where good things happen everyday
where good things happen everyday
WHERE GOOD THINGS HAPPEN EVERYDAY 2010 Annual Report COUNTRYSIDE YMCA Dear Ralph J Stolle Countryside YMCA Family and Friends, In 2010, we were honored to be part of the YMCA’s national re-branding effort, the largest re-positioning of the Y in over 30 years. We are fortunate that Countryside’s strategic plan is closely aligned with the national Y’s, and we easily embraced the new branding and voice which will strengthen our reputation and positively impact the community. Our strategic plan focuses on building connections, nourishing spirit, mind, body, and strengthening family. To further align with the re-branding, we adopted a forth initiative – social responsibility. We believe these four initiatives best represent our priorities to achieve our vision: To be a leader in creating community that builds better people. Of course the mission for our Y (and all Y’s ) remains the same: To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. In 2010, we made significant progress on our strategic plan. In the area of healthy living and nourishing spirit, mind body, we introduced many new programs which incorporated a more holistic approach to wellness. We had multiple CSC coaching offerings, Versa training, and contests throughout the year designed to engage members. In the area of youth development and strengthening family we added new programming designed to bring families together and to provide assistance to troubled families. Winter Extravaganzas and Summer Staycations were events designed to generate family fun. We also improved Healthy Kids Day, developed and implemented a new Youth in Government program for teens, added Zumbatronics for kids, offered Teen/ Preteen hangout nights in the winter, and held parenting and teen seminars. As for social responsibility, we were blessed this year with a 70% increase in volunteer hours. We were also very gratified in 2010 to receive an overall satisfaction rating on our Member Satisfaction Survey of 98% excellent/good. This is the best overall rating Countryside has ever received. In addition, Countryside YMCA continued to meet the needs of our members and the facilities with investments in landscaping, roofing, WiFi connectivity, Child Watch upgrades, carpeting, camp upgrades, and CSC strength and cable equipment replacements. In 2011 we will strive to continue challenging and growing the membership and the community with new programs and experiences. We will continue to make the facility available to all income levels based on their ability to pay, and partner with 100+ other not-for-profits and social organizations who serve Warren County. Countryside YMCA is an exciting organization to be part of, and we are proud to have our many loyal members and collaborative partners. We are positive about the future of our organization and our community. Mike Carroll President/CEO Janet Collins Chairman of the Board MISSION STATEMENT To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. VISION STATEMENT To be the leader in creating community that builds better people. 