View bulletin PDF - White Plains United Methodist Church


View bulletin PDF - White Plains United Methodist Church
Culto de Alabanza y Adoración, 11:00am
Worship Notes
Alabanza de Apertura
Salmos 150:1-6
Oración de Bienvenida
Oración de Confesión
Saludo de la Congregación
Tiempo de Alabanza y Adoración
“Grande y Fuerte”
“Vine a Adorarte”
Serie de Sermones: Del Pasado Hacia el Futuro
“¿Y Qué Tienes que Dios No Te Haya Dado?”
Rev. Edith Salazar
Lectura Bíblica: I Corintios 4:1-7
At the conclusion of worship, a Stephen Minister will be
available for counsel and/or prayer at the left front
corner of each worship space.
Respondiendo al Llamado de Dios
“Yo Quiero Verte”
Por favor poner su nombre e información en los cuadernitos blancos que
están en sus bancas. Esto nos ayuda a tener un registro sobre su
participación en el servicio.
Please pray for Betty Highfill and family in the death of her sister, Jo
Turner, July 20; for Glen Phillips and family in the death of his sister,
Jan Davitt, on July 22; and for Lois Smit and family in the death of her
sister, Pat Bergsma, July 28.
 Prayer Concerns 
“Bueno Es Alabarte Jehová”
Anna Avery, Pat Basham, Roy Carawon, Dolly Foster,
Steve Fulghum, Dylan Harrell, Hortencia Herlinda, Bob Hinshaw,
Pat Johnson, Phyllis Lang, Lucy Lowry, Ernie and Jane Miller,
Jim Morgan, Gary Parker, Jim Payne, David and Lorraine Perkinson,
Amy Pethick, Roberta Sanford, Ginny Sapp,
Harlen Van Sloten, Al Tahan, Tracey Walden, Brandy Young,
Elaine Zisek, and those serving in the Armed Forces.
Diezmos y Ofrendas
Oración de Envío
Grupo de Vida: Todos los miércoles a las 7:00pm
Registración para Semillas de Amor: 14 de agosto
Retiro para Jóvenes: 19-21 de agosto
Registrarse con Lupita al 919-457-3748
Si alguien necesita un consejo o necesita oración,
al final del servicio una persona de Stephen Minister estará
disponible en la esquina izquierda de adelante de este lugar.
Our Contributions for July–
keep up the good work by
checking in to White Plains on
August 7, 2016
7 de agosto 2016
White Plains
United Methodist Church
Iglesia Metodista Unida
White Plains
(919) 467-9394
[email protected]
Traditional Service, 8:20am
*Dedication of Gifts, The Doxology
Welcome and Announcements
“Prelude and Fugue in C# Major”
J. S. Bach
UMH #94
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here
below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise
Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Holy Spirit, Holy
Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Tony Lee – Pianist
The Great Thanksgiving
*Call to Worship
From death to life, You call us.
We hear Your call, O Lord.
From our past to Your future, You call us.
We hear Your call, O Lord.
From our separate homes to Your common table
You call us.
From our comfort to Your cross
You call us.
May we answer Your call not just in this moment but for the rest of our
*Hymn of Praise
“Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart”
UMH #160
UMH #8
Eternal God, open our minds as You speak to us through these words of
Scripture written long ago – words that are at the same time fresh and new
today. Open our hearts as we hear Your Word, so that our lives may be
transformed through the power of Your Holy Spirit. Amen.
I Corinthians 4:1-7
NT #157
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom
come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our
daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who
trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,
forever. Amen.
“O God, Our Help in Ages Past”
I Corinthians 4:1-7
“Give Us Clean Hands”
From the Past to the Future:
Rev. Jenifer Swindell
Prayer after Receiving Communion
“O God Beyond All Praising”
TFWS #2009
Please sign the attendance book in your row so we might
have an accurate record of your presence in worship.
“Give Me Faith”
Time of Prayer
*Choral Response
“God Be in My Head”
Anna Laura Page
Chancel Choir
“Nocturne in B Major”
“The Lord’s Prayer”
Holy Communion
We offer a communion station that is gluten-free,
vegan, and "top 8" allergen-free.
“Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace)”
John Rutter
Chancel Choir
“What Do We Have That We Have Not Received?”
Breaking the Bread and Giving the Bread and Cup
Tony Lee – Pianist
“Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace)”
Scripture within Music
The Lord’s Prayer
*Dismissal with Blessing
Prayer for Illumination
(Communion will be served by intinction. Ushers will direct the congregation. We offer a
station for communion that is gluten-free, vegan, and "top 8" allergen-free.)
*Closing Hymn
Time of Prayer
Invitation, Confession, Pardon, and Peace
TFWS #2257, B, C, D
Contemporary Service, 11:00am
*Congregation standing
From the Past to the Future:
“What Do We Have That We Have Not Received?”
Children ages 5 and under are welcome in the Children’s Wing
for nursery care at any time during the service.
