Reiki SelfHealing Kit
Reiki SelfHealing Kit
How to Heal with reiki By Goddess Yadira 21 Day Chakra Cleansing Challenge @GoddessYadira Goddess Yadira Master Energy Healer & Detox Coach Hello beautiful souls, I am excited to share this e-book with you and honored. This ebook can be used as a 21 day Chakra Cleansing Challenge or anytime you would llike to use it. A little about me, Im Yadira Payan, born and raised in California, have a 16 year old daugther, and have a passion for health. In my early 20's I started working for a non-profit. I focused on guiding them with body image, STD's, peer pressure, counseling, anatomy, and so much more. All of this motivated me so I then began to study for a BA in Health and Wellness. My passion for health kept growing and I of course felt compelled to learn more. Now I am a Reiki Master/Teacher with my own certification program, Detox Coach, Assertiveness Coach and Spiritual Coach. As I kept learning and paying for my own energy healers to guide me, I realized that everyone should be practicing self maintenance at home. We sometimes see clients once a month and in the mean time they are not working on themselves. Then, they come to us carrying energy which no longer serves them. Maintenance is so much about self-love and I am here to spread self-love. I wish back then my practitioners would have taught me to heal myself with Reiki since we are all capable of healing ourselves. If you're reading this book, then most likely you already know about chakras and energy work, and you're ready to start your self healing. Let's get your started on your journey. 1 Reiki Is LIfe Energy Hands on healing has been around for many centureis and is known in many cultures. When you read about Reiki in books or online you will find several different theories about where Reiki came from: the stars, Lemurica, Atlantis, Egypt, India, Tibet, etc. What we do know for a fact is that Reiki was "rediscovered" in Japan by Dr. Mikao Usui during the beginning of the 20th century. Dr.Mikao Usui, Or Sensei as he is called by his students in Japan is the founder of the Usui System of Reiki, He was born August 15, 1865 in the village of Yogo in the Yamagata district of Gifu prefecture, Japan. Usui Senei had an avid interest in learning and worked hard at this studies. He traveled to Europe and China to further his education where his curriculum included medicine, psychology, and religion. Its thought that he was from a wealthy family because in Japan only the wealthy could afford school. 2 He eventually became secretary to Pei Gotoushin, head of the department of the health and welfare who later became Mayor of Tokyo. This job helped him become a successful business man, He ended up spontaneously receiving Reiki during a mystical experience on Mt. Karuma. After a life of business failure he began to spend a lot of time meditating at power spots on Mt. Karuma. Part of his ritual included fasting, meditation,chanting and prayer. Through his realization of his practice, he then added symbols that are now used for Reiki Practitioners when they go through an attunement. But how does Reiki work? The living body radiates warmth and energy and the energy is the life force itself. It has as many names as there are human civilizations. In Japan, it is called Ki. In Japanese Reiki means universal free passage. The Chinese call it Chi, as in Tai Chi. This energy is indirectly available to us from air, sunlight, earth food, water and love. Reiki is a laying-on of hands touch healing system of incomparable ease and power. Reiki energy is naturally available to all living beings from birth, but what makes Reiki different from other healing methods are the attunements or known as initiations. Attunements are designed to open and raise your vibration level to connect to the universal life force energy of healing. Anyone can lay their had on another person to help the healing process, but a person attuned to Reiki has fine tuned the physical 7 etheric bodies to a higher vibration level, clearing out the and opening all the energy centers and allowing the healer to receive an increased amount of life force energy to heal with. The healer can connect to source much stronger and easier. 3 Reiki Benefits There are many benefits that my not be listed here. A few more: Boost immune system. Speed recovery after injury. Aids in detoxification which carry poisons, waste products and germs out of the body. Increases blood and lymph flow to and from muscles. Reduces water retention. Relieves muscular, rheumatic and other types of pain. Improves elasticity and tone of the skin Improves muscle tone through posture. Help restore tissues to its original state. Help regenerate organs and bone. Strengthens and balances the digestive system and all other body systems. 