s28 H. viey ffid. ffiret l{*rm: FM TEXTURE COAT
s28 H. viey ffid. ffiret l{*rm: FM TEXTURE COAT
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA $HEET SgSTlSf* $ . fiffifiaf and *rnufiacftrnr lde*fffcaten E*eignncy T*leplrone Humhr:*: FOAttt lltART TtanWri*lon Ffiefswxtgt s28 H. c€ll CHEiTTFEC viey ffid. Br#ar*, CA91# (Ssl4A{-ffi i&} *s-761s tCdeti]fr*nAh$€ A HarS Heafih EmffEsEl€ C€S LOSANGETES pOt$ON lNFORldATlOf{ 0FFITFR G4 tus.} s#-*12s tffi} ffiret l{*rm: DST FoFr FM TEXTURE COAT S$pp{ng l{ems: lileter BaW Coettrg ffiT Hazrrl Glrs*fficrtbnl f{on-tlazardcnls $EcrK'!t tt PRCgt A" C? GGIFO$IT|OI{: HTSARSOUS - compeitonlrrformafo* UIET.!{ NPA STEL TIIY* $TEL 35b 35b rus HA NA HA t{A hlA t*A IE HA ACJ8Arme'& Cas# 1ffi2t4 a. HEr*-*tizARIlouS qffir I{A l{A a*5s% Crs#71$2-14-t Asryk polyrnrr Carf Ftrpie$y 40d'16 GablrynCarbssb 8.{0s Casf 13l7$f-3 SECTIOII lll - otffi u!*tTg rn Sb Plty*ical I Chemtcal Ch*acerl*tics Enr*rgemy Ovtlyloxl Tlris sc$gn nst in u$s. Po{enfial }lsrilr Effsct*: l.ltrra lngffion: fiase lsrsltm sldn cqt*rse ProlffigM or rwH eonlad may causs mikl *in inibton. lrfieleffonr $leycaus fffidde, na&Er€a, initation of rs*, tsad, ffrt l$r€sEy* 6u*rtt: lday initate eym. ildlcrl Condt$sm Aggfevatcd: Nsnc knor*r $ubcfuorlc Srtgd orprrs! EFsr*: stwtlc tis&Hl s @: a cry€fFg6n This lrlone known p**S s$.€pe*d cansrryr T_1rr_of ft rrgauder& by NTp, t&{C, or S$HA" gesm o.ig6 or mqrc is NsT Fro*rc$ t *lrgpsdiq#: This €parc rssefi.d tur €Fs{d us€. Frfimlpla Rsubr af Expg*sb: $k*n I Eys Co*tac* / lnfialsdo* Qthar: l$ns lnwn FU?F{IuR€COAT iSS Page t df i; SECTION lV - First Aid Measures lngestion: Do not induce vomiting. SloMy clilute with 1-2 glasses of water or milk and get medical attention. Never give anything by moulh to an unconscious person. skin: wash with soap and wann water- consult a physician if initation prsisis. lnhalatian: Marre subjed to fresh air. Aid in breaihing, if necessary, and get immediate mediel aftention. Eyet: ln case of contac{ immecliately flush eyes witrr plenty af water for €R least 15 minute+ and get medical attention if initation persists. Note to Physician: None known V- SECTION Fire Fighting tfreasurcs Poir*: Ncn-combustible wet. kMlt bum onty afrer water is driven aff > 3o0TF lUlethod: PMCC lgnition Temp: Not Applicable Flammable Limits in Air Lower: None {water) Flammable LimiG in Air Upper: None {water} Sensitivity ts l/lechanical lmpact: {YtN} No $ensitivity to Static Discharge: Not expected Exffnguishing lsedia: All standard fire fighting media. water, fog, foam, or dry cfremiel. Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Fire fighters should wear breathing apparatus. Flash SECTION Vl - Accidental Release Measures Action to be Taken lf Material is Released or Spilled: $oak up with an inert material and put in a mntainerfor di+osal. Wastr walking surfaes with soap and warm water ts reduce $ipprng hazard. This material is not regulated under RCRA or CERLA (Superfund). Keep spills and cleaning runoff out of municipal s€wers and open bodies of water. SECTION Vll - Precautions For Safe Handling and Use Precautlons to be Taken in Handling and $torage: