MODELLING AND CONTROL DESIGN OF TEMPERATURE VENTILATION RIG NABIHAH BINTI HUSSIN Submitted to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Control & Instrumentation) Faculty of Electrical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia APRIL 2010 ii I declarethat this thesisentitled" Modell@ and Control DesignOf Temperature Ventilation-Rig"is the result of my own research exceptascited in the references.The thesishasnot beenacceptedfor any degreeand is not submittedin candidatureof any otherdegree. Name' NabihahBinti Hussin DAtC:30 APRIL 2O1O iii Dedicated and thankful appreciation to my beloved parents, brothers, sisters, friends and lecturers for their support, encouragement and understandings iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, praise is upon Allah S.W.T, the Almighty for giving me the opportunity and strength to accomplish this project and also the thesis. My gratitude goes to my supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hj Mohd Fua’ad bin Hj Rahmat for his precious assistance and guidance given throughout the progress of this project. No words can replace my appreciation to him for advice and cooperation. My appreciation also goes to my beloved father, mother and siblings for motivating and supporting me throughout this experience. Thanks for their encouragement, love and emotional supports that they had given to me. I would also like to thank our Process Lab Assistant and also the master’s student for their co-operations, advice, guidance, knowledge and helps in this project. Finally, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my friends, classmate and to all my professors and all also those whoever has helped me either directly or indirectly in the completion of my final semester project and thesis. v ABSTRACT This project is mainly concerned on modelling and control design temperature ventilation rig using VVS-400 as an instrutek where the input is Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) and the output is temperature. PCI 1711 has been use as the data acquisition card (DAQ) which is to interfaces between the signal and a PC. Real-time Windows Target (RTWT) toolbox are use to design simulink block diagram and then connect the PCI-1711(DAQ) for interfacing between computer and VVS-400(plant). The PRBS input is generated in Matlab. PID controller has been selected as the controller design using Ziegler Nichols tuning method. PID controllers are designed using simulation by approximated model plant and also have been implemented to a real VVS-400 Trainer. Results reveal that PID controller after retuning found to be better than before retuning due to its time response and also the time taken for output to steady state. VVS-400 has been successfully modeled by ARX model structure using System Identification approach. vi ABSTRAK Projek ini ditumpukan kepada reka bentuk model dan kawalan suhu dengan memanipulasikan pengaliran udara VVS-400 dimana PRBS digunakan sebagai input dan suhu sebagai output. PCI 1711 digunakan sebagai data perolehan (DAQ) dimana ia menjadi penghubung diantara isyarat dan PC. RTWT digunakan untuk merekabentuk rajah bongkah dan kemudian PCI-1711 digunakan untuk menghubungkan antara komputer dan VVS-400. Kawalan PID telah dipilih sebagai kawalan reka bentuk menggunakan penalaan Ziegler Nichols dimana VVS-400 telah direka bentuk menggunakan ARX sebagai model struktur. Simulasi dilakukan dengan dan tanpa menggunakan PID untuk melihat perbezaan antara kedua-dua keluaran. Penggunaan PID adalah penting untuk memastikan hasil yang di perolehi adalah Berjaya untuk VVS-400 dimodelkan menggunakan ARX model. Hasilnya menunjukkan pengunnan kawalan PID selepas retuning adalah lebih bagus daripada sebulumnya dan model ARX adalah Berjaya diimplementasikan. vii TABLES OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TITLE DECLARATION OF THESIS DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ABSTRACT ABSTRAK TABLE OF CONTENT LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES LIST OF SYMBOLS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 1 PAGE ii iii iv v vi vii x xii xiii xiv INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Plant Description 4 1.3 Project Objectives 6 1.4 Scope of Work 6 1.5 Thesis Outline 7 viii 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 8 2.2 Parametric Model Structure 9 4 9 2.2.2 ARMAX Model 10 2.2.3 Box Jenkins 11 2.2.4 Output-error Model 12 Case study of VVS-400 2.4 The Control of a Pilot Scale Heating and 12 Ventilation System 13 PCI 1711 Interface Card 16 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction 20 3.2 Design an Experiment 23 3.3 Experimental Setup 25 3.4 Selection of Model Structure 26 3.5 Estimation and Validation 26 3.6 Controller Design 27 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction 30 4.2 Process Model Identification Experiment 30 4.3 Closed- Loop Simulation and Performance 4.4 5 ARX Model 2.3 2.5 3 2.2.1 Analysis 37 Online Implementation 41 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 44 REFERENCES 46 ix LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1.1 TITLE a. Block diagram representation of a system PAGE 1 b. Block diagram representation of an interconnection of subsystem 1.2 Feedback Control System Block Diagram 2 1.3 Instrutek VVS-400 4 1.4 Schematic diagram of the Instrutek VVS-400 4 2.1 Flow Process Characteristic Curve 14 2.2 Temperature Process Characteristic Curve 15 2.3 PCI 1711 Low-Cost Multi-Function Card 19 2.4 PRBS Generator Circuit 21 3.1 System Identification Procedure 22 3.2 Relationship between Temperature and Voltage 24 3.3 A block diagram of a PID controller 28 4.1 Experimental Setup 31 4.2 Data Collection 31 4.3 The input-output Signal 32 4.4 Measured and Simulated Model Output of ARX 661 33 4.5 Pole and zero plots 34 4.6 Autocorrelation of Residuals 36 4.7 Simulink Block Diagram (without PID Controller) 39 4.8 Input vs. Output Response (without PID Controller) 39 4.9 Simulink Block Diagram (with PID Controller) 40 x 4.10 Input vs. Output Response (with PID Controller) 40 4.11 Simulink Block Diagram for Online Implementation 41 4.12 Online Implementation before Retuning 42 5.3 Process Response for Online Implementation 43 xi LIST OF TABLES TABLE TITLE PAGE 1 All flow process models obtained 13 2 All temperature process models obtained 15 3 Input Voltage and Output Temperature 24 4 Ziegler–Nichols method 29 xii LIST OF SYMBOLS r(t) - Reference input Kp - The controller path gains Ti - The controller’s integrator