Understanding Student Reports
Understanding Student Reports
16 October 2014 Newsletter rr www.mountviewps.vic.edu.au [email protected] 9560 0471 9560 8750 October 17 17 17 17 20 – 31 October 20 21 22 22 22 23 24 24 24 24 27 27 27 29 29 29 29 31 31 31 Year 6 Drugs & Alcohol Making Smart Choices Kanga Clinics Facility Basketball Clinics Year 2 Sleepover Swimming Program for Years 1 - 3 Whole School Assembly Parents’ Association Meeting at 7:30pm Walk to School Wednesday Prep Footsteps Dance (3) – 9:00am Year 6 Sex Education (2) Deaf Sports Day Kanga Clinics Volleyball Division Finals Facility Basketball Clinics Prep 2015 Transition Program – Session 5 – Music State Track & Field Whole School Assembly Metro Music Recital – 4:00pm Walk to School Wednesday Prep Footsteps Dance (4) Year 6 Sex Education (3) Future Stars Hooptime Kanga Clinics Deaf Sports Basketball Metro Music Recital – 4:00pm From the Principal – Colin Dobson Building Works – Planned Maintenance Funding I am thrilled to inform the school community that Mount View Primary School is the recipient of planned maintenance funding for 2014/2015. As you would be aware, the school received 2013/2014 planned maintenance funding of $232,000 for the reconditioning of 14 classrooms. This funding allowed us to replace roofing iron and air conditioners, paint the internal walls and lay new carpet in 14 classrooms in Year 3, 4 and 5. This work was completed in August and we were very pleased with the result. Last week the school was informed that it had received funding for planned maintenance for 2014/2015. This funding is being directed to Mount View Primary School based on the state wide, independent assessment of all Victorian government schools undertaken in 2012. These funds will allow the school to access the buildings that are receiving funding and address the areas that have been identified as in the assessment report. The school has received $175,188 for the renovation of Block B which currently houses one Year 4 class, three Year 1 classes and the six Prep classes. In addition, the school has received $63,777 for the renovation of Block C which houses the general purpose room and the art room. The school will be working with a Department of Education and Early Childhood (DEECD) consultant to scope the works for next year. 1 16 October 2014 While this planned maintenance funding is very much appreciated we are still in consultation with the DEECD in relation to the development of a comprehensive master plan for the entire school and I am thrilled to inform you that this master plan is now being developed. This will be inclusive of Block A which currently houses the administration area, technology lab, library, language rooms and Year 2 classrooms. We have also received some wonderful news that the school will be receiving three brand new Mod 5 facilities (portables) for the start of the 2015 school year. Three Mod 5 portables create 6 classrooms and this will be utilised to form a year level cluster. Please note that this does not mean the Mount View student population is growing by six more classes, it simply means that we are gaining facilities that can effectively meet the needs of the school and allow us to use some of our current spaces and facilities in different ways. The school’s facilities are overseen by the School Council Facilities and ICT Sub-committee. More information will be shared at Parents’ Association meetings and through our newsletters. The master planning for Mount View will provide the school community with a clear vision and direction about creating contemporary and innovative facilities which will be developed if the school is fortunate to receive significant capital works funding in the near future. Revegetation Grant – Communities for Nature I am pleased to announce that the school has been successful in applying for a Communities for Nature grant. This grant of $6,860 will allow us to plant indigenous and native plants in specific areas of the school. Key areas will be on the boundaries of Shepherd and Gallaghers Road. New gardens will be created and we hope that this will induce native birds to the area and also create a lovely setting for the children, staff and families. This grant has been made possible by the Department of Environment and Primary Industries. Telstra Grant There is more good news. Two weeks ago the school was informed that it had been successful in gaining a Telstra grant of $1200 This grant money is going to assist the school in purchasing a polycom system, cameras and microphones. This will allow the school to create a more efficient communication system with our 3 sister schools in China and our sister school in Western Australia. The polycom system will also allow us to link with key educational organisations within and beyond Melbourne. I would like to thank Ms Rasna Khandpur (parent) for initiating and