Canine Listener - Dogs for the Deaf


Canine Listener - Dogs for the Deaf
Canine Listener
Winter 2011 • Canine Listener • Page 1
Robin Dickson, Pres./CEO
Fed. Tax ID #93-0681311
Winter 2011 • NO. 115
Special Girl - Special Birthday Party
Katie I. from New Jersey is a
very special 10-year-old young
lady. Every year for her “kid”
birthday party, she asks for
donations for a charity instead
of birthday gifts. She has donated food and supplies to her
local humane society and a
local wildlife rescue organization. Last year she chose DFD
for her charity! Her family was
thrilled when she asked for dog
toys and treats on her party invitations. After the party, they boxed up the goodies and mailed
them to us for the dogs in training. We excitedly opened the box
of toys and treats, and the dogs were thrilled with them!
It is especially heartwarming to see someone this young who
is so generous and anxious to help. Katie is obviously a dog
lover, and we are very grateful for her special help. Her donations help the dogs succeed in training and go on to fulfill their
mission in life.
Thank you
McLoughlin Bulldogs!
Thank you to the McLoughlin Bulldogs, Team 81, from McLoughlin
Middle School in Medford, Oregon. They sent us a box of toys and
treats for our dogs, along with a holiday card that included some of
the following special notes from the kids:
“Thank you for what you do. It really means a lot.” ~ Brittney P.
“Hope you guys like the toys we got. Happy holidays.” ~ Zarissa M.
“Thank you dogs for helping deaf people, without you
it would be hard for them.” ~ Gage
Our dogs in training asked us to pass along a message to the students and their teacher, Ms. Arnold: “Arff, arff, woo-oooo!” Translated, that means “Thank you so much for the box of toys and
treats! We love them. You are PAWESOME!”
Dogs for the Deaf, Inc.
Rescuing Dogs to Help the Deaf Since 1 977
10175 Wheeler Road, Central Point, OR 97502 • (541) 826-9220 Voice/TDD • email: [email protected] Charter Member
Assistance Dogs International
Accredited by
Dogs International
Page 2 • Canine Listener • Winter 2011
Placement Highlights
Loops - “The Navigator”
Jodi A. had her first Hearing Dog, Chewie, for 10 years until he
passed away. Jodi has been deaf since birth and teaches American Sign Language at a local college. During the time that Jodi
and Chewie were together, they gave many presentations and
educated countless numbers of people about Dogs for the Deaf.
They also put on many fund raisers and donated the money to
DFD to help others receive specially trained dogs. Jodi was
anxious for another dog and thrilled when we contacted her
with the news that we had the right dog ready for her. Loops, a darling red
and white, male Cocker/Poodle mix, came from the Fresno, California, SPCA. He had been
stray roaming the streets and, when our trainers saw him at the shelter, his coat was matted and overgrown, and
h e
had kennel cough. He was in terrible shape, but he still had a zest for life that made him a likely candidate for one of our
programs. After getting him healthy and into top physical condition, he was ready to start training, and he loved it. He
was happy and excited receiving his toys and treats when he did what his trainer wanted. He learned to respond to all of
the normal household sounds, and he learned his obedience skills well. With training completed, Loops and his trainer
headed off to his new home. Jodi and her boyfriend Jim fell in love with Loops immediately. Loops met the family cat
and checked out the house and backyard. They began practicing sounds, and Loops quickly alerted Jodi to the various
sounds in the house. By the end of the placement, this new team had made incredible improvements and they were working well together. Jodi calls Loops “the navigator” because of the way he is always alert and aware of his environment.
Please continue to support the special work and mission
of Dogs for the Deaf
Just What the Doctor Ordered!
Mea and Bob M. have been married for 53 years. Every day Mea faces
muscle pain, fatigue, and trouble sleeping because of fibromyalgia and
osteoporosis. To lessen these symptoms and maintain bone mass, she
is supposed to stay active, walk, and exercise. When their 15 year old
dog died last year, they not only missed that companionship, but it was
also more difficult for Mea to stay motivated to remain active. They decided they needed another dog to help. The perfect dog for them was a
small, red with a black mask, three year old Pekingese named Ginny.
Ginny had a very rough start to life. We found her at the N.E.W. Animal
Protection League, a rescue group in eastern Washington. They had
rescued her from a hoarding/puppy mill situation, but, in spite of her
rough start in life, she was very friendly and had a sweet disposition. Initially
we thought she might be a candidate for becoming a Hearing Dog, but she did not have the energy
level for that. Ginny was, however, perfect for our Miracle Mutt program. She wanted to please and learned her lessons well. She also loved going on walks and getting lots of cuddle time. When training was complete, Ginny was matched
with Mea and Bob. With Ginny to care for, Mea would need to get out of her chair and be more active - just what the doctor
ordered. The trainer and Ginny arrived at Mea and Bob’s home, and Ginny acted like she had known them forever. After
checking everything out, she curled up on the bed they bought for her until it was time to show off her skills for her new family. Ginny loves her new home and is receiving lots of love and good care. She is also greatly helping both Mea and Bob by
getting them “up and out” more, exercising and walking in order to stay healthier and happier.
A special thank you to DFD Board of Directors Chair Marvin Rhodes for generously
donating the color pages in this issue! We appreciate you!
Winter 2011 • Canine Listener • Page 3
Placement Highlights continued . . .
The Sweet Life of Riley
Riley, a black and tan Spaniel/Min Pin cross, came to us as a puppy. One of our
foster families in Washington raised him until he was old enough to start training.
He developed into a sweet, loving, and very intelligent little dog who wanted nothing more than to please those around him. He learned obedience skills and how to
respond to the door knock, oven buzzer, and someone calling his trainer’s name.
He loved playing these “games” and receiving his rewards. With training complete,
Riley was ready for placement and the best match for him was Janice E.
Janice is 64 and has traumatic brain injury and hearing loss from being severly injured in an accident. Her previous dog,
who helped her through a difficult recovery and a lot of therapy, died last year, and Janice was lost without him. She needed
help with the effects of her brain injury and also her hearing loss. Riley was the right dog for Janice, and she was so excited
when Riley and his trainer arrived at her house. They got to know each other and Riley investigated his new home. Then
work began - showing Janice was Riley was trained to do. They practiced obedience, and Riley showed Janice how he
could help her know when the oven time was going off, someone was at the door, or someone was calling her name. Janice
was thrilled with everything and loved it when he snuggled into her arms and fell asleep. She said “He is perfect!”
Poppy in Bloom
Charmaine W. is 79 and lives alone. Health problems limit her mobility, and she uses a
scooter part of the time. Charmaine is a “doer” and accustomed to a busy lifestyle; however, moving from Los Angeles, combined with the health issues, caused a lot of challenges
for her. Charmaine needed a companion to make her life less lonely and more active. She
wanted a mature dog with some special training to help her. We found Poppy, an eight
year old, fluffy brown and black Spaniel cross at Heart Horse Foster in Ashland, Oregon.
At her age, Poppy was virtually unadoptable in a shelter, but we knew she was the right
dog for Charmaine. After medical checks, evaluations, and training, Poppy and her trainer
arrived at Charmaine’s home. After introductions and getting acquainted, the trainer started showing Charmaine how to work with Poppy. The two quickly became inseparable.
Poppy enjoyed walking calmly beside Charmaine’s scooter. Now life is immensely better
for both Charmaine and Poppy - they are helping each other and providing lots of love
and care for each other.
ank Yo
. . . to all of our major sponsors
for enriching the lives of our recipients and enabling them to live more independently:
Good Sam Chapters
Benevolent Patriotic Order of Does
Royal Neighbors of America
District 36-E
Lions & Lioness (Oregon)
California Federation of
Women’s Clubs
Oregon Good Sams
Southern California Good Sams
Sams Radio Hams
Oregon State Grange
Sammamish Sams
Get Along Sams
Washington Good Sams
Northern California Good Sams
Nevada Good Sams
Oregon Lions & Lioness
Lions Clubs / Lioness Clubs
Kiwanis Clubs
Sertoma Clubs
Rotary Clubs
Quota Clubs
Eastern Star, Shrine, & other Masonic Groups
Many other generous clubs & individuals
Thank you Foster Friends . . .
Denny Wise • Margene & Joe Coates • Wendy Gruner
Patina Coote • Sue Etling • Natalie Abbott • Kim & Auna Spencer
Jennifer Wood • Lynn Lehman • Gena & Craig Strom
Mary Pfisters • Barbara Regier • David & Janet Hall
We thank these volunteers for helping to nurture
and raise the dogs highlighted in this newsletter.
Page 4 • Canine Listener • Winter 2011
Damian, a beautiful Golden Retriever, was placed as a Hearing Dog with
Allan Dreyer in Washington 16 years ago. During those years, Damian
served faithfully, alerting Allan to sounds and happenings all
around him. Serving as Allan’s ears provided priceless benefits to both Allan and his wife Lisa. Lisa never had to worry
about Allan when Damian was by his side.
In addition to being a Hearing Dog, Damian also had a second job.
An avid outdoorsman, Allan often hiked the trails in the Mount
Rainier area, and, of course, Damian accompanied him. In
2003, a chance encounter with a Mount Rainier volunteer
convinced Allan to ask about joining the volunteer program.
Allan became a Mount Rainier National Park volunteer, and
Damian became an official park volunteer right along with Allan. In fact, Damian had his own volunteer agreement, signed with
his paw print, documenting his important role on the staff. According
to this agreement, Damian’s duties were, “to assist Mount Rainier
National Park volunteer Allan Dreyer, as well as ‘spreading good will
and good cheer’ among park visitors and employees; inspiring his
coworkers with his dedication, enthusiasm, and positive demeanor;
helping to bring positive attention to the volunteer program at Mount
Rainier; and increasing the species diversity of our volunteer staff.”
Damian’s service was without question, and he admirably
accomplished all of the things listed in his position description and more.
Above all, Damian loved the outdoors, and Allan consistently reported that Damian would
perk up when they drove up the road into Mount
Rainier National Park. Even when old age led to
creaky joints, he would happily bound through
the mountain snow like a puppy, accompanying Allan on snowshoe walks or, in the summer,
along the trails as a meadow rover. He loved
people and was infinitely patient with visitors who
wanted to pet his long, soft, orange fur. Damian
greeted people who entered the lodge to sign up
for hikes. Most all hikers also ended up taking a picture with Damian, and
they learned about Dogs for the Deaf at the same time. What a good will
Damian died October 28, 2010, at the age of 17. He will be remembered most by Allan and Lisa,
and also by the countless numbers of people he met and greeted at Mount Rainier National Park.
Join our DFD E-mail Fan Club!
In order to be able to better meet the needs of you, our DFD family, we’d like to offer each
of you the choice of receiving our newsletter via the regular mail or e-mail. For those of you
who prefer e-mail communication, this will also save DFD money in mailing and printing costs.
First of all, we promise that we will NEVER sell, trade, or give away your e-mail address. It
will be used strictly for DFD communication with you. Second, we promise NEVER to inundate
you with requests for donations or with junk.
If you want to be part of our special DFD E-MAIL FAN CLUB, send us your e-mail address or visit our website. Go to
the Newsletter page (in the About Us section) and sign up to receive our newsletter. And, please remember to notify us
if you change your e-mail address.
