conceptos generales y vocabulario básico de la electricidad
conceptos generales y vocabulario básico de la electricidad
CONCEPTOS GENERALES Y VOCABULARIO BÁSICO DE LA ELECTRICIDAD Inglés Técnico Ejercicios de Traducción, Comprensión y Asociación Visual V. M. Ortega Departamento de Estudios Generales y Básicos Vice-Rectorado Barquisimeto, Unexpo Barquisimeto, 2006 Dibujos: Jimmy Salcedo Tabla de Contenidos PREFACIO...............................................................................................................................................III INSTRUCCIONES PARA EL ALUMNO.............................................................................................IV I. ELECTRONS.........................................................................................................................................VI II. ATTRACTION AND REPULSION...................................................................................................10 III. CONNECTIONS AND EXTENSION...............................................................................................13 IV. POTENTIAL........................................................................................................................................19 V. CIRCUITS.............................................................................................................................................22 VI. VARIETIES OF CIRCUITS..............................................................................................................29 VII. OHM’S LAW.....................................................................................................................................38 VIII. ELECTRICAL WAVES..................................................................................................................46 IX. WAVE WORDS...................................................................................................................................51 X. MAGNETISM.......................................................................................................................................59 XI. COMPONENTS..................................................................................................................................71 ii PREFACIO Este folleto práctico ha sido elaborado primordialmente para el estudiante de Electricidad que ya tiene un conocimiento más o menos sólido de los elementos básicos del inglés escrito, y que desea o se ve obligado a consultar con cierta frecuencia revistas, manuales, textos, etc. relacionados con su carrera. El objeto del mismo es enseñarle el idioma tal como se usa en las disciplinas mencionadas, es decir, en los conceptos o tópicos fundamentales de este campo en particular. Es obvio, por lo tanto, que no se trata de enseñarle Electricidad, sino más bien entrenarle en la comprensión escrita del inglés a través de temas que él ya conoce en su propio idioma, evitando así que estos temas se conviertan en obstáculos para el aprendizaje lingüístico y al mismo tiempo reforzando esos mismos conocimientos al verlos ahora bajo una perspectiva diferente. El folleto es, como ya asomamos, eminentemente práctico. De hecho es un constante ejercicio de comprensión en diversas facetas, desde la primera página hasta la última. En él se incluye gran variedad de ítems para auto-evaluación, tanto escritos como gráficos, ya que se pretende establecer el mayor número posible de alternativas que ayuden al alumno a retener mejor ciertos conceptos y ciertos términos. La idea fundamental es darle al estudiante toda la laxitud posible para que pueda a su vez desarrollar su propio estilo o su propio modo de aprender. En cuanto a los contenidos, los mismos han sido revisados cuidadosamente por el Ing. Luis Roberti, del Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica del Vice-Rectorado Barquisimeto de la Unexpo, quien encontró que los contextos de Electricidad utilizados en este folleto se ajustan a la verdad científica tal y como se conoce actualmente en dicha área. iii INSTRUCCIONES PARA EL ALUMNO La mayoría de los ejercicios de los cuales consta este folleto se explican al comienzo de cada uno de ellos, sin embargo es bueno detallar uno poco más los procedimientos involucrados en los mismos. Vamos a hacerlo por partes, es decir, con cada tipo de ejercicio. Tipos de Ejercicio Colocar la expresión correspondiente en el espacio en blanco numerado (Técnica Cloze). Este ejercicio pretende evaluar su habilidad para hilvanar las ideas y vocablos de un trozo cualquiera. Por ello se espera que Ud., luego de analizar y estudiar cada uno de los términos dejados afuera, pueda colocarlos en el lugar más preciso de acuerdo al trozo. En los casos que presenten dificultades de una u otra índole, el profesor le ayudará a aclarar cualquier duda. De cualquier forma tiene a su disposición la grabación en cinta magnética de todos los temas del folleto, en dos velocidades: normal y lenta, con las cuales podrá comprobar la veracidad de lo hecho por Ud. Seleccionar la alternativa correcta que completa cada uno de los enunciados. En este tipo de ejercicio, que se denomina de alternativa o selección múltiple, Ud. tiene que escoger la alternativa que al unirse al enunciado dado, expresa una idea, concepto o afirmación válida o correcta. Se supone que las restantes alternativas son “falsas” y sólo están allí como distracciones para aquellos que no han entendido bien y/o tratan de adivinar la solución correcta. Marque verdadero (V) o falso (F). Es evidente que de lo que se trata es que Ud. determine si un enunciado equis dado es correcto o válido o si por el contrario es una falsedad o es parcialmente falso. Es decir que Ud. debe marcar como falso cualquier enunciado que no sea totalmente verdadero. Seleccionar la alternativa correcta que corresponde con el gráfico o dibujo dado. Este es parecido al anterior sólo que en vez de un enunciado al alumno se le da un dibujo o gráfico que representa un proceso, un esquema o cualquier concepto y debe escoger entre las cuatro alternativas cuál es la que corresponde con el dibujo o gráfico. Seleccionar la palabra o palabras que completan un enunciado. Este tipo de ejercicio también es de alternativa múltiple pero en él se han sacado una o dos palabras las cuales lo completan. El alumno debe determinar cuál(es) son esa(s) palabra(s) seleccionándola(s) de entre las alternativas dadas. Aparear definiciones de conceptos con el concepto mismo. Es decir, que el alumno debe “ponerle nombre” (de los dados en el ejercicio) a cada una de las definiciones o descripciones que se listan en el ejercicio. Este ejercicio es un poco más complicado ya que el alumno además de entender el inglés, debe también conocer los conceptos, o por lo menos debe investigarlos para así poder resolver el ejercicio satisfactoriamente. Traducir y/o definir vocablos. Este es otro ejercicio que tiene por objeto el que el alumno investigue más o menos con cierta profundidad sobre ciertos términos o iv vocablos, en diccionarios especializados, de manera que logre una mejor retención de lo que ellos significan y de su equivalencia en nuestra lengua. Ordenar frases y oraciones en su secuencia gramatical y retórica más adecuada, para formar párrafos coherentes. Este es un ejercicio que se puede hacer muy complicado. Se trata de ordenar frases u oraciones “desordenadas”, es decir, que se ha tomado un texto cualquiera y se ha cambiado el orden lógico de algunas oraciones, o se ha cambiado la secuencia, para que el alumno demuestre su habilidad de coherencia al reordenarlas tal como debe ser. Aquí el alumno debe recordar que las palabras escritas con mayúscula por lo general siempre comienzan una oración o frase, mientras que las palabras escritas en minúscula no. He allí un dato que puede servirle mucho en este tipo de ejercicio. Ponerle el nombre en español o en inglés a partes de aparatos, procesos, esquemas, etc. En este tipo de ejercicio se da un dibujo más o menos detallado de algo que tenga que ver con los temas tratados y se le pide al alumno que en la parte de abajo coloque el equivalente castellano de las partes numeradas en el dibujo o que determine el nombre en inglés de lo que el gráfico describe. Hay otros ejercicios, pero los mismos o son muy parecidos a algunos de los ya detallados aquí o se explican por sí solos. v I. ELECTRONS A. Coloque la expresión correspondiente en el espacio en blanco numerado (si es necesario escuche las grabaciones del tema). plus made up most hovers subatomic each other protons minus atom there What is an electron? First and (1) ___________________ important, an electron is a (2) ____________________ particle. It is one of the constituents of matter, one of the constituents of the (3) __________________. The others, remember, are the proton and the neutron. An electron (4) _________________ around the nucleus of an atom, and the nucleus is (5) _____________________ of a cluster of all the protons and neutrons of that atom. The protons have a positive, or (6) _____________________, neutrons of that atom. The electrons have a negative, or (7) _____________________, electrical charge. (8) ____________________ is always the same number of electrons as (9) ____________________ in an atom, so the electrical charges balance (10) _____________________, one plus for each minus. which outermost another may together but them tightly few none When many atoms get (11) _______________________ they form a material substance. This substance (12) _______________________ be crystalline or amorphous. In any material, (13) _______________________ more usually in one that is composed of crystals (as any metal is), the electrons (14) _____________ hover around the nucleus in the (15) _______________________ orbits, or shells, are not held very (16) _______________________, and they can move from one atom to (17) _______________________. These “loose” electrons are “available”. When there are a lot of (18) _______________________ in a material it is a conductor, when there are (19) _______________________ the material is an insulator, and when there are only a (20) _______________________, the material is a semi-conductor. vi slowly than beaters having on take jumpy one ever out Electrons are very nervous and (21) _______________________ and they move around all the time. They move quickly or (22) _______________________, but as they move they make lights go (23) _______________________, engines run, photographs play and egg (24) _______________________ beat eggs. They make more remarkable inventions work than Edison (25)_______________________ dreamt about, and they solve more mathematical problems (of certain sorts) (26) _______________________ the wisest mathematician could (27) _______________________ on in a million years. Electrons are always (28) _______________________ adventures, and they always come (29) _______________________ of adventures completely unchanged and ready for the next (30) _______________________. plugs than such tubes found circuit which middle through bulbs Electrons are (31) _______________________ in crystals, in chemical solutions, in the (32) _______________________ of the air, in vacuum, in conductors, resistors, semiconductors, capacitors, vacuum (33) ________________, transistors, rectifiers, thyratrons, transformers, motors, switches, relays, oscillators, , amplifiers, generators, inductors, coils, dynamos, spark (34) __________________, radios, television sets, dictaphones, computers, light (35) _____________________, photocells, phonographs, and many others. An electric current is nothing more (36) _______________________ the movement of a stream of electrons. We can make (37) _______________________ stream move in many kinds of gadgets, as we have seen. A system through (38)___________________ electrons move is called a (39)____________________. Basically, electronics is the study of the movements of electronic currents (40)_______________________ electric circuits. B. Determine si los enunciados siguientes son verdaderos (V) o falsos (F). 