Brian`s Dream Diary - Over 8,000 documented dreams, many of


Brian`s Dream Diary - Over 8,000 documented dreams, many of
Brian's Dream Diary - Over 8,000 documented dreams, many of which have already come true :: || Brian Ladd specializes in dream analyzation, dream prediction, remote viewing and more with thousands of docum...
149 captures
10 Dec 05 - 25 Jan 16
2009 2010 2011
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Dream readings by me for you...and less than $10
Additional posts on this page will be made available via my Facebook Site, Twitter Page and my members page
8.14.2010: Ok, ready to start testing this :) If you wish to share your dreams please click here or go to
8.13.2010: I'm working on this, no idea when I will be done :) Basically it will track peoples dreams try and prove to the world...dreams can predict the
future...and collectively we can do something something with them. When completed, if you have dream about a listed event, lets say an earthquake, all
you need to do is visit a specific page of mine and the tracking maps will do the rest. 8.8.2010: The private dream reading offer via email program seems to be working well so I have decided to make this a permanent option for all readers
of my site. Price will stay below $10 per dream reading, and full details are located at or by clicking on the image
Gale is getting ready to start her new site www.PsychicNetwork.Tv...again, if you wish to work for her please send her email to [email protected] or
directly via the website. Many positions are already filled, so if you want to apply, please do it soon.
8.1.2010: If you applied to work for Gale at www.PsychicNetwork.Tv and have not heard from her, please resend Gale your request...the email address
listed was not working yet. Here is a copy of the last request from her:
Gale still needs more psychics, tarot card readers, mediums and astrologers to work for her new company...if you're interested in working for her, please
send her an email directly at [email protected]. You can set your own hours and methods, phone psychic's get paid $180 an hour and if you
want to share your skills with the world, she would love to hear from you. If I still owe you a request, it will get done this week...I've been working on a few things and should have my nights free this week. I'm also now offering
dream readings via email for less than $10...please see this page for further details.[5/1/2016 10:00:06 PM]
Brian's Dream Diary - Over 8,000 documented dreams, many of which have already come true :: || Brian Ladd specializes in dream analyzation, dream prediction, remote viewing and more with thousands of docum...
7.19.2010: Here is a preview of a dream related service offered by Dr. Crunch, if you don't know who he is click here to visit his website...his books are
also listed below. I have personally read Practically Dreaming and highly recommend it.
6.27.2010: A reader connected me with Psychic Dreamer Christopher Robinson, he's been doing dream research and detective work for most of his life. If
you wish to find out more on Christopher please visit his website at
6.7.2010: Real time updates for missing person cases: Not sure how many people know this, but when a person is located usually the first people to
know about it (other than LE) is National Center. We have noticed that when a person is found, their picture is immediately removed from their
database. Most of the time this happens well before local media even gets wind of the story...that said it's a very good tool to get the latest information
on a case. I've just setup an account with Change Detection that will send me an email if the image on any case page is removed. I'm planning on doing
this with every case I have's going to take some time, but I will get it done. click here to see the updated information on this.
6.21.2010: Diana Haymond has a website called Psychics Unite to Help Find Missing Children, she has decided her time to help find missing people. If you
get a chance..please visit her site located here or click o her pciture below.
6.19.2010: You may have noticed I have not been posting very many dreams during the past few weeks, and if you read my earlier posts on this page, I try
an explain why. What I did not tell you is that I've also been having the North Korea's Holocaust dreams again...lately they have gone away and I have
been able to start posting my normal dreams again. The are no words to express what I think is going on in North Korea, the dreams go well beyond any
sort of nightmares I have ever had. This is going on right now, and has been for years... I also think that very soon the world is going to find out how and
why this has been happening...and it's going to start a world war that will kill millions. It's not a new weapon that they are working on, it's not even a bio weapon thats millions of years old. (see past dd's). I've posted dozens of dreams about North Korea in the past and they can be found by
using the search box at the top of any page on my site, I've also done a couple of radio/webcam shows located here if you have missed them. I also feel
that many people are having similar dreams about this event...and if you are, I ask that you please share them in my dream forum. Another thing that is
new is that I've not been able to figure out how this war is to be fact many dreams have been telling me to accept it and to let go, trust and
believe in God...but I'm finding this very hard to do. War is never a good thing, and there is always something that can be done to stop God I know
would ever want a war to happen, or millions of people to die for no reason :(
6.18.2010: This song was written and sung by Gale's son Dustin St. John...he did it all from his PC. Please take a listen and tell us what you think.
6.12.2010: Gale is in need of people to work from her new company, the website for the company will be Starting salary for
psychic advisors and astrology experts is $3.99 a minute (approx. $240 an hour)
and you can work from anywhere. If you're interested in working for her,
please send her an email directly at [email protected][5/1/2016 10:00:06 PM]
Brian's Dream Diary - Over 8,000 documented dreams, many of which have already come true :: || Brian Ladd specializes in dream analyzation, dream prediction, remote viewing and more with thousands of docum...