time constant Td - The controller’s derivative time constant nu - Number of input channels na - Number of poles nb - Number of zeroes plus 1 nc - Number of C coefficients nk - Time delay °C - Celsius V - Voltage K - Constant i - nth data Tu - Oscillation period Ku - Ultimate gain Kd - Derivative gain Ki - Integral gain y(t) - Output at time t q - Delay operator MHz - Megahertz xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS HVAC - Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning RTD - Resistance Temperature Detectors SSR - Solid State Relay PI D - Proportional–Integral–Derivative PI - Proportional–Integral PC - Personal Computer ITS-90 - International Temperature Standard 90 SI - System Identification PRBS - Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence ARX - Autoregressive with exogenous ARMAX - Autoregressive integrated moving average BJ - Box-Jenkins OE - Output-Error MIMO - Multi-input multi-output IAE - Integral of Absolute Error NIC - Network Interface Card LAN - Local Area Network A/D - Analog/Digital FIFO - First In First Out RTWT - Real-time Windows Target xiv DAQ - Data Acquisition MLS - Maximal Length Sequences I/O - Input/output FPE - Final Prediction Error ROC - Region of Convergence IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers PCI-1711 - Interface Card UTM - Universiti Teknologi Malaysia FKE - Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektrik GUI - Graphical User Interface CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background A control system is an interconnection of components forming a system configuration that would provide a desired output in response to input signals. Figure 1.1 shows the two types of control system open loop and closed loop. Figure 1.1 a. Block diagram representation of a system; b. Block diagram representation of an interconnection of subsystems 2 Figure 1.2 shows the basic elements of a feedback control system as represented by a block diagram. The functional relationships between these elements are easily seen. An important factor to remember is that the block diagram represents flow paths of control signals, but does not represent flow of energy through the system or process. Figure 1.2 Feedback Control System Block Diagram The heating and ventilating system is a common process in our daily life where certain desired temperature is being controller. In industries such as pharmaceutical, ability to control temperature is crucial to ensure the quality of the product always within control. Another example is HVAC that stands for the "Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning ". HVAC is particularly important in the design of medium to large industrial and office buildings such as skyscrapers and in marine environments such as aquariums, where safe and healthy building conditions are regulated with temperature and humidity, as well as "fresh air" from outdoors. However, most of heating and ventilation plants are complex with higher-order systems, which leads to unsatisfactory performance. 3 The controller is one part of the entire control system, and the whole system should be analyzed in selecting the proper controller. The following items should be considered when selecting a controller: 1. Type of input sensor (thermocouple, RTD) and temperature range 2. Type of output required (electromechanical relay, SSR, analog output) 3. Control algorithm needed (on/off, proportional, PID) 4. Number and type of outputs (heat, cool, alarm, limit) There are three basic types of controllers: on-off, proportional and PID. Depending upon the system to be controlled, the operator will be able to use one type or another to control the process. The VVS-400 is selected as a model system for identification purpose. These models have a three type of control which are temperature, flow and cascade control. However only temperature process need to be considered in this project where it has larger dead time and time constant. 1.2 Plant Description An electric fan is located at one end of a non-insulated metal tube (painted white). The fan blows air over a heating element. The air exits to the surroundings at the other end of the tube. An orifice plate is situated just before the exit (see endelevation view, Figure 1.3). The differential pressure across the orifice is used to determine the flow rate. 4 Figure 1.3 Figure 1.4 Instrutek VVS-400 a. Overview of Instrutek b. End-elevation View Schematic diagram of the Instrutek VVS-400 From the Figure 1.4 a load vane provides a method of restricting the airflow at the tube exit. The power supply and other electrical components of the rig are inside the housing. Two independent local controllers for the flow and temperature processes, that have PID and auto-tuning functions, are provided. It is possible to connect directly to the fan and the heating element, switching out the local controllers, so that the processes may be P.C. controlled [2]. PID controller type provides proportional with integral and derivative control, or PID. This controller combines proportional control with two additional 5 adjustments, which helps the unit automatically compensate for changes in the system. These adjustments, integral and derivative, are expressed in time-based units; they are also referred to by their reciprocals, RESET and RATE, respectively. The proportional, integral and derivative terms must be individually adjusted or “tuned” to a particular system using trial and error. It provides the most accurate and stable control of the three controller types, and is best used in systems which have a relatively small mass, those which react quickly to changes in the energy added to the process. It is recommended in systems where the load changes often and the controller is expected to compensate automatically due to frequent changes in setpoint, the amount of energy available, or the mass to be controlled. A platinum resistance temperature sensor is positioned inside the tube where the type is Pt-100 has a resistance of 100 ohms at 0 °C and 138.4 ohms at 100 °C [1] . The relationship between temperature and resistance is approximately linear over a small temperature range: for example, if you assume that it is linear over the 0 to 100 °C range, the error at 50 °C is 0.4 °C. For precision measurement, it is necessary to linearise the resistance to give an accurate temperature. The most recent definition of the relationship between resistance and temperature is International Temperature Standard 90 (ITS-90). For a Pt-100 sensor, a 1 °C temperature change will cause a 0.384 ohm change in resistance, so even a small error in measurement of the resistance (for example, the resistance of the wires leading to the sensor) can cause a large error in the measurement of the temperature. 