4 LETS GET YOU STARTED Please make sure that before you get started you are in a place where you will not be bothered. If you would like to make this a 21 Day Chakra Challenge please have a journal so you can write every night and reflect back. If you don't take the challenge, you can still write but make sure you self heal at least every other day. I suggest you do this once a day to keep a healthy balance. Self healing is all about intention, the intention to heal or anything you intent. Please read Chakra and Affirmations section before starting (pg. 8). I suggest you read the whole guide so that you are prepared and not feeling lost. List of things you can use to make your experience more pleasurable are: 1. MUSIC, Youtube has amazing nature music, meditation music or tibetan bowls. I do not recommend Pandora because commercials and it will distract you. 2. Lay some where comfortable. Your bed, your back yard, the beach, or anywhere. Have a blanket or pillow for comfort. You can add a pillow your knees if your laying down. Use a Yoga mat and sit meditating position if preferred. 5 3.Use an essential oil for inhaling, rubbing on bottoms of feet, back of neck, temples, ears, or anywhere you desire. Rub them on before you start. If you need to order my kit of 11 oils and diffuser, please contact me. Use healing crystals, sage, or any tools you may have handy. 4. Use an eye pillow or throw a shirt over your head. Anything to cover your eyes. Get comfortable, use a pillow under your knees or neck. Get Reiki Certified with Goddess Yadira 6 Reiki Now that you're prepared and have your affirmation ready (see pg 4), set an intention before every healing. Intentions such as, to release any negativity about love and to heal. You can make a new one every time. Imagine that your crown chakra is open or there is a hole on top of your head. See a stream of light coming in from the universe sending you love and light. Have this light fill up your whole body starting with your head then down to your toes. See that your hands are shooting this light as you place them on your body. Hold all hand positions for at least 3 minutes or longer. Just estimate time or use your intuitive skills. You cant over Reiki yourself, do not worry. As you can see, every hand position covers your Chakras (pg. 8) If you feel pain anywhere on your body, leave your hands on that area for extra time for more self healing. 7 Chakras & Affirmations If your intuition tells you that you're having an issue with a certain Chakra then leave your hands on it a little longer. I will give example of one affirmation for each Chakra below that you can tell yourself over and over while self healing. If you can't remember them all, then start with only 1 or 2 affirmations. Once you become a pro at this, do the whole system with your eyes closed. Practice makes perfect. I release attachment, recognizing that it is the source of all suffering. I am at peace with myself & my surruoundings I am a sensuous being I create my own reality I am safe, I trust in the natural flow of life I communicate cleary I am motivated by selflessness 8 Mirror Work sheet Think about the last person you were mad at. Write down 5 words that you felt, such as rude, mean, jerk, hateful, etc. On the left write down the opposite of the word on the left hand side. Everything on the left side are agreements you have with the universe. You may find that many of this characteristics are similar to the people you manifest into your life. Until these agreements are broken, then the universe will keep presenting you with same issues manifested in different people. With this worksheet you're now aware of what you may bring into your own life and also can see what keeps you blocked from ascending. Begin to break these agreements like this " Mom and dad I break the agreements with you that you are (& read whats on the left side of the paper, feel the energy leave your body). Then say, Mom and dad I make a new agreement with you that your are (read right side of the paper and feel this energy in your body)" That is how you break them. Be kind to yourself and forgive yourself during this chakra cleanse as old emotions and memories may come up. I suggest you don't serve these emotions a cup of tea, do not entertain these thoughts. In a full session we go in deeper about breaking agreements to guide you in opening your third eye chakra. 9 Spirals When your feeling stressed out about an issue, draw a spiral on paper, as in the photo. As you draw it, think of all the negative things you want to shed. When you get to the middle, draw between the spiral, back to the opening but this time think about everything you want to gain. Why are spirals powerful? Life cycles and cycles of the natural world create change. The old dies away so the new can come forth. Each of us progresses from child to adult to old age. As such, the spiral is not a symbol of stagnation but rather of change, progression, and development. It embraces these things as good and healthy and helps one to accept change eve though we often are more comfortable retreating into tradition and old, standard ways. In person sessions include an ocean cleansing as we draw spirals on the sand and have you walk through it while dipping your feet in salt water. 