MVFD SOG`s - Medina Volunteer Fire Department
MVFD SOG`s - Medina Volunteer Fire Department
MBDINA VOLUNTEERFTRE DEPARTMENT, TNC. STAIYDARD OPERATING GUIDLINES Adoptcd and Approvecl Board of Dircctors Mccting A:pfl26.200a ME DII\A VOLUN'I'IiER FIRI] D IIPARTM IINT, INC. 51 ANDARD OPERATING GLIIDE,I,INT.]S TABLE OF CONTENTS II. NormalProcedure I UI. COMMANICATIONS RADIO DISTRIBUTION: ............. 8 ALL COMMUNICATIONS B RAD|O OPEMTION BASE STATION RADIO OPERATION ...................8 ............9 {oFt5 INA VO LUN'I'IIIIR FIRIi D IiPAR'I'M FIN-I" IN C. STANDARD O PERATING G[-UD III,INES U. ALARM RESPONSE TRANSMISSIONNECEPTION GUIDELINES g M I'D F|REAT-ARM CHANNELTAC BASE 1 ......................9 ST4TION.............. TNctDENT GROUND .............9 OPERAT|ONS................. .................9 MUTUAL-AID COMMUNICATIONS Changes required in firefighters behavior 15 Comments.. Firefighter Comments... ...............15 Fire Chief Firefighter wil. Signature REVIEW Fire Chief FORM.... ..............15 Signature..... ..........15 .......................16 20F 15 MT-]DINA VOLT]NTIIER FIRIi DIIPARI MEN-|, INC. S'l){l,lDARD O PITRATIN G GII ID ELIN IiS FIREFIGHTER /. ATTIRE All firefighters shall dress appropriately for the type of situation. Although there are times when it is not possible to conform to the dress code set forth here. Those shall be considered individually as exceptions. The MVFD provides most necessary appareland expects the Firefighters to acquire any items not provided at higher own expense. a) MEETINGS AND TRAINING SESSIONS: (1) MVFD T-shirt, Jumpsuit, and Jacket are acceptable. (2) Full BunkerGear set will be on hand. b) c) EMERGENCYRESPONSES: (l) Assist EMS: MVFD T-shirt, jumpsuit, and jacket are acceptable. 1z) Full Bunker Gear set will be on hand ALLOTHERRESPONSES: (l) MVFD T-shirt, Jumpsuit, and Jacket are acceptable. 1z; Full Bunker Gear set will be on hand. d) PUBLTC EVENTS: (l) When officially representing the Fire Deparfinent or upon request of the Fire Chiel MVFD T-shirt is to be worn. Otherwise, personal attire will be allowed. 1z; Full Bunker Gear set will be on hand *NOTE: Driver/Engineers should not wear Bunker Gear while operating Apparatus. This can somewhat hinder the Driver's ability to operate the vehicle. Bunker Gear should be on hand if needed. 2. a) DEFORTMENT All Firefighters are expected to conduct themselves in a civil manner in public, at lncident Grounds, at the Fire Station, at Trainings, and other meetings. Firefighters are to avoid making despairing remarks about other Firefighters and/or other Fire Departments, and/or Emergency Units. Under no circumstances shall Firefighters provide criticisrn on the lncident Grounds. Suggestions should be made only if wananted by Hazardous Circumstances and by Rank and/or Responsibility. b) Any Procedural error or need for improvement or performance in sone areas should be pointed out in a positive manner to the individual involved by the person making the observation. The OIC or Fire Chief should be apprised of the situation. c) d) ln cases of strong conflict at an lncident Ground, back off and allow the Fire Chief to review the situation. No Firefighter may exhibit lewd, lascivious behavior, foul language, intoxication, influence of a controlled substance, or other acts that reflect upon the MVFD in a negative manner while in any dress or attire of the MVFD or in service of MVFD affairs. e) Deviations of the above, if substantiated, shall constitute grounds for change of Firefighter status under the discretions of the Fire Chief. 3. a) RESFONSE/ATTENDAIICE All Firefighters are expected to respond for Emergency Responses whenever heishe is available in the area, attend Training sessions, and attend the Regular MVFD Monthly Membership Meetings. 3 ()F ,r5 M L,D INA VO LT TN'f I]IiR I.-I RE DEI'AR'IM EN f" 51 ANDARD OPIIRATING GLIIDIII,INI]S IN C. b) Failure to participate in a sufiicient number of monthly responses and/or Training sessions in the judgment of the Fire Chief shall constitute grounds for change of Firefighter status. 