January Questions - Barefoot Herbalist


January Questions - Barefoot Herbalist
January Questions
February 2011 ANSWERS
Disclaimer, answers are my opinions only, not meant to diagnose or use for
treatment. These answers are not medical qualified answers. Only qualified
professionals that personally examine patients can make a diagnoses and
treatment plan. I am not medical trained and all statements are nothing more
than my “beliefs” based on what I have chosen to believe and all statements are
my Guess’s based on given subjects and limited information supplied. I do not
see, treat or diagnose individuals; I do not take phone calls or otherwise have
contact with people seeking information on their health. I suggest each person
locate a “good” chiropractor that they see monthly and he can advise them in
person of their professional needs in family health. This wide variety education is
not “professional” and considered herbal and general understanding of bodily
functions. Keep all herbs out of the reach of children. All women wanting to
become pregnant or pregnant and nursing mothers should use herbs with
caution. Parents should use all herbs before considering them for children.
Reading herbal books for general herbal wisdom is wise. Suggested products are
bold printed. Note: constipation, nutrition and lack of circulation usually are a
problem before any sickness appears. Suggested products are only listed as
ones that are more specific to the symptoms. In every case, the goal should be
total health and not just treating a symptom. For adults the ALL “N” ONE KIT
will be suggested often as the cheapest herbal method that covers the most
problems that herbs would be chosen for. This kit consist of:
Part "A" Lower Bowel Balance
Ingredients: Barberry bark, Cascara Sagrada bark, Cayenne, Ginger, Lobelia
herb, Red raspberry leaves, Turkey rhubarb, Fennel, Goldenseal root, & Olive
Suggested Dose: Treatment- 8 capsules per day for 30 Days.
Prevention-1-2 with each meal as needed.
150 ct 00 Veggie-Caps - Designed to take monthly for life.
Part "B"
Normal or Adult Strength (1 or 2 bottle kit)
Cleanse and Nourish
Anti Parasite Herbs - 4 parts / Hormone Assist Herbs - 1 part / Iron - 1 part /
Calcium - 1 part Kidney - 1/4 part / Pancreas - 1/4 part / Heart - 1/4 part /
Prostrate - 1/4 part
Suggested use: Pre-Cleanse - 1 tablespoon morning and night for 30 day. (2
bottles per month)
Prevention: 1 tablespoon daily (1 bottle per month) Designed to take monthly
for life.
Part "C"
Normal or Adult Strength
Liver - Gallbladder - Cardiac - Vascular - Renal Cleanse and Nourish
Suggested use: Pre-Cleanse- 1 tablespoon morning and night for 30 days (2
Prevention: 1 tablespoon daily (1 bottle per month) Designed to take monthly
for life.
Suggested directions: (3x daily) Apply liberally to the wrist, elbows, armpits, all
joints and muscles that ache. Spray 1-2 sprays in the mouth morning and night or
as desired. Close eyes when spraying the face. Designed to take monthly for
Ingredients: Minerals both Earth / Ocean, Tree Iodine, Olive leaf, Heart Drops,
Mullein, Lobelia, Kidney/Pancreas formula, Apple / pineapple Cider Vinegar
extracted in grain alcohol / distilled water with essential plant oils.
A spicy version of the base Spray A, designed to increase circulation to all areas
sprayed. Avoid the face and all tender skin. Suggested use: spray daily all joints,
spine, hips, etc. that hurt. Spray, wait 5 minutes and spray again for long lasting /
best results. Designed to take monthly for life.
Ingredients: Same as Spray A, with; Burdock Rt., Cilantro, Yarrow, Willow Herb,
Desert Parsley, Cabbage, Black Walnut Buds, Blue Cohosh, Black Cohosh, Blue
Vervain, Skullcap, Oak Bark, Marshmallow Rt., Mullein, Wormwood, Walnut
Bark, Gravel Rt., Red Clover, Chaparral, Licorice Rt., Poke Rt., Peach Leaf,
Oregon Grape Rt., Sarsaparilla, Cascara Sagrada, Prickly Ash Bark & Buckthorn
herbal extracts.
In this newsletter and answers you’re going to read a lot about diet and most all
humans often don’t like reading about foods that they don’t agree are harmful in
anyway to them, etc. Keep in mind, when answering or explaining health
questions, diet is the largest subject and the more sick a person is, the more
important their diet becomes, because the wrong diet can make their situation
worse or stop their treatment from being successful. Diet is as simple as chewing
your foods well, enjoy every bite full with great pleasure and seek to consume the
cleanest water you have available. Never get upset over your diet, because
stress and anger will cause illness. Always keep an open mind and if you decide
diet change would make a difference in your families life, change slowly, because
you will never get people to agree when it comes to food and drinks. Those with
certain diseases that are a result of wrong foods, they need to change, because
they have reached a point in their life, they can no longer consume and expel
what they have eaten properly and the accumulations have became food for
parasites and their health is starting to decline. Prevention is always best and the
cheapest in the long run, but be patient with change, don’t force change on
anyone but yourself and allow your changes to be your testimony. Please do not
get upset or disturbed when you read this or that about certain foods, no 2
people are alike. All information in this newsletter is “general” for all and not
diagnosing or suggesting any particular person do anything more than what they
as adults choose to give a try.
Arthritis / Rheumatoid
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory condition; it is an
autoimmune disease, in which the immune system attacks the joints and
sometimes other parts of the body. The symptoms of R.A. are characterized by
stiffness and inflammation of the joints, loss of mobility, weakness, and deformity.
R.A. has been linked to the high consumption of fat, particularly animal fat. This
disorder is linked to the improper diet and lifestyle, which affects the immune
system. When these changes were made the symptoms of R.A. were lessened a
great deal.
Arthritis / Osteo
Osteoarthritis is commonly known as the arthritic disease that tends to develop
when the linings of joints no longer maintain their normal structure, which leads
to pain and decreased mobility. It has been known by many as “wear and tear
arthritis. The symptoms are joint pain and decreased mobility or stiffness. Many
just feel like they are getting older or it is commonly related to aging illnesses.
Many herbalists and natural physicians relate most of the different forms of
arthritis to the diet and lifestyle of an individual. The body does not have the
proper building blocks, such as whole foods, whole vitamins, minerals, active
enzymes, whole food protein, etc.; thus, joint overall joint health suffers.
Arthritis / Gout
Gout is commonly known as a form of arthritis that occurs when uric acid
crystallize and accumulate in joints, which then leads to the sudden development
of pain and inflammation. Gout sufferers tend to either over produce uric acid or
are less efficient at eliminating this toxic substance. The improper diet and
lifestyle can lead to uric acid problems.
The above four versions of Arthritis are typical examples of what a lifetime
of wrong foods and habits can lead to and worse yet, cause less healthy
children to be born and they often get these diseases at an earlier age with
each generation. Hopefully over the 12 issues of the newsletter, I can spell
out “why” this happens. Once explained, everyone will have the capability
to become their own physician. They will understand how they became sick
and what the cure is. If they choose to ignore the foundational causes of ill
health and refuse to correct the problems naturally, all of which cost is
cheaper than normal everyday living and cheaper than one day in the
hospital, then they will need to see their doctors and not like reading about
diet, habits and reversing diseases by expelling the waste and feeding the
human body properly. Operations and medical doctor’s visits are not
options for those willing to LIVE WELL.
To save space and postage, these pages will be “squeezed” down tight.
BABY / teething / colds / sleep
Question: How does teething and having a cold connect in babies? Also is
there anything out there to give to babies while teething other than Tylenol
so the baby sleeps better, not to mention the parents too. The un-damaged
baby will expel all non baby foods that enter its body, including toxins breathed in
or absorbed through the skin. The damaged baby, like damaged older humans,
will simply accumulate waste until the body is forced to cleanse itself (disease)
and expel the waste. The teething connection: The human blood system seeks to
expel waste anyway it can. Example: the common scab formed from a cut is
waste matter expelled by the blood. A person with very clean blood will heal a cut
without the “puss” scabs that often also leave scars. ALL teeth are set in a socket
that is fed by blood. As new teeth push through the skin, not only is like a cut, it
also opens the blood system to push up and out (leak) waste at the sight of the
tooth and in the same, it opens the blood system to invading bacteria to seek to
enter the blood stream at the tooth sight. This is only ½ of it, by the time a baby is
teething, he/she is also old enough that the parents have been introducing wrong
foods and baby is getting around touching every toxin and being introduced to
limitless new bacteria and parasites of every known form for the first time…..add
this all up and you have a new little body attacking these invaders/parasites and
expelling them at a rapid rate. The healthy Immune system will kill, dissolve and
form protective mucus around this unwanted material and seek to expel it. Ideally
out the bowel and urine. When over loaded (over fed) there is too much waste
and a primary elimination channel, is the lungs by exhaling waste out the used
air. This creates the all too common cold or lung congestion. Trying to kill this
excessive bacteria / parasites with herbs or drugs does not follow Nature nor
does it stop the foundational causes. When the situation is too far gone, then
herbs can do wonders, but ideally prevention is superior for baby and family.
Baby is designed to consume only mother’s milk till age 18 months. If another
food must be introduced, it should be sweet fruits from the tree or vine and eaten
in-between feedings and not with milk. Baby can not be healthier than the milk it
was fed and all milk contains the waste the mother’s blood expelled each day
and baby must deal with all the poisons in that milk. If the milk comes from a
goat, cow or commercial source, it only forces baby to adapt even faster to this
toxic world. If mother is not in absolute health with healthy milk, baby will also
suffer greatly. If drugs, vaccines and other none baby substances were
introduced to the baby, the baby must adapt if it is to survive. The only logical
answer is for mother to be in superior health and have more than enough daily
intake of plant minerals to support her health and then the health of her baby
through her healthy milk. If this is planned for and achieved, baby will need no
supplements for the first 18 months of life. There will be no colds or teething
problems. Baby will not be over loaded with waste and can expel daily out the
bowel and urine successfully and not experience what we call, “sickness”.
Mother’s milk needs the proper essential plant based minerals such as; Iodine,
Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, etc. in a proper ratio of natural sugars. Human babies
are not designed or equipped to process and assimilate goat milk, cow milk or
sheep milk, doing so is only an option when the mother is sicklier than the
animals. The animal milk will introduce a new host of parasites, along with wrong
ratio of non human cells. Unless the baby is too young, fresh fruit smashed and
strained is a better option than animal milk. Vaccines and drug use alters the
baby for life, those babies will need more help than herbs can offer. All over
counter drugs have side effects, especially in babies and not an option for those
that have planned for their pregnancy. Ideally the mother planned her pregnancy
correctly and mother and father were in good health before the pregnancy. The
mother supplemented during this pregnancy with enough plant minerals and
proper diet and exercise to maintain her health and baby’s health. Upon birth
baby receives mother’s new milk and NEVER milk from a mother that was still
nursing babies that were born too close together. If she didn’t wait 3 years inbetween, her milk and her health will be too inferior to produce a disease free
child. Her inferior health and inferior milk will starve the baby in many ways. Cow
/ goat / formula along with drugs and vaccines will only create one disaster after
another and eventual decay of teeth and skeleton. Even though considered
“normal” by others that didn’t know any better; too many babies will pass on
unexpectedly or be to sickly one day to produce a healthy family of their own.
Prevention is superior; each mother-to-be should stop and plan her next child.
For those that didn’t prepare, was not aware and coping with all the problems
with their baby; herbs can supply some help.
The teething age baby
What we call Baby Calm is a Catnip / Fennel herbal extracted blend preserved
with plentiful sweet plant and tree minerals. We raised our boys on 5 gallons total
from birth to age 2. While I have seen others use 10 gallons by age 2. Basically,
giving daily right before nursing or add to the bottle. This formula supplies a lot of
plant minerals and sugars that mother may lack in her milk. Ideally mother is also
taking 12-21 Women’s Wellness capsules or powder equivalent daily to help
supply her own blood supply that milk is made from. Mother’s colon and
elimination organs need to be working properly, or her baby’s won’t either. If
mother eats gas forming foods, baby will suffer greatly with gas, etc. It is sad
when baby becomes constipated, it only happens when wrong foods or
substances have been allowed to enter the body. This is such a problem today,
that the number one baby product modern mothers seek are to help with baby’s
constipation. I took the Baby Calm formula and blend in the herbs known to help
with baby’s constipation, such as Turkey Rhubarb and call this Happy Baby,
because when a baby has a bowel movement the entire family is happy to have
peace and quite again. No baby formula should act fast, they should never be
harsh or too stimulating, if they are, they are too hard for the sensitive little baby’s
body to deal with. The Baby Calm used daily is a great preventive and Happy
Baby should only be used as needed. These formulas supply plant based
minerals such as tree iodine, calcium, iron, magnesium, etc. from natural plants
and trees. The more mother supplements her own health, the better her milk will
be and the less supplements baby will need.
Olive leaf and Echinacea flower are two of the safest known baby herbs used for
prevention and sickness. We make a formula called Olive Leaf / Echinacea. We
used this as prevention and first when baby started to have any signs of
problems. We also used a diluted pure Oregano Oil formula I call Oregano /
Sunflower oil. This diluted Oregano Oil is very powerful germ killer and
circulation enhancing. For babies, only 1 drop is used per day diluted further with
milk and must be kept away from all children and accidental spillage, because all
oregano oil is very spicy like hot cayenne. If baby starts to come down with a real
cold, we then change to what we call Maximum Restore, using droppers as
needed through out the day. At night time we used Skinner’s Salve on the feet
and put socks on and then a little on the inside of the night shirt so the vapors
can be smelled while sleeping. I also highly recommend daily Spray of what I call
HERBAL SPRAY I. Spray in the room and over the entire body while sleeping is
ideal or while holding baby on the lap, spray into the air direct above so the spray
falls down on mother and baby. Apply as needed directly on the chest. We use
more of Spray I than all the other sprays we make combined Spray I is universal
for every ailment and prevention or treatment I can think of and the more used,
the better it works. I have sprayed my face and neck every night for the past 2
years with Spray I and for the first time in my life, my eye glass prescription was
reduced. If baby is sick enough to need Maximum Restore and Skinner’s salve,
then the milk supply is the problem under normal circumstances. If it becomes
bad enough, we stopped all milk and filled the baby bottle with Red Raspberry
Tea sweetened with Honey, Maple Syrup or Sorghum Molasses until the mucus /
chest congestion stopped and then returned to milk. If during this time, baby has
difficulty sleeping and wakes up around 3 a.m. with croup, we would use the
steam from hot water along with a product I call Air Restore. This is a mullein /
Lobelia tincture, which is a powerful tincture suitable for adults and all lung and
breathing problems. It is also a must have herbal formula whenever the person
has consumed any food or substance that caused the throat to swell, such as
those allergic to certain foods. The child with bad croup can be given a dropper
at a time as needed and ideally the problem should stop when the sun rises and
mother should do everything possible so the croup does not develop the
following night. We never needed stronger herbs than these for baby health and
treatment. Our children have never seen a doctor other than the chiropractor that
has been my only doctor for the past 34 years. Our children saw this chiropractor
many times while in mother’s womb and day three after being born.
Warning: Mother’s that take herbs and not drugs, will have different health than
mothers that take drugs and have operations. Their children will be “different” as
well. Mother’s that take herbs will have babies that don’t mind growing up on
herbs. Use caution always with baby’s health. After all, they are little baby’s, treat
them that way, with tender loving care. Never experiment with their heath. A
happy baby makes for happy family. Do not use drugs of any kind to stop their
cries, listen to their cries and supply them what they need to make them happy
BACK (Degenerative Disk)
Question: Is there a cure for Degenerative Disk? I am 59 and have had this
problem for 15-20 yrs. I try one treatment, then another- it helps for a while
then it's back again. It takes years to do such harm to the bones. Women will
notice the problem worse because of having children and not supplying enough
plant minerals to maintain their health. Both men and women will start having
these and many problems by age 40 and ignore the symptoms until age 50+.
There are many reasons for this problem, but diet is the main reason it happens.
The calcium is said to be 600 x too much in the body before ill health is noticed.
This calcium exits the bones and builds up on the outside of the bones and can
start easily by age 20 and seen by x-ray of the ribs and spine. This calcium build
up is what makes us old and stiff. The number one source is from hard water and
all in-organic lime sources in the diet. For the woman, when her menstruation
ends, her body will expel waste into the bones which accelerates this problem in
her 50’s., known as arthritis. This and many such subjects will be covered in the
up coming newsletters, because they take a lot of space to explain. Stopping all
sources of lime and correcting diet with proper plant minerals is most important.
The entire body needs restored starting with the bones. It can be done by those
willing to reverse the process; that lead them to this point. It took many years to
get to this point and only when the circulation is restored, will the bone and
tissues renew themselves. (Products- Spray III, BF&C capsules / Tea and
ointments, ALL “N” ONE KIT.)
BACK / disk
Question: I have a severely narrowed disc. What can be done? Someone
suggested microscopic surgery. Has anyone had success with this type of
surgery? I am 43 yrs old. At age 43 you have lived along time; odds are, your
disc was not born that way, but deteriorated from a lack of proper plant minerals
and circulation or possibly damaged a little from a minor accident. In either case,
no surgery can correct the situation, the knife and drugs will only treat the
symptoms and create tissue damage and scars and hopefully not cut nerves. I
suggest seeing a good Chiropractor weekly for as long as your back hurts and
once monthly for at least 2 years after all symptoms are gone. Your back will hurt
for as long as you ignore the signals, because your entire body needs help, not
just 1 disc. If a bone is hurting, then all the bones need aid, because your body
must be treated as a whole and not 1 piece at a time and for this reason, all
surgeries have problems. The best medical surgeon in North American history
wrote a book stating that all the operations he had done were not needed and he
learned how to cure all diseases using diet and stopped using all drugs, never
operated again and cured the next 63,000 patients in his orange juice “fasting”
clinic. The cure he proclaimed was teaching people proper diet and habits as the
method to become your own physician. (Products- same as above, + lots of
Spray III) Operations can not be “un-done”. No operation can avoid the next
illness caused by wrong diet and habits.
BALANCE / age/ equilibrium
1. Question: 4 ½ yrs ago I lost my balance and fell backwards hitting my
head on the blacktop. I have a stiff neck and nagging headache most of the
time since. So I wonder what you would recommend? I am 86, male.
2. Question: What causes dizziness?
In every case always find a good chiropractor! The older we become, we need to
see a chiropractor monthly, I know some people that starting in their 80’s they
would go every 2 weeks and lived well into their 90’s. Such a fall easily can move
the skull plates and only a “GOOD” chiropractor can manipulate the plates back
into place and often the neck and entire spine and hips go out of alignment.
Equilibrium - Dizziness can be caused by constipation when pressure causes
the nerves to become impinged. There are many other reasons for dizziness
such as the menstrual cycle, an injury or a fall on the head, compacted sinuses,
or blood pressure problems. One vulnerable area in the human body for this
"hardening of the arteries" is found in the brain. Regardless of how intelligent an
individual has been in the past, when the arteries in the brain area become
hardened there is a resulting slowness in thinking, loss of memory, headaches,
dizziness, dimming eyesight, paralysis, and one of the saddest conditions of all senility. Often a person will fall backwards and be dead before their head hits the
ground; this is a result of a burst adrenal gland as the heart stops dead. In all
cases it has to do with “circulation”. The cure is always to restore circulation back
to the effected areas of the body. The chiropractor is a must do. There are many
other reasons, anything that has been a toxin and accumulated, parasites, and
loss of human lecithin in the circulation of the arteries and nerves and as well, the
brain which is half lecithin. Surviving the fall gave you an opportunity to live and
hopefully reverse some of the problems and live well all your days. Correction of
the blood flow is essential. Herbs and foods to thin the blood and supply the
essential plant minerals would be the first steps as far as diet goes. Lecithin
three tablespoons daily can be mixed with first pressed olive oil, coconut oil, etc.
as desired will start to cleanse out the gallbladder, then the arteries and veins as
it helps limber up the brain and insulate the nervous system. Taken daily for the
rest of your life is the cheapest thing. The Lower Bowel Balance capsules 4-8
per day for the next few years to try to strengthen the elimination organs. Spray I
on your face, neck and entire body daily and Spray III on your spine, hips, chest
and anything that hurts, but avoid tender skin as Spray III has some hot spices
added which makes it increase blood circulation. In all, the ALL “N” ONE kit
covers these products, but if you went that route, I would suggest the double kit,
Hormone Capsules, Pica and extra 8 ounce Spray I and 8 ounce Spray III
and if I had the problem, I would take plentiful herbs and see my Chiropractor
every week until the problem was over. The other herbal option is what we call
Longevity Spices. Drinking 1 gallon every month for the rest of your life, with 4-
8 Lower Bowel Capsules and 1-3 tablespoons of Plant Lecithin/LG Cleanse
pretty much does all herbs can do, especially if you choose the Adult Longevity
Spices that has added adult de-wormer herbs. If no herbs can be avoided, I
would buy 1 gallon of Lecithin and correct the diet and habits the best I could
and eat all the garlic, onions, peppers and cayenne you can tolerate, along with
washing the entire body daily and as much exercise as possible. Consume ¼
teaspoon weekly of Epsom’s salts in a large glass of water for the rest of your
life. Try not to worry and enjoy all you do, every day. Expose your skin to the sun
and air; always seek a suntan whenever possible. Our skin makes the vitamins
we need, when exposed to a lot of sun. This is why people that move to Florida
often live 10 years longer than us people of the North. You need to be more
aggressive at correcting the problem and not allow it to continue if you’re to be
successful. Remember, “if” you don’t use it, you will loose it; so get out daily and
walk and enjoy life. Play with the children, they will naturally exercise you!
Question: How can we use diet and herbs to regulate blood pressure? High
Blood Pressure: There is a thickening of the blood from catarrhal and excess
glutinous and fibrinous matters loading the circulatory system. Generally there is
a clogging of the bowel with putrid body waste, making it necessary to cleanse
the excretory systems in order to purify the blood. The Kidneys must be clogged
before high blood pressure can result. Normal blockage occurs from drinking
hard water loaded with inorganic metallic metals such as lime and iron. All
commercial vitamins and drugs made with metallic substances can clog the
kidneys. Colloidal silver and all small metals are very harmful and destructive. As
long as the kidneys are clogged, the heart must work harder to push the blood
through the kidneys. As the kidneys have failed, the other organs and the skin
will take over the work of the kidneys. The heart is normally the last organ to fail.
Congestive heart failure is the end of an entirely constipated body. Circulation is
KING. Nothing is stronger than proper diet and habits. No supplement can
counter a lifetime of abuse to the kidneys and entire body. Cleansing the kidneys
and body of metals, lime, iron is most important. All bad fat and anything that
burdens the heart are the basics for anyone that really wants to have a good
heart. Wrong diet forces the stomach to produce a lot of acids. These acids must
be neutralized or they will enter the small intestines and burn the tissues causing
scars and thickening the intestinal tract. Once these acids leave the stomach the
blood system comes to the rescue and uses blood calcium to neutralize the
acids, which then affects the heart. The best natural cure was founded by Dr.
Hans Nieper in 1970 in Germany using the common pineapple. I suggest every
adult eat one fresh pineapple per week. The king of herbs for the heart is garlic
and hawthorn. Taking drugs for high blood pressure is very common. No one
should attempt to take themselves off these very potent heart drugs. The Kidneys
can process about ½ gallon fluids per day when healthy. Too much Salt is always
harmful to the kidneys. Hard water is the number one cause for kidney and total
body failure. Many years ago, a famous heart doctor wrote that aspirin was the
major reason for heart disease. Avoid all drugs/vitamins of all kinds whenever
possible and seek to allow your foods to be your medicines. Low blood pressure
and high blood pressure are both due to malfunction of the circulatory system.
High blood pressure in many cases works just like low blood pressure.
Cholesterol must be eliminated from the system in order to get the blood flowing
more freely. The condition is brought about by improper diet, insufficient rest and
exercise and a lack of vitality within the system. Wrong diet has starved the entire
body and even worse, clogged the circulation. This needs to be “reversed”. Hard
water and all sources of in-organic (non plant) minerals clog the kidneys. The
kidneys will loose 85% function before the first symptom of illness is experienced.
The clogging of the arteries and veins “force” the heart to pump (regulate) harder,
the lungs which work like a “bellows” (pump) harder and as the lungs clog and
lack capacity and heart struggles to maintain pressure, the entire body will fail.
No drug can reverse a lifetime of abuse. The cure must be restoration of the
circulation. This means removal of the rock from the body and restoring the
flexibility. This is a huge subject that covers total body health that will be covered
in future newsletters. Distilled water, fruit juices and tree/vine fruit diet will
cleanse and stop adding waste to the ailing body. All harmful drinks and harmful
foods/habits will further the ill health path. Garlic that supplies plant sulfur is a
universal herb easily grown that supports heart health and counters all cancers.
(Products- ALL “N” ONE Kit, Heart Drops, Spray III)
Question: How can we use diet and herbs to regulate blood sugar? The
functions of the pancreas gland is said to determine blood sugar. Contributing
factors are severe nervous disturbances, improper function of stomach, liver and
bowels. The common Liver Fluke worms can actually pack the pancreas gland,
along with numerous rock type stones and make it so constipated that it can
barely function. The pancreas is a gland that worms seem to be protected from
the ability of the blood to kill worms. These worms can actually hide in the
pancreatic duct where blood cannot reach them and thus the body can’t kill them.
Symptoms are we feel tired and weak. Usual complaints are about pains in the
limbs, feeling depressed and down-hearted, and an abnormal thirst is often
experienced. Dizziness and headaches are common. The skin is dry and often
itchy. The digestion is often upset, due to the unusually abnormal increased
appetite. The eyesight may be impaired or weak. The urine is generally very pale
and plentiful. Sugar is present in the urine in more or less quantities. Diabetes is
said to be one of the top killers in the world. Pancreatic malfunction can manifest
in one of two ways: diabetes, which is high blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, which
is low blood sugar. Though they are completely different, they both stem from the
same cause, a malfunction of the pancreas. This is a constitutional disease
where carbohydrates are not used properly due to failure in the pancreas to
secrete sufficient insulin. The body tissue cannot oxidize carbohydrates at a
normal rate. This is characterized by excessive discharge of urine, sugar in the
urine, excessive thirst and hunger, and progressive emaciation. Malnutrition and
malfunction in connection with a bad pancreatic condition cause diabetes.
Normally wrong diet and bad habits lead to Diabetes, while being born with such
problems stems back to the parents passing on their ill health. Today many
adults are dying from pancreatic cancers / tumors, showing drug use and
environmental factors are accumulating factors. Baking soda and aluminum
cookware greatly aggravate diabetes. People often try using cinnamon as a
cheap method to control their sugar problems. They will discover that taking
supplements without diet and habit correction will never solve their problems.
Very few ever try to remove their pancreatic stones and worms, which may
actually be the greatest and beginning of the problem. In all cases of health,
treating just the symptom is going to fail, because the body as a whole must be
healthy. Impeded circulation = disease, it is that simple. Worms live on waste or
seek to consume human tissues. Removing the obstacles (constipation) and
increasing the red blood cells leads to a healthy full functioning body. I call it
“weeding” & “feeding” the body, which will be covered in the newsletters as a one
cure for all. (Products- Spray I, Kidney/Pancreas Cleanse, ALL “N” ONE KIT)
BREATH of LIFE / breathing /pains
Question: I have a breathing problem and lower back aches, husband too. I
am using cream of tarter for yeast infection. I think it helped some also
cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, for joint and digestion. Would like to know
what to do or use for breathing and back pain. Cream of tarter is very harmful
in my opinion as it would do great harm to the stomach / pancreas and digestion.
Cream of Tartar
Potassium hydrogen tartrate is the scientific name for cream of tartar; it actually
has nothing to do with dairy; in fact, it actually is an acid salt. The actual cream of
tartar occurs when tartaric acid is partially neutralized with potassium hydroxide.
This chemical reaction turns it into a salt. Wine making is responsible for cream
of tartar, as this salt occurs as a byproduct of wine. The other 3 spices are fine to
stimulate more circulation, but when swallowed, also stimulates more stomach
acid production and breathing and pains are acidic conditions caused by too
much acid that irritates the mucus membranes which causes cholesterol to form
and over worked kidneys to allow acid deposits in the joints. Reversal of the
acidic diet would be the cure, while many herbs will help treat the common
problem. What we call Maximum Restore and Air Restore are our best herbs
for the lungs and Spray III for the bone aches as temporary aids; I say temporary
because as long as the diet is acidic, the body will be overwhelmed and
circulation poor, which lowers oxygen levels, which equals tiredness and
eventual sickness. Parasites thrive in such conditions. Often many toxins are
accumulated within the body from consuming bad supplements or working
around toxins. As the body becomes toxic free, circulation returns, restoring
oxygen to the red blood cells and the alkaline blood becomes productive of red
blood cells that then rebuild the tissues. (Products- ALL “N” ONE kit double
bottles through out the winter months, extra Spray III, Maximum Restore, Air
Restore.) Herbs will work 10x better with fruit or fruit juice “fasting” to allow the
body to expel the accumulated acids quickly.
Questions: My wife has problems in her shoulder and legs. Seemingly
arthritis related has tried a lot of different things with limited success.
Sometimes better and sometimes worse. (See arthritis)
Also our son, 38 yrs old, lives in our yard has a family and is diagnosed
with bronchitis. Is on oxygen since April, has also tried a lot of different
things with limited success. Bronchitis is commonly known as an inflammation
of the trachea and the bronchial tree (acute or chronic). Bronchitis usually begins
with a dry, rough cough; often producing little. Acute bronchitis may be caused by
viral or bacterial infections. These are the main causes; however, environmental
conditions, such as pollutions, fumes, solvents, etc. also contribute to this health
issue. This type of bronchitis is often preceded by an upper respiratory tract
infection. The second type of bronchitis is known as chronic bronchitis. This
ailment may result from prolonged exposure to irritants to the bronchial. Among
these are the following: cigarette smoking (second hand smoke is just as
harmful), environmental toxins and poisonous fumes, etc. The cells lining the
bronchi produce excess mucus in response to the chronic irritation. This lifestyle
can lead to many other health issues. Once on oxygen, the lungs have to work
less, so they do; because of this, people become addicted to the oxygen as their
body learns to work less and what you don’t use, will die eventually. Constipation
and acidic fluids irritate the membranes that cause the mucus in the lungs that
attracts parasites that ends in over 1,000 different diagnosed conditions. The
cure is always the reversal of the acidic diet. In this acute condition, I suggest
seeing the Chiropractor every 2 week for 2 months and then monthly for life.
100% of all dairy must be removed from the home for the rest of his life. I
suggest Herbal Spray I on the face morning and night, Herbal Breath of Life
Herbal Spray on the entire chest many times daily, Herbal Spray III on the spine
/ hips / joints daily. Taking the All “N” ONE Kit monthly for years to come. STOP
all bad foods NOW! Take 1 tablespoon of Maximum Restore daily or hourly as
need be and keep Air Restore on hand as well. Allowing the foods to come up
and out the lungs and not down and out the toilet will end in severe life
threatening lung diseases.
Also we found out our well water is acidic. I understand there are water
filters on the market to correct the P.H. do you know anything about the
Santeria (sp?) water system? All well water is loaded with arsenic and heavy
metals of all kinds; along with every pollutant ever dumped into our air and soil.
There are said to be over 70,000 pollutants, please read WATER book $7.95 to
explain all the problems with water and human health. Since the civil war era
good doctors have suggested the only clean water that mimics rain water is
homemade distilled water. I drank normal well water till age 22 and an x-ray
showed my bones had calcium on the outside. I asked my chiropractor about this
and he said that was “normal”. This calcium causes eventual death by old age. I
made my own water distiller at age 22 and for 30+ years drank distilled water. I
had an accident 14 years ago that caused me to have the same chest type x-ray
and my bones were clean. Our children have been raised on homemade distilled
water since their conception. All non-distilled water is dirty water and usually very
toxic with heavy metals. PURE clean water will be pH 7 always, so adding a
chemical to reduce or raise pH is absolutely ridiculous and creates a more toxic
water supply. All filters collect waste that attracts bacteria. To kill the bacteria,
while using the filter is ridiculous as well, because the dead decaying bacteria
gets through the filter and enters the body. In all instances, homemade distilled
water is the only healthy option. This will be the topic of the Feb newsletter.