2 2010 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2010 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Janet Collins, Chairman Bill Haynes, Vice-Chairman Larry Hollingshead, Secretary Hope Bone, Treasurer Dr. Victor Angel Dave Beckett Dink Bennett Hope Bone Scott Brunka Dr. Roger Clark Janet Collins Spence Cropper Dan Cunningham Mike Geygan Bill Haynes Becky Hill Larry Hollingshead Stephen Wilson, Chairman Spence Cropper William Falknor Larry Hollingshead Arthur Johnsen Mary Kaufman George Leasure Kathleen Stolle Stephen Wilson Roy McKay Randy Kronour George Leasure Roy McKay Doug McNeill Eric Meilstrup David Newman Dick Pease George Sabert Thomas Simmerman Mike Virelli RALPH J. STOLLE COUNTRYSIDE YMCA ENDOWMENT DEVELOPMENT - HERITAGE CLUB MEMBERS 2010 Tom Adkins Victor & Dolores Angel Judy Bauer Jessie Baynes* Steve & Carol Boland Larry & Hope Bone Aaron Brafman* Herschel Bunnell* Robert & Jane Cantoni Mike & Barb Carroll Beth & Joseph Cesta Catherine & Ron Chasteen Roger & Georgie Clark John & Clark Scott & Denise Clemmons Edward Cloughessy Janet & Tony Collins Curt & Sheri Cranmer Mary Jo* & Robert Cropper Spence & Dana Cropper Dan & Margaret Cunningham Charles & Sarah* Dilgard Chris & Ray Dooley Bill* & Barbara Erbeck Denise & Dale Evans John George Michael & Karen Geygan James & Mary Hankinson* Don & Ginny Hawke Bill & MaryEllen Haynes George & Lois Henkle* James & Mary Ann Hoffman Peggy & Dennis Hoffman Larry & Lynne Hollingshead Mr. & Mrs. H. K. Hollingshead Mabel Holt Phyllis Holtkamp* Paul & Cindy Holzschuher Don & Gwen Juszczyk Mary & William Kaufman Brad & Dianne Knapp Randy & Dianne Kronour George & Mary Alice Leasure Bill Loebig James & Rita Matz Grace & James* McClain Roy & Elizabeth McKay Nelson Melampy M.D. Gail Norris Charles & Sue Nunn James* & Elaine Peirce Sandy & Donald Perry Michael & Janice Peters Debra & Kim Phillips Shane & Lindsey Riffle Paul & Julia Rodenbeck Amy & Patrick Rose Robert & Barbara Schoenfeld Thomas & Norma Simmerman Kathleen Stolle Dorothy & Ralph J. Stolle* Keith & Becky Taylor Rick & Lindy Taylor Janet Thomas James & Rosalie VanDeGrift Howard & Grace Wilson Stephen & Diana Wilson Marvin & Elaine Young* • Friends of the YMCA (4) • Anonymous (3) • Friends of Ralph J. Stolle (3) *Deceased (27) 130 living members in 12/2010 2 new members in 2010 CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP Countryside YMCA offers this value-added membership program which provides services to improve employees’ physical fitness as well as corporate fiscal fitness. Through a partnership with the YMCA, companies/businesses receive the Y’s committment to overall health and wellness as: • 10% savings offered to all participating company’s employees 2010 CORPORATE MEMBERS 1ST NATIONAL BANK ABX AIR INC. ADDISON MCKEE INC. ADVICS MANUFACTURING OHIO, INC. ALKERMES, INC. AMTEX ANTHEM ARMOR ASTAR AIR CARGO ATRIUM MEDICAL CENTER B LEWIE BELCAN CORPORATION BILL DELORD AUTOCENTER BOB PULTE CHEVROLET CHRIST HOSPITAL CINCINNATI BELL CINCINNATI CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL CINCINNATI FINANCIAL CINMAR/CORNERSTONE CINTAS CITY OF LEBANON CITY OF MASON CLEARCREEK TOWNSHIP CLINTON MASSIE SCHOOLS CMH REGIONAL HEALTH SYSTEM COSTCO COX PUBLISHING DELTA DUKE ENERGY EPIC TECHNOLOGIES, LLC ETHICON ENDO SURGERY EXPRESS SCRIPTS FAMILY DENTISTRY FANUC ROBOTICS FIFTH THIRD BANK FLINT INK FORMICA CORPORATION FUJITEC AMERICA, INC. GE AVIATION GE MONEY GEORGE STEEL FABRICATING, INC. GHENT MANUFACTURING, INC. GO-CONCEPTS HAMILTON TOWNSHIP HARRIS CORPORATION HENKLE-SCHUELER HOME DEPOT (LEBANON & DEERFIELD) INTERNATIONAL PAPER JBM ENVELOPE COMPANY JEWISH HOOSPITAL JOY OUTDOOR EDUCATION CENTER KINGS ELECTRIC KINGS ISLAND KINGS LOCAL SCHOOLS KOHL’S - SOUTH LEBANON KROGER L3 COMMUNICATIONS LAKOTA LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT LEBANON CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS LEBANON CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION LEBANON CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK LEBANON CITY SCHOOLS LEBANON COUNTRY MANOR LEBANON EQUINE CLINIC LEBANON FORD LINCOLN MERCURY LEBANON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH LEXIS-NEXIS LIDNER CENTER OF HOPE LITTLE MIAMI SCHOOLS LOVELAND CITY SCHOOLS MACY’S CREDIT & CONSUMER SERVICE MASON SCHOOLS MEDICINE SHOPPE MEDPLUS, INC. MENTAL HEALTHY & RECOVERY OF CLINTON COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH & RECOVERY OF WARREN COUNTY MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC MONROE LOCAL SCHOOLS NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE WILMINGTON NIBCO NORTHEAST PEDIATRICS ODOT ONE COMMAND OTTERBEIN LEBANON OVERLY HAUTZ COMPANY PE SERVICES PREMIER HEALTH PARTNERS PRINCETON SCHOOLS PROCTER & GAMBLE RALPH J. STOLLE/SHEFFER READING COMMUNITY SCHOOLS RESIDENTAL GROUP HOMES RYAN HOMES SARA LEE FOODS SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SEDGWICK CMS SIBCY CLINE-LEBANON OFFICE SIEMENS SKILLED CARE SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS SPEAR USA SPECTRA ENERGY SPRINGBORO SCHOOLS STATE HIGHWAY PATROL SUMCO PHOENIX CORPORATION SYCAMORE SCHOOLS TESTERMAN DENTAL TOYOTA TRI-HEALTH TURTLECREEK TOWNSHIP UC HEALTH UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI U.S. POST OFFICE WAL*MART (LEBANON) WARREN COUNTY WARREN COUNTY CAREER CENTER WARREN COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES WARREN COUNTY CORRECTIONAL INST. WARREN COUNTY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE CENTER WARREN METROPOLITAN HOUSING WAYNE LOCAL SCHOOLS WCBODD WILMINGTON CITY SCHOOLS 3 PROGRAMS ARE WHAT MAKE THE COUNTRYSIDE YMCA A OVER 34,000 MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN CHOSE THE COUNTRYSIDE YMCA BECAU AQUATICS FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE ARTS AND EDUCATION GYMNASTICS Known as “America’s Favorite Swimming Instructor” the YMCA teaches more children to swim than any other organization • 2,355 Water Fitness students • 7,050 Youth swim lessons • 404 aquatic special lessons • 195 Torpedo swim team members Discovering the potential within • 3,699 registered for programs in performing arts, fine arts and other educational classes • 704 registered for our Ballet programs • 758 registered for our Dance programs • 135 registered for our Music programs • 209 registered for Theater programs • 989 registered for Education programs • 831 registered for our Bridge programs CAMPS Camps have long been a tradition at the YMCA • 853 in Discovery Camp • 703 in Sports Camp • 151 in High Adventure Camp • 277 in Preschool Camp • 53 Arts Camp • 76 in Cheerleading Camp • 547 in Gymnastics Camp • 2,229 in Before & After Camp • 589 in Aquatics Camp Reaching out to help strengthen our community • 813 Memberships provided to families, adults and seniors • 1,015 Program scholarships provided for youth in summer camp, swim lessons, arts and education classes, etc... • 200 lives touched through programs such as Community Arthritis Water Fit class, Teen Leaders, Childcare, KnitFit and Swim & Read, Special Olympics and Youth in Government More than developing good athletes, developing good leaders • 336 students involved in Movement Ed classes • 1,859 participants in preschool classes • 1,815 gymnasts in progressive classes • 175 competitors in gymnastics meets • 54 members of the gymnastics team HEALTH & WELLNESS Helping to build healthy lifestyles • 39,993 participants in Adult Fitness • 124 runners in the Ronnie Barnes ‘Keep on Running’ 5K • 254 runners in the Applefest 5K • 20 clients served in Wellness Coaching program • 868 Active FitLinxx members (95.3% retention rate) • 911 Total Fitlinxx members • 116 Personal Training members CHILD CARE Building Children of Character • 69 children participated in the YMCA’s Extended Kindergarten programs at (2) satellite sites • 165 children attended YMCA Before and After School programs at (3) satellite sites • 62 children attended YMCA Preschool Enrichment programs at (2) satellite sites (3-5 yrs) • 24 children attended YMCA Little Miami Learning Center fulltime childcare program (3-5 yrs) • 122 children were enrolled in the Children’s Center (6wks-PreK) FAMILY SERVICES Building strong communities one family at a time • 36,919 visited the Child Watch Center • 1,787 families participated in Family Time over the year OLDER ADULTS America’s fastest growing population group • 82,992 visits to our Senior Center • 5,926 participants in Fitness classes designed for older adults IT IS THROUGH THESE AND MANY OTHER PROGRAMS THAT WE CONTINUE TO CHALLENGE OUR MEMBERS, STAFF AND V 4 A GREAT PLACE TO BELONG. USE OF THESE VALUES BASED PROGRAMS. SPORTS Building Skills, Leadership and Teamwork • 26 Youth basketball teams • 20 youth recreational soccer teams • 22 spring flag football teams • 30 tee-ball/coach pitch teams • 5 adult pick-up games programs • 6 local athletic associations utilized facilities for team development • Over $7,000 raised from Annual Racquetball Tournament for the YMCA Caring for Families Scholarship Campaign. • 4 offerings for private lessons by providing experts in their fields • 600 adult and youth participants in our Tae Kwon Do class • 100 in our Tiny Tigers Tae Kwon Do class age 5-6. TEENS Developing tomorrow’s leaders, today • 8,602 teens visited the Teen Center • 27,659 preteens visited the Preteen & Kids Cardio Center • Hosted various preteen and teen overnights and events, attracting 1,317 preteens & teens • 19 school age children attended YMCA summer adventure programs at Little Miami Learning Center • 17 CIT (Counselors in Training) assisted with Summer Camps at Countryside YMCA YMCA EXPRESS • • • • • • • Over 40 Personal Training clients 550 active FitLinxx members Community outreach programs: Ride Right Cycle Safety, YMCA Express/Matthew 25 Ministries Coat and Glove Drive, Little Miami Bood Drive, Girls on the Run 3 vs. 3 Basketball Tournament raised $2,500 dollars for annual campaign Increased number of special events for kids: Lunch/Dinner with Santa Claus, Lunch with the Easter Bunny, Halloween Bash and Valentines Mixer Launched Changing Lives Through Aerobic Training program Served as home for North Bridge Fellowship Church PARTNERING WITH THE COMMUNITY FOR 32 YEARS SUPPORTING THESE GROUPS IN 2010 ABILITIES FIRST ADVANCE CHOICE AMERICAN DIABETES SOCIETY ANTIOCH CHURCH BIG BROTHERS & BIG SISTERS BOY SCOUTS & CUB SCOUTS CHERISH LIFE CHURCH OF LATTER DAY SAINTS COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER COMMUNITY CONCEPTS COMMUNITY OPTIONS INC COORDINATED CARE SERVICES DAYTON URBAN LEAGUE GIRL SCOUTS GIRLS ON THE RUN HELP ME GROW HIGHEST EXPECTATION HOME FOR LIFE INTERFAITH HOSPITALITY NETWORK KINGS LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT LEADERSHIP LEBANON LEBANON AREA WRITER’S GROUP LEBANON CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT LEBANON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE LEBANON FIRE DEPARTMENT LEBANON FOOD PANTRY LEBANON KIWANIS CLUB LEBANON ROTARY LIFESTYLE HOUSING MARY HAVEN YOUTH CENTER MENTAL HEALTH RECOVERY WARREN COUNTY MIDWESTERN CHILDREN’S HOME MOMS IN TOUCH NATIONAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCIETY BIKE MS OHIO