Odebolt - C-CCommunity Homepage
Odebolt - C-CCommunity Homepage
OCTOBER 23, 2016 | 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME CORPUS CHRISTI COMMUNITY DIOCESE OF SIOUX CITY | BISHOP R. WALKER NICKLESS REV. RICHARD BALL PASTOR MASS SCHEDULE: SATURDAY: ODEBOLT: 4:00PM IDA GROVE: 5:30PM SUNDAY: HOLSTEIN: 9:00AM IDA GROVE: 10:30AM MICHAEL STOVER DEACON SACRED HEART CHURCH 800 N. MAIN ST | PO BOX 203 IDA GROVE, IA 51445 [email protected] MARIE BAKER-SECRETARY ............................... 712-364-4418 ELLEN JANSSEN-DRE CELL ............................... 712-269-1276 TAMMY LANSINK-YOUTH MINISTRY CELL…………………………………………………………...712-369-1722 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION………………………………..712-364-3628 OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL CHURCH 513 MUELLER ST HOLSTEIN, IA 51025 [email protected] DIANE GARDALEN SECRETARY ......................... 712-368-4755 JOYCE GALVIN-DRE, YOUTH MINISTRY ........................................................................... 712-368-2504 CONTACT INFORMATION REV. RICHARD BALL-- SACRED HEART CHURCH RECTORY…..712-364-2718 CELL PHONE: 712-540-1662 E-MAIL: [email protected] ST. MARTIN CHURCH 400 S. HANSON BLVD | PO BOX 500 ODEBOLT, IA 51458 [email protected] KAY BLOYER—SECRETARY ............................... 712-668-2690 JULIA MOGENSEN-DRE ...................................... 712 668-2458 PARISH HALL ……………………………………………….712-668-4596 PARISH HALL RENTAL: CHRISTY HOEFLING CELL................................................................... 712-830-2321 HOME ................................................................. 712-668-2309 PRAYER LINE: Marilyn Lenz …………………………..712-668-2328 DEACON MICHAEL STOVER—OFFICE….712-364-2724 CELL PHONE: 712-371-2024 E-MAIL: [email protected] KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS GRAND KNIGHT: TOM COOPER:…712-365-2517 WEB PAGE: C-CCOMMUNITY.COM FROM THE DESK OF THE PASTOR Focus. I remember the old Baltimore Catechism from which I was taught, many of you remember it as well. It was a question and answer format, "Who made you?" Answer, "God made me." There was no deviation from the wording of answers, you had to focus. Prayers were taught in the same way, memorization, word by word, prayer by prayer. It was, overall, an efficient way of reciting answers as well as remembering prayers. It still remains an important part of growing up in prayer. Knowing our prayers, saying our prayers. A focus that still begins at home. In today’s Gospel Jesus reminds us that we must continue to grow in prayer. Yes, we must know our prayers but the focus of prayer is on God, not ourselves. The Pharisee forgot where our focus should be when we pray. The Pharisee exalted himself not God. He took false pride in his actions and ignored the actions of God. He justified himself and falsely judged the tax collector. In the end he was praying to himself, not to God. Today’s Gospel offers both a warning and an opportunity. The warning of what happens to our prayer life when we deceive ourselves into thinking we can judge others. The opportunity to humble ourselves in prayer before God and in doing so, to receive His love and mercy. Fr. Rich Ball, pastor and shepherd Steubenville reflection: "My best experience at Steubenville was the unique adoration experience where the priest takes the host throughout the crowd." Aaron Simpson CORPUS CHRISTI COMMUNITY NEWS St. Martin Catholic Church in Odebolt will be having their annual Turkey Supper on November 6th from 4-6:30pm. Take outs are available also. Please mark your Calendars and help support this fundraiser. There is a great meal and homemade desserts with many items on auction besides the fellowship time if one dines in the Hall. The cost is $9.00 for adults, $4.50 for children age 5-12 and ages 4 and under are free. Carry outs are $9.00 and please use west door. May order ahead by calling 668-4596. Arthur EMS and Arthur Library will have a SOUP SUPPER on Sunday, October 23rd in the Arthur Community Building from 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. Serving Chicken Noodle, Chili, Vegetable Beef and Cheesy Potato soups