Winter 2011 • Canine Listener • Page 5
The 20th Annual DOG WALK is Coming Soon…
It’s The Roaring 20’s
Come help us celebrate 20 years of Dog Walks on Saturday, June 4, 2011 at Hawthorne Park in Medford, Oregon.
If you are interested in attending Dog Walk this year, we would love to see you. Come
join hundreds of walkers and their furry canine friends, as we stroll the beautiful park
on the Bear Creek Greenway.
This year’s event and costume contest theme is the Roaring 20’s. So be creative with
your costumes or just come and watch the festivities after you walk and have lunch.
As always, there will be lots of fun contests and activities, great raffle prizes, silent auction, Hearing and Autism Dog demonstrations, special commemorative t-shirts, food,
photo booth, The KidsZone, agility demonstrations and coaching, vendors and lots
more! Registration starts at 8:30am and the Walk at 10am.
This year The American Humane Society’s Red Star/AES Big Tr u c k
is scheduled to be at Dog Walk for touring.This is an amazing 82ft. rig
that tours the country, when not deployed for an emergency/disaster, so
communities can learn how animals are helped during disasters.
Each year we have supporters attend from all over California, Oregon
and Washington - even as far as Florida. Some people plan their vacations to the beautiful Rogue Valley at that time of year so they can attend
Dog Walk.
If visiting from out of the area, don’t forget to save time to take a
tour of the facility and visit our new Visitor Center and Gift Shop.
During the tour you will get to see a demonstration and meet
some of our friendly staff and special canines.
Even if you can’t attend, call us or check our website to see how
you can help us make this year’s event the most successful Dog
Walk yet. Don’t forget to Twitter your friends or put Dog Walk on
your Facebook page.
More Room to Run
A special thanks to the Carol & Kent Landsberg Foundation for funding part of a very special project for the
dogs in training - a new exercise and training yard.
After snoozing their nights away in the kennels, the
dogs wake up full of energy and excitement in the
morning. They need to be able to run and play before starting their training for the day. In order to bring
in more dogs and larger dogs for some of our new
programs, we needed additional space for them to
“let off steam” without being
crowded and risking injury to
dogs, staff, or volunteers.
The new exercise yard has
higher fencing for the larger
dogs being trained, and the
additional area provides increased safety, security, and
comfort for the dogs. Dogs can
now be spread out more, and
we don’t have to have 80 pound
dogs and 8 pound dogs playing
in the same area.
This new area greatly helps improve the quality of time
the dogs spend at DFD. The project included partial
removal of an existing fence, excavating and preparation of the site, fencing, ground cover, sandboxes,
shade areas, sight barriers, and needed plumbing for
watering and clean up.
Dogs, staff, and volunteers are all thrilled with the new
Page 6 • Canine Listener • Winter 2011
Lodge Harrison/Jan Hus #378 of the
CSA Fraternal Life wishes to donate
to Dogs for the Deaf for the year
2010. As the oldest fraternal organization in the
United States, we believe in supporting organizations
that support the community.
The Kiwanis Club of Jacksonville,
Oregon, toured the DFD facility
and saw one of the dogs in training in October. They then made
a generous donation from their
project account.
Enclosed is a check from
the Ashland Lions Club. This
donation is made in recognition and support of the
contributions DFD makes
in the quality of the lives of
its clients, the clients’ families, and the dogs it
saves. It is a pleasure to support an organization that brings independence and happiness
to so many.
Gloria V., Secretary, Illinois
The Square Sam’ers Chapter of Good Sam is
pleased to make another donation to DFD from
our dog bank collection. We are glad to support
your very worthwhile organization.
Betty P., Treasurer, California
Enclosed is a donation from the Oregon State Grange
to match an earlier donation made by the Granges
from Lane County. We are honored to help support
DFD and the wonderful things you do.
Janet O., Oregon
Mark H., Treasurer, Oregon
The Executive Council of the Grand
Lodge Benevolent, Patriotic Order
of Does of the USA has authorized
me to send another donation to help
train the dogs you rescue.
Dear Robin,
Since the National Grange Convention a year
ago in Michigan, we have been sharing Dogs for the Deaf
items and information with Granges, relatives, and friends.
Enclosed are some pictures we took of you and Bonsai.
June and Wib J., Ohio
Doris H., Grand Lodge, BPO DOES
Every little bit must help. Please accept the
enclosed check from the Good Sam Club,
Azalea Coast Chapter’s donation to DFD.
Stephen L., Treasurer
South Carolina
You have been selected by our camping club to receive
a donation from us. We work throughout the year to earn
monies. We selected you because of your work across this
country. We, as a club, think the service you provide is a
blessing to all who receive it. Thank you for being there to
train the dogs and then match them to people. We know
that the person who receives a dog is truly appreciative
and we support and thank you.
Bill K., President, Dogwood Sams #142, Florida
I am pleased to enclose our check from
the Maryland Good Sam Club #2893.
This represents the proceeds from our
annual Brown Bag Auction held during our Fall Samboree. MD Good Sam is
pleased to continue its support of your great organization.
Marie S., Maryland
Enclosed is the Good Sam
Chapter 52 check from our
raffle at our fall Samboree.
Greta P., Treasurer
Please continue to support the special work and mission of Dogs for the Deaf
Winter 2011 • Canine Listener • Page 7
Enclosed are three checks from Royal Neighbors of America
Chapter #10748 in memory of one of our long-time members, Edna Richards. Edna passed away at almost 91 years
of age. She had visited your wonderful facility several years
ago and was very impressed.
Happy Holidays from Royal Neighbors
of America. Please accept the enclosed
check from members of Royal Neighbors
for your excellent work.
Carla H., Oregon
Sarah R., Fraternal Development Specialist, Illinois
It is with great pleasure that we, the
NORWEGA Sams, can again make a
donation to DFD. This check is in memory of two of our members, Buddy
Blankenship and Ed Brooker. DFD
is a special organization, and we
are all proud we can give to you.
P. Sue S.
Treasurer, Georgia
We are the Texas Red
Hat Traveling Dolls - a chapter
of Good Sam. We have chosen to send
you a check to assist with your work.
Our heartfelt thanks for all you do.
Diane M., Treasurer, Texas
Our Round-Tuit Club collects money for
DFD through our “Pot of Gold” efforts.
We are very dedicated to your very
worthwhile service and pleased to be
mailing you a check.
Dottie L., Georgia
We are the Michigan Good Sam organization.
We hold two Samborees each year and have
a jail and warrants are issued to members
for crimes such as, “being a good cook,” or
“being a nice guy.” The prisoners then have
to seek out folks willing to post their bail.
It’s all in good humor. At each Samboree,
a chapter is chosen to receive the proceeds to go to a charity of their choice.
At our last Samboree, Chapter 52, The
Members-at-Large, chose DFD to receive the funds. You have been a longstanding organization and many of our chapters have made donations over
the past thirty years. We hope this helps in caring for or training a dog.
Christine F., Treasurer, Michigan
Enclosed are two checks from the
Ada Rambling Sams in Oklahoma.
The chapter turned in their charter
and has donated the proceeds from their
checking account to DFD.
Mary R., State Treasurer, Oklahoma Good Sam
The Illinois Good Sam RV Association supports the work of
DFD. Donations at events we hold are earmarked for various
charities and DFD is one of them. We hope and pray this will
help in some small way. Thank you for all you do.
Don H., Treasurer, Illinois
Tour Dogs for the Deaf
We would love to have you visit our facility in Central
Point, Oregon. We will show you a 16-minute video, take you
on a tour of the facility, and give you a demonstration of one
of the dogs actually in training.
So as not to disrupt the trainers’ busy schedules, we ask
that you please call ahead to make an appointment. Tours
take approximately 45 minutes. May 1 - September 30, tours
are at 10am, 11am, 1pm, and 2pm. October 1 - April 30 tours
are at 10am and 2pm. We are open on Monday through
From the Biddle Road/Table Rock Road intersection it is
Friday, except for holidays. RV parking is available.
nine miles to Wheeler Rd. (You will cross the Rogue
Write or call for directions and to make a reservation for
coming to Wheeler.) Watch for mile marker 10 —
a tour. Come on out to see us. We’ll be looking forward to
is where you turn left onto Wheeler.
meeting you!
Page 8 • Canine Listener • Winter 2011
“Ears to You”
Letters from recipients of our special DFD dogs
I am enclosing a check for your fabulous organization in memory of
my first Hearing Dog Chuckie and
in honor of my second Ginger.
Many, many thanks for all you do
in bringing all of us closer to our
four-legged friends and in making the world a better place.
God Bless you all.
Danielle R.
and Ginger,
North Carolina
Danielle & Ginger
Jude is so great. With her I don’t
have to put my hearing aids on the
minute I get up! Coworkers comment on how happy she always
is. Her tail wags all the time. She
impresses people everywhere we go, and her sound work is
perfect. She loves to let me know when sounds happen. She
is just a worker bee. We went to Los Angeles for Thanksgiving. Jude was incredible on the planes. She slept under my
feet the whole way and got so many compliments (even from
one of the pilots)… but the best was the guy across the aisle
on our last leg back to Seattle. He pulled me aside as we
waited for the door to open and told me Jude was the most
impressive dog he’d ever seen.
Bev Z. and Jude, Washington
We recently did a presentation for the New
Milford Senior Center. Coda was a real icon
for DFD and worked great. While I was talking, I set the oven timer and turned Coda
loose to wander around and visit with people
in the audience. When the timer went off, he
stopped visiting and ran right up to alert me
and take me to the timer. He got a standing
Hobbit is now nine years old and
had a close call with death this
spring. He is healthy now with the
help of medications. Thank you for
giving me a wonderful Hearing Dog,
and we hope to have him for many
more years!
This is the time of year that Stella and I start
baking Christmas cookies. We have a new oven
and one day Coda frantically alerted me. When
we got to the oven, I opened the door to see the gas burner blazing like a
blowtorch. Apparently we switched the oven from bake to broil. Coda saved
the day! It is very comforting to know that he is always ready to help.
Kirk and Stella D., Connecticut
When I came to DFD, I was
a scared, nervous, little white
Chihuahua. I didn’t trust anyone and had been on my
own way too long. You
knew I needed a friend and
came to my rescue. Thanks
for the wonderful home
and family who love me.
Thanks for love and a
purpose in life.
Christen S. and Hobbit,
Lance is still the sweetest
dog, so patient, loving, and
protective. I adore him and
am so grateful for the help
he gives me. He learns new
things all the time. Please use
the enclosed as you choose.
Clare N. and Lance,
Buddy and Barbara B.,
Winter 2011 • Canine Listener • Page 9
continued . . .
One night my husband
Ed fell in the shower. He was calling
for me, but I couldn’t hear him. Murphy
jumped on the bed and alerted me and
took me to Ed. I couldn’t get him up myself, but my son was able to come over
and help. Thanks to Murphy, Ed was OK.
