High-res - Seed Savers Exchange


High-res - Seed Savers Exchange
A non-profit organization
seed savers exchange
Saving and sharing seeds since 1975
2014 annual report
Seed Savers Exchange 2014 Annual Report
Our mission
is to conserve and promote America’s culturally
diverse but endangered garden and food crop
heritage for future generations by collecting,
growing, and sharing heirloom seeds and plants.
individuals and
Seed Savers
in 2014
Thank you!
Seed Savers Exchange
3094 North Winn Road, Decorah, Iowa 52101
563.382.5990 • seedsavers.org
Seed Savers
2014 Annual
by Tim Johnson:
McConnell Speckled Corn - from Fred Pierson of Virginia.
Dear Seed Savers Exchange Supporter,
Seed Savers Exchange began as a small operation, just a group of gardeners dedicated
to saving seeds. Like the seeds themselves, we’ve grown each year into something
stronger and more bountiful than the year before. We are now a recognized leader in the
heirloom and open-pollinated seed movement, thanks to the community of generous
supporters like you who have helped us to grow since 1975. This 2014 Annual Report
is solid proof of your important role in our continued growth.
Seed Savers Exchange is more committed than ever
to protecting and promoting heirloom seeds. From
growing out seeds in the field to quality testing in the lab,
Seed Savers Exchange has the professional expertise to
properly preserve and share our precious collection. Our
educational and outreach efforts bring these seeds to the
next generation of seed savers through the Community
Seed Resource Program and our Herman’s Garden Seed
Donation Program.
Please join Seed Savers Exchange in celebrating another
wonderful year with our community of supporters –
members, gardeners, volunteers, and donors – people
like you. We have confidence that with your continued
support our progress will be even more remarkable in the
years to come.
I truly appreciate your many contributions and I
understand just how much each little bit helps. The board
of directors joins me in thanking you for supporting our
important work.
With sincere appreciation,
Diane Ott Whealy
Seed Savers Exchange 2014 Annual Report
Online Seed Exchange
Upgrades and Improvements
The second phase of a major project to improve
the scope, function, and significance of the Online
Seed Exchange is complete. Thanks to generous
support from The 1772 Foundation and the
UNFI Foundation, Seed Savers Exchange was able
to incorporate new functionality into individual
plant variety pages. The Online Seed Exchange
is a place for Seed Savers Exchange members to
request or post varieties to share with other growers.
The new “Share a Story” and “Share a Recipe”
buttons allow space to tell the history, describe ideal
growing conditions, and even share family recipes
for each variety.
The Exchange connects gardeners from all
over the United States and provides grower
contact information for over 16,000 varieties.
The seeds pictured above were sent with
handwritten notes from the grower.
exc ha n g e. s e e d sa ve r s. o r g
Funding from the
UNFI Foundation
enabled social
media sharing
functions through
Facebook, Twitter,
and Pinterest.
Seed Savers Exchange 2014 Annual Report
Updated pages
displaying historical
data, stories submitted
by members, and
recipes were made
possible by The 1772
Community Seed Resource Program
The Community Seed Resource Program (CSRP) was launched in 2013 by Seed
Matters, with Seed Savers Exchange partnering with the project in 2014. The program
provides toolkits, resources, and mentorship to seed libraries, community gardens, and
other seed-focused initiatives. In 2014, over 100 community groups from 33 states were
welcomed into the CSRP network. The CSRP will continue to grow in 2015 and is now
accepting applications year-round.
Arlene Peterson, a new CSRP participant, said this about the program: “We were so
excited to receive the CSRP toolkit yesterday. I just had to write to thank you all at Seed
Savers. Your work, resources, and tools are greatly appreciated. [These resources] will
give us a great starting point for our first community
seed Exchange
swap.” 2014 Annual Report
Seed Savers
Sharing the Stories of Seeds
A $30,000 Innovation Grant from The 1772
Foundation allowed SSE to hire an assistant
seed historian to document the histories of
the varieties in our collection that originated
from commercial seed companies. This research
is part of SSE’s ongoing work to document
the story of each variety in the collection, the
Collection Origins Research Effort (CORE).
Thanks to the CORE program, SSE’s seed
historians can seek out the stories that
illuminate each variety in the collection, such as
the story of ‘Grandpa Miller’ potato.
Loris Mae Miller (seated) and her
Grandpa Miller’s potatoes, 1921
Willis Wiley Miller family, 1892
SSE completed
historic research
on the commercial
origins of
varieties from
six seed houses.
To make
more accessible,
our staff digitized
commercial seed
Seed Savers Exchange 2014 Annual Report
The ‘Grandpa Miller’ potato was added to the
collection at Seed Savers Exchange in 2014.
It was donated by Mike Green of Creswell,
Oregon. Mike grew the potato for years
and originally received it from his maternal
grandmother, Loris Mae (Miller) Borden. Young
Loris can be seen above, sitting with the giant
tubers in Ophir, Oregon, in 1921. The variety
was named after Loris’ grandfather, Willis Wiley
Miller, who moved to the Ophir area around
1880 to pan for gold. Mike claims his greatgreat-grandfather’s potatoes “are good keepers
and do well baked in the oven.”
To make room for the
stewardship of higherpriority varieties,
duplicate varieties
were identified and
removed from the
The total number
of collection
varieties for which
SSE has completed
historical research
increased by
through this project.
Preserving the Collection
The Seed Savers Exchange Preservation
Department focuses on maintaining physical
inventory and information about the more than
SSE Preservation
garden crews
20,000 plant varieties in the Heritage Farm
Collection. The department stewards the seeds,
tubers, rhizomes, bulbs, and trees; plus historic
documents, stories, and evaluations that make
up the largest publicly accessible garden variety
collection in the United States. SSE staff adheres
to the highest standards of biological and cultural
preservation practices to ensure the future of the varieties
they tend. The goal is simple: inspire gardeners to
participate in the heirloom seed movement by growing,
sharing, and saving heritage varieties.
Making More Plants
SSE staff regenerated 665 varieties to produce
seeds and tubers for distribution to members
through the Yearbook. An additional 581
varieties were grown in order to document plant
characteristics such as height and size, color, and
days to maturity.
seeds that’s
33,196 seedlings transplanted to the fields
Seed Savers Exchange 2014 Annual Report
Evaluation Goes to College
The SSE Preservation Department has
joined Tennessee State University in
a project to promote careers in plant
breeding. Varieties from SSE’s Heritage
Farm Collection will be used to teach
young plant scientists to assess, select,
and breed specific plant traits. In the
process, the students will provide
SSE with invaluable data reflecting
the traits and genetic markers of:
Seed Saver Exchange research collaborator Dr. Mathew Blair
(left) works with students at Tennessee State University to
evaluate amaranth varieties from the Heritage Farm Collection.
Squash Cages
Squash production
trials were conducted
in four 18-by-50-foot
isolation cages, the
largest cages ever used
at Heritage Farm. By
growing squash in
“extra, extra-large cages”
and partnering with a
local honey bee keeper
to pollinate the crops,
healthier seeds were
harvested. Hundreds of
hours of manual labor
were saved that would
have otherwise been
spent hand-pollinating
the flowers. More cages
will be purchased in
coming years.
Seed Savers Exchange 2014 Annual Report
37 varieties of amaranth
60 varieties of beans
102 varieties of lima beans
Listings Increase
SSE offered 2,579 varieties from
the Heritage Farm Collection to
our members through the Online
Seed Exchange, nearly 150 more
varieties than the previous year.
Staff fulfilled 797 requests for
seed, scion wood, and tubers for
members across the country.
Seed Savers Exchange 2014 Annual Report
Seeds Lost, Seeds Found
Forty new accessions were welcomed into
the Heritage Farm Collection, along with
their stories. Of these, 37 are recognized
heirlooms, the highest-priority designation
in the collection. These varieties have
since been grown to produce seeds for
distribution and will be available to
members in 2016. See highlights below:
‘Ukrainian Pole’ bean –
William Mihovan brought
this stunningly beautiful
purple and white bean to the
U.S. from Ukraine in 1927.
new accessions
added to the
Heritage Farm
‘Walter Buhr’ pea –
A Buhr family heirloom
since 1928, seed was passed
from father to son in 1977.
When Walter’s son lost his
seed in 2008, he thought
the whole variety was gone.
Unbeknownst to him, his
father had also passed the
pea seed to a nephew. The
family seed lived on and is
now safe in the Heritage
Farm Collection.
Seed Savers Exchange 2014 Annual Report
SSE Preservation staff scan images of each
variety at different stages of development as
a part of the evaluation process.
•Distributed 250,000
seed catalogs
•Grew 97 varieties for
catalog seed sales
The Seed House: Growing and Sharing
Heirloom Seeds and Plants
The Seed House publishes and mails a free 100-page seed catalog
to customers and members each year and also offers catalog items
online. The Seed House manages the growth and regeneration of
seeds, and handles the packaging, sales, and shipping of over 600
individual varieties of seeds, plants, and tubers. The disbursement
of heirloom seeds and plants through the Seed House helps put
heirloom varieties in the hands of farmers, backyard gardeners,
and chefs, and invites people into the SSE member community.
•Planted 62,000
garlic bulbs of
15 different varieties
•Grew 369 varieties for lot
checks, trials, and photos
•Grafted 500 apple trees
of 5 different varieties
from the Historic Orchard
•Introduced 8 varieties
from the Heritage Farm
Collection through the seed
catalog, helping ensure the
preservation of these
rare plants
•Shared 545,774 seed
packets with 608 Seed
Rack locations nationwide
•Offered 336
Certified Organic
seed varieties
Seed Savers Exchange 2014 Annual Report
people participated
in the 34th Annual
Conference and
Events at Heritage Farm
Over 15,000 visitors traveled to
Heritage Farm to buy seeds and plants,
attend workshops, and tour the farm.
