June 7, 2015 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus
June 7, 2015 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus
Christ Our Savior Roman Catholic Parish 764 Fifth Street Struthers, OH 44471 330-755-9819 • Fax: 330-755-9949 Website: www.cosparish.org Email: [email protected] Holy Trinity Church & St. Nicholas Church 150 YEARS OF CATHOLICISM CALENDAR OF EVENTS MAY 24, SUNDAY Pentecost Sunday MAY 25, MONDAY Memorial Day MAY 26, TUESDAY 5 - 6:30 PM Community Dinner Cos Great Hall @ St. Nicholas MAY 31, SUNDAY The Most Holy Trinity JUNE 7, SUNDAY Corpus Christi 1865 IN STRUTHERS 2015 SUMMERTIME is FUN TIME & FESTIVAL TIME. Our parish has the best summer Festival in the area. Plan now to enjoy it to the full as we roll out our 42nd Annual St. Nicholas Festival. This year's version will help mark the 150th Anniversary of a Catholic community living and praying in Struthers. Our Festival is one of our great services to the Struthers area, our way of thanking all those who share life with us here for their kind hospitality and support. So come with family and friends to enjoy, to eat well, to see long-lost friends, and most of all to share the Joy of the Gospel and the Love of Christ with our neighbors and visitors from afar. June 17-21 will soon be here. Be there! DIRECTORY PARISH OFFICE HOURS (HT) 250 N. Bridge Street Struthers, OH 44471 (SN) 764 Fifth Street Struthers, OH 44471 Parish Phone: 330-755-9819 Emergency: 755-9810 Fax: 330-755-9949 Religious Ed: 330-755-6245 St. Nicholas School: 330-755-2128 Regional School System President: 330-788-6106 COS Great Hall @ SN & Bingo: 330-755-5859 Holy Trinity Hall & Pirohy: 330-755-0064 Monday−Friday 8:00 a.m.−4:00 p.m. MISSION STATEMENT Following our Savior Jesus Christ, we are committed to life in communion with God and God’s People, to engaging our gifts to share God’s love and Christ’s saving grace with others, and to nurturing the life of God – Father, Son and Spirit – in ourselves and others through God’s Word, our Worship of God, and our Service to others. TUESDAYS thru JUNE 9 6 PM St. Anthony Novena St. Nicholas Chapel JUNE 17 - 21 42nd Annual Christ Our Savior St. Nicholas Festival • Wednesday, June 17th 6pm-10pm • Thursday June 18th 6pm-11pm • Friday June 19th 6pm-12am • Saturday June 20th 6pm-12am • Sunday June 21st 6pm-11pm JUNE 21, SUNDAY Father’s Day BINGO SUNDAY 2:00 PM WEDNESDAY 6:45 PM THURSDAY 10:00 AM COS Great Hall @ St. Nicholas HOLY TRINITY PIROHY 330-755-0064 Order Thursday 11 - 1 PM & Friday 8 - 10 AM Pick-up Friday 11 AM - 1PM THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST (Corpus Christi) June 7, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS & DEVOTIONS Saturday, June 6 4:00 pm: SN: June Yerian (Son, Paul) John Gerlach (Family) 5:30 pm: HT: Living & Deceased of Christ Our Savior Parish Sunday, June 7 8:00 am: HT: Karen Jones (Sister, Sally) Philip Constantino (Family) 9:30 am: SN: Mike & Laura Fiorentine (Daughter, Rose) Dr. John Yemma (Sons & Daughters) 11:00 am: SN: Edward Zajac (Cousin, Claire Sybelnik) Mike Stipetich (Tom & Betty Stipetich) Monday, June 8 7:00 am: SN: Prayer Service with Communion 9:00 am: SN: Nick Quattro 9:30 am & 7:00 pm Miraculous Medal Novena Tuesday, June 9 7:00 am: SN: Prayer Service with Communion 8:30 am: HT: Infant Jesus of Prague Novena 9:00 am: HT: Marcia Markovich (St. Vincent DePaul) 6:00 pm: SN: St. Anthony Novena Wednesday, June 10 7:00 am: SN: Prayer Service with Communion 9:00 am: SN: Michael Lipinsky (Parish Staff) 9:30 am - 8:00 pm Eucharistic Adoration Thursday, June 11 7:00 am: SN: Mary & Michael Butch (Edie Butch Family) 9:00 am: SN: John Colista (Mr. & Mrs. Al DeChellis) Friday, June 12 7:00 am: SN: Prayer Service with Communion 7:00 am: HT: Helen Janecko (Andy Sandusky & Family) 9:00 am: SN: Lawrence & Darrold Carroll (Children) Saturday, June 13 1:30 pm; SN: Wedding of Andrew Rankin & Heather Drennen 4:00 pm: SN: John Colista (Andy & Rose Ricciardi) William Polis, Jr. (Mom & Dad) 5:30 pm: HT: James & Tina Ramunno (James & Beverly) Jim Musolino (Mom & Dad) Sunday, June 14 8:00 am: HT: Don Ginnetti (Children & Grandchildren) Charles & Norma Jean Cartwright (Kirlik Family) 9:30 am: SN: Philomena Zitella (Frank Kraljevic) Mary Kozak (Debbie & Jim Baranabich) Living & Deceased of Christ Our Savior Parish 11:00 am: SN: Edward & David Roman (Roman Family) Owen Paul Edwards (Wife Minnie) Confessions Safely Home Please remember in your prayers the souls and families of John Sandy John Kraynak BISHOP’S APPEAL The Campaign is over formally, but continuing donations are always welcome as it is a campaign for the year. Thanks to all who have helped us inch toward our goal. Altar Servers Saturday, June 13, 2015 4:00 pm: SN: Rocco, Andrew & Gianna Garchar, Sarah Mayor Sunday, June 14, 2015 8:00 am: HT: Dominick Commisso, Jared Medvec 11:00 am: SN: Andrew & Joseph Neider, Michael DiVencenzo visit our WEBSITE for complete schedule www.stnickstruthers.org MEMORIAL CANDLES FOR THE WEEK OF June 14 2015 Virgo Clemente (Family) SN Mary Therese Sandy Neville (Pat & Stan) John Kozusko (Brother Val & Family) HT NEXT SUNDAY'S LITURGY OF THE WORD: 1st Reading: Ezekiel 17:22-24 Psalm: 92:2-3, 13-14, 15-16 2nd Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 Gospel: Mark 4:26-34 These readings are on www.cosparish.org. Baptism Visiting or Anointing the Sick or Homebound Our return to God for Blessings on Sunday, May 31, 2015 Our sincere thanks to all who have volunteered their time & talent to help the parish in any capacity in this past week. Sunday Collection Matrimony COS Online Giving Total $10,202.00 $283.00 $10,485.00 Ministry Team FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK Dear Parishioners, FESTIVAL & SERVICE Our annual Festival – this is our 42nd -- is an important event for the parish. The proceeds of the Festival help us balance our budget each year. The Festival helps us sustain a school where children learn not only their