4. EQUIPMENT/GEAR All equipment and apparel issued to each Firefighter is the responsibility of that person for hidher use and maintenance. Any damage from neglect or loss through carelessness may result in the Firefighter being assessed the cost of replacement and/or repair. Uoon demand by the Fire Chief. all items issued out must be a) surrendered to the MVFD. b) 5. Firefighters are expected to have their gear and equipment with them at all times. PUBLICSTATEMENTS a) The Fire Chief or OIC is the Official spokesperson for all MVFD lncident Grounds. b) Under no circumstances are Firefighters to make public ufterances of an evaluative nature regarding lncident Grounds, events, or other activities involving the MVFD. Nor are such statements to be made publidy regarding any other Fire Departments or lncident Grounds as in Mutual-Aid events. c) Firefighters are to refrain from discussing with nondepartment personnel any information regarding emergency events that affect persons or property involved, relatives, or circumstances surrounding the lncident Grounds. d) Any gossip or distributing of information regarding MVFD emergency operations that can be substantiated as having originated with a Firefighter shall constitute grounds for change of Firefighter status. 6. a) MUTUAL AID When incidents involve cooperation with other Fire Departments, EMS, or Law Enforcement Agencies, courtesy and patience are in order. b) At lncident Grounds the FGO is in charge of operations and shall direct activities via the OlC. MVFD Firefighters shall follow orders of their own FGO/OIC or the Mutual Aid OlC. c) At EMS lncident Grounds, the ranking E.M.T. (Paramedic being the highest) is in charge of patient care, before Law Agents or Fire Officers, when involving injured parties. MVFD Firefighters assist ONLY as needed or requested. d) Under no circumstances should any Firefighter criticize other agencies or their personnel. lf directed to undertake actions in conflict with MVFD S.O.P.'s, you will politely remove yourself from the area and refer to your own OIC/FGO/F|re Chief. 7. INCIDENTGROUNDFIRETIGHTERSDISFOSITION At all lncident Grounds, Firefighters without assigned tasks should remain at the Command Post or primary a) apparatus and/or seek the OIC for assignment. b) 8. lt is important to wait for orders and not crowd the lncident Ground or mill around. APPARATUS OPERATIONS a) Operators must be 18 years or older and authorized by the Fire Chief to operate the apparatus for Emergency Responses. b) No one shall operate the Apparatus who has had a Class A violation within the past year or who has had any combination of three Class A or B violations and/or accidents in a three-year period. c) Any accident should be reported immediately to the Fire Chief. The accident or loss shall be analyzed, documented and where possible, future corrective measures and training initiated. 4 0F 't5 M d) tiDINA VOl,[ i N'f E E R FI RIr D ITPAR'IM EN'l', STAN DARD OPIIRATII{G GT]ID III,IN t,]S IN C. All Drivers/Engineers shall undergo Driver Training and obtain the proper licensing frorn the Texas Department of Public Safety. e) AllApparatus Operators should report any mechanical difficulties to the Fire Chief and note it upon the Response Log and the Maintenance Log. No one shall operate any Apparatus while under the influence of Alcohol or Drugs (lncluding prescription Medications that affect performance). At Social Events involving MVFD Firefighters, an Alternate Driver/Engineer should be designated if Drivers/Engineers have imbibed. s) All Apparatus should be operated with caution for the public and care for crewmember. Seat belt use is mandatory. No one shall ride the tailboard section while responding or returning to and from Emergency lncident Grounds. h) All Emergency Lights shall be operating only when responding to an incident, at the lncident Grounds and when backing into the station. lt is recommended that headlights be used whenever the Apparatus is operating on the road (day or night), whether an Emergency or routine service returns. The audible warning signals shall be used on emerqency responses only. Private vehicles of Firefighters responding to the Station, or, when permifted by the OlC, to the lncident Grounds may qualiff as Apparatus when answering an alarm. lt is required that a red warning light be visible in all directions and be as high and as widely spaced as the vehicle permits. Such lights must be used only in a bona-fide Emergency Response. Lights are to be allowed only