Aug 18 - St. Edna Catholic Church
Aug 18 - St. Edna Catholic Church
Saint Edna Catholic Community Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday evening 5:00 pm (anticipated) Sunday 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 am and 5:30 pm Weekday Masses Monday-Saturday at 9:00 am Communion Service Monday-Friday at 6:45am Eucharistic Adoration Fridays, 9:30-10:30am Office Hours Monday-Thursday, 9:00 am-8:00 pm Friday, 9:00 am-5:00 pm (Closed 12–1pm weekdays) Saturday, 9:00 am-5:00 pm Sunday, 9:00 am-1:00 pm Baptisms Celebrated the 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday of the month at 1:00 pm. Parent preparation class: 2nd Thursday of each month, 7:30 pm. Please call to register. Marriages Arrangements for celebration of marriage should be made at the Parish Office at least six months in advance. Reconciliation/Confession Available each Saturday 11:00 - 12:00, or by appointment. Anointing of the Sick Please call the Parish Office to have a family member who is seriously ill or elderly receive the Sacrament of Anointing. Communion for Homebound Ministers of Care are available to bring Communion to the homebound. Please call the Ministry of Care at 847-398-3362 x 318. August 18, 2013 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time St. Edna Outreach Monday-Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am-1:00 pm 847-398-3362 x 323 Dear Parishioners, "It’s only when we truly know I remain most grateful and proud of the Staff and volunteers who helped us to fittingly celebrate the Funeral Mass for Fr. John Hurley. The Mass and prayer service were among the most powerful liturgies I have ever experienced. I recognize the sadness and grief that many have expressed upon the death of Fr. Hurley. I know that Fr. Hurley was most grateful for the love and support he received during his time at St. Benedict’s Independent Living Center. His final days were filled with many visits from parishioners, cards and notes and enjoyable lunch outings. I am most grateful that Fr. Hurley did not suffer a lengthy hospital stay and that his passing was very peaceful. Still, there is a profound sadness that we may feel in our time of grief. It is important to remember that grief is a process and that no two people grieve in the same way. Sometimes we can get stuck wishing we would have done more or that we could have controlled or prevented the death of a loved one. Acceptance is the result of letting go. According to Dr. Kübler-Ross, this can be both empowering and enlightening. When we are faced with our own mortality or that of a loved one, things that once seemed important become miniscule. and understand that we have a limited time on earth, and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up, we will then begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it was the only one we had." (Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, 1926-2004) I pray that we will always remember the best of who Fr. John was, and treasure the goodness and love that we were privileged to know at Saint Edna for nearly thirty years. ******************************************* The days of summer are quickly passing and soon our thoughts turn to the beginning of a new school year. I was asked to print the blessing that we offered last week for those who are returning to school. Let us pray for all our students and teachers as they begin a new academic year. Good and Gracious God, We ask you to send your blessings upon these students, that they may continue to grow in wisdom and strength. May the Holy Spirit inspire these young men and women, that they may possess a thirst for knowledge of themselves and of the world; and may their learning lead them to the source of all goodness and truth, which is you. Give them healthy minds and bodies and keep them safe from all harm. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. ………………………………………………………... Let us pray for one another, Fr. Jerry [email protected] August 18, 2013 2 THIS WEEK AT SAINT EDNA August 18—25, 2013 Sunday August 18 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Ticket Pick-Up, for those who have RSVP’d, after all Masses - Narthex Sharing Coffee, after all morning Masses - Doherty Center 1:00pm Baptisms - Church 4:00pm SNL Choir Rehearsal - Church 6:45pm Kairos Leadership Team - Teen Center Monday August 19 9:30am 6:30pm 7:00pm Prayer Shawl Ministry - Hurley Center Respect Life - Hurley Center Adult Faith Formation - Community Room Tuesday August 20 8:30am 10:00am 11:30am 2:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 9:00pm Grandparents Prayer Time - Hurley Center Eucharistic Minister & Sacristan Training Eucharistic Minister & Sacristan Training Pieta - Hurley Center Virtus Training - Community Room Building Committee - Hurley Center Eucharistic Minister & Sacristan Training Parish Rosary - Church Eucharistic Minister & Sacristan Training - Doherty Center Church Doherty Center Church Wednesday August 21 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:15pm Adult Faith Formation - Community Room SHARE Job Networking Ministry - Hurley Center SNL Choir Rehearsal - Church Thursday August 22 9:00am 9:30am 12:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm Bible Reflections Group - Hurley Center Women of St. Edna Spirituality - Doherty Center Women’s Support Group - Doherty Center Peer Ministry Team - Teen Center Mourning Circle - Hurley Center Friday August 23 9:30am 10:00am 10:30am Adoration - Church Adult Faith Formation - Doherty Center Benediction - Church Saturday August 24 9:30am 9:30am 10:00am 11:30am Men’s Spirituality - Hurley Center SPRED - Hurley Center Eucharistic Minister & Sacristan Training - Doherty Center Eucharistic Minister & Sacristan Training - Church Sunday August 25 Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Ticket Pick-Up, for those who have RSVP’d, after all Masses - Narthex 4:30pm SNL Choir Rehearsal - Church BULLETIN DEADLINE—Articles for the September 1, 2013 bulletin may be dropped off in the Parish Office or e-mailed to [email