Alex and I are doing well. We have a
new addition to our family - a grandchild. Alex has appointed himself as
her chief guardian. He works the baby
monitor flawlessly so I can babysit and
help with her care. The baby actually
stopped breathing two times and Alex
alerted me immediately. My daughter
and her husband were amazed. This
time of year my thoughts always turn
to how thankful I am to DFD. We have
Doris & Alex
been together for many years, and I
don’t know what I would have done without him. Your caring calls, helpful
hints, and emails are all so helpful. You are always there for us. Alex is my
second Hearing Dog, and he is much loved. I don’t know where life will take
me, but I know Alex will be by my side, cheering me on, keeping me safe,
and always ready for a game. He is always eager to work.
Sheri and Ed A. and Murphy, Minnesota
Doris W. and Alex, North Carolina
I hope you can understand why I care so much about D.B.’s future security. I love
him beyond what I am able to describe or express. We are together 24/7 always.
This past year I have had several episodes of vertigo and loss of balance. Also,
my hearing is on the decline. D.B. behaves perfectly in public. He has brought so
much comfort, pleasure, and love into my life. Now I need his help even more
and our bond gets stronger all the time. I am so thankful for D.B. He makes each
day worthwhile for me. I’ll never understand how anyone could have left him in a
shelter, but I am thankful you rescued him for me. THANK YOU!!!
Nan F. and D.B., Michigan
I can’t believe it’s been over four years since you found my forever family for
me. I have to admit that at first I was really disappointed when I couldn’t become an Assistance Dog and went into the Career Change Dog program. Now
I realize I wasn’t really cut out to work the rest of my life. I much prefer living
in the lap of luxury, romping around five acres with my buddy Taz, chasing
squirrels, lizards, and anything else that runs. Anyway, I wanted to make sure
Santa Paws remembers my friends at DFD and I asked my people to make
sure there was a little something extra in your stocking.
Merry Christmas, Monte (now Ozzie), Oregon
Taz, Scott, Karen & Ozzie
You Can Help Secure the Future of DFD...
Our Endowment Fund is a special and separate fund set up to
ensure the financial stability of DFD for many generations to
come. Money designated to the Endowment Fund is invested
wisely, according to carefully developed guidelines. The principal remains invested in the Endowment Fund, and the interest earned is used for the general operating expenses of the
Our Finance Committee has established the goal over the next
few years for the Endowment Fund to grow to the level where
the interest from the investments will cover the necessary administrative and fundraising costs for Dogs for the Deaf annually.
When this goal is reached, then all regular donations will be
able to be used directly for the hands-on work with the dogs’
training, placement, and follow-up.
In order to achieve this goal, we need your support. In addition
to your normal, generous donations to the work of DFD, we
hope you will be able to send in a special donation to the Endowment Fund. You will be enhancing the financial stability of
DFD, and you will know that your donations will help people and
dogs for many years to come. Please be sure to indicate that
these special donations are for the Endowment Fund.
Page 10 • Canine Listener • Winter 2011
Toys for Joy a Great Success
From all of us, especially the pooches in training, we
want to say THANK YOU for all the wonderful toys
and treats you sent for Christmas. Your response was
tremendous. We humans always have fun opening
the boxes and seeing the cute toys you find.
These toys and treats are not only fun and tasty;
they are a very important part of the dogs’ training. We use the toys and treats as motivation and
rewards to help the dogs learn the skills needed
for their future careers. When the dog does what
the trainer wants, the trainer rewards the dog with
playtime or a treat.
er new to
Thank you to all of you Santas who so generously sent in these
toys and treats to help us with training.
es h
Meka lov
National Service Dog Eye Exams
During the month of May, the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ACVO) will launch its 4th annual ACVO/Merial National Service
Dog Eye Exam Event.This event offers free eye examinations throughout the month of May to qualified service/assistance dogs throughout the
U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico.
AVCO/Merial realizes that protecting the sight of these special dogs
is imperative to their ability to continue serving their partners. More
than 180 board-certified veterinary ophthalmologists will provide these
free sight-saving eye exams to thousands of service/assistance dogs.
To qualify, animals must be “active working animals” that are certified by
a formal training program or organization.
Registration for these eye examinations begins April 1, 2011. Registration must be completed via
an online registration form at
Several of our working teams participated in
this event last year, and we encourage as many
as possible to register and participate this year.
Thank you to ACVO/Merial for this generous
For those of you who donate
through the Combined Federal
Campaign, we are now listed in
the “Animal Charities of
America” section, #10969.
Changed your e-mail address?
Let us know...
Jacksonville Veterinary Hospital
, Oregon
Help us conserve donor dollars by making sure we
have your most up-to-date contact information.
Send address changes to:
[email protected]
or mail to Dogs for the Deaf, Inc.
10175 Wheeler Road, Central Point, OR 97502
Winter 2011 • Canine Listener • Page 11
DFD Guardian Angel Update
The Dogs for the Deaf Guardian Angels is a very special part of our DFD family who have included a bequest
(minimum of $5,000) to DFD in their estate planning.
We most sincerely thank those individuals who have become DFD Guardian Angels. These people are
committed to helping future generations by ensuring the long-term financial stability of DFD. They know
that their forethought will help dogs and people for many years to come.
Below is a list of DFD Guardian Angels as of January 10, 2011. If you are interested in becoming a Guardian
Angel or have questions regarding leaving a legacy gift to DFD, please contact us. If you have not yet
informed DFD that you have made a provision in your estate plans or will, and you qualify as a Guardian
Angel, please contact Pam Slater, Development Director at (541) 826-9220 ext 320.
James & Ellen Adajian
Margo J. Adams
Janeanne Archiable
Doug L. Armstrong
Elinor Avenatti
Don & Mineeta Bennett
Kathleen A. Beres
Ron & Beverely Blessen
Josephine Blum
Louise Bratton
Virginia Bridges-Pinneo*
Karen L. Brockett
Mabel M. Brown
Bonnie Burke
Arthur “Ed” Cavaness
Paul G. Chelew
Judith Clair
Howard & Pauline Clark
Margaret Corder
Dee Cramer
Jane W. Cunningham
Charles & Nancy DeFrance
James & Doris Demers
Robert & Christine DeSantis
Kathleen Dolan
Elinore B. Doyle
Jean R. Dunham
Wayne & Susan DuPont
Miller D. Einsel
Patti Embry-Tautenhan
L.B. Endicott *
Donald L. Feinsilver, MD
Lynn Feller
William H. Gardner
Elizabeth Gignoux
Adrienne M. Giuffre
Anonymous *
Martin L. Goodwin
Kathleen Gowell *
Bonnie Hall *
Henry & Carole Hambel
John R. & Judith Harris
Eileen Harrison
Constance Harvey
Jim & Terry Henderson *
Pam Herriott
Carole Jean Higgins
Anne Hills
Danell Hiltz
Anonymous *
Margaret Ann Honegger
Anonymous *
Darrell Jenkins *
Jori Jordan
Olive Kemp
Sandra Kemp
Carol Kilmon
Irene Kitzman, MD
Ron Kostich
Shirley J. Lane
Marian Nielson Lawrence
Carla Levinski *
Donald & Nancy Lewis
Roy & Camille Lindsay *
Jennifer Long *
O.T. Lupinski
Betty Jane Lynch
Zelda Mack
Barbara A. Mark-Pierce
Charles E. Marshall MD
Shirley F. McKenzie
Mary Jo Meagher
Sue Ann Meyer
Lori Micken
Dona C. Middaugh
Richard Miners
Bennett J. Mintz
Roberta Mocabee
Marian Mogel
Marjorie Monroe
Gail Muldoon
Smitty & Sandy Myers
Hilda O. Nitchman
Dean O’Connor
Richard E. & Patricia Orman
Filippo Perrino
Ken Peters
Janet Plog
Elizabeth Price *
Raymond L. Randall
Roy Rath
Bette Reigelman
Jennifer Robertson
Bud & Lois Rodger
Oliver Roney, Jr.
Geraldine Sedlar
Elizabeth Smiley-Gillis *
Ely Joan Smith
Janet E. Soderstrom
Alan E. & Sharon L. Stephenson
Karen Suller
Jeffrey Tautenhan
Paul & Darlene Toole
Robert D. & Lori A. Topp
Frances A. Urban
John & Elsie Van Dyke
Shirley Vanelli
Nicholas Verderamo
Zenetta Lee Watts
Marilyn Wilson
James B. & JoAnn L. Worley
Michael & Frances Youngblood
*Indicates new listing
since February 2010
Page 12 • Canine Listener • Winter 2011
There are so many creative and fun ways to raise funds to donate to DFD.
These ideas not only help DFD, but they can also help children learn
to serve others and they can help recycle items you no longer need.
Also, don’t forget the possibility of your employer having matching gift
programs that will double your donations. Have fun with your family or
group, and you will be helping DFD rescue, train, and place more dogs
with more people.
“I was a vendor at a local craft show where I sold greeting cards
and wood Scottie dogs carved by my deceased
dad. The sales from the dogs were designated for
DFD, and I’m pleased to send you this donation.
Please continue your important work.”
Karen S., Illinois
Thanks to Joy Bennett and all the staff at The American College of
Sports Medicine in Indianapolis, Indiana. They collected dog toys
and treats and sent them to us to help the dogs in training.
Philanthropie Wine in Medford,
Oregon, donated 10% of their
wine sales during 2010 to six
animal charities, and DFD is
pleased that we were one of the
charities to receive help from
Philanthropie Wine.
“These toys were donated at our
annual Christmas party. We bake
cookies for charity, and I put out a
request to bring a dog toy for your
wonderful organization. Everyone was
happy to participate in such a wonderful
cause that helps both dogs and people. Keep
up the great work!”
Karen H., California
“We are happy to send $400 from Chamco
Sams as DFD was picked as one of our
charities this year. Ty Bo tore a ligament in
his leg and had surgery. He is doing fine.”
Chamco Sams
Pauline D., Illinois
“Please accept the enclosed donation from
the members of Common Bond, a support
group for widowed, divorced adults over age 50.
This is our annual charitable gift. One of our former members
and her Hearing Dog came to our meeting last summer and told
us of the wonderful work your organization does to help those
who have hearing loss and other disabilities. We were amazed
and pray that you will have continued success in all that you do
to help people by providing and training these wonderful animals.
All of the members of Common Bond wish you a happy holiday
and all of God’s blessings.”
Mary Anne W., Director, Common Bond
“The Teacup Dogs Agility Association
recently held its National Petit Prix
Tournament in Auburn, Washington.
During that event an equipment drawing was held and part of the proceeds
was designated to be awarded to DFD. We
hope you will find good use for the donation enclosed. As dog agility
enthusiasts, we appreciate the work you do to find homes for the
dogs in your care.”
Michelle R.
Teacup Dogs Agility Association, Ohio
Dear Kimberly,
I am pleased to report that the Sam’s Radio Hams Chapter of the Good Sam Club has obtained a new $250.00 donation for
DFD from the Wal-Mart store in nearby San Clemente, California. While soliciting donations for our up-coming Christmas
Charity Raffle to benefit DFD, I filled out a written request which the store manager forwarded to Wal-Mart headquarters. Today I received a call to come in and pick up a check for $250.00. Later in the year, after our holiday DFD Raffle, our chapter
will be making a final 2010 donation expected to be several thousand dollars.
Ron M., Sam’s Radio Hams, California
Winter 2011 • Canine Listener • Page 13
Dear Mrs. Dickson,
Please find enclosed a donation in the amount of
$500.00 from the Heartland Midwest Foundation.