6 1.3 Project Objectives Several objectives have been set out as the working focus points. The main objectives of this project are: 1. To determine a mathematical model that describes the heating and ventilation control system using system identification and estimation approach. 2. To design a suitable controller design for the process plant. 3. To test the stability at the system after controller installation. 1.4 Scope of Works 1. Study the characteristic of pilot scale heating and ventilation system(VVS400) 2. Perform an experiment and collect data(Data logger) – PRBS 3. Determine the appropriate model structure – ARX model 4. Choose the suitable method and estimated parameters 5. Validate the experimental model with the simulation model(Matlab) 6. Controller design 7 1.5 Thesis Outline This thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter gives an overview of the project that gives the introduction of control system, VVS-400, temperature controller and its possible application. Chapter two will discuss more on theory and literature reviews that related to this project. It will cover the general knowledge about system identification, PCI 1711, parametric model structure and also about the plant VVS-400 Chapter three cover the flow of methodology and description of each procedure including experiment setup and the data taken. Chapter four mainly discuss about the result from simulation and also from real implementation. Chapter five includes the conclusion and recommendation of the thesis. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction This chapter consists of parametric model, case study of VVS-400, the control of a pilot scale heating and ventilation system and also PCI 1711 Interface Card. System Identification allows you to build mathematical models of a dynamic system based on measured data. Essentially by adjusting parameters within a given model until its output coincides as well as possible with the measured output. A good test is to take a close look at the model’s output compared to the measured one on a data set that wasn’t used for the fit. The techniques apply to very general models. Most common models are difference equations descriptions, such as ARX and ARMAX models, as well as all types of linear state-space models. There are two categories of linear model which is parametric and non parametric. The parametric will provides results in term of parameter values in the model while nonparametric in a curve or table form. Nonlinear models are difficult to obtain because of the high degree of complexity presented by both the structure determination and the parameter estimation. 9 2.2 Parametric Model Structure The model-based control design process involves modeling the plant to be controlled, analyzing and synthesizing a controller for the plant, simulating the plant and controller, and deploying the controller. A variety of model structures are available to assist in modeling a system. The choice of model structure is based upon an understanding of the system identification method and insight and understanding into the system undergoing identification. Even then it is often beneficial to test a number of structures to determine the best one [8]. A general input-output linear model for a single-output system with input u and output y can be written: (2.1) Here ui denotes input i, and A, Bi, C, D, and Fi, are polynomials in the shift operator (z or q). The general structure is defined by giving the time-delays nk and the orders of the polynomials. 2.2.1 ARX Model The ARX estimate parameters of ARX or AR model using least squares. ARX model is the simplest model incorporating the stimulus signal. The estimation of the ARX model is the most efficient of the polynomial estimation methods because it is the result of solving linear regression equations in analytic form [8]. Moreover, the solution is unique. In other words, the solution always satisfies the global minimum of the loss function. The ARX model therefore is 10 preferable, especially when the model order is high. ARX does not support multipleoutput continuous-time models. The parameters of the ARX model structure: (2.2) The parameters na and nb are the orders of the ARX model, and nk is the delay. y(t) : Output at time t na : Number of poles nb : Number of zeroes plus 1 nk : Dead time y(t-1)…y(t- na) : u(t- nk)… u(t- nk- nb+1) : Previous outputs on which the current output depends Previous and delayed inputs on which the current output depends e(t-1)…e(t- nc) : White-noise disturbance value. A more compact way to write the difference equation is: (2.3) q is the delay operator 2.2.2 ARMAX Model The ARMAX model structure is: y(t) + a1y(t −1) +… +anay(t − na) = b1u(t – nk) +…+bnbu(t – nk– nb + 1) + c1e(t −1) +…+ cnce(t – nc) + e(t) (2.4) 11 A more compact way to write the difference equation is: A(q)y(t) = B(q)u(t − nk) + C(q)e(t) (2.5) y(t) : Output at time t na : Number of poles nb : Number of zeroes plus 1 nc : Number of C coefficients nk : Dead time (t −1)…y(t − na) : Previous outputs on which the current output depends u(t − nk)…u(t – nk– nb + 1) : Previous and delayed inputs on which the current output depend e(t −1)… e(t – nc) 2.2.3 : White-noise disturbance value Box Jenkins Box-Jenkins (BJ) model is a combination of the AR and MA models. The general Box-Jenkins model structure is: (2.6) Where nu is the number of input channels The orders of Box-Jenkins model are defined as follows: (2.7) (2.8) (2.9) (2.10) 12 2.2.4 Output-error Model The general Output-Error model structure is: (2.11) The orders of the Output-Error model are: (2.12) (2.13) nb and nc are orders of the B and C polynomials, respectively. nk is the input delay. 2.3 Case study of VVS-400 A three dimensional diagram of the pilot scale heating and ventilation system is shown in Figure 1.3. The system is represented in 2x2 multi-inputs, multi-output (MIMO) form. A process reaction curve identification technique was used to model (in FOLPD form) the flow process and temperature process portions of the system, over a range of operating conditions [2]. Tests revealed that both processes were continuously non-linear. This trainer has been conducted for temperature and flow process control [3]. Temperature process was continuously nonlinear and the maximum temperature is limited by the maximum power output supplied to the heating element. Process interaction temperature process dynamics depends on the operating condition of the flow process. 