The staff at the Lillian Goldman
Visitors Center welcomed guests that
traveled from across the country or
around the world.
SSE’s 2014 events featured popular
classics, such as the Tomato Tasting
Festival, Apple Grafting Workshop, and
three-day Seed Saving School. New in
2014 were two gardening workshops,
the Spring Garden School and Fall
Harvest School.
Seed Savers Exchange 2014 Annual Report
SSE’s Seed Saving School is an
immersive three-day weekend of
all things seed-related, including
seed industry history, hands-on
seed harvesting, botany lessons,
and field trips.
On-Site events
• Spring Garden School
• Apple Grafting
• Heritage Plant Sale
people attended
on-site events at
Heritage Farm
in 2014
• Community Field Day
• Tomato Tasting Festival
• Seed Saving School
• Fall Harvest School
Annual Conference &
Featured speakers included:
Bryan Welch,
Dr. Virginia Nazarea,
Dr. Susan McCouch, and
Andrew Still & Sarah Kleeger
Seed Savers Exchange 2014 Annual Report
Workshops and
around the U.S.
Diane Ott Whealy speaks at the Mill City Farmers Market Apple Festival
in Minneapolis in October. PHOTO COURTESY OF MILL CITY TIMES
Off-Site Events
The SSE Heritage Apple Tour was featured at the Mill City
Farmers Market in Minneapolis, MN in October. Farmers market
shoppers sampled 50 apple varieties from Heritage Farm as well
as several apple appetizers prepared by Minneapolis chef Beth
The SSE Tomato Tasting Festival also hit the road and traveled
to the Tiny Diner in Minneapolis. Twin City area growers were
provided with tomato transplants early in the year and invited to
share their bounty at the event. Crowds enjoyed tasting a variety
of fresh, locally grown, heirloom tomatoes. Participating farmers
proudly stood behind their produce and were available to answer
questions about their farming practices and their experience
growing each variety, as seen below.
Seed Savers Exchange 2014 Annual Report
Cluck! Urban Farm Supply
Providence, RI
Downeast Heirloom Apple Day
Ellsworth, ME
Duluth Public Library
Duluth, MN
Fairfield Public Library
Fairfield, IA
G­eorgia Seed Swap
Decatur, GA
Historic Apple Trees of
Prairie du Sac, WI
La Crosse Public Library
La Crosse, WI
Moline Public Library
Moline, IL
Marion Heritage Center
Marion, IA
MOSES Conference
La Crosse, WI
Mother Earth News Fair
Asheville, NC
Mother Earth News Fair
Topeka, KS
Midwest Renewable
Energy Association Fair
Custer, WI
Mt. Horeb Public Library
Mt. Horeb, WI
Pennsylvania Association
of Sustainable Agriculture
Philadelphia, PA
The Pepperfield Project
Themed Dinners
Decorah, IA
Seed Savers Exchange
Membership Luncheon
Chicago, IL
Taste of Italy, Minneapolis
Institute of Arts
Minneapolis, MN
Terra Madre
Turin, Italy
Educational Resources
For the third consecutive year, SSE staff and friends offered live, monthly, online
presentations on a variety of topics, including garden photography, fall planting,
and saving seeds from flowers and herbs.
Our archived 2014 webinars have been viewed over 12,000 times on YouTube.
2014 Webinar Topics:
History of the Seed Industry
Requesting Seeds through the Seed
Saving Seeds from Legumes
Saving Seeds from Flowers
Saving Seeds from Biennial Crops
Garden Photography
Planning Your Fall Garden
Saving Seeds from Cucurbits
Cider Making
Offering Seeds through the
Seed Exchange
Root Cellaring
Food Origins
Seed Savers Exchange 2014 Annual Report
Herman’s Garden
Seed Donation Program
Last year, our Herman’s Garden Seed Donation Program gave
33,390 seed packets to gardens
around the country, such as the
“Your donations helped us
Coralville Ecumenical Food
launch our Seed Library, which
Pantry in Iowa. Affectionately
makes a variety of heirloom
named in honor of long-time
seeds available to low-resource
member Herman Warsh and his individuals living in our community.
This past season, over 1,400
wife Maryanne Mott, Herman’s
packets were distributed
Garden seed donations support
and over 100 of our food pantry
school gardens, community
clients reported having success
groups, and other non-profits
in growing their own food via
focused on food production
container gardening.”
and education.
Herman’s Garden
seed donations
Partners & Affiliations
Working together with others who share our values, we were able to accomplish more
than would have been possible on our
Decorah Chamber of Commerce
Decorah Urban Gardeners (DUG)
Growing Interactive
The Livestock Conservancy
Minnesota State Horticulture
Native Seeds / SEARCH
Ogden Press / Mother Earth News
Organic Seed Alliance
Pepperfield Project
Seed Matters
Slow Food USA
Southern Exposure Seed Exchange
Svalbard Global Seed Bank
Seed Savers Exchange 2014 Annual Report
Terrace Hill, Iowa Governor’s
Trout Unlimited
University of Wisconsin-Madison
USDA, National Center for Genetic
Resources Preservation
Winneshiek County Convention
and Visitors Bureau
Seed Savers Exchange Financial Information
Statement of Activity
Corporate Contributions
Foundation Grants
Investment Income
$47,183 $22,696
Other Income
Total Revenue
Programming and Outreach
Management and General
Total Expenditures
Visit seedsavers.org/about-us for more information about programs that are funded by contributions.
We extend our thanks to the generous sponsors who suppported our work in 2014
Arrowhead Mills
Bliss Gourmet Foods
Caves of Faribault
Chelsea Green Publishing
Co-op Partners Warehouse
Crofter’s Organic
Double Rainbow
Dug Road Inn
Eastwind Nut Butter
Eden Organic
Hawkeye REC
Iowa State University,
Leopold Center
Karl Magnuson
Kolona Super Natural
Leschensky Insurance Agency
Mattie’s Mountain Mud
Milton Creamery
Mother Earth News
Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day
Once Again
Oneota Food Co-op
Organic Valley
Rincon-Vitova Insectaries, Inc.
Seven Stars Farm
Seward Coop Deli
Sno Pac
Trusted Choice
United Natural Foods
Valerie Miller: Steel Cow
Woodward Printing Services
Seed Savers Exchange 2014 Annual Report
$10,000 & above: Clif Bar Family Foundation • Amy Goldman Fowler • Lillian Goldman Charitable Trust • The 1772 Foundation • The Seattle Foundation
$5,000 - $9,999: Greg S Schlinger • UNFI Foundation • Walton Family Foundation, Inc. • Kari Wenger & Peter Henry • Yardi Foundation
$2,000 - $4,999: Matthew Draper • Daniel Engstrom • Trevor Handley • Jeanette & Christopher Phelps • Deidre Pujols • Adele R Ray • Rick & Beth Schnieders
Siegel Family Foundation • Silos & Smokestacks • Thomas P. and Patricia A. O’Donnell Foundation • Whole Foods Market - University Heights • Kelley & Stephen Wilkinson
$1,000 - $1,999: Sarah Ahrens • Roberta Alexander • Lyn Bohn • Matthew Bond • Janet Borowy • Kim Bradley • Jim Cargill II • Beth Cender • Charter Charitable Foundation
Brandi Chase • Kathi Clement • Karen Conner • Anne Connor • Paul Constable • Barbara & David Curtis • Norman Gorrell • Joshua Grizzle • Ryan Haney • James A Henry
Ken Hilliard • Joshua Levy & Pamela Magnuson • Larry Lowman • Richard Mallum • Collin McHugh • Josh & Val Miller • Josephine Nixon • Nicola Pohl • Shawn Remacle
Ruth Ruskin • Mikol Sesker • Starr Simpson • Alice Sturm • Yvonne Sullivan • Random Turner-Jones • Talitha Wark • Suzanne Weinstein • Linda Zumpf
$500 - $999: Virginia Anderegg • Ryan Andrews • Jamie & Susan Banks • Angela Bowen • Joe Broders • Thomas & Ruth Brown • Duane Bruening • Jonathan Bryant
Kate Burroughs • Edward Callaghan • Katherine & Ian Calligan • Zachary Clark • Irma Davis • Anthony T Dean • Matthew Duncan • Glen & Elizabeth Fredrickson • Jerry
Gudauskas Nancy Lamont • Jonathan Latham & Allison Wilson • Louis Laz • James Liddil • Ann & Dan Mansfield • Rachel Mostrom • Dwight Murken • Nancy S Nordhoff • Doris