A-B-Cs and 1-2-3s but also G-O-D and C-H-R-I-S-T. The Festival is worth all the work it takes to put it on. And it takes a lot of work, so we need a lot of workers. And we don’t have enough. Please call the office (755-9819) and report your readiness to pitch in as a service to God and a service to the community. Even a couple of hours on a couple days can be very helpful. One of our parish priorities is Community Outreach. Our Festival is a great example of that. I know of no other event in Struthers that brings so many residents of Struthers and beyond, their families and friends together. In an era when many communities struggle with positive relations among residents, and when many people seem to feel secure only in gated communities, what we have in Struthers is a great blessing. We are a community and our Festival is a splendid contribution to our being that. Please help us keep it one of the best Festivals in the area. FESTIVAL & FAMILY Pastoral Council Finance Council Ministry Council JOTI: Just Once, Try It A delightful aspect of our Festival is that families come out together – parents, children whether toddlers or teens, grandparents, in-laws – the whole gang so to speak. Nurturing Family life is a huge need in our society. The dynamics of life in the U.S. these days tend to pull families apart rather than helping them bond ever more closely. Our individualism and the capacity of electronic communications and games to isolate individuals from others, even those sitting right at the table with them, is destructive. Coming to our Festival together to work together (do a booth as a family!) or to have fun builds up family. Pope Francis incessantly speaks about the importance of family. For instance: "The life of a family is filled with beautiful moments: rest, meals together, walks in the park or the countryside, visits to grandparents or to a sick person… Jesus always gives us that love: he is its endless source. In the sacrament he gives us his word and he gives us the bread of life, so that our joy may be complete." Somehow he forgot to mention our Festival! But you can add that to your list … and bring the whole family to have a loving and fun time at our St. Nicholas Festival. Here’s another Pope Francis comment: “Speaking about family life, I would like to say … how important grandparents are for family life, for passing on the human and religious heritage which is so essential for each and every society. How important it is to have intergenerational exchanges and dialogues, especially within the context of the family.” Here’s one more papal thought about family: “Christians celebrate the sacrament of marriage because they know they need it! They need it to stay together and to carry out their mission as parents. ‘In joy and in sadness, in sickness and in health’. This is what the spouses say to one another … and in their marriage they pray with one another and with the community. Why? Because it is helpful to do so? No! They do so because they need to, for the long journey they are making together: it is a long journey, not for a brief spell but for an entire life!" Make your summer time family time. Start with our Festival … and weekend Mass. SUMMER MASS SCHEDULE Our adjusted Summer schedule begins this weekend. We hope that this will make for a pleasanter and more family-friendly Saturday and Sunday for our parishioners and for visitors. Please spread the word that our Saturday masses are now at 4 (SN) and 5:30 (HT) and Sunday at 8 (HT), 9:30 (SN) and 11 (SN). Feedback is welcome as we get used to this adjustment. In Christ’s love, Fr. Bob Let us pray for our sick: Blake Dass, Eleanor Pavalko, Marcia Styranec, Sebastian Pieton, Robert Arnoto, Regina Graygo, Julia Skalada, Robert Skalada Joseph Popio, Tom Kolat, Wendy Pakalnis, Jeannette Rusu, John Sandy, Diane Javorsky, Shawn Tirabassi, and Michael Lombard. For our sick and homebound: Phil Tomko, Gloria Russo, Evelyn Householder, Clara Andrews, Ann Dubaj, Lucy Suszczynski and Mary Russo. For those in nursing homes: Dorothy Petro, Patricia Watt, Mildred Labuda, Elsie Krake, Florence Colburn, Mary Nichiporchick, Bill Kinkela and Janet Zuccaro. Stewardship Thought: “Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them and they all drank from it.” - Mark 14:23 Jesus, the perfect steward, gave thanks, just before He gave Himself to us completely for our salvation. He offers us the chance to drink from His cup. In the Eucharist, we meet Christ personally and, if we listen to Him, we know what drinking from His cup means for each of us. Often, it means our own sacrifice – giving up some of our time, talent and treasure to do His work on earth. May 31, 2015 HT “300” CLUB WINNER #210 - PAULINE HALL We still have 300 Club tickets...If anyone is interested please call Bev Yurcisin @ 330-536-8215. Moments With Miss Martha: Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly. CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS! Join us at the 42nd Annual Christ Our Savior St. Nicholas Festival from June 17 - 21. We need volunteers for food booths, games, gambling, ticket booths, entrance gates, set up & tear down. Come and share in the fun and fellowship, and help make this our best festival yet! Your help is greatly appreciated, whether you can help a little or a lot. If you are interested in working in a food booth or in the kitchen please call Jeff @ 330-519-6822. Any other volunteers please call the parish office @ 330-755-9819. The BAKED GOODS BOOTH has been a favorite for many years! In order to make it another huge success this year, we need baked goods. The Mom’s and Dad’s Club will be calling parishioners to ask for baked goods donations next week. Even if you don’t get a call, please bring your favorite bakery item to the Hall or Parish Office Wednesday – Sunday, June 17th – 21st. Admittance for the festival will be: $2.00 for Adults, Free for 12 & under & $1.00 for Senior Citizens. You may instead purchase a $5.00 Pass at the Parish Office that will be good for the week. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Christ Our Savior Council #4471, 3rd Degree meets on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month in the Holy Name Room in the Great Hall at 7PM. All members are encouraged to attend. MOBILITY ON LOAN: Any parishioner having a short term need for a wheelchair, walker or crutches may contact brother knights Joe Wilkos at 330-782-6858 or Andy Brincko at 330782-2400 or 330-774-1108 to arrange for a cost free loan of one of these devices. Currently, due to a limited inventory of mobility assistance items, we are extending this ministry only to Christ Our Savior parishioners and their families. Also, if you have any of these items in clean, good working order and no longer have need for them, please consider donating them to our ministry. You may call Joe or Andy at the numbers listed to arrange for your donation. Preserving Our Past Ensuring Our Future Parish Goal: $394,670.00 Parishioner Commitments to date of $319,538.00 Payments to date: $298,886.00 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN, PHASE II for SN Elevator Pledges in support of the installation of an elevator at St. Nicholas currently total $38,484. INFANT JESUS GUILD: The Diocesan Infant Jesus Guild will hold the annual Anniversary Mass and luncheon on June 17th at St. Christine's Church and Banquet Center in Youngstown. Rosary will be recited at 9:30am with Mass to follow at 10:00am concluding with Benediction. Guest speaker for the event will be Msgr. Polando. Cost for the buffet luncheon is $16 per person and reservations must be in by June 7. The Annual Chinese Auction will also be held at this time. For reservations or any questions, please call Dorothy Wagner, 330-755-6511. All members are invited and encouraged to attend. HOLY TRINITY PIROHY: Pirohy will not be sold during the summer. Sales will resume after Labor Day. A Tweet From POPE FRANCIS: Christians are witnesses not to a theory, but to a Person: Christ risen and alive, the one Saviour of all. (If you would like to see daily tweets from Pope Francis, go to twitter.com/pontifex) The Catholic Men’s Fellowship Group will meet on Sunday, June 7 @ 1:00 p.m. in the conference room @ the St. Nicholas Parish Office. All men age 13 and up are invited. Meetings last 90 minutes. For more information, contact John Toker at 330-755-5845. Miss Behavior Dear Miss Behavior: Today is the feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. Didn’t it have another name years ago? What’s it all about? Sincerely, Just Asking Dear JA: Yes, it was called Corpus Christi, Latin for “Body of Christ,” and it has been a feast since the thirteenth century. St. Juliana, a nun of Mont Cornillon in France, worked for a long time to promote the idea of a special feast day honoring the Eucharist. In 1246, Bishop Robert de Thorote of Liège made Corpus Christi a feast day for his own diocese. After the deaths of both St. Juliana and the bishop, the celebration of Corpus Christi became more widespread. Finally, in 1264 Pope Urban IV made the day a feast of the entire Church. St. Thomas Aquinas created a new liturgy for the feast that included the great hymn “Pange Lingua,” still used on Holy Thursday when the Blessed Sacrament is carried to the Altar of Repose. The last two verses of “Pange Lingua” have become a separate hymn, the “Tantum Ergo,” still used at Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Another hymn by St. Thomas Aquinas, the “Lauda Sion,” became the Sequence for today’s feast, though this Sequence is now optional. Before Vatican II, there existed, in addition to Corpus Christi, another feast called the feast of the Most Precious Blood, held on July 1. These two feasts are now combined into one celebration, which seems fitting since it is now the norm for the faithful to receive both the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Still, some of us old folks tend to use the old name, since that’s what we are used to. In many parts of the world Corpus Christi is celebrated with flowers, singing, and outdoor processions. When I was a little girl, I used to watch the Corpus Christi procession in our neighborhood, though I had no idea what it was all about. I did know that it was something joyful. In Cologne, Germany they even have a Corpus Christi procession using ships traveling down the Rhine River. Let us join with Catholics around the world in celebrating the wondrous gift of the Eucharist. See you next time. Miss Behavior WE NEED PHOTOGRAPHERS: for parish and school events to enrich our bulletin, website, Facebook and Instagram services. Professional qualifications not needed. Please call the parish office @ 330-755-9819 if you are interested in helping. CHURCH AT HOME COLLECTION: This weekend parishes in our diocese are participating in the combined collection for three major CHURCH AT HOME ministries. The Catholic Campaign for Human Development provides local diocesan and national support for groups of low-income persons to change their lives. Twenty-five percent (25%) of the CCHD collection stays in the Diocese to support local efforts. The Catholic Communication Campaign supports the efforts of the Catholic Television Network of Youngstown (CTNY) and other national telecommunications services to help spread the Word of God. Fifty percent (50%) of the CCC collection stays in the Diocese. The Catholic University of America and Newman Campus Ministries continue the educational programs at the national university of our Catholic Church. Thank you so much for your generosity. If you forgot your envelope, it may be turned in through the offertory collection next weekend. Thank you. The Quo Vadis AA Meetings are held at 8 p.m. Fridays at St. Nicholas in the Church Hall. This meeting is open to all seeking recovery from alcohol addiction. RELAY FOR LIFE: Come join Team Navy Rocks and walk with us at the Poland Relay for Life on Sat., June 13, 2015. 