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Board: Chickens now ok Gurdon suspect dies “Invading” stove shot Article, p. 11 Article, p. 1 Article p. 13 The largest-circulated paper in clark, pike & Western Hot Spring counties The Standard © 2012 May Publishing Located in the heart of timber country Volume 17 Number 2 On the square... Fifty Cents published Without Fear or Favor Since 1996 Man jailed rape of child Firewise in Alpine Joe May Publisher Losing my appitite... i love teasing, Shana, our youngest daughter. “When you were younger, we used to feed you dog food,” i’ll tease her. “You did not!” she shoots back, loving every minute of it. Turns out, maybe we should have been feeding her dog food. At least it’s edible, anyways. or at least the dog likes it, i should say. A story on the net caught my eye recently. it also turned my stomach. it seems that a 17-year-old girl in the UK recently passed out after having eaten nothing but McDonald’s Chicken McỊ uggets since she was two years old. (Where were the parents?) She has never tasted fruits or vegetables. Ị ot even once, she says. Ị ow we’ve eaten many a meal with ol’ Ronald until we’ve began to look a bit like the Hamburglar. or his sidekick Grimace (When was the last time we saw them anyway?) But what we read online has gotten us a bit afraid of the any fast food places. Just what are they serving us anyway? last year, Taco Bell, in the wake of a lawsuit, admitted that they had been putting sand (yes, you read that right) in taco meat to make it go further. What’s scary is that it is perfectly legal. That was bad enough, but we just stopped eating tacos. Ị ow we find out that McDonald’s has been feeding us from the sandbox as well. See “editorial,” p. 10 Alpine Fire Department receives grant Joe May photo Members of the Alpine Fire Department as well as Clark County Judge Ron Daniell and Emergency Manager Mikki Hastings pose Tuesday after the U.S. Forest Service announced that the department has received a grant that will allow it to purchase equipment to use in cleaning up around structures in the area in an attempt to thwart the spread of wildfires in the area. Gurdon grocery store to close next week By JoHN NeLSoN SPECiAl To THE STAỊ DARD Gurdon's largest grocery store will soon shut its doors. Rehkopfs Family Food Store, at 506 East Main Street, will close its doors on or before Feb. 18, the manager for the Gurdon and Prescott facilities confirmed. Bill Barker, who serves as manager for both locations, said the Prescott grocery store property is owned by Ron Rehkopf. Much of the inventory from Gurdon will be sold and/or relocated to the Prescott store. Barker said the grocery chain is now 14 stores strong, but with the closing of the Gurdon facility will go back to only 13. Barker said the Gurdon store is profitable, but the traffic does not create enough profit to take care of unexpected needs, such as a freezer going out. Bill Wright, Southern Ban Corp. regional manager, stated that Rehkopf had been leasing the Gurdon store building from the bank. Southern Ban Corp acquired the property after the 2009 bankruptcy of Affiliated Foods Southwest. Affiliated Foods had been the supplier for the Gurdon store and had made a financial agreement with Rehkopf as to the amount of rent to be paid each month. See “Store,” p. 13 Suspect in Gurdon home invasion dies from undetermined causes By Joe MAy EDiToR A suspect in a July 4 home invasion case in Gurdon has died. According to Clark County Sheriff Jason Watson, 25year-old Clayton Jennings of Gurdon was pronounced dead Tuesday afternoon around 1:30pm at Baptist Medical Center in Arkadelphia after being transported to the hospital from the Whelen Springs area. Watson said Jennings was out with friends when he had a “medical event” and became unresponsive. Friends called 911 and he was transported to the hospital where he was pronounced dead by Clark County Coroner Tim Welch. While the sheriff stated that foul play is not suspected in Jennings' death, his body will be taken to the Arkansas State Crime lab in little Rock for an autopsy. Watson declined to speculate publicly about the suspect's cause of death. Jennings had been charged with aggravated residential burglary after a July 4 incident at his sister's home on Thompson Road in Gurdon. in that case, authorities allege he and his father came into the home and began fighting family members. Resident Jeff Calley, who is Jennings' brother-in-law shot Clayton Jennings, resulting in the loss of his left leg. The shooting was ruled selfdefense. The Calley home burned the next day in what authorities have deemed a suspicious blaze. At the time of his death, Jennings was wearing an ankle bracelet that allowed authorities to moniter his whereabouts until trial. Read us online for just $20 per year! ScripTure “Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.” col. 3:17 iNSide Devotional Corner...Page 8 Editorials...Page 4-5 Mini Page....Page 7 obituaries...Page 2 Police Blotter...Page 3 February 9, 2012 By Joe MAy EDiToR Pike County officials have charged an Arkadelphia man with rape and sexual indecency with a child following his involvement with a 13year-old Delight girl. According to an affidavit filed by Pike County Deputy Sheriff Clark Kinzler on Monday, Corey Dale Daniell, 23, of 401 S. 23rd Street in Arkadelphia is facing the possibility of life in prison after he allegedly had immoral relations with a Delight girl at her grandmother's apartment. on January 4, Kinzler stated that he was given a handwritten note at the sheriff's office stating that a 13-yearold girl was having immoral relations with a 23-year-old from Arkadelphia at an apartment in Delight with the full knowledge and consent of the child's grandmother. After receiving the information, the deputy contacted the Arkansas State Police Crimes Against Children investigator Kristi Williamson and relayed the information to her. Two days later, the pair talked with the person who made the allegations and proceeded to the Delight Manor Apartments to interview the grandmother in the case. The woman stated that she was the child's guardian, but denied any knowledge of the child's wrongdoing. She did, however, state that the suspect had spent the night in her apartment on occasion, but said there had not been any inappropriate contact with her granddaughter. The girl also denied having relations with Daniell. A juvenile friend, contacted by the police, stated that she was aware the pair's relationship and that they had “hugged and kissed. She said the child had told her that on the school bus. The pair then traveled to Arkadelphia and stopped at, McDonald's, which was Daniell's place of employment. See “Rape,” p. 13 By Joe MAy EDiToR A former employee of a local business has stated that she felt sexually harassed by the men in her store, including Caddo Valley Mayor Allen Dillavou. Under the Arkansas Freedom of information Act, the newspaper was given a complaint dated April 25, 2011 that has been lodged with the Arkansas Employment Security Division. in the complaint, the employee, a student at Henderson State University, stated that she had been subjected to numerous comments of a sexual nature at the business from not only the manager of the business, but also the mayor. Stating that she “was caught in an awkward, degrading situation” during the summer months of 2010, the woman stated that many people wishing to float the Caddo River would come to the business to air up floatation devises or to purchase items. She said Dillavou and the manager would often sit on a bench outside the business during the day. As women would bend over to air up the floatation devises, the employee alleged that “the two men made very sexually explicit remarks regarding the females. Some were barely teenagers. Some were referenced to as 'fat cows.'” “i found the remarks degrading and [felt] my face blush,” the woman wrote in the complaint. “it was embarrassing because when the two men would come See “Valley,” p. 13 employment filing names CV mayor Your Weekend Weather Forecast From The National Weather Service Today Tonight Friday in Friday PM Saturday Saturday PM Sunday Sunday Shell Quickboy’s Service Center 236 Highway 70 East in Glenwood *oil Change *Mufflers *A/C service *Brakes *Alignment *large selection of used tires, tubes & new tires *Ị ew Ị APA batteries *Ị ext day tire ordering 870-356-6060 Page 2 February 9, 2012 The Standard death/Funeral Notices provided As A Free Service Of This Newspaper All obituaries are sent in by the individual funeral homes. if your loved one’s obituary does not appear, please contact the funeral home. our fax number is 870-342-6293 Opal Heitman, point cedar native opal Skates Kizer Heitman, 89, of Malvern passed away on Friday, February, 3 2012 following a lengthy illness at the Saline Memorial Hospice House in Bryant. She was born to the late Joseph Ị eri and Minnie Mae Skates, october 26, 1922, in Point Cedar. She married the late William H. Kizer in 1940 and in 1960 she married the late Robert J. Heitman. She is survived by five children, Phyllis Huddleston and husband Melvin of White Hall, Sharon Dyer and husband Johnny of Malvern, Dianne lawrence and husband Michael of Springdale, Bill Kizer and wife Polly of Malvern, and Tracy Holmes of Ị orman, oklahomal eleven grandchildren, sixteen great grandchildren, and one great, great grandchild. She was preceded in death by a son, Joe Bailey Kizer Graveside services were Sunday, February, 5th, at Rockport Cemetery in Malvern with John owen and John Small officiating. rozelle Goodson, teacher Rozelle Wordingham Palmer Goodson passed away on February 3, 2012. The wife of the late Dr. Carl Edward Goodson, she was born August 31, 1920. She is survived by daughters Mary lynn Goodson, Ị ancy lea Goodson Mills, Margery Clare Goodson lumpkin, and Charlotte Rose Goodson; son Dr. Timothy Carl Goodson; fourteen grandchild; and fifteen great-grandchildren. Rozelle attended Ypsilanti State University , where she met and married Raymond Woodrow Palmer in 1941, who passed away in 1942. She met Carl Goodson and they married on May 31, 1944. She moved with Carl and their growing family to Bolivar, Mo, where he served as professor in the Bible Department at Southwest Baptist College . in 1961, the couple moved to Arkadelphia, where he served as a professor at ouachita. Rozelle continued her education, obtaining both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s Degree in English from ouachita. Rozelle taught first at l.M. Goza Junior High School and at Henderson State University . in 1968, they moved to St. louis County, Mo where she taught at Parkway Central Junior High School. When Carl was named Dean of Academic Affairs at ouachita in 1970, they moved back to Arkadelphia, and Rozelle served as assistant director for Financial Aid. She returned to Henderson State University and taught in the English Department. She continued to teach at a Bible College in little Rock. Funeral services will be held at 10:00 AM Friday at Berry Chapel on the ouachita Baptist University campus in Arkadelphia. Burial will be in Rest Haven Memorial Gardens . in lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Carl Goodson Endowed Honors Scholarship. Donations can be sent to oBU Box 3754, 410 ouachita Street , Arkadelphia , AR 71998 . Sign on line guest book at Gene White, Korean vet Bobby downs, Arkla retiree Howard "Gene" White, age 81, of Albany, Ị ew York, formerly of Kirby, died Thursday, February 2, 2012. He was born on April 28, in Seminole, 1930 oklahoma, the son of Howard and Sylvia Hawkins White. He was preceded in death by his first wife, Anna Mae White; his parents; and his step-son, Bruce Hildenbrandt. He was a United States Ị avy veteran of the Korean Conflict and served as the former commander of the Disabled American Veterans, Chapter 88, in Ị ew York. He was a retired United States Postal Service employee and a Mason. Survivors are his wife, lois White of Albany, Ị ew York; two daughters, Sherril White of Rowlett, Texas and Carolyn White of Houston, Texas; three step-children, Wayne Hildenbrandt and his wife, Missy, of Schenectady, York, Joseph Ị ew Hildenbrandt and Tina Hildenbrandt both of Albany, Ị ew York; two step-grandchildren; four brothers, Harloe White of Kirby, Bob White of Kirby, Forrest "Shorty" White of Murfreesboro and Gilbert White of Atlanta, Georgia; two sisters, ilena King and Sylvia White both of Kirby; and several nieces and nephews. Services were Sunday, February 5, 2012, in the Davis-Smith Funeral Home Chapel in Glenwood with Harloe White officiating. Guest registry is at Bobby Ị eil Downs age 79 of Arkadelphia died Friday, February 3, 2012. He was born June 20, 1932 the son of Emory Edwin and Arkie Jane Davis Downs. He retired after 34 years from Arkansas louisiana Gas Company, was a U. S. Ị avy Veteran of the Korean War serving as a cryptographer stationed in Tokyo for 4 years. He was a member of the Clark County Historical Society, Sons of the American Revolution, Jamestown Society, Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims, Sons of the Confederacy, and a member of the First United Methodist Church of Arkadelphia. Bobby did extensive research on the Arkansas Fifteenth Regiment infantry during the Civil War and published a book by that name. He was preceded in death by one son Timothy Wayne Downs and one brother, Bernard Emory Downs. He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Jacqueline Green Downs, one daughter, Diane Downs Ị ewton and her husband Chris of Conway; five grandchildren; and 10 great grandchildren. Funeral services were Sunday, February 5th in the Ruggles-Wilcox Funeral Chapel with Carroll Jackson officiating, Burial was in Rest Haven Memorial Gardens. Memorials may be made to First United Methodist Church of Arkadelphia, 107 Ị . 9th St., Arkadelphia, AR 71923. Got Land? Get Home! Call 903838-5994 Read The Standard for all your local news! Be sure to like us on “Affordable General dentistry for the entire Family” Free Consults By experienced dental professionals Modine Williams, Amity native laura Modine Williams age 91, of Amity passed from this life on Sunday, February 5, 2012 in Glenwood. She was born May 7, 1920 in Amity, the daughter of the late lone and Bettie Hancock Wilson. Modine was a member of Bethsaida Church of Christ, worked at oberman's Manufacturing Dwiggins Peach and orchard. in 1992, she proudly earned her GED at the age of seventy-two years old. She helped organized and was a volunteer for the Amity Ambulance Service. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Joe Allen Williams; son, Danny C. Williams and Michael E. grandson, Garner. Survivors include one son, James A. Williams and wife, Kay of Gunter, Texas; one daughter, Vivian l. Garner and husband, Bruce of Carrolton, Texas; four grandsons; two granddaughters; four great-grandsons; five great-granddaughters; and one adopted son, Buddy Maxey of Rosboro. Funeral services were Tuesday, February 7th at Ruggles-Wilcox Funeral Home in Arkadelphia. Burial was in Bethsaida Cemetery. Memorials may be made to Bethsaida Cemetery Fund. Briant Owen, born in Hope Mr. Briant E. owen 40 of Arkadelphia, passed away Thursday, February 2, 2012 in little Rock. Briant was born october 8, 1971 in Hope. He was preceded in death by his grandparents, Randolph and Eula Haddix. He is survived by his parents, Richard and Bess Rife of McCaskill; brothers, Keith and wife Deidra Campbell of Hooks, Texas, Floyd Campbell of Sprindale, larry and wife Sally Campbell of McCaskill, s and Josh and wife Amanda Rife of Bossier City, louisiana; sisters, Renee and husband Jim Crandell of McCaskill, Regina and husband Doug Block of Bossier City, louisiana and Cindy and husband Bob Hensley of Hopes. Graveside service were Sunday, February 5, 2012 in Macedonia Cemetery with Bruce Short officiating under the direction of HerndonPharr Funeral Home. resteen Knox, Ford retiree J. Michael Matthews, ddS A PRoFeSSIoNAL ASSoCIATIoN *Looking for a new dentist? *Need a second opinion? *Dental emergency? ASk uS ABouT DeNTAL IMPLANTS “Conveniently located at the Mt. Ida Airport” 870-867-4110 CALL ToDAy! oPeN WeD- FRI. Resteen W. Knox died February 1, 2012 at his home. He was born to Mary Johnson on March 17, 1916 in Arkadelphia. He attended Greater Pleasant Hill Baptist Church. He was a retired employee of Ford Motor Company. After retirement he and his wife moved back to Arkadelphia. Survivors include his wife, Mary of Arkadelphia; a stepson Mervin Johnson of irving, Texas; grandchildren and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. Funeral services were Wednesday, February 8, 2012 at the J. l. Williams Memorial Chapel with Dr. lewis A. Shepherd, Jr., officiating. Burial was in Helms Cemetery. 2005 Chrysler Town and Country, new car trade-in, local owner! edward Motor Company, Inc. 600 Malvern, Hot Springs, 800-644-9909, 501-623-9909. paul cooper, WWii veteran Paul E. Cooper age 95, of Arkadelphia passed away Monday, February 6, 2012 at his home. He was born September 29, 1916 in Magnolia, the son of the late Benjamin Elihue and Mary Hughes Cooper. For many years, he served as Postmaster in Willisville, where he owned Paul Cooper's Food Center where the post office was located. He was a U.S. Army Veteran of WWii serving in the infantry and a member of Pine Street Church of Christ in Arkadelphia. He was preceded in death by his wife louise Young Cooper. Survivors include two daughters, Carolyn Crawford and her husband Milburn of Sherwood, Janice Penney and her husband Joe of Ben lomondl one brother, David Cooper of Petal, MS, three grandchildren; and seven great grandchildren. Funeral services were Thursday, February 9th in the Ruggles-Wilcox Funeral Home Chapel. Burial with military honors was in Rest Haven Memorial Gardens. Marjorie Manning, Levi’s retiree Marjorie Freeman Manning, age 84, Arkadelphia, died Tuesday, February 7, 2012. She was born March 7, 1927, the daughter of Guy and Edna Smith Freeman. She was a retired seamstress for levi and a member of the Curtis Baptist Church . She was preceded in death by her parents; granddaughter, Denise Manning; sisters-in-law, Gail Freeman and Micky Freeman. She is survived by her husband of 64 years, Connie Manning; four sons, Donny Manning and wife Sandy; Johnny Manning and wife Jeanene; larry Manning and wife Brenda; Timmy Manning and wife Debbie; all of Arkadelphia; two grandsons and their wives, Rusty and Stephanie Manning; Mark and Caron Manning; six granddaughters; eight great grandchildren; two brothers, Thomas Marvin "Timer" Freeman of Hammond, lA; Bob Freeman of Metairie, lA; one sister, Carolyn "Tootsie" and husband Sam Jones of Springhill, lA; also survived by numerous nieces and nephews. Graveside services were Thursday, February 9th at Richwoods Cemetery with Scott Jackson officiating. Memorials may be made to the Richwoods Cemetery Fund C/o Ị icky Todd, 170 Mt. Zion Rd. , Arkadelphia , AR 71923 . online guest book is available at We’re online!! Check out our website at S uBSCRIBe oNL I N e A N D B e THe FIRST To ReAD WHAT ’ S HAPPeNING ! donnie Mcclanahan, dalark native Donnie McClanahan died February 2, 2012 at Baptist Medical Center in little Rock. He was born September 24, 1942 in Dalark to the late Henry and Willie (Murdock) McClanahan. Donnie received his education at the Sparkman Training High School. He was a member of First Missionary Baptist Church in Sparkman. Donnie was employed by the Marine Company for serveral years, he later worked for the Arkadelphia Sand and Gravel Co. until his retirement. His wife linda and son Michael preceded him in death. He later married leola Craig (Johnson). Survivors include his wife, leloa McClanahan, one son, Fredrick (Genella) McClanahan of Prescott; three brothers, Alex (Yorika) McClanahan of Carson, CA; Henry Jr. (lois) McClanahan of San Jose, CA; Marvin (Deborah) McClanahan of Detroit, Mi; one sister, Vernita Ị eal of oakland, CA; two sister-in-laws, Juanita McClanahan of Dalark; Millie McClanahan of Crystal Rivers, Fl; four step-children, Reginald Johnson of Germany; Venessa (Anthony) Baker of little Rock; Karen (Junior) Soli of oxford, MS; laTonia Johnson of Miami, Fl; six grandchildren, five stepgrandchildren, and six greatgrandchildren; and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins realatives, and friends. Funeral service were Tuesday at First Missionary Baptist Church, Sarkman, Arkansas with l. A. Craig and Edward Gulley officiating.. Burial was in McClanahan Family Cemetery unde the directiion of Mitchell Funeral Home. The guest book can be signed at Billie Monroe, sheriff’s deputy Billie Rea Monroe, age 71, of Arkadelphia, passed from this life on Friday, February 3, 2012 at Baptist Medical Center in Arkadelphia. She was born on April 9, 1940 in Binger, oK, the daughter of the late Stanley and Anna Mitchell Gregory. Billie worked as a prison guard, deputy sheriff and genealogist. She was a member of First General Baptist Church in Rector. Billie was preceded in death by her husband, Palmer Garland Monroe, her son, John Gregory White and her daughter, Alice Suzanne White. She is survived by one daughter, Anna Givens (Charles) of Arkadelphia, one son, Robert White (lisa) of Rector, one step daughter, Janice Monroe of Arizona, one sister, Ann Jones of Wake Village, TX, one brother, James Morrow of Tulsa, oK, eight grandchildren; and six great grandchildren. Funeral services were Monday, February 6, 2012 at Welch Funeral Home in Arkadelphia. Memorials may be made to the Clark County library Fund, 609 Caddo Street, Arkadelphia, AR 71923. Cremation arrangements are entrusted to the Welch Funeral Home of Arkadelphia. Visit to sign the online guest book. The Standard February 9, 2012 Page 3 The Standard Lo cal Happen in gs Police Blotter point cedar News The voice of the turtle is heard in the land, and the beautiful morning doves are not only calling and cooing, but are building a nest in our carport. Six weeks after Groundhog Day will only be March 15, but spring seems to be on the way. The lark’s on the wing, the snails on the thorn. God’s in his heaven, and all’s right with the world. People who ate an apple or pear each day (or the equivalent amount of other “white flesh” produce such as bananas, mushcauliflower, " and ( % $%) (! rooms), ,were 52 percent less likely to have a stroke over ten years than those who consumed less. This found in a recent study. Apples are associated with female deities, with immortality, resurrection, and knowledge. if an apple is cut through the center, it will reveal a five-pointed star outlined at the center of each equator. This was a pentagram, a goddess symbol among Gypsies, Celts, and Egyptians. i talked with larue Hunt Hall on Sunday and learned that she and loyd are expecting a visit from his cousin, Katie lou (Pitts) and her husband in March. larue’s brotherin-law Gene Tart is not well, and is being cared for by family members as well as sitter Delia Allison, and at night by Hunt Tart. larue is also concerned about her cousin, Freddie lou looper Dials. our best wishes also to Jean Sheets. The 1972 Bismarck School Yesteryears was dedicated to the memory NoRMA BLANToN of Kenny Diffee and lester Davis who lost =7. "*0. their lives on February 26 in a vehicle crash in Point Cedar. Kenny, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Diffee, was a junior. lester, son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Davis, was in the sixth grade. Congratulations to Gregory P. Gilbreath, son-in-law of Mary and Hughie lambert of Hot Springs , for being selected for promotion to Colonel. He will also attend the US Army War College at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania , in July. He is married to Kelli, and their children are Ị athaniel, Kiri, and Evan. Cadet 2d lt Ị athaniel W. Gailbreath, grandson of the lamberts, has been selected as the Civil Air Patrol Cadet of the Year for the Ị evada wing. He is a sophomore at Coral Academy of Science of las Vegas and resides in Henderson , Ị evada . The lamberts are members of the Calvin M. Copeland family reunion group. if your sweetheart doesn’t propose marriage soon, you are in luck. legend has it that in the fifth century ireland , St Bridget complained to St Patrick about men taking too much time getting married. So on February 29 alone, a woman may propose to the object of her affections. An act of the Scottish parliament in 1288 stipulated the same. i believe that was know as Sadie Hawkins Day in the lil’ Abner cartoon? The first pretzels are believed to have been made in a monastery in France about 1,400 years ago. The pretzel twists may represent a child’s arm folded in prayer. Billy Jack Wallace, 54, of Dierks died on January 29. He was born on September 27 1957 in DeQueen and was predeceased by his parents, B.J. Wallace Sr. and Ester Hammock Wallace (who died on January 4). He was also predeceased by a brother, Benny Massey. Survivors include his wife Marlynn (Miller), two sons Shannon Wallace and Trenton Wallace, a stepson Jason Stapp, stepdaughter Angie McBride, brother B. J. Wallace, Jr., sister Patricia Johnson, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Services were in the Wilkerson Funeral Home Chapel in Dierks, followed by burial in the Dierks Cemetery . opal Heitman, 89, of Malvern died on February 3. She was predeceased by her parents Joseph Ị eri and Minnie Henson Skates, brothers Raymond and Philip Skates, husbands William Kizer and Robert Heitman. Survivors are children Huddleston Phyllis (Melvin), Sharon Dyer (Johnny), Dianne lawrence (Michael), Bill Kizer (Polly), and Tracy Holmes, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Graveside services were last Sunday in the Rockport Cemetery . opal and her brothers lived in Point Cedar several years with their parents, and many relatives still reside in the community. GOT GOLD? Arkadelphia Police Department February 6 Accident was reported on S. 10th Street. Shoplifting was reported at Wal-Mart. Criminal trespass was reported at a Ị . 10th Street business. A stolen vehicle was found in a downtown parking lot. Breaking and entering was reported on Caddo Street. February 5 Attended death was reported on S. 8th Street. Harassing communications and terroristic threatening was reported on Elaine Street. Theft of a vehicle was reported on Caddo Street. February 4 Domestic disturbance was reported on S. 27th Street. Theft was reported on Evonshire. Residential burglary and criminal mischief was reported on Pine Street. A carport blew onto a mobile home on Ị . 10th Street. Christopher lafont, 34, 1519 Center Street, was cited with violation of a city ordinance pertaining to dangerous dogs. February 3 Dispute was reported on Haddock Street. Residential burglary and theft was reported on Richardson Street. Theft was reported on Pine Street. Battery was reported on S. 6th Street. leaving the scene of an accident, failure to report an accident and criminal mischief was reported at a W.P. Malone Drive business. Theft was reported at a Pine Street business. Cassidy Wilson, 22, 5 Westmont Circle, was arrested for disorderly conduct. February 2 Dog bite was reported on Walnut Street. Note-All known arrests are recorded in this space. The newspaper will not under any circumstances withhold anyone’s name. please do not ask. A warrant or a ticket is also considered an arrest, whether there was jail time served or not. isaac Samuel Ray Perry, 30, 519 S. 14th Street, was arrested for violation of a protection order. Accident was reported at Goza Middle School when a tree fell on a school bus. Brandon lamont Summerville, 31, 222 Ị . 20th, was arrested for public intoxication. February 1 Disturbance was reported on S. 16th Street. Unattended death was reported on Haddock Street. Clark County Sheriff's office February 7 Gracie lynn Hill, 36, was arrested for criminal attempt to obtain controlled substances by fraud, speeding and obtaining controlled substances by fraud. Willie Alphonso Hamilton, 22, was being held an a revoked suspended sentence. February 6 Residential burglary and theft was reported on Central Road. Criminal mischief was reported on Bateman Road in okolona. Craig Kasey Bazil, 21, 3002 Bateman Road in okolona, was arrested for endangering the welfare of a minor. Michelle leanne Dunn, 20, was arrested for possession of an instrument of crime, residential burglary, theft and endangering the welfare of a minor. February 5 Burglary and theft was reported on Central Road. Matthew l. Dunn, 21, EZ CASH 4 GOLD %*' %# %,$ , " ' (WY.ORTHs"ENTON!2 5+ 53))5 ,0 3-%().2+,% )NTHEFORMER-OVIE'ALLERY 10(%: 3,(%: %/ 501-778-4776 2/ South Central Arkansas electric Cooperatives, Inc. Your Local energy partner “oBSeRVe eLeCTRICAL SAFeTy” 870-246-6701 114 Main in Arkadelphia Auto Insurance of Arkadelphia INc We shop our companies for the best rate! PReFeRReD & HIGH RISk DRIVeRS Agent/owner: kim ursery Agent: Robin Frisby WE PAY MORE CASH FOR YOUR GOLD! Paying more CASH for your unwanted, worn, and broken gold than anyone in this area RAZORBACK was arrested on a parole violation. February 4 Residential burglary and theft was reported on Central Road. Steven M. McKa, 21, was arrested for public intoxication. Danny lynn Franklin, 54, was arrested for DWi, careless and prohibited driving and no insurance. February 3 Domestic dispute was reported on Highway 26 West in okolona. Ricky l. Davis, 45, was arrested for a parole violation. February 2 Jonathan Wiley Hendrix, 19, was arrested for battery and two counts of failure to comply. Alexandra Keith Dickerson, 19, was arrested for two counts of failure to appear. February 1 Domestic battery was reported. House fire was reported on Mt. olive Road. Thomas R. Allen, 41, was arrested for a parole violation. Rasoul Mohmmod Smith, 34, was arrested for possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver. January 29 Billy Ray Perry, 52, was arrested for driving on a suspended license and no proof of insurance. January 31 Summer Dawn Ellis, 25, was arrested for DWi, careless and prohibited driving, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, no seatbelt and driving on a suspended license. Michael P. owens, 21, w as ar r es ted f or f ailur e to appear. 2707 West Pine 870-246-4422 Low monthly & down payments PFCU FREE Checking No Monthly Debit Card Fee FREE Direct Deposit No Monthly Service Charge FREE Online Access Unlimited Check Writing No minimum Balance Free Overdraft Protection Stop by the credit union today and open your FREE Checking Account! Beat the clock special every Monday night from 5-7:30pm, your order time is your price for a large, one-topping pizza! (each additional topping .99) 124 WP M Malone alone Dr Dr.,., Arkadelphia, Arkadelphia, AR 71923 tXXXQGDVPOMJOFPSH tXXXQGDVPOMJOFPSH Got News? Call the Standard for fair coverage Big trees! Great location! Big kitchen! Call 877762-2160 Proud to be serving you after all these years! 870-356-3312 JeReMy’S SPoRTS SToP Amity 870-342-5210 Page 4 The Standard, February 9, 2012 Daniel Gardner E d I tO r I A l s Just John Political columnist News Item: Obama demands religious hospitals offer “family planning services.” John Nelson Columnist The virtue of patience Patience, so the Bible says, is a virtue. i could call patience a lot of other descriptive terms, but the God i believe in calls it a virtue. i have also heard that if you do not get killed from something happening to you, it will make you stronger. This past month has been a test of the patience of this aging wordsmith. For the first time since i was 15 years old, i do not have a running car that i own, lock, stock and barrel. i have been sharing my wife's "credit card" car for about four weeks. it was supposed to be two weeks but the government had other plans. My wife and i were penalized for filing early this year. The government had an "outage," as many of you painfully know, and our refund was indefinitely put on hold. That refund was the way i was getting my work car. Ị o, i am not really whining about it. i realize how blessed i am to have had Michelle's car to borrow. i also realize this a married state and i do pay half of our bills. Therefore it is my car too, legally. But Michelle went to her mom's birthday party this weekend in Paragould and i stayed home to work on the Valentine's Day issue of my magazine. My son said i could use his car. i would do that in an emergency. But i do not want to joy ride in someone else's vehicle. i suppose it is because i have made my essential money for years in a hunting and gathering fashion. And it may be that i carry hunting, fishing, baseball equipment, tire irons, lawn chairs etc. in my trunk of my car. Those items, and more, are now in my storage house. My old car is part of the deal to get the car that will be new to me. it is still in my storage house yard, waiting to be towed away. The fellow will do that when he is in the area, or i can pay for it. There is that money factor again. i could call the junk yard and let them have it. That means no extra tires for my new car. The Ford has the same 15 inch tires that the old Grand AM did; just different rims. Yes, they would have to be remounted, but it would still save me money to have those tires. i have described to you the current changes in my own status, mostly due to an arrogant government that apparently does not even have the technology to get us lower middle class folks our refunds in a timely manner. it is our money. We worked for it. if we owed them, i wonder what they would tell me if i told the iRS i could not pay for a month or so because i am experiencing a financial "outage?" i would bet real money they would simply slap me with a financial "penalty." But it all boils down to the serenity prayer. We can not hurry up the United States government so we as worker bees simply have to exercise patience, wait and be glad it is not worse than it is. i was talking with my salesman about patience last night. He is trying to learn the art of hunting and gathering advertising so we can pool our sales and then hire an office girl to do billing so our cold calls can resume. That is basic business in the journalism world, at least as i understand it. You probably know the ins and outs of how your business should be working as well. it is all good theory. i pray for the patience to continue my efforts until theory moves a bit closer to reality. What is my answer to a world of impatient people who are told to be patient? Go fishing. When the rain stops, go find a pond bank and relax. After all, you definitely have time. if you have no car, like myself, and your family car is out of town, such as is the case while i write you, use that other car you are not talking about - your feet. i personally do feel a long walk coming on this afternoon. IN GuRDoN The Gurdon City Council met this past Monday and passed the annual budget. in addition to the budget, Mayor Clayton Franklin said a contract has been let to fix the pond banks, spillway leaks etc. of our Gurdon Pond before the spring rains arrive to fill that pond back up to its old water level. He also said a rather large amount of bluegill, red ear, fingerling bass, black crappie and catfish will be stocked into the pond by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, once the spillway is fixed. This may mean you and i can go fishing in April over there and catch a mess of fish. That would be great if you ask me. To change the subject just briefly, it is Valentine's Day season. The couple i have interviewed this year for my magazine has been married 43 years. They have had a colorful life and have been gracious enough to share part of it with me to give to you in print. But this is the Gurdon close of Just John for the week and i am supposed to be talking about love, the subject at hand for the upcoming Valentine's Day celebration. A friend came by one morning this past week and needed a ride to get a battery for his truck. i took time away from my sales schedule and helped him. i was glad to do it. it made me feel of use in a work world that makes me and probably nearly everyone else feel useless about half of the time. i was grateful to be able to show a little friendship love. Another friend, who knew i would be on foot this weekend, came by Saturday night and we had an old fashioned kitchen table flapping of the gums. it was great. it killed some loneliness for me and for him. That is love. The Bible calls love a lot of things, like unselfish, kind, patient and more. i have noticed if we even get a few of the elements of love going in our lives, we can usually find someone else who is grateful. Some Valentine’s poems for the “I heart you” crowd last week, several closing paragraphs of my column were missing. By now, the original two doors are rehung. Hopefully, by press time this week, the next set will also be painted and hung. Also, last week, a bouquet of early daffodils, sprigs of spirea, branches of yellowbell and japonica have graced-- and still grace-- the dining room table. This season, sappy to some, precious to others, is one of Poet’s groups’ poetry. February contests require “love poems.” Valentine cards abound with cheesy (for some), reaffirming sentiments for others. Poems, too, may be syrupy for some, yet dear to others. Here are a few for the ones who (ahem) “heart” this winter season. “To My Dear and loving Husband,” a poem whose author is the unknown Mrs. Anonymous, is selected in honor especially of Freeda and Gene Ị ichols, Jeanie and Roger Carter, Diane and Joe Stefan, Dorothy and Terry Johnson, Rhonda and Gary Roberts, and all other “still-in-love-after-all-thistime” couples. “If ever two were one, then surely we; If ever man were loved by wife, then thee; If ever wife was happy in a Shades of Home by Pat Laster man, Compare with me ye women if ye can! I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold, Or all the riches that the East doth hold. My love is such that rivers cannot quench, Nor ought but love from thee give recompense. Thy love is such I can no way repay; The heavens reward the manifold, I pray. Then when we live, in love let’s so persevere That when we live no more, we may live ever.” (Found in THE JoY oF WoRDS, J. G. Ferguson Publishing Company, Chicago, 1960, p 143) Mark Tappmeyer, professor at Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar Missouri, writes what he calls in his 2005 book, WiSECRACKiỊ G, poems that might “leave you wondering if he got the scriptures right or if he should be sent home from church.” Here is his “First Great lover” (Gen. 3:6) “Noblest Adam, juiced on love, took and ate. Poet’s Corner oLD AGe IS NoT FoR SISSIeS* Much of the shine shining in the Golden Years are not of gold but polished brass Whether you walk on dirt, mud, gravel, oyster shells or asphalt it is heaven's pavement of golden paths that is our enduring hope He did not nibble on the skin but sank his teeth till droplets gathered on his chin. His choice clear. he’d fall with her—whatever that should mean. He’d be her surest love, albeit into the wild beyond, where thistles—whatever they may be—sprout, where he, undercover, would never slump into a feckless lover.” “Forever love,” written by Arkansas’s former Poet laureate Verna lee Hinegardner, uses the Minute pattern, which she invented, and which is now recognized nation-wide. She always delights in others printing her poems. This one is found in her latest and last book, MoSiAC. “My wildest dreams of love came true when you came through that open door. No time before had Cupid’s arrow-piercing dart stuck in my heart. Forever love, just like a dove, flies low and coos a song of peace. My love won’t cease since every year you grow more dear.” Happy Valentine’s Day to all. Bob Palmer, editor And that is why we can loose our hold on Earth with mild reluctance As age wears out our bodies bones and muscle, what follows are aches and pains And a common prayer is before they make us bedfast that the lord calls us home! Until then we will grunt and groan, shuffle about, and take our RX's While all the while we smile through our pains knowing there are Awaiting us a time so pleasant there the miseries here are worth it! B BoB B *A quote from the Clark County Treasurer Founded February 1, 1996 The Standard “Publish and set up a standard; publish and conceal not...” (Jeremiah 50:2) JOE MAy KrIstIE MAy Editor & Publisher Managing Editor/Bookkeeper Published each Thursday by May Publishing Company P.O. Box 171, Amity, AR 71921 870-342-5007 FAX 870-342-6293 email: [email protected] Subscriptions: $25..00 per year in Clark, Pike, Garland, Hot Spring, Montgomery & Howard Counties; $28 per year elsewhere in Arkansas; $30 out of state. Periodical postage paid at Amity under USPS permit 0177575. Postmaster: send address changes to the above address. All unsolicited items are sent to the newspaper at the owner’s risk. Community items and letters to the editor are welcomed. No libelous or obscene material will be accepted. The management of this newspaper reserves the right to edit or reject any or all submissions or advertisements. Opinions expressed in this newspaper are not always the opinion of the newspaper nor its management. Entire contents copyrighted. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. In the way of recovery? last week President obama said, “We can't let Washington stand in the way of our [economic] recovery.” i don’t know anybody who would disagree with that sentiment. in fact, that’s largely what the TEA Party has been saying since its inception three years ago. Has Mr. obama seen the light and converted to a more conservative approach to limiting the role of Washington in order to allow the economy to come roaring back? i don’t think so. The Federal Reserve has been manipulating the economy by flooding the market with dollars and by keeping interest rates artificially low. Has that worked? Well, unemployment is still above 8 percent, and the Congressional Budget office reported last week it expected that rate to stay above 8 percent this year as well as next year. Additionally, the nation’s Gross Domestic Product stagnated at 1.6 percent for all of last year. Apparently, actions by the Fed have had little positive influence on our economic recovery. But, what about all the things Washington does to help the economy? Progressives like Mr. obama, Ị ancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chris Dodd, and Barney Frank follow Keynesian rules of economics which teach government should be heavily involved in manipulating the economy. This philosophy explains the explosion of new rules and regulations Washington has generated since Mr. obama came into office. Washington generates tens of thousands of new rules and regulations every year for the good of the American people. You know, “i’m from the government and i’m here to help.” To keep track of new rules and regulations the federal Unified Agenda, Regulatory information Service Center, releases data each spring and fall about the number of "economically significant" regulations that impose more than $100 million in annual costs on the economy. These are merely the cream of the crop of new rules and regulations. in 2011 Washington generated a record high 149 economically significant rules and regulations. For comparison’s sake, the annual average of economically significant regulations under President Bush was 62 and under President Clinton 56. one might correctly assume a rising number of rules and regulations, particularly those that impose more than $100 million in annual costs on the economy, would hurt the economy. Yes, they do! For example, take the Dodd-Frank financial regulation law passed by progressives…please! That one bill, touted to help American consumers, includes nearly 260 mandated rules along with 188 other rule suggestions. Just in terms of unemployment numbers, this so-called recovery is the worst jobs recovery since the Great Depression. This comes as no surprise to economists who have studied progressive fiscal policies of the Roosevelt presidency that suppressed the free-market economy in favor of a governmentmanipulated economy. America still has 5.5 million fewer jobs today than we had in December 2007 at the beginning of the recession. Why has our economy dragged on anemically like this for the past four years? Has Washington gotten in the way of an economic recovery? Mr. obama is laying out his reelection campaign as an opportunity to grow Washington bigger in order to help us get out of this economic mess. it seems to me we need to cut back on Washington’s growth. We can’t afford Washington to get continually bigger even if that’s supposed to make things better. There’s a connectiion between health and wealth The Standard February 9, 2012 Page 5 (2/ '>+8.