes. People blindly buy into very strange activities of weight loss programmes, For instance, some programmes get their clients to stick achievement stickers into a booklet, this is an appropriate activity for toddlers in a playgroup, it is not an appropriate activity for profound mindset transformation for someone with a food addiction, is it now? Traditional weight loss programmes are a great business model - their success is based on your FAILURES. Losing weight, then regaining it and going back to the programme is the model for their business success. The profits are made from repeat business. Their marketing strategy is usually to get new clients and hold onto existing ones, its easier to hold onto an existing client than get a new one – this is not good news for the clients. It is time you get wise to the way traditional weight loss programmes operate and take control by reaching to methods that help to give YOU back control of your eating habits. Long-term, traditional weight loss programmes help clients lose euros NOT lbs. The weight management industry has succeeded in creating the impression that weight loss problems can only be resolved by attending weight loss programmes, this disempowers overweight people. When you consider that 95% of attendees then fail in their attempt to maintain weight loss, this sense of being disempowered is further reinforced to a degree that overweight people develop a “learned helplessness”. When this happens it becomes almost impossible to succeed. Overweight people will tend to go from one weight loss programme to another and then to the latest programme that really works, believing that this could be the one. Of course, it all ends up in tears again. Conventional weight loss programmes, whether they are one-to-one or groups are just a VARIATION of a method that is doomed to fail for 95% of participants. It is empowering to take responsibility – only YOU can do it, you just need the strategies for success of SUCCESSFUL slimmers. When you depend on an outside source for ongoing support, you are admitting that you don't have the inner resources to self-determination when it comes to your weight. There is a total disbelief subconsciously that you are the master of your own destiny. YOU have got to be the captain of the ship, the master of your fate. Don't just follow what OTHERS are doing that – we tend follow the flock. With a failure rate of 95%, that is not very smart. This approach is HARD, with failure almost inevitable. We should work smarter not harder. Wouldn't it make more sense to follow the strategies of the 5% of overweight people who SUCCEED? N.B Another aspect of expectation has to do with the way we respond to feelings. This has to do with whether or not we believe we are empowered. When we feel empowered, we can do things purposely as opposed as “going wth the feeling” For instance, the mother who “feels like” staying in the cosiness of her bed when the alarm goes off to get the kids up for school, has no problem in doing the oppposite of going with the feeling, gets up and acts purposely. It is of enough importance to do this – she has a big enough WHY. Yet, when this same lady “feels like” having a biscuit, she goes to the cupboard, gets one and eats one. Which urge is the strongest? People BELIEVE that they can't overcome the urge to eat junk food when they are not physically hungry – how wrong this belief is. No matter what the feeling is, you can create a space between yourself and your feelings and act purposely. Unravelling your automatic thinking The problem with the mind is that decision making has now become automatic. Since the moment you were born you were having negative and positive experiences about food and all that learning have now become condensed into automatic thinking responses. The purpose of the following work that I will ask you to do is unravel some of the automatic thinking and create new and better responses to your feelings and life experiences. List how junk food or overeating is of benefit to you. What feelings are triggering the thought of food that creates the urge to eat it. Many people cannot label feelings, they just “feel like” eating, they think of a food and then there is a compulsion to eat it. If there is just a sense of emptiness no matter how much food you eat, this may be an emptiness from what was robbed from you in the past: innocence, a loved one, emotional nurture, etc. Overeating in this case may be used by your subconscious to push down any rising emotions that may be too painful to surface. If this is the situation, getting professional help to address this may be in your best interest. Obesity may serve the function of protection: smallness may feel like vulnerability, this would comes from the pain of being small and vulnerable as a child. It may help you to avoid getting into a relationship, this would be the case if you suffered in relationships in the past. It may be guilt and you want to punish yourself for things you feel bad about from the past. It may be repressed anger that you have turned inwards. As you can see, these issues are not usually dealt with in weight loss programmes, so you may have been in the wrong programme when you sign up for a weight loss programme. You may be able to label emotions: stress, anxiety, anger, loneliness, boredom etc. If you can recognise the emotions that trigger emotional eating, then make a list each