with permission of the Fire Chief. *Note: Dashboard mounted warning lights; headlight flashers and grille.mounted lights do no qualiff under state law as legally adequate warning devices for Volunteer Firefighters. Private Vehicles qualifying as Apparatus, as noted above, shall be operated according to the rules listed above, and be under control at all times. While speed limits may be exceeded within reason, and traffic lights violated with caution, at no time shall an operator of an emergency designated vehicle drive so as to endanger the public. lnfractions of the above shall result in suspension or revocation of Fire Fightefs status. As well as civil anlor Criminal Penalties as a result of accident or injuries caused by a member in violations of the above. APPRENTICE FIREFIGHIER (AE,E ) 9. FIRESTATIONACCESS: An A.F.F. shall not have access to the fire station and/or equipment except in the company of and under the supervision of an FGO/Firefighter, unless the A.F.F. has been instructed to do so by the Fire Chief. IO, a) RBSFONSE: An A.F.F. shall report to the fire station by personal owned vehicle (POV.) operated under the legal Texas Highway Regulations, and may not display warning lights or use audible emergency signal devices. Request for service shall be by telephone, radio alert, or third b) pafi notification (Authorized). An A.F.F. shall wait at the fire station for assignment by the Fire Ground Officer (FGO.) or as requested by the Officer in Charge (OlC) or designated OIC at the incident sitdfire ground. I I, a) DUTIES: The A.F.F. shall assist in support operations of the fire department including maintenance of the apparatus physical condition, equipnent cleaning, maintenance and storage, station maintenance, cleaning and supply replacement. b) The A.F.F. shall assist in all other tasks assigned by the appropriate persons on duty at that time. 50F15 MIiDINA VOLLTNTF]ER FIRE DEPARTMENT" INC. 12, STAN DARD OPERA'I'ING GLIIDELINIIS INCIDENTGROUNDPARTICIPATION: a) A.F.F. pafiicipation at an incident shall be limited to Supervised Ground Support; i.e. hose roll up, lighting, crowd control, salvage and overhaul assist, advancement of equipment, assist firefighters in donning gear, support of rest and recreations (R&R) services. Under no circumstances shall an A.F.F. participate in interior attack or entry of a structure involved in a hazardous condition. b) An A,F.F. shall respond to Motor Vehicle Accidents only when instructed to do so by the OlC. c) An A,F.F. shall report to the OIC at an lncident Ground for assignment and return to the OIC when task is accomplished. d) An A.F.F. shall be supervised by a firefighter or designated FGO at all time when carrying out an assignment. 13, EQUPMENT ISSI]E: An A.F.F. may be issued alerting units and protective equipment, upon the decision of the Fire Chief or FGO/OIC, and to be determined for each incident requirements and each A.F.F. at the fire station. 14, TRAINING: The A.F.F. shall attend regular training sessions and special meetings that are appropriate, and be assisted by the Training Officer. 15, a) STATUS: The A.F.F. shall be under supervision and under explicit instruction or task assignment at all times at the fire station and lncident Ground. b) Fire Fighter status may be attained at the discretions of the Fire Chief. JR FIREFIGI{IER PARNCXPIiIION 16. RELEASE FORM: All Jr. Fhefighters, age 16 to 18, must provide an executed Release Form (attached) to the Fire Chief before any participation as a Jr. Firefighter. 17. FIRESTATIONACCESS: A Jr. Firefighter shall not have access to the fire station and/or equipment except in the company of and under the supervision of a Training Officer. 18. TRAINING: The Jr. Firefighter shall attend regular training sessions and special meetings that are appropriate. 19. ST]PERVISION: The Jr. Firefighter shall be under supervision and explicit instruction or task assignment at all times at the station. The Training Ofiice(s) shall review and assist the Jr. Firefighter. 