Section II COMMUNICABLE DISEASES/SCHOOL AGE ILLNESS * Reportable Diseases/Conditions * School Exclusion for Illness * School Nursing Referral Form * Referral to. Health Care Provider * Consentfor Release of Information: English/Spanzsh/Ghinese/Vietnamese * Commumcable Diseases/Childhood Illness Letter & Information Sheets More information to come in - W4Ds this year SFUSI School Health Programs Department H 2006-07 SChOOl Health Manual ______ ____________ _________________________________________________ DISEASE REPORTING San Francis o Departmentof Public Heiiü TItle 17. California Code of RegulatIons, §2500 Physicians and health care providers must report the following conditions. Suspected, lab-confirmed, and/or clinical diagnoses are reportable within specified time intervals. Reporting enables appropriate public health interventions. fr’HONE K415 554-2830, 2417 After hours, follow prompts to page on-call MD IMMEDIA TEL Ywiin 11w Anthrax Botulism* Brucellosis* Cholera Dengue Diphtheria E-co110157/H7 infection F-lantavirus infections Hemolytic lJremic Syndrome Meningococcal infections Plague any form* Rabies any form Seafood poisoning Ciguatera Domoic Acid poisoning Paralytic Shellfish poisoning Scrombroid fish poisoning Smallpox* Tularemia* Varicella deaths only Viral Hemorrhagic Fever& e.g. Crimean- Congo, Ebola, Yellow Fever Outbreaks of ANY Disease Unusual diseases New disease or syndrome not PHONE IK415 554-2830 OR fax: 415 554-2848 I WITHIN ONE WORKING DAY Amebiasis Anisakiasis Babesiosis Campylobacteriosis Colorado Tick Fever Cryptosporidiosis Encephalitis infectious Foodbome illness 2 or more cases from different households Haemophi!us influenzae invasive Hepatitis, acute viral any type Listeriosis Lymphocytic choriomeningitis Malaria Measles Rubeola Meningitis Neonatal conjunctivitis Pertussis Whooping Cough Poiiomyelitis Psittacosis Q Fever Relapsing Fever Saimonellosis Shigellosis Streptococcal Infections, outbreaks and individual cases in Food handlers & Dairy workers Syphilis Swimmer’s itch Schistosomal dermatitis Trichinosis Tuberculosis Typhoid fever cases and carriers Vibrio infections Water-associated disease Yersiniosis *Potential bioterrorism agents PHONE, FAX, OR MAIL WITHIN 7 CALENDAR DAYS: AIDS Chancroid Chlamydial infections Coccidioidomycosis Cysticercosis Ehrlichiosis Echinococcosis Hydatid Disease Giardiasis Gonococcal infections Hepatitis, chronic B or C Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV: Reporting is NON-NAME Kawasaki syndrome Legionellosis Leprosy Hansen Disease Leptospirosis Lyme Disease Mumps Non-Gonococcal Urethritis Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Reye syndrome Rheumatic fever, acute Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Rubella infection Rubella congenital syndrome Tetanus Toxic shock syndrome Toxoplasmosis Typhus fever I Cancer except 1 basal and NONCOMMUNICABIE Disorders Characterized by squamous skin cancer unless DISEASESICONDITIONS Lapses of Consciousness occurring on genitalia, and 2 Alzheimer’s Diseases and Related carcinoma in-situ and CIN Ill of the Conditions cervix Animal bites iP’IiiIin1 Is Monday -Friday 8AM to 5 PM, call San Francisco Department of Public Health TeL 415 554-2830 2417, After hours follow prompts to page on-call MD, Fax: 415 554-2848, 11 Grove Street, Room 4’3, San Francisco, CA 34fl2 CMRupdate2004O9l 7.pdf U-i Version 09117/2004 _____________ State of California-Health and Human SeMcea Agency Department of HSth SeMoes CONFIDENTIAL MORBIDITY REPORT NOTE: For SW, Hepatitis,or TB, complete appropriate section below. Special reporting requirements and reportable diseases on back. DISEASE BEING REPORTED: Patient’s Last Name Social_Security Number I Birth Date First NamelMiddie Name or initial I-I Day Month State Area Code Code Home Telephone Gender Reposting Health DATE OF ONSET Day I I I Veer I DATE DIAGNOSED Month I Day Veer I El Correctional facility Elatber Hawaiian REPORT TO Reporting Health Oar. Facility San Francisco Department of Public Health city state Telephone Numbs, IFas Subnilttsdby IDateSubnitted I 101 Grove Street, Room 408 San Francisco, CA 94102 zlpcse PHONE: 415 I I L MonevDayltear I I Syphiiis Test fl RPR El VORL El FTNMHA; El csF-vDRL; El Other: 1 year El Late tertiary El congenital El Pharyngeal El urethraUCervical El PID El urine El Rectal El Other: I I Obtain additonel font,. from El El Hep A Hep B El Acute El Chronic Gender of Sex Partners last 12 months: El Hop C El Acute El Male El Transgender CM to F El Chronic I El Female El Transgender F to M I El unknown El Refused Hep i D Delta anti-HAy gM HBsA9 anti-HBc antl-HBc 1gM anti-HBs anti-HCv J anti-Delta El Untreated El Other: Date Treatment Initiated El Will treat Suspected Exposure Type Month Day Veer El Unable to contact patient El Blood El Other needle I I I El Refused treatment transfusion exposure I I I El Referred to;_____________ Child care El flier Mantoux TB Skin Test I Date Performed Month I Day I Veer chest X-Ray Sites Date Performed Month I I I I Day I Veer El Pending El Not done El Abnorma&Noncavitary I Data Specimen Collected Source Smear Culture: your local health daçartnent Pot El El El El El El El Neg El El El El El El El El El El El Elsexual contact Not Pend Done El El El El El El El El El El El El El El I Month Day I I Veer El Household contact El Current Treatment El INH El RIF El EMB J Other Month El PZA El Pos El Neg El Pending El Not done El Untreated El Will treat other tests El Unable to contact patient El Refused treatment El Referred to: 09/04 H- 2 Veer Day Date Treatment Initiated El Pos El Neg El Pending El Not done REMARKS El El El El TB TREATMENT INFORMATION Bacteriology El Pending Results:_____________ mm El Not Done El Normal El Cavitanj Results Titer:__________ Titer;________ El Pos El Neg El Pos El Neg 554-2830 Fax: 415 554-2848 I VIRAL HEPATITIS El Late latent> STD TREATMENT INFORMATION El Treated Drugs, Dosage, Route : El Pulmonary El Extra-Pulmonary El Both El Laotian El Samoan El Vietnamese El Other_________ El Native Arnerlcan/Pjaskan Native El White: El Other: car. Provide, Site: El Confirmed El Suspected El infected, No Disease El Convertor El Reactor El Korean El Chinese El Filipino El Guamanian Communicable Disease Control Unit Syphliis El Primary lesion present El Secondary El Early latent < 1 year El Latent unknown duration J Neurosyphilis TUBERCULOSIS TB Status El Active Disease El Cambodian El Ill_k-I SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES STD El Chiamydia El Gonorrhea El Chancroid I Veer L I I PM 110 SF Day Address DATE OF OEATH Month El AslanlPaclflc isiander I one El Asian-indian El Japanese Veer Day I I school o II Patien’sOccupationlSetting ElDaycare Race I one Country of Birth Month I-I I [1[E1 H[E I-I I El _ I- El Work TelephoneArea I Estimated Delivery Date Pregnant? Food service Health care Month ZIP Code II El Hispanic/Latino O