5.31.2010: Thank you dad for over 25 years of service in the Air Force, personally I believe your actions as a B52 pilot during the 80's helped bring about
the end to the Cold War and made a the world a saver place for Christine and I live. So here's to you Colonel Ladd...we are very proud of you.
Memories...Korea was ok, Germany was great!
5.30.2010: Kayleah Wilson, age 12, was murdered and her family needs your support in finding the peace of shit that did this to her. We have setup a
website to assist in this process...and as always, your help is requested. If you have any information, tip or theory as to what may have happened to
Kayleah Wilson please visit
5.29.2010: You may have (or not) noticed I have not been posting much on my website lately...well that's my fault. See I guess I'm going through
something like a mid-life crises and have been feeling the need to be be alone for a while. Something in my brain does not seem right and I'm trying to
work things out by myself. No-ones perfect and I'm sure I will get through this period of my's got nothing to do with my kids or wife...I love them
very much. It's about me...and I have not been feeling very happy's a very strange feeling of sadness that does not go away...
5.9.2010: Here is my kitten cam again :) Mom didn't like where I had the box last night, so she took and hid them. I moved the box again, so hopefully she
will be pleased...if not, she will come take each one and move and hide them...amazing what moms will do for their matter what species :)
4.29.2010: Oil disaster in Gulf was predicted on 4/18/2010 DD8068 - see
4.17.2010: Iceland Eruption dream?[5/1/2016 10:00:06 PM]
Brian's Dream Diary - Over 8,000 documented dreams, many of which have already come true :: || Brian Ladd specializes in dream analyzation, dream prediction, remote viewing and more with thousands of docum...
4.4.2010: Gabriel Johnson Facebook Group. An unbiased site to finding Baby Gabriel Johnson...if you're following this missing baby case, I've found this
site to be worth your time.
Marc Anthony Bookal case update tonight @ 9, Jim the man who sent LE the tip joins us. Case file located at: Nancy Grace clip
located at:
3.28.2010: It's almost spring time and I have about 50 Miracle Seeds ready to send out. If you've not received one in the past and would like to know what
this is about please click here. The seeds are completely free and my kids love mailing them out :)
3.25.2010: Sadly Marc Anthony Bookal has been located, I wish we could have done more....dream drawings from December appear to be very accurate
and I want to thank everyone who help in this case. Child abuse like this has to be stopped...and if drastic measures are what's needed to end
this...maybe a some civil liberties need to be taken away for the good of everyone.
3.13.2010: Rain, rain and more rain...the next MP broadcast might be from a F.E.M.A. trailer :)
2.27.2010: I believe this weeks dreams are related to today's events, not sure exactly how yet, but I think they are.
2.23.2010: My Facebook account: For those of you that felt it necessary to remove me from their groups related to helping find Gabriel based solely on
my affiliation with Tammi and Jack Smith...thank you for proving a point. There is information that I'm aware of now that could help find Gabriel and
possibly shed some light of why Elizabeth did what she did. LE is well aware of this information and it seems that some media outlets are keeping it
secret...I do not agree with this. We're also not convinced LE is actually following up on this information. It also seems personal feeling are getting in the
way of seeking the truth as to what happened to Gabriel and why Elizabeth felt she needed to put Gabriel up for adoption in first place.
Over the next few weeks things are going to change in this case, and if anyone is bothered by this or my association with Jack and Tammi be it. If you don't wish to hear about, please don't follow me or visit this page. Myself and several others are working directly with Tammi and Jack Smith, we
are going over every possible scenario to help find Gabriel...and were doing this regardless of anyone's personal opinion.
2.21.2010: Psychic Jacqui O'reilly has a new website located @, she's also offering phone readings at this page. From what
I've seen of Jacqui's work on missing person cases so far, she has a talent that words cannot express...I and appreciate all the help she's given us these
past 2 months.
2.18.2010: Please take the time and
light this virtual candle for ten month old Gabriel Scott Johnson who went missing from Tempe, Arizona on December
27th, 2009. His father Logan has not seen his son for almost two months now and desperately needs everyone's help in bringing him home. To light a
candle for Gabriel, please click here...after the page has loaded, search for a candles who's flame has gone out. Click on the candle, say a short prayer if
you wish, then click the continue button. The entire process takes just a few seconds of your time and is completely free and anonymous. The candle
will burn for 48 hours, and when it goes out....hopefully someone else will relight it...keeping the hope of finding Gabriel soon alive. Brian[5/1/2016 10:00:06 PM]
Brian's Dream Diary - Over 8,000 documented dreams, many of which have already come true :: || Brian Ladd specializes in dream analyzation, dream prediction, remote viewing and more with thousands of docum...