Question: What can be done about burping, stomach gurgling, and
dispelling gas? This is a disturbed or deranged digestion, sour stomach, acid
stomach, indigestion and poor assimilation. Dyspepsia is a hyperacidity condition
in the body, where certain cooked and secondary substances cannot be
digested. The problem may also be with the liver, or the gallbladder. This is
caused by eating processed and devitalized foods. Correction of diet and habit is
the fastest path to recovery. Taking products to treat the symptoms will
eventually fail to work as the internal organs decay further. The first step is
always to restore the stomach, without a good stomach, no health can be had. All
disease starts with constipation of the colon or tissues anywhere within the body.
Restoring the circulation allows the blood stream to feed the cells and restore the
health. This subject and many will be covered in the newsletters, please be
patient until the newsletters can cover the basics of health. (Products- Spray I,
Slippery Elm, ALL “N” ONE KIT)
CHILDREN / 3 year old son
Question: We are wondering what we should do for our 3yr old son. He has
food allergies, yeast infections -100% caused by wrong diet
and is slightly bow legged. – result of wrong diet
We are wondering if there is anything we could do that he might someday
be able to use has weak adrenals and thyroid?- Can’t imagine the adrenals
and thyroid are the true problem.
What would you give him for that? Having the proper diet with plant minerals
and de-worming.
Otherwise he is a happy and healthy little boy does not really get sick
easily if we give him vitamin supplements and cod liver oil. Vitamins from a
bottle are almost always toxic unless all plant based. Dead Cod liver oil supplies
the toxins from the dead fish; these are not options for supplements. We also
give him probiotics occasionally but does not seem to really clear up his
yeast infection. If it came from a bottle, it is a worthless product. Fresh picked
fruits supply all the natural bacteria any human needs. A tablespoon of good
Sorghum Molasses or Maple Syrup daily for life will do wonders. Iodine is
essential to growing bones and proper hormone, etc. functions. At age 3 with
bowed legs, I would suggest 1 teaspoon of KIDS “B” WELL with each meal
every day, see his Chiropractor 3-4 x yearly or monthly if need be. SPRAY I on
the face and chest prior to bed and spray on legs or any place that hurts as often
as desired. This along with proper tree fruit diet and clean mineral free water or
fruit juices will give the building blocks for the red blood cells to build a strong
healthy body. Children that lack essential plant Iodine will lack in math skills;
have poor teeth and bones and suffer problems as their body changes into
CHILDREN / cough
Question: What is the best way to get rid of a young child’s (under 4 yr old)
cough (cold related)? At age 4 the child only eats and drinks what is provided
and this determines how much acid and how much mucus the internal organs will
be forced to make. This acid irritates the cells and mucus membranes. The
common cold and cough is the result of undigested acidic foods being expelled. If
drugs are used over and over, this same issue can turn into pneumonia and
worse for the children. At age 4, the child has a young stomach that was
designed by God to consume tree and vine fruits. Every non-tree / vine fruit
consumed, will become a problem for the stomach and cause excessive stomach
acid to be produced, which will rob the blood of its calcium and create and acidic
/ out of balance digestion that forces the intestines to thicken with age and the
person eventually dies of starvation as the foods cannot be assimilated by the
thick intestines. Think of any food you can that does not come from the tree and
it can be explained why this food is toxic to the human child. Common pH paper
proves this, as has medical dating back the civil war era. Wrong foods create
acids that turn the saliva acidic, that eats the teeth up and as the blood lacks
proper calcium that is used to neutralize the acids created by wrong diet, the
heart and entire skeleton suffers over a lifetime. No four year old should need
powerful herbs ever, in most cases simple diet “control” by the parents until the
child has had time to return to normal is all that is needed. Otherwise we used
Baby Calm till age 2 and then Kids “B” Well after age 2 for essential minerals
missing from the diet. For colds we used Olive Leaf / Echinacea, Oregano Oil
and Maximum Restore. Starting at age 6 as needed, one Lower Bowel
Balance capsule. This pretty much covers herbal use till age 12. Unless
parasites are an issue, the De-Wormer in small amounts as needed. Since all of
the herbs we make are anti-parasite, no child should need extra if they were
raised on Baby Calm, then to Kids “B” Well. That and were taken to the
chiropractor each time they became sick on day 1 and not allowed to become
sickly. In every case, when the first day of sickness appears, call your
chiropractor and up the herbs and never allow the sickness to go past 1 day. A
cough is an irritation, 95% caused by wrong diet and otherwise toxins they come
in contact with or are fed. Constipation should never be an issue for a child,
constipation is 100% caused by wrong diet and wrong habits. Baby and child
should be taken to the chiropractor at the first sign of constipation and cough. To
wait can often cost more than to prevent.
COLON / Diverticulitis/ Diverticulosis
Question: What causes diverticulitis? Diverticulitis is a condition in which
diverticuli in the colon rupture. The rupture results in infection in the tissues that
surround the colon. Diverticulosis
The colon (large intestine) is a long tube-like structure that stores and then
eliminates waste material. Pressure within the colon causes bulging pockets of
tissue (sacs) that push out from the colonic walls as a person ages. A small
bulging sac pushing outward from the colon wall is called a diverticulum. More
than one bulging sac is referred to in the plural as diverticula. Diverticula can
occur throughout the colon but are most common near the end of the left colon
referred to as the sigmoid colon. The condition of having these diverticula in the
colon is called diverticulosis.A person with diverticulosis may have few or no
symptoms. When a diverticulum ruptures and infection sets in around the
diverticulum, the condition is called diverticulitis.
Wrong diet forces the stomach to make excessive acids, when these acids are
not neutralized before being pushed into the intestines with the next gulp of food;
these acids “burn” the small intestines and causes scars and eventual thickening
of the intestinal walls. As years of wrong diet add up, the entire intestinal tract
can become scared, thickened and eventually the muscles fail causing polyps
and eventual cancers. This attracts so many parasites that the intestines are
often eaten with thousands of holes by worms etc. which leads to many different
disease names. They all have one foundational cause; WRONG DIET that
abused the assimilation & elimination until they have failed and this is why most
all humans die from starvation. Their intestines for many years have not been
able to assimilate and eliminate the foods consumed and eventual starvation of
the tissues ends in miserable death. 85%+ of all health depends upon a healthy
stomach and intestines. As long as the stomach and intestines are damaged and
failing, no drug, no treatment, no food can change the over all health of a human
being. Every farmer raising animals knows this. The cause is a wrong food that
upsets the stomach. What is a wrong food? Every food consumed that was not
designed by God for humans to consume will cause the stomach to make acid,
this acid is what destroys the human body, unless it is 100% neutralized to an
alkaline state. This will be covered in detail in the upcoming newsletters. Let our
foods be our medicines, is a true statement, but just the same, our foods can be
very poisonous to our health. (Products- ALL “N” ONE Kit or Lower Bowel
Balance capsules.)
DIABETAS / high sugar
Question: I am a diabetic for over 12 yrs. I have been controlling my sugar
with herbs, dieting etc, no drugs so far but I am having a harder time to
keep it down the last year or so. What can I do for my sugar problem? This
is a constitutional disease where carbohydrates are not used properly due to
failure in the pancreas to secrete sufficient insulin. The body tissue cannot
oxidize carbohydrates at a normal rate. This is characterized by excessive
discharge of urine, sugar in the urine, excessive thirst and hunger, and
progressive emaciation. There is no good reason to allow this diet created
problem to develop into a serious disease requiring drugs to extend life. We all
can tolerate many wrong foods and drinks when we are “healthy”, but as those
foods cause an acidic / toxic condition in the body at any given age, that is the
age that we must return to Nature’s diet and habits if we want to stop the
suffering of the constipated / acidic body. This will be well explained in the
newsletters over time. First, always seek a good chiropractor and see him
monthly for the rest of your life. The number 1 reason for this problem is toxic
accumulations, often the very metals in the mouth or supplements and even
worse, a water supply loaded with arsenic and various metals. Hard water
accumulates and forms hard stones in the pancreatic duct and then large flat
liver fluke worms “nest” in the pancreas and spew our thousands of eggs every
day. Because there is no blood in the pancreatic duct and the fluid is blocked by
stones, these huge worms live FREE; even the best herbs have very little effects
where the blood supply does not flow. Even though correct diet will relieve the
symptoms, these foundational causes must be addressed if success is to be
found. Having a wrong diet, wrong habits, constipation and poisoning, ends up
with this; and many health problems if the person lives long enough to
experience them all. Pancreatic cancers are killing many men in America and I
suggest it is a result of toxicity in many forms. This newsletter in time will outline
the basic reasons for ill health and suggestions to reverse the problems.
Following Nature simply mean this; the mono raw fruit diet. If we humans were in
the wilds, with no shelter, no guns and knives, we would simply forage for human
foods and we all know the sweet tree and vine fruits are the yummy wild foods
that all children love to eat; these same natural foods require very little digestion,
no acid production and fastest route to relieving diabetic symptoms while the
toxins /constipation / parasites, etc. are being worked on and the chiropractor is
keeping the bones in place for proper nerve functions to the internal organs and
a good dentist is found that will use no metals and all bad teeth removed or
corrected. Bad teeth and even worse, bad teeth with metal fillings will STOP all
efforts to cleanse the body and restore health. Those that try to go sugar free
only starve themselves to death slowly. The human body thrives on all 220+
natural plant sugars. (Products- Kidney / Pancreas Cleanse, ALL “N” ONE Kit,
extra Herbal Spray 1 & III.)
DIET / general
Note, the newsletter will cover diet in great detail
Question: John Keim said recently that statistics show that people who eat
some meat live longer than vegetarians. I AGREE; vegetables are fast
growing annual plants that have been heavily modified by man and normally not
found in nature, the fruits of the vegetables have too large of rock type minerals
and quickly absorb toxins from the soil. Nature will destroy these man created
plants quickly by using parasites and most naturally can’t even exist without
additional water and fertilizers. In fact, vegetables clog the kidneys and arteries
over time and no child ever likes vegetables unless forced to “learn” to eat them.
They must be cooked, smothered in dairy fats, salted, etc. to be made “eatable”.
In Nature, God provides food to go, no cooking required. While meat eating is
impossible to digest by a human, meat eaters create more acids which probably
make them less parasitic than vegetable eaters that seem to be loaded with
worms. The ideal diet is everything raw and natural as it grows out of the
ground. I think too it makes sense that live foods would give more life.
Keep in mind, this true, if it is naturally found in nature and taste good to children.
This means sweet tree and vine fruits are man’s real foods provided in Nature.
And the Hunzakuts supposedly the healthiest people in the world were 99%
vegetarian. Not sure what they ate from the ground, but read they liked tree
fruits. They lived past the age of 100 and died with all their teeth and hair.
Where does John Keim get his info? That is a question for John. He is a very
experienced health practitioner with a lifetime of experience. He has lived and
seen a lot. Since no one seeks to live on wild tree and vine fruits 100%, I must
agree with John, the diet that eats a large variety provides the minerals the body
craves with enough plants are not being consumed. All foods should be eaten in
“MODERATION” and well chewed. The problem with meat is meat is not a food
that can be chewed, meat eaters rip and tear the flesh and swallow it whole and
have the correct stomach acids to dissolve the meats. Also John said it is not
good to eat fruit with meat because the fruit is much sooner ready to leave
the stomach. 100% correct. But you had said if we do eat meat, cheese etc.
we should eat with fruit as the protein capsule needs acid to dissolve it.
You have me confused with someone else. You will never catch me suggesting
anyone eat meat and cheese to improve their health. I might say though that in
my experience some foods are better cooked. Very simple, if you need to
cook the food, it is not a natural human food. I get kidney stones from a lot of
raw spinach. Also this summer when it was so dry the beans stayed so
small only about 2 1/3 – 3 in long. When I saw they weren’t going to get
bigger I picked them and juiced them. Altogether it was probably about a 5
gallon bucket in a week. It was about the 2PndP or 3PrdP time when I drank
the rich, dark, green juice that my stomach cramped. In every case, juices
should be swallowed only after mixing them with salvia and not more than 8
ounces at a time to avoid an upset stomach. However I thought it is only
greens and much be good for me. I think I drank it several more times; But
followed that I had severe pains in my kidney area for quite a while. Drinking
apple juices and many vegetable type juices too rapidly will cause temporally
bloating and kidney pains. Thought maybe raw beans are like raw spinach
that they are oxalate and make stones. Maybe the beans were also more
concentrated because they were so small. I Look forward to learning.
Please wait and read the newsletters to get my opinions on diet. Diet becomes
serious after health has been affected, but the wise man will eat to prevent
sickness. John Keim and many others are experts and we all learn from what
many have to teach us. Always test what you have heard and see if that is
something you then want to do in your life.
DIABETAS / child
Question: I have a 6yr old grandchild that just recently was diagnosed with
diabetes, can this be corrected in a natural way or will she always be on
insulin? I assume she is not on insulin now? Childhood diabetes is a growing
medical field; many years ago the plan was to install insulin machines in
America’s children. I suggest you immediately seek the best natural Chiropractor
you can find, take that child to him every week for 2 months and then monthly for
as long as you think there is even the slightest chance she has a health problem.
At age 6 this and all serious diseases is almost a crime. Children are a result of
their parent’s health and habits, if the parents didn’t plan for healthy children, the
children and the entire family will suffer for a lifetime. There are enough
“accidents” causing illness and injury that all diet and habit diseases should be
avoided at all cost and this usually means the parents need to be healthy before
conception and all drugs and toxins be avoided in that child’s life for LIFE! Insulin
is not an option unless, the person has abused themselves so badly, and are too
lazy to change their habits that they accept life via their drug habits and every
good doctor should tell their patients that all drugs have side effects and drug use
is only a method to stay death a little longer. Return this child to a Natural fruit
diet, clean water, De-Worm and supplement with natural plant minerals and her
body should take care of itself. Only the parents can help their child; those
“wishing” for help can rarely convince the parents, especially once they have faith
in drug use. A good Chiropractor should be the only professional doctor ever
needed for common diet created diseases. Save the medical doctors for stitches
and severe accidents that caused broken bones and such. Once on drugs, all
health is harder and more expensive to return to. Not only does the original
disease have to be addressed, but all the time it takes the body to expel the
drugs and the side effects. (Products- Kids “B” Well, Lower Bowel Balance
Jr., Spray I)
EARS / itch
Question: What causes itchy ears? Just inside the ear canal? What do I do
to cure it? I’ve tried different things like vinegar and rubbing alcohol,
peroxide. It always comes back, sometimes in days, sometimes in weeks.
When the skin itches, something is being expelled or sometime foreign is trying
to enter and the skin is repelling the invader. In this case it is “expelling” waste
and more often than not, all such waste is acidic and irritating to the skin. Our
blood stream has several places it can expel waste when it is over loaded; one
place being the “yellow” that is pushed up around the tooth socket or actually
blood pressure can pop small holes up and through the teeth, known as common
cavities. The dentist fills these small holes and then the blood stream will pop
new holes up and out the teeth. The other avenue is the ears; the yellow/orange
wax is of the same nature. Some people have very little ear wax, while others are
plagues with it, same as some people can’t stop tooth decay and others barely
have any tooth decay. Regardless the reasons, the body wants something
expelled and the ear is a very bothersome place to deal with an itch. Naturally
this and most all health issues is a form of constipation, because all waste needs
to go down and out the bowel or urine and not up and out the skin or lungs. All
the normal cleanses will lead to the cure. For a direct treatment I like the old
fashioned ear candles made with cloth and bees wax. For the first time adult it
often takes 5 candles per ear and both ears must be done the same day equally
with no exceptions. The 1 year old baby often is done with ½ of a candle per ear
to avoid ear tubes and children often only need 1 candle per ear, while older first
time adults usually require 5 per ear. This old Chinese method works extremely
well and should be done every 6 months for everyone in the family past 1 year
old. After the candling 6 drops of Garlic Oil is put into each ear. I prefer using
Ear Ache Herbal Spray. Constipation will always be the foundational reasons
that need addressed in daily diet and habits. The herb spray can be used
anytime as much as needed. (Products- Garlic Oil or Ear Ache Herbal Spray.)
Ears / fluid
Question: What can be done to prevent fluid in the ears? I’ve had this
ongoing problem for several years. Diet related and if physical, then only the
Chiropractor can correct the drainage in the neck area. Same herbs and candles
as described above for ears for treatment.
First went to the wellness center, they have me something to take and was
told to come back in two weeks, that did not work so they put me on
antibiotics. This is typical medical and to be expected when you entered the
door. Two weeks same thing after another kind was tried, so I made an
appointment with a specialist. He wanted to try some more antibiotics but I
said they don’t work, so he put tubes in my ear and sucked the fluid out, a
year later, the same thing, again put tubes in. This is what specialist do and to
be expected when you entered their doors. This has happened 4 times in the
last 3 yrs. Which shows you trust medical? I ask him what I can do to prevent
it. He said he did not know. Medical Doctors are not trained to “prevent”, they
are trained in the art of operations and drug application, and this is why I have
seen my Chiropractor for every ailment for the past 34 years. If my Chiropractor
can’t solve my problem, then my problem is my diet and habits and must be
solved at home. I try to eat good, healthy food; use honey instead of sugar,
take natural multi vitamins. There are no natural vitamins you can buy, our skin
makes our vitamins when exposed to sunlight, otherwise herbal pills and
formulas can supply plant minerals. Every product that states it has vitamins in it
is a false product in my opinion.
Eggs- 1 egg will poison a child for 10 days. A child must be 10 years old before
their stomach can begin to handle the common chicken egg.
toast, oatmeal for breakfast.- Breaking the “fast” refers to filling the clean
stomach up again with food. Breakfast should be avoided or only consume fruit
juice or fruits if possible to allow the stomach to continue cleansing the blood
Cheese sandwhich,-Cheese is the most un-digestible food known, it stays in the
stomach between 6-10 hours, this is why cheese is the most satisfying food that
fills the belly!
Cheerios-such refined grains are considered the worse commercial foods
possible, only the pancake tops cheerios and commercial cereals.
and nuts for lunch.- Non sulfured raw nuts eaten by themselves for lunch is the
ideal time to eat nuts.
Apple and nuts for snack.
I eat lots of cheese- here lies your problem, if a person describes their diet and
habits enough, they would tell their doctor every time what their true foundational
problem is and the real Doctor could then direct them back to Nature by
explaining how the human body was designed by God to function diet and habit
wise. Your diet is very acid in nature. I would expect eventual health problems on
this diet.
and lots of greens in salad in season.- In season is ideal time to consume
natural foods. Keep in mind that tree fruits are superior foods for human digestion
and assimilation.
I prefer swiss cheese but often use long horn, no processed like Velvetta. –
Cheese is made from dairy, at best, 20% of the oldest white European cultures
can tolerate dairy in their diet, otherwise humans can’t tolerate dairy after age 18
months with our producing acids that rob the blood health. Once this dairy is
turned into cheese of any kind, it has already been digested, already used, can’t
be digested no matter what the human stomach does and causes an acidic
stomach for 6+ hours. Dr. John R. Christopher wrote that he could pick every
person out of a crowd that ate a lot of cheese, based on their face.
Maybe I should eat grapefruit for breakfast. Fruits from the tree can easily be
digested; they stay less than 10 minutes in the stomach and produce alkaline
minerals that the blood uses for daily functions. All tree and vine fruits are
superior foods, especially when trying to restore health as they are very
This ear problem started after a bad cold and sore throat. Again, you have
supplied enough details to discover your problems. The drainage tubes from your
head and ears, goes through your neck and once clogged, your ears will have
trouble with fluids as will as your sinuses and eventually your brain. A good
Chiropractor should be able to restore the proper drainage in just a few minutes
and in all future cases, simple “fast” or correct diet so the constipation can be
relieved and drainage which is circulation can be restore back to normal health.
I sure would like to know what can be done, when it happens I am hard of
hearing- Ear tubes and drugs are not natural, do harm and in every case, always
seek the Chiropractor and correction of diet and allow your body to restore itself
to avoid damages.
and if I lay down or bend over to do something, there is a squishing sound
in my ear, very annoying. I am 75 yrs old, male, and other wise in pretty
good health. My eye sight has always been not the best, had glasses since
I was three. I am of the skinny kind, about 125-130lbs. Eat to much and
pass a lot off every morning after breakfast. Help if you can.
Skinny often makes it hard to “fast” which is an easy way for most people to
quickly return to health, but being thin also means a lot less accumulated waste
for parasites to eat and cause troubles, etc. I suggest Herbal Ear Ache Spray as
many times daily direct into the ear and neck area along with seeking a good
chiropractor as soon as possible and tell him exactly what you have asked here.
He should be able to correct your neck and help restore the drainage. I would
use the Herbal Ear Ache Spray daily for a long time based on your history of ear
issues. I would also suggest herbs for parasites and mineral supplementation as
In conclusion: Keep in mind, most of us can eat just about anything we like and
many can live a long time with very few health problems. This does not mean our
diet and habits were health supporting, it only means we inherited enough
strength and Immunity to “survive” our own diet and habits as long as we do. The
common proper pH paper is the only test needed to fully understand the human
diet. All wrong foods will produce an acidic stomach that will make the saliva less
alkaline and show up on pH testing of the saliva and urine. All acids eat at the
human cells that are all alkaline like our blood is alkaline. The only natural foods
that are alkaline forming when consumed are fruits of the tree and vine and these
foods restore human health faster than anything else. The human stomach can
handle one food at a time, because in Nature, we would find one tree fruit ripe at
any given time. This is referred to as the mono raw fruit diet, the universal cure
for all human diseases. It simple means following Nature based on our species.
Just because we have adapted to eating anything that does not eat us first or
poison us quickly, does not make it a true human food, it just means we can
tolerate it and those that live longest, often eat such foods in moderation. Often
those that are to thin, consume way too much meats and or have nerve problems
that their nerves never totally rest and the muscles can’t build up. All meat eaters
in Nature rip and swallow meats whole, never chewing. Chewing meats makes
no difference, if the stomach is not created with the powerful acids that
crows/buzzards/cats/dogs/reptiles/chickens have, the meats will never digest and
instead putrefy in the colon and rot. All bowel movements that “smell” is proof the
diet was wrong and much alkaline blood calcium was used to counter the effects
of the wrong diet. This is why so many great health books will be on the subject
of diet and “fasting”. Each generation seems to be less tolerant of acid
forming foods, so raw fruits are becoming more and more important in the
diet of many families with children. Parasites thrive on undigested / acidic
food…which makes the herbalist parasite formulas popular as well. For most
people, chewing their foods well and eating a wide variety in moderation serves
them well for a long and healthy life. Never worry about what you eat, worrying
does more damage than the wrong foods do.
EARS / Tinnitus - ringing
Question: My mother (83yrs old) has a ringing inside of her head on top, not
the ears. What would cause it? What can be done to help? Tinnitus is the
medical term for ringing in the ears. The cause of tinnitus is said to be, blood
rushing through an enlarged vein in the ear. “IF” noise is being heard in the head,
the ears are involved. “IF” there is so much blood flow disturbance in the brain
that the ears are “listening” to it, then naturally that is even more serious and I
would see a good Chiropractor ASAP and take her weekly until this goes away
and then monthly for the rest of her life. Doing all of this and along with
everything diet and herbal to thin the blood and restore normal circulation.
Always remove every source of dairy, hard water, all acid producing foods.
Consume 1 fresh pineapple weekly and all the fresh fruits she can eat and never
mix your fruits with other non fruit foods. I would spray the neck, face and chest
daily with Herbal Spray I ASAP and work on removing as much constipation as
possible. I made the ALL “N” ONE kit for the elderly that have no time to study
or want to understand why they are taking herbal formulas, if they empty the
bottles every month, then I suggest they have done much of what herbs can do.
At age 83, I would still take the Hormone Balance along with the entire ALL “N”
ONE kit.
EARS / drum
Question: I’ve had ear problems since a little girl, growing up with earaches
having a burst eardrum in right ear, common problem with children raised on
acid forming diet constantly battling with a tight neck area to the extent
every chiropractor or massager would ask if I have problems with
headaches and I don’t. I do know I have fluid behind/in ears. Fluid build –up
is a constipation situation. Also has an operation on right ear in 1975 to quit
draining and still have draining ever since, Operations never truly solve
anything and often cause more problems. plus a lump behind the ear
(probably scar tissue) which doesn’t bother me. All lumps and scar tissue is a
problem, the lack of circulation creates a home for parasites. I have what some
Dr. call swimmers ear. Any water or drops cause my ears to swell and have
a LOT of pain for a week to 10 days so use lots of caution when washing
my hair. Yesterday I was at my reflexologist and the first time I was there
(this summer) she said I’m going to make that you don’t need hearing aids.
I said good, but I won’t believe it till I see/hear it. All she can do is help
unblock constipation via massaging it. This morning I said to Jake I can hear
him without my aids. I hear very better when I take aids out. I sleep very
good usually. And I am wondering if the toxins my ears throw off are
loading liver and kidneys. I have tried so many things and spent so much,
I’m cautious. (female age 58) No hearing aid corrects hearing, they only
magnify sound. They in theory can only cause more damage. Your thinking is in
reverse, your kidney and liver failure is what loads up your blood that expels
waste out your ears and every place else within the body that is weak. Cleansing
the entire body, stopping all bad foods and bad drinks to remove the load from
the elimination organs is the only real solution beyond just “treatment” of
symptoms. I would spray the ears morning and night with Ear Ache Herbal
Spray for the rest of your life, see a good chiropractor regularly and avoid all
drugs and operations if possible, because this is a diet related problem known as
“constipation” of the ears, neck, lymph glands, etc. and not until this waste can
expel normally can circulation be restored. The damage done by operations
normally can never be restored. (Products- ALL “N” ONE kit and Ear Ache
Herbal Spray).
EARS / lymph
Questions: I have what the doctors call a swollen lymph node below my ear,
behind jaw, it is a hard lump and has been there for over 2 years. One
chiropractor called it a tumor and said my neck was out of place too long
which caused it. I have tried a few different natural products and also was
on strong antibiotics for a while and it did not dissolve. Should I have it
removed surgically, or is there something available that might dissolve it,
or shouldn’t I worry about it? All natural lumps within the body, especially near
the ear and all reproductive organs are said to be goiter type lumps due to a
lifetime of lacking natural / usable Iodine. I suggest spraying the ear / lump with
Ear Ache Herbal Spray and spray the neck area daily with Thyroid Herbal
Spray along with proper non acid forming diet and keep the elimination organs in
proper health. 1 tablespoon of Iodine Minerals daily as a all natural mineral
supplement based on Tree extracted Iodine. (Products- All “N” One kit).
Question 2: 32 yrs old, 5’1” tall, and weighs around 95lbs and sometimes
90lbs if under a lot of stress, is healthy, but doesn’t have a very good
appetite. I think she would look and feel better if she would have a bit more
“fat” like 105lbs. what could be done to improve her appetite and get her to
gain a few lbs of healthy fat? We have 6 children from age 1 to 10, so, of
course, she is a 24/7 mom! 90 pounds is too thin, 105-110 would be much
better. A mother gives of her health when having children and she must have
enough plant minerals in her diet and over all health in order to produce healthy
children, this is why the womb is designed by God to take 3 years to restore to
normal size and health. What determines our total weight? It is our NERVES.
Over active nerves will eat the flesh right off the body, while sluggish nerves will
allow the fat to build up. This mother sounds extremely busy and needs a lot of
good nutrition and help raising a healthy family. She needs a lot of education to
know how to properly supply her children and family with enough proper foods to
supply their daily needs, so they do not suffer deficiencies and then be harmed
and be a burden to the entire family. In any situation, do not wear the mother out,
because when mom ails, the entire home fails. Proper nutrition is her key to
health. Many of the stronger herbs are not to be used by those that are trying to
become pregnant. If you are pregnant or nursing; I SUGGEST 21 Women’s
Wellness capsules daily for as long as you’re nursing and 12 daily then after for
life. I suggest 1-3 tablespoons of Lecithin/LG Cleanse or coconut oil or your
preferred plant fat daily for life. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep if possible.
One more question—our 14month old daughter has a growth in her nose
which partially blocks her nasal passage. It usually looks reddish and
irritated but doesn’t cause much discomfort. We noticed it when she was
about 5 months old. The doctor said it is a nasal polyp and gave a
prescription for Nasonex, a nasal spray, but we didn’t get it yet. An Amish
chiropractor says it is caused by a blocked nerve below her eye. What is
your advise?
Chiropractors normal know best when it comes to understanding nerves. When it
comes to a lump of any nature within the entire body it is a blockage and often
caused by a deficiency in natural iodine. I suggest spraying the nose and face
morning and night with Herbal Spray I and 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon or more
as desired of Baby Calm.
EARS / infection / operations
Age 19, male- ear infection starting age 5, ear operations age 8 & 10,
tumors in middle ear. Swelling, fungus, drainage, smells, bleeding,
symptoms change as diet varies, increased when sugar consumed, head
aches. Tumors are accumulated waste the body wanted rid of and instead
surrounded in an effort to protect the body. Often a place for worms to live since
there is little blood flow. Cutting out tumors and all operations can do damage
and always stops the natural paths of elimination from doing the job and often
leaves scar tissue or removes parts of the body and then can cause lifelong
problems. Every effort to help and allow the body to take care of the problem
first, should be made and operations only as a last resort. The effects of diet is
showing this problem is an accumulation or simply put, a form of constipation and
most likely that is all it ever was as a small child, that was allowed to develop into
a serious problem. The diet was always the problem and will always remain the
problem until corrected. I suggest finding a good chiropractor and explain
everything and he can help the neck, head and ear areas a lot and possibly there
could be issues dating back to your birth in the skull plates that could have been
avoided if you had seen a chiropractor at age 3 days old. Regardless, the cure is
the same, improve diet, correct the constipation and I would spray the face daily
with Herbal Spray I and Spray the ears morning and night for years to come with
Herbal Ear Ache Spray. I would also try 3-5 ear candles on each ear every 6
Question: What can you do for eyes? My Dr. says I have pressure, wants me
to come in 3 times a year for pressure checks, and wants me to use these
drops xalatan-latanprost and is only 2.5 ml in a small bottle that costs me
$70! Surely there is some kind of herbs to use for this? The eyes are very
delicate organs, the smallest in-organic rock type mineral in our hard water and
wrong foods can enter into the eyes and constipate it, which makes it less
flexible. Calcium from dairy is excreted into and around the eyes to the point of
causing cataracts and the number one cause of all calcium diseases (old age).
There are so many inherited eye problems that all get worse based on how bad
the diet and habits are. The sun is the most important thing in all human health,
especially the eyes. Plentiful sunlight and looking far distances every day and as
well as using the eyes at nighttime outside in the dark are natural exercises that
keep the eyes flexible. All Dairy and hard water are the 2 main causes for loss of
eye health. Herbal treatments traditionally use Eye Bright Tea and Cayenne in
the old fashioned eye wash cup several times daily for life. This is still effective
when done correctly, but I prefer what I call Herbal Eye Spray based on herbs
and minerals known for eye health. The more advanced adult formulas also use
the cayenne and spices for increased circulation. Spray I also works well as a
mild spray. One elderly man washed his eyes with the Herbal Eye Spray and the
herbal liquid drips off his eyes and he proclaims the treatment is an enema for his
eyes! We have had 2 retired air force pilots that had lost vision do to flying at
extreme pressures that found great relief when using the Herbal Eye Spray over
a period of time. I personally after 2 years of spraying Herbal Spray I on my
face nightly have increased my eye sight enough that my eye doctor reduced my
prescription. There is never a way to predict what results will happen when
someone takes herbs or changes their diet and habits, because every human is
at a different degree of total body health, depending upon how well their
circulation is, because CIRCULATION is KING! Would I use drugs or over
counter liquids on my eyes? Never; if a product is not a safe food for a baby, then
it is never a safe food. All drug use is between the Doctor and his patients and
not a subject for this newsletter.
EYES / glaucoma
Question: How can I get rid of Glaucoma? Glaucoma is a group of diseases
which consists of elevated intraocular pressure, optic nerve injury, and visual
loss. Glaucoma is more common in older patients and in certain ethnic groups.