Non-i-lispaniciNon-Latino Age Apt./Unit Number Address: Number, Street I I Veer I I I city/town I-I Ethnicity / one I I Check your students for these signs of illness: V Coughing, with other signs of illness V Fever or Chills V Sore throat or trouble swallowing V Headache V Muscle aches V Sneezing V Vomiting V Diarrhea Send a sick child home V Breathing trouble V Unusual spots or rashes Stop the spread of disease at school. Caiifomia Oepartment of Health Services, Division of Communicable Disease contrel 11-3 Seliesi51g., - ISA-It’ lzval Riep Our Scjkooi SMithy Send sick kids home * Teach kids not to cough on others . Teach kids to wash hpnds often, with soap Califomia Department of Health Services. Division of Communicable Disease Control * Teach kids to cover their coughs. TeaclingEtfer 11-4 IMM-192 12,3f PerasNetic. eaM-leolzw California Department of Health Services. Division of Communicable Disease Control iMtantenga tesS Escuela Sana Si su niño está enfermo, manténgalo en casa. California Department of Health Services, Division of Communicable Disease Control H-5 P,reit Notice - IMM-19012/DSt Zo . Don’t spread germs. . Cover your cough. 1fl1**fflM California Department of Health Services, Division of Communicable Disease Control H-6 . Wash you * Don’t spread germs. * Cover your cough. Wash you * No transmita xnicrobios. * Tãpese 1* boca al Lávese sus m Zona Sin *Lcrobtos Cafifcmia Deoartment of Health Services. Division of Communicable Disease Control 11-7 I 4 U MCWIOL MMD CLIMFI S /7 S H-s 10J1uo3 °ø!O eqeounhiJuJo3 40 SD/ti nt-itiinii Califomia Department of Health Services, Division of Communicable Disease Control .H- 9 Stop Disease Alto a las enfermedades f2tJAl2 -. Ngtfa BØnh - nfl 11-10 ‘igilanaiig Sakit . . . San Francisco Unified School District School Health Programs Department 1515 Quintara St. San Francisco, CA 94116 TeL 415/242-2615 Fax: 242-2618 SCHOOL NURSING REFERRAL Stu dent: Last Middle First M F Address/Apartment number Birth date Telepbone number Parent/Caregiver School Telephone Home Languages Grade Teacher PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF THE STUDENT’S EMERGENCY CARD REASON FOR REFERRAL: PLEASE INDICATE THE INTERVENTIONS MADE PRIOR TO THIS REFERRAL AND THE OUTCOMES: We suggest initial contact by school staff before referral is made HISTORY: Briefly state related health and social information medications, activity limitations, special diet, classroom behavior, social interaction, etc. Referral Made By Title Signature of Site Administrator SEND TO: School Nursing Referral School Health Programs Department 1515 Quintara Street San Francisco, CA 94116 Fax: 415-242-2618 Date H-li LIABILITY FOR EMERGENCY CARE OF STUDENTS LEGAL REFERENCE: EDUCATION CODE SECTION 49407 "Not withstanding any provision of any law, no school district, officer of any school district, school principal, physician, or hospital treating any child enrolled in any school in any district shall be held liable for the reasonable treatment without the consent of a parent or guardian of the child when the child is ill or injured during regular school hours, requires reasonable medical treatment, and the parent or guardian cannot be reached, unless the parent or guardian has previously filed with the school district a written objection to any medical treatment other than first aid." BUSINESS ANDPROFESSIONS CODE SECTION 1799.102 "No person who in good faith, and not for compensation renders emergency care at the scene of an emergency shall be liable for any civil damages resulting from any act or omission. The scene of emergency shall not include emergency departments and other places where medical care is usually offered." ACKINOWLEDGEMENTS: California School Nurses Organization: San Diego/Imperial Section Revised 1995 11-12 Please use the attached form to communicate with parents/caregivers regarding health related problems during the school day. 11-14 San Francisco Unified School District School Health Programs Department Referral to Health Care Provider Dear ParentlCaregiver: Please take this form to your child’s Health Care Provider and have the bottom portion completed. Please return this form to: [1 Principal D Grade level Counselor 0 Other______________________ SCHOOL STAFF SECTION PLEASE PRINT Student Name: Last First Middle Date ofBirth Month/Date/Yr School Grade Children’s Center/Elementary/Middle/High Address: Street, Apartment Number City Zip Code Room ParentlCaregiver phone#: Reason for Referral Referral made by name ---------- Title Telephone Date HEALTH CARE PROVIDER SECTION------------------------ Diagnosis Treatment Medications Prescribed Dosage and Schedule Duration If possible, please schedule medication outside of school hours. If medication must be given at school, the Medication Form will need to be filled out. Should activity be restricted in any way? 0 No D Yes If yes, for how long? Child may return to school on: date Return Appointment Date if any Health Care Provider Name and Address Print or Stamp Signature bf Health Care Provider SJ-IPD -8/04 H-i 5 ______Psychological _____Speech/Language ______Audiological San Francisco Unjfied School District School Health Programs Department 1515 Quintara Street San Francisco, CA 94116 TEL 415-242-2615 FA1415-242-2618 wwwsfusd. edu PARENT/GUARDIAN AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE OF INFORMATION I authorize the exchange of information between the San Francisco Unified School District and the following agency/and/or individual: Name of Agency/Physician/Individual Street Address c Name of Student State Name of School Grade Please forward the information listed below: IEP/Educational Social/Developmental Medical Other Vision Mailtothe attention of the following person at the address below: Title: Attention:_ Phone: Dato Signature, Parent/Guardian 11-16 Birthdate ______Otra San Francisco Unified School District School Health Programs Department 1515 Quintara St. San Francisco, CA 94116 Tel. 415/242-2615 Fax: 242-2618 f/health/sbpd/shpdl.htrnl AUTORIZACIO1I DEL PADRE/MADPI 0 ACUDIENTE PAM OAR. 1NFOE}IACIOLJ Autorito .3. intercazbio 4. infornci6n entre el. Discrito Escojar Unjitcado de San Francisco y it siguienta agencia yb individuo: NoDbre de it Agencialhédico/Individuo Dirección Ciudad Estado Hocbre dcl Estudiante Hocbre de Por favor expida it inforacin tona Postal Zip Ia Escutia Cndo Fecha de Nacimiento indicada en La siguiente Lint: 4 Plan de Educacjdn tndividuajjzada Educaciva PSI I SociallDe Sicoidgica dabLa/Ldioa Mdica 0. Ia Vjsjdn Envie esta fora a Ia acenc6n de Ia siguiente Acencido: ptrscna,a titulo: Dir ecc±dn: te1Eono: FL r=a piaiizhaare o Acuejente Fecha 11-17 La direcc6n indicada: San Francisco Unified School District School Health Programs Department GUARDIAJ4AUTHORJZATJONFORRELEASEOF INFORMATION *44It.a4 *I4I& l&44kflfl A.