+<. ?6C :+1/ Joining the information age again (30 '>,9/,</ Health and personal results is a pike county Agent’s they spend their wealthy. if you don’t believe in column finances are both closely powerful motih a r d - e a r n e d yourself, nobody else will either. associated with happiness. vator and a money on i believe it was Walt Disney who Research shows that four great way to expenses associat- said, “All our dreams can come i have now joined the 21st factors strongly predict hap- develop your ed with failing true, if we have the courage to Cooperative Extension Century information-wise piness and well-being in positive mental health. pursue them.” Family & Consumer Science Agent and i may be lost again. most cultures: health, eco- attitude. People invest Chicken Club Salad i blame it all on my oldest nomic status, employment look at challenges as in their health through 1 cup uncooked whole Dewey. He created my son, and family relationships. opportunities, learn from mis- healthy lifestyle choices, just wheat small pasta People in poor health often takes and make the best of a dif- like they invest in wealth- 6 cups well washed and torn webpage and has done an 38=>+8> been -900// 1<+8?6/= -<C=>+6= excellent job.-?:Having die young and736. spend thouficult+,9?> situation.38-2 Have a tangible building assets such as stock romaine lettuce :9?8. 06+@9</. 03=2 0366/> >23-5 manual. 9< i tried, but i think >+,6/=:998 the 29> author's A+>/< words had been into computers and electronon healthsands of dollars passion, or sense of pur- or a college education. Good 2 cups fresh vegetables, >+,6/=:998= ,?>>/< 9<goal, 7+<1+<38/ 7/6>/. -?:= school, 96. "/.+6F +66 :?<:9=/from 069?<Chinese to ics since high he translated care costs. Those who prac- 6/798 pose.4?3-/ People will work long health is a form of human capital chopped >+,6/=:998 :9A./< electronic,+5381 pulled me into the >/+=:998 tice recommended health hard if something is impor- and has been identified as a and=+6> 2 cups chopped tomatoes >/+=:998 Korean and into English. So =+6> age several years ago. >/+=:998 >/+=:998 :+:<35+ behaviors are more likely to tant to them. Create a mental major factor in the accumulation 1 and one-half cubed, i told Dewey, just give me ,9?> -?:=skinless 388+798 (9+=> "Dad," he said back in the /+> 9@/8 >9 average E </+=/ life ,9>>97picture 90 </->+81?6+< :+8 andB wealth B -?:= ,?>>/< 9< 7+<1+<38/ exceed of health of household wealth. cooked chicken instructions like: numbered =90>/8/. <?8-2F -/</+6 038/6C -<?=2/. 38-2/= a (1) expectancy and need a large for yourself and then determine High medical expenses and one-half cup low-fat italian 1980s, "Since you write -?:= =?1+< turn on computer (2) find >9 7+5/ -?:= 03=2 0366/>= 38>9 that =/<@381 8//./. %6+-/to:3/-/= =538 unhealthy habits, such as lot, why don't you come into/11= nest?>egg to insure they:3/-/= the30steps required get there. dressing the mouse . . . . -?: ,?>>/< 7/6>/. =3./= 38 >2/ their :+8 096.381 >238 /8.= ?8./< 30 8/-/==+<C 09< /@/8 the 20th Century?" don’t.9A8 outlive assets. Health and wealth should be smoking, erode household 1 hard cooked egg -?: 7365Anyhow, around last 4+< 9D -+<+7/6 >9::381 >23-58/== i used an electric typewriter So, the price of better health viewed as simultaneous wealth and claim income one-fourth cup shredded -?: =9?< -</+7 Christmas, he said, "Dad, 1+6698 ,/+8 -</+7 </7+38381 381</.3/8>= .<3DD6/ goals. 9@/< 03=2 it is not a case of that could -+<>98 the need for increased is"3B otherwise be used @+8366+ or 3-/ cheese crumbles cheese then which he said was /+> 9@/8 >9 E </+=/ time -?: for 06?>/. -+5/the :+821st 9< you>?,/ to enter -9-98?> +5/ ?8-9@/</. 738?>/= 9< ?8>36 03=2 06+5/= /+=36C A3>2 to save or reduce-?:= wealth. Ị obody>9 who is “either/or” or “now/later.” debt.038/6C =2</../. For pasta, choose macaroni obsolete. "Start with 38-2 +81/6 099. >?,/ -+5/ :+8 A3>2 =29<>/8381 6312>6C Century and put you writing -98>+38/< 9D A23::/. >9::381 09<5 going to live to age 95 wants Some people make the misissues generally develop or rotelle. You can substitute 069?< basics—a word processor," ebooks. i'll help 8 =7+66 ,9A6 73B -900// in +8. 29> A+>/< -996you."738 -?: 388+798 (9+=> <?8-2F -/</+6 to run out of money when take of spending the first 20 slowly and take time to spinach instead ?8-<?=2/. of romaine let- ?>/= he said. "You will soon see "What? Why?" 8 ?81</+=/. 38-2 can .//: .3=2 73B choose -?:= how it will make your writthey are 80. Quality of later to 30 years of their working address. A lack of limits vegetables tuce. :3/For:6+>/ at it+8.this "look 8 7/.3?7 ,9A6 73B 069?< ,+5381 :9A./< =+6> way. =/> -/</+6 +8. ,?>>/< A3>2 09<5 celery, ?8>36 A/66 -97 life is also very important life focused on accumulating -<?=2/. cause problems and7/6>/. restricgreen pepper, cauliflower ing easier." Millions of people read %</== 73B>?</ ,9>>97cucumbers +8. ?: =3./= 90 :3/ +=3./ 8 6+<1/ ,9A6 ,/+> ,?>>/< =?1+< +8. /11= A3>2 /6/-><3and improved by healthy money, often with a high ,38/. tions help avoid them.03<76C 38 florets, and carrots. So i got one. A "cheapie," ebooks. if just a hundred 73B/< 98 69A =://. =/-98.= =-<+:381 ,9A6 -98=>+8>6C :6+>/ >9 7+5/ -<?=> lifestyle choices. level of associated stress that Remember the phrase, “if it Cook pasta according to Dewey called it, but it was a thousand or so read yours at &/=/<@/ =/@/<+6 >+,6/=:998= -+<+7/6 >9::381 09< 1+<83=2 /+> 98 2312 =://. 738?>/= =-<+:381 ,9A6 9--+=398+66C if you expect to succeed, you harms their health. Their is to be, it is up to me.” Set package directions; drain big improvement. Ị o more cents-</+7 a copy, lot of %9?< </7+38381 >9::381 38>9 ,9>>97 90 -<?=> /+> 38 069?< 73B>?</ 7365 +8.99=9?< 98that's 69A a=://. will succeed. if you expect to busy schedule crowds out a realistic goals, take small and cool. Place 1 and oneWite-out to make correc- money. Think about it." 669A 3-/ -</+7 >9 =90>/8 =6312>6C A236/ >9+=>381 -9-98?> ,6/8./. fail, you will fail. A positive good diet, exercise and ade- steps to reach them, learn 2/+> half cups of the9@/< romaine each ?8>36 tions. Ị o more carbon paper 8 ;?+<> 898=>3-5 =+?-/:+8 -9-98?> 2312in2/+> i had been %9?< curi&/79@/ -?: 90 >2/ ,+>>/< =>3<Actually, 38>9 -996/. -900// mental attitude gives people quate sleep. For a while, =>3<<381 setbacks, and of 3= from your 4 large bowls or plates. -98=>+8>6C ?8>36 -9-98?> 196./8 ,<9A8 (<+8=0/< for extra copies. Ị o wadded- ous about ebooks and the 38>9 :+8 -900// ,+>>/< ,C +,9?> the edge when it comes to they get by, but health prob- -9-98?> believe in and your Combine chopped vegeta- </7+38381 >9 yourself :6+>/ -996 to start again. <9:marvel up paper ,+>>/< of ereading devices. 98>9 ,+>>/<and 38 :+8 ?> >2<9?12 ,+>>/<= A3>2 ':998 to=6312>6C 3-/ -</+7 38>9 6+<1/ ,9A6 '>3<Add 38 >+,6/=:9980?6= health and wealth. Seeing lems eventually occur, then capacity become=90>/8/. healthy and bles, chicken and pasta. Copies were unlimited "How much will it cost?" -?: 90 >2/ >9+=>/. -9-98?> dressing ':998 3-/and -</+7 -<?=>to 5830/ 09< 7+<,6/. ./=318 $)(! + ' )! toss38>9 lightly all as good as the original. "Ị othing. Just check out 638/. :3/ :6+>/ ?=381 =:+>?6+ >9coat. -</+>/Divide 79?8.evenly 38 -/8>/< 90 ",C >3 +5/ >9 738?>/= 9< ?8>36 >99>2:3-5 38=/<>/. 38 -/8>/< among electronic industry The," he said. -<?=> <//D/ ?8>36 03<7 +,9?> the 29?< ",C => 9?> printing -6/+8 art 996and a738?>/= 38 :+8 98 A3</ <+-5 4 bowls. Top each serv- -97/= destroyed )# ",C >3 i did. And downloaded the (9 =/<@/ =:</+. A23::/. >9::381 9@/< >9: 90 3-/ -</+7 ing with egg slices and 1 </79@/ 0<97 :+8 >9 Western A3</ <+-5 996 +> 6/+=> 29?< 738 trade started in the ?90 >3 <3DD6/ -+<+7/6 >9::381 9@/< 38.3@3.?+6 =/<@381= 90 :3/ style manual of about 100 ?90 >3 (0=> ,9/ (?90 tablespoon of cheese. ?90 >3 ?>/= -996 in theA+<7 15th 9< Century. World'/<@/ =:<3856/ A3>2 -?: -/</+6 +8. >2/ >9+=>/. -9-98?> pages, that gives all the ?90 >3 <,.60> ,=3 ?90 >3 Asian Coleslaw trade used printing This information needed to put an ?7C => 9/ ,>0= :;09 ,> ;8 1 pound shredded cabbage made from lead, components ?7C >3 on the web. ebook (480 (<4,7= ,> ;8 1can (11 ounces) mandarin tin and antimony to compose Smashwords demands a spe?7C </ ?90 >3 (0=> ,9/ (?90 oranges, drained ?2?=> >3 printing forms for a letter- cial format before it will ?2?=> >3 one-half cup peanuts ?90 >3 <,.60> $?>7,A press. As a journeyman publish your work. it's a lot ?2?=> >3 Dressing: ?90 >3 (0=> ,9/ (?90 # of ! printer$at The(Washington '0;>08-0< >3 work#+$$ converting your Two-thirds cup light italian ?90 >3 <,.60> '0;>08-0< >3 Post, i witnessed the transi- book, if you have your book dressing '0;>08-0< >3 & #,>4:9,7= tion from newspaper pages in other graphic arts pro2 tablespoons low-sodium $.>:-0< => composed in metal to those grams such as PageMaker or soy sauce $.>:-0< >3 on film and paper. /+<>2 text+8.program other in any ?> 3> =29?6. ,/ </7/7,/</. >2385381 +,9?> use >2/ @/<.3-> 98/ created '-9<8 <3.3-?6/ A366 ,/ You may a 16 ounce our old art was gone. The than Microsoft Word. A+= +81/< 9@/<mix >23= 73=-+< +> :49 :?< <,.492 1,847C 2,>0 100 ;0< ;0<=:9 of coleslaw for the >23= 3= 89> $ '37:=98 '2/J= 89> 2/< .+C>37/ -97:+8398= +8.But bag 7C medium was oneA29 of bits, new Smashwords Style Guide + 2312 :<9036/ -/6/,<3>C A366 <3+1/ 90 4?=>3-/ 8 3>= :6+-/ A+= 8312> =2/ A366 =8?116/ ?: A3>2 cabbage. Mix together the 98>38?/. <97 %+1/ $A90<= ,.640 *07@0> !0A4= bytes and pixels—nothing tells you step-by-step on +8 ?8/+=C 0//6381 +8. =9<<9A !35/ 381 oranges9A 7?=> and -97/ 297/ >9 2/< 7+8=398 +8. </79<=/ 8 9?< 738.= A/ -<C 9?> cabbage, 077 +:<6 could touch or feel but you how to format your ebook. +=/C 8>298C 0//6 89A 9A 2/< 7366398= (23= 3= + A97+8 +@3. 90 96. 2/< =38 A366 /@/< ,/ H)2/</ 3= >2/ 4?=>3-/ 09< >23= peanuts. Stir in the italian only imagine. But, i have to (<,.6 ;3:90 once 2/< you get the hang of it, A29 3= +63/8+>/. 0<97 2/< 0+736C ,/09</ A9?6. 0//6 dressing and soy sauce. -236. I 8,47 5,.640 70A4= 74@0 .:8 admit it89is297/ a better way. it's fairly easy. Hey,+ =312 if an +8. 2+= (2/ 986C :/< >J= /+=C >9 +==318 0//6381= >9 >2/ '2/ 7+C 2+@/ 2/+@/. 90 Each of the 12 servings has .98J> 589A 30 2+. + .</+7 '00 <,.0 <0=?7>= ,> ;<0=.:>><,.0A,C 90> Soon, Dewey wanted to </63/0 =98 A29 69@/. 2/< ?8-98.3>398 +--?=/. 38 >23= -+=/ 8 9?< <+1/ +8. =736/. +> 2/< 383>3+6 @/< almost 82 year old like me +,9?> >2/ -+=/ 9< 89> ,?> + </-/8> 45 calories with 2.5 fat, talk computer to computer (<,.6 //<0== 423A,C ,=> #0B> >: +30709 ';<492= A/ +==?7/ >2+> =2/ 7?=> ,/ 0//6 +66C 3= ./+. :<9,+,6C ,C 2/< 9A8 .3-> ,?> 635/6C =2/ can 90 do89> it, 1?36>C you can. %<0=.:>> <6,9=,= 79<8381 09?8. 7/ +A+5/ 38 ,/. 250mg sodium, 6g carbohy- over our phone line. Ị ot 381 89>and 986C1g + =/8=/ 90 </63/0 ,?> 2+8. A366 What -97/ >9 2+>/ >2+> hooked me.+C was '2/ my drate protein. much for talking, this was (23= 3= 89> + -/6/,<3>C A29 A366 :/<2+:= /@/8 7+../8381 3= >2+> 7+C /@/8 6/+<8 >9 </1+<. 3> += >2/ ebook, "Cupcake, Kids and Blueberry Muffins my way of communication. ,/ 2+36/. 98 >2/ =><//> ,C +.9<381 =2/ -9?6. ,/ =3>>381 38 2/< >+B 03<=> .+C 90 + 630/ =/8>/8-/ >2+> =2/ Me" (newspaper articles i've one-half cup vegetable oil learning #9 wasn't 98/ A366 exactly ,/ ,?C381a A366 :+C/< 0?8./. 4+36 sugar -/66 6+?12381 +> -<9A.= =/<@/ 38 + :<3=98 9A8 written about my90 2/< family) 1 cup fun time. in the beginning >2/ =C=>/7 +8. :6+88381 29A >9 2/< 7/+6= +> +8 ?:=-+6/ </=>+?<+8> 7+5381 9?,>6/== sold four copies the>2/</ first A366 day 2 eggs my computer was in a loop +8. >9+=>381 2/< </6/+=/ (29=/ =:/8. >2/ <3-2/= =2/J66 =?</6C -97/ + >37/ >2+> =2/ A366 A3=2 at $4.99 per copy. That's one-half cups low-fat milk calling A29 7?=> his ./+6 phone A3>2 2/<number A366 .9 >2+> </+: 0<97 =/66381 2/< =>9<C >2/</ A/</ ,+<= >9 =/:+<+>/ when i learned how 1 teaspoon vanilla continuously. one useless =9 A3>2 + =/8=/ 90 .3=1?=> +8. 2/< 0<97 A9<6. 9?>=3./ Smashwords makes its 2 cups flour phone call is enough, but 90 to money. :/<2+:= + 0/318/. .3=:6+C <//.97 if3>=/60 A366 ,/-97/ + i figured correctly, 2 teaspoons baking powder Have you ever wanted to have a career with =C7:+>2C have it for 24 hours? After a -?<=/ out of that it took $1.20, one0half teaspoon salt 98>38?/. <97 %+1/ little or no stress, great atmosphere, a career that has +=/C 8>298C ?:98 which )2/8 >2+> lot8 =29<> of instruction, he finally is >2/ oK.+C by -97/= me. And 2 cups blueberries :/<=988/6 A9?6. ,/ -97381 2/< </6/+=/ >23= A//5 3= 19381 >9 +=/C 8>298C ,</+>2/= 2/< 6+=> taught me how, so we had 4=3 #0>A:<6 3,= >: ;<4.0 49.<0,=0 withstood the test of time? Join the field of Barber someone reviewed my book Preheat the oven to 375 >2/ 8/B> .+C >9 38>/<@3/A 038. 9?>long >2/ 2+<. A+Cit >2+> >23= =2/ 89> ,/it</6/+=/. 2/< email before became degrees. Grease the muffin andA366 gave a top 0<97 rating. Styling and Design. There’s no lay-offs and our plant 237 3= + -96. -<?/6 :6+-/ :<3=98 <+>2/< that's =2/ A366all/8>/<the + popular. pans. in a large mixing bowl, stir A9<6. However, )/ 2+@/8 > =//8 +8C 90 doesn’t close. 9?,>6/== =2/ A366 =:/8. >2/ </=> -9?<> 38 A23-2 >2/</ A366 ,/ 89 To surprise him, i got rid of the oil and sugar until creamy. copies sold up to now. My >2/7 =38-/ )+>=98 -97 90 2/< 73=/<+,6/ 630/ 6995381 9@/< =:38 2/< -+=/ +8. 89 Now taking applications for full-time and the word processor and 6+AC/<= Add eggs, milk and vanilla. second>9ebook, "Rings of 7/8>/. =>+>381 >2+> 2/< =29?6./< @/<C -236. =2/ 4?<C >9 ,?C 2/< A36. >2/9<3/= > bought a personal computer. Mix until blended. part-time classes. We will do everything we can to Fire," a novel about racial /88381= 0+736C 7/7,/<= =//= A366 </738. 2/< 90 >2/ 98/ >2+> ,+< A2/</ A/ +66 98/ .+C Wrong move. "Ị ever buy a problems in a medium mixing bowl, in the South, has -2/-5/. 237 9?> 90 >2/ 29= =2/ 1+@/ ?: >9 -96. ./+>2 accommodate your schedule. Come and see us. 4?=>3-/ A366 ,/ =/<@/. 09< computer, Dad, before you =>+8. stir together the flour, baking yet to sell one copy. :3>+6 ?:98 2/+<381 >2+> 6+A !35/ +38 90 96. A29 7?<./</. +66 >37/ %/<2+:= 4?=>3-/ A+= consult me first. That thing powder and salt. Add the flour But, hey, i'm in the 21st /809<-/7/8> :/<=988/6 A/</ 23= 9A8 ,<9>2/< +=/C 8>298C =/<@/. +0>/< +66 38 + (A36312> mix to the and sugar the you bought is already obso- Century! :6+88381 98oil =:/+5381 A3>2in 237 A366 ,/ .997/. >9 <9+7 >2/ *98/ =9<> 90 A+CG large8@/=>31+>398 bowl. Stir together. Stir in lete by two years." Then i Check out my webpage to 2+= =29A8 got a lecture on RoM, contact me at: the blueberries. Fill each muffin >2+> >2/ 03</ +> >2/ +66/C= RAM, gigabytes, none of cup two-thirds full and bake for '349/,4A, 103 Brenda Street in Hot Springs 297/ A+= +<=98 )+>=98 2708 Pine Street in Arkadelphia i understood and was wgwhite/index.htm 25 to 30 minutes. <,== (<4880< =+3. +..381 >2+> 2/ .9/= which 501-624-0885 or 1-866-624-0885 870-230-0777 Each muffin has>2/250 calories told to read the instruction +8>3-3:+>/ 036381 +::<9:<3 ?=;@+<8+ %96/ All work performed by supervised students. with 11g fat with 35mg % " $ ! +>/ -2+<1/= 38 >2/ 03</ cho'+A .1/<= lesterol, +8. 2/6. )/ .9 200mg 2+@/ +sodium, :/<=98 37g 90 Christian Motorcyce Association will meet,+-5:+-5 the 3rd Tuesday carbohydrates and 4g protein. ,69A/<= 38>/</=> 2/ =>+>/. ./-638381 of the month at Dino's Main Stgreet Cafe at 6:30pm. Berry Bread Pudding >9 .3@?61/ >2/ =?=:/->= 3./8>3>C 1 and one-half >3 '> The 49 Standard, <6,/07;34,the only (2/ -+=/ 3= =>366 cups ?8./<berries 38@/= Thanks for'reading 4-5 slices whole wheat >31+>398 bread, crusts removed Farm Bureau Insurance offers a wide range of plans for Auto, Home, and Life insurance. Plus, we’ll conduct a locally-owned newspaper in this area! no-obligation review of your total insurance needs. Get Real insurance. Get Farm Bureau insurance. one-half teaspoon sugar Yogurt, low-fat vanilla Powdered sugar Choose blueberries, sliced strawberries or raspberries. Combine the berries and sugar. layer a spoonful of berries on the bottom of a small 2 (Group Photo Here) cup deep dish. Cover the berries and the bottom of the dish with a layer of bread. Spoon in most of the berries. Add another layer of bread and continue until the dish is full, Ax RePeRATIoN finish off with a layer of bread. Hempstead County Farm & +% 3rd ).(-0 +' .+" . Cover the dish with plastic wrap and 1902 east St SSueS ).+, )(ANkRuPTCy +$ ' *' Hope, Arkansas+%71801 place a plate or dish over the top of the !"&*#$ berry dish that fits just+% inside!"&*#$ of it. *#)(" ookkeePING Place a heavy object on top *#)(" to press down on the&"(/))! fruit and bread layers. Refrigerate Larry Garli AR Ins. Lic. # 23099 overnight. Serve with a dollop of vanilla 1 THIS ARTWORK CANNOT BE ALTERED, REVISED, RESIZED OR REBUILT BEYOND CHANGING THE AGENT PASS S yogurt and a sprinkle of powPHOTO OR CONTACT INFO. CONTACT MADGENIUS WITH ANY QUESTIONS AT [email protected] dered sugar. ! ! Robbie Mckinnon :1100 'A4<7 499,8:9 (:,=> <?9.3 .0 <0,8 %40 ,60/ 4=3 4770>= ,60 (3:80<=:9 <?2 # ! % %<0=.:>> &,.0A,C SCHooL NoTICe Centerpoint Intermediate School in Amity and Centerpoint Primary School in Glenwood 7,<6 on:?9>C %<:=0.?>:< will hold parent/teacher conferences Thursday, February 9, 2012, starting at 3:30 p.m. # $ Progress reports will be handed out. If addi($& ! tional time is needed, you may schedule another conference at a later date. We encourage everyone to plan to attend this conference because working together we can help each child achieve their full potential. If you have any questions, please call 870/342-5377 (Intermediate) or 870/356-3206 (Primary). ! ',@0 3?9/<0/= :1 :39 %7C70< ('$# :80 09>0< ! ! :77,<= :@0< 4=3 #0>A:<6 :9 :?< receSSiON-prOOF #0A B.7?=4@0 %<:2<,8 '?;;740< ,77 ?= -01:<0 C:? =429 , .:9><,.> &'$# :9D= (* ',>0774>0 come check out our special prices on hair services! ABC Barber College 709A::/ # ! ABC Beauty College "> /, ! CMA to meet February 15 +4774,8= ',A : Get Real insurance. 870 777 900 + +0 Berry"#+%$ Legal & Tax ! ! Consulting ! ! in ! the trenches of tax preparation for 25+ years! ! *T *B P *IRS I ARMLNP40282 *B *Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Co. of Arkansas, Inc. *Southern Farm Bureau Casualty Insurance Co. *Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Co., Jackson, MS ANDy BeRRy 625 Clay Street in Arkadelphia 870-246-4571 2? A< 2 B@A 2 .? /F :@ 82 D< 6A2 52 ;1 ;6 52 ;@ 2? A5 52 . <1 ;@ <; <; <3 D< D ;1 ;1 F ; ; ;1 ;2 A5 6; 52 2? A5 .A 42 : ;2 ?8 .@ 6; 52 ;1 4 .9 ;4 6@A 6; 2@ ;1 ;A .@ 56@ 92 299 2; 2? D2 ;. ;1 ;@ 61 1 1 A5 91 52 ;@ 92 A< ?2 ?.9 A< .;1 $.B96;2 1D.?1@ "./<?@ 2 D.@ . 1.B45A2? <3 B82 *2@A #; .;B.?F ?2A6?21 0.?=2;A2? . ( & &B2 :.??621 <; .82? ".CF <3 ** February .;1 6 The Standard 9, 2012 Page)2A2?.; .;1 A52F D2?2 :.??621 3<? . :2:/2? <3 A52 (;6AF F2.?@ &52 D.@ =?202121 6; .=A6@A 5B?05 12.A5 /F 52? 3.A52? &B2 D.@ 2<?42 2;7<F21 4.?12;6;4 . :2:/2? <3 2A529 started When .;1 2.05i F2.? =BA practicing 56@ 4.?12; !6@@6<;.?F .=A6@A 5B?05 6; feedlot in the B;A69 late 6; D6A5 medicine . A2.: <3 :B92@ 92;D<<1 &B2 @2?C21 .@ $682 ‘60’s it was a fairly new spe52.9A5 6@@B2@ 3<?021 56: A< <B;AF .6? <.?1 $?2@612;A we piccialty. @A<= 6; Feedlots, as 2 D.@ =?2 !6@@ $682 <B;AF <::6AA22 ture them now in the 02121 6; 12.A5 /F 56@ D632 5.6? .;1 .@ . =?<720A 92.12? and"./<?@ southwest, Midwest 61. ?.5.: 6;3.;A <3 A52 <.9@ 3<? 92;D<<1 not as common. by 0<::6AA22 &B2 ?2026C21 52? were 1.B45A2? .;602 But6.;2 this time i .;1 hired <;2 on with the "./<?@ @6@A2? .0529<? <3 ?A@ 124?22 D6A5 A out of Roswell, Diamond 2:=5.@6@ 6; 5645 @05<<9 !.?4.?2A $.AA2?@<; Ị M, 20,000 head yards ;496@5 2;12?@<; &B?C6C<?@ 6;09B12 <;2were @<; tants. They3?<: would schedule spreading across the country. &A.A2 (;6C2?@6AF 6; '<::F "./<?@ <3 6AA92 regular, usually weekly visits They in the more< to B?6;4 A5<@2 F2.?@ D.@ . the feedlots, to @52 oversee %<08 prospered .;1 <;2 @6@A2? !.?F southwest because mud arid AD6?92? .A 2;12?@<; 32.AB?2 &52=52?1 .;1 52? 5B@/.;1 treatment programs, processis the biggest .;1 of . :2:/2? <3 29A. -2A. the incoming, and <; <3 299.enemy )6@A. of feed- ing lot grain. The imperial diagnosis @<?<?6AF &52 .9@< D<; 5<;<?@ of the sick and B;2?.9 @2?C602@ D2?2 Valley of California, the dead. 6; .?2. /2.BAF To get the job=.42.;A@ done it &.AB?1.F 6; A52 %B4492@ desert country of Arizona, was 6;09B16;4 !6@@ imperative that!.9C2?; the feed*690<E B;2?.9 <:2 and the Texas panhandle lot3A2? 0<99242 head &B2 doctors A.B45A employees, 5.=29 D6A5 $56996= %B;F.; ;496@5 .A 6?/F 92;D<<1 became popular places to and processing crews, in par<33606.A6;4 B?6.9 D.@ 6; .11< 699@ .;1 92;D<<1 feed cattle. have a good underA52 (;6AF 2:2A2?F ticular, 5?6@A6.; &05<<9 <; .;1 -The veterinary profession standing of animal health. !2:<?6.9@ :.F /2 :.12 A< &B2 .82? <D;21 .;1 also faced a new challenge, So a handful of these con(;6AF 2:2A2?F B;1 0 < <=2?.A21 .82? H@ 6; the herd health of 50,000 sulting veterinarians began '<::F !219<08 %.;05 92;D<<1 3<? F2.?@ head of cattle on feed in one teaching rudimentary veteri%1 ?8.129=56. % 6@ @B?C6C21 /F 52? place! Most feedlot man- nary &B2 medicine to the &64; <; 96;2 4B2@A :<A52? $.B96;2 B82feedlot *2@A agers did not even consider a laymen. This caused a.82? grand /<<8 .A DDD ?B4 52? 5B@/.;1 <; <3 DVM on the staff full-time. uproar in the veterinary pro92;D<<1 A5?22 05691?2; .;1 492@D690<E 0<:the job of Very quickly fession, “teaching laymen to A526? .?2; .;1 “head doctor” became a do what@=<B@2@ veterinarians were 5B08 )<.; $.B9 .;1 '.:.?. feedlot occupation. But, all licensed to do.” .82? and 2A5trained .;1 %605.?1 too often, they got in over And took many years )6;2@it @6E 4?.;105691?2; @6E their head. *69962 $2.?9 $9F92? .42 before the profession, in 52? @6@ 4?2.A 4?.;105691?2; group of veteri<3A certain 92;D<<1 1621 general, recognized the realA2? .;1 /?<A52? 6; 9.D &.;1F narians responded '[email protected] B;2 by offer- ity confinement .;1of caring %.;1Ffor&AB082F 52? ing as !.F consul- animals. But the consulting &52 themselves D.