emotion and what non-food solutions you can create for the different emotions. Sometimes it can be a case of feeling the emotion, acknowledging the emotion and allowing it to pass, while you allow you mind to drift off to some pleasant memories that can help shift your emotional state. Concentrated attention. Be careful what keeps coming into your mind. What we keep focusing on, we tend to create it, whether we want it to be or not to be. The deeper mind does not understand negatives. If you get up in the morning and start thinking all day about the chocolate that you should not be eating, the urge to eat it keeps increasing. The secret is to focus on what you “want” not what you “don’t want.” What is your “driver”? Are you the “I want to” group or the “ I have to” group? This is an important question. If you are in the “I have to” group, you want to have a healthy diet due to the unwanted consequence of being overweight. What you are doing is against your will. There is conflict in your mind. The “have to” group is a difficult group to be in. This is the group in which you have people who suffer from addictions but manage to stay free from the substance: the alcoholic for example. People in this group keep slipping in and out of the group. They are doing well or else relapse in doing whatever is the addiction. The “want to” group is doing well due to their decision about the lifestyle they wish to have. For instance, the person who doesn’t drink alcohol, not because he is afraid he might become an alcoholic, he just thinks life is better being free from the use of alcohol. It is very easy for him to stay in this group. Healthy eaters in the “want to” group are not eating healthy in case they become overweight, they eat well as a lifestyle decision - they want to put healthy food into their bodies. It is easy for them to stay in this group. The success scale: 0 – 10 Overweight people are either “on” a diet or “off” a diet, “good” or “bad”, “in control” or “out of control” The real question is the level of your control. Nobody is starving all day long or eating all day long. So, the terms they use are not helpful. If you think of five on the scale for the day, you are neither eating to lose of gain weight. Think of each number below or above the number 5, if maintained for the week equals two pounds. Your goal would be to keep the number at six for each day, at six as an average for the week. The good thing about the scale is that there is a sense of always having control. If you have a bad start to the day that would bring the average for the day to four, you can then make a good eating choice later on, maybe go for a walk - so that you bring the number to six before you go to bed. If you have plans for the weekend that could bring the number to four for a day or two, try to get a number seven for two days during the week to get an average of six for the week. I am using the number six all the time as it represents a release of two pounds of fat per week, this is the average type of success you would be expecting if you start eating as though you were ALREADY your correct weight. Obviously, anyone who is quite obese might be aiming at seven or eight on the scale for the week. Overall eating experience Let's look at what is really going on when somebody decides about eating. Let's break this down into components: the feelings while you eat, the physical feelings ten minutes after eating and the way you feel ten minutes after eating, when we compare junk food with you favourite healthy food. In general for junk food, people would say that they give ten marks to the junk food and seven marks for healthy food while eating it. Three marks for junk food and eight marks for healthy ten minutes after eating it. One mark for junk food and nine marks for healthy food for emotional feelings ten minutes after eating it (guilt feelings comes for junk food here). Fourteen marks for junk food and twenty-four marks for healthy food - the total marks. The overall experience is better for the healthy food than junk food. The person has deprived themselves of a better overall enjoyable experience by eating junk food. What marks would you give to the different aspects of your eating experience? The “Weight Loss” Mindset Your excess weight is not the PROBLEM, it is a symptom of the problem – which is your bad relationship with food and your attitude to being physically active. When your focus is on “losing weight”, your focus is in the wrong place. If your focus is on losing weight, you will probably spend the rest of your life “trying to lose weight”. If you get your focus on establishing healthy eating habits - eating the way nature intended you to do and creating a new attitude to activity, your weight will look after itself. Getting away from the obsession about losing weight is crucial, all it does is create tension between your desire to be thin and your desire to treat yourself with food. This is another huge problem with weight loss programmes, the focus is on losing weight, how much weight is lost and stepping on weighing scales. If the REASON to stay from junk food and not over-eat is to lose weight, you are in the wrong space. The definition of success of the weight loss programmes is “weight lost”. The biggest loser wins the national prize for the programme, even though that person may be eight stone lighter due to starving themselves to “win the competition”, having