AkikoTashiro - Cultural Development


AkikoTashiro - Cultural Development
Heritage Tourism and Local Community:
How Community-Based Tourism can Contribute to
Local Community and Monument Conservation?
Hokkaido University
[email protected]
1. Heritage Tourism and Local Community
- Angkor, Cambodia
- Padang, Indonesia
2. CBT challenges through cases by CATS,
Hokkaido University
Community Based Tourism
Heritage Tourism
Sustainable Tourism
Eco Tourism
Contents Tourism…etc.
Tourism which is
community based, and
community has initiatives
for development
Angkor, April 2002
Inscribed on the World Cultural
Heritage List in 1992
Civil War in 1970’s
1991 Paris Peace Accords
1992 Inscribed on the World Heritage List
1993 Kingdom of Cambodia
Declaration of Tokyo
1994 Royal Decree establishing Protected Cultural Zones in the
Siem Reap/Angkor Region and Guidelines for their Management
1995 Sub-decree on the creation of the Hotel Zone
Royal Decree establishing APSARA
2004 Removed the site from the List of World Heritage in Danger
Local community and Monuments
Moat of monument as rice field
(©Miwa 2000)
Moat of Angkor Thom as rice field
Tourism in Angkor
Increasing number of tourist
Hotel Zone
City / Village
Guide •
Heritage Tourism / Village
What we learned from Angkor?
How regulation and law to protect monuments and area
can impact on daily life of community, and how it should
be revised.
Not intensive but long-term research to reveal relationship
between monument and local community will be needed.
Increasing of international tourists to the site was more
than we expected.
Earthquake in 2009
Research on characteristic of Padang
NRICP Tokyo, Riset Integrasi Berlandaskan Rekonstruksi Warisan Budaya Kawasan padang Lama di Padang, Sumatra Barat, Maret 2015
Laporan Hasil Kajian atas Penelitian Akademis di Luar Negeri, Riset Daskar (B) Subsidi Dana Riset Sains tahun 2012-2014, Nomor Tema Riset:
NRICP Tokyo, Riset Integrasi Berlandaskan Rekonstruksi Warisan Budaya Kawasan padang Lama di Padang, Sumatra Barat, Maret 2015
Laporan Hasil Kajian atas Penelitian Akademis di Luar Negeri, Riset Daskar (B) Subsidi Dana Riset Sains tahun 2012-2014, Nomor Tema Riset:
NRICP Tokyo, Riset Integrasi Berlandaskan Rekonstruksi Warisan Budaya Kawasan padang Lama di Padang, Sumatra Barat, Maret 2015
Laporan Hasil Kajian atas Penelitian Akademis di Luar Negeri, Riset Daskar (B) Subsidi Dana Riset Sains tahun 2012-2014, Nomor Tema Riset:
Photograph by Yasushi Takeuchi
Photograph by Yasushi Takeuchi
What we learned from case of Padang?
Restoration policy after natural disaster were not
established for historic buildings like shophouses.
Try to promote tourism as a tool of development, but
without initiatives by community
One of characteristic of Padang is “trading city”
Difficult to have a common sense as ‘community’ at
street level.
How to promote tourism in sustainable way?
CBT challenges through cases by CATS, Hokkaido Uni.
3 Keywords to develop CBT
1) Ecomuseum; discover, conserve and utilize
natural and cultural resources of local
2) DMO = destination management organization;
design a DMO not only for marketing but also to
support local communities on its spontaneous and
alternative tourism development
3) PPP = public - private partnership; develop PPP
system to achieve two points above
© Center for Advanced Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
CBT, Ecomuseum, DMO study/project by CATS in Japan
Biei town/Hokkaido:2012∼(Partnership Agreement)
Formulation of a “Landscape Plan” and “Tourism Master Plan”, and planning for community facilities
and station main road.
Hagi city: 1998∼
・Community Based Tourism
・Conservation planning of group of traditional
Shirakawa village(★World
Heritage) :2012∼
(Partnership Agreement)
Cooperative project to improve tourism quality and
conserve environment through supporting
for developing “World Heritage Master Plan” ,“Tourism
Basic Plan” .
Taketomi island : 1985∼
Onomichi city:2014∼(Government-funded Research)
・Community Based Tourism
・Conservation planning of group of traditional
Coordinating “Onomichi Tourism Session” about enhancement of excavation and
planning of potential tourism resources under public, private and academic
© Center for Advanced Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
Collaboration with local government
Study on Tourism Management and Landscape Conservation in
Shirakawa Village
■Project Term
2012.4 - 2015.3
■Project Site
Shirakawa village(★World
CBT, PPP, Living Heritage, World
Cultural Heritage, Landscape
management, Master plan of WH
■Outline of Project
Cooperative project to improve tourism quality and conserve environment through supporting
for developing “World Heritage Master Plan” ,“Tourism Basic Plan”.
© Center for Advanced Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
CBT, Ecomuseum, DMO study/project by CATS in the World
Salt city, Jordan(☆World Heritage
tentative List):2012∼(JICA)
Developing Ecomuseum concept through
tours visiting local" s house under the interregional cooperation between Hagi city in
Japan and Salt city.
Chachapoya, Peru
(☆World Heritage tentative List)
Simien Mountains National Park,
Ethiopia(★World Heritage):2011∼
Trying to build the newest framework which saves
the National Park through developing alternative
livelihoods by village tour product operated by local
Levuka Historical Port
Town, Fiji (★World Heritage)
© Center for Advanced Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
International Corporation Project -2
Sustainable Community Tourism Development
in As Salt City
■Project Term
■Project Site
Salt city, Jordan(☆World Heritage tentative
JICA (Japan International Corporation
CBT, PPP, Ecomuseum, World Cultural
Heritage, community development
Photograph by Noriaki Nishiyama
■Outline of Project
Developing Ecomuseum concept through tours visiting local’ s house under the inter-regional cooperation between Hagi city
in Japan and Salt city.
© Center for Advanced Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
Salt city, Jordan
Photograph by Noriaki Nishiyama
© Center for Advanced Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University
Daily Life Trail
with Eco-museum concept
with educational component
Phenology Calendar
with Eco-museum concept
with educational component
© Ninohe city
It is important to have educational components in the project.
Students could be a moderator.
Daily life could be a tourism destination as “heritage”.
Long-term research about community and process to discuss
about their own community by residents will be necessary
for CBT.
Some contribution of CBT to local community and
conservation could be :
- achievement of maximum cultural, economic, and
ecological diversity
- maximization of the uniqueness of the resource or site
- use of the cultural and natural environment to stimulate
sustainable economic growth