pppppppp - Puha Shop Route 2015
pppppppp - Puha Shop Route 2015
Be SAO WA PA 8 M e n e e r S m a k e rs 9 G O E D E V R IJ D AG 10 BROEI 11 DRUK 12 Dapiran 13 Sim Son 14 N u k u h i va 15 All the luck in the world 16 S q u a r e St r e e t w e a r 17 Q u a d r at 18 Ca ca o 20 J as o n K i n g 21 Kafe Belgie 22 W o r ks h o p o f W o n d e rs 23 Sw o r d f i s h & F r i e n d 24 Hall of frame 25 Aca d e m i e g a l e r i e 26 D A E N'S 27 S p r i n g e rs W o n e n 28 D E KO E K FA B R I E K 29 S n e a k e r Baas 30 HUNTED 31 B i g o li 32 Bern 33 T h e at e r K i k k e r 34 Frietwinkel 35 St r a n d W e st 36 H E T K AU F H AU S 37 S tat h e 38 E K KO 40 aat Ca f e V o o rt u i n 41 n Revenge 42 Vinvin 43 nnen b Zo urg N aa r d e k a p p e r 44 Eligenstraat t Agnietenstraa Groenestraat Giensch 45 P l at o 46 N ot o r i o u s 47 K l ij s & B o o n 48 T h e V i l l ag e 49 traat f Puha 50 ST U D I O AYQ I D O 51 Buitengewoon bloemen Gan 9 sst raa t l r t lps t a a Wu e Je eg ste on 11 iest Vaa rtse str ik aat t raa tionstraverse Z r. Stationsplein kst Blee Stationsplein Pel rem o Kr ad gel 10 rk ste rijnesin f Er Le e ad Catha dig Kro Oo Catharijnesingel ij eR mTmE KO O P 55 Tolsteeg egbr bru ugg Bijlhou n weg K a p i taanl 54 de da en oz Pelmole 8 De Ontdekking 53 rka at GYS 52 Wijde Doelen rsb rug Vo lle al stra eR g Twij n ng Springwe ht Nicolaas dwa raat 5 grac tr. rss Do ele nstraat 6 Nicolaasstraat Vrouw juttens ttenho esinge Catharijn Abc S traat Zuilenstraat Oude w ju werst Geert ebolwerk Andreasstraat weg ht Vrou La Spring Brands tra traat at ht grac Lange Nie uwstraat Geerte straat grac Oude eestra Lange Smeest at raat Oude Korte Sm eestraat Reguliers teeg Cathar ijn esteeg Dorstigeh artstee g 4 t te Magdalenastraat traat Keukens traat Keukens Schalkwijkstraat Brigitten straat Ridderho fstad A. Doles teeg 20 12 Springwe g Zo nst raa t Herenbrug Here nstraatHere nstraat 2 Nieuwstraa rk Moreelsepark ht Tuinstraa tt Mariaplaats Zad elstraat 15 nnwwe egg Stee Ri Sc etv ho hro eld us d e e r seig Mon 17 13 P P 18 grac Lange centraal museum ste Spoorstraat baa Malie baan ne Malie dW ur v W ed Oude in 1 dick bruna huis We Catharijnesingel central station at 21 Willemsplanstoen Willemsplanstoen Rijnkade Smakkelaarsveld Trans rkhof Oudke t Maats riaplaats Drie 22 t Sta G dh uis ra ch nbu Clare Achter start ieuwstra Visschersple Nieuwegracht t sda m Jan aat straa Anna ro e reb harin gstr . g stee at Ham stra er k k Ba tee dr ag er ss en derstr 25 Min n markt anze 33 cht Vin 34 ken g bur str. at stra ken bur g Dra g eg aat rstr kk Za Pi et kho f Jan at ss an eJ La ng V 40 tra t traa oors 41 Pott e sstrtraaa att e Vie rg enb u Vred rde nve ld enm a Lang rkt raat sker off rkh ke ns Ja 48 47 43 42 t raa wst Pau 29 BreeBdr esterdast artaat str. nen obij Jac Wate rstraat nje str a Paa rg ede ad sk erd sin ge l oz Va 2e n A Lange La uwe Ac sc h h rst raa ters van t tra W at ijck We 1e Ac ht ers tra at Kraanstraat Ora Nieuwe at Vark at P P e ekad arijn Cath Daalsesingel O at 36 erst g Wa t DDoonnkke e rstraat Mariastra ht Korte N Lijnmarkt Nieuwegracht egrac CChoo r stra Mass Hek egast elst eeg Nieuwe Kamp aat W ee Nieuwe Kade kt at rst isab Lange El lein Domp Vis mar a eth str Nieuw SSeerrvvaaa assbboolwlw eerrkk werstr N tr. mm Oude Kamp gel Bijlhou tivoli vredenburg tourist info g bru we burg market KEEK 7 l V r eden de Do AAc hte r at iesin ge raat d Ou Dom stra Mail 7 at tra s rg Be PPaaaa rdenveld bsst Oud a r eg t at stra zalem Jeru burg sin aco Vredenburg rden veld de el en ilie t Wille msst trraaaat t Kroon st a r at Paa St.