lost as much muscle as fat. The person who lost one stone but has changed their mindset about food is just the forgotten one. Fortunately, an increasing number of people are moving away from the concept behind the programmes and many of the programmes are hiring leading experts in marketing to win back customers. Seemingly, the tide is going out for conventional dieting programmes and that is not a bad thing. The “Exercise” Mindset. If the word "exercise" inspires you to creative avoidance, then avoid it. Start having your “activity thrills” whenever you can. When you reframe a word you change the way you feel about it. Walking is a super-easy way to keep fit. (On a practical matter, you don't burn fat for the first 25 minutes of walking, you burn sugar. So, an hour's walk three times a week is better than 30 minutes six times a week) Park your car a little further away from the entrance to shop, office, etc. Get off the bus a few stops earlier. Do more window shopping. Take the stairs every chance you get. Sign up for charity walks. Dance to a workout video just for a few minutes. Find as many activities as possible that you enjoy, every step or move makes a difference. Don't wait for the spirit to move you - move the spirit. Thinking about being active is the hardest part. Movement comes before energy, the reason you have no energy to move is that you are not moving. JUST DO IT, put one foot in front of the other and think how good it feels when you get into the swing of activity. Emotions and Exercise Exercise can lift your mood and improve your emotions. When you exercise, your brain releases endorphins, adrenaline, serotonin and dopamine. These chemicals can improve your mood. In addition, after exercising your muscles will relax deeper because of the workout – easing tension and strain. Exercise Equipment The secret to continued use of exercise machines is that you combine them with engaging visual and aural stimulation. It might be watching your favourite soap on TV or whatever you can do that interests you. It is important you combine the exercise with some stimulation. If you exercise and watch the four walls, its only a matter of time before the machine ends up in the garage. The reason that walking is the most used form of exercise is that there is a constant changing visual and aural stimuli. You are putting one foot in front of the other without even noticing it. Having others engage in exercise with you is beneficial, time passes more quickly, the exercise is more enjoyable and people tend to motivate each other. Research proves that a moderate level of regular exercise can be as beneficial as medication for depression. The way exercise affects mood can not be underestimated. It is amazing how many people who love exercising hate to exercise. The reason for this is that exercise is associated with “trying to lose weight”. It has a negative connotation. We should exercise for the good feelings it creates. Weight loss and all the other health benefits are an additional spin-off from exercising. Weight loss should not be “the reason” for exercising. REMEMBER: The way you lose weight is the way you keep it off. If you lose and maintain your weight lose with excessive exercise, you must maintain that level of exercise indefinitely. (Of course, this is also the case with your approach to food). Chapter 5 Emotional Eating The “past” does influence your emotional eating. There is no such thing as the “past” in the deeper mind, everything is the “present”. You are a body here and now with a collection of images, language patterns, conditional responses that you have developed since you were born. Every learning experience you have had since you were born does influence the way you think, feel and behave. “The child is father to the man”, (Wordsworth). Many of the emotional and behavioural patterns you have today were learned before you were seven years of age. In many respects, you are looking out through the eyes of a child in an adult body. Significant adults, in their effort to be compassionate and loving to you, could have significantly influenced your weight problem of today. The link between uncomfortable emotions and junk food could have been created back in those early years or later on in your life. Example: the child is upset for some reason, the parent feels sorry for the child and offers a chocolate to the child. The child now feels better. The chocolate has changed an unpleasant emotional state to a pleasant emotional state. The reinforcement is repeated again and again over time until an unpleasant feeling will automatically drive the child to eat something “nice”. The “past” is the filter through which we evaluate events, create different emotional responses, develop attitudes and create different behavioural patterns. Often a healthy attitude towards food is created by responsible adults in a child’s life but circumstances in later life can find a comforting release through eating, alcohol and other such behaviours and through repetition, this develops into a powerful habit that becomes deeply engrained in the subconscious. The “past” does not mean childhood years but all experiences since you were born leading up to the here and now. The emotions that drive us to eat can be locked-in emotion from experiences that traumatised us in the past or from ongoing everyday stress, anxiety, anger, etc. If emotion is creating a lot of