13 PI and PID controllers were chosen to control the processes because of the relatively low time delay to time constant ratio revealed by the identification tests and also because of their wide use in industry and relatively simple implementation. Suitable tuning rules were chosen for these controllers, based on minimizing the integral of absolute error (IAE) performance criterion, for both servo and regulator applications [4], [5]. 2.4 The Control of a Pilot Scale Heating and Ventilation System Process models were determined, from the open loop step response of both the flow process and the temperature process, using the alternative tangent and point method of Ziegler and Nichols [6], over a range of operating conditions. Process models were determined, from the open loop step response of both the flow process and the temperature process, using the alternative tangent and point method of Ziegler and Nichols [6], over a range of operating conditions. After some preliminary tests, three flow process models were specified corresponding to low, medium, and high and flow settings is low is specified as fan voltage setting < 55% of maximum, medium is specified as fan voltage setting in the range 55% to 75% of maximum, with high being specified as fan voltage setting > 75% of maximum. Table 1 shows all of the flow process models obtained. Table 1: All flow process models obtained Model 14 Figure 2.1 Flow process characteristic curve The resulting flow process curve Figure 2.1 shows that limits exist on its maximum and minimum operating region which is at flows less than 15% of maximum fan voltage setting (labelled as input flow in Figure 2.1), very little change in measured flow (labelled as output flow in Figure 2.1) occurs for a change in input. This is effectively a dead-band region of the flow. The figure also shows that the slope of the characteristic curve is greater at high inputs, implying high process model gain at high inputs (this is compatible with the results reported in Table 1). 15 Table 2: Model (30% Flow) All temperature process models obtained Model (50% Flow) Model (70% Flow) The temperature process characteristics depend on the flow process. Table 2 shows the nine models of the temperature process were determined corresponding to low, medium, and high heater settings, at three different flow rates for the temperature process, low is specified as heater setting < 45% of maximum, medium is specified as heater setting in the range 45% to 65% of maximum, with high specified as heater setting > 65% of maximum. 16 Figure 2.2: Temperature process characteristic curve The temperature process has an infinite number of characteristic curves, as process behavior depends on the infinite number of possible flow rates. Characteristic curves at three flow rates were determined as shown at Figure 2.2. It is clear that the higher the flow rate, the lower the maximum temperature achievable. This is sensible from an intuitive point of view as the cooling effect of the airflow would be greater at high flow rates. At high heater settings (labelled as input temperature in Figure 2.2), each curve tended to level off or saturate, and the maximum temperature obtainable is limited by the maximum power output of the element. Each curve has a lower limit consistent with the ambient room temperature. 17 2.5 PCI 1711 Interface Card A network interface card (NIC) is a computer circuit board or card that is installed in a computer so that it can be connected to a network. Personal computers and workstations on a local area network (LAN) typically contain a network interface card specifically designed for the LAN transmission technology, such as Ethernet or Token Ring. Network interface cards provide a dedicated, full-time connection to a network. Most home and portable computers connect to the Internet through asneeded dial-up connection. Data acquisition is the process of sampling of real world physical conditions and conversion of the resulting samples into digital numeric values that can be manipulated by a computer. Data acquisition and data acquisition systems (abbreviated with the acronym DAS) typically involves the conversion of analog waveforms into digital values for processing. The components of data acquisition systems include: Sensors that convert physical parameters to electrical signals. Signal conditioning circuitry to convert sensor signals into a form that can be converted to digital values. Analog-to-digital converters, which convert conditioned sensor signals to digital values. Data acquisition applications are controlled by software programs developed using various general purpose programming languages such as BASIC, C, FORTRAN, Java, Lisp, and Pascal. COMEDI is an open source API (application program Interface) used by applications to access and controls the data acquisition hardware. Using COMEDI allows the same programs to run on different operating systems, like Linux and Windows. 18 Specialized software tools used for building large scale data acquisition systems include EPICS. Graphical programming environments include ladder logic, Visual C++, Visual Basic, MATLAB and LabVIEW DAQ hardware is what usually interfaces between the signal and a PC. It could be in the form of modules that can be connected to the computer's ports (parallel, serial, USB, etc…) or cards connected to slots (S-100 bus, AppleBus, ISA, MCA, PCI, PCI-E, etc…) in the mother board. Usually the space on the back of a PCI card is too small for all the connections needed, so an external breakout box is required. The cable between this box and the PC can be expensive due to the many wires, and the required shielding. DAQ cards often contain multiple components (multiplexer, ADC, DAC, TTL-IO, high speed timers, RAM). These are accessible via a bus by a microcontroller, which can run small programs. A controller is more flexible than a hard wired logic, yet cheaper than a CPU so that it is alright to block it with simple polling loops. For example: Waiting for a trigger, starting the looking up the time, waiting for the ADC to finish, move value to RAM, switch multiplexer, get TTL input, let DAC proceed with voltage ramp. Many times reconfigurable logic is used to achieve high speed for specific tasks and Digital signal processors