supporting this application – her role in this initiative was very much appreciated. Parents’ Association Meeting The next Parents’ Association meeting will be held on Tuesday evening, 21 October at 7:00pm. Ms Alison Rees is going to present on her experience from the International Education Workshop (Education for Peace) in which she participated in Seoul last term. Alison was one of three Australians who were selected to participate in this UNESCO backed program. Alison’s insights in the field of internationalising education and intercultural understanding is helping us to shape our thinking and future directions at Mount View Primary School. This presentation will be followed by the regular Parents’ Association meeting with a major agenda item being the annual school carnival. It would be great to see lots of parents attend next week’s meeting. Year 2 Sleepover Good luck to all the Year 2 children and staff members as they prepare for the Year 2 sleepover. This is a very exciting time for the children and they have been looking forward to this event for a great deal of time. Thank you to all staff members who are involved in the running of this special event! I will get the Year 2 children to write about their experience in the next newsletter. Carnival 14 November 2014. The billboards are up, the first information brochures about the carnival have been sent home, unlimited ride tickets can now be purchased, raffle tickets, stall information, postcards and flyers will be sent home on Monday and the carnival video has been launched – it is now up to all of you to get Involved in our special school community event! 2 16 October 2014 Ms Sharon Ammerlaan, Mr Mark Dean and their band of energetic and committed carnival committee members have worked tirelessly over the past few months to plan, in meticulous detail, the 2014 Mount View Carnival. They now need your support to make this year’s Carnival the very best it can be. Please make sure you have kept the 14 November free and that you, your family and friends attend the 2014 Carnival. Please offer to help out at a stall, remember “many hands make light work”. If you cannot help out at a stall, you may be able to help with the setting up or packing up of the carnival. Please promote the Carnival, support your year level stall by donating items and please sell your one book of raffle tickets. Profits from last years’ carnival assisted in the payment of the Astroturf outside the prep classrooms, allowed us to purchase additional staging for our concerts, purchase an entire new sound system as well as be able to buy glass cabinets for the beautiful art works that are displayed around the school. This year’s profits will once again be poured back into the school to provide a wonderful learning environment for the children. At the end of the year, I will once again inform the school community of exactly where the money raised through donations and fundraising events will be spent. The carnival is a major school event and I hope that every single member of our school community gets involved – this is about fundraising but very importantly it is also about fostering school community spirit! Remember our school motto: Achieve Succeed Together. From the Assistant Principal – Alison Rees - Curriculum Celebrating Student Achievement National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) In May this year, your Year 3 or Year 5 child undertook national testing in Reading, Writing, Language Conventions (Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation) and Numeracy. These are called NAPLAN tests. These tests were administered to all Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 students across Australia. These tests provide valuable information about how children are performing in key learning areas on a national basis. They give schools and teachers the opportunity to see how well their students are doing. It also helps them to identify the areas that they are excelling in, and those that might need further work. Another important feature of the NAPLAN reports is the identification of the national minimum standard for each year level. The National Minimum Standard Band for Year 3 is Band 2 Year 5 is Band 4. The Year 3 and 5 NAPLAN student results were made available to the school at the end of last term and they were sent home to families last week. I would like to congratulate the children for their positive approach and performance in this national testing process. Our school results are excellent and we are extremely proud of all the students who took part and of the learning that was reflected in the results. Our Year 3 and Year 5 results are shown in the graphs below. In reading the graphs please note: Year 3 students are only reported on the graph to Band 6 and Year 5 to Band 8. We have a number of students whose achievement goes above those bands and