Abbey Gardens 1994 - American Iris Society
Abbey Gardens 1994 - American Iris Society
J\hheu ~nr~etts P.O. BOX 1046 MT. ANGEL, OREGON 97362 $1.00 1994 1994 MEMBERSHIP If you are not already a member of the American Iris Society, we invite you to join. You will receive quarterly bulletins, with all the latest information in thi World if Irises, including award winners, Who's Who, upcoming events, helpful hints, and many other interesting articles, plus beautiful color photos. Membership fees are $12.50 for a single annual, $15.50 for a dual annual. If you wish to include the membership fee with your order, (new members only) we will include an extra bonus iris in shipment, or payment may be made directly to the AIS Membership Secretary, Marilyn Harlow, P.O. Box 8455, San Jose CA 95155-8455. Those in or near the State of Oregon may wish to consider membership in the Greater Portland Iris Society. This is a very active group, who will be hosting the Median Mix for '96. Annual dues are $4.00, single, $5.00 for family. Dues may be sent with your order, for another bonus iris. GLOSSARY Amoena - White standards, colored falls Beard - Fuzzy portion at top of falls Bicolor - Standards and falls of different colors Bitone - Standards and falls, different shades of same colors Falls - Three lower petals Hafts - Shoulders of falls Neglecta - Light blue standards, darker colored falls Plicata - (Plic) Dotted or stitched color on light colored ground Rebloomer - (Re) Blooms both spring and fall. Self - Upper and lower petals of same color Standards - Three upper petals Variegata - Yellow standards, darker, generally red, falls AWARDS GLOSSARY HC - Highly Commended HM - Honorable Mention AM - Award of Merit - Must win HM to be eligible OM - Dykes Medal - Highest award any iris can receive CWII - Caperne-Welsh Medal CD - Cook-Douglas - Top award for SDBs KM - Knowlton Medal - Top award for BBs MW - Morgan-Wood Medal - Top award for Siberians PM - Payne Medal - Top award for Japanese SM - Sass Medal - Top award for IBs WII - Wister Medal - Top award for TBs WW - Williamson-White - Top award for MTBs Dear Friends, Fellow Gardeners and Iris Lovers: It wasn't perfect, but it came as close as seems humanly possible. The weather for the AIS National Convention, Portland '94 was warm and sunny. We were concerned the heat would blow the bloom before the convention was over, but it all held together, and we were able to show off at least one of everything in our garden. We had one little MOB in bloom, clear through Japanese and Spurias. Even one Louisiana presented itself for inspection. It was wonderful having the opportunity to welcome so many of you to our garden, all 1100+ of you!. We only wish we had the time to visit longer with each of you, and are sorry that we missed some of you entirely. We hope those of you who attended the convention enjoyed it as much as we did. Even though the three long years of preparation culminated in a three day whirl, we certainly feel all the effort was worth it, thanks to your many wonderful cards and letters. The convention may have been perfect, but our computer was just the opposite. One glitch after another, until we finally gave up having it ready for the convention, and decided to redo the intro letter instead, just before we flew to NJ to bid welcome to our first Grandchild. Evan Matthew was born May 27th, 6 lbs 15 oz. Congratulations to the new Mom and Dad, Carri and Bruce Silverberg ! It was a perfect way to end a perfect week!!! Now all that is out of the way, we once again offer our catalogue of new and older irises for your consideration. You will notice that we have added many new varieties this year, such as Siberian and Japanese. In spite of the earthquake we experienced last March ('93) and a scorching summer which followed the wettest spring on record for some time, growth this past year has been excellent. Our stock is guaranteed to be h&althy and true to name. We endeavor to ship only our very best stock, but should you encounter any problem with your shipment, please let us know immediately, and we shall be happy to act accordingly. Our price list does not reflect our entire inventory, so if you are looking for a "special" iris which is not on our list; please do not hesitate to ask. We may be able to satisfy your request. All domestic orders must be for a minimum of $10.00 plus $4.00 to cover shipping and handling. Full payment by check or money order must accompany each order. If ordering both bearded and beardless irises to be shipped at separate times, consider them as two separate orders, and include an additional $4.00. Please let us know the latest date you can accept beardless irises for planting. (Large commercial orders will be billed for shipping at cost.) We will ship via UPS and/or first class mail, so complete street address and/or telephone number is required. Domestic orders from Canada must also include, along with full payment in US funds, the necessary import certificates, and a $10.00 fee to cover shipping, handling and health certificates. Canadian orders will be sent by parcel post. Please indicate on your order form if we may substitute with a variety of equal or greater value. Refunds for unavailable stock will be made promptly, if you do not wish substitutes. Bonus iris of our choice will be included with each order, although suggestions are always welcome. Please indicate preference to shipping time, July or August, otherwise orders will be shipped in the order in which they are received. No orders will be accepted after Septe mber 15th. If you have any questions regarding culture or blooming periods, please do not hesitate to call after dark. Our phone number is (503) 845-2622. A map is provided, for your convenience, on the inside back cover. Dave and Nancy Silverberg Abbey Gardens. IRIS CARE AND CULTURE ABBEY GARDENS WHEN TO PLANT Best results are obtained when iris are planted from mid-July to September, but it is important to remember the later the iris are planted, the more you reduce the possibility the iris will bloom the following season. This is also the best time to reset clumps of iris that have become overcrowded, usually after 3 - 4 years. INTRODUCTIONS FOR 1994 WHERE TO PLANT Iris prefer a sunny, well drained location with a minimum of 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily. Iris planted in the shade will grow and flower, but it is unlikely they will perform to full potential. It is with great pride and pleasure that we present the first Siberian introduction from Dana Borglum of Geneva, N.Y. DEPlll TO PLANT Plant the rhizome like a "duck on water" with the bottom half below ground level and the roots spread out on either side. Firm the soil around each rhizome, water in well and continue watering until the first good rain. If lack of rain persists, watering should be deep enough to penetrate the shallow root system. LAKE KEUKA (D. Borglum, R. 1991). Sdlg. D-4-36-1. SIB, 31" (79 cm), M. S. violet blue {RHS 95C); aqua style arms; F. violet blue {95B) edged lighter (95D); ruffled. Gulls Way X Outer Loop. DISTANCE APART This will depend on how often you want to divide the resulting clumps. Generally, iris are planted from 14" to 24" apart. The closer they are planted, the sooner the clump will grow together and require separation. For an immediate effect plant 8" apart in groups of 3 or more of the same variety. This will give you a splash of color sooner than planting just a single rhizome. FERTILIZATION Iris will increase and bloom without feeding, but the quantity and quality of bloom will be greatly diminished. Application of a well balanced fertilizer around (but not on) the iris in Spring, and again, one month after bloom will give you good healthy plants. Do not use a fertilizer having a nitrogen content higher than the other ingredients. To do so will give lush soft growth that is susceptible to disease. A N-P-K ration of 5-10-5 or 5-10-10 is preferred. CULTIVATION Iris have a very shallow root system and deep cultivation will damage the feeder roots. Keep your iris free of weeds and away from encroaching companion plants. Do not plant iris near trees, as tree roots will sap the nutrients needed for good iris bloom. Remove the dead brown outer leaves as they occur and at all times, keep litter, old iris leaves and weedy grasses away from the rhizomes. A litter and weed free garden is your best protection against iris problems. ENJOY!!! The registration description above, does not do justice to th is truly outstanding Siberian. Those of you, who attended the 1994 A.I.S. National Convention in Portland, Oregon this spring, can attest to this by the fact your votes placed this iris, from, until now, ·a relatively unknown hybridizer, as second runnerup for the Franklin Cook Cup. Both bloom and foliage on LAKE KEUKA were extraordinary and it was accorded high praise by both Siberian enthusiasts and TB We are proud and privileged to offer LAKE KEUKA for lovers alike. sale ................................. $35.00 ABBEY ROAD (D. Silverberg) TB, a beautiful pale yellow reverse amoena with lovely form and great branching is being introduced for us by Stockton Gardens, Stockton, CA. We wish to thank James P. McWhirter and Abe Feuerstein for selecting this iris for introduction. As one admirer said, "It reminds me of frothy lemonade!" MINIATIJRE DWARF BEARDED (MDB) TO 8" TALL These daintiest of the bearded irises are the very first ones to bloom in the spring, starting in late March. BLUE BERET (R ROBERTS'68) Standards are bright medium blue, falls are purple, edged lighter on lower half, with a light blue beard ......