protected] no later than Tuesday, August 20, 2013. Please indicate topic in subject line. 3 WORSHIP COMMISSION cultivates the liturgical life of the parish by fostering full, active and conscious participation of the community. Mass Intentions for the week of August 18, 2013 WEEKEND OF August 17-18 5:00pm— Rev. Eugene Faucher, Donald Mulvihill, David Riordan, Boleslaw Walaszek MASS CELEBRANTS August 24-25 7:30am— Rev. Eugene Faucher, Bill Wiest, Kevin Kane, Sabina Procido, Louis Procido, Vicente Tolentino, Bernice Pradzinski, Boleslaw Walaszek, Grace & John Obenauf, Deceased members of the Dahm Family 9:30am— Rev. Eugene Faucher, Joseph Stoklosa, Patricia Ann DeCarlo, Jake Szymanski, Diane Boggio, Ronald Albion (A), Lucille Kartesky (A), Darrell Krueger (A) 11:30am— Rev. Eugene Faucher, Maciej Karwacki (A), Laszlo Pavel (A) 5:30pm— Rev. Eugene Faucher Monday, August 19 6:45am—Communion Service 9:00am— Matthew J. Hendle (A) Tuesday, August 20 6:45am—Communion Service 9:00am— Fr. John Hurley, Ron Draftz (A) Wednesday, August 21 6:45am—Communion Service 9:00am— Walter Reynolds, Frank O’Kane, Gus Link 5:00pm— Rev. Eduardo Martinez & Deacon Joe Yannotta (Preach) 7:30am— Rev. Eduardo Martinez & Deacon Jim Gaughan (Preach) 9:30am— Rev. Eduardo Martinez & Deacon Jim Gaughan (Preach) 11:30am— Rev. Jerry Jacob & Deacon Jim Pauwels (Preach) 5:30pm— Rev. Jerry Jacob & Deacon Greg Beeber (Preach) JUST MARRIED Marlo Peralta & Ronald Estoesta WEDDING BANNS Thursday, August 22 6:45am—Communion Service 9:00am— Leo & Anna Cali Kathryn Waszak & Joseph Buettner Dana Monson & Joel Keller Barbara Igleski & James Haack Friday, August 23 6:45am—Communion Service 9:00am— Nick Weinrauch, Victor DiCianni, Edward Salm (A) CONGRATULATIONS TO Saturday, August 24 9:00am— Walter Egner (A) Jerry & Elizabeth Korus—40th Wedding Anniversary Altar bread and wine will be offered in memory of Chester Winski donated by Lucia & Ed Gruszka during the week of August 18, 2013 Richard David—Husband of Connie Elizabeth Peterson—Grandmother of Denise Mlynski George Theile—Husband of Carolyn Donald Lund—Husband of Mariellen Rev. John Hurley—Brother of Sr. Marian Hurley George Trapp—Husband of Catherine ROSARY GROUPS Meets—Monday-Saturday 8:15am in the church and Tuesday at 7:30pm All are invited to join us to pray the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy and the Rosary. MEMORIAL OPPORTUNITY If you would like to remember a deceased relative or friend in a special way, here is your opportunity. We are accepting donations for the altar breads and wine that are used at Mass for that week. Every week in the bulletin we will post who the bread and wine was donated in memory of. Suggested donation is $25. You can drop off or mail your donation to the Parish Office, marked “Altar Bread Memorial.” Make sure to include your name and the name/s of whom you would like to be remembered. Requests are published in the bulletin in the order that they are received. August 18, 2013 4 FAITH FORMATION COMMISSION fosters the life-long growth, of all, in the Catholic Faith. Invest just five minutes a day, of altars and church buildings. Food, healing, light, and blessing: Much and your faith will deepen and has come from the humble olive! TODAY’S READINGS: Judges 9:6-15; Matthew 20:1-16 (421) grow—a day at a time. “The olive tree answered them, ‘Must I give up my rich oil, whereby men and gods are honored, and go to wave over the trees?’ ” SUNDAY, AUGUST 18, 2013 THURSDAY, AUGUST 22 TWENTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME What lights your fire? MEMORIAL OF THE QUEENSHIP OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire,” said Don’t miss the feast! Saint Catherine of Sienna in her wisdom. But just who is it that God For many it may be a long time since you crowned a statue of Mary with wants you to be? The process of seeking answers to that question is what a wreath of flowers or called her sovereign over your heart, much less the church calls the “process of discernment.” Each of us must take time Queen of Heaven. Pope Pius XII inaugurated this feast in 1954 and it out at various points in our lives to determine just where we are being can sound rather antique these days. If you’re struggling to understand called and what will light a fire within us and set the world ablaze. As why heaven needs a queen, consider the Second Vatican Council’s deyou determine your fiery course, consider this exhortation from Pope scription of Mary as the “exemplary realization” of the church. She demFrancis: “We Christians were not chosen by the Lord for little things; onstrates the best of what you’re capable: whole-souled responsiveness push onwards toward the highest principles. Stake your lives on noble to God. When you arrive at that, it’s your day to wear the crown. ideals.” TODAY’S READINGS: Judges 11:29-39a; Matthew 22:1-14 TODAY’S READINGS: Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10; Hebrews 12:1-4; (422) Luke 12:49-53 (120) “The kingdom of heaven may be likened to a king who gave a wedding feast.” “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!” FRIDAY, AUGUST 23 MONDAY, AUGUST 19 MEMORIAL OF ROSE OF LIMA, VIRGIN MEMORIAL OF JOHN EUDES, PRIEST Love is the answer When faced with a difficult task, you might hope for an easy answer. As Listen to your heart You often find depictions of Saint John Eudes with the image of the an adult you know that new challenges can also become growing experiSacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. His devotion ences. It is in those times where you see transformation take place in and dedication to these hearts stem from one of the central themes of his your heart and mind. The one thing you come to know as a Christian is writings: “Jesus as the source of holiness and Mary as the model of the that God wants your love unconditionally at each moment of every day. Christian life.” Pope Benedict XVI said that Saint John Eudes “wanted You can express it easily in times of joy. You realize it can be difficult to recall people, men and women . . . to the heart by showing them the when issues such as child-care concerns arise or bills cannot be paid on priestly Heart of Christ and the motherly Heart of Mary.” Saint John time. Tonight when you close your eyes, whisper to God, “I love you.” TODAY’S READINGS: Ruth 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Matthew Eudes’ heart led him to focus on the formation of diocesan clergy. 