PTA - Mount Prospect School District 57


PTA - Mount Prospect School District 57
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March 20, 2015
Hello Fairview Families!
First and foremost, I would like to
send out a huge thank you to Caity
Anast and Craig Pearson for making
another Fun Fair a tremendous
success! It’s an amazing event and the
amount of work and organization that
goes into it is astronomical. Another
BIG thank you to our many parents,
teachers and staff who helped to make
this wonderful event possible. We
really wouldn’t have been able to do it
without you!
Remember, today is the last day to
place online orders for Spirit Wear.
See the attached order form for more
Please consider coming to the PTA
meeting on Monday, April 13th! We
will be discussing PTA/PTO topics,
fundraising and school improvments.
As always, thank you for all your
support. None of these wonderful
events would be possible without all
of our amazing Fairview volunteers!
Every Tuesday is Trash-Free Tuesday
March 20th
Spiritwear Orders Due Today!
--AND-Early Dismissal 11:50a
March 23rd to 27th
Spring Break
April 9th
Science Fair 6:30p
April 13th
PTA Meeting 6:00p
Please try to attend this special PTA
Meeting where we will be discussing
PTA/PTO topics, fundraising and
school improvements.
April 14th
Family Reading Nights - 6:00p
April 22nd
5th Grade Activities Gym Night
(more info to come!)
The Fairview Science Fair is scheduled
for Thursday, April 9th from 6:30 to
7:30. Registrations have already been
accepted. This is just a reminder that
Spring Break would be a great time to
work on your projects!
Questions? Please contact:
Heather LoProto
[email protected]
We are considering changing from a
PTA to a PTO along with Lions Park.
We will further discuss the issue and
vote to establish a new line item to pay
for becoming a registered nonprofit at
the PTA meeting on Monday, April
13th. We encourage you to attend
especially if you have any questions or
would like to be a part of the process.
As always, thank you for your support.
Questions? Please contact:
Jenny McGoon
PTA Co-President
[email protected]
Have a fantastic Spring Break!
Melissa Mickie
[email protected]
Co-President: Melissa Mickie • [email protected]
Co-President: Jenny McGoon • [email protected]
1st VP: Heather LoProto • [email protected]
2nd VP: Jenny Quinn • [email protected]
Treasurer: Chris Runkle • [email protected]
Secretary: Natalie Contreras • [email protected]
Follow District 57
on Facebook and
Twitter (@dist57)
Submit news for Fairview’s Link no later than Monday of publication week. Thank you!
Questions? Contact Samantha Funovits • [email protected]
March 2015
We have been researching the idea of dropping Fairview's affiliation with the National Parent Teacher
Association (PTA) and becoming an independent Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). Lions Park School also is
considering making this change. The purpose of this letter is to share our rationale, provide an overview of the
transition process and offer you an opportunity to ask questions and provide input.
Many schools in our area and throughout the country have transitioned from PTAs to PTOs -- in fact, PTOs now
far outnumber PTAs. The primary reason is that local associations must send National PTAs significant
percentages of the dues collected from parents and guardians. For example, you currently pay $6 to join
Fairview PTA, and $4.25 of that goes to National PTA. We on the executive board, like parents at many other
schools, would rather see ALL of the dues go to programs for our own school and students. We recognize that
National PTA plays an advocacy role, but we feel Fairview would benefit more from having total control over
our dues and from having the freedom to operate independently, without national bylaws and rules. With a
PTO, we would establish new bylaws that would be similar but would be entirely focused on Fairview.
If we make this change, Fairview's parent-teacher group would continue to be an active part of your child's
school experience, still providing opportunities such as educational assemblies, the Science Fair, the Fun Fair,
birthday books for every student, staff appreciation and MUCH more. In fact, if we become a PTO, we will have
even more funds to make a difference for students throughout the school year.
There are many steps involved in disbanding a PTA and starting a PTO. The first is to get input from parents. So
please email any one of us if you have questions and/or concerns. We also invite you to attend our next PTA
meeting on April 13 at 6:00 p.m. in the staff lounge. We will vote to establish a new line item to pay for
becoming a registered nonprofit. We will still be very interested in hearing your feedback at that time. If we do
decide to transition to a PTO, it will not officially happen until next fall, when we take a vote at a general
Please review the attached document that compares PTAs and PTOs. Thank you for taking time to consider this
issue. Don't hesitate to contact any one of us, and we hope to see you at our April meeting!
The Fairview PTA Executive Board
Melissa Mickie, Co-President, [email protected]
Jenny McGoon, Co-President, [email protected]
Heather LoProto, First Vice President, [email protected]
Jenny Quinn, Second Vice President, [email protected]
Chris Runkle, Treasurer, [email protected]
Natalie Contreras, Secretary, [email protected]
PTO vs. PTA: Differences at a Glance
A local parent group formally affiliated with its state’s PTA organization and
the National PTA.