-J t ders str. Neu ht P P a tra t Schouten Krt str. . Minreb roe Lep Ma bsstraa P P Neude t str. Telin g o erkh f 16 14 37 cht 26 en 3 rac 28 35 St.-Jaco deg s en Roz Bemuurde Weerd Westzijde Ou J an Me ijenst raaaatt Sla 30 Pred Loe ik heren stra ff at Ber chm ake rstr aa of str aa dom tower aa Lau renh 32 31 ikhe istr 23 Pred ld Kade . sve 38 bollen Jan Bemuu Wee Harde Ke 4 Korte Janss 2 t raat 44 ijde rde Weerd Oostz rstr. 45 Cross water over ancient sluice nijntje pleintje auwe 27 ntso Zwaanst eeegg er 50 Gruttersdijk Krt. L 46 grach t ieuwe Zi lverstraat o Kr Piet at 51 49 tr ings eter ra at Na ch te ga als t k tra tra uspla erstraa t hs be ls ot ift onym B e ijn eg aa Dr at Hi er Hamburg ka de str Bo tra Nobeld at ijn e rs at warsstra No Beg Voo 53 rst raa t de ize at tra nts Wij tra aat Ke 54 t Hav erstr ch ers Walsteeg ra uff ers k kh ng eJ Boterstraat re ng erk ht grac KrKromme ommeNie Nie uwe we ou eto sbolw Strosteeg La Wro St alst lstee eegg tra at Luca er at tra bo lw ps stads schouw burg Lu ca s ha l Witte rouwe v vr mp rsc de 52 Van Asch van Wij ij de nka ns at Molenstra Plo ckska de Weerdsingel oz t aa ee add nek Rid uwe ge nsin mm eN evro at Witt Biltst at Wolvens tra tte de raa t 55 Wi tzij str vit Beg t Oudegrac ht Tw ijn aan s tr de aa We t a rf a Kie aa f os traat tra at str 48 Noorders Du ifs Puha Shop Route is brought to you by Puha - Voorstraat 48 Booklet & app created by The Projects - theprojectsonline.nl Mediapartner: Utrecht Tourist Info - toerisme-utrecht.nl Mu traat Koekoeks en K at o e n Fa b r i e k 6 s Oo Wittev lO ov er ge sh n 6 de W sin an m a d a m e d e P o m pa d o u r 5 Grab the app for Android & iOS @ puhashoproute.nl is 8 rd Kru t-J MCHL 4 at t We e Sin B l ac k B i r d 3 ra a stra rouwen si nge l Griftpark Cas c o + F o t o d o k 2 e tst 1 ad ch rk re ste We Ob t aa st r er kk oek Grifth V 15 1 15 2 3 4 6 5 CASCO + FOTODOK BLACkBIRD MCHL MADAME de POMPadour KATOENFABRIEK Keek A place for exhibitions, books and events in the heart of the city. Little espressobar combining great coffee, extremely healthy slow juices and pastry with vintage bikes and furniture in a cosy atmosphere. A shop full of innovative and unique designs, from jewelry to homewares. The only design store in Utrecht where the majority of the collection is 3d-printed! Take a step back in time at Madame de Pompadour vintage hairstyling. Passionate hairdressers who specialize in the old school; 'dressing up' the hair. Shop and sustainable textile printing company. Design your own or choose from our own designs and shirts. Browse accessories and handmade Utrecht souvenirs! A cozy lunchroom that serves fresh organic homemade products and has its own bakery nearby where they bake artisanal pies, cakes, scones and much more! Lange Nieuwstraat 7 cascoprojects.org fotodok.org Oudegracht 222 [email protected] blackbirdcoffee.nl oudegracht 254 mchl.co Oudegracht 268 vintagehairstyling.nl 030-8778394 Oudegracht 382 katoenfabriek.com 030-2014039 CAFE: Twijnstraat 23 BAKERY: Oudegracht 362 kunsteneerlijkekoffie.nl DESIGN HAIR ART INTERIOR CULTURE