Avoid contact with eyes Protect From Freezing SECTION Vlll - Control Measures Engineering Controlr: None Respintory Pratection: Use a NIOSHIMSHA approved respirator as necessary. Observe OSHA regulations. Protective Gloves: Yes. Eye and Face Protection: Safety glasses. Other Protective Eguipment: None under normal conditions_ Ventilation: Use in a well-ventilated area. sical and Chemical Pro FMTEXTURECCIAT MSD6 Pags ? of4 No chemicals in this produd are regulated at the amounts used. This produd is mnsidered non-hazardous uncterthe osHA Hazard communication $tandard {2g cFR} SARA TITLE 3: Sectlon 3{tt3{2 Categodzatlons {{l} CFR 3?0} This product is not a hazardous dernical under 29 CFR 1910.1200, and thereforc is not coverea oy **e lll of $ARA. This product is not hazardous acerding to tte OSHA Communietion Standard. This prcduct one or more cfiemicals known to the state of califomia to caus cancer. e*bins SARA T|TLE 3: $ection 3{3 lnformation {4o CFR 3?2}. This produc.t does not contain a dremicalwhich is tisted in se{*icn 312 at crabove the minimum concenktions. CERI-A lnfor*raffon {40 CFR 302J}: Releases of this material to air, land. cr water are nst reportable io the National Response Csnter under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensatisn, and Liability Ac* {CERCLA} or $ate and locat eqlergency plannirg mmmittees under the Supeftind Amsldments and Re-authorizations Ad TSARA) Ti{e illsedirin 30:[. Waste Classificrtlo*: Vlihen a decision is made to discard fiis matefial as supplied, it does not meet RCRA'$ charaderistic de*nition of ignitabili$, srosivig, or reactivity, and is noitisteCin 40 CFR S1.3A. Tfe tcxici$ charaderislicffc) however, has not ben evaluated by the Toxicity Charac{eri$ic L+a*ring Proedure {TCLP}. United States: All components of this proqryt are in compliance with the inventory listing requirsments frscA) chemical substance lnventory. of the u.S. Toxic $ubstances control Ast Pennsylvania: tu:y material listed as Non-Hazardous in the CAS REG NO. Cslumn af $€Clion Z, Composition/lnfarmstion On lngredients, of this MSDS is a fade secret under tr|e provisions of lhe Pennsylvania Wsrker and Csmmunity Rigtrt-To-lftow Ad. SECTIOH XVI - Additionat tnformation This produc* contains the follafing zubsance{s} identified by o$HA, w{Mls, or the ACGIFI as hazardous. During *ormal use, the material will not present an expo$ne risk. One lre produc* ftas rea*eC its final state and is sanded orabnded, dust may occur. 5-1 0% Calcium Cerbonate {1 41 7€5-3) Exposure limit tc*d dust 15lmglm3 {O$HA} 10 mgtm3 (ACGIH} E4csure limtt ospirable dust 5 mglmS (ACG|H) LD50: No data bund LC50: No data found. 'fha infsmslicn cor{aind h*ein ie based m oata-U$enai li a;,m cs,*o;d,*t tr, **';rti erdst Anyore tr*g l1-9, hlzar& ir(snding E353gg:-[e3ffr:1g11r11ry1$_ b roly 9n alt r€co1Tne**|on g fo ?ly equjFnent tectrnipaor r€erial *sntionad shordd ",*y *# rriir"ril* 6]fi; **omam t'"d."r "g" b' # iiliil*'e",p*"* ry ffS"***,Yj*.ffi"ffisf1l-191t$q €€r,lheniarnor fisd€s and!.lA€thcrth*e hany infirgamentol@r;!8,{any ttiesote rxponedfiry ot*rr any qf cr- r13s. FMTEXTURSS?AT MSD€ Pagn 4 of4