difficulty in your life, you need professional help to deal with it. If you have tried different diets or weight loss programmes in the past and have unresolved emotional issues, you were just fighting a losing battle. You were attending the WRONG programme. IMPORTANT We are wired to be tribal. There are three drives at the core of human motivations: safety, belonging and mattering. It’s neurological… it’s primal… there is nothing you can do to override or change this subterranean subconscious programming as much as you may try. Many people find themselves alone, isolated from the tribe and this is not good. Many mothers (and some fathers too) find themselves alone at home each day as the children are away at school. Many people go home from work each evening and spend the evening alone. There are people living in a loveless relationship where they feel alone and empty even in company. It is important that we address the emotional emptiness created by isolation. This emptiness is a major factor that drives emotional eating. There are ample opportunities for people to get involved and be part of a community. Many mothers get together for coffee (and fruit) mornings, do valuable community work, etc. Anybody who spends a lot of time on their own should find opportunities to get involved with other human beings, doing something that is of interest and also be of help to others (mattering). Unfortunately, some parents use the alone time to attend slimming programmes – using the time to focus on their weight problem!!! Find something better to do, something enjoyable that will make you feel good. On the matter of slimming groups, you probably know by now that I am not a lover of the concept. We should model success, not get into a group with people who have a similar problem. We should instead get involved with people who don't have the problem, we then can model and be inspired by the success of others and achieve the confidence to succeed. It is important that I explain to you at this stage WHY you really crave junk food when alone or have negative emotion starting to rise within you. Also, it is important that I give you the sequence of how it happens. When emotion starts to rise, subconsciously you want to get instant relief from the emotion (instinctively you want to move from pain to pleasure). Your mind qucikly searches for a solution that worked in the past and then quickly flashes the solution into your mind and creates the urge to carry out the behaviour. All this happens very quickly subconsciously. That is the sequence of what happens subconsciously. This is why hypnosis is SO EFFECTIVE for unscrambling the sequence so that it no longer can run. Now let's look at WHY the subconscious chooses that behaviour. In addition to the effect of the chemicals on the brain (and.of course, the pleasure of the taste), there is another important element to the drive to eat when it is an emotional need, rather than when the need is physiological. One part of an experience tends to trigger off associated links of the experience. You would not be consciously aware of all of this as it happens subconsciously. For instance, when you eat a piece of cake, you are not just experiencing the physiological effect of the substance you are consuming – you are triggering off the associated emotion from past experiences when you were eating cake. You are remembering the joy of the birthday party, being comforted by a loving adult, being protected and cared for, etc. This is a very powerful element of the drive to eat when the need is emotional. You will also notice that it is usually childhood junk food – biscuits, sweets, bars, cake, crisps that you crave when it is an emotional state that drives you to eat. This insight is probably new to readers, it may be the insight that will radically change your approach to weight management. When people eat emotionally, they think that it is the substance contained in the food that they crave – it isn't, it is the emotional state that is triggered off by eating. The act of eating becomes the release valve to temporarily release the build up of emotional tension. When the eating has finished, the conscious awareness takes over and possibly the person feels guilty for having eaten the food and have a sense of being out of control. Subconscious Change Chapter 6 Subconscious Transformation The problem with any feeling or behaviour that has become automatic is that it is very difficult to change it. You can try hard (willpower), but it is as though there is a power inside you forcing you to do the opposite. Through willpower, we can temporarily act in opposition to ingrained patterns of behaviour but eventually we are drawn back by force. Unless we change those automatic responses, we will stay stuck in the unwanted feeling or behaviour. When we learn something that has become automatic, we tend to develop a "closed mind" about the feeling or behaviour, we find it very difficult to "open up to change". The mind tends to protect automatic behaviour and emotions from change This is where direct communication with the subconscious mind is important. The state of hypnotic trance is a state of mind where we become "open to change". Communicating with the mind in this focussed is the fastest and most powerful way possible to create desirable behaviour, and transform limiting emotional responses. The big drawback of conventional help methods