are used after the data has been acquired to obtain some results. The fixed connection with the PC allows for comfortable compilation and debugging. Using an external housing a modular design with slots in a bus can grow with the needs of the user. Not all DAQ hardware has to run permanently connected to a PC, for example intelligent stand-alone loggers and oscilloscopes, which can be operated from a PC, yet they can operate completely independent of the PC. The modem provides the connection interface to the Internet service provider. For this project has been use PCI-1711 as an interface card. PCI-1711 is a multi- 19 function data acquisition card for the PCI bus. This card provides multiple measurement and control functions. Figure 2.3 PCI-1711 Low-Cost Multi-Function Card Figure 2.3 shows the Model PCI-1711 Low-Cost Multi-Function Card which is offers 16 12-bit single ended channels of A/D input, 16 channels of digital inputs, 16 channels of digital outputs, two 12-bit channels of analog output, and one 16-bit timer/counter with a time base of 10 MHz. This card provides an on-board FIFO (First In First Out) memory buffer that can store up to 1K A/D samples. The card provides a programmable counter for generating a pacer trigger for the A/D conversion. The counter chip is an 82C54 or equivalent, which includes three 16-bit counters on a 10 MHz clock. One counter is used as an event counter for counting events coming from the input channels. The other two are cascaded together to make a 32-bit timer for a pacer trigger. PCI-1711 series is also designed with the feature of automatic channel/ gain scanning circuit. Users can set different ranges of analog input for each channel according to their various applications. 20 With PCI-1711installed, the PC is able to access the data automatically without further manual intervention. The system performance can reach a 100kS/s high-speed sampling rate as well. PCI-1711series is designed especially for the applications in transducer/sensor interfacing, industrial process control, laboratory test and measurement, etc. 2.6 Pseudorandom binary sequence A binary sequence (BS) is a sequence of N bits, aj for j = 0,1,...,N − 1, i.e. m ones and N − m zeros. A BS is pseudo-random (PRBS) if its autocorrelation function: (2.14) has only two values: Where (2.15) is called the duty cycle of the PRBS. A PRBS is random in a sense that the value of an aj element is independent of the values of any of the other elements, similar to real random sequences. 21 It is 'pseudo' because it is deterministic and after N elements it starts to repeat itself, unlike real random sequences, such as sequences generated by radioactive decay or by white noise. The PRBS is more general than the n-sequence, which is a special pseudorandom binary sequence of n bits generated as the output of a linear shift register. An n-sequence always has a 1/2 duty cycle and its number of elements N = 2k − 1. PRBS's are used in telecommunication, encryption, simulation, correlation technique and time-of-flight spectroscopy. PRBS The pseudo random sequences codes are also known as Maximum Length Sequence codes. Also; maximal length sequences [MLS] or m-sequences. The Pseudo random number appears to be random, but not really random. Figure 2.4 PRBS Generator Circuit Pseudorandom Number Generator [PRNG], a circuit that generates pseudo random numbers. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction This chapter will discuss about the procedures and the techniques used in this project. Besides the experiment set-up and the major equipment are also described. In this project Matlab have been use as the software to estimate and validation the data. The flowchart of the system is shown in Figure 3.1. From the flowchart we will discuss of each flow of it. Figure 3.1 System Identification Procdure 23 3.2 Design an Experiment Firstly, we need to design simulink block diagram with Real-time Windows Target (RTWT) toolbox and then connect the PCI-1711(DAQ) for interfacing between computer and VVS-400(plant). Generate PRBS input using idinput syntax in Matlab. PRBS stand for Pseudo Random Binary Sequence. Real-Time Windows Target software enables you to run Simulink and Stateflow models in real time on your desktop or laptop PC for rapid prototyping or hardware-in-the-loop simulation of control system and signal processing algorithms. It can create and control a real-time executable entirely through Simulink software. Using the Real-Time Workshop product, you generate C code, compile it, and start real-time execution on your Windows-based PC while interfacing to real hardware using PC I/O boards The pseudo random sequences codes are also known as Maximum Length Sequence codes. Also; maximal length sequences [MLS] or m-sequences. The Pseudo random number appears to be random, but not really random. Often, PseudoRandom Binary Sequences (PRBS) input were chosen due to its large energy content in a large frequency range. 24 Table 3 shows the relationship between input voltage and output temperature. This relationship is important since the PCI 1711 only apply Table 3: Voltage (V) Input Voltage and Output Temperature Temperature (Celsius) 1.96 40 2.3 46 2.35 48 2.5 50 2.56 52 2.9 59 3.2 64 3.5 70 3.65 73 3.95 80 4.3 86 The relationship between voltage and temperature is obtained and is plotted as shown in Figure 3.2. This is done by observing the output temperature with different input voltage as shown in Table 3. 25 Figure 3.2 Relationships between Temperature and Voltage From Figure 3.2, it can be noted that: Temperature (°C) α K x Voltage (V) (3.1) K = constant = gradient = 19.81 Hence, Temperature (°C) = 20 x Voltage (V) Ti = 19.81Vi (3.2) Where i = nth data Therefore, process output must be multiplied with constant 19.81, since the output from the approximated plant and data acquisition (DAQ) card is in voltage. Temperature process study of VVS-400 plant has been conducted in [3] which reveal the temperature process is continuously nonlinear. 26 3.3 Experimental Setup Initially, system model must be determined. The system modeling part is the most challenging and important part in designing the control system of VVS-400 due to its large time constant and slow process response [9]. In order to obtain a particular model for this system, the open loop identification experiment has been done using parametric approach. In this experiment, a system model is identified using data collected when the Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) is perturbed into the system. 