12:00 PM - opening Ceremony to walk 1-2 PM - Kids Party at Survivor Tent (Princesses & Super heroes, Grotto Clowns, crafts & games) 2:30 PM - Miss Relay Beauty Pageant 6:00 PM - Survivor celebration & Caregiver Recognition, followed by dinner 7:30 PM - Performance by Wet Lemon Band 10:00 PM - Luminaria Ceremony …and much more going on throughout the entire event. Free admission and open to the public. Dollars raised support groundbreaking cancer research, education and prevention efforts, and free information and critical services for cancer patients who need them. Patty Navy Payne will be there representing Team Navy Rocks. So please join us and stop by my tent and support the Relay for Life!! The Chapel Crochet & Knitting Group meets year round on Mondays at 7:30 p.m. in the SN Lower Church. All skill levels are welcome. There will be NO MEETING on Monday, June 15th due to festival set-up. Contact Virginia Bartos @ 330-750-9862 for more information. LOOSE CHANGE COLLECTION, JUNE: Proceeds from next week’s loose change collection will go toward the cost of the St. Nicholas rectory boiler. Diversified Comfort Services, Inc. Heating • Air Conditioning Plumbing • Boilers • Backflow Certified Commercial/Industrial • Licensed/Insured Phone/Fax 330-542-0382 John Fiumara, Owner SCRIP NEWS: Father’s Day is June 21. Surprise the special man in your life with SCRIP gift cards from Best Buy, Dicks Sporting Goods, Home Depot, Lowe’s or Sears. We also have Starbucks, Handel’s, Dairy Queen and a variety of restaurants to choose from. Call the parish office @ 330-755-9819 for more information. St. Nicholas A Lumen Christi School System News Hiring Marketing Director: Lumen Christi Catholic Schools is seeking to hire a Full Time Marketing Director. If you have the necessary skills and experience please send a cover letter and resume to Mrs. Laura Kelty, Office Manager, Lumen Christi, at 5225 South Avenue. Youngstown, OH 44512. Deadline is June 17, 2015. School News Saint Nicholas School Let Your Light Shine Registration for the School Year 2015-2016 is now open. Anyone interested in attending Saint Nicholas School can call the school office at 330-755-2128 for more information. EdChoice (grades K-8) and EdChoice Expansion Income Based Scholarship (for grades Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd ) applications are now available. The EdChoice Expansion for grades K, 1st & 2nd is available to students in all districts under the income guidelines. See flyer insert in today’s bulletin for specific guidelines. Call the school office at 330-7552128 for more information. Thank you Mom’s and Dad’s Club for a great end of the year picnic. The students enjoyed the video game bus, bounce around, corn hole, volleyball, basketball, super soakers, sno cones and lunch. The festivities were over the top as usual!!! Congratulations to Gianna Garchar and Amelia Mascarella each receiving an Academic Excellence Scholarship to Cardinal Mooney in the amount of $2,000.00 renewable for four years. In addition, Gianna received a $400.00 Alumni Scholarship renewable for four years and a $200.00 Holy Name Scholarship. Amelia received a $200.00 Alumni Scholarship renewable for four years. Mrs. McCullough, Father Bob, Father Bernie, Faculty and Staff of Saint Nicholas School would like to wish all our families a safe and enjoyable summer! The school office will be open until June 26th, 2015. Mahoning Saint Nicholas School Mission Statement: Saint Nicholas School is a Catholic elementary school, founded in 1928 and serving families with students in grades kindergarten through eight. The school exists to provide an academically excellent Catholic education and promote high standards in behavior and respect. Saint Nicholas School serves the church and Struthers communities as well as the Mahoning Valley bonded together as a family in faith. We are deeply committed to nurturing our students through the teaching of the scriptures and promoting and modeling of service in accordance to the Gospel values. Used Musical Instruments Needed Youngstown St. Joseph the Provider Catholic School is looking for any used musical instruments that you may have at home that you wish to donate to the school. Please give Fr. Michael Swierz a call at 330-259-0353. A letter for tax purposes can be sent to you, just include the fair market value of the instrument with your mailing address. Ursuline High School Football Camp 750 Wick Ave. July 13-14 9am - 12 pm Students entering grades 2 - 9 in the Fall. $60 both days / $35 one day Each camper receives: Agility, Testing, Coaching Skills Camp T-shirt UA Sack Pack Pizza Party on July 14 Call UHS 330-744-4563 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FACEBOOK: ccd_cos ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE: If you want to know what is happening in the CCD program or the Religious Education Office activities, then be sure to “like” us on Facebook. Information is posted so that you have access to the details. (Pictures of the Community Meal and the Purple Cat prom are posted too!) FIRST COMMUNION: The Lifetouch First Communion pictures are in. They are available for pick up Monday through Friday from 8-4 in the parish office. St. Nicholas School’s First Eucharist pictures were sent home with the children. CHILDREN’S CHURCH: Children from ages 3 to 3rd grade are invited to join in a special Liturgy of the Word at the 9:30 Mass. The readings, discussions, and activities are geared just for them! Father will call them forth and the leader will gather them and then return them at offertory time. Even if the children cannot be present each week, they are welcome to attend! It has been so nice to see our numbers of children growing! Thank you to the adult leaders for a job well done! HELP NEEDED: Do you attend 9:30 Mass? Are you willing to give a half hour of time once every 6 weeks or so? Children’s Liturgy of the Word is in need