a I ` R T AlA r M Document A105 - 2007 r'' l Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor for a Residentiai or Small Commercial Project AGREEMENT made as of the r, n irord. i ddicale day, day of Jauunry in the ycar 2014 f niarlh and yeor. AODITIONS AND DELETIONS: The author of this document has BETWEEN the Owner: . : atltled Informallon needed( or Its complefion.. The au hor may also s I St John the Baptist Parish Parish Government 1801 AIA stantlartl( orm. An Additions and LaPlaCe, LA 70068 Delefions Report hat noles added intormatlon as well as revisions lo the standard form teuCis avaAable from I i W. Ai line Hwy have revised Ihe tezl of the original ihe author and should be reviewed. A And lhe ContraCto.• vertical line( n the Iefi margin of this Family I- Homes by Tommy and Sheila,] na document intlicales where the author has added necessary inlormailon 1116 Bellevue llr. Laplace, LA 700G8' . _ and where IM1e author has added to or V deleled from Ihe ongmal AIA teM. I, . . This document has impotlanl legal Forihefollowin g Pro'J ect: cons q uenc e s. C on s ul tat i on wifh an attomey Is encouraged wi h res P ect Hurricane ISaaC ReCOVeI' y to its completion or motli0cation. LaPlece Fire Stations# 51 - lk55 . State or local law may impose Laplace, Louisiana requirements on conlracts for home improvemenis. If ihis document will The Engineer . be used for Work on lhe Owner's residence, Ihe Owner shoultl consul( ROyal Engineers& Consullanls, LLC local authorities or an attomey to SSO IIeOe Tcrre IIoulevard verify requiremenis applicable to Ihis LaPlace, LA 70068 Agreemem. The Owner and Contractor agree as follows. i v AIA Init ¢ ocumenlA706"'- servatl. 2007. tortnertyAlO$"- WARN N6: This AlA 199JandA106 - 1993). Capyrighl91993and20WbyTheAmencanlnstitNaofArcfiilects. Allrights qocumen4la. protacleObyU. S Copytl,ghtLawand; IntemAponalTieatles. Unauthotlzetlrepioduction' ordlatdhutltinpf' i le AIA Documenq or eny poRlon of 74 may renWt In'svvemcivibandcdminz peneltlae, end wlll,be p bs'ecutetl tb:tha maxim4meitantyqaelbla untler. I the,lew. This documant was protluced byAlA software et 10: 09:q3 on Oi/ 08/2014 untler Ortler No. 2576547621 iwhich ezpires on OB/ 73/ 2014, ahd is not for resale. UsorNotes: 1095653686) t I I TABLE OF ARTICLES 1 ' THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 2 DATE OF COMMENCEMENT AND SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION DATE 3 CONiRACTSUM 4 PAYMENT 5 W§ URANCE 6 GENERAL PROVISIONS 7 OWNER 8 CONTRACTOR ' 9 ARCHITECT 10 CHANGES IN THE WORK 11 ' TIME 12 PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 13 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 14 ''- CORRECTION OF WORK 15 MISCEILANEOUS PROVISIONS 16. 17 . ' TERMINATION OF THE CONTRAC7 OTHERTERMSANDCONDITIONS . ARTICLE' 7 , ' THE CONTR4CT DOCUMENTS 1. 1 The Conh ador shnll complete thc Work described in ihe Conhact Uocuments for the 1' rojecL The Contracl Documents consist of 1 . This Agreement signed by the Owner and Conhactor; 2 . 7hc drawings, and"specifications prepared Uy tHe Owner, datcd 9/ 28/ 2013, and enumerated 9s follows: Drawings: Number Title CS1, Iv1. 51 - M. 55, S. 51. I. : . 5. 54. 01, S. S4. 02, S. 55 53, Date HurricanelsaacRecovery . 9/ 2S/ 2013 LaPlnce I' ire Stations 51, 52, 53, 54& 55 - Plans& Specifications . Specificationsi Section Induded in Plans I 3. Init Title Pages Same PN. 01, GS. OI, SP. Ol addendfl prepared by the Owner as follows:. A AOocumentA105TM- 2007(( ormetlyA 05`"- 1991antlA205*"- 7993). CapyriBht01893antl200 byTheAmeticenlnstiWteolAmhltects. All.dghts WARNING orThieanyAIAm OocumenLie byU:S.clvlPentl. @dpytlght CAwand Intemallonal UnauMorlietl raproducHonerElsttlbWon,of treeervetl.' la. AlAP.Oocument, portion of it; mey>protect¢H; asWt In 6eJera ctlminal penaltlea, enE wllTreaHea.' ba.proseculeE to Me rtiazimum ext¢ nt poaslblevnAeo - 2 t e lew: This tlocumentwes produced byAlA saHwaro a11o:09:43 on 01/ 092014 under Order No257655762' 1_ 7 which expires on 06/ 73I2019, end is nol for resele. UsorNotes. , 1U95653686) : . 1 Number 7 Date lllG/2013 . Pages Addendum, LouisianaUniform. Public Bid Form, Uniform P.ublic Bid Form Legend 4 wi`itten ocders for changes in thc Woi lc issued after cxccution of this Agreement; and _ 5 bther documcnts, if any, iden[ ificd as follows: ARTICLE 2 DATE OF COMMENCEMENi AND SUBSTANTIAI COMPLETION 2.7thenumberofcalendardaysavailabletolheContractortosubstantiallycompletetheWorkiStheContractTime. 7he date of commencement of Ihe Work shall be the date of this Agreement unless otherwise indicated below. The. Contractor shall substantially complete the Work, no later tlian 45 Calendar days fi•om Notice to Proceed. 2.2 Liquidateddamages are. OS% ofconiract total perdzy for each conseeutive calendar day in which. the Work is - no complete beginning the first day beyond ihe Snbstan[ ial Completion date sinted ebove, and ihe Contractor egrees to payany liquidated damxges nol by way of penalty but as a stipulaled swn in ihe event the Project is not subs[antially completed within the Contrect Time and[ he Punch List is not 100% completed within forry-five( 10) days ofthe date of Substnnlinl Complelion aa slated on the Certificate of Substantial Completion ns recoreded in. the public records. The Contrac[or agrees the I 0 days to complete the Punch List shall commence on the date the Owner designates on the Ccrfificate of Substnntinl Completion as the date of Substa itial Completion noihwithstnnding nny delay beyond thnt date lo record the Certifica[ c of Substantial Completion. To be Sxed in a Notice to Procced ARTICLE 3 CONTRACT SUM I . .§ 3. 1 Subject ro additions nnd deductions in accordance with Articic I Q thc Contract Sum is$ 76,022;55. I- 3.2 for pwposes of payment, ihe Contract Sum includes the folltlwing values related 10 portions ofihe Work: Base Bid: - . Total Bid: _,. " 76,022. 55 7G, 022. 55 3.3 Unil Urices,"if any, arc as follows: As expeessad ori Louisiana Uniform Public Bid 7' abulation Form. 3.4 Allowances included in Ihe Contract Sum, if any, are as follows: Item I. . . — Price a;;.:, N/ A . -. N/A 3. 5' I' he Contract Sum is based upon tAe fol lowing al[ emates, ifany, which are described in the Contraci Documents and hereby accepted by the Owner: . I_ None. - _ 3.6 The Confract Sum shall include all itcros and services necessary for fhe proper execution and completion of the Work: - ARTICLE 4 ' . PAYMENT 4.1 Based on Contractor' s Applications for Payment certified by the Owner' s Representative, the Owner shall pay I the Contrnctoq in accordance wilh Article 12, as follows: Init. AIADacumantA106T"'- 20W( fortnertyA706^" reservad.. WARNWG. 1993antlAY06*°- 1993}. CopyrlBhtID1993antl2007byTheAmerlcanlnstituleofArcMtecls. Alldghts TNisAIA° Documenlls pYotecteHbq. U: S. CopyrlghtGawentllnterne0onaiTreaUes. 6neulhodzetl. reprotlUctionar' diatribLpomof thleAlAoDocumenhoranyqoNonoflt, m6yresultirieavere eiuilandgdminalp¢ neltlea; entlwllltie.pro6ecutadtothemaximumextanipossibleunderv jlie law. Thls documentwas pwduced by AIA' sbFtware e1103B:72 on Oi%09/2014 under Order No2576547621- i-which ezpires on 06A3/2014, and Is Bot for`'- Us¢ t Not¢9: resale. 