Glaucoma has no symptoms. Vision stays normal, and there is no pain. If
glaucoma remains untreated, people may see things clearly in front of them, they
miss objects to the side and out of the corner of their eye. Without treatment,
people have no side vision. It seems as though they are looking through a tunnel,
and over time, the remaining forward vision may decrease until there is no vision
left. Most cases of glaucoma may be caused by a gene (and its encoded protein)
which becomes highly active in response to biological stress. Same as
suggested as above for eyes. If I had this, I would be spraying my face nightly
and each morning with Herbal Eye Spray for the rest of my life. Every good
Chiropractor can help the entire body circulation of nerves and this in turn helps
the entire body; loss of circulation can rob a person of all their accumulated
wealth over their lifetime as they pay for the medical treatments. A person can
see their chiropractor many times for what it cost to see a medical specialist
once. If they spent their health money wisely, they would be purchasing the best
tree and vine fruits over a lifetime and avoid all the medical and over counter
disasters that the common people end up fallen victim to. Prevention not only is
cheaper, but it avoids many years of ill health.
EYES / circles
Question: What causes dark circles under the eyes? I have been bothered
by such since I was a teen and it does not improve with age. I am 40 yr old
female. Often considered iron poor blood / exhaustion. Our skin will always tell a
story of the internal organs. Dating back to the teen years, I am going to suggest
an Iodine deficiency, when natural iodine is lacking, nothing works correctly. The
other fact is that in America, everyone with iron poor blood is suspected to have
a bedbug problem. Currently they are saying bedbugs are at epidemic plague
levels and can be in any home America and especially a problem with all college
students. Bedbugs come out of the walls at 3 am in the morning and numb the
skin before they start to suck out the blood and leave before daylight never ever
being seen or felt. Those with healthy diet and spices / herbs as supplements
can make their body immune to such insects. Oregano Oil, Cayenne, essential
oils, etc. and herbs rich in natural iron and calcium works well. Useable
magnesium often corrects many issues as well. If I had the problem, I would use
Herbal Spray I all over my face and take 1 tablespoon of PICA daily with 1
tablespoon of Iron Balance or if capsules are preferred, 12 Women’s Wellness
Capsules daily and always see your chiropractor, because if the spine, ribs, etc.
are out of alignment, proper nerve function will make sure the entire body gets
signals from the brain so all will function properly. Naturally parasites and mineral
deposits (stones), etc. which all adds up to being a problem. (Additional
Products- ALL “N” ONE kit and Hormone Balance)
EYES / cataracts
Question: Is there anything one can do to prevent or slow down the forming
of cataracts? Cataracts are the condition of the eyes when damage to the
protein of the lens become cloudy and vision is impaired. The main cause of
cataracts would be imbalance within one or many systems of the body. There are
many different reasons the body would be out of balance. The following are just a
few: smoking or second hand smoke, diabetes, glandular imbalance, etc. All of
these imbalances promote the oxidative damage to the lens of the eye, which
appears to cause cataracts in animals, as well as people. The Number One
reason for cataracts is dairy, stop all dairy ASAP and drinking hard water, taking
vitamins / drugs and all forms of supplement that have rock type minerals will
decrease circulation to the eyes over time as they clog. Dairy by far is the main
reason for all cataracts. See your Chiropractor and make sure there are no
dental metals in the mouth. (Products- ALL “N” ONE kit, Kidney / Pancreas
Cleanse / Herbal Eye Spray 8 ounce bottle and spray entire face morning and
night. Once accustomed to the eye spray, eyes can be sprayed direct and ‘wash”
the eyes or just spray the eyes while closed, will help both ways.)
FEET / cold
Question: My husband, age 73, has trouble with cold feet in winter. He has
tried red pepper to speed up circulation. What other herbs are helpful to
improve circulation, as he thinks that is the trouble? He is correct; loss of
circulation to the skin is a common problem. The use of clothing stops our skin
from responding normally and this ends up in poor circulation to the skin as we
age. If we wore no clothing, our blood rushes to our skin when exposed to cold
weather and our skin should turn red as the warm blood flows. A healthy person
can lie down in a running creek in mid winter and their skin should turn cherry red
and do no damage. While a person with impeded circulation will have white / cold
skin that the blood has rushed around the heart and not up to the skin. Wrong
diet also produces arteries, veins and skin that has hardened or lost elasticity
and the circulation has been lost to the small areas. Taking 1-3 tablespoons daily
for life of Lecithin/LG Cleanse or similar plant fats will greatly help the arteries
and liver as well as the entire nervous system and brain to be more flexible and
improve true circulation over long use. Red Pepper used internally and externally
helps thin the blood and increase its flow over long term use. Garlic also thins the
blood and helps the heart. Products we call Longevity Spices is an All “N” One
mineral / de-wormer herbal formula based on improved circulation. A very spicy
herbal formula that the more you take, the better it works. Normally 1-3
tablespoons after each meal does wonders for digestion and circulation and
answers most everything herbs can do except supply the plant fats such as
Lecithin, Olive Oil, Wheat Germ Oil, etc, does. So ideally taking the herbs with
the choice of plant oils/LG Cleanse is best. What we call the ALL “N” ONE kit
also comes with the option of Longevity Spices instead of Part “B”. Some
elderly men just buy 1 gallon of Longevity Spices per month and consume it
every month. This also comes in adult strength for extra parasite aid. For the
skin, Herbal Spray III can’t be beat. Spraying the feet, back, hips, spine will
greatly increase circulation and also very anti-parasite and supplies essential
plant minerals through the skin and by inhaling the air while spraying it. Those
that do consume 1 gallon monthly of the Longevity Spices end up saying they
don’t have the words to describe the way it makes them feel. Their increase in
circulation is something they have not experienced for many years. The All “N”
One Kit Longevity Spices version is most ideal for those wanting it made easy;
simply consume all bottles every month. The cheapest method would be to just
buy the Longevity Spices by the gallon or 5 gallon bucket. If only one product
can be tried, Spray III used often every day on the joints, feet and anything that
hurts is the one product that can do the most for the least amount of money.
Personally I suggest 1 gallon of Longevity Spices and 1 large bottle of Spray III
and empty these bottles each month and after 3 months you will be amazed in
the differences. I have heard amazing results back from elderly men that have
consumed 1 gallon of Longevity Spices monthly with 8 Lower Bowel Balance
capsules daily. This amount of weeding and feeding the body using simple herbs
can change a person’s life.
FEMALE / ovaries
Question: What can be done for Polycystic Ovaries? Some doctors suggest
every lump and bump in the body, especially within the reproductive areas of the
female; are all results of lacking proper Iodine over a lifetime. Especially from
birth to teenage years, lacking Iodine in the developing years can lead to disaster
in adulthood. These lumps have been all called forms of “goiter”. Even though
this may be very true, these abnormal lumps are always “constipation” of any
given area within the entire body. Constipation always starts with a lifetime of
wrong diet and poor elimination of what we have consumed. As the kidney and
liver becomes congested and the lymph glands overwhelmed with waste, the
body will deposit the excessive waste in the weakest parts of the body. The
weakest parts always being the most abused and least cared for, which in the
females case is the reproductive areas. If the womb is not given 3 years to
restore its health after each child, the womb will weaken and also produce
weakened children that will grow up with health issues over time. The natural
remedy is to correct diet and habit as all heavy metals and toxins are being
removed from the cells. I have seen women that stopped all bad foods and
cleanse and flush their body until their weight was near perfect and along with
the weight loss, all their breast and ovary tumors left as well. The lumps and
bumps were all accumulated waste from within their body from years of improper
diet. On the hormone side, lack of proper Iodine and plant fats will result in poor
hormone function. The fastest water treatment for every male and female
reproductive area problem is the common sitz bath. You take a 1 hour hot bath,
drain the water and apply 55 degree well water direct to your bottom only and
allow the cold water to run off and do this for 15 minutes. Repeat this sitz bath
daily until all reproductive area diseases are gone, such as ovary / womb /
sterility / bleeding and for male prostrate and sterility. 2-3 Hormone Balance
Capsules daily for life along with Tree extracted Iodine Minerals. I suggest
spraying Spray III or Spray I daily on the entire pelvic area and anywhere that it
may hurt. In general a complete life change of diet and habits to turn the clock
back and restore the circulation to the entire body. See your Chiropractor every
month for the rest of your life for prevention and correction of nerve and bones
(ALL “N” ONE Kit along with the above would be most ideal). Ignoring these
problems as they appear, often ends up in operations to remove the defective
flesh as it looses circulation and becomes diseased. In most cases, every
disease started as a diet deficiency.
FEMALE / yeast
Question: What can be done about yeast infections? Candida albicans, a type
of pathogenic yeast-like imperfect fungi, are the main culprit causing yeast
infections amongst women. Yeast infections have become one of the most
common reasons that women consult healthcare professionals. The main
symptom of yeast infection is the itching of the external and internal genitalia,
which is often associated with a thick creamy white discharge. Severe infections
tend to cause the tissue to become red, inflamed, swollen and even bleed. The
leading cause of yeast infections would be improper diet. Candida albicans
mainly thrive on white sugar and other refined or processed foods. Thus, by
removing their primary food source, the over-growth of these fungi lessoned. This
fungus thrives on all undigested foods that end up in the lymph glands which
cause breast inflammation, chest and neck swelling and as well accumulated
weight in all the lymph glands. This excessive accumulated waste feeds the
yeast / fungus which basically are a generic name for over 1,000 common
diagnoses of disease. The sitz bath mentioned above will help restore proper
circulation to the lymph glands and fastest relief when proper diet applied. Killing
the fungus is not the cure. The waste will remain and more fungus will appear to
eat it. The only cure is cleansing the body, what I just call; WEED & FEED. This
can be done by diet and habits alone, but if herbs can be afforded, they make it
easier. In all cases, allow your foods to become your medicines and avoid drug
use. Proper diet that produces alkaline fluids will always be the fastest route to
success. While herbs supply the essential minerals, that may be lacking in the
diet and aid in parasite control and elimination. (Products- ALL “N” ONE kit,
Maximum Restore, Spray III, Women’s Wellness capsules.)
FUNGUS / fingers / toes
Question: What can you do if you have fungus on your finger nails and
sometimes the flesh cracks open? Also have fungus at big toe nail that it
thick but doesn’t crack open there. The main cause is the lack of proper
hygiene. The fungi tend to spread via moisture on the ground. Once this fungi
infects the feet and are continually exposed to moisture (lack of proper air
circulation of the feet), they tend grow and spread quickly, mainly around the foot
area and sometimes around the hand area. Commercial products used externally
never work, the problem is a total body problem and usually doesn’t go away
until the Liver and all elimination organs are working properly. Using toxic
substances such a bleach and solvents always poisons the person further and
results in more serious diseases later. I suggest 8 Lower Bowel Capsules daily
for at least 1 full year along with serious parasite herbs, such as Adult DeWormer and lots of Spray III direct on the hands and feet morning and night.
Spray, then wait 5 minutes and spray again, at least twice per day. The strongest
treatment I have is what we call Liver “Itch” formula. Suggested Dosage: 1
tablespoon morning and night(a total of 4 bottles) or your choice of Liver Tonic
herbs. First spring time Dandelions are known as a Spring Tonic and Milk
Thistle seed well known for the liver. If not taken care of, this type of fungus
often affects people the rest of their lives. Some get results applying strong
peroxide and carefully taking peroxide, even though this may temporarily appear
to work, the damage done by taking such a strong “bleach” type product can
upset the friendly bacteria and cause future health problems. WEED & FEED
until proper circulation is restored is the best long term method with no ill side
effects. Only the proper healthy blood can maintain a healthy body.
Question: What can I do to prevent losing more hair? I am a woman in my
mid 60's and have been losing hair since my 1st baby. A mother gives of
herself to produce baby, if she lacks enough proper plant minerals, she will loose
her health with each child that shows up as loss of hair and poor skin health.
I have some bald spots on top by now, Spots can indicate fungus, while one
large bald spot (males) can indicate heart)
I would be very happy to even have re-growth. Hair is an indicator of total
health. Those with enough proper nourishment normally have good hair, while
those that suffer proper nutrition often suffer hair loss starting by age 30. Hair
often re-grows with proper nutrition and circulation. (Products- Topknot Spray)
I have a friend who went to a medical Dr. and he treated her for thyroid and
she regained hair growth and original color. It was expensive and we can't
afford that. Many thanks. The Thyroid controls many body functions and aids in
purification of the blood stream, medical drugs / operations often supply short
lived results. Addressing nutrition, fungus, circulation and hormones are long
lasting and always, the entire body health must be addressed, not just the
symptom which something medical rarely ever does. Tight scalp has loss of
circulation and too much fat that chokes the hair. Massaging the scalp is the
cheapest thing a person can do. Like dissolves like, so when treating baldness
with very tight scalp; massaging the scalp with olive oil 1 day, castor oil the next
and wheat germ oil the third day and then repeat until the hair had re-grown. This
is normally for bald men. For women and men, an herbal tea can be used to
wash the hair nightly and also drink the tea each day (Topknot Tea). Metals of
every kind are very toxic to the human body, the smaller the metals, the more
toxic they are as they enter into the cells. These metals can take a lifetime to exit
the body and clog the hair. All toxic metals accumulation can be tested by doing
hair testing. No metal is safe; colloidal silver and all metals are extremely toxic to
the body and hair. All mammals of poor health will have poor hair and skin.
Proper diet and essential plant minerals are needed as building blocks for a
healthy body. All constipation overloads the hair and skin.
Thyroid- In 1992 titanium dioxide was added to our air (chem-trail jets),
commercial foods and all commercial skin and hair products. This was done to
reduce aids deaths. The side effect is anyone with mercury in their body would
risk Thyroid diseases. Thyroid diseases are a world wide problem now. All
mercury should be removed from past dental work and removal of accumulated
mercury in the body. All products containing titanium dioxide/edta can be
avoided, but the chemicals sprayed in our skies can not. All animals eat these
chemicals on the grass and their meats have these chemicals in them and get
passed onto humans. Humans born after 1992 have been suggested to have a
lifespan of age 40 due to the introduction of titanium dioxide/edta because of the
effects on the thyroid. Every human should take extra care to protect their
thyroid. (Products- Thyroid Spray or Adult Thyroid Spray, Kidney/Pancreas
Question: Are there any herbs for healthy hair? That prevents thinning and
baldness? Topknot Spray used daily, works for male or female. Side effects:
effects entire body health positively, improving with time, each month, each year;
getting better. Results are “ACCUMULITIVE”. Hair tends to take on a reddish tint
the first year; than often the hair will turn towards the color it was as a child. Hair
gets thicker with time. This is a Very strong anti-parasite and is strong circulation
enhancing. This is the same as SPRAY III, but has added herbs known for hair
Question: What can I do, or take, to stop my loss of hair? I am 58 yrs old
and losing my hair at an alarmingly fast rate! Topknot and after age 40, 2-3
Hormone Capsules daily for life will help a lot. The hormone capsules are also
called for at Uany ageU for hair loss and infertility. Used for both male and
HEAD / ache
Question: I get head aches from working in the warm summer sun. If it’s over
cast high humidity at 90 degrees it doesn’t bother me. Hope somebody can shed
some light on this. This is often the result of a disturbance in some other part of
the body, such as digestive disorders in the stomach, liver or bowel; problems in
the abdominal area; menstrual irregularities, impingements in the cervical;
concussion, eye strain, nervous excitement, fatigue, etc. The headache is a
mechanism which signals some serious problem elsewhere. The common
headache is due to faulty elimination, and the waste matter causes problems
until the toxic wastes reach the stomach nerves and affects them. Sometimes
headaches are caused from panic, fear, or worrying about the unknown.
Headaches of this type are the hardest to relieve, generally requiring something
strong like a heavy nerve tea with lobelia in it to diminish the nervous excitement.
A nerve tea such as valerian or skullcap with a few drops of tincture of lobelia to
a cup will give relief. Food allergies are another very common cause of
headache. The worst culprit is sugar; sugar headaches, which are sort of a
withdrawal; you eat the sugar, and then as the body is trying to eliminate the
toxic substance, your head pounds. Cheese commonly causes headaches,
probably the worst of the dairy products for this, although allergies to any of them
may cause the pain. Meats and eggs are also common allergens. My guess is
with the sun headache, as with most any health situation, it is related to
circulation. With the heat of the sun your going to experience an imbalance as
your skin attempts to sweat and cool the body. A good chiropractor could tell you
if your neck / skull plates or other parts of your bone structure are out of
alignment causing a circulation problem to the brain area. I would suggest this
type of a head ache is just a “warning” that something is not correct in your body.
Always listen to these warnings, in your case, wear a good hat and avoid direct
sunlight from noon to 3 each day. The sun is the most healing method us
humans have; the sun is not the problem. I would suggest Spray I all over your
face and neck each morning and at bed time and see if that makes a difference
in total over all health in time. It often has cured a headache in 1 minute of
spraying the face and neck, this type of headache would be due to circulation
issues, the Herbal Sprays have an amazing speed of decreasing swelling. I have
seen a few sprays return fingers that were swelled straight out and too stiff to
bend, back to normal in less than 4 minutes. Used daily for life, the Herbal
Sprays should increase total health each and every year. Spray I is the number I
spray we use, the children call it BOO BOO Spray.
HEART / children
Question: I have 2 children born with heart defects and one is a
hemophiliac. What herbs can help with this? When defects are a problem,
usually the foundational problem was a diet that lacked essential Iodine and
essential plant minerals such as iron, magnesium and calcium. Often toxins are
involved such as arsenic and many toxins found in common well water and
chemicals used from commercial sources as well as all dental toxins can cause
miscarriages and a variety of problems. I suggest most problems can be
prevented by proper diet and habits prior to pregnancy. After conception and
birth; diet and habits become even more important. In severe cases, operations
and drugs may be resorted to in order to temporarily slow death. In all cases, it is
essential to supply a diet that supplies the proper nutrition for the age of the child.
Always take the new born child to a good chiropractor and work closely with him
through the child’s life. If your chiropractor says he can not provide help, then
that Chiropractor is no good, find one that will. A good one always will and never
turns you away. Avoid drugs if at all possible. It is this simple: ONLY the red
blood cells can build the human body using the building blocks you supply them
via the proper diet. No drug, No herb, No modern method can ever create a cell
or repair it. ONLY the blood stream can maintain the human body. It makes zero
sense to use harmful foods, drinks or toxic drugs if a healthy body is desired. The
HEART like all organs, replaces itself when allowed to do so. Medical Doctors
close to 100 years ago knew that the heart can be rebuilt in 21 days using
orange juice fasting properly in elderly men. They know the liver reproduces so
rapidly that this is the reason the large worms live inside it. I see no reason “why”
if adult organs replace themselves, then surely children’s can also. The one thing
that does stop perfect regeneration is when the original design of the human
body has been defective and the cells only know how to rebuild to the original
design. This is rare in my opinion. Most problems are from the lack of essential
plant minerals and too many toxins in the diet. Children should be able to out
grow or cope with most anything they have been born with. “IF” there is a preknown problem with birth defects, the parents must make every preparation prior
to pregnancy to avoid any deficiency that can lead to a defect. Nothing harms the
family and life of the child more, than dealing with a defect that could have been
easily avoided. Diet and habits will be their best medicine. Parasites often can
be a foundational problem dating back generations. The best heart herb is garlic.
Best popular herb is Hawthorn berries, both very common herbs. For the
bleeders they seem to respond favorable to the calcium / iron herbs. In most
every case, this is a “deficiency” problem. They may not be able to assimilate
and use what their blood stream is in need of from the common diet and certain
herbs can help with this problem. Never give up, keep trying and searching until
“normal” life can be had as much as possible. Not knowing ages, operations, etc.
makes estimating herbs harder. (Products-No Bleed, Women’s / Men’s
Wellness Powder or capsules, De-Wormer).
HERBS / mulberry
Question: I have read how mulberry regulates blood sugar levels. Is this
safe to take to aid in weight loss? What are the medicinal properties of
mulberry, its actions and uses? Are there any negative side effects? Those
creating the market for mulberry seek to sell the white mulberry leaf for tea;
Chinese style, this is where much of the info is created. They say,”the tea has
powerful glucose blocking agents to prevent the body from absorbing many
common sugars so it's great for management of TdiabetesT and for Tweight
lossT. Additionally, white mulberry tea is chuck full of anitoxidants which are key
in strengthening your Timmune systemT and in Treducing your bad cholesterol
(LDL).T Finally, it is naturally packed with calcium (twice the calcium in a cup of
white mulberry tea as in a 8 oz glass of milk) so it’s great for Tbone strengthT
and warding of TosteoperosisT.” Usually these manufacturers make up anything
they can, to sell their product. When you read a herb is a miracle cure for most
that ails you and they mention nothing of diet, habits, etc. then you know your
pretty much being “scammed” by people in the marketing business. These same
types flood the mail boxes with magazines loaded with their gimmick
supplements. Historically this is the more common info:
The juice of the American Red Mulberry may be substituted; it is less acid than
the European, while that of the White Mulberry, native of China, is sweet, but
rather insipid. In the East, the Mulberry is most productive and useful. It is
gathered when ripe, dried on the tops of the houses in the sun, and stored for
winter use. In Cabul, it is pounded to a fine powder, and mixed with flour for
bread. The bark of M. nigra is reputed anthelmintic, and is used to expel tape
worm. The root-bark of M. Indica (Rumph) and other species is much used in the
East under the name of San-pai-p'i, as a diuretic and expectorant. The Morinda
tinctoria, or Indian Mulberry, is used by the African aborigines as a remedial
agent, but there is no reliable evidence of its therapeutic value. A parasitic fungus
growing on the old stems of Mulberry trees found in the island of Meshima,
Japan, and called there Meshimakobu, brown outside and yellow inside, is used
in Japan for medicine. Gerard recommends the fruit of the Mulberry tree for use
in all affections of the mouth and throat. 'The barke of the root,' he says, 'is bitter,
hot and drie, and hath a scouring faculty: the decoction hereof doth open the
stoppings of the liver and spleen, it purgeth the belly, and driveth forth wormes.'
I personally see the berries as a great source of potassium and the tree when
uprooted will send massive amounts of purple sap in an effort to repair the
damage, showing it is a remarkable tree in my opinion; that I loved to climb in as
a child and eat the sweet fruits. In Ohio, the mulberry tree is one of the largest
sources of natural tree fruits found in the wild. I know of no negative side effects
from eating the berries. I have never drunk tea made of the leaves.
1. Question: What causes chronic hives and what is a cure? Hives in general
are a result of a constipated blood stream with excessive waste from wrong diet.
This type of hive can be localized at weak points in the skin. Hives that often
cover large areas or the entire body are often triggered by the nerves and can
result in just seconds. The skin comes to the rescue in both cases as a method
to expel the toxic waste. Use every method to cleanse the blood stream and
strengthen the nerves. All cleansing herbs (colon / kidneys), correction of diet,
fasting, liver cleansing, water cures, clean skin, clean teeth, etc. Nerves- 1-3
tablespoons of plant oils/LG Cleanse, such as; lecithin, coconut oil, cold press
olive oil, etc. (Products-Spray I, ALL “N” ONE KIT)
They started last summer when it was very warm, and also under a lot of
stress. Tight clothing and water also seems to bring them on at times.
Thanks! This type would suggest more nerves and irritation as the onset.
2. Question: What do you do for hived when you know they didn’t come
from eating one certain food? It seems to come from my health situation. I
had been under Willie Christner and had rebuilt my liver, but lately it
bothers me more again. I feel well most times. If you completely changed your
diet and habits and corrected the flow of your Lymph Glands while you were
doing a 40 day fruit juice fast, then I would agree, you rebuilt your liver. If you
used a few homeopathic “waters” and a few herbal products, then I suggested
you only added problems for your liver to deal with. I suggest 1 tablespoon of
Lecithin/LG Cleanse daily for the rest of your life, with 2 Hormone Balance
capsules for starters. If you think nerves bring on the hives, then I suggest 1-2
tablespoons of MIND TRAC daily along with 4 Sleep Eze capsules every night at
bedtime. In every case, see a good chiropractor monthly. (extra Products- ALL
“N” ONE Kit and extra Herbal Spray I, spray the body daily, 7 days a week for a
couple of years and feel the differences as they accumulate over time. Every day
should be better or your program is failing you and you will need to do “more” to
restore proper diet and habits.
INCONTINENCE (bedwetting)
1. Question: What can be done for incontinence other than surgery, which I
would like to avoid?
2. Question: We have a 13yr old daughter that has a “leaky” bladder since
birth. Her panties are always wet. We’ve tried lots of different things but
none have helped. We’ve been to an urologist, we’ve tried Swedish bitters
etc. She also has some yeast, itchy etc. from being wet. Right now we just
started her on the Bladder formula from Dr. Christopher. We haven’t seen
results yet. She’s been having her period for a year now.
3. Question: What can I do for my 5 yr old girl who is a bed wetter since she
is two? I tried different things- kidney cleanse from Fountain of Life, etc.
But I can’t seem to get to the root of the problem. Any suggestions?
Extremely rare would it be that a 5 year old would need to cleanse their kidneys;
worms are often an issue, but the foundational problems are always a deficiency
Incontinence (bedwetting) is the inability to withhold urine during sleep. Aside
from the obvious difficulty, the child/person is often nervous and may suffer from
digestion troubles. This condition of incontinence or enuresis (involuntary flowing
of urine) can be helped by feeding the malfunction organs (kidneys, bladder,
urethral tubes, etc.) with herbal foods rich in the elements missing for a good
healthy body and organs of elimination. The kidney is very sensitive and
sometimes acts at the wrong time with fear or panic. Children quite often have
problems when their nervous systems are damaged, or in the kidney area; scar
tissue where the kidney has been from wetting his bed he/she got paddled,
instead of on the buttocks, it was just a little higher on the kidney area. The
greatest part of enuresis trouble is from the nerves. And a lot of it is
psychosomatic and frequently due to the presence of in-organic oxalic acid
crystals in the kidneys or bladder. Weak and undernourished children with a lack
of wholesome food are most likely to have this habit. Other causes are late
suppers, constipation, worms, gas in bowels, and general nervousness. Do not
scold or spank the child for bedwetting, as this causes the child to become more
nervous because of the scolding and punishments.
The above is a common explanation, based on the reasons I can’t see any
possible reason for an operation for this problem or any “normal” health problem.
Number one, the chiropractor is the “only” doctor that can help this and all
health problems. Beyond the chiropractor, I know of no other doctor needed,
unless dental has become a problem. The bones must be where they belong as
the first step to any treatment for any health situation that is present. If the bones
are out of alignment, the body can not function correctly. Once the bones are
known to be in proper place and the chiropractor aware of every problem and
working to help maintain the bones; “then” constipation is always the first issue.
Constipation can be a result of poor diet, bad habits, worms or for any reason
circulation is impaired in the human body. Once constipation is being addressed,
the diet will always be the greatest correction for every known health problem.
Remove the “irritating” and acid producing foods that creates a healthy alkaline
body and you will notice all these minor health problems fading away as the
nourishment has been corrected and future diseases prevented. The human
body will seek to expel all irritating waste when possible. Having control of our
nerves allows us to “control” the urine and the bowel. Nerves are covered in
human lecithin, when the diet lacks plant lecithin, the nerves and many of the
other vital body functions can lack proper lecithin / function. Nerves can have
parasites. Nerves can be damaged by toxic substances in the environment / diet.
People often suffer accumulative effects of nerve damage as they age. Being
born with nerve damage makes life harder as does all defects that make
pregnancy such of vital importance in “prevention”. I suggest seeing the
chiropractor once a week for 1 month, then monthly until all signs of incontinence
is gone. I suggest lecithin added to the diet based on age and always diluted
with cold pressed olive oil as a source of plant lecithin LG Cleanse. All children /
adults lack proper Natural Iodine and without Iodine, the hormones will not work
properly, which means nothing works or grows properly. Many teenage problems
can be avoided if the child was raised with enough essential Iodine in the diet.
Children often by age 5-8 out grow this problem. For children, it most often is
only a diet issue and nothing more. Eating non acid forming foods ends this
problem for normal children. Not drinking after 6 pm and never drinking wrong
drinks, etc. (Products-De-Wormer, LG Cleanse (our plant lecithin formula),
Spray I.)
IODINE / tree extracted
Question: I wonder, Our chiropractor said the natural tree iodine plus they
are wanting to take off the market now. I said, it’s not even in the catalog
yet! Your chiropractor is confused, no one wants to remove these herbs from the
market in the U.S.A. we have the most herbal freedom in the world. I’m taking it
with good results for my low thyroid dysfunction and was hoping they
wouldn’t discontinue it yet. I am the only person on earth that makes this
extract, I believe it to be the only safe and natural Tree Iodine Extract on earth
and everyone seems to get thicker fingernails with the very first bottle and I know
my bones got stronger. I made a book some years ago that explains Iodine
history. I studied Iodine because it is the most important plant mineral there is for
human health and I learned until where I knew the best source was and I
determined it was from trees. I know of no plant in the ocean that manufactures
Iodine. Real Iodine can not be made from chemicals, commercial lugol’s iodine
was determined to sterilize humans in 1950 and they started taking lugol’s iodine
off the commercial market except for animals, which is made with wood alcohol.
also so wonder what in the world a man could take for depression
symptoms. It all depends on the reasons. Is it from emotional problems or from
physical problems such as poisoning and acidic system? Chiropractor put him
on vitamin D There is no such thing as vitamin D in a capsule or shot; that is a
faked medical creation back in the 1920’s to create the “Vitamin” market that we
have today, that sells toxic substances as “vitamins”. because he suspected
SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and for now I doubt it’s helping. No
vitamin product provides real health. Also isn’t there something one could do
if the winter cold feels lots colder then it does for other people? So cold it
spoils the season and looks awful to think of many more winter in
Wisconsin cold? If you read your question well, you are suitable to be a snow
bird and fly south for the winter! Depression often is made up in our own minds
from not being satisfied of our living situation. Happiness is accepting our
situation and thanking God every night as we go to sleep and thanking God for
each morning we awake to a new and enjoy full day. If we are not happy with our
life and surroundings, no herb or drug will change that. With all we do, do it with
gladness and joy, there is no other way or our sadness will harm our health and
shorten our life. (Products- Hormone Balance Capsules, ALL “N” ONE kit,
extra Spray I and III.)
1. Question: Since early September I have bother with my right knee. It’s
sore sometimes real sore when I walk around. My knee sometimes go snap
when I pick up my foot and swing foot forward. It’s hurt when bend my leg
around my knee. What kind salve you use or spray on or some kind of pills
or liquid? I take Melaleuca vitamin pills (vitality six) it also have calcium
pills. I wonder what I need for my sore knee? I am thinking about try
cellelife product such as Capstone Spray. What do you think about that?
One time my sister said it might be arthritis. Also, what do you use for best
weight loss program? (age 46 female) In every case always seek a good
Chiropractor, a good one may be hard to find, but when you have a good one,
they should be the only doctor you ever need. Being female and age 46 a variety
of reasons lead to this common problem. The Chiropractor always rules out
physical damage and everyone should see the Chiropractor 4 x per year or
monthly if there is a known problem. This may sound expensive, but it should
save an enormous amount of money over a lifetime. Knee and hip replacements
are very common. I blame failure on Lymes worms eating the bones up. (Read
lymes). Wrong diet leads to acid build up as the kidneys fail and for the female,
when they start to loose their ability to have a monthly menstrual cycle, their
accumulated acidic waste will be deposited into their joints, which is all arthritis is
for women past age 40. The knees, weight, etc. are just an end result of a
lifetime of “normal” every day diet. Some people can expel more waste than
others and this explains why some have troubles by age 19, while most start
having troubles by age 40 and experience real pains by age 65. Products are
NEVER going to “cure” your problem without a diet and habit change of life.
Products will only treat the problem. Most all calcium supplements are very Bad
product, in that they are not plant minerals and more like lime / rock minerals that
accumulate and age the body rapidly. Humans are said to have 600 x too much
calcium accumulated before they loose enough circulation to die, dairy and hard
water being the 2 main sources. Not until the foundational problems are solved,
will the problem be cured. Honestly, few will ever cure this problem; they usually
accept is as a sign of aging that they have no control over, because every
product they try fails to cure them. In time hopefully the newsletter will address all
the problems with diet and habit that lead to this and all constipation illnesses.
