57866 ACRA Spring FTR 2005 - Alabama Court Reporters Association
57866 ACRA Spring FTR 2005 - Alabama Court Reporters Association
FOR THE RECORD is published by the Alabama Court Reporters Association on a regular basis four times a year. Publication Schedule for 2005/2006 June 1, 2005 September 1, 2005 December 1, 2005 March 1, 2006 Deadline for articles and ads is 30 days immediately preceding the above publication dates. Please submit articles, ads, etc., in DIGITAL FORMAT attached to an email to: Suzanne B. Frazier, [email protected] Interested in Advertising with Us? Full Page $75.00 each issue OR $250.00 - 4 issues Half Page $50.00 each issue OR $150.00 - 4 issues 1/4 Page $30.00 each issue OR $75.00 - 4 issues Send camera ready advertisement and check to: Suzanne B. Frazier, CSR, RPR 801 North Richard Arrington Jr. Boulevard Criminal Justice Center – Room 604 Birmingham, AL 35203 [email protected] MOVING? Mail or Email To: Karen Brock Reagan, CSR 330 Green Chase Circle Montgomery, AL 36117 [email protected] www.alcra.org THE RECORD NEVER FORGETS FOR THE RECORD A Publication of the Alabama Court Reporters Association ACRA EXECUTIVE BOARD 2004-2005 PRESIDENT Suzanne B. Frazier, CSR, RPR 801 North Richard Arrington Jr. Boulevard Criminal Justice Center - Room 604 Birmingham, AL 35203 Office: 205-307-7802 • Home: 205-631-2188 email: [email protected] PRESIDENT-ELECT Alan Peacock, CSR, RPR, RMR, CRR, CBC 1960 Old Government Street Mobile, AL 36606 Office/Home: 251-476-6327 email: [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT Randall E. Murphree, CSR 801 North Richard Arrington Jr. Boulevard Criminal Justice Center - Room 406 Birmingham, AL 35203 Office: 205-325-4867 • Home: 205-274-7249 email: [email protected] TREASURER Julia S. Isenhower, CSR, RPR 26626 Dean Court South Daphne, AL 36526 Office/Home: 251-626-8062 email: [email protected] SECRETARY Diana L. Battles, CSR, RPR 25 West 11th Street, Suite 340 Anniston, AL 36201 Office: 256-231-1823 • Home: 256-782-0705 email: [email protected] IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT and MEMBERSHIP RETENTION Karen Brock Reagan, CSR 330 Green Chase Circle Montgomery, AL 36117 Office: 334-262-7556 • Home: 334-215-3114 email: [email protected] DIRECTORS DISTRICT 1 Kathryn L. Hicks, CSR, RPR 801 North Richard Arrington Jr. Boulevard Criminal Justice Center - Room 509 Birmingham, AL 35203 Office: 205-325-5935 • Home: 205-425-6798 email: [email protected] DISTRICT 2 Angie L. Coleman, CSR, RPR 25 West 11th Street, Suite 326 Anniston, AL 36201 Office: 256-231-1796 • Home: 256-835-6803 email: [email protected] DISTRICT 3 Sheree W. Cater, CSR Post Office Box 805 Troy, AL 36081-0805 Office: 334-566-1307 • Home: 334-569-1825 email: [email protected] DISTRICT 4 Kathryn W. Sharpe, CSR Post Office Box 846 Andalusia, AL 36420 Office: 334-428-2504 • Home: 334-388-2521 email: [email protected] President’s Point of View by Suzanne B. Frazier, CSR, RPR ACRA President “The greatest use of life is to spend it doing something that will outlast it.” -William James What an exciting time this is for our court reportSuzanne Frazier ing profession! As this issue of For the Record goes to press, the Certified Court Reporter Licensure Bill is making good progress in the Senate as SB62, and we have support in the House of Representatives for the CCR Bill there as well. The 2005 session of the Alabama Legislature convened on Tuesday, 2/1/05. Our bill (SB62) had its first reading; was assigned to the Governmental Affairs Committee; was passed through committee by the end of the day on Monday, 2/7/05; had its second reading on Thursday, 2/10/05; and has been put on the Senate calendar. Folks, this is phenomenal! Pat yourselves on the back for your willingness to roll up your sleeves and get busy for your ACRA and your court reporting profession. The grassroots efforts that have been generated to this point need to be ongoing with no letup between now and the day we receive the news that the CCR bill has been positively affirmed in both branches of the Alabama Legislature and minimum standards certification for court reporters has been enacted into law. We all need to keep the mail system hopping with support letters. Keep an enthusiastic fire lit for this worthy cause not only for yourself, but by all means please continue encouraging everyone you know (family, friends, business associates, governmental associates, and contacts) to keep the positive reinforcement for the Senate and House bills pouring into the State House. Those letters of support translate to our elected officials as voting Volume 21, No. 5 Spring 2005 constituents with a concern and common interest in the court reporting profession, its integrity, and accountability. The Legislative Committee certainly has been in the forefront of ACRA activity over the last seven months. Be sure to read Parian Holderfield’s article later in this issue. Some of you may even see your name or the name(s) of your good friend(s) there. Be sure and check the ACRA website (www.alcra.org) on a regular basis for current legislative information. Your ACRA can be your means of staying up to date on what is going on in the court reporting profession within our state and beyond. Inside this issue you will find candid photos from the Midwinter Conference. Shannon Ball covers more aspects of CSR status and provides you with forms for reporting professional continuing education credits as you meet the requirements for maintenance of your CSR status. Several members are put in the spotlight in this issue. I know you will love reading about acts of kindness that could easily go unnoticed, a past president who still holds ACRA dear to his heart, and will be inspired by our member serving on active duty in the U.S. Army. Service opportunities abound. Take advantage of them! You will feel good at the end of the day knowing you have done something to assist your ACRA and your court reporting profession. Sign up to offer your service to one of ACRA’s ongoing committees. Contact Pro Bono Chairperson Tiffany Beasley to find out how you can assist in the Veterans’ History Project. Absolutely be sure you fire up your Word program and get your letters off to your legislators TODAY! When we look back in future years, we all can be proud of the service we gave to our professional association and be very proud of the part we have played in making sure we maintain our status of professionals who accurately record the facts of the spoken word, performing our duties with a Continued on page 19 Address SERVICE Requested THE RECORD N EVER FORGETS Suzanne B. Frazier, CSR, RPR 801 North Richard Arrington Jr. Boulevard Criminal Justice Center – Room 605 Birmingham, AL 35203 Permit #590 Montgomery, AL PAID Presrt Std U.S. Postage Legislative Report by Parian T. Holderfield, CSR, RPR, RMR ACRA Legislative Chair Thank you for making the Alabama Judicial Survey a success! The cooperation of the membership to distribute the surveys and encourage the judges’ participation Parian T. Holderfield was instrumental in that success. The survey results were extremely favorable for our Alabama Certified Court Reporters Licensure Law. Out of 41 judicial circuits in Alabama, 30 responded, with 97 circuit judges and 45 district judges participating for a total of 142. The survey questions and results were as follows: “Official Court Reporters should possess the knowledge and ability to perform at a minimum standards competency skill level to hold the position of an official court reporter.” 