@ /<?; <; /?<A52? .;1 @6@A2? 6; 9.D .A <16 A52 1.B45A2? 5.?92@ .;1 .?2; *2@A 52? Military surplus 6x6 <3 9.B12 .;1 A5. /?<A52? 6; 9.D .C61 .82? *56@2;5B;A #; low diesel truck.:/2?A with very than.;1 .;1 millage, <;;. less BA056@<; !.F @52 D.@ :.? @6@A2? 6; 9.D with2AAF 15,000 miles, low hours.52? Cargo flatbed ?621 A< <;;<? 9.?8 $2A2 '61D299 .@ .@ :.;F low sides, pintle hitch. Heavy duty D299 construc$9F92? D5< =?202121 52? 6; ;2=52D@ .;1 ;6202@ .;1 Call 713-557-1125 for information. 12.A5tion. <; B9F &52 @=206.9 3?62;1@ &2?C602@ D2?2 5291 .A D.@ . :2:/2? <3 A52 2A529 !6@@6<;.?F .=A6@A 92;D<<1 ?22 *699 .=A6@A 5B?05 6; 92;D<<1 5B?05 *21;[email protected] B;2 &52 6@ @B?C6C21 /F 3<B? D6A5 26A5 &52D/.?A .;1 05691?2; .;1 A526? @=<B@2@ .?<91 'B?;2? <33606.A6;4 .A5?F; .;1 <5; !<<?2 <3 B?6.9 D.@ 6; 2A529 92;D<<1 <5; *.F;2 .;1 2:2A2?F B1F $9F92? <3 92;D<<1 $.99/2.?2?@ D2?2 ?.;1<; 6;42? .;1 ?21 &A2C2;@<; )6;2@ &A2C2; &05./2?4 <3 ?645A<; <9<?.1< .;1 1.: .82? !.AA .82? <; B?A<; 2?2:F *2@A .;;F .;1 2C2?9F $9F92? <3 ?6.; *2@A "608 'F92? 92;D<<1 2645A 4?.;10569 '6: .82? ?24 '61D299 1?2; ;6;2 4?2.A 4?.;10569 '<::F '61D299 .;1 '2??F 1?2; @2C2; 4?2.A 4?2.A '61D299 4?.;105691?2; 52? /?<A52? !2:<?6.9@ :.F /2 :.12 699F .08 .:/2?A <3 <A A< A52 2A529 !6@@6<;.?F Husqvarna Pole &=?6;4@ .;1 lawn @2C2?.9 ;6202@needs.=A6@A 5B?05 For all your trimming $# <E Saw, Edgers, .;1 ;2=52D@ 92;D<<1 ?8.;@.@ Hand-held & &2?C602@ D2?2 &.AB?1.F B;2 backpack blowers 6; A52 .C6@ &:6A5 B2@A ?246@A?F 6@ .A B;2?.9 <:2 5.=29 6; DDD 1.C6@ @:6A5 0<: 408 S. 7th St. in Arkadelphia 92;D<<1 D6A5 ?< <2 &5<?A <33606.A6;4 ;A2?:2;A 870-246-5872 D.@ 6; A52 &.92: 2:2A2?F ;2.? 92;D<<1 B;12? A52 16?20 Want to learn more about the Bible? A6<; <3 .C6@ &:6A5 B;2?.9 Would you like to know more about God's Word? We <:2 92;D<<1 $.99/2.?2?@ love to study the Bible and would be happy to sit down D2?2 ? .?9 $9F92? 699F with you and help you learn more about your $9F92? <5;;F $9F92? B?92F relationship with Jesus. The study is 100% Bible< $9F92? ? !.?8 based and undenominational. it's also totally free of &B;12?9.;1 .;1 2??F charge--a gift from churches of christ because we care! &B;12?9.;1 Call or 870-403-2168 to schedule B2@A870-246-6232 ?246@A?F 6@ .A DDD1.C6@ an0<: appointment or for more information. @:6A5 2 D.@ . :2:/2? <3 A52 5B?05 $.=2? . ( & ?:F )2A2?.; &A.A2@ ?:F %2@2?C2@ <3 D.@ ** .;1 . :2:/2? <3 <; .0A6C2 1BAF 1B?6;4 <3 5?6@A .;1 . 5<:2:.82? 6?@A .=A6@A 5B?05 <3 A52 )62A;.: *.? 2 .9@< &52 6@ @B?C6C21 /F 52? @<; B?A6@ 2 D.@ =?202121 6; 5291 ?2.? 12A.05:2;A 052:6 'D22192 <3 .??F 12.A5 /F 56@ D632 2@@62 0.9 A?.6;6;4 @B==<?A =<@6 ?8.129=56. 52? 1.B45A2? 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J@FC 2D 2 962CE 2EE24<4?2.A 2AA62CD 4?.;105691?2; F2.?@ )6086 &2F:<?2 ?.C2@612 of @2?C602@ D2?2 that time, veterinarians >:?FE6D @C E92E 8@6D 76H 2 E92? :?4=F56 5:D23:=:EJ @C 562E9 @7 6DE:>2E65 2? .;1 4?2.A &A.33<?1 <3 ?8.129=56. &.AB?1.F elite of B;2 our profession,6; 4?.;105691?2; the 4@>6D 324< !E 42? 72:=FC6B9=2?5 925 2 ?6H 4@C@?2CJ 2CC9JE9>:2 >6C:42?D 4?2.A 4?.;105691?2; 1.B45A2? 962CE 2;;632? <3 2H2J 2?5 A52 the #.8highest ?<C2paid2:2A2?F of the 2EE24< now 766= =:<6 F?4@>7@CE23=6 AC6DDFC6 ( 5:D62D6 2CE6CJ A6C:A96C2= 2 925 23@FE 2?5 B;2?.9 @2?C602@ D2?2 '[email protected] ;05<?.42 9.@8. 1.B45 D6A5 specialties, <;.91 <<; <33606.A DVM were roy- C64FCC6?E :89 49@=6DE6C@= 9:89 3=@@5 DBF66K:?8 7F==?6DD @C A2:? 2EE24< !0 ?612 .;1 52? 6;4 in my ??.;42:2;A@ .?2 B;12? 6; A52 %B4492@ *690<E B;2?.9 A2? 208F @36D:EJ alty eyes. :D4@>7@CE :? @E96C 2C62D @7 E96 5:236E6D @7 56G6=@A:?8 4@C@ AC6DDFC6 492?46 ,96 <:2 5.=29 D6A5 ?.;8 5B@/.;1 &5.;2 <3 A52 16?20A6<; <3 .C6@ &:6A5 They were like the Supreme ?2CJ 962CE 5:D62D6 42? 36 E@3244@ FD6 F?962=E9J 5:6E FAA6C 3@5J +J>AE@>D 42? 2;@<; $56996= %B;F.; .;1 ?8.129=56. 36C2 4?.;1 B;2?.9 <:2Pack, 92;D<<1 Court, the Rat the font C65F465 3J E2<:?8 DE6AD E@ AC6 A9JD:42= :?24E:G:EJ 2?5 D64@?5 :?4=F56 A2:? @C 5:D4@>7@CE :? @?6 <;;62 2D6@ <33606.A6;4 B?6.9 @<;@ A5?22 /?<A52?@ *6;;62 B2@A for ?246@A?F of wisdom aspiring [email protected] G6?E 2?5 4@?EC@= 724E@CD E92E AFE 92?5 D>@<6 2C6 2=D@ C:D< 724E@CD @C 3@E9 2C>D E96 324< ?64< D.@ 6; A52 &<BA53<?8 2@A2? <3 .:12; <5; DDD 1.C6@ @:6A5 0<: lot veterinarians like me. A6@A=6 ;2H @C DE@>249 2E 8C62E6C C:D< 2DD@4:2E65 H:E9 962CE 5:D62D6 2:2A2?F ;2.? B?1<; 2;2 &A.33.?1 <3 .:12; They roamed the plains of %2J @44FC @7 3C62E9 +9@CE?6DD 2C6 DF556? 962CE 2EE24<D +@>6week! E96 D:8?D each this feature Only $10 for an ad! 342-5007 Sponsor 55:E:@?2==J <?@H:?8 6: !.?F 96G./2A5 Texas, Kansas, oklahoma 2?5 DJ>AE@>D @7 962CE 2EE24< 2C6 2?5 :?E6?D6 9@H6G6C >@DE 962CE H:E9 @C H:E9@FE 496DE 5:D4@> &A.33<?1 <3 6AA92 %<08 .;1 and California like gunfight- 4CF4:2= E@ E96 >@DE A@D:E:G6 @FE 2EE24<D DE2CE D=@H=J H:E9 >:=< 7@CE %605.?1 .?<92 &A.33<?1 <3 ers; Paladin or Eliot Ị ess, in 4@>6D Glenwood 'E96C D:8?D ,96D6 >2J :?4=F56 2 962CE A2:? @C 5:D4@>7@CE '7E6? A6@ 92G:?8Storage 27E6C Mini *.F;2182 *25B;A .42 ?F.;A .@ D299 .@ ;B:2?<B@ a Cessna mixing tetracyRolling prices back! 3C62<:?8 @FE :? 2 4@=5 DH62E <3 !2;. 1621 and '[email protected] B;2 ;6202@ .;1 ;2=52D@ ?2FD62 'C =:89E962565?6DD cline powder carrying 10x12, only $40/month; D.@necropsy /<?; <; .;6AA. .@@ &8.44@ .42 &6/96;4@ A5.A =?202121 <B4 blood tubes 2and 62CE >6C:42? ,96 $55/month. 10x20, #(&only " <A #(" ' #" % $ 6.;;2 % #0A</2?Ị ames like 6; Dehyle, <==2? 6; 12.A5 D2?2 knives. 1621 B;2 ) 6; 62CE &2E:@?2= E96 DD@4:2E:@? Call 870-356-4848 A52 @<; Cerniga, <3 14.?Bechtol, 116@ &=?6;4@ C29F; $F?8 2?5 =@@5 !?DE:EFE6 E96 Brimhall, &52 D.@ .; .?A6@A &A.33<?1 !.B12 *25B;A Crane, .;1 9:2162 .AA62 .;1 :2:/2? <3 &A !.?FH@ *6996.:@ %2/200. !<492 Sheldon, Johnson and >6C:42? *65 C@DD 2?5 E96 &293 *25B;A D.@ =?2 2?.91 &A.33<?1 .;1 1D.?1 &2E:@?2= @F?4:= @? 8:?8 92G6 Rinker hung in the2 rafters of .A5<960 5B?05 <3 vocabulary. They my 02121 6; 12.A5 /F 56@were =.? &A.33<?1 ?8.129=56. =2F?4965 2 ?6H M 4E :? ,:>6N the of Apollo B;2?.9 @2?C602@ D2?2 42>A2:8? E@ :?4C62D6 A6@A=6OD 2;A@equivalent .;1 56@ @6@A2? B06992 &B?C6C<?@ 6;09B12 AD< astronauts a new )6;2@ 2exploring D.@ . C2A2?.; <3 1.B45A2?@ <162 &.9922 .;1 !<;1.F 6; A52 '?6;6AF 2H2C6?6DD @7 962CE 2EE24< 2?5 E96 that was type A52 of ( &medicine 6? <?02 .;1 52? 5B@/.;1 %605.?1 <3 A '2:=92 @@2:/9F <3 <1 :>A@CE2?46 @7 42==:?8 not being taught in vet 5B?05 D6A5 %608 !.F@ <336 :>>65:2E6=J 2E E96 @?D6E @7 962CE D<?821 6; 0<;@A?B0A6<; ?B: ", .;1 &.?.5 ;; schools. i imagined they 2 6@ @B?C6C21 /F 56@ @6@A2? &8.44@ <3 <A &=?6;4@ 52? 06.A6;4 B?6.9 D.@ D6A5 3B99 2EE24< DJ>AE@>D walked on golden .;1 /?<A52? 6; 9.Dstreets, %B/F :<A52? 292; *6996;45.: <3 :696A.?F 5<;<?@ !<;1.F .A !?DE:EFE6 @7 ,96Detail) 1600 Pine Street (Across from Poppa C6A@CE D’s at3JRP they .:12; !2:<?6.9 $.?8 %65:4:?6 7:?5D 6G6? 3C:67 6IA@ #92A6.were .;1 the <5;epitome 99:<; of <3 !.9C2?; <;2 /?<A52? %.F what i could achieve. 2:2A2?F 6; .:12; % <?AB;. .963<?;6. 56@ .@@ ? <3 !.9C2?; .;1 DFC6 E@ D64@?592?5 D>@<6 42? Across the%.F:<;1 poker table from !2:<?6.9@ :.F /2 :.12 A< EC:886C 2 962CE 2EE24< ,@3244@ /?<A52? *25B;A <;2 4?.;11.B45A2? the were @2C2?.9 the indepen?<B= 6C6;4 ;0 <E <3 vets 92E.;12? ;6202@ "< =B/960 @2?C602 D699 /2 D>@<6 42? 42FD6 962=E9 AC@3 6 dent consulting nutritionists. ?8.129=56. % ;2=52D@ .;1 0<B@6;@ 5291 =?6C.A2 @2?C602 D699 =6>D ?@E @?=J 7@C D>@<6CD 3FE Gunslinger’s &2?C602@ D2?2 like ?61.F Eng, B;2 /2 5291 9.A2? 2=D@ 7@C A6@A=6 2C@F?5 E96> Autry, Coolie, 6; A52Erwin, .C6@ Elam, &:6A5 C62E9:?8 D64@?592?5 D>@<6 6 Ị oftzinger covB;2?.9 and <:2 Algeo 5.=29 6; :?4C62D6D 2 A6CD@?OD C:D< 7@C 2 ered the commercial 92;D<<1 D6A5 feedlot )2?;<; &B2 *2A52?6;4A<; .42 <3 ?8.129=56. 1621 '[email protected] B;2 962CE 2EE24< 2?5 @E96C 962CE 4@? = world like Secretaries of *25B;A <33606.A6;4 6; ?8.129=56. &52 D.@ /<?; "<C2:/2? A< A52 9.A2 5:E:@?D dispensing diplomacy, State, ;A2?:2;A D.@ 6; A52 9.08 9.;1 .;1 1162 ?;<91 'B082? &B2 D.@ . :2:/2? <3 $.?8 699 962=E9J 5:6E 2?5 =:76DEJ=6 2C6 E96 gossip and supplements like &=?6;4@ 2:2A2?F B;12? A52 .=A6@A 5B?05 D<?821 .A <99FD<<1 ).@@2?2AA2 .;1 #/2?:.;H@ E@ 7:89E J@F 92G6only 36DE open Tues-Wed 9-5, Thurs-Fri. 9-7, Sat. 8-3, Mon by H62A@?D appointment < frankincense 16?20A6<; <3and myrrh. .C6@ &:6A5 !.;B3.0AB?6;4 6; ?8.129=56. .;1 D.@ C2?F .0A6C2 6; C<9B;A22? D<?8 962CE 5:D62D6 %2?J A6@A=6 Feedlot talked to B;2?.9 managers <:2 92;D<<1 D6A5 @2C2?.9 05.?6A./92 4?<B=@ #;2 @<; .??F *2A52?6;4A<; .;1 <;2 >2<6 :E 92C56C E92? :E :D !E :D each$.99/2.?2?@ other about D2?2 their con:>A@CE2?E E@ C6>6>36C E92E :E <5; 4?.;1@<; 6::F *2A52?6;4A<; =?202121 52? 6; 12.A5 sultants they were their 99:<;like .92 .:/2?@<; &B?C6C<?@ 6;09B12 52? 5B@/.;1 <3 <C2? @6EAF 2645A F2.?@ :D E96 @G6C2== A2EE6C? @7 E96 personal &A2C2 racehorses. @592F $2A2 Today 699<; 9:2? *2A52?6;4A<; AD< @< ;@ &<;;F *2A52?6;4A<; .;1 49@:46D J@F >2<6 E92E 4@F?ED specialty practice they this?.;896; D J@F >2<6 52:=J 7@@5 *25B;A .;1 ?60 D632 .F <3 6@:.?08 6: *2A52?6;4A<; .;1 D632 1;. <3 "<?A5 invented has blossomed into *25B;A 6AA92 %<08 <;2 1.B45A2? &B@.; <?A<; .;1 5B@/.;1 .:2@ <3 49@:46D C625 ?FEC:E:@? =236=D the Academy of Veterinary B2@A ?246@A?F 6@ .A ?8.129=56. AD< @6@A2?@ <?6@ 69:2? <3 $<?A ?A5B? '+ 5.?9<AA2 2?5 32D6 J@FC 62E:?8 A2EE6C? consultants, some 880 mem6996;4@92F <3 6@:.?08 292C2; 4?.;105691?2; A56?A22; 4?2.A 4?.;1 @? E96D6 C64@>>6?52E:@?D DDD 1.C6@ @:6A5 0<: bers strong. 9@@D6 =62? >62ED 2?5 A@F= 05691?2; .;1 A5?22 4?2.A 4?2.A 4?.;105691?2; i feel i must make a disB;2?.9 @2?C602@ D699 /2 .A ! ?61.F B;2 6; A52 ECJ H:E9@FE D<:? 2?5 AC6A2C6 claimer, the individuals i %B4492@ *690<E B;2?.9 <:2 5.=29 D6A5 ?/F B?42@@ <33606.A E96> H:E9@FE 25565 D2EFC2E65 named were the generation <;A6;B21 ?<: $.42has 6;4 B?6.9 D699 /2 6; %605D<<1@ 2:2A2?F )[email protected]<; D699 /2 $! 2?5 EC2?D 72E before me. Each decade 72E 2?5 +6=64E 72E 7C66 '[email protected] .A A52 3B;2?.9 5<:2 !2:<?6.9@ :.F /2 :.12 A< $.?8 699 '< ?2@A.?A A?B08 12=BA62@ brought in aA52 new set of feed=@H 72E 52:CJ AC@5F4ED .=A6@A 5B?05 5.1practitioners, A< 0<;A.0A #;@A.? A52 lot professors, FE 324< @? 7@@5D 4@?E2:?:?8 @52?633 @A.A21 .116;4 and A5.A scientists, nutritionists A2CE:2==J 9J5C@86?2E65 G686E23=6 D5692 A52F 5.1 Their 12.9A D6A5 A52 company vets. contin@:=D E@ C65F46 ,C2?D 72E :? J@FC 0<:=.;F <; .00612;A ;<A636 uing contributions keep the 5:6E 0.A6<; A56@ D.@ A52some 36?@A A6:2 bar rising…and of FE 324< @? 7@@5D 9:89 :? 5:6E2CJ A5.A are A52F 5.1 2C2? them characters, too. /22; But 49@=6DE6C@= :> E@ 62E =6DD E92? 6; ?20<C2?6;4 to.@@6@A21 the groundbreakers, wher-. >8 @7 49@=6DE6C@= 6249 52J C256092 ever you are, retired on the FE 324< @? 36G6C286D 2?5 7@@5D '52in36C2 D2?2 porch, the <00B=.;A@ chronic pen, or H:E9 25565 DF82CD .99<D21 92.C2 A52 with yourA<hand up.@the=2? back +6=64E 2?5 AFC492D6 7@@5D =@H6C 2=.?A:2;A of B@A6; a cow$<9602 for ol’ times sake,@ :? D2=E D@5:F> ?2>B2@A we salute'B?;2? you. @.61 You will 5C:?< :? !7 J@F 5C:?< 2=4@9@= AM oW ACCePTING ALeNTINe oRDeRS uNTIL always be our excuse. All >@56C2E:@? ,92E >62?D ?@ >@C6 we ever need to say is, ALeNTINe MoRNINGE92? @?6 5C:?< A6C 52J :7 J@FOC6 2 “Well, that’s the way the big H@>2? 2?5 EH@ 5C:?<D A6C 52J :7 870-342-9400 Located on the square in Amity boys used to do it! J@FOC6 2 >2? Feedlot consultants: A tribute )++)% +6+%0 +%-5..$ 0%1)$%-2 For sale in Amity: Shindaiwa Grass Trimmer Williams Saw Co. %* (&1 +*6 :27 -162 & 1*8 ,20* 12 342'/*0 Hog Heaven Produce 2058 HWY 7 • Bismarck, AR • 7 miles north of Caddo Valley Arkansas"6 Sweet Potatoes 00)4)-' 2(%viNe"31(%+ FLOridA Pumpkins – All Sizes 241 Straw, !-162 *&15 Decorative Cornstalks, ripeNed TOMATOeS Gourds & Squash !743/* 7// 3*&5 cents/lb Mums –.79 Assorted Sizes and Colors !++ 2. /+!#% 6.30 .0$%0 501-865-3374 Fresh Crop of Peanuts “Raw” or “Roasted” Nellie’s Pet Grooming 870-210-5059 26th & Barkman in Arkadelphia BriNG iN THiS cOupON FOr 5OFF GrOOMiNG $ We also do pet boarding! expires Feb. 16 T he Print Shop Come See Me For Your Printing Needs 614 Main Street • (870) 245-3529 Phone & Fax Business Cards - Letterhead & Envelopes All Types of Programs - Birth, Wedding & Graduation Announcements - Custom Forms - Funeral Programs & Memory Cards - Work Orders - Invitations - Booklets Monday - Thursday Calendars - Color Copies - Fax Services, Black & 10 - 5 White Copies - Typing Services and I will be closed on Fridays temporarily. SO MUCH MORE!!! T-Shirts Too! Mom Owned/Operated Since 1993 If it has to do with paper and ink - Come See Me! 0,;= 4<0,<0 4< =30 ">7-0; #80 ,><0 91 %9--40 !. 48898 !6-% %(3-2 )0 .0#% 4%2 Storage units available in Amity !-)22! *!''1 0%1)$%-2 .& .2 Mini-storage units available for /0)-'1 #"&'%( &'#" ' have #" parking space for rent. Also RV or other vehicles. Call 713557-1125 %0:,4; ;9==08 @99/ <3,5Bfor information D:K =:76 G6 E2< H@ 2> J@ !? 7C@ @ ,H % ?F =2C 5C 1699;< .;,.50/ -;4.5 0=. 6=98 Cuttin’ up Barbershop 0,8 ';>.5482 8. college Special $10 "#* %Tuesdays!! " 4<:,=.30;0*!$%+/()! 9,/ -!2)4% 3% %2(%0)-'2.HAIRCuT & SHAVe oNLy $10 99;/48,=9; , (With school ID) &0.;0=,;B $$ + " 870-246-9281 %&#" ' #("' " '% ' " Stop by ! '+ #$ " dAvidSON’S GrOcerY for all your Valentine needs! We have: *Balloons *Candy bags *Cards *Silk flowers *Stuffed animals Delivery to schools and local businesses available! Get your sweetheart a fresh cut steak and all the trimmings! N 9 (&//4dr SuV, 2000 Isuzu Rodeo 2wd burnt change.edward Motor Co., Inc. 600 Malvern ,2745 Hot Springs 1-800-644-9909, 501-623-9909. 2003 GMC Sierra, LWB, pearl white! $8,995! See John @ edward Motor Company, Inc. 306 Airport Road, Hot Springs 1-800-644-9909, 501623-9909. 1999 Ford F-250 super-cab SD, low miles, excellent condition! See John @ edward Motor Company, Inc. 306 Airport Road, Hot Springs 1-800-644-9909, 501-623-9909. Have land? We have your home!!! Call 903-8385994 V V 10:00 +#(% "' " ,& + ! !#% &39@ B9>; 69?0 @4=3 169@0;< $6,.0 B9>; 9;/0; =9/,B !,;B !,;=3,D< #% &' !,48 48 ;5,/06:34, '& ( (F A@ =2 +6 68 2? 2? > 65 DA > E9 7@ =:8 % 49 AC > 8 + 9 A 8 DE D4 42 / C@ 2? C6 2 =6 4C C6 5 :? E@ E2 :D 2 9 3 5 5 4C 3 =: The Standard, February 9, 2012 Page 7 6-1 (12) release dates: February 11-17 TM Mini Spy . . . Mini Spy is taking a casserole to a friend who has been SICK3EEIFYOUCANFINDsUMBRELLA sLETTER! sKITE sCANDYCANE sSOCK sCHICKEN sSHEEP sCARROT sWORD-).) sLETTER% sLETTER, sDOG sLETTER$ © 2012 Universal Uclick from The Mini Page © 2012 Universal Uclick Valentine’s Day Is Feb. 14 McGough-Wilson to wed Saturday in Amity .*96260 ;7 /201; *0260 >2;1 .?,.9,2:. Steven Wilson and Teresa Buffy is the daughter of During one summer in the 1990s, many violent acts took place in the area around San Francisco. They were labeled “random acts of violence.” >2<9?12 </1? 90 79./< 738?>/= ! (Random means done without a plan Teresa McGough and the late 6+< 1/8>6/ +>/ /B/<-3=/ /@/<C or method.) Tony McGough. This gave a woman in Berkeley, /B/<-3=/ .+C >9 ./63@/< +8 Calif., the idea of doing “random acts Grandparents are linda of kindness and senseless acts of >9 */312> ,/+< 9BC1/8 ,99=> beauty.” The Random Acts of Kindness Crews and the late Ricky /B/<-3=/ 381 ,<+38 >2/ Foundation grew from her idea. 99:/<+>3@/ B>/8=398 Random acts of kindness can be really fun to do. For example, you and friends or family might clear snow from the sidewalks and driveways of neighbors. This especially helps people who are older or who are very busy with young children or jobs. from The Mini Page © 2012 Universal Uclick Remembering others TM The RAK Foundation tries to focus During the Valentine’s Day holiday, Rookie Cookie’s Recipe attention on core values, or standards it’s easy to think of people we love: of behavior, and provide ideas for parents, siblings, grandparents, friends. (2/ '>+8.+<. :<36 %+1/ This year putting those values into action. Some You’ll need: of those values include: during Random sOUNCECANBLACKBEANS sTABLESPOONSLEMONJUICE sleadership Acts of Kindness sTABLESPOONSOLIVEOIL drained and rinsed sTABLESPOONSRICEVINEGAR sCUPCHERRYTOMATOESHALVED Week, kids are </7/7,/< sresponsibility>2/ 63=> C9? 4?=> sTEASPOONCUMIN sCUPREDBELLPEPPERCHOPPED urged to reach sfriendship 1 sTABLESPOONSPURPLEONIONMINCED s14 teaspoon salt >9 GA+65H >2/ <9?>/out38to someone 2+@/ scourage s 4 teaspoon pepper sTABLESPOONSCILANTROCHOPPED who might be ssportsmanship An unexpected What to do: 738. Valentine’s card can C9?< sconfidence forgotten. For 1. Combine beans, tomatoes, red bell pepper, purple onion and cilantro make someone feel in a medium bowl. shelping example, make a //: +8 +->3@/ ,9.C 30 C9? 2. Mix remaining ingredients in a small jar; shake vigorously. Valentine card for special. others 3. Pour dressing over bean mixture and stir gently until evenly mixed. +8 in+->3@/ 738.F.98I> a teacher or for a classmate whom you A+8> sbelieving 4. Chill for one hour to blend flavors. "9=> -+7/ don’t usually #9>/ talk or play with. 90 >23= yourself You will need an adult’s help with this recipe. Black Bean Salad photo © Galina Barskaya/ A change in thinking Putting values into action photo © Littleny/ Be Kind! We think of Valentine’s Day as a romantic holiday. But what if we could show love to lots of different people, even strangers, on Valentine’s Day and beyond? Feb. 13 through 19 is Random Acts of Kindness Week. During this week, kids and adults are encouraged to keep kindness to others in mind every day of the year. The Mini Page spoke with the manager of the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation to find out more about this idea. : ;12: ;1. >*@ 2; 2: .*=.6 1.48 <: '97/ +1/ </6+>/. -2+81/= McGough would like to =?-2 += A<3856/= +8. 1<+C announce the marriage of 2+3< +</ 38/@3>+,6/ > A+= their children, Taylor Wilson 98-/ >29?12> >2+> -2+81/= >9 and Buffy,98/= McGough. +8. 4938>= 7?=-6/= Taylor is the son of Crews and the late Tommie A/</ 38/@3>+,6/ >99Steven ,?> =?-2 38 >+5/ +1381 =3>>381 .9A8 += A+65 B/<-3=381 +736C 98=?7/< '-3/8-/ 1/8> 0<97 + 09<A+<./. / 7+36 of Amity and Janice Wilson McGough. </=/+<-2/<= 89A =?=:/-> >2+> +> 381 9< A/312> >2<// 738?>/ /B/<-3=/ +8. >2/ 09669A381 3= +8 and 2+60 Mike Hot ><+38381 The event will>C:/ take place ,69-5=Meet Matt Damon 90 >2/Boykin -2+81/= >9of,98/= 6/+=> 3= >2/ ,/=> 90 /B/< 3= /89?12 >9 ./63@/< =31 97>6 %2,. %2:7;;7 /7,/663=27/8> Matt Damon stars as the father, Benjamin Springs. are -3=/ February 11, 7+== 2012 at the 8303-+8> 2/+6>2 ,/8/03>= +8. 7?=-6/=Grandparents +</ ,/-+?=/ >2/C +</ >9 ,?36. ,98/ &/1?6+< Mee, in the movie “We Bought a Zoo.” The-?: -29::/. 98398= 8 +<6 + =/839< movie is based on a true story. landon89>and Trish Wilson First :/9:6/ Baptist in /B/<-3=/ -+8 37:<9@/ An>23<. old holiday Watch out for Cupid! Express your love … =37:6C ?=/. 90>/8 /89?12of $6./< A29 Church /B/<-3=/ 38 C9?< -?: Matt has acted in many movies. He was $8/ 19/= =;?3<</6 2?8>381 ,/09</ the voice of Bill the Krill in “Happy Feet Will your Do you ever 9OUMAYKNOWTHEPOEMh2OSESARE Amity and Janice and Velma Amity at 2:00pm. Two.” He also +,363 has produced and-29::/. appeared in !+-5 90 :2C=3-+6 +->3@3>C -+8 =/> A+>/< A23-2 3= 898 A/312> ,/+< ,<+38I= 7/79<C </+=98381 0</=2 :+<=6/C class celebrate see pictures on red, violets are blue …” An English =-2996 +8. :?66= 23= ><?-5 a History Channel show, “The People Speak.” Despensa late Phil and friends are welValentine’s Valentine’s cards nursery rhyme from the late 1700s6+A8 79A= 8/312,9<I= Matt, 41, was@93. born in Boston. He majored + @3-39?=and -C-6/the,/-+?=/ +8 381Family ?: =>366 /B:/<3/8-/ 38-</+=/= 38 >3/= +8. </+->398 >37/= -69@/ 1+<63Day with a little boy includes those words: in English at Harvard University. He and 38>9 >2/of a :+<5381 69> 90 23= Despensa. come. 8/@/< ,</+5= +89>2/< A38 his friend Ben Affleck wrote screenplay for the movie “Good -<?=2/. party? This angel with a bow 96./< :/<=98 A29 63@/= + =/./8 ,98/ +8. 7?=-6/ 7+== -97 >2/ -97:63-+>398= 90the9,/=3>C “The rose is red, the violet’s blue Will Hunting” (an adult-level movie) as part of an English class 2312 =-2996 special day has and arrow? / He2+= + <306/ 98 Matt and+8. Ben both acted .3= in the movie as well. .9A ?:and19/= “The 1<9A= honey’s sweet, so are >9 you -96 >+<C 630/=>C6/ 3= :<98/ >9 + <+81/ :+</. >9 =/./8>+<C 96./< :/9 =?-2assignment. += .3+,/>/= 2/+<> -?: ?8-995/. Cupid, the son been celebrated for more than+1,500 is Matt has co-founded two charities. helps provide safe, <+-5 38 23= ><?-5 %<38-3:+6 “Thou art my love, and I am thine years! Although we usually just say of the Roman CLEANWATERTOPEOPLEAROUNDTHEWORLDAND.OT/N/UR7ATCH 6/1/ +8. 2+= + =?--/==0?6 90 .3=/+=/= >2+> -9?6. 37:9=/ :6/ /+=/ helps ,C people 7+38>+38381 + 2/+6>2C ,<9A8 <3-/ “I drew thee to my Valentine: in danger in troubled countries. called love, Venus. Valentine’s Day, it is actually 89>3-/= goddess <306/ of+8. 19/=According >9 23=to “The lot was cast, and then I drew Day. Saint Valentine’s@/1 legend, when Cupid strikes gods or -+<//< ,/. </=> > 3= >29?12> >2+> + ,/. %/9:6/ A3>2 +<>2<3>3= -+8 A/312> 09< C9?< 2/312> @93. >+,6/=:998= “And fortune said it should be you.” -+< +8.people 1/>=with23= (2/C his arrows, they-97 fall in love. Saint Valentine #$* !/<9CI= 0+>2/< 3= <3../8 96./< :/<=98 -+8 69=/ 37:<9@/ >2/3< =C7:>97= =795381 +8. .<385381 >9 /B-/== />+,6/ 936 Can you write a poem to your A busy post office :+</ +8. >+65 +,9?> 1?8= There were several saints named A3>2 +8. -2+<1/. or loved one -236. starting +,?=/ with friend +<9?8. 03@/ :/< -/8> 90 >2/3< 7?= >2<9?12 </1?6+< /B/<-3=/ +>381 + 2/+6>2C .3/> 2/6:= >9 -?:=Valentine, ,936381 -98 but the holiday is probably Valentine’s Day keeps postal 0 3> A/</ Supersport: Stephanie Wheeler “Roses are red, violets are blue”? named for two Italian saints. workers busy, with>2/ more=-2996 than 1 !/<9C 3= :?> 38 + 09=>/< -6/ =></81>2 09< /+-2 .+C 90 >2/3< ?=> += 7?=-6/= 1/> 06+,,C 5//: C9?< ,<+38 38 9:>37?7 -98 Norlina,=977E 9< One ,//0 ,<9>2 Birthdate: 1-16-81 Hometown: N.C. of the Valentines was put throughout the … and your friendship A9?6. billion 19 cards 38>9sent69-5 .9A8 Suddenly, at age 6, Stephanie Wheeler’s world turned upside in prison. The =+6> story goes that he world each year. The first cards sold 297/ 8. >2/ 8/312,9< 3= )N-EXICOANDOTHER,ATIN SheC9?< couldn’t run. She-98 couldn’t walk. A car accident had >/+=:998 -98@+6/=-/8-/ '97/98/ A29 3= 0<97 =3>>381 +<9?8. +8. .3>398 "+5/down. =?