this is reflected in their individual scores, but they are shown as being “off the scale” in the graphs below. (It is not a printing error – the decision to report to Band 6 for Year 3 and Band 8 for Year 5 is a national one.) The yellow box is showing results for all participating Victorian schools – both government and independent. The red box is Mount View. The line across the middle of the box indicates the average for that cohort. The box and whiskers key is below: 3 16 October 2014 Group Summary Report – Year 3 Group Summary Report – Year 5 Remember that if you have any questions about NAPLAN, please don’t hesitate to contact either your child’s classroom teacher or myself – Alison Rees. ICAS English & Mathematics Please note that achievements for both ICAS English and ICAS Mathematics are celebrated in this week’s newsletter, however each will be given out at separate assemblies over the next two weeks. We’ve needed to do it this way in order to accommodate both the swimming and the STARS programs. The dates when High Distinction or Distinction will be recognised at the whole school assembly are: ICAS English awards - Monday, October 20 ICAS Mathematics awards - Monday, October 27 4 16 October 2014 ICAS English Having just spoken about our NAPLAN results, it is important for all Year 3 – 6 families whose student took part in any of the ICAS competitions to understand that NAPLAN results cannot and must not be compared with ICAS achievements. It is only a select group of students in Australia and beyond who take part in ICAS competitions – not all students. The questions are designed to challenge and extend students in order to differentiate achievement for awards. Mount View children are competing against other able and highly able students, so it is naturally harder to achieve an award. With that cohort in mind, any award – be it Credit, Distinction or High Distinction - must be a celebration of the child’s ability and recognised by their family. Unfortunately it seems that instead of celebrating a child’s success, pressure is being put on some children at home and that they are made to feel bad because they didn’t achieve a Distinction or High Distinction. This is not the purpose of Mount View students taking part in ICAS competitions. It is about students demonstrating skills across a variety of disciplines and us as a school, recognising and celebrating their achievements. Please remember when used effectively, praise is a powerful way of building up children’s self-esteem and maintaining healthy, trusting relationships. Praise can also play a significant role in managing children’s behaviour in a positive way. This year 402 Mount View PS students from Years 3 – 6 took part in this international competition. The ICAS English tests assess reading and language skills in a range of contexts. The following aspects of texts are assessed and reported: • reading for meaning in literary texts, • reading for meaning in factual texts, • textual devices, • syntax and vocabulary. Students read a variety of texts which narrate, describe, explain, argue, persuade and review. The questions require students to locate, identify, interpret, infer and synthesise information in and about texts. The types of texts include extracts from novels, short stories, poems, play scripts, transcripts of interviews, letters, diary entries, advertisements, web pages, reports and explanations, opinion pieces and reviews. These texts may include tables, diagrams, maps and other visual information. Of those 402 students, 11 received High Distinctions, 69 received Distinctions and 124 received Credits. The results for each year level are: Year Level 3 4 5 6 High Distinction 3 4 2 2 Distinction 14 25 10 20 Credit 30 35 27 32 Merit 11 5 12 13 Participation 38 40 42 37 Total 96 109 93 104 Students receiving Distinctions and High Distinctions in each year level have been listed below. High Distinctions Year 3 – Brian Y, Helani W and Johaniel G. Year 4 – Kylin Z, Jessica O, Amanda C and Vicente M. Year 5 – Tharushi W and Juanita L. Year 6 – Tyrone R and Alex F. 5 16 October 2014 Distinctions Year 3 – Manya A, Charlotte O, Sandani S, Eleanor B, Ashleigh K, Valerie T, Judy S, Daniel T, Elizabeth C, Timothy X, Kojo M, Jin Yang T, Thomas X and Miranda W. Year 4 – Jaylen N, Joshua C, Jeremy P, Sebastian E, Justin B, Shaunak G, Shalana P, Ewen W, Levinia D, Fiona C, Niva K, Katrina X, Aryan N, Zoe J, Ishaan N, Rohan S, Andy A, Arnav M, Jordan T, Eric T, Joshua G, Justin L and Kerry R. Year 5 – Luis C, Olivia S, Naman M, Basil F, Yogita A, Lauren O, Vignesh G, Eddy Y, Connor S and Alex K. Year 6 – Dillon N, Kusalavan S, Aberan S, Annika G, Celina C, Sharon T, Lavanya B, Zhangnan X, Daniel D, Harriet S, Zachary P, Reah S, Dhiluka M, Tejas D, Mary N, Vedanth S, Aareni H, Nicholas G, Jin Ren T and Ella M. ICAS Mathematics Results from the ICAS Mathematics