2013 - Countryside YMCA
2013 - Countryside YMCA
GOOD THINGS HAPPEN HERE 2013 Annual Report COUNTRYSIDE YMCA 2 LEADING, CREATING, IMPROVING Countryside YMCA is committed to being an organization that is “the leader in creating community that builds better people.” I am proud to say we have stayed true to that strategic plan since we put it into place in 2007. Take a look at how last year was a stellar example of progress in all four of our major initiatives. Building Spirit, Mind and Body: We are committed to program development that nourishes and sustains healthy living. With this in mind, we continue to upgrade the facility and equipment to make the Countryside YMCA experience the best it can be. Specifically, we invested in 8 new cardio pieces and 2 Pilates Reformers; we added classes like 30-minute Quick Fit, 30-minute Tabata, and Spin Yoga; we developed Nutrition Seminars; and at Landen we added Hot Yoga, Tai Chi and Kid Fit classes. Building Connections: We are committed to nurturing meaningful relationships between our members, and last year found new ways to get people connected at our Veterans Day Celebration, Affordable Health Care Info Workshops, Rain Barrel Workshop, Fun Family Fridays in the summer, and numerous other on-going informal groups. Building Family: Families have a special place at the Y, and we purposefully create events that support parents and guardians in their efforts to raise healthy, happy children. We have fun family events at Easter, Halloween and Christmas; we opened a Pre-School Enrichment Program in Landen; we added Lego camps and a High Adventure teen overnight to our summer camp offerings; and we launched the Countryside YMCA Venture Crew program for high school and college aged kids with active community outreach mixed with fun activities. Building Social Responsibility: We value giving back and providing support to our community, and last year we added several new outreach programs. We now offer regular Respite Care Nights; we staff and coordinate a Kids Day Outreach for preschoolers in the LaLuz Apartments in Lebanon; and we had another strong year with 4th grade Begin to Swim Program. Our strategic plan will be re-evaluated by 2020. Until then, we are committed to continuing to build better people through programming in these four focus areas. Thanks to the ongoing support of our members, community partners and staff, I believe the Y will continue to make great strides in achieving our vision. Mike Carroll, President/CEO COUNTRYSIDE YMCA 3 WE IMPACT THE La Luz FUTURE Countryside YMCA has offered preschool programs for years, but last year added a new preschool outreach program in the La Luz apartment community, thanks to the Annual Campaign and newly formed Early Learners PeerNet. The PeerNet – a community-wide collaboration– was formed when Lebanon City Schools received a $175,000 grant from the Ohio Department of Education. Countryside YMCA partnered with other businesses to prepare preschoolaged children so they enter kindergarten ready to meet the expectations of the Common Core state standards. “We think this initiative will make a huge impact on our community,” said Mark Graler, Director of Curriculum and Instruction for Lebanon City Schools. “We can’t find another example of a school system, a large community organization like the YMCA and nine independent preschools partnering like this. We’re hoping it’s a model other communities would want to copy, and we’re keeping information and history about our initiative with the hope that we can assist other communities at some point.” * Adapted from an article printed Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2013 in the Dayton Daily News by Contributing Writer Lisa Knodel. 