Communication I Ciechocinek
Communication I Ciechocinek
VI International Scientific Symposium for PhD students, students and young scientists Bydgoszcz - Ciechocinek 2015 Invitation to Ciechocinek!!! 17-19 September 2015 UTP University of Science and Technology in Bydgoszcz Faculty of Animal Breeding and Biology Faculty of Agriculture and Biotechnology Faculty of Management with co-organisers Tarleton State University in Texas (USA) Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia) National Research Institute of Animal Production PIB in Krakow (Poland) West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin (Poland) University of Debrecen (Hungary) Institute of Animal Science in Prague, dept. in Kostelec n. Orlici (Czech Republic) Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in Bernburg (Germany) Invite to participate in next edition of International Scientific Symposium in the field of agriculture for PhD students, students and young scientists „Innovative researches for the future of agriculture and rural areas development” The Symposium is addressed to young scientists at the beginning of their scientific activities and research passionates: students, PhD students, assistants and young doctors at the beginning of their professional career, students and all those interested in agriculture and its servicing. Symposium themes concerns widely understood of agriculture with particular attention to its three main problem areas: 1. Innovation studies for the improvement of animal production. 2. Innovation studies of plant production. 3. Management and economics in agriculture. This year, we invite you to the largest lowland spa resort in Poland - Ciechocinek. The town is picturesquely situated in the center of the country in Toruńska Valley, in the wide valley of the Vistula. Is a resort of exceptional climate and therapeutic. The natural resources of spa town, which is the basis of its functioning, are abundant deposits of saline waters, which have Brine Tower in Ciechocinek outstanding therapeutic properties. In the town practically there is no industry, there are, among others: spa hospitals, leisure centers, natural plants, pump room and salt works. The spa section is rich in green parks, flowerbeds squares and carpets of flowers. In the Brine Park there are the largest brine graduation towers in Poland, which are also the largest wooden construction in Europe. It’s worth to be here! On the third day of the Symposium, we invite all participants (after earlier declaration) to the Castle in GolubDobrzyń attractions. www.wikipedia. org Castle in Golub-Dobrzyń where provided a lot of Symposium is planned on 17-19 September 2015 Łazienki II Resort Medical & Spa As every year the presentation of scientific abstracts oral presentations and posters) will be the subject of competition and the best ones will be awarded. It is expected two Main Awards: Grand Prix Award with „Bydgoszcz Steed of Science” Statue and Special Award named Professor Marian Różycki for the best work of innovative character. Karina Frątczak It is expected also a lot of another awards and distinction of significant value. We kindly ask to transfer information about the Symposium to any other potentially interested persons. President of Organising Committee Prof. dr hab. Wojciech Kapelański Y o u a r e w a r m l y i n v i t e d !!! Important information: 1. Plenary session of Symposium will be conducted in two languages: English and Polish (predicted simultaneous translation into both languages of plenary section). Presentations of young scientists will be conducted only in English. 2. Cost of participation in Symposium (cost of proceedings, meals, participation in tourist attractions) is 85 euro/person. 3. Accommodation is on your own and at your own expense. The approximate cost of accommodation will range from 20 to 50 euro/person per day, depending on the room standard and the number of people accommodated in one room. Important dates and deadlines 1. Participation should be submitted by sending a completed application form (e-mail or by post) till 30 May 2015. Attention! The number of Symposium participants is limited. Participation in the symposium will depend on the order of applications. 2. Paying Symposium fee till 15 June 2015. Lack of symposium fee will result in removal from the participants list. 3. Sending abstracts in English till 30 June 2015. All abstracts will be published by the UTP Publisher in Bydgoszcz. Bank account of Symposium: UTP University of Science and Technology IBAN PL93124034931111000042791256 SWIFT PKOPPLPWXXX BANK PEKAO S.A. II O/Bydgoszcz Bydgoszcz, Plac Teatralny 4 with a postscript: „subkonto DOKTORANCI 705-40” add name and last name of participant Symposium Office: UTP University of Science and Technology Faculty of Animal Breeding and Biology Department of Pig Breeding and Horses Mazowiecka 28, 85-084 Bydgoszcz, Poland Hanna Jankowiak, PhD; phone: +48 52 374 97 48; e-mail: [email protected]
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