*TNIk3!S4o in *31 at 914 t*ItiLTfl **1-: iju*/i*t itt *41 4’ TJ4j *c H-lB 1515 Quintara Street San Francisco, CA 94116 TEL 415-242-2615 FAX 415-242-2618 San Francisco Un jfled School District School Health Programs Department 155 Quintara Street San Francisco, Cd 941 Jo TEL 415-242-2615 FAX 415-242-2618 t flk 371ML SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT I *%. A pRO H1JYNR/GtA1t HO CR0 QU1tN RA4R TWiEN CR0 CR1 TIEF php yi 81 chi vdi San Francisco ‘ai-l9 ho4c ca nhin sau aay: T6i cho ngui 6% Gia"o-Duc ‘ a Ten cua nguot oai-ly/bac-st/ca I nhan -Via chi Thi Khu Tiètj bang T&n hoc sinh Ten cnI6ng chi-tit Xin 4i-vag bang litk Lap sau / ‘- / xa-hSiJphac-crien ciao-duc * Ngon-luan/Ngon-nvs’ hoc -raui-iy I I Gdi / khac - ctà vdi ngtidi - giao-dich Va . dia-chi ._I’ ten: - au-oe d dddi: -- Sc pr.cne: Ow’ k’S’ - j Thinh-giac -I-khoa -mi-giac Ngiy sanh - Nay a.. Date: Dear Parent/Caregiver: A student in your child’s class has recently been diagnosed with chickenpox. What to look for: The first symptom is usually a rash with small red bumps that blister over 3-4 days. The rash is more noticeable at first on the trunk than exposed areas. Blisters may appear inside the ears, mouth and on the scalp. The child may have a low grade fever, runny nose and cough. Crusts and then scabs form over the blisters within the next 6 days. Incubation period is usually 14-16 days, occasionally as short as 10 days and as long as 21 days. The most contagious period is from 1-2 days before the rash appears until right after it appears. The infected person no longer spreads the virus when all the blisters have scabs and no new blisters are forming. Exclusion: The child with chiclcenpox is excluded from school until all blisters have scabs usually 6 days after start of rash. How chicken pox is spread: Mostly from direct contact with mucus from eyes, nose or mouth and from the fluid inside the blister of an infected person. It can also be spread through the air, via droplets from coughing or sneezing. What to do for your child with chickenpox: There is not much to do except relieve the itching. In severe cases your medical provider may prescribe medication to relieve the itch. DO NOT USE ASPIRIN OR PRODUCTS CONTAINING ASPIRIN. Be sure and wash your hands carefully after contact with blisters or soiled articles. During the first few weeks following chickenpox, you should call your medical provider if your child has any sudden fevers or vomiting. What if your child has been vaccinated for chickenpox or has had chickenpox: It is possible for children to get chickenpox despite being vaccinated. The vaccine is only about 70% to 85% effective at preventing mild disease although 95% effective at preventing severe chickenpox. Chickenpox in previously imnt’nized children usually is mild with less fever and fewer bumps and blisters than in unimmunized children. Rarely, children get chickenpox a second time. These cases are usually very mild. Please call your medical provider if you have further questions. Adapted from the American Academy of Pediatrics, "Managing Infectious Diseases in Child Care and Schools", 2004 11-20 Feeha: Estimados padres de familia o encargados: Recientemente a un estudiante del aula de su hijo/a se le diagnosticó que habia contraldo Ia enfermedad de Ia varicela. Sintomas de Ia varicela: El primer smntoma, usualmente, es una erupción en Ia piel, que consiste de protuberancias pequeñas de color rojizo que se transforman en ampollas vejigas a los 3 o 4 dias sigüientes. La erupción es más visible en el tronco que en las areas expuestas. Las ampollas pueden aparecer dentro de los oidos, boca y en el cuero cabelludo. Los niflos presentan sintomas como fiebre temperatura baja, mucosidades y tos. Las ampollas comienzan a secarse y se forman costras, dentro de los 6 dias siguientes a su aparecitniento. Periodo de incubaclón: Usualmente es de 14 a 16 dias, ocasionalmente es inás corto 10 dIas y a veces rnás largo 21 dias. El perlodo de mayor contagio es de 1 a 2 dias aMes de que aparezea la erupción e inmediatamente después de que aparece. La persona infectada ya no transmite el vms cuando las ampollas se secan y no se forinan más anipollas. ExclusiOn: El estudiante no puede asistir a Ia escuela hasta que todas las ampollas se secan y se forman costras generalmente, 6 dias después de Ia erupción cutánea. COmo se propaga Ia varicela: La mayorIa de veces por contacto directo con las secreciones que provienen de los ojos, nariz o boca, y del liquido de las ampoilas de Ia persona infectada. También, se puede propagar a travës del aire, cuando tosen o estornudan. Qué pueden hacer cuando sus hijos tienen varicela: No hay mucho que hacer, excepto calmar la picazén. En casos severos ci mádico puede recetar la medicina para calmar la picazón. NO USEN LA ASFIRINA 0 PRODUCTOS QUE CONTENGAN LA MISMA. Asegñrense de lavarse sus manos cuidadosamente después de estar en contacto con las ampollas u obj etos contaminados. Durante las primeras semanas después de contraer Ia varicela, deben de comunicarse con su medico si hijo/a ha padecido de fiebres repentinas o vómitos. 511 Qué sucede Si SUS hijos fueron vacunados para que sea inmunes a La varicela o ya padecieron de dicha enfermedad: Es posible que sus hijos padezcan de dicha enfermedad a pesar de que fueron vacunados. La vacuna es solamente efectiva de tin 70 a tin 85% pan que la enfennedad sea ieve sin embargo, es efectiva en tin 95% para quo no Ia padezcan de manera severa. La varicela que padecen los niflos que fueron inmunizados, usualmente es una enfermedad leve, con poca fiebre, con escasas protuberancias y ampollas. Raramente, los ninos sufren de Ia enfermedad por segunda vez. En estos casos la enfei-medad es muy insignificante. Por favor, Ilame a su medico si tiene aigunas preguntas. Translation provided by SFUSD Translation Department -Chickenpox SpanishI 2005 H-2 1 _________ Z Z-H ‘4 t7OO o W?6* *s’ S{1 I a*n ° *flf &fn%c8-OL *‘ ° o ‘Stfli’ ° g’ffl U4.qdSy flgrj E?Dfl W : ‘ ±flI N PWZfl: M***flE’ TS san 1±W6J*: *mu* E ‘-Oyflg o ° ‘ffh’ o 0 ‘4Lfl: __________________is Date: Dear ParentlCaregiver: Choose one Your child suspected of having pinkeye. OR A case ofpinkeye conjunctivitis has been identified in your child’s class and you are advised to watch your child for signs and symptoms of pinkeye. Pinlceye is an inflammation of the thin tissue covering the white part ofthe eye and the inside ofthe eyelids. Pinkeye can be caused by bacteria, viruses or allergies. * Bacterial Conjunctivitis Eyes are red or pink, itchy and painful. There is green or yellow discharge and the eyes may be crusted shut in the morning. It can affect one or both eyes. Antibiotics are needed only for bacterial conjunctivitis and children can return to school after the medication has been started. * Viral Conlunctivitis Eyes are pink, swollen, watery, and sensitive to light. It may affect only one eye and can occur with a viral respiratory illness. Most children with viral conjunctivitis do not need to be excluded from school, unless they have fever. * AlergicConiunctivitis Eyes are itchy, red and have excessive tearing. It is usually in both eyes. The allergic reaction may be immediate or delayed for many hours or days after contact with the agent. It is not contagious1 - - - Conjunctivitis is spread by direct contact with discharge from the infected eye or by touching surfaces that have been contaminated by the eye discharge. Careful hand washing before and after touching eyes, nose and mouth helps to control the spread of conjunctivitis at home and at school. If your child has any signs or symptoms of pinkeyc, please contact your primary health provider. Sincerely, Principal from American Academy of Pediatrics, Conjunctivitis, SHPD, 1/05 Adapted Mangin 11-23 Infectious Disea s in Childcare and Schools, 2005. __________________________________________ Fecha: Estimados padres de familia o encargados: seleccione uno Sospechamos que su hijola: tiene cOnjuntivitis. 