22:34-40 (423) Where is your heart—and those of Jesus and Mary—leading you this “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with day? TODAY’S READINGS: Judges 2:11-19; Matthew 19:16-22 (419) all your soul, and with all your mind.” “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, FEAST OF BARTHOLOMEW, APOSTLE follow me.” God knows (you) The little we know of Bartholomew (a.k.a. Nathaniel) includes a fasciTUESDAY, AUGUST 20 nating story in which Jesus (whom he’d never met) pays him the compliMEMORIAL OF BERNARD, ABBOT, DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH ment of being a man “without deceit.” Nathaniel was at a loss that Jesus Think twice before marching off None of us is immune from the spirit of the age we live in, and some- not only knew him and his character but had already somehow seen him times that spirit is not particularly holy. The era of the Crusades in 11th- “under the fig tree”—an expression that may be a euphemism for being a century Europe was such a time, and even a saint as great as Bernard of seeker of peace, a seeker of the kingdom of God. If you feel alone facing Clairvaux was caught up in it. After being persuaded to whip up support what today has in store, pray confidently with the psalmist, “Lord, you for the Second Crusade, Bernard came to regret his involvement in this probe me and you know me. . . . with all my ways you are familiar,” and, ill-conceived venture. Have you ever made a decision you later regret- full of trust, encounter again the Lord who knows you. TODAY’S READINGS: Revelation 21:9b-14; John 1:45-51 (629) ted? We’ve all been there at one time or another, which is one reason saints are so endearing: They were real people who became saints not “How do you know me?” because they were perfect but because they dealt with their shortcomings SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2013 in a holy way. TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME TODAY’S READINGS: Isaiah 66:18-21; Hebrews 12:5-7, 11-13; TODAY’S READINGS: Judges 6:11-24a; Matthew 19:23-30 (420) Luke 13:22-30 (123) “Many who are first will be last, and the last will be first.” “After the master of the house has arisen and locked the door, then will you stand outside knocking and saying, ‘Lord, open WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21—Pass the olives! In biblical times olives were a very important commodity. Their oil was the door for us.’” applied to skin as a medication—and as a good way to get rid of head ©2013 by TrueQuest Communications, L.L.C. PHONE: 800-942-2811; E-MAIL: lice! It was part of perfumes and soap and kept lamps lit. Anointing [email protected]; WEBSITE: Licensed for noncomsomeone with oil marked them for leadership in the faith community; the mercial use. All rights reserved. Noncommercial reprints permitted with following line: word messiah—translated into Greek as christos—comes from the He- Reprinted with permission from Prepare the Word (©2013), Scripture quotes come from the New American Bible Revised Edition..Contributors: brew word for “anointing.” Today you can find oil in the form of Clarissa Aljentera, Alice Camille, Daniel Grippo, Father Larry Janowski, O.F.M., chrism—oil mixed with scents—in the “sacraments of initiation,” Bap- Siobhán O’Neill, Joel Schorn, Patrice J. Tuohy, Sister Julie Vieira, I.H.M. tism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders (Ordination), and in the dedication 5 WORSHIP COMMISSION cultivates the liturgical life of the parish by fostering full, active and conscious participation of the community. Be a part of St. Edna’s CHILDREN’S CHOIR for the 2013-2014 school year is looking for (Instrumentalists by audition only.) Rehearsals are on Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30 p.m., beginning September 11, 2013 (Sing at Mass once a month.) Please return form to the Parish Office by August 27, 2013. Name:________________________ Grade:_____________ Rehearsals are on Wednesdays, 4:30 – 5:15 p.m., beginning September 11, 2013 (Sing at Mass once a month.) Please return bottom portion to the Parish Office by August 30, 2013. Name:______________________ Grade:___________ Instrument: ___________________ Birthday______________________ Address:______________________ _____________________________ Home Phone: _____________________________ Parent(s) name(s):_______________ _____________________________ Work phone:__________________ Cell:_________________________ E-mail address _________________ Address:___________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Home Phone: _________________ Birthday ____________________ Parent(s) name(s):______________ ___________________________ Work phone:__________________ Cell:________________________ E-mail address:________________ August 18, 2013 6 FAITH FORMATION COMMISSION fosters the life-long growth, of all, in the Catholic Faith. Eucharistic Minister & Sacristan Workshop All commissions for Eucharistic Ministers end December 1, 2013. We would like to take this opportunity to gather all our EM’s and Sacristans for a time of prayer, faith formation and review of procedures. Eucharistic Ministers will then be re-commissioned for three more years. The following dates and times are available: Tuesday, August 20th Saturday, August 24th Thursday, August 29th Thursday, September 12th Tuesday, September 17th Saturday, September 21st 10:00-12:30 10:00-12:30 10:00-12:30 10:00-12:30 10:00-12:30 10:00-12:30 or 7:00-9:30pm or or 7:00-9:30pm 7:00-9:30pm To register please e-mail Lorie Crepeau at [email protected] or call the Parish Office at 847-398-3362. Please leave your name, e-mail address, phone number and date and time you will