P.S. After lighting the candle, if you wish to send Gabriel's family messages of support or want to help in the cause of finding Gabriel, please visit the
families Facebook page at this address.
2.14.2010: New
website about what could happen in 2012, interesting material, however this is not an endorsement from me. Personally I think the end
of the Mayan Calendar signifies a new age of enlightenment for all the people of this small world we live on :)
2.4.2010: Getting a little bit of snow...will take pics
for ya :)
1.31.2010: New website opened for missing child Gabriel
Scott Johnson, case file is located here, new website is
1.24.2010: Why are all my missing person cases public?
The reason for making all my missing person cases public is simple...there is no possible way I can investigate these myself. I add at least one new case a
day, 7 days a week with no vacations...this leaves little free time to do individual case work. Making everything public far outweighs working in
secrecy...what you get is what I dreamt, nothing more or nothing less. When I post my dream drawing on a case, I usually post a translation too...this
translation includes everything I know about the case, nothing is kept from you the reader. As with most people, I do not remember a majority of my
dreams, and going back to specific dd's (dream drawings) does not usually bring back anything additional I have not already posted. I am not a psychic and
can only work via dreaming or lucid dreaming, so with each request, I literally have to 'sleep on it'. I am not concerned about my dreams not being right,
however I am concerned about letting those who can make a difference in solving a case, do so. I have been doing this for several years now, and will
continue to do it in a way I know works. I have never charged to open a case, and have no plans on doing so in the future...all work, including work from
those helping me is done 100% pro bono. When corresponding about a specific case via email, please assume it will be made always I will try
my best to remove personal information of the sender...but mistakes do happen. To open a new case, check the status of a pending case or to send
information on a current case, please email my case admin Debra at
this link. For more information as to how I do what I do and how we handle cases,
please listen to
this radio broadcast in its entirety. For more information as to how I do what I do and how we handle cases, please listen to
this radio
broadcast in its entirety.
1.22.2010: Social Networks...If you would like to stay connected to me, here are my network links :) I will approve all members of my dream newsletter
usually within 24 hours of the request.
FaceBook - MySpace - Twitter
1.17.2010: Join us Live every Tuesday @ 11PM EST on Blog Talk Radio when Celebrity Psychic Gale St. John offers free psychic readings to callers. Last
show went great and were looking forward to hearing from you this Tuesday at 11PM (-5GMT). We plan on doing this once a week and having other
psychics on as well.
1.4.2010: Join us tomorrow @ 11PM EST on Blog Talk Radio when Celebrity Psychic Gale St. John offers free psychic readings to callers. Gale has been a
guest on CNN's Larry King Live and Nancy Grace, along with dozens of other shows, to listen to the show or call in as a guest, please click here. 12.20.2009: Back to work...if anyone's requested me to do any work for them, sorry for the delay, will be getting started tonight :)
Marc Anthony Bookal case is located here. Just got off the phone with Psychic Gale St. John and she's is planning to make the trip from Ohio to New York
soon...further details and her press release can be found here.
12.17.2009: Migration complete, there still maybe some issues but we are now on the new server...sorry for any site downtime during the past few days.
12.9.2009: We are in the process of migrating to a new dedicated server...after migration is complete you should be able to access this site, our missing
person sites and all associated forums much faster and the issues with things going down should be corrected. The new server is going to cost me
significantly more money to operate. In order to defray some of the costs I'm offering website hosting (will all the bells and whistles) for just $10 a
month. So if you have a website and need hosting on a dedicated server please visit this page. Once you signup I'll call you with the details of your new
hosting account.
12.6.2009: Missing Persons Radio show is now up and running on Blog Talk, shows are once a week at 6 PM EST (-5 GMT) at This show is in addition to our Sunday thru Tuesday Dream Talk TV Show located here :)
12.3.2009: Credentials...Debra and I were amazed at house easy it is to claim one selves to be a Minister...In 24 hours we both become one. That's ok
though, you don't have to call me Reverend if you don't want to :) We did this to prove a point, and I really don't consider myself or Debra Reverends.
11.30.2009: Lakewood police officer shooting is located here, video of case review is below.[5/1/2016 10:00:06 PM]
Brian's Dream Diary - Over 8,000 documented dreams, many of which have already come true :: || Brian Ladd specializes in dream analyzation, dream prediction, remote viewing and more with thousands of docum...