The first steps in every illness; is restoring the colon health, elimination of the
kidney stones, liver stones, restoring the lecithin in the circulation & brain and
removal of toxins and parasites. The only Dr. I have used in the past 34 years is
my Chiropractor and I know of no reason for another doctor for a “disease”, in my
opinion, all diseases are constipation issues that build up over a lifetime.
Diseases are cured by reversing the foundational issues. Weight is always a
constipation issue, rather it be too fat or too thin, because in both cases,
circulation has been impeded and organs not functioning properly. You will never
ever find a weight product that works, they are all “fake” products, in that they will
cause harm and have side effects “if” weight is reduced by taking just a product
and always the person ends up gaining weight and or loss of health as a result of
taking the so called weight reducing product. In every case, diet and habit has to
be addressed if weight loss is to be successful. More money is wasted on weight
reducing products than any other rip off in America. All success starts at the
dinner table and ends in the toilet. (Products- ALL “N” ONE kit, Spray III.)
2. Question: What is the best thing to do/use for stiff knees? I am 74 yrs old
and wouldn’t want to do without cod liver oil- Cod Liver Oil is not a natural
product. Dead liver / oil would spoil rapidly and since it came from the liver, it
would obtain all everything the fish was trying to eliminate out of its body before it
was killed.
and osteo pro care- Most likely a “vitamin” type of a product using in-organic,
non plant type minerals that will accumulate as they clog the kidneys over time.
which I take every evening before bedtime, and have started taking micro
minerals- Usually every commercial mineral supplement uses modified rock, the
smaller they make the rock, the more damage it can do to the kidneys and
arteries as they accumulate. in the last 6 months at least I’m not losing
weight anymore and actually gained some since taking the minerals. I
weigh 118 lbs now and I am 5’4” tall. I am still active and especially enjoy
gardening in summertime, but still have stiffness in my knees and can’t run
down steps as I used to. Every morning I take my honey and vinegar in a
glass of warm water, it gives me a feeling of well being. Most of your Honey
and Vinegar has kept you going. Suggestions are same as question 1.
LEGS / itch
Question: My husband has really itchy legs. When he takes his stockings
off, they itch so bad he about cant keep from scratching. If he starts
scratching, it puffs up like a rash and just gets worse. He has tried lots of
stuff like alcohol, and anti itch sprays and creams. Some help a little but
would like to find a cure. Any help would be appreciated. I worked 30 years
in a lead bearing factory. I developed such an itch after 10 years of working with
heavy metals, acids, solvents and oils. I itched, my legs for almost 10 years and
had blood on my socks every day and was raw from the ankles to my knees
during this time. Many of my co-workers had the same thing or developed it later.
I tried many methods for several years; all liver flushing stopped the itch from
becoming worse. Herbs helped, but nothing solved the problem. I went to Dr.
Meesie, who’s an Herbalist that is still alive in his 90’s and he came up with a 4
herb combination for me to give a try. He said take 1 tablespoon morning and
night and see what happens. I had to take a total of 4 eight ounce bottles and my
skin cleared up and has stayed clear for 13 years now. I had done a lot of other
herbs and cleanses prior to this, so I always tell people I do not know what you
may expect. The formula has helped many and we just ended up calling it “liver”
itch formula, because it seems this problem will never go away until the Liver is
enabled to remove it. The main herb is Virginia Snake Rt., which is now an
obsolete herb. That I have been only able to find from a person that grows rare
herbs for fun / profit and to obtain enough of these very small and very fine roots
cost approx $2,000 per pound, making it in my opinion as the most expensive
herb on earth. Even many years ago when the herb was still being used, it sold
for over $75 a pound. I have collected as much of this herb as I could obtain for
years and I am probably the only person that even wants it. To me it is a miracle
herb that changed my life. Because for almost 10 years I itched, my legs in my
sleep and my legs were raw and seeping fluids and blood 24/7 that was like a
plague. Most likely in my case it was lead/copper/nickel poisoning. In every case,
the skin seeks to save the life, if the skin itches; it is expelling acidic poisons the
internal organs were too over whelmed to eliminate down the toilet. I have always
suggested 4 bottles at 1 tablespoon morning and night ands pray for the best.
Always seek to stop the toxins from entering the body, if he is working in a toxic
situation or otherwise being poisoned, these poisons have to be stopped. In
cases where the poisons are a mystery, always check the arsenic content of the
drinking water. (Products- Liver Itch, Spray I, All “N” ONE Kit)
LYMES – the world wide plague that effects every human of all ages!
Question: What kind of test do you feel is accurate for lyme disease? My
mother who has been diagnosed with lyme disease for years (if the test is
accurate) has had health problems for years. What kind of treatment do you
feel she should have? Looking forward to the newsletter. Lymes is now to be
transmitted by over 300 insects and mammals to humans, this is a world wide
plague and no test is needed. Virtually every human on earth has this and dates
back over 300 years in the human population. The current mutation has landed it
the name, Lymes. Every pet, animal and insect you can name, most likely can
transmit this worm to anyone. The worm is microscopic in size, literally
thousands upon thousands can live in a dead tooth or dead piece of bone, the 2
places they are safe to hide in the human body. This explains the current plague
of hip and knee replacements. Lymes disease is a universal name for all
diseases due to parasites, which are basically most all diseases known.
Every health product that does not address Lymes Disease will fail to restore
health. Drugs can not kill the lymes worms without killing the patient. Our blood
must be made strong enough to create the human chemicals that the blood
stream uses to kill these and all parasites. This is why the Lymes Worms live in
dead teeth and dead bone tissue, because blood does not flow there and where
the blood does not flow, worms/bacteria will flourish. Dirty teeth/gums and under
dental fillings is the largest source of Lymes. This huge amount of waste to live
upon where there is no blood flow allows these worms to thrive and then be
swallowed daily. Cleaning the teeth is essential along with herbs known to help
with the hardest to kill parasites. This also means every farm animal is plagued
by Lymes. Lymes eats up the bones of all mammals. Literally 300+ Lymes worms
can live in the stomach of 1 mosquito and the blood sucking / biting insects are
the worst for spreading these worms, but for the past 300 years, humans have
passed the worms on in the womb, so any testing done, in my opinion is nothing
but a test that may try to tell you how bad your infection is at the present time.
Lymes has 1 purpose, to eat us alive and eat us after we are dead until we are
dissolved back into the earth. The more we break all the diet and habit rules, the
more these and all parasites will plague our health. This is Nature’s Way of
survival of the fittest.
My opinion is that any Herbal Formula and De-Wormer that does not address
Lymes, is a worthless De-Wormer product. Every Herbal Formula I make helps
the body by supplying essential plant minerals and plant chemicals that the Liver
and Blood cells converts into human chemicals that are used by the red blood
cells to kill, dissolve and remove parasites of all kinds. Naturally the De-Wormer
formulas concentrate MORE on parasites and what I call “ADULT” formulas are
always very strong anti-Lymes worms. The ALL “N” ONE Kits plain or
Longevity Spices have the option of “ADULT” strength. Adult Strength
naturally means the taste is going to be more potent. Not suitable for children or
pregnant or wanting to become pregnant women. You will always read the
disclaimer of using herbs for pregnant or those wanting to become pregnant, for
the simple fact, no one knows 100% for sure what effects herbs have on the
developing baby.
I personally believe all humans have Lymes to some degree and as long as they
are healthy, their immune system can defend for the body. I am probably the only
Herbalist that seeks to know everything I can about Lymes Disease and seeks to
collect every herb known on earth to be helpful in the treatment of Lymes /
Syphilis over the past 100 years of herbal history. I am sure my adult formulas
are the only formulas of their kind on earth, because I am the only one making
herbal formulas of this kind that I am aware of. I am constantly finding more
herbs with history of this type of worm. These herbs work for all mammals as far
as I know. The common house cat has the hardest time dealing with de-worming
because they do not sweat easily. When de-wormed they tend to lay around for a
few days with matted down fur and then once over it, they see extremely healthy.
Animals with too many worms and de-wormed too quickly can bleed to death,
this is seen with heart worms in dogs and some people say their cats die when
they de-worm them. Otherwise I have used these same herbs for pigeons,
rabbits, dogs, cats, cows and horses. People do not realize rabbits transmit a
very bad worm called the rabbit fluke and all mammals that step any place a
rabbit has been, most likely has these tiny flat worms. Parasites are a huge
subject, since there are over 20,000 known species that can live in humans. So
my theory is that Lymes / Syphilis are the most deadliest and most common in all
humans. And any Herbal De-Wormer Formula that works for Lymes should
work for every parasite. I am the only one that makes Herbal De-Wormer Spray
for the skin. The skin is a common place for parasites to hide, since there is a
lack of blood circulation in the skin of many people the older they become. All the
Herbal Sprays are anti-parasite.
For a treatment plan, the entire body should be what I call WEED and FEED.
This often means a life change for most people and the older and sicklier they
are; the less they want to change anything. The ALL “N” ONE Kit adult formula
used faithfully every month along with diet and habit corrections would be a great
start. Often people refuse to clean up their dental situation and their water
supply. Those 2 things are the most important steps in prevention of disease.
This will be covered in detail in the monthly newsletters.
MILK / allergic
Question: If a child of 10 was diagnosed as being allergic to dairy products
and we don’t change his diet, will his condition get worse as he gets older?
Yes, No human can digest milk after age 18 months successfully. Approx. 20%
of white European decent can handle cow milk without getting acidic diseases,
but often will become fat and loose bone health over time, often loosing teeth. I
grew up on a dairy farm and milked 100 cows as a teenager every morning
before school and lived on cow’s milk; as did my dad and brothers and we all lost
our teeth. I personally stopped all cows’ milk 10 years ago. All people of color,
especially black and Asians can not tolerate cow’s milk and are often very
allergic. Cow’s milk contains all the waste that the cow expels out its blood daily.
Milk is basically blood minus the red blood cells, so milk can never be healthier
than the mammal it comes from. This is why many children suffer when mother’s
health is poor and she produces poor milk. The worse thing a mother can do
while nursing is consume cows milk, this will often make the baby allergic to
cows milk later on and never healthy for the child. When we milked, we took the
milk from what we believed was the “best” cow. No matter what a cow eats or
drinks, the smell and what the cow’s blood stream seen as a toxin will be
expelled out in the milk. This means since 1992 every cow in America produces
milk loaded with aluminum and titanium dioxides as they fall out of the air onto
every blade of grass. Many times with children, their Immune System will “throwoff” all toxic foods the parents feed as the common cold / sore throat or diarrhea.
Often by age 10, the child has been poisoned so long, that the body can’t defend
and eliminate the waste and starts to “accumulate” the toxins and these
accumulations attract parasites and often the “fever” is needed to dissolve the
waste and sweat it out. The common egg according to medical history was
proven to poison the common child for up to 10 days as a source of too high
protein that the small child could assimilate. In every case wrong foods will lead
to an elimination crisis that is commonly recognized as a disease and over the
years, each disease accelerates into doing more harm to the organs as they clog
with the waste / acids. We milked cows up until 1977 and every day the milk man
came and every day the milk man poured in commercial grade Clorox bleach to
knock down the bacteria. Today all forms of Clorox are suggested to be the
number one cause of human cancers. As a side note, I was age 8 when we
started milking cows and drank lots of it and eat lots of homemade butter and I
out grew my older brothers that didn’t have as much rich fatty milk in their
growing years. Milk supplies a lot of fat and enough protein to raise a calf. I
consider any person allergic to dairy as having a working Immune System still
able to throw off the milk as it tries to enter the blood stream, while anyone that
does not react to dairy, simple has adapted to consuming it and most likely
accumulating it and will eventually later in life suffer its effects such as my family
and I have.
Question: I have a traveling virus in my body. What is this? Sometimes my
feet hurt. Later my legs. Sometimes my bones. Sometimes my hips. Then it
settles in my head too. I have found Black Salve draws it out but nasty to
use. 15 yrs now I am on Mepra to sleep after a break down of the virus in
my head and no Doctor then was able to help me. I’m still struggling to get
off it. Now I seek further help. Drugs are toxic; they can therefore not supply
nutrition that promotes health. All drugs are a subject for you and your doctors of
U“your” Uchoice. 15 years of drug use alone creates a huge health issue that can
take years to reverse. Black salves can be anything from common tar salves to
caustic salves and in either case have nothing to do with these pains or so called
traveling “virus”. First of all, seek a male chiropractor that has been in practice for
at least 20 years. A well experienced man. I suggest man, simple because to be
a chiropractor you need to be big and strong to handle the human body. A
person that finds a “GOOD” chiropractor and “trust” them will have no need for
another doctor in their lifetime other than the occasional dentist. Your
chiropractor should be able to help you in every health situation by treatment and
advice; if not, you have not found a good enough chiropractor. Otherwise
constipation, circulation and worms are the foundational problems of most pains.
Addressing those and not taking “drugs” will lead to improved health. Cleansing
your body will enable it to maintain a healthy blood stream. Healthy blood is
alkaline blood that kills the viruses/bacteria/worms and supplies oxygen and
nutrients to your cells so you live and sleep well. General cleanses and one cure,
cures all, will be covered in the newsletters. (Products- All “N” ONE KIT and
Hormone Balance Capsules, 1 kit per month, for Sleep- SLEEP EZE capsules
4 before bed and 2 anytime you wake up)
PAINS / sleep / general
Question: I have a terrible time to get to sleep and stay asleep. I have used
many herbal remedies and homeopathic. It lasts only a while, then it
doesn’t help anymore. What else can I do? If you’re wakening up around 3
am, it is usually a sign of an acidic body which results from wrong diet that has
accumulated waste over whelming your blood. Homeopathic products are
nothing but water or worthless pills with zero herbs, they are in fact, a rip off and
cost nothing to make. Commercial made herbal products have been diluted and
radiated to the point they supply little value. I have had shingles 2 yrs ago and I
still have this burning sensation, it comes and goes. What can I do about
it? I put vitamin E salve on every night. No such thing as vitamin E salve has
to be a gimmick” product. Treating shingles externally will never cure the
problem. Shingles consists of a very painful rash that often appears on the side
of the body in a narrow band. This disorder usually affects individuals with
compromised immune systems. The same virus (varicella zoster) that causes
chicken pox also causes shingles. The nerve pain that lingers after the rash has
cleared is known as postherpetic neuralgia. Shingles in my opinion is advanced
mono type disease, which is the deterioration of the immune System. Each
disease will progressively become worse if drugs were used to suppress the
symptoms. Reading Dr. Morton Walker’s book, OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT $6.00
educates on all the bacteria / viral / herpes diseases and explains how high dose
Olive Leaf will safely make the Immune System strong again. I have fluid
retention in my legs and ankles for 30 yrs or more. Nothing helps long,
used a lot of natural products, parsley, lemon, and a lot of natural pills.
Only helps 2-4 wks then it is back. Summertime is worse. Excessive fluids
are a result of clogged kidneys, clogged elimination organs and always a result of
wrong diet and habits. Each year accumulations create more pains and
problems. Summertime is worse because we tend to drink more fluids. The
Kidneys can process about ½ gallon rock mineral free fluid daily if they are clean
and working properly. When clogged, the skin comes to the rescue and the fluids
start filling the lymph glands searching for a place to expel. I always tell people
they can either put their foods down the toilet or up and out their skin. I have this
pain in my hip. Deep in the joints is what it feels like, I have used many
many things for it already. Products in general only add more toxins to the
already over worked internal organs. Only plant based foods and supplements
can be assimilated and more importantly, ELIMINATED by the blood. All vitamins
/ drugs / hard water / bad drinks / bad foods will accumulate and make more
waste to expel. Commercial products add to health problems.
The above question is the most common problem in modern day human history.
Doctors have given the symptoms over 1,000 diagnosed names. It simply is a
constipated and starving body that is in the process of dying slowly over a
lifetime. If the foods can’t be assimilated and 100% eliminated, then they will
cause constipation somewhere within the body, which attracts every form of
parasites small and large and ends up in low oxygen starved blood that then
can’t support proper life. This will be well explained within the newsletters in
2011. (Products- ALL “N” ONE kit double bottles, Kidney / Pancreas cleanse
/ Hormone Balance / Extra Herbal Spray I and Herbal Spray III and see your
chiropractor monthly for the rest of your life along with diet correction and
improved habits). Don’t waste money on commercial supplements, allow your
foods to be your medicines and seek only natural plant based supplements.
Question: I am 43 yrs. old and just weaned my 10PthP toddler. Some days my
tummy directly above my pelvic bone and the area beside it feel inflamed
and swollen, to the extent that I feel sick. Other days it is feeling much
better and my waist looks and feels slimmer. What’s the cause/problem and
what’s the answer? Ideally each child comes 3 years apart so the womb can
return to health and then produce the next healthy baby. The mother must supply
herself and each baby enough essential plant minerals and nutrition or health of
mother and baby’s will equal to the diet. Mother should always work with a
“good” chiropractor. Sometimes it is hard to find a good one. Look for a man that
has been a chiropractor for at least 20 years and normally treats children under
age 12 for free and desires to treat newborn babies as a method of prevention.
Mother to be should see her chiropractor monthly and then weekly the last month
of pregnancy and then 3 days after delivery, both her and baby should see the
chiropractor to make sure mother’s pelvic and spine are in proper location and
baby’s head rounded out and spine in correct alignment. This alone makes
pregnancy much easier and safer and a must for anyone doing home delivery.
No mid-wife should work with a family that refuses the chiropractor. A good one
can help the mother more than any other doctor can. I suggest you see a
chiropractor immediately. If you’re lacking enough plant minerals in your diet and
circulation impaired by a wide range of reasons, your health will become worse
and always, in every case, baby cannot be healthier than mother’s milk. An ill
mother will expel her waste through her milk supply. Pregnancy and nursing is to
be taken very serious “IF” future “good” health is being planned for. (ProductsRed Raspberry Tea, Herbal Spray I)
PREGANCY / legs / nerves
Question: I am suffering from severe restless leg syndrome, then was
diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy, at this point of time the RLS is
under control but the PN bothers me in tingling soles of the feet. I am
wondering what I could do or use to heal the tingling nerves? I am
switching to freshly ground flours and natural sugars, eliminating food
preservatives, coloring etc. I am trying to eat living foods. Would a
pregnancy magnify the severity of the condition? Or could a product meet
the need during pregnancy? I suffered much during my last pregnancy. I
am currently using EM Power Plus and B Vitamins. A Pregnancy takes a lot
out of the mother she gives of herself to create the baby. The same applies for all
pregnancies listed above. Vitamins cannot be purchased in a capsule / bottle.
Real vitamins are created by our skin from direct sunlight. Minerals on the other
hand can be supplemented and often nutritional yeast is used for what is referred
as “B” vitamins, while in fact, real vitamins are not something that can be
purchased. Commercial supplements that are not whole herbal minerals should
be considered not only gimmicks, but bad substances not suitable for human
health. If the label does not list all herbs, with zero filler, then the product is of no
value and most likely substances that will clog the Kidneys. What we call
Women’s Wellness Capsules or powder taken 21 capsules daily while
pregnant and nursing and if need be 2-3 Hormone Balance capsules daily
along with 1 quart of Red Raspberry Tea normally solves these problems and
makes pregnancy very easy. Herbal Spray I used daily on all areas that hurt
along with taking 3 tablespoons of coconut oil or plant oils of choice internally
and as well rubbing the oils on the tummy and all areas that stretch the skin. The
plant oils are essential to take with the Hormone Balancing herbs. Wheat Germ
oil was a favorite for this purpose in the mid-west, while today many women
prefer coconut oil. Real virgin coconut oil will smell like fresh coconut oil and be
pleasant to eat direct in the mouth or use in place of all dairy butters. When it
comes to the muscles / skin, often there is an imbalance of minerals in the blood
stream. The Calcium / Magnesium / Iron / Iodine must be enough for the blood
stream to make and carry out daily functions. In America the dairy consumption
has lead to the average sick human having 600 x too much calcium and a great
deficiency in magnesium, plant iron and Tree Iodine. To supplement with these
and other essential plant minerals in a rock form and not plant form, only tends to
clog the delicate cells of the Kidneys and wrong / unusable form of minerals.
Many today 100% believe every known disease can be related to a mineral
deficiency. These minerals must be first used and converted by plants before a
human can consume them; this will be covered in future newsletters. A well
planned pregnancy should be a pleasant experience and never sickness or ill
side effects. If the mother looses health during pregnancy or nursing, so will the
baby. (Products- Herbal Spray I, II or III, Women’s Wellness
capsules/powder, Hormone Capsules, Red Raspberry Tea, ALL “N” ONE
Question: What are some natural things we can do for prostate problems?
The prostate consists of 3 lobes which manufacture seminal fluid. The tube which
empties the bladder passes over the middle lobe. In later life, the prostate gland
often becomes enlarged and causes problems by closing off the exit of urine
from the bladder. This urine retention often starts by a decrease in the force of
the stream of urine leaving the body. Prostate blockage of the flow of urine
because of infection or cancer can be very serious --- even to the point of
causing uremia poisoning within the body. The cause of enlargement of the
prostate gland is the collection of mucus and sediment in the gland. Often the
male hormones produced by the body are not enough to keep the prostate gland
functioning well. The nitrates and nitrites in processed meats, hot dogs, baloney,
and other cold cuts have a particularly important role in the formation of cancer of
the prostate in the male. Hard water that clogs the kidneys also causes
lime/waste to build up in the entire body and can even cause a rock to form in the
prostrate. Clean homemade distilled water is called for when anyone wants to
prevent all diseases or treat all diseases. Coffee and all acid producing
foods/drinks all lead to such problems that show up after age 40-50. Often
hormone related, but mostly a result of lifetime wrong diet and habits. Daily
cabbage and or garlic will reduce medical prostrate testing scores, but not a cure
for the real problems. Prostrate problems start by age 40 and are normally
ignored till age 65 when the problems make life hard. Reversing 15+ years of
pre-warnings is never easy and NOT FAST. Diet and habits are most important;
returning the body back to total health will be the fastest reward in every disease.
The over-weight or too thin body is always going to be the hardest to quickly
return to health. Circulation must be restored and always the Kidneys are the
number one organs. As long as they remain clogged, nothing can properly
function in the human body. Common herbs are Pygeum bark, Saw Palmetto
berry, Nettles, Willow Herb (not willow bark) and all Kidney cleansing herbs.
Wrong drinks and wrong diet will only make the problem worse as the body fails
to cope with the constipation. A visit to the E/R for a swollen / clogged prostrate
pains; is described as a man having a baby and often bleeds when improperly
handled. This problem should be taken seriously and avoided at all cost. In every
case of loss of circulation, parasites will feed and once a bodily function ceases
to function, it will harden and die. In emergency cases, the prostrate can be
massaged to bring temporary relief. In old times the finger was used and today
there are rubber devices sold for such things. The most common emergency aid
is the use of a medical catheter. American Indians used small hollow bones as a
form of catheter. (Products- Prostrate Aid, ALL “N” ONE kit, Kidney/Pancreas
Cleanse, Hormone Balance, Spray III.)
SCHIZOPHRENIA / weight/drugs
Question: What would you recommend for a mental disorder called
schizophrenia in a 16 yr old girl who also has a weight problem? She is
currently taking a drug for this but we would like to try an herb for this.
Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness characterized by a disintegration of the
process of thinking, of contact with reality, and of emotional responsiveness.
Schizophrenia often interferes with a person’s ability to think clearly, to
distinguish reality from fantasy, to manage emotions, make decisions, and relate
to others. Prior to drug use I would suggest Natural Iodine, Natural Plant
Minerals and proper diet and habits along with a lot of love and understanding.
Many mental issues have been related back to an Iron problem. I suggest Iodine
and Iron are the 2 most important plant minerals that enable humans to be
“civilized” towards each other. Since this poor girl has been put on drugs, all
drugs have side effects, most often weight gain as the damage is being done to
the internal organs, etc. In every case, the children should have seen their
Chiropractor from birth up for every single health issue along with nutrition
correction and proper love and guidance to experience the peace God provides
for all who seek Him. Drugs are for those that have been given up on; drugs
often will dumb down the senses, so others can go about their business. Drug
use always is harmful and always a last resort when all natural methods have
failed. Mercury, arsenic, etc. all the toxic metals and chemicals can cause many
serious problems when consumed in the water or food supply. Parasites can
affect every part of the body and deficient plant minerals can affect every enzyme
and hormone, but once on the drug, herbs cannot overcome the side effects of
the past and present problems. I suggest seeking a great chiropractor ASAP and
take her monthly for the rest of her life; ask the M.D. for help to get her off the
drugs and return her to Nature and supply her all the plant minerals and great
foods with clean water. No dental metals in her mouth what so ever. (Products;
Mind Trac, ALL “N” ONE kit, Hormone Balance Capsules, Iodine Minerals
Syrup and lots of Herbal Spray I).
Question: My husband’s feet are numb at the front of his feet behind his
toes. He does not have diabetes, but he is on a low dose of dilantin for a
seizure he had in 2001. What do you have or what could we do? Loss of
feeling in the feet is always a great concern. Always in every health issue, find
and use a great Chiropractor first and as prevention. They understand circulation
and are the only professional health care providers I recommend for disease, and
normal everyday aches and pains. That drug is very potent and extremely
addictive, in that it is not easily ever gotten off of. The side effects are many. You
will need to work with a natural minded M.D. trained in the use of that drug if
you’re ever to get off of it. Along with the chiropractic help, I suggest Spray III on
the feet, spine and joints daily for years to come. I will always suggest getting
drug free. There are many reasons for seizures, the most common; drinking too
much mountain dew or falling and hitting the head severely. Anything that causes
to much acid buildup in the brain can cause the lights to go out or brain to
malfunction properly.
Questions: What is a good treatment for sciatica? See a good chiropractor
weekly until this is resolved. Correct diet and habits will reduce the amount of
visits and improve success. I suggest spraying the left leg morning and night with
Herbal Spray III and the right leg and hips/spine. Spray and repeat 5 minutes
later to last all day. (Products- ALL “N” ONE kit).
Can glaucoma be controlled without using drugs? – see Glaucoma
And blood pressure? See Blood Pressure
1. Question: What can be done for psoriasis? Scaly, bumpy scalp. 2.
Question: What causes dermatitis or psoriasis of the scalp? Is it a systemic
problem and can it be cured? If so, I’d like to have the remedy. The health of
the skin is oftentimes determined by one's internal health. The skin is the body's
largest organ. It is an organ of detoxification and elimination, which means it,
helps the body to detoxify toxins and poisons and then helps to eliminate them
from the body. There are various and numerous health issues of the skin. My
view is this, the internal waste can either go down and out the way it belongs, or
it can come up and out the skin. The internal organs have to be over loaded and
failing before the skin is called upon to expel the trapped waste. This means the
lymph glands are not functioning correctly or over loaded with waste, which in
turn is expelled out the weakest parts of the skin. Along with this ample waste
comes parasites to feast on the decaying waste and oils produced within the
skin. Rarely can skin disorders be successfully treated externally. The problems
always start with constipation in the Colon, Kidneys, Liver, Lymph Glands and
eventual tissues then the skin. Treating only the skin would be treating the final
symptom. Diet is always going to be the fastest treatment. Avoiding all
constipating and acid forming foods will take the demand off the internal
elimination organs and allow them to do the work of cleansing the body. When it
comes to the skin, cleanliness is essential, because skin that is failing, is also
skin that is working to save the internal organs. Washing the skin daily and
keeping it clean and exposed to sunshine and fresh air is essential, while the
internal organs are being cared for by proper diet and elimination. Use clean
warm water as much as possible and avoid commercial soaps of all kinds. We
are what we eat and breathe, what enters the body and does not expel easily,
becomes the daily waste that must be expelled either by the lungs, colon,
kidneys, lymph glands, or skin. If the underarms, skin, feet or breathe stinks, then
the elimination organs are being over worked and failing to remove the waste fast
enough. This waste can exit the skin in any area of the entire body. (ProductsAll “N” ONE Kit, TOP KNOT Herbal Spray.)
SKIN / eczema
Question: My husband has had eczema on his arms since he was a young
boy. Avery uncomfortable, itchy problem to have. Any suggestions?
Constipation can be a problem at any age. In every case, the skin comes to the
rescue when the internal elimination organs are overwhelmed with too much
waste that attracts parasites, which then becomes a lifetime problem without
correction. Often a liver issue and every method used to correct liver function
should help clear the skin. I suggest 1-3 tablespoons of Lecithin or choice of
plant fats LG Cleanse daily, such as coconut oil or first cold pressed olive oil
every day for the rest of your life to keep the liver and arteries clean, nerves in
good health and brain flexible. All liver herbs and parasite herbs should help. All
mineral dissolving herbs and herbs that stimulate good colon function will lead to
a fast recovery. The best formula that solved my itchy skin was what I call Liver
“Itch”, a very potent formula that works fast if herbs are going to be the answer.
The suggested dose is 1 tablespoon morning and night for 4 bottles. Naturally
correction of diet is the only cure to have healthy organ function and alkaline
system. (Products- Liver “Itch”, ALL “N” ONE kit with extra Herbal SPRAY I &
SKIN / spots
Question: I have medium brown spots from small to approximately quarter
size on my back. The surface is dry and I can scratch the brown surface
color off, but the base still remains. When I started with them 22 years ago
the Dr said they are nothing to worry about. But I wonder if they stem from
something that could be corrected with the proper treatment / nutrition? I
am a 54 yr old female. I look forward to your input. The following is some
general info: The brown spots on skin have many names such as age spots, liver
spots, sunspots, skin discolorations, hyperpigmentation, freckles, Melasma or
Lentigos. The brown spots we get on our skin happen from an irregular
distribution of melanin. Either this can result in melasma, which is an uneven
production of melanocytes causing light brown spots; or in lentigos (age spots)
which are an uneven accumulation of melanocytes in the epidermis resulting in
brown spots. The melanocyte cells are located in the basal cell skin layer. These
cells control the making of melanin, which gives each person their coloring. The
rate of melanin production differs between each person being greater in dark
skinned individuals. Outside factors also affect the production of melanin, which
may cause brown spots:
Certain medications & chemicals
Hormones - pregnancy, menopause, birth control pills
Underlying health problems - nervous disorders
Melasma produces irregular, pale brown blotches that usually appear on the
nose, cheeks, forehead, and upper chest. On darker skin, the blotches show up
lighter than the surrounding skin. Melasma is common during pregnancy,
menopause and in woman taking oral contraceptives. Sun exposure will make
the brown spots worse. Lentigos, also known as age or liver spots, are flat, light
reddish-brown spots that appear on the face, throat, chest, back of hands, upper
back and shoulders. Lentigos typically show up on skin, which is repeatedly
exposed to sunlight. The ultraviolet sunlight causes over stimulation of the
melanocyte cells in the skin. The cells clump together and show up as age spots.
Lentigos spots can vary in size from small to a couple of inches in width. They
happen more often on light-skinned people and can start to be noticeable as
early as the age of 30. Even though both of these melanin-produced spots are
harmless, they are unattractive to most people. Use lemon juice. This is the
easiest and cheapest method to reduce age spots. Lemon juice is natural bleach.
Apply bottled lemon juice or the juice of a lemon to the spots. This method works
best on smaller age spots because the citric acid in the juice isn't that strong.
Apply buttermilk. This liquid contains lactic acid and is a natural home remedy
recommended for decades as a way to treat brown spots.
My guess is your spots are a result of having children or just aging with out
enough plant minerals in your diet that has lead to various reasons why “things”
have been expelled upward and outward into your skin in a manner that has
made it look abnormal. In every case, our skin is telling us our inward health. To
common day modern society, skin disorders are “normal”. Cleansing the internal
body will allow the external to cleanse. Each effort you make towards better diet
and habits will aid this and all health issues. I would suggest spraying Herbal
SPRAY III on the spots / spine and all joints that ache for a few years daily and I
will bet you would see an improvement not only in the skin monthly, but in
general health as well. (Products- Spray III, ALL “N” ONE kit along with
Hormone Capsules 2-3 daily for the rest of your life).
Questions: What can be done to help a 14 yr old boy overcome stuttering?
This is an emotional and as well physical problem. Always see the chiropractor
for this and make sure that chiropractor is good with cranial adjustments or find
another chiropractor. Security and Love do the most good. Never make fun or
scold him for all problems he experiences. I would try the Iron Balance with
additional Iodine Minerals along with spraying his entire face and spine daily
with Herbal Spray I.