2033279924) 3 ' i i Subject to other provisions ofthe Contract Documents, the amounl of each progress payment shall be computed as fol lows: 1 Take that portion of the CoMract Sum property al locablc to completed Work as de ermined by multiptying lhe percentage completion of each portion of 1he Work by the share of the Contract Sum allocated to that portion of tlie Work in the schedule ofvalues, less rotainage of 10 percent( 10. 00 %). 2 Add that portion of the ConU acl Sum properly allocable to materials and equipment delivered and suitably stored at[ he site for subsequent incorporation in the compleleei construc[ ion( or, if approved in advance by the Owner, suitably stored offthe site at a loca[ ion agreed upon in writing), less retainage of ten percenf( 3 4 10. 00 %); i Sublract the a regate oPprevious payments made by the Owner; and Subtract amow ts, if any, for which the Owner has withheld or nWlified a Certificate for Paymcnt as providcd in Section 12 oPthis documcnt. I ARTICLE 5 INSURANCE 5.1 The Contractor shall provide Contractor' s general liability and other insurance as follows: I CONTRACTOR' S LIABILITY INSURANCE 5. 1. 1 The Coniractor shall purchase S om and maintain in a company or companies acceptable to the Owner Iawfully authorized to do busincss in the jm isdiction in which the Project is locx ed such insurance as will protect the Contractor from claims set fbrih below which may arise out ofor result from the Contractor' s operations and comple[ ed operntions under ihe Contracl and( or which the Conh actor may be legally liable, whether such operations be by the Contractor or by a Subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any ofthem, or by anyone for whose acts any ofthem may be] ieble: 1 Claims under workers' compensation, disability benefit and other similar employee benefit acts thet are applicable to the Work to be perPormcd; 2 Clnims for damages becnuse of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of the 3 Clnims for damages because of bodily injurg sickness or disease, or death of any person other than he 4 Claims for damages insured by usual personal injury liability coverage; Gontractoi' s employees; Contracror' s employees; 5 Claims for damages, o her han to the Work itself, because of inju y to or desfruction of tangible 6 properly, inciuding loss of use resulting therefrom; Claims for damagcs because of bodily injury, death of a per$on or property damage rising oul of ownership, maintenance or use of a motor vehicle; 7 8 Claims for bodily injury or property damage arising out ofcompleted operations; and Cinims involving coniractual liability insurance applicable to the Contractor' s obligations under Scction 8. 12. 5.1. 2 The insurance required by Section 5. 1. 1 shnll be Hritten for not less than limits of liability specified in the Contract Documents or required by law, whichever coverage is grealec Coverages, whelher written on an occurre ce or claims- made basis, shall be maintnined without interruption from the date of commencement of the Work until the date of finai payment and termination of any coverage required to lx maintained after final payment, and, with respect to the Conh•actor' s completed operations coverage, until d e expiration of the period for correction of Work or for such othu period for maintenance ofcompleted operations coverage as specified in lhe Contract Dceuments. 5. 1. 2. 1 The Coniractor/ Subcontracror' s insurer will have no right of recovery or subrogation against the Ovmer, I it being the inteMion of the parties that the insuranec policies so affected shall protect both parties and the primaty coverage for any and all losses covered by the below described insurance. 77ie Contractor shall provide a specific waiver of subrognlion for the Worker' s Compensation coverage. A A Document A105'"- Init eservetl. E007( formerly AtOSTM- 7999 xntl At06"'- WARNING: Thb AIM Oocument b prot cleA 7993). Copytlght 01993 antl 2007 by U. S. CopytlBht 4w ntl by TheAmerican InstiNte Intem llonal Tw tlas. Umulhotlz E of Architec45. Wl tlghts rcproAuction artlbtdbutlon f e/ UteAlMAocum nqoranyponlono( 14m yro uklnwv roclvll nticAmin Ipenaltlu, nOVAUb pmsecutctltothomaxlmum atentpossibbuntler the law. This documentwas pmduced byAlA soHware e110: 38: 12 on Oi/ 092 i4 untler Ortler No2576547621_ 7 which expires on O6/ 73/ 2074, entl is noi( or UserNotes: resaie. 4 I 20332t8924) V 5. 1. 2. 2 The Owner shall be named as an additional insured as regards negligence by the contractor using I50 Form CG 2010( 11/ 85). Contractor hereby s[ ipulates that it has read and is fully aware of and completely understands its righls a under La. R. S. 9 § eement contained in, 2780. 1( C) ( 2010 ACT 492) collateral to, or affecting which provides lhat any provision, clause, a construction wntrac[ which purports[ o require 1 covenant, or the Coniractor to procure liability insurnnce covcring Ihe aGs or omissions or both of he Owner, its employees or agents, or the acts or omissions ofa third parly ovcr whom ihe Contrac[ or has no control is null, void, aud unenforceable. In order to induce i R. 5. 9 E funds i theOwnertoawardthisProjccttoContractorandenterintothisContr 2780. 1( C) ( 2010 ACT 492) would cause an ct, recognizingihatcompliancewithl. a. inerease to the Owner' s cost of the Project and reduce the available to pay Contrector for construction of the Project, Contrecror hereby s[ ipulates and irrevocably agrees thal, in consideration for the Owner awarding this Contract, Contractor expressly, Imowingly, voluntarily waives, forever . I renounces and intentionally relinquishes i s known and currently existing rights under La. R.S. 9§ 2780.]( C)( 2070 ACT 492) including hut not limited to, any prohibition which may exist under hat statute regarding the procurement of insurance covering he liability ofthe Owner, or naming the Owner as an additional insured on policies ofinsurance obtained by the Contractoc Contractor acknowledges ihat $ 1000 of lhe ConUact Sum is coosideralion for this voluntarily waiver a d intentional relinquishment ofall ofContractor' s known and currently existing rights under La. R.S. 9 § 2780. 1( C) ( 2010 AC7' 492), and to compensate Contractor for the procurement of insuranee wvering the Owner' s liability. This waivcr shall remain in ftill force and effect even should either party terminatethis Cont act for cause or materially breach[ his Co h'ac[. 5. 1. 2.3 The insm nce companies issuing the policy or policies shall have no recourse against the Owner for payment of any premiums or for assessmeNs under any form of policy. 5.1. 2.4 My and all deductibles in the below described insurance policies shall bc assumed by and be for the amount of, and at the sole risk of the Conlractor. 5. 1. 3 CertiScates of insurance acceptable to the Owner shall be filed with the Owner within ten( 10) days of the award of the Contract and prior to signing the Contract and hereafter upon renewal or replacement of each required policy of insurance. 