</ .3/> left her partially paralyzed. But that misfortune didn’t keep '* befriended the jailer’s daughter, who ( >/+7= A9?6. in the United=?< States American countries, Feb. 14 is el dia from becoming a star and icon in wheelchair basketball. 0+-/. A3>2 @396+>381 -236. 0//6381 A/+5 +8. ?8=>/+.C 98 .9381 89>2381 =9 .9/= >2/ >+38= =?003-3/8>herWheeler 1<9?: @3>+738= $8/ 09?<>2 >/+ visited him there. Before he died, he became available in del amor y la amistad (day of love played on four national collegiate wheelchair >2/ =-2996the 1840s; +8. before +<6that, and friendship). *RoSeS oF<9A381 ALL CoLoRS championship teams — three at Illinois and one at Alabama, your sent her a letter, signed “From<9?8. People do special!/<9C 6+A= ,/-+?=/ 6+,9< >2/3< 0//> 7+C +@93. /B/<-3=/ ,<+38 96./< .9/= 6?-9=/ 3= >2/ ,<+38I= /8/<1C =:998 ,6+-5 :/::/< where she was voted tournament MVP. She also has helped spark the United 6ALENTINEv9OUCANSTILLSEETHAT things for friends to show them they A9?6. ,/ .<+11/.people 900hand-made >9 4+36 States to two Paralympic gold medals. ReSH>2+> SPRING phrase on greeting cards today. their cards. 79A/. 23= C+<. are appreciated. Michael Frogley, her former coach, calls her the “role model we want our +8. =9 >2/ :2C=3-+6 ./-638/ -98 89>*F 7/+8 C9?< 7/8>+6 =9?<-/ =9 /+> + ,+6+8-/. .3/> +8. >+,6/=:998= athletes to be.” 23= ><?-5 +8. <306/ -9803=-+> The day was linked to romantic Even a phone call or an email to a 4ODAY7HEELERCOACHESTHE53UNDERSQUADANDTHEWOMENS ( # 9288C 2+= ./@/6 >38?/= +,363>3/= A366 *B 8/-/==+<36C ,/ [email protected] /B></7/ -+<,92C.<+>/ %+<7/=+8 -2//=/ love more than 700 years ago, during ARRANGeMeNTS LooMING faraway friend or family member is team at69A the University of Illinois, where she earned a degree in This is=>?./8>= a Valentine /. (<+?7+>3D/. kinesiology. With tremendous determination and dedication, she also has the Middle Ages. appreciated on Feb. 14. += 2/ .<3@/= card from 1909. 9:/. + 2/+.+-2/ become an inspiration +<>/<3/= to thousands. +>2/<9 B/<-3=/ 3= >2/ 5/C >9 :</@/8>381 </.?-/. (2/</I= + 69> C9? .3/>= #+<<9A/. '+?>E 98398= :+<=6/C PLANTS *BALLooNS *GIFT +8. >/+-2/<= A9?6. ,/ >9 =-2996 !?-536C 2/ 2+= +8 7+8C 90 >2/ +1/ </6+>/. -2+81/= -+8 .9 >9 5//: C9? 738. =-6/<9=3= -+8 </.?-/ ,699. 069A 1+<63- +8. <3-/ 38 936 ?8>36 <?=2/. >9 -9?8=/69<= & SNACk BASkeTS +=:3<38 A3>2 237 (2/ :<38-3 >9 7?=-6/= ,98/= +8. 4938>= +8. =2+<: +8. +6/<> &/=/+<-2/<= >9 >2/ ,<+38 =9 7+5/ =?</ C9? /+> <3-/ 3= 196./8 (?<8 38>9 + <9A381 ?: +> /6312> :+6 1/>= 237 + 16+== 90 A+>/< *CANDy *P LuSH NIMALS -+8 2/6: </@/<=/ -2+81/= >99 ,/63/@/ >2+> 7+8CA90 >2/ =?: + 69A 0+> 69A -296/=>/<96 .3/> 1</+=/. =2+669A +8. 98/ the following jokes have something in common. <5 38 >2/ =All 79=> common category? '998 2/I= Can you guess the>9 >+5/theme >2/or+=:3<38 >I= 8/@/< >99 6+>/ >9 =>+<> 63@381 :9=/. +1/ </6+>/. -2+81/= >2+> //: ?: C9?< =9-3+6 630/ +8. 2+60 ;?+<> -+==/<96/ .. you see Learning to be kind ,9C= +8.Ifsomeone 7/8 -+<<3/.Patton: :9-5/> Why did the angry lady put a 0//6381 $ firecracker as part Random Acts +8 +->3@/ 630/=>C6/ &/=/+<-2 +00/-> >2/ 738. =?-2 += 7/79<C /81+1/This 38 year :6/8>C 90of=>37?6+>381 -98=977E +8. =/+=98381= 583@/= (2/C having a hard under the pancakes? time with A/</ 2+8.C of Kindness Week, educators will Pierre: She wanted to blow her stack! %<38-3:+6 -+66= #$* =29A= >2+> 69== +</ +->?+66C 630/=>C6/ </6+>/. -98@/<=+>398= 8/A=:+ '>3< A/66 9@/< +8. ,+5/ +> </7/7,/< a task or focus on helping&/+. kids increase their =2+<:/8381 7C learning to do self-confidence and improve their :963-/ 9288C Paula: Did you hear about the3=boy /B:/66/. who ate something, $6./< :/9:6/ -+8 ,99=> >2/3< 8 =97/ -+=/= + .<?1 9< + -97 :/<= 7+1+D38/ +8. ,995= %6+C ./1<//= 09< 29?< 9< :/8-36= +8. views of themselves. As you might 500 pancakes? -6/+8381 7C 038 try offering to 0<97 09< .<?1 @396+ How =-2996 waffle! Pete: instead guess, this would be difficult in635/ a 7?=-6/ =3D/ +8. =></81>2 4?=> ,38+>398 90 .<?1= -+8 +00/-> 7/8 G>2385381 1+7/=H ?8>36 <3-/ 3= >/8./< 6?00 1/<8+36= help +> 7C ./=5 38 or of laughing family or classroom where people are >398 23=compete -+< in? 3= =/+<-2/. making fun 635/ C9?81/< :/9:6/ >2<9?12 >+6 +,363>3/= > 3= A9<>2 -2/-5381 '-<+,,6/ 6312>6C A3>2 + 09<5 "+5/= does +8. a pancake Parker: What sport bullying -+<.= or mean. +8. (<3@3+6 of him or her. =-2996 (9.+C 3> -9?6.8I> 1/> Stack and field! Pamela: The RAK Foundation shared some Being kind 09< .<?1= +8. A/+:98= /B/<-3=/ A3>2 C9?< .9->9< >9 7+5/ =?</ %?<=?3> (+5/ + -9?<=/ 98 + =/<@381= you feel activities with The Mini Page that :+=> >2/ makes 7/>+6 ./>/->9<= +8. good, too. ( # "/.38+ /B-/6= 38 will help kids understand to be B/<-3=/ 38-</+=/= >2/ =3D/ +8. +8C -9183>3@/ -2+81/= =?-2 += =?,4/-> >2+> 38>/</=>=howC9? 9<:;4.:: &826*,1 $<2,1. rown I. ,/ ,<+8./. + >/<<9<3=> B+8. asset Bws kind to one another. ’N e +8. A+8>= >9 TRY ,/-97/ 8?7,/< 90 7?=-6/ 03,/<= A23-2 7/79<C 69== +</8I> +==9-3+>/. ?6>3@+>/ + 8/A 29,,C =?-2 9D :51 0<9D/8 The N d’s 7+>2 Kindness FIND Fact or opinion? 0+-/. A3>2 C/+<= 90 :=C Houn Words that remind us of+8 kindness are hidden in the,?> block below. Some words /8138//< 2/ 0+36= 2312 37:<9@/= 7?=-6/ =></81>2 +8. A3>2 .<?1= 9< 3668/== '97/ -98 += A99.A9<5 >2+> -+8 =:38+-2 When you’re talking with others, are hidden backward or diagonally, and some letters are used twice. See -29>2/<+:C Make a compliment card Toss around some kindness it helps to be able to tell whether if you can find: ACTS, =-2996 APPRECIATION, 8163=2 CARD, COMPLIMENT, CUPID, / 3= >96. >9 >2/ =://. 90 7?=-?6+< -98><+- .3>398= >2+> -+8 +00/-> >2/ ,<+38I= 37:<9@/ >2/stating ,<+38I= =:+>3+6 >+,6/=:998= ,?>>/< This fun game FACT, FAMILY, FRIENDS, GIFTS, HEART, HELP, HOLIDAY, KIND, LOVE, people are facts, which are How does it make you feel when ( leaves # all the/8/ +8. %+?6 OPINION, 1/> POEM, RANDOM, REMEMBER, SAINT, VALENTINE, VALUES. true, or opinions, are their 19 >9 =?77/< =-2996 A2/</ someone hair or-29::/. notices players feeling better about +,363>C >9 0?8->398 =?-2 += =><95/ +A+</8/== >398= !/+<8which + 6+81?+1/ $8/admires 2+60your 98398 E T N E M I L P M O C M G J B =-2996 beliefs about something. A NEW your talent for sports? People love to themselves.38>9 + 0312> 98 >2/ MAKE N2/ R :+==/= K O R J H 8163=2 Z S D N /8<966= E I R F 38 +66= +</ 6/== 635/6C 30 7?=-6/ +</ +==9-3+>/. A3>2 .3/> 9,/=3>C 9< .9 -<9==A9<. +8. get compliments /11= ,/+>/8 9< /;?3@+6/8> FRIEND TODAY! In this example, :?DD6/= can you tell who from others. Sit in a circle with friends, family-6+==/= 2+@/ I A Q I I E V E S F V O F A A 1<9?8. +0>/< is stating a fact and who is giving his T-966/1/ E R K N +8. N B A1/>= L D A P T./1<// C M Make a list your =?,=>3>?>/ friends, or classmates. Take turns throwing 23= =></81>2 +8. </+->398 >37/= +</ +8. =/./8>+<C 630/=>C6/ -293-/= A9<.or1+7/= 90 of/11 her opinion? *+>-2 G;?/= CLASSMATESORFAMILYMEMBERS.EXT the ball to other players.3=>= Before+</ you 06C381 +8. + N H A E C D I M L P R C S T I /8./. E38B +/<98+?>3-+6 N V L N I P E /8138//<381 U A A T S L IVnadg/=Zn to each person’s name, write down throw, say something kind about the //:381 +8 +->3@/ ,9.C 3= -<?-3+6 >398 +8. +8=A/<H 1+7/ 37:<9@/. -?: -2//=/ 1<+>/. /8/ A38= AL HK OD OL TI DF HA PY OU MT EE DS CJ WH YY something you admire about that player you -<9A. are throwing1+>2/<= to. It may ZkZgndcZ!]dllVh #$* (2/ =>+>/ 1/>= $6./< A97/8 A3>2 9=>/9:9<9=3= 30 C9? A+8> +8 +->3@/ 738. =29A=ndjglZZ`ZcY4 98 >/6/@3=398 +8. :6+C person. It could be%+:<35+ how well he tells seem sort of awkward at first, but as +8. ,9>2 ,9C= =2+5/ 2+8.= V S M N O I T A I C E R P P A or what(2+A a great artist she is. '+?>E everyone joins in it will get easier. 38@96@/. 38 "/.38+ I= :<9, -+8 38-</+=/ >2/3< ,98/501-865-4810 7+== '?11/=>398= 38-6?./ +> 6/+=> +6981 HVgV]/IVnadg! A3>2 >2/ -98>/=>+8>= jokes, =:38+-2 .EXTSWITCHTHEGAME"EFORE Choose one or +8. ,/-97/ ,?..3/= "9=> ndj\diVcZl 6/7 #/A= 7/.3+ 2/6: :<9 of the people you throw, say something kind //:WVX`eVX` =></== ?8./< -98><96 more 98398= 38 ,?>>/< ?8>36 .98/ ,9C= 1<9A381 2+. Resources about yourself or something you are?: 2+@/ on your list to make Located on Highway 7 in Bismarck Ready ?jhi^c/I]Vi^hVWVWnWVX`eVX` 79>/ >2+> >2/ 8163=2 A3>2 =dlhije^Y 7/.3>+>398 +8. </1?6+< a+.. =:38+-2 thankful for. compliment card +8. -995 ?8>36 >23= /B:/<3/8-/ The Mini Page provides ideas for websites, FOR9OUCANGIVEYOUR Was it easier to say something </;?3</7/8> 09<learn1<+.?+>398 </6+B+>398 =38-/ +8 /B-/== 90 card +679=> .<C 996 /+> /11= or other resources that will help you .OWANSWERTHESEQUESTIONS for Valentine’s nice about another person or about #$* (2/ :963-/ +</books -+66/. more about this week’s topics. 3= <+-3=> -6+== +->398 6+A or any other1<+>/. day did you feel when the =></== 29<798/= 635/ -9<>3=96 Day +8. +.. -2//=/ yourself? +.. How s7HOSTATESAFACT????????????? +8. /8/ +8. %+?6 Web: On the+</ of the year. game ended? s7HOGIVESANOPINION????????? =?3> 3= 036/. +1+38=> >2/ =>+>/ -+8 ,/ 2+<70?6 >9 8/?<98= >9 =:38+-2 73B>?</ +<</=>/. 9>2 +</ -2+81/. sRANDOMACTSOFKINDNESSORGEDUCATORSLESSONPLANS Write-996/. your compliment on the card, The Mini Page thanks Brooke Jones, s)STHEOPINIONKINDORUNKIND elementary-school then find pictures from newspapers =-2996 =C=>/7 +8. >2/ Acts of Kindness 99. </-+66 3= + 6/+<8/. or=>3<<381 >9 73B %9?< manager 38>9 of the Random 7HY???????????????????????????? magazines to illustrate your +==+?6> +8. /B:/66/. 89 At the library: Foundation, A3>2 for help with this issue. 8163=2 >/+-2/< 8163=2 3= Include a poem or :+8 puzzle if9< :3/ s7HATCOULD*USTINHAVESAID =5366 +8. >2/</ +</ A+C= >9 message. 1</+=/. ;?3-2/ Next week, The Mini Page is all about 7+>>/< A29 =>+<>/. 3> sh4HE+INDNESS4REEvBY3HARON"ECKER INSTEAD?????????????????????????? you like. sh7HAT$O9OU3TAND&ORFOR+IDSvBY"ARBARA!,EWIS Neanderthals. ,+88/. 0<97 >2/ -9</ -?< 37:<9@/ + 0+36381 7/79<C 89 :6+>/ The':<3856/ 1/8/<9?= sh+IDS2ANDOM!CTSOF+INDNESSvCOLLECTEDBY#ONARI Mini Page Staff ( # 366 2+= + :<9,6/7 Press <3-?6?7 "/.38+ 1<+.?+>/= Betty Debnam Founding Editor and Editor at Large Lisa Tarry Managing Editor Lucy Lien Associate Editor Wendy Daley Artist 7+>>/< A2+> C9?< +1/ "+5/ 6C A3>2 :+:<35+ +5/ +> 9.. =3>>381 =>366 38 -6+== +8. .3= +8. /8.= ?: .9381 C+<. 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Conveniently spiral-bound for ease :6+C381 .?<381 </-/== +8. =97/>2381 /6=/ C9? 7312> 89> 1</+> 09< ,</+50+=> 6?8-2 Name: ________________________________________________________________________ 0<97 + :+..6/ 366 </>?<8= >9 of use, this invaluable resource contains A-to-Z facts about each state, =-<+:/= 23= 58// 3= >/+-2/< 89>3-/along A2/</ :?>>381 >2/ Illustrated 9< .388/< with C9?I</ the District of Columbia. with colorful photographs _______________________________________________________________________ -6+== =3>=Address: ;?3/>6C +> 23= ./=5 art, and complete with updated information, The Mini Page Book of 038.= 237 -<C381 '2/ 6995= _____ State: _________ Zip: ________________ City: ____________________________________ 29?=/and 5/C= )=/ 7/79<C ><31 States will be a favorite in classrooms and homes for years to come. +8. .9/=8I> .3=<?:> >2/ -6+== +> 23= A9?8. 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A/ A98./< 366/8.+6/ # >9 038. 7/.3-38/ A3>29?> + 63-/8=/ G4?7:H 0<97 98/ 3>/7 >9 >2/ For all your real estate needs A2C A/ +</ + 8+>398 98 >2/ 29?=/ 2+. ,//8 ,<9 +8. 3= 6+,/6/. + =/B?+6 8/B> $8/ >C:/ 90 7/79<C ><31 ReeDeR ReALTy 38>9 *<312> .<?1= */ =>+<> >2/7 900 :</.+>9< '2/ 69=/= 2/< 49, 1/< 3= + A+65381 <9?>/ >2+> C9? 5/8 /+<6C '// + 1?8 A/8> +8. 0+-/= C/+<= 38 :<3=98 589A professional A/66 "/8>+66C +>>+-2 with 20</><3/@/. years experience 870-246-2406 "(& ) ! "(! ' "! % # % 2>>: AAA </8=/ -97 1/8 (977C 3= :?> 98 &3>+638 +8. /+-2 3>/7 98 C9?< 63=> >9 + 38=3./ >9 38@/=>31+>/ +8. /<+6 +... 2>7 ?8./<19/= 03@/ C/+<= 90 >2/< 6+8.7+<5 +6981 >2/ <9?>/ .3=-9@/</. +8 +<7/. 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TM Practice Kindness photo © Jan Kranendonk/ FRee Delivery to Bismarck schools FoReVeR BLooMING from The Mini Page © 2012 Universal Uclick TM from The Mini Page © 2012 Universal Uclick 128B: '9.. &.9=2,. 1*942. %70.9: Looking for something to do now that cooler weather is here? come ride the flying squirrel! Come check us out! 7dd`d[HiViZh '1. 95.Hawthorn Home Improvements 2;2A.6 870-342-9200 &'"! "!&'%( ' "! %.8*29 97;;.6 >77- :1*3@ /4779: ,9*,3.- +92,3 .;, 870-356-4390 or 870-230-3188 Howard Hawthorn ® Gayle’s Family Restaurant Located in daisy 870-398-5622 Clark County Sheriff JASoN WATSoN Have a good week! Arkadelphia >2/ 8/312,9< +8. +=5 A2+> 2/ -+8 .9 >9 7+5/ +7/8.= (2/ </=?6> !/<9C 3= 79</ -+</0?6 CeNTRALARkANSAS TeLePHoNe CooPeRATIVe A1A23>/ -+,6/6C8B -97 Bismarck-Donaldson Steve Faris, Manager 501-865-3333 A bit of this and that... Petticoat participation, Part 6 The Standard Page 8 February 9, 2012 The Standard egg mixture. Fold in flour Hey, everyone. How have Teen’s The old Sergeant read her Ruth and see her home each Old Times Not just until combined. you all been? I guess I Column mind and his military personnight since we got off work at Butter and sugar four 6have been fine. I’ve been Forgotten... ality just forced him to ask, the same time and she lived ounce ramekins, then keeping busy with school Hugh “What would you have done close by our house. I said, mixture into spoon and housework and other Newcomb “Sure, I'll be glad to do that.” ramekins. Bake at 450°F if one of them had rushed stuff. For my family, busy you?” “Why I'd have just I had no idea that “Old dress will be dry by the time I 1/2 teaspoon(s) vanilla for about 9–10 minutes. is all we know. It’s always 12/2/2009 1:52 PM Pa standardtemplate:Standardtemplate.qxd extract The center will be quite handed him the gun,” she get home,” she retorted, not Sarge” had a crush on Ruth hectic around here. “Sarge” to get until he kept asking me quesflour asoft, but thefree top ride and sides allowed. “Handed him the to allow oldPage MyWorld GreatWar Grandmother 1 tablespoon(s) cakecaught 2 December 3, 2009 The Standard The outbreak of friendly Oldon Times Not Directions VeRLIN ing the on last both sides and the Curleywolves-57 to the he PIRCe blurted. “Why tions about her, thinking we word. willthat be set. Let sit out of Bygun?” last Friday had surgery shortages, ii brought about twenty-five and save DARD TAỊ S PoRTS S Knights only leading by one Centerpoint Knights-58. would you have done that?” were maybe dating. I assured two years later our About Forgotten... for about hand materand is feeling a Melt butter and chocolate especially in her strategic cent costtheofoven a student bus5 minin a 3A 7 Conference four points, hearts were leading for the The that therescorer was nothing movedpound- to him in double boiler. Whip Hugh ial. Copper and were She has ticket. From Glenwood utes, then unmold itonto a She just passed the gun to him family bit better. littlenickel Provided As A FREE Service Of Thi game night, the Centerpoint ing. Murfreesboro. Dad was the Knights Edgarus,Valdez onwas between I If y and and the gov- in Newcomb in that category onlyplate. a four-mile All obituaries are sentgoing in by the individual funeralthat homes. Serve walk withtoa few and replied, “Break it down.” carpel tunnel both eggs, yolks, sugar,was Knights played host to the The Curleywolves went to with seventeen points, one appear, funeral her home. Our fax n was even more County and Circuit not merelytheseeing safely wascontact Clerk and please withbuddy, a mixer for raspberries vanilla or less She quietly ernment morehands. but we didn’t Rosboro, and mind a dollopPrescott of Old “Sarge” is still yearshas old and my best Curleywolves. foul line on two occathe pointer and he went six three when he thumbed surprised Only then did he admit home. had landed a job after I determined some to make the another teenage ‘cause we generally minutes high about 10 Alice Taylor, Wilson, Flossie cream. got Starting the evening off were sions and missed each whipped pain, though. friend, was onthat of the of six from the foul line the latch, it opened, and was school as soda jerk in Cagles that he was too shy to even penny of steel My and the nickel a ride on the way. speed. Fold melted about twice my chocoMom, Shanafourteen, and I and born in Alpine the 7th Grade Boys with the four attempts. WithCaddo the ball Gap these metals of silver, as both friend picked us up at our more than empty. He nothing approach her, and he, being store. One of my late drug and butter into the late went up to see hersize. and my Flossie Wilson age 90 of final score being Prescott 7th control being turned over to resident were in relative and every body else about afternoon steady customers his thirties, would died way up in buddy and i, wanting to my home in Rosboro. Mom Arkadelphia, this weekend.My I got Nanaabundance. grade Curlewolves-22 to the Curlewolves and a fight Alice L. Taylor, age 88, of Ị ot wanting the axis powers get away to Hot Springs for a had me in clean khakis and Wednesday November down laughing. “I broke perceived to be too old for 25, be that same old “Top was to see my cousin, Tiffany Caddo died Saturday, 7th grade for the ball,. there wasGap, a very 2009. She to have any information day’s outing, had a free ride $1.50 out of my scrap dealer- Centerpoint think Sgt. York would be her.wasHe also couldn't was bringborn He would November 28,come 2009. She and her husband Chris. largeSergeant.” seal by Edgar Valdez September 11, 1919 in about our circumstances, no over with another friend. We ship money. “Ị ow you boys Knights-26. bornlast on stool April 23, at to ask me to find out proudBoys of game you,” he most High himself the on 1921, They are expecting their Alpine, the daughter of The Junior whenin,heoccupy ran away Caddowith Gap,the the daughter of announcement preceded pro- could then catch the behave,” was her parting Amy Pierce observed. “At least he did it if she might be and interested. I the left and I would start child in May. It’s a first to end the and Mary William Larkin duction. So the changes were Trailways Bus to Glenwood admonishment. That was followed with the final score ball down courtDaniel Adcock. Theand oldest of fifwith a loaded gun.” As they pondered the situation decidmaking him the finest banana Josephine Williams Rains. On boy and by theytheare naming Prescott Junior game before he could reach teen children, she worked at totally un-anticipated all RENT right, but not being late afternoon - unless, of good W Eadvice ALSO TANKS August 26, 1939, got the prisoners up to startthetalking himCafé, up onSterling’s, our split you can imagine. He sheed was Curleywolves-48 to and the basket. him Jacob. They are so Gables public. for my buddy and me. We married to Hollis Taylor who course, we were lucky and baby-sitting, and the Levis headed down the gravel road way home each night, about what paid top price and never Centerpoint Junior KnightsFinal score Prescott preceded her in death on At that time,excited. i was thirteen never had done anything factory, She was a member of a neat me a dime tip. She October 21, 1996. was guy he was, didn't date, Shana is already readwrong at that time in life and 43. in front of the command car, failed to leave Mt. Olive Baptist Church. also preceded in death by her Seniorcrawled Girls game in the Sergeant into his He had recognized me the seemed to She be longing some-three ing short books. She is weren’t about to begin that leaves for behind parents; one grandson, lady Knights took the the daughtersfigure and their families, jeep, turned to Mrs. Kaiser first time in, Daniel but I couldn't out who. and weBrian had told now learning words with day. Ị o sir-ree we hadn’t. Taylor;onetwo Gracie & Cedric Buck of Biloxi thejust third hadquarter to leaveonly her with and retold thebrothers, That is, if you didn’t count lead inand escapedVirgil POWRains“Why and don't you send him down two vowels. So far she has Ms, Barbara & Bill Kinard of behind the fourth Warrenaspect. Rains; and breaking insulators on tele- to fall his idea ofina military compli- story from every mysisway,”Forney she asked? He three done a very good job. She Tx, and“I'm Sue not Hill of ters, Helen Mays, Lessie The “Nice final Petticoat.!” score ooDARD RuG WOODARD DRUG phone poles; drinking up quarter. Gurdon; five grandchildren ment. anyone and all the eligibles dating is very smart. embarrassed was no longer Taylor and Jeanette Horn. lady CurleywolvesByron Taylor, Tonia McMillian, most of the grapefruit juice Prescott WaynePadgett, Padgett, P.D. Only then did she seem to by it and could was a short I know this thenwaslaugh it are all Alice employed by gone to the service. I'll be P.D. Wayne David Wehmier, Zane Wehmier, to Centerpoint lady 41 in the Rosboro School cafeShelby Manufacturing for 356-2193 realize that she was still in off. They made those an old maid before Burns, any oftwelve themgreatone, not a lot to talk 870-356-2193 and Charles many years. Knights-33. storeroom, returning the teria Hours: 8:30 A.M.-5:30 P.M. grandchildren, six great about. Sorry.Mon-Fri. I hope you her nightgown. Her dress was Germans double back,” she lamented. “Hegreat getson, it allby her Hours: 8:30am-5:30pm 870-356-3512 She istime survived in the final game of the empty cans upside down in grandchildren; and four sisters, 8:30am-noon allMon. have- Fri. a Sat. great rest of the in the wash! “Maybe my the way withDan few stops along Taylor of Caddomay Gap;be too cautious to ask for a Velma Bivens of Arkadelphia, 8:30 A.M.