What can be done for a virus that affects my heart and takes the minerals
out of me? I take virex drops but seem to be slow working. Commercial are
normally not plant based and only add to the problems. Read OLIVE LEAF
EXTRACT $6.00 to learn about all the viruses and understand why I put Olive
Leaf in all my herbal formulas. Oregano oil is very powerful and I put that into
every liquid formula as well to aid in the control of viruses / bacteria / parasites.
Minerals expel from the blood to counter the acidic effects of an acid stomach
that is caused by wrong diet. Wrong diet is the number 1 cause for every health
situation. (Products- ALL “N” ONE kit, Iodine Minerals, extra Herbal Spray III).
What can I do for high blood pressure? I take 4 medications and still goes
up pretty easy. You are extremely medical minded, the heart drugs are some of
the most powerful and addictive drugs made and once you’re on them, you can’t
easily quit them without risk of great harm / death. I suggest you find yourself a
great chiropractor ASAP and ask him to help you find an alternative M.D. that will
work with you to get off the drugs. No herbs can over power such drug use. Good
herbs are just foods and won’t interfere with your drugs. Good herbs will help
expel the waste accumulated by wrong diet, kill parasites and dissolve rock
minerals so the organs cannot be so constipated. If you don’t find a M.D. that can
help you get off the dope, you will need to stay with medical. Fear drives people
to medical and lack of health education such as diet feeds the medical system.
(Products- Heart Drops, ALL “N” ONE kit, Iodine Minerals, extra Herbal
Spray III)
Question: My wife has an enlarged thyroid plus several nodules. A biopsy
was taken which was benign. The Dr now wants to remove parts of her
thyroid. We hesitate to do that. Do you have any suggestions what to do to
maintain healthy thyroid? What should one do once the thyroid is
enlarged? Any information would be appreciated. In 1992 Titanium Dioxides
were added to our air as a method to slow down HIV/AIDS deaths. It was also
added to many commercial foods as titanium dioxide/edta and variety of similar
names. It was added to most every commercial brand of skin lotion and hair
shampoo type products. The side effect is that if anyone has a trace of mercury
in their body, there is a chemical reaction that harms the Thyroid health. At that
time, the dental association agreed to phase out mercury fillings, but this has
failed to happen and many sources of mercury are still used to this day in
commercial products and even medicines. The natural solution is to remove all
mercury from your body as you can, it is said that once we have mercury dental
fillings, we will never live long enough to remove all the mercury as it takes a
lifetime to remove it from all the cells and the fact we all consume very small
amounts in everyday life. Those living in natural areas of high mercury such as
Florida waters will naturally have more mercury. Many state owned Florida lakes
and ponds have been condemned for swimming because of the high mercury
content and some suggest you must go 50 miles off shore before the mercury is
low enough to have safe fish. So mercury will remain an issue for all humans,
world wide. Avoiding commercial products with titanium dioxides is possible, but
since chem. trail jets commonly spray the entire country with aluminum, titanium
and host of metals and chemicals to block the sun’s light and seek to control
weather, all of our ground has titanium dioxides that our gardens and animals all
must deal with, then ends up in the consumers food supplies anyway. Many
people are on thyroid drugs and getting thyroid operations, this act back in 1992
has been a cash cow for the medical establishments that will keep growing into a
plague. Some have suggested that all children born after 1992, that have always
had titanium dioxides in their bodies, may have a hard time reaching their 40PthP
birth date. This is why I consider the Thyroid health a huge issue that should
concern every family on earth. All toxic substances that commercial / government
uses are based on how many people die from a given amount. If the substances
are too toxic, it simply means too many people will die. To us, this means we
have to be the STRONG people and adapt and tolerate these chemicals that we
have no control over. If we are not the strong, the weak will succumb to these
chemicals and since this makes a lot of people in the business of health a lot of
money, very few people have much concerns as they are too busy making
money from the sickly. Doctors often never learn beyond what they are trained to
do, many learn more after they retire than they did while in practice, because
many turn to natural methods themselves when forced to find something that
works. Our Thyroid is very important, extremely important. Never loose its
function. First, seek a good chiropractor and let him know all the problems, he
can keep the bones in alignment and helps the neck area very well. The best
thing is done by the person in their own home; you “massage” the thyroid in an
upward motion daily. Mildly massage and does it daily will keep the Thyroid
exercised and flexible. Total body health is important; no single organ can be any
healthier that the total body, so operations and drugs never make any sense.
Once on drugs and operations, you will need your professional doctor for the rest
of your life. Iodine is the most common subject in Thyroid health. Correct diet and
habits that lead to a total healthy body is more important and correct Iodine is
essential to total body health and should be well supplemented to the developing
baby while in mother’s womb in order to avoid Iodine deficiency diseases in
childhood. I personally believe no ocean plant creates Iodine. They are only used
because the ocean water has small amounts, same as our air does. I believe our
trees create the Iodine minerals that humans thrive upon and that basically, all
the best foods and medicines most likely will be found to come from the trees.
This will be explained in later newsletters. Iodine from trees is a strange reaction
that some trees have the ability to create when damaged. Iodine tries to return to
the air and the parts left are washed down into the oceans. When consumed in
even small amounts Tree extracted Iodine has the effect of having thicker
stronger finger nails and since it is essential for hormone and many functions of
the human body, the testimonies are enormous. Natural Iodine is not like
chemical (lugols) made Iodine which is very toxic and will accumulate in the cells
and take years to expel out the skin and hair as it is a heavy metal type chemical
substance. Natural Tree extract Iodine is from the tree, not a chemical made
toxic substance. Since all humans on earth are suggested to be Iodine deficient
and all humans poisoned with titanium dioxides, mercury and etc.; I have great
interest in Iodine. I still suggest Lugol’s Iodine for the farm soil, the bacteria in the
soils will digest and make use of the chemical iodine that plants can then make
use of. I believe I am the only one that has made Tree extracted Iodine and use it
today. It is in every Liquid Formula and Herbal Spray I make, for the simple fact
natural Iodine is an essential mineral that we are lacking in its natural form in
the common diet. When dealing direct with the Thyroid for prevention and
treatment, I make a stronger Herbal Spray I call Thyroid Spray and available in
adult formula, which just means it has spicy (hot) herbs to increase more
circulation to the area it was sprayed. Will Thyroid Spray be enough, no, no
herb will ever be enough, if it was, we would have old living herbalist and since
we do not, same as we do not have old doctors running around, the complete
picture will include diet, habits, exercise, sunlight, fresh air and always faith in
God. Trust in God gives peace and peace leads to comfortable health.
TUMORS / fatty
Question: Tell us about fatty tumors. My husband has one just below the
waist like a bit to the side. Lumps near the waist area should always be
examines to make sure they are not a small hernia, a swelling, an abnormal
formation of parasitic, non-inflammatory cells or tissue arising from the cells of
the host, yet progressive and independent in their growth. Tumors can be
malignant or non-malignant, they can be fast-growing or slow-growing, and they
can be in many parts of the body, such as the lymphatic glands or nodes, the
urinary and genital areas, or the abdominal structure. Tumors are created when
there is an inability to eliminate unhealthy material. Women have wondered why
they have tumors and cysts in their bodies. The cause is often potassium
deficiency. Cysts and tumors are like leeches, but they stay in places where
there is a body deficiency. As soon as the body is balanced and well, the cysts
and tumors have to go, because the material is too healthy for them to live on.
When cysts or tumors grow in places where they can be seen outside the body,
often we react by having them cut out. This defeats healing by working on the
effect instead of the cause. You can cut cysts out, tumors off, and burn warts off
(which are also a potassium deficiency), or get rid of as many moles as you wish,
but unless you go to the cause, they will grow back again, and you may end up
with as many or more cysts, tumors, moles as before. Different signs of
potassium deficiency will keep popping out on the body because the condition
that needs correcting is on the inside. (Products- ALL “N” ONE kit, Iodine
Minerals, Potassium Balance, extra Herbal Spray III)
URINE / blood
Question: I am 65 yrs old and have had problems with blood in the urine.
I’ve been to different medical Dr’s and probably can’t find out what it is
without doing a $5,300 test that’s where I dragged my feet, this would be
with a urolight and they wont do the test without ½ of the price up front.
But I did persuade a doctor to give me antibiotics which she did; the first
round of 7 days on it cleared up my urine for 3 months but it came back
again so I asked for a longer period and she gave me a prescription and
one refill for 10 days. I got on it again and the symptoms disappeared in
short order (1-2 days) but will have to see how long it will last. It seems to
me it must be a bacterial infection as it responds well to the drugs. I would
appreciate any suggestions on what kind of a natural product a person
might try for this condition. An unhealthy, morbid condition of the kidneys;
kidney trouble is caused by a local infection. Or most adults have a mildly
ruptured spleen that can drip blood into the urine or at times, turn the urine bright
red. Clearing up with drugs temporally would suggest an infection. In every case,
spend your money at the Chiropractor, often the spine is out of alignment and
cutting off the nerves to the kidney and the kidney slowly dies from loss of nerve
flow and in that case, no herb, no drug, no operation will help, because with no
nerves, the organ will die slowly. The kidneys clog up with rock type minerals
from an acidic diet and hard water, vitamins and all metallic sources in the diet
and these crystals can cut the kidney tissues causing bleeding. Many
supplements can cause such kidney damage, such as Coral Calcium. I have
seen people that took coral calcium and the same day pee blood as the rock
hard / used calcium slices microscopic cuts into the kidney / bladder tissues. See
your chiropractor weekly for 2 months and then monthly for the rest of your life.
Use herbs that dissolve the rock and restore function to the elimination organs.
Stop all dairy, all hard water, all bad drinks such as coffee and commercial tea.
Every acid causing substance will aggravate your kidneys. (ProductsKidney/Pancreas Cleanse, ALL “N” ONE kit, extra Spray III).
Question: Would like to know about high platelet in blood and side affects
of drug Hydroxyurea. Normal range between 160-400 Kmm3- was down to
560 when cut back on pill now went up to 630. 2 yrs ago went up to almost
3,000 seem like the pill works but is there something natural to take? Paper
that comes with the pill says it can cause cancer.
Drug use is between the doctor and his patients, period! Those on drugs and
want off drugs need to be working with their Chiropractor to find better doctors
that can help them get off the drugs. There are no beneficial operation and no
beneficial drug or over counter drug or commercial vitamin as far as this
newsletter is concerned. What I call BOOK I is a doctor written book almost 100
years ago that explains to never submit to surgery or drug use and he was one of
the nations top surgeons before he learned these facts that he explains how all
people can become their own physicians using diet alone as their medicines and
cure for all known diseases. If a person still wants to take their drugs after
reading that book and have their operations, then natural methods are not for
them. This is why so many professional medical doctors exist today.
Please avoid repeat questions when possible. Multiple questions within one letter
also make each answer unique and harder to keep under headings. Many if not
most all of the questions will all be nothing more than explanations of the
symptoms being felt in different areas of the body and all names of these
illnesses are little more than a name given by the doctor that wrote the book on
the symptom being treated. In most every case, the area of the body where the
pain is being felt is nothing more than an area of constipation and the cure will
always be whatever is used to restore proper circulation to the area.
Sadly modern methods seek to sale toxic or otherwise harmful products to help
restore the circulation and relieve this constipated area and by doing so, the side
effects are created by the waste accumulated from the product that remains in
the body and then becomes another problem for the elimination organs to deal
with. Most commonly this is metals or in-organic rock type minerals that entered
the body and became trapped within the cells. These inorganic metals / minerals
then take months, even years, if not a lifetime to be expelled out of the body,
most often in the hair and skin. A classic example of lifetime damage is a “tattoo”.
Stuck in the skin cells for life, but over time, the tattoo does fade as the body is
able to remove it gradually. Other common metals that can take a lifetime to
remove is Lugol’s Iodine, Vitamins, Colloidal silver, drugs and all substances in
the diet that are metallic in nature or even common well water that has arsenic
and virtually all metals to some degree within.
The man made metallic solutions are the most harmful, such as colloidal silver
and Lugol’s iodine. A simple hair analysis shows that these two metals will
accumulate within the body and show up in very high levels in the skin and hair,
most likely for life. Dr. Hal Huggins wrote that if we have any dental metals within
our mouth by age 40, we cannot live long enough to expel these metals out of
our skin. The first step is always to stop the consumption of the metals and
various toxins. Then cleanse the body while feeding it properly, which I just refer
to as WEEDING & FEEDING. The diet and habits being the most powerful
method of correction and specific herbs can help in many ways, but always seek
to allow your foods to be your medicines and use the herbs when extra cleansing
and plant minerals desired.
There will be many questions that relate back to inherited problems. Most
problems are not inherited, but rather develop over a lifetime of accumulations
and parasites. True inherited problems are visible birth defects. Defects created
in the womb are not going to correct themselves using corrective diet, but in
every case, will allow the human body the best possible health with what it has
been dealt with. The absolute number one issue that needs to be addressed to
avoid a lifetime of ill health is having enough usable Iodine in the mother to be
and suitable plant minerals through her pregnancy and while nursing. When the
mother’s health fails, her baby’s health fails and while in the womb, the damage
can be permanent. Some signs of ill health while in the womb are, lack of teeth
and bone health that often will never be 100% corrected through out the lifetime.
If proper Iodine is not available during development and growth of the baby, it is
suggested that permanent damage has been done by age 5 that can not be
corrected to 100%. An example is math ability and brain development will be less
if Iodine was missing from the blood stream of the mother and diet of the growing
Usable plant calcium and magnesium is most essential in the development of the
human body and if all these essential plant minerals are lacking in the diet, when
the child reaches puberty they can experience a lifetime of hormone issues that
they may never suspect as being their problem in life. In fact, many civilized
humans of today, lack more than 100 hormone producing glands than some
people have, that suggest many years ago, we all had much more hormone
production that controls many bodily functions.
Signs of in-organic rock in the diet; is loss of circulation as all the organs
accumulate these metals over a lifetime and results in common “old age”. Old
age is not a disease, it is an accumulation of rock and this rock comes from well
water and rock sources used in food preparations. It is this simple, if your
flavorings and foods are not from a plant and its fruits, then your elimination
organs will not be able to function properly over a lifetime. Just because the taste
buds have grown up desiring certain taste, does not mean there will not be
problems later on with health. Addiction comes in many ways, just because a
method is considered socially acceptable, does not mean it is healthy. The every
day walk of life consists of choices. Each choice should promote health and not
take away life. Understanding ill health enables the wisdom to reverse that which
has accumulated, that caused loss of circulation and attraction of parasites. If we
don’t mind our daily choices causing ill health and premature death, then we
should not mind paying for operations and drugs that treat the symptom and
never reverse the foundational problems. In every case, prevention is the
cheapest way to live.
Keep in mind that all health problems can be explained, but does not mean they
can all be corrected. In every case, they can be improved.
February Questions
March 2011 Newsletter
Doing these questions and answers is fun, but since we are limited to the amount
of pages we can send monthly, due to postage, you can see that the newsletter
must stay small to make room for all the questions. Asking 3-5 questions per
letter complicates answering even more because if I separate the questions in
each letter, it would soon become a nightmare for anyone to figure out which
questions were theirs. Not knowing any of the back ground history that was
asked on the questionnaire form sent in the January newsletter also makes
answering more guess work than anything else, so all answers are very “general”
and keep in mind, when answering questions about ill health, many of the
answers are going to be about diet and habits. The more serious the health
condition, the stricter the diet will become, because wrong foods can’t be
tolerated anymore once very ill. I know this strict diet information will not be well
accepted by the farmers, but when it comes to human health the cheapest and
truest path back to health, is to eliminate that which has accumulated and made
us ill and the only logical prevention is correction before we become ill. In the
upcoming newsletters I will cover the entire subject of human foods and the best
way to eat for health. In the newsletters it will make more sense than the shorter
version used to attempt to make short answers to very complicated questions.
Keep in mind, thousands of books have been written in the past 200 years in an
attempt to answer such health questions as these being asked here! These
questions and answers will be more entertaining in comparison to the actual
newsletter that will try to explain step by step why so many people today are sick
at such young ages. Please resist asking more than one health question per
letter. By doing so you will make it easy to make the newsletter rather than spend
time with so many repeat questions. Please avoid calling about health questions.
Those that do often end up talking for several hours or more and this robs the
time and is often a waste of time, simply because no one can remember all that
is said on the phone; while once this newsletter is finished, you will know 90% of
whatever we could suggest for all health situations. Keep in mind always, these
will always just be my opinions based on what I have accepted at this point in
time and as I learn more, my opinions most likely will change to some degree,
but the foundational causes of disease will remain the same throughout history. I
do not expect anyone to agree with all I have to write, please use this as just
another resource to your personal self-health education. Please forgive us if the
mail or we should loose your newsletter; or letters to us, it’s bound to happen
when over 1,000 are being delivered monthly.
Question: I am battling adhesions since my appendix surgery a year ago.
The first time my intestines locked up. I went back for the second surgery
(2 wks after the 1st) Since then, I have used home remedies at each flare up,
such a stopping all food, vomiting if needed, warm castor oil packs,
enemas at times. Since taking papain and bromlain powder (up to 4 tsp
daily) and turmeric (1-2 tsp daily) I have no trouble. I do watch what and
how much I eat. I store bought ice cream is served, I take a small serving,
just enough to be polite. Does something work more economical than the
above to stop adhesions and what about reducing them? Would a 10 day
fast remove the adhesions already there?
Adhesions can be formed for several reasons, operations and repeat operations,
with infections, drug use, pain drugs, etc. naturally causes a lot of tissue damage
that ends in scar tissue. The appendix is a result of constipation and possible
worms directly in the appendix. Some people develop adhesions most anywhere
in the body, but more often in the reproductive areas. Eat a real papaya and its
seeds and a fresh / well ripe pineapple once a week for life is superior to any
powder product. High plant calcium / mineral formulas such as Bone Flesh &
Cartilage (BF&C) taken internally to supply the building blocks and spicy herbs
that thin the blood and increase circulation to a particular area often speed up the
healing. I suggest BF&C syrup or capsules taken daily along with spraying all
affected areas and joints morning and night with Herbal Spray III. Taking Lower
Bowel Balance (LBB) daily with your meals will greatly aid the muscles of the
colon and health of the liver and elimination organs and avoid such problems as
appendix. De-worming is just a normal thing to do throughout the lifetime,
because worms can plague the colon, the appendix and every tissue within the
body. All operations cut into the flesh and tissues; causing damage and the pain
drugs slow the healing, which often leads to scaring in my opinion.
Needed: a good remedy for yeast and related rashes (diaper rash, vaginal
itch, jock itch, ringworm) All of these symptoms are a result of constipation of
acid forming foods that have accumulated and provide ample food for bad
bacteria, viruses and worms. Itch is a sign of advanced constipation, in that the
internal organs / lymph glands are over worked and failing and the excessive
poisons are being expelled out the skin. Often signs of a failing liver when the
itch becomes troublesome in my opinion. The treatment has to be as aggressive
as the symptoms are and have been often for year. If diet is maintained naturally
results will be slow in coming, because if pounds of worm food enter the body
daily, they will thrive and small amounts of herbs can only have so much effect.
Herbal Spray I used on all skin problems, LBB daily, clean the rock out of the
water supply so the kidneys can be cleansed and have a chance at working
properly. De-worm and stay de-wormed and if itch is still a problem, then I
suggest up to 4 bottles of Liver Itch formula at 1 tablespoon morning and night.
Keeping in mind, these issues will forever be a problem if the constipation is not
– we lately discovered how easy it is to give a small child or baby an enema
using an enema bottle. We had been using a bulb syringe. The enema
bottle is clear, easy to fill, smooth tip, has back flow preventer. Two
cautions: the diaphragm that prevents backflow also makes it hard to
squeeze out, thus you don’t know how much pressure you are exerting to
the bowel, a concern for babies. Remove the disk if you wish. The stem is
also longer and stiffer than needed for small child. How much care is
needed to assure the bowel/colon wall is not punctured by unskilled
hands? The bigger question would be why? Why should a little baby or child
need an enema? Very simple, the mother has fed wrongly creating a foundation
of constipation and parasites and water supply loaded with rock minerals
clogging the little kidneys and filling the body to the point of organ failure at such
an early age. Enema is for emergency cases only, often for the very elderly and
bedridden. It is sad to see little babies have such a need, because enema at any
age is not a pleasant experience or health promoting.
ANUS / itch
Question: I am wondering what to do about my very itchy anus. I am 54 yrs
old and this has been an ongoing problem for several years. I have tried
worm-b-gone 3 times in the last year and a half 2 years ago. I was on a
three month yeast infection program from mountain meadow herbs. Both
seemed to help from some time. I hope you have an answer as I am ready
for help.
Itch normally means an acidic fluid is being expelled that is burning the tender
skin. The anus / hemorrhoids expel waste from the Lymph Glands and often are
overworked. De-worming is always a good idea, but since we are long living
humans and not short-lived livestock, we do better to “stay” de-wormed and not
worm ourselves like a farmer does his livestock. Parasites will live abundantly
wherever accumulated acidic waste is present. The very common pinworms will
exit the colon at night time and re-enter or contaminate the bed linens, etc. But it
is the acid that makes for the “itch” and burn. This would also be simple
“constipation”, in that the acidic waste is not leaving the body fast enough. DeWormer (Worms “B” Gone) also helps with constipation and supplying the diet
with plentiful plant minerals, natural iodine and plant anti-biotic; as well as aiding
the blood stream to de-worming the entire body. This not only takes time to kill
the adult parasites and their eggs, it also means we live in a world of bacteria /
parasites and are constantly coming in contact daily and need a good strong
immune system to battle parasites our entire lives. I suggest the All “N” One kit
adult formula taken monthly as the easiest corrective over time or at the very
least, the Lower Bowel Balance Capsules 8 per day or being an adult man, the
P/W Elimination powder, made into capsules by the customer, is by far, the
superior adult de-wormer in a capsule that also covers much of what herbs can
do. I would suggest taking at least 2 of these homemade capsules daily or more
if desired. If pinworms are a problem, Herbal Parasite Spray or any of the
Herbal Sprays are anti-parasite and sprayed directly on the skin will solve the
problem of pinworms leaving the body to escape the blood by hiding on the skin
or just under the skin where the blood stream can’t easily kill them. Itchy anus on
children would be a sure sign of pinworms or some type of colon worm. If
hemorrhoids are an issue, applying a little of the B&W ointment on the
hemorrhoid and pushing gently back up your anus, doing this daily often cures
the problem. As long as you’re itching, I would apply a little of the B&W.
Most products sold as “yeast” treatments or cures are “gimmicks” in my opinion,
because such manufactures and doctors don’t understand friendly bacteria / bad
bacteria or the cause and imbalance that cause virtually all diagnosed diseases.
Most herbal products sold today using statements such as cures for certain
diseases are gimmicks. These manufacturers want people to believe a bottle of
their very high priced herbs will “cure” what ails them and will never suggest the
ailment was caused by the diet or habits, the 2 things customers never want to
hear; they just seek to spend money with the faith that a product will solve all
their diet and habit problems and we all know, their products will always fail. They
always charge huge prices because when the customer fails to be cured as
advertised, they seldom return as a customer, so the manufacturer seeks to
make the most profits from their one time sale. We on the other hand seek only
long-term customers and not sporadic buyers. We have always supplied health
education so each person can be their own physician if they choose to learn the
root causes of all diseases and nature’s way to return to health, and good herbs
aid in this, if understood.
Doctors and herbalist of all kinds don’t live any longer than normal people, if
anything, they prematurely die from the stress of dealing with sick people. This
should prove to anyone that the “products” are not the solution. Education along
with real / proper products that are understood so that people learn prevention,
which is cheaper than treatment, is what I consider proper. So not one of us can
blame our ill health on some mystery or disease that was out to “get us”, because
we are what we live. Our choices result in the health we have while living on
We have thousands and thousands of pages of health information on our
website; we did this as a way to educate anyone seeking to have better health.
Understanding why we get sick comes before buying a product. Every ad selling
vitamins, herbs, supplements of all kinds without a true understanding of health,
to me, are worthless products. When Fountain of Life changed directions and told
us they were going to sell weight reduction commercial made products and no
longer wishing to sell our products other than our herbal sprays, we didn’t want
the people to experience such a loss and decided we would have to sell them
and we could never do this without supplying an education in health.
We have never wanted a customer that didn’t know why they became sick
or not know the path back to health. Once they understand, then they
know the purpose for the herbal products as “aids”, not cures, the cure
comes from our new red blood cells.
A customer needs to realize that a product does not fail; because a person that
understands their health understands the role of the product. I suggest most
people selling supplements are doing so blindly, to them it is just a job, just
another sale. They are clueless about the product and even more clueless about
the needs of their customers. Our goal has always been to educate the customer
so they STOP WASTING their hard earned money and even more importantly,
their time, health and often, even their life. When we did in home Amish
seminars, we often spent a little time in the kitchen cupboard explaining all the
gimmick products fancy / glossy ads lured them into buying and once
understood, many of these expensive products went into the trash can.
Education saves a lot of money and provides a better life.
ARTHRITIS / elbow (see February answers)
Question: I wonder what would be good for arthritis. I hurt my elbow in this
past summer and it still isn’t healed right and wonder if it ever will be. I’m
thinking there might be arthritis in it now. Often a pain that doesn’t go away is
a memorized pain, these pains can last an entire lifetime out of “fear” that you
may injury yourself again. The brain causes this phantom pain that many feel for
most of their lives after an injury. Otherwise there has been bone or nerve
damage, called “physical” damage. First step always is to see the chiropractor
ASAP; he can put your elbow back in proper place if he is a good chiropractor.
Arthritis is an accumulative disease of a lifetime of constipation. We do make
Arthritis balance, an herbal syrup with the known herbs that help, but I suggest
a complete reversal of diet and habits as being the best corrective that works. If
the pain is a phantom pain or real pain, for the elbow, Spray III sprayed as many
times daily as needed to stop the pains has an accumulative effect, in that each
week, each month, each year the entire body will be “better” in my opinion.
ARTHRITIS (see February answers)
Question: What causes arthritis and what herbs can be taken to heal it or
make it go away? I have arthritis in my hips where I also had a pinched
nerve. It a lot of exercise good for it? My chiropractor said start in slowly
because of my pinched nerve not quite healed yet. I never suggest exercise
for an injury. Mild stretching, walking as enjoyed is OK, but never exercise
something that is broken or not working properly, because it will only cause more
acidic crystals to form in the flesh that causes the pin and needles sensations. A
good chiropractor will correct the hips and joints in 2-3 visits, if it takes more than
that, he should tell you why and for how long. Otherwise, once a month is
enough for most people. Hip pain can be caused by infection from dental metals
that deposit in the hip sockets and attract fungus that eat the bones, also called
Lymes or Syphilis worms. Poor kidney function leads to acidic crystals that
deposit in the flesh and joints, which also attract fungus / parasites. A pinched
nerve is a sure sign of injury or failed joints. Each pain should be looked at as a
warning to be heeded and correct the foundational causes. Prevention is
cheapest always. All cleansing and nourishing herbs will help; correction of diet
will help more. Plentiful sunshine on the skin is the most powerful cure-all. For
women that have lost the ability of their monthly menstrual, arthritis is nothing
more than their waste clogging their blood stream that exits into the lymph glands
and forms every disease, especially arthritis.
BABIES / acid
Question: Why does it seem that more and more babies have acid reflux or
hital hernia which in time causes acid reflux? In my opinion, no baby should
have a hiatal hernia and would be very rare in adults as well and every newborn
needs to see their chiropractor at age 3 days old to insure everything is in the
right place and skull bones rounded out to relieve birthing pressures. Over
feeding is the cause, starvation results in hunger that poor milk can’t provide.
Could there be anything to do in pregnancy to help that or what is the
cause? Mother lacked proper plant minerals in her daily diet and as she lost her
health, her blood is poor, which produces poor milk, which then starves the baby
into wanting to over eat and then puke up the milk, because the kidneys can’t
process the over load. This subject has been discussed through the questions
and will be covered in more detail in the newsletters once I get into correcting the
health problems.
Someone said the mothers liver is not working right and can cause such
problems. Find me a mother that does not have a pile of liver fluke worms in her
liver packed with mud and I will say you found a very rare woman. My opinion is
all civilized humans have compromised liver functions.
Also if baby gains but is vomiting. Sometimes more but often quite a bit, is
there something to do or will baby out grow that? Over feeding, baby is
starving from poor milk lacking in essential nutrients. Take the baby to a good
chiropractor EVERY symptom as the best method of prevention and ask that
chiropractor for “advice”, very often the baby only needs a mild adjustment to
return to normal health. A constipated baby, crying baby and etc. needs to see
their chiropractor and rule out the idea of the bones being out of place. The
chiropractor must be an expert in cranial adjustments or seek one that is. Mother
eating wrong foods will make baby puke! Ask the other women what foods to
avoid, all the cabbage and bean family only make sense, every food that upsets
your stomach, our health, only makes sense. Having babies can be done by any
animal, having a healthy baby only happens when the mother has planned her
family well.
Also a simple cough syrup which we found helps more than store bought
is just a spoonful of plain honey and also cod liver oil liquid helps. Honey
has killed babies by choking them to death; it must be much diluted in warm
water first. Cod liver oil is dead fish liver that has been highly processed, how
many people have cut open livers and seen oil in them? I never suggest dead
fish liver in human health for any reason.
Also lobelia tincture works for stubborn cough and fever if rubbed on the
chest and along spine and some given internally. This is correct when made
properly with grain alcohol and raw apple cider vinegar and the absolute best is
made from the very expensive seeds. These seeds can be several hundred
dollars per pound when found and way back in the 1700’s a pound of lobelia
seed sold for $1,000 per pound. I can’t imagine anyone today going to that great
expense other than me. Lobelia Seed Tincture.
BABY / colic
Question: I am writing in hopes you can help us. I realize that no baby will
be perfectly happy but after 2 colicky babies that are still not healthy and
happy like I would like to see them, I am desperate for help! I will only talk
about our youngest as that is our biggest problem right now. She was very
tiny at birth, very colicky starting at 2-3 wks, never slept well. Short nights
short naps. How many children thrive on 9hrs of sleep total a day? Waking
up at night is the norm.; things came to a head in December with a burst
eardrum and a first time ever Dr appt. for her. She is 21 months old now.
She is still on breathing treatments. She is to have another appt. once the
treatments are done as I had questioned as to why, she often sounded
hoarse and is very thin bones with chubby cheeks. For a while she looked
like a malnourished child. We believe her treatments cleared her lungs and
she feels like eating now. She has very little hair and pale complexion. The
Dr mentioned Cystic Fibrosis, naturally we say “Dear God, not our child!”
but we also try to say “If it be thy will.”
Starvation, Infection, Parasites, Poisons, etc. are not something I would
refer to as God’s will, but more just a result of not understanding human
health. NO BABY needs to be colicky ever! No baby needs to be SICKLY
ever! Every baby should be HAPPY! Life should not start out miserable.
This newsletter hopefully will shed some light on why from conception up, people
can be sickly or healthy and then no parent can stand and say “they didn’t know”.
If mother and father to be understand what it takes to make a healthy, happy
baby, then their efforts will be rewarded with such. Lung treatments and bazaar
diseases in my opinion are nothing but results to be expected from wrong diet,
wrong habits, wrong supplements, wrong medical advice and lack of having a
good chiropractor that you take your children and yourself to every time
something is not “right” and not run to over counter drugstore or the doctors and
see what drugs to try.
