CAM6/CESM2 development simulations
CAM6/CESM2 development simulations
CAM6/CESM2 development simulations Cécile Hannay, Rich Neale, Pete Bogenschutz, Julio Bacmeister, Andrew Gettelman, and Joe Tribbia Thanks to: David Bailey, Cheryl Craig, Gokhan Danabasoglu, Brian Eaton, Jim Edwards, Marika Holland, Jean-Francois Lamarque, David Lawrence, Keith Lindsay, Keith Oleson, Bill Sacks, John Truesdale, Mariana Vertenstein, and gazillions of others. CESM 2: Development simulations At a glance • Huge team effort started in Mid November 2015 • 2 co-chair meetings/week Feb 2016: Mini Breck • 34 experiments (“cases”) • 1300+ years of simulations + diagnostics June 2016: Breckenridge workshop • 94 experiments (“cases”) • 2890+ years of simulations + diagnostics • 271 T And also • Many standalone simulations in individual working groups AMWG homework Following mini-Breck, we identified biases to be targeted • Taylor score lower than in LENS • Cold SSTs => Adjust tuning to reduce SWCF • Underestimated Amazon precipitation => ZM changes • Insufficient Tropical Sub-Seasonal Variability => ZM changes • Weak Surface winds => Beljaars and ridge scheme (TMS off) • Strong indirect effects => New autoconversion • Excessive humidity (RHliq > 105%) => Fix in CLUBB • Poor polar stratospheric clouds => New ice microphysics How did we do on our homework ? CESM 2: Development simulations In this talk, we will compare: • LENS: Large Ensemble • CESM1.5: Mini Breck - Feb 206 (This is 28 or 36) • CESM2.0-: Now – June 2016 (This is 79). Are you lost in translation ? Taylor Diagram • LENS • Now • Mini-Breck Significant improvement in Taylor score since mini-Breck Current simulation is better than LENS Sea Surface Temperature (SST) bias (ANN) LENS Bias = -0.24K RMSE = 0.91 Mini-Breck Bias = -0.62K RMSE = 1.12 Now Bias = -0.58K RMSE = 1.19 Sea Surface Temperature (SST) bias (ANN) LENS Bias = -0.24K RMSE = 0.91 Mini Breck Bias = -0.62K RMSE = 1.12 Now Bias = -0.58K RMSE = 1.19 Not much improvement in SST bias. Cold bias in Labrador sea (covered by sea-ice). Sea ice thickness (ANN) LENS (yrs 475-499) Mini-Breck (yrs 75-99) Now (yrs 72-91) Sea-ice thicker over Central Arctic Ice-covered Labrador sea Sea ice thickness in Labrador sea New atm+ocn+lnd (79) Now Cause for changes still uncertain, but appears related to coupling of new ocean and new atmosphere New atm+ocn (66) New atm + ocn (64) New atm only (63) New ocn Only (MP3) Run from Feb (36) Courtesy Marika Holland Mini-Breck Precipitation bias versus GPCP (ANN) LENS Bias = 0.37 RMSE = 1.13 (mm/day) Mini-Breck Bias = 0.19 RMSE = 1.12 (mm/day) Now Bias = 0.19 RMSE = 0.91 (mm/day) Precipitation bias versus GPCP (ANN) LENS Bias = 0.37 RMSE = 1.13 (mm/day) Mini-Breck Bias = 0.19 RMSE = 1.12 (mm/day) Now Bias = 0.19 RMSE = 0.91 (mm/day) Improved precip bias Better precip over Amazon Improvement in land precipitation Color code Green means better Red means worse Between Mini Breck and Now: 20% reduction in RMSE Courtesy Dave Lawrence Equatorial Waves (rainfall) Wavenumber frequency decomposition of precipitation (10S-10N), annual mean Now Obs Kelvin Improved Kelvin waves MJO LENS Mini-breck Lack of Kelvin waves Courtesy Rich Neale Sea-level pressure versus MERRA (ANN) LENS Bias = 0.29 RMSE = 1.61 (mbar) Mini Breck Bias = 0.09 RMSE = 3.02 (mbar) Now Bias = 0.28 RMSE = 1.76 (mbar) Sea-level pressure versus MERRA (ANN) LENS Bias = 0.29 RMSE = 1.61 (mbar) Mini-Breck Bias = 0.09 RMSE = 3.02 (mbar) Now Bias = 0.28 RMSE = 1.76 (mbar) Improved SLP in Southern Ocean Change in surface winds (ANN) Weak surface winds in LENS and in mini-breck simulation New beljaars/ridge scheme increase surface winds Increase of the surface winds between mini-Breck and Now Greenland and Antartica surface winds Mini-Breck Greenland Antarctica Courtesy Lenaerts/Lipscomb Now Obs Aerosol effect Direct (W/m2) IPCC values Indirect (W/m2) -0.5 [-0.9 to -0.1] -0.7 [-1.8 to -0.3] LENS -0.2 -1.4 Mini Breck -0.4 -1.8 Now -0.4 -1.5 Mini-Breck: indirect effect too strong Now: New autoconversion reduced it 20th Century warming Mini-Breck: not enough warming over 20thC Now: No 20th century simulation yet Expecting impact of reducing indirect effect How did we do on our homework ? Following mini-Breck, we identified biases to be targeted • Taylor score lower than in LENS => Improved • Cold SSTs => Not improved (degraded Labrador sea) • Underestimated Amazon precipitation => Improved • Insufficient Tropical Sub-Seasonal Variability => Improved • Weak Surface winds => Improved • Strong indirect effects => Improved • Excessive humidity (RHliq > 105%) in CLUBB => Improved • Poor representation of polar stratospheric clouds=> Improved Remaining issues in current simulations • Ice too thick over central Arctic and ice-covered labrador sea This has been 8 months of intense work We had good days We had bad days We always find the cause of the problem