20. RESPONSE: No Firefighter under the age of 18 years shall be permifted to ride in an Apparatus. A Jr. Firefighter shall be transported P.O.V. to the lncident Ground only when so instructed by the OIC 21. DUTIES: The Jr. Firefighter shall assist in support operations of the fire department including maintenance of the apparatus physical condition, equipment cleaning, maintenance and storage, fire station maintenance, cleaning and supply replacement, as well as other tasks assigned by the appropriate firefighters on duty at that time. 22. INCIDENTGROUI\IDPARTICIPATION: 60F{5 MTIDINA VOLTINTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, INC. STAi\DARD OPERATING GI]IDET,INES a) Jr. Firefighter participation at an incident shall be limited to Supervised Ground Support; i.e. hose rolt up, lighting, crowd control, salvage and overhaul assist, advancement of equipment, assist firefighters in donning gear, support of rest and recreations (R&R) services. b) / Under no circumstances shall a Jr. Firefighter participate in interior attack or entry of a structure involved in a hazardous condition. c) A Jr. Firefighter shall not respond to Motor Vehicle Accidents. d) A Jr. Firefighter shall report to the OIC at an lncident Ground for assignment and return to the OIC when task is accomplished, and shall be supervised by a designated firefighter at all time. STATUS: A Jr, Firefighters status shall automatically becone an AFF after reaching 18 years of age. Pupose To establish rules pertaining to Firefighter conduct, performance and responsibilities so that all personnel can conduct themselves according to certain policies for good behavior and conduct. The purpose of these rules is not to restrict the rights of anyone, but rather to help people work together harmoniously according to the standards we have established for efficient and courteous service for our community. Reasonable rules concerning conduct of Medina Fire Department firefighters are necessary if the department is to function safely and effectively. All firefighters will be kept informed of departrnent policies and changes to those policies by MVFD. The MVFD believes that all firefighters want to, and will, do a good job if they know what is required to perform their job properly. The Fire Chief is responsible for ensuring that they know what is expected of them as firefighters of the MVFD. It is the belief of MVFD that all firefighters will be given ample opportunity to improve their performance except in the case of serious offenses when immediate dismissal would be required. Miscotdrt The goal of Fire Chiefs Progressive Discipline Policy is to give all firefighters an opportunig to correct problems that may arise and provide for a safe working environment for all firefighters, rather than to punish firefighters. Nonralhocodue First infraction will resuft in a verbal warning that will be documented in writing by the Fire Chief. Second infraction will result in a written warning that will be documented by the Fire Chief and one Assistant Chief. Third infraction will result in a finalwritten warning that will be documented by the Fire Chief and allAssistant Chiefs. There is no set standard number of warnings will be issued before termination. Factors to be considered are frequency of warnings, type of offense, seriousness of the offenses, repeated offenses and the safety of all Firefighters involved. 70F{5 MEDINA VOLTINTEER FIRE DEPAR'I MENT, INC. STANDARD O PI]RATING G{JID E,I,II\\TES Exceptiors to the Norrnl Procedre For serious offenses, such as fighting, theft, insubordination, borrowing of MVFD property with out written permission, threats of violence, the sale or possession of drugs or abuse of alcohol while representing MVFD or while wearing MVFD logo property, etc., termination may be the first and only disciplinary step taken. Any step or steps of the disciplinary process may be skipped at the discretion of the Medina Vduntary Fire Departnent. Suryersion The Fire Ghief may place any firefighters on suspension in connection with the written warning for an undetermined time. Paid training and/or schooling will not be given during this period. Any firefighter that is under suspension could be required to retum any or all MVFD equipment including MVFD Radio as required by the Fire Chief. A firefighter may be placed on investigative suspension when it is necessary to make an investigation into the events surrounding the alleged offense. The investigation should be conducted in a timely manner. AppealProcess The firefighter in violation may protest their suspension and/or disrnissal by filing a written and signed request of appeal to the President of MVFD. The President of MVFD must post notice of an Executive Board meeting, with the appeal as an agenda item, in less than 30 days frorn receipt of the appeal protest. The appeal process will be conducted under the procedures as provided in The MVFD By-Laws, Article 7 Par. H, The Recall Procedures. . The decision of the MVFD board of directors is final with out further appeal. RADIO DISTRIBUTION: 1. 