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Amity woman killed GrAduAtion Fired worker rehired Article, p. 1 Edition Article, p. 17 The largest-circulated paper in clark, pike & Western Hot Spring counties The Standard © 2012 May Publishing Located in the heart of timber country Volume 17 Number 13 On the square... published Without Fear or Favor Since 1996 Publisher To the Class of 2012 FFa at the Governor’s Mansion Courtesy photo Monday, April 30, seven members of the Centerpoint FFA traveled to Little rock to plant flowers at the Governor's Mansion. the students got to meet the Governor and planted flowers in numerous flower beds and pots around the mansion grounds. the students who attended were: Pake Sutton, Emily thomasm, Mandy Jones, raegan Moore, Slayton taylor, Cory Porter and Ethan thomas. By Joe May Editor A Hot Springs attorney has filed a suit against Hot Spring County Sheriff Chad Lebetter on behalf of three citizens. in a press release, Attorney Andi davis stated that she has filed a suit against Lebetter, who is seeking reelection to a third term as sheriff. the filing, which was made in Hot Spring County Circuit Court yesterday, is on behalf of raymond Yerby, darrin Hardy and Charles dollar as “representatives of all similarly situated taxpayers” of the county. davis stated that the suit is being initiated for the “purpose of securing an objective judicial review and ruling.” the filing comes on the heels of a Legislative Joint Auditing Committee report that found Ledbetter’s office to be in noncompliance with “Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.” col. 3:17 iNSide devotional Corner...Page 8 Editorials...Page 4-5 Mini Page....Page 7 obituaries...Page 2 Police Blotter...Page 3 state laws and accepted accounting practices. Ledbetter was first elected sheriff in 2006 and was defeated in 2008. He came back in 2010 to defeat ryan Burroughs to reclaim the office. the suit stems from his first term in office. on August 22, 2006, Ledbetter purchase a 2002 GMC Yukon for $17,800 from a local dealer and secured financing from a local bank. the loan of $17,865 was to be due on February 22, 2007. After taking office as sheriff, Ledbetter on February 5, 2007 submitted a claim to the county for $18,699 payable to the dealer for the same vehicle he had previously purchased for himself. the dealer then paid the bank See “Suit,” p. 17 over 10,000 expected for weekend event in amity By Joe May Editor over 6,000 people have signed up to compete in Warrior dash Saturday at timber Lodge ranch in Amity, says Scott thomason, the ranch’s owner. Amid dozens of tents, portable toilets and numerous pieces of heavy equipment unloading lumber and other items, thomason stated that 6,040 people have signed up for the all-day event. to accomidate the crowds that the racers will surely bring with them, thomason said he has rented acerage for parking. Buses procured from the Kirby School district will transport eventgovers to the ranch. See “Warrior,” p. 8 apparently permitted the action to occur without telling anyone. the superintendent said the suspect had did the drugs so as not to be caught with them. the male was found to have marijuana, a pipe and a lighter, Harper said. He was taken to the principal's office, where during a discussion of the matter with the principal and the athletic director, he allegedly became violent, resulting in the school calling the police. Harper said that no one was injured during the altercation and the student was quickly subdued by the athletic director, who is also the school's wrestling coach. the student was arrested and faces charges in juvenile court, she said. the student was expelled for 178 days, Harper noted. the second student was expelled for not alerting officials to the drugs in her backpack. She will be permitted to attend the school's ALE program, the superintendent said, adding that the girl will also receive counseling. County discusses potential Bismarck student arrested after alterhospital sale again cation in principal’s office; two expelled B Joe May license expires, Baker noted y Editor Could the third time be the charm for the former Pike County Memorial Hospital? the Pike County Quorum Court met in special session Monday evening to hear a proposal from a third company that is looking at taking over the former countyowned hospital that has been shuttered since late 2010. the court had previously sold it to the Hicks Group, which closed it amid money woes. in 2011, the county entered into a contract with Ị ew directions Healthcare, which was never able to open the facility and is currently asking the county to let them out of the contract and pay them for the time they maintained the building. Karen Voan of Glenwood, the daughter of Pike County Judge don Baker, told the court that her employer, Kare Partners of Gastonia, Ị C, is interested in reopening the facility if a deal can be reached before the license expires on May 11. once the that the hospital cannot be reopened. Voan, passing out information on the company, stated the healthcare investment firm was started in 2004 and two years later, branched out into the medical services field. the company has a $30 million projected revenue for 2012, she noted. the company owns clinics, hospitals, nursing homes and other healthcare-related companies all over the United States and just purchased a hospital in india and are in the process of buying several clinics in that nation, she said. Ị oting that the company has promised to conduct any of its local business in a “transparent” manner, Voan said that Kare Partners became interested in the Murfreesboro property as a potential investment after Voan mentioned it to them. Already, a company representative has visited the facility and noted that he See “Hospital,” p.6 By Joe May Editor two students at Bismarck were expelled following a special board meeting Monday. According to Superintendent Susan Stewart-Harper, two 9th graders were expelled due to a violation of the rules concerning drugs and alcohol on campus. officials were alerted to the situation by a student who told them that a 9th grade male had placed drugs in the backpack of a 9th grade female, who had amity woman dies as a result of accident By Joe May Editor An Amity woman died from injuries she sustained in a car wreck last week. According to a report filed by Glenwood Police Chief randy reid, Shelia Kay Hancock, 42, of 65 Skipper Creek road in Amity died last Wednesday from injuries stemming from a car wreck Read us online for just $20 per year! ScripTure May 10, 2012 at the mansion... Suit filed against sheriff Joe May We don’t figure we’ll ever be asked to give any commencement addresses in our lifetime, so we decided we’d just give our little speech to the Class of 2012 right here. After all, we figure we’ve got more readers than can be packed into most our locally gyms anyhow. or at least that’s our fantasy and we’d like to keep it that way. Seniors, i’ll make this brief. that’s not words most folks are used to hearing from me, whether in this space or in the pulpit, but there’s not a lot i can offer to our graduates. Like we were told 20 years ago, it’s a tough world you’re going out into--that is, if you’re honorable enough to actually work. it’s an easy world, though, if you want to just be a carefree bum at the taxpayers’’ expense. (And you’d be required to vote democrat as well.) But we trust you’re smarter than that. We hope and trust you can speak a foreign language. doubtless you’ll need it for when America falls and you are forced to flee or stay and live under the new government. doom and gloom? Yeah, but that’s how it is these days. What can we say? it’s an obamanation. But you ask, “What happened to the brave new world we were supposed to inherit?” Well, it’s like that “hope and change” stuff that left us without hope and counting our pocket change. it’s a new world, all right. Hope you speak Chinese. Fifty Cents she had on April 30 in Glenwood. reid's report noted that Hancock was headed east on Elm Street in her 2004 Mitsubishi when she failed to yield the right of way to a 2002 Chevrolet driven by Courtney d. davis, 19, of 103 robbins Lane in Ị orman who was headed west on Highway 70. Hancock, who was wearing a seatbelt, was transported to St. Joseph's Mercy Medical Center in Hot Springs. She died two days later at the hospital as a result of her injuries. the report noted that davis was wearing her seatbelt at the time of the accident. www.thesouthernstandard.com Your Weekend Weather Forecast From The National Weather Service Today Tonight Friday Friday PM Saturday Saturday PM Sunday Sunday PM Shell Quickboy’s Service Center 236 Highway 70 East in Glenwood *oil Change *Mufflers *A/C service *Brakes *Alignment *Large selection of used tires, tubes & new tires *Ị ew Ị APA batteries *Ị ext day tire ordering 870-356-6060 Page 2 May 10, 2012 the Standard death/Funeral Notices provided As A Free Service Of This Newspaper All obituaries are sent in by the individual funeral homes. if your loved one’s obituary does not appear, please contact the funeral home. our fax number is 870-342-6293 Shelia Hancock, indiana native Ann Welch, Amity resident Shelia Hancock, age 41, of Amity, died Wednesday, May 2, 2012. She was born on March 5, 1971 in Bluffton, indiana, the daughter of Marlon Joe and Shirley Pearl Cogburn Spears. on July 21, 1990, she was married to Scott Hancock. She was preceded in death by her father; and two sisters, Pamela Spears and debbie Ị owlin.She attended the Amity United Methodist Church and oak Grove Baptist Church. She is survived by her husband, Scott Hancock of Amity; her son, John William Hancock of Amity; her daughter, Leslie Brooke Spears of Amity; two grandsons, Lucas Landon Hancock and Gavin roy Hancock; her mother, Shirley Pearl Spears of rosboro; her father-in-law, John W. Hancock of Amity; four brothers, Johnny ray Spears of Hot Springs, tommy Joe Spears of Arkadelphia, dewayne Allen Spears and Phillip david Spears, both of rosboro; two sisters, theresea rhodes and Carol Hitchens, both of Hot Springs; and several nieces and nephews. Graveside services were Sunday, May 6, 2012 in the Coker Cemetery with Stevie ray Kirkpatrick officiating. Arrangements were under the direction of davis-Smith Funeral Home, Glenwood. Guest registry is at www.davis-smith.com. Ann Welch, age 76, of Amity, died tuesday, May 1, 2012. She was born on April 28, 1936 in Pike County, the daughter of Herbert Houston and Ella Hancock Franklin. on october 19, 1953, she was married to Arlin Welch who preceded her in death on october 3, 2008. She was also preceded in death by her daughter, rita Welch; and her parents.She attended the Amity Assembly of God Church. She is survived by four sons and three daughters-in-law, randy Welch of Hope, roger and deborah Welch, tracy and renee Welch and Bruce and Leona Welch, all of Amity; two daughters and sons-in-law, teresa and david Smith and regina and Alvin Stenerodden, all of Amity; two sisters, Betty Cox of Murfreesboro and Sheila Franklin of Glenwood; 17 grandchildren; and 28 great-grandchildren. Services were held at Saturday, May 5, 2012 in the davis-Smith Funeral Home Chapel, Glenwood with Jerry Fagan and Billy thomason officiating. interment was in the Jones Cemetery at Amity. Guest registry is at www.davis-smith.com. ruby Garlin, cashier ruby Ị ell Garlin, age 90, of Arkadelphia, died on thursday, May 3, 2012 at Courtyard Gardens Ị ursing Center in Arkadelphia. She was born on december 12, 1921 in Batesville, the daughter of the late roe and della Weaver reves. ruby was a cashier at the local grocery store for over forty years and was a member of ruddell Hill Baptist Church. She was a member of the Business & Professional Women organization. ruby was preceded in death by her son, Ansel ray Garlin and two grandchildren, Sara Low and Allison teague. She is survived by two daughters, Bobbie (Mike) Low of Batesville and rebecca (Al) Mcdowell of Little rock, one son, troy (Billie) Garlin of Arkadelphia, one sister, roetta (Paul) Hudson of Artesia, Ị M, one brother, James (dana) reeves of Batesville, six grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Graveside services were tuesday, May 8, 2012 at oaklawn Cemetery in Batesville with ronnie Hardin officiating. Memorials may be made to the Alzheimer's Association, 2448 E. 81st Street, Suite 3000, tulsa, oK 74137. Services are entrusted to Welch Funeral Home of Arkadelphia. Visit www.welchfh.net to sign the online guest book and view the video tribute. ina eads, Bismarck resident ina Jo Eads age 71 of Bismarck died May 5, 2012. She was born at Mt. Pine october 7, 1940 the daughter of Ellis and Bertha thacker Mitchell. She was preceded in death by her husband of 40 years Freddie L. Eads. Survivors include three sons, Earl, Freddie Jr. and dale (Kim) Eads all of Bismarck, three daughters, Gloria Wilson, Patty (Kirk) McClenahan both of Bismarck, and Gale (Henry) ross of Prescott, one sister, Mildred Carrington of Sherman, tX, two brothers, Haskell (Betty) Mitchell of denison, tX and Charles (Carol) Mitchell also of texas, 9 grandchildren, 11 great grandchildren, and one great great grandchild. Funeral services were Monday in the Hickory Grove Missionary Baptist Church with Jim Agee officiating. Burial was in the Hickory Grove Cemetery. Decoration Day to be held the public is invited to decoration day (Homecoming) at the Sweet Home Church/Cemetery on Hwy 346, east of Amity. decoration day will be Sunday, May 20, 2012. Church service will be at 10:00 am. there will be potluck at noon. At 1:30 pm, there will be singing. Gospel Singing Saturday the public is invited to a gospel singing at the Alpine Cemetery Chapel on Center ridge road Saturday, May 12, 2012 at 6:30 pm. For sale in amity: Military surplus 6x6 diesel truck with very low millage, less than 15,000 miles, low hours. Cargo flatbed with low sides, pintle hitch. Heavy duty construction. Call 713-557-1125 for information. Keith Whisenhunt, Athens resident Keith Whisenhunt, age 56, of Athens, passed away on Saturday, May 5, 2012. He was born on december 11, 1955 in Huntington, indiana, the son of tribble and Lorene rodgers Whisenhunt. He was preceded in death by his father; and two sisters, Karen Peters and Connie Mack. He was employed with the Cossatot river School district. He is survived by his wife, Sarah davis Whisenhunt of Athens; his son, Brian Keith Whisenhunt of Athens; his daughter, Sarah Michelle Whisenhunt of Athens; three grandchildren; his mother, Lorene Whisenhunt of Ị ewhope; his sister and brother-in-law, Lisa and Kevin Miller of Ị ewhope; several nieces and nephews; and a host of friends. Services were tuesday, May 8, 2012 in the daisy Free Will Baptist Church with Kevin Jewell officiating. interment was in the Mount Joy Cemetery under the direction of davis-Smith Funeral Home, Glenwood. Guest registry is at www.davis-smith.com. Jaunita rummel, custodian Jaunita rummel, age 72, of Glenwood, died tuesday, May 1, 2012. She was born on February 8, 1940 in Grand Junction, Colorado, the daughter of Charles and Zella Stickel Purcell. on July 22, 1956, she married the love of her life, Jesse rummel, in Atwood, Kansas. She was preceded in death by her parents; and her sister, Wilma Mackey.She was a member of the Glenwood Christian congregation of Jehovah Witness's. She was a custodian at Centerpoint High School for over 20 years. She is survived by her husband, Jesse rummel of Glenwood; four daughters and sons-in-law, Charlene and richard Smith of Bonnerdale, donna and Kendall Billingsley of Mena, rhonda and Mitch Pickett of Hayes Center, Ị ebraska and Keitra and danny Clark of rio rancho, Ị ew Mexico; two brothers, duane Purcell of Loveland, Colorado and richard Purcell of Longmont, Colorado; her sister and brother-in-law, Marietta and Bob Swinford of Quitman, texas; nine grandchildren; eight greatgrandchildren with one more on the way. Memorial services were Saturday, May 5, 2012 in the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah Witness's in Glenwood with Fred Emanuel officiating. Arrangements are under the direction of davis-Smith Funeral Home, Glenwood. Guest registry is at www.davis-smith.com. Help Wanted Need help at the front of the house and at the back of the house. apply in person at 114 Broadway in Glenwood. carl Matlock, chiropractor dr. Carl F. Matlock, age 76, of Benton passed away May 4, 2012 at Baptist Medical Center in Little rock. He was born July 23, 1935 in Bismarck to the late Howard F. and oma Hughes Matlock. Carl was in the Army Ị ational Guard from 19571963. He was a chiropractor in Benton for many years and was of the Baptist faith. Carl and his wife Betty worked together for many years in his office and many of their patients became part of their family. other than his parents he was also preceded in death by his stepmother Sybil Capps Matlock. Survivors include his wife Betty Bailey Matlock of Benton , son: todd Matlock and his wife debbie of Hot springs and his mother-inlaw: Louise Bailey of Malvern, two brothers: Gary Matlock and his wife Kay of Gurdon, ronnie Matlock and his wife debbie of Malvern and sister: Jane Hammonds and husband doug of Lonsdale. Funeral service was Wednesday May 9th at regency Funeral Home Chapel with Shane Knight and doug Hammonds officiating. Burial was in the old deroche Cemetery. in lieu of flowers memorial may be made to the deroche Missionary Baptist Church, c/o the Cemetery Fund or the Spring County Hot Historical Society. Arrangements were by regency Funeral Home. You may sign the guestbook at regencyfuneralhome.com. Jimmy ross, Four Star General retired General Jimmy douglas ross, age 75, passed away in Ị ew Smyrna Beach, FL., on Wednesday, May 2, 2012. the family will be receiving friends on Saturday, May 12, from 2-4 p.m., at Lohman Funeral Home Port orange, 1201 dunlawton Ave., Port orange, Florida. in lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the American red Cross, the American Cancer Society or the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Funeral services will be held in Arlington Ị ational Cemetery at a later date. General ross was a distinguished officer in the military reaching the rank of 4Star General, United States Army. Following his illustrious 36 year military career, ross continued his service as the Senior Vice President for the American red. He then served in key leadership positions in the private sector to include President and Chief operating officer of Cypress international. He was born on May 23, 1936, in Hosston, La. Upon completion of a bachelor of science degree in education from Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, in 1958, he was also commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the transportation Corps. General ross retired from the Army in 1994. He is survived by his wife, Patricia ross, of 56 years; three children, Sabra ross, diAnna (danny) Henson, and tony (Cyndee) ross; and six grandchildren; two great grandchildren; and one brother, Bob ross. Condolences for the family may be shared at www.lohmanfuneralhomes.com. Jerry