•... 1.50 CINNAMON APPLES (P BLACK'90) Gold tan standards, chestnut red brown falls with gold edge. Nicely rounded, and well proportioned ...... ..... 3.00 DAISY FRESH (WILLOTT'BB) Standards white with yellow midrib; falls white with yellow spot; pale blue and yellow beard ............•....... 3.00 MIDAS MITE (WILLOTT'85) Standards light yellow; falls dark orange yellow with pale yellow orange beard .....................•....•....... 1.50 SASS WITH CLASS (P BLACK'89) Light chrome standards with red brown falls and a yellow ray pattern around yellow beard.Slight sweet fragrance............................................................. 3. 00 SUNNY CITRUS (WILLOTT'85) Light yellow standards; falls pale yellow with light yellow halo and a white beard.............................. 1. 50 STANDARD DWARF BEARDED (SDB) 8" TO 15 "TALL These colorful little blooms begin to perform about the beginning of April in a normal bloom season, continuing into May. ALICE BRISCOE (H BRISCOE'87) Ruffled violet-blue self; lighter blue beard. Slight sweet fragrance ......................................... 1.50 BAY RUFFLES (WARBURTON'85) This bloom is heavily ruffled, pale biolet blue with a matching beard . It has wide blue and rosy styles, and a slight spicy fragrance................................................ BE DAZZLED (BOUSHAY'75) Standards and falls are bright yellow, with a dark red-brown thumbprint on falls. Outstanding color! ................ BE HAPPY (AITKEN'90) Standards are pale blue white, and falls are medium yellow. Pale blue white beard, and this rebloomer has a slight fragrance............................................................. BEDFORD LILAC (B JONES'91) Flax blue with a deeper blended spot on the falls, and a self beard............................................... BLUE DENIM (WARBURTON'59) Purple blue self, with a bluish white beard. One of the golden oldies still admired today .......................... BLUE LINE (B.JONES'87) Pure white self with a deep blue beard, and a slight sweet fragrance. HM............................................ BLUE NEON (P BLACK'89) Standards are smoky oyster with an orchid cast, falls are iridescent red orchid at hafts, blending to orchid &greyed orchid at edge. Spicy fragrance .....................•.......•........• 1. 50 1.00 3. 00 4.00 1.50 1.50 3.00 BLUE POOLS (B.JONES'73) White, with a distinctive blue spot on falls, and white beard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 50 BROWN DUSTER (DYER'81) Warm red-brown blend. Nicely tailored ............ 1.50 BUTTERUM (K.FILLMORE'88) Standards, medium butterscotch with purple infusion at base, falls ruffled, slightly darker, medium edge, orange beard tipped white. Sweet fragrance ................................... 1.50 CANARY PRINCE (C.PALMER'70) Bright clean canary yellow self ............. CARABOO (SPARLING'89) Lightly ruffled white, blue thumbprint on falls. White beard tipped yellow at base ..................................... CHAOS (L.MILLER'90) Standards are violet with cener white are. Falls are violet edged, pale violet center, maroon hafts, and a white beard tipped gold........................................................... CHERRY GARDEN (B.JONES'67) Pansy purple self. Great color! .............. CHERRY TART (AITKEN'85) Silver rose standards; burgundy red falls; blue beard. HM........................................................... .. CHUBBY CHEEKS (P.BLACK'85) Standards, white ground, stitched light violet, greyed chartreuse band; falls, white ground, stitched violet with wide band of greyed chartreuse. AM .............•................ CIMARRON ROSE (NICHOLS'90) Ruffled grey red tan blend with blue beard tipped brown.......................................................... CLASSY BABE (L MILLER'90) Bloom is pale coral pink with light coral pink veined spot on falls. The whit~ beard is tipped dark pink, and there is a slight musky fragrance ..................................... COMEBACK TRAIL (H.NICHOLS'91) Yellow standards with creamy undertone; falls cream, edged yellow with gold hafts; Yellow beard tipped orange. Ruffled............................................................... CONSERVATIVELY CLAD (P BLACK'90) Standards are violet blue with darker midrib, falls are lighter blue, with olive spot around blue-white beard. Pronounced spicy fragrance ..................................... COOL MELODRAMA (NICHOLS'86) Violet standards, with lighter violet falls, darker hafts; white and orange beard ........................... COTTON BLOSSOM (B.JONES'70) Ruffled clean white self; white beard. Classic form.......................................................... COWBOY POET (NICHOLS'86) Ruffled. Standards, light crea1y yellow; falls, deeper yellow; orange lavender beard ........................... CREAM CAKE (NISWONGER'90) Standards are white with a lemon infusion, falls are light le1on edged with white, and a white beard ............. 1.50 2.00 3.50 1.50 1.50 1;50 3. 50 3.50 4.00 3.50 1.50 1. 50 1.50 3.50 DESERT ORANGE (B.JONES'93) Tailored coral orange with red beards ........ 9.00 DIXIE PIXIE (B.JONES'78) Oyster white with bright green hafts, and pale lavender-blue beard. AM............................................... 1. 50 EASY MONEY (NICHOLS'86) Ruffled deep rich yellow gold, with gold beard .. 1.50 EMERALD STAR (WILLOTT'93) .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 9.00 EVENING EVENT (NICHOLS'86) Purple standards; red purple falls; orange blue beard. Ruffled................................................... 1.50 EYEBRIGHT (TAYLOR'79) Bright yellow with distinctive brown lines on the falls. Excellent garden accent! ....................................... 1.50 FAVORITE ANGEL (B. JONES'90) Pure white with lightly ruffled falls. A large silver beard and a slightly sweet fragrance ..................... FIRE ONE (PLOUGH'79) Lemon yellow standards; crimson orange falls edged bright lemon yellow; yellow flash below cadmium orange beard .......... FIRST STEP (WILLOTT'83) Standards, white ground plicata bordered deep purple, and purple styles; falls, white ground plicata bordered and striped deep purple. Ruffled.......................................... FORTE (BLACK'87) Vibrant rose-orchid standards over deep velvety black-red falls and a bronze beard tipped lavender. Pronounced sweet fragrance............................................................. FRISBEES (HAGER'81) Standards, cream; falls, deep crimson red, edged cream. Pale yellow beard. HM ......................................... 3.50 1.50 1.50 2. 50 1.50 GREEN EYED SHEBA (BOSWELL'84) Smoky rose standards, medium rosy maroon falls with brown overlay, and green signal. Orange beard tipped blue .. 1.50 HANKY (MAGEE'88) Ivory with light violet plicata pattern on edges, and up midrib, changing to tan hafts in throat; ivory and orange beard; pronounced sweet fragrance............................................ 1. 50 HONEY DIP (AITKEN'85) Lemon yellow with light yellow band down center of falls, from honey yellow beard..................................... 1. 50 HUSH PUPPY (KEPPEL'85) Pyrethrum yellow standards over lime-yellow falls with gold undertone. Blue beard and slight sweet fragrance ...... 1.50 I'M YELLOW (BOSWELL'84) Bright yellow standards; medium yellow falls with darker yellow edge; darker yellow spot around blue beard ......... 1.50 INDIAN JEWEL (A.BROWN'74) White standards; pale turquoise blue falls blending to white at edge. Excellent grower, very showy in clumps ..... 1.50 INNER PEACE (WILLOTT'91) Light blue self with slight white halo around a light blue beard.................................................... 5.00 JILLAROO (ENSMINGER'84) Dark violet-blue standards and beards with brown falls. Very pleasing color combination. HM ..................... 1.50 JOAN MORITZ (M.HAGBERG'90) Standards are buff yellow, falls are lavender blue, edged yellow buff,with chartreuse hafts and a lavender blue beard, nicely ruffled............................................ 3.00 JOE COOL (AITKEN'91) White standards; light blue falls ri11ed white, slight yellow wash at hafts. Orange beard tipped yellow ....•.......... 4.50 KIWI SLICES (NISWONGER'90) Ruffled chartreuse with burgundy splash on falls, set off by a gray-blue beard ................................... 3.50 LACED LEMONADE (WARBURTON'70) Lacy edged yellow bitone; white beard ..... 