11.22.2009: Many thanks to Susan for helping us post content for the hundreds of missing person cases in the forum that need attention...thank you Susan
:) Susan also sells Avon products online at there are some great low cost Christmas baskets available that would make a
great gift for that special someone. Personally, when I run out of lipstick Susan will be the first one I call :)
11.15.2009: As promised, I'm going to spend more time on this case, and will not stop until Madeline is home with her parents. DD's from last night are
posted here, myself and Z have been researching, and I do feel that another child is going be taken by the same people, this time a child from the UK. If
you have any information you wish to post, please do so in this area. If you're new to this case file, please start at, there
are 33 pages of documents posted since Madeleine went missing there. This is a 30 minute recording I did 3 days ago about this case. This is a link to the
new case file numbered 827.
11.8.2009: Nidal Malik Hasan - Fort Hood Shooter/Terrorit case is posted and will be doing a redo tonight.
11.5.2009: If you're psychic and would like to help work some of the cases I have pending and the new ones, please send me an email here. Only thing I
request is that you be willing to allow me to post your information regardless of being right or wrong and be willing to join me in my nightly broadcast at
least once a week.
11.4.2009: The Ohio Serial Killer Case is posted here in remote viewing section, I think there is another person other than
Anthony Sowel.
11.1.2009: Gale St. Johns new TV show will be called E.S.P.I. To learn more about it, visit
10.21.2009: New TV show will be this Sunday at will start at 9PM EST (GMT -5 hours) and I hope to see you there. Show's private and a password is required to view and chat. You can obtain this password by signing up for my free dream newsletter here...if you're
already a newsletter member, no need to sign up again, I will be sending everyone their logon in the next couple of days. 10.12.2009: Seems I was wrong again on the Asiling Symes case and it's bothered me deeply. Not just because I was wrong, but because I'm starting to
wonder if the work I do is actually causing more harm than good. After reading several articles on what happened to this poor child and and how far off I
actually was, I'm seriously doubting myself and any ability I may have to help locate missing people. I've also read the skeptic blogs on this case and
several others, and I have to agree...unless we have specific enough information that police can use, we should stay out of other people's business. There
are too many emotions involved and I don't think I'm strong enough to handle this type of work anymore, for that I'm sorry. As of today, I'm officially done
working on public missing person cases, MPTV and the MP Radio are no more, I'll continue to do what I started with...recording and posting my dreams. If
in the future someone directly involved with a missing person case needs my help, I will of course be available. All missing person websites that we
maintain and host will remain open, but will no longer include my dreams unless I have a exact location.
Thank You for understanding, the final MPTV Show is located here. open cases here - closed cases here
10.11.2009: Natural Cures and Home Remedies CD Collection is located here for download.
10.4.2009: I believe this is the apartment building missing woman Natalee Holloway maybe file is located at and video I just made is below...was a little tired, and I apologize if I seemed rushed.
9.30.2009: I recently visited a new missing person's chat room, its run by Jeannie and would recommend it to anyone who's interested in discussing the
latest in missing persons cases and unsolved homicides, the address is New offer for private dreams reading is located at, offer also includes a 30 minute psychic reading over the phone with
Celebrity Psychic Gale St. John.
9.20.2009: Our live Missing Person Show continues tonight a 9PM EST (-5 GMT) at this address. New missing person website is being designed as I type this....Haleigh Ann Marie Cummings went missing February 10th 2009 from Satsuma, Florida. The
new site will be and will also include a forum. If you have any information to add or just want to help, please feel free to do files for this case are also located here....Brian
9.15.2009: Back to work, will have all requests completed in the next 7 days.[5/1/2016 10:00:06 PM]
Brian's Dream Diary - Over 8,000 documented dreams, many of which have already come true :: || Brian Ladd specializes in dream analyzation, dream prediction, remote viewing and more with thousands of docum...
9.12.2009: Jacob Ladd was born today at 11:39 PM and I cannot tell you how happy we all are...we love you Jacob! Samantha, Allison, Brandon and Brian.
9.8.2009: No baby yet, but should be any day now...will post some pics. Been very busy and I'm sorry about not doing the show or posting like a usually
do. Dreams are now up and I have some time tomorrow to get other things done...Family is happy, but its a challenging time for all of us.
9.2.2009: No show or new cases until after the baby is born and everyone in my family is happy :)
8.18.2009: Until I can upgrade my PC's memory, I will not be doing my nightly missing persons TV Show, will send a Twitter when the show can continue .
8.10.2009: Last nights dreams posted, I have been dedicating most of my dreams to missing person cases and I apologize that I have not posted any
dreams in that area for the past week...trying my best to manage both areas.
8.8.2009: New website for Robert Manwill is located at, I encourage anyone that has any idea on how another tragedy like this
can be prevented to please post there.
7.26.2009: Cynthia Ann Macklin has been found safe...details at
7.20.2009: My Missing Person's show will be back on tomorrow at 9PM EST here. We have a new baby coming and I have been getting ready for that :) Dreams for the past few days will be posted tomorrow as well as any other work I was suppose to get finished.
7.10.2009: made the news! It's been six month now since Adji Desir went missing. Please watch the video below to see how you can
help bring Adji home!