2. 3. 4. All active Fire Fighters shall (when Possible) have an alerting device for notification of alarms and are expected to hane it in operation at all times. Reasonable care should be taken to maintain the Unit. lf any unit malfunctions, it should be given to the Radio Officer for Repair, and the Fire Chief should be notified. Firefighters may be issued hand-held radios in addition to pager units. Others may be issued a hand-held unit for special assignment purposes upon the order of the Fire Chief. All equipment, chargers, batteries, etc. is the responsibility of the persons to whom they are issued. Normally, no one will be required to pay for the repair or replacernent of these items damaged or lost, unless there is indication of carelessness or gross negligence. Upon the request of the Fire Chiel all equipmentwill be returned tothe departnent. ALLCOMMLINICAf,IONS 1. 2. 3. 4. Shall be as Professional and as brief as possible, maintaining calmness and clarity in speaking. The FCC is monitoring the radio conrmunications. Always use radio call numbers in communication with Fire Alarm and other units. The tactical channel I is to be used as you would Tac 1. Politeness words (Thanks, You're Welcorne, etc.); Proper Names (John Doe, etc.); "Folksy" mannerisrn; Profanity; llltempered Remarks; Joking; Noises, will not be tolerated in communications on any channel. RADIO OPERATION l. 2. All persons using Fire Departnent communications broadcast equipment (i.e. Hand-held radios, mobile or Base Station transmitter) must be familiar with FGC regulations set forth in departnent guidelines listed below: Apparatus in transit Normally the Passengerwill operate the Mobile Communications. Apparatus on arrival: The Driver/Engineer will utilize the Mobile Unit for maintaining transmission/receptions (subject to the direc{ion of the FGO). 80Fls MIIDINA VOI,IINTEER FIRII DEPARTMIIN-|, INC. S'I AI\DARD OPIiRATII$G GT JIDEI,INES BASE STAIION RADIO OPERATION 1. 2. A dispatcher shall serve at the Base Station to operate the base transmifter. The dispatcher shall maintain contact MHz) and with Bandera County Sheriff Office Fire Alarm by telephone for information with the Apparatus on Tac 1 for Fire Alarm frequency Tac 1 MHz) for emergency communications. The dispatcher shall be relied upon to contact, by telephone, the various agencies and/or individuals needed to assist operations, orto provide information when directed by the FGO ( FIRE ALARM CTIANNEL TAC ( 1 1. Shall be used as sparingly as possible. Utilize the Base Station on Tac 1 whenever possible. 2. After Firefighter receives an alarm/alert the First Firefighter on the air responding should announce to Fire Alarm, the units designation - either in route to the station, or in route to the incident, etc. Repeating the call address and the type of incident, so FireAlarm dispatch can veriff. This will be done on Tac 1. BASE STAIION Shall conrmunicate with responding Firefighters and Apparatus on Tac 8, or designated channel, and with Fire Alarm by radio or telephone. INCIDENT GROUND OPERATIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. The FGO or Firefighter designated by the FGO shall be the only person conducting communications with Fire Alarm (exception may be the Engineer if the FGO does not respond to an inquiry frorn the Fire Alarm). lf a Command Post is established, it shall be the liaison to Fire Alarm and all other agencies beyond the lncident Ground. All other lncident Ground units should be on Tac 8. lf you have your pager with you, this may be used to monitor Fire Alarm while the hand held radio is on Tac 8. The Field Ground Officer: may be operating at the CP in which case he may be in contact on Tac 8 with lncident Ground Operations and to the Base Station for requesting Public