120 strongly agreed, 19 agreed, 1 disagreed, and 2 had no opinion. (139 agreed) The one disagreeing judge thought standards should be more than minimum. “Freelance Court Reporters should possess the knowledge and ability to perform at a minimum standards competency skill level to hold the position of a freelance court reporter.” 109 strongly agreed, 30 agreed, and 3 had no opinion. (139 agreed) “Court Reporters should be required to participate in a Continuing Education Program.” 91 strongly agreed, 44 agreed, 5 disagreed, 1 strongly disagreed, and 1 had no opinion. (135 agreed, 6 disagreed) “A mandatory certification program to specifically identify what knowledge and skills an individual should possess in order NCRA’S Opinion on Reporting Nonverbal Communication (Public Advisory Opinion 31) If a reporter is hired to report a deposition and is requested by either counsel to (1) include the reporter’s personal observations of nonverbal interactions in the record; (2) record times during the proceeding; and/or (3) inform or not inform counsel appearing by telephone that certain people are entering or leaving the deposition room, NCRA Public Advisory Opinion 31 offers a guideline to follow under NCRA’s Code of Professional 2 to be minimally qualified as a court reporter should be implemented in the State of Alabama.” 94 strongly agreed, 42 agreed, 2 disagreed, and 2 strongly disagreed. (136 agreed, 4 disagreed) This survey was instrumental in gaining the support of the Alabama Legislative Coordinating Council that was formed by Chief Justice Drayton Nabers. Suzanne Frazier, Ted Hicks, and I spoke to the ALCC in January regarding the CCR Bill and distributed copies of our survey. After our presentation, the members of the Alabama Legislative Coordinating Council unanimously agreed to support the CCR Bill. This could not have been accomplished without the efforts of several people throughout the state. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Stephen Bradley, 1st Judicial Circuit; Kelli Mills, 3rd Judicial Circuit; Ann Armstrong, 4th Judicial Circuit; Frances Roark, 5th Judicial Circuit; Mary Hicks, 6th Judicial Circuit; Stacy Littleton, 7th Judicial Circuit; Morris Anderson, 8th Judicial Circuit; Cyndi Tumlin, 9th Judicial Circuit; Melanie Pollard & Suzanne Frazier, 10th Judicial Circuit; Vicki Gamble, 11th Judicial Circuit; Dixie Boutwell, 12th Judicial Circuit; Linda McSwain, 13th Judicial Circuit; Sheryl Hardy, 14th Judicial Circuit; Jan Goss, 15th Judicial Circuit; Gloria Inman, 16th Judicial Circuit; Jill Sanders, 18th Judicial Circuit; Chani Muller, 20th Judicial Circuit; Denise Alverson, 21st Circuit; Kathryn Sharpe, 22nd Judicial Circuit; Shannon Ball, 23rd Judicial Circuit; Ted Hicks, 24th Judicial Circuit; Rita Carr, 27th Judicial Circuit; Shelagh McClain, 28th Judicial Circuit; Jennifer Kissic, 29th Judicial Circuit; Wendy Sizemore, 31st Judicial Circuit; Cynthia Miller, 32nd Judicial Circuit; De McGuire, 34th Judicial Circuit; Elyse Throneberry, 36th Judicial Circuit; Celeste Riddle, 38th Judicial Circuit; and Paige Solley, 39th Judicial Circuit. Now that the Legislature is in session, it is time for our membership to continue this same level of participation in order for us to be successful in our efforts. The CCR Bill has been filed with the Alabama Senate and is designated Senate Bill 62 (SB62). Senator Zeb Little (D), 4th District, is our sponsor. The CCR Bill is designated in the House of Representatives as HR488. Senator Bill Clark (D), 98th District (Mobile), is our sponsor in the House. Information concerning the CCR Bill in the House will be provided as soon as that information is available. The contest guidelines appear on page 13 of this issue of the FTR. You have all been encouraged to write your Legislators (senators and representatives) to encourage their support of our CCR Bill. Please also encourage your relatives, friends, and key contacts to write letters of support. It is our hope to inundate the Legislature with letters of support from across the state. The Legislative Committee has established the ACRA Legislative Support Contest to encourage participation. The concerted effort of each and every member of ACRA is required for our success. The Legislative Committee would like to thank you in advance for all your hard work. Please do all you can to make the Alabama Certified Court Reporters Licensure Law a reality. President’s Point of View Ethics. According to NCRA Public Advisory Opinion 31, the role of a court reporter in reporting a proceeding is to preserve the spoken word on the record and not to function as a factual witness for one party to the proceeding. When a reporter is intentionally placed in the position of being a factual witness at the direction of counsel for one party to the proceeding, that reporter may be viewed as an advocate for one party over the others. The reporter thus loses the impartiality mandated by Provision No. 1 of the Code, which requires, in pertinent part, that the reporter be fair and impartial to each participant in all aspects of reported proceedings. Once a reporter has lost his or her impartiality, it creates a conflict of interest (Provision No. 2) and generates the appearance of impropriety. Thus it would be a violation of NCRA’s Code of Ethics on Provisions 1, 2, and 3 for a reporter to describe the nonverbal interaction between the witness and the attorney. Recording times during proceedings and reporting the presence, arrival, or departure of persons at a proceeding may be done if it is consistent with state or local law or local custom and usage. Otherwise, according to Public Advisory 31, the reporter should refrain from these practices in order to safeguard the reporter’s role as an impartial “officer of the court.” “Ask yourself: Have you been kind today? Make kindness your daily modus operandi and change your world.” Continued from Front Page By Diane Duncan, CSR devotion that never fails. In the words of Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of committed individuals can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” THE RECORD NEVER FORG In Memoriam ETS From The Desk Of The President-Elect Continued from page 4 EduCaption, Atlanta, shared with us important techniques and ideas for writing better and preparing for realtime. One of the highlights of the meeting was the Opening Reception. If you missed this, then you really missed a great show featuring some of our great “Alabama Idols”! Laura Fant and Angie Coleman warmed us up with a few songs… and these girls can really sing! Thank you to all of our ACRA members who put their pride aside in an effort to support our fund-raiser by participating in the karaoke party. Kudos to the especially courageous members who stood up to sing, including Julia Isenhower, Randall “I’m too Sexy” Murphree, Stacey Littleton, Diana Battles, Suzanne Frazier, Angie Coleman, and Barbara Higgins. And Mary Frances Lambert passed away on January 28, 2005, in Birmingham, Alabama. Mary’s first work experience in the legal field was 1955 in Anniston with the law firm of Lybrand, Sides, and Hamner, where she worked as a legal secretary. Mary’s many years as an official court reporter began in 1964. During the years 1964 to 1983, she worked for Judge Robert M. Parker, 7th Judicial Circuit. In 1984 she was employed by Judge Sullivan in Talladega County. She worked as an official for Judge Phelps from 1986 until his retirement. After Judge Phelps’ retirement, she began working for Judge who can forget Shelagh McClain’s rendition of “Harper Valley P.T.A.”