1.50 LEMON RINGS (AITKEN'83) Standards, lemon yellow; falls, le1on yellow rim and hafts separated by white ring pattern. AM ..................... 1.50 LEPRECHAUN'S EYELASH (BOSWELL'89) Smoky white standards; pale chartreuse falls, with short olive eyelash markings and hafts; blue center line, and blue beard. Another excellent grower ................. LIME MIST (WILLOTT'88) Warm white standards; white falls washed lime green; blue white beard............................................... LITTLE PANSY (SCHREINER'76) Lavender-lilac with deep pansy purple center on falls ....................................................... LUCKY DUCK (AITKEN'84) Pale peach, fading to white at edge. White beard tipped orange, slight sweet fragrance ................................. 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 MICHAEL PAUL (W.JONES'79) Well ruffled very dark purple self. Excellent garden accent......................................................... 1. 50 MINI BUSY (WEILER'89) Standards, white, narrowly bordered with blue-violet plic markings; falls, white with few blue violet plic markings toward tip, heavy near hafts ................................. 2.00 MRS NATE RUDOLPH (BRISCOE'75) Dove grey with gold shadings .............. 1.50 ORANGE CAPER (WARBURTON'64) Vivid yellow, bright orange beard. Just the bright touch of color needed in any garden. AM ....................... ORANGE CHIPS (AITKEN'90) Medium orange self with coral red beard ........ ORANGE TIGER (B.JONES'88) Clean bright orange; vivid red beard. HM .•... OVER EASY (LANKOW'90) Standards are white with green midrib, falls are canary yellow, edged slightly lighter, with yellow beards. Bloom has a slight sweet fragrance ........... .'.................................... PAL SAM (GATTY'87) Standards, white, widely bordered dark purple; falls, oyster, with .small maroon-purple haft area &white rim. HM .... PALE STAR (B.JONES'85) Abeautiful pale blue with ruffled falls and a pale blue beard. HM................................................... PIPESTONE (LANKOW'85) Apricot with cocoa-pink spot ...................... PIPPI LONGSTOCKINGS (INNERST'84) Full lemon yellow with large burgundy red spot on falls and a white beard. AM ............................... RAIN DANCE (B.JONES'79) Avivid bluebird blue; self beard. CD ........... RAINBOW SHERBET (WEILER'88) Pastel lemon-yellow standards, pastel apricot falls, blue-white beard, nicely ruffled, slight sweet fragrance. Reblooms .................. .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RAINMAKER (NICHOLS 1 86) Aruffled medium blue, brown hafts, white area below tip of medium blue beard. HM .................................... RIPPLE CHIP (AITKEN'88) Mid blue standards; deeper blue violet falls; white beard; slight sweet fragrance. HM ............................... ROSALIE M(C LANKOW'91) Pastel peach pink self, white beard tipped orange................................................................ 1.50 3.00 2.00 3.50 1.50 1. 50 2.00 1.50 1.50 2. 50 1.50 2.00 5.00 SAM (AITKEN'87) Mustard yellow with brown speckles on hafts. Yellow beard. Excellent performer............................................ 1. 50 SAPPHIRE GEM (SCHMELZER'75) Clean sapphire blue self, white beard. CD .. 1.50 SEADANCER (AITKEN'85) Sea green washed deep blue on all petal edges and base; deep blue styles and throat. Frost tipped deep blue beard ....... 1.50 SENOR FROG (AITKEN'87) Green with a slight brown wash on hafts, and frosty blue beard. HM................................................. SERENITY PRAYER (P DYER'89) Standards, creamy white with light yellow on midrib, falls, creamy, flushed yellow on hafts. Deep blue beard tipped powder blue.................................................... SILK AND VELVET (WILLOTT'92) Lightly ruffled very dark violet self. Reblooms.............................................................. SLATE 'N GOLD (SPARLING'89) Slate blue, gold thumbprint on falls; slate blue beard ............................................................ SNOW SEASON (E JONES'93) White self with pale lilac-pink beards ......... SPLIT DECISION (E HOBBS'89) Standards white; falls, light violet-blue, fine white line at edge. Creamy white beard. Nicely ruffled ........... SUNSHINE SALLY (B JONES'93) Light lemon yellow standards over chrome yellow falls edged light lemon yellow ................................. TARHEEL ELF (NISWONGER'85) Aruffled very dark red purple; startling blue beard. Areal eye catcher. AM ................................... THIRD CHARM (WEILER'82) Afull blue violet, large dark violet spot on falls; lavender beard; slight fragrance. HM .......................... TRANSCRIBE (P BLACK'90) Standards, white with grape plicata markings, edge and styles. Falls same around wide grape margin .................. TWO RUBIES (NISWONGER'89) Rich medium red standards; rich dark red falls; maroon beard................................................... VELVET CAPER (WARBURTON'64) Deep purple bitone with deep purple beards .. 1.50 CEE JAY (LANKOW'92) Ruffled white ground plicata with deep blue-violet rim................................................................... 8.00 3.00 DANCING CLOUDS (GATTY'81) Standards, soft lavender blue with white speckling &small band of lavender blue, falls, same veined faintly veined darker, and blue white beard ................................... 2.00 7. 00 2.50 8.50 2.50 8.00 1.50 1.50 3.50 2.50 1.50 WAKE UP (P BLACK'89) Ruffled bright yellow, yellow beard tipped white, and has a sweet fragrance............................................. 3. 00 HELLCAT (AITKEN'83) Standards, pale blue lavender with dark flush at midrib. Dark blue lavender falls and beard. SM ........................ 2.00 HISSY-FIT (INNERST'89) Mid-brown with large dark brown-black spot on falls, bronze beard, slight sweet frangrance .......................... 2.50 HONEY GLAZED (NISWONGER'83) Cream standards; amber falls; gold beard. SM .................................................................... 2.00 LITTLE SNOW LEMON (GENE GADDIE'84) Snow white standards with lemon yellow radiating from midrib. Falls are thinly edged snow white with lemon yellow spot. White beard tipped full orange ..................... LITTLE TRUDY (BOSWELL'87) Pale cream standards, green wash; greenish maroon falls, light green edge; orange beard. HM ..................... LITTLE WILLIE (SHEPARD'85) Bright gold standards; brick-red falls banded gold; yellow gold beard; sweet fragrance. HM .................. LOGO (KEPPEL'86) Greyed rosy purple plicata on gold apricot ground. Bright orange red beard............................................... 2.00 2:00 2.00 2. 00 ~.AUI MOONLIGHT (AITKEN'87) Lightly ruffled bright lemon yellow self. AM 2.00 INTERMEDIATE BEARDED {IB) 16" TO 2T' TALL So named, because they overlap and bloom in between the SDBs and TBs. Their height, as well, is between the SDBs and TBs. NIGHT SHIFT (AITKEN'86) Deep violet self with same beard. HM ........... 2.00 AMEILA BEDEILA (INNERST'92) White with dark green spot. Wide and vigorous.............................................................. 7. 00 ASK ALMA (LANKOW'87) Coral-orange; white beard tipped tangerine. AM ..... 2.00 AZ AP (ENSMINGER'SO) Cobalt blue self; gentian blue beard. SM .......•.. 2.00 BABY BLUE MARINE (DENNEY'87) Light marine blue with orchid infusion. AM BEDTIME STORY (RITCHEY'82) Standards, light amethyst violet, slightly darker midrib; falls, violet around beard and upper part, blending to light amethyst violet; self beard. AM .............................•... BLUE EYED BLOND (ENSMINGER'89) Sunny yellow self with violet beard tipped blue. Nice contrast!........................................... BROADWAY BABY (GATTY'90) Bronze tan standards, warm white falls with burgundy band. Slight musky fragrance ................................. BUBBLY BLUE (AITKEN'86) Beautifully ruffled sky blue self. HM ....•..... FRENCH SILK (ROBINSON'82) Standards, light blue, flushed darker in center; falls, light blue. Sweet fragrance ............................ 2.00 2.00 2.00 2. 50 OF COURSE (HAGER'79) Light apricot self, with a deep orange beard ....... 2.00 OKLAHOMA BANDIT (NICHOLS'80) Bright tawny-gold standards, claret base; falls, same, ruffled, washed claret; orange-bronze beard. SM ......... 2.00 ORANGE PETALS (NISWONGER'91) Pinkish orange standards,orange falls and an orange beard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. 00 PACER (AITKEN'89) White ground, stitched dark blue-violet; blue beard tipped yellow. HM.................................................... 2.50 PINK KITTEN (V.WOOD'77) Well formed blue-pink self. SM ................. 2.00 3.00 2.00 RARE EDITION (GATTY'80) Agorgeous plicata! White ground with dark violet edge on both standards and falls. SM .......................... 2.00 REVVED UP (INNERST'85) Full gold standards; falls, full gold, evenly dotted bright red all over; gold beard. HM ........................... 2.00 CALLING CARD (MESSICK'91) Blue white standards with greenish falls and blue beard............................................................ 