7'hese certificatcs and the insurance policics required by this Section 5. 1. 1 shall contnin a provision[ hat coverages afforded under the policies will not be canceled or allowed to expire until at Ieast 30 days' prior written notice has becn given to the Owner. M additional cer[ ificate evidencing conlinuation of liability covcrage, including covernge for completed operations, shall he submitled with lhe final Application for Payment as required by Section ] 2. G2 and therealler upon renewal or replacement of such coverage until ihe expiration of the time required by Section 5. 1. 1.] nformation concerni g reduction ofcoverage on account of revised limits or claims paid under the Gcneral Aggregale, or both, shall be fivnished by he Contractor with reasonable prompMess in accordance with the Contractor' s information and belief. Insurance is to be placed with the insurers with an A. M. Best rating no less ihan A-: VI. This rating requirement wil] be waived for policies written Ihrough InstiWte of London Underwriter( ILL companies. All notices will name the Contractor and identify the specific Project and site. The insurance to be furnished by the Contractor is described below.' I' he Contractor shall cause the commercial liability coverage required by[ he Contract Documents[ o include( 1) the Owner and the Owner' s Program Manager as additional insureds for claims caused in whole or in pait by thc Conhactor' s negligent acts or omissions during the Conttactor' s operalions; and( 2) he Owner as an additional insured for claims caused in whole or in part by the Contractor' s negligent acts or anissions diving the Contractor' s wmpleted operations. 5. 1. 3.1 Workers' Compens Exception: Employers tion-- liability Statutory— in compliance with to be$ 1, 000, 000. 00 when work tlie is to be Compensation Law ovcr water a of Louisiana. I maritime exposures. I the d involves i S[ ate of 5. 1. 3.2 Commucial Gene• al Liabilily Insurance with a combined single limit per occurrenee for bodily inju y and property damage. This insurance shall include coverage for bodily injury and proper[y damage, and indicate on the Certificate of Insurance which of the seven( 7) coverages required below are not included in the policy, if any: i. Premises— Operations 2. Broad Form Contractual 5. Lia6iliTy; Personal and 6. Broad Form 3. Products and Completed Ope ations; 7. Explosion, 4. Use of Independent Contractors and Subcontrzctors n• AIA Document A106"'- 2007 Qormerly A105'"- I Advertising injury; Property Damage; i Collapse and Underground( XCIn Coverage 1993 antl A205T"- 1993). Copyrighl m 1993 and 2007 by The American InstiWle of Architecis. All dghls reeervetl. WARNING Thl AIA Docum nt b proteclM by U.S. Gopytlpht Law ntl Intem tlonai Treatks. Unauthotlxatl roproducHon qrEiitdbutlon of Nis A1A Documenq ar any potllon o( It, may rosult In severe elvil anE edminal pm itiea, ntl wi i be prowcutrE to th m ylmum exhnt pwsWla untler 5 N bw. This docomenl was produced Ey AIA sotlwaro a110:09:43 on 07/ 09/2014 under Order No2576597621 1 which expirea on O6H3/ 2074, eM Is not for resale. UserNotes: 7095653686) I I Nole: .. On 1J e cerfificatiorv of i vsui ance, moder Uve desG•iptibn of opei afiwes, Yhe jollmviiig vorAing. is. reguii ed; PHE. IGGRF.GATF,.I.OSS LIMIT APPG/ ES TO EACNPRO.TECT, or a. copy af! SO Porur GG2503 ( Ed T7- 85} shall be sabmitted .. . - Nole: Tlie R odacts and Completed- Operations shall be maintained for hro ( 2)) eavs aJler the dale of . i ecor•ding of the Notice hy 2rvner ofAcceptance of Work . r • COMBINED SINGLE LIMRyCSL)- AMOUNT OF INSURANCE REQUIRED Type Projects of y , Projects$ 1OQ001 = Under - "-$ Conshvction 100, 000 I, 000, 00 SOQ000 1, 1, 000; 000 2, OOQ000 . ProjeCts Over 000,000-- NewBi ildings. . ,`' r Each Occun ence/ Minimum L mrt F , -} t.. $ 000, 000 , 3, 000,000 _ , -. - Ag,n' egate ? . , :$ G; 000, 000 .' ; RenoVations s.-r.The building( s) value will he used to determine tl e amount: : r r v . fiach Occurrence/ ,,; - r $ 500, 000*** . . Minimal Lim t Depends a r. l"= x .,.. A g' ate B.,_ . - i- ] 3uildingValue) , • r e 1; 000; 000*** on Depends '( - BuildingValue)'- 1; 000; 000`"'• i' ;.-( Depends y,.;; $ , 3; OOQ000*** - Depends on; BuildingValue). _ .. . E . on .- . on Ruilding Value) r. ... 2; 000; 000*"* 6, 000; 000*'• Depends Depends on on Buiiding Value).: = Building Value) '. While the i nnbin m combmedsirtg]eIinti! bf$500,000 is ragtri ectjora(7 renovatia s, ihe rah e ofa bnil ling s7va1! r .' - : Ge nt: lfiplied by 10% an l in.gerrance i•egt irenrents uil( 6e inci eased at $7; 000,000 in'iervals and io:rnded to IHe nearèst$ 7. 000, 000. ';; : j 5.1. 3! 3 Business Automobile Liatiility InsurBnce wiNi a combined single limit of$ 1, OOQ000 per occurience foc bodily injury and property damage, unless othc wise indicated. - This:insiirance shall include for bodily injury and ._ pi oncrty damage ihe following covernges and at Ie2st as provided by ISO Form CA0001 ( 12/ 90):. . . x' f . Owned' aotomobiles; ;,,. i2>' Aired automobiles 3 Non- owned aulomobiles.. .. . . . x.,. 5,1. 3. 4 An' Umbrella Yolicy may be used to meef minimum requirements. f . 51. 3:5 For a: project involqingroofing woik,.the-Conti actor' s general liability coverage musCinclade a pollution . . liability coverage ez[ension which affords"coverage for claims resulling ti om jobsite fi mes and vapors; In the event ' - . - ry.. .,, -<. ihe isto be performed by a Subcontracta; the Contractor shall require the Subcontractoc to provide a . _ Certificate- of.lnsui• nce for general liability coverage with a pollotion liability coverage extension which affords coverage for claims resulting from jobgite fumes and vapors: In such case, the Subcontractor shall Imve' the-OwneP named . -. as en additionnl insared and the Certificale ofL surance shall comply witN the otUer requiremenfs set forth in , . Art ole5.-. ' - ._ : 3.,. g 5. 1. 3. 6 " All prope ty losses shall be made paya le to_and adjiisted with the Owrier: . 5. 1. 3. 7 All policies of insurairee and certificates. ofi surance shall: tic approved by the Ownev' s insu ance advisor ' priorYo the Owner signing the Contrack 5. 9. 3.8 Otlierinsurancerequiredisas. follows: AIADocumentA105'"'- 2007( formerlyA70b'"' reservetl: .. WARNINGdhis' NA 1993endAY06 - 7993). bopyright 1993antl2007byTheAmerfcanlnstituteofArchitecis. Allrlghts Documetltiq: protectetl0y' UtSLopytl8ht14awan'dlnterriatlona7TreaHes. UnautMorizetlieprotlucUotl' ot'tli6tribLtfonC%., th7sAiAa"Do'cumant, ora rypoitlonol tt, may iasulUn' se3efe cfvllaKdcriidlnaipanallles„'andwllibepru"se,"culaAtothe,mekimuinexten[ pqasl0le nde7 Aha Iew..This documeniwas producedbyAlA sMlwaia a( 10: 08:43, on 1%09/2014 unaerOrtler No2 5 76 547621= 1wFicti ekpires on 06/ 19/ 2074, add is not( o ' resale.Notes: .. _ Use 1095653886) -. 6 .'' 5. 1. 3. 8.1 Owner' s and Contractor' s Protective Liability Inswance shall be furnished by the Contractor and name St. John the Baptisl Parish as thc Insured. Projects$ 100, 001-$ CSL— Ench Occun 1, 000, 000 ProjectsOver$ 1, 000,000 I, OOD, 000 ence 3, 000, 000 5. 