with grilled cheese sandwiches and assorted bars. Cost for 13 yrs - Adult is $7.00, 5 - 12 yrs is $5.00 and preschool is Free. LITURGY MINISTER SCHEDULE FOR OCTOBER 29 SATURDAY AND OCTOBER 30 SUNDAY MINISTRY DEACON LECTORS 4:00pm Odebolt LARRY SCHULTE 5:30pm Ida Grove DR LEO SAMSON 9:00AM - Holstein SUSAN KALIN PAT STEVENS ORGANIST/ SEQUENCER KATE KOFMEHL CANTOR SARAH GALVIN 10:30AM - Ida Grove LINDSAY KRUSE MINISTERS DEB FLINK GRANT SNYDER JEAN SNYDER CHRIS SCHABLE STEVE SCHUG NANCY SCHUG JACKIE PHELPS MELISSA FRIEDRICHSEN (1) PAT CRONIN CONNIE LEUSCHEN (3) BOB GALVIN MARK O’TOOL DAVID FORBES JOAN BENGFORD DIANE PATERA GRANT PATERA SERVERS CALLI WAREHAM CADEN WAREHAM ANNA MOGENSEN MIKAYLA LUNDY JENNIFER GODBERSEN KOLE WINKEL EVAN LEUSCHEN EVAN VELTRI CHASE ROEDER USHERS LIZ SIMON SLIM SCHROEDER MARY SCHROEDER LINDA SCHWALLER RAY NIPPER LAWRENCE LANSINK BYRON HARTWIG JERRY CRONIN LEYTON ROHLK BRENNEN SOHM REED GODEBERSEN KADE HARE HOSPITALITY GIFT BEARERS LIZ SIMON LINDA SCHWALLER BYRON & MARY JO HARTWIG LANCE JUELFS LEYTON ROHLK BRENNEN SOHM REED GODEBERSEN KADE HARE ROSARY ANYONE PRESENT KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BOB GALVIN YOUTH SACRISTAN COUNTERS JOAN GODBERSEN MIKE OLERICH TRACI BENGFORD DOUG BARRY PAT CRONIN LAURA PARISEAU CHRIS SCHABLE DAVID FORBES PETER GOLDSMITH 2 | CORPUS CHRISTI COMMUNITY SACRED HEART Prayer Line: If you would like to request prayers for yourself or a family member, please contact Sherry Hittle @ 364-2455 CELL PHONE NUMBERS...please continue to submit to [email protected] as they are needed for contacting workers and for food for funerals and other parish and diocesan events...thank you. Mid Sioux Donation items for October: Beverages; coffee, tea, juices, hot chocolate. Christmas Salad Luncheon Saturday December 3, 2016 , ladies please put this date on your calendar. This year I will again furnish the plates and also plastic silverware and cups and glasses if it makes it easier to NOT bring dishes, just dress the tables with linens and centerpieces in your theme. This is to be a holiday gathering of joy and peace for all and also enjoy delicious salads, please make plans to participate, ask friends, relatives and neighbors. Questions please contact me at [email protected]. It will be like the past years. We will also do a bake sale/craft table (s), think about something to share. Let me know how many tables you will do. Blessings and thank you. Ellen PARISH LUNCHEON...06 November, following Mass...hosts: HAWKEYES. At their request, please join us for your lunch of the day and then come to our cluster parish of St. Martin's for their TURKEY SUPPER...Thank You. ISI of Battle Creek...our parish is among those who will again be providing gifts for their clients. Watch for the tree with likely 12 tags on it coming soon to our Gathering Space. Instructions will follow. Deadline for return will be Wednesday, 30 November. Communion Routes: October 23: Rt. 1– Ann Vermeys Rt. 2–Patty Lansink Rt. 3-Ray Drey October 30: Rt.1-David Forbes, Rt.2– Mark O’Tool Rt 3-Ellen Jansen Weekday Masses: Lector: Diane Patera Minister: Richard Lansink THE NEXT PARISH/FINANCE COUNCIL MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 8. HOWEVER, FATHER BALL HAS A CONFLICT WITH THAT DATE AND WOULD LIKE TO CHANGE THE MEETINGS TO NOVEMBER 9TH. IF ANY OTHER CONFLICTS PLEASE EXPLAIN TO FATHER BALL OR DEACON STOVER. GETAWAY...the annual SHAS fund-raiser is in the 'making'. Chance slips should be out this weekend...a list of those receiving will be posted in the Gathering Space. If you find your name, please check for your packet. If no packet is marked for you and you'd like to be included, info provided. Some of the benefits derived from our profits will be listed. For the BASKET also provided for the winner, the WISH LIST will be posted The smaller items can be left in the basket; e.g. Travel Snacks, Puzzle Books, etc. For some items, we are requesting a 'certificate' of your own making and signed with contact info. Examples: Shampoo & Set; Pies; Wine, etc. THANK YOU SACRED HEART CONTRIBUTIONS: Report October 8-9, 2016 ADULT: $ 1813 YOUTH: $ 20 LOOSE: $ 181 Candle: $18.75 DAA Pledge:$6132 DEBT REDUCTION: $ 300 DEBT CONTRIBUTION FOR October : $1545 MORTGAGE PAYMENT : $12,537.00 MORTAGE BALANCE: $1,253,059.57 SACRED HEART RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: ST. MARTIN Religious Education Classes K - 6th: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. 