In researching your organization, we found your
mission of rescuing and professionally training
dogs to assist people and enhance their lives to be
of particular interest to us. The Heartland Midwest
Foundation has a mission of “Making a Positive Difference” and feels your organization has the power
to positively impact the lives of countless of individuals. Please accept our donation for use within
your General Fund. We wish you continued success with your organization.
Joseph B., Trustee
and Debra B., Trustee
Sue Thomas, recipient of one of our Hearing
Dogs and inspiration for the TV series “Sue
Thomas FBEye,” generously donated $5.00
from each of the 47 DVD’s of her TV series
that she sold through our newsletter.
Thank you, Sue, for helping DFD in this
special way and for educating people about
Hearing Dogs through your TV series.
“We are pleased to send you our donation for last
quarter for the sales of the Blind Dog Wine in
memory of Duane Robinson and Bingo
and in honor of Hearing Dog Toby. Sales
are slowly picking up, and we hope for a
good Holiday Season. Happy to hear the
wine we sent for your fundraiser did well.
Let us know if you have any other needs for wine! Our best
to everyone at DFD and all your wonderful dogs.”
Pam and Steve Lock
Ecluse Wines, California
Thank you for supporting Dogs for the Deaf through your workplace giving campaigns! The Combined
Federal Campaign, United Way, Independent Charities of America, individual state campaigns, and other
independent workplace campaigns make up many of our wonderful donors supporting our mission. Most
workplace campaigns accept designations to Dogs for the Deaf, Inc. by name.
If your workplace campaign or the corresponding website requires our IRS employer identification number, it is: EIN# 93-0681311. Please write in “Dogs for the Deaf, Inc.” on your designation form to ensure
that your donation is being properly directed to our organization. We are listed in the “Animal Charities of
America” section of the Combined Federal Campaign pamphlet. The “Best In America” service mark pictured here is awarded to fewer than 2,000 out of 1,000,000 charities nationwide by the Independent Charities of America.
We are proud to announce that Dogs for the Deaf, Inc. received authorization to display this service mark in our correspondence, on our letterhead, in the newsletter, and on our website. Your designation to support the rescue and training
of our special dogs is much appreciated!
Dear Dogs for the Deaf,
I want to start the year out by making a donation to honor each of my children and
grandchildren in appreciation of God’s gift to me of them in my life. I wish I could make
it more, but this is the maximum I can do now.
In each of my notes to them in the next few months, I’ll tell them of the donation. They
already know of my love for the work you do and know of memorials I’ve sent for each
of their special family members and even their dogs that have “passed” to doggie
Thanks for all you do. My bucket list has you up near the top to come and see you and
tour the facility. Wish I lived near you to volunteer and help. I do volunteer here at our
rescue shelter when I can (get my doggie kisses and fix that way).
Bless you all.
Patricia L., Florida
Page 14 • Canine Listener • Winter 2011
of your facility seve
We had
utors as
been regular contrib scue
years ago and have
e work DFD does wi many
r donation. We have sted in
dogs. Enclosed is ou
our lives. I am
of our own “mutts” in m and would like to make
your Ambassador pr nt groups.
Thank you for th
tour we had in nice visit and
Barbara B., New York
October. Please
accept this chec
k to help.
resa W., Arizona
It is m ed is a don
y Chri
on i
ciate i tmas gift to n my late hu
t as h
him th
your w or DFD, as always ha s year. I kno ’s memory.
ful ser o I. I hope a special p he would
it will h
R., Br
elp yo ace in his
itish C
ia, Ca
I hope to be able to donate more in
the future. Thank you so much for
the “Canine Listener.” I so enjoy
reading about all the people you
help. It is just wonderful what you
are able to do for people and dogs.
Merry Christmas to all of you.
Liz P., Nevada
I recently saw Robin’s presentation at
our Rascals Computer Club meeting.
Prior to this presentation, I didn’t know
your organization existed. I was thoroughly impressed and have read your
“Canine Listener” newsletter. What a
wonderful, caring organization you
are, both for the misplaced canines
and the people who need their assistance. Enclosed is a donation.
Barbara S., Oregon
e, and this is
it could
I live o
ght now. Wish
I can afford ri
be more.
Blanche H., C
Thank you for all
work you so faithfully e
to bring so much jo
y to
others! God Bless
and Merry Christmas u
Pat and Peg D., Ore
Had a little extra in the budget, so here’s
a second contribution for the year.
Kathy S., Illinois
For several years we have been bringing
our out of town guests out for a tour of
DFD. They always enjoy it. The friends we
brought out in October had never heard of
DFD. When we went to church, they then
were telling others about what they had
learned on their tour. I am enclosing a donation in memory of Don Maggard. Bless
you for the good work you do.
Ray and Maxine M., Oregon
tter on
ur newsle ears
We alway g it. My husband w eed
n’t n
after re
o far, does knows!
hearing a be someday, who
a dog - ma
Nancy D.,
We remem
and appre ber Katie fondly
ful stone y iate the beautiou placed
in your
Field of M
you for yo emories. Thank
ur kindnes
Karen and
Keith A., K
I want to thank you for the newsletters - I love them. Soon I’m
going to apply for a Hearing Dog. I would love a special dog to
be my companion and alert me with different sounds and be by
my side always.
Lori S., California
God bless you for all you do. Someday I hope to get to come to see you.
I feel I know you well after all these years. I do not need you to send me
any acknowledgements for my donations, unless you have to legally. I’m
OK with the checks just clearing on my bank statement. So, save the letter and postage and put it to better use. Just receiving your newsletter is
enough for me. I pass them on to others after I read them and hopefully
they get as much from it as I do.
Pat L., Florida
(Editor’s note: We appreciate Pat’s trust and humility in not wanting acknowledgements for donations; however, from a legal standpoint, we
are required to send acknowledgements at least annually.)
Winter 2011 • Canine Listener • Page 15
I lost my precious dog this past summer and friends sent your
ation a donation in her memory. I was so impressed
The best
is that yo
work you do - and that you rescue dogs. I wish I lived
then, of c
ourse, go save the dogs wh
to volunteer to help. Since that is not possible,
cipients a
nd receiv on to serve the re
money to help your cause.
toys, etc.!
You folks love, shelter, food
are wond
Lynn O., South Carolina
Pam O.,
k and some
Enclosed is a chec
in memory
now and living
odies for the “pups”
Thanks for the good work
ve been
g deafness can
our two cats who ha to the
you continue to do. Your
sending Christmas
be, and your dogs serve as an entry into
newsletter brings me to
ars. Keep up
restrainees for many ye
world around them. I also volunteer at a
tears; the stories of hope
takyour good work.
cue organization, so the fact that you are
are wonderful. God Bless
ing dogs from shelters makes me admire
you all.
Fran R., Virginia
Joyce P., California
Cecily S., California
Please apply this donation to the
Endowment Fund to help insure
small d of your
the future of DFD. Your mission of
Enclose ith the printing teresthelping people and dogs in duress
to help er. It is so ld help
is a very noble cause and has great
newslet only wish I co lessed
meaning to me.
ing and ave a very
Hello, I’m back again, thinking about
Robert F., Washington
more. s.
all those little dogs and dear people
who need them. Guess, “need one
Please fin
another” is the best way to put it.
from the enclosed a mem
You do a terrific job, and I want it to
you so m ptimistic Park - T rial donation for W
continue. Check enclosed.
and ackn ch for your alway e Big O Group. T bur
Merry Christmas!
quick tur wledgement lett prompt consider ank
ers. I ap
ments. Th
Charlotte D., Ohio
ank you s tes, letters, and reciate your
o much.
Susi C., A
ter n
ing the win
r Joy” an
While read quest for “Toys fo ister lives
upon the to be part of it. My ne of your
It goes without saying that the work you do is absolutely wonknew I h d was the owner o ured your
derful. I am very thankful that your organization exists, not
ge Dogs. W pressed with the
just for the humans you assist but for the dogs you give new
ill brighten
d are very
life and purpose to. Please accept this donation in memory
facility an . I hope these toys w ogs.
of Maia Stinchfield and send a note to Maia’s human family.
for your w
Lynda P., California
rth Carolin
Please continue to support the special work and mission
of Dogs for the Deaf
You can donate...
• through our website:
• by fax with a credit card: 541-826-6696
• over the phone with a credit card: 541-826-9220
• through the mail: 10175 Wheeler Rd., Central Point, OR 97502
Your donation will enable us to continue making the miracles you read about in this newsletter.
Page 16 • Canine Listener • Winter 2011
$100 Initial vaccinations
$300 Rescuing a dog from a shelter
$500 Evaluation and tests plus
$1000 Initial testing of the dog for alertness and aptitude for training
$1,500 Taking a dog through the quarantine/
evaluation period in preparation for training
$2,000 Follow-up visits of five teams
$3,000 Costs for placement week, going to applicant’s home with the dog,
training the applicant, and transferring
the dog to the person
$5,000 You or your group being named as
the sponsor of a dog at the time of
Dogs are placed FREE of charge with applicants nationwide and in Canada. The total cost of operating DFD
comes from contributions from individuals, service clubs,
businesses, foundations, memorials, and bequests. DFD
is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization approved by the IRS.
Donations are tax deductible according to current laws.
NO TAX DOLLARS support this program.
DFD is now training
Program Assistance Dogs.
These dogs go to work with and
assist professionals such as
physicians, teachers, counselors, and
courtroom advocates in the treatment
of and work with their clients. These
dogs can help improve overall cognitive
development and provide a calming
effect, allowing the professional to
better serve or treat the clients. These
dogs do not have public access except
when accompanying the professionals
and their disabled clients in order to
provide assistance to the client.
If you or someone you know works with
people with disabilities or challenges
and could benefit from the services of
a Program Assistance Dog, contact us
for an application.
Planned Giving… Creating a Legacy
It is your right to choose who benefits from your estate after your death. Don’t let the
state do it for you! A valid will or trust is the only way to protect your loved ones and to
designate and benefit a charity. If you were to die without a will or trust, the laws of your
state would determine the distribution of your property as they see fit, and your family
and friends could battle and lengthen probate for years.
Throughout your lifetime you are in control of your assets and can make changes anytime. Planned gifts also allow you to make a larger gift than you may be able to do right
Planned gifts can create special opportunities and benefits for both the donor and Dogs for the Deaf. You can
allocate a percentage or cash sum to benefit a charity such as Dogs for the Deaf. There can be considerable
tax benefits - including income payments for life (Charitable Gift Annuity) or you can also reduce or delay capital
gains taxes. For more information and to learn the benefits of making a planned gift, please talk with your financial
Remember to review and update your estate plans (will/trust) as needed due to marriages, divorces, births, financial gains/losses, or charitable gifts. A valid will or trust is the only way to protect your loved ones and to designate
and benefit a charity. Here are some ways you can make charitable gifts or a bequest to benefit a charity.
Bequest/Will or Trust
Trust Life Insurance or IRA
Outright cash amount
Charitable Lead Trust
Charitable Remainder
Bargain Sale on property
Charitable Gift Annuity
For more information on making a charitable gift through your estate planning, please contact:
Dogs for the Deaf - Pam Slater, Development Director, at (541) 826-9220 ext. 320.