be attending. Please register 1 week prior to class attending. Bible Study Series: The Book of the Prophet Daniel When: Monday’s 9/9, 9/16, 9/23, 9/30 & 10/7 7-8:30pm Wednesday’s 9/11, 9/18, 9/25, 10/2 & 10/9 7-8:30pm Friday’s 9/13, 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, & 10/11 10-11:30am Instructor: Lorie Crepeau Cost: $10.00/person ****************************************************************** Registration for Prophet Daniel Name: ________________________________ Phone: ___________________ E-Mail: ___________________________________________________________ Day Attending: _____ Monday _____ Wednesday _____ Friday Registration Deadline: August 21st 7 FAITH FORMATION COMMISSION fosters the life-long growth, of all, in the Catholic Faith. YO U T H M I N I S T RY AUGUST 15-31, 2013 Here’s a few of the things that Youth Ministry has planned for the coming months Future events Confirmation Parent Meeting: 7 PM, Aug. 29 for those families in the Confirmation Preparation classes. Books and syllabi will be passed at out this meeting. CHWC 2014: Registration for next summer’s camp will start September 9. 2104 Location and date will be announced at the end of August. PMT Retreat : All high school teens who are involved in PMT or would like to be are invited to join us for the Peer Ministry Retreat sponsored by Cultivation Ministries at Camp Timberlee the weekend of Aug. 2425. This two day Retreat is designed to strengthen Parish ministry teams through workshops, games, prayer and fun. The cost is $100 per peer minister. Confirmation Classes start on Sunday, Confirmation Preparation classes: Sunday, Sept. 22. 4pm Confirmation for class of 2013: Rehearsal: Nov. 5, 7 PM. Confirmation Mass Nov. 15, 7 PM Kairos 10: January 24-27, 2014. Our retreat for high school Juniors and Seniors. Sept. 22, 2013 . Classes run from 4-5:15 PM. If you have not yet registered, please visit the Parish office for the registration forms. Our 2 years Confirmation Preparation classes start in 8th grade, continue into 9th and conclude with Confirmation in November. There are 10 classes each school year and 3 classes the final few months. Also included are a service opportunity and a retreat. November 21-24, 2013 National Catholic Youth Conference Young people who are currently in high school are invited to sign up for this conference to be held in Indianapolis, Indiana. There will be workshops, praise and worship music, keynote speakers and 25, 000 Catholic Youth! For more information, check out their website at We have space for 18 teens. For more information or to sign up for this wonderful conference, contact Nancy H. For information on any of these events or to register for these opportunities, contact Nancy Holpuch at [email protected] or call 847/398.3362, ext. 341 Here are a few pictures from our evening of bowling “We are a Catholic Community committed to journeying with young people through prayer, study and service.” FAITH FORMATION COMMISSION fosters the life-long growth, of all, in the Catholic Faith. Heavenly Hands Puppet Ministry 2013-14 Team Looking to meet FUN teens at St Edna? Join Heavenly Hands Puppet Ministry! No experience necessary… we train you! First meeting is Sunday, September 8, at 9:3011:20AM in the Hurley Center Lower Level. Check it out! (must be in 6th grade or older) Directors: Deacon Greg & Debbie Beeber, Karen Janisch August 18, 2013 – 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Like Christ, we must never grow despondent or abandon the struggle and opportunity to live and proclaim the faith. Perhaps God is calling you to spread that Word through a Church vocation. What a gift it is to share the Word. If you have ever considered a vocation to the priesthood, contact Fr. Francis Bitterman, [email protected] or at 312-534-8298, or go to For information on religious life contact Sr. Elyse Ramirez, OP at 312-534-5240 or [email protected], and for the Permanent Diaconate program contact Deacon Bob Puhala at 847-837-4564 or [email protected]. Special Religious Development—(SPRED) Premise: The fundamental premise of the program is that the Church, the Sacraments, and the Love of God are here for all of us. Every man, woman and child has a right to come into the Church and live her liturgy, experience her rich history and traditions, and feel the presence of God in their lives. It is our obligation as Christians to help as we can to make that right a reality for those with physical, mental, emotional, and intellectual challenges. Mission: The mission of the St. Edna SPRED Program is to share the Word and the Love of God with people who have developmental disabilities. Age Group: the SPRED Program at St. Edna ministers to children ages 6-10. Meeting: SPRED meets monthly on Saturday morning from 9:30-11:15 If you have a child with special challenges who would benefit from the SPRED Program please contact the parish office at 847-398-3362. Volunteers are also needed. Special training is provided through the Archdiocese of Chicago. If interested please contact the parish office at the above number. 9 PARISH LIFE COMMISSION fosters a sense of parish unity by organizing and welcoming all to communitybuilding events. MATS FOR THE HOMELESS The next training session will be held on Thursday, September 5th at 7:00pm in the Doherty Center. Everyone who is interested in this ministry is welcome. Please bring a scissors for cutting the plastic bags. Bags and templates will be supplied. If you can crochet, bring a crochet hook, size M or N. We will have people available to help you get started. In the meantime, look us up on our webpage at stedna/parishlife/groups/ matsforthehomeless. There are instructions and suggested videos to learn more about how to make the mats. Please continue to make the balls of plastic yarn for the crocheters. We do NOT need bags at the present time. Thank you to all who have worked on the mats and continue to do so. Because of your hard work and dedication, we have completed Ann Berry and one of the mats she recently made 170 mats. We appreciate all that