7th - 12th: 7:15 - 8:15 p.m. PLEASE pick your children up from religion class promptly. IF THIS A PROBLEM let the teacher or the office know. The safety of our children is MOST IMPORTANT. Thank you. The 4th grade students will be attending Altar Server training with Deacon Stover on Wednesday, October 26th during their class time. Please drop them off and pick them up at the church. Our 3rd graders will be going to the Morningside Healthcare Community on Wednesday, November 2nd. Please return their trip forms this Wednesday. Prayer Line: If you would like to request prayers for yourself or a family member, please contact Marilyn Lenz at 6682328. PLEASE PICK UP YOUR NEW PICTORAL DIRECTORIES, LADIES GUILD BOOKLET, AND YOUR TURKEY SUPPER WORK SCHEDULES. St. Martin Catholic Church will host the non-denominational Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 20, 2016 at 7:00 pm. Kay Bloyer will be conducting the community choir and all invited to participate. Rehearsals will be Sunday, November 13 @ 6:30pm and Sunday November 20 @ 6pm - 1 hour before service. Contact Kay @ 712-269-1979 to sign up/questions/info on choir. Our youth have painted some pumpkins that are available in the gathering space for a free will donation. Thank you for your support! Remember the Turkey Supper is November 6th from 4-6:30pm. Take outs are available also. Turkey Supper sign up sheets are in the front of the Church. Please sign up to help in this great event. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION - Tuesday October 25th - 8:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. - The Holy hour becomes like an oxygen tank to revive the breath of the Holy Spirit in the midst of the foul and fetid atmosphere of the world - Archbishop Fulton Sheen. We are in need of raffle items for the Turkey Supper that will be happening on November 6th. Please bring your items to the kitchen hall and sign up on the sign-up sheet. Thank you! OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION WILL BE NOVEMBER 3RD FOLLOWING MASS UNTIL 6:00PM. PLEASE REMEMBER YOUR TIME TO SPEND TIME WITH OUR LORD, IF YOU CAN NOT MAKE IT PLEASE CALL JOAN GODBERSEN. Prayer Line: If you would like to request prayers for yourself or a family member, please contact Joyce Galvin at 368-2735,[email protected] or Diane Gardalen 368-2600. Mid Sioux Donation items for October: Beverages; coffee, tea, juices, hot chocolate. Religious Education Classes :Grades K-8 meet from 6 -7 p.m. Grades 9-12 meet from 7:15 – 8:15 p.m. (please note the change of time.) With our first real frost, it reminds us of the beautiful flowers all summer. We wish to thank Robert & Connie Leuschen for their work to maintain the flower beds by the Mary statue. They continually do an excellent job providing the beauty during the summer months. Thank you for your work!!! Our 3rd-4th grade students have been learning about the rosary. During our class discussion we have included prayers for homeless people. As a class project the students would like to gather supplies to take to the Gospel Mission in Sioux City. They are asking for help from the parish in collecting these supplies. Please bring your donations of trial size hygiene supplies such as deodorant, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc., to the November 6 fellowship meal. The 3rd and 4th grade students will be there to collect them from you. Thank you for helping us to help others. The students working on this project are Sydney Blackmore, Elle Juelfs, Lillian Whitmer, Jacob Friedmann, Jordan Kluver, Tate Stehr, Carter Todd, Quinton Wittrock, Natalie Madsen and Beck Forristal. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Class of the Week: 10th grade. Heather Olson teaches our 10th grade, which is the Confirmation class. Our Confirmation students are Colin Bengford, Quintin Cranston, and Jacob Cowlham. Recently, Fr. Ball welcomed them and gave them a special blessing. Please pray for Heather and her students as they prepare to receive this sacrament. October 22nd is a Youth Mass. This year's theme for Religious Education is "Service to Your Church." Please come support your youth as they serve our church and participate in mass. Fr. Ball will be joining the St. Martin Religious Education students to answer questions on October 26th. He has challenged every single one to bring a question. Good luck, Fr. Ball! For questions or information about St. Martin's Religious Education program, please contact Doug or Julia Mogensen at 712-371-4040 or by e-mail at [email protected]. ST. MARTIN’S CONTRIBUTIONS: October 15, 2016 ADULT: $6047.06 CHILDREN: $ 2 LOOSE: $69 PARISH INCOME TOTAL: $6118.06 OLGC CONTRIBUTIONS: OCTOBER 9, 2016 Fiscal Year Budget $120,816.00 Total Income to date $ 33,131.40 Income needed each week $2,323.00 Total Income required to date :$ $34,845.00 Income this week:$ 1,796.00 Are you new to the Parish? Please contact Deacon Mike Stover 712-368-4755 or 712-364-2724. BUDGET FOR 2016-17: $118,546 PARISH INCOME NEEDED WEEKLY: $2280 TOTAL INCOME TO DATE:$23244.96 INCOME REQUIRED TO DATE: $38760 Other Income: Mission:$50 OCTOBER 23, 2016 30TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME | 3 Holstein United Methodist Church Pork Dinner will be Wednesday, October 26 beginning at 4:30pm and serving until 7:00pm. The price is $12. ONLY CARRYOUTS WILL BE SERVED. FATHER JOHN McGUIRK WILL OFFER A HEALING MASS AT SACRED HEART CHURCH AT 203 SUE ST. MANNING IA ON OCTOBER 24 AT 7:00PM. THE COOLER DAYS MEANS FALL IS WITH US AND WINTER IS NEAR. WE NEED OUR LORD’S HEALING LOVE REACHING OUT TO OUR SUFFERING AND TO THE SUFFERING OF OUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS. Pancake Supper, all you can eat on Monday October 24th from 5:00pm to 7:30pm Peace Lutheran Church Wall Lake 11yrs to adult:$7.00 5to 10yrs: $5.00 4 and younger: free. Hunter’s Lunch at Odebolt United Methodist Church on Saturday October 29th from 11:00am to 1:00pm serving creamed chicken on biscuits, cole slaw, chili, maid rites, hot dogs, chili dogs, and homemade pie Mass Intentions for the coming week: 10/24 Monday Holstein NO MASS 10/25 Tuesday Odebolt NO MASS 10/25 Tuesday Ida Grove 7:30AM BILLY LANSINK 10/26 Wednesday Holstein 8:00AM TERRY O’NEILL 10/27 Thursday Odebolt 7:30AM DENNIS BENGFORD 10/28 Friday Holstein 8:00AM ELDON & ALICE HEITMANN 10/28 Friday Ida Grove 7:30AM CLETUS BOND 10/29 Saturday Odebolt 4:00PM AMBROSE & ALICE SNYDER 10/29 Saturday Ida Grove 5:30PM DAVID BRESNAHAN INTERESTED IN BEING A KNIGHT? CONTACT TOM COOPER FOR INFORMATION ! 10/30 Sunday Holstein 9:00AM: MIKE O’NEILL Knight of the month: September: Fr. Rich Ball October: Mike Tlach (new member) 10/30 Sunday Ida Grove 10:30AM: RAY & RITA WEBER KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS TOM COOPER, GRAND KNIGHT Family of the month: September: Roger & Gerry Fineran October: Grant Godbersen Family Youth of the month: September: youth that attended Totus Tuus October: youth that assisted at Spaghetti Dinner SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday before and after daily Mass Friday after Mass and Morning Prayer in Ida Grove Anytime by appointment. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: One planning a wedding needs to contact Father Rich Ball a minimum of nine months prior to the wedding date to insure all diocesan requirements are complete. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING THE SICK: If you or a family member are sick, facing surgery, or in the hospital, please contact Father Ball or Deacon Stover immediately for visits and to be anointed with the sacrament by Father Ball. Also if and when one leaves the hospital, please notify Father or Deacon if person went home, another hospital, facility, or residence, this assists us to continue our care for the sick. OCTOBER 25: Eucharistic Adoration Ida Grove NOVEMBER 3: Eucharistic Adoration Odebolt 6: St. Martin Turkey Supper 10: Parish/Finance Meeting Holstein 10:Knights of Columbus meeting 4a | | 4b