competition have arrived and certificates will be distributed to students in a fortnight. Students who have achieved a High Distinction or Distinction will be recognised at the whole school assembly on Monday October 27. This year 411 Mount View PS students from Years 3 – 6 took part in this international competition. Entries come from Australia and 12 other countries with over 1.5 million entries world-wide. The ICAS Mathematics tests assess five strands: Number and Arithmetic: o This strand involves types of numbers, their properties and operations on numbers. The strand has strong links with Measures & Units, Algebra & Patterns and Chance & Data. It also has some links with Space & Geometry. Algebra and Patterns: o This strand involves patterns of numbers, relationships between numbers and the use of symbols to stand for unknown or variable numbers. Measures and Units: o This strand involves properties of the physical world that can be measured, the units used to measure them and the process of measurement. Space and Geometry: o This strand involves the properties of two-dimensional and three-dimensional space. Chance and Data: o This strand involves mathematical treatment of data and statistics. In the Year 3 – 6 papers (Books A – D) o calculators are not permitted. o formal algebra is not tested: the emphasis is on pattern, structure and puzzles o formal geometry is not tested: the emphasis is spatial skills. Of those 411 students, 30 received High Distinctions, 82 received Distinctions and 112 received Credits. The results for each year level are: Year Level 3 4 5 6 High Distinction 6 7 8 9 Distinction 10 27 18 27 Credit 28 37 16 31 Merit 7 7 15 12 Participation 46 33 40 27 Total 97 111 97 106 6 16 October 2014 Students receiving Distinctions and High Distinctions in each year level have been listed below. High Distinctions Year 3 – Brian Y, Levon L, Johaniel G, Timothy X, Matthew Y and Aidan R. Year 4 – Jeremy P, Jaylen N, Shalana P, Diemmy P, Jordan T, Vicente M and Sebastian E. Year 5 – Luis C, Yogita A, Clark Y, Eddy Y, Naman M, Olivia S, Mengze Y and Harry D. Year 6 – Aberan S, Zachary P, Jeff H, Celina C, Liuweitao C, Benjamin Y, Bowen L, Swetha S and Alex F. Distinctions Year 3 – Sandani S, Jacqueline L, Thomas X, Jianian Y, Vaibhav K, Helani W, Advithiya K, Miranda W, Valerie T and Rohan D. Year 4 – Chyann F, Jessica O, Joshua C, Anders L, Emily L, Emily S, Justin B, Luvena L, David X, Ishaan N, Jayden X, Anupa J, Jimmy D, Levinia D, Justin L, Jaye N, Rohan S, Randil F, Aryan N, Chloe N, Nakul P, Dhruv M, Luke M, Andy A, Katrina X, Zoe J and Ewen W. Year 5 – Sahil I, Sean P, Alex K, Shawn L, Tharushi W, Dinal K, Armin L, Lauren O, Yevin G, Rikhil B, Daniel S, Korkor B, Hashendra M, Tsz Him C, Akshat R, Vignesh G, Ruben W and Sharon Z. Year 6 – Jordan K, Vedanth S, Reah S, Aareni H, Dennis G, Henry C, Daniel D, Arjuna S, Kusalavan S, Dillon N, Ankita G, Fiona W, Ray N, Sharon T, Glenn B, Callista G, Harry D, Zhangnan X, Krishang B, Mary N, Melissa X, Shaini P, Zachery W, Lavanya B, Saloni K, Dhiluka M and Jin Ren Tay. ICAS English & Mathematics results are now available online Students can access their test results by going to: https://www.eaa.unsw.edu.au/apps/students/# and then typing in their individual TAP-ID and PIN. Upcoming Events Term 4 ICAS English Awards will be presented at the whole school assembly on Monday October 20 ICAS Mathematics Awards will be presented at the whole school assembly on Monday October 27 7 16 October 2014 8 16 October 2014 9 16 October 2014 Chess Champions Congratulations to the girls in the school’s chess teams who played in the State Final at Lauriston Girls’ School on Tuesday. It was very close competition, but I am pleased to report that the team won the event and are now the State Chess Champions! Going into the tight last round of the competition after six previous rounds, the girls were only half a point ahead in the standings, but they managed to win most of their games and eventually won by three and a half points. A fantastic result! The girls who made up the two teams are Shalana, Reah, Kaye, Elaine, Aareni, Olivia, Ankita, Gloria, Zoe and Levinia. Thank you to Julie Christie and Richard Jones for accompanying the girls and assisting them throughout the day. John Kennedy Assistant Principal 10 16 October 2014 Planning for the Year 4 Bike Education program is well underway with Term 4 dates and times allocated. Bike Education consists of: BIKE ED LESSONS: Four weeks of inquiry based practical and theoretical learning with students exploring bicycle riding techniques, road rules and group riding strategies. This includes at school bike riding during PE lessons and out of school riding during designated Bike Ed times: Tuesday 18 November 9:00am – 10:40am Tuesday 25 November 9:00am – 10:40am Tuesday 2 December No Bike Ed Tuesday 9 December 9:00am – 10:40am