6.19.2009: New site improvements are going up...should make it much easier for everyone to view my dreams.
6.3.2009: RV 500 Air France Flight 447 Crash case is posted here.
5.29.2009: Debra has made a new missing person site, called Angels are Missing.
5.17.2009: Another missing person chat room is open, from what I've seen so far...great work Jennie :)
5.1.2009: New website is up for missing person Cynthia Ann Macklin, the URL is you Debra for your help again. If anyone is a
family member of a missing person and would like a website created for them, we would be glad to do it. We'll register, design, host and maintain the
site for free...just contact Debra for more details.
4.24.2009: New website is up for missing person Jessie Foster, the URL is you Debra for your help. If anyone is a family
member of a missing person and would like a website created for them, we would be glad to do it. We'll register, design, host and maintain the site for
free...just contact Debra for more details.
4.22.2009: New changes to improve member services have started, updates here.
4.14.2009: Psychic Gale St. John leaves for Florida tomorrow to help assist in the search, video is below. To receive search updates as they happen, make
sure you add these two links to your Twitter account.
4.2.2009: Debra asked to to see if anyone wishes to help her with the new missing persons forum, basically we need mods to help enter data. If you wish
to give us a hand, please send Debra an email @ [email protected].[5/1/2016 10:00:06 PM]
Brian's Dream Diary - Over 8,000 documented dreams, many of which have already come true :: || Brian Ladd specializes in dream analyzation, dream prediction, remote viewing and more with thousands of docum...
4.1.2009: Ok, I'm back...will be posting dd's from the past several days tomorrow. Still doing a case a day and nightly broadcast here @ 11:00 PM EST (-5
Tonight's show included Madeleine McCann, if you missed it is again.
3.22.2009: Going to play with my kids :)
3.17.2009: Did this video for Adji...and yes, he's still missing...if you've not been able to help spread the word, please visit
3.14.2009: I'm now offering private dream readings and lifetime memberships services via a 4 month installment plan, for those who wish to have this
service but cannot afford paying in full. Private dream reading page is located here, and my membership page can be found by clicking on this link.
3.4.2009: The Bodyhunter site, show and LLC are no more...not going to go into the details here, but I'm available for questions :)
2.21.2009: Debra, Kinsley, and myself, as promised, worked until sunup trying our best to design a proper website for missing child Adji Desir...and I'm
happy to announce that is now in operation. Now we need your help in spreading the word about Adji and I'm asking everyone to
please visit, register for the forum and learn about what you can do to help bring this child home. I'm also asking that you forward this
email to as many people as you of today, this case is still not getting the media attention it should be. Last nights web broadcast is located here
and discusses our plan of action in helping to find Adji. I want to stress again...right now the most import thing we can do is get Adji's picture out
there...and the internet is the best way to make this happen...and it free!
Thank you for your time.
2.20.2009: Doing a nightly internet TV broadcast @ 11:00 PM EST (-5 GMT), if you would like to watch or see past shows, just visit
2.11.2009: My new Dream Discussion Forum is now online! If you have information about one of my dreams, or would like to share one of your own,
please visit or just click here. The new Dream Forum will now be the primary way I post additional information about my
dreams, confirmations and alerts...everyone is welcome and I hope to hear about what dreams you've had come true :)
Dreams for the first 2 weeks of February will be going up tomorrow...sorry for the delay, much has been going on during the past 2 weeks.
My recent video chats are located here if anyone's interested in viewing them...I try and discussing three open missing persons cases a night.
2.7.2008: Better now...and I'm going out for a search today. Delphi
forums...SANDRA (SandraP26)...what are you talking about? and why aren't you able to get in touch with me?
Additional Delphi Forum comments are discussed during this video broadcast.
2.4.2008: Well seems like I got the flu :( Going to rest and will be back soon.
1.30.2009: Going to take a day off, have a race tomorrow :) Also, there has been some speciation that Gale St. John are no longer friends because of
issues with The Bodyhunter to set the record straight, we are still friends and we will continue to help each other with missing persons cases,
however it will be in private. (2.7.2009 Video with Gale is located here)[5/1/2016 10:00:06 PM]
Brian's Dream Diary - Over 8,000 documented dreams, many of which have already come true :: || Brian Ladd specializes in dream analyzation, dream prediction, remote viewing and more with thousands of docum...
1.27.2009: I have decided to no longer be a member of The Bodyhunter Team, my reasons for this are personal and I do wish them the best of luck.
1.25.2009: In a little less than 9 months from now, we're going to have another baby...or two :)
1.17.2009: My new Video Chat Room is open and everyone is welcome :) To chat with me and others, please visit
1.14.2009: Well...caught my nose on fire this morning...guess this dd should not have been taken literally :)
1.13.2009: Why are all my missing person cases public? The reason for making all my missing person cases public is simple...there is no possible way I
can investigate these myself. I add at least one new case a day, 7 days a week with no vacations...this leaves little free time to do individual case work.