COFFEE VINTAGE 7 FASHION DESIGN COFFEE FOOD DRINKS 8 9 MENEER SMAKERS GOEDE VRIJDAG BROEI DRUK DAPIRAN Original Thai Cooking. Taste our PadThai, TomYam, soups, noodles, salads and curries. Every day new orders on the menu. Facebook: saowapa-utrecht. Sawatdeeka! Artisan burgers in a homely environment. Beef, lamb, chicken, salmon and veggie burgers. Add homemade fries and a cold brew to get yourself a crafty meal. Enjoy your coffee, exotic sodas and buy all kinds of odds and ends you don’t need. This bridgekeepershouse is now the smallest bar where you have ever been. Meeting place for work or play with vibrant food, fresh juices, directly sourced coffee, local drinks and creative vibe. Slow coffee in the Brauhaus, a library for (designer) clothing and a variety of gifts, made by the creative entrepeneurs who work in the building. Gallery that (re)presents mostly young artists and facilitates experiment and special activities. Visit us every friday and saturday! Nicolaasstraat 1 saowapa.nl 06-2881 2937 LOCATION 2: Twijnstraat 62 LOCATION 1: Nobelstraat 143 smakers.nl Oosterkade 1 goedevrijdagutrecht.nl [email protected] Oosterkade 24 broei-utrecht.com 030-7370005 Westerkade 30 [email protected] drukutrecht.com Springweg 59 dapiran.nl 06-29290881 SAoWAPA FOOD FOOD DRINKS DRINKS COFFEE 13 voorkantje shop route utrecht 10 DRINKS COFFEE FOOD 14 5 11 FASHION COFFEE ART DESIGN 15 12 16 17 SIM SON NUKUHIVA ALL THE LUCK IN THE WORLD SQUARE STREETWEAR QUADRAT Hair salon focussing on precise and personal haircuts. The personality of the founders of Sim Son is reflected in the raw nature of the space. Fair fashion, accessories and other lifestyle items. Every single item is made from sustainable, organic or recycled material. Concept store that sells lovely vintage and new design as well as jewelry and hand-made goods by talented artists. The perfect place to buy your gifts! Street fashion store with brands like Levi's, Revolution, Minimum, W.A.C, Komono, QWSTION bags, I Love Ugly, Q Natives, Ranson, Yukon and more. Conceptstore for men with a focus on Scandinavian brands such as Wood Wood, Won Hundred, Samsoe & Samsoe, Mads Nørgaard, Nudie Jeans, Sandqvist and more. Springweg 12 atsimson.com 030-877 4425 Zadelstraat 36 nukuhiva.nl 030-2316738 Zadelstraat 15 [email protected] alltheluckintheworld.nl Zadelstraat 14 squarestreetwear.nl 030-2333316 Zadelstraat 11 quadratstore.com 030-2218472 HAIR FASHION FASHION FASHION FASHION DESIGN 15 18 15 20 15 21 22 23 CACAO JASON KING KAFE BELGIE WORKSHOP OF WONDERS SWORDFISH & FRIEND Cacao is the traditional chocolate shop of Utrecht. Come and taste high quality chocolate and experience how extraordinary chocolates are made. Boutique-collection, for both men and women. Selected brands to make it worth your while. In Holland we say: "KLEIN MAAR FIJN" (in)famous for its 20 draft beers and wide selection on bottle. Food is among the best and affordable in town (veggie & vegan choices available). Open late. Design gallery and shop showing and selling furniture and lighting from around the globe, the newest creations and seldom seen classics mixed together. Record store slash living room with carefully selected vinyl, turntables, interior products, books, illustrations and arts. Nice to have you there! Oudegracht 179 cacao-utrecht.nl 030-2658217 Oudegracht 201 