An independent parent group; in other words, any non-PTA group. Many acronyms—
such as HSA, PCC, PTO, and more—fall under the independent group umbrella. (In
this chart, we use “PTO” generically to mean any independent parent group.)
HOw MAny?
National PTA reports close to 25,000 units. The number has generally been
between 22,000 and 26,000 units for years.
Our estimate (PTOs are not required to register, so this count is an educated
calculation): approximately 55,000 PTOs in the United States. (The PTO estimate
takes the roughly 83,000 K-8 schools in the US, subtracts the roughly 22,500 K-8
PTA units, and subtracts an additional 5,000 for K-8 schools with no parent group.)
UMbrellA OrgAnizATiOn/
PrOfessiOnAl sTAff
National PTA has dozens of paid employees at its Alexandria, Va.,
headquarters. Many state PTAs have at least one additional paid staff
member. Most national and state PTA revenues come from dues from local
There is no “national PTO” akin to National PTA and no official umbrella organization
for PTOs. PTO Today is a media and services company (30-plus employees) that aims
to serve both local PTO and local PTA groups. The vast majority of PTO Today’s
income comes from paid advertising, not from PTO or PTA groups.
No. The decision to charge dues is completely up to your local group.
Because state dues vary and because the number of units vary per state,
this number is not exact. But a very conservative estimate says that the
average local PTA unit sends more than $700 to its state PTA and to
National PTA in dues payments. This number is based on a weighted
average of 175 paid PTA members per local PTA unit and an average
combined state-plus-national-dues figure of just $4. Units with more
members will spend more in state and national dues. Units with fewer
members will spend less in state and national dues.
It is up to your group, but the entire amount stays at your school. Many PTOs choose
to charge no dues as a way to foster parent involvement. They consider all parents
members automatically.
Varies by state. Most often, yes.
No; it is up to your group. But we highly recommend that all groups get
Most state PTAs have a negotiated rate with a preferred provider.
PTOs can access preferred rates through the optional PTO Today Plus program
or obtain insurance on their own.
DUes—HOw MUcH?
PTO vs. PTA: Differences at a Glance (continued)
Varies by state. Typically (but not always) insurance is less expensive for
PTAs than for PTOs. But groups must pay PTA dues in order to access the
sometimes lower PTA rates.
PTO Today Plus insurance rates range from $70 to $165 for different types of
coverage, including officer liability, general liability, and property insurance.
nOnPrOfiT sTATUs
Required. Status is typically granted automatically as part of a parent
group’s affiliation with National PTA and payment of annual dues.
Not required. If your group decides to become a registered nonprofit, it applies
directly to the IRS and pays a one-time $750 fee. Step-by-step instructions
(successfully used by hundreds of groups) are available from PTO Today.
The biggest factor is how many paid members you will have. Our estimate is
that the average PTA unit spends more than $700 per year on state plus
national PTA dues, and most PTA units add an additional $100 to $300 for
insurance. You can get exact costs for your state from your state PTA. Typically,
smaller units pay less to affiliate with the PTA and larger units pay more.
Can be zero, if the group doesn’t apply for tax-exempt status and doesn’t get
insurance. Tax-exempt status is a one-time (not annual) fee of $750. Insurance can
be secured individually (often $500+ per year) or as part of the PTO Today Plus
program, which provides several benefits as well as discounted insurance for roughly
$300 per year.
Required. National PTA is openly an advocacy organization for
PTA-approved positions. Local PTA groups cannot advocate publicly
against PTA-approved positions. PTA dues support state and national PTA
advocacy efforts.
Not required. Groups can choose to play an advocacy/political role; however, many
PTOs opt to remain focused on parent involvement, school/teacher/student support,
and community-building at their local school.
Yes. This is a key difference. Your group is part of state and national
political and advocacy efforts. And your group can play a role in
determining National PTA positions.
No. Most PTOs choose to devote their energies toward work focused on a single
school or perhaps a single town. Many PTOs don’t feel that politics are what they’re
about or don’t like the potential acrimony that politics can bring (or both).
TOTAl cOsT Of AffiliATiOn
nATiOnAl VOice
Want the National PTA’s views on these same issues? Check out their “differences” page here.
The good news is that today, both PTOs and PTAs have access to more resources than ever before. The PTA
offers several programs—including a well-received Reflections arts program—and a good deal of assistance,
resources, and insight most often available to PTAs only.