4 2013 IMPACT At the Y, children and teens learn positive behaviors, skills, and values that help them realize their potential. Imagine the good things happening in our community because of the confidence these kids gain by participating in Y activities. • 540 children had a safe place to learn skills, develop healthy, trusting relationships and build self-reliance at one of our 8 child care sites • 50,243 children were cared for by the Child Watch staff • 45,353 visits to the Youth Center provided kids with a supervised area to socialize and build friendships • 496 youth developed leadership skills and enriched their lives by participating in Youth and Government, Venture Crew, overnights and summer adventure • 5,625 kids gained the confidence that comes from learning to swim • 1,325 built good sportsmanship and teamwork through participation in youth leagues • 40 families with special needs children engaged in our new Blessed Respite Care events • 15 at risk children were provided with free preschool enrichment and kindergarten readiness skills through a grant partnership with Lebanon City Schools 5 WE MAKE HEALTHY HAPPEN It’s Everything That’s Right and Good Member Story by Raleigh W. Carson With the collapse of the economic system I was forced to retire and come back to Ohio. Having been a workaholic all my life, and having my life’s worth based mainly on work, I was lost without my profession. I became so lost, and the depression became so overwhelming, that doctors were ready to put me into the Linder Center in fear of what I might do to myself. Then someone told me about the Y. I hesitated to come at first, since I had literally flunked all gym classes in high school, but I’ve been here nearly every day since. The Y has become an amazing inspiration and has opened up a whole new world to me. At the Y, I see and experience everything that’s right and good which was missing in my life as a young boy growing up. I see patience and understanding and the importance of one-on-one guidance and help by those who work, teach, and volunteer here. I see parents involved and bonding with their kids, and their kids interacting and bonding with each other and with their friends. I see the results of this involvement on the faces of those who come here to learn and play, no matter what their age or background may be. They grow in self-confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem. I see all this interaction over and over and over and it continually amazes me and moves me so deeply at times that tears run from my eyes. For most individuals who grew up with siblings in a fairly average family setting I can understand why they might take all this as natural and common. But as one who grew up alone, whose growing up years were overloaded with anxiety and fears, where self-confidence, self- worth, and self-esteem were almost destroyed and had to be found and rebuilt later in life, it’s a totally different story. What I see going on here is strangely miraculous. This place is truly inspirational. The kids are all treated as equals and are not judged on what they can or cannot do. How very, very lucky they are to have a place like this to learn. It’s been a little more than a year since I first came to the Y. My doctors are more than pleased with my progress, and I am, too. In fact, I’m elated. I will be forever grateful that I found the Y. 6 Chuck Wene Raleigh Carson Scott Smiertka 2013 IMPACT At the Y, people can work toward a balanced lifestyle by challenging themselves to learn a new skill, meet new friends, or spend time with loved ones at one of our many family-centered activities. At the Y it’s not about the activity you choose, it is about the benefits of healthier living. Imagine the good things happening in our community because people who use the Y are living healthier lives. • 1,096 families connected during quality time spent at one of our family programs • 2,180 people enriched their minds by learning a new language, or exploring their artistic side through a variety of classes • 46,492 people broke a sweat in our fitness classes, on FitLinxx, or with a personal trainer • 90 individuals changed their lives through wellness coaching • 496 individuals participated in our Corporate Wellness Programs • 369 individuals completed Health & Safety certification courses 7 WE PROVIDE A FOR PLACE EVERY FAMILY Keeping Life As Normal As Possible During Cancer Treatments Member Story by Katie Rupert I joined the Y back in 2008, when my son was two and I quickly got hooked on Zumba. In 