10 BODY PAINS & EMOTIONAL PAIN One of my favorite books is by Louise Hay and if you have not yet read any, please do. I will add a few body pains with new thought patters from her book that I find most popular amongst my clients. Many times people do not realize that the physical pain they carry is associated with with emotions. You see, we all have 7 layers of bio fields around our body also know as our aura. The farthest layer out is when emotional pain first starts to penetrate into our bio field. It then starts to make it's way into the other layers and manifest into disease, or just being sick with a cold. I will write the health issues and new thought patters for it. Reside the new thought pattern 108 times a day. I normally use a Mala, which helps me count since it has 108 beads. According to the Vedic scriptures, our physical and subtle bodies contain 108 major nadis, or energy channels. When we chant a mantra 108 times, that sound vibration can fill all of the energy lines in our bodies and balance them. The more we chant one particular sound vibration, the more we tune ourselves to that vibration. 11 BODY ODOR: Probable cause is fear, dislike of the self and fear of others. NEW THOUGHT PATTERN: I love and approve of myself ANXIETY: Probable cause is not trusting the flow and process of life. NEW THOUGHT PATTERN: I love and approve of myself, and I trust the process of life. I am safe BACK PROBLEMS: Lower back- Probable cause is fear of money. Lack of financial support. NEW THOUGHT PATTERN: I trust the process of life. All i need is always taken care of. I am safe Middle back- Probable cause guilt. Stuck in all that stuff back there. "Get off my bak." NEW THOUGHT PATTERN: I release the past. I am free to move forward with love in my heart Upper Back- Probable cause is lack of emotional support. Feeling unloved. Holding back love NEW THOUGHT PATTERN: I love and approve of myself. Life supports and loves me. 12 YEAST INFECTIONS Probable cause is denying your own needs. Not supporting yourself. NEW THOUGHT PATTERN: I now choose to support myself in loving, joyous way. URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS Probable cause is being pissed off. Usually at the opposite sex or a lover. Blaming others NEW THOUGH PATTERN: I release the patterns in my consciousness that created this condition. I am willing to change. I love and approve of myself. DEPRESSION Probable cause is anger you feel you do not have a right to have. Hopelessness. NEW THOUGHT PATTERN: I now go beyond other peoples fears and limitations. I create my life. 13 Chakra Nutrition You know I couldn't leave you without any nutrition talk. This is definitely a bonus and I hope you enjoy it. Root Chakra: Red foods activate your sense of survival. It does this by squeezing out the stress hormone when you're body begins to feel under attack. Root vegetables will also anchor you to the earth. A few you can eat are beets, ginger root, radishes, and turnips. Sacral Chakra: Our orange colored chakra. This is much about our creativity and how well we flow. Try eating healthy fats and water. Relax and have some mangos, papayas, or bananas. When we relax we open up our creative channels. Solora Plexus Chakra: Feeling burned out and out of balance.? This is when your body craves sweets. Try eating beans and whole grains. Sweets only distract you and is a temporary fix. Eat any yellow foods to nourish your thoughts. 14 Every time we eat, we connect with nature. its important that at this time we feel gratitude for nature for it goes on to our plates and into our hearts. Incorporate any green vegetables with your meals to feed the heart Chakra. Our Throat Chakra is much about expression, our vessel of truth. High liquid foods lubricate our throats and allow us to open up. Eat broths, stews, sea plants, soups, vegetable juice and fruit juice that are home made or coldpressed. The Third Eye Chakra is about the visions from with in and your intuition. Trusting our internal wisdom. Eat foods such as berries, turmeric for brain protection, eggplant, purple potatoes, purple cabbage, grapes and plums. Surround yourself with purple and meditation. 