Browning, resident of Arkadelphia Freddie chamberlin, Okolona resident Jerry Louis Browning, 66, of Arkadelphia, died thursday April 26 in Little rock. He was born September 10, 1945 in Arkadelphia the son of the late Ị azree Browning, Sr. and Mozell Browning. He was a retired employee of the City of Arkadelphia and a member of the Piney Grove A.M.E. Church where he was a member of the steward board. Survivors include his wife, Charlotte Browning, one son, Brian Browning both of Arkadelphia; three daughters, Katandra Browning of Hot Springs, Laroyce Browning of Arkadelphia, and Siara Browning of Conway; his mother, Mozell Browning of Arkadelphia; brothers, robert four Browning of St. Louis, Mo, Ị azree Browning, Jr. of detroit, Mi, Larry Browning of Maryland and ronnie Browning of Arkadelphia.; and five grandchildren. Funeral service were Saturday at the Piney Grove A.M.E. Church with Charlie thomas officiating. Burial was in Piney Grove cemetery under the direction of Mitchell Funeral Home. Freddie irene Behrens Chamberlin, age 77, of okolona, passed from this life on Monday, May 7, 2012 at Baptist Medical Center in Little rock. She was born on February 23, 1935 in San Antonio, texas, the daughter of the late roy and Alice Masey Behrens. irene was a seamstress. She was preceded in death by her son, Carl Edward Chamberlin and her daughter, Alice McMurry. irene is survived by two daughters, Catherine Anderson of Beeville, tX and Mary Abbot of tool, tX, one son, Cecil Wade (denise) Chamberlin of okolono; six sisters, Betty orman of San Antonio, ruth Filley of Atascosa, tX, Mary Brown of Booneville, Leona Chamberlin of San Antonio, Mildred Griffin of Seguin, tX and Virginia Sellers of San Antonio, two brothers, William Behrens of Ị orth Carolina and roy Behrens of Kansas City, KS, eight grand children and two great grandchildren. Graveside services will be held at 1:00 PM on Saturday, May 12, 2012 at Mission Park Cemetery in San Antonio. Visitation will be from 12 noon until service time at Mission Park Funeral Home. Memorials may be made to the Clark County Humane Society, 627 Walnut, Arkadelphia, Ar 71923. Local arrangements are by Welch Funeral Home. Visit www.welchfh.net to sign the online guest book. coy Thomas, farmer Coy Mendrel thomas 76, of Bismarck, died May 8, 2012. Born Ị ovember 20, 1935, Mendral was the son of Patrick and ola Mae Loy-thomas and a member of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church. He was a farmer. He was preceded in death by his parents and siblings, Wilburn thomas, Juanita Herrin, and onieta Cowart. He is survived by his life long companion of 57 years, Geneva thomas, and his children, Wayne and Ị eva thomas, Vickie and Wayne Lowe, June and Jimmy Whitley, Mike and Karen thomas, 11 grandchildren, and 9 great grandchildren, his brothers Arlie and Kenneth thomas, and sisters Margie thomas, Lorraine Walker, Athalee Myers, and teresa Herrin. Services were thursday May 10 in the ruggles-Wilcox Funeral Home Chapel in Arkadelphia with don Goodman and doyle Caldwell officiating. catherine Wallace, cHS grad Catherine Leigh Hill Wallace, age 30, of Hot Springs, died May 6, 2012 while coming home from vacation in a tragic accident. She was born on Ị ovember 5, 1981 in Hot Springs, the daughter of darrell and Loetta Lowe Hill. on August 26, 2006, she was married to Jonathan Wallace. Catherine graduated Centerpoint High School in 2000. She worked as a data entry clerk for Arkansas Cama technologies. She is survived by her husband, Jonathan Wallace of Hot Springs; her father and stepmother, darrell and Sharon Hill of Hot Springs; her mother, Loetta Martinez of Hot Springs; two brothers and one sister-inlaw, Steven and Laura Hill of Lewisville, texas and Bryan Hill of Hot Springs; three sisters and brothers-in-law, Amanda and Larry Walton and Kimberly and Bryan Brady all of Hot Springs and Melissa and Jason Bouton of Mineola, texas; numerous nieces, nephews, cousins; and a host of friends. Memorial services will be held at 3:00 PM, Friday, May 11, 2012 in the davis-Smith Funeral Home Chapel with Mary Forsythe officiating. Kenneth Gray, Ouachita Marine retiree Kenneth odell Gray age 69 of Arkadelphia passed from this life on tuesday, May 8, 2012 at twin rivers Health and rehabilitation Center in Arkadelphia. He was born April 20, 1943 in Gould, the son of Elwood odell and Evelyn tarlton Gray. Kenneth was a Baptist was and retired from ouachita Marine and Grumman (Alumacraft) Boats of Arkadelphia. He was preceded in death by his father, one son Kenneth Carroll Gray and one sister Sabrina Manes. Kenneth is survived by his mother, Evelyn Pearson of Gould, one son, Butch Gray of Caddo Valley, two daughters, tonya (George) Magby of Arkadelphia, and Lynn (donnie) Stephenson of Friendship, eight grandchildren, three great grandchildren, two brothers, ricky (Bonita) Pearson of dover, Greg (Paula) Gray of Bismarck, four sisters, Sue (Jack) Ursery of Gurdon, Linda (david) irons of McGhee, Sandra (Larry) Murphy of Gould, and doris (Gerald) taylor of Amity. A memorial service will be held at 7:00 PM on thursday, May 10, 2012 at Welch Funeral Home with david Avington officiating. the family will receive friends from 6:00 PM until service time at the funeral home. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society 901 Ị University Little rock, Ar 72207 Cremation arrangements are entrusted to the Welch Funeral Home of Arkadelphia. Visit www.welchfh.net to sign guest book. the Standard May 10, 2012 Page 3 The Standard Lo cal Happen in gs Police Blotter arkadelphia Police Department May 7 Lester Clyde Strother, 41, 1104 S. 26th, was arrested for possession of an instrument of crime and no vehicle license. Note-All known arrests are recorded in this space. The newspaper will not under any circumstances withhold anyone’s name. please do not ask. A warrant or a ticket is also considered an arrest, whether there was jail time served or =7. "*0. not. May 6 Mountain Springs Roofing MeTal RooFiNG SPeCialiST covering Arkansas with Metal since 1976 *Flat Commercial Roofs *Shingle " ( % $%) (! , Roofs *24 Hour Repair covering Amity, Murfreesboro & Nashville 501-276-7143 WelCoMe To TiMBeR loDGe! We hope to see everyone Saturday at Timber lodge for the Warrior Dash! Special thanks to the William lambert family for allowing us to use their fields for parking. See you Saturday! EZ Auto Insurance of Arkadelphia inc We shop our companies for the best rate! PReFeRReD & HiGH RiSK DRiVeRS agent/owner: Kim Ursery agent: Robin Frisby 2707 West Pine 870-246-4422 Low monthly & down payments GOT GOLD? WE PAY MORE CASH FOR YOUR GOLD! Paying more CASH for your unwanted, worn, and broken gold than anyone in this area RAZORBACK CASH 4 GOLD %*' %# %,$ , " ' (WY.ORTHs"ENTON!2 5+ 53))5 ,0 3-%().2+,% )NTHEFORMER-OVIE'ALLERY 10(%: 3,(%: %/ 501-778-4776 2/ South Central arkansas electric Cooperatives, inc. Your Local energy partner “oBSeRVe eleCTRiCal SaFeTy” 870-246-6701 114 Main in arkadelphia theft was reported on Gresham Street. terroristic threatening was reported on S. 23rd. Shelly deann ross, 37, 2507 Country Club road, was arrested for domestic battery. May 5 theft of motor fuel was reported at a 10th and Caddo Street business. theft was reported at oBU. Harassment was reported on Ị . 20th Street. Accident was reported on Ị . 10th Street. May 4 Violation of an order of protection was reported on Pine Street. theft of motor fuel was reported at a Pine Street business. May 3 Endangering the welfare of a minor and interfering with emergency communications was reported on Ị . 24th Street. Welfare concern was reported on Ị . 20th Street. domestic disturbance was reported on S.10th Street. May 2 theft was reported at a Pine Street business. May 1 disorderly conduct was reported at the dHS office. terroristic threatening was reported on Ị . 20th Street. Counterfeit money was reported at a Pine Street business. Forgery was reported at a Pine Street business. Fraudulent use of a credit card was reported Clark County Sheriff's office May 7 theft and criminal trespass was reported on Gin road in Gurdon. May 5 terroristic threatening and harassing communications were reported on Highway 8 West. david A. Mobley, 31, was arrested for failure to appear. May 4 Unauthorized use of a vehicle was reported on Womack Street. dog bite was reported on Highway 26 West in okolona. theft was reported on Melugin road in Gurdon. Jarrett James Bradford, 30, was arrested for battery and aggravated assault. May 3 Welfare concern was reported on trigg Lane. Battery among juveniles was reported on Central road. dispute was reported on Sandage road in Gurdon. Larry Gene Hirst, 46, was being held for indiana. May 2 Ị uisance dog was reported on trigg Lane. terroristic threatening was reported on Bateman and Piney ridge road after a suspect allegedly brandished a gun. House fire was reported on Humphry road in Gurdon. terroristic threatening was reported on GP Lane in Gurdon. theft of motor fuel was reported on Highway 51 South. ira dale Munn, 49, was arrested for driving on a suspended license. Kenneth dean Burton, 34, was arrested for terroristic threatening. May 1 dispute was reported on Womack Street. point cedar News the Point Cedar community yard sale begins on Friday, May 11. Please come by and visit the vendors (children and adult clothing, live plants ready for potting or putting in yard, glassware, and many other items). remember to check signs along Hwy 84 from Bismarck to the Bait Shop/Grocery and west on 84 for sites. the sale continues on Saturday, May 12. the one-room School reunion for those who attended Beaton, Center Hill, Lone Hill, Mount Zion , and Shady Grove Schools , will be at 1:30 PM on Saturday, May 19, at the Point Cedar fire station community room. Mother’s day is on Sunday, May 13. the tankersley reunion is Saturday, May 26, beginning early with coffee at the old place on Amity road . Bring potluck dishes, photographs, and lawn chairs. the Memorial holiday, Monday, May 28, will include the decoration of Wesleyan Cemetery in Point Cedar. the speaker will begin at 1:30 PM on that date. there will be no mail delivery on this federal holiday. to Congratulations Milburn and Lavern (Burchfield) Hughes on their 50th wedding anniversary. they were married on May 4, 1962 in Point Cedar (at the old Powell place) by Mr. Bardwell. A reception was held in their honor at the Antioch MBC last Saturday. their daughters include Lynette Kemp (danny), Carolyn Frazier, and grandchildren. Pakistan was founded in 1947 mainly through the efforts of Mohammed Ali Jinnah. the name was originated by Choudbri Ali, a young Cambridge University student, and means “land of the pure,” but is also an acronym for Punjab, Afghania, Kashmir , iran, Sind, turkaristan, Afghanistan, and the last letter of Baluchistan . the United Methodist churches and many other churches and organizations are promoting “imagine Ị o Malaria” for the world. More than half the world’s population is at risk to this disease (a parasite which is transmitted to humans through the bite of a female anopheles mosquito). the initial symptoms are fever, headache, chills and vomiting. if not treated within 24 hours, malaria can progress to severe illness, often leading to death. Malaria in the US led to the creation of the Centers for disease Control; NoRMa BlaNToN was eradicated in the US in 1951. An award-winning imagine Ị o Malaria tV special “Killer in the dark” is hosted by Pauley Perrette (who plays Abby Sciuto on the tV show Ị CiS) is one hour long and may be ordered by calling 888-3463862 (product #0722). donations may be made to UMC imagine Ị o Malaria P.o. Box 440544, Ị ashville , tỊ 37244. those who visit the Shouse Ford Campground may look to the left and see Henderson State the University ’s Biology Field Station which is on the Ị W Shore of deGray Lake. this is a 7,000 square foot log cabin which will house two laboratory/classrooms, a research lab, library resource room, and living accommodations for fourteen students and two faculty. Work was originally to begin in 2008, and the general public was invited on April 28, 2012 for a briefing on this project. the mission is to support the Henderson State University biology department in pursuit of scientific education and research that advances understanding of the natural world and promotes informed stewardship of the earth. the station will provide a hands-on learning environment for students and allow outreach activities for Boy and Girl Scouts, 4H, and others. the site is on Beaton Creek road . the 104 acres is on a long-term lease from the US Army Corps of Engineers. About fifty individuals met for a reunion of the children of robert Lee Burroughs 1882-1959 at the Bismarck United Methodist Church recently. the ten children were Minnie (Whitfield), Bennie (Whitfield), Frieda (Shirley), o. C., odie, Ezra, William, Bernice (Cook), Calvin, and Maurice Burroughs. Several reside in Bismarck (trecea Horton, Gary and Muriel and tim Burroughs, Kathy and doug Green, Chad Green) and others in Hot Springs (Calvin and Ann Burroughs), Ị orth Little rock , Benton , and Pearcy. Winnie (Wait) and Bruce Meeks attended this year. Big trees! Great location! Big kitchen! Call 877762-2160 Arkadelphia Wellness Clinic 204 N 26th Street • Arkadelphia 246-3052 DR. JOHN R. BOMAR, Chiropractic Physician the latest neuroscience research strongly suggests that many, if not a majority of headaches come from the neck. the most common structural problems in the neck are twisted and buckled, locked-up joint structures. these create chronic inflammation of the joint structures and guarding muscle spasm. Call us today for skilled evaluation, and drugfree treatment of your headache syndrome. PFCU FREE Checking No Monthly Debit Card Fee FREE Direct Deposit No Monthly Service Charge FREE Online Access Unlimited Check Writing No minimum Balance Free Overdraft Protection Stop by the credit union today and open your FREE Checking Account! 124 WP M Malone alone Dr Dr.,., Arkadelphia, Arkadelphia, AR 71923 tXXXQGDVPOMJOFPSH tXXXQGDVPOMJOFPSH Page 4 the Standard May 10, 2012 Daniel Gardner e d I tO r I A l s Political columnist Madly in love... the newly-formed love firm of dewey decker and Emily Stickles (she of the incredible cheekbones and watchful county eye) began yet another sensation here in the valley. Ever since dewey told Emily he was actually in the manure business and not just enamored of the stuff itself, and ever since Emily admitted to dewey that she liked him as a man and not as a subject for a doctoral dissertation on rural nutty people, there has been a difference in the community. the sun seems to shine a little more golden on us all, the cattle in the pastures seem cleaner and happier, the kids seem to catch more fish down in Lewis Creek, and the Farmer Brothers coffee at the Mule Barn truck stop has a certain Starbuckian finish to it. dewey and Emily are in love and we’re in love with the whole idea. Marvin Pincus, he of the Fly tying Love Center, immediately took credit for yet another happy romance when he learned that the stonefly nymph on a number six that he’d tied for dewey to help his love life actually pinned the two together after one of dewey’s “accidents.” Marvin’s only fear was his Home country Slim Randles Down Home Columnist fly tying might become so popular and effective that there would be no more lonely people left and he’d have to go back to tying flies just to catch fish. the guys at the Mule Barn raised their cups in a porcelain salute as the newly-inlove couple drove past in dewey’s pickup. dewey and Emily grinned and waved back. We noticed dewey’s sign, Environmental Enrichment Services, was proudly back on the truck’s doors again. “do you suppose,” doc asked us, “dewey will get Emily her own shovel for her birthday?” We nodded. “that’d be ol’ dewey all right,” said Steve. in the truck, dewey was one of those two-headed drivers because Miss Emily had laid her head on his shoulder as he drove. “Honey?” said Emily. “do you realize the two of us are driving around the valley aimlessly in a manure truck?” “Yes.” “And i think it’s great, dewey.” The honor scholars i went thursday to the Gurdon High School honors program. As always, i was very happy for the children who received some recognition. in life, most of us are not so ego-oriented that we would admit it is nice to be recognized, but we sure do love the recognition... i love to see them smile. i have tried my best to be a media public servant since 1980. that is a few full moons back for those of you who might have noticed that Sunday, May 6 was supposed to be our May moon this year. As i get older, it comes to my attention what is important in life. one of the most important things is to encourage others to become all they can become in whatever profession they are called to do. in some cases, they are called to be good fathers who work hard at a factory and show up at their children's ball games to encourage them. others are called to be farmers, and need to teach their children the love of the land; how to hunt, how to fish, how to enjoy the woods or how to enjoy planting and harvesting a crop in the field. i know a little bit about this one, having been raised by a farm couple. Mother's day is coming up. i tend to think of it as already gone because i wrote a big article about it for my magazine that is already on the web. But i did not mention my adopted mother, Grandma Marvel Ị elson. Grandma was there in the trenches for this man. She showed me how to cook an egg, how to make a bed, encouraged me when i mowed the yard right and gave me tutoring when i needed a good mind with patience to help me with a class. She was called to be a farm wife and mother, both News Item: Obama “comes out” for homosexual “marriage.” John Nelson Columnist to me and my biolo What i am trying to say is whether it is a laborer, a farmer, a writer, a doctor, or even a lawyer, like Perry Mason or Ben Matlock portray on old folks television, people need to be encouraged to be what they are. if you are dreaming and focusing on being a rocket scientist and your grades are below average, you might want to re-evaluate. But if you are struggling to make a telephone bill instead of writing that book you know you would love to do, hang in there and maybe the finances will straighten out so you can have the time to make your vision, using your talents, come true. i tell children to shoot for their dreams, not the dreams of someone else. Ị ow if i were dreaming of inventing a time machine so i could go back to 1934 and find out if my grandfather, John Hans Ị elson, really was the body-double for legendary bank robber John dillinger, then you could justifiably tell me my dream might need reevaluating. My point, keep your dreams real and your whims separated from your reality. i am married to one of the sweetest girls i ever knew. At one time, i had a whim that John would need at least a dozen wives to take care of all of his kingly needs. Yeah right, boy am i glad i did not try to achieve that whim! But then again, i had a whim that i would have a