Winter 2011 • Canine Listener • Page 17
“Live News Feed”
Comments from our DFD Facebook Fans
What an awesome organization! I am impressed with your dedication and
compassion for people who benefit from all the work you do in training your
dogs! Plus the fact that you save so many dogs is pretty impressive, too.
Anyone who works there or has had a part is establishing Dogs for the Deaf definitely - you have added many bricks to your road in heaven. Waving hands
to you! ~ Kim P., via Facebook
I wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading the latest Canine Listener; I especially liked the write up called
“The Ripple Effect.” It gave me chills and it also shed a lot of light on a very important topic. I love how your
newsletter covers so many different topics! Thank you for making such a wonderful newsletter for all to read.
Every one of you are making such a difference in the lives of so many people with what you do!
~ Jennifer W., Hearing Dog Recipient, via Facebook.
What a great organization. Keep up the fantastic work and kudos for rescuing dogs for your training programs
as there sure are plenty of shelter dogs out there who need help. Good luck with future training and helping
people to find the service dog of their dreams. As a canine rescuer myself I’m always happy to see great work
being done with shelter dogs. You are on my Christmas list for a donation. It won’t be much, but in this business
I know that every penny counts! Have a great day ~ Sylvia W., via Facebook
I just found your Facebook page. How wonderful! Just want to say I have supported DFD for at least a
dozen years through the BPO Does. I belong to Drove #64, Lusk, Wyoming. I have chaired the Jewelry Raffle
committee for the dozen years and all the proceeds have gone to DFD. In addition, this past September I
personally cut 15 inches of my hair for two causes. I asked sponsors to donate $$ per inch of hair. At the
time they signed the sponsor sheet they could not see how long my hair was. When the final accounting was
tallied, the contributions came to over $800. Our Drove sent the money raised to DFD and my hair was sent
to Pantene’s Beautiful Lengths to be used for wigs. I was surprised at the results, as I never dreamed when I
came up with this project that I could earn so much to send to you. I am proud to have been able to promote
such a great project. ~ Barb C., via Facebook
This is a wonderful organization, and they do magnificent work. What a wonderful thing for my deaf friends.
~ Sandy M., via Facebook
You Can Help Dogs for the Deaf! Creative Internet Fundraising Ideas
Shop online to help our dogs and those who need them…
Dogs are not only "man's best friend," but they are also known to carry out many
life-saving tasks - such as our DFD dogs have done. One way of saying thank
you to these very special dogs and to support our mission is by shopping online
at, where up to 30% of every purchase is donated to Dogs
for the Deaf, Inc. At membership is free. Also, you will receive notice
of free shipping offers and great savings weekly! So don’t wait; go visit the Mall
at, where you can browse 650+ stores, including,
Pet Food Direct, PETCO,, JC Penney,, Barnes & Noble, and much more! Donation
amounts vary by retailer.
There is no cost to you; it’s tax deductible, and 100% of the donation goes to DFD!
Now you can shop online at eBay AND help DFD at the same time!
Just use the eBay “Give at Checkout” feature, which allows eBay
users to add a donation to any purchase for their favorite non-profit
organization when they pay using PayPal.
Give to your favorite pet charity just by shopping online!
GoodSearch for Dogs for the Deaf.
Raise money just by searching the Internet with, powered by Yahoo.
Page 18 • Canine Listener • Winter 2011
Volunteer Spotlight:
Barbara R. has been volunteering for DFD for four years. With previous experience as a puppy raiser for Guide Dogs for the Blind, she
came to us with a wealth of experience and great skills.
Barbara is friendly, reliable, and always has a smile on her face. In her years of volunteering for DFD, Barbara has fostered six dogs and has been a great foster mom
to all of them. She always brings out the best in the dogs, and her quiet manner
helps the dogs relax and feel comfortable in her home.
DFD Volunteer
Barbara R.
Currently Barbara is fostering Blossom. After finding Blossom in a shelter and bringing her to our
facility, we determined that she most likely had been born and raised in a puppy mill where she had little contact
with people. She didn’t know how to play and became very nervous with any kind of stimulus or activity. We decided that she needed a quiet, stable environment where she could relax and learn that people and life can be good.
With Barbara’s patience, Blossom has been allowed to move at her own pace and is starting to “bloom.” The pair
now takes walks in a park regularly, and Blossom is starting to have more normal reactions to things around her.
Her inner “diva” is coming out slowly, and she is beginning to realize she can have fun running around the backyard. Barbara regularly tells and shows Blossom that the world is a good place, and Blossom is starting to believe
Blossom’s trainer said, “Barbara has been an invaluable partner in Blossom’s rehabilitation. She has a steady,
calm personality and has allowed Blossom to progress at her own pace while not reinforcing fears or being too
comforting. I wish I could clone Barb.”
A very special thank you to all of our volunteers at DFD. You are all a tremendous help to us and have become
good friends, too.
If you are interested in volunteering at DFD call (541) 826-9220
or visit for more information
Watch for DFD in Print and on TV
DFD does not pay for any advertising, but we
do have print and video public service ads that
are run in various publications and on various
television stations around the country.
We prepare these ads and send them out once a year, hoping that some of the magazines and TV stations will need
to fill a spot or will be interested in our mission and want to
help by running our ad.
If you see one of our ads, either on TV or in
a magazine, we would appreciate it if you would
let us know. Either clip the print ad and send it to
us, making sure we know what publication it was in
and the date, if possible, or let us know the city, channel, and
approximate time you saw the ad on TV. This will help us
greatly and enable us to thank them so that hopefully they
will run our ads more often.
DFD Video Available
Do you have a group that you would like to talk to about DFD?
Do you have a friend you would like to share the DFD story with?
If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, we have our “Dogs for the Deaf Story” video. Available in
either DVD or VHS format, each disc or tape has two versions of the video. One is 16 minutes long, and the
second is 26 minutes long. You can use whichever version best fits your timeframe. These videos are available
either on loan or for purchase. To borrow the video, just let us know the date you would like to show it,
and we will send it to you on a two-week loan. You simply need to pay return postage.
To purchase the video, check in our gift catalog at the end of this newsletter.
Winter 2011 • Canine Listener • Page 19
O bituaries
It is always with great sadness that we report the passing of any of our Hearing Dogs. These wonderful
friends have provided many years of faithful service and love, and they will be fondly remembered by those
who loved them. They also received a wonderful, loving life in return.
• Rico was placed with Kimberly W., New Jersey, in 1997 and served faithfully as her
Hearing Dog for 13 years.
• Damian was by Allan D.’s side in Washington, alerting him to sounds and providing
love and companionship for 15 years.
• Wonder was the Hearing Dog and best friend of Donna G., Texas, for over 12 years.
• Colby helped Lorraine A., Pennsylvania, by alerting her to sounds for a little over
a year until he died in a tragic accident.
• Barney was placed with Yolanda V., Texas, in 1997 and helped her with sound
awareness and provided lots of love for over 13 years.
Tex is my ears, friend, and companion. With my husband working full
time in another state, I can live in the house without fear of fire, missed calls,
visitors, or sounds. I can travel and stay in motels again without fear.
Nothing holds me back, because my faithful dog is there to alert me.
Carolyn M., California
Please use the enclosed donation
in memory of our dog Molly.
We adopted Molly from you after
she spent two months recovering
from heartworm, which was
discovered when you brought her
to DFD. She couldn’t be placed as
a working dog, but she brought
my wife Cara and I over 10
years of much joy and love.
Thanks also to her trainer
Jodi and all the loving,
compassionate people at DFD.
Cara & Molly
Paul J., Oregon
Visit and order some delicious premium coffee in ecofriendly packaging that will be mailed right to your door and select DFD to receive
the proceeds. Coffee and tea lovers get to help DFD by enjoying a wonderful
product at a reasonable price!
Page 20 • Canine Listener • Winter 2011
(Editor’s note: We recently received a copy of this letter which was sent to the
Oregon Good Sam State Director and members.)
Dear Wayne and Oregon Good Sam,
Joyce Lee and I wish to thank you for the recognition and honor of the
placement of a Miracle Mutt named Poppy with Charmaine W. in our
name. We appreciated receiving the letter and picture of Poppy from
Dogs for the Deaf. Being the recipient, in October, 2004, of Randall,
a Career Change Dog from DFD, we truly appreciate the placement
of a Miracle Mutt or any other dog placed by DFD. Randall helps
keep me in shape as we walk the neighborhood and is a great companion at home as he wants to be close or touching us whenever
possible. He is also a great RV traveling companion.
In years past we have often assisted Robin at many west coast
Samborees by ringing the alarm during her demonstrations at those
Thank you for sponsoring a dog in our name.
Charmaine & Poppy
Merland and Joyce P., Oregon
rescues/trains/places six types of dogs to help with different disabilities, challenges, and needs.
Hearing Dogs
Autism Assistance Dogs
Program Assistance Dogs
Miracle Mutts (special dogs for special people)
Harmony’s Hounds (dogs with special needs)
Career Change Dogs
HEARING DOGS are trained to alert people to household sounds that are necessary for everyday safety and independence. They are trained to make physical contact and lead their person to the source of the sound. By providing sound awareness and companionship, these dogs enhance parenting skills, increase employability, and provide
greatly increased freedom and independence.
AUTISM ASSISTANCE DOGS are trained to enhance the safety of children with autism by acting as an anchor and
preventing the child from bolting into unsafe environments such as traffic, bodies of water, etc. Autism Assistance
Dogs can also have a calming effect on the child and may improve the child’s willingness and ability to communicate
and bond.
PROGRAM ASSISTANCE DOGS go to work with and assist professionals such as physicians, teachers, counselors, and courtroom advocates in the treatment of and work with their clients. These dogs can help improve overall
cognitive development and provide a calming effect, allowing the professional to better serve or treat the clients. These
dogs do not have public access except when accompanying the professionals and their disabled clients in order to
provide assistance to the clients.
MIRACLE MUTTS (special dogs for special people) are wonderful, loving dogs who can provide companionship,
motivation, and emotional support to people who need a “helping paw.” After veterinary care, some training, and confidence building, these dogs are placed with adults and children who have a physical, mental, or emotional need that
can be helped with a loving pet or companion. These needs might include depression, loneliness, stroke, or mental
or emotional challenges. Miracle Mutts provide a reason to get up in the morning, motivation to exercise, and they
generally make life worth living. Miracle Mutts do not have public access rights.
HARMONY’S HOUNDS (dogs with special needs) are dogs we rescue from shelters and, during the medical evaluation or later in training, are found to have a special physical or emotional need that prevents them from completing
training. These dogs need someone willing to provide a stable, loving home and possible medical care. In the right,
nurturing environment, these dogs can thrive and provide lots of love and companionship.
CAREER CHANGE DOGS are wonderful dogs who are happy and healthy but just not suited to working for a living.
These dogs make loving pets and companions and are looking for their forever homes.
Winter 2011 • Canine Listener • Page 21
In November, 2010, DFD held a Doggie Haiku contest on our Facebook Fan page. “Haiku” is a traditional form
of Japanese poetry. Haiku poems consist of 3 lines. The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the
middle line has 7 syllables. There were so many great submissions that it was hard to choose a winner! Below
are some of our favorite haikus, along with the winning submission by Debbie S. of Oregon.