Simple understanding of diet, understanding of
chiropractic, learning about parasites, and plentiful sunshine on all your skin,
good air will build the foundation of good health; while half hazardless living ends
in disaster after disaster. God created all in perfection. Living less then correct,
leads to disease and shortened lifespan. There is a great need for health
information, if nothing else; for the babies. No child should have to go through
such suffering and if the path does not change, a lifetime of troubles can plague
a child that could have all been avoided. Prevention is extremely cheap when
compared to the damage that is done in the womb and first year of life by those
that have no idea what to do. Herbal Products; Baby Calm, Happy Baby, PICA,
Olive Leaf/Echinacea Maximum Restore, Air Restore, Diluted Oregano Oil,
Skinners salve. These products along with a good chiropractor that desires to
help all children are all the outside things I can think of in raising a child from birth
to age 5; all the rest comes from diet and habit wisdom in the home by the
parents. NO CHILD SHOULD BE SUFFERING, every daughter should be
educated long before she marries and thinks about raising a family, by doing so,
millions of dollars can be saved and more so, thousands of babies can have a
better, happier life. I will try to cover all these subjects if the newsletter allows
time. These questions are taking way too many pages that could be used for the
BACK / spine / deterioration (read February answers)
Question: I’ve had my back x-rayed and there is deterioration in my lowest
disk and also arthritis there, and in my tailbone. My spine also has to much
curve. I am doing chiropractor recommended exercises but still have much
pain at night in my back and knees and below the knees. I was in bed for 4
wks plus in Feb 2010. What nutrition do you recommend?
The acidic forming diet literally eats the bones right out of your body, that, along
with lymes (worms). Correcting diet will be the only true cure, along with plentiful
plant minerals to be used by the blood stream to rebuild. As long as the stomach
is corrupted, the acids entering the small intestines will continue in the failing of
the entire body. Diet and habit corrections as described in these newsletters
along with de-worming and rebuilding that I commonly refer to as WEEDING &
FEEDING. All toxic metals need removed from the body and the accumulated
rock that has built up over a lifetime of hard water, foods, vitamins, drugs, etc. As
circulation is restored, so will the bones, if no operations have been performed.
ALL “N” One kit, double bottles, Adult strength and if spices can be tolerated,
upgrade to Longevity Spices adult ALL “N” One kit double bottles. With
added Bone Flesh & Cartilage (BF&C) taken internally as capsules, tea or
extract and plenty of extra Herbal Spray III or stronger formulas if you can
handle extra hot, which increases circulation and increase circulation of blood
supply brings the oxygen and nutrients to rebuild the bones. The adult formulas
are extremely anti Lymes and I suggest all bone problems are really a LYMES /
SYPHILIS worm problem. These microscopic worms eat the bones and make
their homes in dead teeth and dead bone. Make a slant board and practice
stretching your spine and most of all, stay hydrated by drinking ½ gallon daily of
fresh fruit juice or distilled water. Those that drink coffee, black teas, hard water
of any kind, are expected to have clogged Kidneys and accumulated acids that
attract a lot of parasites. The damage must be reversed or aging will accelerate.
See a good chiropractor monthly. When using Spray III or stronger, spray the
spine well, wait 5 minutes and spray again, this often will last all day. This does
not mean you can go do work that will harm your bones, if you are to recover;
you need to adjust your work according to how strong your health is.
Overworking harmed bones will only cause more damage. No operation will
correct this, they only chop, sew and leave scar tissue. All pains are warning
signals, do not ignore them, or they will cost more later in life to correct.
BAZZAR DISEASES / myasthenia gravis
Question: My husband has Myasthenia Gravis- a very sever case of it. He is
on all kinds of medications and it would be very scary to get off of these.
There is no cure for MG, according to the Drs but must be managed. He has
had several crisis which have nearly cost his life. In your natural studies,
do you see anything that could be a help to him? I think this would take a
lot of study on your part, because it is a complicated disease. Thanks for
listening! Also he had his thymus removed due to a tumor (non-cancerous)
being there.
Myasthenia gravis (from Greek µύς "muscle", ἀσθένεια "weakness", and Latin
gravis "serious"; abbreviated MG) is an autoimmune neuromuscular disease
leading to fluctuating muscle weakness and fatigability. It is an autoimmune
disorder, in which weakness is caused by circulating antibodies that block
acetylcholine receptors at the post-synaptic neuromuscular junction, inhibiting the
stimulative effect of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Myasthenia is treated
medically with cholinesterase inhibitors or immunosuppressants, and, in selected
cases, thymectomy. The disease prevalence is 3–30 cases per million and rising
as a result of increased awareness. MG must be distinguished from congenital
myasthenic syndromes that can present similar symptoms but offer no response
to immunosuppressive treatments.The most widely accepted classification of
myasthenia gravis is the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America Clinical
Class I: Any eye muscle weakness, possible ptosis, no other evidence of
muscle weakness elsewhere.
Class II: Eye muscle weakness of any severity, mild weakness of other
Class IIa: Predominantly limb or axial muscles
Class IIb: Predominantly bulbar and/or respiratory muscles
Class III: Eye muscle weakness of any severity, moderate weakness of
other muscles
Class IIIa: Predominantly limb or axial muscles
Class IIIb: Predominantly bulbar and/or respiratory muscles
Class IV: Eye muscle weakness of any severity, severe weakness of other
Class IVa: Predominantly limb or axial muscles
Class IVb: Predominantly bulbar and/or respiratory muscles (Can also
include feeding tube without intubation)
Class V: Intubation needed to maintain airway
The hallmark of myasthenia gravis is fatigability. Muscles become progressively
weaker during periods of activity and improve after periods of rest. Muscles that
control eye and eyelid movement, facial expressions, chewing, talking, and
swallowing are especially susceptible. The muscles that control breathing and
neck and limb movements can also be affected. Often the physical examination
yields results within normal limits. The onset of the disorder can be sudden.
Often symptoms are intermittent. The diagnosis of myasthenia gravis may be
delayed if the symptoms are subtle or variable. In most cases, the first noticeable
symptom is weakness of the eye muscles. In others, difficulty in swallowing and
slurred speech may be the first signs. The degree of muscle weakness involved
in MG varies greatly among patients, ranging from a localized form that is limited
to eye muscles (ocular myasthenia), to a severe and generalized form in which
many muscles - sometimes including those that control breathing - are affected.
Symptoms, which vary in type and severity, may include asymmetrical ptosis (a
drooping of one or both eyelids), diplopia (double vision) due to weakness of the
muscles that control eye movements, an unstable or waddling gait, weakness in
arms, hands, fingers, legs, and neck, a change in facial expression, dysphagia
(difficulty in swallowing), shortness of breath and dysarthria (impaired speech,
often nasal due to weakness of the velar muscles). In myasthenic crisis a
paralysis of the respiratory muscles occurs, necessitating assisted ventilation to
sustain life. In patients whose respiratory muscles are already weak, crises may
be triggered by infection, fever, an adverse reaction to medication, or emotional
stress.[5] Since the heart muscle is only regulated by the autonomic nervous
system, it is generally unaffected by MG. Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune
channelopathy: it features antibodies directed against the body's own proteins.
While various similar diseases have been linked to immunologic cross-reaction
with an infective agent, there is no known causative pathogen that could account
for myasthenia. There is a slight genetic predisposition: particular HLA types
seem to predispose for MG (B8 and DR3 with DR1 more specific for ocular
myasthenia). Up to 75% of patients have an abnormality of the thymus; 25%
have a thymoma, a tumor (either benign or malignant) of the thymus, and other
abnormalities are frequently found. The disease process generally remains
stationary after thymectomy (removal of the thymus).
The above explaination would go on and on if space allowed, but I have used this
as an example; because “YOU” 100% believe in the drug use and in “MY”
opinion, every human disease is a result of bad diet & work habits that start out
as the simple cold, simple sore throat, simple flu, etc., etc. and people that seek
drugs for their eating and working habits, eventually (If they live long enough)
develop BAZAAR diseases created by their doctors drugs and in the process
have brain washed the patients into being drug addicts the rest of their life, which
makes their body the living medical experiment that can only go down hill with
every drug swallowed. This newsletter is not for those that have “faith” in drugs,
because drug consumption is a religion. At the end of the 2011 newsletters I will
supply information proving no drug and no operations are ever needed for those
that “TRUST” in what God supplies us in Nature, while those that trust in this
world “I” would expect to have well over 1,000 BAZAAR diseases as a result of
drug use & toxins dating back to when they were in the womb, after birth and
through out their lifetime by families that have their faith in drug use.
For those that seek herbs, diet, change, etc. first, because they have no faith in
toxic drugs, I found a store selling a herbal formula that they claim cures this
problem in 95% of the people that take it properly. Keep in mind, this is one
bazaar looking herbal formula using some potent herbs, but for those seeking
treatment beyond diet and habit changes, these type herb companies supply
formulas that at least should have no toxic effects such as is to be expected with
drug use.
Ingredients of Garvical Shilajit, Liliaceae, Spiny bamboo, Cloves,
Centaurea behen, Cassia, Jadwar, Nutmeg, Early-purple orchid,
Himalayan Peony, Red-veined salvia, Ginger, Nux vomica and Grey
Your husband’s life story from birth to date, such as his mothers health during
pregnancy, was he properly conceived, by a healthy mother that waited 3 years
between pregnancies, took care of her health and supplied healthy nursing and
proper weaning in a drug free home, no vaccinations, no aspirins, no vitamins
and how was he treated when he had the cold, flu, etc. What was his health and
diet like as a child, teen, adult, what was his dental health, what was he doing
when this bazaar disease struck him? All of that type of information would have
painted the story of “how” he became this toxic this poisoned, and supply the info
on what he would need to do to reverse his problems. The simple WEED &
FEED is always first and then seek more specific herbs and formulas as I simply
found by looking for them, because you’re never going to find a disease that
natural herbs can’t help. The problem is drug addiction; such drug addicted
people have tuned their body into something 100% toxic, so their immune system
will try to kill all the bad stuff and thanks to drugs / toxins from well water and
poisonous products & foods this can mean their entire body becomes the
“enemy”. In every such case where adults have poisoned themselves beyond
help or desire of help, I educate the children to learn from their parents and
grandparents, DO NOT eat, drink and work with the poisons they chose in life
and most of all, see your chiropractor for every symptom as it develops and stop
what you were doing and correct the diet and habits so you do not end up like
this and one day find yourself asking about your “special” disease. In my opinion,
every “special” disease I have ever heard of or talked to people that have them,
were all 100% caused by previous drug use and their trust in every new drug
their MD could provide them. Even sadder, these extremely smart medical
doctors that went to school to help and cure disease, often are clueless about
their profession until after they have retired or they themselves were dying and
they had to stop and cure them- selves by turning back to nature! Those that
want cured say they want off the drugs will do anything needed to save their
lives; and they start living to correct their past habits and learn to do better each
and every day, doing what it takes to be drug free and save their life. Everyone
can have “better” quality of life, if they would only seek natural answers to their
worldly problems. God created humans as the most perfect creation, one that
when not poisoned, will take care of itself. God created the fruits of the trees and
vines as our foods, blood cleansers and the herbs of the earth as our medicines.
We are 5 generations into the medical art of using toxic drugs to treat ill people,
which makes zero sense to poison someone that is ill? This in my opinion is the
foundation of every bazaar disease, while all common diseases are nothing but
diet and habit formed diseases that can be reversed and put down the toilet.
BLOOD / white cell count
2 Questions, 1 person: I’m a single, 67 yr old male, never married, live with
my single sister and helps care for our feeble 96 yr old mother. I’ve had
health problems for years. Not being able to earn my own living. I’m
continuously seeking self help and help for better health without the heavy
expense of doctors. One question is what can be done for a low white
blood cell count down to ½ of normal count? I probably could send a copy
from the lab if needed. The doctor sent me to a specialist who told me iron
is for red blood and white blood does not listen to anything. I’ve had this
problem for at least 25 yrs. I could give more detail if needed. Also my
resistance is very low to cold weather etc.
My opinion is that white blood cells are “UNDIGESTED” foods that have entered
the blood stream. This same undigested waste exits from the blood into the
lymph glands and can take days, weeks, months, even years to exit the body.
This caused some authors many years ago to suggest the Lymph Glands are the
true stomach because so much food accumulates until fungus breaks it down.
The fastest way to drop the white blood cell count is to “fast” on tree fruit juices
for 14 days properly that will raise the red blood cell count 5x as the white blood
cell count drops as the body starts eating away at the accumulated waste. A
common test for white blood cell count is looking at the pores of the skin of the
nose, if the pores are swelling with white strings that can be “pushed” up and out
that is said to be “white” blood cells. A person that is healthy slim and trim has no
white puss in the pores of the outside of their nose or excessive accumulations in
their blood or lymph glands. Number one source of puss forming food has to be
all dairy products. Stopping animal products alone will greatly aid the body in
correction of the white blood cells in my opinion. Allow your foods to become
your medicines, simply by stop eating harmful foods and start eating healthy
foods. Try eating one fresh pineapple weekly, fresh apples, fresh oranges,
lemons, grapefruits, fresh tree and vine fruits; they are much cheaper than a
doctor’s visit, testing and drugs. Proper foods with just a drop of Pure Oregano
Oil daily cost very little, even if you must use one drop per hour, 8 per day as a
strong treatment, the expense will still be very cheap and good advice for every
adult with very limited income or abilities.
I also am on medication trying to avoid surgery for a swollen prostate and
restricted urine flow. At age 67, this means your problems started by age 40
and your now 17 years into symptoms, the use of drugs to counter your
symptoms now means your liver, and etc. now must deal with the drugs while the
foundational problems were never addressed. Thirty years ago, a very old (95+)
local M.D. told my dad that he was forced to go meat free back in 1960 to save
his own life and suggested my dad go meat free for his inoperable prostrate
cancer; which my dad did and lived another 16 years with no operation and the
cancer faded away. Wrong diet accumulates over a lifetime. Once ill, all wrong
foods become very harmful to the constipated body. All the tree / vine fruits are
the cleansers of the human body. Herbs can aid these problems greatly when
taken faithfully and properly and at these advanced conditions, especially for
your mother, the price would add up quickly, so seeking fresh fruits, clean water
and corrective eating habits will be your best chances. The Pure Oregano drops
in an empty capsule based on dosage per day, is the best and most productive
herbal treatment I know of for the cheapest price for the maximum results is 1-8
drops daily taken in empty capsules with a full glass of water will do a lot for you
and your mother.
BONES / broken
Question: My husband was in a farm accident July 28, 2009. He is healed up
pretty good except his right foot has what the Drs say nerve pain at times it
gets so tight and painful. We’d be interested in hearing of others with nerve
pain how they cope with it and what they do for it. They say it takes long to
heal and if we look back we can see it’s better but very slow. Some days its
not bad then other times is tight and painful. Then I often massage and
exercise his foot which seems to give relief at times. Sometimes it goes up
his leg too but seems that isn’t so often anymore. We have tried a lot
different thing already. We are Amish and live in the oldest settlement of
Wisconsin. My husband is 74 yrs old but his broken bones healed good.
The leg where he has nerve pain was broken below the hip but the pain is
mostly in the foot and sometimes up his leg. He has a pin or rod in the leg.
Metal in the bones is permanent damage and often can never be removed
depending on the process. Metal conducts electricity and we humans are
electrical beings, our nerves operate on electric. Pain in general is infection.
Tightness is a result of improper healing. I suggest 12+ BF&C capsules or liquid
daily for the next year as needed to be pain free, this sometimes means up to 50
BF&C capsules for fresh broken bones. This supplies the plant minerals to build
a new body as long as there is no drug use and the liver working properly. Even
over the counter pain pills in my opinion do so much liver damage, that herbs will
fail to kill the pains, because they never kill the pain by themselves, the liver
takes the herbs as foods and makes the human chemicals that kill the pains and
rebuild the damage tissues. So drug free for life is very important. Weed & Feed
very important to speed the healing process, because a constipated body heals
slow. Otherwise lots of Herbal Spray III sprayed on his body anywhere it hurts
except the tender skin / face and especially the joints and for the rest of his life,
spray the leg where the metal is, because no way can the damage be corrected
where metal was used, so lifetime help is needed to cope with this damage.
Otherwise all damage to the body should be healed in 3 months or less, when
pain results after that, it often can be developed in the brain and effect the body
for 30+ years or even for life, making the body hurt for the rest of your life, even
though the pain really has not existed after the first 1-2 months after the accident.
The brain does this as a warning to never be hurt this way again. Herbal Spray
III has an amazing ability to enter the lungs, travel through the brain and relax the
part of the brain that makes up fake pains and even better, for many, erased
those pains forever and relieve them from their torment. Most likely his pains are
physical because of the tight muscles, so applying Herbal Spray III and then
waiting 5 minutes and soaking the area again and do this as needed every day,
may do wonders. I also make salves very similar to the B&W and stronger
versions with rich plant herbal minerals and spices to speed circulation that can
be applied and wrapped for more deep pains that were healed wrongly or have
been long standing. If Herbal Spray III is not enough, then I would daily wrap
with BF&C ointment + cayenne. The metal simply means this leg must be
treated for life.
Question: Is there a way to take care of a bunion without surgery? The
common bunion is a localized area of enlargement of the inner portion of the joint
at the base of the big toe. The enlargement actually represents additional bone
formation, often in combination with a misalignment of the big toe. The normal
position of the big toe (straight forward) becomes outward-directed toward the
smaller toes. The enlarged joint at the base of the big toe (the first
metatarsophalangeal joint) can become inflamed with redness, tenderness, and
pain. A small fluid-filled sac (bursa) adjacent to the joint can also become
inflamed (bursitis) leading to additional swelling, redness, and pain. A less
common bunion is located at the joint at the base of the smallest (fifth) toe. This
bunion is sometimes referred to as a tailor's bunion. Bunions most commonly
affect women. Some studies report that bunions occur nearly 10 times more
frequently in women then men. It has been suggested that tight-fitting shoes,
especially high-heel and narrow-toed, might increase the risk for bunion
formation. Bunions are reported to be more prevalent in people who wear shoes
than in barefoot people. There also seem to be inherited (genetic) factors that
predispose to the development of bunions, especially when they occur in
younger individuals. Most people, usually women, ignore the bunion their entire
life by wearing shoes large enough to not rub. A good old-fashioned Chiropractor
will “adjust” the toes. Otherwise, when bone forms where it does not belong, look
for kidney problems that allow calcium and acidic crystals to be formed. I suggest
seeing a good chiropractor, applying plentiful Herbal Spray III to both feet,
knees, hips, spine or anywhere that hurts for years to come, because the effects
are accumulative. Also Kidney / Pancreas cleanse along with normal clean-ups
and habit changes to produce the healthiest body you can. Hard water, bad
calcium, and bad minerals will always cause harm to the kidneys, which then
causes harm to the bones. Lack of proper Iodine also will cause problems.
Ideally the ALL “N” One kit with additional Kidney / Pancreas herbal formula
would be most ideal.
Question: Wonder if you have anything for cancer.
Cancer is the most studied health subject on earth, which naturally makes
it the most profitable business on earth.
To date, I have never seen a human die from their cancers. They all have used
medical and always died from the drugs / operations long before the cancer
could kill them. We knew one lady that did nothing for her breast cancer and
even though both breast dissolved off her body, she still lived 15 years. Even
medical studies throughout medical history have proved that humans that do
nothing live longer than those that use drugs, which only makes sense, since
drugs are toxic, to even be classified as drugs. Something most people cannot
accept or try to understand is that cancer is a sign that your immune system is
working, while those so sick that they can’t get cancer, are far worse in health,
because their immune system can’t fight the disease within.
If you are born with cancer, then you truly have a serious problem that started
with a mother’s womb that was too toxic to produce a normal baby. If your cancer
comes later in life, that cancer is a result of toxicity that lead to a low oxygen
state that allowed fungus to overwhelm the body. Tumors are areas where the
body has encapsulated toxins or worm eggs such as Tape worm egg sacks in
the brain. Punching holes into these tumors allows the waste within, to escape,
this is called: “Opening Pandora’s Box” allowing out a deadly fluid that often
results in spreading cancer. A tumor is an area of blood restriction and
accumulation, this is an opportunity to become cancerous, so no lump / tumor
needs to be “poked” and probed. Instead, they should be removed by corrective
diet and habits. No matter where cancer appears on or in the body, it is
suggested that it always started in the liver first and many times after all cancer
treatments have been exhausted and failed, the final diagnoses will be liver
cancer, where maybe the more correct truth would have been liver cancer in the
first place. Some studies have linked dogs to human cancer, while no dog
belongs in the house, if anything; I suggest humans give their diseases to their
pets. Spreading cancers have been linked to the pancreas. In fact, there have
been so many thousands upon thousands of studies on cancers, that since they
don’t understand human life and function, they are clueless for a cure and have
blamed cancer on almost everything bad. Several of the outstanding causes of
cancer are asbestos, all types of Clorox bleach; which comes under dozens of
names and varieties. Also, all solvents, all oils, all poisons, parasites / fungus,
etc….why? Because everything you can name that harms the liver, will be a
cause for cancer; simply because the liver must fail first and what fails long
before the liver can? The Kidneys, they can fail 85% before we ever know the
first symptom.
So if cancer is a toxicity disease, does it make any sense to treat cancer
with another poison?
In fact, every substance to be used in any treatment, cancer included, should be
so safe, that a child should be able to consume the same dose and the more
consumed, the healthier it should be. If a drug was to be considered “good”, then
logic would suggest we all should be taking drugs as prevention of disease. To
poison the body that is already toxic “pushes” the body to respond or “adapt” and
each time this happens, the next disease will be more severe in theory. So based
on that theory, every toxic method used to treat human disease has lead to so
many cancers and the largest medical treatment plans in world history and why
most people will not die from their cancers, but the treatment of.
The Morphine Highway
When people hurt, they take a wide variety of morphine type drugs. Which
includes everything from all types of the over counter painkillers, antiinflammation drugs, to pure morphine products. The human immune system is
“fighting” to remove disease / toxins and often “surrounds” an area where the
battle is going. The body, knows what it is doing, but people don’t like their
symptom and seek drugs to stop the symptoms, which always sets their health
“backwards”. Good doctors have realized what damage the drugs do at a young
age and often pediatricians will refuse to give prescription after prescription of
antibiotics for diseases that are nothing more than a feeding problem. All the
people I have seen die, died as a result of taking a form of morphine for their
pains. Their pains were ignored in the early stages and allowed to develop into
constipation that invited plentiful parasites and eventually fungus to fill the
tissues, causing more and more loss of circulation.
Cancer is the name given to the end result of the human body putting up a
fight to expel accumulated waste.
The strongest cancer treatment, after the person has removed all their known
toxic metals, poison, accumulated rock and mud from their body; is the sun.
Sunlight on the skin is the strongest fungal killer and since the skin needs the sun
to make hormones and real vitamins as well being the source of all energy that
enables life to the cells. People normally wear way too many clothes, which
starves their skin for air and sunlight. One of the best cancer treatments
everyone can do for prevention and treatment is to expose the entire body to the
sun daily and bend over and absorb sunlight, where for most people, the light
has never shined in their entire life. Never stay in the hot sun when you can get a
skin burn, always respect the power of the sun and when you have had enough,
return to the shade or cover up with light clothing that can allow oxygen into the
Fruit juices are “cleansers”, one old cancer treatment was to take enough fruit
juice for a days walk and leave the house with as little as possible clothing on
and walk ½ a day and then turn around and walk back home and repeat this until
cured and doing nothing else; no consumption of foods, drugs, or anything toxic.
Naturally, as long as a person has toxic dental metals or diet and habits that lead
to an acidic condition, their efforts will produce poor results. Dental metals and
harmful water supply are the two top things to correct in any treatment plan. One
Mexican Cancer treatment center demanded all bad teeth be removed before
cancer treatment would be started. This meant all teeth that had ever had a
metal filling was to be pulled first, even if the metal had been removed years prior
and filled with plastic. Dental mercury and lead is probably responsible for more
premature deaths and miscarriages / birth defects than any other toxic source
and the main reason health can’t be restored.
In every case of cancer, the patient must be more aggressive with their treatment
than the disease is. In many cases, they need to live to correct their past, which
means every hour of every waking day, they need to be working to save their life.
Many ignore all their symptoms and seek drugs / vitamins until they are in too
much pain, they seek prescription strength drugs. More often than not, most try
all the medical drugs and operations and then their last 30-60 days of life, they
want to try herbs, but are too sickly to have a clue what to try to do and more
importantly, they are then addicted to their pain drugs. I personally suggest that
every pain pill ever made will stop the human body from being able to use herbs
correctly, simply because the pain drug does so much harm to the
liver…..keeping in mind, the cancer starts in the liver first. So prevention is the
key to avoid cancer. Once disease appears, stop and correct it, if you allow a
disease to set in, become a lifelong problem, then cancers should be expected, if
the drugs don’t kill them first.
Those with full blown cancers that chemo / radiation and every drug has failed
and death date stated, have turned it around using natural methods and herbs,
but very few are willing to make such changes. Mentally, cancers have been
linked to depression. People that have hatred in their hearts, even if they don’t
show it or even openly know it themselves and can actually have this hatred
dating back many years, even to their childhood. In every case, the person has to
have a strong desire to live and have wisdom to seek God’s forgiveness and
allow love to fill their hearts. Those with a hardened hearts refusing change will
not find a successful natural remedy.
WEED & FEED and seek “specific” herbs for each problem and thanking God for
every breath of life and most of all, smile, enjoy and love the life you have is my
best advice for prevention and treatment. Those doing medical have faith in
medical, not herbs and natural, each person has the right of choice and I have
always suggested we learn from the mistakes of others and try to do better for
our family. We all will die; the goal is to have a good healthy life.
CHILDREN / health
Question: I am a produce grower and have been studying soil and plant
nutrition and am griping for more info to make the connection to human
nutrition in a way of whole foods and healthy lifestyle. I realize there is info
out there but just haven’t gotten that far. Sad to say, vegetables are not ideal
human foods, they are annuals, meaning they don’t have root bark to filter out
the too large rock minerals, meaning all vegetable minerals are not “true”
minerals that the human body can assimilate and then expel out the kidneys.
These same minerals stick to our arteries, fill our lymph glands and accumulate
as weight. Years of vegetable eating usually means a lot of worms in the body,
because waste attracts worms and vegetables being freaks of nature, created by
man, always have a lot of worms on them and in them that transfer to humans.
Try growing vegetables with no fertilizers, no extra water, no chemicals of any
kind and Nature will destroy them, because in nature, these so called vegetables
do not exist in the form that modern man has turned them into.
I wish to give a little history of our family so you can better detect what is
lacking in our youngest child. 1 ½ yr old. We have a family of 6 children and
far from perfect in every way. However, so far this school term our 3
scholars had perfect attendance. Our youngest 3 children were very
exposed several time to the whooping cough in the past several months;
so far no whooping cough. In my opinion, there is no real excuse to ever allow
a child to develop into whooping cough such negligence creates a dangerous
Menno (the youngest child) was a very un-relaxed and unhappy baby up
until over a year old. We expect it to be a problem of the mother’s milk so
we took him off mother and put him on goat milk with not much results.
Goat milk is actually worse than cow milk, but since today’s cows are so
poisoned and so altered from being “natural”, the less poisoned goats are the
better option, but the goat is expelling its waste / poisons into the milk as well,
along with a lot of animal proteins and dna. Goat milk must be diluted 50% with
distilled water and never given straight to a baby. Goat milk can be frozen if
properly done and kept for the times the goats are not producing. Mother’s milk is
always best, unless she has allowed her health to fail so bad, that her milk, which
is a mirror of her blood is so poor, that it can’t support her life and her baby’s life
at the same time.
After being on the conference call when Dr from Florida, had the meeting at
Northern Nutrition, we took him off milk and put him on juices. Mostly
grape juice and also some others such as blueberry and pomegranate.
While natural grape juice is a great juice, the other 2 are not suitable for any child
under age 5 in my opinion. Raspberry Tea sweetened with honey is excellent.
We have seen much improvement since however, he is still not very
relaxed, is very active, responds promptly and actively to the calling of his
name, or discipline etc. afterwards is quickly and actively back in action or
mischief. Following are my questions to be answered in the newsletter.
Please answer #1 soon, others may be answered when time and space
#1- what can we do for our 1 ½ yr old who is overly active and un-relaxed?
A very active child is 100 x better than a sickly child that is not active and at 1 1/2
I can’t imagine any child that age could be too active! He should be into
everything and demanding all of your attention during his waking hours, to sedate
such a young child would be asking for ill health. Enjoy active children; they are
doing what they need to do! If your giving unnatural sugar and wrong foods, then
naturally those can be corrected and allow the toddler to not be too acidic,
because acids are irritating and make for unrest. I suggest taking him to a good
Chiropractor for a treatment. Also, I suggest Baby Calm or Happy Baby.
#2- would you please explain what to look for when looking at food labels.
In this label I noticed potassium cloride, disodium guanylate, and disodium
inosinate. They are questionable to me. Please give a good understanding
on the label of nutrition facts. What do we need and what shouldn’t we
use? (V8 Drink Label example included) Very simple you’re buying
commercial products made with chemicals, if you can’t read your labels and
understand them, it always means your consuming bad products, it can not be
anymore simple. Would an education in chemicals be of any value? Commercial
manufactures are constantly making new addictive chemicals to add to their
foods in order to make people fat and addictive. Fat people eat more food, better
for their business; sick people make more medical customers, good for their
brotherhood of commercialism. The consumers are being “used” and all small
children eat so little, they need never be subjected to toxic commercial foods and
#3- How can Argone Energies, “such as stray voltage, cell phone, and radio
towers, microwaves, and other electronics” effect our personal well being?
We have 2 so-called cell phone towers within 1 ¼ mile from us. also a
power line on 2 sides of the farm. Can we effectively regulate the
frequencies of our own energies by eating wholesome foods and healthy
lifestyle practices when living amongst these energies?
Microwaves enter your body and exit it 24/7 from the time you were born, till the
time you die, you can not stop them, with each new frequency added to radio,
government says x amount of babies will die of brain cancer. Living within 200
yards of a power line can destroy your health in my opinion, especially
developing babies. I know a M.D. in his 90’s that said he was trained to know this
back in the 1930’s in medical college. Living in a building with all metal roofing,
metal siding and no windows does slow these frequencies down; cell phones will
not work in such buildings. Cell phone towers are dual use; the government
armed forces use these towers for the H.A.R.R.P. system out of Alaska in
conjunction with the chem. trail jets that spray our skies daily to manipulate the
weather. This makes these cell phone towers very powerful and very dangerous
to human health. The government pays the land owners a lot of money to allow
these towers to exist so close to humans, money always guides people. Living
healthy will support life better than people that don’t live healthy; it pays off in a
better and longer life. Otherwise we can not fight government, they own our skies
(air) and control the majority of the water and food supplies; we humans today
are considered “peasants”, no longer referred to as “stock”. Stock has value to
the wealthy, but peasants are seen as useless.
#4 For a breast-feeding mother, what foods should be used in abundance
and what should be avoided? (For good milk) What herbs could be used to
help along?
All gas forming foods should be avoided, this usually are onions, broccoli,
cauliflower, corn, strawberries, chocolate, the cabbage family and the beans.
What mother eats will be the foods baby will like when he grows up, so mother
sets the pace for life. If she eats oranges, baby will grow up liking oranges. So, if
mother eats meat, baby will also eat meat later on in life. Plants rich in minerals
such as calcium, iron, magnesium etc. all support mother’s health and healthy
milk. Keep in mind, a nursing mother need not have a monthly period, if she
expels enough waste out her blood into the milk making. So mother’s waste is a
large portion of her milk, so she needs to be in great health, never constipated
and never de-hydrated. She needs to be drinking a gallon of good clean fruit
juices or distilled water and NEVER EVER can a nursing mother consume cow or
any animal milk while she is nursing or baby will be harmed.
More often than not; a lot of babies, ill health comes from mothers that
drink cow milk. Stopping all milk consumption by the mother often will
correct the ill health of the nursing baby.
Mother needs proper plant iodine, plant minerals and correct colon health. We
have always suggested the pregnant and nursing mothers to consume 21
Women’s Wellness capsules daily along with drinking 1 quart of Red
Raspberry Tea daily. Consuming a teaspoon or as much as desired of Pica
Syrup daily provides added plant minerals in liquid form with natural Tree
extracted Iodine Minerals or what we call our Iodine Mineral formula adds even
more. Taking several Lower Bowel Balance Capsules with each meal insures
she will have colon health. What mother does is what baby will do also. If a
mother does a liver flush while nursing her baby, the baby goes through a liver
flush; this is why pregnant and nursing mothers must not use herbs, foods,
drinks, products not suitable for developing babies. Mother gives of her life to
make the child’s life; this means she must take care of her health 10 x more than
the father has to. Father must care for his wife’s needs or his entire family will
suffer and be so expensive to treat the diseases that he will loose all he has
worked for in life.