you have done to make this a big success. YOUNG-AT-HEART FOR SENIORS Everyone is welcome to join us for our trip to the Marriott Lincolnshire Theater for their matinee performance of “9 to 5” on Wednesday, October 9th. Cost is $30.00 per person, tickets are limited and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis— so order yours today! Please fill out the form below and return to the Parish Office (by September 1st) along with your check made payable to Young-at-Heart. *************************************** Young-at-Heart Marriott Trip Grandparents! All Grandparents are welcome to gather for prayerful support for your families: GRANDPARENTS’ PRAYER TIME Tuesday Mornings 8:30-9:00 in the Hurley Center BOWLERS WANTED The Wednesday Afternoon Mixed Bowling League is looking for bowlers. We meet at 1:00pm at the Arlington Heights Bowling Lanes, Dundee & Kennicott. The start date is Wednesday, August 28th and completes the last Wednesday in April. We usually are finished around 3:30pm. We do not bowl during the Christmas holidays. Cash awards are handed out at the banquet in May. The majority of the League is made up of fellow parishioners. Come join the fun! For more information or to sign up, call Toni Reinhart at 847-843-3306 or Ann Berry at 847-398-6885. NAME/S MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE _____________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ City/ State/Zip _______________________________________________ Phone No. (if we need to contact you) _______________________________________________ The St. Edna’s Mixed Bowling League has openings for anyone who wants to have fun and meet new people. On alternate Sunday evenings starting at 6pm, September through May, we gather at Arlington Heights Lanes, located on Kennicott, just South of Dundee Road. We have a wide variety of ages, an even wider variety of scores, a Christmas party with gift exchange and shared holiday treats, some special prizes during the season and a year-end dinner banquet with cash prizes. New people can join as a single, a couple, or even a complete team of 4. Please contact Lei Caruso at 847-541-6192, Evelyn Lionello at 847-398-2530 or Steve Powers at 847-975-3690 for more information. August 18, 2013 10 PARISH LIFE COMMISSION fosters a sense of parish unity by organizing and welcoming all to communitybuilding events. Life is like a picnic, you can plan it, But you can’t predict the weather! DISCOVER CFM We invite all young families, empty nesters, single parents, newly marrieds and interfaith families to join us for our CFM PICNIC as we celebrate the end of summer and plan for the year. We welcome all adults and children to join us for this end of summer celebration featuring food, games and the opportunity to explore the impact CFM can have on your lives. For questions or further information, please call Jim or Rosemarie Fagan at 847-540-8757. Christian Family Movement PICNIC Sunday, August 25 from 2:00 - 5:00 At the Fagans’ Home, 59 Darlington Drive, Hawthorn Woods WELCOME TO ST. EDNA St. Edna Moms Plus welcomes you! If you are interested in becoming a member of St. Edna Parish, please join us in the Community Room on: We meet on Mondays from 9:3011:00 a.m. in the Hurley Center at St. Edna (and other locations). We hope you’ll join us. September 8, 2013 at 10:30am Registration will take place at this time. August 2013 Schedule August 19 Centennial Park (no sitters) 1209 Burr Oak Drive, Arlington Heights Rain location – Arlington Heights library August 26 Horizon Park (no sitters) 355 South Schoenbeck Road, Wheeling Rain location – Indian Trails Library Please visit the St. Edna website,, for an up-to-date schedule and more information. You can find us under Parish Life – Ministries. Questions? Please contact: Carrie Petrelis, [email protected] 847-577-7220. Emily Hill, [email protected] ***Note about our babysitting: Babies are always welcome to stay with their moms or moms can take advantage of our wonderful sitters who watch our children in the St. Edna Nursery.*** #E9936-2872-02. 11 PARISH LIFE COMMISSION fosters a sense of parish unity by organizing and welcoming all to communitybuilding events. August 18, 2013 12 PARISH ADMINISTRATION WE WARMLY WELCOME THE FOLLOWING NEW PARISHIONERS TO ST. EDNA... Robert and Lucia Battaglia, Filippo, Maria, and Marco Alphius Britto Leo and Kathleen Buttitta, James and Joseph Katie Costello, Kathryn, Jack, and Connor Theodore Effertz Deborah Escalante, Isabella David and Kristine Gruzewski, Allison and Emma Jaroslav and Katarzyna Gvlizd/Mauler, Oliver and Maxwell David & Stephanie Horvath, Devin and Brady Hieu Nauyen and Lovelyn Joves Kevin & Judith Kiser Joel and Nicole Klemundt, Haylee Michael and Lora Lynch, Madeline and Bethany Michael & Elaine MacMahon, Cameron & Connor Peter and Michelle Mainville, Kylin, Carden, and Carter Bob and Pat Millis James and Diane Oddo, Ryan and Tyler Eric and Danielle Parker Mary Ellen Phillips Dominic and Patricia Rotondo, Lucas and Joseph James and Wendy Sable, Matthew, Christopher, and David Daniel and Nicole Styka, Alexander and Zachary Ryan and Dorota Swarizendruber, Ania Maria and Jon Paul John and Agatha Weisser, John Frank and Jennifer Zimmerman, Vincenzo, Anasophia, and Niccolo 13 PARISH ADMINISTRATION SHARING OF TREASURE -- Fiscal Year 2014 Week ending August 11, 2013 Sunday Offering Regular Collections GiveCentral ParishPay Childrens envelopes Grand Total For Week Amount Budgeted for Operating Expenses Greater/(Less) than Budget Fiscal Year-to-Date 7/1/13 - 8/11/13 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Extraordinary Collections Sharing Parish, St. James $ Alms: Willow House $ 20,610 3,025 13 23,648 25,000 (1,352) 437 150 Thank you for your Faithful Support! Collections vs. Budget YTD Sunday Collections $ YTD Budget Sunday Collections $ $ Greater/(Less) than Budget Christmas Budget $ Greater/(Less) than Budget Holy Days Budget $ Greater/(Less) than Budget Easter Budget $ Extraordinary Collections Capital Improvement Fund $ Sharing Parish, St. James $ Alms (Various