Oh No! Not my shoes!
Days like today remember...
Your name is not "NO!"
Debbie S., Oregon
(Contest winner)
Hairy ears that hear.
Loving heart that beats for me;
we live life as one
Laurie W., New York
Recipient of Hearing Dog Jaycee
On this chilly day,
your warm dogness on my feet.
Better than a quilt
Wendy M., Oregon
Look deep in my soul
you will see more love than I
can give another.
Windy S., DFD Volunteer, Oregon
Recipient of Harmony’s Hound Sasha
Wingless angel dog
infuses tranquility
heals life of silence
Nancy O., Arizona
Recipient of Hearing Dog Harley
Hearing Dog is love
Hattie works and is my ears
A team and a friend
Jennifer W., Pennsylvania
Recipient of Hearing Dog Hattie
Wooly cuddle smooch
Beautiful blonde muppet boy
Goldenhearted dog
Jessica S., Oregon
Treat Your Dog to the Best!
Pet-O-Bed has generously donated their wonderful beds for the dogs in
training to use. We can unequivocally say that the dogs love their Pet-O-Beds!
Pet-O-Beds have six inches of polyurethane foam with a unique contoured sleeping (nesting) area, making
them the ultimate in comfort. Pets scratch other beds because they are trying to create a nesting area. Pet-OBed has a built-in nesting area. These beds also have durable covers that can be machine washed over and
over and slip on and off like a contoured sheet — no zippers. Pet-O-Beds come in different sizes, and several
cover options are available. For more information on these great pet beds, contact:
Tell them you heard
(1-800-738-6233) P.O. Box 582, Myersville, MD 21773 •
Nupro Dog Supplement
Nutri-Pet Research, Inc. first donated 30 ounces of
Nupro All Natural Dog Supplement in March, 1997, for
us to try on the dogs in training. We were immediately
impressed with the quick effect it had on their coats and overall appearance. We contacted them requesting more, and they have been donating
a 20-pound tub of the supplement every three months. They have also
offered to sell the product to our recipients at a special “rescue” price.
We are now using Nupro All Natural Supplement as a
regular diet supplemement for all the dogs in training.
For more information on Nupro
All Natural Dog Supplement, contact:
Janice at 1-800-360-3300 or 732-786-8822
Nutri Pet Research, Inc. - 227 Hwy. 33 East,
Manalapan, NJ 07726
email: [email protected] website
about this product from
Dogs for the Deaf.
The KONG Company
Donates Over 100 KONGS!
The KONG Company has generously donated over 100 KONGS to
DFD. Our dogs now enjoy a daily dose of mental enrichment by chewing and licking their way through such delicacies as banana KONGS,
KONGSICLES, cream cheese KONGS, and turkey and mashed potato KONGS. Our dogs also get part of each meal from a KONG that
keeps them busy between training sessions. This helps alleviate barking, boredom, and chewing. Thanks to help from
friends like KONG, we are able to continue our
efforts for mental enrichment for the dogs in
Get a KONG for your favorite canine. Check
them out at and thank them
for their generous support of DFD.
Page 22 • Canine Listener • Spring 2010
Incalculable Benefits
of DFD’s Work By Nancy Otte, Arizona
Not only in my own life as a person with a severe hearing loss since
infancy, but also in the lives of those around me - how many are the
wonders that Harley has done for children, with or without special
needs, at school every day, every week, for over ten years! And,
Harley makes the days go better for teachers, secretaries, security
guards, custodians, and administrators who have struggles in their
own lives.
Even though Harley is my Hearing Dog from DFD and goes with
me as I teach in my itinerant position for the deaf and hard of hearing, he touches the lives of hundreds daily since we travel to different schools every hour. Those who are the most voiceless, the
most helpless, the most unseen by others, even if they are not my Nancy & Harley
students, benefit from Harley in the course of our daily activities
and work. One little paraplegic girl was able to move her arm for the first time in
weeks because she wanted to pet Harley, and he patiently waited for her hand to inch down, painfully
slowly, until it reached his head. Harley’s benefit is a daily ripple effect! The positive affect of DFD’s
work cannot truly be calculated.
Dogs for the Deaf has provided more than just a Hearing Dog in my life.
Dogs for the Deaf has actually given me a life worth living.
Doris W., North Carolina
To All my Rescued Friends at DFD,
Well, I’m now 15 going on 16! Can you believe it? That’s 105+ in “people years”! My mom
turns 80 soon, so we are both “chronologically challenged,” but that doesn’t stop us from
being as active as ever. My snout is quite white now, but my mom doesn’t even have gray
hair yet!
We hike for an hour or two every day, and I get to sniff a lot. My hearing is almost gone and
I have a heart murmur… but who doesn’t at our age? My mom’s hearing isn’t so hot either,
but that’s OK, because we have our own way of communicating that we both understand.
I just wanted to let you all know that I have a wonderful “forever home,” just as all of you
soon have. Look at it this way… not too long ago you didn’t know if anyone would come
Brita & G
to help you. Now you are being
well cared for and know that you can look forward to a life of helping someone, being warm,
loved, and well fed. You will be a happy, happy
dog and maybe even go for hikes, too.
My mom is sending a check to help rescue
one more dog from a shelter. Please tell the
“new kid in the kennel” what I have told you you have a wonderful life ahead of you in the
forever home that DFD finds for you in 2011.
Happy New Year!
Gucci, Oregon
Winter 2011 • Canine Listener • Page 23
Notes from Robin: DFD Behind the Scenes
I wrote these “Notes from Robin” four
years ago, and many people suggested that I rerun them every few years
as a reminder of some of the very important aspects of Dogs for the Deaf. I
have updated a few things, and hope
that you enjoy the reminders.
Because of your support, we have been able to save thousands of dogs over the past 34 years and help countless
numbers of people live better lives. The stories you read in
each of these newsletters come right from the people who
receive our dogs. These stories come from the heart and
show the amazing, even miraculous, things the dogs do
once they are placed in their new homes.
Having been so close to DFD for many years, I often forget
that people who are not as familiar with our work do not realize all that goes into it. When people visit DFD and tour our
facility, a frequent reaction is, “Wow, I didn’t realize it was
this complex to train these dogs.” As we start 2011, I would
like to share a few things with you that you may not have
considered about DFD.
• All of our Training Department staff and volunteers must
be specially trained at our facility. Selecting, training,
and caring for these dogs take a great deal of specialized knowledge and experience.
• Looking for suitable dogs takes time and experience.
It would be wonderful to be able to take every single
dog from the shelters; unfortunately, they are not all suitable. Our trainers go to shelters in California, Oregon,
and Washington looking for dogs that meet our requirements. This takes time but is necessary in order to find
dogs that will be successful at the very important jobs
they will have.
• Every dog that comes to DFD has a thorough medical
examination, vaccinations, and any other procedures
that are necessary to bring the dog to optimum health.
The local veterinarians we use give us very generous
discounts, but veterinary care still adds up quickly with
the many dogs we have.
• The training is very extensive. The dogs are socialized
and receive obedience training in addition to the specialized training they receive for the service they will be providing. This requires many hours on the part of trainers
and kennel staff to make sure the dogs are being trained
thoroughly and are being placed in the right job for them.
• Placements require travel and time. When dogs are
ready to be placed, they must be matched with the right
applicant. The trainer has to go through all the applicants
we have and find the one best suited to that particular
dog’s talents and strengths. Once the placement is set
up, the trainer goes to the home of the applicant and
spends 3-5 days working with the applicant and all family members to train them in how to maintain the dog’s
training and how to care for the dog.
• Follow up takes a great deal of time. We have hundreds
of working dogs all across the country. We are in regular
contact with all of them through e-mail, telephone, regular mail, and follow up visits. This is the only way we can
ensure that the dogs are being cared for properly and that
the person and dog are receiving maximum benefit from
each other. This goes on for the entire life of the team.
• While all of this is going on in the training department,
there is also a lot of work going on in the office.
• Even though we are a non-profit organization and do
wonderful work, we are still a business. This means that
we must comply with all local, state and federal regulations. It costs money to pay the required fees, licenses,
and numerous other requirements. We must register,
and pay the fees to register, in every state that requires
registration. It also takes staff time to do all the paperwork and fill out all the forms required to have employees and run a business. In the past two years, the IRS
has made many changes to the reporting requirements,
and this has taken added staff time.
• Donors must be acknowledged and receive recognition
for their donations. We want to make sure our donors
know how very important they are to this work. We not
only want to show our appreciation, acknowledging donations is a legal requirement.
• The general public must be educated about Dogs for the
Deaf and the service we provide. This is the only way
people can learn about us, either to apply for a dog or
to make donations. In order to do this, brochures, the
web site, and a wide variety of other materials must be
accurate, eye-catching, and up-to-date.
• Interviews must be given to various branches of the media interested in learning more about DFD.
• Telephone calls, e-mails, and other correspondence
must be answered quickly, professionally, and accurately.
• The facility and all the equipment and vehicles must
be kept in excellent condition and repaired/replaced as
• We must continually be vigilant about making sure our
facility is a safe place for staff, dogs, and visitors.
• Accurate records must be kept on donations, dogs in
training, placements, and a myriad of other things. Comprehensive files must be kept on all dogs we work with.
The list could go on and on, but I think this gives you a picture of some of the things we do, with the help and cooperation of staff and volunteers, to make DFD the professional,
smooth running, and cost efficient organization that it is. This
is what goes on behind the scenes at Dogs for the Deaf.
As always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call or
e-mail us. 541-826-9220 or [email protected]
Page 24 • Canine Listener • Winter 2011
Memorial Tributes in Memory of . . .
Donations have been received in memory of the following people who lived lives of
love, compassion, and concern for both people and animals:
If your donation was received:
January 1 to March 31
April 1 to June 30
July 1 to September 30
October 1 to December 31
Dollee & Turbeau
Richard Alexander
Bill Anderson
David Aurila
Regan Bailey
Theresa Barbieri
Sarah M. Bean
Bill Beem
Betty Bendall
Wesley ‘Cap’ Bevan
Mr. Buddy Blankenship
Jeff Breed
Mr. Ed Brooker
Max Brown
Mike Burdett
Norman Burton
Shirley J. Carlson
Bridget Ceccacci
Bob Chitwood
Effie M. Coleman
Karen Collins’s father
John S. Corcoran
James Craig
John C. Davies
Lyle Davis
Reuben Daw
Frances Todd Day
Richard De Jong
Mr. DeGrass
Helen Dial
Helen Rose Dial
Richard A. Dienst, Esq.