3.4 Selection of Model Structure Parametric approach Autoregressive with exogenous input (ARX) has been chosen as model structure for VVS-400. Orders: [na nb nk] A(q)y(t) = B(q)u(t-nk)+e(t) 3.2 (3.3) Estimation and Validation From input output data, the data will divided into two part which is estimation and validation data. Estimation Data is the data set that is used to fit a model to data. In the GUI this is the same as the Working Data. Validation Data is the data set that is used for 27 model validation purposes. This includes simulating the model for these data and computing the residuals from the model when applied to these data [8]. The GUI is particularly suited for dealing with multivariable systems since it will do useful bookkeeping for you, handling different channels. The step of this agenda is: Import data and create a data set with all input and output channels of interest. Do the necessary preprocessing of this set in terms of detrending, prefiltering, etc., and then select a Validation Data set with all channels. Then select a Working Data set with all channels, and estimate state-space models of different orders. Examine the resulting model primarily using the Model Output view. If it is difficult to get a good fit in all output channels or we would like to investigate how important the different input channels are, construct new data sets using subsets of the original input/output channels. Use the pop-up menu Preprocess > Select Channels for this. Don’t change the Validation Data. The GUI will keep track of the input and output channel numbers. It will “do the right thing” when evaluating the channel-restricted models using the Validation Data. It might also be appropriate to see if improvements in the fit are obtained for various model types, built for one output at a time. Model Validation is the process of gaining confidence in a model. Essentially this is achieved by “twisting and turning” the model to scrutinize all aspects of it. Of particular importance is the model’s ability to reproduce the behavior of the Validation Data sets. Thus it is important to inspect the properties of the residuals from the model when applied to the Validation Data [8]. 28 3.6 Controller Design The PID controller type provides proportional with integral and derivative control, or PID. This controller combines proportional control with two additional adjustments, which helps the unit automatically compensate for changes in the system. These adjustments, integral and derivative, are expressed in time-based units; they are also referred to by their reciprocals, RESET and RATE, respectively. The proportional, integral and derivative terms must be individually adjusted or “tuned” to a particular system using trial and error. It provides the most accurate and stable control of the three controller types, and is best used in systems which have a relatively small mass, those which react quickly to changes in the energy added to the process. It is recommended in systems where the load changes often and the controller is expected to compensate automatically due to frequent changes in setpoint, the amount of energy available, or the mass to be controlled. Proportional integral derivative (PID) control is the most commonly used control algorithm in the industry today. PID controller popularity can be attributed to the controller’s effectiveness in a wide range of operation conditions, its functional simplicity, and the ease with which engineers can implement it using current computer technology. From Figure 3.3 it shows the block diagram of a PID Controller based on this approximated plant model. PID controller will be designed to perform the closed loop system simulation. PID Controller was design using Ziegler Nichols tuning method. 29 Figure 3.3 A block diagram of a PID controller The Ziegler–Nichols tuning method is a heuristic method of tuning a PID controller. It was developed by John G. Ziegler and Nathaniel B. Nichols. It is performed by setting the I and D gains to zero. The "P" gain is then increased (from zero) until it reaches the ultimate gain Ku, at which the output of the control loop oscillates with a constant amplitude. Ku and the oscillation period Tu are used to set the P, I, and D gains depending on the type of controller used. Table 4: Ziegler–Nichols method Ziegler–Nichols method Control Type Kp Ki Kd P 0.5Ku - - PI 0.45Ku 1.2 Kp/Tu - PID 0.6Ku 2 Kp/Tu KpTu/8 From Table 4 it shows the three PID gain parameters which is tune by the Zeigler Nichols Method: 1. Kp - the controller path gain 2. Ti - the controller's integrator time constant 3. Td - the controller's derivative time constant CHAPTER 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction Some experiments had been conducted for the project. First and foremost, an experiment is conducted to find out the input output data. The data will be analyzing using Matlab. After that, the simulation for PID controller was design using Matlab. Last but not least, an analysis on real process implementation of the system is made. 4.2 Process Model Identification Experiment Initially, system model must be determined before control technique is applied. The system modeling part is the most challenging and vital part in designing the control system of VVS-400 due to its large time constant and slow process response [8]. In order to obtain a particular model for this system, the open loop identification experiment has been done using parametric approach. 31 Figure 4.1 shows the experimental setup to this project. This setup is important to get the input output data and also to implement the real process. Since the temperatures have large dead time and slow process response this experiment will need longer time to finish it. PRBS input from PC PRBS input from VVS- 400 plant I/O Board Figure 4.1 Experimental Setup Figure 4.2 Data Collection In this experiment, a system model is identified using data collected when the Pseudo Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) is perturbed into the system as can be seen in Figure 4.2. 