15 I cleanse my body of toxins. Such a powerful statement for our Crown Chakra. Our bodies are constantly protecting us against from environmental toxins, junk food and even fresh foods that contain pesticides. Other toxic issues are the ones that we create ourselves such as thoughts, emotions, friends, work place and living situations. All of this can eventually can cause physiological and psychological health issues. Our souls is pure therefore it's important we cleanse to keep our purity. Check out my 10 Day Transformation Cleanse Lose Weight * Cleanse * Re-Set Metabolism * Detox * Break Addictions to Processed Foods * Boost Energy * Improve Digestion * Sleep Soundly * Think More Clearly * MONEY BACK GAURANTEED code: Yadishealth I'll be your personal coach and guide you. Get Yours at 16 Cleansing/Detox Guidance Most people will begin a detox as a method of weight loss, detox is really a much more valuable practice that will result not only in weight loss, but will also improve your digestion, improve your metabolism, uncover any hidden food allergies you may be harboring in your body. Keep in mind, inflammation is often a silent foe, leading to multiple complaints such as brittles nails, chronic cold, hormonal imbalances, dry skin, dry hair and constipation- to name just few, Reducing inflammation will quickly become your favorite effect of a detox. Every food you consume, every breath you inhale, and everything you touch during your day brings with it contaminants. This constant barrage forces your liver to work hard detoxifying your body. Because there is o way to avoid all of these toxins as they build upour bodies will have to work harder and harder to process them. When we never stop and give the body a rest it becomes overloaded. It is so important to better support the detoxification process. Taking a break from some of the possible toxic foods your typically everyday will allow your body to naturally detox and reset, creating a happier body that will make possible a much happier you. When our bodies become toxic, it means that our natural means of ushering out metabolic waste from normal human metabolism, environmental pollution, and what has become know as the Standard American Diet (or SAD diet) have exceeded the threshold for what the body's innate detoxification system can tolerate on its own. With this toxic load, every system in the human body can become affected. From our head to our toes and everything in between toxicity that makes us sick. 17 A Fall detox prepares your body for the winter months. On September 22nd, the autumnal equinox signals a times of change. Detoxing during this period prepares your body for the coming months, both physically and emotionally, by preventing common winter illness and attaining a clearer and more focused mental state. This is the times to jump-start your body from the long summer days and also lose some of these last pounds you are possibly carrying around from Labor Day celebrations. Now is your change to truly step into rejuvenation and balance. While it is very important to cleanse in each of the four seasons, after the summer months is an especially key time. Our bodies tend to build up toxins in the summer heat that lead to caught, migraines, and stuffy noses in the coming week. Autumn is the wonderful time to slow down, and move the focus inward, purging that toxicity that is keeping us from being the best version of ourselves. The fall is the best times to renew, recharge, and get focused on your intentions for not only this season but also the coming winter months. Imagine yourself as a tree losing its leaves; you are shedding what is no longer serving you as you ready yourself for the coming hibernation. During a Fall Detox, we specifically honor the lungs and the large intestine. Lungs. Every functions of your body, including your metabolism, depends upon the proper intake and carrying of the oxygen by your lungs. Physically, Chinese medicine teaches that those with lack of Qi, due to emotional or physical issues, can experience effects such as 18 asthma, coughs, cracked nails, blotchy skin, acne and even psoriasis. When the lungs are not strong you may also experience feeling hot, night sweats, tiredness, excessive body odor, and most of all a general lack of vitality. We also want to honor the emotional aspect of this organ, which is grief. The lungs are connected to the proper release of sadness. So, not only do we want to nourish and detoxify with the proper foods but we also want to let go of the old patterns and emotional toxins that have left us with stagnant feelings of sadness. Large Intestine. The large intestine functions to excrete the waste from your body. Often referred to as your gut, this organ manufactures 95% of your body's serotonin. Additionally, your gut is the key players the health of your immune system. 80% of your immune system is centered in your gut. Proper balance and functioning of this organ is paramount to your general health and wellbeing. External factors such as stress, toxins and common prescription medicines like antibiotics and birth control, to name a few, often create imbalances in the 5 feet of your digestive track. Unfortunately, it often gets clogged as it retains 5-10 pounds of fecal matter. Poor excretion can affect every aspect of your body. Common affects are skin rashes, digestive imbalances, poor elimination, headaches, congestion, and inflammation in your joints. Detoxifying the large intestine greatly improves both cell renewal and your metabolism. A Fall Detox will de-clog the pipes so that you can properly and most effectively absorb your foods again. Emotionally, we want to honor the large intestine and its key processes by also letting go of that which is not serving us emotionally. Cleaning out the gut also means releasing the negativity we are unnecessarily dragging around.You want to process and release the negativity, along with the actual physical waste. The Autumn is about harmonizing the lungs and the large intestine. 