? Thanks again to everyone that contributed! We are in the planning stages for our Summer Convention. It is lining up to be a fantastic schedule. Please mark your calendar for July 28-31, 2005, for the ACRA Summer Convention, Park Vista Hotel, Gatlinburg, TN. We plan to have Alan Brock, NCRA Speed Contest Finalist, give a special presentation on speedbuilding and ways to improve your writing skills. We will also have a Steno Swap, an open forum for members to create and share their favorite brief forms. There will also be a wine-tasting excursion for those members choosing to participate. If you have any suggestions for seminars, either for the Summer Convention or in the future, please contact me and let me know. We are always looking for new ideas! I hope to see you in July! — singer Annie Lenox Greenhall in Montgomery County. Mary retired in 1998 and moved to Birmingham to spend more time with her grandchildren. Mary was an excellent court reporter and highly respected among the members of the Bar with whom she worked and came in contact, as well as others. She gladly served as mentor to many beginning court reporters through the years, taking new reporters under her wing and skillfully teaching them those necessary things that are not taught in court reporting school. Mary is survived by her four children, sons Robert, David, and Gary, and daughter, Sheilah, nine grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren. Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family of Mary Frances Lambert. A Kindly Act Continued from page 10 myself to accomplish at least three gratuitous servic es during this year that will benefit others. I wonder out loud if these kindly acts will multiply. The childhood idiom “giving is receiving” comes to mind, and I know that answers my own question. Yes, kindly acts do multiply. They multiply in the respect that when we give, we also receive, oftentimes unexpectedly. A good example is Alan’s kindly act multiplying to a fantastic newspaper article that has benefited all reporters. This raises the excitement level, doesn’t it? Pro bono publico means for the good of the public. Suppose what the Latin equivalent would be for the good of the public and also the giver? Maybe it’s just simply called The Golden Rule. The importance becomes universal. Alan, thank you for your example. I know if it were left up to you, you would prefer that it not be broadcast all over the state of Alabama. My apologies...well, sort of. Many of us admire your dedication to our profession and your charitable interest in others. High-five to you, my friend. REMINDER!!! Send your letters of support for SB62 and HR488 to your legislators TODAY!!! 19 Welcome The Following New Members Randall Murphree, CSR Vice President and Membership Chair Welcome the following new members to ACRA: Kristy Bozeman Ashley Dickey Angela Fulmer Talitha Lovin Sherry Mack Deborah Payton Cheryl Smith Tamie Story Kathryn Wallace Vila Wright One of the benefits to membership in our organization is the opportunity to attend our Midwinter and Summer Conferences where continuing education points can be Randall Murphree obtained and where networking opportunities abound. I hope you have found the Membership Roster/Constitution & Bylaws helpful to you in better understanding your association. I suggest you refer to it when you have a question concerning membership. Please let us know if you move or your contact information changes so we will be kept abreast of any changes. Mail all applications or renewals to Karen Reagan, CSR, Membership Retention, 330 Green Chase Circle, Montgomery, Alabama 36117 or email her at [email protected]. In closing, I challenge you during 2005 to invite your fellow reporters who aren’t members to consider applying for membership in ACRA. Remember, by sponsoring five new members, you earn a free oneyear membership for yourself! Congratulations New RPR’s And CBC’s! ACRA would like to extend a hearty congratulation to the ACRA members listed below, each of whom recently passed NCRA professional examinations. Their hard work and dedication to the court reporting profession has paid off. Your ACRA gives a welldeserved pat on the back and three cheers for passing their respective examinations to: NEW RPR’S Casey Atchison, CSR, RPR, Hoover, AL Carol C. Cook, CSR, RPR, Daphne, AL Ashley N. Dickey, CSR, RPR, Bessemer, AL NEW CBC’S Tammy Clark August, CSR, RPR, RMR, CRR, CCP, CBC, Florence, AL Andrea Martin, CSR, RPR, RMR, CRR, CBC, Dothan, AL IF YOU WANT TO CRACK THE CASE, USE POWER TOOLS. Reagan Reporters has turned reporting into a powerful resource. In-house video conferencing, Video-to-text synchronization, CLVS Certified Videographers, Transcript delivery on demand, Realtime transcription, Exhibit organization and management. ONE COMMERCE STREET, STE. 302 • MONTGOMERY, AL 36104 205-326-6070 (BIRMINGHAM) • 888-662-7556 (TOLL FREE) • 334-262-7556 Information Access. Personal Response. THE NEW POWER OF REPORTING. 18 3 From the desk of the President-Elect Alan Peacock, CSR, RPR, RMR, CRR, CBC President-Elect and Convention Chair I hope that each one of you enjoyed a wonderful holiday season and feel invigorated and ready to approach 2005 with enthusiasm. That is definitely the feeling with Alan Peacock your ACRA Board. We have rolled up our sleeves and are working very hard for you. We are asking each of you to assist us in our legislative effort. For more information, please read Suzanne’s article in this issue of “For the Record.” And please contact any member of the Board if you would like to volunteer to help with this effort. For your convenience, a form for committee involvement is included in this issue. Our Midwinter Conference was a tremendous success! Thank you to each and every one who attended. I hope you found the seminars to be both worthwhile and educational, as promised. I would like to extend my personal appreciation to everyone that worked on this project. Without the help of our volunteers, we would not be able to host conventions such as this. So a heart-felt “thank you” goes out to Callie T. Dietz and her staff at AOC for their generous support and assistance. Thank you to Tasha Scott, Sabrina Lewis, and Kathy Hicks for your work on the Door Prize Committee. You did a wonderful job! Thank you to the Education Planning Committee, consisting of Suzanne Frazier, Parian Holderfield, Mary Hicks, and Jeanna Boggs, for the time and effort in planning this event. And a special thank you to Suzanne Franzier for holding my hand and guiding me during the entire six months leading up to the convention. You are an exemplary leader and this association’s best asset! For those of you who missed the conference, I would like to give you a synopsis of the highlights. The conference was held on January 14 and 15, 2005, at The Legends of Capitol Hill Resort and Conference Center in Prattville, Alabama. The first session was “How a Bill Becomes a Law.” The Honorable Dan Reeves and Honorable Clarence Haynes gave us some great suggestions on how we can act now to ensure passage of our CCR bill. Dr. Stephen Boudreau provided insight into what goes on behind the scenes of a criminal investigation from a forensic point of view. Then Dennis Hale gave us some notable tips on working with interpreters in the deposition and courtroom setting. The Honorable John Wilkerson and Honorable Lane Mann presented us with an informative update of e-filing transcripts and also recognized official reporters for