2011, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I went to Zumba as much as possible throughout chemo treatments because it made me feel normal and it’s really upbeat. Plus, I am friends with everyone in class, and they are all so supportive. When last summer arrived, my son was 7 and I wanted him to have some outdoor time. The only thing I had the energy for was taking him to the Y’s outdoor pool. I had a better summer knowing that my son was having fun, enjoying the pool with friends. Last August I started a new treatment and although I am still in stage 4 cancer, I feel much more normal. I’ve had a lot of different treatments and finally something is working. My doctor has commented on how healthy I am, and I attribute that to the fact that I am at the Landen Y every day. I have learned the value of exercise and I schedule the time in my planner. I put exercise first. Whatever comes next, I know that I want to want to keep my life as normal as possible, and my routine at the Y is helping me do just that. 8 2013 IMPACT We have been listening and responding to the most critical needs of Warren County for close to 40 years. We know that when we inspire advocates for the Y, we create community that builds better people. We have been honored to touch so many lives this year through the financial generosity and countless volunteer hours of donors. • $277,000 generously contributed to the 2013 Annual Campaign • Over 700 families in need were nutured with memberships and program scholarships • 785 lives were touched through programs such as Swim & Read, Begin To Swim, Blessed Respite, Community Arthritis Water Fit and Teen Leadership programs • 1,760 volunteers changed lives by helping at the Healthy Kids Triathlon, Mud-O-Ween 5K Extreme Trail Run, Gala, Golf Outing and countless other events that would not have been possible otherwise 9 OUR 2013 FEBRUARY 9 Provided vital health information at the Health Fair held jointly with Premier Health, Atrium Medical Center Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy FEBRUARY 15-17 Sponsored the 2013 Racquetball Tournament, raising money for the Annual Campaign MARCH 9 Hosted annual Gala to raise awareness and funds for the 2013 Annual Campaign MARCH 29 Provided a community wide Good Friday Celebration Breakfast APRIL 27 Promoted youth development at the Healthy Kids Day community event MAY 11 Hosted the Making Stride 5K JUNE 9 Hosted annual Father/Daughter Dance JUNE 18 Made history by participating in The World’s Largest Swim Lesson with 140 participants JULY 13 Hosted 3vs3 Basketball Tournament, raising money for the Annual Campaign AUGUST 16 Held our first Blessed Respite Care for families with special needs children 13 STORY AUGUST 24 Inspired achievement for 150 youth participating in the 3rd annual Healthy Kids Triathlon and raised awareness and funds for the Annual Campaign SEPTEMBER 10 Launched Kids Day Outreach Program in partnership with Lebanon City Schools SEPTEMBER 18 Hosted the 30th Annual Golf Outing at Holly Hills Golf Club, raising money for the Annual Campaign SEPTEMBER 28 Sponsored the Applefest 5K/10K/15K run to raise money for the Annual Campaign OCTOBER 6 Sponsored first Discraft Ace Race raising money for the Annual Campaign OCTOBER 19 Hosted the 2nd Mud-O-Ween Extreme Trail Run with 280 participants raising money for the Annual Campaign NOVEMBER 8 Honored service men and women at the Veteran’s Day Celebration DECEMBER Hosted annual Craft Fair, raising funds for Annual Campaign DECEMBER 11 Hosted another Breakfast with Champions, closing a record year for the Annual Campaign and launching awaredness for the 2014 Annual Campaign WE ARE INVOLVED Countryside YMCA strives to be the leader in building communities that build better people. We do that through supporting local individuals and families as well as local groups such as: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 12 4C’s For Children Abilities First Advance Choice American Diabetes Society Antioch, Church of the Y ARCS Area Progress Council Atrium Medical Center Axis Church Big Brothers & Big Sisters of Warren County Boys Scouts & Cub Scouts Building Blocks for Kids Camp Lebanon Church of Latter Day Saints Community Blood Center Community Concepts Community Options Inc. Coordinated Care Services Countryside Church of the Nazarene Dayton Urban League Destiny Church Early Learners Peer Net Elves Among Us Fields Ertel Apartments Girls Scouts & Daisy Scouts Girls On the Run Grace Bible Church Help Me Grow Highest Expectation Home For Life Hoxworth Blood Center Hunger & Women’s Abuse Shelter Interfaith Hospitality Network Kings Booster Club Kings Local School District Leadership Warren County Lebanon Area Chamber of Commerce Lebanon Adult Day Service Lebanon Area Writer’s Group Lebanon City School District Lebanon Fire Department Lebanon Food Pantry Lebanon High School Lebanon Kiwanis Club • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lebanon Rotary Lebanon VFW Lifestyle Housing Mary Haven Youth Center Midwester Children’s Home Mom’s Club of Lebanon Moms In Touch MOPS (Mom’s of Preschoolers) Navy Ohio Council On Aging Otterbein Lebanon Residential Group Homes, Inc. Ronald McDonald House Saint Margaret of York Solutions Community Counseling Special Olympics Sycamore House Tall Institute Team in Traing Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Total Home Care Solutions Turtlecreek Township Fire Department US Army Various Local Bible Study Groups Visions Matter Warren County Abuse & Rape Crisis Center Warren County Arts Council Warren County Board of Elections Warren County Children’s Services (WCCS) Warren County Career Center Warren County Foundation Warren County Mental Health Act Program Warren County Sheriff’s Department Warren County Technical Rescue Team WCBDD Workforce One A PLACE FOR EVERYONE TO DO SOMETHING Each of our volunteers enhanced our efforts to provide local families and the community with vital support and opportunities to learn and grow. We highly value their time and talents. 2013 IMPACT Volunteer total people Volunteer total hours 1,760 15,910 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ohio Value $352,247.40 13 GENEROUS GIVING The generous support of our donors helps strengthen the community. INDIVIDUALS Cheryl Abshire Stephanie Adkins Anna & Markus Ahonen James & Ellen Albright Jeff & Lori Aldridge Dan & Laura Alesi Molley Alford Brandon & Laurel Allen Rodolfo Alvarez Vicki & Keith Amburgy Sandra Andrews Victor & Dolores Angel Amanda & Jose Arias Beth Armstrong Brenda Arnett Alex Arovits Carl Axelson Teresa Baira Craig & Allison Baker Sara & Tom Ball Barbara & William Barnhill Frank Barosky Nelson & Jane Basil Regan Batman Judy Bauer Jami Baumann Gloria & Harry Bausmith Gabriel Bautista Ruth Beals Nancy & Doug Becker Rich & Lisa Beckman Edward Bees Therman & Etta Bennett Dink Bennett Nancy & Doug Bentz Daniel Berger Christy & Walter Bessey Dorothy & Mystique Beya Audrey Bigelow Diane & Dan Bigelow Allie Blake Abigail & Brian Bledsoe Andrea Bly Mark Bogen Monica & Brian Boland Steve & Carol Boland Lee Bollow Hope & Larry Bone Lisa & Joe Bourgraf Kathy & Terry Bowlin Audrey & Ronald Boyer Irene Bracken Mallory & Philip Brackett Carrie & David Brackman Cynthia & Greg Brandenburg Richard Brant Bill Brausch David Brausch Julie & Rob Brausch Gina Brausch Doug & Shannon Brausch Chris & Doreen Brinkman William & Deborah Brown Shannon & Jamie Brown Scott & Jenny Brunka Meganne Brzygot Patty & Steve Bugher Jennifer & David Bullock Sara Burke Angel & Rob Burnside Kathy Butcher Hazel Butler John & Elizabeth Butler Deanna Campbell Martina & Rich Campoamor Robert Cantoni Beth & Jim Capella Marijo Capozzolo Patricia Carpenter Carol & Richard Carraway 14 Mike & Barb Carroll Harli Carter Joe & Beth Cesta Brenda & Rob Chapman Catherine & Ron Chasteen Andrea Checroun Tonya & Jeff Christman Kathy & Drew Chrostowski Martin & Mary Cieslak Roger & Georgie Clark Larry & Karen Clark Jim Clark Deborah Clark Diana Clary George & Lisa Clements Tedi Clements Shawna & Tim Clements Robert & Janet Clyburn Roger & Marcella Coffman Monica & Chad Colbert Rebecca & Jason Colemann Janet & Tony Collins Eric & Danielle Collins Marcia & Jack Collopy Marjorie & Vincente Colon Nancy & Jeff Colton Lori & Alex Cook Tom Copanas Lori Copeland Shellie Cornell Julie Craig Gary & Linda Crawford Michael Creutzinger Tricia & Jon Croake-Uleman Robert Cropper Spence & Dana Cropper Scott Cross April Curtsinger Dawn & Robert Darby John & Abby Davey Kenneth Davidson Donna & Tom Davis Cindy & Timothy Davis Patricia Degroot William & Theresa Delord Kelly Detherage Shelby Deye Shannon & Gregory Deye Pat & Delores Diangelo Charles Dilgard Teresa & Charles Dille Anna Dillon Amie & Ernie DiMalanta Vicki Dobbs Chris & Ray Dooley Elizabeth Doubet Kimberly & John Dedrick Downing Dorothy Duchamp Kathy & Mike Dunsmore Jessica & Cory Dupps Brian & Leslie Dye Cara & James Ebel Jacqueline Eddingfield Earl Edmonds Christy & Josh Eldridge Michelle Emerson Denise & Dale Evans Del Everett Marta & Michael Farrell Kim Fernandez Jessica & Kevin Fields Stacey & Ted Finnessy Mark Folta Namar & Vernon Foster Steve & Sally Foster Opal & Jeff Fox Mallorie Francis Mickie & Luke Franer Roger Frommling Cara Fugett Vincent & Deborah Fullan Matthew Fullan Donald & Carol Gaenge Patricia & Jim Garrett Danielle Garrett Gayl George Ashleigh & Matthew Gifford Missy & Joe Gilmore Molly Gimbel Maurene & Harry Gleis Rob & Melissa Glover Andrew Gonzales Alex & Pamela Granger Lewie Groh Julie & Ed Groh Gabbita Gurunadham Carl & Carol Hager Donald & Sally Hahn Nancy & Russ Halstead Lisa & Jonathan Hammiel William & Jennifer Hardie Jacob Harding Angela & Jeff Harner Heather & Paul Harris Guy & Roselia Harris Carrie Hartley Jennifer & Bill Hathaway Don & Ginny Hawke Bill & MaryEllen Haynes Bethany Heath Juli & Jim Heemer Leah & Les Hellemann Kim & William Helmick Alycen Herrick Mansell Margaret Hess Bill Highsmith Linda Hilgeman Becky & Jeff Hill Erin & Chad Hoeffler Michael Hoelscher James & Mary Ann Hoffman Peggy & Dennis Hoffman Amy & Brent Hosier Cathy & Ron Howell Walter & Rose Huber Donna Hughes Margaret Hurley Laureen & Jon Hussey Sabrina & Bryan Ingram Chuck Inwood Kathi & John Jackson Tracy & Brian Jacox Donna & Jeff Jenk Diana Johantgen Arthur & Sue Johnsen Chris Johnson Christina & Scott Johnson Rob Johnston Ashlee Jones Sierrah Jones Lissa Jones Lindsay & Seth Judy Leigha Juillerat Gwen & Don Juszczyk Howard Kamen Bonnie & John Kasik Mary & Bill Kaufman Kimberly & Chad Keil Scott Kennedy Larissa Kennedy William & Gale Kernitz Samantha Keseday Analee Kinney Karen Kinross Kiwanis Club Karolyn & Michael Klever Brad & Dianne Knapp Lisa Koenig Sandra Koewler David & Judy Kroger Randy & Dianne Kronour Del Landis Esther & James Larson Peter & Elizabeth Larson Anne Lawley Renee & Stan Lay George & Mary Alice Leasure Tracey & Kristopher Lee Walter Legge Keith & Angie Leitschuh Sara Liang Gina Lodge Bill Loebig Marilyn Long Steve & Cindy Lowe James & Nancy Ludwick James & Holly Ludwick Tarry & Carolyn Mackanos Karen & Russell Mackey Lisa & Doug Mader Leigh Ann & Rick Mann Becky Manwaring Philip Marchal Joshua & Shana Marsh Zach McCollum Sherry & Kevin McDarty Ashley McGilly Orosz Karen McGuire Roy & Elizabeth McKay Darlene & Robert McLain Eric & Kristy Meilstrup Andrea & Richard Meilstrup Lauren Meilstrup Shelli Messex Beth & Robert Michaels Sherry & Mike Michalak Scott & Betty Miller Marta Miller April & Robert Mitchell David & Martha Mockabee Michele Monahan CoriAnne Moore Dillon Moore Jeni Moore Jenifer Moorhead Louise Morgan Janna & Brock Morrison James Moss Ronald Mrozek Nancy & Peter Mueller Anne Mulaki Thomas Mullett Jil & James Musser Amanda & Eric Narog Patricia Neely Betsy Newman Lana Nicely Carrie & Michael Noel Kari Norman Michael Norton Penny & Michael O’Connell Thomas Olsen Robert & Anne Olson Donna & Paul Ottke Lauren Palmer Edna Palmer Cecilia Parra-Rodriguez Carol & Joe Payne Mary & Richard Pease Stacy & Daniel Peck Anita & Dennis Pelletier Amy Pelletier Amanda & Bryan Pennix Melissa Perduk Glen Perry Nena & Jeff Peters Rob Peyton Connie & John Pfeiffer Jessica Phillips Debra & Kim Phillips Kim & Debra Phillips Jim Philpot Rebecca & Wayne Pittman Jenny & Ed Poling Kathleen Porter Stolle Joey Pratt Cindy & Randy Purkey Raja Rampe Debra & Jason Rankin Deborah Ransom Matt & Terrie Redder Holly Redmon Ron Reidy Steve