Rev. Jenifer Swindell
The Offertory
“Prelude in F# Major/Give Thanks”
Children 3 years-2nd grade are invited to E9 for Children’s Church during the
message and will re-enter the service after the message.
Tony Lee - Pianist
Please sign the attendance book in your row so we might have an
accurate record of your presence in worship.
Devices are available near the
entrance of the Sanctuary for those
needing assistance with hearing the
Please silence your cell phone
before the service
of worship begins.
White Plains UMC
White Plains UMC is a disciple-making congregation on
mission for Christ. We were honored by your presence
this morning. Please join us for coffee any Sunday
during the 9:45 hour in the back of the Christian Life
If you have a need or just a question, please call the
church office, 919-467-9394, or [email protected]. You
can also visit the church office from 8am to 5pm
Monday -Thursday.
Available for Children During Worship
Nursery Care by our Nursery Team is available during all
worship services and the 9:45 Sunday school hour.
Sunday School is available for children ages 3 years-5th
grade from 9:45 to 10:45am.
Children’s Worship is available during the 11am worship
services. The children (ages 3 years-2nd grade) are
escorted by our staff from the worship service and are
brought back to their parents at the end of the service.
Sunday Morning Schedule
8:20am Traditional Worship Service in the Sanctuary
9:45am Sunday School Hour for all ages
11:00am Contemporary Worship Service, Christian
Life Center
Spanish Language Worship Service, Sanctuary
Our greeters and ushers are available to answer any
questions you might have.
Visit for more about WPUMC.
Save the Date….
White Plains UMC
White Plains UMC is a disciple-making congregation on
mission for Christ. We were honored by your presence
this morning. Please join us for coffee any Sunday in the
back of the Christian Life Center.
White Plains UMC is a disciple-making congregation on
mission for Christ. We were honored by your presence
this morning. Please join us for coffee any Sunday in the
back of the Christian Life Center.
If you have a need or just a question, please call the
church office, 919-467-9394, or [email protected]. You
can also visit the church office from 8am to 5pm
Monday -Thursday.
If you have a need or just a question, please call the
church office, 919-467-9394, or [email protected]. You
can also visit the church office from 8am to 5pm
Monday -Thursday.
Available for Children During Worship
Available for Children During Worship
Nursery Care by our Nursery Team is available during all
worship services and the 9:45 Sunday school hour.
Sunday School is available for children ages 3 years-5th
grade from 9:45 to 10:45am.
Children’s Worship is available during the 11am worship
services. The children (ages 3 years-2nd grade) are
escorted by our staff from the worship service and are
brought back to their parents at the end of the service.
Nursery Care by our Nursery Team is available during all
worship services and the 9:45 Sunday school hour.
Sunday School is available for children ages 3 years-5th
grade from 9:45 to 10:45am.
Children’s Worship is available during the 11am worship
services. The children (ages 3 years-2nd grade) are
escorted by our staff from the worship service and are
brought back to their parents at the end of the service.
Sunday Morning Schedule
Sunday Morning Schedule
8:20am Traditional Worship Service in the Sanctuary
9:45am Sunday School Hour for all ages
11:00am Contemporary Worship Service, Christian
Life Center
Spanish Language Worship Service, Sanctuary
8:20am Traditional Worship Service in the Sanctuary
9:45am Sunday School Hour for all ages
11:00am Contemporary Worship Service, Christian
Life Center
Spanish Language Worship Service, Sanctuary
Our greeters and ushers are available to answer any
questions you might have.
Our greeters and ushers are available to answer any
questions you might have.
Visit for more about WPUMC.
Save the Date….
Trip to IMAX and Caffé Luna
August 24
Last Summer Book Club Meeting
August 25
Unified Worship, Covenant Prayer Sunday
August 28
Potluck Lunch & End-of-Summer Carnival
August 28
Labor Day—Office Closed
September 5
Seeds of Love Orientation
September 6
UMM Breakfast
White Plains UMC
September 10
Visit for more about WPUMC.
Save the Date….
Trip to IMAX and Caffé Luna
August 24
Trip to IMAX and Caffé Luna
August 24
Last Summer Book Club Meeting
August 25
Last Summer Book Club Meeting
August 25
Unified Worship, Covenant Prayer Sunday
August 28
Unified Worship, Covenant Prayer Sunday
August 28
Potluck Lunch & End-of-Summer Carnival
August 28
Potluck Lunch & End-of-Summer Carnival
August 28
Labor Day—Office Closed
September 5
Labor Day—Office Closed
September 5
Seeds of Love Orientation
September 6
Seeds of Love Orientation
September 6
UMM Breakfast
September 10
UMM Breakfast
September 10
Ministry in Action - Announcements
August 7, 2016
Ministry in Action - Announcements
August 7, 2016
Ministry in Action - Announcements
August 7, 2016
Church-Wide Survey— Over 100 of you have already responded and we
are looking forward to more input. Please take 15-20 minutes to complete a
survey regarding communications, facilities, and governance. Find it at
Church-Wide Survey— Over 100 of you have already responded and we
are looking forward to more input. Please take 15-20 minutes to complete a
survey regarding communications, facilities, and governance. Find it at
Church-Wide Survey— Over 100 of you have already responded and we
are looking forward to more input. Please take 15-20 minutes to complete a
survey regarding communications, facilities, and governance. Find it at
Sisters In Support - Tuesday, August 9th, at 7pm in C203. Sisters In
Support is a group for those who have had breast cancer or are currently
undergoing treatment. Call Lee Heathcoat, 919-467-9394, for more info.