1 1. Electrons are also called negatrons. ______ 2. Electrons have approximately 1/1840th. the mass of a hydrogen atom. ______ 3. Electrons surround the positively charged nucleus but do not determine the chemical properties of the atom. ______ 4. Electrons are the smallest electric charge that can exist. ______ 5. Since by definition electrons only carry negative charges, positive electrons, or “positrons” are a theoretical impossibility. ______ 6. Electrons form the outer shell of an atom. ______ 7. However, electrons are not responsible for the bonds between atoms. _____ 8. An electron can attach itself to a neutral molecule to form a negative ion. ______ 9. Nevertheless, electrons are difficult to handle. That is why they cannot be used to weld or shape a piece of material. _____ C. Seleccione la alternativa correcta que completa cada uno de los siguientes enunciados: 1. Materials can be said to be insulators when… a. their electrons are “loose”. b. they do not have any electrons it all. c. their electrons are held very tight. d. they are crystalline or amorphous. 2. Electrons can move form one atom to another because they… a. are tightly held. b. hover around the nucleus. c. are “loose”. d. are composed of crystals. 2 3. Electric current can be briefly defined as a. nothing more than movement. b. new and old electrons flowing in one direction. c. a system of circuits. d. a stream of electrons moving. 4. Electrons are much more mobile that protons because a. they maintain an electrical balance. b. protons are 1840 times more massive. c. of their negative charge. d. they cause all the electrical effects. 5. A body said to contain an excess of electrons a. when it is negatively charged. b. when it is positively charged. c. when they are “loose”. d. when the electron content is lacking. 6. Charges of electricity are __________________ generated by frictional processes and the like. a. never b. sometimes c. quite often d. always 7. The force of gravity and electrical forces are a. just about the same principle. b. similar in certain aspects. c. totally different things. d. both due to electrical charges. 8. Electron affinity is the work needed in removing an electron from a negative ion, thus _______________________ the neutrality of an atom or molecule. a. unbalancing b. dividing c. upsetting d. restoring 3 9. An electron has a spin of a. one half b. one fourth c. one sixth d. one eighth 10. Electron diffraction is a phenomenon associated with the interference processes which occur ____________________ electrons are scattered by atoms in crystals to forms diffraction patterns. a. because b. when c. before d. after B. Cada uno de estos conceptos electron beam electron flow electron band electron coupling electron emission electron charge electron drift electron avalanche electron gun Corresponde con una de las definiciones dadas a continuación. Coloque el nombre adecuado en cada uno de los espacios en blanco numerados, de acuerdo con la definición, por supuesto. 1. ___________________________________ The chain reaction started when one free electron collides with one or more orbiting electrons and frees them. The free electrons then free others in the same manner, and so on. 2. ___________________________________ A spectrum space composed of molecules that is usually found in the visible or the ultraviolet because of the electron transition taking place within the molecule. 3. ___________________________________ A narrow system of electrons moving in the same direction under the influence of an electric or magnetic field. 4. ___________________________________ 4 Also called elementary charge. The charge of a single electron. Its value is 1,60219 x 10-19 coulomb, the fundamental unit of electrical charge. 5. ___________________________________ In vacuum (principally multigrid) tubes, the transfer of energy between electrodes as electrons leave one and go to the other. 6. ___________________________________ The movement of electrons in a definite direction through a conductor, as opposed to the haphazard transfer of energy from one electron to another by collision. 7. ___________________________________ The freeing of electrons into space from the surface of a body under the influence of heat, light, impact, chemical, disintegration, or a potential difference. 8. ___________________________________ The movement of electrons from a negative or a positive point in a metal or other conductor, or form a negative to a positive electrode through a liquid, gas or vacuum. 9. ___________________________________ An electrode structure which produces and may control focus and may deflect and converge one or more electron beams. (1) Alkaline Cell ______________________________ 5 (2) Cap ________________________ (3) Insulator ________________________ (4) Anode ________________________ (5) Anode Collector ____________________________________ (6) Metal Bottom ______________________________________ (7) Insulator ____________________________ (8) Cathode ___________________________ (9) Mix ________________________ 6 (1) _____________________________ (7) _____________________________ (2) _____________________________ (8) _____________________________ (3) _____________________________ (9) _____________________________ (4) _____________________________ (10) ____________________________ (5) _____________________________ (11) ____________________________ (6) _____________________________ 7 (1) Lead-acid cell ______________________________ (2) Seal Nut _________________________________ (3) Post ____________________________________ (4) Vent Plug _______________________________ (5) Filling tube ______________________________ (6) Post gasket ______________________________ (7) Negative strap ____________________________ (8) Level of electrolyte ___________________________ (9) Negative plate ________________________________ (10) Sediment space ____________________________ (11) Rib ________________________________ (12) Case ___________________________ (13) Wood separator __________________________________________ (14) Rubber separator _________________________________________ (15) Positive Plate ______________________________________ (16) Positive Strap ______________________________________ 8 (1) _____________________________ (7) _____________________________ (2) _____________________________ (8) _____________________________ (3) _____________________________ (9) _____________________________ (4) _____________________________ (10) ____________________________ (5) _____________________________ (11) ____________________________ (6) _____________________________ (12) ____________________________ 9 II. ATTRACTION AND REPULSION A. Coloque la expresión correspondiente en el espacio en blanco numerado. carry some toward makes done called that since Here are some things that can be (1) ______________________ with electrons. We know that electrons (2) ______________________ a negative charge (3) _________________________ opposites attract, if the negative electricity sees (4) ___________________ positive electricity in the neighbourhood, it will be attracted by it and move (5) __________________ it. We know already that this movement of electrons is (6) ___________________ an electric current. The important fact now is (7) __________________ it is the presence of positive charge that (8) ____________________ the electrons move. Making chemically As Expose all electrodes pile up attach One way to (9) _________________ electrons to positive electricity is to (10) ___________________ a conductor (which is full of loose electrons) to a battery. A battery, (11) _____________ you know, is a device that “makes electricity” (12) _____________________. FIG. 1: THE BATTERY 10 It has a way of (13) ______________________ positive chemical ions congregate at one side of it and negative chemical ions (14) ___________________ at the other side. These two sides are contacts, or terminals, or connections, or (15)____________________ (in electronics these words (16) __________________ have the same meaning), and there is a positive electrode and a negative electrode (see Fig. 1). pulling any than while through end such as named when gather if force If a typical conductor of electricity (17) ________________ a copper wire is attached to the positive (18) ________________ of a battery, there is a “rush” of free electrons (19) ______________________ the conductor to the positive electrode of the battery (20) _____________________ it is a strong battery, it will (21) __________________ a great number of loose electrons (22) ______________ if it is a wak battery. This electrical (23) ____________________ “force” is called voltage, (24) _____________ after the Italian Count Alessandro Volta. Voltage “pulls” electrons. (25) __________________ you pull a weight with a rope you are pulling a mechanical (26) ____________________: when you pull electrons with a positive electricity you are pulling with an electrical force (27) _______________ a mechanical force can pull (28) _______________ object, an electrical force can only pull something that is charged electrically. B. Determine si los enunciados siguientes son verdaderos (V) o falsos (F). 1. In electricity, a battery can be defined as a series of distillation columns or other processing equipment operated as a single unit. _____________ 2. Voltage is the potential difference or electromotive force measured in volts. ________________ 3. Electrons travelling through an isolating wire form an electric current. _______________ 4. Electrons move because voltage from a battery or a wall outlet has been applied to the ends of the wire. _______________ 5. An isolator has to be full of electrons to be able to isolate. ____________ 6. Contacts and terminals, in electricity, are not the same thing. _________ C. Seleccione la alternativa correcta que completa cada uno de los siguientes enunciados: 11 1. If two electrodes of different metals such as copper and zinc are dipped into a solution such as sulphuric acid which attacks the zinc, chemical action a. maintains the potential balanced b. jeeps the potential from changing c. step up a difference potential d. remains neutral 2. When two points, between which a difference of potential is maintained, are connected by an electrical conductor, a. electrical charges are established b. electrical charges are neutralized c. the potential changes immediately d. nothing new really happens 3. If the two electrodes in a battery are connected externally a current of electricity is established through the wire _________________ through the battery. a. but not b. and also c. as well as d. going 12 III. CONNECTIONS AND EXTENSION A. Coloque la expresión correspondiente en el espacio en blanco numerado (si es necesario escuche las grabaciones del tema). pulled as though at has makes become happens was less Something very interesting (1) _______________ to the battery when the conducting wire is attached (2) ________________ the positive electrode. Because electrons are (3) __________________ toward the positive electrode of the battery, the rest of the wire, all the way to the end, now he haves (4) ___________________ it is a positive as the battery electrode (5) __________________ at the point of attachment. Since the end of the wire (6) _________________ been robbed of some of its electrons, it has (7) _______________ negative electrical charge in it than it had previously. That (8) _________________ it positive, the end of the wire has thus (9) ___________________ an extension of the terminal of the battery. loose will anyone as far as said been conducting When an electrician attaches a wire an electrode that has voltage in it, the wire is (10) _________________________ to become “live”. The live voltage has (11) ___________________ brought to a new place, the end of the wire. If (12)____________________ then touches the wire he will “feel” the voltage: he (13) ___________________ get an electric shock. In the same way, you can attach the (14) ________________ wire to the other side of the battery, the negative side, (15) _________________ in Fig. 2. Then the negative terminal of the battery will “push” the (16) _______________ electrons in the conductor away from the battery, (17) __________________ as they can go into the wire. 13 FIG. 2: THE BATTERY take on Repel as previous before added The phenomenon described in the (18) ____________________ paragraph happens because similar (19) ___________________ each other. Then the end of the wire will (20) _____________________ the same electrical charge that the battery terminal has (21) ___________________ the wire was attached. Again the conducting wire (22) _____________________ to a battery terminal has acted (23)___________________ an extension of the terminal. B. Determine si los enunciados siguientes son verdaderos (V) o falsos (F). 