Sept2016 for web site - Living Christ Lutheran Church


Sept2016 for web site - Living Christ Lutheran Church
September 2016
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Access the entire church calendar from the
home page by clicking on the calendar button.
You can then navigate not only to the current
month but upcoming months.
Our Mission:
WEEE are Christ’s disciples to multiply disciples.
Prayer Walk
September 4th
10:15am – 11:15am
Bible Study
The listing of the Bible
Studies that are going
to be offered starting
in September is listed
on page 7. If you have any questions about the study, location or times, please contact the leader for that session.
What’s Inside
September 2016
Worship Previews
Those Serving us
Pause 2 Play
Out to Lunch Bunch
Comfort Dog
Prayer Walk
Ministry of the Month
Christmas in November
Christmas in November Sunday
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Qplace Update
Walcamp Fall Festival
Thank You
Memorial Fund
Fantasy Football
Scrip News
Bible Study Groups
Summer Suppers
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Planning Ahead
Change of Addresses
September 2016
Greetings in the Name of Jesus,
I sat there, drinking my cup of coffee, as the man across from me
newspaper out loud. It quickly became obvious that English was
language. But, the man slowly and deliberately sounded out each
read. I wondered if he even understood what he was saying. It
me that he probably did not. But, that is how language is learned
for us. Whether we learn a language as children or adults, the
come to us as a jumble of letters and sounds. At first, we don’t
what we are saying. The sounds don’t make sense. But, the more
the clearer the words become. Pretty soon we are talking and makof it. It doesn’t happen all at once though. Days, weeks, and
by before we can string together a few words in coherence.
read his
not his first
word he
seemed to
and formed
words first
even know
we speak,
ing sense
months go
As I watched that man read his newspaper, probably unaware of what the words meant, it occurred
to me that all of us go through this same process with our faith. We come to church and we say the
Lord’s Prayer. At first it’s just sounds and syllables strung together, and we aren’t sure what it even
means. We say the Creed, and confess that Christ will return to raise the living and the dead, but it’s
just words at first and we haven’t processed what that eternity-altering reality means for us. But,
over time, the more we speak God’s Words, the more we understand. The more we believe. The
Word shapes us and forms us. It begins to make sense. We begin to live by these words and trust
that they are true.
The process of learning a language, or of being shaped by the Word of God, takes time. It only happens when we are immersed in it. So, dig in. Struggle through the sounds and the syllables. Open
your Bible, join a small group or visit a Bible study (many of
which resume this month after a summer break), recite the
Creed, sing the hymns boldly, and then repeat. It might be confusing at first. But, the more we immerse ourselves in God’s
Word, in faith Words, the more it will all come together. The
more our lives are full of His Word, the more we will learn of His
will, His truth, and His love.
In Christ,
Pastor Peter
Come Worship with Us!
September Theme
“Stories of Jesus”
Pg 3
Pg 4
Pg 8
Worship Notes and Previews
Ministry of the Month
Bible Study Schedule
September 2016
9/4 Help Needed
9/18 Help Needed
Altar Guild: Help Needed
Child Care:
9/4 Melissa
9/11 Nancy
9/18 Sharon
9/25 Lisa
Coffee Fellowship:
9/4 Help Needed
9/11 Bible Study Leaders
9/18 Help Needed
9/25 Help Needed
Communion Assistant:
9/4 Art
9/18 Marty
Guest Ambassadors:
9/4 Nancy
9/11 Smitha
9/18 Scott
9/25 Nancy
Lay Reader:
9/4 Wayne
9/11 Luanne
9/18 Smitha
9/25 Becky
LCD Projector:
9/4 Eric
9/11 Larry
9/18 Steve
9/25 Kathy
9/4 Ed and Art
9/11 Bill and Jack
9/18 Brad and Scott
9/25 Gary and George
Welcome Partners:
9/4 Marge and Gilda
9/11 Kathy and Scott
9/18 Nancy and Marlene
9/25 Rita and Jack
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Worship Notes and Previews
Theme for September “Stories of Jesus”
9/4: Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Text: Luke 14:25-35
Assigned Readings:
Deuteronomy 30:15-20
Philemon 1-21
Luke 14:25-35
9/11: Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Text: Luke 15:1-10
Assigned Readings:
Ezekiel 34:11-24
1 Timothy 1:5-17
Luke 15:1-10
9/18: Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Text: Luke 16:1-15
Assigned Readings:
Amos 8:4-7
1 Timothy 2:1-15
Luke 16:1-15
9/25: Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Text: Luke 16:19-31
Assigned Readings:
Amos 6:1-7
1 Timothy 3:1-13
Luke 16:19-31
Out to Lunch
Bunch – Save the
We will be going out to
lunch on the second
Monday of September,
September 12th, due to
the Labor Day holiday.
