kongwak primary school - Inverloch Primary School
kongwak primary school - Inverloch Primary School
KONGWAK PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWSLETTER GOVERNMENT RD 3951 PHONE 56 574 224 FAX 56 574 346 November 13th 2015 TERM 4 DATES TO REMEMBER November 19th - Grade 1 Fun Day 20th - Open Water Gr 5 & 6 - Whole School to Inverloch - School Council 23rd - Pupil Free Day 26th - Open Water Gr 5 & 6 - Sleepover Gr 6 27th - Open Water Gr 5 & 6 - Whole School to Inverloch December 4th - Open Water Gr 5 & 6 - Grade Prep-4 Church Service - Whole School to Inverloch 11th - Whole School to Inverloch - Junior Athletics 16th - Community BBQ GRADE 1 FUN DAY AT INVERLOCH As you are aware the Grade 1 Fun Day Out has been postponed to 19th November. A reminder that children will need to be at Inverloch at 8am for breakfast and will then enjoy fun activities for the day. Please return your permission notice and payment asap. OPEN WATER GRADES 5 & 6 The Grade 5 & 6 children will be participating in an Open Water Program on 20th, 26th, & 27th November and 4th December at Inverloch. Permission notices will be sent home next week. Children need to be dropped off at Inverloch and collected again on these days. (The Grade 6 children will be having their sleepover at Walkerville on 26th November) WE NEED YOUR HELP—WE REALLY DO! As mentioned in previous newsletters, The Star newspaper is running a news article on our school and we would like to add parent comments into the content of what is printed. We know everyone is busy, but if you could find a few minutes to put your positive thoughts about the school into an email and send it to [email protected] to be added in to the article it would be greatly appreciated. Apparently the newspaper is waiting to receive some comments. WHOLE SCHOOL TO INVERLOCH Our whole school will be spending the day at Inverloch on the next 4 Fridays (20th & 27th November and 4th & 11th December) due to different events happening for various grades. GRADE 6 OPEN WATER & SLEEPOVER On 26th November the Grade 6 children Can children please be dropped off at will attend the Open Water Learning ses- Inverloch PS and collected again at normal school times on these days. sion at Inverloch (as mentioned above) and then a sleepover at Walkerville, and will return to Inverloch foreshore the COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS BBQ following day for another session. Can The Kongwak Community Christmas children please be dropped off at InverBBQ will be held 16th December. loch PS & collected again at the end of Please mark this date on your calenthe following day. Permission forms dar. More information will follow closand payment need to be returned to er to the date. school asap. 2016 SCHOOL CLEANER We are already into the planning stagWe are still in need of a cleaner to fill in es for next year. If you know of any while Lynne is on holidays. If you have student who will be coming into the approximately half an hour after school school who has not yet enrolled, or each night to spare to vacuum and clean know that your child/ren are leaving the toilets we would love to hear from the school (other than our year 6s) you. Please speak to Kerri or contact please let Wendy or Kerri know. It is Wendy at Inverloch on 5674 1253. important that we have accurate enrolment numbers to plan classes and employment of staff for next year. CHURCH SERVICE Our Grade Prep-4 children will be attending a Christmas Church Service at the Anglican Church in Inverloch on 4th December. PUPIL FREE DAY—REVIEW We will having a pupil free day on Monday 23rd November. SCHOOL COUNCIL Our next School Council meeting will be held at Inverloch on 20th November. SWIMMING SPORTS Congratulations to Laynee McKenzie who was the Runner Up Age Champion at the swimming sports. Well done Laynee! Some of the Grade 6 girls proudly showing off their ribbons SOUTH GIPPSLAND CARERS South Gippsland Carers is a group of carers and families of people with additional needs and frail aged We are there for all carers who live in the South Gippsland region, and we provide support, social get-togethers, information sharing and regular meetings Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of the month during school Term 10am – 12 noon Memorial Hall Meeting Room 2 Michael Place Leongatha (opposite the Post Office) Final meeting in 2015: Nov 24 th For more information please contact Heather: 56 689 243, or Sheron 5662 3285 Resuming again from Feb 23rd 2016 Mikayla (from Inverloch) - Age Champion and Laynee—Runner Up Age Champion All welcome presents a Mad Hatters Tea Party at Parents, family and carers of children who have an Autism Spectrum Disorder (autism, aspergers syndrome, pdd-nos etc) are warmly invited to attend the following meeting of the Inverloch & District ASD Support Group JJSOD Performance Special Guest Acts Face painting Magic tricks Children’s old school Games Best Hat Competition Our support group meets on the first Wednesday of the month during school term Next meeting: When: Wednesday December 2nd Time: 10.30am - 12.30pm Where: Inverloch Hub – large meeting room that opens out to the playground. 16 A’Beckett Street Inverloch Tea & Coffee provided at no cost All welcome to join us for a cuppa and a chat while the kids can play in the playground We provide support, information sharing and social get-togethers. We also carry some information on services in the local area. For more information, please see the Autism Gippsland website: https://sites.google.com/site/autismgippsland/home Any enquiries, please call Julie on 5657 4248 or Franki on 0410 645 613, email: [email protected] Come along and bring a picnic lunch. Re-commencing in 2016: February 3rd Gold coin donation th 14 of November 11.00 – 2.30 Silkstone Road, Korumburra Volunteers needed Event Date: Saturday 14 November, 2015. Wonthaggi Would you like to join our team of volunteers? In 2015 the Bass Coast Cycle Challenge has joined forces with Inverloch’s Family Fun Festival to offer a family fun run, a safe kids bike ride, BMX and Skateboarding events plus competitions for best decorated bike, music and street stalls. Fun run and kids bike ride will all be on Inverloch foreshore footpath. Visit www.basscoastcyclechallenge.com to download run routes and (bike route is the same as 5km run). 10km run Event Start time 9:45am Cost: $15 5km run Event start time 9:45am Cost: $10 1.8km run Event start time 9:10am Cost: $5 From 4 hrs to 2 days a week all help is appreciated Comments from our current team ‘Volunteering gives a sense of achievement’ ‘It’s a great way to meet new people’ ‘I like being able to help people’ ‘It’s good for gaining skills to step into employment’ ‘We have heaps of fun’ Please pop into the shop or call 5672 3445 for more info 5km Kids Bike Ride, Skateboarding and BMX Competition – free entry. Skateboarding Comp Event Start time 11:00am at Community Hub BMX Comp Event Start time 9:00am at Community Hub Registration Friday Night 4:00pm-9:00pm & Saturday 6:30am-9:30am inside community hub or register online. Visit www.basscoastcyclechallenge.com for full details of all events. Kongwak had its first Mini Society ‘trading day’. Each student in the Junior Grade was given a ‘Government bonus’ to spend and trading was at a frenzied pace!! It is a tough world in the land of business!! Laynee, our Banker, has been flat out trying to keep up with the deposits and withdrawals. All businesses have their own magic but this one has taken one step further. Certainly any fashion advice or accessories were available for the keen shopper. Animals of all shapes and sizes were available …I am not talking about the business owners!! Some very successful shoppers…but where did all our money go?? We even had our own gaming arcade