1. A connector is a coupling device. _____________ 2. A connector provides an electrical and/or mechanical junction between two cables but not between a cable and a chassis or enclosure. ______________ 3. A connector is a device that provides rapid connection and disconnection of electrical cable and wire terminations. _______________ 4. A connector can also be described as a plug or receptable which can be easily joined to or separated from its mate. ______________ 14 5. Multiple contact connectors join two or more conductors with others in one mechanical assembly. ______________ 6. The combination of a mated plug and a receptable is called connector France. ________________ 7. A connector assembly is a projection that extends from or around the periphery of a connector and incorporates provisions for mounting the connector to a panel. __________________ C. Seleccione la alternativa correcta que corresponde con la gráfica dada: 1. a. Armstrong oscillator b. Center-tap connection c. Audio-amplifier d. Cage antenna 2. a. Diplexer circuit b. Anderson bridge c. Parallel-connected resistor d. Capacitance divider 3. a. Open-circuit jack b. Commutation capacitor c. ATR tube d. Cathode follower 4. a. Coincidence circuit b. Synchronous vibrator c. Transformer d. Pad 15 (1) _____________________________ (6) _____________________________ (2) _____________________________ (7) _____________________________ (3) _____________________________ (8) _____________________________ (4) _____________________________ (9) _____________________________ (5) _____________________________ 16 (1) _____________________________ (6) _____________________________ (2) _____________________________ (7) _____________________________ (3) _____________________________ (8) _____________________________ (4) _____________________________ (9) _____________________________ (5) _____________________________ 17 What kind of capacitor is this? (In English) _________________________________ (1) _____________________________ (7) _____________________________ (2) _____________________________ (8) _____________________________ (3) _____________________________ (9) _____________________________ (4) _____________________________ (10) ____________________________ (5) _____________________________ (11) ____________________________ (6) _____________________________ 18 IV. POTENTIAL A. Coloque la expresión correspondiente en el espacio en blanco numerado. moving readiness it at where becomes Shock Into just like If you put your fingers at a point (1) ___________________ there is voltage, you will get a (2) ___________________. In other words, the voltage at the end of a battery terminal (or (3) ___________________ the end of a wire connected to it) is “sitting there” in (4) _________________ to be used. But until you touch it (5)_________________ is not being used it is potential. Potential is an important word to the electrical engineer. It is his way of saying “static”, not (6) ___________________ but ready to move. When it does move, it (7) ________________ “dynamic”. In fact, electricity (8) ______________ mechanics and hydraulics, can be divided (9) ___________________ statics and dynamics: electrostatics and electrodynamics. acting often once back when becomes used as over means Coming (10) _________________ to the word potential, the electrical engineer will (11) ___________________ say things like “a pint has potential of 200 volts” what he (12) ___________________ is that there is a voltage ready to act at that point, potentially ready (13) ___________________ it acts, it will move electrons through wires, (14) ___________________ distances. Now remember, motion is caused by force, and force (15) ________________________ over distance is energy. (16) ________________________ the energy is set free to act it (17) ___________________ kinetic, dynamic or active, energy. Do not forget then that the word “potential” can be (18) ___________________ a noun to mean “voltage”, poised and ready to leap. 19 B. Answer the following questions: 1. What is the net result when one electrode pushes an electron and the other pulls it? The net result is ___________________ to the right 2. In the case of spherical conductor the charges arrange themselves uniformly, but if the conductor displays an irregularly shaped surface, such as the one shown in the picture, the charges tend to crow at pointed protection. To what is this due? It is due to ________________________________ C. Cada uno de estos conceptos: potential transforms potential gradient potential barrier potential drop potential coil potential difference potential divider potential wells potential energy Corresponde con una de las definiciones dadas a continuación. Coloque el número adecuado en cada uno de los espacios en blanco numerados, de acuerdo con la definición. 20 1. ___________________________ The difference in potential between the two ends of a resistance with a current flowing through it. 2. ___________________________ A voltage placed on MIS capacitor electrodes causes a voltage gradient zone to be formed under the electrode so as to collect minority carriers. 3. ___________________________ Force due to the position of one body with respect to another or to the relative parts of the same body. 4. ___________________________ A voltage existing between two points (e.g. the voltage drop across an impendence, from one end to another). 5. ___________________________ A semiconductor region through which electric charges attempting to pass will encounter opposition and may be turned back. 6. ___________________________ The shunt winding in a measuring instrument or other device having series and shunt windings - i.e. the winding connected across the circuit and affected by changes in voltage. 7. ___________________________ An instrument whose primary winding is connected in parallel with the circuit whose voltage is to be measured or controlled. 8. ___________________________ The rate of change of potential with distance. Units such as volts per meter or kilovolts per centimeter may be used. 9. ___________________________ A resistor or reactor connected across a voltage and tapped to make fixed or variable fraction of the applied voltage available. Also known under other names. 21 V. CIRCUITS A. Coloque la expresión correspondiente en el espacio en blanco numerado (si es necesario escuche las grabaciones del tema). pushes out into both in moving each as are There is one more thing we can do with a wire and a battery. We can attach (1) ________________ ends of the wire to the battery, one for (2) ______________ terminal. What happens now? If the positive electrode of the battery is pulling the electrons (3) ______________________ and the negative electrode of the battery is pushing them (4) ____________________ from the other end, then the push and the pull (5) _____________________ both in the same direction and the net result is motion. Figure 3 shows the total effect when the wire is attached to both terminals of the battery (6) _________________ the positive terminal pull and the negative terminal (7) _____________________, the electrons move through the wire, go inside the battery (where they keep (8) ________________________ and then go back out of the negative terminal and (9) ________________________ the conductor again. FIG. 3 22 pilling up as long just go Always lasts most ends up himself When connected in this way, the electrons (10) ____________________ around and around. This is the opposite of electrons (11) ____________________ in the wires. That was static, this is dynamics. This keeps happening. (12) ____________________ as the connection hold and as long as the battery (13) ____________________, the electrons move as an electric current, round and round and round and round again, (14) ____________________ in the same path. This path has a name that is (15) ____________________ important it is a circuit (which means a path that (16) ____________________ where to started). The electrical engineer who specializes in circuits calls (17) ____________________ a circuit engineer and the work he is doing is circuitry. falls across why such a Different circuits have burns up if together different melting loop which names. The short little loop (18)__________________ connects the terminals in Fig. 3 is called just that, a loop. It is sol easy for electrons to travel in a (19) __________________ that they may go in so much of a rush that the wire of the loop (20) __________________. When a circuit burns up we say that it is a short circuit or a short. (21) __________________ a wire (22) __________________ two points in an electrical appliance that are not usually connected (23) __________________ there may be a rush of current through the short circuit (or short cut) overheating and (24)________________ of the wire (burnout) is the result. There is one of the reasons (25) _________________ a toaster or a broiler or radio (26)__________________ not work. On the other hand, a circuit can be very complicated with all kind of long parallel or series (27) _________________ and branches and loops and alternate paths; it may (28) _________________ be called a network. Sometimes even networks have networks; (29) __________________ system may be called a mesh. Both most circuits are just called circuits. This is the cross section of an interrupter typical for a __________________________________________ 23 or if as they and so such as break in so that go back move through heat up keep going run by back into As electrons move from one terminal of a battery, (or other source of electrons, (30) ___________________ wall outlets) through a conducting wire, and (31) ________________ the terminal at the other end, over and over again, (32)__________________ pass certain points they may make certain useful things happen. What can the electrons do “in passing”? Well, as they (33) _____________ a toaster they (34) _________________ there in the toaster and they make toast; after have completed this task, they just (35) _________________ to the place they started, (36) _________________ they can (37) _________________ round and round some more. In fact if you do not eventually “open”, or make a (38)______________, the circuit (39) _________________ the toaster doesn’t turn itself off the toast burns. In the same way, other circuits create heat for electric bankers and electric stoves. Electrons can also move through an electric motor and causer a shaft to run around (40) _________________ you have electric fans, electric subway trains, electric elevators, electric mixers, electric washing machines, and all kinds of electric appliances (41) _________________ motors. still going as waves they do as electrons to them for more 24 as they spread out out of Electrons also can move through radio tubes and transistors (42)________________ move through these elements they are bunched up and then (43) __________________ thin that is they move (44) ____________________ the results are sound out of radios and pictures (45) ___________________ television. These motions of electrons are very complex, (46) ____________________ complex than any motion in an electric blanket or in a toaster. But no matter how complicated a job (47) ____________________ the electrons in your radio or television set are (48) ____________________ round and round in circuits. (49) ____________________ move in circuits they also get certain jobs done they toast bread an run radios. They also have thing done (50) _____________ they go into an amplifier circuit at low potential and come out at high potential. Electrons can “switch” too with an electric switch. B. Seleccione la alternativa correcta que completa cada uno de los siguientes