0 Hemos identificado un caso de conjuntivitis infección en eI ojo en el aula de su hijo/a, permanezcan atentos en caso de que llegue a padecer de dichos sintomas. La conjuntivitis es la inflamacion de una membrana delgada que cubre Ia pane blanca del ojo, asI como, la que recubre Los párpados. Esta enfermedad puede ser causada por ía presencia de bacterias, virus o alergias. * La Coniutvs Bacterial produce ojos rojos, picazén y dolor. Hay una secreciOn verdosa o amarillenta, que fonna costras que le impiden abrir los ojos por Ia mañana. La infección puede afectar a un ojo o a los dos. Para La conjuntivitis bacterial se necesita solamente antibióticos, los estudiahtes pueden regresar a ia escuela una vez que se inicio el tratamiento. - * La Coniutvs Viral produce ojos rojos, infiamaciOn, lagrimeo, y sensibilidad a Ia - luz. Puede afectar solarnente tin ojo y acompafiada pot una enfermedad respiratoria viral. La mayor! a de estudiantes con conjuntivitis viral no necesitan ser excluidos de clases, a menos que tengan fiebre. * La Coniutvs Alérdca produce ojos rojos, picazón y Iagrimeo abundante. Usualmente en ambos ojos. La reacción alérgica so puede presentar de inmediato o posteriormente, puede aparecer horas o dias después, al contacto con el agente especIfico alergeno. No es contagiosa. - La conjuntivitis se transmite por contacto directo con el ojo infectado o al tocar las superficies contaminadas con secreciones del ojo. Las manos deben do lavarse cuidadosamente antes y después de tocarse los ojos, la nariz y la boca, lo que previene el contagio de Ia conjuntivitis en Ia casa y en Ia escuela. Si su hijo/a muestra seflales o sintomas de conjuntivitis infeccion del ojo, por favor, comunIquese con su medico. Atentamente, Director Adapted from American Academy of Pediatrics, SRPD, 1/05 Mangin Infectious Disea s in Childcare Translated by SFUSD Translation Department 11-24 and Schools. 2005. Conjunctivitis, - Conjunctivitis Spanish 2005 cz-H coot sqiAnounfuoJcoon t fl:jS *‘q n c: çsu SOOt 0 ‘ * ‘Y2’ Y* 0 Mt4ttX ‘f’k’ fl’ I*Wfl- ‘ I ‘ffl’ fl’ nbgfl nWW ° - 0 0 ‘kXX ‘llfl * fl11 0 - ZEfl$ 0 11 ‘f?HM* *WtW’ 0 0 B4* ?*Ttfl - y / fl4ea Date__________________ Dear ParentlCaregiver: A case of Fifth’s Disease has been reported in your child’s class. Fifth’s Disease, often referred to as "Slapped Cheek Syndrome", is a common viral illness that is usually mild and can affect children and adults. The signs and symptoms usually are: fever, muscle aches, headache, joint pain more common in adults, and a red, "slapped-cheek" rash that can appear 1-3 weeks after the other signs and symptoms. The "slapped-cheek" rash may be followed by a lace-like appealing rash on the trunk, arms, buttocks, and thighs. A person is only contagious until the rash appears. Therefore a student can be in school with the rash if there is no fever and is otherwise well. A pregnant family member who has been intimately exposed to someone with the disease should consult with her health provider about the risk of infection to her pregnancy. The disease can also have complications in persons with sickle cell disease or in persons who cannot fight infections normally. Please call your health care provider if you have further questions. Sincerely, Principal Adapted from the American Academy of Pediatrics, "Managing Infectious Diseases in Childcare and Schools", 2005. 5/05 School Health Programs Department - Fifth’s Disease 11-26 _____________________ Fecha: Estimados padres de familia o encargados: Un caso de la quinta enfermedad eritema infeccioso se reportó en Ia clase de su hijo/a. Esta enfermedad, es uno de los exantemas pediátricos más frecuentes, conocida tambien como "sindrome de las mejillas abofeteadas", Ia cual es una enfermedad viral comün, usualmente leve, que puede afectar a los nifios y a los adultos. Los sIntomas comünmente son: fiebre, müsculos adoloridos, dolor de cabeza, dolor en las articulaciones mas comUn en los adultos, y una erupcion en Ia piel de color rojizo, como "mejillas abofeteadas", que puede aparecer de 1 a 3 semanas después de los otros sIntomas. A continuaciOn de dicha erupción, puede que brote un exantema erupcion en La piel en forma de "encaje" en cI tronco, brazos, glüteos posaderas y muslos. La enfermedad de la persona solamente es contagiosa hasta que aparece la erupción en la piel. Por lo tanto, el estudiante puede asistir a Ia escuela con el exantema, si no tiene fiebre y esta bien. Si en su familia, hay una persona que está embarazada, y que además, cstuvo en contacto directo con la persona portadora de Ia enfermedad, por favor, consulten de inmediato con su medico acerca del riesgo de adquirir la infeccion. Dicha enfermedad, puede dar lugar a complicaciones en los casos de personas con anemia de células falcifonnes sickle cell, o bien, de aquellas que su sistema inmunológico está bajo para combatir cualquier infección. Si tienen más preguntas, por favor, comuniquense con su medico. Atentamente, Director/a Adapted from the American Academy of Pediatrics, "Managing Infectious Diseases in Childcare and Schools", 2005. 