publication that would last decades and develop into something useful to future generations. i may be achieving that one through the online world... time will tell. Still thinking about voting democratic? a fantasy on the first anniversary of Mom’s death “Come in here, Mom,” i said, as she swept into the house where she’d lived for 64 years. She glided to a stop. Looking around the living room, her lips thinned, eyes clouded, brow furrowed. Upturned palms panned this area of the family home––now mine. i half expected her to say, as she had during the last days, ‘What are you doing here?’ i pushed a swivel chair under her so she could view the entire room. “We sold your sofa. Ị one of your heirs needed it. this one’s mine, remember?” Mom cast one arm toward her piano that was still where she left it. Mine stood beside it. “Carolyn doesn’t have room for it in her house.” Slowly, she surveyed the rest of the room, shaking her head. “Ị o one needed the cabinet stereo, so i gave it to my friend dot. Your hospice nurse wanted the macramé plant hanger from that corner. doesn’t your pink recliner look good there?” Mom lifted her hand toward the sunroom-cum-office. She held my arm, rose from the chair and moved toward the bright area. At the double doorframe, i turned a rocking chair around and eased her down. She shivered; i shawled her shoulders with one of her throws. She studied the room. Shades of Home by Pat Laster Ị othing stood where it previously did. the only familiar piece was Granddad Ị oah’s handmade library table. She spotted her African violets. For years, the stunted blue-flowered plants merely existed in plastic yellow pots set on spiraling ledges of a wrought-iron stand. i’d repotted them into ceramic containers and sunk two more into blue pottery jardinières. With regular watering and plant food, the violets had thrived; the blooms were profuse. Mom motioned to one and held out her hands. i took it down and let her hold it on her lap. For the first time, she smiled. We continued the slow journey through the house. in the dining room, she finally relaxed. Her massive china cabinet still stood in its place. She didn’t seem to notice that the oak buffet was on another wall, and that MY china hutch was in that space. As if she had just come in with the newspaper, she sat down at the table—as cluttered now as it was then, albeit with different items— reached for the unfinished Poet’s Corner ViCaRioUS liViNG other than our jobs we have become a mass of spectators. We spend much, if not most, of our lives watching. if we can’t see it in person, it’s on the boobtube. And we will expend much time, money, and effort to see. this hoopla we allow ourselves to be drawn into, it borders on mass hysteria. our heroes have clay feet, and we are so easily duped! crossword and the ubiquitous pen, and went to work—an eerie scene of dÉJÀ VU. After lunch, where we watched the birds in the birdbath and beautyberry bush, and before viewing other changes, Mom agreed to a nap. the bathroom wall heater still warmed. A flea-market picture frame held a picture of her and HEr mother. She seemed pleased. After she lay down, i placed a pillow under her knees, then added blankets until she motioned to stop. Later, we walked into the bedroom where dad endured his final illness. it now served as my sitting room. the hide-a-bed sofa was the only thing she recognized. Her face twisted; she shuddered and turned away. She led me to the room beyond the kitchen which was HEr sitting room. Wh en s h e n o ticed her houseplants, her eyes s p ar k led f or an in s tan t, b ut f aded lik e a f ir ework. Suddenly, Mom tugged at my arm, and then skimmed unaided across the hardwood to the front door. She scrabbled at the hardware like a pet wanting out. i opened it, and before i could kiss her, she was gone. Bob Palmer, editor Excluding the news, and that word is arguable, 99% is entertainment. We don’t question what should be questioned, but do argue over truth. All of this has endowed us with broader butts and bigger bellies. And all the ailments that an unhealthy lifestyle can provide us. Science has given us longer life spans, but with more aches and pains! these bodies were designed for doing not sitting, and too much sit- ting leads to early dying. Also, lost into this inaction your non-used brain cells take a hiatus, which leaves a body without a brain, a human vegetable! this zombyism has scientific names, such as dementia, or Alzheimer’s. Hit that remote, get up and get out, and get to doing something. Learn something new every day, task all of your muscles consistently, and the death Angel’s hand will be staid! B.P. Founded February 1, 1996 the Standard “Publish and set up a standard; publish and conceal not...” (Jeremiah 50:2) JOe mAy KrIstIe mAy Editor & Publisher Managing Editor/Bookkeeper Published each Thursday by may Publishing Company P.O. Box 171, Amity, AR 71921 870-342-5007 FAX 870-342-6293 email: [email protected] Subscriptions: $25..00 per year in Clark, Pike, Garland, Hot Spring, Montgomery & Howard Counties; $28 per year elsewhere in Arkansas; $30 out of state. Periodical postage paid at Amity under USPS permit 0177575. Postmaster: send address changes to the above address. All unsolicited items are sent to the newspaper at the owner’s risk. Community items and letters to the editor are welcomed. No libelous or obscene material will be accepted. The management of this newspaper reserves the right to edit or reject any or all submissions or advertisements. Opinions expressed in this newspaper are not always the opinion of the newspaper nor its management. Entire contents copyrighted. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. Two parties are needed When Congressman ron Paul (rtX) spoke at Mississippi State University last year, he drew an overflowing auditorium of enthusiastic students on a night filled with thunderstorms and bad weather. As a college lecturer familiar with students’ attendance habits, i had anticipated a much smaller crowd. Many of his lines drew wild applause and even standing ovations. He stated plainly there’s only one political party in Washington. He’s right. that’s why tEA Party victories in the 2010 elections so mesmerized political pundits and confounded progressive ideologues. “Everybody knows we need representatives in Washington who know how to compromise!” doesn’t “everybody” know that? Ị ot hardly. that’s been the problem for way too long. republicans and democrats have worked together to create this economic mess we’re in. President obama and other progressives continue to paint conservatives as extremists and fanatical ideologues, and our economic woes as “Bush’s fault.” First of all, that’s giving George W. way too much credit or blame as the case may be. Secondly, what’s so extreme or fanatical about wanting a balanced budget, accountability from those in power, a constitutionally limited federal government, and a fair tax system? As far as i can tell President obama has never told his audiences the top 1-percent of federal taxpayers already pay around 27.5percent of all federal income tax revenue, or the top 10-percent pay nearly 60-percent of all income tax revenue. Sounds more than fair to me especially since i’m not even close to those tax brackets! Who among us really wants to make our children and grandchildren pay what’s due today? if you are receiving more money from the government than you’re paying back, you are bankrupting your own descendants as well as the next generation of Americans. Contrary to what progressive politicians have promised, the government does not have a magic pot of money. Future taxpayers will have to pay for the money we’re overspending today. Will you vote for politicians who promise to give you money our grandchildren will have to pay back with interest? do you want your grandchildren to pay off your credit card balances too? Same thing. only those of us working or receiving earned retirement income are paying taxes, and fewer of us are working than were working 30 years ago. We don’t need the government giving more money to those who are not working. We need more people working. We need leaders in Washington who understand we need more workers and fewer people receiving government money while not working. As Congressman Paul said, there is only one political party in Washington, and that has to change if we are going to save the next few generations of Americans from having to pay for our dues. rather than voting for one party or the other, vote for representatives who will stop spending trilliondollar deficits and who will truly help small business owners and entrepreneurs create new jobs. We need more workers and jobs, which will raise tax revenue; we need to cut the size of government to spend less; and we need leaders who will give us more than campaign speeches and bumper sticker slogans. Americans have seen way more than our fair share of campaign speeches the past four years. We need someone to lead us all out of this mess. Health and Wealth: Compare yourself with recommended benchmarks When you want to make a a n i s m pike county Agent’s than 200mg/dl ratio of 20% or more is concolumn health or financial change, it because they is desirable. sidered a “danger zone”. helps to compare yourself indicate tar200-239 mg/dl Credit Score—the higher with universally accepted get numbers. borderline the number, the better. is 736. 06+@9</. 03=2 0366/> +,9?> idea38-2 >23-5 Cooperative Extension progress:9?8. indicators. these A good high. 240 mg/dl Credit scores range from the ,?>>/< 9<would 7+<1+<38/ benchmarks, >+,6/=:998= such as body be 7/6>/. to or above is 300s to the 800s with those Family & Consumer Science Agent weight 6/798 mass index (BMi) for>+,6/=:998 pare c o m4?3-/ high. in the 720+ range considered >/+=:998 =+6> and stock market indices for your diet to the dietary HDl (“good”) the best evidence of credit>/+=:998Guidelines :+:<35+ performance, investment for Americans. than worthiness. People with Cholesterol—Less help to answer the question Health Benchmarks that 40mg/dl is low. 40 mg/dl or high credit scores generally “How am i doing?” with you can compare include: higher is desirable. the pay lower interest rates to respect to other people Blood Pressure—120/80 is higher the HdL number, money than others. borrow -?:the ,?>>/< 7/6>/. and/or expert recommenda- considered a normal blood better. emergency Fund 4+< 9D -+<+7/6 >9::381 tions. if you currently fall pressure. Hypertension (“bad”) lDl l i q u i d i t y ) — F i n a n cial ( -+<>98 1+6698 @+8366+ ,/+8 3-/ -</+7 short of recommended (high blood pressure) is usu- Cholesterol—Less than 130 experts generally recom-?:= 038/6C =2</../. -9-98?> ?8>36 03=2 06+5/= /+=36C A3>2 benchmark figures, this may ally defined as consistent mg/dl is desirable. 130-159 mend having -98>+38/< 9D A23::/. >9::381 access to 0 provide an incentive to make defined as 140/90 or higher. mg/dl is borderline high. cash cover houseenough -?: 388+798 (9+=> <?8-2F -/</+6to?8-<?=2/. positive changes to improve Blood Sugar—A fasting 160 mg/dl is high and 190 or hold expenses for three to six your health and increase blood sugar test measures above is very high. months. this money can be your wealth. the amount of sugar in your Fruit and Vegetable a combination of liquid Studies show that for every blood after fasting for eight C o n s u m p t i o n — d i e t a r y assets and lines of credit. one unit increase in HdL hours. Fasting blood sugar is Guidelines for Americans Net Worth—Ị et worth is (good) cholesterol, a per- normal if it’s 70mg/dl. if recommend eating about 4 calculated by subtracting son’s risk of heart disease fasting blood sugar is 100 and one-half cups a day for household debts from housedrops by as much as 3%. mg/dl to 125 mg/dl, you may someone on a 2000 calorie hold assets. A benchmark Benchmarks also provide an have pre-diabetes. per day diet. for net worth, described in automatic goal-setting mech- Cholesterol (Total)—Less Physical activity—it is rec- the book the Millionaire ommended engaging in at Ị ext door, is calculated by least 30 minutes of moderate multiplying age by pretax intensity physical activity on (gross) income, excluding most days of the week. inheritances, and dividing by People who want to lose ten. this number, or higher, Husqvarna Pole For all your lawn trimming needs weight should do 60 to 90 is what your net worth Saw, Edgers, minutes a day of moderate should be. For example, if Hand-held & intensity physical exercise. you are age 35 with a backpack blowers Choose at least three of the $40,000 gross income, 35 x health benchmarks to com- 40 = $1.4 million, divided by 408 S. 7th St. in arkadelphia pare and then make steps to 10 = $140,000. this is your 870-246-5872 get them in line with the benchmark net worth. benchmarks. Retirement Savings—Save Wealth and Personal $300,000 for every $1000 of Want to learn more about the Bible? Finance Benchmarks that monthly income (to suppleWould you like to know more about God's Word? We you can compare include: ment a pension and/or social love to study the Bible and would be happy to sit down 98/ Consumer Debt to-income security) needed in retirewith you and help you learn more about your A Ratio—monthly consumer ment. For example, $3000 relationship with Jesus. The study is 100% Bible8 3>= :6+-/ A+= debt expense (excluding of supplemental monthly livbased and undenominational. it's also totally free of + 9A 7?=> mortgage) should not exceed ing expenses would require a charge--a gift from churches of christ because we care! 9A 15% of take-home pay. this $900,000 nest egg. this calA Call 870-246-6232 or 870-403-2168 to schedule includes payments for credit culation is based upon the an appointment or for more information. cards, car loans, and student maximum 4% inflation8 9?< <+1/ loans. A debt-to-income adjusted withdrawal rate A recommended by many researchers. Four percent of $300,000 is $12,000 per year of $1000 per month. Choose at least three of the wealth benchmarks to compare and then make steps to get them in line with the benchmarks. Southwestern Pepper Cups 5 medium halved and seeded green bell peppers one-third cup chopped onion 1 and one-half chopped garlic clove 3 cups rice, cooked 1 can (10 ounces) diced and undrained tomatoes with chilies 1 can (8 ounces) drained whole kernel corn Vegetable cooking spray one-third cup cheese, cheddar, shredded Blanch peppers in boiling water 2 to 3 minutes. drain. Set aside. Cook onion and garlic in oil in medium skillet over medium high heat for 3 minutes. Farm Bureau Insurance offers a wide range of plans for Auto, Home, and Life insurance. Plus, we’ll conduct a Combine the rice, tomatoes no-obligation review of your total insurance needs. Get Real insurance. Get Farm Bureau insurance. with chilies, corn and onion mixture. Mix well and spoon into pepper halves, place on a baking sheet coatwww.afbic.com ed with cooking spray. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes or until hot. Sprinkle (Group Photo Here) with cheese. Bake again for 5 to 10 minutes or until hot and cheese melts. Each of the 10 servings has 110 calories with 1.5g fat, 5mg cholesterol, 210mg Hempstead County Farm & +% 3rd ).(-0 +' .+" . 1902 east St sodium, 21g carbohydrate Hope, Arkansas+%71801 !"&*#$ and 3g protein. Robbie McKinnon Shindaiwa Grass Trimmer Williams Saw Co. Fountain Drinks only 59 cents! Small candy bars .50, king-size only $1!! DoN’T FoRGeT WeDNeSDay iS 1/2 PRiCe BURGeR NiGHT!! Now open until 9pm each evening! Quickway shell 870-356-2821 located on Highway 70 in Glenwood Get Real insurance. ARMLNP40282 870 777 900 *Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Co. of Arkansas, Inc. *Southern Farm Bureau Casualty Insurance Co. *Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Co., Jackson, MS Larry Garli AR Ins. Lic. # 23099 THIS ARTWORK CANNOT BE ALTERED, REVISED, RESIZED OR REBUILT BEYOND CHANGING THE AGENT PHOTO OR CONTACT INFO. CONTACT MADGENIUS WITH ANY QUESTIONS AT [email protected] don’s tV & satellite 1-800-898-1939 Glenwood 870-356-3212 Mount ida 870-867-2538 Mena 479-437-3505 PASS S Glenwood Mini Storage rolling prices back! 10x12, only $40/month; 10x20, only $55/month. Call 870-356-4848 We sell flat screen tVs & service what we sell! Factory Authorized sales & service. Free Installation. local Agent Free Hd Upgrades--Free Hd Programming the Standard May 10, 2012 Page 5 'Hangover Heaven' further proves Mark Twain was right of -900// this 1<+8?6/= 9< -<C=>+6= You may be -?:tired 38=>+8> evaluation of the human race 29> A+>/< >+,6/=:998 by Mark twain: we +66 :?<:9=/ 069?< -?:= "When 96. "/.+6F all remember we >/+=:998 are mad,,+5381 :9A./< the mysteries disappear and >/+=:998 =+6> life stands explained." -?:= ,?>>/< 9< 7+<1+<38/ =90>/8/. But think about it when you Amusement Association -?:=and =?1+< read this article. to service American occupy/11= First, let's consider the ing forces. the next year -?: 7365 Secret Service "scandal."-?: An=9?< Gen. MacArthur placed all -</+7 agent has to be between the these places "off limits." But ages of 21 and 37 to be con- this was just an inconvesidered. Ị inety percent are nience for the troops. males and at the height of So if anyone thinks this is their sexual desire. Men the first time the Secret without women have prob- Service frolicked with proslems. And vice versa. titutes, they are pretty naive. When it comes to life on it was just the first time they earth, survival of a species is got caught without covering in reality Ị ature's only it up. Besides, this incident absolute law. the rest is happened before the somewhat confusing. God's President arrived and he was First Commandment in the in no way endangered. Bible is for man "to be fruitLet the Secret Service have ful and multiply." then its fun but train them to be along comes the Seventh discreet. it has one of the Commandment: "thou shalt most important but probably not commit adultery." Ị o boring jobs on earth, waiting wonder mankind is insane. for someone to harm the those of us, who've been in President and hoping all the military, know what hap- bases are covered. it's like pens when the fleet with war, the boredom of waiting thousands of men land in a for the enemy to attack or port. they head for the bars your unit waiting to attack to try to pick up women. them. And it's "happy days" for the the insanity about this prostitutes. Some countries "scandal" comes when we like Colombia make it a have a committee of our legal business. And as the hypocritical, philandering '-9<8 +8. <3.3-?6/ A366 ,/ Secret Service found out, if congress investigating it. '2/J= 89> 2 you don't pay the going Ị ow that's really crazy! + 2312 :<9036/ -/6/,<3>C A29 A366 price, that's stealing. * * * !35/ 381 "Love," according to W. talk about insanity and (23= 3= + A97+8 Somerset Maugham, "is decadence! this might A only a dirty trick played on remind you of the "Fall of (2/ 986C :/< us to achieve continuation of the roman Empire." = the species." this seems to Have you read the Associated be true. Yet loving and hav- Press story, "Hangover Heaven," '2/ ing the love of a woman is 7 on the Las Vegas strip? one the best thing that's ever motto touts Las Vegas as a "city happened me! #9to98/ A366 ,/ ,?C381 without sin because all sin has Marines in Korea heard the been legalized." At least has 2 9?,>6/== >2/</it A366 South Korean army(29=/ had -done away with the hypocrisy. A"comfort women" handy Ị ow one can get drunk out of who "volunteered" to service one's mind, pass out, awaken their troops. i don't know if with a severe hangover and, for a this was true or not. i did price, be rejuvenated by boardlearn oriental's were less certified anesthesiologist, Jason Puritanical about sex than Burke on his Hangover Heaven we were. bus. As the vehicle gently sways then i googled it. the down Las Vegas Boulevard, Japanese army, prior to medical technicians take medWorld War ii, conscripted ical history, then hook up the young women the moaning patient's arm to a bag> @/<Cfrom -236. =2/ =countries they had invad- >of saline-vitamin solution. Soon ed—China, thailand, the patient can resume the party, %/<2+:=a 4?