enunciados: 1. In order to form an electric current electrons have to travel through… a. an isolating wire b. a conducting wire c. a dividing wire d. a switching wire 2. Electrons move because voltage from a battery or a wall outlet has been… a. applied to the ends of the wire b. taken from the ends of the wire c. isolated from the ends of the wire d. switched from the ends to middle of the wire 3. If you touch a pint where there is a rather high voltage you… a. might get a shock b. could get a shock c. should get a shock d. will get a shock 4. Electrons travel only in continuous that end up… 25 a. just above anywhere b. at the other end of the path c. just where they start d. just about halfway from the start 5. The continuous paths through which electrons travel are called… a. conductors b. inductors c. circuits d. isolators 6. The science of connecting sources of voltage and net works of wires to from useful circuits is called… a. electricity b. network technology c. circuitry d. electrotechnics 7. Circuits, in order to function properly, should be formed a. only in simple loops b. only in complex networks c. either in loops, networks or meshes d. only in horizontal lines 8. If there is break in a circuit (an open circuit), there is potential (another word for voltage) at the point of the break but… a. no current flows b. current keeps flowing c. some current flows d. there is also a current overflow 26 9. In the following list circle the appliance or instrument that does not function as a result of current flow… a. light bulb b. radio sot c. hand fan d. car engine C. Marque verdadero (V) o falso (F) 1. Each type of circuit performs a job that is in some way different from all others. _________ 2. The most important fact about a circuit is that when current flows, useful results may be obtained. _________ 3. If you touch a point where there is voltage you could get a shock. _________ 4. Electrons travel only in continuous paths that not necessarily end up where they start. _________ 5. These continuous paths are called conductors. _________ 6. A circuit can be very simple, like a loop, or very complex, like a network or mesh. _________ 7. Circuitry is the science of connecting sources of voltage and networks of wires to form useful circuits. _________ 8. If there is a break in a circuit (an open circuit), there is potential (another word for voltage) at the point of the break, but no current flows. _________ 27 D. Responda las siguientes interrogantes de acuerdo con la representación anterior: 1. How is this type of graphic representation called in circuitry? It is called a ______________________________________ 2. What does it represent? It represents a _____________________________________ 28 VI. VARIETIES OF CIRCUITS As might be expected, certain combinations of circuit components are more common than others, and have come to be known by characteristics names - names that either describes something that the circuits do or immortalized the names of circuits’ inventors. Here is a list of some circuits that you probably have met in your work or in your studies in the electronic field. The list does not include every possible circuit known, only the more common ones. We are going to group these different types of circuits according to certain grammatical characteristics in order to facilitate their apprehending by the student. Group 1, for instance, includes all those terms that are the same or very similar orthographically to the corresponding terms in terms in Spanish. For that reason we don not think it is necessary to do any kind of exercises regarding them. Integrator Oscillator Detector comparator demodulator diferenciator multivibrator discriminator modulator accumulator avalanche binary memory series regenerative degenerative resonant stabilization parallel equivalent armstrong miller eccle-jordan hartley colpitts franklin Group 2 includes all those terms that end in - ing. That is to say those are active participles modifying the word circuit. limiting chopping clipping clamping squaring counting switching multiplying dividing generating 29 rectifying adding gating regulating synchronizing Group 3 includes those terms that end in -er, that is nouns that modify the word circuit. doubler amplifier mixer trigger inverter limiter scaler filter trippler A. Determine la función de cada uno de los circuitos listados en los grupos 2 y 3. Para esto determine primero el verbo (forma infinitivo) del cual se deriva cada uno de los términos. Ejemplo: Término: clipping circuit Verbo: to clip (forma infinitiva) Significado: recortar (en electrónica) Por lo tanto el clipping circuit tiene como función específica recortar y se puede traducir como circuitos de recorte. Grupo 2 1. limiting _________________________________________________ 2. chopping ________________________________________________ 3. clipping recortar; circuito de recorte . 4. clamping ________________________________________________ 5. squaring ________________________________________________ 6. counting ________________________________________________ 7. switching _______________________________________________ 8. multiplying _____________________________________________ 9. dividing ________________________________________________ 10. generating ______________________________________________ 11. rectifying _______________________________________________ 12. adding _________________________________________________ 13. gating __________________________________________________ 14. regulating _______________________________________________ 15. synchronizing ____________________________________________ 30 Grupo 3 16. doubler _________________________________________________ 17. amplifier ________________________________________________ 18. mixer __________________________________________________ 19. trigger __________________________________________________ 20. inverter _________________________________________________ 21. limiter __________________________________________________ 22. scaler __________________________________________________ 23. filter ___________________________________________________ 24. trippler _________________________________________________ In group 4 we are going to include those terms that are simple nouns functioning as adjectives modifying the word circuit. star tank cascade delay delta storage screen synch loop network bridge decade sweep wye B. Determine la función específica de cada uno de los circuitos listados en el grupo 4 y su traducción al castellano. 25. star ____________________________________________________ 26. tank ____________________________________________________ 27. cascade _________________________________________________ 28. delay ___________________________________________________ 29. delta ___________________________________________________ 30. storage _________________________________________________ 31. screen __________________________________________________ 32. synch __________________________________________________ 33. loop ____________________________________________________ 34. network _________________________________________________ 35. bridge __________________________________________________ 36. decade __________________________________________________ 37. sweep __________________________________________________ 31 38. wye ____________________________________________________ Group 5 includes all those circuits varieties whose names are formed by two or name words. feedback push-pull delta- star stagger-tuned delay line flip-flop relation oscillator phase shifter delta-wye blocking oscillator direct-coupled saw-tooth generator delta-zig-zag remote cutoff transmission line video amplifier audio amplifier superheterodyne cathode follower C. Describa la función específica de cada uno de los circuitos listados en el grupo 5 y traduzca los términos al castellano. 39. feedback ________________________________________________ 40. push-pull ________________________________________________ 41. delta- star _______________________________________________ 42. stagger-tuned ____________________________________________ 43. delay line _______________________________________________ 44. flip-flop ________________________________________________ 45. relation oscillator _________________________________________ 46. phase shifter _____________________________________________ 47. delta-wye _______________________________________________ 48. direct-coupled ____________________________________________ 49. saw-tooth generator _______________________________________ 50. delta-zig-zag _____________________________________________ 51. remote cutoff ____________________________________________ 52. transmission line _________________________________________ 53. video amplifier ___________________________________________ 54. audio amplifier ___________________________________________ 55. superheterodyne __________________________________________ 56. cathode follower __________________________________________ 57. blocking oscillator ________________________________________ 32 D. Seleccione el tipo correcto de circuito representado en cada uno de los siguientes gráficos: 1. a. flip-flop b. delta-zig-zag c. capacitance-coupled d. Franklin 2. a. push-pull b. demodulator c. gating d. inductance-coupled 3. a. direct-coupled b. bridged-t-network c. saw-tooth generator d. capacitance-coupled 4. a. attenuator network b. Hartley c. inductance-coupled d. video amplifier 5. a. Miller b. delta-zig-zag c. Darlington amplifier d. binary 6. a. full-wave rectifier b. relation oscillator c. mixer d. delay line 33 7. a. Eccles-Jordan b. Cascade c. Rectifying d. H-network 8. a. colpitts b. integrating c. scaler d. limiting 9. a. comparator b. Franklin c. memory d. inverter 10. a. o-network b. squaring c. doubler d. feedback 11. a. parallel-resonant b. phase shifter c. parallel-t network d. multivibrator 34 12. a. remote cutoff b. trigger c. tuned d. Pi network 13. a. sweep b. series c. storage d. transmission line a. wye 14. b. triac c. delta d. simple switch a. T-network 15. b. Loop c. counting d. accumulator 16. a. Anderson bridge b. blocking oscillator c. wheatstone bridge d. differentiator 17. a. clipping b. capacitance-divider c. equivalent d. integrator 18. a. video amplifier b. sample and hold c. stabilization d. chopping What is the name in English for this device? ________________________________________ 35 (1) _____________________________ (8) _____________________________ (2) _____________________________ (9) _____________________________ (3) _____________________________ (10) ____________________________ (4) _____________________________ (11) ____________________________ (5) _____________________________ (12) ____________________________ (6) _____________________________ (13) ____________________________ (7) _____________________________ (14) ____________________________ 36 (1) _____________________________ (6) _____________________________ (2) _____________________________ (7) _____________________________ (3) _____________________________ (8) _____________________________ (4) _____________________________ (9) _____________________________ (5) _____________________________ 37 VII. OHM’S LAW A. Coloque la expresión correspondiente en el espacio en blanco numerado (si es necesario escuche las grabaciones del tema). get an idea A narrow one If you think that lead to A measure of named after as you know who contributed specific what is meant flows more easily dealing with he did much quite a few four-lane road (1) ____________________, some words that you will encounter over and over again in material (2) ____________________ electricity are derived from the of four physicists (3) ____________________ to the study of various aspects of electricity. The coulomb (4) ____________________ the Frenchman Charles Augustin de Coulomb (1736-1806), is a (5) ____________________ of electrons actually, it is (6) ____________________ billion electrons. An abcoulomb is ten coulombs. An ohm is (7) ____________________ the resistance that something offers to the flow of electric current. It is named after the German physicist George Simon Ohm (1787-1854). You will (8) _______________ of (9) ________________________________________ by electrical resistance (10)____________________ about cars moving on a crowded highway. Cars can flow faster on a highway with four lanes that on one with only one lane. The (11)____________________ offers less “resistance” than the one-lane road does. Similarly, an electric current (12) ____________________ through a wire that through (13) ____________________ current (12) ____________________ through a wide wire than through (13) ____________________ current. The unit of resistance is named after Ohm because (14) ____________________ of the fundamental experimental work (15) ____________________ the understanding of the concept. 