Making everything public far outweighs working in secrecy...what you get is what I dreamt, nothing more or nothing less. When I post my dream drawing
on a case, I usually post a translation too...this translation includes everything I know about the case, nothing is kept from you the reader. As with most
people, I do not remember a majority of my dreams, and going back to specific dd's (dream drawings) does not usually bring back anything additional I
have not already posted. I am not a psychic and can only work via dreaming or lucid dreaming, so with each request, I literally have to 'sleep on it'. I am
not concerned about my dreams not being right, however I am concerned about letting those who can make a difference in solving a case, do so. I have
been doing this for several years now, and will continue to do it in a way I know works. I have never charged to open a case, and have no plans on doing
so in the future...all work, including work from those helping me is done 100% pro bono. When corresponding about a specific case via email, please
assume it will be made always I will try my best to remove personal information of the se nder...but mistakes do happen. To open a new case,
check the status of a pending case or to send information on a current case, please email my case admin Debra at this link.
1.8.2009: Will be working with a group called FindMe2, their website is located here and I'm very impressed. Case work is submitted privately and does
get noticed by those with the ability to act on what's submitted. This work has nothing to do with team cases, and will continue to contribute to them as
well. Since the 21st of last month I've opened a new dd case everyday (except one) and will continue to do so...for the rest of my it looks right
now :) New cases are posted @ with is part of this site. New case requests may be sent in that area as well.
1.3.2009: The Bodyhunter website. During Wyatt Locke's broadcast last night, he said some things that I was not aware had been decided upon. I would
not have had a problem as to what was said, if my name was not brought into it, but it was. So to set the record straight, I have nothing to do with The
Bodyhunter Website, it's operations or it's members. The last thing I was told is that Wyatt is in charge of this project, and he's responsible for it's
operations and the site's members...period. Wyatt does not speak for me, nor does any other team member...and it will not happen again.
1.2.2009: Members section is being redone, and many new sections are now added and many more to come....details here.
1.1.2009: Happy New Year!
12.21.2008: With the help of Debra, I will be posting a new missing person case include dream drawings and full translations. Daily results
are located here and will be posted on Twitter the second each one is completed. 12.20.2008: New Bodyhunter Website is up, want to see what Gale St. John and the team are up to? Just visit
12.18.2008: Started doing my own missing persons cases one is located here.
12.7.2008: Want instant updates on what I'm doing? Visit my new Twitter Page @ With this service I can instantly
update everyone the very second my dreams are posted to the web as well as other important site related issues. The service is completely free and will
post updates as they happen, in real time :) - this is worth trying if you're up to it :) 11.28.2008: Brian's Dream's TV is coming soon...still working out content issues, should be online soon. If you're interested in watching, just visit My online store is also now open...thanks to Debra...and can be found at Psychic Gale
St. John is having a live interactive psychic awareness show this Saturday, November 29th @ 9PM EST (GMT -5) The class is for beginners, and you'll be able
to see hear and chat with her for one hour or more.
11.27.2008: May not have access to the web for a little while...but I will be back...I promise :)
11.24.2008: SOSTV is now going to be TV and will not be a part of this site. I'm working new TV section of my site that will include a show by me. Michael will also hosting his White Noise Hour very soon. I'm trying to lineup a full programming schedule available for my readers to watch...if anyone's
interested in hosting their own show just send me an email. SOS Radio will now be Missing Persons Radio and we will continue to do what have been doing
and adding amber alerts as they happen and pending cases as time permits.
11.21.2008: AOL spam filter...seems I been missing many important emails due to AOL's new spam filter...if you've had a dream request, or something
you've been trying to reach me on and I've not responded too in a week or so, please resend it.
11.17.2008: Carol, our forum administrator just got a new puppy :)[5/1/2016 10:00:06 PM]
Brian's Dream Diary - Over 8,000 documented dreams, many of which have already come true :: || Brian Ladd specializes in dream analyzation, dream prediction, remote viewing and more with thousands of docum...
11.11.2008: My 20 disc subliminal cd set is available for download here.
10.31.208: Have a campout this weekend in Va, I will not be back until Sunday evening.
10.30.2008: New website redesign coming soon.
10.18.2008: Five years in the planning and thousands of dreams later I'm finally proud to announce the release of my first set of subliminal self-help CD's!
Each CD soundtrack is recorded in my own voice using knowledge gained from my dreams during the past 5 1/2 years. This knowledge consists of hundreds
of dream affirmations I have found to be the most successful in helping myself and others. Currently I have 4 subliminal tracks each approximately 45
minutes in length are are described here in more detail.