A Norton Russell & Martha Noyes • Karen Peters • Gretchen Randle • Amy Rice • John Rosenthal • Christine Rugh • Stephen Smith • S J Stout • Richard Strachan • John F Swenson
Marty Teitel • Jane Tenquist • The Dreamcatcher Fund • Lee Tippett • John & Pat Torgrimson • Thomas W Walvoord • Lucy Wilson • Barbara Wolling • Stephen Woodward • Pam Woollis
$250 - $499: Aaron Allen • Wallis Arnold • Debby Baker • Debra Barbuto • Tonia Betts • Steven Boos • Allen Bristol • Michelle Bryden • David Buchanan • Roxanne Cyr
Ruth Dantuma • Brooks Davis • Laverne & Barb Dunsmore • James & Deborah Durst • Herb & Kathy Eckhouse • Mike & Donna Eisenstat • Scott Eveland • Margaret Ferguson
Marsha Frazier • Joyce Gebhardt • Christine Gemperle-Bacon • Larry Grimstad • Carmen Hagen • Michelle Hamerslough • Jay & Ann Hardy • Jon & Mary Hart • Ed & Ida Hassler
Suzette B Hatfield • David Hendrickson • Jewish Community Federation • Patricia & Michael Johnson • Earle F Jones III • Erin Jorgensen • Dianne Justesen • Candace Kalish
Robert M Kaufman • George Lederhaas • Joe Maguire • Scott Newman • Emilie Nicklawsky • Karen OLeary • Michael Pambianchi • Brian Petersburg • Sharon Pikula
Carlton Pittman • Laurie Pohlman • Posner-Wallace Foundation • Kathy Preston • Ruth & Harold Rehrauer • Holly Rothschild • Kenneth Ryan • Hope Seddon • Hope Shand
Charles & Anne Steel • Three Bees Fund/Boston Foundation • Angela Torres • Thorsten von Eicken • Sarah Vradenburg • Adam Weber • Eleanor Weisshaar • Jonathan Wilcox
Marjory Wildcraft • Rick & Jane Zilinskas
$100 - $249: James Achramovitch • Diane Ackerman • Jane Adams • Arllys Adelmann • Jill Aguilar • Kathy Ahlm • Ken Akopiantz • Bob Albers • Craig Aldrich • Corinne
Alexander • Gregory Alper • Bill Ambrose • Terry Anderson • David Andrews • Jennifer Andrews • Leslie Apetz • Myriam Arcangeli • Margaret Armstrong • Toby Arsenian • Maria
Asciolla • Dave Assmus • Sarah Atkins • Mary Bailey • Jack & Betty Baker • Sarah Joan Baker • Michael & Taylor Bales • Keith R Ball • Robert Barber • Serena Bardell • Dave Barnes •
Chuck Barr • Julia Barrett • Gwenyth Bassetti • Lisa Bean • Elizabeth Beardsworth • Marion & Peggy Beatty • Tom Beckett • Carolyn Behling • Karen Behling • Michael Bell • Kathryn
Benedict • Tina Beneman • Michael Benken • Bruce Bennett • Pedro Betancourt • Gary Bir • Shirley Bissen • Jennifer Bittner • Patrick Bjerke • Janet Black • David Blackley • Dan Blake
• Rosina Bloomingdale Norton • Diana Bodtker • Rolf Boessmann • E Bolding • Kevin & Karen Bolesta • Susan Bolgiano • Maureen Borell • Ann Borwick • Peg Bouska • Carol
Boutard • Kirstie Bower • Ron Bozman • Thomas Brady • Michael Brady • Carol Brandt • Alan Branhagen • Shelley Brant • Jim Bray • Ruth Brenner • Virginia Brock • Barbara
Broderick • Douglas & Tina Brown • Mike & Terra Brownback • Miriam Brubaker • Robert G Bruning • Stephen Brunner • Matt Buckmaster • Anna Burns • Kristine Burton • Nancy
Busacca • Theresa Bush • Rhonda Butler • Helen Byrne • Claire Callahan • Cody Cannon • Desiree’ Canora • Elizabeth Cardon • Russ Carmel • Evan Carr • Ida Casey • Mary-Ann
Cateforis • Karisa Centanni • Mark Chag • Emily Chatfield-Lusto • Annette Chavez • Barbara Ching • Amy Christenson • Laron Clark Jr. • Robert Cline • Peter N Coffeen • R. Kelly
Coffey • Susan M Coleman • Romeo Coleman • Bill Coleman • Kris Colt • Dick Combs • James & Sandy Conger • Don R Conlan • Kevin Connaghan • Christina Conroy • Gail
Cook • Mary Cory • John Coykendall • Orral Craig Jr • Keith Crotz • John Croucher • E. J. Cuclis • Michael Dahl • Martha Dalquist • Doug Davis • James & Lana Davis • Jordan
Davis • Robert & Lillian Davis • Cindy DeBerg • Winfield Decker • Ira Deitsch • James Delnort • Richard DeNeale • Charles Denton • Larry Deuel • Charles DeWeese • Paula Di
Salvo • Karl Dickson • Holly Dixon • Willem Doelman • Charlotte L Doherty • Sharon Dohms • Stephen Dorsch • Iona Dougherty • Hilda Dow • Beverly D Dow • Victoria W
Downs • Mary Dragich • Justin Dreese • Susan Drozda • Carol Ducat • P. Duenkel • James Duffy • Larry Dunlevy • Bill Durling • Sarah Durney • Norm Dziokonski • Bonnie Earnest
• Sherry Easterbrooks • Linda Eaton • Lucia Eckroth • Thomas Eddy • Orville Edgman • Bradley Edin • David Ehrenfeld • Dave Ellis • Linda Elsik • Engelson & Associates • Douglas
Escribano • Joey Esterline • Marypaul V Even • Gay & Bill Eyman • Martenz Faer • Lisa Falk • Donald Farrar • Nancy J Farrell • Mrs. Alfred C. Farris • Garry Fausett • Annie
Favia-Erickson • Kelly Ferguson • Kenneth Fetters • Gerry Fichte • Kathy Firchow • Janine Fitzgerald • Rob Fitzgibbon • Alan J Fitzmorris • Jeff Fleming • Laura Fletcher
• Shannon Fong • Mark Fowler • Anna D Francis • Michael Fraser • Jameson French • Keith & Pam Friesen • Warren Gall • Deborah Gallagher • Fielding Gallivan •
Laurie Galya • Barbara Ganley • Susan Garber • Bev Gardner • Margaret Garland • Christine Garrity • Elizabeth Garst • Susan Gayford • Rudolph Geiger • Richard
H Gentry • James Gibbons • Christopher Gidley • Heather Gilreath • Stephanie Girardi • Gay Givens • Andrea Golden • Dorian Goldman • Shannon Gomes •
Eleanor Goodman • Aallan Goodrich • Elizabeth G Gottlieb • Jeffrey H Gove • Sasha Grams • Ute Grimlund • Richard Grindeland • Anne Marie Gromme • Walt
Grote • Mary Grybeck • M. Grace Grzanek • Jeff Gschwend • Don Guinn • Cheryl Hackbarth • Sue Haffner • Kimberly Haig • Nancy Hamill Winter • Lois
Hamilton • Brenda Hamm • Karen Hansen • Judy & Steve Harder • Virginia Hardham • Susan Harmon • Diana Harris • Martha Hartley • George Hasapidis • A
K Hauer • Robert Haupt • Daniel Hauptman • Anneliese Haynes • Tom Healy • Phillip Heil • Brian Held • Suzanne Hendrich • Donald Hendricks • Karen Henley
• Jeri & Roger Hensley • R. William Hepler • Martin Hildebrandt • Timothy Hill • Kay Hill • Wendy C Hillhouse • Gregory Hinckley • Marilyn Hines • Scott Hinz
• John Hirschi • Kate Hladky • Matthew Hobart • Christopher Hoetschl • Alan & Judy Hoffman • Gordon & Jeni Hogenson • Gary L Holck • James & Mary Holland
• Martin H Hollingsworth, Jr. • Kurt Honerbaum • Dale Hooper • Steven Hopp • Stacy Hoppen • Michael Houle • Daniel Howell • Rachael Hruseborne • Leona
Hubatch • Darla J Ingerson • Mike Jackson • Robert Jacobson • Antoinette Jafri • Stephen & Karen Jakala • Charles Jamison • Elizabeth Jeffrey & Robert Lonning • Diane
Jerome • Terry Jess • Jerome Jobaris • Mari-Vaughn Johnson • Sandy B Johnson • Jerry Johnson • Desiree Johnson • Stephen Johnson • Geraldine M Johnston • Walter O Jones • Bob
Jones • Robbin B Jones • Fernanda Maria Jordão Freitas • L. J. Kail • H Peter Kappus • Karen Karabell • Wayne Karpinski • Caroline Kauffman • Peter Kaufmann • Kevin Kelley •
Margot Kelley • Donna Kelly • James Kelly • Theresa Kelly • Dorcas Suzanne Kemp • Anne N Kenny • Marisa Keselica • Bernard Kiely • Paul Kimport • Judy Kingsbury • Terry Kinzel
• Mary Kirkpatrick • Phil & Cheryl Kirschner • Fred Kissner • Pamela Kittelson • Terry Klar • Bernard C Klemanek • Cecilia Kloecker • Gary Knickerbocker • Richard L Knight •
Jeffrey Knott • Patricia Knox • Frank Kocvara • Brian Koehler • Nancy Kolb • Frances Koosed • Jill Kromminga • Tina Kroot • Cherrl Krystosek • John Kuhns • Doug Kundrat • Jeff
Kurtz • Diana Kushner • Debra Kushnick • Eve Lacivita • Donald E L’amoureux Jr • Joseph Lane • Lori Lane • Christina Larson • Zakiya Lathan • Patty Leander • Mary Ann Leer •
Sandy Lentz • Ann Lewandowski • Craig Lewis • Elizabeth S Lieberman • Cicillia Lindesmith • Everett & Pat Lindsey • Giann Longo • Russell & Juanita Loven • Dennis Lubbs • Gail