Renie Erin Renneker Ryan Richardson Abby & Greg Riley Tracy & Rick Riva Toni & Rob Robbins Kimberly & Gregory Robinson Jennifer & Christopher Romano Bob Ronker Amy & Patrick Rose Doug Ross Pam & Bob Rothermund Holly Routzohn Sandra & Darrell Russell Sean & Stephanie Ryan Diana & Artuto Sanchez Philip Saneholtz Dr. James Schirmer Carmella & David Schlamersdorf Robert & Barbara Schoenfeld Sheryl & Richard Schroder Marlene Schwab Jill & Tony Sears Nancy Seibert Jennifer Sharak John Sherer Frank & Barbara Sherwood Nicole & Mike Shinski Kelly & Jon Shouse Hurlden & Margaret Simpkins David Sims Larry Sims Roger & Ginny Sims Karena & Steven Sisco Dwight Sizemore Scott Smiertka Harriet Smith Adam Smith Reuben Smith Diane Smith-Knight Helen Snyder Betty Socha Steve & Patrick South Marcia Spalding Wanmarie & Gail Spangler Jamee & Brendan Spatz Kevin Springer Cody St. George Theresa Stacey Shelley Stanforth Mark & Heidi Stegemiller Melanie Stegemiller Linda & Joseph Stehlik Angulic Stem Nate Sterling Sandy & Guy StGeorge Martina Stierwalt Jackie & Anthony Stoller Julie & Larry Stone Annette Stone Missy Stone Mike Strautberg Janella & Chris Straw Amy & Chris Sumner Jennifer Sutherland Stephen & Beverly Swanson James Tharp James Thomas Paula Thomas Jeanne & Ron Thornbury Amber Tillison Rachel Toler Karen & Kenneth Tompos Herminia & Danny Torres Robin & Barry Trainer K Trezona Kathy & Michael Trunk Tom Turchiano Sheridan & Scott Turner Elizabeth & Weston Turpin Jennifer & Scott Van Eaton James & Rosalie VanDeGrift David & Mary Vendt Helen & Rick Vickers Michael & Pamela Virelli A.C. & Helen Voorhis Alec Walborn Cynthia Waldbillig Ryan & Leah Walker Richard & Jeanette Wardrop Paula & Clifford Warnken Linda Watson Chuck Wene Kelley & David Westhaver Amber Wethington Greta & Philip Wheeler Hannah Wheeler Monica & Gary Widdig James & Karmen Widmeyer Carlton Wiles Iona Williams Nicole Williams Richard Williams Nicole Williams Brooke Williams Elly & Dick Wilson Howard & Grace Wilson Stephen Wilson Carol Winter Tom Wise Alisha Wissel Carol Wolf Donald & Karen Wolnik Ickey Woods William & Margaret Wooley Mark & Diane Workman Molly & Bert Wray Danielle Wright Yvonne & Robert Wright Dianne Wygle Kristen & Scott Zeller Diane & Bradley Zimmerman Kelly & Robert Zinnecker Danita & Tom Zsembik Cox Ohio Cracker Barrel Creative Memories Creech’s Lawn & Landscape Dairy Queen Davidson’s Jewelers Dayton Dragons Deerfield Township Doc’s Place Donatos Duplicator Sales Company Eagles Edward Jones Investments EMSCO DBA OP Aquatics F & R Miller Farms Family Denistry, Inc. FELD Entertainment Ferris Electronics First National Bank Flynn and Co. Four Paws Veterinary Service Fox & Hound Pub & Grill Frisch’s Funny Bone Comedy Club and Restaurant G&C Construction Gagrage Sale Cow Gentle Breeze Hot Air Balloon Company George Steel Fabricating Inc. Ghent Manufactureing Girdwood Orthodontics Go Concepts Golf Galaxy Greater Cincinnati Golf Academy Green Country Market Green Site Ground Zero Maintenance Halo Promotional Products Henkle Schueler Hillandale - Chesterwood Holly Hills Golf Club Home Depot - Lebanon Hoskins Funeral Homes I.K.Kim Tae Kwon Do Center Image Collision COMPANIES Jim Clark & Sons Excavating 22three, Inc. Johnson Investment Counsel AAA Travel Kings Electric Services AAMCO Transmissions& Service Kings Island Abuelo’s Knickerbocker Gallery Acapulco’s Kona Ice of NE Cincinnati Agenter Orthordontics LaRosa’s Pizzeria - Landen American Village Apartments LaRosa’s Pizzeria - Lebanon Ameriprise Financial LCNB Ann DeClue, MD Lebanon Chamber of Commerce Anne Krehbiel Attorney Lebanon Electric Supply Antioch Church of the Y Lebanon Ford Atrium Medical Center Lebanon Mason Monroe B Lewie Salon Railroad Battelle & Battelle Lebanon Optimist Club Bel-Wood Country Club Lebanon Rotary Beneath The Tree Lia Sophia Bill Delord Lucid Salon Blooms Maineville Family Physicians Bob Pulte Chevrolet Marilyn and Randy Monroe Bob Sumerel Mary Kay Bone & Bone CPA Mason Family Pet Hospital Brant’s Hardware McDonalds - Landen Bravo Cucina Italiana McDonalds - Lebanon BT Graphics Medicine Shoppe - Lebanon Buchanan’s Power Equipment