September 7, 2014 - Christ the King Catholic Church


September 7, 2014 - Christ the King Catholic Church
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ:
As you heard from the mass media, Holy Father Francis visited South Korea to celebrate the beatification Mass of Paul Yun Ji-Chung
and his 123 martyr companions and to participate in 6 th Asian Youth Day. I would like to share his words which deeply touched all the
faithful in S. Korea. I hope that these translated words from Korean will resonate your heart as well.
“I do not forget your loss. I share your
pain.” (When he met the families of victims
of the ferry disaster.)
“Believe the power of the crucifix. I ask you
to enthusiastically proclaim Christ’s message
of peace and reconciliation wherever you
are.” (At the Mass for Peace and Reconciliation)
“Please be with your priests, who work very
hard to strive for holiness and to proclaim the
Good news of Salvation. Please encourage
them and abide by them.” […] “Do not forget
the poor.” […] “Be humble.” […] “Bishops
should be the protectors of hope.” (Addressing
the bishops in S. Korea)
“Life is a journey – a journey which we cannot walk alone. We should walk together in
the presence of God.” (Addressing the religious
leaders in S. Korea)
“I am humbly asking you to cooperate with
your shepherds with your whole heart and
mind to bring the Gospel to the
world.” (Addressing to lay apostolate officials)
“Are you ready to say ‘YES’ to the Lord? Are
you REALLY ready?” […] “Always remember that we are one family.” […] “Wake up!
Wake up!” (Addressing all Asian youth on the
6th Asian Youth Day)
During his trip to S. Korea, he visited the ‘School of Love,’ the place where religious sisters and brothers take care of the handicapped
and he emphasized that the Church should do her best to show Christ’s love to all those
who are unfortunate in our society. I personally have witnessed this love in our own
community. Every 4th Saturday morning, Salt and Light Ministry opens the food pantry
to our neighbors who are having a difficult time in their lives, and it served more than 80
families the last week. We often hear the love of God from the pulpit, TV and radio, but
if you would like to experience this in a tangible way, I strongly recommend that you
come and witness it at the parish hall every fourth Sunday. I guarantee that you will be
able to see how Christ’s love reaches our sisters and brothers. Also I greatly appreciate
all the volunteers who become the hands and faces of Christ. You certainly give a great
hope to all those families.
Religious education begins and it is a time for us to “wake up” in the Lord. I hope that many of us, especially those who have fallen
away from the Lord, will join the altar of the Lord and celebrate the heavenly banquet on earth together as one family in the Lord.
God loves each one of you very much!
In Christ,
Weekly Mass Intentions
Baptism Classes
October 21st
6th 5PM Our Nation
7th 8AM Pro Populo
10:30AM Living & Deceased
Members of Catholic Life Insurance
5PM †Luz Flores Morales
8th 8AM The unemployed
9th 6:30PM †Robert Burks
10th 8AM Pro Populo
11th 6:30 PM †Sam Hawkins
12th 8AM World Peace
Registration is now in progress.
The registration packet is available on our
website under the
Sacrament Menu.
Registration deadline:
Monday, October 6 at 3PM.
No other Baptism classes
until next year.
Our Military
Serving Overseas
Phillip Aiello
John Cushing
Ryan Curtis
Maj. David L. Gomez
Maj. Deana S. Gomez, USAF
Matt Jakircevic
Maj. Reggie Jamo
Capt. Jason Piper
Sgt. Daniel J. Scott
Wilbert Witt
Please pray for those
in our parish who are ill:
Lorrie Anderson
Blane Bartek
Amy Bottoms
Jacob Bragg & Family
Dale Duncan
Mark Edwards
Joan English
Quintan Fabiano
Angel Flores Family
John Forney
Fr. Edward Frazer
Maria Garcia
Rolfe Geisselbrecht
Sam “The Mailman” Green
Angel Guajardo
Mary Guajardo
Frank Guerra
William Harlow
Don Hahn
Froylan Hernandez
Jose Hernandez
Elena Juarez
Samuel Kaiser
Gene Koch
Irene Kulinski
Matilda Leija
Marianne Luby
Jeanne Luttrall
Frank Mares
Alex Mendoza
Ken Murray
Jesus Olivarez, Jr.
Anna Paruzinski
John Paruzinski
Myra Ramos
Cody Rhoades
Louis Rodriguez
Brandon Rojas
Jose Rojas
Myra Rourke
Jim Starr
Patricia Starr
Stephanie Van Sickler
Henry Taylor
Manual Vasquez
Mildred Vasquez
Raymond Vriseno
Nettie Wall
Frank Weis
Jesus Zapata
Stewardship Report
August 24
$ 12,470.00
$ 14,000.00
Difference - $ 1,530.00
Loan Balance $482,180
Additional debt reduction for July $7500
In every way we must keep in mind the words of the Lord Jesus who himself said,
“It is more blessed to give than it is to receive.” Acts of the Apostles 20:35
If you desire to REMAIN or become a lector or an
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion for Holy Mass, you
are invited to a required training session to be
conducted by Fr. John.