We have not decided
where we are going yet,
so watch for more details
or give me a call.
Pause 2 Play
begins its second
year on Monday
September 19 at
9:00 a.m. This
program meets on
the third Monday
of the month for children under 5
and their caregivers. We provide
time for the children to play and for
the caregivers to visit, as well as a
short time of stories and songs designed for that age. If you know
someone who might enjoy a morning
out with other adults and their children, please invite them to come.
Fliers will be available from the ushers.
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September 2016
With school starting, JoJo’s schedule is picking up a little,
but we always have time for more visits. Recently a member
asked for JoJo to visit a friend in rehab, and both dog and
patient spent a wonderful couple of hours snuggling together. If you have someone in need of comfort, please don’t
hesitate to ask one of her handlers on a Sunday, or call Becky to schedule it.
Prayer Walk
September 4
10:15am – 11:15am
“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask
anything according to His will, He hears us.” 1 John 5:14
On September 4, immediately following worship, we will be having a Prayer Walk for our church,
neighborhood, nation, and world. We will meet outside the front doors for a short prayer, before
splitting up to walk around our neighborhoods while praying. Sample prayers and scripture passages will be provided for everyone, and no one will be asked to pray out loud. This is an opportunity for us as a church family to lift up our neighbors and community in prayer and to serve as witnesses of our God to those who might see us!
Our Lord promises to hear our prayers. Amidst all the chaos of this world, with all the transitions
that happen this time of year as summer ends, and as an act of faith we will come together to pray
as a family. Please join us if you can!
If you are not able to walk, please still come! We will have a group that stays behind at the church
to pray. All are welcome, and this would be a great opportunity to bring a friend or neighbor!
The September ministries of the month are two local organizations that provide services to those most vulnerable in our community.
The Journey Home (Journeys) assists the homeless and those in danger of becoming homeless with meals, clothing, employment counseling, and housing assistance.
Public Action to Deliver Shelter (PADS) are located in local churches and provide a place for the
homeless to get meals and sleep, as well as access to showers, clothing, and toiletry items. The
nearest participating church is Kingswood United Methodist.
Please pray for the following for these two organizations:
• Wisdom, discernment, and compassion for the staff and volunteers at Journeys and the
PADS sites.
• God’s provision for the financial and staffing needs of both organizations.
• Support of the community and churches in addressing all needs as they arise.
• Safety, encouragement, and hope for those facing homelessness and other needs.
Christian Service
September 2016
Christmas in November
What is Christmas in November?
You have been hearing about
“Christmas in November” all year. This
is an annual event which was started in
1994 where the entire church body of
Living Christ comes together to work
on gifts for needy children and adults.
Some of the things we do are:
Bake and decorate cookies to be given to shut-ins.
Gift Bags filled with toiletries collected all year, given
to Wheeling Township and this year Lutheran Child
and Family Services.
Collect hats, mittens, gloves and scarves for children
of all ages: Our wonderful Prayer Shawl Ladies supply
us with many scarves and hats; you are asked to
bring warm mittens gloves
Coats: Money donated by Thrivent Financial For Lutherans to purchase children’s coats. The mittens,
hats, and scarves will be matched with the new coats
and donated to Wheeling Township for children in our
When: Saturday, November 5th
Pot luck starts at 5 p.m.