Wednesday 19 November 1:50pm – 3:30pm Wednesday 26 November 1:50pm – 3:30pm Wednesday 3 December No Bike Ed Wednesday 10 December 1:50pm – 3:30pm Friday 21 November 9:00am – 10:40am Friday 28 November 9:00am – 10:40am Friday 5 December 9:00am – 10:40am BIKE ED EVENT DAY: A group ride and BBQ lunch at Jells Park on Friday 12 December, departing MVPS at 10:00am and returning at 3:00pm. Groups will be heading out on bike paths to Vermont, Jells Park, Nortons Park and Eastlink Wantirna. Students and parents are asked to organise their bike and helmet now! All students must have (or have access to) their own roadworthy bike for Bike Ed. This includes having working brakes, safe pumped up tyres and free spinning wheels that are not buckled or bowed. EVERY STUDENT NEEDS TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE SAFETY OF THEIR OWN BIKE. THEREFORE, WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT PARENTS PROVIDE THEIR CHILD WITH A BIKE LOCK. An ideal Year 4 student’s bike, depending on their height and experience, may look something like this: Youth Geared Bike Child Geared Bike BMX There are plenty of opportunities for members of the school community to assist with our rides. Please email [email protected] with your available days, dates and times. Students are encouraged to begin practising their riding now. 11 16 October 2014 Term 4 has started with a buzz of excitement. Last week our Prep to Year 4 students had the opportunity to participate in the Techno Tennis clinic which has given them an enjoyable introduction to tennis. Students had the opportunity to learn a variety of tennis strokes through a fun and active program run by enthusiastic instructors. Our Year 3 & 4 students will be involved in the Milo Cricket program for four weeks. The program introduces our students to the game of cricket through a variety of activity stations. They will have the opportunity to explore and develop their cricket skills such as batting, bowling and fielding. PE Team 12 16 October 2014 Monash-Waverley Division Track and Field Championships were held at Bill Sewart Athletics track in Burwood. We had 24 students who represented Mount View in a variety of events. These students trained very hard and showed terrific commitment ,attending training before school and even during the school holidays. We have 10 students who have now progressed on to the Eastern Metropolitan Regional Track and Field Championships at Bill Sewart on Thursday 16 October. These students are competing in following events at EMR. We wish them all the best! HOME GROUP 5KB 6EC Name Alina Angela AGE GROUP 11 11 Individual Event Relay 4 x 100m Relay 4 x 100m Relay Shot Put 6BL Hayden 12 6KG 6AD Jonah Justin 12 12 5DN 5KM 6EC Kate Lilly Mary 11 11 11 4LM 6BL Sebastian Tyler 10 12 4 x 100m Relay Discus 4 x 100m Relay 4 x 100m Relay Shot Put 4 x 100m Relay 4 x 100m Relay 1500m High Jump 13 4 x 100m Relay 16 October 2014 14 16 October 2014 The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) does not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by the DEECD or Mount View Primary School Council for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them. METRO MUSIC LESSONS AT MOUNT VIEW PRIMARY ** MUSIC TUITION INCREASES CONFIDENCE, SELF ESTEEM AND HELPS TO IMPROVE SCHOOL SUBJECTS – MATHS, LITERACY, SCIENCE, READING ETC ** MOUNT VIEW Primary School in association with Metro Music School is now offering music lessons to students who are interested in learning an instrument at school every week. Lessons are held during school hours (30 mins/once per week) at suitable times. (Years 1 to 6) Enquiries are welcome on 9460 4818 (Metro Music School). This program has been initiated for the benefit of MOUNT VIEW PS students. Lessons Offered: VIOLIN DRUMS KEYBOARD PIANO Discount hiring and purchase also available. Contact us for details or visit our online shop at www.metromusic.net.au FROM $13.20 per lesson (incl GST) ENROLMENT forms can be obtained from the school office or contact Metro Music School direct on 9460 4818). You can also enrol online at the above website address. 15 John Sugden Swim School For children aged 3-16years Sunday Mornings: 10:00-12:30pm Wesley College Pool Glen Waverley Term 4 Started Sunday 12 October 2014 BOOK NOW FREE Assessment Phone/Fax 9890 5451 Email: [email protected] Website: www.jsss.com.au 16 October 2014 METRO MUSIC RECITAL AT MOUNT VIEW PRIMARY SCHOOL Dear Parents, Students and Staff This year’s Metro Music Recital will be held in the Performing Arts Room on: Monday 27 October at 4:00pm – Julian & Alex’s students Friday 31 October at 4:00pm – Kristine & Monica’s students All are welcome to attend and see these eager music students perform. New enrolments for 2015 are currently being accepted for lessons held at school for Years 1 – 6! Enquiries are welcome on: 9460 4818 Visit our website: www.metromusic.net.au 16