of a few extra volunteers to share Jesus with the children. The lessons are planned for you and the activities are all prepared for you. You just have to share your loving heart and faith with the precious little ones! If you are willing to help, please call Mrs. Bell at the Religious Education Office (330 755 6245). It is a heart-warming experience! ALTAR SERVERS: If you have not received your summer schedule, please call the office asap. Please make every effort to be present for your assigned Masses, and if you cannot, then please get a replacement for yourself. Your presence and service is needed and valued by our churches. When you go to Mass, even if you are not scheduled to serve, be sure to check with Fr. Bob to see if you are needed—he would be happy to have you serve Mass. YOUTH MINISTRY: The Youngstown South Deanery Youth Collaborative, of which we are active members, is again sponsoring a Catholic Youth Day at Kennywood Park on Monday July 13th, 2015. The tickets are $18 a person, which is a nice price break (daily admission for this year went up to $41.99!)! We will meet for 9am Mass here at St. Nicks to begin our day and then depart for the park from here. Everyone is to bring their own lunch but drink service (pop and lemonade) will be available from 12-3 at our pavilion—paid for by our Collaborative. Please call Mrs. Bell at 330-755-6245 or the church office at 330-755-9819 to reserve your tickets. “WOW!! WHAT A PROM!! WE HAD A BALL!”: The Purple Cat/Golden String Prom was held on May 30 with over 200 people in attendance! There was a sit down dinner prepared by Jeff Janci and his crew. The hall was decorated with a Kentucky Derby theme with a photo booth, amazing centerpieces, balloon arch, king and queen chairs, balloting table, DJ, and much more! The guests arrived dressed in prom attire—with some sporting white tuxes—or their derby best! We even had mint juleps to drink (thank you Szenborns!) The music was great and they danced the night away! We had glow necklaces and had a beach ball toss up which brought a lot of laughter and fun! We were all sorry to see the night come to an end! For pictures of the prom, go to Facebook page: ccd_cos There are lots of pictures to see! Helping the day of the prom to set up the hall, decorate, and help with the evening, etc. were: members of Holy Family Youth Ministry and their leader, members of Christ the Good Shepherd and their youth leader, students from the junior high at St. Nicholas School, some youth from our parish youth ministry. Also donating to the event were St. Luke Youth Ministry and St. Paul the Apostle Youth Ministry. Some of our parishioners and a number of our Women’s Renewal ladies generously donated money or specific items that were needed. Our kitchen crew was awesome—the food was delicious! Thank you to all of our unsung heroes who helped to provide a fabulous evening of enjoyment to our friends from Isle/Purple Cat! God bless each and every one of you! GRADUATION MASS: It was so nice to host some of our high school graduates at the May 31 st noon Mass. It was impressive to see our St. Nicholas School alumni return! Each alumni was recognized by name with their school and future plans announced. Each was presented with a beautiful frame and bookmark/pin to remember their graduation by. Afterwards we all enjoyed a delicious cake and punch reception. Thank you to the committee who helped to prepare and host our 2 nd annual graduation event! God bless each and every one of you! FESTIVAL CALENDAR SET UP - LUNCH PROVIDED Saturday, June 13th: 8am Monday, June 15th: Day 8am, Evening 5pm Tuesday, June 16th: Day 8am, Evening 5pm Wednesday, June 17th: 8am Wednesday, June 17th 6:00pm – 10:00pm Children’s Night Discounted ride tickets. Pony Rides All Week! JOCKO THE CLOWN 6:30 -8:30pm Thursday, June 18th 6:00pm – 11:00pm Featuring the Del Sinchak Polka Band 6 -10pm All Gambling Thurs-Sunday @ Great Hall Friday, June 19th 6:00pm – 12:00am LOCAL BAND: BUSTIN LOOSE @ 7pm ALL GAMBLING in GREAT HALL Saturday, June 20th 6:00pm – 12:00am HAYMAKER – The ROCKBAND @ 7pm ALL GAMBLING in GREAT HALL Sunday, June 21st 6:00pm – 11:00pm Featuring Power of Praise Band 6 – 10pm *Father’s Day Door Prize Drawing @ 10pm All Gambling @ Great Hall Raffle Drawings worth a total $10,000 with Hourly Drawings Nightly All Week. Monday, June 22nd 8:00am - ?: Tear Down Anyone able to help with tear-down should meet in the parish garage. Lunch will be provided. ALL BANDS SPONSORED BY KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #4471 Entrances to Festival: Creed Street, between School and Hall Wilson Street, between Church and Tiny Tots Please join us at the Festival for food, games & fun. Help us make this our best Festival yet. More Info @ www.cosparish.org VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: We need help in all areas! Volunteer for the week, a night or a few hours. If you can work a food or game booth, help out in the kitchen, work at the entrances or ticket booths, donate Baked Goods, etc. please call the parish office @ 330-755-9819 to volunteer. There is something for everyone! The Fence has been a success and we have had fewer issues that required police intervention. Many that attended the festival said they felt safer with the fence. We will continue to have the lot fenced in this year. The admittance for the festival will be: $2.00 for Adults Free for 12 & under $1.00 for Senior Citizens You may instead purchase a $5.00 Pass at the Parish Office that will be good for the week. THE BAKED GOODS BOOTH has been a favorite for many years! In order to make it another huge success this year, we need baked goods. The Mom’s and Dad’s Club will be calling parishioners to ask for baked goods donations. Even if you don’t get a call, please bring your favorite baked goods to the Hall Thursday – Sunday, June 18th – 21st. Thank you! RAFFLE TICKETS Raffle tickets are a big source of income for our Festival May 27th is