jasonking.nl 030-2313122 Oudegracht 196 KafeBelgie.nl 030-2312666 Domstraat 25 workshopofwonders.nl 030-2318686 Oudkerkhof 43 swordfishandfriend.com 06-42448462 FASHION FOOD 15 24 FOOD 15 25 DRINKS 15 26 MUSIC INTERIOR DESIGN 15 27 VINTAGE INTERIOR 15 28 15 29 15 30 HALL OF FRAME ACADEMIEGALERIE DAEN'S SPRINGERS WONEN DE KOEKFABRIEK SNEAKErBAAS HUNTED Eye wear fashion boutique. Aspiring to inspire, owners Jolanda and Etienne bring the finest designer labels and exclusive vintage frames. Exhibition space of HKU University of the Arts Utrecht. Come and see the latest works of the youngest generation of artists and designers. Daen's : fashion : coffee : wine : food : hotel. We're a concept store located in the former fire station of Utrecht. It's all about quality time... Let me show you. The language of love is spoken by cookies and coffee. Pastries we sell are made by mentally challenged people and the coffee made by the finest baristas in town. The Sneakerbaas store is the destination in Utrecht for exclusive sneakers. Expert advice and a friendly talk. See you soon! Premium streetwear boutique with unique brands like: Raised By Wolves, Utca's Finest, NICCE London, T.W.O. Face & more for the contemporary man. Korte Jansstraat 1 hallofframe.eu 030-2343133 Minrebroederstraat 16 academiegalerie.nl 030-2342164 Korte Minrebroederstraat 13-17 daens.nl 030-2313823 Telingstraat 2a springerswonen.nl 06-53671914 Slachtstraat 2 dekoekfabriek.com Kintgenshaven 1 sneakerbaas.com 030-8906560 Kintgenshaven 1a thehunted.nl 030-6368702 FASHION FASHION FASHION ART FASHION DESIGN 31 DRINKS FOOD 32 INTERIOR DESIGN 33 FOOD COFFEE DRINKS 34 35 36 37 BIGOLI BERN THEATER KIKKER FRIETWINKEL STRAND WEST HET KAUFHAUS STATHE Anything delicious from the Mediterranean. Lovely sandwiches, wines, cheeses, homemade salads, lasagna, pestos and a good variety of salamis and hams. Bern offers you the most beautiful fashion collections of the finest brands in Utrecht plus the best advice you could ever ask for. Theater Kikker developed into one of the city's most important theaters. It specializes in contemporary theatre, modern dance and youth theatre. High quality homemade 100% organic fries, snacks and drinks to go in the center of Utrecht by dapp bio food. Design shop located in an old city castle. We sell big brands like Vitra and small finds from local designers. Furniture, gifts and complete interiors. With love and passion we select unique and timeless second hand clothes, vintage interior and accessories for the best prices! Come in and have a look. A great diner-café with live bands and djs. You're more than welcome to share a food platter, drink one of our many beers or great wines. Schoutenstraat 7 & 12 bigoli.nl 030-2368848 Schoutenstraat 8 bernmode.nl 030-2322339 Ganzenmarkt 14 theaterkikker.nl 030-2319666 Vinkenburgstraat 10 frietwinkel.nl 085-27 380 02 Oudegracht 114 strandwest.nl 030-2304305 Achter clarenburg 32 facebook.com/hetkaufhaus [email protected] Rozenstraat 15 stathe.nl 030-2687172 FASHION CULTURE FOOD DRINKS FOOD DRINKS DESIGN INTERIOR VINTAGE FASHION FOOD DRINKS 40 38 41 43 42 EKKO CAFE VOORTUIN REVENGE VINVIN NAAR DE KAPPER Music venue hosting a variety of artists, djs, live acts and art exhibitions. The bar area serves as a restaurant each thursday and friday. Exciting beers, great