1. 3. 9 RISKS AND INDEMNIFICATIONS ASSUMED BY THE CONTRACTOR 5.1. 3. 9.1 lf any of he Property and Casualty inswance rcquirements arc not complied with at iheir renewal dates, payments to the Controctor will be withheld until thosc rcquircmcnts have bcen met, or t the option of the Owner, lhe Owner may pay thc Renewal Premium and wi hhold such papncnts from eny monies duc thc Contrac[or. 5. 13. 9. 2 If,at any[ ime, any of the foregoing policies shall be or becomc unsatisfactoiy to the Owner, as to form or substance, or if a company issuing any such policy sha l be or becomc unsalisfnctory to the Owner, the Contract shall, upon notice to that effect from the Owner, promptly obtain a new policy, submit the same to tlie Owner for approval and submit a certificate thereof as hereinabove providcd. Upon failure of the Coniractor to fumish, deliver and maintain such insurance as above provided, this Contract, at the election of the Owner, may be forthwith declared discontinued or terminated. Failure of the Coutractor to take out and/ or maintain or the taking out and/ or maintenence ofany required insurance, shal I not rel ieve the Contractor from any liabi lity under Ihe Contracl, nor shall suspcnded, I the insurance requirements be construed to conflict with or otherwise limit the obligations ofthe Conhactor concerningindemnification. TheOwnerreservestherighttorequirecomplete, certifiedcopiesofallrequired insw ance policies, at any time. ARTICLE 6 GENERAL PROVISIONS 6. 1 THE CONTRACT Ihe Confract represenis ihe entire and integratecl a I eement bcfween fhe pa 1ies and supersedes prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or orai. The Contract may be amended or modified only by a written modification in accordance with Article 10. 6. 2 THE WORK The term" Work" means ihe construction and services required hy the Contracl Documents, and includes all other Iabor, materials, equipmen[ and services provided, or to be provided, by the Contractor to fidfill the Contractor' s i obligetions. I' 6. 31NTENT 7he intent of Ihe Conlrac Documents is to include all items necessary for the proper execulion and completion ofthe Work by the Conh•actor. The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is required by one shall be as binding as ifrequired by all. 6. 40WNERSHIP AND USE OF OWNER' S DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS Documents prepared by the Owner' s Representative are for use solely with respect to this Project. The Owner i I shall retain al] common law, statutory and other reserved rights, including the copyrigl t. The Contractor, subcontractors, sub- subcontraclors, andmalerialorequipmenlsupplicrsarcauthorizedtouseandreproducetheinstrumentsofservice solely and exclusively for execution of the Work. The insU•uments ofservice may not be used for other Projects or for additions to his Project outside the scope of the Work without the specific written conserit of the Owner. I ARTICLE 7 I OWNER 7'hc Owner has retained lhe services of Royal Engineers& Consultants, LLC as its Program Managcr. The Program Manager is the Owner' s Representative and Agenl for all matters except for adjust nents in the Contract Sum or I ConVacl Time.' Ihe Owner designates its Program Mana er to acl on ils bchalf involving matters ofthe Contract Sum or the Conhac[ Time. 7. 1 INfORMATION AND SERVICES REQUIRED OF THE OWNER 7. 1. 1 Ifrequested by lhe Contractoq the Owner shall furnist all neccssary surveys and a legal description of the site. AIA Document At06*"'- 2007 Qortnerly A706•"ronorvotl. WARNMG Thle AIA 1995 and A20b"'— 799J. Copy iph 0' 1993 antl 2007 by The Ame ican Inslitule W Arohiteck. All Aghts Dacument le protected by LLS. Copyrtflht L w end Inbm llond Tn tt s. Uneuthodzed reptoducQon ortlletdbuliEn of thbAlA Docum nt, or nyportlonoHqmryrosultinnwnciv{Iandcdminalp ntltl, lh ntlwlllb prUs culYtlloth maxfmumexbntpossiblsuntlar aw. This tlocument wes produced by AIA soMvare at 70: 09:43 on 01/ 09@014 under Order No2578547821_ i which expires on Ofi/ 13@074, and is wlfor resela. UserNates: 1095653686) I f i i 7. 1. 2 Except for permits and fees that are the responsibility of the Conh acror under ihe Contract Docwnents, the Owner shall obtain and pay for other necessary approvals, easements, assessments and charges. 7. 20WNER' S RIGHT TO STOP THE WORK If the Contractor fails to correct Work which is not in accordance with[ he Contract Documents, the Owner may direet the Contractor in writing to stop the Work until the correclion is made. 7. 30WNER' S RIGHT TO CARRY OUT THE WORK If lhe Contractor defaults or neglecls to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents and fails within z seven day period after receipt of written no[ ice fi om the Owncr lo commence nnd continuc wrrection of such deFault or neglect with diligence and promptness, the Owner may, without prejudice to othcr rcmedics, correct such deficicncies. In such case, the Contract Sum shall be adjusted to deduct the cost oTcon ection from payments due the Contractor. 7. 40WNER' S RIGHT TO PERFORM CONSTRUCTION AND TO AWARD SEPARATE CONTRACTS 7. 4. 1 The Owner reserves the righl to perfonn cons ruclio or operalions related to the Project with 8ie Owner' s own forces, and to award separate contracts in connection with other portions of the Project. 7. 4. 2 The Contractor shall coordinate and cooperate with the Owner' s own forces and separate conh actors employed by the Owner. 7. 4.3 Costs enused by delays or by improperly timed aclivities or dctective constructioo shall be borne by the party i responsible[ herefoc ARTICLE 8 CONTRACTOR 8. 1 REVIEW OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND FIELD CONDITIONS BY CONTRACTOR i 8. 1. 1 Execution of the Contract by the Contractor is a representation that the Contractor has visited the site, become familiar with local conditions under which the Work is to be performeA and correlated personal observations with I requirements of ihe Contracl Documents. I 8. 1. 2 7he Conh actor shall carefully sh dy and compare the Contract Documents with each other and with information furnished by the Owner. Before commencing activities, the Contractor shall( I) take field measurements and verify field condilions;( 2) carefully comparethis and olher information known Lo lhe Contrector with theContract j Documents; and( 3) promptly report errors, inconsistencics or omissions discovered lo the Owner' s Representalive. 8. 2 CONTRACTOR' S CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE AND SCHEDULE OF VALUES j The Contrac[or, promptly after being awarded the Contr c, shall prepnre and submit for the Owner' s review and approval a ContractoPs construclion schedule for the Work, and an ilemized schedule ofvatues. 8. 3SUPERVISION AND CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES 8.3. 1 The Cont actor shall supervise and direct the\ Vork, using the Conhactor' s best skil and atlentioa The Contractor shall be solely responsible for and have conh'ol over conslruclion means, methods,[ eehniques, scqucnccs and procedw es, and Por coordinating all pw'tions of the Work. 8. 