Items needed:
Bars of Soap
Brush & combs
Dental floss
Gift Bags, not too big or too small
Kleenex Boxes-Boutique size
Lip Balm
Tooth Brushes
Warm Stretch slipper socks
Word Find Books
Questions? Talk to Arlene
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We are asking you to bring toiletries to
church on Sunday, September 18th
Thrivent Financial will be donating money
toward these items also. Let us see how
many toiletries we can collect
on this Sunday.
There will be a marked box in
the lobby. Please help!
Mites Update: Mites
are collected the first
Sunday of every
month in the lobby
after church. This
month look
for someone holding a BIG mite
box on Sunday, September 4th.
$21.20 was collected in August.
Prayer Shawl
Thursdays, 1:00 –
3:00 PM
The Prayer Shawl
group will resume
meetings on Thursday afternoons, 1-3
p.m., starting September 8th. We will be
knitting and crocheting items to comfort
those in need as we support Phil's
Friends, Project Linus, and members of
our congregation. We will be talking about
new project ideas, as well as possibly
changing our meeting day and time.
Please join us! Donations of yarn and fabric are always appreciated. Contact Ilene
or Kathy or the church office at (847) 5777133 for additional details.
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September 2016
How are you doing on practicing your Arts
of Spiritual Conversations? Remember
these are great tools to help you build relationships with individuals God places in
your life.
Just as a reminder, these are the 9 Arts:
Asking questions
Serving together
I don’t want to sound like a broken record, but practice makes
perfect. Building relationships with individuals can take time and
that relationship is what lots of individuals are looking for in the
world today. Individuals taking time to really get to know them
and care for them is what lots of people are looking for in the
world today. Just think how you feel when someone takes a real
interest in you.
Please continue to pray for the group that is currently studying
“The Ways of the Alongsider.” This group is working through the
study to understand how to be better disciples for Jesus.
Evangelism Director
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Events Around Camp
Worship: 11 a.m.
Hamburgers, Hot dogs, and Pork Dinner
Civil War Living History
Open Air Market Place
President and Mrs. Lincoln
Games and Bounce Houses
32653 Five Points Rd., Kingston, IL
[email protected]
Thank you to everyone
who prayed for me, sent cards,
spoke words of encouragement,
or otherwise conveyed blessings
and good wishes during my recent cancer treatments. Doctors
have advised that I am currently
in remission. While I will need to
undergo periodic check-ups and
take medication to try to prevent
a recurrence, I feel well and
thank God for being with me and
helping me deal with this disease. God has provided me with
an incredible opportunity to connect with others who have cancer and to offer them encouragement and prayers. I am convinced that everyone’s prayers
for me were a key to my recovery and helped me to maintain a
positive outlook.
I also thank you for the
continued prayers for my
mother, Ilvy, in New Jersey. She
has congestive heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, diabetes,
and multiple other ailments and
has been on oxygen around the
clock since last November when
she flat lined and was brought
back to life. Every time I take her
our church bulletins or remind
her of our prayers when I call
her, it lifts her spirits.
Again, my sincere thanks
and encouragement to keep up
the good work praying for all
who need God’s help in dealing
with their health and other issues.
Gilda Karu
September 2016
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Memorial Fund
Donations were made to
the Comfort Dog Fund in
memory of George’s
cousin Dolly by George and Arlene.
Fantasy Football is starting!
Our draft will be held on Labor
Day evening, Monday, September 5th at 6 p.m. Please try
and get here early if possible.