Merck Patnership For Giving Camp Kern - Ozone Zipline Merrill Fromer Tours Miller Coors Car Star Minuteman Press - Lebanon Car X Auto Service Mitchells Spa Carraba’s Italian Grill MobilComm Cassano’s Pizza Moments to Remember Cato’s Natorp’s Century Link New World Expeditions-Bill Chick-Fil-A Cacciolfi Chili’s Newman Sanitary Gasket Cincinnati Golf Center Newport Aquarium Cincinnati Museum Center Nickerson Business Supplies City Barb-B-Q Nixco Plumbing Clark, Schaefer, Hackett O’Charley’s Coca Cola of Ohio Old World Bakery Collet Propane Ole Friends Commercial Fitness Solutions Organza Beyond Natural Skin Complete Site Services Care Otterbein: Senior Lifestyle Choices Outback Overly Hautz Company Papa John’s Pizza Paparazzi Jewelry Pedco E & A Services Perfect North Peter Paul Office Equiptment Phillips Supply Co. Picture This... Pizza Hut - Buckeye Valley Pizza Tower Porky Capone Precor Premier Health Partners Primetime Cafe Professional Fitness Services Pyramid Video Production Revelation Chiropractic Rittgers and Rittgers Ronker’s Rumpke Sam Smith & Son Glass Saxon Financial Consulting Scully’s Seeger’s Meat Deli Serenity Day Spa Shadowbox Live Shell Gas Card Sign-A-Roma Sinclair Community College Skip’s Bagels and Deli Skyline South Auctions & Associates State Farm Insurance Stewarts Aircraft Service Sticks and Stones Swisher & Associates SYSCO Target Testerman Dental The Armor Group The Bistro Group The Donut Shop The Golden Lamb The Jam and Jelly Lady The Nook Cafe & Sweetery The One Hair Salon and Spa The Paddock Thirty One Tomak Precision Inc Traditions Spiritwear & Co Tri-State Media Veritas Village Ice Cream Parlor VSWC Architects Walmart Walt Luti Tire Co. Warren County Board of Developmental Disabilities Warren County Career Center Warren County Foundation Warren County Sheriff L. Sims Wendy’s Wine Trends - Mary Horn YMCA Camp Kern In Memory of Olive Haynes Stacie & Bill Blatchford John Cronin Spence & Dana Cropper James & Sue Flannery Cathy & Ron Howell Don & Gwen Juszczyk In Memory of Bill Bowling Maurene & Harry Gleis In Memory of Willis Harvey John & Anne Doyle Daniel Harvey Elizabeth Herman John Logan Lyman Logan 15 2013 FINANCIALS Year Ended December 31 20132012 REVENUE, GAINS AND LOSSES Membership dues $4,909,556 Program fees 4,068,432 Merchandise sales 45,752 Interest and dividends 182,210 Investment return (loss): Realized 158,510 Unrealized 348,585 Contributions 344,209 Rental income 742,354 Loss on disposal of assets 829 Miscellaneous 73,908 Total revenue, gains and losses 10,874,345 $4,939,285 3,806,017 64,888 169,080 33,363 155,205 279,048 749,974 (215,971) 50,400 10,031,289 EXPENSES Program services Management and general Fundraising Total expenses 8,240,179 1,667,545 89,390 9,997,114 7,790,328 1,835,284 77,303 9,702,915 CHANGE IN NET ASSETS 877,231 328,374 Net assets, at beginning of year 18,804,976 18,476,602 NET ASSETS, AT END OF YEAR $19,682,207 $18,804,976 From 2013 draft audit report prepared by Battelle Rippe Kingston LLP. WE’RE GROWING STRONGER TOGETHER Through member engagement, Countryside YMCA provides the opportunities people need to become healthy, confident, and connected to others. Look at the impact we had by helping members find meaningful activities that helped them learn, grow, and thrive. PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS Aquatics Arts & Education Camp Gymnastics Gymnastics Team Health & Safety Health & Wellness Outreach Sports Swim Team 9,013 2,180 2,922 3,748 75 369 46,492 4,330 4,299 250 MEMBERSHIP Facility Members Program Members Assisted Members Staff Members Total Members Facility Usage 19,080 2,606 2,211 613 24,510 684,985 *Membership data pulled in 2013 17 WORK WE’RE DOING IMPORTANT As the leading nonprofit for youth development, healthy living and social responsibility, the Y works every day to make sure that everyone, regardless of age, income or background, has the opportunity to learn, grow and thrive. To do our important work, we rely on the volunteers, community leaders, and staff who take an active role in our organization efforts. Their work will bring about meaningful, enduring change in our community. 