Lussier • Robert Lynn • Douglas MacFarland • Ruchika Madan • Julia Major • Joseph Malcolm • Charles Manlove • D Mann • Danile S Martens • Kerstin Martin • Stephanie
Martineau • Laura Marty • Emmett & Pauline Marx • Liz Maynard • Daniel & Mary Mazur • Delwin McCarthy • Clinton McClanahan • Virginia McDaniel • Alan McDonald •
Raymond Mcguire • Jewel McNamee • Chuck Meek • Emily Meier • Rodrigo Mendes • William E Mendus • Leda Mentzer • Irene Meschter • Joann & Alex Meyer • Diana
Michener • Valerie Mikalonis • Grazyna Mikusinski • Stephen Miller • Annette Miller • John & Margaret Miller • Maggie & John Miller • Carlo Milono • Robert Miner • Douglas &
Molly Miron • Elizabeth Moody • Wayne Mooney • Jaime Moore • Wendell Moore • Jo Ann Morrison • Penney Morse • Dorothy Mullen • Clifford Muller • Harry Munroe • Martin
Nash • Robert Neff • Dale Neiburg • Richard Neve • Wesley Newcomb • Amy Newman • Kevin Noordhoek • Isabell Norman • Andrew Nowak • Pam Numme • Craig Nunn •
Gabriel Nuriel • Greg Nussbaum • Joyce O’Kelley • Janet Olmsted • Osborne International Seed Co. • Margaret Ovitt • Anna Owsiak • Franny Oxford • Ralph Panaro • Linda Parker
Seed Savers Exchange 2014 Annual Report
• Leslie Parsels • Judith J Parsons • Jay Pashalek • Peaceful Valley Farm Supply • Ken Pearsall • Kenneth Pecota • Roberto Perez • Lori Perry • Charles Peters • David & Marilyn Petersen
• Linda Peterson • Kelly Peterson • Jim Peterson • Joanne Peterson • Terri Peterson • Kara Pewthers • Dexter Phillips • Kelly Phillips • Lisa Pintok • Shelli Pitner • Shirley Poertner • John
Pollack • Ruth Mary Pollack • Amy Louise Pommier • Tomas Ponzi • Sharon & James Postance • Anne Pouff • Linda Powers • Wesley Price • Katarzyna Priebe • Katie Prochaska • Sue
Pye • Neil Pylant • Dr. Calvin O. Qualset • Robert W Quattlebaum • Ted Ranisate • Mary Rapin • David Rasche • George Rector • Renu Reed • Eric Reeves • Douglas Reich • Leslie
Resnick • Jay Rich • Tim Richter • Mike Rickert • Mike Riniker • Carol Ritter • Warren E Robbins • Lloyd Roberts • Helen Robertson • Donaline Rogers • Susan Roghani • Alan Rojer
• Ivan Roman • Lynne Romans • D Rood • Hila Rosen • Judith G Rosenberger • Chandelle Ross • Timothy & Annette Ross • Craig Rothfolk • Roberta Rott • Jack Rowe • Kathleen
Roy • John Ruckes • Laurence Ruggles • Stephanie Ryan • Karen Ryberg • William Sabathne • Peter Sadloski • Ann Saladyga • April Sauer • Cara Sawyer • Maureen Sawyer • Kim
Schaufenbuel • Barbara Schilling • John Schlegel • Chris & Melissa Schnucker • Robert Schnurr • John F Schroeder • Dawn Schuette • Martha Schut • Michael Schwartz • Eric
Schwarzenbach • Paul Schwiger • Stefani Scott • Jeanne & Gary Scott • Dione Sears • Deborah Seid • Vikram Seshadri • Jennifer Setlow • Barbara Setlow • Paula Sexton • Stuart Shafer •
Judith C Shaw • Margaret Shay • Mary Sheehan • Joyce Shon • Ed Sinnott • Edward Slusarski • Mark Smeby • Samantha Smith • Don Smith • Joanne Snyder • Elizabeth Soladay • Zea
Sonnabend • Cindy Spading • Sally Spangler • Sherry Staub • Tonda Steele • Janet L Stein • Janet Stimson • Kathleen Stolle • Susan Strauch • Erica Strauss • Lisa Stukenberg
& Thomas Skupniewitz • Doug & Shirleen Sturtz • Carolyn Summers • Des Sweeney • Terrence Sykes • Frances Szasz • Lewis A Taber • Carole Ann Taggert • Diana
Talcott • Michael A Tamny • Cheryl Tarr • Edward Taylor • Gretchen Taylor • Gilbert W Templeton • Sarah Teofanov • Pamela I Thompson • William Tilly •
Elaine Tinberg • Laurie Titran • Harriet Tolly • Mark Tomczak • Martha Tomecek • Gordon Tooley • R Tracy & Anne Thomas • Julia H Triplehorn • Joseph
Troiani • Brent Tschakert • Kevin Turner • David Updike • Patricia Urban • Stephanie Van Parys • Boyd VanLandingham • Steven & Deborah Viktora • Curtis
Vreeland • James Wahle • Donna Walczak • Pamela Walker • Steve Wallace • Bruce Waln • Kirk Waln • Theresa Waters • Larry Weber • Will Webster • Irene
Weigel • Michael Welber • Michael & Michelle Wenisch • Leslie Weyhrich • Cindy White • Cheryl White • Cami Whitt • Kathy Wiederin • Joseph J Wigh •
Debra Wildrick • Dianne Wilker • Janet B Wilkinson • Wilbur W Willoughby • Jean Wilson • Cheryl Wild Winter • Sandra Wisebaker • Darren Wold •
Richard Wolfe • Mark Womack • Sally Wood • Woodland Farm • Judith Woodruff • Eric Woods • Tom & Mary Woods • Mary Woodward • Christine Worrall
• Ann Worthington-Russ • Gail Wynn • Louis Wyre Jr • Shawna Yaussi • Nancy Young Lincoln • Steven Youngs • Jim Zalusky • Jan Zange • Candelario Zapata
& Rita McCarthy • Theresa Zeman • Michael Zydiak
$50 - $99: Carl & Alyssa Ekroth • M & K Swederske • Al & Linda McNeill • Mike & Nancy Benz • Kim Abel • Lynn Ackler • Abundant Acres • Jason Adair • Juanita
Adams • Charles W Adams • Kenneth Adams • Glen Adams • Janice Adams • Christa Adkins • Tom & Pam Aeillo • Amalthea Aelwyn • Joe & Tami Aerts • Andrea Agarwal • Lucien
Agniel • Mark Ahlheim • John M Akin • Louisa T Akselsen • Martin Alani • David Albrecht • Larry & Karen Albrecht • Mark Alcorn • Sefra Alexandra • Dorothy Allard • Kristie Allen •
Harry Alles • Catherine & Joe Amato • Benjamin Ammon • Jon Andelson • Bradley Anderegg • Becky Andersen • Ellen Andersen • Gene Andersen • Loretta Anderson • Al & Nancy
Anderson • Ryan Anderson • Dawn Andersson • Rodrigo Andrade • Chris Andreas • Kelli Andresen • Heidi Andrews • Renae Angeroth • Sunday Antrim • Carolina Aparicio • David
& Damien Appel • Melissa Arey • Sharon Armstrong • Ron Arruda • Frank Artinian • Nancy Aruscavage • Jotham Austin • Connie Bachman • Bruce Bacon • William Baddeley • Melissa
Baesler • Christine Bahr • Michael Baier • Kristen Bakken • David & Kathy Bakken • Rod & Nancy Bakken • James & Ann Balakier • Jeri Baldwin • Carol A Bales • Lou Balestriere •
Marsha Banicki Graham • Robbi Bannen • Kathleen Barber • Katherine Barbour • Kent Barnard • Jennifer Barnett • Tyler Barnhart • Dani Barr • Susan Barrett • Susan Barrett • Stephen
Barstow • Jake Bartels • April Barth • Richard Bartoszuk • Ricky Baruc • Rebecca Barwick • Holly Basham • Olga Batalov • Hanna Bates • Paul F Bauhs • Sandra Baumgartner • Raymond
E Bazzolo • Jordan Beasley • Jim Beasley • Thomas Beatty • Sandra Beatty • Danyel Beavers • Charles Beck • Judith A Becker • Bob Beers • Bega Valley Seed Savers • Diane Bekel •
Merriann Bell • Prescott Bell • Stephen Bellavia • Robert Benada • Harvey Benson • Stan Benson • Mark Bequeaith • Cindy Bergeron • Bjorn Bergman • Pat & Steve Bergman • Paul
Bergmann • Jane Bernier • Rachel Berry • Michael Berry • Angelo Bersani • Janet Bertinuson • Dennis Bettenhausen • John Bevan • Rocco Bianchi • Lauren Bickford-Bushey • Jane L
Bihldorff • Mike Bilger • Joe Birdsong • Rita Bissell • Steve & Joan Bisset • Monika Bjorkman • Jennifer Bjornstad • Brian Blackerby • Nancy Blackmun • Mark Blancarte • Lisa Blanchard
• John Blodgett • Julie Blodgett • Merlyn Blue • Alvin Bluhm • Marci Blumberg • Dana Bobinski • Christopher Boebel • Ted Boehm • Elizabeth Boesche-Taylor • Frank Bohenek • De
Ann Bohl • Rick Bolt • Jenny Bonk • Andy & Kim Bonnet • Susan Bonsall • Lorilyn Boone • Jocelyn Boor • David Booth • Jane Booth • Corinna Borden • Debra M Borer • Aleta Borrud
• Claudia Bouck • Paula Boughner • Alex Boulter • Michael Bounk & Norma Eiler-Bounk • Cameron Bove • Janis L Boyer • Terrence Boyle • John Boynton • Ben Brady • Eric Brady •
Danielle Brain • Mary Brand • Matthew & Tracy Brandenburg • Maggie Brandt • Betty & Darrel Branhagen • Karen Braun • Susan Breckenridge • Sandra Breitenbach • Phillip Breja •
Jan Brendes • Gerald Brennan • Kate Brennan Hall • David Brenner • David Brewer • John Briggs • Terence Briggs • Dan Britton • Eugene Britton • Jamie Brocco • James Brochtrup •