5/05 School Health Programs Department Reqll 0506-05 - Fifth’s Disease Translation Provided by SFUSD Translation Department 11-27 Fifth’s Disease flj W’ Slapped Cheek Syndrome 0 ‘L-fl ‘ iZA° I1Ifl4 ‘fl1EbQ’ ‘ 1 EfWH# ‘ 0 0 0506.05 MM flIflA lit ‘13 ‘fltfl ‘ ‘ ‘flEfl1fl ‘flA flfltA±Jt 2005 *f Req 3 fl . Translatioii Provided by SFUSD Translation Department 11-28 2005 5 .. HEAD LICE DECISION CHART ‘I, Lice &/or nits present I L__*Box 2nd Readmit Criteria: *Signed parent letter toplcontainer of product used 1 Inspection within 8-11 days of return to be done by school personnel No nits found within ½" of scalp. No further action is Lice presents &/or nits found within approximate 14" of scalp EXCLUSION Readmit Criteria: 440 NITS *Signed parent letter *Box top/container of roduct used 11-29 Date: Dear Parent/Caregiver: A case of head lice has been reported in your child’s classroom. Head lice are parasitic insects that are transmitted by contact with an infested person or item such as a rug, couch or car seat and/or by the exchange ofhats, clothing, helmets, headphones, or personal hair items. Head lice are more likely to be transmitted at home than in the school setting. It is important that you inspect your child’s hair now and weekly for the next few weeks. Please refer to Section 1. Inspecting a Child’s Head for Lice and Nits in the "Guidelines for Parents to Control Head Lice". If you identify lice or nits, please refer to Section 2. Treatment for Head Lice, and Section 3. Lice Biology and Washing Recommendations for how to treat your child and prevent further infestations. If you have further questions please contact your health care provider. Principal Parent Notification Letter, SHPD, 1/05 11-30 GUIDELINES FOR PARENTS TO CONTROL HEAD LICE Head lice are parasitic insects that are transmitted by contact with an infested person or item such as a rug, couch or car seat and/or by the exchange ofhats, clothing, helmets, headphones, or personal hair items.. Head lice are more likely to be transmitted at home than in the school setting. 1. INSPECTING A CHILD’S READ FOR LICE AND NITS * Inspect all family members’ hair thoroughly, especially in areas close to the scalp at the neckline and behind the ears for lice and nits head lice eggs. Nits are firmly attached to hair shafts and are usually yellow to white. The adult louse is about the size pf a sesame seed and is greyish-white to tan. It may be helpfUl to use a magnifying glass when inspecting your child’s head. * Correct identification of actual nits head lice eggs is critical. Anything that slides along the hair shaft is not a nit. * Crawling lice are difficult to see, but finding nits within a ‘/4, of the scalp confirms the presence of live lice and the need for treatment. LICE Permethrin or pyrethrins is the active ingredient in most over-the-counter products. The active ingredient of choice is permethrin, which is currently in Nix® cream rinse formulation. Follow the label directions carefully, fir st washing the hair with a non-conditioning shampoo. Treat individuals with lice/its. It is important to apply one treatment per infested person. Do not divide treatments among infested people. Do not treat a second time until at least 7-10 days following the first treatment. Repeat treatments may be dangerous and are unnecessary. Daily removal of lice and their nits from a child’s hair with a nit or flea comb with long metal teeth is the most effective lice control measure. Complete nit combing of the entire head has to be performed every day dampen hair for easier combing until no more lice or nits are found. Any nits that cannot be combed out must be removed either by picking them out with the fingernails or snipping the hair above where the eggs are attached. A useful method for nit combing is to part the hair into small sections. After each section is combed, secure each section to keep track of what has been combed. If permethrin or pyrethrin products are not effective, consider contacting your health provider about the prescription, Ovide® which research has shown to be very effective. 2. TREATMENT FOR READ * * * * 3. LICE BIOLOGY AND WASHING RECOMMENDATIONS * Lice die quickly within 2 days without a human blood meal off a person * Nits take 8-10 days to hatch and then about 9 or more days to become adults and lay eggs The following may be done to decrease the chance of re-infestation from lice orits: * Clothing and bedding may be washed in hot water 130°F then dried on a hot cycle for at least 20 minutes. * Items that are not washable may be dry cleaned or put in a sealed plastic bag for two weeks to prevent lice hatched from nits from re-infesting * Soak combs, brushes, hair bands, and bantttes in rubbing alcohol or Lysol® for 1 hour, or boil for five minutes. * Carpets and furniture should be vacuumed. Do not use household lice sprays. may decrase measure re-infstaion, but should not be Thes subti ed for above treatment. Adapted from "Guidelines for Parents to Control Head Lice", California Department of Health Service, 2001 11-31 Please circle if first or second exclusion FIRST EXCLUSION Date______________________________________ Name Room Dear ParentlCaregiver: Today your child was found to have head lice/nits. It is important that you treat your child with a pediculocide lice-killing product and remove the nits head lice eggs from the hair. Please refer to the "Guidelines for Parents to Control Head Lice" information. In order for your child to return to school you must sign this letter below AND send in the box top or container from the product used. I have treated my child according to the directions on this product I have also done household measures to prevent re-infestation. Date of Treatment Name of Product Used________________________ Parent/Caregiver Signature Your child will be re-inspected at school between 8-11 days after treatment and will receive a second exclusion if head lice and/or nits are found within ¼ inch of the scalp. SECOND EXCLUSION Dear Parent/Caregiver: Today your child was re-inspected and found to have head lice/its within ¼ inch of the scalp indicating a current infestation. It is important that you treat your child with a pediculocide lice-killing product and remove Lnits. In order for your child to return to school you must sign this letter below, send in the box top or container from the product used, and remove jLnits. I have treated my child according to the directions on this product. I have also done the household measures to prevent re-infestation. Date of Treatment Name of Product Used__________________________ Parent/Caregiver Signature Your child will be inspected upon return to school and will be excluded if head lice/nits are found. Proof of Treatment Letter, SHPD, 2005 11-32 SIiO Fecha: Estirnado padre de familia o encargado: En el aula de su hijo/a se reportó un caso de infestacion de piojos. Los piojos son insectos parásitos que se transmiten por medio del contacto con una persona infestada o articulos, tales como, alfombras, asientos del automovil, por compartir sombreros, ropa, cascos, audIfonos, o artIculos personales para el pelo. Los piojos se transmiten con más frecuencia en el hogar que en Ia escuela. Es importante quc inspeccioncn el pelo de su hijo/a ahora mismo y semanalmente durante las próximas semanas. Por favor, reflerase a Ia Sección 1 de "Consejos a los Padres de Familia para Controlar los Piojos" que se refiere a Ia Inspección dc Piojos y Liendres. Si encuentra piojos o liendres, por fivor, refierase a la Seccion 2. Tratamiento para Ia Eliminación de Los Piojos, y la Seccion 3. Ciclo de Vida de los Piojos y Recomendaciones para Lavarse el Pelo y prevenir más Infestaciones. Si tiene más