their service. On Saturday, Heidi Thomas, Continued on page 19 Barlow & Associates Court Reporting & Videoconferencing 3217 Executive Park Circle Mobile, Alabama 36606 (251) 476-0685 (251) 471-2266 (fax) Congratulations to PATRICIA L. “PAT” HILL President of Prince Institute of Professional Studies in Montgomery. The NATIONAL REGISTER’S WHO’S WHO wishes to extend its congratulations to Patricia L. Hill President, Prince Institute of Professional Studies, Inc. 7735 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery, AL 36117 The intent of THE NATIONAL REGISTER’S WHO’S WHO IN EXECUTIVES & PROFESSIONALS is to notify all who read this announcement that this individual has reached a level of recognizable success in their respective field. This year’s edition (containing Pat’s recognition) will be registered at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. www.barlowreporting.com [email protected] Experienced Court Reporters Offering: • Prompt delivery of quality transcripts • Litigation support, including E-Transcripts, ASCII’s, condensed transcripts, word indexes • Transcripts can be e-mailed or downloaded from our website for instant delivery • Videoconference Center with latest technology • Video depositions • Conference room available at no charge 4 Who’s Who Attention Court Reporting Students Announcing the 2005 ACRA Student Scholarship Guidelines Members of ACRA and NCRA The ACRA Scholarship Committee wishes to remind you of the guidelines for applying for the $1,000 scholarship awarded annually. Here is an easy way to help provide for your financial needs. This is a brief synopsis of the rules. Details are available in the back of the 2004-2005 ACRA Membership Roster on page 60 or by contacting the Scholarship Committee Chairperson. Eligible applicants are students who have been actively engaged in the study of court reporting in the state of Alabama for one year at an NCRA-approved school. Nominations may be made by a teacher, instructor, school, any ACRA member in good standing, or any student attending an NCRA-approved school. Applications are to be in letter/resume format. Accompanying support documentation may be submitted at the applicant’s discretion. Each applicant must submit a 300-word essay entitled, “Why I have Chosen to be a Court Reporter.” Applicants will include a separate letter detailing any extraordinary financial needs. This information will only be considered in the event of a tie. If selected, the Scholarship Committee will notify you no later than June 30, 2005. The $1,000 will be paid to your educational institution on your behalf. You will additionally receive complimentary registration for the 2005 ACRA Summer Convention and one night’s lodging at the Park Vista Resort and Conference Center in Gatlinburg, TN, the location of the 2005 annual convention. The deadline for submitting applications for consideration is May 1, 2005. Applications should be mailed to: Joyce A. Sasser, CSR Chairperson ACRA Scholarship Committee 3854 Latigo Road Mobile, AL 36695 17 Brief Forms Check these forms out with your current dictionary entries. If you are not creating conflicts AND they make sense to you, you might want to start utilizing them in your work. Happy writing! KROTS SKWRAEUT SKWRAEUTD SKWRAEUGS SKWROERT PHEFDZ HRAOF HRAOFT HRAOFGS TPHAF WAT AEFL AEB AEBD AED PROEPT PROPG PROPGS SKERD T-BG T*BG PWRORD PWOPT KHOPT PWARLD PWAERLD across the street adjudicate adjudicated adjudication adjudicatory admissible evidence a lot of a lot of the a lot of things and a half and one-half anti-inflammatory antibiotic antibody antidepressant appropriate appropriating appropriation asked and answered attorney client attorney-client back on the record Baptist Hospital Children’s Hospital based upon a reasonable degree of beyond a reasonable degree of PWHRARL PWHRAERL bilateral bilaterally PWHRAD Bin Laden PWHRAOT PWHRAOG PWHRAOP PWHRAOS PWHRAOZ 16 blood clot blood gas blood pressure blood sugar blood test PWHRAOFL PWHRAOFLS PWHRAOEPL PWHRAOUP blood vessel blood vessels bloodstream board of directors board of education board of trustees PWOEUF boyfriend calculate calculated calculates calculating calculation calculations calculator K-FS K-FS/HR-BG calls for calls for a legal conclusion KFS/SPHRAEUGS calls for speculation KAUPGS calls for speculation KAEURPLT K*M KROPB/HR-L KROPB KREU KHRAEURBGS chondromalacia chronological chronology clarification KOEUBG KPHAEUGS cocaine contamination KWAOEUD K-FD K-FL KEUF KR*EU/KR*EU K-FLT KR KR-R KR-G KR*BGS crack cocaine KRAUBG crosswalk TKPOEPBT TK-PT TK-PGS TKPOEGS deponent deposit deposition deposition TK*S TI*Z deputy sheriff deputy sheriffs TKPWAOEUTS TKPWEUBG TKUPT TKUPGS TKAERTS diabetes diabetic duplicate duplication duties and responsibilities TKWEU DUI TPEUFL first of all JOIN A 2005 COMMITTEE TODAY with the ALABAMA COURT REPORTERS ASSOCIATION H-BG H-BGS handcuff handcuffs PHOPT metropolitan TPH-DZ nondisclosure P-DZ P-G passenger side pregnant collateral collaterally concealed weapon confide confident confidential confidential informant confidential informant confidentiality contract contractor contracting contraction Ask not what your ACRA can do for you! Ask yourself what YOU can do for your ACRA and your court reporting profession! Indicate below which committee(s) you would love to assist with, and join your fellow reporters in accomplishing rewarding tasks for your future as a court reporter. You will be amazed at the satisfaction you can and will receive from sharing your time and talents in furtherance of the purposes of the Alabama Court Reporters Association. COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP MEMBERSHIP RETENTION CERTIFICATION PUBLICATION WAYS AND MEANS 2005 CONVENTIONS CONVENTION PLANNING NOMINATIONS CI clinic clinical clinically KWEP KROEUBG care and treatment KHR-PBG KHR-PBL KHREUPBL KHRARL KHRAERL correctional officer due diligence blueprint PW-DZ PWOEDZ PWOT KHRAEUT KHRAEUTD KHRAEUTS KHRAEUGT KHRAEUGS KHRAEUGSZ KHRAEURT KROEUFR TK-D S*D SPRA STRABG SURL sheriff’s department standard practice strike that surveillance LEGISLATION DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD PRO BONO CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS SCHOLARSHIP AUDITING PUBLIC RELATIONS WEBSITE STUDENT MENTORING HISTORIC PRESERVATION CHAIRPERSON YES, I’M INTERESTED Randall Murphee [email protected] Karen Reagan [email protected] Shannon Ball [email protected] Suzanne Frazier [email protected] Sheree Cater [email protected] Alan Peacock [email protected] Deanna Johnson [email protected] Parian Holderfield [email protected] Parian Holderfield [email protected] Suzanne Frazier [email protected] Tiffany Beasley [email protected] Debby Garrett [email protected] Joyce Sasser [email protected] Celeste Riddle [email protected] Margaret Turner [email protected] Alan Peacock [email protected] Ashley Young [email protected] Debby Garrett [email protected] Please contact the chairperson of the committee you choose to serve at their email address or mail your completed form to: Suzanne B. Frazier, CSR, RPR, 801 N. Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd., Criminal Justice Center, Room 604, Birmingham, AL 35203 5 CSR Enlightenment by Shannon R. Ball, CSR, RPR, RMR CSR Chairperson Shannon R. Ball CSR’s in Cycle A will expire September 1, 2005. You must have 15 hours of Continuing Education by September 1, 2005, and must maintain your ACRA membership in order to retain your CSR status. Seminars are, of course, the best way to earn those hours. If you attend an ACRAsponsored seminar, you will receive credit for the hours in attendance. If you are attending a seminar in another state, it must be approved by NCRA in order to receive credit. Alabama’s bordering states of Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Georgia all offer conferences throughout the year that are approved by NCRA. You will need to contact the ACRA CSR Committee and receive a punch card before attending the out-of-state conference. You will need to have the card punched at the conference and return the punch card along with a conference agenda to the CSR Committee. It is important that you contact the CSR Committee at least ten (10) days before the out-of-state conference in order to receive the punch card before the conference. Most ACRA-sponsored conferences will have at least 10 hours of Continuing Education available at each conference. ACRA sponsors two conferences each year. NCRA national conferences usually offer well over 20 hours of continuing edu- cation at their conferences. NCRA also sponsors various conferences throughout the year for specialized classes of reporters (CART providers, Captioners, Leadership, Boot Camp, Firm Owners, etc.) in which Continuing Education hours are granted, and NCRA sponsors two conferences during the year for all classes of reporters. There are several other ways that CSR’s may earn Continuing Education hours: • College Courses (Submit college transcript upon completion to CSR Committee for appropriate CEU calculation.) • Hosting Student Interns (1 credit hour per day) • ACRA Committee Work (1 credit hour per year) • School Presentation (2 credit hours per presentation) • Pro Bono Work (1 credit hour per half day) • Newsletter Articles (2 credits per article) • CPR & First Aid Courses (1 credit hour per hour of instruction. Must complete the entire course in certification.) As you can see, there are many ways in which you can earn Continuing Education hours. The CSR Committee would like to take this opportunity to point out that 15 hours of Continuing Education is a bare minimum. We would like to encourage you to take advantage of all of the educational opportunities available to you. It is not a coincidence that the leaders of the court reporting profession in our state also happen to be the reporters that have the most Continuing Education hours. The CSR Committee is always available to answer any questions that you may have regarding your CSR status. Please direct your inquiries to: Shannon Ball, CSR, RMR CSR Committee Chair 100 North Side Square Huntsville, Alabama 35801 [email protected] 256-532-3436 Remember to cherish your CSR! The CSR initials behind your name imply that you have attained a level of success and are continuing to learn and grow in your profession. If you wish to obtain Continuing Education hours in the various ways listed above, forms have been included in this issue for your convenience. Fill these forms out and simply return them to the CSR Committee. It is your responsibility to make sure that you get these forms filled out and turned in. You will not be able to receive credit otherwise. †Karaoke Night† Stacy Littleton & Parian Holderfield Karaoke Night Shelagh McClain’s “Harper Valley PTA” Get Your Groove On Mary Hicks, Suzanne Frazier & Diana Battles “Winning honor nearly always means leaving mediocre expectations and comfortable assumptions behind.” Randall Murphree Break Dancing Randall Murphree “Im too Sexy” Barbara Higgins “I Fall To Pieces” Luncheon — Bruce Wilkinson 6 15 2005 ACRA MIDWINTER CONFERENCE CONTINUING EDUCATION INFORMATION SHEET FOR CPR & FIRST AID Where can I find a course in my area? The best source is your local hospital. Most hospitals offer courses throughout the year. The local Red Cross or American Heart Association (for CPR) would be able to tell you about all classes being offered in your area. Classes are also offered by fire stations, YMCA’s, community centers, and civic organizations. How can I apply for credit once I take the class? Bring the form below to class with you and have the instructor fill out the bottom half. Photocopy the certification card you receive at the end of the class and send it to the CSR Committee Chair, along with the completed form. How many credits will I get? All First Aid and CPR classes are awarded one credit per hour of instruction. Anything else I should know? Only certified classes from the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association will be eligible for credit. You may receive credit for First Aid and CPR once each three-year term. Please fill out this portion (please print) Name:______________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________ Please have the instructor fill out this portion REALTIME SEMINAR I, ______________________________________, certify that the person named above completed the entire course for certification in: Print name _______CPR # of hours ___________ _______First Aid # of hours ___________ Signature of instructor_________________________________________________________________________________________ CSR PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION REPORTING FORM Date ___________________________________ Name _______________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________ Phone (Office) ________________________________________ (Home) ______________________________________________ Committee Work Committee Name _____________________________________ (Signature, Committee Chair) _____________________________ Student Interns Student _____________________________________________ TAKING A BREAK FROM THE ACTION School _______________________________________________ (Signature, School Official)_____________________________________________________________________________________ School Presentations School ______________________________________________ (Signature, School Official)_______________________________ Pro Bono Work Description of work done ______________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Signature, Pro Bono Chair) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Newsletter Articles Article Title__________________________________________ Publication Volume_____________________________________ (Signature, Editor)____________________________________________________________________________________________ Parian Holderfied & Barbara Higgins in Boogie Shoes 14 Mobile Court Reporter Contingency Tasha Scott, distributing door prizes Submit To: Shannon R. Ball, CSR, RMR • CSR Committee Chair • 100 North Side Square • Huntsville, Alabama 35801 fax 256-575-0414 • [email protected]. *RPR’s: Attach a copy of Continuing Education Update from NCRA 7 Greetings From District 4 by Kathryn W. Sharpe, CSR District 4 Director I’ll start off by saying that it is an honor for me to serve as District 4 Director, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank the reporters in District 4 for allowing me Kathryn W. Sharp to represent them on the Board of Directors. I’ve been a member of ACRA for most of my court reporting career, and this is the first time I have served in the Association in any capacity. I have had many opportunities to join a committee; I just chose not to. After having been on the Board for only a short time, I have to say that I am regretful for having never bothered to get involved before now. I can see that I have missed years of fun by not participating in our Association. There is a lot more to ACRA than paying dues, attending seminars, and acquiring