Anita Brodie • Colin E Brooks • Marcia Brooks • Teri Brooks • Diane Brown • Donnabeth Brown • Pamela D Brown • Brian Brown • Amy Brown • Bill & Sarah Brown • Diane Brown
• Jim Brown • John Brown • Mikael Brown • Pamela Brumfield • Charlotte Brunelle • Sherry Brustkern • N Bryant • Geraldine Bryant • Elizabeth Brzeski • Larry Bullen • Sheila Bullock
• Juliette Bullock • Chris Burak • Carl Burdick • William Burge • Michael Burke • Beth Burkemper • Jonathan Burkinshaw • Tina Burns • Stephanie Burns • Kevin Burt • Don Bury • Mike
& Pat Busbey • Brad Buschette • Jim Bush • Dan Bussey • Doug Butikofer • Joyce Butler • David Butt • Barbara C Setlow • Cecilia Cabrera Hernandez • Beth Cachat • Linda Cahill •
Jeanne Calabrese • Michael Camp • Morgan Camp • Steven Cannon • Courtney Carag • Nicole Caraher • Patsy Carlson • Marcia Carmichael • Janie Carmichael • Edward Carmody •
Martha & Jim Carnes • Dennis Carney • Tamara Caro • Carlin Carpenter • Roger Carroll • Diana Carroll • John Carroll • Kathleen Carter • Genevra Case • Diana
Cason • Susan Cassidy • John Cathey • Jeff Cauhape • Constance Caveny • Maria Cecchini • Doreen Chamberlin • Chaw Chang • Terry Chanturai • Patrick
Charlson • Douglas Chasar • Scott Chaskey • Sharon Chavolla • Amy Cherry • Emily Chewning • Fabio Chiappetta • Kim Cho • Kathryn Christensen • Ann
F Christenson • Lucy Chronic • Laura Chumley • Tom Church • Michelle Ciccolo • Carolyn Cismoski • Catherine Civiletto • Barbara Clark • Ronda Clark
• Martha Clatterbaugh • Christy Clay & Brian Avery • Ron Cline • Ronnie Cloud • Joseph Clouse • Richard Cloutman • John Clymer • Pam Coalson •
Mario Cocco • Donovan Coffey • Peter Coffey • Christopher Coggin • Pete Colasacco • Jen Colby • Judy Cole • Ray Coleman • Emily Coll • Patrick
Collins • Margaret Collins-Hart • Becky Colon • John Coltman • C. W. Comer • Jonathan P Comstock • Wallace & Nancy Condon • Paul S Conklin •
Patricia Conway • Kathy Conway • John Cook • Larry & Deb Cook • Brian Cooley • Anne Corbi • Jessica Cordell • Mary Core • Nicholas Coreson • Steve
Cornelius • Mike Costanzo • Christopher Costello • Dustin Cote • Kay K Coughlin • Cheryl Covington • Deborah Cox • Neil Cox • Jon Coyne • Al
Crackenberg • Laurette Crane • Marianne Creveling • Aaron Crist • Bob Crittenden • Joan Crosby • Beth Crowder • Erbin Crowell • Virginia L Culligan • Brian
Cummings • O Shawn Cupp • Gavin Curran • Wanda M Custance • Carolyne Cuvar • Jana Cytrynbaum • James Czarkowski • Karen Czarnowski • Pat Daggy •
Esther D’agrosa • Derek Dahlen • Jeanne Dall • Rachel Dana • Gregory Danielson • Mike Darnell • Jessica Daubel • Aaron Dauwalder • Brian David • Kathleen Davidson • Jeffrey
Davidson • Cathy Davies • James Davis • Colin Davis • Heidi Davis • Krista Davis • William Davison • Scott Davison • Gregory De Rocher • Dorothy Deany • Stacia Dearmin • Debbie
Deaver • Dan DeClue • Elliott Dejmal • Vin DellOva • Dale Demmin • Paul & Ann Dennis • Tom Dennstedt • Andrea DesCoteaux • David Dettmann • Amanda Dey • Jennifer Deyo
• Sonia Di Fiore • Ty Dickerson • Stephen Dickson • Jean Didier • Tim Diebel • Mark Dietzgen • Hathaway Dilba • Clint Dillard • Joseph Dinwiddie • Genevieve Dishotsky • Louise
Divine • Mark & Sandy Dodes • Cheryl Dodge • Judy Dodgen • Heidi Doering • Stephanie Doll • Susan Donahue • Barbara Donovan • Lawrence Dooley • Philip Doolittle • Harriet
Dopkin • Judy Dorn • Dorothy J Dorsey • Linda Dougherty • Sharon Douglass • Don Doumakes • Jim Doyle • F R Drexler • John E Dreyer • Stephen Dreyer • Raymond DuBois •
Chris Dudley • Charles Duffield • Robert P Dufresne • Thomas Dugan • Aaron Dunigan AtLee • Cindy Dunn • James H Dunne • Leslie DuPree • Paul Durbin • Pam Durrwachter •
Robert Dzandzara • Douglas Earl • Robert Earnest • Lori Easterwood • Barbara Ebell • Karen Edgar • Brenda Edgell • Dale Edsen • Lisa Edwards • Laurie Edwards • James Eisenstein •
Louise Elam • Theodore Eldridge • Adrienne Elert • Maria E Elhardt • Alton Eliason • Ann Elliott • Carol Elliott • Ruth Elliott • Bradley Ellis • Rick & Tancy Ellis • Thomas Elsey
Seed Savers Exchange 2014 Annual Report
Molly & Paul Elsholz • Kathy Elskamp • Marygrace Elson • Joe Elwell • William Elwell • Peggy Emery • John Emmett • Susanna English • Janice Ensign • Cal Esh • Calvin Esh • Hope
Esparolini • Amy Essick • Rob & Michelle Estes • Dorothy & Robert Evans • Jane Evans • Lyle & Denise Evans • Carrie Evert • Whitney Fair • Clarence Falk • Luciano Faraci • Creekside
Farm • Plowshares Farm Center • George Farmer • Robert Farmer • Ryan Farnau • Jackie Farrar • Mary Farrell • Mary Farthing • Rob Faux • Thomas Fee • Hildy B Feen • Don Feeney •
Ed Feiler • Thomas J Feindel • Barbara Feldmann • David Fell • Sandor Ferenczy • Victoria Fergerson • Karen Ferguson • Laura Ferguson • John Ferm • Bob Fessler • Lowell Fey • Elena
Fiallo • Fidelity Bank & Trust • Lisa Field • Joshua Fietz • Chris Fife • Pat Finan • Bruce Finch • Grant Finch • Peter Findlay • Susan Finegan • Nancy Fischer • Robert & Julie Fischer • Earl
Fisher • Rita J Fisher • Carol Ann Fisk • Myron Fisk • Larry Fitzpatrick • Eileen Flanagan • Debbie Flannery • Pat & Loren Flater • Margaret Flaugher • Andrea Flint • Robert Flores •
Margaret Flynn • Jill Folkerts • Anne Forbes • Steve Ford • Philip Ford • Rema Ford • Robert Foresman-Morrisey • Larry & Diana Forkash • Louise Forrest • Maureen Forys • William
& Barbara Foster • Mark & Diane Foust • Richard J Fox • Catlin Fox • Liz Fox • Margaret Francisco • Stephen Franklin • Tom & Irene Frantzen • Clara Frascello • Mike Frauenkron •
Susan Frazier • Lora Freberg • Lavonne Freeman • T J Freeman MD • Cheryl Freesmeier • Barbara & Jodi Freet • Christopher French • Mark & Renee Frenette • Mary Frey • Karen Fried
• Andrea Friedline • Judson & Dixie Frisk • Laura Frost • Raymond Frostad • Lida Fry • Jeryl Fry • Monica Frytak • Tim & Lois Fulton • Dax & Robin Funderburk • Sue Fuortes • Tasha
Futch • Carol Gadbury • Cyndy Gagne • Daniel Gagnon • Margaret Gale • Bruce Galer • Ryan Gallo • Maryann Gamel • Michael Gandsey • Tanya Gantz • Jose M Garcia • Tim Gardner
• Candy Gardner • Benjamin Gardner • Karen Gardner • Sarah Gatson • Carl Gaudian • Stephanie Gaylor • David Geddes • Randall Geidel • Ronald Gelok • David Georgi • Paul Gepts
• Patsy Gessey • Holly Gettys • Patty Ghertner • Michele Gibbs • Michael H Gibson • Craig & Kathy Giddings • Steven Gidley • Peter Gierlach • Kevin Gigax • Elise Gignac • Mark Gill
• Neil Gillard • Tom & Karla Gilles • Stephanie Gillett • Jane Gillette • Julianne Glatz • Gail Gleisner • Douglas Glick • Mary Glowaski • Mae E Goff • Charles Goloff • Karen Goodin •
John Goodrich & Janice Odell • Rowland Gosling • Jeffery Goss Jr, M H • Patti Gotz • Elda & John Grade • Nora Graf • Joelle Greaves • Matthew Green • Dan & Norma Green •
Amanda Green • Marilyn Green • Ken Greene • Joseph E Greiner • Sharon Gries • Amy Griffin • Fred Griffin • Velva Griffin • Susan Grimes • Judy Grimes • K Groover • Win Groseclose
• Rick & Leigh Ann Groux • Russell L Grover • Paul & Eileen Growald • John Guarnaccia • Katie Guerra • Richard Guess • Rosemary Guhanick • Charlie & Cindy Gulyash • Gary
Gumminger • Eleanor Gunn • Robert Guroff • Wanda Guyton • Nina Haas • Nicole Haas • Christine Hacker • Marie Hackett • Daniel Hackett • Elizabeth Haenel • Rebecca Haldeman
• Chuck Hale • Twalla Haley • John Hall • Charles Hall • Jane & Don Hall • Pauline Halpin • Steve Hamblin • John Hamilton • Mary Jo Hamilton • Terry Hamm • Bob Hampton •