38 also known as past a point spelled backwards bound together named after it turns out for example and so on we said that a unit for a concept with also given in As (16) ____________________, the opposite (or inverse, as the physicist would say) of resistance also is (17) ____________________ physical significance. It called conductance and is measured in MHOS (that as you already know, is OHM (18) ____________________). Mathematically, xohm 1 mhos x So (19) ___________________, anything that has 0.1 mhos of conductance has 10 ohms of resistance. An ampere is (20) ____________________ current flow. When 1 coulomb of electrons flows (21) ____________________ in one second, you have an electric current of 1 ampere. The ampere is (22) ____________________ André Marie Ampére, who was a French physicist (1775-1836). From the last section you may remember the volt (named after the Italian ount Alessandro Volta, 1745-1827). There “voltage” in a battery. Voltage is (24)____________________ electromotive force or emf or EMF or e.m.f., so these are (25) ____________________ volts. This international quartet of physicists is (26) ____________________ by law which is named Ohm: Ohm’s law. It says that: A coulomb per second - that is, an ampere - will flow through a conducting wire of resistance of the one ohm, when pushed with a force of one volt. Then, if there are 2 volts, there will be 2 amperes, and if there are 3 volts there will be “amps”, (27) ____________________. 39 B. Seleccione la alternativa correcta que completa cada uno de los enunciados siguientes: 1. If there are 2 ohms there will be ____________________ the resistance that there was to start and the flow will be ____________________ of what it was at first, or half an ampere. a. half, twice b. half, half c. twice, half d. twice, twice 2. If you plug a toaster into an electrical socket and the toaster has ten ohms of resistance, the amount of current “drawn” or pulled from the socket so that the voltage be 110 should be. a. one ampere b. eleven amperes c. one hundred ampere d. one hundred-twenty amperes 3. A coulomb is a unit that represents a certain number of: a. Volts b. Amperes c. Ohms d. Electrons 4. The unit that describes the resistance to current flow offered by a conductor is the: a. Ohm b. Ampere c. Volt d. Mho C. Marque verdadero (V) o falso (F) 1. An ampere is a unit that describes the rate of flow of electrons. _________ 2. A volt measures electromotive force but this force is not equivalent to voltage. _________ 40 3. Resistance to the flow of electrical current is also measured in mhos. _________ 4. Resistance is a property of substances that results in the dissipation of power in the form of heat. _________ 5. The resistance of conductors depends not on their dimensions, material and temperature but on their availability. _________ 6. Resistance is also the name given to a circuit element designed to offer a predetermined resistance to current. _________ 7. Voltage can be said to be electrical pressure. _________ D. Cada uno de estos conceptos: conductance ohmic ampere-turn resistance box voltage amplifier conducted heat voltage attenuation resistance coupling resistance balance conduction current resistance furnace voltage gradient Corresponde con una de las definiciones dadas a continuación. Coloque el número adecuado en cada uno de los espacios en blanco numerados, de acuerdo con la definición. 1. ___________________________ A device used specifically to increase voltage. It is usually capable of delivering only a small current. 2. ___________________________ Ratio of the voltage across the input of a transducer, to the voltage delivered to a specified load impendence connected to the transducer. 3. ___________________________ The amount of resistance which is required to null the output of certain transducers or input systems. 4. ___________________________ An assembly of resistors and the necessary switching or other means for changing the resistance connected across its input terminals by known, fixed amounts. 41 5. ___________________________ The association of circuits with one another by means of the mutual resistance between circuits. 6. ___________________________ The voltage per unit length along a resistor or other conductive path. 7. ___________________________ An electric device in with the heat is developed by the passage of current through a suitable resistor, which may be charge itself or a resistor imbedded in or surrounding the charge. 8. ___________________________ A measure of magnetomotive force, especially as developed by an electrician, defined as magnetomotive force developed by a coil of one turn through which a current of one ampere flows; that is, 1.26 Gilberts. 9. ___________________________ In an element device, branch, network or system, the physical property that is the factor by which the square of an instantaneous voltage must be multiplied to give the corresponding energy lost by dissipation as heat or other permanent radiation or by loss of electromagnetic energy from the circuit. 10. ___________________________ Thermal energy transferred by thermal conduction. 11. ___________________________ The power flow parallel to the direction of propagation, expressed in mhos/meter. 12. ___________________________ The energy imparted to charged particles as they respond to an electric field and make collisions with other particles. 42 E. Seleccione la alternativa correcta que corresponde con la representación gráfica dada: 1. a. voltage-regulator tube b. tube socket c. tube tester d. tube shield 2. a. double-pole switch b. simple switch c. vacuum tube switch d. torac switch 3. a. owen bridge b. wheatstone bridge c. Anderson bridge d. Kelvin bridge 4. a. coupling capacitor b. RC coupling c. RC circuit d. RC amplifier 43 (1) ___________________________ (6) ___________________________ (2) ___________________________ (7) ___________________________ (3) ___________________________ (8) ___________________________ (4) ___________________________ (9) ___________________________ (5) ___________________________ (10) __________________________ 44 (1) ___________________________ (8) ___________________________ (2) ___________________________ (9) ___________________________ (3) ___________________________ (10) __________________________ (4) ___________________________ (11) __________________________ (5) ___________________________ (12) __________________________ (6) ___________________________ (13) __________________________ (7) ___________________________ (14) __________________________ 45 VIII. ELECTRICAL WAVES A. Coloque la expresión correspondiente en el espacio en blanco numerado (si es necesario escuche las grabaciones del tema). may be called flows out and which one back to plus it is as though wave phenomenon voltage supplying it changing its mind like those of words of waves comes out of do minus and back do the terms… straightforward surge indeed they do Electricity is a (1) _____________________. But is does not need to be all the time. Electricity from a battery is not a wave. It (2) _____________________ of a battery in a simple, (3) _____________________ or flow-in a direct current. But most of our electricity (4) _____________________ well plugs, and is not direct current. It is alternating current. And alternating current alternates in waves. What is alternating current? A current alternates when the (5)_____________________ is alternating. This means that the voltage keeps changing from plus to minus, (6) _____________________ again, and so on. These changes from plus (7) _____________________ are known as changes of polarity. (8) _____________________ the battery pictured if Fig. 3 were to keep (9)_____________________ about which terminal should be the positive terminal (10) _____________________ should be the negative terminal, and was changing its mind very quickly, and regularly. That is, repeated and periodic changes of direction (11) _____________________ the pendulum. So each periodic change of polarity may be called a cycle, or an oscillation, and the time of each cycle (12)_____________________ a period. These are the familiar (13)_____________________ the same words you meet in acoustics, mechanics, optics and heat. (14) _____________________, amplitude, wavelength, phase, frequency and other related terms apply here too? (15) _____________________. The universe keeps the same patterns over and over and over again. 46 One of the oldest carried from From plus to minus when you want set up There is still that is why if direct current driven by water roughly explain that are used one very important making-electricity loop of wire how large so that as who even heard question to be answered: (16)_____________________ of battery that keeps changing its terminals (17)_____________________ and minus to plus? There is not such a battery; but there is something else; the dynamo or generator. A dynamo or generator is another way (19) _____________________ to make large quantities of electricity. Before we (20) __________________________ what a generator is, let’s first point out that most of the machines invented by man go round and round. (21) _____________________ the wheel is considered the greatest of our inventions. It is so much a part of so many things. Probably (22)_____________________ ways to get wheels to go round and round is by using water power. In Fig. 4 we can see how a waterwheel, that is, a wheel (23)_____________________ power, works. No matter (24)_____________________ a waterwheel is (and some (25)_________________ in modern power stations are truly enormous), it always works in a similar way. A waterwheel may be attached to a (26) _____________________ (or, if it is a large wheel, to many loops of wire). If the loops are arranged (27)_____________________ they turn they move past a magnet, an electric current is (28) _____________________ in the wire. A generator, then ordinarily produces alternating current. The current is (29) _____________________ by electrical contacts called brushes. (30) _____________________ is desired; it can be obtained from the same generator by inserting a commutator. 