Pictured: SALT members (l to r): Alabama Andrews, Shaelyn Olsen
Pictured: SALT members (l to r): Alabama Andrews, Shaelyn Olsen
...THE BIBLE TELLS US that we are the salt and light of the world. SALT is a select group of elementary students working together to provide Godly student leadership in the elementary student body. Goals of SALT: Be a positive role model to the elementary student body. Generate ideas to build community and pride in the elementary school. Learn leadership skills by assisting the elementary leadership and staff. Learn what it means to serve God by serving others. Shaelyn Olsen, Alabama Andrews and Camille Torres have been chosen to serve on SALT based on their completed application and academic and behavior standing. Congratulations to these students! If you are interested in learning more about this program, contact Lynnea Vance, elementary supervisor and SALT leader ([email protected]). Pictured: SALT members (l to r): Alabama Andrews, Shaelyn Olsen, Mrs. Vance (Advisor), Camille Torres. ANNOUNCEMENTS… ...AdvancEd SURVEY—Parents, Please take 10 minutes and fill out an online survey which is required as part of GFA state-accreditation process. Copy and paste http:// www.advanc-ed.org/survey/public/8836660 to your web browser to start. Surveys are due by February 1. If you have questions contact the GFA office. Thank you! ...SENIOR PICTURES for the YEARBOOK are due no later than February 1. In order for the yearbook to be submitted and returned by the end of the year, it is important to meet the deadline. A formal picture of each senior was taken for the wall plaque, and that picture will be used in the yearbook for pictures not received by February 1. Thank you from the Yearbook Staff. ...VALENTINE’S DAY IS AROUND THE CORNER! GFA student groups are providing several ways you can show your love for your sweetheart, child, friend, or someone special you want to remember on Valentine’s Day. ...VALENTINE BALLOON BOUQUETS—The Senior Class will be delivering balloon bouquets to classrooms on Friday, February 12. Each $5 bouquet includes a bag of Hershey’s kisses Sweethearts, tied up with a Mylar balloon. Additional balloons are available for $2 each. To order one of these treats for a special student, teacher, staff member or your sweetie, complete the order form (sent home with students or available in the office or by email by request). Orders may also be made through a senior class member or Mrs. Winchester ([email protected]). Deadline to order is Tuesday, Feb. 9. ...SINGING VALENTINES—Show your love to your valentine by sending them a Singing Valentine. The high school ensemble music students will deliver Singing Valentines to Treasure Valley businesses and homes during the week of February 8. Check the music page of this Inspire for pricing and more information or contact Mrs. Shatto ([email protected]). All proceeds benefit the GFA music department. FEBRUARY 9 Senior Night Boys’ Basketball FEBRUARY 15 No School Presidents’ Day FEBRUARY 19 3rd Qtr Progress Reports MARCH 11-12 Quaker Village Auction MARCH 16-22 Choir Tour MARCH 18 End 3rd Quarter—1/2 Day MARCH 21-27 Spring Break APRIL 13 Grandparents’ Day Grades K-5 APRIL 21 MS/HS Spring Music Showcase MAY 13 Elementary Fun Run MAY 18 Talent Chapel MAY 20 Elementary Field Day MS/HS Academy Music Awards MAY 23-26 Senior Trip MAY 26 Kindergarten Graduation MAY 27 Last Day of School MAY 28 Baccalaureate MAY 29 Graduation ...GFA FACUTY and HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS traveled to Boise last Wednesday to participate in the School Choice March and Rally held at the Idaho State Capitol Building. They marched with faculty and students from area charter schools, private schools, and online schools to bring awareness and celebrate the variety of learning opportunities available to students in the Treasure Valley. Students had lunch in downtown Boise before returning to GFA. For more information, visit their website: http:// schoolchoiceweek.com. February 8-12 Singing Valentines February 29 Solo Ensemble Festival Time and Place TBA March 4 MS/HS Variety Show GFA Cafeteria 7:00pm March 16-22 Choir Tour Salt Lake City, UT April 18 or 19 (TBD) District 3 Large Group Festival Middleton High School April 21 MS/HS Spring Music Showcase Greenleaf Friends Church 7:00pm ...THANK YOU to all who gave to the free-will offering at the Christmas concert at Jewett Auditorium! Because of your generosity, the music department was able to repair one alto sax, one trumpet and two flutes. Thank you for blessing our students and music department in this way! May 20 MS/HS Academy Awards Greenleaf Friends Church 7:00 pm ...SHOW YOUR LOVE TO YOUR VALENTINE by sending them a SINGING VALENTINE. The high school ensemble students will deliver Singing Valentines to your sweetheart, family member, or friend in the Treasure Valley (businesses and homes) during the week of February 8. Cost is $20 and includes a song and your choice of a rose or box of chocolates. Students and staff on campus is $5 for a Singing Valentine; $1 extra for rose or chocolates. To order Contact Mrs. Shatto ([email protected]) or the GFA office. All proceeds benefit the GFA music department. ...VARIETY SHOW—This year’s theme is “The BEACH!” Don your flip flops and straw hat and come enjoy an evening of talent and variety presented by the middle/high school music students. Mark your calendar for Friday, March 4 at 7:00 pm in the GFA cafeteria. Dessert included. Cost is $10 for adults and $7 for seniors and students. ...SPRING