Kathleen Hampton • David & Beverly Hannon • Danielle Hanscom • Teresa Hanson • Pauline Harding • Melissa Harris • June Harris • Regina Harris • Linda Harrison • Susan Harrison
• Thomas Harrison • William Harrison • Curt Hart • Lyle & Rojane Hart • Jeanette Hart-Mann • Brian Hartsock • Tammi Hartung • Roger Hartwell • Marian Harvey • Landall Hathorn
• Jeff Hatling • Diane Havens • Helen Hawkins • Cody Haynes • Perry Hazeltine • Guy Hazlett • Ruth Heavener • Matthew Hecht • Kent Hedeen • Kate Heflick • Susan Hegarty • Donna
Heironimus • Michelle Hellmer • Gail Hendershot • Billy Hendrix • Jeannette Henrikssen • Elizabeth Henson • Robert & Melinda Henson • William Henzel • Roger Hepworth • Joyce
Herman • Edwin Hermance • Kelly Mae Heroux • Michael Herres • Allan Herring • Irene Herring • Barb Herron • Gideon Hess • Tom Hess • Evelyn Hewins • Marcus Hewitt • Jim
Hicks • Henry E Hightower • Sharon Hilchie • Charles M Hill • Mary Jo Hill • Colette Hillman • Stuart Himmelstein • John Hinn • Pamela Hinrichs • Mike Hittner • Lillian Hobausz •
Erica Hodgson • Don Hodson • Colby Hoefar • Aggie Hoeger • Sandra Hoff • Philip Hoffman • Marcia Hogan • Sarah Hollister • Anne J Holmes • Peggy Holmes & Jim Hicks • MeiLing Hom • Jannette Honeycutt • Jaemin Hong • Kenton Hoover • Kenneth Hord • Randy Horsley • Glen F Horton • Deb Hoskins • Holly Hotchkiss • John Hotchkiss • Pauline Hotek
• Elizabeth Houlton • Alison Hountz • Jed Housker • Stephen Howe • Susan Howell • Don Howlett & Lisa Stone • David Hudson • Phyllis Huettner • Tessa Huff • Pat Huffman • Sharon
Huge • Heather Hundt • Dawn & Billy Hunter • Sharon & Gregg Husband • Lori Huska • Carolyn Huson • Darlene & Billy Hutchens • Lauren & Robert Hutson • Diane Huzar •
Annette Hyder • John Hynes • Gary Ibsen • Malcolm Iddings • John & Janis Ignoffo • Anna Ilienko • Merjent Inc • Jennifer Ippoliti • Jonathan Irvin • Kolleen Irvine • Sheila Irving •
Richard Isler • Beth Jablonski • Paul Jacks • Hanna Jacobs • Tom & Terri Jaeger • Thomas Jahl • Ed James • Lloyd James • Randall Jamrok • James Janish • John Janocha • Sammi Jansen
• Jessica Jansen • Daniel Jaques • Donald Jarrett • Robin Jensen • Chris S Jensen • Karl Jensen • Mary A Jensen • Terry & Sue Jensen • Jill Jensen-Welch • Ruth A Jesionowski • Terri Jessup
• Edis Jeter • Donna Jiricek • Ken & Maria Jochimsen • Christopher Johns • Ewell Johnson • James Johnson • Paul & Pat Johnson • Bing Johnson • Kathie Johnson • Alexandra Johnson
• Cory Johnson • David & Sharon Johnson • Donald Johnson • Kyle Johnson • John F Jones • Carol Jones • Carrie Jones • Justin Jones • Lisa C Jordan • Mary Jorgensen • Jennifer
Jorgenson • Andrew Joseph & Catherine Rihm • Heidi Joyce • John Juhasz • Jeffrey Jurgensen • Maddie Kadas • Maria Kaefer • Mosa & Nancy Kaleel • Cindy Kaletka • Christine Kane
• Charles R Kane II • Elissa Kannon • Mike Kaplan • Paula Kaplan • Karen Kaplan • Sara Karbeling • Heather Karlson • Dawn Kaufman • Rita Kaufman • Kristin Kaul • Robert Kautzky
• Judy Kearns • Jill Kearns • Steven Keip • Andrea Keller • Thomas P Kelley • Don Kellums • Carol Kelly • Nancy Kelly • Karilyn Kempton • Elizabeth Kendall • Wendy S Kennan • Jean
Kennedy • Holly S Kennell • Thomas Kenney • Elizabeth Kenney • Jennifer Kerns • Chad Ketchum • Mike Kevil • Nada Khader • Peggy Khan • Beth & Bob Kick • Carey Kienitz • David
Kierstead • Noel Killeen • Mary Killingstad • Anna S Kim • Sarah Kimm • Michelle Kimmel • Jo A Kimzey • Ronald Kinczyk • Patti King • Elijah King • Kelly King • T D King • John King
& Ruth Wingeier • Joseph Kinnard • John Kinnear • Jerry Kiser • Heidi Kitahara • Karen Kitt • Frances & Dale Kittleson • Karen Klas • Jennifer Kleffner • Grit Klein • Benjamin Kline •
Jeffrey Klinger • Gary Klitzke • Teresa Knaack • Rebecca Knapp • Gary Knott • Casey Knox • Linda Knutson • Theresa Koenig • Viktoria Kohler Johnson • Dave & Jean Kollasch • Mark
Konrad • Kari Y Kopach • Michael Kopicki & Elizabeth Talarico • Romana Kovacevic • Andrew Kovanen • Rex Krajewski • Barbara Kraus • Karma Krause • Bruce Krauskopf • Kim
Kreitinger • Barbara Krieger • Bill & Susan Kritikos • Tamara Krohn • Linda Kromer • Katie Krone • Susan Kroninger • Kaylene Kroul • Bill Krumbein • Rosemary Kuder • Leslie Kudsk
• Kristine Kuebler • Karen Kuntz • Kerry Kunz • Leigh Kunzler • Denise Kurtz • Charles Kuyk • Sandra La Fayette • Stacey LaCava • Jo Lace • Phillippa Lack • Colette Lafond • Michael
Lagergren • Steven Lagnena • Douglas Lake • W Scott Lake Jr • Therese Laman • Shelley Lambert • Greg Landry • Daniel Lane • Stacy Lange • Zachariah Langhauser • Steven R
Langston • Anne Lantry • Pharaoh Lappin • Matt Larkin • Shari Laskey • Renee Lasko • Frank Laurita • Judd Lawler • Kendra Lawler • Heather Lawrence • David & Sally Lawrence •
Larry Lawson • Merrie Lawson-Smith • G C & Susan Leach • Wynne Lee • David Lee • Linda & Chuck Lee • Connie Lee & Jim Whalen • Joseph Leghorn • Toni Legras • Wieslaw
Legutko • Barry Lejeune • Mary Lennon • Monique L Lepine • Marge Lessard • Debbie Leung • Tygar & Gwen Leveque • Mike Levine • Mikkel Levine • James Lewis • Lori Lewis
J Lewizky • Jessica Lied • David A Light • Margaret Lignitz • Ethan Lindell • Barb & Jim Lindeman • Patty Linder • Angie Lingk • Roger Lintault • Marianne Lipanovich • Dina & Leo
Lisovskis • Sara & Aaron Liston • Larry Lloyd • Lisa Lloyd • Eileen Lockhart • Jocelyn Lockhart • John Logan • Dwayne Long • Sheila Long • Sharon Loomis • Katharine LoPiccolo •
Paula Lorenz • Barry Lott • William Lowe • Garry & Wendy Lowe • Dan Loyd • Matt Lucas • Ron & Mercedes Luft • Paul Lukianov • Timothy Lundell • Lillie Luongo • Athey Lutz •
Melba Lykkehoy • Kathy Lynn • Cheryl Lyon-Jenness • Vicki Lysen • Michael Lyster • Shakti Ma • Gregg Maakestad • Paul MacAvaney • Stephen MacDonell • Nikki
Macedo • Charlaine Macey • Jim & Selene Machuga • Billy Mackay • Daniel MacPhee • Gordon MacPherson • Jaqui Mager • Laureen Magyari • Jean Makar •
Becky Mallory • Luke Malski • Geoff Mamlet • Reid Mandel • Jewel Mankin • Karen Manning • Michael Manos • Joe Manuel • Heather Marano • Lorraine
Margaret • Cynthia Markey • Farah Marklevits • Paul Markwardt • Carol Marnell • Myka Marriott • Penny Marsh • Linda Martin • Janelle Martin • Alberto
Martin • Alexandra Martin • Charles Martin • Kyle Martin • Mary Martin • Melanie Martin • Richard Martin • Alisa Martinelli • Lyle Martinez • Leticia
Martinez • Leeane Marvin • Frances Maser • David Massey • Susan Massman • Donald Masur • Stacy Mates • Karen Mathews • Lynette Mathis • Joseph
Matta • Ken Matthews • Faith Maximilian • Donna Mayer • Harris Mayer Selinger • Sarah McAllister • Casey McBride • Leslie McBride-Salmon • Michael
McCabe • Tera McCahon • Sara McCamant • Heather McCargo • Julia McClatchy • Ted Mcconnell • Chris McConnell • Keith McCormick • Jeff McCosh
• David McCrea • Debra McCullough • Dayna McDaniel • Kathleen M McDonald • Diane McDonald • Joe McDonald • Lisa McGarrie • Janet McGarry •
Stephen McGinley • Susan McGinley • Thomas McGoey • Sally McGreal • Jennifer L McHenry • Heather Mckee • Barbara McKinley • Jennifer McKnightLupes • Harriett McMahill • Donald McMahon • J & L McMorris • Thomas R Mcneal • Billy McNeal • Caitlin Mears • Peter Meekin • Valerie Mehring • Terese
& Gregory Melis • Michele Mendoza • Ferrell Mercer • Brad & Patty Merker • Justin Merrell • Samantha Merrill • Saundra Merriman • Robert Merz • Sheila Mesick
• Alan Mess • Ross Messerly • Joe Metzker • Alice Meyer • Gordie Meyer • Laura Meyer • Chelsea Meyers • Beverly Mikuriya • Kevin Milaeger • Dave Miles • Lee W
Miller • Wayne Miller • Justin Miller • Ann Miller • Louise Miller • Mervin Miller • Robert Miller • Matthew Mills • Matthew Miner • Mary E Mines • Peter & Trudy Minkler