=>3-/ Vietnam, Malaysia, taiwan, having not learned thing. A+= indonesia, Philippines and = Ị ow is this insane or not? Korea—forcing them into in my experience with sexual slavery. Again the imbibing, a hangover was insane human race! not worth the price. A good Some of the surviving reason for abstinence. women today are still trying Mark twain was right! We to sue the Japanese govern- are mad! ment for this barbaric and Contact me at: inhumane treatment. http://home.cablelynx.com/~ After the war, Japanese wgwhite/index.htm businessmen established brothels under an organization called the recreation Thanks for reading The Standard, the only locally-owned newspaper in this area! ! davidson’s Grocery Formerly Judy’s Grocery loCaTeD oN THe SQUaRe iN aMiTy We now have eBT! Joel & Cheryl Davidson We looK FoRWaRD To SeRViNG yoU! Hours: Mon-Fri. 5am-7pm, Sat. 5am-6pm., Sun. Noon-5:30pm. 870-342-9400 Page 6 the Standard May 10, 2012 The magic triangle triangles have a unique place in our world. Engineers use them to build bridges, romance writers use them to manufacture chaos, Pythagoras used it to create his theorem, and the shortstop uses it to make a double play! triangles strengthen structures. they take three straight lines going nowhere and form a bond that can withstand great pressure. i see this cohesive combination in another triangle: women-horse-child. it is particularly evident when the child has down’s syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis or any disability which other restricts their possibilities. in many equine therapeutic riding programs that i’ve visited, women are the predominant hands-on helpers in the arena. to be successful, a mutual trust must be established. it is no secret that most young kids are more at ease with a mother figure. Children innately sense the mother’s compassion from her voice, her touch and her protective stance. A woman introduces the child to the horse. this allows the child to give the horse the benefit of the doubt, because the woman trusts the horse and the child trusts the woman. When the child is set up on the horse’s back, it is still in the mother’s arms, ready to be rescued if need be. through a long progression of walks around the arena the child’s faith increases in the horse. the physical mother-child contact begins to loosen. it proceeds from holding one hand, to a hand on the back, to a hand on the saddle, to walking beside leading, and then one day, cheering from the sidelines. the child’s trust eventually expands to include the horse. the triangle is complete. We have connected woman-tochild-to-horse and back towoman. this third leg was there before the child was born or was even a thought. Woman-to-horse was always there. Ị ot in all women, in all horses, or in all kids, i admit, but in many. i have FoR ReNT: 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath apartment in amity $400/month. For moreinformation call lake Hamilton Realty 501-525-1466 yard Work given up trying to understand the relationship. i have seen it so often i no longer think it is haphazard or coincidental. i have concluded it involves some primitive instinctual behavior. it is especially obvious at any equine therapeutic riding center. Check it out for yourself. You will see small islands of woman-horsechild. Concentrate on one of those triangles. try and drown out the chatter, the buckets, and the racket going on around you. then imagine the child on the horse is yours. You become hypersensitive to the slightest movement; be it protective, encouraging, or loving. Even the smallest step in this magic triangle performance going on in the arena becomes magnified. Successes are marked in the tiniest gesture, the slightest touch, the tentative smile and the skip of a heartbeat. And through the cloud that puts you in the triangle, you hear the softest of voices saying, “it’s all right, he won’t hurt you.” www.baxterblack.com Have land? We have your home!!! Call 903-8385994 read The Standard For up-To-date And Accurate News! Call Roy 9:00 A.M. AUCTION DENTAL CARE 501-865-3374 FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Looking for a dentist? Need a second opinion? Dental Emergency? J. Michael Matthews, D.D.S., PA Conveniently Located at Mt. Ida Airport Wednesday – Thursday – Friday $0 Down 501-844-6710 Serving the GlenwoodAmity trade area CoMe See US FoR yoUR MoTHeR’S Day PlaNTS & FloWeRS It Pays to Own Orange & 0% Financing for 5 Years* A.P. R. 9:00 A.M. ESTELLO LANGSTON RESIDENCE SAT., MAY 12TH- 9:00 A.M. 812 N. 1ST ST. 8/27N. - GLENWOOD, AR DIRECTIONS/NOTE: From Exxon in downtown Glenwood take Hwy 8/27N. 1/2 mile to auction. Mrs. Langston has moved to Hot Springs to be closer to family. This will be a short sale but everything is very good condition. PARTIAL LIST: Like new Frigidaire Refrigerator, matching Kenmore washer/dryer, double recliner, (2) Lazy Boy recliners, Samsung 32” LED tv, hardrock maple dropleaf lamp table, fabulous walnut inlaid tv armoire, custom built by the late Hersher Parker in room clothes closet, corner what not shelf, king size bed complete, nice full size matt./springs, odd chest, hardrock maple dresser, Corningware, marble top coffee table, dog stroller, lamps, pictures, metal shelves, kitchen misc., Crosley record plays, contents of shed. AALB 59 McGrew’s Auction Service AALB 512 870-356-3029 Kenny & Kenny Ray McGrew 870-356-2103 McGrew Auctions “Just a “BID” better” RTV900XT Hometown realty Joel Davidson, Realtor This is the year to reward yourself with a new Kubota. Right now you can get long-term, low-rate financing on a versatile RTV Series utility vehicle. It always pays to own quality. Offer ends June 30, 2012. 870-356-8755 wANted texas buyer looking for waterfront property. Highway 7 in Bismarck 501-865-3666 CaddoCreekGolf.com Hope Tractor Company 3021 Hwy. 29 North Hope, AR 71802 (888)888-8888 www.kubota.com ©Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2012 ,&2"fqyp."2'"C0R0T0"Ýpcpekpi"hqt"vgtou"wr"vq"82"oqpvju"qp"rwtejcugu"qh"ugngev"pgy"Mwdqvc" gswkrogpv"htqo"cxckncdng"kpxgpvqt{"cv"rctvkekrcvkpi"fgcngtu"vjtqwij"8152142340"Gzcorng<"C" 82/oqpvj"oqpvjn{"kpuvcnnogpv"tgrc{ogpv"vgto"cv"2'"C0R0T0"tgswktgu"82"rc{ogpvu"qh"&38089" rgt"&3.222"dqttqygf0"2'"C0R0T0"kpvgtguv"ku"cxckncdng"vq"ewuvqogtu"kh"pq"fgcngt"fqewogpvcvkqp" rtgrctcvkqp"hgg"ku"ejctigf0"Fgcngt"ejctig"hqt"fqewogpv"rtgrctcvkqp"hgg"ujcnn"dg"kp"ceeqtfcpeg" ykvj"uvcvg"ncyu0"Qpn{"Mwdqvc"cpf"ugngev"Mwdqvc"rgthqtocpeg/ocvejgf"Ncpf"Rtkfg"gswkrogpv"ku" gnkikdng0"Kpenwukqp"qh"kpgnkikdng"gswkrogpv"oc{"tguwnv"kp"c"jkijgt"dngpfgf"C0R0T0"Pqv"cxckncdng"hqt" Tgpvcn."Pcvkqpcn"Ceeqwpvu"qt"Iqxgtpogpvcn"ewuvqogtu0"2'"C0R0T0"cpf"nqy/tcvg"Ýpcpekpi"oc{"pqv" dg"cxckncdng"ykvj"ewuvqogt"kpuvcpv"tgdcvg"*E0K0T0+"qhhgtu0"Hkpcpekpi"ku"cxckncdng"vjtqwij"Mwdqvc" Etgfkv"Eqtrqtcvkqp."W0U0C0."5623"Fgn"Coq"Dnxf0."Vqttcpeg."EC";2725="uwdlgev"vq"etgfkv"crrtqxcn0" Uqog"gzegrvkqpu"crrn{0"Qhhgt"gzrktgu"8152142340"Ugg"wu"hqt"fgvcknu"qp"vjgug"cpf"qvjgt"nqy/tcvg" qrvkqpu"qt"iq"vq"yyy0mwdqvc0eqo"hqt"oqtg"kphqtocvkqp0 30594 from The Mini Page © 2012 Universal Uclick Discover Worlds of Excitement Christopher Paul Curtis has written several books for kids, including “Bud, Not Buddy,” which won the Newbery Medal. TM You’ll need: sMEDIUMAPPLE sTABLESPOONLEMONJUICE sTABLESPOONSWHIPPEDCREAMCHEESE sHONEYTODRIZZLE sTOGOLDENRAISINS What to do: 1. Core apple and cut into 8 wedges. "RUSHLEMONJUICEONCUTSURFACEOFAPPLEWEDGESTOKEEPTHEM from turning brown. 3PREADCREAMCHEESEEVENLYONTOPOFAPPLEWEDGES ,IGHTLYDRIZZLEHONEYONCREAMCHEESE!RRANGETORAISIN “ants” on top. You will need an adult’s help with this recipe. from The Mini Page © 2012 Universal Uclick “Nicholas” tells of the many crazy, funny scrapes a French schoolboy gets into. During his life, Rene Goscinny was a writer and cartoonist for kids’ books. Jean-Jacques Sempe is a cartoonist and illustrator. Lizzie K. Foley teaches women’s studies in college. This is her first book. Rookie Cookie’s Recipe Ants in a Boat from The Mini Page © 2012 Universal Uclick Meet the Polar Regions More Books to Explore from The Mini Page © 2012 Universal Uclick “Kaspar the Titanic Cat” is based on the true adventures of a cat that survived the sinking of the Titanic. TM Height: 6-3 Birthdate: 11-5-78 Weight: 180 Hometown: Bagdad, Fla. Now golf fans around the world know all about Bubba Watson. The popular pro with the lovable nickname also has a big-time game, which he demonstrated by winning the prestigious Masters tournament. A self-taught lefthander with a flashy pink driver, Watson wows galleries with AWINSOMEPERSONALITYANDTEESHOTSTHATSOMETIMESTRAVELYARDSORMORE 5NLIKEMOSTPROS7ATSONDIDNTTAKEGOLFLESSONS(EDEVELOPEDHISSWING hitting wiffle balls as a young boy, became an All-American at Georgia, and now has won four PGA titles. Watson also is known for his support of several charities and devotion to family. He and wife, Angie — a former pro basketball player — recently adopted a son, Caleb. As for his nickname, there are many Bubbas. But none play golf like Bubba Watson. jacket art © 2010 by Laetitia Devernay, published by Chronicle Books LLC “The Conductor” is a graphic novel without words. It tells of an orchestra conductor who directs a symphony of leaves and birds, with magical results. Michael Morpurgo has written more than 100 books. Laetitia Devernay has written and illustrated several books for kids. She lives in France. In “Nikki & Deja: Election Madness,” a girl runs for student body president, aided by her friend. But will she make too many enemies? jacket art © 2011 by Laura Freeman, published by Clarion Books Barb Rosenstock has also written “Fearless: The Story of Racing Legend Louise Smith.” Diane Zahler is also the author of “The Thirteenth Princess.” Supersport: Gerry “Bubba” Watson “The Camping Trip That Changed America: Theodore Roosevelt, John Muir, and Our National Parks” is the true story of why President Roosevelt founded the National Park Service. Karen English is a retired elementary school teacher. jacket art © 2011 by Ali Smith, published by Clarion Books jacket art © 2011, published by HarperCollins In “A True Princess,” a 12-year-old girl seeks a mysterious jewel to break the spell over her friend. She ends up in the middle of a search for a missing princess. jacket art © 2008 by Michael Foreman, published by HarperCollins 4HE$ISCOVERY#HANNEL""#46SERIES h&ROZEN0LANETvEXPLORESTHEPOLARREGIONS of our planet. Although both the North and South poles are super-cold areas full of snow and ice, they are very different. )NTHE!RCTICWHICHCOVERSTHE.ORTH Pole, there are animals such as polar bears, Arctic gray wolf and pup HUMPBACKWHALESANDMUSKOXEN)NTHE in Canada. Antarctic, or South Pole area, there are penguins, sea lions and orca whales. Warming temperatures are putting animals in both areas in danger. The filmmakers endured winds of 200 mph and minus-58 degrees F. They had to carry hundreds of pounds of camera equipment over breaking ice and slippery, steep cliffs. Scientists from 18 countries helped with the series. Some of the amazing footage includes: the “icy finger of death,” a 9-footlong ice formation that drives onto the seabed, killing everything it touches; ANDAGROUPOFKILLERWHALESJOININGTOGETHERTOMAKEHUGEWAVESTOWASH seals off ice floes. from The Mini Page © 2012 Universal Uclick jacket art © 2007, published by Phaidon Press Ltd. jacket art © 2012 by Linzie Hunter, published by Dial Books for Young Readers jacket art © 2005, published by Phaidon In the book “Remarkable,” everyone in town is “gifted” except for Jane. She is the only average person in town. “Erin Hunter” is the writing name, or pseudonym (SOO-duh-nim), of four authors: Victoria Holmes, Kate Cary, Cherith Baldry and Tui Sutherland. They also write the “Warriors” series. from The Mini Page © 2012 Universal Uclick Colin Meloy is a singer and songwriter. This is his first book. jacket art © 2012 by Mordicai Gerstein, published by Dial Books for Young Readers “Seekers: Spirits in the Stars” is the last in a series about four bear cubs searching for a land they can live in safely and without humans. jacket art © 2011 by Wayne McLoughlin, published by HarperCollins In “Wildwood,” crows kidnap Prue’s baby brother. She follows them into the “Impassable Wilderness,” where no one has gone before. jacket art © 2011 by Carson Ellis, published by HarperCollins In “The Mighty Miss Malone,” a girl, her brother and mom follow the dad as he seeks work during the Great Depression. Jennifer A. Nielsen has also written “Elliot and the Goblin War.” “Drawing From Memory” is the true story of how the author became an artist. Allen Say has written and illustrated Gail Carson Levine several books, including the Caldecott is best known for her fairy tales, including “Ella Enchanted.” That story Medal-winning book, “Grandfather’s Journey.” Many of his stories are was made into a movie. based on true events from his life. photo © Jeff Turner/naturepl.com, courtesy Discovery Channel open Friday-SaturdaySunday 11am-7:30pm 870-398-4722 dine in or carry out “Forgive Me, I Meant to Do It” is a book of funny and fake apology poems. jacket art © 2012 by Eva Kolenko, published by Random House In “The False Prince,” four orphans are forced to compete to become a fake prince. This is the first in a trilogy. jacket art © 2011, published by Scholastic Take Time to Read! This summer, grab a good book or two, find a sweet place outside, and read! The Mini Page offers some suggestions of fun books that will let your imagination soar. 870-356-3029 Kenny & Kenny Ray McGrew 870-356-2103 McGrew Auctions “Just a “BID” better” Kirby House BBQ -INI3PYAND"ASSET"ROWNENJOYRELAXINGWITHGOOD books on their summer break. See if you can find: sICECREAMCONE sMANINTHEMOON sHORSESHEAD sALLIGATOR sSEAHORSE sBUTTERFLY sLADDER sDOG sARROW sKITE sWORD-).) sSAW sPEANUT sSNAKE sHEART sFISHHOOK sFISH sBANANA sFROG © 2012 Universal Uclick jacket art © 2012 by Matthew Cordell, published by HarperCollins DIRECTIONS: Turn on Mt. View Rd. (road to Nursing Home) go 1 block turn left to 2nd house on left. DINING TABLE: Fabulous oak inlaid dining table, 62” long without leafs/92” long with leafs/10 oak pattern back chairs. This is a modern set not antique. PARTIAL LIST: Oak claw foot mirror back china cabinet, oak lawyers style bookcase, pecan finish china cabinet, king size headboard/ dresser/stand, pr. twin beds, desk, antique window table, large oak mirror, bar stools, oak drop side coffee table, pr. of oak dropside lamp tables, several decorator chairs, 60’s sofa/chair, console tv, rolltop desk, lamps, French provencial full size bed/dresser/nitestand, nice queen size bed/dresser/nitestand/chest, sewing machine in cabinet, exercise bike, pictures, marble top hall mirror, all kinds of kitchen items, small kitchen appliances/glassware, Cosco stool, wheelchair, linens, Red Wing china, contents of sheds, lots of misc. AALB 59 McGrew’s Auction Service AALB 512 TM Mini Spy . . . ESTATE AUCTION VADA SHIELDS ESTATE SAT., MAY 12TH- 12:00 NOON 701 COKER ST. - GLENWOOD, AR 19-1 (12) release dates: May 12-18 jacket art © 2012 by Tim O’Brien, published by Scholastic Press read The Standard for all your news the Standard, May 10, 2012 Page 7 “The Art Book for Children: Book Two” helps readers learn to really look at art. In “Okay for Now,” a boy has to deal with family problems and a new home. He goes on a mission to see the art from John James Audubon’s book “Birds of America.” Gary D. Schmidt has written many books for kids, including the Newbery Medal-winning “Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy.” from The Mini Page © 2012 Universal Uclick from The Mini Page © 2012 Universal Uclick TM but where are they? Gloria Whelan has written many award-winning books for kids. jacket art © 2012 by HarperCollins jacket art © 2011 by Penelope Dullaghan, published by Scholastic “Around the World” is a graphic book of three adventurers who separately took up the challenge to journey around the Earth in the late 1800s. Matt Phelan has illustrated several books for kids and wrote “The Storm in the Barn.” In “Wild Wings,” a boy and a girl try to protect a wonderful bird. Gill Lewis is a former veterinarian. This is her first book. Add`i]gdj\]ndjgcZlheVeZg[dghidg^Zh VcYe^XijgZhi]Vi\gVWndjg^ciZgZhi# Lg^iZVhidgnVWdjindjg[Vkdg^iZ# Next week, The Mini Page celebrates Memorial Day. The Mini Page thanks Mary Phelan, children’s librarian, Washington, D.C., Public Library, for help with this issue. Peter Catalanotto has illustrated MORETHANBOOKSFORKIDSAND HASWRITTENOFTHEM On the 100th anniversary of this disaster, “Titanic Sinks!” tells about the building and sinking of this famous ship. Barry Denenberg has written many history books for kids. In “Whatever After: Fairest of All,” a magic mirror swoops up a girl and a boy and drops them into Snow White’s fairy tale. Sarah Mlynowski has written several books for young people, including the “Magic in Manhattan” series. The Mini Page Staff Betty Debnam - Founding Editor and Editor at Large Lisa Tarry - Managing Editor Lucy Lien - Associate Editor Wendy Daley - Artist EW N ! I]ZB^c^EV\Z 7dd`d[HiViZh The Mini Page’s popular series of issues about each state is collected here in a 156-page softcover book. Conveniently spiral-bound for ease of use, this invaluable resource contains A-to-Z facts about each state, along with the District of Columbia. Illustrated with colorful photographs and art, and complete with updated information, The Mini Page Book of States will be a favorite in classrooms and homes for years to come. Brent: What is a good way to get a book to respond? Barra: You page it! Barry: How is a book like Congress? Brooke: They both have pages! Bill: Why is it bad to leave a book outside overnight? Brad: Because in the morning it will be over-dew! In “Question Boy Meets Little Miss Know-It-All,” a superhero boy who wants answers meets a superhero girl who has them. jacket art © 2012 by Peter Catalanotto, published by Atheneum Books jacket art © 2011 by Matt Phelan, published by Candlewick Press jacket art © 2012 