3. 2 The Contraclor, ns soon as practicable afier award of the Contract, shall furnish in writing to the Owner through the Owner' s Representative, the names of subcontractors or suppliers for ench portion of the Work. 7' he I Contractor shall not confract with any subconiractor or supplier to whom lhe Ovmer or Owner' s Representative have made a timely and reasonable objection. 1 8. 4 LABOR AND MATERIALS 8. 4.1 Unless otherwise provided in the ConVact Documents, the Contractor shall provide and pay for] abor, materials, equipment, tools, utilities, iransportation, and other facilities and services necessary for proper exewtion and completion oftl e Work. InIR AIA Document At06""— R00]( formerly A106T"— 1991 and A206*"— 1993). Copyright m 1893 and 2007 by The American InsGWle of Archi ec s. All rights eservotl. WARNING: ThB AIA Oocumani la pmtected by U. S. Copydpht Lawand Inlerna0onal TaaUes. Unauthodnd roprodvctlon ortlislributlan of thls AIA Document, or any portion o( tt, m y nault In wen civil entl cdminal panaitla, ntl wt0 b prose< ubtl to lh m aMnum ax4nl poaalbis untlrt lhe iaw. Thls tloc meniwas praOucetl byAlA software at 10: 09:43 on 01/ 092014 under Order No2576547fi2? 1 which expires on O6/ 13/ 2074, and is not for resale. UserNoles: 1095653686) 8 il I 8.4. 2 The Contractor shall enforce s6 ict discipline and good order among the Contractor' s employees and other carrying oul the Contrac[ Work. The Contractor skilled in taslcs assigncd to them. persons shall not permit employment of unfit persons or persons not i I 8. 5 WARRANTY Ihe Conhactor warrants to the Owner and Owner' s Representative lhat:( I) malerials and equipment fiimished under i ihc Conhacl will be new and ofgood quzlity unless otherwise required or permitted by the Contract llocuments;( 2) he Work will be free o n deCects not inherenl in tlie quality required or pe initted; T d( 3) tt e Work will co form to I the requirements ofthe Contract Documents. 8. 6 TAXES I The Conh•actor shall pay sales, consumer, usc and similar taxcs that arc lcgally required when the Contract is executcd. 8. 7 PERMITS, FEES AND NOTICES I 87.1 The Conh actor shall obtain nnd pTy for[ he building permit and ofher permits and governmental fees, Iicenses and inspections necessary for proper executiai and completion of the Work. 83.2 The Conlractor shall comply with and give notices required by agencies having jurisdiction over the Work. If ihe Contractor performs Work knowing i[ to be conhary to applicable laws, statules, ordinanecs, codes, rules and regul tions, or lawful orders of public authorilies, the Contrector shall assume full responsibility for such Work and i shall bear the attributable costs. The Contractor shall promptly no[ ify the Owner' s Representative in wri ing ofany known inconsistencies in ihe Cont nct Documents with such governmcntal 1aws, rules and regulations. i 8. 8 SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall promptly review, approve in writing and submit lo Ihe Owner' s Representative Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples nd similar submittals required by the Contiact Documents. Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples and similar submitlals are nol Contract Uocuments. 8. 9 USE OF SITE 77 e Contractor shali confine operations at the site to areas permitted by law, ordinanccs, permits, the Contract Documents and the Owner. 8. 70 CUTTING AND PATCHING The Contractor shall be responsible for cutting, fit[ ing or patching required to complete fhe Work or to make its parts fit together properly. 6. 11 CLEANING UP The Conhactor shall keep the premiscs and surrounding arca fi•ce from accumulation of dcbris and trash related ro thc Work. At the completion of the Work, the Contractor shall remove its tools, construction equipment, machinery and surplus material; and shall propedy dispose ofwaste materials. 6. 121NDEMNIFICATION To the fiillest cxtcnt permitled by law, ihe Conhactor shall indemnify and hold hannless the Owner, Owner' s Representative, OHmer' s Representativds consultants and agents and employees of any of them from end against claims, damages, losses and expenses, indudin but not limited to attorneys' fees, arising out of or resulling from performance of ihe Work, provided hnt such clnim, damage, loss or expense is attriHutable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or dealh, or to injury to or destruction of angible property( other ihan the Work itselQ, but only to lhe extent caused by the negligen[ acts or omissions ofthe Conhactoq a subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by Ihcm or anyone( or whose acts they may be liable, regardless of whether or not such claim, damage, loss or expense is caused in part by a party indemnified hereundev. ARTICLE 9 OWNER' S REPRESENTATIVE 9. 1TheOwner' sRepresentativewillprovideadministrAtionoftheContrac[ asdcscribedinlheContractDocuments. The Owncr' s Represemative will have authority[ o act on behalf of the Ovmer onty to the ex[ent provided in the Coniract Documcnts. i Init. AIA Documenl A106*"- 2007(( ormeAy A106"^- 1993 antl A206L°- 1991). Copyright m 7993 anA 2007 by The American Institute d Architects. Ni rights res¢rvod. WARNING: Thie AIA Uocument le pmGetetl by U.S. Copyri9 l L wand Inbmaltanai Tnallo. Unnuthadzatl nprotluetion ordittrlbutlon of lhb AIA Uoeum nl, or any portion of i4 may ntutt in s v ro clvil an0 cdminai DBmIOu, aiM will b proseeubd lo lh maxlmum ximt pm lbb une r th 9 I I w. ThisdocumentwasproducedbyAlAsoflwareatlP.W:<3onOt/ 032019underOrderNo2576547621_ iwhbhexplreson08/ 73@014, antlisnalfot I resale. UserNotes: 1095653fiBfi) E T I 9. 2 The Owuer' s Representative will visit the site at intervals appropriale to lhe slage of construction to become generally familiar with the progress and quality of the N'ork. 9. 3 The Owner' s Representative wil I not have control over or charge of,and will not be responsible for, construc[ ion mcans, methods, tuhniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in wnnection with the Work, sincc these are solely the Contractor' s responsibility. The Owner' s Representative will not be responsible for the Conll'actor' s failure to cany out the Work in accordence with the Contrac[ Documenis. I I 9. 4 13ased on the Owncr' s Representztive' s observations and evaluations of the Contractor' s Applications for Pnyment, the Owner' s Rcpresentative will review nnd certify the nmounts due the Contractor. 9. 5 The Owner' S Representative has authority to reject Work[ hat docs not conform to ihe Contracl Documents. 9. 6 The Owner' s Representa[ ive will prompdy review and approvc or take appropriate ac[ ion upon Conlractor' s submitlals, but only for the limited purpose ofchecl<ing for conformance with information given and the design concept expressed in the Conh acl Docwnents. I 9. 7 The Own' s Represcntative will promptly interpret and decide matters conceming performance under, and requiremenls oT, ihe Contract Documents on vn itten requcst lrom either the Owner or Contrncror. 