Seed Savers Exchange 2014 Annual Report
Kevin Minnigerode • William Mittelman • Lakshmi Mizin • Paul Mizzi • Michael & Deborah Modde • John Moelker • Katherine Moeller • Marcus Moench • Chris Molitor • Kathy
Molitor • Lorie Moll • Paula Monaghan • Monches Farm • Jim Monk • Dennis Moon • Harold D Moore • K Moore • Ken Moore • Cheryl Moore-Gough • Kate Moorhous • Jill
Moorman • Antoinette Moran • Dana H Morgan • Jane Moroni • B R Morris • Jason Morris • Benjamin Morris • Herb Morrison • Walter Morrison • Michael Morton • Paul Mosiman
• Linda Mowry • Christopher Mueller • Bryan Mulanix • Glenn Mulno • Nancy Mulvany • William Mureiko • Elizabeth Murillo • John Murphy • Patty & Michael Murphy • Nancy
Murray • Louise Murray • Andrew Murry • Don Myers • Kathleen Myers • Dave Myers • Jo Ann Myers • Shelby Myers-Verhage • Robinah Nantongo • Melinda Nau • Elena Naumova
• Lynsy Nee • Nancy Needles • Marla Nees • John Neider • Virginia Neihardt • Melvin Nelson • Sandra Nelson • Kellie Nelson • Christopher Nelson • Steve Nelson • Steven Nelson •
Karen Nemchik • Tracy Newell • Ned & Elizabeth Newton • Lee Nicholas • Patricia Nicholson • Mari Niddrie • Mary Ann Niedens • Matthew Niehaus • Joan & Dick Niemiec • Jared
Nies • Michael Noreen • Dave Norris • Julia Northrup • Anita Northup • R Nortman • Carol Nortz • Christine Nye • Kristi O’Brien • Sarah O’Connor • Kim Odell • Jeff Ogle • Karen
Olch • Casey Oleary • Teresa Oleson • Hoyt Oliver • Ronald Oliver • Tony Oliver • Jennifer Olson • F Thomas Olson • Craig Olzenak • Adam O’Neal • Don O’Neal • Rachel Onuf •
Claudia Ospina • Gene Ott • Sue & Lyle Otte • Overley Growers • Rosalie Owens • Bonnie Owens • Cynthia Owens • Alison Pacuska • Laura Paine • George Painter • Jacquelyn Palmer
• Robert Papkin • Cathy Pardee • Joshua Parker • Henry & Pauline Parker • James A Parker • Kari Parker • C F Parlette • Nathan Parrish • Brenda J Pates • Thomas & Karen Pathoulas •
Rich Patrick • Anne Patterson • Marguerite Patterson • Janet Patterson • Trina Patton • Diann Pavelka • Kori Pavkov • Julie Pavlock • Jeffrey Payne • Ann Peacock • Emily Pecora •
Randy Peele • Brandi Pelaskett • Michael Peng • Pennsylvania Humanities Council • Tina Peplowski • Leila Percy & Jeff Lozier • Rita Perea • Eric Perez • Oscar Perez • Debbie
Perks • James Petersen • Bernardine Peterson • Sue Peterson • Paul Petty • Tom Pew • George Pfaltzgraff • Philip Pfister • Robert Phansalkar • K Phillips • Wendy Phillips •
Dave Phipps • Tom Pibal • Bill Pickens • Jan Picket • Monika Pieper Landoni • Meghan Pietila • Ben Pilcher • Tom Pinkerton • Mauri Pioppo • Anthony Piroli • Elizabeth
Pitzer • Gae Plambeck • Edward J Plantaric • Courtney Plater • Melanie Platz • Adrienne J Ploss • Andrew Plumer • Ted Podgis • David Poethke • Joseph E Poliquin •
Barbara Pollock • Philip Poorman • Kay Pope • James Poppert • Jennifer Porwit • Herbert L Poteet • Kevin Powell • Edward Poynor • Jean Prebis • Joy Preece • William
Preston • Wendy Price • Ben Price & Kendra Laffe • Robertson Produce • William Prueter • Brian Pruiett • Jennifer Purtle • Allison Quam • Amy Quan • Louise R
Quigley • Irene Quiles • Jaylene Raaum • Sarah Rada-Scott • Laura Radefeld • Jack Rainey • Renuka Rajesh • Marcia Raley • Dr David Ramsey • Michael Randall •
Cyntha Rand-Thompson • Daryl & Kim Ranton • Rosemary Raphael • Zach Rapose • Randall Rapp • Donelle Ratheal • Jim Ravasio • Mary Rawlings-Spencer • Lance
Rayner • Mike Recore • Michael Redwine • Colleen Reed • Stacey Rees • Mike Reeske • Karl Reichelt • Shari Reilly • Kimberly Reinke • Martin & Mary Reisinger •
Catherine Renshaw • Joanna & Eric Reuter • Ronald Revord • Greg & Mary Reynolds • Tim Rhoades • Julie Rice • David G Rich • Mark Richardson • David Richmond •
Willy Ricks • Jim Riddle & Joyce Ford • Robert Riedel • Tiffany Rietveld • Charles Riha • Clifford Rimmer • Paul Ring • Steven Rissing • Douglas Ritchie • Gudrun & Bruce Riter •
Naomi Robbins • Ira Roberts Jr • Laura Robinson • Luther Robinson • Donna Rochau • Janis Rockabrand • Doris Rodgers • Laura Rodriguez • Jeffrey Roesch • Gil Rogers • Rosemary
Rohr • Ronald & Joanne Rose • Pamela Rosenman • Kerrie Rosenthal • Abby Ross • Benjamin Ross • Ellen Ross • David Rossell • David Roth • Christina V Rother • Jason & Megan
Rowekamp • Randi Ruden Krantz • Barbara Rudy • Jim Ruen • Michael Rumore • Christopher Rumsey • Marilyn Ruocco • Paul & Pamela Rutigliano • Ruth Ryan • Kathleen Ryan •
Sharon Safina • Heather Sahli • Robert Sala • Joshua Sales • Emily Salmond • Hillie Salo • Travis Samo • Earl & June Sampson • Sheila Samuelson • Timothy & Jane Samuelson • Duane
& Marilyn Sand • Susan Sanders • Bert Sanders • Maureen Sanders • Marilyn Sandin-Ross • Timothy Sandoval • Thomas Saphner • Neil Sarin • Emily Satterthwaite • Dale Sauer • Gregg
W Saunders • Berndt Savig • Eugene Sawyer • Virginia Scarlet • Ted Schacherer • Karen Schaef • Paul & Trudi Schaefer • Julie Schaeffer & Jeff Mulholland • Deborah Schafer • Charlie
Schiller • Ute & Richard Schlake • Burd Schlessinger • Connie Schmidt • Robert Schmitz • Tim & Julia Schmolke • Barbara Schneider • Kathryn & Michael Schnitzius • Alan Scholl •
Sherwin Schoppert • Chris Schuler • Lynne Schultz • Laura & Larry Schumacker • Rhesa Schwartz • John Schwobe • Isabelle Scott • Charles Scott • Elizabeth Scott • Jack Scott • David
Sears • Stan Seavey • Vickey Sebetka • Nate & Heather Seeden • Robert Seiler • Michael Self • Julie Seymour & Dan Kozlovsky • Rebecca J Shaffer • Nahzinine Shakeri • Toni Shannon
• Glen Shaw • Beverly Sheahan • Marikay Shellman • Toni Shelton • Margaret Shepard • Rosalie Shepherd • Kathleen Shepherd • Laurie Sherman • Brandon Sherrill • Valorie Shillington
• Cindy Shipp • Ginger Shocklee • Pamela Shorey • Beth Short • Peter Shortridge • Catherine Shows • Charles Shreeves • Allison Shriver • Dina Shriver • Jo Ann Shults • Paul Shumaker
• Angela Siefer • Donna Sievers • Joe Silberlicht • Tina Simeon • Karen Simmons • Philip Simon • Verna Simon • David Simpson • Dick Simpson • Laura Sims •
Mary Sipiorski • Warren Sippel Jr • David Sirbasku • John & Debra Sjolinder • Cynthia Slade • Thomas & Gina Slater • Diana Slavinsky • Pat & Spiff Slifka • Jerry
Sloan • Patti Smerk • Dean Smethurst • Becca Smith • Angela Smith • Benjamin Smith • Dewey Smith • Dorothy Smith • John Smith • Katherine R Smith •
Katherine Smith • Luke Smith • Matthew Smith • Michael Smith • Phillip Smith • Robin Smith • Terry & Pat Smith • Kathryn Smith-Connell • Sheryl Smiths
• Carolyn Snider • Sarajane Snyder • Chris Snyder • Richard Sofiak • Barbara Sogn-Frank • Robin Sokolowsky • Thomas N Solie • Chris Sonne • Lisa Sottile
• Jennifer Soutas • Mary South • Sow True Seeds • Lucy Spangler-Gore • Nicholas Spanos • Mary & Jack Spear • Robert Specht • Phil Spencer • Danielle
Spendiff • Jonathan & Jessie Spero • Edward Spevak • Sarah A Spitz • Claire Sponsler • Mark D Sprague • Suzanna Spruill • Steven Squires • Daniel Stackpoole
• Keith Stamp • Cheryl Standing • Julie Standley • Robert Stanley • Danielle Stanley • William & Karen Stansbery • Rhiannon Stanuch • Carolyn Starkey •
Mary Starrenburg • Rose Steenhoek • Tanya Stefanec • Sandra Steinbach • Andrea Steinkamp • Julia Steinmetz • Gary Stephens • Barry H Sterling • David &
Constance Stevens • Harold Steves • Michelle Stevier • Scott Steward • Debra Stewart • Katina Stockbridge • Nancy Stoecker • Judith Stoltzfus • Rob Stone & Karen
Green-Stone • William H Stone • Liz Stout • Robert Stout • Nathan Strange • Bob Streitmatter • Corrine Stutts • Wendy Sullivan • Marcia Sullivan • Stephany Sullivan • Leslie Suranyi