Helen Downing
Jules Dufour
Liz & Bob Durbin
Memorial will appear in the:
Spring issue
Summer issue
Fall issue
Winter issue
Pauline Edwards
Grace E. Ehrler
Robert C. Elrod
Bob Elvin
Mary Agnes Estes
Ethel A. Ferris
Dorothy Fissel
Marylynn Fraedrick
Thomas M. Godfrey
Anna & Paul Gombos
Josephine Gotti-O’Kane
Pauline ‘Polly’ Green
Jerry ‘Pap’ Groeneveld
Bud Guymon
Charlotte Hall
Donald & Dennis Hamlin
Denise Hanscom
Marlene Hartman
Marlene Prosky Hirth
Herbert Hitney
June Hjort
Brenda Hobbs
Mike Howorth
Gile ‘Ladd’ Huber
Lucy Huddy
Kay Hurlbert
G. Geanne Jacobson
Veryl B. Jones
Martin Jurgenson
Arline Kaminski
Doris Kent
John Kochanski
Lynne Lewis
Paul Liberatore
Beatrice Long
Auntie M
Don Maggard
Charles Martin
~ B e q uests
Mary Ellen Bell Charitable Trust
Eugene J. & Gloria A. Berry Estate
Which is mailed in:
Emily McCarrick
C.W. McMillion
Mary Menacho
Audrey Merz
Audrey L. Merz
James D. & Evelyn A. Midwood
Terry Murphy
Marie Newton
Hollye Nichol
Johnny Nowak
Earl D. Parker
Glenn & Addie Parmelee
Jim Payne
Ethel Petersen
Dianne Phillips
Bill & Jean Raup
Lyle Reed
Edna Richards
Don Rider
Dr. Martin Robin
Duane Robinson
Carmelo Rocca
Giuseppina Smilovich Rocca
Renato Tito Rocca
Gianfranco Rocca
Salvatore Smilovich
Lucia Zullia
Claudio Zullia
Fabrizio Zullia
Baron Sirotti
Trina Sirotti
Willa Sirotti
‘Mike’ Rubin
Florence Russell
Mary L. Schlegel
Arvin Schrader
Bob Shumaker
Joan Smerge
Alvin & Jeanne Soliday
Paul Solomon
Orville Springer
John & Audrey Stasik
Linda Bain Stein
Colleen Stone
Helen Stutski
Larry Sullivan
Dorothea Teitelbaum
Lucy Tervo
Sid Thiel
Sid & Jeraldine Thiel
Mary Tipton
Barbara Townsend
Julie Tretakof
Irene Tripp
Dorothy Tubman
Neil T. Van Dagriff
Orel ‘Van’ Van Dagriff
Linda Walker
Bob Watson
Matthew Caleb Waymon
Hank Wertz
Henry ‘Hank’ Wertz
Henry Harold ‘Hank’ Wertz
Clarine Westlie
Shirley Whitfield
Chris Whitted
David Wieland
Roger Wilke
Ada Wilkinson
Ethelyn Zigler
October 1st through December 31, 2010
Dolores Gluck Estate
Marcia L. Donoghue Trust
Dixie L. Hunt Estate
Theodore Schneider Family Trust
Winter 2011 • Canine Listener • Page 25
Memorial Tributes in Memory of Pets
We would also like to pay tribute to those beloved, departed pets
who have been remembered by their owners and families.
Ash & Loki
Ashley & Sierra
Baby & Puppers
Baffin & B.J.
Beloved Canine Companion
Bity Beagle & Butch
Buffin & BJ
Chin Chin
Claude de Pussy
Dawson & Brigadier
Dogs We Loved
Gemini Judkins
Huni Wiser
Kirby aka
Beach Bum
Little Laddie, Toni 1 & Toni 2
Maggie Anna Blessen
Maia Stinchfield
Max & Moshe
Max & Panda
Miss Kitty, Willy, Sandy & Mouse
Muggins & Stash
Oola ll
Baron Sirotti
Trina Sirotti
Willa Sirotti
Phoenix & Tipper
Pinky, Cindy, Honey Sophie & Rockie
& Lovey
Raven & Warren
Willow & Nikki
Rose & Walker
Yuri, Lady, Copper, Sadie
Primo & Kacey
We Appreciate You!
During these difficult economic times, we are more grateful than ever for your commitment to helping us
rescue, train, and place these special dogs with the people who need them and benefit so greatly from them.
With your continued support, we promise we will continue this special work. We are a team, and together we
will come through this challenging time stronger and better than ever.
Use this Coupon to Remember a Special Occasion or Friend!
m Person m Pet m Living m Deceased Name_________________________________________
Gift made by: (Give complete name & address: please print clearly)
m Mr. m Mrs. m Ms. m Miss m Club
E-mail Address:______________________________________________________________________
Gift Amount: $____________
Donor ID #_____________
Payment Method:
m Cash m Check m MC m VISA
m American Express m Discover
(* $15.00 min. on all charges)
Send notice of this Remembrance to:
Account #_______________________
(Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss)__________________________________________________________________
Expiration Date:___________________
Relationship to person/pet being remembered:______________________________________
Mailing Address:____________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip:______________________________________________________________________
Honoring: m Christmas m Anniversary m Get Well m Birthday
m Memorial m Other___________________________________ Send to:
Dogs for the Deaf
10175 Wheeler Rd.
Central Point, OR 97502
Page 26 • Canine Listener • Winter 2011
Purina Pro Plan
Since the early 1980’s, Pro Plan has been donating dog food for our dogs in training. Thanks to the generosity of the wonderful people at Pro Plan, DFD never has to buy Pro Plan dog food. This saves a great
deal of money on food costs for our special dogs, and it helps us to continue our mission of rescuing dogs
and helping people.
When a dog comes to DFD from a shelter, we don’t know what kind of diet the dog was on previously.
Because of Pro Plan’s many nutritious varieties of dog food, we see many improvements in our dogs after
they have been eating Pro Plan dog food. We see an improvement in their coats, appetite, energy, weight,
and overall health. Pro Plan also has a weight control formula for dogs that are overweight.
Thank you, Pro Plan!
Our dogs are chosen from animal
shelters, where they might otherwise be
euthanized if no homes are found for
them. By using shelter dogs, we are able
to help alleviate some of the unwanted
dog population by rescuing these dogs.
DFD places our dogs in loving homes
where they provide valuable and even life
saving benefits. DFD guarantees follow up
support for as long as the person
and the dog are together.
Thank You, CFC
We want to extend a very sincere thank you to all
Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) donors who have
supported DFD in the past year. The CFC is an annual fundraising drive held by federal employees and
military personnel each year to help charities. These
government employees decide which charity/charities
they want their donations to go to, and then the donations are done through payroll deduction. For the year
2010, CFC donations totalled over $106,000.00.
CFC members have generously supported the work
of DFD, and we greatly appreciate their willingness
to help. We are listed in the “Animal Charities of
America” section, #10969.
DFD Legal/Financial Information
Dogs for the Deaf, Inc. makes every effort to maintain required charity registrations at state and federal levels.
Our philosophy at Dogs for the Deaf has always been to be extremely diligent in following state and federal rules and regulations. In order to continue this due
diligence, we are enclosing the information below because various states are now requiring that we include it in all informational correspondence we send out.
FL - A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Florida Division of Consumer Services by calling 1-800-435-7352 toll-free within the state.
Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state.
MD - A copy of the current financial statement of Dogs for the Deaf, Inc. is available by writing 10175 Wheeler Road, Central Point, Oregon 97502 or calling 1-800-990-3647.
Documents and information submitted under the Maryland Solicitations Act are also available, for the cost of postage and copies, from the Maryland Secretary of State, State House,
Annapolis, MD, 21401, 410-974-5534.
MS - The official registration and financial information of Dogs for the Deaf, Inc. may be obtained from the Mississippi Secretary of State’s office by calling 1-888-236-6167. Registration
by the Secretary of State does not imply endorsement by the Secretary of State.
NC - Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 1-888-830-4989. The license is not an
endorsement by the State.
NJ - Information filed with the Attorney General concerning this charitable solicitation and the percentage of contributions received by the charity during the last reporting period that
were dedicated to the charitable purpose may be obtained from the Attorney General of New Jersey by calling 973-504-6215 and is available on the internet at
lps/ca/charfrm.htm Registration with the Attorney General does not imply endorsement.
NY - A copy of our latest annual report may be obtained, upon request, from Dogs for the Deaf, Inc. or from the New York State Attorney General’s Charities Bureau, Attn: FOIL Officer,
120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271.
PA - The official registration and financial information of Dogs for the Deaf, Inc. may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania,
1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
VA - The official registration and financial information of Dogs for the Deaf, Inc. may be obtained from the Virginia State Office of Consumer Affairs in the Department of Agriculture and
Consumer Affairs at PO Box 1163, Richmond, VA 23218 upon request. Registration does not imply endorsement.
WA - The official registration and financial information of Dogs for the Deaf, Inc. may be obtained from the Washington Secretary of State’s office by calling 1-800-332-GIVE.
Registration by the Secretary of State does not imply endorsement by the Secretary of State.
WV - West Virginia residents may obtain a summary of the registration and financial documents from the Secretary of State, State Capitol, Charleston, West Virginia, 25305.
Registration does not imply endorsement.
Winter 2011 • Canine Listener • Page 27
Red & blue logo design on a cozy
heather gray Hanes Comfort Blend
sweatshirt and Hanes Beefy-T shirt.
#CL WRKOUTSS Sweatshirt - Available in sizes
S, L, XXL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00
#CL WRKOUTT T-Shirt - Available in sizes
S - XXXL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00
Close up of our logo
Snuggle up this
winter in this warm
zip-up hoodie, grey,
with pockets and a
smaller sized logo
on the left chest.
#1706 Birch Full Zip Hooded Sweatshirt
Available in sizes L & XL ............................... 33.00
A darling wagging-tailed
dog on the left chest and
a “job description” for Hearing
Dogs on the back. This shirt will
get people’s attention coming or
T-Shirt Back:
HEARING DOG: 2 Ears • 4 Legs • Wagging Tail • Most often mixed
breed rescued from shelter • Highly trained professional • Provides sound
awareness • Unconditional love, and companionship
Available in sizes S, L, XXXL .......................................... 16.00
Available in size XL......................................................... 16.00
Available in sizes XXL, XXXL.......................................... 12.00
Available in sizes S, XXL, XXXL...................................... 12.00
DFD’s official apron has pockets
across the bottom and is great to use
for everything from BBQ’ing to crafts.
Fun for kids... or adults!
Fun Packs contain coloring book, plush toy,
color-it-yourself t-shirt
in two different designs,
and fabric crayons. Create
your own work of art! We
strongly recommend
adult supervision during the use of the Pentel
Fabricfun Pastel Dye Sticks.
Kids’ sizes S - XL: #PK KIDFNPK1................................... 14.00
M a k es
a g reat
g i ft!
Kids’ sizes S - XL: #PK KIDFNPK2................................... 14.00
Caution: Some of the items in the Kids Fun Pack are
not suitable for children under the age of three.
This apron comes in Natural color and has our logo with the words “Everything
Tastes Better with Dog Hair!” This will make a great gift for dog lovers and will make
your BBQ dinner guests smile.
#CL Apron 1SZ............................. 15.00
New items are being added frequently. Check them out on our
website and view detailed photos in color –
Page 28 • Canine Listener • Winter 2011
Keeping you warm and dry without bulk, Turfer’s
Kathdin Tek fleece jacket is a perfect solution for cold
and windy days. And, with our great looking dog bone
logo, it’s also a perfect way to show your support for
Dogs for the Deaf!