19 Now that you better understand "Why" of Fall Detox you are more equiped to act on the "How" and move into the Autumn months (or anytime your start a detox) with the clear intention of letting of the old. Improving digestion and decreasing inflammation is the key to achieving balance. When the body is out of balance you can experience fatigue, indigestion, hormonal issues, depression, poor communication, and congestion. When your body truly does crave a perfect balance and your are about to embark on an exciting journey through which you will achieve a better undertanding of the connection between the foods you eat and the way your body feels when it is balance. Supporting proper digestion in the key to permanent weight loss and disease prevention. In order for your metabolism to function properly, your system must be free of toxicity. How often have your tried to lose weight and your best efforts simply fell short? This is a classic sign of toxic overload. As you know your body is constantly working to protect you from harmful elements in the air, in the foods you eat, in the products you use, and the list goes on and on. However, your body cannot succeed by itself. It craves the help you are offering by making the proactive choice to detox and reset. This information is from who is an affiliate for our Purium Cleansing/Transformation Program 20 Energy Healing Services All sessions available over phone unless stated Life Shift Session- To open the third eye, separating you from the illusion that you're this body Reiki- Helps clean aura, balance chakras, and remove any blockages 10 Day Cleansing Program is shipped to you and I will coach you. All organic, vegan, and gmo-free. Lose 5-20 lbs, parasite component, reset metabolism and break bad food habit while detoxing. Intuitive angel readings & intuitive chakra nutrition readings Shirodhara Ayurveda Therapy: availble in person only Stimulates the 3rd eye and crown chakras, and awakens intuition and inner wisdom Relieves stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia through natural serotonin, dopamine, and melatonin release Helps mental focus and concentration Balances VATA DOSHA Works on the cerebral system, helps to relax the nervous system, and balances the 'Praan Vaayu' (life force energy) around the head Improves the sensitivity of five senses Reduces and relieves migraine headaches Decreases hair loss and fatigue and makes one calm and refreshed Deeply relaxes mind and body Releases negative emotions and thought patterns. Improves sleep patterns Rejuvenates the entire face and softens worry lines Heightens the senses Increases spiritual awareness Pacifies vata reducing anxiety, restlessness, irritability, nervousness, fear & excessive thinking Improves mental focus and concentration. 21 Energy Healing Services Aromatherapy Kits comes with 1 diffuser and 11 essential oils shipped to you. I will coach you with any questions. Food Addiction Analysis Reiki Certification (online available) For special pricing on in-home sessions please email. It's a day of fun self healing, includes Life Shift, Reiki, aromatherapy, meditation, Shirodhara Ayurveda Therapy, and intuitive readings. We offer energy healing workshops for groups settings online or in person For special pricing please email and be detailed about what you would like included from the list @ [email protected] Goddess Yadira or Add a little bit of body text @GoddessYadira & @SpiritualJunky Goddess Yadira 22 DISCLAIMER: Because lets face it, some people need to read one. I’m not a doctor. I’m not a dietician. I’m someone who likes to experiment. I only discuss my own experience and what worked for me or my family. If you need medical advice, find a local doctor or nutritionist to provide it for you. This is meant for educational and informational purposes only. I experiment, I'm not a doctor nor dietitian. I do not dispense advice on curing nor treating any health ailment or disease.Statements on this ebook have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products and/or information are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. Readers are advised to do their own research and make decisions in partnership with your health care provider. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition or are taking any medication, please consult your physician. Nothing you read here should be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis or courses of treatment. 23
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