by John Hendrix, published by Schwartz & Wade Books In “Small Acts of Amazing Courage,” an English girl learns of the teachings of Gandhi, a leader whose peaceful protests changed the world. Jerry Spinelli has written several books for kids, including “Maniac Magee,” Wendy Wan-Long Shang has WORKEDASAJUVENILEJUSTICEATTORNEY which won the Newbery Medal. a tutor and a literacy volunteer. jacket art © National Museums Northern Ireland, 2011, Ulster Folk & Transport Museum published by Viking Sean Mendez makes documentaries, or movies that tell true stories. He founded a charity to help kids live healthy, great lives. !LLTHEFOLLOWINGJOKESHAVESOMETHINGINCOMMON Can you guess the common theme or category? In “Jake and Lily,” twins grow up almost like two halves of one person. But when they turn 11, they grow apart, and it’s not easy. jacket art © 2012 by Helen Huang, published by Scholastic Press We’re supposed to eat healthy foods, “One World Kids Cookbook” offers fun and easy recipes from many countries. jacket art © 2011 by Lizzy Bromley, published by Simon & Schuster amity 870-342-5210 Natalie Standiford plays the bass in a rock band and has written several books for young people. In “The Great Wall of Lucy Wu,” Lucy’s great-aunt takes over her room. Her parents make her go to Chinese school, and she has to deal with a bully. Her sixth grade seems ruined, but is it? jacket art © 2011 by Yuta Onoda, published by Atheneum Books for Young Readers JeReMy’S SPoRTS SToP In “The Secret Tree,” a boy and a girl discover their neighbors are writing down secrets and putting them in the hollow trunk of a tree. They set out to solve the mysteries of the letters. jacket art © 2011 Solidarity Sports, published by Interlink Books (each additional topping .99) Deborah Hopkinson has written several books for kids. jacket art © 2012 by Nathan Durfee, published by Scholastic Press Beat the clock special every Monday night from 5-7:30pm, your order time is your price for a large, one-topping pizza! More Summer Reading Fun “A Boy Called Dickens” tells of the boyhood of famous author Charles Dickens on the 200th anniversary of his birth. from The Mini Page © 2012 Universal Uclick Brown Bassetews The N d’s Houn TM Summer Reading TRY ’N FIND Words that remind us of summer reading are hidden in the block below. Some words are hidden backward or diagonally. See if you can find: BEACH, BED, BEDROOM, BOAT, CAMP, CAR, COUCH, DEN, DOG, FRIENDS, GRANDPARENTS, HOUSE, LAKE, LIBRARY, MEADOW, OUTSIDE, PARK, POOL, SCHOOL, TENT, TREES, TUB, VACATION, YARD. SUMMER’S A GREAT TIME TO READ! P T R E E S H S W P O Y D E V C T W L A O A E L U N O O C R L R N O E D O T A K K D C R A H C E M M S Y A E C K A N P D R P M S K V R T N A D T H O U S E E R N A H D T G D I B A O C E U C O R I R B A B B R G F L G E E B E D R O O M K B O U T S I D E A V A C A T I O N L from The Mini Page © 2012 Universal Uclick Ready Resources The Mini Page provides ideas for websites, books or other resources that will help you learn more about this week’s topics. On the Web: sALAORGALSCAWARDSGRANTSNOTALISTSNCB sRIFORGKIDSREADINGPLANETBOOKZONE At the library: sh5MBRELLA3UMMERvBY,ISA'RAFF sh3UMMER!CCORDINGTO(UMPHREYvBY"ETTY'"IRNEY sh,UCKY-ARIS-ANTLEAND-Y"EST3UMMER%VERv by Wes Tooke sh3AND$OLLAR3UMMERvBY+IMBERLY+*ONES sh'RASSHOPPER3UMMERvBY!NN4URNER To order, send $15.99 ($19.99 Canada) plus $5 postage and handling for each copy. Make check or money order (U.S. funds only) payable to Universal Uclick. Send to The Mini Page Book of States, Universal Uclick, P.O. Box 6814, Leawood, KS 66206. Or call tollfree 800-591-2097 or go to www.smartwarehousing.com. Please send ______ copies of The Mini Page Book of States (Item #0-7407-8549-4) at $20.99 each, total cost. (Bulk discount information available upon request.) Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________________ State: _________ Zip: ________________ Please include all of the appropriate registered trademark symbols and copyright lines in any publication of The Mini Page®. Hawthorn Home improvements Specializing in: *Metal roofs *Bee removal *Vinyl siding *Windows 870-356-4390 or 870-230-3188 Howard Hawthorn Together, we can ask our schools to remove junk food and to provide healthy foods including fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. If we have more healthy choices, we’ll be able to have healthier lives. For more information, go to www.healthy.arkansas.gov professional with 20 years experience Gayle’s Family Restaurant Located in daisy 870-398-5622 For all your real estate needs ReeDeR RealTy 870-246-2406 Arkansas Department of Health Keeping Your Hometown Healthy Clark County Sheriff JaSoN WaTSoN Got land? Get Home! Call 903838-5994 Have a good week! arkadelphia CeNTRal aRKaNSaS TelePHoNe CooPeRaTiVe Bismarck-Donaldson Steve Faris, Manager 501-865-3333 Page 8 May 10 ,2012 the Standard WaRRioR Continued From Page 1 Admission to the event is free, but parking is $10, thomason stated, suggesting that due to the likely volume of event-goers, carpooling would be advisable. Ị atalie Swan, who is coordinating the event, explained that Warrior dash is a 5K course that is lined with 14 different obstacles. runners will be released every half-hour in waves of 500, she said. there is no set time to finish the course, she said, adding that the races will be held from 9am-3pm. “Some will complete it in thirty minutes and others may take two hours,” she said. Warrior dash is a national competitive event that has been in existence since 2009, Swan said, noting that this is the first event to be held in Arkansas. Sixty-five events are held around the US each year, she stated. the event is owned and managed by red Frog Events. in addition to the races, Swan said bands will be playing and a live dJ will be on hand during the day. Various food vendors will be set up and Warrior dashrelated gear and other items can be purchased, she said. Spectators can cheer their favorite runner on during the race, Swan said, adding that there will be viewing in several areas, including in front of the mud pit, one of the obstacles participants must endure on the local course. While Swan estimated that about 8-9,000 people would show up Saturday in Amity, thomasson said he feels like the number will be more like 10-12,000. thomason noted that Warrior dash is the first of such events to be held at timber Lodge. on June 23, the lodge will host a weightboarding competition. thomasson told the newspaper that he is excited about the event. “i’m excited,” he said as he watched workers construct obstacles along the course. “i think this is going to be good for the whole area.” Getting in Shape for Warrior Dash Joe May photos (Left) Seen from the chapel, the ranch has taken on the appearance of a small city as tents spring up around the property. on a clear day, the Glenwood water tower is visible as are areas near Caddo Gap. (Above) one of the obstacles is this A-frame, which thomasson says will be covered in netting for the race. Pharmacy Pharmacy & Your Health Health Knights baseball team to play today against Gurdon WooDaRD DRUG Wayne Padgett, P.D. 870-356-2193 Hours: 8:30am-5:30pm Mon-Fri. 8:30am-noon Sat. 210 e. Broadway in Glenwood Current Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammation of the body’s joints. Although the exact cause is unknown, it is thought that a trigger causes the immune system to attack the protective layer surrounding the joints. Substances called cytokines are involved in the inflammation process due to the abnormality of the immune system. Interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha are inflammatory cytokines involved in the progression of rheumatoid arthritis. Joint pain, swelling, and stiffness gradually progress over time. Finger, wrist, elbow, knee, and toe joints are often involved. Joint stiffness upon getting out of bed is common. Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), such as methotrexate (Rheumatrex), sulfasalazine (Azulfidine), and leflunomide (Arava), may be prescribed to slow down the progression of joint damage. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha inhibitors work to decrease inflammation. They include adalimumab (Humira), etanercept (Enbrel), and golimumab (Simponi). These medications may be prescribed in combination with methotrexate. Abatacept (Orencia) is a drug prescribed for moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. It blocks the activation of Tcells, and may be prescribed after unsuccessful treatment with methotrexate or TNF-alpha inhibitors. Davidson’s Grocery By VeRliN PRiCe StAỊ dArd SPortS the Centerpoint Knights Senior High Baseball team qualified as the third seated team from 3A 7 Conference in region 4 play at Genoa Central High School on Friday, April 4 against Camden-Harmony Grove Hornets. the Knights placed devin davidson on the mound for all seven innings. the Knights scored one run in the second inning and two more in the fifth. the Knights pitcher and defense held the Hornets to no runs. the Knights had six hits and one of those was a double with no one on base as for the Hornets. they had four hits and one double with no one on bases. Final score in Friday's round one of 3A 4 regional play CamdenHarmony Grove-0 to Centerpoint Knights-3. At the 3A region 4 tournament in the Semi-Finals on Saturday, May 5 the Knight were defeated by Genoa Central May publishing by a score of 6 to 12. on Monday, May 7 in the game buying for fourth or third seating in the 3A State tournament, it was Knights6 to Prescott-10. the Knights will be seated fourth from region 4 and will play on thursday, May 10 on Field #2 at Gurdon High School against the Winner of region 2 with will be either Glen rose or Brinkley. the 3A State track and Field meet took place at Prescott High School with two Lady Knights qualifying--Brooke Wright in the Girls Shot-Put and Alli Porter in the 1600 meter run and the 3200 meter run. Alli Porter placed Fourth in the 1600 meter run and Eight in the 3200 meter run. Run for the money Verlin Price photo Centerpoint Lady Knights’ Alli Porter fights with three other runners for fourth place in the 1600 meter run Porter placed thursday. • Arkadelphia fourth in theBevent. John Plyler Home Center amity 870-342-9400 DeVoTioNal CoRNeR Williams Saw Co. Worship God this lord’s Day! HoursMonday-Friday 7am-6:30pm 7:00 am - 6:30 pm S located in arkadelphia 758 Hwy. 8 E. in Amity A P IZRZO 870-356-4500 P 870-246-5872 CITGO South Central Arkansas Electric Cooperative Presented each week as a service by these fine businesses you are what you eat BySTaN MiTCHell FoRTHRiGHT MaGaZiNe We’ve all done this: Eat a really good meal at a restaurant, note that “this chicken may have a little garlic in it,” and feel the gar1140 Main Street in Arkadelphia lic pour out of our pores for the next twenty-four hours. 870-246-6701 We are what we eat. More serious effects come from long-time eating habits, too. A • Memphis, TN 38174-0298 steady diet of Hostess Cupcake twinkies apparently is not good T for you. Ị or is a regular diet of deep-fried everything. Balance Alpine, Arkansas is important, as are fresh fruit and vegetables. Ị utrition for the mind is also important: 870-342-9227 “Jesus said to them, ‘i am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes on me shall never thirst’” (John 6:35). Bread is essential for life. We must have it to live. Even in modern speech this language is used: •We devour a book, •We drink in a television program (well a good one, any way) •We swallow a story hook-line-and sinker •We chew over a difficult saying •We can (or cannot) stomach what someone says “Observe Electrical Safety” • Your Energy Partner Buck’s Country Store PiKe aUTo SaleS Hwy. 26 e in Delight 870-379-2664 your ad Here! only $12 a week! Call 870-342-5007 your ad Here! only $12 a week! Call 870-342-5007 D Clark County Farm Bureau 870-246-4553 ArKAdelPHIA •We must eat our own words All of these statements indicate that what we dwell on — our mental nutrition– is important. What we read, what we hear, these things affect us, perhaps for an eternity. Beware of a diet of spiritual junk food. though some reading may be sweet to the taste, it might also be as insubstantial as Hostess ding dongs and insufficient to build good, healthy Christian character. Conversations, too, can be either healthy, or not. Ị egative people may be worse than junk food; they may be toxic. •So what do you read? •What kind of television programming do you watch? •What do you read on the internet? •is it healthy? do you listen admiringly to a negative, critical person as if he is some spiritual guru with all the answers for the church (they frequently have criticisms; rarely helpful suggestions)? is yours a spiritual diet of continual criticism of the church, its leaders, and its endeavors to serve God? Beware. this toxic food will cause more than heartburn; it may affect your eternal life. The comfort of presence By BaRRy NeWToN FortHriGHt MAGAZiỊ E rightfully so, we denounce Judas for betraying Jesus. How could Judas be so callously crass, so profane, so small-minded as to place a financial value on his allegiance to Jesus? Judas, however, was not the only one. during the cool early morning hours in the high priest’s courtyard when it became clear that Jesus was in serious trouble, Peter was willing to emphatically proclaim, “i know not the man!” Why did he do this? Presumably, to safe guard his own skin and ensure his own comfort. do we find it easier to denounce Judas’actions than Peter’s? Both men, at least in one instance, valued something more than their allegiance to Christ. if we find it a little harder to criticize Peter, perhaps this is because we too feel the tug of placing value upon how people treat us. So, what about us? do we value anything more than our allegiance to Christ? if faced with a situation where either we could preserve a comfortable status quo or we could obey Christ and stand up for him, would we sell out Jesus? Jesus made it clear. to be a disciple involves the way of the cross, that is, to die to self-interests in order to live for him because we place him above all other competing values in our lives (Matthew 10:37-39; 16:24-26). Given our fears and desires to be accepted, this can be a hard message to hear. Good news! Peter was not cast off because of this one-time failure. Upon hearing that Jesus was risen, Peter joined the remaining ten apostles and traveled to Galilee where Jesus commissioned them to go and make disciples of all nations. the following chapters of Peter’s life reveals an apostle proclaim Christ even to hostile adversaries. Peter learned to live the way of the cross. We can too! Let’s determine that if we have stumbled by valuing something more than Christ, that we will also be like Peter. We too will stand back up and press forward to serve our Lord. 870-356-3312 your ad Here! only $12 a week! Call 870-342-5007 your ad Here! only $12 a week! Call 870-342-5007 KWXi aM 670 / FM 98.9 "Family Friendly radio" Phone (870) 356-2151 your ad Here! only $12 a week! Call 870-342-5007 Compliments of RoN DaNiell ClaRK CoUNTy JUDGe the Standard May 10, 2012 page ;,209 The Standard in the kitchen... #0- /7)4 1; <7 (7=: *7,A 6--,; - "75- 8-7 - + 8 Mexican Tu rk ey C res cen t Bak e Fresh Berry Slab Pie 1 box Pillsbury® refrigerated pie crusts, softened as directed on box 2 containers (6 oz each) Yoplait® Greek Fat Free plain yogurt 6 oz cream cheese, softened 3 cups sliced fresh strawberries 1 1/2cups fresh blueberries 1 1/2cups fresh raspberries 1cup strawberry glaze Directions 1.Heat oven to 450°F. remove pie crusts from pouches. Unroll and stack crusts one on top of the other on lightly floured surface. roll to 17x12-inch rectangle. Fit crust into 15x10x1-inch pan, pressing into corners. Fold extra pastry crust under, even with edges of pan. Prick with fork. Crimp edges. Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until golden brown. Cool completely, about 30 minutes. 2.Beat yogurt and cream cheese with electric mixer until smooth. Spoon into crust-lined pan. refrigerate about 1 hour or until set. 3.Mix berries and strawberry glaze. Spoon berry mixture over yogurt-topped pie crust. Cover and refrigerate any remaining pie. this recipe works well with apples or peaches, too. 1lb gr ound tur key, cooked and dr ained 1can ( 21 oz) black beans in chipo tle s au ce w ith cor n and r ed pepper s 1tables po on o ld El P as o® taco s eas onin g mix ( f r om 1 - oz package) 1can ( 8 oz) P ills bur y® r ef r iger ated cr es cent dinner r olls or 1 can ( 8 oz) P ills bur y ® Cr es cent recipe Cr eations ® r ef r iger ated s eamles s d oug h s heet 1 1/2cups s hr edded M exican chees e blend ( 6 oz) d ir ections 1.i n 10- inch s killet, mix tur key, bean s and taco s eas oning mix. H eat to boiling ov er medium- hig h heat, s tir r ing occas ionally. 2.S epar ate or cut dough into 2 lo ng r ectangles . P lace in ungr eas ed 12x8- inch ( 2- quar t) glas s b aking dis h; pr es s over bottom of pan to f or m cr us t ( if us ing cr es cen t r olls , pr es s per f or ations to s eal) . S poon tur key mixtur e even ly over dough; s pr ink le w ith chees e. 3.Bake at 375°F 15 to 20 minutes . to p w ith s our cr eam, if des ir ed. Clark County Prosecutor *;76 *,7+A BlaKe BaTSoN Have a good week! Funeral Home loCaTeD iN GleNWooD Go Knights, Go! 4th & Clinton Street in arkadelphia 870-230-1400 www.welchfh.net FiND US oN FaCeBooK! 8 C res cen t N ach o Min i C u p s 1 can ( 8 oz). A7= P ills+)6 bur816+0 y® r ef r iger ated cr es cent dinner 5 r olls or 1 can ( 8 oz) P ills bur y® Cr es cent recipe Cr eations ® r ef r iger ated s eamles s d ough s heet 1/2 cup hot bean dip w ith jalapeño pep per s ( f r om 9o z can) 1 /4 cup o ld El P as o® chopped gr een chiles ( f r om 4.5oz can) 1/4 cup f inely chopped r ed bell pep per ( 1 /4 medium) 1/2 cup f inely s hr edded Colby- M onter ey J ack chees e 7;< .77,; ):- 5),blend ( 2 oz) = G uacamole, if des ir ed #0- 6=5 S liced r ipe olives , if des ir ed * s D irect ion 1.H eat oven to 350°F. 2.i f us ing cr es cent r olls : U nr oll dough; s epar ate into 4 r ectangles . F ir mly pr es s per f or ations to s eal. i f us ing dough s heet: U nr oll dough; cut into 4 r ectangles . 3.Cut each into 6 s quar es . G ently p r es s s quar es into #01;gh5-)6; A7= 24 ungr eas ed miniatur e muff in cups ( dou w ill not completely cover ins ide of5 cup; d o not pr es s too much) . 4.S poon about 1 teas poon bean dip into each cup. top each w ith 1/2 teas poon chiles , 1/2 teas poon bell pep6 per and about 1 teas poon chees e. ) 5.Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until edges ar e deep golden br ow n. Cool in pan on cooling r ack 5 minutes ; r emove f r om muff in cups . G ar n is h each w ith guacamole and olives . . . + + = 4 Welch John Plyler Home Center . <0- 51::7: 7: 77316/ 16 " Premium Package $6,595.00 in clark & pike counties, it’s @-:+1;- +)6 )4;7 0 The Standard! Thomerson Drug 870-353-4442 #0-:- ):- 5)6A ?)A; < Have a great day! FRee BURial SPaCe aT ReST HaVeN MeMoRial GaRDeNS (Pre-payment in Full Required) ). 1*>. * 0:.