• Dan Sutherland • Elisabeth Sutor • Sally Swanson • Donald J Swanson • Kristin Swanson • Mary M Swartz • Jean Sweet • Timothy Sweet • Laurie Swimm • John & Rosemary Taipale
• Erik Melchiorre Becky Talyn • Signe Tanksley • James E Tarman • Ilene Tatroe • Brooks Taylor • John Taylor • Hope Taylor • Rachel Taylor • Nancy Taylor Robson • John & Angela
Tedesco • John Teixeira • Thomas Teneralli • Marcella Teplitz • Elisabeth Testani • The Plantsmyth • Amalie Thibodeaux • John Thomas • Elizabeth Thompson • Dodson Thompson •
Cameron Thompson • Curtis & Jan Thompson • Jonathan Thompson • Mary & Craig Thompson • Jesse Thompson Jr • Cindy Thompson-Adhikari • Bill Thorness • Christy Thorns
• Linda Thornton • Matt Thorp • Joel Thorson • Keith Threewits • Jennifer Tideberg • Kathy Tindall • Ionut L Toma • Chet Tomlinson • Robert Tompkins • Todd Toresdahl • Lisa Tracy
• Ken Trana • Barb Traxler • Stuart Trembath • Pamela Tremblay • Dustin Trestik • Jenny Trevino-Blanquet • Mark Trickey • Jan Trimmer • Ruth Tripp • Ken Tripp • Jan Tritten • Barbara
Trombatore • Janell Trout • Louise Troutman • Jack & Ev Trowbridge • Geoffrey Trullinger • Travis Trump • Joseph Trzcinka • Tess Tucker-Trainum • Janet Tulley • Rita Tuokko • Robert
Turley • Gerald & Helen Turner • Adam & Sue Turtle • Beverly Twaddell • Lynde Uihlein • Kyle Ulrich • Tim Underwood • Stuart & Diane Unger • Harvey Ussery • Andree Valdry •
Nicolette Vallandigham • Loral Valley • Anne Vallpey • Andrea Valouskova • Peter & Judy Van der Linden • Elaine Van Dyck • Cheryl Van Oort • Steven Van Sandt • Chris VanDenToorn
• Pete Vanherzeele • Daniel VanMeeteren • Kathryn Vanney • Charlotte Varner • Sallie Verrette • Jerry Vincent • Beverly Vincion • Jeri J Vinson • Melanie Vogel • Rosemarie Voigt • Kim
Volkart • Justina Voulgaris • Kurt Walker • Rebecca Walker • Joan Wallace • Jean Wallner • Andrew Walls • Trevor Walsh • Lucy Wang • Louis Wantland • Heather Ward • Josette & Mark
Warfel • Lina Warkentin • Shelomith Watson • Randy Watterworth • Thomas Weber • Doug & Tanya Webster • Mark L Weedn • Fred Weik • Sheldon & Jeanne Wein • Richard
Weinhoffer • Bob Weister • Sara Wellman • Virginia Wells • Liz Wells • Philip Werner • Steve & Marjie Wernett • Brian West • Renee West • Cathleen Weston • Barbara Wettengel • Jane
Whaley • Alice White • Lisa White • Rebecca White • Robert Whitehurst • Bryan Whitlow & Eve Morgan • Lawrence Whitney • George Wiedemeyer • Rosemarie Wiegman • Lisa
Wiesner • James D Wigley • John Wiik • Marisa Wiker • Marilyn Wiley • John Wilkerson • Don Wilkin • Jaye Wilkinson • Karen Wilkinson • Jan Williams • Claire Williams • Don &
Becky Williams • Keith Williams • Patricia Williams • Anita Wilson • Dorothy Wilson • Nicole Wilson • James & Nonnie Wilson • Melissa Wilson • Russ Wilson • Tori Wilson • Vance
Wilson • Kelly Wind • Sue Wine • Susan Wing • Diana Winkler • Eleanor W Winsor • Ina Winter • T l Witthuhn • Terry Wohers • Brian & Janine Wojtalewicz • Barbara Wolinsky •
Maryann Wolters • Tracy Wood • Kurt Wood • Donna Wood • Richard Wood • Lee Woodard • Karen Woodbury • Gary Woods • Evelyn Wool • Joseph Worischeck • Jennifer Woyski
• Deborah & Charles Wray • Jim Wright • Clint Wright • Diana Wright • Karyn Wright • David Wullenweber • Kevin Wyatt • Ailyna Yarrington • Michael Yates • Roby Young • Susan
Young • Cara Young • Anna Zalusky • Brian R Zdan • Lenny Zeman • Zhi Zhao • James Zimmerman • Joel Zink • Kerranne Ziprick • Steve Zwinger
Seed Savers Exchange 2014 Annual Report
SSE staff celebrate Plaid-urday
The strength of Seed Savers Exchange goes beyond the health of the Heritage Farm Collection, the
dedication of its staff, and the size of its membership. Seed Savers Exchange is a leader in the heirloom
seed movement thanks to countless volunteer hours and the expertise of the board of directors,
advisors, and interns listed below.
Board of Directors
(as of December 31, 2014)
Governing the organization, committed to
the non-profit mission, Directors bring a
wealth of experience and expertise to the
Keith Crotz, Chair
Neil Hamilton, Vice-Chair
Larry Grimstad, Treasurer
David Cavagnaro
Rosalind Creasy
Rob Johnston Jr.
Hope Shand
Martin Teitel
Rowen White
in 2014
Amy P. Goldman Fowler,
Special Advisor to the Board
Rowen White
Seed Savers Exchange 2014 Annual Report
(as of December 31, 2014)
Experts from near and far are on call to
advise in the management of the collection.
Suzanne Ashworth
Dan Beard
Clive Blazey
Dave Ellis
Joel Girardin
Jim Henry
Lindsay Lee
Craig LeHoullier
Beth Lynch
Deborah Madison
Laura Merrick
Phillip Sponenberg
John Swenson
Lee Zeike
Interns do so much to help SSE achieve the
mission. They in turn benefit from on-the-job
training and mentoring by experienced staff.
Anthony Chase
Katherine Mathis
Colleen Oster
Kailey Peterson
Hannah Rowse
Angela Stancato
Nicole Wink
2014 Employees
Tim Abbott
Karen Anderson
Lisa Beiwel
Greg Biehn
Rachel Black
Lisa Blaess
Anne Bohl
Lauren Bonney
Josie Boyle
Beth Bundy
Steven Burg
Dianne Burke
Aaron Burmeister
Daniel Bussey
Claudia Cackler
Toby Cain
Katie Carlson
Steve Carlson
Renata Christen
Heidi Cook
Corey Cordell
Daniel DeVoe
Linda Drackley
James Edrington
Solveig Entwistle
Laura Fuller
Cindy Goodner
Kathy Greentree
Adam Grim
Trisha Hageman
LouAnn Hall
Fena Hershberger
Amy Holmgren
Sarah Horns
Devon Hovey
Jenna Hrdlicka
Sarah Imoehl
Tor Janson
Richard Jensen
Timothy Johnson
Paul Kadlec
Philip Kauth
Ashley Keul
Taylor Kinley
John Kraus
Jessica Ludwig
Paul Ludwig
Susan Luzum
Trevor Madsen
Katie Mathis
Megan McElhaney
Carolyn McGlaughlin
Abe Mendez
Steffen Mirsky
Bill Musser
David Nelson
Jordan Nelson
Laura Ollendick
Anna Olson
Grant Olson
Tara Oyloe
James Palmer
Korbin Paul
Eric Rasmussen
Cynthia Reifenrath
Lynne Rilling
Kathleen Rosendahl
Zach Row-Heyveld
Jenna Sicuranza
Phillip Smith
Andrea Springmeier
Sarah Stevens
Sara Straate
Bryan Stuart
Paul Sullivan
Kelly Tagtow
Greg Thorson
Joanne Thuente
Bill Tieskotter
John Torgrimson
Pat Torgrimson
John van der Linden
Therese Vang
Tom Wahlberg
Sherman Watts
Josh Wennes
Diane Ott Whealy
Kinsey Whitehill
Cindy Williams
Jane Wilson
Jennifer Zoch
Seed Savers Exchange is grateful for the
generous volunteers who selflessly donate their
time to the organization, whether they are
filling seed orders, planting apple trees, or
helping at on-site events.
Viktor Blasjo
Anna Bonavita
Massimo Bonavita
Katie Carlson
Carol Colson
Emma Cornwell
Mary Anne Crotz
Randall Duvall
Dan Forsythe
Megan Gilbert
Martin Gordon
Laura Goetsch
Brad Hackman
Koby Jeschkeit-Hagen
Pahoua Hoffman
Jesse Kando
Chelsea Krist
Lindsay Lee
Sarah McMenomy
Corrin Meise-Munns
Kailey Peterson
Elaine Plamondon
John Reifenrath
Alexandra Robinson
Tess Romanski
Alayna Schutte
Emmarene Smock
Janet Snider
Emi Sogabe
Mary Stade
Caleb Stellmach
Heidi Swets
Ashley Turk
Becky Wagner
Paige Wettach
Marlie Wilson
Megan Woodward
Lee Zieke
Sarah McMenomy, a regular volunteer from Rochester, MN,
assists orchard manager Dan Bussey.
Seed Savers Exchange 2014 Annual Report
Seed Savers Exchange Planned Giving Group
Like our ancestors who saved their best seeds and passed
them on to family and friends, you have an opportunity
to create an heirloom legacy that will preserve America’s
garden heritage long into the future. Make a gift that
will cost nothing during your lifetime.
We cannot do the
work of preserving
our garden heritage
without you.
Explore creative
ways to give.
Seed Savers Exchange
Contact Cindy Goodner, Fundraising Coordinator
Savers Exchange 2014 Annual
• [email protected]
for more information