COUNCIL ON AGING ONE TO ONE MENTORS THE PROGRAM RESIDENTIAL GROUP HOMES, INC RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE SPECIAL OLYMPICS SYCAMORE HOUSE TEAM IN TRAINING LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA SOCIETY TRAIL BLAZERS US ARMY VISIONS MATTER WARREN COUNTY BOARD OF MR/DD WARREN COUNTY CHILDREN’S SERVICES (WCCS) WARREN COUNTY FOUNDATION WARREN COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH ACT PROGRAM WARREN COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT WCBODD VOLUNTEERS TO ACCEPT AND DEMONSTRATE CHARACTER VALUES AND BECOME POSITIVE ROLE MODELS FOR OUR YOUTH. 5 “CARING FOR FAMILIES” ANNUAL CAMPAIGN 2010 In 2010, 553 members and community friends contributed $188,000 to help change lives in our community. These dollars provided critical financial assistance for memberships, programs and out reach to over 2,400 children, seniors, adults and families in Warren County. If you would like to help us reach our goal of $225,000 in 2011, please contact Debra Phillips at (513) 932-1424 x115. Cheryl Abshire Shannon Abt Abuelo’s Mexican Grill Stephanie Adkins Jeff Aldridge Peg & Shawn Allen Cindy Alverson Rod & Roseanne Amburgy Vicki & Keith Amburgy Ameriprise Financial Victor & Dolores Angel Antioch Church of the Y Brenda Arnett Simon Ashi Atrium Medical Center Premier Health Partners Atrium Medical Center Sports and Physical Therapy Awards of Excellence Donald & Barbara Axe B Lewie Hair Salon and Day Spa Andrea Ball Barbara Barnhill Frank Barosky Colleen Bass Regan Batman Judy Bauer Mike Bauer Andrea Baumann Jami Baumann Gloria & Harry Bausmith Ruth Beals Doug Becker Nancy Becker Beckett Massage Edward Bees Edward Behnke Erin Bell Mindie Bell Belwood Country Club Ben Roethlisberger Beneath The Tree Elvera Benner Alexander & Connie Bennett Cindy Bennett Dink Bennett Therman & Etta Bennett Richard Bens Chris & Heidi Berardinis Daniel Berger Allie Blake Abigail Bledsoe Block Buster Andrea Bly Bob Evans Bob Pulte Chevrolet Steve & Carol Boland Hope Bone Richard Bonitz Sherry & Ken Bourne Tonya Bowser Boz Russell Carrie & David Brackman Marvin Bracy Cynthia & Greg Brandenburg Richard Brant Julie & Rob Brausch Breakfast Club Chris Brinkman British Petroleum Neal & Barbara Bronson Rhonda & Chris Brosnahan Bryan’s Family Pharmacy Angel Bryant Buchanan’s Power Equipment Barb Buckland Jennifer & David Bullock Dana Burgess Jeff & Michelle Burson Hazel Butler John Butler Scott Butler Mauricio & Marta Caceres Deanna Campbell Robert & Jane Cantoni Louis & Linda Carlo Patricia Carpenter Carrabba’s Italian Grill Carol & Richard Carraway Mike & Barb Carroll Cedar Trace Golf Course Century Link Marian & Robert Chace Richard Channell Brenda & Rob Chapman Catherine & Ron Chasteen Chick-fil-A Chilies Cincinnati Insurance Cincinnati Reds City Barbeque Deborah Clark Dr. Roger & Georgie Clark Clark,Schaefer,Hackett Shawna Clements Scott & Denise Clemmons Coca-Cola Enterprises Roger Coffman Monica Colbert Collet Propane Ian Collins Janet & Tony Collins Holly & Rob Colón Marjorie Colón Richard & Elizabeth Conrad Paul Conroy Alexandra Cook Lori & Alex Cook Missy Cooper 6 Julie & Daniel Crago Gary & Linda Crawford John Cronin Mary Jo & Robert Cropper Spence & Dana Cropper Phyllis Crosley Croswell Tours Dan & Margaret Cunningham Bonnie & Gary Curtis Pat Cutter CVS Dakin Insurance John Danner Darden Gift Cards John & Abby Davey Mark Davidson Davidson’s Jewelers Cindy & Timothy Davis Mike & Annette Davis Der Dutchman Restaurant Lisa Derifield Shannon & Gregory Deye Kimberly & Scott Dillon Amie Dimalanta