Scrip News
This year we would like to emphasize inviting a
non-member to join our league. Off and on
through the years we have had players who did
not belong to our church. The draft can be a fun
way to break the ice and get to meet new people. Please think of an unchurched football fan
you may know and invite him or her to join our
2016 Scrip Gift Card Dates
Thank you to all of you who purchase gift cards so funds are
available for unbudgeted expenses. If you haven’t already
purchased cards for your everyday shopping
and for gifts, how about checking out the cards
available each Sunday in the lobby? Order
dates for the remainder of 2016 for cards not on
hand are:
• September 18
• October 9
• October 30
• November 20
• December 4
• December 11
If you are new to fantasy football, we will explain
the rules before the draft, and we will help you
during the season.
If you are a new player, or if you are returning
from last season, let us know if you plan on being at the draft. If you want a team but can’t be
there, we will draft a team for you.
Deanne, Scrip Coordinator
Newsletter Assistants, here is the schedule for the next several months.
Articles due
Ready to
Ready to collate
Collate team
Help Needed
Kathy S.
Thank you to Becky, Bob, and
Linda for your help with the August Newsletter.
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September 2016
Bible Study Kick-off
September 11
The pro football season is not the only team with a September kickoff! Our
small group ministry will "kick off" on Sept. 11 with a special fellowship time
downstairs after church. We'll also be sharing our small group classes at that time and encourage all of you to get involved. All groups will "kick off" on that date and shortly afterwards.
Don't punt; get involved and aim for a small group touchdown this year.
Join all the study leaders for a special coffee fellowship time. All of the various study leaders
will be available to answer any questions you have about each study.
Sunday – 10:45 AM – Reading & Praying the Psalms – Pastor Peter
Sunday – 7:00 PM – Serving Together – Wayne
Monday – 11:30 AM – Ten Women of the Bible – Becky
Monday – 7:00 PM – The Book of Mark – Kathy
Wednesday – 10:00 AM – Getting Ready for Sunday – Pastor Peter
Thursday – 7:00 AM ??? – Marty
Saturday – 8:00 AM Moses – Art
This is a perfect time for you to talk with the leaders or current members of the groups. We are
looking forward to sharing our experiences and invite you to join us as we delve into the Bible.
September 3
Wow, can you believe that this is our last Summer Supper? What a privilege
it has been for us to open the doors of Living Christ to those in need. We
have had a great time sharing our blessings with those less fortunate.
You still have the opportunity to serve. Check the bulletin board by the elevator. You can sign-up
to serve or bring some of the food items. We will be serving baked mostaccioli with meat balls,
vegetables, salad, garlic bread and dessert.
These are the items that we are looking to the congregation to donate:
· Jell-O or fruit salad
· Tossed salad
· Dessert
· Fresh veggies
· Italian bread loaves
· Milk
· Fresh fruit for take away table
· Gatorade individual bottles for take away table
If you have any questions, please talk with Luanne, Dale, or Kathy
September 2016
Sept. 3
Sept. 4
September Anniversaries
Sept. 5
Sept. 6
Sept. 11
Sept. 12
Sept. 14
Sept. 18
Sept. 19
Sept. 25
Sept. 26
Oct. 8
Oct. 9
Oct. 30
Nov. 5
Nov. 20
Dec. 4
Dec. 11
Summer Supper
Mites collected after service
Prayer Walk
Fantasy Football Draft
Board of Directors Meeting
2nd Sunday Worship
Bible Study Kick-off
WEEE Group at Deanne and Wayne’s
Lunch Bunch Out to Lunch
WEEE Group at Kathy and Scott’s
Wednesday Morning WEEE Group
Christmas in November Sunday
Scrip orders placed
Pause 2 Play
Lunch Bunch WEEE group
4th Sunday Worship
WEEE Group at Deanne and Wayne’s
WEEE Group at Kathy and Scott’s
Leadership Retreat
Scrip orders placed
Scrip orders placed
Christmas in November evening
Scrip orders placed
Scrip orders placed
Scrip orders placed
Kathy and Ed
Becky and Marty
Arlene and George
Billie and Ferdinand
Board of Directors minutes
from the August 2nd meeting
are available from the ushers.
Trudy Rogers
Rhoda McInerney
(Call the church office for details)
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