preguntas, por favor, comuniquese con su medico. Dimector Parent Notification Letter, SHPD, 1/0SSP H-33 CONSEJOS A LOS PADRES DE FAMILIA PARA CONTROLAR LOS PIOJOS que se transmiten pom medio del contacto con una persona infestada o artIculos, tales como, alfombras, asientos del automovil, por compartim sombreros, ropa, cascos, audifonos o articulos personales para el cabello. Los pioj Os se transmiten con más frecuencia en el hogar que en la escuela. Los piojos son insectos parásitos 1. INSPECCIONE LA CABEZA DE SUS ifiJOS. * Inspeccione completamente el cabello de todos los miembros de familia, sobre todo en las areas cerca del cuero cabelludo, el cuello y detras de las orejas. Las liendres larvas de los piojos se pegan firmemente a las hebras de pelo y por lo general son del color amarillo o blanco. El piojo adulto es del tamaño de una semilla de sésamo y es grisáceo blanco o bronceado. Utilice una lupa cuando inspeccione Ia cabeza de su hijo/a para que le ayude a detectarlos. * La identificación correcta de las liendres es importante. No cualquier cosa que aparezca en el pelo es necesamiamente una liendre. * Los piojos que caminan son dif’iciles de ver, pero si se descubren liendres de un ¼ de pulgada en ci cuero cabelludo, esto confirma la presencia de piojos vivos y Ia necesidad de que se aplique ci tratanliento. 2. TRATAMIENTO PARA LA ELIMINACION DE LOS PIOJOS. * Pem,ethrin o pyrethrins es ci ingrediente más activo en la mayoria de los productos que se pueden comprar sin meceta médica. El ingrediente mas activo de preferencia es permethrin, ci cual es un acondicionador que se conoce como Nix®*. Siga las instrucciones del tratamiento cuidadosamente, primero lavando el cabello con in champü aue no contenga acondicionadom. * Use este producto solamente en las personas infestadas con piojos. Es importante aplicar un tratamiento por cada persona infectada. No divida el tratamiento entre las personas infestadas, no aplique in segundo tratamiento hasta después de 7 6 10 dias después del primero. El repetir ci tratamiento puede ser peigroso y es innecesaro. * La remocion diana de los piojos y sus iarvas con un peine metalico de dientes largos, es Ia medida más eficaz de eliminar los piojos. Peine Ia cabeza completamente todos los dlas moje ci peio pan que sea más fácii peinanlo hasta que no encuentre mas pioj os o larvas. Cualquier liendre que no se puede remover con el peine se tiene que remover con las unas, jalando del cabeiio entre ci cuero cabeiludo y las liendres pegadas al cabelio. Un método átil para peinar las liendres es separar ci cabello en secciones pequeflas. Peine cada sección, sostenga esa sección del cabello al cuero cabelludo. Esto le ayudará a mantener control de lo que ya ha peinado. * Si los productos permthrin o pyrethrin no son efectivos, consulte a su medico acerca del producto Ovide®, ci cual ha mostrado ser más efectivo en las investigaciones. 3. CICLO DE VIDA DE LOS PIOJOS Y RECOMENDACIONES PARA LAVARSE EL PELO Y PREVENIR MAS JNFESTACIONES * El piojo muere rápidamente 2 dias sino se alimenta de La sangre de twa persona. * Las larvas de los piojos toman de 8 a 10 dias para nacer y toma ai menos 9 dias para que una hendrc se convierta en piojo y se reproduzca. Las siguientes recomendaciones son Utiles pan evitar infectarse nuevamente de * * * * Os: La ropa y sábanas sc deben lavar en agua cahente 130°F y se deben secar en in ciclo cahente al menos por 20 minutos. Los anticulos que no se puedan iavar se pueden envian a la tintorerIa o se pueden poner en una bolsa plástica seliada por dos semanas, para evitar quc los piojos se alimenten de sangre. Remoje los cepilios, peines y accesorios para ci cabello en alcohol o Lysol®* por una hora o hiérbaios en agua por 5 minutos. Limpic las alfombras y muebles con aspiradora. No rocie con aerosoles caseros, para combatir las liendres. mcdi as pued n gue se Estas dismnuir la posiblda de re-infstacOn, pero no se deben de mencioa anteriormente. por el tramiento Adapted from "Guidelines for Parents to Control Head Lice", California Department of Health Service, 200SF 1rn,,JIu,nrn,/,nl1 subtiur iI Tr,inckHnn 14-14 ______ _____ ________________ _______________ Par favor, encierre en Un circulo EXCLUSION Si ______________________ _____________________ es Ia primera a Ia segunda exclusion de Ia escuela. DELA ESCUELA PRIMEA Fecha Nombre Aula Estimada padre de familia o encargada: El dia de hoy se encontraron piajos/liendres en el pelo de su huola. Es importante que le aplique un tratamiento para eliminar piojos, conocido como pediculicida" y remueva las liendres larvas de los piojos del cabello. Por favor, lean Ia información tonseios a los Padres de Famlila pars Controlar los Piojos". Para que su hijo/a pueda regresar a Ia escuela, debe de firmar esta carta en Ia secciôn inferior V envlar Ia etiqueta o el embase del producto que utilizó. Aplique el tratamiento a ml hlJo/a de acuerdo a las instrucciones de este producto. Aslmlsmo, tome las medidas necesarias en ml hogar para prevenir Ia re-lnfestaclôn de plojos. Fecha en que apilcé el tratamiento: Nombre del producto que utlllzo: Firma del padre de familia 0 encargado le inspeccionará nuevamente el cuero cabelludo a encuentran piajos yb liendres de ¼ de pulgada, se le Se SEGUNDA EXCLUSION DE su hjo/a entre 8-11 dias después del tratamiento y si se le excluirã de Ia escuela por segunda vez. L.A ESCUELA El dia de hay se inspeccionó nuevamente a su hijo/a y se encantraran piojos/liendres de de ¼ de pulgada en su cuera cabelludo. Es importante que le aplique un tratamiento para eliminar piojos, conacida coma "pediculicida" y remueva todas las liendres del cabello. Para que su hijo/a pueda regresar a Ia escuela, debe de firmar esta carts en Ia section Inferior, enviar Ia etiqueta o el envase del producto que utilizO y debe de remover todas las liendres. Apliqué el tratamiento a ml hijo/a de acuerdo a las Instrucciones de este producto. Asimismo, tome las medidas necesarias en ml hogar para prevenir Ia re-infestaclón de piojos. Nombre del producto que utIlIze Fecha en que aplicO el tratamlento: Firma del padre de familia 0 encargado A su hijo/a se le inspeccianaré el cuero cabelludo cuanda regrese a Ia escuela, no se le permitirá asistir a clases 51 se le encuentran piojos/ liendres en su cabeza. Proof of Treatment Letter, SHPD, 2005 SP il-:t Si3tICU nrov]ccu SPUS1 11-35 ieourrncr fltS, dtIth ‘J ‘an - : !TTh A4ifl 0 ‘ * Parent Notiñeation Lcttcr SHPD. 1105 1rarlsI3lio I’r .i1’d it 1.S[ i H-3 6 l>tJt:F; ii:*.i1i L C-il UL1fliUj O51[SU.I J1JS ;Q laIi;c{ci Utliii[SUFJ T1E±U}’ 0 TiflThEW .fl ‘S± ®ósq 4i 0 ot ‘ti 0 o ‘fl orfl ajoXo2oq MM S ‘ ®NAO fa’ .flfjft *flIaM -.WJR TWY*d 0 f’$2QWflfr: 0 b±W1 ‘ 0 01 0 tL- YWfaè YZITh±’ Y__&ill’ 0 ‘Yfl’f’ nil Lka *fl flfl’ fl Wfl a m°’°a fl suutgaiAd ±&è Wfl wwcw o o 0 0 yngane wfl uflfig 0 34*fl<f4W ‘flU4fl’ *YI?LTffi’ ‘I sDL *RPM s pediculocide q unena’ f1fH-k 8 ‘*fl * 