10.15.2008: New Missing Person Forums are now open, and are located at
10.4.2008: New message boards for every missing person case listed will be up soon. Carol has been working very hard to make this happen, and I
appreciate all the work she's done thus far. If anyone wishes to be a moderator of a specific board please contact her at this address. The server is still
not 100% restored...again, if you get a page that says 'membership is required to view'...more than likely it's a 404/missing page prompt. The page will be
there soon, and membership is not necessary to view it...and again, I apologize for these issues...I'm fixing them as fast as I can. 10.3.2008: The server was wiped last night, it's 60% restored now...again, if a page is missing a 404 page will replace it. Should be at 100% by 1 am
tonight....have also fixed the popup box on public pages, a protected image was causing it....if it happens again, just click the cancel button in the box.
9.21.2008: Message from Gale St. John
I got the word from TV show today that we will be adding another trainer to the show as well as taking on more dogs with their handlers.
Trainers and Handlers need to send email to [email protected] to set up an interview for the show. September 19th, 2008: Caylee Anthony Search - A very special search is to take place tomorrow morning in Orlando Florida and we need all the help we
can get. If you live in the central Florida area and would like to be part of the search, please meet us at this location on Saturday, September 20th at
8:00 AM rain or shine. More information about the search and what we know so far is located here. If you're not able to attend but know someone who
might want to help, please tell them today :)
September 14th, 2008: My friend needs help at work, and he's asked me to come out and help. So I will be paving roads in Virginia all this week, I will be
working at least 13 hour days, so I will not be able to do anything site related. I do have days worth of DD's to be posted...Samantha will try and answer a
few of my emails.
September 9th, 2008: The server went down and I'm restoring it right now, should be fully up in about 5 hours. If you visit a page of the site that's not
been restored, you will get a 404 message stating the page is missing, or membership is required to view. If you get this page, come back in about 5
hours, it should be uploaded by then. I had 2.1 gigs of data deleted, and using a dsl connection this is the reason why it's taking so long to restore. I did
have a dial up connection, thank God I paid the dsl bill :)
Oh, the rainfall was way less than expected...I put plastic sheeting instead of tarps...must cheaper and it did the same job.
September 2nd, 2008: We could have lots of rain coming this weekend, so I'm off to Wal-Mart to get a tarp to fix the roof :)
August 30th, 2008: Jesus take the inbox is now out of control, and I desperately in need of help replying to everyone. If anyone knows of a
feasible way I can manage my email and still personally contact everyone that wants to speak with me...please let me know :)
August 25th, 2008: Gale has informed me that the TEAM is getting ready to go back to Florida to search for Caylee Anthony. Will keep everyone posted on
the teams progress here...we are allot more prepared this time, and hopefully the team will be able to bring this case to a close. School starts tomorrow,
so I'm trying to get to bed early...1st grade :)
August 22nd, 2008: Make a mistake, I thought my parents were going to be here on Sunday...well, they'll be here gotta go help my wife
clean something :) Kids room is now finished, and Samuel and Brandon have moved in...I fell much better about them having a room over sleeping in the
living room. Office was nice, but they needed it more than me...when Alison gets a little older, I might just have to build on another room. Home is very
crowded...but is full of least most of the time :)
August 15th, 2008: Today is Allison's first birthday, one year ago today I experienced the miracle of watching another life coming into this world, and
what a joy it least for me, my wife said it was kind of painful :) We are going to have a party for her when my parents come to visit next week,
Samantha took lots of pictures and will be posting them here.
August 12th, 2008: Have been a little overwhelmed with emails and I'm trying to get to as many as possible. Gale and her team is still in Florida, but we
are continuing to work on other cases, I have not recoded any dreams for the past 2 nights, but will hopefully have something tomorrow. With all the TV
exposure and new readers it's seems to have taken a toll on my sleep habits and spending time with my family...I took a step back and decided to play a
new videogame with my son tonight...will be back sometime tomorrow night :)[5/1/2016 10:00:06 PM]
Brian's Dream Diary - Over 8,000 documented dreams, many of which have already come true :: || Brian Ladd specializes in dream analyzation, dream prediction, remote viewing and more with thousands of docum...
August 8th, 2008: Gale, the SOS search team and 2 search dogs will be leaving for tomorrow morning for Orlando Florida to aid in the search for missing
toddler Caylee Anthony. It's a drive of almost 1,000 miles each way and they still need approximately $700 in donations to pay for travel expenses. Regardless of whatever we reach the $1,500 goal, the team will be on the way tomorrow morning. If you would like to help in the search, or make a
donation, please visit Gales website at Additional case information and search status can be found in our SOS case files here. If
I'm able, I will be joining Gale and the team in Florida on Sunday...hopefully together we can help bring this case to a close, and expose the truth as to
what really happened to Caylee.