PTO Today’s extensive list of programs, articles, and resources are all available to all parent groups,
regardless of acronym. A short list of those resources include the School Family Nights program (free
kits for putting on involvement events), our Back2School program (which includes free magazines and
samples for parents), our Happy Healthy School Kids program, and our PTO Expos, as well as the
hundreds of articles and resources archived on
If you are discussing a choice between PTO and PTA, our best advice is to:
1. Determine your group’s goals (example: is national advocacy a priority?)
2. Determine which resources you’d take advantage of most, and what your group is willing to pay for those.
3. Figure out which acronym is the best fit for your group based on the above preferences.
4. Make your choice and get back to the more important work of building parent involvement.
Both PTOs and PTAs have done and will continue to do great work for children and schools. PTO Today looks
forward to being of service no matter which option you choose.
A Fun Fair Thank You!!
Thank you to: Ø The 100+ volunteers who helped make this happen Ø The staff that helped – the kids loved seeing you! Ø Prospect High School Service Club Ø Principal Ophus for jumping in from beginning to end Ø Mr. Reyna for getting everything set up and put back again! Ø Mrs. Trezise and Mrs. Young for going above and beyond to help And, to the following Fun Fair Committee Heads: Ø Food – Lisa Cassaidy Ø Cake Walk – Nadya Northrop & David Pokorny Ø Redemption – Geralyn Walsh Finally, to the families and businesses that provided raffle prizes and donations: Ø Beat Street in Arlington Heights Ø Steve & Kate’s Camp Ø Albert Whitman & Company Ø Costco Ø Vernon Family We welcome your feedback! Caity Anast and Craig Pearson, Fun Fair Co-­‐chairs Send your comments to [email protected] or [email protected]
Deadline to order online is Friday, March 20th, 2015
Questions? Call Samantha Funovits 847.530.3448 or Email: [email protected]
Four Colors to
Choose From!
Four Colors to
Choose From!
Five Colors to
Choose From!
Fairview T-shirt
Irish Green, Royal Blue,
Orange & Red
Youth & Adult Sizes
Fairview Hoodie
Fairview Rhinestone T-shirt
Royal Blue, Hot Pink, Purple
& Safety Orange
Youth & Adult Sizes
Hot Pink, Azalea, Carolina Blue,
Royal Blue & Purple
Girl & Women Sizes
Online Ordering Is Easy!
Log on to:, click on “online stores” - Access Code: FVSP15 (case sensitive)
Please note: Your credit card payment will be processed by CR Promotions, Inc. (The shipping method will be your child’s teacher’s name)
This is the last month of our Book It! reading incentive program. You are invited to read, fill in the reading log, and earn a free
personal pan pizza coupon from Pizza Hut if you reach or exceed our March reading goal of 360 minutes. Your name will also go
up on your grade’s Book It! poster in the LRC when you turn in your first completed reading log. Read all six months and you may
win a special prize (see below.)
Q - Who can participate in the Book It! reading program?
A – All of the students at Fairview School are invited to participate.
Q – How do I participate?
A – Each day you read at home, fill in this reading log by recording the minutes you spend reading. Count up the total number of
minutes you read during the month, fill in your first and last name, have an adult sign to verify the log and bring it to the LRC.
Q – Do I have to wait to the end of the month to turn in my log?
A – No, you can turn in your log as soon as you reach or exceed the monthly goal. You will receive your pizza coupon within several
days. (Be sure you have met or exceeded the goal before you turn in your log.) Your log must be turned in by Friday, April 10.
Q – Do I have to read and fill in minutes every day?
A – No, you do not have to read every day. You will be able to exceed this month’s goal by reading 20 minutes a day five times each
week. If you read more than 20 minutes a day, you may read way beyond our goal!
Q – Some days my teacher gives me a homework assignment to read 15 or more minutes at night. Can I count that reading time
when I fill in the Book It! reading log?
A – Yes, you can count that time if you are reading outside of school hours. Any reading done at home counts.
Q – I like to read comic books and graphic novels, or nonfiction books. Can I count the time I read them, too?
A – Yes, you can count the time you read books, magazines, newspapers, or comic books. Any kind of reading counts.
Q – Is there a special reward for reaching the reading goal for all six months?
A – Yes, students who reach the goal and submit their logs for all six months (October – March) will be entered into a Fairview
School Book It! readers’ drawing for special prizes. The grand prize is a Barnes and Noble gift certificate, and there are many other
prizes to win.
Do you have other questions about Book It? Contact Mrs. Macina in the LRC.