CEU’s. As busy court reporters, we probably have a tendency to take our membership in ACRA for granted. I would like to encourage you to become involved in your Association. The numerous ACRA committees can always use another volunteer. There really is something for everyone in ACRA, and it’s a great way to give something back to your Association. I also have to mention how great the Midwinter Conference was and compliment Alan on a job well done. A great big “thank you” goes out to Alan Peacock for planning and giving us a memorable conference. It was a weekend packed full of speakers and activities that were interest- ing, educational, challenging, and fun. Everyone had a great time in spite of the wind and rain. The atmosphere was so relaxing, you never realized the weather was horrible outside. Karaoke Night was one of the highlights of the conference, and it was definitely a night to remember. Who knew reporters could sing and move like that? It was certainly one of those events where you had to be there to appreciate it. If you missed it, look for photos on the website and in this issue of the FTR. ACRA’s 2005 Summer Convention will be in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, July 2831. It’s a wonderful place to take the family. I hope everyone will make plans to be there. Attending a conference is a great way to acquire your CEU’s, but you also get to see old friends and make new acquaintances. Hope to see you in Gatlinburg! “You did what you knew how to do, and when you knew better, you did better. – Maya Angelou BIRMINGHAM, AL MONTGOMERY, AL David Miller Yvonne Pope Tim Lovelady Terry Crutchfield Melinda Thornbury Paige Scott Mike Jarvis Krista Price Cheryl Brown Debbie Townsend Stephanie Burton Melanie Petix Sherry Tudor Jodi DuBose Tara Seay Pamela Groover Susan Alston McLane Bridget McClain Diana Williams Mary Claire Whitten Doreen Case Jessica Bell Michelle Callahan Melissa Lee Wendy Timbie Selah Dryer Tasha Scott April Bendinger MOBILE, AL Office Manager Kathy Carpenter Deborah Payton Sue Anne Casey NORTH ALABAMA Lori Sizemore Suzanne Spiers WEST ALABAMA Margo Nettles Bryan DOTHAN, AL Misty Whitworth Video Specialist Christi Maze, CLVS Your Locally Owned Statewide Firm ★Locally Owned ★Computer-aided transcripts ★Transcript conversions ★All-word indexing ★Electronic Transcript Delivery (confidentially screened) ★Document Imaging ★Interactive Real Time ★Real Time Internet Service ★Daily Copy ★Expedited Copy ★Video Conferencing ★Video Transcript Synchronization ★Digital Videography ★Prompt delivery ★On-site conference rooms Director of Marketing Susie Nobles Administrative Assistant Katie Bates Director of Technology Shannon Whitt Visit Our Web Site at www.americancourtreporting.com P. O. Box 12765 • Birmingham, Alabama 35202 • (205) 320-1050 • Fax (205) 320-0023 • (877) 320-1050 8 Where Are They Now? by Suzanne B. Frazier, CSR, RPR President and Editor Have you ever wondered about the people who have faithfully served ACRA in the past but who have since retired and moved into other chapters of their lives? One such servant of ACRA we have not had the pleasure of seeing in several years is Paul D. Smith, CSR, RPR, CSR(TX). Paul served as president of ACRA for two terms, from 1976-1978. Paul, an official court reporter in Tuscaloosa for many ACRA Legislative Support Contest Your chance to win free registration to the 2005 ACRA Summer Convention! CONTEST OBJECTIVES: All ACRA Members are being asked to submit letters of support for the CCR bill (Senate Bill 62 — SB62; House of Representatives Bill 488 – HR488) that is being introduced in the 2005 session of the Alabama Legislature. For your convenience, the letters are already in draft form and only require the name and address of the legislative member addressed and the name, address, and phone number of the person signing the letter of support. Draft letters for the Alabama Senate and House of Representatives are available on the website at www.alcra.org or from any member of the Legislative Committee. [Note: Senate Bill 62 (SB62). Senator Zeb Little (D), 4th District (Cullman, Lawrence, Winston), is our sponsor. House of Representatives Bill 488 (HR488). Representative William Clark (D), 98th District, (Mobile), is our sponsor. Copies of all letters should be sent to the Legislative Chairperson: Parian Holderfield, 25 West 11th Street, Suite 210, Anniston, AL 36201-4584, or fax 256-231-1833. To encourage your participation, ACRA will be awarding one lucky ACRA member free registration for the ACRA 2005 Summer Convention (i.e., convention registration fee and two nights lodging, including tax, at the Park Vista Hotel, Gatlinburg, Tennessee). The 2005 Summer years, worked very hard for ACRA during a time when the association as a whole needed a boost of energy. Much was accomplished during Paul’s tenure. During the time that Senator Howell Heflin was Chief Justice of Alabama, he (Chief Justice Heflin) asked Paul to prepare a bench manual for court reporters. Under Paul’s guidance a committee was assembled to create the bench manual. Paul enlisted the assistance of state and national court reporters and staff members of NCRA to complete this project. Up until at least a few years ago, the bench manual still contained information that was prepared under the guidance of Paul Smith. Paul and his wife, Beverly, have three children. His two daughters followed him into the court reporting profession. Elise Smith Evans is a federal official in the Superior Court of the federal court system in Atlanta, Georgia. Cynthia Smith Boyd has a freelance firm in Raleigh, North Carolina. Paul and Beverly’s son Doug is an attorney in Tuscaloosa. Paul, who resides in a nursing home in Tuscaloosa, still enjoys reading the FTR when it arrives in the mail and takes pleasure in keeping up with the current happenings going on in his profession and his association. You may contact Paul by writing to him at: 516 Main Avenue, #C-8, Northport, AL 35476. Thank you, Paul D. Smith, for your time and energy given in service to your ACRA! Convention will be held July 28-31, 2005. Additionally, the contest-winning member will be recognized at the ACRA Annual Business Meeting as ACRA “Member of the Year.” Your ACRA would like to encourage your assistance in passage of the CCR Bill. You are being asked to generate and submit as many letters supporting the CCR Bill as possible and copy Parian Holderfield on each copy. (Be sure to read the contest guidelines prior to submittal of any letters.) The more letters generated, the more support will be demonstrated to the legislators who will be considering the bill. You are encouraged to enlist the assistance of family, friends, and business associates in this letter-writing campaign. someone about submitting letters of support to the legislature and that person has already written letters of support to their legislators at the request of another ACRA member, you may not use that person’s letters in your contest total.) If the Legislative Committee notes duplications, those letters bearing the earliest submittal dates will be accepted for contest purposes. CONTEST GUIDELINES: • To be considered for contest eligibility, copies of at least 50 letters of support that have been mailed in support of the CCR Bill must be submitted to the Legislative Committee. Those 50 letters must be from at least 25 sources. (Example: Individuals sending two letters each — one to their senator and one to their representative.) • The letters must be from unique sources. (Example: If 50 letters are submitted, at least 25 individuals submitting letters should be represented.) • Duplicates of letters from the same person will not be accepted. (Example: If you approach • The member submitting the most support letters above the threshold number of 50 will be deemed the contest winner. • In the event of a tie, the monetary amount of the prize will be divided and credit given to the number of members submitting the highest number of letters of support. The contest award will only be given as credit toward the registration fee and hotel and NOT as a cash prize in lieu of attending the convention. • Anyone can submit letters to their legislators in support of the CCR Bill. Enlist the assistance of family, friends, neighbors, and business associates. • For contest consideration, photo copies of all letters MUST be mailed or faxed to Parian Holderfield at the address printed above. 