Service Actions (Telephoning) and to Fire Alarm only when absolutely necessary by Direct Transmission. lf the FGO is conducling active lncident Ground participation, he may designate the engineer or Firefighter to serve as CP operator maintaining contact on Tac I and informing the FGO of any messages coming from the Fire Alarm. MUTUALAID COMMT]NICAil*IONS 1. The FGO shall communicate 2. with Mutual-aid units, initially on FireAlarm and then on the corresponding mutual-aid channel. lt is important that conesponding units be told what is needed and where to locate. COMMUNICAiI-ION WITH TI{E FIREA]'TACK LINE /. Engineer Communication a) Engineers must maintain communications with the fire attack line positions and vie-versa. Tac 8 shall be used unless otherwise specified by the FGO or Mutual-Aid Company. b) This is critical to successful fire suppression and fire fighter safety. 2. Driver/Apparatus Communication Guftlelines Upon leaving the Fire Station with an apparatus the Driver/Passenger shall identify the unit call sign, destination, and assignment or type of response. a) EXAMPLE: D(AMPLE: (*e (e8, 1G17); in route tothe lncident 10 C.ade Aftachment) 3391 to Bandera; 3391 to Bandera; (1&8, 1G17 with three on bnrq; in routewith a crew of thre+ to for Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) lncllent (Bandera Rd.) *Note that the number of crewmembers responding should be included when announcing to Fire Alarm for all emergency type responses. For non-emergency service activities (i.e. lnspections, Training, etc.) it is not necessary to indicate the number of crew aboard. b) Upon aniving at the emergency scene, the driver or FGO shall inform the Fire Alarm the unit is at the lncident, and give Fire Alarm a brief initial size.up of the situation. 9()F15 MEDINA VOI,LII\TI]ER FIRE DEPARTM!]N'f, INC. S'|ANIDARD O PERATIh{G GLTIDELINES DGMPLE: EXAMPLE: 3391 to Bandera; (1G23; 2 car MVA; on location atXXX Bandera Rd. with 2-car MVA,) 3391 to Bandera; (1G23; singb-family dwelling with smoke showing); on location at XXX Circle Trail with a Single Family Dwelling with smoke showing c) After the above transmission, as soon as possible, request mutual aid, if necessary, or cancel all other units and/or Firefighters, or continue with caution, etc. d) When the situation is resolved and apparatus prepare to leave the location, the FGO or Driver will inform Fire Alarm that Medina (Rescue 1, Engine 1, tankerl, and brush truck 1 (8.T. 1)) is complete. e) When completing the lncident Report and the dispatch times, use the telephone (Public Service) calling Fire Alarm on the non-emergency phone number. FIRE CHIERASSIS'IANT FIRE CHIEF 1. 2. The Fire Chief or Assistant Fire Chief may respond directly to any incident for size-up. lf an apparatus response is necessary, the offtcer will initiate the request. Even if no apparatus is sent, an lncident Report should be filled out appropriately. When completing the lncident Report and the dispatch times, use the telephone (Public Service) calling Fire Alarm on the non-emergency phone number. omcER IN CHARGE (OIC) lf, THE STAnON Shall be the Highest ranking officer, or when lacking an offcer, the Driver/Engineer shall be OIC The OIC at the station shall assume the decision as to manning apparatus and selecting equipment based on the information from the lncident Ground or Fire Alarm. lf no Fire Fighter remains at the Fire Station, the building should be closed and secured. APPARATUS COMPLEMENT 1. a) RESCUE 1 FOR EMS ASSIST: RESCUE 1 will First Respond for EMS assistance only when asked or called to assist with rescue. b) FOR MAJOR MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS (10-50M): First Response Assists RESCUE 1 is limited to Trained Firefighters in extrication procedures. Additional Fhefighters will respond with ENGINE 1, to aid in traffic and crowd control, depending on the incident and under instruction from the FGO c) FOR RESCUE EMERGENCY: RESCUE 1 First Responds with preference given to Firefighters trained in rescue practices. Additional back-up Firefighters may respond as determined by the FGO. 2. BRUSH 1 FOR BRUSFUGROUND COVER: BRUSH TRUCK 1 will respond with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 Firefighters. No riders will be allowed on the rear step while responding. 