our last Early Bird Drawing. A winning ticket is drawn every hour and returned to the barrel for more chances to win. 42ND JUNE 17 — 21, 2015 Festival Set-Up Help Needed Lunch Provided Saturday, June 13th: 8am Monday, June 15th: Day 8am Evening 5pm Tuesday, June 16th: Day 8am Evening 5pm Wednesday, June 17th: 8am SAINT NICHOLAS HOLY NAME SOCIETY 300 REVERSE RAFFLE AVAILABLE NUMBERS FOR 2015 DRAWING SEPTEMBER 26 Get your number now so you can have a chance to win at the monthly drawing. $35.00 If PAID IN FULL OR $25.00 If Current on Monthly Payments CHOOSE YOUR NUMBER FROM THE LIST BELOW AND WRITE YOUR NUMBERS ON THE FORM. 122 Numbers Remaining 6, 22, 24, 25, 29, 30, 32, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 46, 48, 50, 52, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 89, 91, 92, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 106, 107, 109, 113, 116, 119, 122, 124, 128, 131, 132, 133, 134, 138, 139, 141, 147, 149, 150, 152, 159, 162, 165, 166, 176, 178, 182, 183, 184, 188, 189, 191, 192, 194, 195, 197,198, 202, 206, 208, 209, 211, 212, 217, 218, 220, 222, 223, 225, 228, 229, 230, 234, 241, 243, 244, 248, 249, 251, 255, 256, 259, 264, 265, 266, 272, 277, 279, 281, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298. Number Choice 1st ________, 2nd _________, 3rd________ Name __________________________________________ Street ____________________________________ City ___________________ State ___ Zip _____________ Phone ___________________________ TOTAL PRIZES $3,800.00 (If all 300 books are sold) $50.00 for Number & Banquet and bring a guest to dinner for only $25.00 OR $35.00 if you do not want to attend the banquet and still purchase a number. BANQUET: SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 26, 2015 5:45 pm COS GREAT HALL @ ST. NICHOLAS All proceeds from this event will benefit St. Nicholas Church and School. Make checks payable to St. Nicholas Holy Name 300 Club. Put in Sunday collection in special envelope or mail to ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH 300 CLUB, 764 Fifth Street. Struthers, OH 44471. Book or books will be mailed with first payment received or you could pick it up at the parish office or the HOLY NAME breakfast. For more information call Carl Ford 330-770-5262 Bus Trip to: “MEADOWS CASINO” TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2015 Sponsored By: Christ Our Savior / St. Nicholas Church, Altar & Rosary Cost: $30 ($20 Free Play/$5 Food Voucher) Coffee & Donut at 8:00 a.m. - SN Great Hall Please park on the side of the hall in the lot on Garfield Bus leaves hall at 8:30 a.m. Leaves Casino at 5:00 p.m. Seats assigned as checks are received. First paid, first seated. Checks payable to: St. Nicholas Altar & Rosary Society Mail : c/o Priscilla Carlucci, 169 Harvey St., Struthers, OH 44471 NOTE: We need your Name, Address, Phone #, Date of Birth & Meadows Card #, *MUST BRING LEGAL PHOTO I.D. ON TRIP * For more information please contact: Priscilla @ 330-755-9966 or Bev Pack @ 330-727-2244 (cell) or 330-755-7274 (Home) POPE FRANCIS IN PHILADELPHIA SEPTEMBER 25-28, 2015 . . 4 DAYS Travel with Christ Our Savior Parish to Philadelphia to welcome our beloved Pope Francis. This special event will include two public gatherings with the Holy Father - Festival of Families and outdoor Papal Mass. The Festival of Families is an intercultural celebration of family life around the world, which would be held on Saturday, September 26, and a Papal Mass to be held on Sunday, September 27. Both of these events will take place on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway in the heart of Philadelphia, and will be open to the public. The package includes motor coach transportation, comfortable lodging in Lancaster, PA, four meals and is fully escorted from Struthers. For more information or to secure your reservation with a $100.00 per person deposit call Priscilla Carlucci at 330-755-9966. Space is limited - first come, first served! *Registration Forms are Available at the Parish Office. SPRING IS A TIME OF RENEWAL; WHY NOT RENEW YOUR MARRIAGE? The person you have chosen to love for a lifetime deserves the very best. Say “I love you’ by taking time for the two of you at a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. Celebrate the gift of love GOD has given you in one another and learn more communication techniques of a Christcentered marriage filled with romance and intimacy. Upcoming weekends are June 26 - 28 at the Clarion Hotel in Hudson, and October 16 - 18 at the Cambria Suites in Green. For more information or to apply for a Marriage Encounter Weekend call 330-305-9963, or email [email protected], or go to website at WWME.org. Celebrate Fatherhood with Labyrinth Walk THE SHANNON OPEN GOLF OUTING! The President Charity Foundation Of the Greater Youngstown Knights of Columbus is sponsoring a Golf outing at Olde Dutch Mill Golf Course in Lake Milton, Ohio on August 9, 2015 for the Benefit of Shannon Scoville. Shannon is suffering with a brain tumor and is the daughter of one of our late members, Mike Norton. The outing is a 7:00 to 7:45 am registration for an 8:00 am shotgun start 4 person scramble. The cost of the event is $65 per golfer for golf with a cart, beverages, lunch and dinner. All four person teams that are paid in full by Memorial day receive a $20 discount. ($240 rather than $260 per Team) For tickets or more information contact Joe Mackos at 330 -792 -7745 or 330-506-1303, John DePinto at 330-718-2509, or Mike Jordon at 330-540-7317 Simply Slavic Cultural Heritage Festival, Saturday, June 20, 2015 in downtown Youngstown from 12 noon to midnight. Celebrate the Slavic ethnicities present in the Mahoning Valley: Belarus, Bosnic and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Carpatho-Rusyn culture, Croatia, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine. Don’t miss the heritage displays, Slavic foods for sale made by local churches, ethnic music and