9. 6 Interpretations and decisions of the Ownei' s Representative will be consistent with the intent of and reasonably I inferable from the Contrnct Documents a d will be in writing or in ihe form of drawings. When making such inlerpre alionsanddecisions, theO mer' sRepresentativewillendeavortosecurefaithPolperformancebybothOwner and Contrnctor, will not show partiality to either nnd will not be linble for resulis of interpretations or decisions rendered in good faith. i 9.9 The Owner' s Representative' s duties, responsibilities and limits of authority as dcscribed in lhe Contracl Documen[ s shall not be changed without wri ten consen[ of ihe Owner, Conhactor and Owner' s Representative. Consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. ARTICLE 10 CHANGES IN THE WORK 10. 1 The Owner, without invalidating the Contrnct, may Contract consisting of additions, deletions I order changes or other revisions, in ihe Work within i the general scope of the the Contract Sum and Contract Time being i adjusted accordingly in writing. I 10.2 7he Owner' s Representative will have authority to order minor changes in the Worlc not involving changes in the Coniract Sum or the Contract Time and not inconsistent with the intent of the Contract Documents. Such orders I shall be in en iting and shall be binding on the Owner and Contractor. The Contractor shall carry out such orders promptly. 10.3] f concealed or unknovm physical conditions are encoun[ crcd al thc site tha difPer materially from those indicated in the Conlract llocuments or from ihose conditions ordinarily found to exist, ihe Contract Sum and Contract Time shall be subject to equitable adjustment. ARTICLE 11 TIME 11. 1 Time limits stated in ihe Contract Documents are of ihe essence of lhe Contrect. 11. 2 The Contractor agees to commence the Work not later than the dnie set for h in the written Notice to Proceed issued by the Owner, and to achieve Substantial Completiou of ihe Work within ihe[ ime stated in the Contract Documents, and to achieve completion of the Yunch List within the time stated in the Contract Documents. The Conhactor and Owner mutually agree that the Owner' s operations will be negatively impac[ed and the Owner wil] damage that will be impracticable and extremely difficult to quanlify if Subs[ antial Completion of the Project and Punch List completion are not achieved within the time set forth in tlie Ccmtract Documents. The Coniractor and sustain the ContrTctor' s Surety shall be Iiable for and shall pay to the Owner liquidated damages, which shall not be considcred a penalty, in the amount stated in the Contract Documents as fixed, agreed upon and Liquidated Damages for each cxlendar day( Saturdays, Sundays, and legal I olidays included) that Substantial Completion is delayed beyond the time slated in the Coutract Documents, und for each calendar day that completion of the Punch List is AIA Documanl A106"— 2007( formerly A106^'— t999 antl A205*"— 1991. Copydght m 1993 and 2007 by The American InstiWte of Architects. All tlghts resorvatl. WARNINC Thi AIA Document Ia Oroteeted by U. S: Copyrtght Lawantl InNrnatlonN Tnatlas. Unauthoriz¢tl roproductlon orEf trlbution of thlsAlA< Docummt, orAnyportionofl4mayresulUnswenelvll nticdmin Ip n IHn, endwiilb pma cutetlfoth maxlmomexNntpouibbund r lh Nw. This Oocument was protlaced byAlA soflware at 10: 09:43 on 01/ 09/ 2014 untler O der No2570507621 which expires on O6H3/ 2014, and is not( or UserNotes: resele. 1095653686) I dclaycd beyond theiime stated in the Contract Documents, as more specifically set fodh in the Agreement. The Owner be all sums that are due thc Ow cr as Liquidated Damages in any manner available, j f shall entitled to coilec[ any and including bu[ not Iimited to withholding ihe amounts duc to the Coniractor for Progress Payments or Final Payment, deducting the I. iyuidated Damages due by a Cons ruction Change Directive, or collecting the amounts due from the Contractor or the Contracror' s Surety. ARTICLE 12 PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 12. 1 CONTRACT SUM 7' he Conirac[ Sum stated in the Agreement, including authorized adjushnents, is thc total amounl payable by die Owner to the Contractor for performance of the Work under the Contract Documenis. 12. 2APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT 12. 2. 1 At least icn days bcfore ihe date estnblished for each progress payment, the Coniractor shall submil to tlie Owner' s Representative an itemized Application for Paymcnl for Work compleled. Each Application for Paymenl shal I be based on thc most recent schedule of values submitted by the Contractor in accordance wilh the Contract Documents. " I' he schedule of values shall allocnte lhe entire Contract Sum among Ihe various portions ofthe Work. 71 e schedule of values shall be prepared in such form and supported by such dnla to substantia e its accuracy as the Owner' s Representative may require. This schedule, unless objected to by the Owner' s Representative, shall be used as a basis for reviewing ihe Con ractor' s Applicetions for Paymcn[. If approved in dvance by the Owner, pnymcnt may simi larly be made for materials and equipme t stored, and prolecled Gom damage, offthe sile at a location agreed upon in writing. 12.2.2 The Conhnctor wa ranls that tille to all Work covered by an Applica[ ion for Payment will pass to lhe Ovmer no later ihan Ihe time of paymcnt. The Contractor further wan ants hat upon submittal of an Applica[ ion for Pnyment, all Work for which Certificates for Payment hnve been previously issued and payments received from the Ovmer shall, to the best of thc Contractor' s knowledge, informntion and belief, be free and clear of liens, claims, sewrity interests or other encumbr nces adverse to the Owner' s inferests. 12. 3 CERTIPICATES FOR PAYMENT The Owner' s Representative will, within seven days after receipt of the Contractor' s Application for Payment, either issue to the Owner a Certificate for Payment, with a copy to the Conhactor, for such amount as the Owner' s Representative determines is properly due, or notity the Contructor and Owner in writing of the Owner' s Representa[ ive' s reasons for withholding certification in whole or in part. I 12.4 PROGRESS PAYMENTS I 12. 4. 1 Afler thc Owner' s Representative has issued a Certificete for Payment and the Certificate for Payment has been approved by the Prog nm Manager,! he Owner shall make payment within I 30 days. 12.42 The Conhactor shall promptly pay ench subcontractor and supplier, upon receip[ of paymen[ fi om the Owner, nn amount detennined in accordance with the tea' ms of the applicable subcontracls and purchasc orders. 12. 4.3 Neithcr fhe Owner nor the Owner' s kepresentative shall have responsibility for payments to x subcontractor or supplier. 12.4.4 A Ce tificate for Payment, a progress payment, or partial or entire use or occupancy of the Project by[ he Owner shall not constitute acceptance of Work not in accordance with the requirements of the Contracl Documents. I 12. 5SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION 12.5. 1 Substantial Completion is the stage in thc progress of Ihe Work when lhe Work or desiyialed portion thereof is sufficiently complete in accordance with the Conh'act Documents so the Owner can occupy or utilize the Work for ils intwded use. 12. 5. 2 When make an the Work or designated inspection to determine portion whcther determines tha[ lhe Work is substantially Ihcrcof is substt ntially complete, the thc Work is substantiatly complete the O mePs complete. Owner' s Representative I will Whcn he Owner' s Represenffitive Representative shall prepare a Certificate E p of Substantinl Comple[ ion that shall establish[ he da e oFSubslantial Completion, shall establish the responsibilities of the Owner and Contractor, and shall fix the time within which the Contractor shatl finish all items on the list Init AIA Oocument A106"- 2007( formerly At06'"'- 1983 antl A206*"'- 7881). Copyrl8h101893 antl 2007 by The American InstiWte o( Architacls. All dg Ls o ervetl. WARNING Thb AIA Uocumont In pratecNd by U.S. Copyri9ht L w mtl Intema0ah l Tmtlan. Uneulhodatl nproducNon ortlblributbn ot thlt/ ilA th Uoeum nq or any Oortlon ot It, may nsWl in s vv civll anG criminal p naltNE, an0 wlll b prosec Wetl to Ih mulmum exUnt poa ibb untler law. ThlstlocumenlwasprotlucetlbyAlAsoHwa2a170: 09: 43on01/ 09/2074underOrderNo2578547621_ lwhiche eplresonO6H3/ 201q, aMisnotfor llaBrNot¢ resale. s: 7095653686) 11 r accompanying the Cenificate. Warranties required by the Cond act Documents shall commence on the date of Substanlial Completion of the Work or designated portion thereof unless otherwise provided in the Certificate of Substantial Completion. 4 12. 6 FINAL COMPLETION AND FINAL PAYMENT 12. 6. 1 Upon receipt of a final Application for Payment, the Owner' s Represcntative will inspect the Work. When the Owner' s Represeo[ ative finds the Work acceptable and the Contracl fidly perfonned, the Owner' s Representative will promptly issue n final Certificate for Payment. 12. 6. 2 Final payment shall not become due until the Contractor submits to lhe Architect( 1) an affidavit that payrolls, bills for materials and equipment, and other indebtedness coimected with ihe Work for which the Owner or the Owner' s property might be responsible or encumbered( less amounts withheld by Owner) have been paid or otherwise satisfied,( 2) a certificale evidenciug that insurance required by the Conirnct Dowments to remnin in force after finnl pnymciit is cw rently in effect and will not be canceled a•allowed[ o expire until at least 30 days' prior written no[ ice I as becn given to the Owner,( 3) a written stntement that thc Contrac[ or knows of no substantial reason that the insurance will not bc renewxble to cover he period required by ihe Contract Uocumenls,( 4) consent of surety, if any, o final paymenl and( 5), ifrequired by the Owner, other data eslablishing payment or satisfaclion ofobligations, such as receipts, releases and waivers of liens, claims, security inte ests or encumbrances arising out of lhe Contrac[, to the extenl and in such form as may be designated by the Owner. i 12. 6.3 Acecplance of finxt payment by the Contractor, a subcontrnclor or materinl supplier shall constitute a waiver of claims by that payee except those previously made in wri[ ing and identified by that payce as unsettled at the time of final Application Tor Payment. ARTiCLE 13 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 1 7'he Contractor shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs, including all ihose required by law in connection with performance of he Contract." Ihe Contracror shall[ ake reasoneblc precautions to prevent damage, injury or loss to employees on the Work, the Work and mate ials and equipment to be incorporated therein, and other property at the site or adjacen[ thereto. The Contractor shall promptly remedy damagc and loss to property caused in wi ole or in pa t by the Contractor, or by anyone for whose acts the Contractor may be liable. ARTICLE 14 CORRECTION OF WORK 14.1 7' he Contractor shal l promptly correct Work rejec[ ed by tlie Owner' s Representative as Failing to wnform to the requiremcuts of thc Coutract Documents. The Contractor shall bear the cosl of correcting such rejected Work, including the cosis of uncovering, replacement and additional testing. 14.2 In addition to the Coniractor' s other obligations including wairantics under tlie Conhad, the Contractor shall, for a period of one ycar after Substantial Completion, comect work not conforming to the requirements ofthe Contract . Documents. I 14. 3 lf the Contractor fails to correct nonwnforming Wod<within a reasonable time, as determined by Owner, the O mer may correcl it in accordance with Section 7. 3. ARTICLE 15 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 15. 1 ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT No I Company/ Consultnnt shall assign any interest in this contract by I i assignment, transfer, or novation, without prior v• itten consent of the Parish. This provision shall not be construed to prohibit the contractor from assigning his bank, hust company, or othcr financial instiNtion any money due or to become due from approved contracts without such prior writfen consent Notice of any such assignment or lransfer shall be furnished promptly to the Parish. 15. 2 TESTS AND INSPECTIONS 15. 2. 7 At the appropriale[ imes, the Contractor shall arrange and bear cost of tests, inspections and approvals of portions ofihe Work required by the Contract Documents or by laws, statutes, ordinances, codes, rules and regulations, or lawful orders ofpublic authorities. 15.2. 2 If the Architecl requires additional testing, tlie Contractor shall perform those[ ests. Init AIAOocumentA106'"- 2001( fortneMyA106TM- eservetl. WARNING: Thb AIA^ lhbAlA Docum nt, ar Doeuroent ia 199JentlA205*'^—t993). Copydghlmi' J93antl200] byTheAmeticanlnstituteo( Amhitecls. Allrights 6y U. S. CopytlBht l wand Intamatlond Tnatien. Unauthotlzad reprotl SCHon ordisttlbution prolected ny0ortlonafipmayresultlnseverocivllmticdmlml0analUes, andwillb th law. Thls documentwes produceE by AIA soflware at 10: 09:43 on 01/ 09/2074 undar Order No2576547621_ i which expires on 06/ 13/ 2074, and is not( or resele. UserNoles: 1095653886) f o/ proaecutetllotNamaz(mumeatantpoulbbuntl r y 2 I i 15. 2. 3 The Owner may betv Contract is executed. I wst of tests, inspections or npprovals that do ol become I requirements until after the 15. 3 GOVERNING LAW 7he Contract shal I be governed by the law of the place where the Project is locnted. ARTICLE 16 TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT 16. 1 TERMINATION BY THE CONTRACiOR If the Architect fails to certify payment as provided in Section 123 for a period of 30 days ihrough no fault of thc I Contractor, or ifthe Owner fails to make payment as provided in Section 12.4. 