3. a) ENGINE I FOR STRUCTURE FIRES AND FIRE ALARM IM/ESTIGATION: Shall respond with a minimum of 3 Firefighters at the lncident Ground. b) RESPONSE FOR MVA'S: RESCUE 1 shall respond with first authorized Firefighters. Only Trained Firefighters will respond in the Rescue Unit. Additional Firefighters shall respond with ENGNE 1. TANKER 1 will stand by and wait forfurther instruction from the OIC and will respond only if needed or requested. c) FOR OTHER INCIDENTS: ENGINE 1 shall respond with a minimum of 3 Firefighters at the lncident Ground. 4. TANKERI lo oF 15 INA VOL[,' N'I'E ER I.'IRE D T]PARIM ENf-, Ii\C. S'I ANDARD OPERATING GLIIDIILINI,]S M ED a) Used for tanker operations and salvage and overhaul. b) TANKER '1 will respond with a minimum crew of 2 Firefighters. Although certain occasions arise when only 1 crewmember will operate the unit due to Firefighters shortages, J. a) b) 6. a) b) c) d) TTYDRANTMII,USHVALVES Filling from Medina Water Hydrants will only be done from approved designated hydrants as specified at the sole discretion of the Medina Water Board. Flush valves may not be used to filltrucks. ATTIRE BRUSH/GROUND COVER: Jumpsuits with hard-hat (Helmet) and goggles. FIRES: Bunker Gear HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INCIDENTS: Jumpsuits and Bunker Gear EMS ASSISTS AND MVA'S: Bunker Gear STRUCTURE FIRES AND VEHICLE **NOTE: No Shorts, Tennis Shoes, Sweat Suits, etc. will be wom to a Fire lncident. Z a) RESFONSEORDER BRUSH/GROUND COVER: 3391 BRUSH TRUCK 3392TANKER 3390 ENGINE b) MoroR vEHtcLE RESCUE l: 3392 TANKER FollowafterBRUSH I Stand-by at station and await further instruction First Response Follow after RESCUE l: I when manned. May be canceled by RESCUE I ifnot needed. Stand-by at station and await fufther instruction l: l: l: First response Stand-by at station and await further instruction STRUCTURE FTRES &Al3RMS: l: l: 3390 ENGINE 3392 TANKER 3391 BRUSH TRUCK e) Immediate response VEHICLE FIRES: 3390 ENGINE 3392 TANKER d) l: AGGTDENTS: 3390 ENGINE c) l: l: l: Immediate response Respond with full manning Respond ifneeded UNKNOWN TYPE FIRES: l: 3391 BRUSH TRUCK Immediate response 3390 ENGINE I or (3392_IANKEB Respond ifneeded with tull manning RESCUE l: 3392 TANKER f) I Stand-byandawaitfurtherinstructions I or 6390 ENGIW Stand-by and await further instructions POLE FrRES: 11 0F 15 MEDINA VOLTIN'I'EER I.IRE DI]PARI'MENT" INC. S'I AI{DARD OPERA'I'ING GLIIDIiLINIIS 3390_ENCINEI All g) Immediate response other units stand-by and await further orders MUTUALAID GALLS: Either TANKER I or BRUSH TRUCK I (with Cascade) will respond. RESCUE I and ENGINE I will not leave the area unless absolutely needed (To be determined by Fire Chiefor OIC) h) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: l: 3392 TANKER l: 3390 ENGINE RESCLIE B. l: Immediate response to Incident Ground and await further instructions. Immediate response. Stand-by and await further instructions STATIONSTAND.BY a) When Aooaratus has already left or oersons are not assigned: Firefighters respond P.O.V. to the station for alarm on first responding units, use the Base Station on Tac B to ask apparatus status and request instructions from FGO (i.e., respond P.O.V., roll additionalApparatus or wait at Station for further instructions). b) Do not respond directly to the l.G. from Station unless directed to do so. Remain at Station for further instructions from the F.G.O. c) Stand-by for requests by Mutual-aid Departments: Remain at Station for further instructions. Do not roll Apparatus unless requested by Primary Fire Department or FGO. Do not ask other Departments to stand-by unless vou mean for them to be at their Stations. 