Mackenzie Dobbs Vicki Dobbs Doc’s Place Domino’s Pizza Donatos Melissa Donovan Dorothy Stolle Fund Dr. James Schirmer, D.D.S., LLC Dr. Rich Coleman Dorothy Duchamp Duke Energy Brian Dukes Ruth Dunlap Duplicator Sales Company Jessica Dupps Tyler Duvelius Lisa & Roy Earwood Earl & Dianne Edmonds Tammy & Donald Edwards Heather & Gregory Elcook Ellenbee Leggett Rob & Laura Beth Ellis Michelle Emerson Lori Esch Denise & Dale Evans Del Everett Exercise and Leisure Staci Farmer Kari Fentress Ferris Electronics Jill Ficke Jessica Fields Michelle Fields Stacey Finnessy First National Bank Theresa & Joe Fisher Fit As A Fiddle Chad & Jenny Flaig Jim Florio Steve & Sally Foster Four Paws Animal Hospital Norma Fox Sheryl Franz Fraternal Order of Eagles 1395, Lebanon Frisch’s Restaurants Fujitec Donald & Carol Gaenge Niki & Vassilios Galiatsatos Diana Gann Dorothy Gard Patricia & Jim Garrett Gentle Breeze Hot Air Balloon Co. George Steel Fabricating Inc. Michael & Karen Geygan Ghent Manufacturing Diane Gibson Ashleigh & Matthew Gifford Nick and Donna Gisondi Chris & Lisa Glanz Maurene Gleis Rob & Melissa Glover Go Concepts Amber Goron Graeter’s Ice Cream Alex & Pamela Granger Great Clips Chloe Groh Julie Groh Lewie Groh Jerlene Gross Gtm Sporstwear Gabbita Gurunadham Carl & Carol Hager Donald & Sally Hahn Robert Haines Nancy & Russ Halstead Sandra Hamilton Peggy & Philip Hamlin Lisa & Jonathan Hammiel Matt Hanny Paula & Paul Hanson Harmon Golf Club Angela & Jeff Harner Jeff Harper Heather & Paul Harris Roselia & Guy Harris Jennifer & Bill Hathaway Don & Ginny Hawke Bill & MaryEllen Haynes Abby Heimann Jill & Darius Hensley Margaret Hess Linda Hilgeman Ali Hire Michelle & Gregory Hodgson Angela & Eric Hoffman James & Mary Ann Hoffman Peggy & Dennis Hoffman Holly Hills Golf Club Paul & Cindy Holzschuher Sharon & James Horning P.J. Hughes Laureen & Jon Hussey Marissa Hutson I.K. Kim Tae Kwon Do Centers, Inc. Carol & Scott Inskeep Integrys Daniel Jackson Kathi Jackson Jeffrey Jacobs Tracy & Brian Jacox Pauline James Donna & Jeff Jenk Ashlee Jones Rhonda Jones Stephanie Jordan Kaysa Kalback Howard Kamen Mary & William Kaufman Keeneland Association Gail Kimmle Kings Electric Services Kings Island Analee Kinney Wendy Klepcyk Knickerbockers Lisa Koenig Christopher Koloseike Carolyn Koynock Ann E. Krehbiel Attorney at Law Randy & Dianne Kronour Virginia Kuntz Matthew Lange Chad & Renee Larson Juley & Eric Lawson Renee & Stan Lay LCNB National Bank George & Mary Alice Leasure Lebanon Chamber Of Commerce Lebanon Electric Supply Lebanon Ford Lebanon Optimist Club Walter Legge James E. Leitelt Trisha & Steven Lewis Tatum Lieser Andrea & Jamie Lipp Donald Lodge Bill Loebig Steve & Cindy Lowe Elaine & Martin Luers Wendy & Jim Luers Kalli Lundquist Tarry Mackanos Karen & Russell Mackey Rachel Magary Kelley Mangino Becky Manwaring Maple Grove Farm Catering Philip Marchal Marvin’s Organic Gardens Maurice’s Pam & John McBride Darlene McClain Zach McCollum Susan & Rich McCrackin Susan McDade Sherry & Kevin McDarty McDonalds, Lebanon McDonalds, Mason Vicki McGillivary Michael & Julie McGinty Kelly McGrady Roy & Elizabeth McKay Darlene & Robert McLain McMurray Frames And Gifts Mike and Marilyn McMurray Doug McNeill Sarah Meacham Andrea & Richard Meilstrup Eric & Kristy Meilstrup Nelson Melampy Jane Merrill Susan Merritt Linda & Daniel Michael Beth & Robert Michaels Michelle Zwelling/ Zelicious Custom Cakes Middletown Cycle Robert Millan Dale & Connie Miller Marta Miller Scott & Betty Miller Scott Minton Minuteman Press David Mockabee Melissa Monds Allena Moore Jeni & David Moore Douglas & Regina Morgan Ron Mounce Ronald Mrozek Nancy & Peter Mueller Sam Muennich Mary Mummey Donna Musser Jil & James Musser Amanda & Eric Narog Natorp’s Theresa Nauroth Dennis Navin Patricia & Edwin Neely Ryan Nehl Leah Nelson Tamara Newland Jason & Amy Newlon Betsy Newman David Newman Newman Sanitary Gasket Newport On The Levee Lana & Anthony Nicely Nickerson Business Supplies Gary & Phyllis Nischwitz Carrie & Michael Noel Olivia Noggler F. James Norris Gail Norris Teri & Scott Norris O P Aquatics O’Charley’s Jordan Odor Robert & Anne Olson Tim Osner Otterbein Living Communities Randy & Cathy Overbeck Overly Hautz Company Deborah & Michael Palmer Pampered Chef/Teri Abbott Rick Pansiera Diana Patton Carol & Joe Payne Mary & Richard Pease Amanda Pelfrey Pamela & Randy Peloquin Amanda & Bryan Pennix Jerry & Clair Perron Alice Petersen Terry & Jared Peterson Rob Peyton Connie & John Pfeiffer Debra & Kim Phillips Phillips Supply Picture This... Natalie Plunkett Steve & Dorothy Polakovich Jenny Poling Polo Grill Debra Pope Gary Porter Phil Post Sara Potts Michael & Suzanne Powell Joey Pratt Prime Time Cafe Professional Fitness Services Richard & Shirley Prosche Bob Pulte Chevrolet Roger & Judith Pyle Q’doba Mexican Grill Jessika Quinlan Mark & Cindy Ramage/Precore Deborah Ransom Heather Redman Holly & Bob Redmon Robert Redmon Melissa Reed Tyna Rehberg Erin Renneker Carol Richards Richard-Thomas Ltd Abby & Greg Riley Rittgers & Rittgers Ann Rivers Teresa Roberts Connie Robertson Kimberly & Gregory Robinson Laura Roble Donna Robson Paul & Julia Rodenbeck Catherine Rogerson Jennifer & Christopher Romano Amy & Patrick Rose Glenn & Janice Rose Doug Ross Harold Ross Madeleine & Daniel Rossetti Leonard Routenberg Andrea Roy Amber Rudy Sandra & Darrell Russell Sheila Russell George & Teresa Sabert Elaine & Ralph Saltsgaver Sam Adams Brewing Company Sam Smith & Son Philip Saneholtz Christin Santos Jim Scharner Nadine Schindler Carmella Schlamersdorf Robert & Barbara Schoenfeld Kyra Schroer James Schuchter Emily Scott Joanna Sears Seeger’s Meats & Deli Serenity Salon Shaker Run Golf Club Jenny & Bryan Sharpe Anna & Gary Sheanshang Nicole Shinski Vernon Shirley Liz Sibert George Siddall Jean Siddall Signarama Thomas & Norma Simmerman Hurlden & Margaret Simpkins Mary Lou Sims Roger & Ginny Sims Karena & Steven Sisco Anthony & Yasuyo Sisson Tyanna Smiley Ashley Smith Cheryl & J.P. Smith Diana Smith-Knight Pamala & Russell Smith Reuben Smith Smith Garden Center Joann & Willard Snider Nora & Rick Snyder Karolyn Spahr Wanmarie Spangler Kevin Springer State Farm Insurance - Lebanon State Farm Insurance - Mason Mark & Heidi Stegemiller Paul & Rosemary Steiner Karla Stewart Sandy & Guy St. George Martina Stierwalt Stigler Supply Stolle Properties Kathleen Porter Stolle Jackie & Anthony Stoller Annette Stone Bonnie Sue Stotts Jeffrey & Jennifer Stueve Superior Dental Swisher and Associates Total Dental Care Keith & Becky Taylor Testerman Dental Care, Inc. TGI Friday’s James Tharp The Beach Waterpark The Golden Lamb The One Hair Salon Thirty-One/Michelle Beckett Paula Thomas Wyatt Thomas Jeanne & Ron Thornbury Karen & Kenneth Tompos Herminia & Danny Torres Dale & Rita Trainer Robin Trainer Trim Parts Bob & Callie Trimble Dawn Turcotte Sheridan & Scott Turner Libby Turpin United Bank Card Services James & Rosalie VanDeGrift Susan & Joseph Vanderkolk Brianna Vandeventer Angela & Stephen Vasse Venetian Nails & Spa Marlene Vesey Helen & Rick Vickers Lebanon Chamber of Commerce Waynesville Chamber of Commerce Michael Virelli A.C. & Helen