Where is the funding coming from for these newsletters?
My wife and I are paying approx. $3.00 for printing, handling and postage on
each newsletter, which equals to a total over $30,000.00 for the year 2011. This
simply means we must sale $30,000.00 worth of herbs along with enough herbs
to pay our bills, or go broke. If the newsletters stops coming, then you know what
happened, otherwise we intend to give this education for free and be finished by
the end of this year. We felt we needed to do this to correctly explain the herbs
Fountain of Life had sold to the Amish, Mennonite and Plain People these past 45 years and as well “un-do” the damage done when Fountain of Life chose a
different path and stopped selling many of these herbal products. We have
always been into education. If you look at the early John Keim burn booklet that
has a real Amish farm house burning as the front picture, inside you will see
pictures of my children and that I typed up this booklet for John. I also typed up a
108 page book on John’s second burn school meeting that has picture by picture
instructions so anyone could properly apply John’s B&W method. I gave this
book to John several years ago and have always had it on our website. A Master
Herbalist is trained to be a “teacher”, while a plain herbalist is trained to make
and sale herbal products. I make herbal products because I was not satisfied
with the products being sold commercially. I was trained by the Dr. John R.
Christopher Master Herbalist Schooling, but gained my greater education from
reading old medical books prior to 1950. I learned far more by reading the old
medical books, written by retired doctors that explained how they cured people in
their successful clinics. I apply herbal use with the common medical wisdom of
how the body is designed to function. In conclusion, we see products as being
worthless without education on how to use them. Our goal from day 1 was
lifetime customers, not impulsive buyers that make orders every time a glossy ad
lands in their mailbox.
The Bible teaches to not always have open hands to take. Hopefully the
funding would not be taken from our federal government.
I assure you, I am anti-government everything, our family has no medical
insurance of any kind, we do not go to doctors, hospitals and must learn to care
for our own health and live as free as possible, I agree 100% with John Keim,
once you put your hand out to the government, you then owe them when they
want from you. I believe in the cash and barter system.
CHILDREN / rash (see children February answers)
Question: We have a 4 yr old who has a red rash on his face. Has had it for
close to 2 yrs. Till this spring we discovered that if he uses goats milk it
disappears. Now that the goat is dry it came back. Was a very fussy baby
and still gets disagreeable, uncontrollable moods. What is there to do to
get this better?
The red rash means he is capable of expelling accumulated acidic waste trapped
in his body. If the nursing mother’s milk is too poor to support her child’s life, the
next option is a clean / drug free goat and dilute the milk 50% with distilled water,
because pure goat milk is way too toxic for a baby and the goat milk contains the
poisons the mother goat was expelling, so baby can’t be any healthier than your
goat. No human child after age 18 months has the ability to properly digest milk
of any kind, because they are weaned and the stomach acid cells are drying up,
making all milk indigestible. In your case, I suggest this: When off the milk the
toddler starts to regain his immune systems and is expelling the trapped waste
and in this constipated situation, the face is the weakest area and place of
constipation, so the poisons are coming up and out the face and not down and
out to the toilet. When you do feed him milk, he is too toxic, too overwhelmed and
can’t expel the trapped waste, which is setting him up for the common cold, flu,
sore throat, croup, diarrhea, throw up, lung disease, pneumonia and just about
every childhood disease you can think of. If you’re feeding this boy eggs, it only
takes 1 egg to poison a child for 10 days. Only after 10 years of milk and eggs
does the child loose enough of their immune system that finally eggs and milk do
not cause mucus diseases to be expelled. Instead, they accumulate and result in
every disease mankind is plagued with.
Treating a child for wrong diet is FRUITLESS, since the parents have 100%
control of what the child eats, all that is needed is proper diet. Herbal formulas for
a 4 year old include, Kids “B” Well, PICA, Olive leaf / Echinacea, Maximum
Restore, Air Restore, Sunflower/Oregano Oil, Olive Leaf. I suggest reading
Dr. Christopher’s Childhood Disease book and Dr. Morton Walker’s book, Olive
Leaf Extract ($5.99) so you have an idea of what to do and avoid future disease
and hardship.
Whenever a baby or child is experiencing disease, stop all MILK. Milk drinking
after 18 months will result in all the common diseases known to plague man
today, mostly heart disease, cataracts and mucus producing disease known
which all lead to cancers. Cow milk carries every parasite, toxin and disease your
cow carries. Goat milk is actually worse for human babies, but since goats in
general are less manipulated by man, which means less toxic, goat milk agrees
with babies better, when diluted with 50% distilled water. The large cow utter is a
result of man’s manipulation, the cow that gives a lot of milk, is giving the most
toxic milk of all. Commercial packaged milk of any kind is so toxic it is not
suitable for any use.
CHILDREN / sickly / mother’s health
Question: We have a family of 8 children, for best health of mother and baby;
each child should be three years older than the last.
and like most they have a way of getting sick. Childhood sickness starts in the
womb and continues based on diet and habits. Sickness is nothing more than
expelling what they were fed. When this is stopped with drugs, the trapped waste
attracts fungus, which then lowers the oxygen and restricts circulation, which
then results in real disease.
For myself, my body can’t tolerate antibiotics anymore, not just any kind
that is. I can still take some. You are answering your own question, your
children can not be more healthier than you are while in your womb or nursing
and then your eating habits are passed onward to them and this is why children
today don’t live as long as their parents, the children inherit the habits they were
raised to believe in.
I would like to read about allergies and what to take. Allergies come about
because you have been poisoned too much; to take more is to add more
problems to your immune systems. The cure is “elimination” so your body has a
chance to cope with all you put it through.
I have the ragweed pollen allergy. Which means your body is overwhelmed
with toxicity and each “irritating” substance is going to push you over the edge
and force your immune system to “react” and expel accumulated waste and
because you are constipated in various ways, this waste is going to come up and
out the lungs, nose, skin, etc.
I also can’t tolerate milk, no human past age 18 months can, and they just
learn to accept the mucus as being a normal part of life, never associating their
colds and sickness to milk.
Peanuts, peanuts should not be a problem, but since bacteria lives on foods, the
bacteria found on peanuts are too much for your overwhelmed immune system
and forces it to react.
Starch, the only way the stomach can tolerate vegetable starch is to chew it very
well in the mouth, the saliva breaks down starch the best it can, while the
stomach is not designed to handle starchy vegetables.
and alcohol. The human digestive organs create alcohol when grains are
consumed, especially all breads and products made with flour. The bread eater is
considered to make more alcohol than the town drunk consumed, only the bread
eater makes alcohol 24/7 in low content that ads up day after day. This is why
bread eating is so addictive, the more a human gets addicted to alcohol, they
won’t feel good unless they have it or in the case of wrong diet, “make it”.
Otherwise alcohol stays in the liver and a sickly liver will become very ill when too
much alcohol is consumed or being made.
If I consume milk I get pain between my shoulders. Milk causes a lot of
stomach acid, which calls for a lot of bile, when the gallbladder is clogged, this
bile can’t be released quick enough and under pressure, it goes up into the
lymph glands, starting in the breast, neck, shoulders, commonly called heart burn
or chest pain.
Peanuts and starch make me feel sick all over. Again too much stomach acid,
lowers your pH, burns your small intestines and you are truly ill until the acids
have been neutralized and pH brought back into balance.
Think of it this way, every time you eat wrongly you’re “burning” yourself
and burns should hurt.
Alcohol will make my arms and legs feel numb. Since alcohol accumulates in
the liver and the liver health so important, such ill results are warning signs for
you to stop what you’re doing, or your body is going to fail you.
After eating chocolate this holiday season my back ached all over. I would
like to know what is causing all this. What exactly is going on? Chocolate
commercially made is one of the most harmful products making many people ill
today. Commercial manufacturing adds addictive chemicals and coloring that do
great harm to the mineral / chemical balance of the human body. Even though
such commercial products cause such ill health to so many, their addictive
chemicals make people crave them. “IF” you crave a commercial product, then it
is guaranteed there are addictive chemicals added.
Could I take something for it? Or do I just try to avoid all these foods?
As the body becomes acidic from the production of too much stomach acid as a
result of wrong foods / drinks being consumed, the alkaline body or cells are
being “burned” and the blood stream robbed of natural calcium, which throws the
heart off, which affects the entire body. Avoiding the foods that harm you the
most, will help, but you will soon discover all foods will end up making you feel
sick. Correcting you’re eating habits is the only real solution, along with
correcting things done in the past that are harmful to your health.
It is this simple:
Many people “adapt” to being acidic and aging rapidly and are too sickly to
“expel” the harmful waste trapped within the body that will cause their eventual
premature death. While others become sick easily, every time they eat or drink a
bad food, they will puke it up, start to sweat, raise a fever, etc. Their body still has
a working immune system, still seeking to support a healthy body, still rejecting
POISONS / ACIDS. The true sickly people unable to expel their waste, will say
these sickly ones are the sick ones and that they are the healthy ones. “While
the opposite is the truth”.
Use a healthy baby as your teaching guide. Every wrong or poisonous
food that enters the baby’s mouth will cause vomit, diarrhea or snot.
The same applies to the children and adults, only many adapt to the toxic state of
ill health by age 10 and the colds, sore throats, flu, etc. slow down. These ones
that accumulate their waste are the ones that end up with cancers, while those
that throw off their waste don’t supply the parasite ample foods.
Your true cure is education that will allow your foods to become your real
medicines. This 2011 newsletter will explain and cover all your questions,
please be patient. Teach your children now, so they will not suffer the
same fate you have. Habits are passed down to each generation more
than inherited disease is.
CHILDREN / hyperactive
One person, several Questions: What is the best thing to do for a child with
hyperactivity? We have a 2nd grader. He seems bright enough with his
lessons etc. but he seems quite over active at home. He often acts like he
has to be occupied with something. Seems like he almost doesn’t have
patience to sit still. It is also quite hard to get his attention at time. We don’t
know for sure, is he hard of hearing or is he attention deficit? We have him
using “attention” from liquid health which is a liquid dietary supplement
supposed to help promote concentration and reduce jitters. We know he
wants to use “attention” but not sure how much it helps.
“Irritated” children will act up or not seem “normal”. Wrong diet and/or lack of
essential minerals such as proper plant based Iodine can cause a host of
problems, as will vaccinations and all forms of drugs, vitamins and toxic
substances. Vaccinations in their creation used animal DNA in an effort to turn
humans into “mule” types by mixing animal and human DNA together. Wrong diet
is by far the largest issue, when you consider no dairy should be consumed after
age 18 months and 1 egg has so much wrong protein that it will poison a child for
10 days….is it any wonder their little bodies are being over worked and “irritated”.
Very few will ever seek to change diet and lessen the daily accumulations of
toxins in their daily lives. While herbs can “help”; it is not until the diet is corrected
so the stomach can be alkaline, will any child be “happy”. They find happiness by
“adapting” to their diets. Herbal Spray I on the face morning and night helps,
Mind Trac helps, Sleep Eze helps, but they treat the symptoms of wrong diet. At
this age, I suggest the lack of proper plant based Iodine is the major mineral
deficiency. Most children will out grow these problems by “adapting” to their
situation by age 10. This only sets them up for a lifetime of ill health fighting to
remove the toxic things they accumulate. Parasites are always a problem and
these worms, especially the sheep fluke and probably many others that live in the
body, put their hormones into the blood stream that controls the body functions in
many ways, often keeping people “sterile”. The cure is going to be to WEED &
FEED until the problems are corrected, allowing the clean blood stream to build
the correct body. Most children just need a lot of love and attention, such as the
first-born receives. But by the third and fourth child the parents have less time
and every child thrives on a lot of attention, especially at a very young age. So
there is no simple product to undo a lifetime of problems, the cure is seeking to
understand the many problems.
Second question; what is Maximum Restore good for? Maximum Restore is
one of the most expensive formulas I make. It is a re-make of Dr. John R.
Christopher’s “Anti-Plague” formula that was used for all health problems,
especially all breathing / lung problems. It is an exceptional de-wormer, mucus
expelling formula and wonderful plant mineral formula. I remade the original
formula much stronger and made it “normal” and adult strength. Adult strength
means it is a very powerful “de-wormer” formula.
Third question: Also, Olive leaf / Echinacea? Olive leaf is an all purpose antiparasite, anti-bacteria / virile and the safest of all herbs and Echinacea has a
long safe history of use with children and adults. The two blended together
became a popular formula for young children as a preventive and then if sickness
comes from too much wrong diet, then the next step is to take Maximum
Restore, which is stronger.
Fourth question: Do you know of a product called Thislyn Cleanse from
Natures Way? NO, I do not waste my time on commercial made products. It
was recommended to me by Jerry Christner of Northern Nutrition, to use in
a liver flush program. I think it contains milk thistle. Very few people
understand the liver or how to properly flush it and keep it clean; this will be
covered in the upcoming newsletters. Milk thistle is an herb known to detoxify a
poisoned liver, mostly when a person has eaten a poison, such as a poison
mushroom, etc. I will describe the proper liver cure that leaves all the gimmick
products out.
CHILDREN / stomach
1 person, several questions: I wonder if you have any ideas for children with
constant tummy complaints. Flax seed oil seemed to help awhile. Any idea
what causes it? Wrong diet, worms, acids and/or, a chiropractic issue where the
ribs and/or spine are out of alignment and pulling on the stomach. It is this
simple, EVERY TIME a child of any age has any ailment, immediately take the
child or person to a good chiropractor and make sure the bones have not slipped
out of place. 99% of all children’s illness is going to be wrong diet, wrong habits
and poisons. Basically the same for all humans, to continue the things that make
us ill, builds up until our habits make us “stop”, even if it kills us. With children,
the diet can and should be 100%. Mother needs proper nutrition before becoming
pregnant and taking all the proper plant minerals while pregnant, while nursing
be in perfect health, use no toxic substances in raising up the children and
children will live very well. When diet is not perfect, babies do well with Baby
Calm, then move up to Kids “B” Well, then onto “PICA” as general plant
mineral supplements as preventive. After age 6, many children can start taking 1
Lower Bowel Balance capsule, while before age 6, they can use Happy Baby
and then on to Lower Bowel Balance Jr. Always, the child’s best friend is
Herbal Spray I; use it on the face daily and anywhere they hurt, such as the
belly, throat, legs, etc.
SCIATIC / (see February answers)
Second question: Is there a cure for sciatic without treatment? These
symptoms are constipated related, only truly cured by correction of diet and
habits. Treatment by a good chiropractor makes it “easier” and using herbs
makes it much easier, but otherwise you can cure the problem at the dinner table
and proper exercise.
Isotonix OPC and B-complex help, but what causes this? Only time I have
bother is when I’m expecting. Any suggestions? Many women are way too
mineral deficient and once pregnant the problem is worse and as baby grows in
the womb, constipation becomes more and more of a problem. All of which puts
pressure on the sciatic nerve. Taking the products mentioned are not “real”
foods, unless they are all plant source, which means they will only end up adding
to the toxicity of your body and future illnesses.
You would think some chiropractor was paying me to write this newsletter, but I
assure you that none are. I promote them from my 35 years of going to Dr.
Anthony G. Schneider, 203 Park Avenue, Urbana, Ohio 43078. I have sent well
over 1,000 people that I have met to see my chiropractor or seek a male
chiropractor in your area that is middle-aged with lots of experience that has a
passion for children. Normally they treat children up to age 12 for free with a
paying parent. They must be well experienced with newborn and confident in the
art of manipulating all the skull plates, jaw and mouth bones. They must know
how to adjust every joint in your body as needed, even the feet, knees, elbows
and everything that was put out of alignment. A good chiropractor is worth more
than gold and should be the only doctor needed beyond bad accidents. I suggest
male chiropractors only because being a good Chiropractor means you must be
big and strong and they often need to go to their chiropractor weekly; because
working with large humans is very stressful on their bones and muscles. Only
you can be the judge of your chiropractor, a good one is always booked, never
ever needs to advertise. I suggest this: “IF” you have a GREAT Chiropractor that
you personally have used for years and can give your testimony and state your
name, I will make a list of them in each newsletter, because people often have
trouble finding a good one. This chiropractor must love babies / children so much
that he treats them for free up to 12 years old with a paying parent. He must
know how to successfully do cranial work. You must supply your name along with
the name and location of your Chiropractor and state why he is a “good” one. “IF”
you the reader are a chiropractor or your chiropractor wishes to make a
statement concerning our health, I would gladly take a look at any written paper
and everything worthy, and find a place in this newsletter.
CIRCULATION / cold hands / feet Reynard’s Disease
Question: Why do some people get cold hands and feet a lot quicker than
others? Why do some people have more problems with tight muscles in the
back or all over? Some people can touch the floor with their fingers, bend
over with bending their knees easier then others. You can work on that.
This is tried and proven, stand against an object or furniture whatever
works, just below your hip bones, or above the tip of your tailbone, now
bend over backwards as hard as you can take it. Leave you hands hang to
your sides, or you can use your hands to cushion your hip area, but relax
your arms. Then bend forward to touch the floor without bending your
knees. Repeat as often as you’re comfortable with. You will work your way
down. I can start out not being able to touch the floor at first, but can get
where I can touch the floor with my thumbs, but then that’s all, sometimes
easier than other times. You can also bend backwards without standing
against something, but it’s not quite as affective. Why does some people’s
low blood sugar act or work differently than others? Like some lose their
strength if they eat the wrong thing, and others only need a certain booster
of certain sweets or nuts when their sugar drops, or somewhat same for
Reynard’s disease is a disorder of the hands (and sometimes the toes, cheeks,
nose, and ears), in which they turn white or bluish and become painful. This
disorder or phenomenon tends to cause similar symptoms, but it is believed to be
the result of connective tissue disease or exposure to certain chemicals.
Circulation is the key to proper health, and not just this disorder. When the
circulatory system is in proper working order; the whole body benefits from it. The
symptoms of this disorder are the following: hands (and sometimes the toes
cheeks, nose and ears) turn white or bluish and become painful. Suggested
herbs; ALL “N” One kit monthly for life, with plenty of extra Herbal Spray III.
See your chiropractor and or massage therapist monthly. Remove every piece of
dental metal and toxins / metals out of your diet and body and avoid every
product with titanium dioxide / edta in it for the rest of your life. Depending on
age, take 2-4 Hormone Balance capsules daily for life and extra Thyroid help by
spraying the neck with Herbal Thyroid Spray. All adult herbal formulas have
extra herbs for parasites and increase in circulation; Adult Longevity Spices
one gallon consumed per month would do absolute wonders along with a few
Lower Bowel Balance capsules daily. It all depends how much a person desires
to do, so they can avoid more advanced symptoms as their diet and habits lead
them down the trail of loss of circulation. Prevention is cheaper than loosing your
health and spending many years crippled.
5 Questions, 1 person: We have a family of 8 children. We need a booster or
something so we can getup in the morning. Very simple, wrong food takes
many hours of digestion. Since we take large deep breaths of air while we sleep
in order to oxygenate and digest what we have eaten, it is only natural we want
to sleep more and as foods are not being digested properly, then we are in a
state of starvation; regardless how much food we stuff in our stomach daily.
Those that are experienced in “fasting” and eating the types of foods the human
body was designed by God to consume, experience 2 things, less sleep needed
and enormous energy levels. This newsletter over a year period will attempt to
show some of the many things that rob us of our energy and why.
And something to take for stress. Turning all your worries over to God is truly
the first step. Stress is the number one killer, besides the obvious reasons of
living and coping with daily life and struggles. When the blood stream lacks
essential plant minerals, it will be out of balance, which means the hormones will
be out of balance. The number one essential nutrient has to be proper plant
based Iodine. This can start in the womb and last through out the lifetime if not
corrected, and the earlier in life the better. Next would be essential plant “fats”,
not dead animal “fats”, but plant fats that are essential to keep the circulation
clean, nerves repaired, brain flexible and most of all, essential for proper
hormone function. Today people are being diagnosed as being bi-polar and
treated with drugs, while in my opinion, many times the person is just mineral
deficient and the blood stream does not have the essential nutrients to operate a
healthy body. The ALL “N” One kit is designed to address many of the basic
foundation problems in as few of products as possible. For an adult with real
stress, I may suggest additional to the All “N” One kit; Hormone Balance
capsules 2-4 per day, Sleep EZE capsules at bedtime 4 capsules. Mind Tract
for all ages as needed. If the problem is really serious, then Sleep Eze as
needed through out the day and or Mind over Matter aid formulas. I would
always spray the face with Herbal Spray I upon sleeping and when waking up
each day as a good preventive.
We also have a 2 yr old that has bother with constipation Unless the child
was born with defective colon muscles and nerves, and then odds are; the
problem is always a result of wrong diet. Since the diet is in 100% controlled by
the parents, this is easily corrected by returning to a natural diet suitable for the
age. If wrong foods are forced as diet until the child “adapts” to the acidic forming
foods, then constipation and disease is to be expected. While correcting the diet
(will be explained in the newsletters in time) at age 2, Happy Baby is a plant
mineral rich formula with known herbs to help a very young child. Baby Calm
should be started early and Happy Baby used as needed for constipation.
Lower Bowel Balance Jr. can be used after age 2 as can Kids “B” Well. These
herbs will be treatments for wrong diet, so what makes more sense? Supplying
correct diet or spending more money on herbal supplements that help expel out
the wrong foods down to the toilet? In every case, correct diet is the cheapest
route to a healthy life. Always take a baby, child and even adult to a good
Chiropractor each time a symptom appears as a proper way of prevention and
correction before it becomes a “real” problem that then cost more money to treat.
A good Chiropractor can save a family a lot of money and more
importantly, a lot of hardship, pains and sufferings that result from simple
health problems turning bad and even to death, when the chiropractor is
used as prevention and early treatment.
And what should we take to overcome a smoking habit? Smoking is a
choice. No product or method “forces” habit change, so “will” comes first. I do
make a Smokers Aid tincture or Smokers Spray formula, but nothing works as
well as just stopping cold turkey. I have seen people stop after a visit to an
acupuncturist, but then strange symptoms appear that makes them seem bi-polar
almost, so I get leery of any product or method that allows a human to stop
smoking in 1 day. It is always safest to just STOP.
Also for yeast infections? Generally, most consider Candida albicans to be the
only problem, which is a type of pathogenic yeast-like imperfect fungi, are the
main culprit causing yeast infections amongst women. Yeast infections have
become one of the most common reasons that women consult healthcare
professionals. Symptom of yeast infection is the itching of the external and
internal genitalia, which is often associated with a thick creamy white discharge.
Severe infections tend to cause the tissue to become red, inflamed, swollen and
even bleed. The leading cause of yeast infections would be improper diet.
Candida albicans mainly thrive on white sugar and other refined or processed
foods. Removing their primary food source, the over-growth of these fungi tend to
be lessened. This simply means the problem is caused at the dinner table and
the cheapest cure is correction of diet. I suggest WEED & FEED as the cure for
most all diseases and the longer we ignore all the signals or symptoms of from
wrong diet, the more expensive or longer the cure takes and for many that refuse
to change just means; their funeral will be their final cure. WEED stands for every
method used to kill the worms and expel the dead acidic waste and dissolve the
rock out of the body, while FEED mean every proper food and herb that supplies
the plant based minerals that the body thrives on. The orange juice fast will be
explained later this year as one of the best known cures for all in North American
Medical History which I suggest when properly applied, will be the cheapest and
most successful method possible to reverse and cure that which can be cured.
Question: What can a person do for a constant cough for an 80 yr old man
who has seen Drs for allergies and infections? No help, a Dr suggested
acid reflux was causing it. What causes this and what can be done to get
relief? As the cough cause a hernia. Cough is an irritation in the lungs / throat
and the need to “expel” the waste. Always caused by wrong diet, that causes
excessive acids in the body. Taking drugs normally just ads more toxins to the
already over toxic body. We use Maximum Restore 1 tablespoon per hour or as
desired. A man in his nineties drank a gallon of Maximum Restore per month for
3 months and claimed his cough and clearing of throat that had tormented him
for 30 years was cured. All puss diseases are caused by lack of natural plant
sulfur in the diet. Herbal Room Spray sprayed in the room many times as
needed helps the lungs as does Air Restore, Herbal Spray I, etc. and all good
herbs that kill worms and aid the colon functions. Constipation is always the
problem, too much coming up and out, instead of down and out. Those with
electricity can use the best device that takes the air out of the room and mixes it
with pure Oregano Oil as it removes the dust and kills all the bacteria, viruses,
etc. and I can about guarantee the cough will stop after breathing the Oregano
air after 30 minutes and if one sleeps with the device running all night, which puts
about a gallon of pure distilled water into the air as well, then I suggest after
sleeping this way for a week will completely turn lung diseases around so
traumatically that anyone that has experienced years of lung problems will want
their bedroom air treated every night for the rest of their life. Such devices can
save babies lives that are struggling to breathe late at night and since most
people die from the lack of breath, such methods should be learned long before
growing old.
A caretaker of elderly people explained using a mixture of equal amounts
of honey and apple cider vinegar in a small glass jar with a tight lid, stir and
dissolve, prevented an elderly person with asthma and heart conditions not
to have pneumonia. Usually 2-3 hospital stays every winter, after having
flue shots in the fall. When helpful for children and adults, knowing of
people who coughed 6 wks and taking along in daytime, soon were relieved
in 1-2 wks. Honey and Vinegar made properly with raw sources dates back over
120 years ago as a good method to aid the acid stomach of the average meat
eater. We all know if this worked well, none of us, would need more help, than
this yummy tasting formula. For those that eat the normal mixed meal, one ounce
after every meal is highly suggested.
What can help to reduce high cholesterol with natural products or diet?
High cholesterol is created from a diet lacking natural plant fats. Wrong diet and
drinks containing rock type minerals stick to the arteries and veins and exit into
the lymph glands if all is working well, but when cholesterol has failed, all
circulation becomes constipated. Lecithin 1-3 tablespoons daily, or the All “N”
One Kit covers the basic problems and not just treating the initial symptom.
Question: We have 2 boys with cystic fibrosis. Our 9 yr old child was
supposed to have a liver transplant when he was 2 yrs old. We were told
without a transplant they give him only 3 yrs to live. We found out to use
Milk thistle from an M.D. which is a story in itself. Hopefully I can share
more stories in the future of what worked for us. No child should have such
diseases or need organ transplants. The story of how any human could tell
someone they should die in 3 years, in my opinion nothing but installing fear in
an attempt to be lured into medical, which this newsletter has nothing to do with,
those with faith in medical, need to stay with what they believe in. No child should
be so poisoned that he needs Milk thistle at such a young age, this only means
the child was being poisoned in the first place. Hopefully this newsletter will
enable fewer children to suffer in the future as some parents choose to become
more educated. Milk thistle is most famous use is for South American illegals
that enter Southern California and being very poor and homeless find wild
mushrooms that resemble what they were use to eating in South America, only
the California mushroom is very deadly to the liver and the anti-dote was Milk
Thistle Seed Tincture. I can only imagine little babies being poisoned and
having near dead livers has to be a result of some medical drug or some toxin in
the water that would make their entire family very ill. Those that do not correct
such health problems often have shortened lifespan.
EARS / ache
Question: Our 2 yr old and 1 yr old have a battle with earaches every day!
Short term relief we use a few drops of warm garlic oil. One year a part
babies are hard on mother’s health and children’s health. Assuming both are
nursing and their health can be no better than mother’s health. Warm Garlic oil
is a good herbal method, but best after 1 ear candle has been properly applied.
Often ½ ear candles per ear for a 1 year old and 1 candle per ear for a 2 year
old are enough. Proper safe application of the ear candles is a must. This is
treating the side effects of poor diet that has over whelmed the blood with waste.
Sometimes it helps. Sometimes it doesn’t giving them silver has helped
some, but it always comes back when we stop. NEVER EVER should any
human consume heavy metals such as silver, in fact, giving a baby or small child
silver water should be a crime. Using heavy metals clogs the kidneys and fill
every cell of the human body and can take years, if not a lifetime to be expelled
out the skin and in the hair. I strongly suggest every person that has any type of
silver product to take that product and dispose of it immediately and if you know
the person you purchased it from, seek your money back.
They also have milk and wheat allergies, so we try and watch their diet
carefully. We need more help! No child by age 2 has any chance of digesting
wheat or cow milk and both should clog them up with mucus “IF” their immune
systems are working properly. “IF” you force feed these wrong foods long
enough, the child’ immune systems will be defeated as the child then seems to
adapt to the foods and starts accumulated the foods known as “weight”. At age 1,
the child can only digest mother’s milk and if extra food is needed due to poor
milk, then fresh fruits smashed is next best, cooked if need be. At age 2, the
young toddler can digest all fruits from the tree and vine, second best is cooked
and third best is cooked vegetables. Little children can never digest raw
vegetables. Little children’s health is simple, they 100% depend upon their
parents for all their foods and drinks. Baby Calm, Happy Baby, PICA, Calcium
Balance, Olive Leaf / Echinacea rt. / Maximum Restore, Air Restore, Diluted
Oregano Oil, Skinners salve are the herbal products we used for our little ones.
EYES / cataracts / glaucoma (see February answers)
Question: Do you have a remedy or something for cataracts so I wont need
surgery? And for glaucoma? For my husband. Covered in the February
answers, both have one common cause: The Consumption of Dairy Products!
Which means all dairy must stop immediately. All inorganic rock minerals that
entered the eye and didn’t leave and as well, more and more common today,
worms actually enter the eyes. Eye doctors have pictures of worms peeking
through the eyes of some patients they have recorded. Can an operation correct
any of the top three foundational causes? NO, they only treat the symptom. It is
“ironic” in that the common meal, not only feeds the one eating the meal, but
feeds the bank account of the medical professionals. Besides all the basics, I
would use the Herbal Eye Spray often and for the rest of lifetime. If the
foundational problems are not corrected and seek to cleanse and reverse the
accumulated waste that has not only affected the entire body, but also the most
important parts, the “EYES”. This is why I suggest to all, that prevention is a
thousand times cheaper than treatment, especially when it comes to eyesight.
The common dinner meal by the end of ones life cost an absolute fortune, often
having to give the farm to the doctors / hospitals. Prevention could avoid many of
these problems, while treatment at this late stage is a huge lifestyle change most
older people would never consider and way too many stay home and suffer so
they won’t loose all the money they made in their lifetime. This is simply called
reaping what we have sewn in our lifetime, because every harmful thing we do to
our bodies one day comes back to torment us. I suggest that you must correct
the entire body before the very delicate eyes will correct themselves.
EYES / glasses
2 Questions: How do I improve eyesight without glasses? What you don’t
exercise, you will loose. The eyes are huge in darkness and very small in
sunlight, this is how they need to be exercised. Walk in the nighttime outside with
no aid of light, walk in the bright sunlight and never ever use sunglasses ever.
Once you put on eyeglasses, it is difficult for the eyes to correct, but I do have
some good news. I am past age 50 and my eyesight was bad enough to wear
glasses by third grade, over the years they didn’t get much worse, but gradually
did. I invented what I call Herbal Spray I several years ago and have used it on
my face almost daily and last fall I went in to get new glasses and to my surprise
my eye doctor reduced my prescription for the first time ever. I also make Herbal
Eye Spray that is even better for the eyes. The minerals in hard water and
vitamins can enter and clog the eyes. Worms can live in the eyes, and worse of
all; all dairy foods will cause mucus, which means in the eyes equals cataracts.
So if you want eye health, remove every dairy product from your diet.
I am 39 and have had varicose veins in one leg. How can I clear them up
without surgery? A twisted, widened vein with incompetent valves caused by a
diet of too much sugars, pastries, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, breads,
candies, etc., leach the calcium out of the body, causing varicose veins, cramps,
Charlie-horses, loss of teeth, nervous upsets, etc. Surgery removes the
symptoms visible to the eye and does zero to restore health. What you see on
the outside is the mirror to what you look on the inside. The entire body needs
corrected and rebuilt from scratch. First steps I would suggest taking 8 Lower
Bowel Balance capsules daily for life, de-worming and staying de-wormed, and
consume 1-3 tablespoons of Lecithin liquid per day for life. I would apply Herbal
Spray III to both legs morning and night for life and all joints, back, etc. that hurt.
These simple things will do a lot, but plentiful sunshine on all your skin, lots of
fresh air and most of all; simple diet correction to maintain perfect weight will do
most to restore circulation. Varicose veins is a serious warning that many
humans, mostly women have been trained to ignore. Even one is a sign that your
life giving blood has a problem.