9. a) VEHICLE LOCKOUTS The OIC/FGO, upon arrival at the incident, will determine whether a hazard exists (i.e., vehicle running/not running with snall children/infants or animals in a vehicle is considered a hazard). b) The Firefighter will advise the owner/operalor of vehicle of the method of entry and that the MVFD will not assume any responsibilitylliability for any damage that may occur with our afternpt to enter the vehicle (the Owner assumes all risks and damages). c) Before any actions are taken by the MVFD, the owner is to sign a release form. lf none are available, on a blank piece of paper write the following: ,'[@ RELEASE THE MEDINA WLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, INC. AND THE FIREFIGHTER(S) FrcM ANY AND ALL RESPONSTBILTTY FOR D,ii'AoES CAUSED By ANy ATTEMPT TO ENTERMYy.EHICLE, ATMY REQUEST." d) Also note the License Plate Number, and/or V.l.N. (Vehicle ldentification Number), lnsurance Carrier, Driver/Owner Drivers License Number, Address, and Phone Number. Have the statement signed by the Owner and Witnessed by someone other than you. 10. PRESCRIBED/CONTROLBURNS a) Land/property owne/s responsibility for planning and carrying out prescribed/control burn. MVFD will not ignite or treat as an emergency. b) A signed Release form is required from the land/property orivner. c) All requests for prescribed/control I ]. burns are to be presented to and approved by the Fire Chief. RESPONDING TO AREAS OF ADJACEM DNTruCTS 12oF 15 M ED INA VOLT JT{TEER F-IR E D E,PAR.II\4 E,I.{T, Ii\ C. S'I AI\DARD OPII,RATING GLTIDELII{ES When the location is uncertain and may be in Medina Fire Protection Area or another adjacent area, respond and clariff location later. 12. REQUESTINGMUTUALAID a) On any Emergency lncident call in the Medina Fire Protection area, (if determined by the FGO/OIC) a request for a mutual aid unit may be requested, specifoing type and number of units needed. b) All units can be canceled while in route if not needed as per the decision of the FGO. ]3. RELEASE FROM DUTY Apparatus and Firefighters shall not leave an lrrcident Ground untilthe FGO or OIC has given permission to do so. 14. a) APPARATUS/EQUIPMENTREADIIYESS Apparatus should be returned to service as soon as possible. This will include: fuel, water, supplies, used materials, S.C.B.A.'s serviced, hose lays replaced, used hoses cleaned and hung to dry, and each vehicle is cleaned. b) The Engineer is responsible to see that the vehicle is maintained and placed back in service. No firefighter will be released untilthese tasks are accomplished. 15. INCIDENTDOCUMENTATION The FGO or OIC shall see that proper information is obtained and recorded on the lncident Ground, and station reports are completed before release of firefighters from duty. 13 0F 15 MEDINA VOLUNTEE,R FIRE DEPARTME,NT, INC. STANDARD OPERATING GT]IDELINE,S AFF Apprentice Fire Fighta: any new member aspiring to become a Fire Fighter. CP Command Pmt: Cental area designated to direct operation at an Incident Gound. Engineer Driver/Operator of an Apparatus FireAlarm Any tone tom Bandaa County SheriffOffice or a Mutual Aide Assist FGO Field Ground Officer: Firg Firefighta aniving at dre Incidart Ground I.G. Incident Ground: Emergency lncation I.O. Incidet Ofrcer: Fire fighta in Charge Incident EmagencyResponse Call MVA Motor Vehicle MVFD Medina Volunteer Fire Departmurt, hrc. OIC Officer in Charge designated d an Incident Ground by the Fire Chief POV hivate Owned Vdricle S.C.B.A. Self Contained Breathing Apparatus Accident at an Incidelt Ground 0G50) IOCODES I{)-4 Affirmative 10-23 Anived at Scene lu7 OutofService l(}.6l Personnel in Area 1{F8 In Ssvice l(M9 Message Received !g-e Repeat 10-71 AdviseNatureofFire r0-17 Meet Complainant Itr72 ReportkogessonFire Location l0-74 Negative 10-20 10-22 Discard 10-76 En-Route {4 ()F t5 MEDINA VOLTINI-EI.]R FIRE DEPAR'|MEN'|, INC. S'|ANDARD OPT.]RATIIVG GLTIDEI,INE.S FilefigltoName Firefighter Position Date/Time oflncident Location of Incident Descripion of Incident vfihmtohrcljent DateofDocwrentation Type ofDocumentation: Verbal Was this incident in violation of Written-l$ offense-2"d offense-3'd offenseMVFD S.O.G or procedure? Yes No Ifyes, give details No Suspersbn? Ifyes, give details Changa requircd in firefulters behavbr FireChiefcomrnents FirefigtrterComnerfs FirefighterSigrature Assistant Chief S ignature Fire Chief Signature Assistant Chief Signature Witness to reprimand 15 0F t5 MEDINA VOI,UI{'I'EIIR FIRE D E.PARTM E,N1" INC. STANDARD OPF]RATING GT]ID E,I,INE,S I, AS A MEMBER OF THE Medina Volunteer Fire Departnent, lnc. have read conpletely and agree to abide by the Standard Operating Guidelines accornpany this statsnent. I understand failure to cornply may result in my receiving a reprimand, limitation in service or termination of Fire Fighter/Apprentice Fire Fighter/Jr. Fire Fighter status Signed date Signed date Fire Chief t6 (,F 15