Voorhis Voorhis, Slone, Welsh & Crossland Architects Jim & Kathleen Walasek Don & Melody Wald Jacki Wallace George Wangugi Paula Warnken Warren County Foundation Warren County Historical Society Linda Watson Michael Weber Kelley Westhaver John & Dawn Westheimer Leslie Whalen Diane Whitacre Donna Kay & Douglas Whittenburg James Widmeyer Angie & Chris Willbern Iona Williams Howard & Grace Wilson Stephen & Diana Wilson Wine Trends Alisha Wissel Donald & Karen Wolnik Debbie Woolridge Yvonne Wright David & Margaret Yelton YMCA Camp Kern Kelly & Robert Zinnecker Danita & Thomas Zsembik Raising four kids is difficult enough, but when two have special needs it adds significant challenges. The campaign has made it possible to join the Y and enroll our children in adaptive swimming and gymnastics. Thanks for making the Y a place that our entire family can belong. -Michelle 2010 FINANCIAL REPORT Ralph J. Stolle Countryside Young Men's Christian Association of Warren County, Lebanon, OH Statement of Activities Year Ended December 31, 2010 (With Comparative totals for 2009) Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Total 2010 Total 2009 Unrestricted net assets: Revenues and Gains: Membership Dues 5,072,213 0 0 5,072,213 5,112,316 Program Fees 3,259,167 0 0 3,259,167 3,236,086 73,520 0 0 73,520 69,541 194,622 765 85 195,472 232,548 0 0 (27,266) (65,034) 0 188,188 345,118 Merchandise Sales Interest and Dividends Investment Return 0 Realized (27,266) Unrealized 174,645 13,543 28,152 171,850 0 200,002 866,271 746,494 0 0 746,494 733,826 Contributions Rental Income Miscellaneous Total Revenues and gains Net Assets released from restrictions 113,207 0 0 113,207 85,440 9,634,754 186,158 85 9,820,997 10,616,112 0 0 0 220,418 (220,418) Expenses Program Services 7,278,164 0 0 7,278,164 7,403,950 Management & General 2,146,449 0 0 2,146,449 2,222,417 Fundraising Total Expenses Change in Net Assets 68,503 0 0 68,503 47,134 9,493,116 0 0 9,493,116 9,673,501 85 327,881 942,611 362,056 (34,260) Net Assets (liabilities)-beg of year 17,281,426 523,969 64,574 17,869,969 16,927,358 Net Assets (liabilities)-end of year 17,643,482 489,709 64,659 18,197,850 17,869,969 *From 2010 Audit Report prepared by Battelle & Battelle, LLP 2010 OUR FULLTIME STAFF Committed to being the leader in creating community thats builds better people. Brenda Arnett Mindie Baker Judy Bauer Ruth Beals Erin Bell Abigail Bledsoe Andrea Bly Phil Breeding Elizabeth Capella Mike Carroll Deborah Clark Holly Colón Melissa Cooper Stephen Davis Shannon Deye Richard Dotson Dorothy Duchamp Denise Evans Michelle Fields Joe Gilmore Mattie-Rose Gordon Julia Groh Sandra Hamilton Lisa Hammiel Angela Harner Jennifer Hathaway Peggy Hoffman Laureen Hussey Bradley Isham Jocelyn Isham Kathi Jackson Ashlee Jones Rhonda Jones Cicely Latham Renée Lay Karen Mackey Zach McCollum Marta Miller April Mobley Jeni Moore Lee Morris Carrie Noel Amanda Pelfrey Brian Perry Debra Phillips Jenny Poling Cindy Purkey Scott Repp Amy Rose Rena Routzohn Kim Rudolph Emily Scott Rita Scott Tyanna Smiley Ashley Smith Reuben Smith Sandra St.George Karla Stewart Allen Stone Annette Stone Herminia Torres Robin Trainer Dawn Turcotte Helen Vickers Charles Wene Jr. Angela Willis Alana Wilson Brett Wilson Allen Wilson Jr. Yvonne Wright 7 RALPH J. STOLLE COUNTRYSIDE YMCA 1699 Deerfield Road, Lebanon OH 45036 P 513 932 1424 F 513 933 9390 www.countrysideymca.org YMCA EXPRESS 3116 U.S. Highway 22 & 3, Maineville OH 45039 P 513 583 5580 F 513 583 9581 www.countrysideymca.org
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