• 100% polyester, anti-pill performance fleece
• Drawstring hem with barrel locks and shock cord
• Front zip pockets
MENS - Navy Blue Fleece Jacket
#CL DGBONEFLCM: S - XXXL .................. 34.00
LADIES - Sky Blue Fleece Jacket
Femine cut runs a bit small, so DFD suggests ordering
one size larger than your usual Ladies size
#CL DGBONEFLCW: M - XXL .................... 34.00
Wearing this fun and unique shirt
is a great way to show your support for DFD. The black, 100%
cotton Hanes Beefy t-shirt has
a colorful rainbow print design.
*color blending will vary with
this rainbow effect
#CL RNBWT BLK Adult T-shirt
S - XXXL...................18.00
Good Sam Members
We have a very special shirt for
Good Sam Club members. This 100%
preshrunk cotton t-shirt comes in denim
blue or red & includes both the Good
Sam logo & the DFD logo, along with
the words, “TOGETHER WE MAKE
MIRACLES HAPPEN.” A really cute
shirt & a great way to show your support.
#CL GSAMT BLU Denim Blue: S - XXL................ 14.00
#CL GSAMT RED Red: S - XXL............................ 14.00
Close up of embroidery
This Cotton Deluxe Polo shirt by
Anvil is pre-shrunk and made of
100% cotton. It comes in navy
or heather gray with the DFD
logo embroidered on the left chest.
The DFD logo is embroidered in
taupe on the navy polo and in navy
blue on the heather gray polo.
#CL POLO NVY Navy - Available in sizes M - XXL..........23.00
#CL POLO GRY Heather Gray - Sizes S - XXL...............23.00
Seven colorful and happy dogs make
this 100% cotton shirt fun to wear.
Made from artwork created especially
for us by local artist Jennifer Eufusia,
and based on seven of our dogs, this
Hanes Beefy T-shirt is an original and
stylish way to show your support for DFD.
#CL KALEIDT Natural: Sizes S - XXL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.00
“Dogs for the Deaf” is illustrated
in sign language across the top
of this great shirt.Then our DFD
logo comes to life and signs “I
Love You” below.
#CL SLANGT BLU Metro Blue: M, L, XL, XXL
#CL SLANGT PUR Purple: L, XL, XXL ............10.00
Show your playful personality with this fun, colorful
t-shirt. Absolutely adorable!
Available in sizes S - L.................19.00
#SL WWFTT STW Stonewash Plum (shown above)
Available in sizes M - XXL................19.00
Please continue to support the special work and mission of Dogs for the Deaf.
Shop our internet store and order on line... or use the order form in this newsletter.
Winter 2011 • Canine Listener • Page 29
Wear unique jewelry that shows your support of Dogs for the Deaf’s
mission of rescuing dogs and helping people. Two Charity Charms®
GivingBands® - one a paw print, the other our whimsical DFD logo
dog – come as a *set in a complimentary organza paw print jewelry bag.
Each recycled, lead-free, pewter charm comes on an earth-friendly black silicone band that is stretchy enough to fit all size wrists. Charms could also be
removed from the band and attached to a charm bracelet or to a necklace chain.
*Items in set cannot be sold separately. One size fits all.
Beautiful pewter silver dog with
gold wings and a halo.
#SU ANGELDOG . . . . . .5.00
#PK GIVINGBNDSET............. 21.00 (for the set)
This wonderful hard-cover book is
written and illustrated by Christine
Davis. It is the perfect way to remember that timeless connection to your
special four-legged friend.
#BK EVRYDGANGEL.......... 10.00
A hand forms the sign for “I Love
You.” In the center of the palm is
a little paw print with “Dogs for the
Deaf” surrounding it. Blue/white
paw or white/blue paw, lettering.
Bl/wh paw................... 4.00
Wh/bl paw................... 4.00
Pastel colors of pink, blue,
yellow and white make this
patchwork beanie-type dog
with a DFD Hearing Dog vest
very cute!
#WU MULTICOLRDOG . .....8.00
A very special way to send
notes to friends. Our note
cards feature eight different,
beautiful full color pictures of
some of our Hearing Dogs.
A little information about the
dog is included on the back
of the card, with the inside left
blank for your note.
#SU COLORNCRD..... 9.00 5.00
Shelter Dog Jake finds out
that things don’t always
turn out the way you plan,
sometimes they turn out
better! By Christine Davis,
hard cover.
#BK SHELTERDG.......... 12.00
Chew On Things - It Helps You Think:
Words of Wisdom from a Worried Canine
This humorous, inspirational book by
Iris Bell, MD PhD, is about coping with
life, as “told” by a fretful, soft-coated
Wheaten Terrier dog, Casey B. Worrywart, Dogtor of Philosophy, to a human
mom, his psychiatrist.
#BK CHEWONTHNG .................... 15.00
Made of biodegradable BPA - and lead-free
PETE plastic, this 28 oz. water bottle has
a translucent blue, twist on EZ seal lid with
a pull open “Super Sipper” spout. With our
great dog bone logo, this water bottle is a
great way to show your support for DFD!
#MC DGBONEWB WBLU . . . . . 5.00
Page 30 • Canine Listener • Winter 2011
This 5" x 5" static window cling
shows your support for DFD and
can be used on your car and RV
window, or on any home or office
window. It can be moved easily and re-used, unlike window
stickers or bumper stickers.
#SU WINDOWCLING . . . . . . . .1.00
This cap has adjustable cloth
strap with buckle & grommet,
a pre-curved visor, and 6 sewn
eyelets. Made of 100% cotton.
Comes in two colors: Navy with
taupe embroidery & Khaki with
navy embroidery.
One size fits all
Navy w/taupe embroidery........................ 15.00
Khaki w/navy embroidery..........................15.00
We have a video available
telling the DFD story. DVD
and VHS formats, with each format
including a shorter, 16-minute version & longer 25-minute version. This is excellent for showing to your service
clubs, church groups, etc. Available for purchase or loan.
DVD #SU DFDDVD����������������������������������� 12.00
VHS #SU DFDVHS����������������������������������� 12.00
This cute mug makes a handy gift.
They’ll never be
without a spoon
for their beverage! 12 oz. ceramic mug holds
white ceramic
spoon in the handle. Comes in 2 beautiful colors, both with
the DFD logo.
#MC WSPOON LTBLU Ocean Blue......................9.00
This handy knife makes a great
stocking stuffer! Fold out gadgets include knife, cork screw, bottle opener,
scissors, and screwdriver.
#MC WSPOON DRKBLU Cobalt Blue..................9.00
#SU POCKKNIFE Burgundy 3” x 7/8 “............. 6.00
Show the world your support of Dogs for the Deaf
with a license plate frame on your car.
For the following states: AK, AR,
PA, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, Wash.
(In other states, the frame covers up the expiration dates.)
#SU LICPLTFRAME.......................................... 10.00
Our wonderful “Hearing
Dogs Make Miracles
Happen” design is now
on a sleek stainless steel
mug and a blue plastic
Both are insulated and fit
in most car holders.
Enjoy your hot beverages and be reminded
that you are making miracles happen.
Stainless Miracle Mug................... 12.00
Blue Miracle Tumbler....................... 8.00
Winter 2011 • Canine Listener • Page 31
Dogs for the Deaf, Inc. provides trained dogs free of charge to people with hearing loss
and a variety of physical, mental, and emotional challenges. As a gesture of my support, I have enclosed my donation to rescue dogs and help people. My donation helps
defray costs of this non-profit organization and helps make possible a trained dog for
someone who needs its help. My donation is tax deductible according to current laws. Please send me information about obtaining a Hearing Dog
Please send me information about obtaining an Autism Assistance Dog
Please send me information about obtaining a Program Assistance Dog
Please send me information about obtaining a Miracle Mutt (special dogs for special people)
Please send me information about obtaining a Harmony’s Hound (dogs with special needs)
Please send me information on leaving a bequest to Dogs for the Deaf
Name_______________________________________________________ Donor ID#____________________
Address______________________________________________________ *Daytime Ph: ( ) _____________
City______________________________________________________________ State____Zip____________
E-mail Address:__________________________ Donation Amount__________Sales Amount from below_______
Ship to Name & Address (if different) ___________________________________________________________
City______________________________________________________________ State____Zip____________
*Please don’t forget to include a phone number where we can reach you about your order!
ORDER FORM – Dogs for the Deaf Gift Collection
For faster service call: (541) 826-9220
or FAX your order to: (541) 826-6696
email: [email protected] website:
Credit cards, checks or money orders are welcome for donation and/or sales.
Enclosed is a check or money order made payable to Dogs for the Deaf
Your Credit Card Number ____________________________________________
EXP. ____/____
Signature ______________________________________________________
Up to 9.99------------- 2.50
10 - $19.99-------------4.50
20 - $29.99-------------5.50
30 - $39.99-------------6.50
40 - $49.99------------7.50
50 and up--------------9.00
Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Net proceeds from all sales are used for rescuing dogs and helping people.
MAIL TO: Dogs for the Deaf, Inc., 10175 Wheeler Rd., Central Point, OR 97502-9360
Page 32 • Canine Listener • Winter 2011
Dogs For The Deaf, Inc.
10175 Wheeler Rd., Central Point, OR 97502
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 5
Medford, OR
I am so
He makes each me.
worthwhile for
., Michigan
Nan F. & D.B
Ms. Susan Bahr,
Certified Public Accountant
Mrs. Lyn Boening, Past Chair
Financial Consultant
Mr. Richard Croly, Secretary
Audiologist - Retired
Mr. Carlos DeBritto,
Banker - retired
Mayor Phoenix, Oregon
Mrs. Robin Dickson,
Pres./CEO Dogs for the Deaf
Mr. Marvin Rhodes, Chair
Administrator, Oregon Dept. of Revenue
Mr. Geoffrey Riley, Past Chair
Producer/Host, Jefferson Public Radio
Mr. Steven Weber,
Chief Financial Officer
Ms. Gayle Wilson,
Media Productions
Chair: Mr. Bob Tull, Dept of Education - Retired
Mr. Sheldon Altfeld,
President, Cable Maven Prod.
Mrs. Sue Bray,
Mr. Tony Dow, Actor, Producer, Director
Joyce Guymon,
Dogs for the Deaf Ambassador
Ms. Janice Justice
Doctor of Chiropractic and
Hearing Dog Recipient
Ms. Barbara Meyers,
Grief Therapist
Mr. C.W. Smith,
Chief of Police - Retired
Jackson County Commissioner
Ms. Sue Thomas
Hearing Dog Recipient
Mr. John Watt,
Government Relations
Ms. Betty White, Actress
Mrs. Heather Whitestone/McCallum
Miss America 1995
Mr. James Wickre,
Attorney at Law
It is Dogs for the Deaf’s policy to never sell,
trade, or rent the names and addresses on our
mailing list. All of you who receive this newsletter are a very special part of our family and
you are essential to us in achieving our goal of
enabling dogs and people to enjoy more love,
freedom, and security in their lives. We promise
never to jeopardize your trust by giving your
name and address to others.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: If you change
your address, please let us know. Every newsletter that is returned to us costs DFD money.
Let us know when you move and help us save
precious dollars. Thank You!
JUST A REMINDER - We want our donors
to have access to information about DFD in
order to answer any questions they may have.
Pursuant to this, copies of our annual audit are
available from DFD and from many state Attorney General offices.
receiving more than one newsletter? If so,
please clip the labels off both newsletters and
send them to us so we can correct the error
and save postage costs. Thank you for helping
in this way.