Silver 34 HEROd ELEmEnTaRy


Silver 34 HEROd ELEmEnTaRy
LEED Facts
Herod Elementary School
Houston, Texas
LEED® for Schools
Certification pending
Herod elementary
Houston, TEXAS
Sustainable Sites
85,579 SF
Water Efficiency
waste recycled
designed energy savings
recycled content
Energy & Atmosphere
Materials & Resources
Indoor Environmental Air Quality
Innovation & Design
*Out of a possible 69 points
Herod Elementary School - Houston, TX
A green elementary school for Meyerland
Houston Independent School District builds a LEED Certified Replacement School
project background
Gary L. Herod Elementary School is located in the Maplewood/Meyerland West area in
Southwest Houston. The school is named in memory of Texas Air National Guard Captain
Gary L. Herod. Herod Elementary opened in 1965. When Herod opened in 1965, it served
the many families with young children in the neighborhood. As the years went by, the
neighborhood changed. To keep up with the changes, HISD elected to build a new
school for the community and they decided to show their commitment to protecting the
environment through achieving a LEED Certification.
Sustainable sites (8/16)
Preferred parking for low emitting and fuel efficient vehicles n 100% of our vegetation is
native or adaptive plantings. n Light-colored concrete minimizes heat absorbed on the site.
n Covered parking. n A cool roof reflects sun’s heat.. n The project utilized a previously
developed site. n RainTanks were utilized to reduce the stormwater runoff by in excess of
25% n Bioswales and Grate Inlet Skimmer Boxes remove 80% of suspended solids from at
least 90% of the stormwater run off.
Water Efficiency (2/5)
Low flow urinals, faucets, shower heads and ‘pint urinals’ significantly reduce water usage.
n The landscape design incorporates drip systems, controllers, and native plants to reduce
potable water use by over 50%.
Energy & Atmosphere (5/17)
We hired a commissioning agent to reduce energy consumption and ensure that all mechanical systems are working to maximum potential. n The project has utilized many energy
saving devices, highly efficient lighting and a water cooled chiller. n The building has been
designed to be 23% more efficient than the City’s energy code requires.
Materials & resources (4/13)
The school recycles paper, cardboard, plastic, and aluminum. The school is a glass free
facility. n 87% construction wasted recycled. n 20% recycled content n 14.8% regional
indoor environmental quality (13/15)
Entryway systems at all major entries reduce the amount of particulates and allergens
entering the building. n We use only low-VOC paint for painting and touchups. n 90%
of occupied spaces have access to views.
innovation & design (4/5)
A green education program demonstrates the green features of the building. n The
campus features abundant open space. n Very efficient water fixtures n The district
implemented a green housekeeping program including the use of Green Seal approved
cleaning fluids and recycled content disposable paper products and trash liners.
Owner: Houston ISD
Architect & Interior Designer: Kirksey
Contractor: Anslow-Bryant
Commissioning Agent: E+C
Photography by SLH Photography
The LEED® Green Building Rating System™ is the
national benchmark for the design, construction,
and operations of high-performance green buildings.
Visit the U.S. Green Building Council’s Web site at to learn more about how you can
make LEED work for you.