Sisters In Support - Tuesday, August 9th, at 7pm in C203. Sisters In
Support is a group for those who have had breast cancer or are currently
undergoing treatment. Call Lee Heathcoat, 919-467-9394, for more info.
Sisters In Support - Tuesday, August 9th, at 7pm in C203. Sisters In
Support is a group for those who have had breast cancer or are currently
undergoing treatment. Call Lee Heathcoat, 919-467-9394, for more info.
Music Ministries at the Durham Bulls—Friday, August, 12th. Come
support our Music Ministries as they sing the National Anthem! Tickets
include an all-you-can-eat buffet and soft drinks. Cost is $25 for adults, $15
for children ages 4-17, and kinds under 4 are free.
Email [email protected] for questions or sign up online at
Music Ministries at the Durham Bulls—Friday, August, 12th. Come
support our Music Ministries as they sing the National Anthem! Tickets
include an all-you-can-eat buffet and soft drinks. Cost is $25 for adults, $15
for children ages 4-17, and kinds under 4 are free.
Email [email protected] for questions or sign up online at
Music Ministries at the Durham Bulls—Friday, August, 12th. Come
support our Music Ministries as they sing the National Anthem! Tickets
include an all-you-can-eat buffet and soft drinks. Cost is $25 for adults, $15
for children ages 4-17, and kinds under 4 are free.
Email [email protected] for questions or sign up online at
Music Ministries Retreat - Calling all singers!!! Saturday, August
13th, is the annual choir retreat. Before lunch we will take a first look at the
All Saints work that we have commissioned Michael John Trotta to
write. After lunch we will work on the Christmas cantata for this year by
Dan Forrest. If you would like to sing for either or both of these, plan on
attending the choir retreat. For more information contact Bert Fox,
[email protected].
Music Ministries Retreat - Calling all singers!!! Saturday, August
13th, is the annual choir retreat. Before lunch we will take a first look at the
All Saints work that we have commissioned Michael John Trotta to
write. After lunch we will work on the Christmas cantata for this year by
Dan Forrest. If you would like to sing for either or both of these, plan on
attending the choir retreat. For more information contact Bert Fox,
[email protected].
Music Ministries Retreat - Calling all singers!!! Saturday, August
13th, is the annual choir retreat. Before lunch we will take a first look at the
All Saints work that we have commissioned Michael John Trotta to
write. After lunch we will work on the Christmas cantata for this year by
Dan Forrest. If you would like to sing for either or both of these, plan on
attending the choir retreat. For more information contact Bert Fox,
[email protected].
Safe Sanctuaries and Orange Training - Two sessions just for WPUMC
volunteers with youth, children, and vulnerable adults will be held Sunday,
August 14th between 4 and 7pm in the Christian Life Center. There is no
charge. Workshops are approximately 50 minutes long and are given on the
hour. For more information, email [email protected].
Safe Sanctuaries and Orange Training - Two sessions just for WPUMC
volunteers with youth, children, and vulnerable adults will be held Sunday,
August 14th between 4 and 7pm in the Christian Life Center. There is no
charge. Workshops are approximately 50 minutes long and are given on the
hour. For more information, email [email protected].
Safe Sanctuaries and Orange Training - Two sessions just for WPUMC
volunteers with youth, children, and vulnerable adults will be held Sunday,
August 14th between 4 and 7pm in the Christian Life Center. There is no
charge. Workshops are approximately 50 minutes long and are given on the
hour. For more information, email [email protected].
Youth Kick-Off Retreat - August 19-21 at Camp Agape. For youth grades
6-12 to enjoy food, fun, and fellowship. Cost is $145, with scholarships if
needed. Sign up at
Youth Kick-Off Retreat - August 19-21 at Camp Agape. For youth grades
6-12 to enjoy food, fun, and fellowship. Cost is $145, with scholarships if
needed. Sign up at
Youth Kick-Off Retreat - August 19-21 at Camp Agape. For youth grades
6-12 to enjoy food, fun, and fellowship. Cost is $145, with scholarships if
needed. Sign up at
Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network - August 21-28. Shuttle driver,
evening and overnight hosts, set-up and take down help is needed. Go to for more information.
Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network - August 21-28. Shuttle driver,
evening and overnight hosts, set-up and take down help is needed. Go to for more information.
Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network - August 21-28. Shuttle driver,
evening and overnight hosts, set-up and take down help is needed. Go to for more information.