47 as a result leads us if we want one of which put into may not want and so on for each one what if phase changing works backwards of both that is what the one out of the other which may be in order to when compared That last paragraph in the previous section brings us to electric motors. Motors are everywhere. Most ordinary modern homes certain do tens of motors: in refrigerators, electrics fans, electric mixers, hair dyers, phonograph turntables, can openers, washing machines, (31) _____________________. What is a motor? It is a generator or dynamo that (32) _____________________ if we turn a wheel (with water power) we can get electricity out; in the same way if electricity is (33)_____________________ a wheel, it turns. And (34) _____________________ all motors do. They round and round and round and do useful work (35)_____________________ of our feeding electricity to them. This (36) _____________________ into rectification. What is this? Electrical engineers and physicists make good use (37) _____________________ direct current and alternating current. There are special uses (38)_____________________ and the engineer uses (39) _____________________ he needs for particular job. He has invented many ways to make one (40)_____________________, for example, your automobile has a battery and that gives direct current but your car radio (41) _____________________ direct current. So your car may have an alternator or a converter or a vibrator, any (42)_____________________ can convert direct current into alternating current. (43) _____________________ the engineer has alternating current and he wants to convert it into a direct current? He may use a rectifier, (44)_____________________ part of a power supply. We even have devices (circuits) that can make alternating waves alternate “too late” or “too soon” (45)_____________________ with other electrical waves. These waves are “out of phase” or, like some music, out of tune. (46) _____________________ waves to be out of phase on purpose, a (47) _____________________ circuit or network or a delay line, may be used (48) _____________________ make the waves lead or lag. 48 the greater on the ones how high faster set A higher set so far so fast can ever faster and faster are now used that is how how fast which simple another set (49) _______________________ we have talked about alternating current, but we have said nothing about (50) _______________________ it may alternate. The fact is that the frequency of alternation can be (51) _______________________ that no river turning a waterwheel (52) _______________________ cause electrical oscillations even one-billionth the speed (53) _______________________ used in the most modern electrical systems, there fore it is good to make electrical waves that alternate at (54) _______________________ frequencies. (Since, the higher frequencies, (55) _______________________ number of television stations you can have for example). But engineers never predicted (56) _______________________ the frequencies would actually become as new equipment was invented and developed. (57) _______________________ they got into trouble with names. They ran out of names for the different classifications of high frequencies, and the frequency ranges they did names, they named badly. Start with audio frequency (af), (58) _______________________ means a frequency our ears can hear. The next (59) _______________________ of frequencies (those used in radio) was called the radio frequencies (RF). When stations were added and communications increased (60)_______________________ of frequency band, called the high frequencies (hf) was added. The next extension of frequency was called very high frequency (vhf), and for television (611) _______________________ of frequencies, ultra-high frequencies (uhf). Since this sort of classification could not be used for higher frequencies, letters (62) _______________________ to name the various frequency ranges. So we now have S band, X band, K band, KU band and L band, besides those already mentioned. that can The longest ones If the number that are given time who work 49 become higher which is just are known as As frequencies (63) ______________________, many more waves are crowded into (64) ______________________ interval (like a second). In fact, kilocycle waves (RF) vibrate on the order of thousands of times in a second. (65)______________________ of vibrations in one second is high, then for one wave to pass is very short. So shortwave radio works on waves of short wavelength, (66) ______________________ another way of saying “very-high frequency”. All electrical waves have wavelengths (67) ______________________ measurable; (68) ______________________ (shortest frequency) are meter waves and we go right through metric system of length measurement to centimetre waves, millimetre waves, and micron waves. Frequencies that are in the higher ranges (69)______________________ wavelengths associated microwave with them frequencies, are very to show small. that the Engineers (70)______________________ with waves of these frequencies are called microwave engineers. The electrical components (71) ______________________ handle these frequencies are called microwave components, the circuits are called microwave circuits, and the whole field is called microwave engineering. 50 IX. WAVE WORDS The following lists of words are words that pertain to the wave nature of electricity, and because some are not exclusive to this field, here will also find words related to voltage and circuits and several units used throughout electricity. As we did with the section on varieties of circuits we are going to divide these words according to certain orthographic characteristics so that they will be more easily assimilated by the student. Group 1. Includes all those terms that are orthographically analogous to the corresponding terms in Spanish, therefore facilitating a faster understanding of the term. “Amplitude”, for instance, can be easily related to the Spanish equivalent “amplitude”. Cicle Sinusoidal Potential ARC Interference Alternator Period Phase Watt Interodyne Harmonic Vibrator Oscillation Frequency Corona Superheterodyne ERG Synchronism Amplitude Polarity Selectivity Pulse Band Joule Group 2. Includes one-syllable nouns common in the field. A. Find the Spanish equivalent of these words: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. spark ___________________________ signal ___________________________ scan ____________________________ wave ____________________________ charge ___________________________ lobe _____________________________ lead _____________________________ 8. lag ______________________________ 9. field _____________________________ 10. noise ____________________________ 11. delay ____________________________ 12. pip ______________________________ 13. switch ___________________________ 14. flux _____________________________ 51 Group 3. Includes compound verbs. B. Find the Spanish equivalent: 1. wavelength _________________________________________________ 2. root-mean-square (rms) _______________________________________ 3. bandwidth _________________________________________________ 4. pulse width ________________________________________________ 5. readout ____________________________________________________ 6. side-lobe ___________________________________________________ 7. microwave __________________________________________________ 8. shortwave __________________________________________________ 9. longwave ___________________________________________________ 10. waveguide __________________________________________________ Group 4. Includes compound verbs. C. Find the Spanish equivalent: 1. carrier wave _________________________________________________ 2. carrier frequency _____________________________________________ 3. signal envelope ______________________________________________ 4. locking frequency ____________________________________________ 5. sum frequency _______________________________________________ 6. difference frequency __________________________________________ 7. alternating current ____________________________________________ 8. direct current ________________________________________________ 9. lines or force ________________________________________________ 10. eddy current ________________________________________________ 11. mean free path ______________________________________________ 12. time free path _______________________________________________ 13. cross talk __________________________________________________ 14. square wave ________________________________________________ 15. sawtooth wave ______________________________________________ 16. leading edge ________________________________________________ 17. trailing edge ________________________________________________ 18. side band ___________________________________________________ 19. signal-to-noise radio __________________________________________ 52 20. intermediate frequency ________________________________________ 21. microwave plumbing __________________________________________ 22. meter waves _________________________________________________ 23. centimetres waves ____________________________________________ 24. power supply ________________________________________________ 25. delay line ____________________________________________________ D. Responda a la pregunta siguiente: What kind of waves are these? a. sine wave 1. b. saw tooth wave c. standing wave d. spherical wave a. long wave 2. b. longitudinal wave c. transverse wave d. square wave E. Seleccione la palabra o palabras correctas que completan el enunciado. 1. An alternating current moves first in one direction and then _____________________________________ a. in another b. the opposite way c. diagonally d. parallel to that direction 2. Alternating current is produced by a source of voltage which _____________________ its polarity, that is, which ____________________ from positive to negative and then back over and over again. a. alters, charges b. keeps, remains c. maintains, holds d. changes, switches 53 3. Since an alternating voltage switches its direction in a regular, repeated pattern, it is a wave ___________________ and has such wave ____________________ as frequency, period, wavelength, amplitude, and phase. a. current, changes b. phenomenom, properties c. vibration, alterations d. band, turns 4. Generators in which mechanical power, usually _______________________ powers, turns ______________________ which are connected to loops of wires, are source of alternating current. a. water, wheels b. man, networks c. atomic, reactors d. electric, alternators 5. Motors work like generators ____________________________ a. that turn b. in reverse c. but straightforward d. with no real differences 6. Instead of _______________________ wheels producing alternating current, alternating current is used to make wheels turn. a. charging b. turning c. making d. mechanical 7. Alternating current may be turned into direct current in a _______________, and direct current may be turned into alternating current in a ________________ or alternator. a. alternator, rectifier b. converter, alternator c. rectifier, converter d. alternator, converter 54 8. The phase of an alternating current wave may be made to _______________ or _____________________ another wave: a. turn, cause b. slow, deter c. break, change d. lag, lead 9. Electric waves are grouped into frequency a. lanes b. channels c. bands d. lines 55 (1) ___________________________ (6) ___________________________ (2) ___________________________ (7) ___________________________ (3) ___________________________ (8) ___________________________ (4) ___________________________ (9) ___________________________ (5) ___________________________ 56 (1) ___________________________ (8) ___________________________ (2) ___________________________ (9) ___________________________ (3) ___________________________ (10) __________________________ (4) ___________________________ (11) __________________________ (5) ___________________________ (12) __________________________ (6) ___________________________ (13) __________________________ (7) ___________________________ (14) __________________________ 57 (1) ___________________________ (7) ___________________________ (2) ___________________________ (8) ___________________________ (3) ___________________________ (9) ___________________________ (4) ___________________________ (10) __________________________ (5) ___________________________ (11) __________________________ (6) ___________________________ (12) __________________________ 58 X. MAGNETISM A. Ordene las siguientes frases y oraciones en su secuencia gramatical y retórica más adecuada, para formar párrafos coherentes (si es necesario escuche las grabaciones del tema). Nº 1: a. Magnetism is also an attraction of opposites. b. Magnetism is attraction. c. That was the attraction (or pull) of positive electrical charge for negative electrical charge. d. We have already met attraction in electricity, static electricity. e. In order to feel magnetic pull you have to be magnetic too. f. But there are several differences. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Nº 2: a. Its modern, more descriptive name, is magnetite. b. Some minerals are magnetic. c. Magnetite is mined out of the ground and put into blast furnaces together with a few other ingredients. d. Lodestone was known to people of ancient times. e. It finally comes out as iron. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 59 Nº 3: a. These three are a family that can get into the magnetic fraternity. b. Iron is the metal from which steel is made. c. All three, magnetite, iron and steel are magnetic. d. This fraternity is limited mainly to iron, nickel and cobalt. e. Certain minerals, like magnetite, which contain iron, also belong in this group. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Nº 4: a. Everything else is out of the group and is called nonmagnetic or diamagnetic. b. Since iron is the best of the magnetic materials, c. When a material is weakly magnetic it is given the name paramagnetic. d. That prefix “ferro” means pertaining to iron. e. The word ferromagnetic means very magnetic. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 60 Nº 5: a. What is does is move around without actually pulling it over. b. The way it does this is described by the left-hand rule. c. A magnet will not attract an electron, but it will divert it. d. Objects that are not magnetic. e. But that bear an electric charge may be affected by magnets. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Nº 6: a. Then an electron will get a push in the direction of the thumb. b. So that they all point in different directions. c. The rule says that when an electron is moving as an electric current. d. The left-hand rule is one of the oddest rules in all science. e. In the direction of the forefinger and the magnetism is in direction of the middle finger. f. So, as can you see, the electron gets a push from a magnet. g. It instructs the scientist to spread the thumb and first two fingers of his left hand. h. As shown in figure 5, i. But in an unexpected direction. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 61 ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ B. Coloque la expresión correspondiente en el espacio en blanco numerado: has other any as does ends at each like that its which How (1) _____________ a magnet work? A magnet works (2) ___________ tadpoles look. A tadpole (3) _____________ two ends and the important thing about a tadpole is (4) ____________ one end is a head and the (5) __________________ end is a tail; the two (6) _________________ of a magnet are (7) _______________ north pole and south pole. Now (8) __________ object that is one way (9) ________ one end and the opposite way at the other end is known (10) ___________ a dipole, (11) ________________ means “two ends”. So a magnet is a dipole, and opposite poles attract (12) __________________ other while similar poles repel each other. like then arrays also how from up all addition You already know that (13) ____________________ the atoms that make (14) ____________________ materials contain electrical charges. Magnetic materials, in (15) ____________________ contain magnetic dipoles. You (16)____________________ know (17) ____________________ physics that in crystalline materials atoms “line up” in regular (18) ____________________ or patterns. (19) ____________________ are these facts related? Sometimes little crystals (crystallites) are magnetized (20) ____________________ dipoles. Groups of these little crystals are (21) ____________________ called magnetic domains. but if do out up other all which must 62 like still for It is possible to have a material made (22) _________________of magnetic domains (23) _________________ the material may (24) _________________ not be magnetic - it may only magnetizable. (25) _________________ all the domains are pointing every (26) _________________ way, they tend to cancel each instead of (27)_______________ working together (28) ______________ the forces working in figure, they may be working in opposition to each (29) _____________. In order (30) _________________ the material to become magnetic all of the domains (31) _________________ be made to point in the same direction. How (32) _________________ you make magnetic domains in a magnetizable material (33) _________________ point in the same direction? but just wrong away known toward between all at as so that such Well, you place the material in a region (34) _______________ two magnetic poles (35) ________________ in a figure 6. The region between the poles is a very magnetic place. (36) ________________ a place is (37) _______________ as a magnetic field and we say that he field is full of a flux os (imaginary) lines of magnetic force. The magnetic field cause (38) __________________ the domains that are pointing the (39) _____________________ way to rotate around (40)__________________ enough (41) ________________ they are all pointing in the right way. All the magnetic domains turn and point so that the north poles of the little domain magnets are all pointing (42) __________________ the south pole of the magnetic field imposed from outside. (That makes all the south poles of the little domains point (43) ____________________ the north pole of the imposed magnet 63 too). (44) ______________________________, when the big magnet is taken (45)_______________________ the domains remain pointing all the same way. has itself each too was with them why act into out other The (46) __________________ of putting a potentially magnetic material (47) _____________________ a magnetic field is called magnetization. Now the piece that (48) ___________________ treated in this way (49) _________________ become a magnet (50) ______________________ and it can magnetize other objects (provided of course, that they (51) ____________________ belong to the group of materials that can be magnetized). (52) ___________________ is the material now a magnet? Remember, (53) ___________________ little domain was a magnet to begin (54) __________________. Making them all point the same way has caused (55) ___________________ all to reinforce each (56) ______________. Before some of then were canceling each other (57) ___________________, now they are acting together. known after around if as smallest actually up have might each into You (58) _____________________ be interested to know too, that the rotation of little domains can (59) ___________________ be detected with a loudspeaker (60) ____________________ you turn the wire from the loudspeaker. (61) ___________________ a piece of metal (62) _________________ it is being magnetized it is possible to “pick (63) ________________” the sound of the domains rotating - as (64) ___________________ one flips (65) _______________ position it makes a little clicking noise. (66) _________________ you heard it? It sounds like the popping of the (67) ___________________ popcorn. This effect was named (68) _________________ the first man to define it; it is (69) _____________ as the Barkhausen effect. lasts depends on taken away these are other’s will 64 out their begin all up long but (70) __________________________ a magnet stay a magnet? If so, how (71) _____________________ the answer (72) ______________________ the material. Some materials stay magnetic years, for lifetimes. (73) _______________ sometimes called permanent magnets. (74) ____________________ very little done in this world by men (75) _________________ forever. Usually magnets gradually lose (76) ____________________ magnetic qualities. Little by little, the magnetic domains discover that the magnet that lines them (77) ___________________ (magnetized them) has been (78) ______________________, then they slowly (79)_____________________ to revert to their previous unmagnetized state, canceling (80) _________________________ each (81) ______________________ magnetism. The magnet demagnetizes. be said to is said to seem to used to paired to the first to to being to them one with When physicists talk about magnetic materials they (82) ________________ attribute almost human qualities (83) _______________________. A material (84)___________________ have a certain susceptibility (85) __________________ magnetized, and a magnetic retentivity after the field that was (86) ______________ magnetize it is removed. It is also (87) ___________________ process an amount of coercivity and a magnetic reluctance. These qualities of magnets (88)_______________________ magnetic field intensity, magnetic flux, magnetic flux density, permeability, magnetomotive force and permeance area (89)___________________ their corresponding symbols and units in which they are measured in the following section. These units have their names after the physicist Gilbert, Maxwell, Weber, Oersted, Gauss and Bakhausen who were (90)_____________________ discovered these particular phenomena. C. Aparee las palabras que describen las cualidades magnéticas con su correspondiente símbolo y/o unidad (es). Si no tienen símbolo o unidad expréselo con una raya . a. Susceptibility, _______________________, ___________________ 65 b. Reluctance, _______________________, _____________________ c. Coercivity, __________________________, ___________________ d. Retentivity, _________________________, ___________________ e. Permeance, ______________________, _______________________ f. Magnetic flux, _______________________, ___________________ g. Magnetic flux intensity, ___________________, ________________ h. Magnetic flux density, _________________, ___________________ i. Permeability, _______________________, ____________________ j. Magnetomotive force, _________________, ___________________ SYMBOLS: P, F, H, X, Z, Ø, B, M UNITS: GAUSS, WEBER, MAXWELL, GILBERT, OERSTED D. Seleccione la alternativa correcta que completa o responde a los siguientes enunciados o preguntas: 1. Which of the following is not magnetic material: a. Copper b. Ferries c. Cobalt d. Nickel e. Magnetite 2. Alnico is the trade name of an alloy which is derived from: a. Iron, steel and nickel b. Iron, nickel and cobalt c. Aluminium, nickel and cobalt d. Ferries 3. Which two words best describe the group of magnetic materials known as the ferrites? a. Natural, ferrous b. Alloyed, attractionless c. Mined, nonferrous d. Artificial, synthetic 4. Magnetism is an attraction. ____________________ materials are attracted magnetically. 66 a. Many b. Only certain c. Only iron d. All kinds of 5. Magnetic materials are known as ferromagnetic and paramagnetic materials. All other materials are nonmagnetic, or _______________________. a. Dipolar b. Static c. Diamagnetic d. Synthetic 6. Although materials that are changed electrically are not necessarily attracted by magnets, they are _________________________ diverted by them. a. Sometimes b. Quite often c. Always d. Never 7. The way that an object with negative charge is diverted is ________________________ by the left-hand rule; the effect on a positive charge is _____________________ by the right-hand rule. a. Given b. Caused c. Changed d. Charged 8. A material is magnetic when it is made up of crystallites (little crystals) that are themselves magnetic. These crystallites are called magnetic _____________________ a. Forces b. Domains c. Fluxes d. Fields 9. A crystallite is magnetic if it is a magnetic ________________ that is, if it has north pole at one and a south pole at the other end. 67 a. Force b. Field c. Dipole d. Flux 10. A magnetic material may be magnetized if it is placed in a magnetic region (a magnetic field). This causes all the magnetic domains that it contains to line up and ____________________ each other. a. Cancel b. Reinforce c. Destroy d. Balance 68 (1) ____________________________ (11) ___________________________ (2) ____________________________ (12) ___________________________ (3) ____________________________ (13) ___________________________ (4) ____________________________ (14) ___________________________ (5) ____________________________ (15) ___________________________ (6) ____________________________ (16) ___________________________ (7) ____________________________ (17) ___________________________ (8) ____________________________ (18) ___________________________ (9) ____________________________ (19) ___________________________ (10) ___________________________ (20) ___________________________ 69 (1) Charactron ______________________________ (2) Mu-Metal Shield _______________________________ (3) Coil adjusters_______________________________ (4) Yoke adjuster _______________________________ (5) Helical accelerator _______________________________ (6) Viewing screen _______________________________ (7) Electron gun _______________________________ (8) Selection plates _______________________________ (9) Matrix _______________________________ (10) Convergence coil _______________________________ (11) Reference plates _______________________________ (12) Deflection yoke _______________________________ (13) Displayed character (dotted line indicates path ___________________________________________________ 70 of electron beam) XI. COMPONENTS A. Ordene las siguientes frases y oraciones en su esencia gramatical y retórica más adecuada, para formar ideas o párrafos coherentes (si es necesario escuche las grabaciones del tema). Nº 1: a. And active components, such as radio tubes and solid state devices. b. These can be divided into “passive” components. c. This section and the next two will deal with the devices that the electrons move in. d. Such as resistors and capacitors, which we will describe in this section. e. Which we will go into in the next two sections. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Nº 2: a. The components these symbols represent are the building blocks of circuits. b. All components are represented by symbols. c. But components is the word conventionally used by electrical engineers. d. These building blocks can be called building blocks, ingredients, parts, constituents, elements or components of circuits. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 71 Nº 3: a. Emphasizing the words you will meet in discussions of components. b. From the point of view of the English students. c. And considerer some variations on it. d. Start with the word resistor. e. This section will discuss these symbols. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Nº 4: a. (Or clogging, like a clogged drain) b. The amount of resistance it has may be large or small. c. A resistor is gadget that offers resistance. d. To the flow of electrons (current). e. But whatever its size it is measured in ohms. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 72 Nº 5: a. That is a resistor. b. When he buys a resistor he picks out one with just as many ohms as he wants. c. Or ten million ohms of resistance (also called ten megaohms). d. An engineer may want a certain amount of resistance at certain point in a circuit he is building. e. A resistor can have one ohm of resistance. f. He can buy a little cylindrical device with a wire sticking out of each end, as shown in the picture. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 73 Nº 6: a. For example, the resistance of a cube of copper that is one centimetre long on each side. b. The suffix “ivity” means that a unit amount of a quality is being described. c. Is at the same time the resistivity of the copper d. Anything that has resistance also is resistive and has resistivity. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Nº 7: a. So in the same way. b. You remember that we can talk about conductance (measured in mhos). c. We can form the nouns conductor and conductivity and the adjective conductive. d. From our discussion on ohm’s law. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 74 Nº 8: a. And an inductor has inductive reactance (symbol XL). b. That you will encounter almost as frequently as resistors are capacitors and inductors. c. Resistance and reactances are often grouped together as inductances (z). d. Two other types of circuit components. e. As a resistors has resistance a capacitor has capacitive reactance (symbol Xc). ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Nº 9: a. There are meters which measure only the smallest quantities of volts or amperes, like the microvolt meter and the microammeter. b. A meter then, turns out to be “a measurer” c. All electrical units are measured with meters. d. And meters which, like the megohmmeter, measure millions of ohms. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 75 B. Escriba el nombre apropiado en Inglés y en Español de los “componentes” representados aquí gráficamente: 76 (1) ___________________________ (8) ___________________________ (2) ___________________________ (9) ___________________________ (3) ___________________________ (10) __________________________ (4) ___________________________ (11) __________________________ (5) ___________________________ (12) __________________________ (6) ___________________________ (13) __________________________ (7) ___________________________ (14) __________________________ 77 (1) Carbon microphone _________________________________ (2) Rubber Mount _________________________________ (3) Stretched metal diaphragm ______________________________________ (4) Carbon granules ____________________________ (5) 12 V Battery ____________________________ (6) Rheostat ____________________________ (7) Step-up transformer ____________________________ (8) Output ____________________________ (9) Rubber Mount ________________________________ (10) Carbon Granules ___________________________________ (11) Buttons ____________________________ 78 (1) Optical Sound Recorder _________________________________ (2) Condenser lens _________________________________ (3) Light valve ______________________________________ (4) Electromagnetic field coil _________________________________________ (5) Film ____________________________ (6) Recording Sprocket ________________________________________ (7) Scanning beam ______________________________________ (8) Objective lens _______________________________________ (9) Light valve ribbons ________________________________________ (10) Exciter lamp _______________________________________ (11) Optical center __________________________________ 79 C. Seleccione la(s) expresión(es) que completa(n) cada uno de los siguientes enunciados: 1. The building block of circuits are called circuit components. The names of the different components serve as ______________________ for other words that describe features of the components. For example, resistance is the _____________________ for resistivity, resistive and resistor. a. Derivatives, derivative b. Models, pattern c. Root words, root d. Standards, norm 2. Most components also may be represented by a symbol. There are also usually abbreviations for the electrical ______________________ of a component and the ________________________ used to measure it. (So resistance is R and the number of ohms of resistance is). a. Force, symbols b. Conductance, conductor c. Symbols, force d. Quality, units 3. The capacity of an electrical components is ____________________ with an electrical meter. There is different meter for every kind of component. For example the number of ohms of resistance of a resistor is _________________________ with an ohmmeter. a. Measured b. Extended c. Expanded d. Enlarged 80 4. We will see now what these components are, some words, derived from them and what they do, since each one does something useful ______________________ the way that electric current flows through it. a. By maintaining b. By modifying c. By restoring d. By totally changing 5. The end result of the combination of many circuits (each ___________________ of many components) are the modern electrical devices that we see around us everywhere; the radio, the TV set, the Dictaphone, the electric typewriter, and so on. a. Derived b. Part c. Made up d. A network 6. A resistor (R, r) _______________________ the flow of electric current. Resistance is measured by the ohmmeter. a. Resistors b. Changes c. Keeps d. Impedes 7. A capacitor _____________________ voltage. Capacitance is measured by the capacitance meter. a. Stores b. Produces c. Restores d. Maintains 81 8. A ______________________ (L, E) stores magnetic energy. Inductance is measured by the capacitance meter. a. Battery b. Capacitor c. Circuit d. Coil 9. A transformer (Xfmr) makes voltage and currents __________________________. a. Remains constant b. Increase or decrease c. Gradually increase d. Gradually decrease 10. A battery (batt) ___________________________ electrical energy chemically. The voltage is measured by the voltmeter. a. Increases b. Decreases c. Obtains d. Generates D. Determine la traducción correcta al español de los siguientes términos: 1. Shunt __________________________________________________ 2. Filter capacitor __________________________________________ 3. Troid __________________________________________________ 4. Choke __________________________________________________ 5. Filter Coil _______________________________________________ 6. Turns __________________________________________________ 7. Turns-ratio ______________________________________________ 8. Core ___________________________________________________ 9. Step-down transformer ____________________________________ 10. Step-up transformer _______________________________________ 11. Cell ____________________________________________________ 12. Self-induction ___________________________________________ 82 E. Aparee los términos siguientes con la descripción que le corresponde: Antenna Switch Ground Loudspeaker Battery 1. ___________________________________ Converts electrical energy into sound 2. ___________________________________ A place in the circuit where the voltage is zero 3. ___________________________________ Opens and closes a circuit. When it is “open”, no current flows, when it is “thrown” or “closed”, current flows 4. ___________________________________ “Picks up” electrical energy “out of the air” 5. ___________________________________ Generates electrical energy chemically F. Determine el nombre en inglés de estos conmutadores o interruptores de acuerdo con su representación gráfica: 1. ___________________________________ 2. ___________________________________ 3. ___________________________________ 4. ___________________________________ G. Determine la equivalencia en español de los términos siguientes: 1. SPST switch ____________________________________________ 83 2. DPDT switch ____________________________________________ 3. DPST switch ____________________________________________ 4. SPDT switch ____________________________________________ (1) Tape Recording ________________________________________ (2) Signal to be recorder _________________________________________ (3) Recording head _____________________________________________ (4) Magnetic fields _____________________________________________ (5) Playback head ______________________________________________ (6) Signal to be played back ______________________________________ (7) Tape base __________________________________________________ (8) Tape travel _________________________________________________ (9) Magnetized areas ____________________________________________ (10) Iron oxide coating ___________________________________________ 84 This device dissects images, so it is called an ______________________________________ (1) _________________________________ (2) Photosensitive cathode _________________________________________ (3) Deflection coil _______________________________________________ (4) Focusing coil _________________________________________________ (5) Multiplier housing _____________________________________________ (6) Window ____________________________ (7) Lens _______________________________ (8) Aperture ____________________________ (9) Segments ____________________________ (10) Anode (with coating) __________________________________ 85 (1) ____________________________ (6) ____________________________ (2) ____________________________ (7) ____________________________ (3) ____________________________ (8) ____________________________ (4) ____________________________ (9) ____________________________ (5) ____________________________ 86 (1) _____________________________ (6) _____________________________ (2) _____________________________ (7) _____________________________ (3) _____________________________ (8) _____________________________ (4) _____________________________ (9) _____________________________ (5) _____________________________ 87 (1) ____________________________ (6) ____________________________ (2) ____________________________ (7) ____________________________ (3) ____________________________ (8) ____________________________ (4) ____________________________ (9) ____________________________ (5) ____________________________ (10) ___________________________ 88