Organizations) $ Archdiocesan Required Collections $ 167,515 150,000 17,515 - - - 308 5,685 5,126 9,363 ALMS Our Alms this weekend will benefit St. Joseph’s Home for the Elderly. Alms on August 25 will benefit Mision San Juan Diego. Thank you for your generosity! STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL strives to inspire our community to express gratitude for God’s many gifts through service to God and one another. LOOKING BACK, ACTING FORWARD On an island in the Tiber River in Rome stands the small Basilica of Saint Bartholomew. In the year 2000, Pope John Paul II dedicated it as a shrine to all Christian victims of twentieth-century wars and persecution throughout the world. The side chapels in the basilica contain mementos of men and women who died for their Christian faith and their love of others. Some of them you will have heard of, some you will not. Many are Catholic, but Protestants and Orthodox Christians are also represented. In 2008, Pope Benedict XVI visited the basilica and spoke of the great love shown by those whose names we know, as well as that of countless more souls known only to God who have given their lives or suffered torture or detention rather than betray their faith in Christ. The basilica is in the care of the Community of Sant’Egidio, which was founded in Rome by high school students in 1968 and now claims fifty thousand members in over seventy countries. Pope Benedict’s visit celebrated the fortieth anniversary of the founding of the Community. Members are lay people who have decided to commit themselves to living the Gospel as fully as possible. They bond through Bible reading and daily prayer, and their stewardship is expressed in direct assistance to the poor, the elderly, and the homeless, and in medical care for people living with AIDS. They are also committed to an ongoing dialog with other Christian denominations and other faith traditions, and to peacemaking activities. Like the members of the Sant’Egidio Community, we should observe and value the images of the saints in our church. They serve as a constant reminder of the value of a gospel-centered life, and challenge us to risk whatever it takes to follow Christ in our daily life. Copyright © 2011, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. August 18, 2013 14 HUMAN CONCERNS COMMISSION will witness efforts in the areas of care ministry and social outreach. OPTIONS FOR INTERCESSORY PRAYERS AT ST. EDNA PRAYER BASKET: The Prayer Basket is in church and is offered as a part of the offertory at Mass. Intentions are placed in the basket and they are strictly between the person that places them in there and the Lord who receives them. The prayers are then offered collectively during the Prayer of the Faithful at Mass. ANNOUNCED PRAYERS AT MASS: When people are critically ill, a request form can be filled out in the parish office for prayers to be offered during Mass. ST. EDNA ANGEL NETWORK: is currently on hiatus until the end of the summer. Please offer your prayers for all who need them. Detailed information will be provided when the Angel Network is back up and running on its new format/design. SICK LIST IN THE BULLETIN: As members of St. Edna’s parish faith community, it is our responsibility to remember both in concrete and spiritual ways those who cannot celebrate Mass with us each week because they are ill. Those who are sick, in turn, remember all of us daily in their prayers and in their sufferings. We experience many blessings because of their remembering us. And so, please remember in your prayers the people listed below: Angie Alonge Marie Bataska Robert Bassee Pat Baumeister Geri Boness Sean Brown Robert Clark Sandra Clark Tony Conway Joe Coriaci Ken Cybul Joyce Dawidczyk Marilyn Desens Pattie Dorner Jane Femal Dick Freund Evelyn Friese Frank Gallagher Arianna Gillespie Mary Ann Graham Joseph Graziano Nina Hammar Robert Hawkins, Jr. Baby Jude Hearn Father Phil Hensler Loretta Herrmann Walter Herrmann Roy Hoppe Fr. Willard Jabusch Jim Jeffer Jackie Kelly Bob Kilbourne Robert Kirsh Margaret Klepitsch Ardith Kniskern Rich Kozik Peggy Kriss William LaPlante Lorraine Ligammari Shirley Magnus Lillian Maloni Jerry Mancuso Bill Masloske Pat Mason Jim McEnerney Geraldine Mick Barbara Miller Asha Molve Kathy Morrow Peter Phillips Bob Pradzinski Marie Rossetti Charlie Shorthand Ann Soulge Amelia Stoesser Marty Stoesser Susan Stoneburner Warren Swegle Loretta Takata Aileen Tansey Harriet Tantillo Jim Trausch Christopher Trinco Steven Trinco Dan Tsutsumi Doreen Von Bargen Marlene Wielgos Dorothy Yacullo Lou Zygmunt May the God of compassion hold us in the palm of His hand when we feel weary and alone in our suffering. May ours be the look of compassion and the touch of comfort to those who reach out to us in their time of need. And may the blessing of compassion be with us all. P. Normile If your name or a loved one’s name is not listed but you would like it to be, please contact me via email or phone. Alternatively, if your name is listed but no longer needs to be on the list, please let me know. Due to the privacy law only names that have been given to us from an immediate family member with the permission of the person requesting prayers will be printed. It is always a privilege to support you in anyway possible. ~Diane Mulroe, Director of Human Concerns [email protected] SUPPORT GROUPS AT ST. EDNA MOURNING LIGHT is an afternoon support group for those who have been widowed. This group meets the second Wednesday of every month at 2:00pm in the Hurley Center. MOURNING CIRCLE is an evening group for those who have been widowed. This group meets on the fourth Thursday of every month. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, August 22, 2013 at 7:30pm in the Hurley Center. PIETA is a support group for mothers grieving the loss of a child. This group typically meets on the third Tuesday of every month. However, due to the parish facilities being closed that week, the next meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 20, 2013 at 2:00pm in the Hurley Center. PHOENIX is a support group for those who have experienced divorce. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 at 7:30pm in the Hurley Center. 15 HUMAN CONCERNS COMMISSION will witness efforts in the areas of care ministry and social outreach. Networking—Everything You Wanted To Know And Were Afraid To Ask Presented by Jim Boysen Wednesday—August 21st at 7:00pm—Hurley Center Networking is one of the most overused and misunderstood aspects of a job search. During this meeting you will discover these things: What is the objective of networking Who is in your network How to prepare for the networking meeting What should and shouldn't be discussed. Enhancing your networking efforts Our speaker, who will lead the discussion of these topics, is Jim Boysen. Jim has a thirty+ career in HR with companies like the Signode and Paslode Divisions of ITW. He served as a teacher for five years in the Catholic schools in Chicago. For the last several years Jim's been a job coach at Career Transitions Center, counseling people just like you as they go through a job search. He has an excellent understanding of what it takes to be successful in a job search. All are welcome! Casual networking will follow the presentation. Please bring your resumes/business cards/handbills to share. Sponsored by the SHARE Job & Networking Ministry (St. James, St. Edna, Our Lady of the Wayside and St. Raymond) For more information: Tom Mannard at [email protected] What is Spiritual Adoption? Spiritual Adoption is a way to prayerfully bond to one particular, yet unknown, baby as he/she begins the journey from conception to birth. Through Spiritual Adoption, you commit yourself to remembering that child in prayer for 40 weeks, thus “adopting” them, until the day that they are born. This is a prayerful way to open our hearts to those who are voiceless and to be a strong witness to the sanctity of all life. WEEK 22 “Inside my body, I am starting to produce white blood cells this week. They are important because these cells will help my body fight off infection once I am born. My eyebrows and lashes have started to grow, too. When I hear my Mommy’s voice, sometimes I get excited and punch and kick. Other times, though, her voice soothes me to sleep. I can’t wait to see my parents’ faces. I wonder if they look like me. Please pray for my family.” The Job Club consists of a small group of people who are searching for a job. The group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 7:00pm each month in Room A of the Hurley Center with experienced job counselors who will guide them through the job hunting process. The group acts as a self-help group assisting each other in the job search; sharing with each other job leads, and encouraging each other in their efforts. Each new member is provided at least one individual coaching session with a Job Counselor. You will be provided with tools and support to find how and where to find a job in today’s tough job market. The Job Club has been active since the end of January of 2013 and during that time 63% of regular attendees have found a job. There is no fee; no reservations. For more information, stop by the Parish Office and ask for a brochure. August 18, 2013 16 James C. Perkins TURNING 65? BEWILDERED? CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ACCOUNTING & TAX PREPARATION Medicare and Medigap Plans Made Easy (847) 392-5675 [email protected] Parishioner Call Advertising here helps your parish & your business. Joseph Genarella, CDFA, ChFC, CLU Call Bob Hahn 800.566.6170 847-651-5532 “Experience Great Chiropractic Care” Represents Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois and AARP 847-577-5400 1522 E. Hintz NEW PATIENT EXAM FREE W/COPY OF AD! Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Water & Fire Restoration 1-800-862-5326 A Franciscan Community Independent Living Assisted Living Skilled Nursing Outpatient Rehab Daily Mass Call for monthly specials Parishoner Since 1968 BEATA CZECHURA, D.M.D. FAMILY DENTISTRY 504 N. Plum Grove Rd., Ste. A Palatine 847-359-3336 Mowimy Po Polsku 847-215-1600 KOHL’S CORNER Laundromat & Cyber Café • Full Service Coin Laundry • Open 6:30 AM • Internet Access • Café and Snack Bar • Attendant on Duty Donald Cosley Attorney at Law / Parishioner Family Law • DUI/Traffic • Criminal Law • Real Estate 847-253-3100 • 1855 Rohlwing Rd. Suite D • Rolling Meadows Williams Reserve Shopping Center Player Development Coach DAVID HESS has worked with over 100 atheletes to improve their skill set in preparation for high school and college. 1550 N. Rand Rd. Palatine 847-776-0662 [email protected] Family Owned & Operated A new way to do your laundry 847.334.8715 Computer Services for Business Contact us for a FREE Consultation Disaster Recovery Solutions • Managed Network Services Spam Filtering • Helpdesk Services • Remote Assistance Online Backup • Server Installation & Maintenance • Firewalls [email protected] • Looking for a great place to call home? We have Skilled Nursing Care 1 and 2 bedroom apartments for rent! For the Secured Memory Support Unit Rehabilitation Therapy month of April we have $500 off your first month’s Respite Care rent! Corporate/Furnished units also available. Hospice Care Outpatient Physical Therapy Call 847-394-3434 for more details. 