-12 in Noon Sat. the cases, and burying them evening with the first half five great-grandchildren; oneYou may have to invite him 210 e. Broadway week and Glenwood if you have any odd miles to date. the twenty some Wanda Gabriel and Flora Toffel 210 E. Broadway, Glenwood deep under and in back of the over found the Knights trailsister, Lavina Anderson of question or comments you both of California over to the Schoettles for and oneMaurice of camp. The camp commander Glenwood; and several nieces rest of the stacks; raiding Mr. ing by five points. in the Allison of Little Rock, can reach me at I suggested. four made examples them as he their cookouts,” and of nephews. Pressure Treatment for Children Blood Small’s melon patch; tearing third quarter the Knights brothers Floyd, Bill, and Merlin Motion Sickness Treatments Graveside services were [email protected] High blood pressure experienced in childhood and adoles- into one of Clint Thornton’s started to outscore the the and had warned, and I know of no They regularly Adcock entertained all of California Monday, November 30, 2009, in cence may unfortunately continue into adulthood. is a by good om. is characterized Motion sickness by dizziness and nauseaThis caused Lindel Adcock of Little Rock. soldiers more attempted escapes. peanut shocks, even though Curleywolves and with two the Oak Grove Cemetery with at their “upscale” home reason tocommonly prevent and treaton this condition in younger Monday, week’s This movement, occurring arecipe boat or is in a car. Other signspersons. and and RuthFuneral wouldservices be anwere added often wondered why old I Robbie Loudermilk officiating. large three-point shots If a child’s systolic or diastolic blood pressure is above the 95th we had plenty at home - but very November 30 in the RugglesOHN ARK AND are under the to that crowd. If it hapsymptoms of motion include feeling going to bemay Soft Center attraction “Sarge” comeArrangements to my soda percentile for age,sickness gender, and height on at warm, least 3sweating, separateand mea- Clint raised those good the Knights tok the lead. in Wilcox Funeral Chapel with Dr. direction of Davis-Smith Funeral Symptoms can also reappear after the offending motion stops, vomiting. Cakes. surements, the child has high blood pressure. High blood pressure Spanish Reds, and we only the closing second of the John Small officiating. pened, and it did , it would be upBurial of 2 doors fountain instead Home, Glenwood. in children can risk atherosclerosis, had pale Georgias’ which game IKKI was in the Golden Cemetery. AKER such as returning to increase land aftertheir being onCenter a for boat.developing Natural neurotransmitter Soft Individual with the crowd standto “Old Sarge” to protect his own down at “Bud” Schoettles Guest registry is at www.davisMemorials may be made to the kidney damage, and damage to the heart. chemicals that are involved in producing motion sickness include Cakes weren’t all that great. We territory. Mt. Olive Baptist Church. Sign where there was a Drugs, Being overweight or obese in childhood is a strong predictor of WeLDeR and acetylcholine. Motion sickness affects difepinephrine, histamine, Yield: 4 servings Pegi Cornish, line guest book at www.rugworked out very pretty blond soda jerk Evidentlyoneverything high blood pressure. Physical activity and reduced salt intake are were convinced that Clint ferent persons to varying degrees. care until he walked didn’t . 4 ounce(s) 60% Cacao important. Packing a healthy lunch is also a step in the right direcfor the best because I recently Ruth House. She was named FoR SALe Delilght resident Darala Bethlehem First Assembly of God New Galilee Missionary Apostolic Methodist tion. Medications prescribed for children with high blood pres- right by with his shotgun craBittersweet in one of the Those who experience motionChocolate sickness may consider looking out• the Rt.2 • Arkadelphia 3 years out of high school, 917 S. 11th St. Arkadelphia Pegi Sue Cornish ageread 53 ofher obituary Baptist • Amity Governor sure are similar to those prescribed for adults, and include angio- dled in his arm and didn’t Welder, Miller AC/DC Apostolic Faith Barthe sensations Baking Amity Methodist Church Delight died Monday, to create a match between of motion and the window local Arkansas publications date as far as I knew, didn't tensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin New Life Trinityreceptor Temple say a word. Soon Park as Hillhe Baptist cur1921 Walnut St. • Arkadelphia appoints locals was 300 amp W.constant November 30, 2009 in Hot Thompson • Amity unsalted 8 tablespoon(s) visual experience. Lying down when possible, such as on Pine a boat, blockers (ARBs), calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers, and and learned that they had in and didn't feel real comfort139 High School Rd. • Arkadelphia 3509 St. •may Arkadelphia 2410 Pine St. • Arkadelphia Springs. She was born June Gov. Mike Beebe has reout of sight, we put those rent 330 P(S) $1250. Apostolic Lighthouse butter stick) diuretics. However, there currently not asDiphenhydramine much information help decrease symptoms of(1is motion sickness. First United Methodist fact married and that theyCollie, had of walking home at night able First Baptist 3, 1956 in Salem, OR the appinted Stephanie Church of Jesus Christ Hwy. 70 • 2Glenwood on the usedimenhydrinate of these medications as there isBaptist for adults. vines back in place, were off Guaranteed whole eggsin children N. 8th St.working. • Arkadelphia (Benadryl), (Dramamine), and meclizine (Bonine, daughter of J. D. and Jeanette Donaldson to the Arkansas Hwy. 70 • Glenwood a long and happy life togethby herself.of Latter Her Day brother, Saints Doses for children may be different. Amlodipine (Norvasc), a cal- the shock and hit that trail in Can be seen in Amity Wood Carroll. She was an Scenic egg yolks available over-the-counter Apostolic Faith2Tabernacle Antivert) are antihistamine medications for First Baptist Amity Second Baptist creder. Suppose I could take Resources Mt. Olive AME was a couple of years Solon, cium channel blocker, is commonly prescribed for children with the opposite direction. Ị o Hwy. 70 • Glenwood employee of Gulf Coast Preservation Coordinating by appointment. Can 423 So. Main • Amity sugar 1/3 cup(s) Norman N. Hill • Amity treatment of motion sickness. Scopolamine (Transderm Scop) is aSt.(Zestril) patch Dallas 349 • Arkadelphia high blood pressure. Enalapril (Vasotec) and lisinopril “Cupid” part in this behind me Hearing in school and it for theCommittee. and a Baptist. doubt about it, we lost interThe appointshot Verlin Price photo Witness Glenwood Freewill Baptist be viewed at http://lit- Making the Jehovah’s that available with amedications prescription that bemay applied to theBaring skin for 3 areisACE inhibitor thatmay also be prescribed. Survivors include herstory? hus- ment expires October 1, Cross asked if I would wait up for est in those particular peanuts St. Andrew’s Prescott Curleywolves Against theband, Assembly of God Promethazine (Promethegan) Glenwood 403 S. 2nd St. • Glenwood Stan Cornish, three 2013.Tuesday night days to prevent motion sickness. is Baptist an Missionary right then, ‘causeLakeside i don’tBaptist recall Crawford St. • Arkadelphia Cenrterpoint's Edgar Valdez was the Knights’ sons,Holiness Keith Church Whitten of Clay leading Crump ofscorer Kirby was Culvert Springsavailable antidopaminergic medication with a prescription forSt.the• Arkadelphia preTrinity /2787256393.htmlCall Walnut Affiliated Grocery us ever going3910 back. League City, TX, Rusty reappointed to the Marine with seventeen points. He also went six for six from the foul St. Paul AME Hwy. 70 • Daisy Highway of 84 motion • Amity sickness. 1914Whitten Hwy. 70of• Glenwood vention and treatment 713-557-1125. Dickinson, TX Sanitation next week Missionary Baptist ContinuedMt. Advisory Store Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00 am -Bethlehem 6:30 pm Caddo St. • Arkadelphia line. Gilead Baptist Saturday 7 am - 6 pm • Sunday 12:30 - 5:30 and Cameron Cornish of Committee. The appointCurtis Assembly of God Kirby Bismarck Methodist Mt. Gilead Rd. • Norman Delight, AR, one brother, ment expires October 5, 1 Blk W.- (In 67the & square) Central Amity • Curtis • 870-342-9400 Hwy 7 • Bismarck Richwood Baptist Caddo Valley Baptist Tommy Carroll of Mineral 2012. 870-356-3312 OPTIONAL NEWSPAPER COLUMN HEADINGS Okolona UMC Richwood Rd. • Arkadelphia Malvern Rd. • Caddo Valley Springs, AR, two sisters, Legion to meet A ffiliated G rocery Affiliated Grocery Okolona Judy Wagley of Kirby, AR Salem Missionary Baptist Caney Valley Missionary Baptist and Shirley Patrick of Hollywood Methodist Church Amity tonight Store Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00 am - 6:30 pm Glenwood and 6 Amity Glenwood, AR 8703563312 Saturday 7 am - 6 pm • Sunday 12:30 - 5:30 3142 Highway 26 West Second Baptist American Legion Post 57 758 Hwy. 8 E. in AmityCedar Grove Baptist grandchildren. 870-356-2312 • 870-342-9400 (In the square) Amity A Arkadelphia will hold it's regular monthly Z Z as a service by theseNazarene fine businesses Funeral services will be 2 PI RO 870-356-4500 825 Cedar GrovePresented Rd. Arkadelphia each week meeting at 7 P.M., Thursday, Shiloh Baptist P PM Thursday in the your Ad Here! CITGO Shiloh Rd. • Arkadelphia Ruggles-Wilcox Funeral 3 December 2009 at the Cornerstone Missionary Bapt. First Church of the Nazarene Community Family Chapel in Arkadelphia. Third Street Baptist only $12 a week! 2502 Walnut St. • Arkadelphia Malvern Rd. • Caddo Valley Enrichment Center. All Post on line guest book at Billy JackSign Waite 870-246-2416 Arkadelphia South Central ArkansasDeGray Baptist 57 Legionaires; Veterans and Located in Arkadelphia 758 Hwy. 8 E. in Amity First Church of the Nazarene . Jackhim Daniel 870-403-6122 “But the men who had gone up with BY CHARLES A Call 870-342-5007 SouthBOX Fork Baptist Interest individuals/organizaElectric Cooperative P IZRZO DeGray Rd. • Arkadelphia Glenwood 870-356-4500 FORTHRIGHT MAGAZINE said, Hwy. We 70 areE. •not able to go up against Gurdon Highwaythe 67Fendley-Oak South in Arkadelphia tions are encouraged to P 870-246-5872 “Observe Electrical Safety” • Your Energy Partner CITGO attend. Those Faith Missionary Baptist Hispanic Church of the Nazarene Okolona Baptist In God’s kingdom (the church), good 1140 Main Street in Arkadelphia people, for they are stronger than we. And Your Health But is it true that we don’t have personal mes-Grove gospel By MICHAeL e. BRookS individuals/organizations 2322 Walnut St. • Arkadelphia Hwy. 70 • Glenwood Okolona can happen because of you or sages bad they 870-246-6701 oRTHRIGHT MAGAZINe Fthings the children of not Israel a bad from gave God today? Ị o, i am suggesting wanting more information South Central Arkansas singing First Baptist the of Okolona Alamo Missionary Baptist “The word of the lord that came to Hosea son things can happen because of you. that miraculous direct revelation has continued. report of the land which they had spied out, Pharmacy & Ernie Freeman, owner Oak Grove about the American Legion, Electric Cooperative Presbyterian Okolona The Fendley Old Dallas Rd. • Norman please call Adjutant Michael 1 of Beeri” (Hosea Ị KJV). God spoke during Biblical period; complete “Observe Electrical Safety” • Your Energy Partner 7 ⁄2his mileswe Westhave ofgospel Arkadelphia on Hwy. 8 An 1:1, example of the good is that of a hussaying, Thethe land through which singing is Saturday Your Health Lester at 870-245-3559. First Presbyterian “Please me. i need your encouragement and and final revelation has been given. We do 1140 Main Street in Arkadelphia not hear Black write Springs Baptist Catholic 870-245-2353 or 403-2317 December 5. The singing gone1220asPine spies is a land that devours its band being won to the Lord by his godly St. • Arkadelphia at 6:30. “Drive a starts little, save a lot”Everyone is your teaching. i want your instructions and advice on the Spirit today (Galatians 1:6-10). 144 Gaston Dr. • Black Springs 870-246-6701 St. Mary’s Alpine, Arkansas ©2012 PharmCom, Division of MED Communications,Inc. inhabitants, and all the people whom we wife ( 1 and Peter 3:1-6). Diotrephes is an welcome to come. how to preach the Gospel do the work of an evangeBut we still the words of God which were Westhave End Presbyterian N. 14th • Arkadelphia Community Bible Baptist P.O. Box 40298 • Memphis, TN 38174-0298 870-342-9227 Ted Egleston saw in it are men of great stature. There we 1420 Central Ave., Suite C example of what can happen because of an list. Don’t forget -– write me” (Various indigenous evan- revealed through Arkadelphia his Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:6-13). Hot Springs, AR 71901 Chester V. Clark, Jr., D.D.S, M.P.H. REALTOR Christian Buck’s CountryToll-Free Store(877) 298-0169gelists andGlenwood saw the giants (the descendants of Anak Christians over the past 20 plus years). These wordsAlpine are Presbyterian contained in the Bible, the holy evil person ( 3 John 9-11). It’s all about service! It always has been! What can I do for you? Daisy Freewill Baptist 8 in Amity Christian us enjoy checking our because mail,First whether it is inspired came from the giants); and3:15-17). we were Highway like Scriptures (2 Timothy And Website: Alpine, Arkansas Hwy. 8 • Alpine Mobile: 870-356-9791 Your Ad Could Be Here! Most Call3809ofHwy. What can happen of you? 70 • Daisy 10th St. • Arkadelphia Email: [email protected] net or in the box. There is N. something about these words were spoken and for eachand onesoof870-342-5265 us. eFax 501-320-4599 Suggested Release: February 12 on - 18,the2012 grasshoppers inPresbyterian ourto own sight, we 870-342-9227 Barr Memorial “We cater to cowards” Because of you, others may chose God. First Baptist a personal letter that warms us. Yes, Church we may complain whatever things were written 13:31-33). before were in their sight” ( Numbers of ChristRuth“Forwere Water Tower Rd. • Norman Texas St. Naomi’s • Amityor spam, influence Today! about the junk mail, and wewas mayso be strong too busythat to written for our learning, that we through the Our words or our actions may be a disk Friendly W x IRadio" Bethsaida Church of Christ 870-342-5007 read all wechose feel weher need to, (but i Antoine don’t know Firstthat Freewill Baptist God Ruth 1:16-18). influpatience and comfort of the ScripturesKWXI might have Your Ad Could Be Here! Call "Family Pentecostal Ike uTo ALeS / KWXE Radio River anyone Rd.Your • Amity couragement to others. AM(870) 670 / FM 98.9 Red Hillnot Rd. open •ence Arkadelphia who does and his or her letters hope” (Romans 15:4). Phone Pinefirst Street Church ofas Christ canread cause others to class choose God. Your 104.5 FM Country Hits356-2151 [email protected] First United Pentecostal Because of you others can be refreshed. Hwy. 26 Today! e in Delight soon as the opportunity is provided. 1100 Pine St. • Arkadelphia The Bible is God’s personal correspondence "Family Greater Pleasant Hill Baptist 670 AMtoSouthern GospelFriendly radio" influence can cause someone whoof believes Country Club Rd. • Arkadelphia “For we have great joy and consolation in Christevery 2801 How often have we thought, “i University wish weChurch were still human! Caddo St. • Arkadelphia 870-356-2181Phone (870) 356-2151 870-342-5007 870-379-2664 Jesusdivine to be revelation stronger thethat Lord. Pine in Street • Arkadelphia Friendship Pentecostal your love, because the before hearts us of have the saints in the days ofindirect and God That generations of people read, First Baptist Gurdon, Arkansas would speak Bismarck Church Christknown 2745 been Malvernrefreshed Rd. • Friendship Because faith of some might be have to me likeofheyou, did the the apostles andofthe and loved these words no way makes by inyou, brother” ( Curtis Willow Dr. • Bismarck your Ad 870-353-4442 Here! yourStore Ad Here! prophets of old?” them less personal to us. God has spoken, but he overthrown. Black Springs Country Philemon 7). Harmony Hill Baptist Shiloh C of C (Instrumental) Oneness Pentecostal What a special blessing must have been to •hear speak just generally, or only to others.1100 Deer Amity did only $12 a week! 2820 Vaden Rd. •“But Arkadelphia 8 West$12 a week! shun it profane and Park idleRoad babbling, for notIn only world people down, whatHe a Highway 2344a Red Wingsthat Roadbeats • Bismarck Gurdon, Arkansas the actual voice of the Creator speaking Churchaofspecial Christ has spoken to you and to me, individually and personal-Black Springs Harmonyto Primitive Baptist theypeople will for increase more ungodliness. it is to and be personally refreshed accountable by brethren Call 870-342-5007 Walnut St. •on Gurdon message his one toto deliver his ly. Andblessing Call 870-342-5007 we are individually for870-334-2481 870-353-4442 Seventh Day Adventist Horseshoe Rd.•And Arkadelphia Church of Christ their message will spread like cancer. who truly love and care! behalf. Hosea, Joel, Micah, and other old those words, to read them, believe them and obey them. Hwy 70• Hollywood Baptist received Serving the Arkadelphia area Amity SDA Testament prophets “words of the open theTo envelope. Read your mail.hear the gospel of Hymenaeus and those Philetus areGlenwood of this sort, be saved you must your Ad Here! Church of Christ Hwy. 53 N • Arkadelphia South Hill St. • Amity Who can but prophlord.” They certainly were greatly privileged to be “The lord God has spoken! who have strayed concerning Antione the truth, Christ ( Romans 10:17), believe in Jesus as only $12 a week! so used in his Baptist service. Lakeview esy?” (Amos 3:8) Spanish SDA Church Christ past; saying that the resurrection isofalready the Son ofGlenwood the living God ( Mark 16:16),Located on Center Street Serving the Arkadelphia area Copeland Rd. • Arkadelphia Delight in Amity Call 870-342-5007 and they overthrow theChurch faithofofChrist some” ( 2 repent of the sins in your life ( Acts 2:38), con870-246-8005 870-246-8883 Macedonia Primitive Baptist 870-342-5042 302 2nd Avenue • Murfreesboro Others Timothy 2:16-18). fessthey Jesusfound, as Lord ( Romans andthe be Arkadelphia By DoN RuHL all whom both bad and 10:9-10) good. And Blessed on the Rock Prairie Bayou C of C (Instrumental) 1317 N. 10th Street • Arkadelphia Compliments of will be sadMAGAZiỊ indeed Efor some to stand in baptized for remission of sins ( Acts 2:38). FBaptist oRTHRiGHT wedding hall was filled with guests” (Matthew Mt. BethelIt 415 School St. • Amity Hwy. 84 • Bismarck 870-230-8099 870-245-3432 havingof Heaven possessed Mt.Bethel Rd. •judgment Arkadelphia Jesus compared the Kingdom to asaving wed- faith 22:8-10)As a Christian you should recognize the RoN DANIeLL We Finance - Buy Here, Pay HereMt. Olive Baptist Christ Temple of Holiness ding that a king threw for his son. Father wants many people want to 1317 N. 10th Street • Arkadelphia themselves and yet beChurch guilty ofofoverthrowGod God thegood things thatascan happen inwho God’s work Bismarck CLARk / DonaldsonCouNTy JuDGe 1701Son Pine •to Arkadelphia Mt. Olive Rd. Arkadelphia However, the•ing firstthe wave guests turned down the be part of His be invited and gathered for 870-246-4553 870-230-8099 870-245-3432 faithofof others. because of you. The life of a Christian is a Serving Hot Spring County Since 1951 Tate Temple • Arkadelphiathe day of the great wedding feast (See Revelation 19). We Finance - Buy Here, Pay Here wedding Mt.invitation, Zion Baptist and the king said, Cornerstone Family Worship Because of you others might be discour- blessed life. The Christian life is also a “Then heRd.said to his servants, ‘The wedding is However, simply Mt. Zion • Arkadelphia Hwy.because 8 • Amity someone is invited does aged. The spies, except Joshua and Caleb, blessing to others. ready, but those who were invited were not worthy. not mean they get to attend, as the lord showed in the people intoparable, Whatbut willwehappen Will it Therefore go discouraged into the highways, and asfrom manygoing as this have tobecause respondoftoyou? the invitayou find, invite to the wedding.’ So those servants tion, which in this case is the preaching of the good be good or evil? Canaan and conquering it. rKAdElPHIA co mmu n ity Alex May Introducing the 1943 Steel Penny, Pt. 1 upset at Centerpoint Dungeon Death/Funeral N BEST PRICES IN TOWN ON $ read The Standard for all the LOcAL news of the area! LP GAS! As an independant Pharmacy Pharmacy & Your Health Health dealer, we will meet or Pharmacy & Your Health beat the other guys’ W D prices! Thrash Propane Baker’s Fabrication & Welding, Inc. Industrial and decorative Metal Works This page is made possible by theJbusinesses listed below M N B Highway 70 E in Glenwood 870-356-5521 or 870-210-0075 Attend the worship center of your choice DEVOTIONAL CORNER May Publishing Judy’s May publishing John Plyler Home Center Grocery davidson’s udy’s The JPharmacy Old Time Presented each week as a service by these fine businesses & Your Health eVoTIoNAL oRNeR Your Ad Here! Chronicle Worship God this Lord’s Day! D C Only $12 a week! Available on newsstands Call Sales 870-342-5007 Pharmacy &Co. Your Health Williams Saw Worship God this Lord’s Arkadelphia Auto What can happen because Day! of you? PharmacyPersonal & correspondance from God R&S Auto Repair Buck’s Country Store P PIKE AUTO SALES The26Standard Hwy. E in Delight KWXI AM 670 / FM 98.9 Now in our new location at 124 Mid-ArkDrive W.P. Malone December 1st Lumber Company in Arkadelphia 870-356-2240 A 870-379-2664 S The Standard Relocating Thomerson Drug Store Thomerson Drug Store 124Come W.P. Malone Dr. visit us! Your Ad Here! Bill May Plumbing OnlySales $12 a week! Troy’s Auto Bill May Plumbing 870-246-8883 Be Davis Auto Sales worthy for the Lord’s wedding Your Ad Here! Only $12 a week! Central Arkansas Telephone Cooperative Call 870-342-5007 Clark County DavisFarm AutoBureau Sales A ARKADELPHIA went out into the highways and gathered together Call 870-342-5007 NCUA This Credit Union federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration news of Jesus Christ. Bear has a new single out on CMT called “Mobile Home.” Stacy Blackard will be sponsoring the hot dog eating contest in a downtown booth. The 4-H petting zoo has also been confirmed. Bethlehem Baptist plans homecoming &,20 )30 (?,9/,=/ 0-=@,=D February The Standard 9, 2012 page 9 223)4%6-8) 2**)45 %( 34)3%4-1+ *24 9-16)4 The Standard in the kitchen... The Bethlehem Baptist Church of Gurdon will host a homecoming on Sunday, Oct. 14. The homecoming is to include dinner and services. Pastor Lloyd Baumgardner, and his wife, Ann, would like to invite all to attend. Gurdon City Hall needs new roof Recent rains have prompted the city staff at Gurdon to seek state general improvement funds to put a new metal roof on city hall. Tambra Childres, treasurer and recorder, said Sen. Percy Malone and County Judge Ron Daniell are working with her to secure funding. The matter will be discussed at the upcoming council meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 15, in the Municipal Building. THE NEXT GENERATION -- Youngsters trailed the Gurdon High School Homecoming Parade on Friday, Oct. 5, and they drove ATVs and the like. In addition to the public preparing for a homecoming victory, the boys in the parade signified the big interest in the upcoming deer season -- Gurdon’s other most popular sport. (John Nelson photo) Showtime Movies and Tanning JIM’S BODY SHOP will rent scary movies for half price throughout October! Highway 67 * Gurdon * Windshield & glass replacement & repair PH: 353-2626 * Complete body, paint and frame work FREE ESTIMATES: Across from Pizza Barn OPEN SEVEN NIGHTS A WEEK AFTER 5! *SODAS: 60 CENTS Quality Work With A Personal Touch Ganache-Topped 870-353-2737, fax: 870-353-2243 JimVance, owner North Elm Street * Gurdon Brownie Bites Red Velvet Cake Cookies Reasonable Quality 1 box Betty Crocker® SuperMoist® devil’s foodRates cake mix Service 1/2 cup butter, softened 2 eggs, beaten 1 bottle (1 oz) red food color Heat oven to 350°F. line 2 cookie sheets with cooking parchment paper or silicone baking mat. in large bowl, beat all ingredients with electric mixer on medium speed until well combined (batter will be very thick). Using 1-inch cookie scoop, drop dough about 2 inches apart onto cookie sheets. Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until set. Remove from cookie sheets to cooling racks. THE GARDEN SHED John Plyler Home Center LoCATeD IN GLeNWooD Go Knights, Go! 1 box Betty Crocker® fudge brownie mix Water, vegetable oil and eggs called for on brownie mix box 2/3 cup whipping cream 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips (6 oz) Fresh raspberries, if desired Heat oven to 350°F. Place mini paper baking cup in each of 42 miniature muffin cups. Make brownie batter as directed on box. Fill muffin cups about 3/4 full (about 1 tablespoon each) with batter. Bake 18 to 21 minutes or until toothpick inserted in edge of brownie bites comes out clean. Do not overbake. Cool 10 minutes before removing from pan. Cool completely, about 30 minutes. Carefully remove paper liners, if desired. in 1-quart saucepan, heat whipping cream over low * Suits,Remove $99.99from with shirt tie heat just to boiling. heat; stir and in chocolate chips until*melted. let standapparel, about 15 buy minutes All summer 1, or until mixture coats a spoon. get 1 half off! Spoon about 1 teaspoon chocolate mixture onto each 632 Main * Arkadelphia brownie. Garnish with freshStreet raspberries. in clark & pike counties, it’s The Standard! $59,900. 5 New bed, bath FALL FUN! 3 Elizabeth Wimberly, 6, a first grader in Cindy Duke’s $34,559. class at Gurdon, leans against a giant Halloween pumpkin at her parents’ Garden Shed, now open in Gurdon. Owners Regina and 2011 model. Larry Wimberly have a good supply of16x80 hay, corn stalks, 3/2 pumpkins, mums, pansies, ornamental cabbage and kale. Call 903Call Hours: noon until 6 p.m., seven days 903a week On Highway 67 (next to Allen’s BBQ) in Gurdon 838-5994 838-5994 Phone: (870) 353-5160 LOOKING GOOD Ph: (870) 246-2021 Clark County Prosecutor THE PIZZA BARN BLAke BATSoN Buy extra large pizza, get one equal value or less Have a good week! at half price! Southwestern Corn Cheese Dip INC. 1313 N. 10th Thomerson Drug Arkadelphia, Ark. 71923 870-353-4442 FREE ESTIMATES! r block Have aandgreat day!245-0046 Officehand Fax: (870) Vinyl Insulated Replacement Windows AIR PRO of Arkadelphia, Inc. William Meakin, new owner and operator HVACR#1045224 *Repair * Replacement * Service ALL Brands! Open 11 - 9 p.m. Mon. - Sat. SUNDAYS 12-9 p.m. DOING SYSTEM CHECK-UPS! Welch * Week day buffet, 11-2 p.m. Noon pizza buffet, all you can eat; pizza , salad , pie and drink. !3)'-%/ "2 ",) !6%1(%4( ?=4. .::;0=,?4A0> 4> [email protected],7 ?: > =6,9>,> -=,.0> 1:= ;=:A4/492 ?30 34230>? 70A07 :1 ,9:?30= =:@9/ :1 B49?0= >0=A4.0 ?: .::;0=,?4A0 808 B0,?30= (:@?3 09?=,7 -0=> ,.=:>> ?30 >?,?0 G 30 =6,9>,> 70.?=4. ,//0/ ::;0=,?4A0 ,9/ :?30= 070. 0 ,>60/ ?3,? .::;0=,?4A0 JUNIOR WINNING FLOAT GHS Junior Class won the ?=4. .::;0=,?4A0> ,.=:>> ?30-- The 808-0=> ,=0 @=20/ ?: @>0 honors of best float, according to school photographer Teresa Griffin, >?,?0 ,=0 ;:4>0/ ?: =0>;:9/ ?: .,@?4:9 -:?3 B4?349 ,9/ :@? with only:@?,20> the sophomores competing year’s float contest at ;:B0= ?3,? 8,D >4/0in this ?304= 3:80> /@=492 the 20071=:8 parade.?30 (John Nelson photo) =0>@7? ;=0/4.?0/ 49.70809? B0,?30= ,9/70> THE,9/ BAND -- The GHS30,? band >?:=8 7,9?0=9> ?08;:=,=D was in the homecoming F+0 3,A0 [email protected] 0>.,;0/ 492 /0A4.0> .,9 ;:>0 , 14=0 parade, :80 and also2090=,?:=> played an 7,=20 >.,70 :@?,20> ?34> B49 3,E,=/ important part in the cheering ?0= G >,4/ ',9/D @9.,9 >3:@7/ -0 ;=:;0=7D A09?0/ ?: the week before during the %;0=,?4:9> #,9,20= :1 ;=0A09? .,=-:9 8:9:C4/0 burning of the Curley Wolf (:@?3 09?=,7 =6,9>,> ;:4>:9492 ,9/Xera ?30D >3:@7/ ceremony. McLauglin, 70.?=4. F 9 :@= -@>490>> B0 -0 .:990.?0/ ?: 3:80 12-year-old Cabe B4=492 Middle ,7B,D> 3:;0 1:= ?30 -0>? ,9/ ?3=:@23 ;=:?0. School,;;=:;=4,?0 student, usually plays the cymbals but on that;:B0= moon;=0;,=0 1:= ?30 B:=>? B309 4? ?4A0 /0A4.0> ?: ;=0A09? night -,.6 she played the .:80> ?: ?30 B0,?30= +0 1=:8light 100/492 :9?: ?30 drums, while the shadows B477 =0>;:9/ ?: ,9D :@?,20> @?474?DH> B4=0> the fire?: mixed with the 49 , >,10 ,9/ 0114.409? 8,9 ,//4?4:9 ;=:?0.?492 F 9from moonlight. The Go-Devils 90= G (11 oz) Green Giant® 7490809 -D 49>@=492 ;=:;0= 1 can Southwestern style corn28 beat Prescott 18-8 on Sept. @9.,9 >,4/ 070.?=4. /4> B4=492 , 3:80:B90= >3:@7/ 8 oz Mexican prepared cheese product jalapeño and then with won their Oct. 5 ?=4-@?4:9 .,7.@7,?0 B,??,20 .,=01@77D Fouke homecoming, 35-5 peppers .::;0=,?4A0> (from 16-oz,.=:>> loaf), cut into cubes ?30 >?,?0 ,9/ ?30 9,?4:9 ,>>4>? =0<@4=0809?> ?: ;=0A09? Next week, they will travel 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro or sliced greento :?30= 0,.3 ,9/ /,8,20 Magnet Cove. GHS won ?:a if /@=492 desired:@?,20> 41 :A0=7:,/492 onions, tailgate party contest, spon900/0/ =6,9>,>H 8 oz tortilla chips 070.?=4. ,;;74,9.0> ,9/ ?30 2090=, sored by Fox 16, and fans are .::;0=,?4A0> 3,A0from , 7:92corn ?=, into ?:= G2-quart 30 >,4/ saucepan. Add Drain liquid invited to come early. (John :1 cook 307;492 0,.3 :?30= /4?4:9 :9>@80=> ,=0 ,/A4>0/ ?: cheese; over medium-low heat, Nelsonstirring photo) constant=0>?:=0 ;:B0= 49 ?30 ,1?0= ,A:4/ /:B90/ ;:B0= 7490> ly, until melted. ? 4> ;,=?until :1 thoroughly 8,?3 ;:B0= ,9/ ?=00> ?:@.3492 Stir:1in>?:=8> corn. Cook heated. Spoon ?30 .::;0=,?4A0 B,D :1 /:492 7490> (?,D ,B,D ,> ?30 7490> into serving bowl. Sprinkle with cilantro. Serve with -@>490>> =:B9700 >,4/ 8,D -0 090=24E0/ tortilla chips. F ::;0=,?4:9 ,8:92 070. ): >00 ?30 ;=:.0>> 1:= CALL: (870) 246-2165 Phone: (870) 353-6330 Funeral Home 1414B North 10th St. Arkadelphia (across from Gildner) 4th & Clinton Street in Arkadelphia 870-230-1400 Rest Haven Plan - $5,295 Pre-pay @ $25 down & $73 per month (72 months) Package includes: (1) Burial space at Rest Haven Memorial Gardens, complete professional service, cemetery work, Thomas Kinkade memorial package, custom programs, 100 memorial collages, DVD video tribute, (3) certified death certificates, Viceroy 20 gauge steel Ị G casket (4 Real estate For Sale F F 6,)5621)6746/) '20 #)& "( " Your valentine %) Headquarters! &( &' -*6 %5.)65 %1(; %5.)65 /75, 1-0%/5 2**)) 7+5 LoCATeD IN MALVeRN 1. Cove , AR FARM with a 3 bedIND uS oN room, 2 bath brick home on 13+ acres, barn, shops, fenced, crossACeBook fenced, just south of Cove near the new school that is now under construction $110,000 firm. 2. Hunter’s Paradise 40+ acres in the Caddo Gap area, creek and backs up to the US Forest Service with mountain views. 3. Amity, AR. FARM beautiful 125+ acres in the Amity area, creek, fenced and cross fenced, 4 ponds, beautiful views. Agent plate2_1-982784693_1-982249017:Standardtemplate.qxd 12/30/2008 2:14 PM Page 9 owned. Standard 4. Glenwood AR The 2100+ SFDecember Retail 31, 2008 page 9 store in the old downtown area, great location, lots of glass in Most Outstanding AP English 2009 Fall semester. O THE STANDARD front, has front and rear parking, Awardtandin serves Ar as senior class He is son of Donald oland Watts, ofI 210 ta lia nthe Res tauandr an ka delph ia oop in Amity, has Linda Watts and a senior at president. storage CH&A, and a new slant High School. plans to major in electrical a Arkansas Tech Centerpoint owners: TonyHe& Dawn Mitaj roof only $39,500 tons of traffic. At Centerpoint, Wattss won the engineering. scholarship for the 5. Hot Springs Condo 1BR with loft, 2 full baths, laundry room and pool. Ị ice unit. $55,000 firm. We NoW SeRVe BLACk ANGuS BeeF! 6. Hot Springs Horse Farm, 4 br/3BA, 6 stall horse barn with Come try a sirloin or ribeye today! run outs and round pen, pond and Danny Watts equip barn on 10+ acres. Amity HeCk ouT ouR SPeCIAL DeALS Rd in Hot Springs $399,000 7. Prime location retail lots. Your oN choice of size on Hwy. 70 E next Kids eat off kids menu FREE to the rest area. Contact us for from layout. Tuesdays with adult entree Standard Call Fowler Auctioneers, inc for Thursday Senior Citizensthe Night more information or to see. Call Newspaper 55 years & over 10% Discount 870-356-4848 or Sign-up forms will and Open 7 days a Week 11am-9pm BISMARCK FREETHROW -- Bismarck’s Linda Morrison, #22, the Tailgate and ofthen the Junior a freethrow just before the half in clickLady onLions, the attempts Real Estate be turned in at Friday night till 10pm a game against the Go-Devils of Gurdon before Christmas break.. tab.Lady Lions led Gurdon 38-7 at the half and won the game News Magazinelistings The Junior ! ,? ?4: 2= 90 & ,9 ?, >?: @; ?3 B # B ?3 74. 74< ,9 ,7 >? @; 70 /= 9, 49 -0 49 49 B 4> ?3 >, 74> B B ,7 =0 -0 ,9 49 ,2 24-hour emergency service available Highway 67 Gurdon choices), 12 gauge steel box, silk casket spray & sales tax. =0 ;7 3? ?0 /-1621 !64))6 -1 4.%()/3,-% 41 1: .4 ;7 ?0 @; ?3 -, "4 ) 3: 8 9: 9 & ?: 49 ?3 1= ?: 14 * Stephanie collie, owner 501-337-4299 (? :9 !%8) ,71(4)(5 2* ATTeNTIoN Centerpoint Sports Association be holding its 21 28)4 will-5, )6924. yearly baseball sign-up on February 10, )9meeting :'/75-8) 42+4%0 2012 from 5-7 pm at the Amity Gymnasium. L ittle I ta ly ts receives ATU scholarship Little Italy %//it is75required &)*24) 5-+1 If your child wishes to play, that;27 they and a % )6924. 62 34-') -1 parent come to register. THeRe-5, WILL Be,%5 No PLAyeR ReGISTRATIoNS ACCePTeD AFTeR THIS MeeTING! Teams will be for the following age groups: 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 (If enough players register, there may also be a 13-14year-old team) If for some reason your child wants to play, but you absolutely can’t make the meeting, call one of the following before the meeting takes place. Try our 12oz Ribeye $13.95! Italian Restaurant C FACeBook! Happy New Year 21<5 "# !%6)//-6) Dean Porter 870-828-0096 or Terry Taylor 870-223-1003 /)1922( 6 (% HOLIDAY SPECIALS Good through January 31, 2009 mily Packages Tuesday It’s a Sale-A-Bration! 49-13. (John Nelson photo) be given out at all local schools. Forms are not to any location other than the meeting this year. &* " ( ' $ &( # & "' ' ,9:?30= =:@9/ :1 B49?0= >0=A4.0 ?: .::;0=,?4A0 808 3??; BBB >.,0. .:8 .:9 B0,?30= (:@?3 09?=,7 -0=> ,.=:>> ?30 >?,?0 G 30 ?09? .18 4/ =6,9>,> 70.?=4. ,//0/ Page 10 The Standard February 9, 2012 ::;0=,?4A0 ,9/ :?30= 070. 0 ,>60/ ?3,? .::;0=,?4A0 ?=4. .::;0=,?4A0> ,.=:>> ?30 808-0=> ,=0 @=20/ ?: @>0 :9?49@0/ =:8 &,20 >?,?0 ,=0 ;:4>0/ ?: =0>;:9/ ?: .,@?4:9 -:?3 B4?349 ,9/ :@? ,??09/,9.0 1,.474?D B:@7/ ;,D , ;:B0= :@?,20> ?3,? 8,D >4/0 ?304= 3:80> /@=492 ,99@,7 100 ,> B077 9 ,//4 =0>@7? 1=:8 ?30 ;=0/4.?0/ 49.70809? B0,?30= ,9/70> ?4:9 ?30=0 B:@7/ -0 , ?,C :1 :1 >?:=8 7,9?0=9> ,9/ ?08;:=,=D 30,? 2=:>> =0A09@0> 70A40/ :9 >@.3 -@>4 F+0 3,A0 [email protected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Pictured:Front Row: Jaide Vavra, >?:=8> ;,=?and :1 Girls 8,?3 ?=00> on?:@.3492 ,9/ Club ? ?30 8:?4:9 ,73:@9 ,9/ Addison Black,B,D Keisha owens,7490> Abby(?,D Jones Middle Coach ?30 .::;0=,?4A0 :1 /:492 ,B,D ,> ?30Row: 7490> Julie Burke Back:1Row: 4=0.?:= !:399D ,==4> ?30 :=/4 Terry Taylor, Alli Hughes, Corona, Madison Smith, Rachel Dumont, Braelynne Bates, =:B9700 >,4/ Emily8,D -@>490>> -0 090=24E0/ ::;0=,?4:9 ,8:92 070. F >00 ?30 ;=:.0>> 1:= 9,9.0 B,> ;7,.0/ :9 4?> 14=>? =0,/ ): Coach Greg Black Champion team Amity Mini Storage h and r block uNITS FoR ReNT Located on South Mountain Street Call 870-342-6252 6,)5621)6746/) '20 #)& "( " %) &( &' -*6 %5.)65 %1(; %5.)65 1-0%/5 2**)) 7+5 /75, 492 :77:B492 4?> ;,>>,20 used Parts-Motors, transmis,73:@9 ?309 8:A0/ ?3,? 4? sions, body GM,=0,/492 Ford, -0 ;7,.0/ :9parts! 4?> >0.:9/ Chrysler, Toyota! 49 ?B: B006>Honda, 1?0= ?3=00 =0,/ edward 600 492> ,9/ Motor ;,>>,20Co., ?30 Inc. 80,>@=0 Malvern Hot B477 -0.:80 7,BSprings 1-800644-9909, 501-623-9909, after :7? ?309 ?:7/ ?30 -:,=/ ?3,? 30 hours 4> >?477 501-617-8455. B:=6492 :9 /0A07:;492 2003 Saturn SuV,,9/1 ?30 .4?D > 90BVue ',.4,7 owner, vehicle, jet0 @7?@=,7 certified 4A0=>4?D :884??00 black, oD B477 trans!0>?,See >,4/ ?30 5spd, .:884??00 John @ edward Motor 74>3 2@4/07490> =02,=/492 3:B Company, 306 ,9/ Airport B0 ?=0,? :90Inc. ,9:?30= 3:B Rd., Hot?: Springs. B0 B,9? -0 ?=0,?0/800-644? B477 9909, 501-318-9799. ,7>: B:=6 ?: 0/@.,?0 edward.4?4E09> =02,=/492 ?304= ,??4?@/0> ,9/ 2000 Lincoln Continental, -03,A4:= 49 =02,=/> ?: =,.4>8 local trade?:B,=/> in, leather interior ,9/ B:=6 /4>8,9?7492 $7,995! Motor 49>?4?@?4:9,7 edward =,.4>8 ,9/ 09.:@= Company, ,20 /4A0=>4?DInc. 500 Malvern, Hot4=0.?:= Springs 800-644-9909, ':7,9/ :>0D ,>60/ 501-623-9909. edwardmotor41 :7? 3,/ /0A07:;0/ , -@/20? 1:= ?30 .:884??00 ?: B34.3 ?30 2003 Cadillac=0;740/ Seville?3,? SLS, .4?D 8,9,20= 30 sterling See ;7,990/ :9silver! 3,A492$7,995. ?30 .:884? John @ edward ?00 808-0=> ?308>07A0>Motor .:80 Company Airport @; B4?3 ?30 306 149,9.4,7 900/>Rd., 1:= Hot Springs 800-644-9909, ?30 2=:@; )30 ;=:2=,8 B477 -0 501-318-9799. edwardmotor-,>0/ :9 , >4847,= .:884??00 49 "4??70 ':.6 30 >,4/ ) 30 .:884??00H> 808-0=>34;SuV, B477 2000 Dodge Durango 3:;01@77D =0170.? ?30 =,.4,7 4DR, 88k miles, navy blue! 8,60@; Motor :1 =6,/07;34, :7? edward Company, Inc. 9:?0/ 600 Malvern, Hot Springs. 9 :?30= -@>490>>501-623-9909. ?30 -:,=/ 800-644-9909, &7,.0/ ?B: :=/49,9.0> =07,?492 ?: >429,20 :9 ?304= >0.:9/ =0,/ 2005 Mercy Grand Marquis 492> Se 92k Maroon with gray ;;:49?0/ ,A4/ #,CB077 ?: interior. ?30 ,4=;:=? .:884>>4:9 ..0;?0/ , -4/ :1 1=:8 ,==492?:9 :9>?=@.?4:9 ?: -0249 B:=6 :9 , 24=7> >:1?-,77 1407/ *:?0/ ,? ?30 8:?4:9 :1 ,73:@9 ,9/ 4=0.?:= =,/ :/B49 ?: ,77:B ?30 :884>>4:9 ?: -0249 B:=6 :9 (?=00?>.,;0 B34.3 B477 1:.@> :9 )09?3 (0A09?3 (?=00?> The Standard has you covered! /-1621 !64))6 -1 4.%()/3,-% !%8) ,71(4)(5 2* 2//%45 SUPER TOOTH SAYS... GIVE28)4 -5, )6924. 21 274 TOOTH )9 DECAY :'/75-8) 42+4%0 !733/-)4 THE%// ONE-TWO 75 &)*24) ;27 5-+1 % '2164%'6 PUNCH!-5, )6924. ,%5 62 34-') -1'4)%5) 21<5 "# !%6)//-6) TOOTH DECAY IS ONE OF THE MOST WIDESPREAD HEALTH CONDITIONS. WITH WATER FLUORIDATION AND DENTAL SEALANTS, NEARLY ALL TOOTH DECAY IN ARKANSAS CAN BE PREVENTED. ONE! Dental Sealants /)1922( Communityy WWater Fluoridation Dental sealants are thin plastic coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of back teeth. Sealants are almost 100% effective in preventing tooth decay of back teeth in children and teenagers, where decay most occurs. occ 6 (% &* " ( ' $ &( # Fluoride inindrinking water benefits whole Fluoride drinking water benefits communities. It is an effective, safe, and whole communities. It is an inexpensive way to prevent tooth decay andandinexpensive foreffective, persons ofsafe, all ages income level way preventbytooth decay for and istorequired Arkansas law for of all serving ages and allpersons water systems 5,000 or more people. income level. eDIToRIAL )$$#&( ,#)& # " +'$ $ & You need Farm Bureau. Farm " Bureau needs you. (# , )07017:=,H> )( 25) Farm Bureau to begin 2012 %55-21 membership drive "( " - With this winning combination, we are fighting for your health, your family and your healthcare costs! For more information, call 501-661-2595 or go to or We prevent disease, promote health and protect communities. , ' &) &, #+ & #" #$ , (' %56)4'%4( #-5% -5, )56 #%/)16-1) !3)'-%/ !6)%. 1 !,4-03 *24 692 6%: !%674(%; )&47%4; 6, %1( 21(%; )&47%4; 6, 0)4-'%1 :34)55 21 !%6 -5'28)4 #"-( #& ( #" , ' "( " -' , 7(;<5 ,%5 % 8%4-)6; 2* &%//2215 %1( '%1(; -6)05 5-/. */29)45 %1( 56)%.5 *24 6,%6 420%16-' (-11)4 +0 B477 /074A0= ?: 09?0=;:49? 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Arkansas Department of Health B0,?30= 1:=0.,>?> .,9 .30.6 .,77492 1:= ?=,A07 ?: =08,49 9:B .,77492 1:= >9:B ?: :@? ,>?492> ,.0-::6 ;,20 ?=0,.30=:@> ?3=:@23:@? ,=:@9/ ,8 -0249 ,? 7,=6 % # := 7:2 :9?: ?30 +0/90>/,D ,9/ )3@=>/,D +0/90>/,D B4?3 ?30 30,A40>? =6,9>,> 423B,D >60/ 41 8:=0in >9:B as chicken meat scrapped to consumption the .:@7/ U.K, ,..@8@7,?4:9 ?: -0 ,=:@9/ 0;,=?809? > B0->4?0 1:= -0 49 ?30 1:=0.,>? ,1?0= ,8 ,=7D 1:=0.,>?> 3,/ bone, ground down into a meal, where they are instead used =:,/ .:9/4?4:9> ?:/,D > ;=0/4.?0/ 0A09? with stabilizers and for dog and chicken food. .,770/ 1:= (:@?3 From=6,9>,> Page 1?: packed Continued ?30D 9:?pressed .,77 41 They F+0 ;=010=and ,>?492> >,4/ in F(?,?4>?4.,77D preservatives then are legal the United =0.04A0 1:@= 49.30> >9:B it seems that :1 chicken G >30 >,4/ ;:>>4-70 B0 .,9 20? ;,>? 0-=@,=D 41 States, however, where they -@? =0A4>0/ contain ;=0/4. into shape. := 8:=0 McỊ uggets ,>?492> >,4/ ?30 =0.09? B0 >3:@7/ -0 .70,= 1:= oddly enough, on the And treated with ammonium are ?4:9> >,D ?30 ,=0, B477 ;=:-, an >9:B1,77> ,=0 ?30 =0>@7? :1 , ,9D 8,5:= B49?0= B0,?30= dimethylpolysiloxane, -7D >00 :A0=agent >4C composed 49.30> :1 heels of this article came the hydroxide in order to kill off bacantifoaming ", $49, ;,??0=9 9D?3492 ,1?0= ?3,? that B0,?30= McDonald’s will teria news such asB0 E. 3,A0 coli and make. ,..@8@7,?4:9 of the same silicone chemicals B34.3 ,7>: :..@==0/ 49 9:? -0 ,> -,/ G >3:@7/ Burger King and Taco Bell $,?4:9,7 +0,?30= no longer use “pink slime” in usedF)30 in cosmetic products ?30 ,=0, 2:? ,> [email protected] ,> have also renounced the B309burgers. their (0=A4.0 Silicone4>is@>@,77D another.:9>0=A, name for 49.30>slime :1 >9:B Pink is beef trim- ammonia-based “slime.” ?4A0 :9 B49?0= sand, folks. They’re>?:=8> feedingG ? /:0>9 ? 20? ,> .:7/ of ,> F mings, which consist ok. Ị o more McFood for F)3,? dirt and>,4/ we love it. 80,9> @>0/ ?: 49 2090=,7 -@? 4? /:0> us,>?492> what’s left of the meat after me from any fast food joint. 8,D 49.30> :1 B0To top>00it>0A0=,7 off, the article ,4=cuts 49 are 1=:8 ?30 ;@77the8:=0 all choice taken. Maybe i should just start >9:B G chicken McỊ uggets described @71 :1 #0C4.: G >30 >,4/ %9 )@0>/,D ,1?0=9::9 They are banned for human eating Alpo.... F)30=0 > 8:=0 8:4>?@=0 ,9/ ,>?492> >,4/ %67,3:8, 4? > .::70= =?4. ,4= B309 4? 4?D 3,/ ,7=0,/D =0.04A0/ , /:0> 20? .:7/ G 1::? :1 >9:B 1=:8 ?30 >?:=8 9 ,//4?4:9 , ", $49, ;,? F,9/ ?3,? > 9:? 2::/ 90B> 1:= ?0=9 ,7>: 80,9> ?3,? ?30 ,=0, Located in Arkadelphia @> G (30 >,4/ ?30 $,?4:9,7 +0,?30= (0=A4.0 4> ?0=8492 Phone 870-246-4553 ?30 ;=0/4.?0/ >?:=8 > =0>@7?> ,> -0492 F>429414.,9?G 1:= ?30 ,=0, 7=0,/D >.3::7> 49 >:80 ;,=?> :1 ?30 >?,?0 ,=0 ?,6492 ;=0.,@?4:9> -D .,77492 :11 ,>?492> >,4/ .7,>>0> /:E09 =:>0> 4> ?30 .7,>>4. ,//492 ,> :1 )@0>/,D Clark ?3,? County Farm Bureau will kick off its 2012 membership drive February 13, 241? :1 7:A0 8,2490 3:B >30 690B :1 9: 7:.,7 .7:>492> 2012 President Jerry Buck announced January 26, 2012. ,> :1 D0? >30H77 -0 >;0.4,77D President Jerry Buck named?3=4770/ Carl Wayne Baumgardner of the Trinity Community (3:@7/ ?30 ;=0/4.?0/ ,..@ B309 ?30DH=0 /074A0=0/ 49 , in Gurdon as the drive chairman. 8@7,?4:9 :..@= ,>?492> The >30 county-wide campaign begin =:8,94. with a meeting the Clark County Farm A,>0 in:= >,4/ 4> ,/A4>492 ?3,? willB47/7D Bureau board room February 12,7:.,7 2012,:= Wayne Baumgardner said.:1 ?34> 64>> 9,?4:9B4/0 /074A0=D 7:.,7> >?,D :11 ?30 =:,/> F,> believe in Farm Bureau, so we really don’t have to sell:@= it >3:; much,” said “We [email protected] ,> ;:>>4-70 G 49>;4=492 241? .,77 := A4>4? “We.,77 just1:=remind members what the organization has done for them Baumgardner. @==09?7D 1:=0.,>?> and tell new 3:B0A0= members what :97D >9:B >30 it can do for them and Farm Bureau sells itself.” >?,?0/ ?3,? ?30 ,..@8@7,?4:9 Membership committee members and officials of the county Farm Bureau will 4>meet >@;;:>0/ ?: :..@= >: 1,>? with other groups and businesses from the area on February 12, 2012 to dis?3,? =:,/> B477 -0.:80 3,E drive. Details will be released as they are available. cuss strategy for the annual 4()4 )%4/; 62 +7%4%16)) ()/-8)4; 21 6-0) ,=/:@> 0,=7D 49 ?30 /,D )30 *24 276 2* 6291 /2'%/ 24()45 B0,?30= 4> 9:? >@;;:>0/ ?: 20? ,-:A0 1=00E492 @9?47 4)) ()/-8)4; 62 5',22/5 4-(%; )&47%4; =4/,D >30 9:?0/ 21 24()45 3/%')( &; 30 ",745(%; ): ,4/ 49 >?