dancers, and Slavic items for sale. Check out the Simply Slavic website at www.simplyslavic.org. There is a small entrance fee to the Festival. Wine Taste to Assist Inner City Youth On June 9, 2015, at 6:30 PM (retired) Sheriff Randall Wellington is hosting a wine and cheese tasting event at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Hall in Youngstown where you will become acquainted with the dynamic neighborhood mission of Café Augustine. Café Augustine is the name for a new place for lunch in Youngstown’s upper south side. It will operate as a sheltered workshop and life-skills training ground for some of the over 6,000 people, aged 18 through 24, of the city and county who have somehow become disconnected from the working world. The café will be patterned after a similar operation, known as Café Reconcile in New Orleans. Come and join us on June 9 and be inspired about Café Augustine from our leader, Father Ed Brienz, Director of the Propagation of the Faith and Missions Office of the Diocese, as well as from current leaders of Café Reconcile and from successful graduates of Café Reconcile who are all coming from New Orleans to Youngstown in support for this special event. See cafereconcile.org for more information. “Celebrating Fatherhood” is the theme of the next guided labyrinth walk at The Ursuline Center, 4280 Shields Rd. It will be Tues., June 9 from 6:30-7 p.m., weather permitting. All people of faith are invited to participate in this free event. A complete list of 2015 guided walks can be found at www.theursulinecenter.org. The labyrinth is a ministry of the Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown and is open year-round from dawn to dusk for all people of faith. There is no cost to use the Labyrinth, which is handicapped-accessible and offers ample parking. “Living with Benedict” Retreat: The Benedictine Monks of Saint Andrew Abbey in Cleveland invite single, young men between the ages of 18 and 45, who seek further guidance of the Holy Spirit for their lives, to participate in the next “Living with Benedict: monastic experience weekend retreat June 12-14, 2015. There is no cost but limited rooms are available. Please contact Fr. Finbar, OSB at 216-721-5300, ext. 273 or at [email protected]. Downtown Mission’s Children’s Art Camp Art ~ Music ~ Faith July 28-30, 2015 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. St. Columba Cathedral Hall Wood Street ~ Youngstown, OH 44503 Sponsored by the USCCB Office of Black and Indian Missions Hosted by the Missions Office of the Diocese of Youngstown In partnership with The Catholic Extension Society The Missions Office of the diocese of Youngstown is hosting the Downtown Mission’s Children’s Art Camp at St. Columba Cathedral’s Parish Hall, located at 144 W. Wood Street. Children ages 6 - 11 are invited to join us July 28-30, 2015 for an exciting and educational fun filled three days of art, music and religious activities. The children’s art camp will begin each day at 9:00 a.m. in the St. Columba Parish Hall. Children will be provided with a morning snack to start their day and lunch will be provided at no charge. Be with us on June 9 and learn about a program that can make a difference for so many in our community. You can be part of a new venture that has been proven to change and save lives! Children will have the opportunity to participate in daily art and religious lessons and projects. They will have the opportunity to learn and appreciate the beauty of music through musical activities. A field trip is planned for the Butler Museum of Art. The camp will conclude with the children’s Art Show in the parish hall, displaying the artworks for family and friends. Tickets are $45 each, just contact Fr. Brienz at 330-744-8451 x277 [email protected] at your earliest opportunity. Participation is limited to 25 children. Reservations are required and can be made by contacting Michelle Gearhart @ 330-881-6888. Save the Date: Faith & Family Festival A day of fun and fulfillment for families and friends will be held on Sunday, July 12, 2015, beginning at 10:00 am at Hoover Park across from Walsh University at 2020 E. Maple St., North Canton, featuring popular speaker and best-selling author Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio (a presenter at the upcoming World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia), praise and worship music leader Ben Walther, and radio personality Brooke Taylor. Sponsored by the Office of Pro -Life, Marriage, and Family Life of the Catholic Diocese of Youngstown. For more information contact [email protected] or 330744-8451 ext. 272, or go to www.faithfamilyfest.org Catholic Cruise to Alaska Come and sail away on a 7-night Catholic Alaska Cruise with Father Nicholas Glisson September 19th - September 26, 2015 on Holland America Westerdam out of Seattle, Washington. Ports of Call: Juneau, Alaska; Glacier Bay; Sitka, Alaska; Ketchikan, Alaska; Victoria, British Columbia; Seattle, Washington. Prices begin at $2004 for two passengers. This includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass offered. Deposits of only $350 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. For further info or to register, contact Doug or Eileen at 860-399-1785 or [email protected]. COMMUNITY MEAL: This month our Community Meal will be Tuesday June 30--please note the date change! Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown Service Learning Program Internship and Volunteer opportunities open to college students ages 18+ with a desire to make a difference at these locations: August 3-7 & August 10-14 Central YMCA - Downtown Youngstown The Autism Society of Ohio, Mahoning Valley Offices will be hosting camp for children with special needs. CAMP F.R.I.E.N.D. (Finding Rewards In Every New Day) will focus on developing healthy friendships, nutrition, and exercise skills. There are four age groups, each with their own theme related to building healthy social skills. Ages 3-6: Friendship Skills Ages 7-10: Teamwork Ages 10-12: Game-O-Rama Ages 13-16: Friendly Competition Ages 17-22: Community Integration For more information contact the Autism Society of Ohio @ 330-743-9184 or www.autismohio.org/ campfriend. Beatitude House / House of Blessing Housing for homeless women and children. Dorothy Day House Feeding and helping the poor. Parkside Health Care Center of Columbiana A skilled-nursing care facility. Casa Madre The HIV / AIDS ministry for children. Motherhouse Health Care Serving our older Sisters. HIV / AIDS Clinic Available to medical students only. Potters’ Wheel / Hispanic Outreach ESL & computer tutoring for adults & afterschool programs for children. SCOPE A meeting place for mobile senior citizens. YOU CAN CHANGE THE WORLD! Call / Text Program Director, Sister Norma Raupple, @ 330-261-4729 or email [email protected] Www.theursulines.org SAFE SITTER: Safe Sitter teaches boys and girls ages 11-13 how to be ideal babysitters - including knowing what to do in emergencies. This course offers basic first aid, rescue breathing, what to do if a child chokes, accident prevention, childcare tips, how & when to call for help. Classes are being offered at St. Elizabeth Youngstown Hospital, 1044 Belmont Ave., on July 8 & 9 and August 5 & 6. Students must come to two days of classes from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Class size is limited. Cost: $28.50 Call 330-480-3070 for more information. Registration forms are available at the Christ Our Savior Parish Office. Would you love to afford a Catholic education for your child? Would you jump at the opportunity if your child could attend for free? You may be eligible for Ed Choice Expansion, an income-based scholarship program. Families with incoming kindergarten, firstgrade or second-grade students who earn less than these income guidelines are eligible to apply for the income-based scholarship. The K-8 Ed Choice option is available if your resident school building is failing. The school registration fee ($25) and the school supply fee ($40) are the family’s responsibility and are not covered under the scholarship. Contact St. Nicholas School for more information. 330.755.2128 www.StNicholasSchool.com DEADLINE FOR RENEWALS IS JUNE 30 OPENING DOORS SINCE 1969! A LIFETIME OF SALES ACCOMPLISHMENTS 10170 MAIN ST. NEW MIDDLETOWN 330-757-8855 330-542-2060 Parishioner www.klacikrealestate.com C Funeral Homes 330-755-7469 Dr. Joseph M. Barak 6 Botsford Street Poland, Ohio 44514 Phone: 330-757-2240 Website: www.Blackburnhome.org E-mail: [email protected] Bathroom & Kitchen Remodeling S E R V I C E Licensed F&G Plumbing & Drain Repairs & Service Telephone: (330) 750-1403 Cellphone (330) 501-2449 FREE ESTIMATES Insured F U L L G U A R A N T E E Lawrence S. Bilko Vice President Branch Manager The Huntington National Bank Specializing in: E M E Fidel Gutierrez & Son R Master Plumber G E N C Y • Diabetic, Geriatric Pediatric Foot Care • Trauma & Wound Care • Foot & Ankle Surgery 6715 Tippecanoe Rd. • Bldg D. Ste. 100 • Canfield 330-286-0462 EMERGENCY POWER SYSTEMS SPECIALIST 330-549-5393 Mike Krake 12038 Woodworth Road • North Lima !"#$"%&#'()*+,-./0123& 5754 Youngstown-Poland Road • Youngstown, Ohio 330-747-6180 SOUTH AVENUE SPARKLE 4121 South Avenue • Youngstown, OH 44512 (330) 782-0111 THE MURPHY CONTRACTING COMPANY Contractors and Engineers Phone 330-743-8915 • Fax 330-743-4418 285 Andrews Avenue • P.O. Box 1833 Youngstown, Ohio 44501 Questions? Email us @ [email protected] Gianna’s Catering, LLC SHOCKS • BRAKES • ALIGNMENT • BALANCING 330.782.2615 Sonny or Tony - Owners 400 Sexton St. • Struthers, OH (330) 402-0410 (330) 755-1466 Catering For All Occasions • Off Premise Catering Diversified Comfort Services, Inc. Heating • Air Conditioning Plumbing • Boilers • Backflow Certified Commercial/Industrial Licensed/Insured Phone/Fax 330-542-0382 Chris & Lisa Daprile, Owners !"#$$%&'()$* John Fiumara, Owner Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation 3688 Loveland Road at Powers Way • Youngstown, Ohio 44502 In Business Since 1924 700 FIFTH ST. STRUTHERS Banquet Facility 224 East Water Street - Lowellville, Ohio 44436 SERVING THE AREA SINCE 1930 655 CREED ST. @ YOUNGSTOWN POLAND RD. STRUTHERS, OHIO 44471 330-750-1341 • FAX 330-750-0911 DELI • BAKERY • HOT FOODS • FTD FLORAL • LOTTERY “Dedicated to Caring since 1952” 330-750-1321 • www.kirilafh.com Michael J. Kirila, Owner • Anthony J. Quahliero, Jr., Manager 258 Poland Avenue • Struthers, OH 44471 DONNELL y www.5starrtire.com S 5 STARR We Will Beat ANY Price! WHOLESALE TIRE & WHEEL ice Santuccio Ricciardi, M.D. Scott Tofil, M.D. Vivian Starr, D.O. LOW PRI EST CES ! 116 N. MERIDIAN RD. 330-953-2260 J\im`e^Fli:fddle`kp J`eZ\(0), Geriatric • Adult • Adolescent 7067 Tiffany Blvd, Youngstown (330) 726-4500 602 Parmalee Ave., Youngstown (330) 747-8611 D-B E HUG N! CTIO SELE Board Certified Internal Medicine C-B Family Owned & Operated erv Primary Care Associates La Rocca’s !"#$%"&'()(*+&&',-.()(!$/"(0$/ Mon-Thurs 11AM-9PM Fri-Sat 11AM-10PM • Closed Sunday 6505 Clingan Rd., Poland, OH • 757-1212 Anna Ficorilli, Owner Qualit Kirila Funeral Home, Inc. D-B Boardman Poland-Lowellville Struthers 330-788-9605 330-757-4851 330-755-2111 Proudly Prou serving area families for four generations Daniel H. Becker ~ Kelly L. Becker www.beckerfuneralhomes.com 7955 Market Street Boardman 330-726-8181 DonnellFord.com The CONTI Corporation 527 WEST WOOD STREET PHONE: (330) 536-6241 LOWELLVILLE, OHIO 44436 FAX: (330) 536-8130 www.theconticorporation.com OH LIC 13543 • Equal Opportunity Employer Davey Jones General Sales Manager For Advertising Information call Sherry Montell today! Donate online to Christ Our Savior Parish 1.800.477.4574 ext. 6321 [email protected] http://www.cosparish.org 2-D-4-4 (5/24/15-6/14/15) For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 www.4LPi.com ©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-1103