11 0 tii*M ° ll flfl*MT 1fltJI4 o è./NT ‘flfl PmofolTreaonent Later, SHPD, 2005 ‘[rarislation Ptovded iv FUSD 11-38 FEnSIUPIOP .Deparnneo *THPW pediculocide _____________________ Date: Dean Parent/Caregiver: Your child may have ringworm. Ringworm is a name given to several different kinds of flingal infections that are contagious and appearon the skin and/or scalp. What to look for? On the skin there can be red, circular patches with raised edges and clearing in the middle. The lesions can be itchy. On the scalp the infection causes areas of redness and scaling with broken hairs or patches of hair loss. How is it ringworm spread? Ringworm is spread by contact with infected persons, animals or contaminated objects or surfaces. Ringworm is also spread by direct person-to-person contact by sharing combs, brushes, towels, clothing, or bedding. How is ringworm treated? Ringworm on the skin can usually be treated with an anti-fungal medication that is applied to the rash. Ringworm ofthe scalp and nails must be treated with an anti-fungal medication taken by mouth that must be prescribed by a health provider. How is ringworm controlled? Children with ringworm should be treated as soon as possible. Siblings and other household contacts should be examined for ringworm and also treated if ringworm is identified. Refrain from sharing combs, brushes, helmets, towels, bedding and other personal items. Children can attend school as long as they have started treatment. It may be helpthl to loosely cover areas ofinfected skin to reduce the spread of infection to others. Please call you health care provider for further information and treatment. Sincerely, Principal Adapted from American Academy of Pediatrics, Mani g Infectious Ringworm, 5FIPD, 1/05 11-39 Disea s in Childcare and Schools, 2005. _____________________________ Fecha: Estimados padres de familia o encargados: Puede que su hijo "tifla". tenja Ia infecciOn cutanea comünmente conocida coiio La tifla es una infeccion causada por un hongo que afecta a Ia piel y el cuero cabelludo. Sintomas En Ia piel pueden ser parches rojos circulares, con bordes definidos y con apariencia clara en el centro. Las lesiones puede que causen comezén. En el cuero cabelludo, enrojecimiento y escamas con el pelo quebnado o panches con apariencia de calvicie. Contagio La tifia se transmite por contacto con las personas infectadas, animales, asi como, objetos y supenficies contaminadas. También, se pasa directamente de persona a persona al compartir los peines, los cepillos, las toallas, Ia ropa y Ia nopa de cama. Es poco contagioso silas lesiones no han sido tratadas. Tratamiento Pnacticamente, la tifla corporal puede ser tratada con medicamento antimicóticos que se aplica a las lesiones. La tifla en el cuero cabelludo y las uflas se trata con medicamento oral antimicóticos. Control Los alumnos con tifla deben de ser tratados lo más pronto posible. Se debe de examinan a sus hermanos y a todos aquellos en el hogar con los cual estuvo en contacto. Absténgase a compartir los peines, los cepillos, los cascos, las toallas, la ropa de cama y otros articulos personales. Los estudiantes pueden asistir a la escuela mientras estén bajo tratamiento. Es conveniente cubnin las lesiones de una forma cómoda para pnevenir cualquier tipo de contacto. Comuniquese por favor, con su medico para mas informaciOn y tnatamiento. Atentamente, Director Adapted from American Academy of Pediatrics, Managing Infectious Disease in Cbildcare and Schols. 2005. Translation provided by SFUSD Translation Department- Ringworm Spanish 2005 11-40 _ETtS -na ,n/*&o niTh tDS, ringworm trn tmTnino JttRth, glJJfiflE, flflSV Uffffl Qfl *B’iJL fl rnti*nn0 L*Efl0 flR WTho *J’±1 b1L * !flffh1fl, thW*JJWZt flii4fl+ J’J. m. n9flL 1nt S*fl, -.äflTèit n ffiL fl5M*&1tfl, fl ctfflke. J’J L t. t&ffit, ¶*i±*, tflt {*!fl, ljAjIj0 Q$ 5flf*JM*. American Academy of Pediatrics 2005 1 fl S 4t{ , 2005 Translation Provided by SFUSD Translation Department Ringworm 2005 - 11-41 Date: Dear Parent/Caregiver: A student in your child’s class has been recently diagnosed with a "strep throat". Not all sore throats are caused by streptococcal bacteria, but those that are must be treated with antibiotics for the prescribed of time to avoid complications from the "strep" bacteria. length What to look for: Group A streptococcal bacteria can cause a sore throat, fever, stomachache, headache, swollen glands in the neck and decreased appetite. When "strep throat" is accompanied by a fine, red rash that makes the skin feel like sandpaper, then the infection is referred to as "scarlet fever". The presence of the rash does not increase the severity of the disease. Incubation period: The incubation period is from 2 to 5 days after exposure to the disease. What to do for your child with sore throat and rash: If your child has a severe sore throat with or without a rash or a severe sore throat that lasts more than 24 hours and is not associated with other cold symptoms, your child must be seen by a health professional to determine if the cause is "strep throat". The health professional will do a "throat culture" to see if there is streptococcal bacteria in the throat and will prescribe antibiotics based on the results. Exclusion period: The child is no longer contagious after he/she has been on antibiotics for 24 hours. A child can return to school when he/she is feeling better and after 24 hours of antibiotic treatment. How is streptococcal infection spread: "Strep" infection is spread by direct coniact and by exposure to respiratory droplets from an infected person. Good hand-washing can prevent further spread of the disease. Please contact your child’s health professional if you have any further questions. Adapted from American Academy of Pediatrics, "Managing Infectious Diseases in Child Care and Schools", 2004. 11-42 Fecha: Estimados padres de familia o encargados: A un estudiante en el ada de su hijo/a se le diagnosticé recientemente con una infeccion de Ia garganta producida por estreptococos. No todos los dolores de garganta son causados por Ia bacteria estreptocócica, pero se les debe de tratar con antibioticos el tiempo necesaria para évitar enfermedades producidas por Ia bacteria del "estreptococo". Sintomas: La bacteria estreptocócica del grupo A puede causar dolor de garganta, fiebre, dolor abdominal, dolor de cabeza, inflamación en Las amIgdalas y disminucion del apetito. Cuando La infección de Ia garganta es aconipaflado por enipciones en Ia piel de color rojo escarlata, que al palparse tiene una textura de papel de lija fino, a Ia infección se le conoce como "fiebre escarlatina". El hecho de que broten erupciones no aumenta Ia severidad de Ia enfermedad. Perlodo de incubación: es de 2 a 5 dias después de haber estado expuesto a la enfermedad. Qué pueden hacer cuando sus hijos tienen dolor de garganta y pequeflas erupciones en Ia pie: SI su hijo/a