4.50 SARANAP (BOSWELL'80) Oyster white standards, pale gold edge; oyster white falls, yellow hafts and beard. HM .............................. 2.00 SILENT STRINGS (P.DYER'79) Light to medium blue self; ruffled falls; white beard, tipped yellow . SM ....................................... SNOWCONE (AITKEN'87) Ruffled creamy white self; light yellow beard. HM. STEP AHEAD (CRAIG'89) Violet blue self with a medium light violet blue beard................................................................. SUNDOWN RED (P.BLYTH'83) Standards are burgundy red and falls slightly deeper in color with a self beard and ruffles ......................... 2.00 2.00 2. 50 2.00 THEDA CLARK (NICHOLS'88) Ruffled deep violet with occasional red-violet hafts. Orange-violet beard and pronounced sweet fragrance ............. 2.50 VITALITY (RITCHEY'85) Tailored intense orange-yellow self; greyed orange-ye! low beard.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 00 WINKIELAND (BOEN'80) Pale yellow standards, light edge; pure white falls, narrow band of pale yellow, deeper yellow hafts. HM .•......... 2.00 BORDER BEARDED {BB) 16" TO 2T' TALL These irises are the same height range and bloom size as the Intermediates (IBs) but they bloom ·the same time as the TBs. AEGEAN WALTZ (NICHOLS'87) Intense grape purple on white plicata. Great form; ruffled and fragrant too! HM . .................................. 2.50 ALLENDALE (SPARLING'89) Lightly ruffled white, yellow beard ............. 4.00 APACHE SUNSET (G.SUTTON'87) Antique gold standards; red brown falls with 1/4 inch gold edge; antique gold beard ........................... 2.50 BANDED ROGUE (BOSWELL'90) Old gold standards and brownish-yellow falls with a 1/4" gold band................................................. BATIK (ENSMINGER'86) Royal purple stripes over white ground. STARTLING! Great addition to any garden.......................................... BEAUTIFUL BABY (TOMPKINS'90) Ruffled lemon to icy yellow with a white blaze on the falls.................................................... BELLA BELLA (BOSWELL'87) Standards light old gold; falls blue violet, tan brown hafts and edge; orange beard .................•.............. BIMINI (B.BROWN'85) Ruffled lavender .................................... BROWN LASSO (BUCKLES'75) Standards, deep butterscotch; falls, light violet with sharp edging of medium brown; yellow beard. DM ........... 4.00 4.50 4.00 2.50 2.00 2.00 CALICO CAT (C LANKOW'89) Soft light yellow standards; falls light sea lavender violet; wine red hafts; yellow beard. Slight sweet fragrance............................................................. 4. 00 CALIFORNIA GIRL (F.FOSTER'86) Standards, pale lavender-white, falls, stippled smoky lavender on white ground, bluish yellow beard. HM ..... 2.50 DANGER HOUR (D. MEEK'85) Ruffled 1aroon standards and blackish 1aroon falls................................................................. 2.00 FROSTY PASTEL (BOSWELL'81) Adelicate white with a lilac wash and a pristine white beard.................................................. 2.00 HILLBILLY HEAVEN (SPAHN'81) Standards, pink; falls, creamy white with pink tint, soft yellow at hafts; soft tangerine beard; heavily ruffled and lightly laced. AM................................................ 2.00 LARIAT (BOSWELL'83) Standards, reddish brown; falls, light blue-violet, reddish brown edge; yellow beard. HM ................................. 2.50 LITTLE WABASH (C PALMER'79) White standards, dark purple falls and yellow beard.......................................................... 2.00 LUCKY LOCKET (G.SHOOP'81) Standards, white. Falls, white with purple rays, edged white, red beard......................................... 2.00 MAROON BELLS (MAGEE'76) Ruffled dark red-violet self, brown hafts and bronze beard. Along time favorite.................................... 2.00 KAUI MAGIC (AITKEN'91) Velvety deep purple. Very well ruffled ........... 7. 50 MISS GOLDILOCKS (HAMNER'72) Standards, near white, Indian yellow at midrib; falls, Indian yellow and ruffled; beard, yellow-orange ........ 2.00 ORCHID TUTU (BOSWELL'87) Standards, light rose orchid veined darker; falls, pale orchid, darker at hafts and edge; tangerine beard; lightly ruffled and laced. HM................................................. 3.00 PINK BUBBLES (HAGER'80) Clear light pink self; tangerine beard. KM ..... 3.00 RED ROOSTER (DURRANCE'gO~ duffled RHINEKAIDENS (MAGEE'90) Standards ruffled white falls edged gold; RUBY WILSON (DENNEY/MCWHIRTER'89) cherry infusion; falls, darker, and flaring deep red brown ............ 4.00 white with light gold outside; gold beard ............................ 3.50 Standards, velvety deep maroon with with a self beard ..................... 3.00 SCUPPERNONG ROSE (HICKERSON'75) Standards, gold, light pink wash; falls, white ground, heavy dark red stippling, gold edge and beard. HM.................................................................... 2.00 SOFT SPOKEN (DYER'80) Beautiful light lilac; lightly ruffled falls; white beard, tipped coral. KM......................................... 2.00 ZINC PINK (ENSMINGER'87) Laced and ruffled French rose self ............. 2.50 MINIATURE TALL BEARDED (MTB) 16" TO 25" TALL Also referred to as Table Iris, as they are well suited to floral arrangements with dainty little blooms and thin wiry stems. Bloom with the IBs and TBs. DATE REC'D DATE SHIPPED AACHEN ELF (KENNEDY'84) Yellow standards with lavender falls edged yellow; yellow beard .................................................. 2.00 ASTRA GIRL (W.VARNER'90) Delicate little white with bright yellow beard. 3.50 CAROLYN ROSE (DUNDERMAN'?!) Delicate pink over white plicata ............ CHATTER LINE (ROWLAN'82) Tailored white ground plicata stitched light violet; pale yellow beard. HM ........................................ CHERRY (M DUNDERMAN'89) Almost solid violet standards over white falls, narrowly stitched violet on edge, &a violet spot. Dark brown beard tipped orange in center............................................... CHICKEE (DUNDERMAN'?!) Ruffled medium yellow self; yellow beard. WW .... CONSUMMATION (WELCH'78) White standards; delicate white rim on very dark violet falls. WW .............................................. ~hhev "urbetts 2.00 2.00 P.O. BOX 1046 MT. ANGEL, OREGON 97362 3. 00 2.00 2.00 NAME DESERT SHIELD (T.VARNER'91) Yellow standards lightly edged velvety dark red; falls yellow ground overlaid velvety dark red. Slight fragrance .. 5.00 DOTTED DOLL (J &L FRY'87) Dainty white iris; dotted blue, with a bronze beard. HM .................................................. : .. 2.00 TEL _ _ _ _ __ ADDRESS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CITY STATE EN ROUTE (HAGER'66) Soft metallic yellow self .................•......... 2.00 ZIP _ _ __ 1 QUANTITY FROSTED VELVET (K FISHER'89) Standards, white. Falls, royal purple, with a precise white edge, and a light cream beard .................... 3.00 VARIETY ; GRANDPA'S GIRL (FISHER'84) Standards are yellow. Falls are red-violet, edged yellow, with a yellow beard.................................... 2.50 LADY BELLE (T VARNER'86) Standards are white with purple sanding at base, very light purple styles and crests. Falls are white, stitched purple. White beard tipped yellow ..................................... 2.50 LADY EMMA (F.JONES'86) Falls, darker yellow than standards; Indian yellow beard; light sweet fragrance; also reblooms. HM ............... 2.50 LISETTE (DUNDERMAN'87) Pretty orchid self with whitish beard ............ 2.50 PETITE MONET (K STEELE'90) Creamy white standards, heavily marked blue violet; falls, creamy white, stitched blue violet. Pale yellow beard tipped deep yellow; mod sweet fragr ..........................•........ 4.00 PIQUANT LASS (GUILD'86) This is a pure white self with a pale yellow beard ............. -. ................................................... 2: 50 REAL JAZZY (VAUGHN'82) Standards, chrome yellow; falls, red violet, edged chrome yellow; orange beard. HM ................................ 2.00 ROSEMARY'S DREAM (DUNDERMAN'82) Standards, deep rose with small amount of white in center; falls, white with half inch border of rose; deep orange beard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 00 ~ SUBTOTAL TOTAL FROM OTHER SIDE SHIPPING CHARGES TOTAL PAYMENT PRICE DATE REC'D QUANTITY VARIETY DATE SHIPPED PRICE ) ~hheu ®urbetts .) P.O. BOX 1046 MT. ANGEL, OREGON 97362 NAME TEL _ _ _ _ __ ADDRESS-----------------~ CITY STATE QUANTITY ZIP _ _ __ VARIETY ; ·p J SUBTOTAL TOT AL FROM OTHER SIDE SHIPPING CHARGES CARRY TO FRONT SIDE TOTAL PAYMENT PRICE QUANTITY VARIETY PRICE SHADY SANDS (WITT'72) Standards, pale tan and lightly dotted; falls, white, narrow yellow edge, dotted medium violet all over .............. 