August 3rd, 2008: Server files have been restored...very strange as to how they disappeared...again. S.O.S. Team Missing Person Cases will also include
audio discussions of material posted, each case will be part of the new S.O.S Radio Show...if you're interested in listening or would like to be a guest on
the show, just visit
August 2nd, 2008: Server crashed's about 75% restored now...also, in case anyone is curious, when a page is missing you will see a restricted
area text...when the page has been restored, it will go away. Psychic Kid TV's Dalton Kropp will be assisting us in our TEAMwork missing person cases. Dalton is just 15 years old, but from what I'm told he is a very talented psychic...even Chris was surprised that Daltons viewer ratings surpassed his own
A&E show, and I'm sure that what Chris said was meant to be a compliment.
July 29th, 2008: Click here to view clips of Psychic Kids, The missing Person Person. The full show can be seen Monday nights 10PM eastern US time on
A&E network. After looking through my past DD's, I think the 5.4 LA quake today is the trigger to event 5.5 LA, 7.9 also remember, event 5.0 could also be
connected. I will try again to get the exact date and time of both events, and will have something posted here tomorrow.
July 28th, 2008: Seems the person that was suppose to be helping to write my self-help book, is not going to work out. I have no problems with him, I
just wish he could have told me a over a year ago he was not up to writing a book...leaving me in the dark for a year, and then finding out nothing had
been accomplished is not very professional. Anyway, I'm going to try and do this myself, if anyone has experience in book writing or ghostwriting and
would like to help, please let me know.
July 27th, 2008: Gale St. John has just rescued a while male pit-bull puppy from a woman in Columbus Ohio, she says the dog is very friendly and need a
home fast. Gale is able to transport the dog to other states and needs to find a nice home ASAP...if your interested please visit my adoption page at
July 26th, 2008: Today is our anniversary, I have been married to Samantha for 10 wonderful years and look forward to many more too come.
July 17th, 2008: Gale St. John and Travis Sanders new TV show, Psychic Kids, will premi�re on A&E Network July 21st at 10pm east coast time US. Click
here for additional show time information, or visit Travis's website at or for more links.
July 15th, 2008: Phone service and DSL has been restored...and the site has been updated. Carnival is back in town, and my kids are excited about
going :)
July 13th, 2008: Last night I found out my name server settings for had been changed, I change them back and locked the domain. This most likely causes a problem with the domain since the should be back up now. If it ever happens again, just use the IP address, this by bypasses the namesever.
July 8th, 2008: My home phone and internet connection will be off for a week or so, this will not affect the site and I try to get to the library to update it
as often as possible. Weekly news letters will not be going out until I'm able to purchase more send credits from
July 7th, 2008: Gale and Travis have agreed to help me in opening and working on new missing person cases, all cases will be made public and posted in
this area. If you have an old case request that I have not been able to get to, or you have a new case that you would like to see opened, please send a
request to : teamwork@briansprediction
We will do everything in our power to help anyone, anywhere to locate their loved ones, and as always, without obligation or compensation. Gale, Brian and Travis.
June 30th, 2008: Eye is normal now, so I do not think it was pink eye.
June 29th, 2008: Strange Events Again...Yesterday while my son was taking a bath he got soap in his right eye, he screamed and I eventually got it
washed out and he was fine...but today when I woke up I could not see out of my right eye. It's completely swollen, red and very painful...I think it will
go away, but I just though how odd it was that this happened. Another strange event happened on Friday..our car has had bald tires for about a month
now, thus I was not going to drive it until we got new ones. I've been saving for 2 new tires for a about a month now...and finally had enough to get news
ones at Wal-Mart...this is not the story. Anyway, when I went to start the car, the battery was dead so I had to use jumper cables to get it started. The
cables, tool kit and tire changing equipment were in the back of my truck...I had taken everything out of the car prior to taking it to Wal-Mart because I
need room to store the old tires. Anyways on the way out to Wal-Mart I stopped off at the post office to check my mail...on the way out an elderly
gentleman asked me if I had any jumper cables because he car suddenly did not start. It was a new vehicle and he stated that it had never happened
before...I told him I would check, but I thought they were still in the truck. To my surprise, the only thing my trunk were the cables which I used to get
this man's car wife had put them in there in case I needed them again. In the past 5 years or so I have never had anyone ask me for jumper
cables...and this is the first time I have ever had to jump start my own car...these events happened within 10 minutes of each other. I just wanted to
share this with everyone :)
June 28th, 2008: Had a storm knock out power today, it's back on...we played games and had a good time...will get back to work on the site tomorrow.[5/1/2016 10:00:06 PM]
Brian's Dream Diary - Over 8,000 documented dreams, many of which have already come true :: || Brian Ladd specializes in dream analyzation, dream prediction, remote viewing and more with thousands of docum...
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