32 The PRBS input is generated in Matlab. The collection of data was performed by PCI-1711 interface card. The input-output data is then be analyzed by System Identification toolbox in Matlab [7]. Figure 4.3 The input-output Signal From Figure 4.3, there are 5000 samples of data with 1 seconds sampling interval. From the set of input-output data and it was divided into two parts. The first part is the estimation data and the second is validation data. In this project, the VVS-400 system is modelled based on Autoregressive with exogenous input (ARX) model structure. Its polynomial structure can be written as: (4.1) (4.2) − 0.002242q −1 + 0.001465q −2 + 0.0006469q −3 + 0.0004487q −4 − 0.0006620q −5 + 0.0013q −6 (4.3) 33 Measured Estimated Figure 4.4 Measured and Simulated Model Output of ARX 661 The best fit of output model is 78.12% as depicted in Figure 4.4. Then, Loss function = 0.00000122201 Akaike’s Final Prediction Error (FPE) = 0.0000012338. Therefore, the pilot scale heating and ventilation VVS-400 plant can be approximated modeled by this following equation: B(q) − 0.002242q −1 + 0.001465q −2 + 0.0006469q −3 + 0.0004487q −4 − 0.0006620q −5 + 0.0013q −6 = A(q) 1 − 0.7754q −1 − 0.3189q −2 + 0.007183q −3 + 0.06149q −4 + 9.677 ×10−005 q −5 + 0.02707q −6 (4.4) 34 Hence, based on this approximated plant model, conventional PID controller will be designed to perform the closed loop system simulation. The approximated plant gives a higher order model where an excess model order is usually represent the noise. Since the ARX model incorporate with noise in the system model, the model might be influenced by this noise [10]. F igure 4.5 Pole and zero plots Figure 4.5 shows the pole-zero plot of the ARX 661 model since all poles inside the circle it will called it as non minimum phase model. In mathematics, signal processing and control theory, a pole–zero plots is a graphical representation of a rational transfer function in the complex plane which helps to convey certain properties of the system such as: Stability Causal system / anticausal system Region of convergence (ROC) Minimum phase / non minimum phase 35 There is one zero outside the circle of the z-domain. It makes the system become non minimum phase model. In mathematics and signal processing, the Ztransform converts a discrete time-domain signal, which is a sequence of real or complex numbers, into a complex frequency-domain representation. It can be considered as a discrete equivalent of the Laplace transform. This similarity is explored in the theory of time scale calculus. The Zed-transform was introduced, under this name, by Ragazzini and Zadeh in 1952. The modified or advanced Z-transform was later developed by E. I. Jury, and presented in his book Sampled-Data Control Systems (John Wiley & Sons 1958). The idea contained within the Z-transform was previously known as the "generating function method". In control theory and signal processing, a linear, time-invariant system is said to be minimum-phase if the system and its inverse are causal and stable. For example, a discrete-time system with rational transfer function H(z) can only satisfy causality and stability requirements if all of its poles are inside the unit circle. However, we are free to choose whether the zeros of the system are inside or outside the unit circle [8]. Systems that are causal and stable whose inverses are causal and unstable are known as non-minimum-phase systems. A given non-minimum phase system will have a greater phase contribution than the minimum-phase system with the equivalent magnitude response. For a non-minimum phase process the converse is true, a non-minimum phase pole will tend to cause a +90º phase shift, and a nonminimum phase zero will tend to cause a -90º phase shift. Since the system is assumed to be stable, all the poles will have negative real parts [8]. 36 Figure 4.6 Autocorrelation of Residuals Figure 4.6 shows the autocorrelatio, that it’s a good model since the residual autocorrelation is inside the interval. Residuals are differences between the one-steppredicted output from the model and the measured output from the validation data set. Thus, residuals represent the portion of the validation data not explained by the model. Residual analysis consists of two tests which is the whiteness test and the independence test. According to the whiteness test criteria, a good model has the residual autocorrelation function inside the confidence interval of the corresponding estimates, indicating that the residuals are uncorrelated. According to the independence test criteria, a good model has residuals uncorrelated with past inputs. Evidence of correlation indicates that the model does not describe how part of the output relates to the corresponding input. The horizontal scale is the number of lags, which is the time difference (in samples) between the signals at which the correlation is estimated. The horizontal 37 dashed lines on the plot represent the confidence interval of the corresponding estimates. Any fluctuations within the confidence interval are considered to be insignificant [8]. It can be conclude that a good model should have a residual autocorrelation function within the confidence interval, indicating that the residuals are uncorrelated. The plots for these models fall within the confidence intervals. Thus, when choosing the best model among several estimated models, it is reasonable to pick ARX 661. 4.3 Closed- Loop Simulation and Performance Analysis The simulation is important before the real process implementation done. In this simulation only close loop controller is consider to make sure that the system meet the stability. Besides that, PID controller will be used to verify the propose controller design. Step input have been applied in simulation as a reference input with a set point of 57. PID control is commonly used in the following industries such as Chemical, Petrochemical, Pulp & Paper, Oil & Gas, Food & Beverage, and Municipal Water/Sewerage Facilities. PID controllers are used to control process variables ranging from fluid flow, level, pressure, temperature, pH, consistency, density and position. In this project PID controller have been tune using Zeigler Nichols method and it design from three PID gain parameters. Tuning PID: 1. Proportional gain, Kp Larger values typically mean faster response since the larger the error, the larger the proportional term compensation. An excessively large proportional gain will lead to process instability and oscillation. 38 2. Integral gain, Ki Larger values imply steady state errors are eliminated more quickly. The trade-off is larger overshoot: any negative error integrated during transient response must be integrated away by positive error before reaching steady state. 