13 ACRA’s Member Serving on Active Duty by Captain John F. Kilpatrick D A T E S T O R E M E M B E R March 18-20 Certified Legal Video Specialist Seminar and Forum San Diego, CA April 9 ACRA Board Meeting - 10:00a.m. Dunn, King & Associates Montgomery, AL April 1-3 NCRA Midyear Conference Philadelphia, PA July 28-31 ACRA Summer Convention Park Vista Hotel, Gatlinburg, TN I just returned to Ft. Lewis, WA, after getting home for Christmas leave. While at home, I received a copy of the ACRA newsletter and really appreciate you printing Captian John F. my letter. It has been a Kilpatrick tough time for me having to leave my wonderful wife and two baby boys. My wife, Laurie, certainly has the Vetran’s History Project by Tiffany Beasley, CSR Pro Bono Committee Chair To access the new database, point and click your browser to www.alcra.org. Under “Quicklinks,” on the right-hand side of the page, select “Roster.” You will be taken to a new page. Once there, click on the green button that says, “Continue to the ACRA Database.” A new page will appear in your browser that says “Alphabetical Listing.” Select the letter of your last name. You will see a list of all ACRA members that share the initial of your last name. Find your name and click on it. You will then be taken to the Reporter Information Page of the database. From there you can review and edit your contact information only. To change your contact information, simply erase the data in the field and type in your new information. Then at the bottom of the page there are two boxes. One says: “Enter Your Password and Click to Update Your Information.” The other says: “Enter Your Password and Click to Change your Password.” Enter your password (your last name) and click on the “Update” button and your information will be automatically saved to the online database. If you would like to change your password, simply enter your current password. The default password is your last name, and it is case sensitive so be sure to capitalize the first letter of your name. You will then be taken to a new page to enter your new password. Enter it in the box and click on the “Update” button. That’s it! Please take a few minutes and check your record online. FOR YOUR PROTECTION, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE PLEASE CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD TO A UNIQUE PASSWORD THAT YOU WILL REMEMBER. Also please make sure that the “County” field is filled in appropriately on your record. If you have any questions, you can email the Webmaster at: [email protected]. 12 “We can’t all be heroes. Some of us have to stand on the curb and clap as they go by.” - Will Rogers “We owe our wartime veterans a profound appreciation for their sacrifice and service to our nation and its future. We also owe all our citizens an opportunity to appreciate and honor those men and women who have protected our nation in the gravest of times. Together, with the help of all Americans, we can honor our war veterans and create a lasting body of documentary materials that will inform and educate our citizens in the decades ahead.” This message from James H. Billington, Librarian of Congress, reminds us that it is up to each of us to do our part to preserve the history of our veterans. If you are interested in learning more information regarding the Veterans History Project, please e-mail me at [email protected]. CEU credits are available. Tiffany Beasley, CSR Pro Bono Committee Chair tougher job of maintaining the home and kids by herself. She’s incredible and we have a wonderful support network of family and friends to help in that regard. Fortunately, my business is doing great — thanks to my partner, Skip Warren. I will be leaving Ft. Lewis shortly for a few weeks in Germany and should be in Kosovo by the end of the month. The work is hard, the hours are long, and the food is bad, but as we say in the Army: At least the pay stinks. Kidding aside, we have a tough job ahead and have been training hard to meet our mission requirements. And we are Captioning: The Next Step ... Spotlight on Price Institute of Professional Studies. Prince Institute has long been known for training qualified professionals for the demanding field of judicial reporting, and now Prince is preparing to take the next logical step ... laterally into captioning. This addition to its curriculum will expand Prince’s offerings and provide well-trained professionals to address the broadcast captioning need created by the Telecommunications Act (1996) and the educational captioning opportunities created by the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990). Prince’s captioning preparation includes faculty and staff training, legislative efforts, and fundraising activities. Prince’s faculty and staff have been getting ready by attending NCRA seminars on captioning and CART, and workshops on the specifics of curriculum development. The administration has been working with Stenograph University on tailoring its educational materials to fit into Prince’s existing curricula. Legislative efforts include four years of letter writing and attendance at two “Legislative Boot Camps.” While these efforts haven’t yielded monetary appropriations yet, they have resulted in an invitation for Tasha Scott, a Prince graduate and successful reporter, to return to Washington, D.C. - at NCRA’s expense - to educate legislators on captioning, specifically CART. The lack of federal funds hasn’t dampened Prince’s plans to move ahead with the captioning lab, though. About a year ago, American Court Reporting kicked off the fundraising with a ready. Please continue to stay in touch, and I’ll keep you updated as often as possible. Please also continue your prayers for all of our service men and women who willingly put themselves in harm’s way to protect our freedom and for their families. God bless and take care. John (Editor’s Note: When not serving on active duty with the U.S. Army, Captain John Kilpatrick is chairperson of ACRA’s CLVS Committee.) generous donation. In addition to this gift, Prince has been focusing on several small, yet creative, fundraising events. Tickets for Montgomery Biscuits baseball games were donated and raffled. Several faculty and staff bought Boston butts at another organization’s fundraiser and donated “their butts” for a school-wide BBQ sandwich sale. The spring picnic, which included families and friends of students, yielded profits for the lab as well. We raffled a case of steno paper - a prize for any reporting student - and put its proceeds into the lab fund. Finally, Prince’s president Patricia L. Hill and her