RANS/LES interface
RANS/LES interface
Turbulent eddies in the RANS/LES transition region Ugo Piomelli Senthil Radhakrishnan Giuseppe De Prisco University of Maryland College Park, MD, USA Research sponsored by the ONR and AFOSR Outline • • • • Motivation The problem: eddy generation at the RANS/LES interface Effects and possible solutions − WMLES − Zonal RANS Conclusions and directions for improvement Motivation Computational approaches for the simulation of an aircraft (from Spalart, 2000) • • • Accurate methods are infeasible. Feasible methods are (often) inaccurate. Hybrid RANS/LES: − Use (U)RANS in regions in which models are accurate. − Use LES in non-equilibrium regions (separation, 3D mean flow, high pressure gradients) or where structural information is required (noise emission). DES • Attached boundary layer URANS, everything else LES. − Detached-eddy simulation (DES) WMLES Contours of − u 'v' ν T dU / dy LES • Wall layer URANS, everything else LES. − Wall-Modeled LES (WMLES) − Oldest hybrid application (logarithmic law) URANS Zonal RANS/LES • Attached boundary layer URANS, LES includes attached & separated flows. RANS/LES interface • Critical issue: RANS/LES interface. − RANS: Reynolds stress supported by the model. Flow in a compressor and prediffuser. From Schlüter et al., AIAA Paper 20043417 ν T dU dy ? − u 'v' . RANS/LES interface • Critical issue: RANS/LES interface. − RANS: Reynolds stress supported by the model ν T dU dy ? − u 'v' . − LES: Reynolds stress supported by the eddies. ν T dU dy = − u 'v' . Flow in a compressor and prediffuser. From Schlüter et al., AIAA Paper 20043417 RANS/LES interface • Critical issue: RANS/LES interface. − RANS: Reynolds stress supported by the model ν T dU dy ? − u 'v' . − LES: Reynolds stress supported by the eddies ν T dU dy = − u 'v' . − Turbulent eddies must be generated at the interface. How? Flow in a compressor and prediffuser. From Schlüter et al., AIAA Paper 20043417 RANS/LES interface • Critical issue: RANS/LES interface. − Rapid generation of eddies as the model switches from RANS to LES behavior can be achieved by: □ Natural amplification of instabilities. o Shear layers: OK. Flow in a compressor and prediffuser. From Schlüter et al., AIAA Paper 20043417 RANS/LES interface • Critical issue: RANS/LES interface. − Rapid generation of eddies as the model switches from RANS to LES behavior can be achieved by: □ Natural amplification of instabilities. o o Shear layers: OK. Attached b.l.: less effective. IDDES. RANS/LES interface • Critical issue: RANS/LES interface. − Rapid generation of eddies as the model switches from RANS to LES behavior can be achieved by: □ Natural amplification of instabilities. □ Artificial forcing. o Synthetic turbulence. Disturbances from similar calculation. o Controlled forcing. o RANS into LES RANS below LES Outline • • • • Motivation The problem: eddy generation at the RANS/LES interface Effects and possible solutions − WMLES − Zonal RANS Conclusions and directions for improvement WMLES using hybrid RANS/LES • Two main methodologies: − Blending function: □ Compute RANS and SGS eddy viscosity using different models. □ Blend them using a specified ad hoc function. □ (Tokyo), Leschziner (Imperial College), Davidson (Chalmers), Edwards (NCSU)... − Detached eddy simulation: □ Use a single model in the RANS and LES regions. □ Modify the model (length scale) to account for different physics. □ Nikitin et al. (2000), Piomelli et al. (2003), Pasinato et al. (2005), Keating and Piomelli (2006), Radhakrishnan et al. (2006). − Main effect of the absence of turbulent eddies at the RANS/LES interface: logarithmic law mismatch (LLM). WMLES using hybrid RANS/LES Logarithmic law mismatch RANS log layer LES log layer Plane channel flow, Reτ=5,000 WMLES using hybrid RANS/LES Logarithmic law mismatch Resolved stress Modeled stress Plane channel flow, Reτ=5,000 WMLES using hybrid RANS/LES Logarithmic law mismatch Nominal LES region y > CDES Δ Resolved stress Actual LES region Resolved > Modeled Modeled stress Transition region (DES buffer layer) Plane channel flow, Reτ=5,000 WMLES of the flow over a ramp • • • Experiment: Song & Eaton (2003) Calculations − Reθ= 21,000 at reference location x = −2 − Co-located curvilinear FD code (2nd order in space and time) − LES with DES-based wall-layer model (668×64×48), RANS. Challenging physics: − Shallow, pressure-driven separation. − Prediction of the flow after separation depends critically on the accuracy of the mean-velocity prediction. WMLES of the flow over a ramp RANS WMLES Experiment WMLES of the flow over a ramp Isosurfaces of ( 1 2 Q = − S − Ω2 2 Contours of u’ in a near-wall plane ) WMLES of the flow over a ramp Experiment WMLES Resolved-eddy enhancement • A transition problem? − − − Smooth, laminar-like flow in the inner layer. “Turbulent” flow in the outer layer. How to accelerate the transition to “turbulence” in the LES region? Diffusion dominated → advection dominated regime Resolved-eddy enhancement • A transition problem? − − − • • Smooth, laminar-like flow in the inner layer. “Turbulent” flow in the outer layer How to accelerate the transition to “turbulence” in the LES region? Diffusion dominated → advection dominated regime Possible solution: add perturbations to stir the flow. Piomelli et al. (2003) − − − Random forcing to generate small-scale fluctuations in the RANS/LES transition region. The random fluctuations are “massaged” by the strain field and become eddies. Forcing amplitude set to match resolved and modelled Reynolds stresses over the transition region: WMLES of the flow over a ramp Isosurfaces of ( 1 2 Q = − S − Ω2 2 Contours of u’ in a near-wall plane ) WMLES of the flow over a ramp WMLES of the flow over a ramp RANS WMLES Experiment WMLES, stochastic force WMLES of the flow over a ramp Experiment WMLES stochastic force WMLES no force RANS WMLES of the flow over a ramp Experiment WMLES, no force WMLES, stochastic force Outline • • • • Motivation The problem: eddy generation at the RANS/LES interface Effects and possible solutions − WMLES − Zonal RANS Conclusions and directions for improvement Zonal Hybrid RANS/LES strategies • Two approaches: − Integrated simulation (DES, Menon, …) □ Single grid, model changes. − Separate simulation (CTR, Sagaut, …) □ RANS data used to assign boundary conditions for LES. • □ Equivalent to inflow assignment for DNS/LES. Generation of eddies by: − Growth of natural disturbances − Synthetic turbulence − Synthetic turbulence + controlled forcing Information transfer between RANS & LES • RANS gives: − Mean flow − Reynolds stresses □ Always 〈 u′v′ 〉 □ Sometimes TKE • • □ Sometimes 〈 u′u′ 〉, 〈 v′v′ 〉 and 〈 w′w′ 〉 LES requires: − Instantaneous u, v and w. − Spectra and phase relations. Synthetic turbulence can be constructed to give − Assigned mean flow and Reynolds stresses − Assigned spectra − No phase relations Channel flow. Synthetic turbulence at the RANS/LES interface Controlled Channel flow. Synthetic turbulence at the RANS/LES interface • The flow rapidly loses turbulent kinetic energy and begins to relaminarize. • Eventually, the flow transitions and reaches acceptable turbulence levels 20δ downstream of the inflow. Shear stress Reference Synthetic Mean velocity x/δ = 10 x/δ = 15 x/δ = 20 Controlled forcing at the RANS/LES interface • Philosophy: − Generate reasonably realistic turbulence through inflow conditions or forcing. □ Spectra □ Stresses • □ Selectively amplify bursts to establish the correct shear stress profile. Ingredients: − Synthetic turbulence − Controlled forcing Synthetic turbulence • • Batten, Goldberg and Chakravarthy AIAA J. 42, 485 (2004) Three-dimensional, unsteady velocity field − Mean flow from RANS data − Fluctuations with □ TKE and 〈u′v′〉 from RANS data. □ Length and time scales from the RANS data. − E(k) ~ k 2 exp(- k 4) − Possibly anisotropic Controlled forcing • Spille-Kohoff and Kaltenbach. In DNS/LES Progress and Challenges (Liu, Sakell & Beutner eds.) 319 (2001) • Add forcing term to the v momentum equation at a number of control planes downstream of the interface. • Use a controller to drive the Reynolds shear stress towards a target Reynolds shear stress. Channel flow. Controlled forcing at the RANS/LES interface • The flow adjusts within 10-15δ Reference Controlled forcing Synthetic Shear stress Mean velocity x/δ = 15 x/δ = 10 x/δ = 20 Channel flow. Controlled forcing at the RANS/LES interface Synthetic Controlled Decelerating boundary layer • Calculations of the flow on a flat plate with variable freestream velocity. • Cartesian staggered code, 2nd order in space and time. Freestream velocity • 384×192×64 points (reference calculation) • • 300×192×64 points (hybrid calculation) at the inlet Decelerating boundary layer Freestream velocity Skin-friction coefficient SA-RANS Controlled Synthetic Decelerating boundary layer SA-RANS Synthetic Controlled Synthetic Controlled SA-RANS Decelerating boundary layer Reference Synthetic turbulence + controlled forcing Conclusions • • • • The interface between RANS and LES zones may affect critically the accuracy of the flow predictions. − Separation. − Turbulent kinetic energy levels The need for turbulent eddies in the LES region is recognized. Several solutions have been proposed. − Synthetic turbulence − Forcing (DNS databases, controlled, ….) − Decreased eddy viscosity Partial success so far. − Phase information is crucial. − Some flows are more forgiving. Directions for future work • • Improved integration between turbulent physics and model. Better understanding of the stability characteristics of the system: • − Smooth, laminar-like flow in the inner layer. Diffusion dominated. − “Turbulent” flow in the outer layer. Advection dominated. Identification of “optimal” disturbances.