March 2015 Reading Log
Our March goal is 360 minutes of reading
S u nd ay
Mo nd ay
Tu e sd ay
W ed n e sd ay
Thu r sd ay
Fr id ay
S at ur da y
W e ekl y
Tot al s
Total minutes read this month: ___________________________
Student Name: ____________________________________________ Class: _______
Parent/Adult Signature: ___________________________________________________
Your log must be turned in by Friday, April 10 to receive a Pizza Hut coupon and to be eligible
for the end of the year Grand Prize. Please see the back for further information.
Count ______________
Westbrook Student Enrollment
District 57 will be utilizing an enrollment and registration process for kindergarten/1st Grade* for the
2015-2016 school year. There will be three components to this process: 1.) an online pre-enrollment
intake portion, 2.) an in-person enrollment at Westbrook School, and 3.) a final online registration in
May. In order to enroll, kindergarten children must be five years old by September 1, 2015, and 1st graders
must be six years old by September 1, 2015. All District 57 kindergarten and 1st grade students attend
Westbrook School, which is located on 103 South Busse Road.
*This enrollment only applies to 1st graders who will be new to Westbrook School for the 2015/16 school year.
1. Online Pre-Enrollment Intake (Currently available)
Our Online Intake is now accessible to parents on our District and Westbrook websites to submit basic
information and download forms of interest. This required, online component allows for a more
efficient experience during our in-person enrollment portion. Direct link:
2. In-Person Enrollment
This portion requires that parents come to the Westbrook School Office between the hours of 9 a.m.
and 3:30 p.m. During this time, parents will be required to bring in the following: the child’s original
birth certificate, a state-issued picture ID, two different current utility bills for two consecutive recent
months and either a copy of a lease, monthly mortgage statement or current tax bill. Incoming students
need not be present.
3. Final Online Registration (May 2015)
Parents who have completed steps one and two will be allowed to participate in the district online
registration, which is scheduled for May 2015. This step will give parents a chance to review and update
information collected and pay necessary fees. Additional information about May Registration posted on
the Westbrook Website ( in April.
Please contact the Westbrook School Office (847-394-7340) with any questions regarding this process.
The District 57 Administration Office is pleased to present this information about
upcoming events and news from local organizations that serve our community’s children.
Boys 5th Grade and Older are Invited to Join Boy Scout Troop 117
Meet most Tuesdays at 7:30pm at Trinity United Methodist Church, 605 W. Golf Road, Mt. Prospect. Stop by
or contact Christine Truxell, Committee Chair, 847-680-3029. Camp, explore, achieve, reach new heights!
Mt. Prospect Cheerleading Club (MPCC) 2015 Cheer Registration
LOVE to CHEER or thought of COMPETING? MPCC is for YOU! Registration is April 22,
May 2, and May 16 – GO LIONS! More info, go to
Sensory Storytime at Mount Prospect Public Library on 3rd Saturday, February-May
For special needs children and their families 3/21, 4/18, and 5/16. Each week includes stories,
crafts, sensory activities, music and play. Sign up at or 847-253-5675.
Mount Prospect Steve & Kate’s Camp: Grades Pre-K through 7th
Campers choose activities such as stop motion animation, breadmaking, knitting, learning to code,
and pie throwing. For more information,
Register for Green White Soccer Girls Rec League 2015 Season
The area’s longest serving girl’s soccer rec league. For girls K-8th grade. No tryouts necessary.
Register before 3/27. Go to
Spring Break Camp Trips Each Day! March 23-27 from 7:00am to 6:00pm
Children K-5th. Early Bird Fees end 3/18 – 1 child $40/day & 2nd child $35/day – ALL 5 days
$175 & $150. For more information, go to
ELK GROVE TOWNSHIP Annual Spring Break Bicycle Helmet Sale March 25 & 26
From 9am to 2pm at 2400 S. Arlington Hts Rd, Arlington Heights. Children will be fitted for NEW
Youth helmets in 3 sizes $7-$8 cash only. More info: or 847-437-0300
Mike Small Summer Basketball Camps
Emphasis will be on fundamentals with game experience and various contests. Students will be separated
according to grade and ability. More info, or 847-635-8437
March 31 & April 7, 14, 21 from 7-9pm at John Hersey High School. $20 per person for the series.
To register email Paula Volpe at [email protected]. Questions call Bob Leece at 847-718-4027.
Free Astronomy Day for All Ages Saturday, April 25th, 5:30 pm at Harper College
Sponsored by Harper’s Physical Sciences Dept. and NW Suburban Astronomers. Algonquin Road entranceBuilding Z. Telescopes on display/lectures/campus observatory/hands on activities. Info,
March 20, 2015
Mount Prospect School District 57 neither recommends nor endorses these programs.
Distribution of information is for the convenience of District 57 students and families and does not imply endorsement by District 57.