*< ;.4.,<276 7/ 02/<; /7: A7=: ;8.,2*4 0:*- *< Package includes complete professional service, cemetery work, Thomas Kinkade memorial package, custom programs, 100 memorial collages, DVD video tribute, (6) certified death certificates, Premium brushed 18 gauge steel casket, Clark 12 gauge standard steel vault, fresh casket spray & sales tax. )77-*:- :=0 Package includes - $200 Flower allowance :*-=*<276 *:-; ".? :*0:*6,.; 7/ 7-A 9;:?4> 7<276 &17?.: .4; $2,<=:. :*5.; 6;82:*<276 $4*9=.; 2+4.; $=:.;.; )*44.<; :7;; $.6; :7;;$59,900. $.6 $.6,24 5 &.< 7//.. New!=0; ':*>.4 !=0; "7<. $*-; bed, 3 bath , <1= 9;:?4 alexis olivia Hughes, born May 7 L ittle I ta ly I ta lia n Res tau r an t in Ar ka delph ia owners: Tony & Dawn Mitaj BUy 2 18-iNCH, 1 ToPPiNG PiZZaS & GeT 1 14-iNCH FRee! Come try a sirloin or ribeye today! CHeCK oUT oUR SPeCial DealS oN FaCeBooK! Kids eat off kids menu FREE tuesdays with adult entree Thursday Senior Citizens Night 55 years & over 10% discount Open 7 days a Week 11am-9pm Friday night till 10pm Alexis olivia Hughes was born on May 7, 2012 to Michael & deanna Hughes of Arkadelphia. She weighed in at 7lbs, 1oz and was 20.5 inches long. Grandparents are russell & Elizabeth Hughes of Hot Springs and Ed and Bonnie Johnston of Arkadelphia. Great-grandparents are Charles and donna Mauldin of Arkadelphia and Carl and Ann Johnston of Arkadelphia. Read The Standard: your only loCally oWNeD news source! $34,559. ! 2011 model. 16x80 3/2 2/< ?:*88260 /:.. 76 *44 A7=: Call2;903Call 9038=:,1*;.; 838-5994 838-5994 && &&! "' " $$%# " 4*:3 7=6<A ;;.;;7: *;.A &=55.:>244. ?7=4- 423. <7 :.526A7= <1*< <1. -.*-426. <7 *;;.;; 8.:;76*4 8:78.:<A ?2<17=< * 8.6*4<A 2; !*A ;< /<.: !*A 8.6*4<A ?244 +. *--.May 31, 2012 * )1.6 *--260 >.12,4.; 84.*;. 1*>. >.12,4. 2-.6<2/2,*<276 6=5+.: ( (41 " A;?5:3 <8-/1 B588 .1 5: =;26.;; *;;.;;5.6<; ,*6 67< +. ,7584.<.- +A 8176. =;26.;; /7:5; 5=;< +. :.<=:6.- 7: 87;<5*:3.- +A May !*A31, 2012 )*A; <7 ;;.;; $ 6 $.:;76 4*:3 7=6<A 7=:<17=;. #6426. 8.:;76*4 764A ??? ,4*:3,7=6<A*:3*6;*; ,75 A !*24 4*A &<:..< A 8176. '744 :.. ; Page 10 the Standard May 10, 2012 HoSPiTal Continued From Page 1 found it to be in good shape for the time that it has been out of operation. Voan said the company has stated it will likely spend $1 million in reopening and restocking the local hospital. they plan on staffing the emergency room and using 15 patient beds and will have a staff of about 55-60 with a potential payroll of $900,000 for the first year. the company plans on reopening the clinics in Glenwood and Murfreesboro as well, she added. Already, the company has engaged the services of a physician locating business to find a doctor to work the hospital, Voan said. Baker stated that the hospital's license is currently owned by Ị ew directions. the county cannot renew it, he said. the judge said he has given information on Ị ew directions to Kare Partners and is hopeful that the two companies can reach a settlement that will give ownership of the license to Kare Partners and at the same time absolve the county of any potential debt that would Blackmon recognized by governor Ethan Blackmon was recognized by Governor and Mrs. Beebe as a governor’s schoalrship winner. He is also valedictorian of Centerpoint High School. Ethan plans to attend ouachita Baptist University this fall and major in accounting. His plans are to pass the CPA certification and work for Blackmon oil, inc. That’s a big fish Joe May photo Keith Hancock of Alpine shows off a large walleye he caught on deGray Lake Monday while fishing with doug Killian of Amity. the fish was thought to weigh about 7lbs. have to be worked out in court. “Ị othing is going to happen unless they can get that license renewed,” he stated. Baker noted that he had received a proposed contract from Kare Partners that will have to be negotiated. He suggested caddo antiques Diamond p.12 allowing the company to operate the facility and if they are successful for two ye a r s , t h e c o u n t y would give them the d eed . J u s tice J oh n n y P ly ler wondered aloud how the company could p r o f i t a b l y o p e r a t e the hospital “when two others couldn't do it.” He also expressed doubt that a full-time emergency room would be beneficial, noting that that segment of the hospital often loses money. Voan stated that the emergency room would be a “loss leader” and noted that it is necessary to save lives. “We can stabilize people there and send them on to another facility,” she said. Justice Paul Baker said he would be in favor of the proposal “only if it doesn't cost the county one dime.” As the discussion on how to allow the new company to take over the facility continued, Paul Baker noted that such talk was useless. “We're not in a rush here. First, we need to see if they can get the license extended. We need to check with our lawyer and make sure that the county is not involved in this in any form or fashion.” His father, don Baker agreed. “i don't want the hospital on my agenda any longer than i have to have it,” he remarked. the court will revisit the issue at their regular meeting in two weeks. in other business, Jeff Guerin addressed the court about the construction of three tennis courts on the city park property near the hospital, which is owned by the county. A former tennis pro, Guerin stated that he is in the process of building a public access clay surface court on the former baseball field using crushed stone as a surface. Aside from a country club in Th e Stan dar d has you covered! Another Year, Another eight deer! TJ Creed: “I killed eight deer this year .I eye surgery!” Thank youand Dr. st Teed surgery!” Thank you Dr. Teed aff. and staff. “My cataract surgeryeight is still deer going strong thanks TJ Creed: “I killed this year . I to Dr. Teed and the great job he did! if you have cataracts, wouldn’t havesogotten so many wouldn’t have gotten many without eyewithout don’t wait any longer – See Dr. Teed and his staff!” -T.J. Creed TJ Creed www.arkansaseye.com TJ Creed Sarah McKinney›Herald Courtesy photo Hot Springs, it will be the only clay court in the area, he said, adding it will be the only one open to general access. Guerin said he plans to install 3-foot fencing around the sides of the court and ten-foot back fences. Asked about the type of fencing material, he stated that he was not yet certain. Currently, he said the South Pike County School district has 15 students involved in tennis and ( ' several adults in the community have expressed a desire to play on the courts. He noted that priority for the free courts would be given to the school children. the work is being financed by donations, he said, noting that a grant application to the state was rejected last year. Guerin will report on further developments at the next court meeting. 9 ', : % % $ !" # " #& # !" ( & ' &) ) ( & $ ' * ' ' "#$ % % ' ' ( ( ! !, ' 3 " $ ' # $%& ) ' & ' ( : ! !" $ &$ ' & # $%& + ' &' ( . /& & (" ) * + , - 01 ( $ 2 () 3 #$%& $ ( ( 4, ' . /& , &5 &6 $ & ")+ $ )" . ( * ' 6 . "/& /" + ( / ' 0 # ) 4" & "+% " ) ! 3' ' 7 ") " 1) 2# " ) 3")" 2 4)" 2 * + - 5 2# " , % 5) 66"# 75 " . 88 # ( - 9 Dr. Towle› Herald ) '' ' ' - 2# " )# / 9& & * + - 5 ) % the Standard May 10, 2012 Page 11 National Day of Prayer Swaha p. 9 Diamond Kristie May photo Students from the Clark County Christian Academy were among the participants in thursday’s Ị ational day of Prayer celebration in Arkadelphia. the event was held at third Street Baptist Church. A prayer For America righteous God, we submit to your rule the nations of the world. this day we ask and pray for the protection of our brave men and women who have volunteered for military service, both here at home and around the world. Lord, give them compassion for even those whom they confront as enemies. Keep them from hate and wanton destruction or from scorekeeping with human lives. We realize our Father, that for a season our men and women in uniform must be a people at war, but keep them safe from the hate that hardens into cruelty, the destruction that hardens into wantonness and an attitude that hardens into a lust for vengeance. though we recognize that for a season we must be a people of war keep our soldiers, sailors, and airmen, eager for peace and as eager for a cessation of hostilities as they are for military victory. Give them courage to do their duty, to encourage one another in the fulfillment of their objectives, but most of all, our Father, never let hard military duty and sacrifice separate them from their loyalty to our Savior, Jesus Christ, who taught us to be peacemakers, to bind our efforts toward bending our swords into plowshares for the peace and dignity of all mankind. Amen Submitted by Bob Sanders, Pastor St. andrew Methodist Church As many of your already know, my name is Loletia pate rather and i would like to be your next pike run Loletia county Treasurer. i have tried to personally visit pic with as many voters in our county as possible. fromHerald However, due to my full-time duties as pike county deputy circuit clerk, time has prevented me from meeting as many of you as i would like. PleaSe CoNSiDeR THSe FaCToRS WHeN CaSTiNG yoUR VoTe: 1. Four years working with Apprentice information Systems computer programs, the current system employed by all offices in Pike County government. 2. Currently employed by Pike County with a good understanding of the daily, weekly and monthly procedues required. early voting begins May 7, 2012 Democratic Primary May 22, 2012 your vote will be appreciated and i pledge my dedication to the job of Pike County Treasurer. elect loletia Pate Rather Pike County Treasurer Paid pol. ad. Graysonia a lost City of Dreams Heath Herring photo come experience life at Graysonia aN eXHiBiT aT THe ClaRK CoUNTy HiSToRiCal MUSeUM opening on May 12, 2012 from 1-4pm *Photographic display of Graysonia then and now *Slide show *Displays of logging tools and the commissary *live band performing in the park *Games for children *Blacksmithing demonstration *Crochet demonstration 750 South 5th Street in Arkadelphia Graysonia was one of numerous mill towns that sprang up in southern Arkansas during the twentieth century as a result of Arkansas’s growing timber industry. At its peak, Graysonia had one of the largest mills in the South and a thriving community. today, few visible remainders of the town exist. in 1902, William Grayson and Ị elson McLeod became principal stockholders in Arkadelphia Lumber Company. the company moved to a site near the Antoine river in 1907 because there were not enough resources in the area to continue at their former location. the new town was named Graysonia, in honor of the company’s president. the mill at Graysonia became one of the South’s largest due to the high lumber demands brought on by World War i. the mill especially prospered between 1915 and 1920. More than 500 employees worked to produce 150,000 board feet each day. this was substantially more than other mills, such as the one at Mauldin (Montgomery County), which produced 25,000 board feet each day at top speed. At its founding, 350 people lived in the town. Population more than doubled during the town’s peak. Graysonia was a company-owned town but was different from many other company-owned towns in Arkansas because it incorporated and elected its own government officials. in addition to a large commissary, the town boasted luxuries such as a confectionary, a movie theatre, three hotels, a school, and a church. it had a water system, as well as electric services. in 1924, the Bemis family bought into the company, and it was renamed the ozan-Grayson Lumber Company. the Bemis family operated other area mills, and this merger marked the beginning of five successful years of lumber production. Graysonia’s decline was due in large part to lumber companies’ “cut and move” mentality, which means that they took timber from the land and moved to another area with more resources. However, this was not the only reason for the town’s abandonment. in 1929, the Great depression swept the country. the mill at Graysonia held on for a time, but by 1931, the burden of the depression and a lack of timber became too great. the planer mill lasted for a while by cutting stored lumber, and management considered operating several small mills to continue production. However, the financial situation worsened, and the mill closed. Cinnabar, an ore from which mercury is extracted, was discovered in southwest Arkansas in 1930. Mill workers were encouraged to stay in Graysonia and work for the Arkansas Quicksilver Company. However, cinnabar mining also began to dwindle, and people started moving away from the town. Workers found jobs in other mills or mines, and the town became deserted. the ozan-Grayson directors reported to stockholders that the land was worthless, not worth the tax burden to keep it. the Bemises decided to sell 10,000 acres of the land to the McMillan family, traders in timberlands from Arkadelphia. With the remaining 50,000 acres, they built a mill in delight in 1937, using some of the equipment from the Graysonia mill. on Ị ovember 19, 1950, the Graysonia post office closed down and routed its mail through Alpine. in that same year, the U.S. Census listed the population of Graysonia to be zero. This program was made possible in part by a grant from the Department of Arkansas Heritage, funded by your 1/8 cent conservation tax, Amendment 75. Page 12 the Standard May 10, 2012 %098-2+ 8,) 0%77 3* Saluting the Class of 2012! Bismarck Gurdon Centerpoint South Pike County ouachita Hills Kirby arkadelphia Clark County Christian rose Blair- excalibur " " # ! # ! " % arkadelphia " ! % High School " ! # % DreVonne antonio adams, Cortez Bontae austin, Brett Ross Bagwell, ariel Breanna Bass, Brandon Monroe Beals, Branson D. Beard, anna lee Bell, Brandon Blevins, Brech, Colton Brim, Conner,, %6/)-8, %;%2Katherine 6230( Sue %67,%;2 %;%2 alexander 6230( 1&)6 0->%&)8, Rosser Bryan, Mary allison Canale, alexis Carrillo, %/)6 ,6-78-2 7,0)= %0(%7 %1)632 %00 2(6)% 34) %68,Tionna "-00-) Carter, Jessy Cole Nicole Davidson, )) %6832 6 Mya -/%6% ,%28)> )00 Daniels, -',%)0 Kimberly %2-)0 0%2/)27,-4 6%) Jakhiry Kejuan Dixon, My’esha Dia’Shae Dixon, David )9&)2 0)(73) 9(6-%2% ? ,%28) 32( %7,%( 3;-) 36(%6-97 Camden Dwelle, Jessica lee Forthman, Haylee Nicole ) ,%;2 6%++ %2 9/%7 6%.) 37)4, ,%60)7 637, %',)0 !-'836-% Fryar, Salexis Keyontra Gardner, angela Shauntie Briengh 637, =0)6 %= 63;2 977)00 %1)7 9'/2)6 6)+36= %:)00 0%=&362 Gipson, Jodie Gower, Christopher Bernard Gregory, )%2(6% 900-%2 0)++ %6'97 %2-)0 3%87 %=036 )2)) 30)1%2 978-2 Cornelius Gregory, laVonda ya’Nay Guinn, Tianna lachell -',30%7 334)6 Harvell, %'-) Katie 36(%2 1= ann 22 Hayes, 63; lamar -',%)0 6%-+ Mae334)6 Hayes, Kylie edward %2-)00 =(2)= Helms, 0->%&)8,Samuel %2-)00Hernandez, %8,)6-2) Halle 0)%236 %:-7 Hill, %61%2 -'30) oneCia Samantha )%832 6)7832 leann %0)2 -'/)6732 377 Himes, 3++)88Charles ,%2') %6)(3 922 Hill, Ryan 7%%' Gary Ray edwin Holland, )%+%2 )-+, 9:%00 %2-)0 "%=2) (;%6(7 %:)2 %) **36( -',%)0 Kenyada Shanel Hudspeth, Madison Brette Hughes, Joseph 37)4, 94)6 61%2(3 %7,%%( Joseph :)6)88) Nathaniel -',%)0 Jackson, 00)2 368,1%2 Ryan Humphries, Shawn e.6 &-+%-0 44)6732 3;0)6 %6=Michelle %=036 Jester, 6%2'-7Jarvis 39682)= :)(2-% Hannah Jay Johnson, Jarrett, 6))1%2 36+%2 =22 Karagozian, 6))2 6-82)=QuiNisha %? %) laShawn 900)= 37,9% 30%2( angelina Keys, Faith %+33( )77-/% %= %11327 -%6% ,%28)0 %66-7 %6% =22 %68 Macy N. allen, Tyler D. applegate, Kimberly a. Balentine, ethan T. elizabeth ledbetter, Zachary Garrett long, Destynie Ver36(%2 "%=2) %70)= 6%<832 ashley =6)) Kate )%62 McKenzie, %:-32 3+%2 )-7,% leigh %6-) lynn Marks, Samantha Blackmon, Rainey M. Blake, Jantzen W. Bradford, Jayla N. Bright, 300-7 )-=%2% McMillan, 300-7 -6)%0 31-2-' %=0% Krystal ,%28)00)laVette 928)6 audrey Rose928)6 McMillion, Kristen Noell Bright, Shian N. Caldwell, yancy Carolina %6% Campos, Christine laShelle 7,0)= 9678 7,0)=Medlock, -'30) Shannon 98832 32(% %= Michelli. %'/732 Katherine 6 )**6)= Morgan Miley, Theresa louise Mitchell, Sydney Molnar, )) %66)88 6 -86-2% =2)88 3,2732 -138,= -8',)00 3,2732 )286)0 Dallis C. Carroll, Nancy Cheng, Kimberly a. Colula, Vanessa a. Grey ,%59-00) Morgan, 32)7 Jordunn,%59%=% MaKail 2-59) Moss, leah %:328%) 32)7 ethan 322-'/% 32)7 Colula, Chase l. Crews, Devin B. Davidson, Jayla D. Davis, lauren NicoleNash, Marc Joseph anthony Newborn, Monica ida -678 3; )+,%2 9&90/% %&-8,% 6);)6 6)28 -00-2+7 %6+%6)8 22) -2+ -',%)0 -2+ 4)2')6 3(( 2-+,8 )07)= 6-%2% Joshua Sa’Vone Newburn, D.'388 Dixson, Melissa entrican, Fiedler, Flores, 23<Kanon %0)= ,%-Marie %+&=Newborn, )00= -'30) %0'31 %1%6'3 ):)632Kennedy %032) )22)88 6)28 P. )%2 %:-( Ryan %/)6 a.3(= 66)00Telmo ,)66-00 Don’yelle-0032 oliver,%=Dennis Morris=(2)= Parker Jr., Reagan leigh ,6-7834,)6 %90(-2 %<;)00 36+%2 ' %90)= D.2() Forrester, Bailey l. Fowler, 2()6732 -11= &7,96) lillian R. Franklin, Brady a. Garner, Parsons, Chris Patterson, Kallie Payne, David Wesley %8-) 37) ' 0)2%,%2 )1%6/97 )2)00 ' 096) %22)6 ' 096) )'32( K. 3; Garrett, 6=%2 36( 0)< J. 9++%2 377R. Gomez, %=0% %0)2 Kristen Carter Garrison,2() Rosio Ryan D. Person, Rebecca autumn Phillips, JuCory Diante’ Pigg, %6)0 ' ,)) -138,= 0%2 )%27 6 %1)7 0&)68 )(03'/ Krissen Sheree Piggee, anna Claire Pounders, Chandler -<732 032% 32() adeia 6)+ R.%:-7 ,328)00)emily 334)6 -78= Hamilton, Kyle()Harvey, Hernandez, a. Jenkins, Kaylan l. ,)66- 0->%&)8, -',)00- -**%2= -',)00) 964,= ):-2 %2) ); 6 Carol Powell,-138,= laura elizabeth JaQuez 3+&962 30-2 3+&962 37,9% %?!32) );&962 2(6) 3)0Powell, -2(7)= -'30)DaMon -4/-2 Jessup, Robert R. Kolbicka, Hannah K. lambert, Victoria a. long, Jesus i. Reed, Kaitlyn Nicole Reid, edward olen Reynolds, ):-2 (;%6( 378 7,8=2 46-0 6-') -%2'% %2)% 6=36 $%'/)6= ,-6( 3; ,6-78-2% -6/4%86-'/ %0=2 )78)6 %0)= Josie Harlene Riley, Jacob MacKenzie Roberson, lopez, Zachary C. Main, Kody M. Mann, Kory B. Mann, amanda l. Martin, ? )%0 %2(%00 0-732 -',)00) )):)7 2(6); -(+)00 %6% 3&-2732 9(+-27 3(= 30'31&) ,)0&= %6:)= )0-'-% %6:)00 alicia Roberts, Kathryne Rocole, Samuel Muñoz ,%663( -)66) 3&-2732 =0)6 -)3?7,% 3&-2732 0)<%2(6-% )6- 3+)67 00)2 andrew J. Massey, Griseida Matisas-Castillo, John W. Mockabee iii, Joshua Rodriguez, olivia Nicole Rogers, Samantha Jo -**%2= 6-&0-2 -()32 %6'-% 928)6 3;0)6 )) 3+)67 3(= )) 3+)67 )&)''% -'30) 3+)67 ,)88 978%2 3+)67 )-8, P. 3968, Moore, Jade a. oliva, a. Perry- Rogers, elva a. Rosas, amy Noel Rowland, Garrett 3; M. Moshier, 36+%2 Nohemi ;)27 Murguia, %60-> Kevin 96+9-% 36)2Cory0)<%2()6 377 %1%28,% -0))2 3=&30 %2))2Scott, 6-%2%Jordan %2',)>Taylor 0)< Sharp, ,%((-< Robert Rucker, Naulaunie Servellon, Harlie D. Poirier, okaidi yasmin Posadas-Tidwell, Jeanette %22-2+ %0)= %'/ 6)% =327 ))0-) )) )77) )%1327 0->%&)8, %8,)6-2)Brandon ,%; -'30%7 )2732 ,9**-)0( %66-) =22 ,90)6 Smith, ,%0-2)) Christopher Smith, Halle Michelle -6-63.%2%/362 22 %;%2 =0) 4%6/7 3(= Rhiddlehoover, Rodriguez, Zulema Rodriguez-Valencia, Magaly %11= ,)07)% %2+ Daniela 2+)0-2) i 30&-'/% Khadijah iman /-22)6 Smith, ,6-7834,)6 Tevin GyWone Quartezz’ "%=2) 46%(0-2 )00= 22 86-'/0%2( %1)7 6630 900-:%2 6-2 -*8, 3; -0)= Runyan, %17)= Dillon 300= 3-6-)6 3-6-)6 1-0= Clayton S. Smith, Brandon C. Still, Ravi William Sun, Roman, Hayden l. Shaw,%((= Caitlin R. Sirmon, )-+, 912)6 Christopher %136) ;%2732 -',%6(Kenneth 3)0 ;)%8 )2(% =22) Dale Taylor, Daniel Taylor, 0=0)6 Ricky %88 l.