husband, Bob, worked a station at Parisian’s educational sale last year. “We expect the [captioning] program and lab to be up and running by summer,” says Mrs. Hill. “The addition of this program is an important move in preparing our students for the opportunities that await them in the growing fields of broadcast and educational captioning.” With the captioning expansion, Prince will be a stronger player in the reporting and captioning fields by continuing to train technologically-savvy professionals who are qualified, prepared, and ready to step into the challenges of an ever-changing world. Prince is on the move ... step by step. 9 A Kindly Act Karen B. Reagan, CSR Immediate Past President Have you ever said to yourself, I wish I were more this or a little more that? Or said, Gosh, I wish I could be more like Soand-So...someone you Karen B. Reagan know who has accomplished a feat you admire? I have. As a matter of fact, many times. The most recent occasion happened for me right after Hurricane Ivan wreaked havoc on our Gulf Coast late last year. During a conversation with a fellow board member, I’d learned that while I was preparing for the storm, buying bottled water and backup flashlights to my backups, our PresidentElect, Alan Peacock, was hunkered down at Mobile’s WPMI-TV station providing captioning for a community of citizens that couldn’t possibly have known what was headed their way were it not for the closed captions flowing across the bottom of their television screens. To further emphasize his kindly act, Alan worked at the TV station providing captions for 18 hours straight at no cost. (Yes, that is correct: 18 hours straight at no cost is not a typo.) When I asked Alan about his benevolent service, in his typical fashion, he downplayed it as “no big deal.” He said that while his hands were tired at the end of the night, station personnel took care of him bringing coffee and food to keep him going. You know, I’ll do many things for food, but pro bono writing for 18 straight hours isn’t on the list. Although Alan didn’t want to call attention to his kindly act, fortunately for us, there are others around him that wanted it noticed. K.A. Turner of the Mobile Register wrote Alan Peacock a glowing article that ran in the Sunday Business Edition of the Mobile Register on November 14, 2004, entitled “Captioners See Demand Growing.” While the article didn’t necessarily focus on Alan’s 18-hour ordeal at the TV station, in a broader sense it focused on captioning as a career and its many benefits. For our reporting community, it was a successful marketing maneuver, as it demonstrated to the consuming public that court reporters are doing so much more these days. If you ask him about his job, Alan will personally tell you that one has to be selfmotivated and responsible to be in captioning, but that it’s absolutely worth it for him. He says that captioning is the career world’s best-kept secret. Well, the cat’s out of the bag now, because the secret was let out in K.A.’s wonderful article. Instantly all of us became the beneficiaries of Alan’s one kindly act. Pondering all of this begs one to ask himself (or herself, because I asked myself this question), Could I do that? On purpose? While we may not want to run out and write 18 hours straight with no pay, there are so many other areas where we are called upon to give of our time. Sure, we could do that. It may not be captioning at the local TV station, but it might be at church, our children’s school, helping a neighbor, maybe helping out at work, or some other non-profit organization. There are many venues that are begging for us to come in and push up our sleeves and assist. Alan’s kindly act makes me ask, What have I done lately? Each time, I come up empty-handed. Now that we’ve entered into a brand new year, I find myself wanting to make a pact with Continued on page 19 Alabama CSR Examination Application CSR Examination Date: April 2, 2005 Time: 9:00 a.m. Locations: Gadsden, Montgomery, Mobile Name: ______________________________________________ I currently hold the following NCRA certifications: Address: ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Select your Testing Site: Please select your desired testing site (circle one): Phone Number: ______________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________ ACRA Member (circle): No Testing History: The Alabama CSR skills examination may be passed in legs, as long as the CSR candidate retains their current membership status. Proof of passing the NCRA Written Knowledge Test is required before a candidate can be awarded CSR status. I have previously taken and passed the RPR Written Knowledge Examination: Yes No I have previously taken and passed the following legs of the Alabama CSR (circle all that apply): 180 Literary DUNN, KING & ASSOCIATES, L.L.C. Yes 200 Jury Charge 225 Testimony Gadsden Montgomery Mobile Registration and Payment Please print and return this completed form along with your testing fee to the address below. Note: All testing candidates must register prior to the examination day. There will be no on-site registration. Fees: ACRA Members: $65 Nonmembers: $90 Please send your testing fees to the following address: Alan Peacock, President-Elect ACRA 1960 Old Government Street Mobile, AL 36606 You can also apply online at www.alca.org. Click on CSR Testing Information under “Quicklinks.” D I S T I N G U I S H E D S E R V I C E AWA R D N O M I N AT I O N S REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL REPORTERS Pat Higgins, CSR, RPR, Firm Owner Jenny Dunn, CSR, RDR, CRR, CBC, Founder Dee Johnson, RPR Greta Duckett, CSR, RPR Dawn Ashcraft, Graduate of Prince Institute Wendy Lewis, Graduate of Prince Institute Sherry Mack, Graduate of Prince Institute Carla Henderson, Graduate of Prince Institute COURT REPORTERS OFFERING: Quick turnaround • Daily copy • Realtime • Certified Videographer Online transcript repository • ASCII disks Compressed, duplexed and timestamped transcripts E-transcripts printable in condensed format and viewable with hyperlinked word index Case file management • Detailed exhibit handling & cross-referenced indexing Schedule proceedings online at www.dunnking.com 431 South Court Street • Montgomery, Alabama 36104 (800) 359-8001 or (334) 263-0261• Fax: (334) 263-1243 email: [email protected] MEETING AND EXCEEDING STANDARDS OF EXCELLENCE SINCE 1982 10 Distinguished Service Award Nominations are currently being accepted by the DSA Committee. The purpose of the DSA is to encourage and recognize work amounting to distinguished service by individual members in good standing of ACRA for the benefit of the profession. That may include work as a member, committee member, director, or officer of the Association, for the ACRA newsletter, or in the field of public affairs or public relations. No officer, director, or member of the DSA Committee is eligible to receive the award while serving in such capacity. Nominations of candidates may be submitted by an ACRA member in good standing to the DSA committee, together with supporting information. The DSA Committee is comprised of Kathy Haynes, 2004 DSA Recipient; Suzanne Frazier, ACRA President; and Karen Reagan, ACRA Immediate Past President. Nominations should be submitted to Suzanne Frazier no later than March 15, 2005, at [email protected], or by mailing to 801 N. Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd., Criminal Justice Center, Room 604, Birmingham, AL 35203. 11
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