3. Derivative gain, Kd Larger values decrease overshoot, but slow down transient response and may lead to instability due to signal noise amplification in the differentiation of the error. Defining u(t) as the controller output, the final form of the PID algorithm is: (4.5) Tuning a control loop is the adjustment of its control parameters (gain/proportional band, integral gain/reset, derivative gain/rate) to the optimum values for the desired control response. Stability (bounded oscillation) is a basic requirement, but beyond that, different systems have different behaviour, different applications have different requirements, and some desiderata conflict. Further, some processes have a degree of non-linearity and so parameters that work well at full-load conditions don't work when the process is starting up from noload; this can be corrected by gain scheduling (using different parameters in different operating regions). PID controllers often provide acceptable control even in the absence of tuning, but performance can generally be improved by careful tuning, and performance may be unacceptable with poor tuning. 39 Figure 4.7 Simulink Block Diagram (without PID Controller) Figure 4.8 Input vs. Output Response (without PID Controller) Figure 4.7 and 4.8 showed the Simulink block diagram without PID controller and the process output, respectively. Step input is applied to the system as a reference input. Step input applied with the desired temperature 57°C and the output response 35°C. ARX 661 is chosen as our model and the result from the scope is shown at figure 4.8. 40 Figure 4.9 Simulink Block Diagram (with PID Controller) Figure 4.10 Input vs. Output Response (with PID Controller) Figures 4.9 and 4.10 showed the Simulink block diagram with PID controller and the process output, respectively. Before plot the graph the value of Ku and Tu must be determine. The value of Ku is 7.41 and Tu 29 and then used a new Ku and Tu to set the P, I, and D gains. From Figure 4.1, the process output shows high overshoot with settling time is 24 seconds corresponding to step input reference. While the overshoot is 11.46% and peak time 16 second. It can be seen that the response of this proposed controller is satisfactory. PID tuning is a difficult problem, even though there are only three parameters and in principal is simple to describe, because it must satisfy complex criteria within the limitations of PID control. 41 4.4 Online Implementation The PID controller has been successfully design via simulation. The simulation only is not enough to ensure that all the design controllers are exactly capable to control the VVS-400 system model. So, the online implementation is important to discover whether the controller is good or not. Figure 4.11 Simulink Block Diagram for Online Implementation Figure 4.11 shows the simulink block diagram for online implementation and this real system implementation is done using Real Time Windows Target (RTWT) toolbox in Matlab [8]. Two blocks called Analog Output and Analog Input from RTWT connect the Simulink Matlab to the VVS-400 plant using data acquisition (DAQ) card PCI1711[11]. The controller will respond to the online process with 1 seconds sampling interval. 42 The output of the controller will be fed into the Analog Output and the process output is generated from the Analog Input. Since only voltage is applicable in this RTWT toolbox, the output from the Analog Output need to be converted into temperature by multiply with constant, 19.81 as given in the previous section. However, to satisfy the output, tuning parameter requires a little adjustment since the simulation tuning parameter is designed based on the approximated plant. Figure 4.12 Online Implementation before Retuning Figure 4.13 shows the result for the online implementation and it seem that the output is still oscillate until the end of the experiment. As the conclusion retuning is needed to overcome this problem. From the graph, a new Ku and the oscillation period Tu can be determined and then used a new Ku and Tu to set the P, I, and D gains. The new value of Ku is 7.18 Tu is 102. 43 Figure 4.13 Process Response for Online Implementation after Re-tuning It has a contrast between real implantation with simulation, the overshoot for online is been reduce to 4.13 but the time taken for settling time is too high 189 sec while the rise time 158 sec. Re-tuning is needed during controller’s implementation with a real VVS-400 plant. Most of heating and ventilation plants are complex with higher-order systems and required longer time to achieve satisfactory output performance. Therefore, in certain cases where there is deficient of experience with the processes, it is sometimes quite impossible to achieve a satisfactory performance. CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Recent developments in science and technology provide a wide range scope of applications of temperature controller. Proportional integral derivative (PID) control is the most commonly used control algorithm in the industry today. PID controller popularity can be attributed to the controller’s effectiveness in a wide range of operation conditions, its functional simplicity, and the ease with which engineers can implement it using current computer technology. PID controller tuning rules can be directly implemented in a variety of applications. In this project the heating and ventilation temperature rig has been successfully modeled by ARX model structure using System Identification approach. The PID controller has been chosen as the controller design using Ziegler Nichols tuning method. PID controller designed using simulation by approximated model plant and also has been implemented to a real VVS-400 plant. PCI 1711 has been use as data acquisition card (DAQ) which is to interfaces between the signal and a PC. From this project, it can be clearly seen that the simulation and implemented to a real VVS-400 plant has a contrast between it. It showed that the real implantation will give higher settling time, rise time and also peak time compare to simulation. 45 In real world application the plant exactly has a noise and it required longer time to achieve satisfactory output performance because of large dead time and slow process response. Although the controller can function as we expected, we can use other than PID controller to implement with another controller such as Fuzzy controller, Robust Controller and neural Network Controller. Besides that, we can model the system with other structure such as ARMAX, Box-Jenkins and OE to compare with ARX model. 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