tiene pequeflas erupciones en Ia piel o dolor de garganta severo por más de 24 horas, sin sintomas de resfrio, necesita ver a un medico para determinar la causa del "dolor de garganta". El medico hará un "cultivo con Ia muestra del mucus de la faringe" para ver si existe Ia bacteria estreptocOcica y le prescribirá antibiOticos dependiendo de los resultados. Periodo de Exclusion: Después de que el estudiante haya tornado antibióticos por 24 horas, ya no habrá peligro de contagio. El estudiante puede regresar a clases una vez que se sienta mejor y después de estar bajo tratamiento de antibióticos por 24 horas. Cómo se propaga La infecciOn estreptocócica: La mayoria de veces por contacto directo con las secreciones que provienen de la nariz y la boca de la persona infectada. Lavandose las manos correctamente puede eliminar Ia transmisiOn de Ia enfermedad. Por favor, liame a su medico si tiene algunas preguntas. Transitajion provided by SFUSD Translation Department - Strep Throat 2005 11-43 "-n, :c’tud.i L CI SflJS LO.iUHiI. Au °! UcrtgSuOfl "PW*i: ‘W&2 ‘‘1’flI4Efl o nPu‘OJmIflO 120flJ2,, na cYkr,g J&iXdW1’ 1ipz*f flflflf: ±I?I Jlff’ *U ‘I*W ‘Bfl ‘ ‘t : o n±rg l o 4O2IfldO4s 9TkI Ya/flCU fl San Francisco UnifIed School District School Health Programs Department 1515 Quintara Street San Francisco, CA 94116 TEL 415-242-2615 FAX 415-242-2618 wwwsfusd.edulhealthlshpd.html THIS FORM IS TO GO HOME WITH EVERY CHILD WHO SUSTAINS A HEAD BUMP Date: Time of Injury; HEAD INJURY Head injuries among children are very common and probably no child grows up without "hitting his head" at some time. Most ofthe time these injuries are not serious. Occasionally, however, a head injury can be sezious meaning that there is bleeding or swelling under the skull or a broken bone in the skull. - Immediate First Aid * Keep student quiet and lying down on his back, unless he/she is unconscious, lay him/her on his side. * If there is no evidence ofneck injury, place a small pillow under his neck and shoulders. * Do not give fluids by mouth * Noti& pai-ent * Control bleeding by elevating head without bending the neck and applying gentle pressure to wound with a sterile dressing. Bow can I tell if my child’s bead injury is serious? You should observe your child following any head injury. The following are some basic signs and symptoms indicating your child’s head injury could be serious and needs to see a doctor. I. A headache that persists 2. Vomiting 3. Child seems confused, irritable, drowsy, acting "differently" or "strangely" 4. One pupil is larger than the other one Normally, the pupils the round, black spot that is inside the colored part of the eye, see diagram are round and equal in size to each other. To check this, simply have the child open his eyes widely and see if the pupils are equal. over 11-45 ___ 6 1 I eoual vupils Normal -Rowi Abnormal larger -One ouvil thanthe other It is normal for the pupils to become large in a dark room; in a light room they will become small. However they should be equal in size to each other. 5. Blurred vision or dizziness 6. Unusual weakness or numbness in the arms or legs. If any of the above abnormal sigs pr symptoms are present, or you are in any doubt as to whether or not your child’s head injury is serious, the child should see a doctor without delay. HPO-N-1091-lflfo-Ol 11-46 San Francisco Unified School District School Health Programs Department 1515 Quinsara Street San Francisco, CA 94116 TEL 415-242-2615 FAX 415-242-2618 hun! Fecha:________________ Hora de Ia heridas:___________________ DELACABEZ HERIDAS Las heridas de ía cabeza son rnuy comunes en Its fliflOS y probabiemente occs crecen habièndose golpeado Ia cabeza alguna vez. La mayor cane del tiemac estos golpes no son serbs. De vez en cuando. sin embargo, alguno puece ser serf o-- esto significa que hay hemorragia interna a algiTh hueso quebrado en el cráneo. cuedo saber si es aooe eserio? c6mo Debe observar al nicJa despus de golpe. Las siguientes seaies y sintcmas ndican que & gctpe cuede ser sent y necesita atenci&i niédica: Dolor de cabeza cersistente. 2. V6mitcs. El niño/a aparece ccniuso. irdtable,soñciiento con sueo diferente c raro.’ Una pudila es mu grande cue Ia cfl. Ncrrraim9nte las pupilas el c&cuio recro dentrc ce a pane ce ccior del dibuic scn redondas y ce igual tamañc. Para revisar esto. :ic. yea ‘iq simpiernente haga cue e fllflCsä a;ra :;en cc :ct as cucilas son cuaies. ‘ VEA5E LDORSC 11-47 edcnd!euJes Annrr l2Ies ‘Jr12 NJprre. cue ouniiama crande Es normal que las pupiias se agrancen en un lugar oscuro; dccde hay rnucna luz se achican. Sin ernbargo,Ias dos siempre deben ser del mismo tarnano 5. Visidn borrosafmnareo s. Debilidad poco usal a adormec&niento de las braz:s o piernas. Si aiguna de las seales c sfntornas es dresente, O si tiene dudas de que el gcipe sea serio, Ileve el nio/a at medico sin demora. 11-48 HEAD INJURY jntiflfl’ - Uflfl -,-en * * * Z-’i’tfluZT njt 0 - * ztflflW fl? zEzna G*O jz/J-4to fl fl3L-g - 4i t flut-SL YUJ /} !2 >--1L 11-49 ___________ ______ San Francisco Unified School District School Health Programs Department W - 1515 Quintara Street San Francisco, CA 94116 TEL 415-242-2615 FAX 415-242-2618 wPirw.sfiud.edufhealthishpd.hftfll . MAtJ ?Jgày tháng: Thai gianbi thtictg BI NAY FilM Thl.IONG O DItC cAcHOC TRO D7¼UOEM Vt NRA BITHUCNGODAU t14 cht!a t&ng em nb ldn ten nil thông bi Tie em thuông hay hi thttong a dàu, và "dung dàu cüa rninW nit vii Ian. Hau bet nhCi’ng 54 ‘a dt3 nay khOng ttm trçng. It hi thtiang 6 dau tzt nén trm trvng--- nghia là dàu bj chSy rru Thy nhiên, hay sung Li ten, hcc là xu’o’ng so bi ye Lam sac nil bet thtqc st% hi thuiang 6 dàu ct can ciii là ttm trcng? Qu9 vj phái can sth tinh trang cüa cii ensau khi hi thUc’ng. Nhng cifu lieu va triu chGng cn bàn thói dày theta tMyst$bj thtlorig 6 t anem cr5 th là nghiêm trcng vi cm di klan, bat si. 1. St$nhtIcdubjkthiaudài 2. Conemcmüa 3. on em tà ye th i. gin d. hay bun ngü, hành dQng ‘that ia" hay "lc$’ cd’. 4. Cr5 rrtt con ngudi ln ban con ngtict 6 St kit Thee dnh thüang, hal con nguth hinI trãn den nrn tragphàncOrnàucC’a r nt, xn xern hlnh ye là tit, trn vâ to bang nhau. ki4rn st. qui vi cli cmii :4 baa con em itt rng dO rrát và mrnh nhin xem hai con niJci thông. Head InjurY Vietnarne 11-50 to nhu nhau -C----.. I. I. Khong th± thtIbng: Môt on ngu’ci to E’unh thUäng: Hal c ngubi birth trOn, to ldn han con kit bng rthau. Trong Si phong 4 con nguai rrth rng it là diu bhnh thu’ông. t41 nd árth sing conflgtc êthu nhth li, nhu’ng S hal an dêu thai to cLing nat th. 5. Doi mat an em nhin khong no r±ng hay là Sin tháv chcáng yang. 6. Cinh Lay vâ hat than Sm tháy yéu Néu cu’J vi nh*n it at h là bi St Sm giic hay té di. nhU’ng hin Wang hay tniEu chüng khác thiiang lc trtn, hoac là khong hithi bi& V b thtflng âdu coi cn cth ttàni trptg hay khóng. thi phái con em di khm bat si gp. i-iPC.N.1091-intO-Oi Head :nitlry Vietr.arrae H-5 1