3901 Glenview Rd., Glenview Visit us on the Web at 847-729-0000 600 W. Rand Rd., Arlington Heights CENTRAL PLUMBING COMPANY, INC. TIRE & AUTO CENTER 801 W. Dundee Road Since 1980 4 Generations of Plumbers Repairs & Remodeling - Water Heaters Disposals - Sump Pumps - Rodding 847.481.0530 Located at Arlington Heights Ford 847-253-9181 Tom Ryan ~ Kevin Ryan IL. LIC. # PL16019 LIC. # 055-012918 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1175 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 000555 St Edna Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 STEVEN’S JAROSZ & VALENTE ORTHODONTICS, P.C. Practice Limited to Orthodontics - Children & Adults 847-632-1030 Arlington Heights and Deerfield Jerome A. Jarosz, D.D.S., M.S. - Parishioner Rudolfo M. Valente, D.D.S., M.S. Custom Upholstery • Fine Fabric Selection • Cushions Made To Order • Repair/Buttons Replaced Tents • Tables • Chairs • Linens • Moonwalk • Games 500 S. Hicks Road, Palatine 847-394-8213 577-0606 Steve Walczynski Parishioner Craig Schuessler $15 Off on Service Call $50 Off on New Furnace Financial Advisor or Air Conditioner Not Good W/Other Offers Arlington Heights 500 E. Northwest Hwy., Palatine 392-6870 Drs. Quintin & Katie Sleigh 1500 North Arlington Heights Rd. 847-359-4500 Pain Relief • Wellness Pregnancy • Pediatrics Free Consultation & Exam 847-788-0880 3285 N. Arlington Heights Rd., Ste 206 Dr. Richard M. Mruz, MD. Members of American College of Pro-Life Obstetrician Alexian Brothers Medical Center Gynecologist 810 Biesterfield 364-0040 Family Owned and Operated Since 1883 by the Matz Family Your Village...Your Bank 410 E. Rand Road • 847/394-2336 Uptown Banking Center CHICAGO 150 E. Rand Rd. 847-870-5000 847-870-TOPS 3440 N. Central Ave. •773/545-5420 Midtown Banking Center 311 S. Arl. Hts. Rd. Roofing Siding & Windows MT. PROSPECT Main Banking Center 234 W. Northwest Hwy. 847-670-1000 847-483-6000 2013 is the reassessment year. We can help. 847-483-6000 Mt. Prospect Banking Center 320 E. Northwest Hwy. Serving the Community for Over 50 Years! 847-768-1040 Mark A. Lallas, DDS Brian P. Zulawinski, DDS 120 W. Eastman Arlington Heights, IL 60004 Park Ridge Banking Center 950 W. Touhy For a free initial consultation call Ennes & Associates, Inc. 847-577-6500 847-398-6128 Des Plaines Banking Center 1545 Ellinwood Ave. Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Insured & Bonded For a Free Estimate contact Jerry Madry (224) 392-1288 CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR PROPERTY TAXES? Prospect Hts. Banking Center 1845 E. Rand Rd. HOME ALTERATION & DESIGN. INC 847-384-8500 847-253-7477 847-419-8081 Professional home health care services tailored to your needs Licensed and certified professionals representing commercial taxpayers for over 30 years. PARISHIONER - 5% OF OUR NET FEE WILL GO TO THE CAPITAL CAMPAIGN LAUTERBURG & OEHLER FUNERAL HOME 2000 East Northwest Hwy. • Arlington Heights Newly remodeled, all facilities are on one floor 847-253-5423 Jim Murray, Mgr. ABLE TREE SERVICE Victor L. Vaughn, D.D.S. Tree Trimming & Removal Stump Grinding, Storm Protection, Certified Arborist FAMILY & GENERAL DENTISTRY 847-298-4657 394-3070 TOM REZEK & SEWER Dan RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL “24 Hours Seven Days A Week” Lic. # 058-190455 847-726-8820 394-9686 Parishioner & Senior Citizen Discount 1530 E. Hintz Rd., Arl. Hts., Brook Run Plaza A Family Owned & Operated Business Since 1979 OSMONDSON ROOFING CO. “THE RESIDENTIAL SPECIALISTS” Every Life Leaves A Legacy ORPHANS OF THE STORM Adoptions 11 AM-5 PM 7 Days 847-945-0235 Marianne Brennan, ABR Less than $1 per day Pasta • Ribs • Chicken 2 OFF ANY ORDER over $12.00 WITH THIS AD $ 00 Parishioner 847-409-1366 “Real Estate Services You Can Trust!” 000555 St Edna Church (A) 847-255-8696 Are you ever alone? You’re never alone when you have a medical alert! "I feel more independent, safe, and secure with my medical alert." ADOPT A FRIEND FOR LIFE 2200 RIVERWOODS RD. - RIVERWOODS Brian Emmerich • Chimney Caps, Flashings • Chimney Tuckpointing • Chimney Rebuilding • 10 YR. Labor Guarantee • Licensed • Bonded • Insured Reflect Celebrate Live 847.537.6600 189 S. Milwaukee Ave., Wheeling, IL 60090 • Roof Removals • Wood Replacement Parishioner 847-494-4907 marianne@ “Buying or Selling. You or a friend. I’m your resource from beginning to end.” 847.947.4111 • No Long-Term Contracts • Price Guarantee • A+ Rating with BBB • Made and Monitored in the USA Call Today to learn more about our Special Offer. 1.877.801.8608 Toll Free 960 S. Buffalo Grove Rd. For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 PASTORAL COUNCIL As stewards of the St. Edna Parish Vision, the Pastoral Council acts in an advisory capacity to our Pastor, assists in prioritizing needs, and provides leadership. Fr. Eduardo Martinez Br. Tom Minta Camille Murray Erin O’Leary Katie Otto Paula Pollman (Rec.) Marie Schalke Ann Marie Thomas Daryn Waite Tom Wuich Kris Yambao Deacon Joe Yannotta St. Edna Catholic Church 2525 N. Arlington Heights Road Arlington Heights, IL 60004 FINANCE COUNCIL The Finance Council stewards the assets of the parish and, as a consultative body, advises the Pastor on appropriate allocation of funds. David Diol Pat Freeman Wayne Fritz Jean Justie William Lyne Mary O’Brien, John Pelican Theresa Stoklosa (Rec.) Jim Williams STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL The mission of the St. Edna Stewardship Council is to inspire our community to express gratitude for God’s many gifts through service to God and one another. Bob Amend Deacon Greg Beeber David Clark Nancy Holpuch David Jackson Sue Jackson Brent Johnson Carl Krzystofczyk Julie Murtaugh (Rec.) [email protected] Moderator of Councils Deacon Jim Gaughan The Staff of St. Edna Pastor Rev. Jerome J. Jacob Rev. Eduardo Martinez Pastor—x311 Associate Pastor—x316 [email protected] [email protected] Permanent Deacon Couples Greg Beeber & Debbie Jim Gaughan & Sharon For RCIA information Jim Pauwels & Therese For Baptismal Preparation Information Joe Yannotta & Diane [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Faith Formation Lorie Crepeau Heather Daudelin Nancy Holpuch Director of Adult Faith Formation—x325 Director of Religious Education K-7 Youth Ministry—x341 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Worship Lorie Crepeau Gary Daigle Norma Garcia Coordinator of Liturgical Ministers—x325 Director of Music & Liturgy—x322 Sunday Night Music Director—x342 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Human Concerns Diane Mulroe Director of Human Concerns—x315 Parish Operations Patricia Freeman Laura Kniskern Tom Panek Parish Manager—x314 Assistant to the Pastor/Bulletin Editor—x305 Maintenance—x317 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] St. Edna Catholic Church 847-398-3362 847-394-5226 (fax)