=0,8749492 :;0= )&47%4; ,?4:9> ,>?492> >,4/ >30 ,9/antiques›Murfreesboro diamond caddo 30= /0;@?40> B477 -0 8,=6492 B4?3 D077:B .,@?4:9 ?,;0 ,77 #! " &) &, " #)( #)& &#' '$ A034.70> 1:@9/ 49 /4?.30> 49 42%(9%; -1 /)1922( B34.3 ?30 :B90=> ,=0 /0?0= 8490/ ?: -0 >,10 )34> B477 24 Hope tractor 3021 Hwy. 29 N. Hope, Ar 71801 8707773401 42')4; The Standard February 9, 2012 Page 11 Board opts out on chicken ban; will reconsider at next meeting By Joe MAy EDiToR The Arkadelphia City Board of Directors clucked their disapproval of a citywide ban on chickens during Tuesday evening’s meeting of the board. Reversing an ordinance placed on its first reading at a recent meeting, the board instead opted, following a presentation from a citizen, to reconsider fowl ownership in the city. Desiree Barnes, a local Realtor, told the board that she has lived within the city limits for the past four years and even though she has no desire to own chickens herself, she said that a recent visit to her sister’s home in Minneapolis-St. Paul convinced her that urban chicken ownership can be beneficial. Barnes said her sister has three hens. A breakfast of fresh eggs one morning sold her on the idea of chickens, she commented, noting the barnyard eggs are no comparison to the store-bought variety. “When i heard that the board was considering eliminating chickens, i thought how can she have chickens in St. Paul and we can’t have them in Arkadelphia,” Barnes said. As a real estate agent, she noted that Clark County and Arkadelphia are both considered rural areas. “Chickens make good pets,” Barnes said. “They eat bugs, fire ants and their manure makes good fertilizer, plus you have the bonus of the eggs. They could be an extra food source for those need it.” She noted that a recent newspaper poll showed that 72% of respondents said they were not opposed to chicken ownership in the city. “But they don’t want roosters or smelly coops,” she added. Barnes cited two concerns that have been brought up. The first concern that was voiced had to do with educaShe noted the tion. Cooperative Extension office has information available for those wishes to learn about poultry management. Another concern brought up by directors had to do with the cost of enforcement. it was noted that the city’s code enforcement division is already overworked and understaffed. The possibility of adding another animal variety to the city’s list would be too taxing, some directors had opined. Barnes said that in speak with Code Enforcement officer Ritchie Smith, she learned that since 2010 there have only been three chicken-related complaints. There were 488 complaints in 2011 and on average, there are 350-488 made each year, she said. “The real cost is not in allowing chickens,” she said, “ But in getting rid of them. Why not allow a few good hens in our backyards if it makes us happy?’ in answer to a question by Director Terry Sims, Barnes noted that in St. Paul, 75% of the neighbors in an area must agree for a resident to raise poultry. Vice-Mayor James Calhoon said he had spoken with City Manager Jimmy Bolt and others about the situation “and while it may seem like i’m flip-flopping,” he noted that he was not against chicken ownership. “i will vote against the ordinance to forbid chickens,” he said, adding that Bolt had elevated any fears he had regarding the high cost of enforcement. He noted that if larger cities such as St. Paul could deal with the situation, perhaps it could work in Arkadelphia as well. Director Scott Byrd said a personal poll he conducted found that citizens are 3-1 in favor of chicken ownership. He, too, stated he would vote against banning poultry. Director Johnny Harris agreed and said that also felt citizens did not want to ban chickens. He noted that citizens already live with wildlife “that we can’t put an ordinance against.” “There’s no reason why we can’t have them,” he said of the chickens. Sims said she had mixed feelings, but felt compelled to speak up for those who were against the ownership of chickens. She also laughingly pointed out that someone had “clucked” at her as she was grocery shopping recently. “i just smiled and went on,” she said. in the ensuing vote, it was decided not to ban chickens with only Directors Jason Jones, Chuck Hollingshead and Sims casting the dissenting votes. it was then decided that rather than presenting an ordinance that would allow for chicken ownership with restrictions, the board would instead improve a proposed ordinance and bring it up at the next meeting. The board then turned its attention to the pending election for the city’s Advertising and Promotion tax. The board had passed the tax, but after a petition drive by members o f the Ị AACP, the issue will have to be voted upon in the May 22 primary. Bolt stated the city could either call for the vote or simply let the tax stand as recalled. He did not advise following the latter course, saying that either side could easily challenge it. The city will save some money by placing the issue on the primary ballot, he noted. Hollingshead noted that tax would only apply to restaurants and hotels and would amount to $1 per $100 spent. Several directors spoke in favor of the tax, with Jones noting that the tax would not just be for area youth, but would affect the whole area in that the funds could be used to promote the city as well. “it’s a circular funding,” he pointed out. Byrd agreed, noting that he was pleased to see the issue taken to the people, terming the move as being “democratic.” Director Roland Gosey agreed, calling the vote “democracy at its finest.” Sims pointed out that Gurdon and Caddo Valley already have similar taxes. in his report, Calhoon noted that the city of Ị ewport in Jackson County is taking over a bridge from the state. in Stephens, the city took over a historic bridge and turned it into a park. Calhoon suggested that Arkadelphia should consider doing the same thing since it has been offered the old iron bridge over the ouachita River, which is slated to be replaced. The state has offered the bridge and funds it would use to remove it should the city agree to take it. “i would hate to see it demolished,” he said. “i think we could use the A and P tax to promote it and use it for foot traffic.” The board also heard from and Diversity Racial Committee Chairman George Keck, who told the board of a black history month exhibit at the arts center downtown. Both Harris and Gosey praised the exhibit in their reports as did other directors. open all month, the exhibit focuses on local black history with items and photos from the vicinity. Happy Valentine’s Day! These businesses wish you and yours a very happy valentine’s day Thomerson Drug Quickway Shell Gurdon Grill 870-353-4442 Have a great valentine’s! 870-356-2821 Happy valentine’s day! 870-353-4500 Take your sweetie to eat! Go Devil Grill CATC Alliance Insurance 870-353-2133 Have a good one Tuesday! BISMARCk-DoNALDSoN Happy valentine’s! ToNy BeLL don’t forget your sweetie! Patterson Federal Credit union Fat Boys Fine Food Shepherd’s Quick Stop 870-246-8005 Watch out for cupid! 870-246-6552 come eat with us! 870-246-7781 enjoy your valentine! Clark County Sheriff Gayle’s Restaurant John Plyler Home Center 870-356-3312 Happy valentine’s day! 870-398-5622 We’ll feed your sweetie! don’t forget your valentine! Chambers Bank West Pine exxon Clark County Judge 870-342-5268 Have a good holiday! 870-246-8840 remember your sweetie! RoN DANIeLL Hair in Motion Tiger Mart exxon Alton Bean Trucking 501-865-3989 Have a great valentine’s! 870-246-4717 Have an enjoyable valentine’s! 870-342-9551 Happy valentine’s day! Clark County Prosecutor Pyler’s Auto Sales Delight Hardware 870-356-4449 Have a fun valentine’s! 870-379-2421 enjoy valentine’s day! JASoN WATSoN BLAke BATSoN Hope yours is good! enjoy the holiday! Page 12 The Standard February 9, 2012 State Rep. Loy Mauch asks for re-election SPeCIAL To THe STANDARD State Republican Representative loy Mauch of Bismarck has announced he will seek re-election to the Arkansas House of Representatives in the District 26 seat. Mauch is currently in his first term representing House District 26, which includes parts of Garland and Hot Spring counties. "i am proud to represent the citizens of District 26 and would like to continue fighting for them in the Arkansas Arkansas for and families supported legislation to foster private sector job creation and reduce waste in state government." in the State legislature, Mauch co-sponsored and helped pass $35 million in tax cuts, including a back-to-school sales tax holiday and a reduction in the state's grocery tax. He also fought to delay the implementation of President Highway 7 in Bismarck House," said Mauch. "As a obama's501-865-3666 federal health care State Representative, i law in Arkansas and coworked hard to reduce taxes sponsored several pro-life kenny mcgrew bills to protect the unborn. Mauch said in his second term he would like to focus on reforming Arkansas' tax structure to reduce the tax burden on working families and small businesses. "We need to look at broad-based tax reform to keep jobs in Arkansas," said Mauch. Mauch serves on the House Aging, Children and Youth, legislative and Military Affairs Committee, where he is vicechair of the Subcommittee on Children and Youth. He also serves on the House Public Transportation Committee, and is a non-voting member on the House Judiciary Committee. Mauch was recently chosen as one of the 2011 "Dynamic Dozen" by the Malvern Daily Record and was listed among fifteen top conservative state legislators by the Arkansas Watch Blog. Mauch is a native of Arkansas and graduated from West Helena Central High School. Prior to his public service, Mauch spent 39 years at AT&T Corporation. He is a member of DeRoche Missionary Baptist Church in Bismarck and has three grown children. "i want to continue working to build a better Arkansas by supporting legislation centered on conservative values, good government and tax reduction," said Mauch. We are ready for Valentine’s Day! *Candy *Roses *Balloons *Mixed Arrangements *Stuffed Animals *Gift Bags you can place your orders early! Call ahead for FRee delivery to local schools! The Flower Shop & Gifts Across from the post office 900 e Broadway in Glenwood 870-356-3527 or 870-356-3192 We ACCePT ALL MAJoR CReDIT CARDS 24/7 Tanning Access! Paradise Tanning is expanding! come visit our new boutique opening Monday, February 13! *Swimwear *Flip-flops *Jewelry *Sunglasses *Hats *T-shirts *Handbags *And More! vALeNTiNeS GiFT cerTiFicATeS AvAiLABLe! Ask about our Valentine's Tanning specials! We also have a large supply of tanning lotion and for all of you Jersey Shore fans we have Snooki! located on Broadway in Glenwood 870-223-2449 Wednesday is 1/2 Price Burger Night!! check out our daily specials as well NoW SeLLING LoTTeRy TICkeTS Quickway shell 8703562821 located on Highway 70 in Glenwood Tired of that old uncomfortable mattress? Rest easy--your tax refund check can go a long way at... BeTTer BeddiNG BureAu youR LoCAL SeRTA SLeeP SHoP AND MoRe!! 716 clinton Steet in Arkadelphia 870-230-8700 FACToRy RoLLBACkS MeANS you SAVe uP To $1,500 oN SeRTA MATTReSS SeTS! -DReAM HAVeN By SeRTA"DReAMTIMe" Twin set: was: $349... 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FRee LAyAWAy.. DeLIVeRy AVAILABLe FRee FINANCING SToRe The Standard February 9, 2012 Page 13 Cookstove shot after mistaken for intruder in okolona; one arrested Continued From Page 1 “We offered to sell the facility to Mr. Rehkopf but he always said he was not interested in buying property in Gurdon,” Wright stated. Wright noted that the bank had opted not to raise the old Affiliated Foods lease-toown rent agreement and did not even charge Rehkopf for various items, such as a burned out light bulb as a way of keeping expenses low for the store. “i am from Gurdon,” Wright said. “our town needs a grocery store and we did all we knew to do to get Mr. Rehkopf to stay. “He shared with us that profits were low and he would have liked them to have been high enough to give the store a needed facelift.” Wright said the old building is sound and has had some updates, which included new plumbing. Wright stressed that Rehkopf had never asked Southern Ban Corp to consider financing any improve- ments on the building. He stated that he assumed the building was sound and Rehkopf had been making any needed improvements, as was agreed upon in the original lease. “During the seven years his company was in Gurdon, we knew profits were low. We did everything we could not to make matters worse out of respect for the elderly and others who have a sincere need for a local grocery facility,” Wright noted. “We have about 18,000 feet in that building,” he said. “The state of Arkansas, county of Clark, appraises its value, along with the land it is on, at about $170,000. i still believe the profit margin for a grocery store in Gurdon could be increased with the right business plan.” Gurdon Recorder/Treasurer Tambra Childres said she has been in touch with the Alliance Arkadelphia Director Shawnee Carrier, and a search for another grocery store for Gurdon has been under way since the announcement of the closing was made on Monday. “in addition to an undetermined loss in tax base, losing the grocery means loss of local jobs-- approximately a dozen-- and it can trickle down to elimination of some of the services we enjoy if we do not replace the facility,” she said. “The City of Gurdon enjoyed Rehkopf’s presence in our town and was always willing to work with them. We are sorry to see them go,” Childres said. Before becoming Rehkopf’s, the building had been occupied by a Big Star Grocery. it had also been a Piggly Wiggly for several years. SPeCIAL To THe STANDARD Tom Calhoon of 4980 Highway 8 West, Arkadelphia has announced his intention to seek re-election to Position 6 on the Clark County Quorum Court. Tom is a long time resident of Clark County, and currently also serves as the Chairman of the Clark County Conservation District. Tom is currently serving his second term in this office, which began in January of 2011. "i feel very good about what we have accomplished in the recent past, and look forward to see some of the positive effects of our efforts of the last couple of years. When i first talked about running for the office i knew it would take a while to get an idea of what we could do to make Clark County better, and what might have the greatest positive impact. i still have a lot to learn, but i do have a greater idea of where to focus my attention." "We have a big challenge ahead of us if we are to keep mileage rates no higher than current levels, and i pledge to do everything i can to do just that, and to serve the people of JP District #6 to the best of my ability. i have also learned how important it is to be available to the people in the district, and welcome your contact in person, or by calling me at 870-245-6777, 870-2469162, or by email at cal- [email protected]." "i hope my district will allow me to continue to serve as their representative on the Quorum Court, and i promise to make every effort to serve them well. We have a County Judge and group of JPs that i believe work well together, and has the best interest of the County on their minds. That being said, i would like to be allowed to continue being a part of working to improve the County government, and in the long run the prosperity of Clark County. i am asking for the support of the voters of District #6, and if you have questions, complaints, or ideas please contact me in person, or at the contact the lowly scapegoat.” The woman also made alleContinued From Page 1 gations about the conduct of the manager, who at the time into the store, they seemed was serving as a Caddo somewhat excited [and] on Valley city councilman, numerous occasions, the towards another clerk. At mayor would say,....'You one point, she said the manneed to get that girl a smaller ager and the mayor were disshirt' and then he would wink cussing a legal problem after at me. i am a large-busted the clerk, who later became female.” assistant manager, had gotten When the woman said into a fight with a former something to a fellow clerk roommate. She quoted the and word got back to the mayor and the manager as manager, “the whole atmostelling the clerk, “not to phere changed....i was then worry, they would take care January 20 at the Pike County Sheriff's office, Continued From Page 1 Daniell admitted that the child was his girlfriend and They were able to make conthat they had held hands and tact with the suspect in the kissed, but had not acted parking lot of the restaurant. immorally. He did admit, Daniell told police he had though, that they had met the grandmother through engaged in vulgar and Facebook and had gone to explicit conversations in perher home in Delight, where son and by phone and text. he claimed he had met the He then allowed the investigirl for the first time. He gator to look at his phone. said he had talked to her on in looking at the phone, a the phone and texted her, but photo the pair sleeping Opencontact Daily 6am. - of2pm. denied any computer together on the grandmothand saidOpen that he on viewed the nights till 9pm Friday er's couch came up. Asked girl as a “little sister.” with Karaoke hosted whoby hadDon taken Partee! the photo, he in a follow-up interview on Years of experience said the grandmother had. of the charges the roommate had signed a complaint [about]...they could 'handle' it.” The woman said she finally quit the job after the assistant manager sent her a “profanity-laced text message” when she questioned her work schedule. She said she told the business owner that she could no longer put up with the “ongoing tirade of insults. i had been subjected to harassment by [the manager's then-girlfriend] and sexually explicit trash talk He permitted the picture to be emailed to the PCSo for investigative purposes. Daniell also agreed to submit to a stress test on January 26, which the affidavit noted that he failed. However, the suspect continued to maintain his innocence. At another interview at the PCSo following the voice stress test, Daniell owned up to having had immoral relations with the child on two separate occasions , noting that the girl had initiated the contact. Both encounters took place at the grandmother's residence in her absence. He further stated that the woman knew they were dating, but he did not believe she realized they were acting in an immoral fashion. Rape is a Class Y Felony carrying with it a possible prison term of 10-40 years or life in prison. Bond for Daniell was set at $50,000. By Joe MAy EDiToR A kitchen stove was pronounced dead after being mistaken for an intruder at an okolona residence Monday morning. According to a report filed by CCSo Deputy Dewayne Ward, Craig Kasey Bazil, 21, of 3002 Bateman Road in okolona called police around 10:19pm on Monday to advise that he could hear drilling and voices coming from under his house. When Ward arrived, Bazil said he thought someone had been in their home, noting that a window screen on the southwest end of the home had been pulled out a bit. A search of the residence revealed no intruder. The officer then left, advising Bazil to call if he heard or saw anything. A few hours later, at 2:26am, Ward arrived at the residence again after Bazil reported that someone was in his home. This time the deputy was met by the resident who was carrying a semi-automatic pistol. For officer safety, the deputy told the Bazil to put the gun down and he complied. Checking the weapon, the deputy put the gun on his person and began checking rooms that Bazil said the person might be hiding in. Finding no one, the officer reported this to the resident, who then said he had seen the intruder and had shot at him twice. As Bazil spoke, the officer noted two holes in the home's cookstove and opted to secure the handgun in his patrol unit. Returning to the house, Ward began questioning Bazil and his girlfriend if they had been drinking. The woman admitted to having “a few beers.” Asked about drugs, the pair stated that they had "smoked a bowl." The woman led the deputy to a jar of marijuana as he placed Ward in the police unit for added protection. Ward was arrested for endangering the welfare of a minor due to the presence of children in the home. investigator BJ Johns was summoned to the scene as was the Department of Human Services. Calhoon asks for re-election to JP 6 VALLey RAPe with catering & always home cooking. Guests are welcome open Daily lunch Pies & cakes at our table! Mon-Sat specials to order AFTeR HouRS ReSeRVATIoNS AVAILABLe 7-3 Check our speicals on Facebook! Bismarck FBLA takes home awards The FBlA Chapter of Bismarck High School attended the District iV Spring Conference in Hot Springs at Summit Arena on February 2, 2012. The students competed in various business events against the 52 schools in District iV. The following students placed at district competition and are eligible to compete on the state level in April in little Rock: (Bottom from left) Parker Hancock, Public Speaking i, 3rd place; Taylor Fertig, Halie Johnson, and Casey Bradley, Marketing Team, 2nd place. Second row: Brianna Vinson, Spreadsheet Applications, 1st place; Sarah Campbell, logan Morrison, and Alex Spradlin, Business Ethics Team, 3rd place. Third row: Jared Compton, Word Processing i, 5th place; Ị athan lau, intro to Technology, 6th place; Sidney Bray, intro to Business, 1st place; Jessica Compton, Word Processing ii, 1st place. Top row: Justin oglesby, Computerized Business Applications, 1st place; Hayden Thornton, Gage Henson, and Tyler Smoke, Entrepreneurship Team, 1st place from [the manager] and his sidekick, the mayor.” The report concluded with the sentence, “i feel the mayor said the things he said because he knew no one would dare say anything about him to the store owner.” Clark County Prosecuting Attorney Blake Batson stated he was not aware of the complaint filed with the state, but did note that he has engaged the Clark County Sheriff's office to investigate the fact that Dillavou, as reported previously may not be legal don’s tV & satellite 1-800-898-1939 114 Broadway, exit Hwy 70B Downtown Glenwood 870-356-5112 Courtesy photo Glenwood 870-356-3212 Mount Ida 870-867-2538 Mena 479-437-3505 to serve as mayor due to a 1969 larceny conviction in Texas. “i think they're just about done with it,” Batson said, adding, “They haven't presented anything to me just yet.” in that case, Caddo Valley Councilman Dona Burton retained the services of Arkadelphia Attorney Bob Sanders to investigate the possibility that the mayor not be legal to serve due to his prior conviction. in doing the research, it was also discovered that a former city councilman had three felony drug convictions from Texas. Felons are not allowed to hold office unless their record has been expunged. Sanders turned his information over the Batson, who then requested the Clark County Sheriff's office to look into the matter. The Standard has you covered--We’re the only paper with coverage of Clark AND Pike Counties! merle norman ad››Herald We sell flat screen TVs & service what we sell! Factory Authorized sales & service. Free Installation. local Agent Free Hd UpgradesFree Hd Programming
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