-'/)88 =0%2Jessilyn ,-00-47 )77-/% Sorrells, Spears, Jr., B. Staggs, Tori )8897 Payton Stone,=0)6 Daniel J. 322-)7,% Brandi 962% Nicole %2/ 6-'/)8 %2-)00) %0%& Thomas, 3) %=036 Thomas, Perri%=036 elizabeth %88)6732 %8-) %01)6 %= )(()6 William -',30%7 anderson %86-'/ ,-&3()%9< %1%28,%Kiana 3 ,31%7 Thomas, Tre’Cia Tolliver, %8,)6-2) Grant Sutter, Kira N. Sweeney, Jacob l. Sweet, ethan S. Thomas, Toby8,%2 a. Tigue, -<8, 3; 3'/= 832) 1= 4)2') %6% -11327 -00= =22 ,314732 alan ,6-7834,)6 0)<%2()6 ,362832 ):-2 6-%2 "%() 8%')= =22 Tuggle, Benjamin alexandre Von Turner, Jess Colton Christopher Whisenhunt, Garrett T. Whitley, austin l. Wilder, Marcus a. =22 "%8732 "%88)67 928)6 22 "%=0%2( William %88,); Watkins %90 Wallace, Corliss antonio Ware, )6:)0032 %')= )) -/%=0% '388 %22%, 377 -2(= "%6( )6)1-%, Turner, Williams, S. Wimberly, Bradley a. Wisener, amy R. Wright, Carol 6%2(32 )) "))/7 37,9% laShay 30) "))17Wells, 6-78= Dimitri -'30) ")78 Drew %88,); " ",-8) Kyauna Williams, 3(6-+9)>Taylor %=0)) %= Javaughn Justin"-2+*-)0( J. Williams, lee =%2 )328%) '388 ",-88-) Williams, -',%6( 928)6 =%2 Miquon %2-)0 #392+ Delaney Tiffany D. Wright, Johnny l.0=77% yarbrough, Jr., Julio ):)28, Wright, 3; %/=2 $)002)6 32 32 $%136%23 ")78 978%:3 $92-+% 6Williams, Tayloraynne Williams, Nyesha Sandrea Zavala-Rodriguez %') -00)= 3,2 -+9) 2+)0% -+9) %1 %=036 Winfrey ! !" ! "! " ! !! " !! % # " ! Centerpoint High School " " );;-9:65 -,-9)3 9-,1; #5165 Pioneer Abstract & Title Company 870-246-8081 We’re proud of you, seniors! attorney Sanders D & H 10Bob Minit Lube Congratulations 870-246-2898 870-246-2466 on your Way to go grads! Keep God your plans! graduation! Aiminhigh! We salute the Class G/T19*@ Body Shop and!;67 Pizza 12-%00)=?7 6<5;@ <,/)5,1,);>1+2 -2% 8%8-32 Shack in Glenwood of 2007! !" ! Congrats to this year’s Congratulations, ! % # Seniors! $ Davis-Smith Funeral Home 870-356-2114 We salute you, grads! Good job! Doug’s Grocery 870-353-2240 We’re mighty proud of our seniors! graduating classs! Morgan Andy Berry 12- 6<5;@ <,/870-246-4571 Congratulations, Berry! Congratulations, seniors! ! Jessica 870-334-2411 870-230-2717 Congratulations on your proud of our grads! graduation! 870-246-7750 Congratulations to Marissa Good job, senior class! Reynolds & Anthony Tolleson! Oil Company ClarkLigon County Christian academy -33-@B: )9: ?7 <,/6-:) Bank 2 Chambers of Amity 12- 6<5;@ )5,1,);- ! We salute the " ! !! graduating class! 0)931-B: 6,@ !067 )51+!" It is our hope that you can properly invest %1331)4: in the future. May your futures be bright ;;695-@ as you go out into the world! May “T HE Publishing BANK INTERESTED IN -8',)2 YOU AND YOUR COMMUNITY” 97-)?7 39286= -331-B: -; Company 966415/ 870-342-5268 THe STAmity aNDaRD Kirby 870-398-4000 congrats #"#to all! the seniors! " ! Groovy Graphics Garner Tire & auto !;<+2-@B: !0-33 870-356-2829 the Standard May 10, 2012 Page 13 " ':/+ 22-55* 2+> 8452* '8'. +'4 :+6.'4/+ /)52+ ;,1/4 ?2++ ;@'44+ ;81 8/::'4? /)52+ 56+2'4* 22?954 '4/+22+ 5> /3(+82? '=4 22/9 3/2? ;+ 4-2/9. 22/+ 58-'4 +':.+89:54 +2/)/' +)52+ ;-/:: !8+?)+ 22+4 ;-/:: 9.2+? '4/+22+ '4/ '8:9,/+2* '::/954 25?* /)1+? /)52+ /)1? /).+22+ 5;9+ 59.;' 8'412/4 ;,,3'4 8/::4+? ;-.+9 +44+:. '82 ')1954 3? '4'+ 5.49 &')1'8? 52+ 59:+89 +:.'4? '8/+ /4-5 '81 /:).+2 +/*/ 8+'44 5,,/:: +29/ ;+ 55*? '::.+= '954 5:2+? +2+4' '6'*565;259 '8'. +88/4 +44/,+8 ?44 ':.+8 ?2' +8+1 5=:54 8'*? /).'8* :/<+89 3(+8 ouachita academy Courtesy photo 3'4 :54+Hills .;54/4. !8/4. !'8' +4'+ $./:+ ')5( Front row: Jonathan Aldana, Catherine Connell, Hannah Powell, Vanessa rocha, danica $/22/'3954 Eylenstein, Ị athan Fender. Back row: Bruno Cazarine, Christian Bardan, raphael Soler, isaac Caza, Jordan Alayao, Saleem Shareef South Pike County 5.4 .8/9:/'4 599 '3/+ +4+ 5=2+8 +2/)/' '4+ ;4*+8(;81 !+4+9.' '4?'A /22'8* ')+? +'44 ;? 9/' High School .'2/*0' .+8'+ /22 **/+ ++ ;-.+9 59' ':8/)/' /+<+9 '87;+@ Scott +29/+Rogillio, '/-+ )Trey +22'4* #'4+99' %+<+::+ ?1+9 Jeremy Stone, Dillon Wayne Strawn, .'9/:? austin +/-. $'22')+ ?44ismael $./9+4.;4: Stephen Vaught,+99/)' Michael Villalobos, Michael austen Walls, Brennon Watts, Christian Watts, Tiffany Danielle Church, Jordan annette Compton, alicia Nicole Corson, Natasha l. Cribbs, Bailey l’Ray Friend, Hannah Christian Fugitt, Paige Kathryn-Marie Hopper, allison Kane Kemp, Katelyn Kirkham, Madeline Paige Kizzia, emma Dawn lane, alexis Breana lee, Chance edward allmon, Brannon Wayne Buck, Cory Chambers, Caden Couch, Brady adam eaton, Taylor B. Friend, eleonai agudo Hernandez, Brady austin Hoover, Randy House, Shay Zykie Hughes, erik allen irvin, Corliss Johnson, Christopher andrew Jones, Tyler Krumnow, Hunter ajay Mabery, austin Miller, Michael Wayne Murphy, Randall Scott Packer, andrew Talon Parker, Joshua Rory Roberts, amber ellis, Catherine Plunk, autumn l. littles, amber Nicole McKinnon, lindsey Kay Posey, Rachael lynette Rezansoff, Nicole Rowton, amber ottis Self, Krista Blaine Smith, Rachael allison Stewart, Carmen Wise, Brandi l. Wofford, Mandi D. Wofford, layla Mercedes -8'*9 Wootten,! Tabitha Wray Wright, Katlyn Spickard, Jon " ! ! ! " " Jackson " Congratulations Abigail Ted Egelston, loletia Pate Rather Attorney Bob Sanders !.+ 56 '9 4>@8 Realtor Luekenga on your high school FoR870-246-2466 PC TReaSUReR /3+ :')./9' /118 )'*+2> 1'88 4, Congratulations upon your 870-356-2917 $%" " $ $ "" $ ## # $ $ ! & graduation! reach for the stars, grads! or 356-9791 "graduation! " " $ " & 44* WE4:39> ’RE PRAYING Tracy’s Proud to 1'70 '72 THAT :7+': +3+7'1 Kuhn’s Hardware salute this 38:7'3)+ Styling on YOU WILL HAVE A GREAT the Square 870-353-4335 COLLEGE EXPERIENCE. year’s -+3)> ! ! graduating We’re all proud of you! 870-342-6255 We’re proud of you! class! Thresa’s Fashions plan your '<7+3)+ '3* "/2(+7 We love you very much! Bismarck Community Market 2'81 5;4:? /<+9:5)1 ++* 22-55* ;:5 '59/89 501-865-4929 future wisely, Dad, Mom, Zane, 870-356-2242 Phil’s +*/)'1 Great going! We’re all !grads! Dustin, MeMe & Pop We’re proud of you all! mighty proud of you! Pharmacy +39+7 870-356-7445 Congrats to our local senior %7+)0+7 $'22 classes! '7*2'3 '72 :7+': -+39 "43>-+4: +11 22/'4)+ 49;8'4)+ ! % :94 "/7+ Congratulations Graduates! :8++: /4 39+7/478 :.+Pizza $55*9 Shack 501-866-3222 ! "! 870-245-3882 college, we’re right behind you with the We’re ! all financial behind support you you, achieve We’re "need tograds! hoping for your goals and live your dreams. good things !'; # 47+ UÊÀiiÊ iV} in your life! UÊ->Û}ÃÊVVÕÌà little italy italian Restaurant As1'70 you5, embark on your new life, whether $58* '/:. .8/9:/'4 )'*+3? 4:39> (897')9 ! " % you’re joining the workforce or starting " UÊ,ÃÊEÊ ÃÊ ! UÊiÞÊ>ÀiÌà UÊÀÌ}>}ià /0+ 4:39> :*-+ ;4 '3*/*'9+ /'354* UÊ*iÀÃ>Ê>à @ /0+www.diamondbanking.com 4:39> !.+7/,, De Queen I Dierks I Glenwood I Hope Hot Springs Mena I Mineral Springs Mount Ida I Murfreesboro I Nashville !! Thomerson Drug & Gifts LOCATED IN GURDON 870-353-4442 Good luck to all our graduating seniors! We salute the Bismarck High School Class of 2008! ! YOU’VE REACHED YOUR GOAL AND WE’RE MIGHTY PROUD OF YOU ALL. CATC CENTRAL ARKANSAS TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE Bismarck-Donaldson Gurdon High School Page 14 the Standard May 10, 2012 ">2,4@*B $1.55 Clark County Christian academy <1: /5)+16 (left to right) emily Daniell Miller, alexa elizabeth Smith & Noah edward lloyd General 870-230-8899 Insurance Keep on trucking, grads! Valley Thrash>,4 Propane '*B7. >=8 $*5.< Caddo ';201=D< 88-landing .7=.; 870-356-3512 Make mark, grads! Front rowReynolds, (left your to Alexandra right) Kade Wilkinson, DavidBack Daum, Neall,Damsteegt, Addison Huong, Caleb Christine Dimitriu, Beth Johns. row Jason (L-R) Pieter Charles Smith, Ouachita Hills Academy photo Ouachita Hills Academy ClassOlteanu, of 2007 Courtesy front row (L-R) Jessica Homer, Cindy Kyra Forrest, Carrie McMillian, Christina Hightower, Bryan Chesnut, Reynolds, Carson Whinnery, Brian White, Paul Dysinger, Joshua Kim (not pictured) DeVost, AncaDaniel Chirvasuta Good going senior class! I’m proud of you! ! CLARK COUNTY SHERIFF )413;65 )15;DAVID TURNER 6,@ "655@B: Lumber <;6 )9;:Co. Barksdale 870-342-5200 Best wishes to our seniors! Williams Saw Co. 36;015/ Salem Quick Stop JACK GARDNER 3)928>7=B 6<5;@ "0-91.. 5*;4 $1.;2// *7-2-*=. 870-356-3422 $" & We’re #" ' %$proud of you all! 0)4*-9:Corner )52 *;5..D< 8;7.; Carlee’s 870-342-6243 870-342-6243 Congratulations to Jessica Go outand andLeah win,Lambert! grads! Ringer Shepherd’s Quick Stop /<199- )91<: &)@5- erika alfaro, Maci elizabeth Blanton, )13-@ logan )=1, Britt, 1+0)-3 -)0 William alfred)19Jermaine )51-33- Pedro );-: Bruno, 605 angelica )=1, 3)+2>-3 Brown, Denise 2;<=2. .. 77 ,;.B *%8;;2 872:>. &-:3-@ !-), 6<3,-5Bonnie #91:;-5Campbell, -5)9, Burchfield, Khadijah 7-.;<87 8<1>* B5. *+27.*>A Riche’ Clark, Jacob Ryan3-465: Cooley, Melanie <336+2 #)@369 -);0 .5<.B #.7.. $*6*7=1* #.7*. .*5< ashley Monique Culmer, Davis ";-70-5 63315:%*Maxwell ")9)0 5*,[email protected] 5,9-> *-2<87 B 5 8 ; -::1+) ;*-B Currey, Justice le’Nay Dickens, Kaitlyn 647;65 )@3-@ !-5-667-9 . 7-;* ;8@7 *B5* Michelle Rose Dickerson, Nickolas Dewayne . 7 . = = . -1;0 * 5 <99@ - @ . 5 5 91:;1)5) *<<*7 -;* !6*-9; 1+63ellis, Joshua David evans, Ryan andrew 2,85. * ; = . ; )@-% 1 3-465: 86*< -*6 <5+)5 -:0) Foshee, Shelby Gay Givens, Shandie )9@ Rae 5 * ; 436>-9: . ; ; 89- # )4-965 *B 8 ; + 2641518<= .;;* -Golden, Zachary Patrick Gooding, Hannah *;2. ;*@/8;*;28 <;*.5 )95-9 1+0-33-Karlena 13-: Green, :03-@ Green,1)9) Kimberly Dell ;>C 1 * ; 2 < 6 * &. ; 2 , * *B antionnette Harper, ashley)5:-5 Denise Makayla 1+6336=-9 91)5 9-/69@ $ 1 * 7 . ? . ;.= = .6 9 < . B 8 - B 5*7 leshae Hood, Ravyn #-5-:0) Darleana Henry, alexis Vote for ')519) :4-9)3,) )97-9 2,4.;<87 ;2=7.B *<1*. 2A87 Hubbard, Ta’Quan Dewayne ivory, alvin "0)5-:)991: 2A87 - )56!*>5)+8<'12=7.B *<1*. ! . = .A; James Jemison, Brandis Nicole Jones, ?-59@ * 7 < Central 5 5 5 -65* @ ; .)98<1: 7Electric ,. *Cooperative ; 5 63314)5 2<1.; South MarieArkansas Krueger, Hannah ashley Tiffany . < 5 . B + Board 5 . A <of * 7Directors - ; 2 * !@)58 ; .<:;15 6*7 )3-591,662: Kuhn, Jeremy Deshaw Marks, Jujuan * 6I would . 2 7#96@ .* 5 *662: ; 7 . ;to ";)+1 2*you!>):0) 7.. like the opportunity serve 662: 3)5 obree Marks, Taylor Monique Marsh, 25.< 7-;.@ %186*< ;2//27 605:65 <)5 5,9-: Martin, -65 91+ "-;0 Katherine Cheyenne Kristen ;.*77* >-;.* *;;2< *5.B McClure, Glenn1+0-3anthony Michael, Suzanne ->1: 91;;)5@ 15,:-@ * ; 5 . 7. *;;2< +87. .5.,. larry eugene Mitchell iii, Christopher -..9-@ @55 6+2>66, 9 )4-: *;,1*.5 89<87 .77* 2,85. >;<= James Mitchell, Khadijah Symone >1/0; 2,1*.5 )3+64*,4<87 #146;0@ '.<5.B 2,*1 )4-: 25587 Muldrow, Troy Tyler Norment, Brittany 8B *;2* 52C*+.=1 *;=27.C 5/-3-5) .87=* + )99@ 9 091:;15Rene oliver, alyssa Breann Parker, Kiersten *<1*@7 ):-@ , 5.55*7 - 694)5 8<1>* 2,1*.5 1+063: 1+63Nicole Patterson, Tommy Wayne Pierce,!)+0-3 Mason . . 4 < > < 1 3 * $ 1 * 7 2 .,. 2=,1.55 Glenwood Office 3-?)5,9) 1-9+-551.-9 1+63Prince, Trent Dewayne Purifoy, Shakeia Cole GLENWOOD 8-B 55.7 .56*77 B5. >55.; 67)92 !13-@ )915 <:;15 Dashawn Quarles,33-5 alejandro Rodriguez, ariel 870-356-5101 ;<+>;7 .;;2,4 %;8B !2;4.B *7-2,. 870-356-5101 Marie Russell, Naomi Jane Russell, Gabriel !6**15: ")5.69, B77 !>;-B )@3) 8++B31A)*-;0 '*B7. !>;2/8B ; RKADELPHIA A Charlene Santos, Tarmar Faye Sims, Deonco 1+0-33@55 "-3=1,/)9-, !6:: .7B87 *?2- #*25.B #.0*7 , .7C2. Deomon Sorrells, Ki’arron Montrez "0)=-9 5,9->*;B #9-=156 65);0)5 870-246-2984 #.7/;8 127* $,1.. .?27 *. Summerville, Janice Kathleen Thomas, $62=19.=.;< &*7-2?.; );91+2 #@:65*>;.7 69@52C*+.=1 )965 %)5+$:(4+(8+ (? Damond David%/,Threadgill, Megan "(., Riley $1*:>87-* *;2. '*54.; 6:-) %186*< #8<< 6<9;5-@ 55 &)32-9 ->)@5Trout, Daniel Vidal, Moises Vidal, John Tyler '12=. 1;2<=891.; *6.< '2552*6< &)32-9 -@65) <):0)@3) Watters, Brandon lee Weems, Holly&)32-9 Michelle #*25.B . 77 '2552*6< %268=1B #146;0@ &01;>69;0 Wells, Juan#9-@ Fernando Williams, ()+0)9@ Romeka ;*7-87 '2552*6< *2=5B77 #*. Simone Williams, Shaketa @3- &13:65 065/ Nicole %1+2@Williams, ')5/ '25<87 %872* %.;.<* )*7.C (*2 )*70 angel yanez !6**1- 5;615-;;- '6<5/ Congratulations to the seniors! Karen’s Cakes & Catering KAREN KIRKPATRICK 870-246-4825 You made it! Congrats! Plyler Auto Sales 870-356-4449 Set your sights, seniors! Lana York Danny McGrew 870-246-7781 870-356-3891 870-246-5872 Wayne Buck Auto Sales Mid-Ark Lumber Co. Wishing you a bright future! )35./: 3:,? $/;<+=:+7< %<+008:.870-356-2240 =-<387 $/+5<? Best wishes to 3<3 our#+>7 graduates! Keep up the great work! animal Hospital .;.6BD< $98;=< $=89 Waymack Valley Exxon IOCC.com 870-246-6923 We support our seniors! %" % "$ ! % " 870-246-3191 870-246-2497 Way to go, senior class! proud of our grads! ( As you enter this next stage of your lives, the owners and employees of Curt Bean Lumber Company would like to take this occasion to wish you good fortune 63<? -8=7-35 .3;-=;;/; on your journey through /6/:1/7-? 9:/9+:/.7/;; life. /7</:9837< (+5/.3-<8:3+7 +7. %+5=<+<8:3+7 Way to go, CURT BEAN Seniors! LUMBER "0*:;8,+ 2,-: :5 80./: (8, &(2,+0*:580(4 ,,20, ,, (4+ $(2;:(:580(4 ,./(4 ;);21( ()5;: :/, 65990)020:? 5- :/, : =(9 (.8,,+ :/(: :/, 5=4,8 (8,( ),04. =0:/5;: 65=,8 =5;2+ (.(04 ), *0:,+ -58 -(02 30:? 4,,+9 :5 ), 68,6(8,+ (4+ 20./:9 -58 9,<,8(2 =,,19 ;8, :5 *5362? =0:/ :/, 58+0 04 :/, ,<,4: 5- (4 ,3,8.,4*? '0:/ :/(: :/5;./: 04 304+ /, 4(4*, (4+ =5;2+ -(*, (*:054 (?58 /,9:,8 2(81 :52+ 9;..,9:,+ :/, *5;4*02 *54 04 30:? 9 4,= +09:80*: *5;8: 3,3),89 5- :/, *0:? *5;4*02 90+,8 6;8*/(904. ( .,4,8(:58 4 5:/,8 );904,99 :/, *5;4 (: %;,9+(? ,<,404. 9 3,,: -58 0:? 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"8,<05;9 SCHOOL (954 5.);84 9 /5;89 -853 :/, ,= (+80+ -(;2: /(9 45: /,26,+ :/, 90:;(:054 :/, :/, =,,1,4+ :5 =,,1+(?9 *(;9,+ /03 :5 ),.04 :/04104. 3(?58 45:,+ * " * &"$ COMPANY Best wishes for a bright future! Amity-Glenwood " $ 870-356Good luck in the future, We’re behind you, graduates! "! grads! " %1;*<1 615; -,)9 !;89*7. )1; 96+-9@ Reeder Realty 870-246-2406 Good going, seniors! )=1: *B/58@. 69;)*3#& <13,15/: Cowboy Dispatch 8@+8BGrocery 2<9*=,1 Judy’s 870-342-5101 870-342-9400 We’re)465 very proud of you! congrats! You )51-3: made it! 5.7@88- Equipment :>296.7= 8 Glenwood Co. Elk Horn Turner Tire Co. ! /7</:9837< 878: :+.=+</; 870-356-2741 854: #5= ,,20, ,, /,29,( (4. 4.,204, 52)0*1( (2?4 ,9:,8 254( +, #54+, 870-356-4753 Bank /54:,22, 556,8 & ,./(4 ;);21( 033? )9/;8, (*1 #5= (*, %022,? 3? $6,4*, Congratulations to Bo (?2,, #(? 02,? #(39,? 522? "5080,8 302? "2?2,8 58.(4 !=,49 (820@ ;8.;0( a bright future! Southall! Trust Co. Wishing you Jeremy’s Stop 870-246-5811 The LadySports Like Shop 870-342-5210 870-334-2677 We’re here for you! You have done well! Congratulations Nicole Compton, Jessica Lambert & Lacy Mack! stand behind )/We -871:+<=5+</ 8=:our 58-+5 !! graduates! We are proud 1:+.=+</; of you! Keep up the good work. " $ ! # ! $ % % %2//*7B " "!" $*6>.5 870;*=>5*=287< ( " % " )55@ C )7)> BISMARCK-A8?.RKADELPHIA 64 ), 86 :589 9;6658:,+ 1,,604. :/, *;88,4: 9?9:,3 *- .0*7 8;=7.B 8,90+,4: 5- ";2(910 5;4:? 9/, =(9 54, 5- ()5;: :=,4:? (6620 %;*. 08,+ 04+2,? :5 9,8<, 54 9:06,4+ (9 $ *558+04(:58 the Standard May 10, 2012 Page 15 Bismarck High School 1:)6,) 5576; 70)66;-6 1+74- 41B)*-<0 ):3-: )37<) );?-44 "):)0 16/0)5 )5-; -@<-: =A):, 7:<6-A 4)A<76 -661.-: A66 7@ "):)0 )14-1/0 7@ 7=:<6-A !-6-Brandon Casey :7? D. Brown, Casey):6-44 Brown,Tori emily),; Cansler, :)?4-A Beattie, 706 )>1, 4-@)6,-: )B516Buck, 1)B Sarah =;<16Campbell, 1//16; #A4-: =)6 Compton, Brian )?6 Copeland, Diaz,)6 Caleb DuFresne, Terra :>1B=Collins, ):+1) Jessica 7-A )::-<< 7=:<6-A 1*;76 Galdino A4- 1*;76 ()+0):A 7:,76 Megan )5-; Bridgett eakin, Garrett Fertig, Kyle):>-A Flowers,7=:<6-A Jared eads, )::-<< )44 "A,6-A 41B)*-<0edwards, )6+7+3 Nathan -)<0-:evans, 7=1;-Taylor ):576 "+7<< -6,-:;76 )>76 -6;76Michael -:-3 Hardage, 1+0)-4 74415)6 514A 74<Rachel #A4-: Hartman, 76-A+=<< Coley 74<-6Henson, =/0-; Golden, James Hardage, Haley Harmon, )/-6 Henson, =/0-; Samuel :1)6 Hessee, =;3-A Jessa -62)516 A6,; )<<0-? -6616/; 5A =-6-5)66 1+74Sierra Hughes, Phillip Hughes, Halie Johnson, Kandy Kelley, -4475; 76/ -)<0-: 7?- Mason, 1:;<-6Caleb );;-A ;0<76Kevin -0)41+ ;;-6+luker,7:,)6 Dakota16,-: lynn, =;<16 Spencer Manis, Brittany Massey, McMahon, allie 7:-0-), :1;<-6 7:/)6Michael, 0:1;<780-: )37<)0 Reynaldo :7>-6+- Morales, =5*-:<7 !7,:1/=-B ;04A66 !7/-:; 1;) Merrill, Joanne allie-)4 Mitchell, Peyton Morehead, logan Kelby ):1")=6,-:; ()+0):A "+0=4<B "755-: #=B,-"0)634-; "1-::) "0):8 =;<16 "0-):16 7:-6,) A+0-4 Morrison,Jeremy Nelson, alicia Nutt, Justin oglesby, andrew orr, Jaimie Partin, Cameron "0-):16 :),A "573- :1)66) "741; "<->-6 #075); "8:)634- )6676 "<)6,:1,/- 4)A<76 #07:6<76 7,A Phillips, Jessica Pierce, Justin Rowland, Miranda Sandgren, Masin Sharp, april Smith, #=+3-: )447:A #=:6-: #:-6< #=:6-: )<)4A %-4)B9=-B ):4 -- &01<- 6,:-? &1441)5; 144):A &1441)5; Colin Smith, alex Spradlin, anthony Sprankle, austin Steelman, Christabel Stephens, Jason ()+0 &1441)5;76 A4)6 &14;76 Sutton, angel Titus, Sydney Turner, Chisum Vasseau, Brieanna Vinson, Chris Weatherford, Dylan Weaver, Jordan Welsh, Taylor Wethington, Brittany Williams, ethan Williams, Haley Williams,Kari Williams ! ! % :3),-4801) &)4 ):< +,..,2 $,.(9 (44,&$ (&- (00,)(3 3$9 (44,&$ 3$9 +$4( 6&-+1.: $& (0:,( 63-4 #$&+ 630(55 $4(9 63316*+4 $55 $.'8(.. $3$+ $/3$4 9.$0 .$313'$0 .$3- +3,459 .($7(4 5+$0 1..,04 +9$00 16054 /$0'$ 3$0*.( ((0$ # ! 3$0'10 7$04 +3,4 ('3,& $,.(9 1'9 $7,4 (..9 180,( +$0'3$ $'4 +3,4512+(3 !$33(0 (35,* 3 (3(- ,.,2(- !(4 1*.( #$&+$39 13' 9.$0 6..(3 (,5+ $33,4 !+,50(9 (,3' (00,)(3 ,0(4 1*$0 605 $5(.900( 1+04510 14+ 10(4 0510,1 $/%(35 5(2+$0,( $35,0(: ' $9 +(.4($ & $4.,0 $0$ (+$.,& $39 1'(3 /$3 13$.(4 6-( 133,410 3,5509 ($. 14+ (841/ +$0( 1/$9%1 (44( 3(7$55( 9.$0 ,//(3 ,..10 &+1),(.' 3,45(0 +($3,0 $-(0:,( /,5+ (33$ 014418 (8510 0)85)6 /,5+ .,&,$ 5$0&,. 7,A +(0$ )5-;5(2+(04 1.510 6..,7$0 3$&9 65510 $5(.$0 % %'(0" !,..,$/4 # ! "!" 1.$0' $9.$ !$3' 5(7(0 !$5410 ,&+$(. !,.410 7. 7< $44$0'3$ "8:16/; 1.,0 778-: 7. 51<A Gurdon =:,76 Grill :144 870-353-4500 congrats, Hannah Green! 18.(3 6&5,10((34 Buck’s Country ,..;4Store ) 7C;651/1 5*:71,-:A 7:D 870-342-9227 We’re ! ! $of you all! "&#! proud ! !% " ! John Plyler Home Center 870-356-3312 We support our graduates! 144):,C; "0-44 Pizza Barn Manchester Realty Rep. Randy Stewart 870-353-6330 870-246-9700 House District 23 Good luck in the future, of you all! ! grads! Go I’m for! proud the gold, seniors! Judy Beth Hutcherson Ruggles-Wilcox Funeral Home ClaRK C870-246-4551 oUNTy TReaSUReR Congratulations, Good luck in theseniors! future! Lux Hair in Cafe Motion 870-356-3122 501-865-3989 Congratulations, We’re so proud ofShanny! you all! leMay Furniture ):4--C; 7:6-: Waymack Animal Clinic DRS . WAYMACK & RUCKER 870-353-2620 2920 Pine Street 870-246-2497 " job, senior !graduates! " %class! "! Good Congrats, Forever Blooming Forever Blooming Amity Woodworks 501-865-4810 870-342-5710 May501-865-4810 your future ever be congratulations, Jessaseniors! & JoJo A job &well done, bright! all BHS Seniors! 