2013 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Bill Haynes, Chairman Scott Brunka, Vice-Chairman • Dink Bennett • Hope Bone • Scott Brunka • Janet Collins • Spence Cropper • Bill Haynes • Becky Hill • Larry Hollingshead Larry Hollingshead, Secretary Hope Bone, Treasurer • Cathy Howell • Randy Kronour • George Leasure • Eric Meilstrup • David Newman • George Sabert • Carol Turner 2013 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Spence Cropper William Falknor Larry Hollingshead Mary Kaufman George Leasure Roy McKay Kathleen Stolle Stephen Wilson 2013 ADVISORY BOARD Dr. Vic Angel Dr. Roger Clark Dan Cunningham Arthur Johnsen Thomas Simmerman 2013 FULL TIME STAFF Charles Allen Brenda Arnett Judy Bauer Ruth Beals Dorothy Beya Abigail Bledsoe Tara Bowlin Phil Breeding Nathan Brestelli Elizabeth Capella Mike Carroll Deborah Clark Holly Colon Ami Coriell K. Cottrell 18 Shannon Deye Amanda Dotson Richard Dotson Dorothy Duchamp Denise Evans Michelle Fields Shelia Gabbard Joe Gilmore Melissa Gilmore Julia Groh Lisa Hammiel Angela Harner Gary Hartman Jennifer Hathaway Peggy Hoffman Charles Irwin Bradley Isham Kathi Jackson Christina Johnson Ashlee Jones Rhonda Jones Lisa Koenig Renee Lay Kristin Lowe Karen Mackey Zach Mccollum Katie Mccormack Marta Miller Jeni Moore Jenifer Moorhead Lindsay Morgan Lee Morris Janna Morrison Anne Mulaki Carrie Noel Miranda Palmer Debra Phillips Jenny Poling Cindy Purkey Holly Redmon Tracy Riva Amy Rose Rita Scott Reuben Smith Sandra St.George Linda Stehlik Allen Stone Annette Stone Bonnie Stotts Lara Surfus Herminia Torres Robin Trainer Helen Vickers Charles Wene Jr Amber Wethington Nicole Williams Brett Wilson Carol Wolf Yvonne Wright WE’RE PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE The generosity of others is at the core of our existence. Those in our Heritage Club Endowment Program are contributing to our ability to positively influence future generations. 2013 HERITAGE CLUB MEMBERS Tom Adkins Victor & Dolores Angel Judy Bauer Jessie Baynes* Steve & Carol Boland Larry & Hope Bone Aaron Brafman* Herschel Bunnell* Robert* & Jane Cantoni Mike & Barb Carroll Beth & Joseph Cesta Catherine & Ron Chasteen Roger & Georgie Clark John Clark* Scott & Denise Clemmons Edward Cloughessy Janet & Tony Collins Curt & Sheri Cranmer Mary Jo* & Robert Cropper Spence & Dana Cropper Dan & Margaret Cunningham Charles & Sarah* Dilgard William* & Marjorie Donovan Chris & Ray Dooley Bill* & Barbara Erbeck Denise & Dale Evans John George Michael & Karen Geygan James & Mary Hankinson* Don & Ginny Hawke Bill & MaryEllen Haynes George & Lois Henkle* James & Mary Ann Hoffman Peggy & Dennis Hoffman Larry & Lynne Hollingshead Mr.* & Mrs. H. K. Hollingshead Mabel Holt* Phyllis Holtkamp* Paul & Cindy Holzschuher Don & Gwen Juszczyk Mary & William Kaufman Brad & Dianne Knapp Randy & Dianne Kronour George & Mary Alice Leasure Bill Loebig James & Rita Matz Grace & James* McClain Roy & Elizabeth McKay Nelson Melampy M.D. Gail Norris Charles & Sue Nunn James* & Elaine Peirce Sandy & Donald Perry Michael & Janice Peters Debra & Kim Phillips Shane & Lindsey Riffle Paul & Julia Rodenbeck Amy & Patrick Rose Robert & Barbara Schoenfeld Thomas & Norma Simmerman Kathleen Stolle Dorothy & Ralph J. Stolle* Keith & Becky Taylor Rick & Lindy Taylor Janet Thomas James & Rosalie VanDeGrift Howard & Grace Wilson Diana Wilson Stephen Wilson Marvin & Elaine Young* • Friends of the YMCA (4) • Anonymous (3) • Friends of Ralph J. Stolle (3) 130 living members in 12/2013 *Deceased (30) For a confidential consultation, or to learn more, contact Debra Phillips, Executive Director of Financial Development, at 513 932 1424 ext 115. 19 COUNTRYSIDE YMCA | LEBANON 1699 Deerfield Road Lebanon, OH 45036 P 513 932 1424 F 513 933 9390 www.countrysideymca.org COUNTRYSIDE YMCA | LANDEN 2894 U.S. Route 22 & 3 Maineville, OH 45039 P 513 583 5580 F 513 583 9581 www.countrysideymca.org COUNTRYSIDE YMCA | OTTERBEIN LIFE ENRICHMENT CENTER 585 N. State Route 741 Lebanon, OH 45036 P 513 933 5473 www.otterbein.org/lebanon/life-enrichment-center
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