2.00 SOUL SEARCHER (NICHOLS'86) Standards, medium violet; falls, grape, light violet edge, white haft marking. Nicely ruffled, pronounced fragrance, lemon beard. HM........................................... 2.50 SPANISH COINS (WITT'76) Brilliant yellow self; bright orange beard. WW. 2.00 TINSEL (DUNDERMAN'73) White ground, stitched light blue; white beard tipped yellow......................................................... 2. 00 TALL BEARDED (TB) 28" TO 40" TALL These most popular iris are often ruffled and/or laced, although many have a very tailored form. Their stalks should be well branched and well budded. Bloom season starts in early to mid-May, carrying into June. ACOMA {MAGEE'90) Sky blue standards and white falls edged with light violet plicata lines. Adobe colored beards ............................ AFTERNOON DELIGHT (ERNST'BS) Golden tan standards, lavender wash; falls, lavender-pink, yellow rim, white infusion near yellow beard. HM.................................................................... ALMADEN (MARYOTT'90) Lightly ruffled dark, smooth red maroon self and a dark red maroon beard. Slight sweet fragrance......................... ALTRUIST {SCHREINERS'87) Standards lig~t blue, white midrib; falls, same blue, chalk white center; white beard. Well ruffled. AM ......... AMERICAN GREETINGS (J. MEEK'91) White standards over powder blue falls and a coral red beard; JighJly ruffled ........................ . ....... AMOROUS EMBRACE (J.NELSON'~7) Ruffled and laced baby ribbon pink with a tangerine beard....................................................... ANNA BELLE BABSON (HAGER'84) Intense deep pink and tangerine beard. The model for our garden sign............................................. APRICOT FRINGE (O.BROWN'78) Ruffled and fringed, light orange with a lighter center area on falls; saturn red beard. HM................... APRICOTA (GREENWOOD 1 86) Lightly laced apricot; slight sweet fragrance ... APRIL IN PARIS {V. WOOD'92) Very smooth medium pink self with tangerine beards, heavy substance, light ruffling and lace ...........•.......... AROUND TOWN {TOMPKINS 88) Standards, satiny white, closely hemstitched royal violet; falls, same, heavily hemstitched dark blackish violet with ray pattern. Slightly spicy .•......................•............. ASTALOT {TOMPKINS'89) Ruffled and fluted blue violet; lilac pink beard .. 6.00 3.00 6. 50 3.50 7.50 3. 00 3. 00 3.00 3.00 15.00 1 CARRY TO FRONT SIDE BAGHWAN {TOMPKINS'90) Large white self, lightly scented. Good performer. BE MINE (BYERS'86) Medium pink standards blending to white, falls pink white; deep orange gold hafts around red orange beards ................ BE MY LOVE {J. MEEK 1 88) Greyish tan standards, slightly flushed maroon at midrib. Falls, dark wine. Heavily ruffled with pleating at sides of falls, and an orange beard............................................ BEVERLY SILLS (HAGER'79) Laced coral pink self; tangerine beard. DM .... BIRTHDAY SURPRISE {MARYOTT'91) Pink tan standards; falls have a raspberry rim on pink ground, accented by rusty brick beards .......... 4.50 6.00 7.50 3.50 4.50 3.00 7.50 BITTERSWEET GOLD (TOMPKINS'86) Alarge, smooth and velvety self of very deep and bright apricot orange accented by a very full beard of deep orange red............................................................ BLACK BILLS GOLD (O.BROWN'86) Standards, lemon yellow blushed cadmium orange; falls, mimosa yellow blushed tangerine on shoulders, lighter area around tangerine beard. Ruffled. HM ..........................•.. BLENDED FRILLS (0.BROWN'86) Ruffled rose purple standards with lavender pink blush; falls frilled lilac....................................... BLUE ARISTOCRAT (SCBREINER'87) Lightly ruffled sea blue with a white beard................................................................. BLUSHING BUTTERFLY (TOMPKINS'86) Orchid pink standards; watermelon pink falls with tangerine rose beard. Ruffled .............................. BLUSHING STRIPPER (OLSEN'87) Nude pink; coral beard ..................... BOXWINK'S GOLDEN DREAM (STEINHAUER'93) Yellow self with slightly flaring falls. Yellow beards .......................................... BRANDY (DENNEY'81) Standards, light greyed orange gold; falls, greyed orange; bronze-gold beard. AM........................................ BRASSY BROAD (P BLACK'86) Nicely ruffled brassy gold; pronounced spicy fragrance. HM........................................................ BREAKERS (SCHREINER'86) Fluted and heavily ruffled true blue. Dull blue beard tipped yellow in throat......................................... BRIDAL FASHION (WEILER'86) Orient pink; tangerine beard ................. BRILLIANT PERFORMANCE (NICHOLS'89) Peach pink standards over slightly lighter peach pink falls; salmon hafts and shrimp orange beard. Ruffled ......................................•........................ BROKEN SILENCE (LES FORT'88) Standards, clear pink; falls, slightly darker, with lighter area at base of pink, tipped blue beard; ruffled and lightly laced; slight sweet fragrance ...... .. ..............•...... BUBBLING LACE (P.BLACK'86) Icy white standards with blue infusion at midrib; china white falls. Heavily laced; pronounced spicy fragrance .. CHARLOTTE'S WEB (TOMPKINS'89) Amethyst washed icy blue, with dark violet rays around white beard; nicely ruffled ........................ CLEAR DAY (J.GATTY'89) Medium blue with yellow beard ..•................. CODICIL (INNERST'85) Powder blue with deep blue-black beard. AM ........ COMANCHE DRUMS (TOMPKINS'85) Dark champagne standards; deep red violet falls, with purple red midrib; brassy beard; lightly ruffled .......... COMMANDO (SCBREINERS'86) Standards, silky red with subtle infusion of henna; falls, richer shading of same color, damask red center; old gold beard............................................................ COSMIC DAWN (TOMPKINS'87) Lemon yellow standards, cream undertone, dusted gold; falls, cream base, lavender orchid overtone, fuchsia center stripe; gold beard; well ruffled .........•........•.........•.. COURTIN' TIME (TOMPKINS'87) Satiny deep pink; deeper pink beard ....•..•. CRANBERRY CRUSH (AITKEN'86) Standards violet, lighter rims. Falls, lustrous deeper red-violet. AM....................................... CRASHING WAVE (D.SILVERBERG'86) Standards, white; falls, white ground, pale lavender rim, darker lavender blaze; white beard. BC ............ 3.00 3.00 CREME D'OR (BLYTH'87) Lemon standards infused white; white falls, lemon hafts and marginal band............................................... 3. 50 CRYSTAL GLITTERS (SCBREINERS'85) Lightly ruffled pale peach-cream; peach-gold beard. AM................................................. 3: 00 CRYSTAL PRISM (D.SILVERBERG'86) Ruffled and laced white with startling red-orange beard. BC.. . ... . .......................................... 3. 00 3.00 3. 50 3.50 3.50 17 .50 3.00 3. 50 3.00 3.00 7.50 4.50 3.50 6.00 5.00 3.50 3.00 3. 50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 DESERT ECHO (D.MEEK'80) Standards, deep butter yellow; falls, chrome green ground, plicata markings radiating from orange beard; ruffled. HM.................................................................... 3.00 DESIGNER GOWN (GHI0'84) Standards, pink orchid; falls, light pink, deeper at hafts; tangerine beard. AM ................................. 3.00 DUSKY CHALLENGER (SCBREINER'86) Ruffled silky rich purple; deep violet black beard. DM...................................................... 3.00 EAGLE'S FLIGHT (SCHREINER'86) Rosy toned plicata with 1/2" margin of rich rose grape on the falls.......................................... EASTER SONG (V.WOOD'85) Ruffled and lightly laced clear medium pink, lighter area in center of falls; tangerine beard; slight fragrance. HM.................................................................. .. ECHO DE FRANCE (ANFOSS0'84) Standards, white; falls, gold, green highlights under dark gold beard...................................... EDITH WOLFORD (HAGER'84) Standards, clear canary yellow; falls, mid-blue violet; blue beard tipped orange; ruffled. AM ............... ENCHANTED LAND (TOMPKINS'86) Mulberry wine red, with a chocolate red beard ................... :. .. .... ............................... ....... EVER AFTER (KEPPEL'86) Fuchsia rose, paling in center of falls; hyacinth red beard; pronounced sweet fragrance. HM ................... EVERYTHING PLUS (NISWONGER'84) Standards, pale blue-white, falls, white ground, deep violet plicata markings. Bronze tipped purple beard. DM............................................................ .... .... FAIR DINKUM (GAULTER'89) Ruffled light blue, lighter around near-white beard........................................................... ...... FAITHFULNESS (WALTERMIRE'83) Ruffled, full, violet-blue; white beard. Pronounced sweet fragrance ............................ •............... FANCY FACE (M.DUNN'86) Standards, mid-violet, slightly white on midrib; falls, mid-violet, large white area at tip of white beard. Very showy!................................................................ FIRE TRAILS (D.SILVERBERG'86) Ared bitone with russet standards, burgundy falls, and bright orange beard. BC .......................... FOOLISH HEART (SPAHN'85) Standards, creamy yellow, greenish midrib; falls, ruffled, fluted, creamy yellow, deepening at hafts; orange yellow beard.......................................................... FORTUNE TELLER (CORLEW'86) Warm white standards; white falls edged in violet plicata markings; white beard tipped yellow .................... 3. 50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.50 3.50 3.00 6. 00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 FREE WHEELER (TOMPKINS'86) Standards, vivid coppery yellow; Falls, dandelion yellow, dotted and sanded rich copper; cinnamon beard; well ruffled............................................................... 3.00 FRINGE BENEFITS (B. HAGER'88) Lacy intense orange with fiery red beards. 4.50 GANGES MOON (D.SILVERBERG'88) Pale yellow standards; white ground falls, with pale yellow rim; nicely ruffled. Excellent performer ...... GENTLE SHEPHERD (TOMPKINS'87) Bright yellow with sky blue center wash on falls; gold beard.................................................. GOLDEN ENCORE (F.JONES'73) Vivid yellow self with small white blaze on falls, and bright gold beard. Reliable rebloomer ...................... GYPSY BUTTERFLY (TOMPKINS'89) Standards, bright lilac; falls, ivory white with wide blackish purple edge; white beard tipped yellow; ruffled and lightly picoteed .......................................... GYRO (AITKEN'89) Flared and ruffled intense deep purple. Great fort and pronounced sweet fragrance ............................................ HAIDA DANCER (AITKEN'84) Deep red-brown self. Good form, light fragrance. HM....................................................... HANKY PANKY (TOMPKINS'89) Icy pink, with lightly ruffled falls; pink beard................................................................. HONKY TONK BLUES (SCHREINERS'88) Alarge ruffled rich hyacinth blue with white grey streaking and edge on falls. AM ...................... HOT LINE (SCHREINERS'81) Standards, cinnamon gold-tan; falls, rich golden yellow with caramel shoulder patches and wire rim; golden yellow beard; ruffled. HM ............................................ HOT TO TROT (J. MC WHIRTER'91) Bright gold standards over reddish mahogany plicata falls. Up to 12 buds .............................•... ICE CAVE (WRIGHT'86) Icy blue with some pale blue on the hafts; light blue beard tipped pale yellow. HM .................................... INFINITE GRACE (HAMBLEN'82) Standards, warm white, flushed light pink at base; medium pink falls, lighter rim; white tipped red beard. AM .. INGLESIDE JOY (F.STEPHENSON'88) Heavily ruffled cream standards and creamy tan falls. Orange beards and cream bearded horn ...•............ INSTRUCTOR (INNERST'86) Creamy yellow stands, falls same, edged blue. Bronze tipped blue beard, slight musky fragrance. HM ................. ISLE OF MAY (SPAHN'87) Standards, silvery light lavender. Falls, same, nicely ruffled, slightly deeper edge, light yellow beard .............. JAIME LYNN (HAMNER'84) Beautiful ruffled, coral peach self ......•....... JESSE'S SONG (WILLIAMSON'83) Areal attention getter! This showy plicata has a white ground with a wide methyl violet band; beard is lemon tipped blue white. DM.......................................... JUICY FRUIT (BYERS'89) Pale pink-apricot blend with yellow rim, orange beard. This is a rebloomer too!....................................... JUNGLE PRINCESS (AITKEN'89) Buckskin tan standards and smooth deep red falls and orange beard ................................................ 3.00 3.50 3.00 5.50 5.50 3.00 6.50 4.50 3.00 10.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 3.50 3.50 3.00 3.00 6. 00 4.50 KATY BUG (B. BROWN '84) Rosy standards with golden center wash; falls, reddish purple, blending to tan gold hafts; orange beard .............. 3.00 KISSING CIRCLE (STEVENS'89) Ruffled dark blue violet plicata on a white ground with blue line extending down from tip of blue beard ........... 4:50 LACED COTTON (SCHREINER'80) Ruffled and laced pure white self ........... LATIN HIDEAWAY (NICHOLS'86) Lavender standards, suffused buff; falls, red, edged tan violet; orange beard; ruffled. AM ..................... LEMON FEVER (MARYOTT'88) Ruffled and faintly laced lemon standards with band around white fal 1s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LILAC BREEZE (TOMPKINS'87) large, ruffled, clear bright orchid lilac .... LORD JEFF (WAITE'81) Ruffled dark violet self •.......................... LOVE MAGIC (MCWHIRTER'81) Laced and heavily ruffled deep pink with rose lavender influence; shrimp red beard. HM ............................. LOYALIST (SCHREINER'86) Ruffled, vibrant, rich claret red self ..... ... .. LUNA MOTH (TOMPKINS'87) Ruffled yellow amber standards with lime gree~ undertone; falls, amber yellow dusted lilac blue; amber gold beard .... MADAME CHEREAU (LEMON'44) Blue violet plicata markings on a white ground. Celebrating her 150th birthday this year .............. ........ MANUSCRIPT (BURCH'90) Light violet standards over lilac falls ........... MARION ACKERMAN (MCWHIRTER'82) Heavily ruffled and laced violet blue with tangerine beard.................................................. MARY ANN WILDEBEEST (DURRANCE'82) Medium brindled blue with a dark blue beard. HM........... ....... .................................. ........ MEMORABLE (RITCHEY'88) French blue self flushed darker at base of standards and hafts; pale blue beard tipped yellow in throat. Ruffled............................................................... MIDNIGHT WAVE (D.SILVERBERG'88) Ruffled white standards with lavender wash; falls, vivid royal purple. HC.................................. MINSTREL MAN (D.MEEK'86) Rich wine red, with darker falls; bronze beard; ruffled........................................... ............. MOTHER EARTH (HAGER'88) Standards, buff, edged lavender; falls, lavender, lighter around pale blue-white beard. HM ................... 3.00 3.00 4. 00 3.50 3.00 J 00 3.50 4.00 3.00 7.00 3. 00 3.00 4.50 4.50 3.00 4.00 NAVY WAVES (P.BLACK'84) Ruffled deep inky blue; blue beard tipped yellow; slight sweet fragrance. HM ................................... 3.00 NICE AND BRIGHT (TOMPKINS'89) Lilac pink with deep lilac-tinted beige edge on falls; red beard; ruffled ..................................... 6.50 NIGHT AFFAIR (LUIHN'83) Large, well ruffled and fluted deep rich violet. HM........................................................... 3.00 OLD TIME RELIGION (TOMPKINS'89) Standards, tan, champagne and honey beige blend, falls lighter with lilac overtones, lilac and gold beard................................................................. 6. 50 OLYMPIC CHALLENGE (SCHREINER'85) Tall, rich orange blend with tangerine beard. HM............................................................. 3.00 ORBITER (AITKEN'85) Outstanding rich blue purple self. Grape fragrance. AM.................................................................... 3.00 PAGODA GODDESS (TOMPKINS'88) Well ruffled and fluted rich geranium pink, bright tangerine red beard...................................... PASSWORD PLUS (TOMPKINS'86) Ruffled magenta self with a red beard ....... PERFECT INTERLUDE (SCHREINER'84) Standards, lightly ruffled white; falls, broadly ruffled and finely shaded yellow. HM .................. PINK BELLE (V.WOOD'84) Pretty pink self with tangerine beard ............ PINK SWAN (GIBSON'84) Well ruffled, fluted and lightly laced red purple is offset by it's bright red beard .................................... PINK VANILLA (GAULTER'79) Ruffled apricot-pink self; deep tangerine beard................................................................. PLEASING ACCOMPLISHMENT (F. STEPHENSON'88) Pale rosy lilac standards; falls white with edging of rosy lilac and white bearded horns. Spicy fragrance .................................................... :........ POINT IN TIME (INNERST'88) Off-white standards, trimmed light blue; white falls, trimmed blue; blue beard tipped gold; slightly musky fragrance............................................................. POINT MADE (INNERST'88) Standards, bronze gold; falls, creamy white, trimmed and speckled plum blue black overall; bronze plum beard; slight sweet fragrance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . POPS CONCERT (WAITE'81) Lovely ruffled, dark violet self. AM .....•..... PREFERRED STOCK (GAULTER'85) Lightly ruffled, deep golden yellow self ... PUNKIN PATCH (DENNEY/MCWHIRTER'89) Lightly laced pumpkin orange self .... PURPLE PEPPER (NEARPASS'86) Soft lavender blue standards; falls white ground peppered blue violet. Lightly ruffled .......................... RAIN FLURRY (KEPPEL'85) Standards, white ground, shaded edge of columbine blue; falls, same ground, edges slightly more violet; heavily ruffled •.......•....................................•...•...• ." RAPTURE'S EDGE (TOMPKINS'88) Lavender washed pale blue standards; falls, white ground with bold blue-purple stiched edge. Amber beard. Good performer..