51<A Dental -6<4- Office -6<)4 Amity 870-342-9212 You’ve"done a! good job! "!" McGrew Service )514A Auction 01:78:)+<1+ Paradise Tanning $/,.9 +,3123$5,& 870-356-3029 870-356-2019 Wishing a bright future! " We’re all behind && you % "%you! # ' %' ! " " Alton Bean Trucking 870-342-9551 Good going, graduates! Blake Batson Clark County Prosecutor I’m proud of you all! Plyler’s&auto Flower GiftSales Shop 870-356-4449 870-356-3192 We’re you! We’rerooting so proudfor of you! Ron Daniell CLARK COUNTY JUDGE You’ve done good, grads! West Pine exxon 16-:C; %144)/"<78 870-246-8840 Troy’s Auto Sales proud our seniors! ! % % " of"!" 870-342-5042 Best seniors! 4):3wishes, 7=6<A 4-:3 Williams Saw Company ! 870-246-5872 ! Congratulations to the Glenwoodseniors! Nursing & Rehab # #:),16/ 7;< Vote for ,-( 16059 44(4413 $0','$5( Karen’s Cakes & Catering 870-356-3953 KAREN KIRKPATRICK 870-246-4825 South#Central!Arkansas Cooperative congrats to all Electric the seniors! # Board of Directors You made it! Congrats! !" ! opportunity I would like the to serve you! Plyler Auto Sales 15C; 7,A "078 870-356-4449 ! !sights,! seniors! Set your Glenwood Office 4):3 ,7(34 7=6<A ;;-;;7: GLENWOOD 8,0 3&+,5(&54 870-356-5101 870-356-5101 " 870-246-8081 ' "$ Lana!% York ARKADELPHIA "class! ! McGrew congrats, senior "Danny 870-246-2984 7Buck ->14 Hardman Lumber Co. Wayne Auto:144 Sales Mid-Ark Lumber Co. Robert McCallum w e g oup ep esented this about anything else." and it will be," Daniell said. "But Daniell said if the tax passes I can not guarantee they will get and he begins seeking members two spots. I invited them to come for the Clark County Economic and to me about and COUNTY CIRCUIT JUDGE Ctalk ANDIDATE FORtheCtax LARK Development Committee, he its proposed budget. The group "hopes we get 200 qualified still did not seem to be making a applicants to choose from to fill solid commitment to the tax, Paid pol.those ad five positions." even after the quorum court "I will evaluate the resumes and passed that resolution." go from there," the judge said. The tax, Daniell said will last Under state law, the five-memseven years if passed, and is ber corporation is appointed by expected to produce approxithe county judge and confirmed mately $1.2 million per year. by the quorum court. After seven years, the tax will ??? <15*-:47,/-:)6+0 +75 870-356-2240 870-246-5824 870-356Good luck in the appreciated future, Your vote and support We’re behind you, graduates! You’ve done ! "! ! well, grads! $ grads! Reeder Realty 11-4 Arkansas South Central Electric #15*-: 7,/-1/265(34 !)6+0 870-246-6701 870-246-2406 Good going, seniors! “Observe electrical safety, " grads!” ! for Read The Standard the best in Grocery news and Davidson Sen. Percy Malone Judy’s Grocery advertising! I am proud to salute your 870-342-9400 870-342-9400 We’re very proud We’re very proudofofyou! you! accomplishments! Murfreesboro Nursing Center Come see our growing selection of 870-285-2186 HANDGUNS by GLOCK * RUGER * SMITH & Make good, seniors! WESSON * HIGH-POINT Point Cedar Grocery & Bait Mack-Reynolds Appraisals 3 $3. H.9.(3 Spring Creek Nursery PLYLER'S ARDWARE & 870-356-4511 501-865-6238 870-342-5839 SPORTING GOODS Congrats to all area seniors! We’re proud of you all! Make seniors! Gurdon 870-353-4466 # Located" in!good, New and used Semi-automatics and Revolvers. Southwest Sporting Co. Goods Arnold, South Central arkansas "0-4*A )6=.)+<=:16/ Batson Turner Turner J & J Lumber Arnold, Turner && Turner electric Cooperative 870-246-2311 870-342-9502 870-230-8400 We salute your future bright! you, grads! Congrats on our yourgraduates! graduation! MayWe "salute ! be "<:7<0-: Sports 6;=:)6+Young’s & Marine & 870-246-8949 " % " 1/76 7 Supply 510(Truck 635.( .13,45 Allgood &14Auto Wright’s Food Center 870-379-2423 870-356-2231 Way go, grads! We support graduates! " to! our $ "! 870-246-4571 " 870-246-6337 We’re congrats, % of "%you $ & very proud ! graduates! " all! 870-342-5285 Good luck, seniors! Berry &Health Tax Consulting "7=<0 7:3 #:=+3 "<78 .$3-legal 16059 6'*( Twin Rivers &$0','$5( Rehab Amity Auto Parts * % ( Page 16 May 10, 2012 the Standard - Caddo Hills High School Clinton Barrett, Kaley Brown, Mason Carroway, ariel Carter, Miguel Castillo, lindsay Coffman, Roan Coffman, Nicole Cogburn, , Shelby lynn Cogburn, Tiffany Cogburn, Savannah Jane David, Katelyn Fant, Frank Gonzales, Judy Hernandez, Dalton lee Hill, Haleigh ledbetter, amy lee, elizabeth McCaghren, anna McCarty, Sky McGrew, James lee Meeks Jr., Miranda Mitchell, ),,7 144: ;78 /9),: ),,7 144: 7679 9),: *&' * alexander, ( # Blevin )) & ( + Benjamin * ) ( # * *&Britt, Haley Campbell, amanda Moffatt , Janet ortiz, Savannah Porter, Boyd, Krista * #+ &%&( *+ %*) (&$ & ##) ( # * *& ( * $ ) %* () +)* % - ( % # - $* % ,) * +)*Coffman, % - ( % Christina * #-%% (%Cook, " % Zachery $ # '*&% (Scotty Crawford, Jordan Davis, * #-%% (% " % ( ! # Mitchell % ) $ # '*&% % &Sharon %)&% Ritch, Renee Ruiz , Jeffrey Scott, Blake Drye, Cole Farmer, Derek Furr, Justin Gilbert, Casandra Golden, Kelcie Harrison, levi Henegar, Callie Hernandez, Dustin Kelly Scott, Neil Simpson, Courtney D. Smith, Holmes, Makayla Hudgins, Breyssy izaguirre, Sarah leverton, Samantha Stasiak , Christopher Steele, Joseph evan <:;16 091:;780-9 4<.. );;0-> 4-?)6,-9 74/97=- %16) )>6 Sonia ortega, Pate,#1..)6@ Jessica Porter, aaron luke Velazquez , Cassie Walker, Blake 79,)6Neal,91=-;; 5*-9 Virginia )9-6;167@, larissa 7,@ Tolleson, )=1: 7-:80 !1+ 0)9, "0-4;76 <6+)6 <:;16 1+0)-4 9-/79@ Porter, Jared Sebek, Rachel Self, Steven Self, Dalton Smith, adam <+3 -?16;76C 7>)9; #-:4) 7>)9; ;0)6 )/)6 -=16 Winters , austin )+7* )=1, )6:-6 Wisener #)5)9) -- 66 -45: 7:1- !-- 706:76 Taylor, Jackie Tigue, Grady Tolleson, allie Welch, Nathan Welch,, Kirby High School " 74,-6 Whisenhunt, )+- 74,-6 )<9)6 74,-6 amanda Bridgette Wootten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g , y , y , Hernandez, Melissa Lauren Hix )786(*8 #/,4)93B: 0>>(Herring, "/(*1Anna Higdon, 054,,6 Bismarck Community Market (not pictured), Courtney Johnson, Nikita Lee, Kimberly McGough, Kandice Miller, Laiken Moore , Lacey501-865-4989 O’Neal, Chris Palmer (not pictured), Ted Pate, Rebekah Self, Cassie &%Tyler ( *+# *!&%) Mandi ( +Whisenhunt, *) * You’ve .&+( )! done *) (well! + *) Shaw, Shuffield, Mike Wilkes Woodard Drug Store automoBill’s "761+ 7. 93),-4801) Sandra’s Hallmark 870-356-2193 870-246-0458 870-356-4000 Good luck in the future, Keep upstop the good work! Never learning! ! grads! Rickett’s and Diesel 01, Auto 985 "(2,7 #97@B: <;7 ")4-: Dunlap Grocery 870-353-4452 870-398-4431 Congratulations on your Great going, (&+ &graduation! .&+ ## ) %!&() $ graduates! Tiger Mart /7</:9837< (+5/.3-<8:3+7 +7. %+5=<+<8:3+7 Southeast Logistics "02:,6 "*6,,4 %0+,5 870-342-5003 We’re behind you all the way, (&+ *& )seniors! #+* .&+ ( ) McGrew Knife, Pawn . Kevin McLeod Dr Dr. Terry &1//: Kathy Hutson Barksdale Lumber Co. (4+0+(8, -56 ;;796-@ 01, )?& Scooter 97>6 6:<9)6+#-99@ Co. Would like to Congratulate ALL the 870-342-5200 870-246-5097 5948= "/,60-870-356-3882 Graduates! Congratulations to all our Way2008 to go, students! Good going, seniors! ""$! % graduating seniors! " Especially... H/7</:9837< OLLY&+( HERRELL 0$ '(&+ Davis *& )+''&(* 878: :+.=+</; Susie’s Kountry Kitchen Wayne Lumber HEIDI JOHNSON Pilgreen Service 0)99 <6-9)4 7597>Electrial <9416/)5- ( + * ) 0$ )"!% &( .&+( /54:,22, 556,8 ,./(4 C HRIS PALMER 870-56-4488 (?2,, #(? 02,? #(39,? ,&* !% &, $ ( *& .&+( % -* ! " ## $! Family Chiropractic Clinic We’re rooting for you! 400 E.!" Broadway, Ste. B in Glenwood &+%*. (! 870-356-2019 854: #5= ,,20, ,, 870-356-5112 870-353-6142 58.(4 !=,49 (820@ ;8.;0( I’msalute proudour of you, grads! We graduating classes! Good" job, kids! /,29,( (4. 4.,204, 52)0*1( (2?4 ,9:,8 254( +, #54+, ;);21( 033? )9/;8, (*1 #5= (*, %022,? 3? $6,4*, 522? "5080,8 (. County (6.(04 Buck’s Store 01, 5948= "/,60-(4+0+(8, Southern Bancorp Preferred & Title" )5-: &Abstract )6316: 870-356-3242 870-246-5811 !!' !' Best wishes for& a bright invest in the future, &% ( *+# *!&%) "# )) &grads! future! ! '&# "0*:;8,+ 2,-: :5 80./: (8, &(2,+0*:580(4 ,,20, ,, (4+ $(2;:(:580(4 ,./(4 ;);21( 63<? -8=7-35 .3;-=;;/; 870-342-9227 & 870-246-4717 Good luck the graduates! (&+ & ##to&+( ( +*) /6/:1/7-? 9:/9+:/.7/;; Good luck, seniors! congrats, graduates! %JTDPWFS %JBNPOE McGrew Knife, Pawn #BOLJOH 2(61 5948= 76-: 9 !)6,)44 7 544(?7 (06 (64 Dr."<;;76 Kevin<5*-9 McLeod West Pine#6,(796,6 Exxon" McKnight Grocery Southwest $ ' 870-246-8840 # $# !" &%Good ( *+# luck, *!&%) seniors! ) %!&( # )) Caddo River Camping & Hilltop Cafe /(4,= (; 063 19:; ";);)63 Canoe Rental & 870-342-9222 Caddo Contact Paintball We’re all very proud of your !/ accomplishments! * . ( + * ) Clark County abstract Mini Storage 7;Amity "8916/ 7<6;@ <,/N H 870-246-2821 " ! " ! I’m proud of our graduating You haveclasses! a great future! )/5-2 Gayle’s Restaurant =7/:+5 86/ 870-398-5622 Best regards, seniors! <2 >>> >/5-202 7/< Delight Hardware 537<87 %<://< 37 :4+./5923+ 870-379-2421 8>7 9/: 687<2 687<2; 4*2;+,9 *5362,:, 685-,99054(2 9,8<0*,9our *,3,:,8?students! =581 %/53(9 041(+, We’re behind 3,3580(2 6(*1(., & &0+,5 %80);:, ;9:53 685.8(39 3,3580 &2/ 008:.+,5/ #+-4+1/ #:/ 9+? (2 *522(.,9 1,: *52589 9(2,9 :(> *,8:0-0,+ +,(:/ *,8:0-0*(:,9 8(+-58+ 2(81 .(;., 9:,,2 *(9 .(;., 9:(4+(8+ 9:,,2 <(;2: 9021 *(91,: 968(? 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Susie’s Kountry Wayne Davis Lumber We’re behind Hometown Realtors# ! $ % % " "!" you all 870-56-4488 the lana york 870-356-5112 ( proud"of you, grads! % " I’m We’re rooting for you! & &(# * &# " ) %!&() +*+( !) (! * way,&+( seniors! 870-356-5101 Congratulations to our graduates! S S Congratulations Class of 2008! " $ BETTER BEDDING BUREAU * &"$ 9-- 16)6+16/ )@)>)@ ,-41=-9@ )=)14)*4- 15% OFF Storewide for all 2008 Graduates! Better Bedding Bureau an authorized Sleep Shop FREE Serta Counting Sheep with purchase S S BETTER BEDDING BUREAU ()5;: :/, 65990)020:? 5- :/, (8,( ),04. =0:/5;: 65=,8 30:? 4,,+9 :5 ), 68,6(8,+ (4+ 20./:9 -58 9,<,8(2 =,,19 04 :/, ,<,4: 5- (4 ,3,8.,4*? '0:/ :/(: :/5;./: 04 304+ /, (?58 /,9:,8 2(81 :52+ 9;..,9:,+ :/, *5;4*02 *54 3,3),89 5- :/, *0:? *5;4*02 90+,8 6;8*/(904. ( .,4,8(:58 (: %;,9+(? ,<,404. 9 3,,: -58 0:? 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"2?2,8 May 10, 2012 the Standard Page 17 Council rehires fired worker, appoints new councilman mendation, Councilmen dora Lee Bean and robbie Hancock moved to hire Smith. the motion carried unanimously. the council then took the mayor's recommendation to appoint Jason Mitchell to fill the unexpired term of Councilman Chris Fagan, who died last month following an extended illness. He was then sworn in to the position by Clark. Clark then told the council that tim Hill has approached the city about the possibility of either purchasing the old city landfill, which sits on 17 acres outside the corporate limits, or the contents of the property. the mayor noted that Hill is interested in disinterring the scrap metal buried on the property and selling it, something he has done in other places. discussion then followed as to whether the city should sell the property outright or allow Hill to harvest the metal at the suggested rate of 10% for the city. it was agreed that Clark would seek more information on the proposal as well as the city's potential liability in the event of environmental issues. City recorder/treasurer Heather Bankhead told the council that beginning with this month, the city will start paying the fire department back for a $9,000 expense that occurred when that department added several firemen to the state fire and police pension fund and backdated their times, which then accrued fines and penalties because the workers had not been added in a timely Bankhead manner. expressed concern that there may be other firemen who have not been added. “i'm just concerned that we're going to get another $1,500 bill,” she said. Bean expressed the hope that no further workers would be added with backdated start times. Councilman Johnny McAnally, himself a fireman, explained that the workers who were added, “fell through the cracks, but they had to be added. i'm not sure why they were not added earlier.” McAnally suggested that Fire Chief BJ Johns should be requested to attend the next meeting to explain why the workers were added late. Porter stated that he felt the workers could have been added in another way that would not have cost the city so much money. Bankhead noted that Johns, upon finding out the penalties, attempted to remove the firemen, but the pension fund administrators refused. Ị o action was taken, but it was agreed that Johns should appear at the next meeting to explain the issue. in other business, the council: *Agreed at the motion of McAnally and Hancock to donate outdated communications equipment from the police department to the Pike County Search and rescue Unit. *Agreed to look for a new water department truck. *Agreed at the motion of McAnally and Hancock to add $2,700 to the police department budget for more part-time officers. *Heard Clark say he is talking to the Bank of the ozarks and the Bank of delight about a possible line of credit for the city's $140,000 matching funds for the street enhancement project. *discussed revamping the city's nuisance ordinance to include derelict buildings and to allow for a court appearance for those in violation of the law. SUiT the vehicle in January 2010, it was discovered the at the county did not have a clear title to the vehicle. it also was learned that the vehicle had not been registered with the state since 2006-meaning that Ledbetter had not paid sales tax or penalties as provided by state law. the county had applied for a lost title and special license plate to exempt the vehicle from tax, davis said. in the press release, davis noted the fact that a special prosecutor has been appointed to investigate Ledbetter in the case. that prosecutor, Jack McQuary, has told one of the parties in the suit that the investigation is still ongoing. “the plaintiffs in the suit filed today wish to see the law attach to Sheriff Ledbetter just as it attaches to each and every citizen of Hot Spring County. it is not understandable how an individual sworn to uphold his duties as a sheriff can remain in that seat upon a finding that he is in noncompliance with state law,” davis stated. “Sheriff Ledbetter not only failed to perform his duties, but has blatantly broken the law. the very laws he and his office issue tickets and arrests, as well as assist the prosecutor in the prosecution of individuals, has seemingly been set aside for Sheriff Ledbetter. the citizen-taxpayer Plaintiffs in the lawsuit being filed today simply want justice and for the county to be repaid any and all debt owed to it. they are proud to be from Hot Spring County and are under a great distress that a man elected to serve such a position of trust and authority would start his tenure as sheriff by breaking the law. Furthermore, they want to send a message that Hot Spring County is not going to tolerate such behavior of its elected officials and it will come to light should those elected officials, such as Ledbetter, break the law,” she continued. “the parties hope and pray for further investigation, action by the Attorney General’s office and/or some affirmative action by the Special Prosecutor as they do not want to see such an act ‘swept under the rug.’” in the filing, davis quotes Ledbetter as saying he “did not know he was doing anything wrong.” She then wrote in the suit, “...ignorance of the law is not a defense afforded to the common citizen of Hot Spring County and thus the Sheriff, the one placed in a position to enforce the very laws at issue herein, should be held accountable for his actions and treated and handled by the judicial system just as any other common citizen would.” in the filing, davis asked that the court mandate Ledbetter “to reimburse the State of Arkansas and/or Hot Spring County in a reasonable and adequate amount of money that will pay for the title to become clear and should reimburse any and all monies he profited as a result of this illegal transaction, including but not limited to interest, mileage, costs and all relief associated with said vehicle transaction.” davis further noted that Ledbetter “breached his fiduciary duty to the citizens of Hot Spring County by driving and operating a vehicle without proper tags or license while simultaneously running to become the sheriff [and] failing to pay the appropriate tax on the purchased vehicle.” the suit also asks that Ledbetter as an individual be responsible for the citizens’ attorney fees. Continued From Page 1 A the dealer also paid the interest on the loan to the bank. davis stated that the sheriff-elect “drove said vehicle for six months, apparently without making a payment, then had the county pay for those six months of the vehicle plus the interest.” the auditing committee found that the transactions did not comply with ethics regulations, which states that an elected official “shall not be interested in any county transaction for which he will benefit” and “an officer may not use his office to advance his individual personal economic interest.” When the county under Burroughs went to trade Y DA ! TO VE CH A IT D S SW N By Joe May Editor Meeting in regular session, the Amity City Council rehired a street department employee and filled a vacancy on the council. Following a half-hour execMayor utive session, Chester Clark told those assembled that the council had decided to fill two vacancies within the city. don Smith, who was terminated from his position in the street department after Police Chief dean Porter arrested him for drugs, was rehired to his position with the city. He was also severed from the job another time by Mayor Chester Clark, but was rehired in that instance as well. Following Clark's recom- congratulations to all of our area high school graduates! May your futures be bright and full of promise. *** as we grow closer to the primary election, let me take a moment to thank the voters of Hot Spring County for allowing me to serve as yoUR county judge. it is an honor to represent you. i hope that you will be able to support me in this year’s election. i believe that i have looked after the county’s affairs in a responsible manner. i am a fiscal conservative and i am cautious as i administer the county’s $10 million annual budget. i am a proud supporter of our rural public schools as well as youth programs such as 4-H and FFa. if i can be of service to you, please do not hesitate to call me at home or at the office. Home 501-337-1137 office 501-332-2261 Bill SCRiMSHiRe HoT SPRiNG CoUNTy JUDGe your vote & support appreciated! Paid pol. ad two years Only DIRECTV gives you u one year year of savings, FREE equipment upgrades and NFL SUNDAY TICKET™! 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