You may serve in both ministries.
For your convenience, you may attend either a Thursday evening
session or a Saturday morning session in the
Christus Center.
Thursday, September 11, 7-9PM
Saturday, September 13, 9-11AM
Lay Eucharistic Ministers :
Thursday, September 18, 7-9PM
Saturday, September 20, 9-11AM
Each meeting will begin with fellowship.
Concerning the
a letter from
Fr. Danny Garcia, Vicar General:
“As so many of you know, the ice bucket challenge has be-
come a popular way to raise funds for research for treatment and cure of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). The
point of the challenge is to raise awareness and research
funding for the ALS Association. However, the ALS Association supports using embryonic stem cells in its research,
which conlicts with Catholic teaching. Nonetheless, when
accepting a challenge, a person may donate to any charity.
Catholics who are asked to take part in the ice bucket challenge may do so but should be mindful to support charities
that fund research for ALS that is in line with Catholic teachings, morals, and ethics. For further clarification please see
the statement from the National Catholic Bioethics Center at—
Please be aware that you must be Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM) Compliant by
completing the on-line application and attending a workshop. Please look online at If you require assistance or if you cannot attend the training,
Diane Waite at 254-780-2298.
Fish Fry
Friday Evening
5-7 PM
Parish Hall
All you can eat!
Check out
Mary Queen of the Rosary Gift Shop
Open before and after Mass
In the Christus Center
Ministerios Hispanos
en Cristo Rey
Clase de Bautismo - Registro para la clase de bautismo
21 de octubre está en progreso. Las clases se ofrecen en
Inglés y Español para los feligreses de Cristo Rey que
desean el bautismo de su hijo o que planean ser los
padrinos. El paquete de registro se encuentra disponible
en nuestro sitio web bajo el menú
de Sacramento o se puede obtener en nuestra oficina. Favor de completer cada documento y proporcionar un copia del certificado de
Fecha límite para registrase: Lunes, 6 de octubre a las 3:00pm.
Ninguna otra clase se ofrecerá este año.
Práctica con el coro….
Vengan a practicar y aprender nuevos cantos para
la santa misa. Es cada Sábado a las 5 de la tarde
en el portátil a la mano derecha.
Viaje a San Antonio con los Guadalupanos…
Los Guadalupanos tendrán un viaje a San Antonio en octubre. Irán a la reunión estatal para escuchar una presentación sobre las apariciones de la Virgen. Si
necesitan más información, por favor llamen a Javier Alonzo el presidente de la sociedad Guadalupano al 817-3191972.
Crusader Catholic Center
905 North Main St, Belton
A special thanks to all who have
helped the Cru Catholics with their “Big Fair” and
We couldn’t have done it without your support!
UMHB Students, we look forward to seeing you at
our events!
Do you need a free ride to Christ the King to celebrate the sacrament with the community?
We will begin a shuttle service soon, so stay tuned!
Thank you for making our ministry an early success.
Please pray for us throughout the year as our students dive
into their
ministries and studies.
If you have any interest in helping the college ministries, please
contact Abby Riley at [email protected]
Check out
Religious Education Spotlight
Students: Welcome back!
If you are a student Pre K4– 4th Grade, RE begins today.
If you are in 5th– 8th grade, your RE begins Wednesday.
Catechists: please mark your calendars for
 This Sunday, Sept. 7, 9:15AM, First day of RE,
PreK4-4th Grade. Meet in the Sanctuary.
 Wed., Sept. 10, 6PM, First day of RE, 5th-8th Grade.
Meet in Sanctuary for Mass.
 Sun. Sept. 21 is Catechetical Sunday, please be present at the
10:30 Mass.
Parents: Welcome back!
Today & Wednesday are the first days of RE.
Please do not drop off your child without attending the
orientation and Mass on the first days of RE.
Prek4-4th Grade, Today Sept. 7, 9:15-10:15AM
5-8th Grade, Wednesday, Sept. 10, 6:00-7:30PM
Beginning September 17, beginning time is 6:30PM
Important Sacrament Meeting for Parents:
2nd Grade - Sunday, Sept. 14 – 9:15 am 1st Reconciliation/Holy Communion (Please meet - English
in Church, Spanish in upstairs classroom)
RCIC - Wednesday, Sept. 17 – 6:00pm- Children in 3-8th
grade who have NOT been baptized Catholic (Please meet
in the Christus Center)
SSPC Year 1 - Wednesday, Sept 24 - 6:00pm - Children in grades 3- 8th grade, who HAVE been baptized Catholic, but need Reconciliation and 1st Holy Communion.
(Please meet - English in the Christus Center, Spanish in upstairs classroom)
SSPC Year 2 - Wednesday, Oct 1 - 6:00pm Children who previously attended SSPC Year 1 (Please
Meet - English in the Christus Center, Spanish in upstairs
SNL Kick-Off Night
September 14
Come meet the new
Youth Minister, Abigail Riley!