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . RED LION (HAGER'86) Rich, deep, maroon red; bronze tipped yellow beard. HM................................................................... REGAL AFFAIR (G.SHOOP'89) Standards blue white with thin blue rim; falls purple with thin blue rim and white haft markings. Red tangerine beard and ruffles..................................................... RETURN TO ELEGANCE (I.NELSON'88) Pastel lavender rose around cream yellow standards and falls............................................ RINGO (G SHOOP'79) White standards; grape falls with a white ri1; tangerine beard; lightly ruffled. AM ...........•.........•..•....•... RIVER HAWK (PLOUGH'79) Flax blue standards and royal purple falls with a blue beard.......................................................... ROLE MODEL (DENNEY/MCWHIRTER'88) Melon rosy tan standards; darker falls with tangerine beards.. . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. . . •. . . 5.00 3.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 5. 00 4. 50 4. 50 3.00 3.00 6.00 3.50 3.00 4. 50 3.50 5.50 5.00 3.00 3. 00 4. 00 ROYAL CHANT (BLACK'86) Smooth deep burgundy self; beard overlaid with old gold; slight spicy fragrance ...................................... 3.50 RUNAWAY STAR (TOMPKINS'87) White standards with a flush of cream and a hint of icy green; falls creamy lemon ................................. 3.50 SAM'S SONG (TOMPKINS'87) Ruffled deep canary yellow and chrome blend with deep gold beard.................................................. SATIN SATAN (STAHLEY'86) Very dark violet, almost black; slight sweet fragrance. HM........................................................ SEA AND MIST (STAHLY'85) Very pale blue with medium deep violet overlay on center half of falls; blue beard; ruffled .......................... SEA OF JOY (SCHREINER'85) Nicely ruffled medium blue self, white tipped beard. HM............................................................ SEA WOLF (AITKEN'85) Well ruffled dark blue-purple, with lighter flush around blue-black beard. HM.................................... .... . SEMINOLE SPRING (R NELSON'93) Standards lilac-lavender; falls lavender blue that fade to blue white by se·cond day. Pronounced sweet fragrance ............................................................. SHEER BLISS (TOMPKINS 'S?) Large, medium blue self ....................... SHOREBIRD (R.NELSON'89) Ruffled white that opens with a greenish cast and becomes pure white as it ages. Sweet fragrance ........... . ... . .... SILVER FOX (V.WOOD'90) Impeccably formed white with blue white cast ... . . SILVER SCEPTER (BOEN '84) Ruffled light blue, with deep blue beard tipped white. Nice contrast .. . .. .... .. ......................... .. .. ... SILVER SILENCE (TOMPKINS:' 89)-Smoothly blended silvery blue and pink; silvery pink beard; ruffled ......... . ....................... . .. .... .. . SKY HOOKS (MOSBORNE 'SO ) Soft yellow standards; falls same with a whitish center. Yellow beards ending in violet horns.................. SKYSAILS (MAGEE'85) Medium blue self, with darker veining; slight spicy fragrance....... .. .................. .. ........................ .. ...... SLEEPWALK (R NELSON'92) Deep violet with deep blue highlights; deep violet blue beards. Sweet fragrance ................................... SNOWY THRONE (TOMPKINS'S?) Standards ruffled snowy white; falls white with a 1/4 inch border of chicory blue .............. . ............ ..... SOUND AND FURY (TOMPKINS'89) Bright red brown standards; falls blue lavender with hints of copper and magenta ............................. SPEED LIMIT (L. LAUER'92) Medium blue standards with white spot on midribs; falls medium blue with white spot under white beard .......... STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN (LAUER'93) Creamy off-white standards; medium blue falls with lavender undertones. White beard, slight fragrance ......... STELLAR LIGHTS (AITKEN'86) Dark blue-violet, white spot around white beard. HM............................................................ STERLING STITCH (INNERST'84) Blue on white ground plicata with a tangerine beard....................................................... STRAWBERRY FIELD (E SILVERBERG'87) Wide, ruffled, rich pink, with red-orange beard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 50 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 15 . 00 3.50 5.00 7.50 3.00 6.00 4.00 3.50 12.50 3.50 6.00 12.00 17.50 3.00 3. 50 3. 50 STRIKING (J.MEEK'91) Standards white, suffused rose orchid; falls white. Lightly ruffled. True to it's name!. Rebloomed vigorously here in '93................................................................ SUMMER FASHION (SHOOP'88) Nicely ruffled deep pink ...................... SUN DAPPLED (NISWONGER'84) Standards, white, slight yellow flush; ruffled yellow falls; white beard tipped marigold. HM ................ SUN LOVER (TOMPKINS'88) Rich yellow with a self beard ................... SUPERSTITION (SCHREINER'77) Classic ebony black self .................... SUPREME SULTAN (SCHREINER'88) Enormous, ruffled and laced. Standards, Indian Yellow; falls, dark crimson, with Indian yellow beard. AM ..... SWAZI PRINCESS (SCHREINER'78) Silky deep rich black self with matching beard................................................................. SWEET MUSETTE (SCHREINER'86) Light pink lavender standards and warm rose pink falls; tangerine beards. Ruffled and laced. Pretty .......... SYNCOPATION (GATTY'84) Tannish gold standards; rosy violet falls, with a dull gold beard..................................................... TARGET (MCWHIRTER'89) Deep violet with tangerine beard ...........•...... TENNESSEE WOMAN (INNERST'90) Tan bronze standards over white falls dotted and veined rose purple ......................................... TENNISON RIDGE (BEGLEY'89) Solid plum burgundy standards; falls stitched plum burgundy over clean white ground. Sweet fragrance ....... TITAN'S GLORY (SCHREINER'81) Large, rich, deep purple self. OM ......... TOUCH OF COLOR (CRAIG'91) Standards near solid pale blue; falls white and lightly marked blue around rim. Heavily ruffled ................... TUMBLIN' DICE (R.NELSON'90) Light violet standards and soft purple falls. Big bushy red beard............................................ 8'.50 5.00 3.00 4.50 3.50 SIBERIAN (SIB) 16" TO 27+" TALL Beautiful plants for landscaping with their fine foliage, requiring little care. Bloom just before, during and after the TBs. 4.50 ALMOST AMELODY (KILLER'88) Medium and dark purple blend ................ 7.50 ANNICK (MCEWEN'86) Dark violet blue self ................................ 3.50 3.50 BERNARD MCLAUGHLIN (MCEWEN'85) Clean white self ......................... 4.00 4.00 CAESAR'S BROTHER (MORGAN'32) Standards; violet, narrow and upright. falls; rich round violet, with white signals and gold hafts ........... CHARTREUSE BOUNTY (MCEWEN'83) Standards, white with pale green veins; falls, greenish yellow with bright yellow-green hafts.............. .. CORONATION ANTHEM (HOLLINGWORTH'90) Kid to deep blue with large creamy yellow blaze that fades to white. Strongly ruffled parts. Stylearms lighter blue with red tinges. Up to 7 buds ............................ CREME CHANTILLY (MCEWEN'81) Diploid. Ruffled pale creme fading to white with age.............................................................. 3.50 4.50 6.50 6.00 3.00 0.00 1.00 UNDERSTUDY (TOMPKINS'86) Ablue and creamy white striated plicata with pastel undertones... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 00 UNTAMED MELODY (FRAMKE'86) Acopper, green and brass blend; falls darker, with a blue blaze and brown beard; spicy fragrance ............ 3.00 UP AHO COMING (TOKPKINS'89) Standards, peachy buff; falls, rich orchid washed rosy pink; vivid red beard ..................................... 5.00 VANITY (HAGER'75) Beautiful light to medium pink........................ VIDA (DALING'87) Orchid pink with amber rim on falls ...•.....•...•..•... VIGILANTE (SCHREINER'91) Contrasty mustard yellow and maroon black variegata with an old gold beard. Nicely ruffled ..•..................• VILLAIN (KEPPEL'81) Olive standards with faint lavender line up midribs; falls, maroon purple; mustard beard. HM ..................... WINDWALKER (TOKPKINS'86) Dotted and washed Heliotrope plicata on white ground; green-brown beard. HM ........................................ 3.00 WINTER WATCH (TOMPKINS'88) Aruffled white with very pale blue infusion. 4.50 3.00 3.50 12.00 3.00 WALKING TALL (AITKEN'87) Butterscotch standards; orchid-violet falls, butterscotch edging; yellow beard ..................................... 3.50 WINDSTAR (R.NELSON'89) Ruffled deep violet blue on opening, pales gracefully; small white spray area around white beard; deep yellow in throat; pronounced sweet fragrance ••................•.............•... 