for weight loss is that they are limited in how they can transform old established patterns of emotional responses and behaviours. No matter how dysfunctional the emotional response or habit is, there is a positive intent behind it - it serves some important emotional need in the person. Unless this need is changed or met in some other constructive way, the person will revert back to the dysfunctional emotional response or behaviour. The benefit of hypnosis is that you can access and transform the unhelpful subconscious patterns. You are then free to create new emotional responses and behaviours without having conflict in your mind between conscious wants and subconscious beliefs. The subconscious pillar is the most important pillar of the three pillars of success. You can discover the successful approach to diet and create new thinking about food BUT if you don't create new subconscious patterns, all you have is knowledge – you don't develop this knowledge into automatic eating habits. The HypnoSlim Programme SUBCONSCIOUS CHANGE: While we can consciously develop new thinking about our relationship with food, developing this into a skill that automatically drives our behaviour is the REAL problem. We have old habits developed, we have emotional needs that previously have been met by food and we have a whole range of deep-rooted responses that are deeply ingrained and will overpower any new thinking about food. When you have repeatedly carried out certain eating habits over time, they now have become ingrained subconsciously - you NEED subconscious change to break these old patterns of behaviour. Hypnosis is the KEY to create this deep change QUICKLY. This programme can change the way the subconscious mind looks at food. At a deep-down level, the cravings start to disappear. You'll start to find that you're eating less and enjoying it more automatically. Far from depriving yourself, you will feel that you are taking care of yourself more with less food. Soon it will become a joy to see and feel a healthier, happier, thinner you! You can consciously motivate yourself for a period of time to over-ride the deepest desires, but they will eventually overpower the conscious effort and you end up back at square one again. and possibly even worse. This is why many weight loss programmes can fail. This programme is a fast and a very effective therapy to bring about lasting changes in the relationship with food. The programme can help you: * Overcome the craving for food. * Maintain a balanced eating pattern. * Begin to feel good about yourself. * Overcome the destructive thinking about food. * Develop motivation to lose weight. * Acquire triggers for instant positive feelings. * Become more active physically and enjoy it. Understanding Hypnosis Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness, which feels like something between sleeping and waking and has qualities of both these states. You experience a similar feeling to the one you experience as you are drifting to sleep at night. Because hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness, or awareness, at no time will you be asleep or unaware of what is going on. You will, however, be likely to feel more relaxed than ever before. A feeling of peace, serenity and wellbeing generally accompany this relaxation. Most people experience a very pleasant energy increase after the session. The HypnoSlim Programme FREE Assessment Consultation (15-30minutes). Your consultation is on a private one-to-one basis. Firstly, I assess your problem with weight and make recommendations about the best course of action. I will explain how the process and hypnosis works and answer any questions you may have. If you think that it is for you and you decide to proceed, we can continue with your initial session. There is no obligation to proceed with the programme if you think it isn't for you or should you wish to reflect further. Coaching Sessions ONE initial session is required and a follow-up. Each session is of ONE HOUR duration. Most of the coaching time involves trance work. In addition to subconscious transformation work, I will also assist you if necessary with the first two pillars of success: diet and mindset. ___________________________________________________ Testimonials "I used to eat when I was sad, bored, stressed, even when I was happy. Every emotion seemed to trigger a desire to eat. That has now changed thanks to HypnoSlim. I have managed to break the link between emotions and food." Nuala Rodgers. "There was no struggle involved as change happened at a subconscious level. The only way that worked for me". Gerry Rodgers " I tried so hard to lose weight all my adult life without success. I was doing it all wrong, I was trying to follow diets that were not natural for me to follow. so naturally they all failed and the weight went back on. The programme transformed my thoughts and feelings about food, as well as creating new habits". Martina O'Shea. "The programme changed my life. It was like flicking a switch in my mind, where my desire for junk food was switched to a desire to be slim. It is amazing how easily and how quickly change can happen". Amanda Kelly ___________________________________________________ CALL NOW for your FREE Assessment Consultation or if you have any queries about the programme. Tel: 094 9060226 or 086 161 2301. [email protected] LOCATION: 54 Lakeview, Rathbawn Road, Castlebar.