1 fnr a period of30 days,[ he Contractor may, upon seven additional days' written nolice to the Owner and Architecf, lermioate the Coniract and recover from the Owner payment for Work executed including reasonable ovcrhead nnd profit. 16. 2TERMINATION BY THE OWNER FOR CAUSE 16. 2. 1 The Owner may terminate ihe Contract ifthe Contractor 7 repeatedly refuses or fails to supply enough properly skilled workers or proper roaterials; 2 fails to make payment to subcontiactas for materials or labor in accordance wilh the respective 3 persistently disregards Iaws, ordinnnces, or rulcs, rcgulations or oiders oPa public authority having agreements between the Contractor and the subconiractors; jurisdiction; or 4 is otherwise guilry of substantial breach of a provision of the Contract Documents. 16. 2.2 W6en any ofthe above reasons exis[, ihe Owner, after consultation with ihe Architect, mny without prejudice to any other rights or remedies of the Owncr and atier giving the Contractor and the Contrecto' s sureTy, if any, seven days' vn'itten notice, terminate employment of the Contractor and may 1 take possession of the si[ e and of all ma[ erials thereon owned by the Contractor, and 2 finish the Work by whatever reasonnble method ihe Owner may deem expedient 76.2. 3 Liquidated damagcs havc bcen establixhed and tcrminntion by the Owner under this Article will not relieve the Contractor and/ or Surety of thcir obligations under the liquidated damages provisions and the Contractor anNor Surety shall be liable to the Owncr for per diem liquidated damages. 16. 2. 41fthe unpaid balance ofthe Contract Sum exceeds costs oPfinishing the Work, such exces shall be paid to ihe I Conhactor. If such costs execed the unpaid balance, the Contractor shall pay thc difference to the Ownec This obligation for payment shall survive[ ermination of thc Contract. 16. 3TERMINATION BY THE OWNER FOR CONVENIENCE The Owner may, at any time, terminate the Contract for the Owner' s couvenience and without cause. The Conhactor I shall be entitled to receive payment for Work executed. ARTICLE 17 OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS t). 1 Coniractor responsible Cor site safety, housekeeping and sewrity. 17. 2 Cmitractor responsible for prompt submission of close- out documents. 17. 3- Verify Yrogram Pursuant to Louisiana Revised Stalule 382212. I Q contractor must certify ihat i and each individual, firm or corporation associnted with it and engaged in the physical performance of services in the State of Louisiana, under a contract with St. lohn lhe IIeptist Parish has registered with, is participating in, and shall continue to participate in a federal work nuthori ation program designated as such under ihe Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Rcsponsibility Act of 1996, as mended, which is operated by the United States Dcpartment of Homeland Secw ity, known as the" li-Verify" program. Coniractor must verify the legal statns of all existing and new employees in the State of Louisiana Uy attesting he ein that each is a citizen of the United States or legal aliens as defined by now effeclive immigration laws of the Unitcd Statcs of America. 200I( torm¢rly A106'993 nntl A206•"'- 1993. CapyrlBht 0 7993 antl 200] by The Amedcen InsllWte ot Arohileets. All rights WARNING: Thla AIA Document b protecbd by U. S. Copytlght Law ntl Intematl0nal TroaHea. UnauthodzeA rcproAuction orAbtrlEUHon of AIA Documenl A106'"- t reserved. tM AIM Dacummt, or any poM1lon of Iq may resuk In twm clvll antl cdmind pmel0 a, and will b pros cufed to the muimum art nt pouibN undb 1h I w. This tlocumentwas produce0 CyAIA sofhvare a110: 08:03 on O7/ 09/2019 untler O tl¢ t No.25765a e21 Ue¢ resale. rNotes: 1 which expires on 06H3/ 2014, entl is rwtto 1095653686) 13 I 17. 4Exclusions Pw•suan4 to Louisiana Revised Statute 382227, Company must certify that hehas not been convicted of,or has not entered inro a plea oTguilty or nolo contendere to public bribery, oottupt influencing, extoi7ion, money laundering ot iheir.equivalent Pederal. crimes. Consultant nnisl fiirlher cerlify that I e has not been convicted of, or has not entered into a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to thcft, identify theft, the9t of a business record, falsc accounting, issuing worthless cfiecks, bank fraud, forgety, contractors' misapplication of payments, malfeasance in oflice, or their equivalent Federal cri nes wilhin the five( 5) years prior to submitting ihe proposal. 17. 5 Discbsure i I. Company/ Consultant must disclose whe(her it provides services or pays coMmissions to any employee or elected official ofSt John the Baptist Parish. ] fso, company must disdose to whom services are provided nnd/ or commissions aie paid.. Botli positive and negative responses must be submitted:- This A eemenl en( ered into as of the day and year first written above. f- OWNER( Signa7me) ` C. - - _ CTOR( Signaltae)- for nmily Homes F3y Tommy encl Sheila, lnc. Natalie H. Roholtom . -. Yresident; St. Johii Ihe Baptist Ynrisli r s-: i i 4 .. a. t .: s'. ;. 3:... I r Anit. . AIA Document A106°— 2007( ormeriy At06' TM t993 end A205 7993). CapyriBh m 1883 end 2007 by The Americen Instilute o( Arohitecis. All ri8hls reserved. N1ARNING Tfi1sAlA^ Uocumen11e 5Totecledby US CopYAghtLawandlnla'rnutlon31Tre2tf¢e, iUneuthorizedrepraduction. orEfstriClllonroP itifslSA° ocumenl, 6rany pBrtlonofll; meyreauRineoJeieclvlland' c?Iminelpenaltle6, anAwlllbepro9eculedtoiherneaimumextenlpossibleunder 14 t e lew: This documenlwes praducetl byAlA sofhvaie a110. 09:93 on O7/ OB%2019 unOer O deP No257654762f 1 which expires on 0617 37207 4,' end is not for resale. UserNoles: 1095653686) _ I t ' Certification of Document's Authenticity AIA Document D401 T"' — 2003 I,- Mlchael P Clark, Projecl Manager, hereby cerlify, to the best ofmy lmowledgc, infotmation and bclief,ihat 1 created theattachedfii aldocumea tsinndtancouslywithit9associatedAddilionsandDcletions ReportaudtUiscertificationat 0: 09:43 on OU09/2014 undcr Order No. 257G547G21 ] from AlA Contract Documents software and that in - prepaeing the altached final document 1 made no changes to the originnl text of AIA Document A 105''T'— 2007, Standard Form ofAgreemenl Be[ ween Owner and Contractor for a Residenlial or Small Cbmmercial Prtijecl, as published by the AIA in ifs soflware, otlier lhao thosc additions and deletions shown in the associated Additions and Deletions. Report. I Si d) a Tille) O G -. hC I e . . i . o a , L- : I iY Daled) I i ry r .. . . I c . . i .. i AIA Dacument 090Y"`- 4000. Copyri9hl 1992 and 2003 Cy The fvnerican InsliWta oflvchilects. All rights r¢serv¢ d: WARNINGFTtile' AIA° Oucu rienVis prolectetl by U.S: Gopyrlg t Law'eptl' Int¢ mztlonel Trealias. Unauthprizod repmducllon ui,d(stdbutlpn of( hb AIAm D,ocument or any' po'rlion bl lf, m4¢'resull In savere cleil antl& iminal peqalties; and will be prqaecutetl to lhe ina+imum erhnt posnibie,tintler't e leỳi: Thls Awumerilwes proEucetl byAlA software et 70: 08:43 an 01/ 09/2074 untlar Order No2578541621 ' I which e USe Noles: ires on O6/ 73/ 2014, and Is nol for resale. 1095653686)