5.50 DANCE BALLERINA DANCE (VARNER'83) Tetraploid. Standards, near white with light pinkish-violet plicata effect; near white styles; falls, lavender-rose, lighter band at edge. Ruffled ................... ....... DANCING NANOU (MILLER'83) Diploid. Standards, violet-blue edged darker violet; stylearms violet-blue with turquoise rib; falls, ruffled medium purple; tiny white eye in hafts ................................ DEVIL'S DREAM (SCHAFER/SACKS'90) Diploid. Standards, rich wine red; falls, rich, velvety red, purple blaze around signal. Ruffled. Lighter red stylearms ......................................................... DEWFUL (MCGARVEY'67) Diploid. Blue self, stylearms very light blue ...... 3.00 3. 50 10.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 20.00 3.50 FLIGHT OF BUTTERFLIES (WITT'72) Poss. 40 Chrom. Standards, medium violet-blue, stylearms more violet-red; falls, white covered with butterfly wing pattern of violet-blue veins........................... 4.00 HARPSWELL HAZE (MCEWEN'77) Tetraploid. Light blue with dark violet-blue veining; white blaze on falls; medium light blue stylearms. 2 branches, 5-7 buds.................................................... 3.50 HELICOPTER (SHIDARA H0'88) Diploid. Six falls (no standards) dark violet with contrasting gold-leaf signals. Petals reach out horizontally suggesting props on helicopter ........................... 6.00 HELIOTROPE BOUQUET (HOLLINGWORTH'86) Light mauve and blue blend ......... 5.00 JAYBIRD (HAGER'82) Diploid. Light lavender-blue standards; falls, near cobalt blue, small dark signal........................................ 4. 50 KENABEE (MCEWEN'82) Diploid. Light violet-blue, slightly darker falls; blue violet signal with blue midrib ................................... 4.00 KING OF KINGS (VARNER'83) Diploid. White with green veining and green shaft on falls........................................................ 5.00 LADY OF QUALITY (MCEWEN'82) Tetraploid. Standards, light blue-violet; falls, slightly edged silver, inconspicuous white signal. 2 branches, 4-5 buds.............................................................. LAKE KEUKA (BORGLUM'94) Standards, violet-blue with aqua style arms; falls, ruffled violet-blue, edged lighter ............................. LAUGHING BROOK (WAITE'84) Diploid. Dark violet-purple with white signal, and light violet stylearms .................................... LAVENDER BOUNTY (MCEWEN'Sl) Lavender pink standards and falls ........... LAVENDER STIPPLES (MILLER'91) Diploid. Standards, white with a few violet lines; falls, white, infused and veined violet ................. SILVER EDGE (MCEWEN'74) Tetraploid. Standards, medium blue; falls, same, with distinct\silver edge, yellow white blaze, blue styles with turquoise midrib. Ruffled............................................. 3.50 STARSTEPS (HAGER'74) Diploid. White self, with a yellow spear ........... 4.00 4.00 TEALWOOD (VARNER'60) Diploid. Blue-purple self. Flat form ............... 3.50 TIFFANY LASS (MCEWEN'90) Tetraploid. Standards, dark violet blue; lighter violet blue styles with darker midrib. Falls, darker violet blue with brown blend. Velvety &ruffled .............................. 12.50 35.00 VARIATION IN BLUE (MCEWEN'83) Beautiful ruffled light blue .............. 4.00 3.50 4.00 WHITE SWIRL (CASSEBEER'57) Diploid. Ivory self, bright gold well back on hafts. Undersurface of falls also gold giving a very bright effect as bloom opens........................................................ 3.50 WINDWOOD SPRING (HOLLINGWORTH'85) Tetraploid. Ruffled light blue standards, with mid light blue falls. Prominent yellow blaze .......... 4.50 17.50 MABEL CODAY (HELSLEY'85) Ruffled medium blue, white signal; stylearms tinted violet. Slight sweet fragrance ................................. 4.00 MARANATHA (VARNER'74) Diploid. Royal purple self; little signal showing. 3.50 JAPANESE - TO 6 FEET Large, and flat with either 3, 6, or 9 petals, these follow the tall bearded irises in June. Truly unique! NAVY BRASS (MCEWEN'74) Tetraploid. Deep navy blue with bright gold blaze and blue stylarms............................................... 3.50 BLUETONE (PAYNE'69) Diploid - 6 falls; white, uniformly stippled silvery blue-violet, darker at center ............................. .. .. 6.00 PANSY PURPLE (MCEWEN'71) Diploid. Pansy purple with lighter tone around edge; 2-3 short white lines at base of midrib. Styles, violet with blue tones. Brown haft marks.......................................... 3.50 PERCHERON (WARBURTON'82) Diploid. Standards, violet, veined and dappled. Falls, purple-violet, veined and dappled, heavily ruffled. Green signal, fringed aqua stylearms ......•........................... 4.00 CHIGOSUGATA (BIRAO'OO) 9 petal white with faint blue blush on edges of petals ................ '. ....................... . .. . ................ . ... 4.00 REGENCY BELLE (MCEWEN'85) Tetraploid. Standards, light violet-blue with light blue styles; falls, medium violet-blue with white signal ........ 4.50 RILL (BELLAGAMBA'93) Medium blue, small white ray pattern; pale blue white styles. Amust for siberian iris fanciers! ...................... 15.00 ROSE QUEST (HAGER'83) Diploid. Rose orchid self ......................... 4.00 SALLY KERLIN (MCEWEN'70) Diploid. Clear, pale blue with slight lavender tone; small white blaze............................................... SHAKER'S PRAYER (WARNER'90) Standards, violet, red-violet styles. Falls, golden yellow at hafts, turning to white ground in center; delicate violet veining, solid violet at edge .......•.•............... SHIRLEY'S CHOICE (MCEWEN'87) Tetraploid.White self. Falls have faint chartreuse tint deepening at hafts. Ruffled. Feathered styles and standards form a central cup. Occas. rebloom .....•.................... SIBIRICA NANA ALBA (PERRY'40) Diploid. White dwarf ..•................... ELECTRIC RAYS (AITKEN'90) Diploid; 6 falls; standards mid-violet; falls same, with light blue rays extending from yellow signal to 1/2 inch from edge. Nicely ruffled ............................................. 10.00 GEISHA GOWN (MADDOCKS'68) Diploid - 6 falls; clear white, veined deep rose-purple with red-purple veins and feather styles, tipped white .... 5.00 GEISHA PARASOL (MADDOCKS'68) Double, mottled and striped to solid ground of rose, fuschia, bluish mauve, with silver edging ............. 7.50 GOOD OMEN (MARX'56) Deep wine self. Reblooms beautifully in our garden! ............................................................... 6.00 3.50 IZO-NO-UMI (BIRA0'93) 3 Petals overlapping, medium to light blue veined white, white styles................................................... 6.00 7.50 KIMIKO (MILLER,AM'89) Bright purple stippled white; dark violet blue halo; violet style arms ............................................... 10.00 KINA (COPELAND'89) Violet blend, violet blue around yellow signal, white style arms tipped violet ........................................ 10.00 KONGO-SAN (TOKO-EN'39) Diploid, 6-9 falls; dark blue-purple with darker veins; heavily ruffled and tufted ..................................... 4.00 4:oo 3.50 J LITTLE SNOWMAN (VOGT'90) White with light white green veining. Light white green signal.................................................... 8.00 NARIHIRA (HIRA0'60) Diploid, 6 falls; Large double deep velvety red-purple, overlapping falls; yellow arrow signal. Blooms early to late.................................................................. 5.00 PASTEL PRINCESS (MARX'56) Diploid. 6 falls. Light orchid-pink self ...... 6.00 ROSE WORLD (REID'89) Height can be from 36-48 ins. Lightly ruffled bright red purple with small area around lemon yellow signal spears. White style arms tipped rosy orchid ................................... ROYAL CROWN (MARX'61) White with deep beet red border ................... ROYAL RAMPARTS (MARX'78) Diploid; 6 falls; deep purple, with deep yellow signal......................................................... RURI OGI (HIRA0'58) Double blue violet with white area in center of .each petal raying out into the petals ................................. SAKURAJISHI (TOMIN0'52) 6 petals rose pink, ruffled &fluted ............ SAKURAKU ( '00) Double wide violet-blue, yellow signals outlined in white &a few white veins radiate over petals ......................... SAPPHIRE STAR (MARX'83) Diamond dusted pale lavender, faint white penciling &white halo around gold signal; lower styles pale lavender tipped white, upper styles, darker lav ................................ SORCERER'S TRIUMPH (MARX'54) Double bicolor. White with red-purple; orange signal......................................................... SPRINGTIME SNOW (REID'84) Very early white. Lemon yellow beard. Blooms with the tall bearded iris............................................ 12'.00 6.00 5. 00 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 4. 00 5. 00 TAFFETA AND VELVET (ACKERMAN'90) Heavily ruffled dark purple, velvety falls, with yellow signal. Reblooms right through til frost ........... 10.00 TAGA SODE (HIRA0'57) Double with wild plum splashes overall ............. 6.00 A N P.O . BOX 1046 MT. ANGEL, OREGON 97362