See what we’re doing!
Come register your teen!
All Parishioners are Invited!
Blessings to you all,
Catechesis & Formation
Welcome back to our second year of Adult Formation! Last year we had a tremendously successful year with the focus
on bringing parishioners to know Christ through our Bible Timeline series, Between the Masses programs, Lenten small
group studies, That Man Is You gatherings, RCIA formation, and an Advent gathering for families. We gathered our
information to understand God.
This year, our focus will be on Forming Disciples. A “Disciple of Christ” is someone who has been called first to know
Christ, then to follow him, and then to make disciples of all nations. That is, in our knowing Christ, we are becoming like
him - thinking, feeling, and living as he commands. So, we want to provide tools and resources to “break the silence,”
initiate conversations, share the story of faith, and begin walking the path of discipleship together. If you can spend just
one hour of your time to help form your relationship with Christ that would be better than nothing!
It is the quality of time, not the quantity of time that is important for us to learn about our faith. How are we going to
maximize the quality of our time this year to deepen our own Catholic Faith, to have confidence in the Gospel through
Worship, and to share the Gospel through our Witness? How are we going to have a personal encounter with the person of Jesus, which brings peace and joy?
This year we will offer many ways to maximize the quality of your faith, worship and witness. Please, take the time and
the opportunity to fill your life with spiritual food. Watch for our continuing programs this year so that you can become
an Intentional Disciple of Christ!
Krissie Lastovica, Coordinator of Catechesis and Formation
Adult Faith
•Spanish Bible Study•
- Deacon Armando Aguirre
- Sundays, 9:15 AM
•Bible Study Matthew•
- Jeff Cavins Series
- Mondays, 7:00 PM
•That Man Is You•
- Wednesday Mornings-Men, 6:00 AM
Enjoy Meeting New People?
Like to make people
feel welcome?
Feel called to reach
out to newcomers?
If you answered YES, then the
Parish Relations
Welcoming Ministry
needs you!
•Bible Timeline Study•
- Wednesday mornings—8:45 AM
•Ministry Fair•
- Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 18-19
•Between the Masses•
- Sunday, 9:15 AM
•Parish Mission •
- Lent 2015
•Small Group Scripture
- Beginning Lent 2015
As Christ the King grows, we must follow what
St. John Paul the Great said on October 22,
1978 as he began his pontificate, “Do not be
afraid. Open, I say open wide the doors for
If you are called to this ministry, please contact
Joan Gillette or Krissie Lastovica at the parish
office 939-0806.
ary Queen of the Rosary will have the Blessing of New and Expectant Mothers during the
10:30 mass Sunday, Oct. 5th. A reception will follow in the Christus Center. We are asking
that you please stop by the Gift Shop after any mass to pre-register. Registration deadline is Sunday, September the 28th. We don’t want to leave anyone out! Feel free to fill this out and use it as
your registration.
Child’s Name:
Phone #:
How many in your family will attend:
Timeline Bible Study
Matthew Bible Study
Registration continues
Contact: Krissie Lastovica
[email protected]
Rite of Christian Initiation
1st session on
Wednesday, September 10th
from 6:30pm - 8:00pm.
In the Christus Center
An Ethics and Integrity in Ministry (EIM) Refresher
Workshop will be held Sunday, September 14,
1:00PM in the Christus Center. Please login to your EIM
account (use the Alternate Login option if needed) to preregister to attend an EIM workshop. Please do not bring
children to an EIM workshop. If you have any concerns
regarding your attendance at a workshop, please contact
Emily Hurlimann at (512) 949-2447 to make an alternative
arrangement to receive your training. Such inquiries shall
remain confidential.
Grief Group
please join us
at 7pm in the Gift Shop
each 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th
Wednesday night.
Mary Queen of The Rosary
Join us the 3rd Wednesday
of each month at 7pm in the
Gift Shop.
CTK Food Pantry
In August
87 Families
354 Individuals
9 New Clients
Thank you for your
Events Outside CTK
September 10 9AM-2:30PM “Living Daily with an Attitude for Gratitude” Day of Reflection led by Fr. Bertini &
Msgr. Holtman 254-780-2436
September 13 7AM 3rd Annual Charles Davis 4 Person Golf Scramble. Contact Gene Martinka 254-535-4036
September 21, Noon - 4PM St. Mary’s Catholic School PTC - Fall Festival
September 26-28 Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend at Cedarbrake. Call 512-677-9963
September 27-October 3 Pilgrimage to Mexico and the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe with
Dcn. Jerry Klement. Call 254-773-1561
October 16-10 Women’s Cursillo Weekend. Contact Robin Spencer 254-220-3883
November 6-9 Men’s Cursillo Weekend. Contact Greg Ganslen, 254-68-2594
November 14-16 Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend at the Wingate Hotel in Round Rock. Call 512-677-9963

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