SHOWCASE CONCERT— Join us on Thursday, April 21 at 7:00pm in the Greenleaf Friends Church for a showcase of this year’s music presented by the middle/high school music programs. Featured will be vocal and instrumental soloists, middle and high school choirs, high school ensemble and jazz band. PLAN NOW TO ATTEND! ...THE ANNUAL ACADEMY MUSIC AWARDS is scheduled for Friday, May 20 at 7:00 pm in the Greenleaf Friends Church. You will want to be sure and attend this evening honoring the music students and their accomplishments this year. ...DISTRICT 3 LARGE GROUP FESTIVAL will be held April 18 and 19 at Middleton High School. GFA high school choir will be competing with other District 3 schools (regardless of school size). The day and time of their adjudicated performance has not yet been announced. Dates, times and additional information will be sent home with students and announced as soon as it is confirmed. There is no charge to students for this event. If you are interested in chaperoning contact Mrs. Shatto. Date Jan. 29 Jan. 30 Feb. 2 Feb. 4 Feb. 5 Feb. 6 Feb. 8 Feb. 9 Feb. 11 Feb. 16 Feb. 18 Feb. 24 March 2 Coaches: Opponent BBB vs. Wilder JV GBB Tournament BBB vs. Liberty Charter GBB District Tournament JH BBB vs. Rimrock GBB District Tournament JH BBB vs. Notus BBB vs. Notus GBB District Tournament GBB District Tournament GBB District Tournament BBB vs. Ambrose JH BBB vs. Adrian GBB District Tournament JH BBB vs. Wilder JH BBB vs. Victory Charter JH BBB vs. Liberty Charter JH BBB Tournament Location HOME (Tip-Off) TBA Liberty Charter TBA Rimrock TBA Home Notus Columbia HS Columbia HS Columbia HS HOME (Senior Night) Adrian Columbia HS Home Home Home TBA Time 6:00/7:30 TBA 6:00/7:30 TBA 4:00 TBA 3:30 6:00/7:30 TBA 7:00 TBA 6:00/7:30 4:00 TBA 3:30 3:30 3:30 TBA JH Girls: Guin Carson ([email protected]) * JH Boys: John Ihli ([email protected]) HS Girls: Gina Ihli ([email protected]) * HS Boys: Jeff Metcalf ([email protected]) ...THURSDAY NIGHT, January 28, GFA senior girls Sky Lujan, Faith Ihli and JiEun Lee played their final home basketball game as Lady Griz. They were honored by their coaches, teammates and family prior to the game. All three of these girls also earned a spot on the second quarter honor roll, showing hard work and dedication in all areas of their lives. Congratulations Sky, Faith and JiEun! We are proud of your accomplishments! From the Counselor’s Office ...Students will be collecting donations for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through the LLS Student Series Program. Between February 16 and March 18, donation boxes will be set up in each classroom and students can donate their pennies and other change. Everyone is welcome to contribute to this cause and make a difference in the lives of others. For more information, contact Mrs. Kaplan. Seniors LEAVING HOME Juniors BOISE STATE Sophomores COFFEE Joy Kaplan School Counselor Counseling office hours are 8:30am—3:15pm Monday through Friday. Feel free to call or email her anytime if you have any questions or concerns ([email protected] or call 208459-6346). Freshmen DATE NIGHT Eighth Grade SUPERHEROES Seventh Grade HUNTING & FISHING John Ehrlich ...JOHN EHRLICH has been selected as the Farmers Insurance Hometown Hero. He will be presented an award on the court during the first half of the BSU game at Taco Bell Arena on Saturday, January 30. The games starts at 3pm and will be broadcast on ESPN3. If you’ve been around GFA and the Treasure Valley very long, probably you, your children, family member or friend have had Mr. Ehrlich as a teacher, coach or mentor. Even though retired, he still helps coach boys basketball and substitutes in the classroom at GFA. He and his wife, Lavonda, have grandchildren who currently attend GFA. Everyone is invited to attend the game and celebrate with John as he earns this much-deserved award! ...JUMP FOR HEART—GFA STUDENTS will participate in the American Heart Association’s Jump Rope for Heart/Hoops for Heart Program. This program is designed to raise awareness for heart disease and all proceeds go to the American Heart Association. Students will be collecting donations outside of school time. March 18 there will be a Jump Rope/Hoop Shoot in the GFA gym. Prizes will be awarded. Contact Mr. Bartlow ([email protected]), GFA elementary PE instructor, for more information. ...SPIRIT WEEK AT RED ROBIN—January 25—February 7 Red Robin will donate 10% of your bill to Greenleaf Friends Academy every time you visit their restaurant in Nampa. You must register and select Greenleaf Friends Academy at www.redrobin.com/ betterschools. ...from the DAYCARE—The GFA daycare is under ratio requirements and they staff based on that ratio. For that reason, they are asking parents to call 208-455-1673 first for drop-in after-school daycare to ensure they have adequate staffing to accommodate the children. After-school drop-in rate is $5/hour. Please contact Cindy Truesdell, GFA Preschool/Daycare Director, if you have questions. Sixth Grade KITCHEN & COOKING Fifth Grade SUMMER FUN Fourth Grade MINECRAFT Third Grade SNACK ATTACK Second Grade FAMILY FUN NIGHT First Grade LEGOS Kindergarten EXPERIENCE IDAHO Preschool DISNEY ...BAKE A CAKE—If you are in K-5th grade, you are asked to bake and decorate a cake for the kids’ carnival cake walk! Grand prize and first place winners get to auction their cake during the live auction. Cakes should be delivered to the school by Friday, March 11 at 9am for judging.
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