wines, distinctive music and attentive, lively staff. An invigorating warming up or dandling cooling down on every moment of your day. Get your 'head to toe' fix at Revenge. Shop exclusive but affordable clothing and shoes. Top it off with a visit to our hair salon. First winebar of Utrecht with a wide range of wines by the glass and delicious fingerfood! Trendy spot and relax atmosphere. We also arrange wine-tastings. We are Richard & Pascale. We are a barbershop without any gossip, only with kapperskabaal. Check twitter.com/kapperskabaal for more conversation. Bemuurde Weerd Westzijde 3 ekko.nl 030-231 7457 Voorstraat 4 cafevoortuin.nl 030-2231778 Voorstraat 6 therevenge.nl 030-2102039 Predikherenstraat 19 wijnbarvinvin.nl 030-7523936 Voorstraat 28-H naardekapper.com 030-2311684 DRINKS HAIR CULTURE MUSIC FASHION DRINKS 44 HAIR 45 46 47 48 49 GIENSCH PLATO NOTORIOUS KLIJS & BOON THE VILLAGE PUHA First class vintage and selected modern labels. Visit Giensch to see the unique combination between authentic handpicked vintage and present-day fashion! Music Store. Vinyl + CDs (new and 2nd hand). Plus a wide range in DVDs, magazines and headphones. Retro fashion for modern women of all shapes and sizes. Dress gorgeous,look gorgeous and feel gorgeous in size XS t/m 4XL. Specialized in upperwear and underwear for women (a.o. Wood Wood, Henrik Vibskov, Libertine-Libertine) with a distinct North-European identity. Specialty coffee bar with amazing drinks, food and music! Our new location in an old prison features a coffee roastery, bar, kitchen, bakery and garden. At Puha you'll find clothes and accessories for men and women. Made by over 50 young mainly local designers. Come and say hello to us! Voorstraat 31 giensch.nl 030-2313204 Voorstraat 35 platomania.nl 030-2310826 Voorstraat 41 notoriousclothing.nl 030-7370483 Voorstraat 44 klijsenboon.nl 030-2313581 location 1: Voorstraat 46 location 2: wolvenplein 28 030-2369400 Voorstraat 48 puhashop.nl 030-2319994 VINTAGE FASHION FASHION VINTAGE FASHION MUSIC CULTURE 50 COFFEE 52 51 MUSIC DRINKS 53 DESIGN FASHION ART 54 55 STUDIO AYQIDO BUITENGEWOON BLOEMEN GYS DE ONTDEKKING KAPITAAL TE KOOP Monochrome concept store with a focus on minimal, timeless and handmade design. Not ordinary but fantastic floral creations. We work with the finest, fresh and colorful flowers. Visit us! For bouquets and more. Organic food and drinks. Prepared with love and local products. We offer a great range of vegetarian and vegan food. Healthy breakfast, lunch or diner. Cosy coffeecorner with great breakfast, lunch, homemade cakes, soups and smoothies. Free WiFi to study, work, connect or relax. Buy unique printwork such as posters, zines and other graphic design stuff! Visit the screenprint studio, make a riso print and check weekly events. Unique 'gastro pub' where you can shop while eating. Everything in 'Eetcafé Te Koop' is for sale. Even the vintage chair you are sitting on! JANSVELD 39 [email protected] AYQIDO.COM Voorstraat 55 buitengewoon-bloemen.nl 030-2381111 Voorstraat 77 gysutrecht.nl [email protected] Voorstraat 110 deontdekkingutrecht.nl 030-7514719 Plompetorengracht 4 Kapitaalutrecht.nl 030-2682318 Biltstraat 23 eetcafe-tekoop.nl 030 -2231158 FASHION INTERIOR Fashion | Photography | Design ART DESIGN FOOD DRINKS FOOD COFFEE DRINKS ART DESIGN CULTURE FOOD VINTAGE