EYES / cataracts
2 Questions: Is there a natural remedy to remove cataracts? I would stop all
dairy, stop all the foundational problems, and do all the cleansing. Also use
Herbal Eye Spray morning and night and as often as desired through the day as
my chosen method. I have seen videos of very primitive South American doctors
using a dull knife and scraping off cataracts, I DO NOT ADVISE THIS, but have
seen it done. The best method is to allow the body fluids remove this damage.
Polk berry wine and Elderberry wine mixed equal parts- 1 tsp a day is it
recommended to build immune system? Elderberry is the best potassium
herb, while pokeberries are considered toxic in general herbal info. Some native
and very old info suggest pokeberries have been used in health, but too
dangerous in general to be worth experimenting with. Both would stimulate the
immune system. The dark berries in general have a lot of potassium.
Feet / toes
Question: What is the beset way to cure an ingrown toenail? Correct shoes
or not wearing shoes. Using proper care and cutting of toenails through out
lifespan. Toenails and fingernails health greatly improves in strength when
natural plant Iodine is consumed in the diet.
What do you do to straighten out a bunion or where is the cheapest brace
to wear that works? Maybe there would be a better way to heal it? Answered
elsewhere in newsletter answers, once allowed to become a problem, medical
often will cut the flesh away and take a sander and grind the bone down and
recover with flesh, but that does not correct the foundational problem, which I
believe results from lack of proper kidney function and calcium / mineral balance.
Herbal Spray III on the feet / toes would help with pains and help slowly with the
foundational causes over time. The feet need their freedom; I suggest no one
wear shoes inside their home. Those with horses must wear shoes outside or
risk picking up worms from their horses such as tetanus and worms that get into
the human brain from horses.
FEET / corns
3 Questions (1 person): What is the best way to get rid of corns?
Corns are the result of thickening of the outer layer of skin where there is
irritation or constant pressure. Corns are cone-shaped with their points protruding
into the dermis, or inner layer of skin. They usually have hard, shiny surfaces
surrounded by red, painful areas. Soft-surfaced corns sometimes develop
between overlapping toes where there is an accumulation of moisture. Treatment
of corns is directed at the relief of irritation or pressure, e.g., wearing properly
fitted shoes; they can also be softened by pastes and ointments or removed by a
physician. Calluses typically involve only the outermost layers of skin and are not
usually painful; they tend to disappear once the source of irritation has been
Where and how many; would determine how much you have to do to correct the
problem. In every case, anytime you can see a problem with the skin, the skin is
working harder than it should. Everything in or on the skin is constipation of that
area. Parasites are going to live on the dead skin or in the skin where blood does
not flow properly. The old fashioned caustic salves would “eat” the bumps off the
flesh using very alkaline chemicals usually mixed with bloodroot. These need
special care when using. The use of a bandage made for corns is applied to the
corn or wart, then a very small dab of caustic salve is applied and then a small
round bandage covers the corn bandage so the salve does not get out on good
skin. If the corns are between the toes, using such a powerful salve would not be
easy. The caustic salves work very well to removing the root of warts and moles
and will eat any skin tissue applied to, often for lumps and tumors. We call this
caustic salve Utah Salve, simply because we have someone in Utah who makes
it for us. We only sell it in a kit that comes with the little bandages mentioned. I
would also apply Herbal Spray III to the entire corn area with hopes it might help
restore circulation and naturally cure the problem that caused the corn to appear.
What is lacking if a person wakes up and can’t go back to sleep?
Often waking up at 3 am when the sun is furthest away and the human body is
the most acidic, the eyes will open. Once awake, the body starts to turn alkaline
again. The corrective alkaline forming diet; and also the removal of worms,
toxins, and waste along with building better nerves. Sleep Eze capsules, 4
before bed and 2 anytime waking up throughout the night or as many that are
needed. Herbal Spray I on the entire face at bedtime each night. Kidney /
Pancreas cleanse if the kidneys are full of stones from drinking well water,
taking vitamins, drugs and inorganic minerals. Using Lecithin or Coconut Oil and
taking 1-3 tablespoons daily for life to restore circulation and repair the nerves
and brain tissues. Parasites and lack of Natural Iodine are always a problem
and depending on age, hormones is an issue, which proper Natural Iodine, De-
Wormer, Lecithin and Hormone Balance capsules can help with; most of all, a
diet issue that creates an acidic system.
What can be done if your eyes are always running over (This wind or cold
makes it worse)? Irritated eyes can come from various reasons, usually waste
being expelled or not enough fluids. The wind irritates the surface of the eyes,
calling for more fluids. I suggest Herbal Eye Balance Spray, use often on the
eyes closed or spray holding the bottle away direct on the eyes once accustomed
to the sprays. This has done wonders for some people with all kinds of eye
problems and is the greatest herbal formula for circulation.
Question: What natural products will relieve fever? How can we use fever as
an indicator of other root causes, not merely a symptom? Fever is the
elevation of the body temperature above normal. It is characterized by increased
heat, accelerated pulse, general functional derangement, and usually is
accompanied with thirst and loss of appetite. Fever is not a disease but a
condition in the body wherein the balance of circulation has become disturbed.
This is nature's way of trying to burn out the toxic poisons. When the body
becomes exposed to excessive chilling or dampness, the capillaries near the
surface contract and the pores close by becoming obstructed with body waste
matter. This results in a containment of body heat and a sudden rise of body
temperature. In fever the natural body function is to increase the heat to a point
wherein the thick glutinous and fibrinous matters loading and congesting the
system are made liquid enough to pass through the fine and delicate excretory
membranes and tubules. Never try to use drugs or vitamins for anything, but
seek to help what the body wants to do. With a fever, keep the person hydrated
and they should be ok, do this by taking 3-4 baths daily if need be if they are not
wanting to drink much water or fruit juice. Only if the person becomes dehydrated
can the fever have ill results in my opinion. The Herbal Sprays are a Godsend
for such things, especially with the little ones. Herbal Spray I used all over the
entire body as needed, can do wonders. Holding a small one in the rocking chair
and spraying Herbal Spray I in the air and allowing the mist to fall down upon the
face every few minutes, maybe for an hour or 2 has done wonders for sickness
of any kind, especially when the breath is being affected. Solid foods should be
avoided and allow the body to cleanse naturally. Those that are too thin have
more problems. All good herbs should help; we use Maximum Restore for all
such problems, dose related, meaning that when it is not working, than use more.
Fever should not last more than a day or two, if it does; it simply means the fever
is being fed at the dinner table. All food should be stopped and drink Red
Raspberry Tea or any desired natural herbal teas, fruit juices or distilled water.
Fever in general is a “good” thing; many old people are too toxic to be capable of
building a good fever. Young healthy children can easily build a fever to remove
the accumulated waste that was created at the dinner table.
Question: I have just finished reading your newsletter and could hardly read
fast enough. I have had lots of health problems all my life, but was always
for alternative medicines and read anything I could get my hands on.
Money was always a problem and so I have suffered lots, but our 10
children are now mostly grown and gone and so I am earning some money
myself. Actually this past year my body was so worn out and I totally
crashed and some friends gave me some money. I am 56 yrs old. This past
6 months I have done colon cleansing, liver cleansing, kidney, parasite,
Candida and some heavy metal cleansing, but nothing is complete. All my
life I ran to chiropractors, often twice a week, still had lots of pain. Last
summer x-rays showed extremely misaligned spine and one vertebrae
severely twisted (I’m using the Drs words) I took a series of spinal
decompression treatments and then had my atlas put in place on Sept 25th
2010. I have not been to a chiropractor since. What a blessing! Though
there’s still healing that needs to take place. I also have fibromyalgia which
causes lots of misery and pain and has made an old lady out of me. But I
am finally receiving massage therapy every week by a wonderful lady who
will accept a queen sized quilt for her services. And chronic fatigue and a
messed up colon are on the list too. Also gout in the toes and lots of pain
in my feet which I don’t understand it all and there’s no money to go check
it out by a Dr. I am on a all natural weight loss product right now (was
approx 75 lbs overweight) and my diet is very healthy although not organic
fruits and vegetables. I juice vegetables every day. I pulled my upper teeth
in Sept and don’t have dentures yet because of lack of money. My lower
teeth have several mercury fillings (the top had a lot) and 1 crown. At one
point I had a root canal but then lost it. Since I have no teeth I put my
salads in the blender (and gag it down). I plan to do some house cleaning
and some baking in hopes to keep on building up my health. I have
defiantly gone uphill the past 6 months, but still have a long ways to go. I
don’t really want my letter printed in the newsletter, or if you do, do not
include the parts about our lack of money or that I am now earning money.
My question is: what would you recommend for someone like me? I am
using Neo-Life protein which is very good for rebuilding muscles. What
about my degenerated disc or twisted vertebrae and all the other
problems? I also have a fiber from AINI that I really like. Where do I start or
where should I go from here? I have often longed for someone to outline a
program for me. Thank you for your time. If I can regain my health (actually
I never had it- I hope to GAIN my health) I would even be interested in
buying wholesale from you and reselling.
Your story sounds typical for the average 56 year old woman that has 2 children
and been operated upon removing everything by age 50. I suggest your
chiropractic treatments aided in you being better than “average” along with your
desire to live better. Otherwise it appears you have read a lot of advertisements
and wasted a lot of money on gimmick products. I first suggest you STOP buying
all supplements until you get your upper denture paid for. “IF” you go just a few
weeks without your dentures, you will learn to eat without them and then hate
wearing your dentures. Then I suggest you remove the metal from your lower
teeth and do all you can to keep them, if they are not savable, and then get the
lower denture as well. I should hope those 10 children are helping you financially
and continue doing so the rest of your life, if not, have them read this and tell
them “I” said take care of your mother! Proper diet and habit education will serve
you well, it cost less to eat and drink correctly than to eat wrongly and pay the
doctors. The cheapest thing I can suggest is buying a 2 ounce bottle of Pure
Oregano Oil and putting 1 drop in your daily water and then 1 drop in an empty
capsule up to every hour for a total of 8 drops per day as a treatment for all that
ails you, such as fibromyalgia that has been well covered already in these
newsletters. Once your teeth have been all taken care of and your children willing
to buy a few herbs for you, I suggest you concentrate on reversing the damage
done to your body while having children and seek to live along and healthy life
enjoying your many grand babies…so in fact, you can tell these children, it is to
their great benefit to take care of their mom now, while they are strong and
capable. If you take the time to understand health and having healthy children,
then you can be a great aid to the daughters and even greater aid to your future
grandchildren; that in theory should have better health than your own children
did. That would be the greatest gift you could hand down to them. I am sure 8
drops of pure Oregano Oil daily will do wonders for you, also put 1 drop in a
glass of water and dip your tooth brush in it as you brush and soak your denture
in water with Oregano Oil. You will get use to the strong / hot flavor after a week
of use. I don’t suggest herbs to people that can’t afford them, to do so would be
useless, instead try to understand proper diet and habits.
No one needs to be sick because they lack the funds to buy products.
FIBROMYALGIA / chronic fatigue
Question: Does anyone have a proven cure for fibromyalgia, or chronic
fatigue? Also, to keep yeast away after being on a diet for a while, must you
always stay away from sugar?
Description: A rheumatic syndrome indicating widespread pain in fibrous tissues,
nerves, muscles, tendons, and other connective tissues, resulting in painful
muscles without weakness. Excessive tiredness or fatigue may also be
manifested. Many herbalists and natural healers feel that fibromyalgia is an
autoimmune health disorder in the nerves. Furthermore, the inflammation tends
to cause the pain signal. Oftentimes, these tender-point sites include fibrous
tissue or muscles of the following: the neck, shoulders, chest, rib cage, lower
back, thighs, knees, arms, and elbows. The overwhelming characteristic of
fibromyalgia is prolonged pain at defined tender points. Tender points hurt only
when pressed. These tender points are not the same as trigger points, which can
be tender locally and lead to traveling or spreading pain. Many symptoms of this
soft-tissue pain is often described as deep-aching, radiating, gnawing, shooting,
or burning, and ranges from mild to severe. Fibromyalgia sufferers often have
trouble resting mainly because the body aches and stiffness. Pain improves
during the day and often increases again during the evening. The pain can
increase with activity; cold, damp weather; anxiety and stress. Most natural
healers feel that fibromyalgia is an autoimmune health disorder in the nerves.
Furthermore, the inflammation tends to cause the pain signal.
The above is the common description. I personally see this as nothing more than
a lifetime of wrong diet and habits that have created an acidic condition that
attracts a lot of parasites that leads to a low oxygen state which all equals ill
health. There is but one cure; WEED & FEED and allow the body to repair itself. I
have seen many women that were bedridden with pains cure themselves and
return to work. They simply start with the colon Lower Bowel Balance (LBB
capsules), repair the stomach, and cleanse the kidneys and liver of worms and
accumulated waste as they restore the circulation in their arteries and veins,
which also helps restore the nerves and brain. Proper diet along with what I call
the ALL “N” One kit and if need be, Hormone Capsules and additional herbs
such as Iodine Minerals, etc. based on how bad the diet has been over x
amount of years, or the entire lifetime. In theory the bad case will call for a double
bottle ALL “N” One kit and once doing better, it can be reduced down to a single
bottle ALL “N” One kit. If the person is female, then 4 Hormone Capsules daily
for the rest of their life along with the All “N” One kit done monthly for life, pretty
much covers what herbs can do, while my wife also suggest women take 12 of
the Women’s Wellness capsules daily for extra calcium / minerals. If there has
been sickness in the lungs in general, the Maximum Restore can be added to
the kit to boost the immune system and aid in expelling the waste. Diet will
always be the foundational cause and true cure, correct foods that lead to perfect
weight and clean blood stream with ample new red blood cells so rebuilding of
the body takes place will restore life and enjoyment once again. This will all be
outlined within the 2011 newsletters.
Sugar: we humans thrive on the 220+ known plant sugars; anyone that avoids
sugar will waste away over time. White sugar has had the minerals removed,
making it a bad substance. Seek natural plant sugars found in fruit juices and
plants. Many plants have their own unique sugars; an example is the common
Echinacea Flower. It has sugars, even though you’re not going to taste them and
it seems like we humans do best when we have a wide variety of all the plant
kingdom sugars, not just cane sugar. Maple Syrup and Sorghum Molasses are
two sources, as is Glycerin from the palm trees used in all good made herbal
My opinion is; all drug use, all vitamins, well water and all rock source drinks
along with wrong foods in general will reduce organ function via constipation of
the cells, which lowers your oxygen, which creates the symptoms known as
chronic fatigue / fibromyalgia. There are up to 1,000 diagnosed diseases that are
really all the same results of wrong diet and habits and every drug / toxin used for
treatment, mutates the illness into new bazaar diseases that have created this
monster called cancers.
FIBROMYALGIA / chronic fatigue / constipation / worms
Question: We got your newsletter and it was interesting to read. Sounds like
you have met many Dr’s and Chiropractors. Was wondering if you have
ever met Dr. Emanuel Schlabach (Center for Wellness) in Berlin, Ohio?
NO, never met him.
I am seeing Dr. Schlabach for 6 ½ yrs spending thousands of dollars. I have
what he calls chronic fatigue, an also going through menopause. Many
times I thought we can’t afford it any more. But than we don’t know where
we want to go as I can feel I need something good. So far I thought I can
trust him, that he is not just making money. As I know that some people
think that is part of it. If I talk of trying something different of vitamins or Dr
he always warns me. Be careful what you get on where you go as there is a
lot of stuff out there with a drug in it and will only make you feel better for a
while. But he also lets it all up to me. Saying it’s your choice. I feel a lot
better than I did 6-7 yrs ago. But still I am not healthy and tired out very
easy. He put me on a gluten free diet. And some people can’t understand
that either. Maybe if I would eat better I’d feel better too. Two of our
daughters are also having a problem for a few years already. We think we
can’t afford it to take them to see Dr. Schlabach so we are trying this and
that or what other people think are good or should help them. Seems it only
last so long. Than they are not getting any results. The 15 yr old has a
headache every day.
Then she has a problem that needs corrected.
She says as soon as she gets up her headache starts and then its there
about all day; has a problem with constipation.
Constipation is the foundation of every illness.
She is on some kind of bowel pills all the time, complaining of pain under
her left rib cage, at times sharp pain, than goes away again.
All children & adults should see a good chiropractor every six months from birth
up and monthly if any problems exist and weekly if a critical problem exist. That
is the only doctor I normally suggest, other than the dentist as needed.
Easy not feeling good after meals and feeling kind of bloated. When she is
having her cycle the symptoms are worse. Showing constipation is a real
issue, as well lacking natural Iodine and essential minerals and very often,
worms in the womb, such a sheep fluke worms. Living anywhere within miles of 1
sheep, almost insures every mammal in the area has sheep fluke worms in my
opinion and actually, because sheep were popular in the past in the USA, the red
sheep fluke worm is probably the dominate worm in all Americans that causes a
lot of problems. Luckily they die easily with good herbal de-wormer. Cycle
symptoms often fade away after 2 months of using any of the Herbal Sprays on
the stomach and joints daily. For some, just spraying the belly often relieves the
pains almost instantly, but over time, stops the pains from developing.
Since August we are seeing an eye reading Dr from Mansfield, Ohio. He
comes out to an Amish home. My opinion is that these types are not qualified
and only guessing as a method to sale their products. Very few real doctors of
this nature have existed in the USA, Dr. John R. Christopher and a handful in the
past, while I don’t know of any of today that would be worthy to “really” know. If
you have people willing to come to your home, it only means they are not good
enough to have customers knocking on their doors keeping them so busy that
they would never have time to go door to door…this goes for all the travel
types…often they have gotten in trouble, never gotten their degrees or otherwise
have no office to work out of and they seek out people that they can “trick”; just
my opinion.
He says her hormones are off balance and her pancreas and liver are not
working good and this effects the stomach and is also stressed. He has her
on 4 different herbs, 3 different pills. But we are just not seeing much
Yes you are your watching your money go into his pocket!
She also gets very easy tight muscles in her neck and back. So we have
taking her to therapy treatments every few weeks. Our 20 yr old has a
problem of being constipated for a few years already. She also has to take
something for her bowels all the time. Seems what ever she uses it only
last so long. Than she is not getting any results and we change to
something different because her bowels just don’t work for a few days then
she feels so bloated in her belly. Lately we had her to Dr. Abby in Mt. Hope
and her said all she needs is Acidophilus and Potassium.
Most all people that use salt in their foods are lacking real potassium, so that is a
no brainier. Otherwise commercial potassium is worthless and acidophilus in my
opinion is very worthless if you purchased it.
But after a week she only had a few bowel movements and was feeling
miserable. Again we start something different. But she kept on using these
pills. I started her on Jims Colons pills (when everything else fails) for
about a week. The last 4-5 days her bowels are working and I can see she is
having more energy and mood. About 3 weeks ago she did a liver flush
diet. One day, the next morning when she got up she had to throw up and
had pain under her right rib cage and still gets pain now and then that she
holds her belly for a little bit and then it goes away. Wonder if you know
anything about Dr. Abby or Jim Colon pills. Doctors are doctors for people
who seek their help, so we don’t know doctors; I have not had a family doctor
other than my chiropractor for 35 years now. You are the expert on knowing
“your” doctors. I know of the fellow in New York that has made a fortune off of
selling Jim Colon Pills, not sure if he is alive anymore, last I heard from him years
ago, he had thrush that he could not get rid of and refused all advice I gave him,
when he asked me. He sells only commercial cheap products that he can sell
anywhere in the world for big profits, nothing I ever had any interest in.
I can suggest that you are seeking answers in all the wrong places and getting
nowhere fast. All the problems you wrote about are very common and a result of
deficiency in essential plant minerals, constipation, worms that have all resulted
from an acidic diet. On such diets, each generation becomes sicker until the
children grow up sterile; it is nature’s way of elimination. In the long term, trying
to save money is going to cost you and the girls a fortune. They need to correct
the constipation, keep the worms removed, consume the proper plant minerals
and herbs as needed and find and stay with a good chiropractor. Never should
anyone need a drug, vitamin or non plant mineral of any kind. Money should
never be an issue in human health, because proper diet and habits will solve
many of the problems over time, while herbal products are a luxury that cost
money to buy. A good chiropractor is worth his weight in gold and often he can
correct problems 3 days after birth and every mother-to-be should see her
chiropractor every month while pregnant and take her baby every few months
until grown up and able to take themselves. WEED & FEED along with
chiropractic will do wonders. Otherwise remove all poisons, such as dental work,
bad water, bad drinks and bad foods. If you’re sick, your body is telling you
something. As for the girls; 2 Lower Bowel capsules with every meal for one
year; 2 Hormone Balance capsules every day for years to come, if not for life.
Lots of Herbal Spray I, II, or III used daily on all that hurts. De-worm for life by
using Herbal De-wormer or other herbs that are anti-parasite and plentiful plant
minerals, such as PICA or Women’s Wellness capsules. This all must be
corrected before they marry or become pregnant if they don’t want to pass their
illness to the next generation, which only causes more and more illness, miseries
and expense. Once they are pregnant; a less strength of herbs can/must be used
in de-worming. The ALL “N” One Kit with Hormone Capsules pretty much
covers all the bases, if taken as directed every month for life, but when money is
the issue, the diet and habits must be made perfect if no herbal help can be
afforded. “IF” a doctor of any kind doesn’t help you within one month, I suggest
they can’t, that the real problems are diet and habits, things they have no control
A gluten free or Candida type diet often is just a joke that never addresses
the real issues of the acidic diet that results in disease. If your doctor is
not talking about an alkaline stomach, correction of constipation of the
entire body, proper plant based minerals, such as Iodine, magnesium,
calcium, iron, etc. and a lot about worms, and then you know that doctor is
not going to help you much at all, unless he is just a chiropractor or
Question: Is Glycerin a natural product that is not difficult for our bodies to
digest? Are all glycerin created equal? Is there anything like organic
glycerin? Glycerin should be a tree sugar. The tree supplies the best foods for
humans. We use a lot of Glycerin in herbal making and we have always used
“Organic” Glycerin in 5 gallon buckets.
I don’t want to spend a lot of money on a gallon of something I do not know
if it will benefit us. Glycerin is too expensive to use as a sugar substitute. There
are also non tree glycerin products.
I do know raw vinegar has many benefits. Are tinctures made from raw
apple cider vinegar as potent or more as glycerin tinctures?
Raw apple cider vinegar is to be avoided by those seeking an alkaline stomach,
while those that eat meats and mixed diets do well to consume 1 ounce of raw
vinegar after each meal as an acid source; but the over acidic stomach in either
case will still cause problems as described in this newsletter as the stomach
acids scar and eat away at the small intestines. I will agree that when raw
vinegar is mixed with raw honey, it creates a good supplement for human health.
I am a little skeptical of all the glycerin used in tinctures. When glycerin is
added to tinctures, it is no longer a tincture, but more like Syrup.
Will black walnut in the tincture Dental Health (by Rachel Weaver) help a 2
yr old son with 2 teeth that have cavities and 2 that are completely broken
off? NEVER should a 2 year old be given a tincture of black walnut, especially
for bad teeth. No child needs tinctures, unless in emergency cases such as when
breathing is an issue.
What caused his bad teeth? Bad teeth start in the womb as a result of lack of
proper plant minerals and especially plant iodine. The lack of proper iodine and
minerals while in the womb I personally believe leads to a lifetime of ill dental.
Once born the damage has been done and treatment can avoid future problems,
but the inherited weakness is always there and there is no surer sign than when
ill teeth show up by age 5 at age two I would consider an extreme case of mal
We do not normally buy candy and have a good diet. At age 2, baby would
just be off nursing his mother and on raw fruit diet and or cooked vegetables.
Was the mother’s calcium deficiency before and at the beginning of the
pregnancy a factor? YES! Along with plant iodine, iron, magnesium, etc.
Is black walnut safe for pregnant women? NO, not considered safe!!!!!!!!!!
Many women / pregnant women have worms, their babies can easily have
worms and taking herbs that help the blood kill worms can possibly kill worms in
the developing fetus and this is why in my opinion, you should never find an
herbal or medical book that should ever suggest a pregnant woman take herbs
known to be used as de-wormers. YET, many other herbs also are great
bacteria, viral and anti-parasites that authors and I know from experience are
taken by pregnant women with no problems and this is where the problem lays,
medical has scared off herbalist for a very long time in the treatment of
pregnancy. No one really knows the possible side effects and since the unborn
child is at risk, it is always safer to say to use the strong herbs BEFORE and
AFTER pregnancy and use only the “known” safe herbs during pregnancy. Those
that do not have a good diet and make use of herbs during pregnancy should be
avoided by all mid wives as being high risk cases.
What if she is dealing with an abscess in the gums but is not dealing with
pain as long as she keeps up her calcium intake. Not sure what you’re
asking, but for abscess I suggest Olive Leaf which is considered safe with
pregnancy and Tooth & Gum Powder or Herbal Tooth & Gum Spray for inside
the mouth.
Is it true that the mouth health affects the body’s health greatly or is it the
other way around? The tongue expels waste from the blood stream and is the
same color as the stomach and liver. The gums expel waste from the blood, as
do the teeth. The mouth is a dumping ground for the blood stream that is over
loaded with waste. The affected mouth then feeds fungus that makes for bad
breathe and ill health.
Should I get my teeth checked for mercury fillings? I do have several
fillings. Look in the mirror or have someone look in your mouth, if you have any
dark / black looking fillings, they are mercury fillings, seek a good dentist and
have the metals removed. If you have any root canals, I suggest for health, best
to remove them completely. If you have cancer, I suggest all teeth that ever had
a mercury filling in it during your lifetime, should be removed with all its filling
materials regardless what they were made of.
I do not have energy like I wish I had and do not have plenty of milk when
nursing any connections? YES, you are too sickly to supply baby proper
nourishment! Your milk is your blood minus the red blood cells, if your too anemic
to have energy, giving up your blood to make milk will wear you down, cause loss
of health, hair, skin, teeth as your body attempts to supply baby with proper milk,
this is why baby and mom does well with rich plant mineral formulas. Having
babies any closer than 3 years apart is asking for sickly babies; and sickly
mothers that will produce daughters that are sterile after 3-5 generations loosing
to miscarriages. Just one mercury filling can cause miscarriage and ill health in
mother and baby, even if it is diagnosed as a 1,000 different reasons in my
opinion. Having healthy babies and keeping mother is simple and this newsletter
has the goal of teaching proper health so babies will have the best chance at a
healthy childhood. Herbs; Milk Aid while nursing, Women’s Wellness 21
capsules daily while pregnant or nursing, Baby Calm, etc. as will all be
explained in 2011 newsletter and hopefully explain why children have the
problems they do.
Question: What would make a 58 yr old women’s hair break off? The last
year my hair has gotten real short and thin. I took a test and my thyroid is
ok- Dr said to use Biotin but so far it hasn’t helped any. I’ve been using
Biotin for 6 months or more. I’ve been put to sleep 2 times since March. I
dislocated my shoulder (tore it out of the socket and had 3 fractures) then
in August I had an open-heart surgery but I had been losing hair before this
happened. Now I also need to have gallbladder surgery next week as I have
stones and sludge in my gall bladder! Help!
HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I agree, you need HELP! I suggest you find a great
chiropractor ASAP and see him weekly until your health is under your control, run
as far away as possible from your present doctors and find one ASAP that will
not butcher you; unless your operations were all do to a serious accident that you
have left out of your story. This newsletter is anti vitamin, anti drug, anti
operation. Anyone believing they needed their poisons and operations will have
no use for this newsletter. Those already victims we truly fill sorry for. Biotin is a
“vitamin” that usually makes the hair grow fast, but like all vitamins, it is not a
vitamin, but a chemical concoction that can never increase human health. You
ignored the most important facts as to why you were torn up and why you had to
have your heart cut on. Surprised they have not already cut your gallbladder out
by now as they will start to pass you around so all their buddies get a chance to
make $$$$. Regardless all the how’s and whys, your hair is an example of your
total body health. You body will expel out the deadliest of heavy metals and
toxins up and out the hair and skin. When the hair is over loaded, it is choked off
and dies. Loss of circulation no matter how it happens, results in death. For your
gallbladder, it is your diet, same for your hair and your total health, the wrong diet
loads the body up with rock type minerals that clogs the kidneys, then as the
other organs try to take over, they fail, then the skin begins to fail and the face
and hair never lie, anyone can take a look at a person and tell if they are healthy
or sickly. WEED & FEED there is no other way! Stop what you have been doing,
because it is not working anymore to support life. Clean out the years of
accumulated matter and put it in the toilet and you need your gallbladder to
digest & assimilate your foods and everyone without this vital organ has already
succumbed to their diet that lead them into the arms of the surgeons that never
ever treat the cause, but cut out the symptom. ALL “N” One kit, double bottles
done properly along with extra 8 ounce bottle of Herbal Spray III for your entire
body including your hair, or if able, an 8 ounce bottle of Topknot Hair Herbal
Spray just for the scalp / hair; both will work, both will increase circulation to the
scalp. These operations cost a ton of $$$, so I assume your a very wealthy
person. Otherwise folks that take the government welfare; I was at a John Keim
seminar warning us all to no do it, because once we accept the government
payments, then they own us; because we forever owe them.
HEAD, itchy
Question: What causes an itchy head? I change shampoo every so often
which seems to help for a while. Normally soaps are the problem, especially all
commercial soaps that in general all have added titanium dioxide which does
great harm to the thyroid and many other chemicals for color and fragrance.
Using homemade as natural as you can find bar soap is better, while making
your own bar soap with food grade ingredients would be best and use only warm
water as often as you can and soap only when you must. The body also expels
internally waste out through the scalp and hair, these are often the heavy metals
that clog the hair and cause ill hair and scalp health as circulation is
compromised, which also attracts parasites. Parasites live on dead skin and oils,
which the scalp has plenty of. Herb wise, Topknot Herbal Spray for hair health
and circulation does wonders when used regularly for several years, often
restoring natural color for older people and help with poor hair health. Topknot
often has the side effect of the hair turning reddish for the first year and then
often turning to the childhood color during the second year. Many say they have
increase in hair thickness and healthier hair as time goes by. All of the herbal
sprays are very antibacterial and help kill bacteria / viruses on contact and as
well as feeding the skin and hair with plant based minerals and herbs to increase
circulation to the scalp.
HEART / anxiety / skip beats / race
2 Questions: I am a mother of 3 and sometimes get what feels like anxiety
attacks and my heart at times seems to skip beats or race. Anxiety describes
any feeling of worry or dread, usually about potential events that might happen.
Some anxiety about stressful events is normal. However, in some people, anxiety
interferes with the ability to function. Severe anxiety usually lasts more than six
months, though it may not be a problem every day. Physical symptoms can
sometimes result, including fatigue, insomnia, and irritability. Some people who
think they are anxious may actually be depressed. I suggest natural iodine
deficiency over a lifetime along with acidic diet that depletes the blood calcium is
a couple of the major contributing factors. Constipation and worms always being
foundational problems, never underestimate the worms abilities to do harm to the
body functions. I would suggest what I call the ALL “N” One kit along with
additional Hormone Balance capsules 2-4 daily for life and for as long as
needed, 12 Women’s Wellness capsules daily or more if desired. Herbal Iodine
Spray on the neck and chest would help as could Heart Drops or Heart Drop
Herbal Spray on the chest daily. Some have had great results after consuming
the Natural Tree Iodine tincture, saying their many years of the heart skipping
beats fades away. In general, the All “N” One kit, once in balance, should be
enough as long as you’re not having more children. If your going to have more
children, cleanse and repair the body first and then I suggest proper nutrition and
herbal use during the entire pregnancy and while nursing. Never seek to become
pregnant while sick or you risk losing your health and passing on ill health to your
unborn baby.
And our 4 yr old has problems with bedwetting. Any suggestions?
Answered previously, always stop all drinks by 6 pm each evening and once
acidic diet is stopped, the irritated kidneys and bladder will stop and good dry
sleep become normal.
HEART / shaky, weak
Question: Recently I have been having some pain in my chest area, more to
the left side. I often feel it daily, although not sever I also feel weak and
shaky in the somewhat same place and my heartbeat does not seem quite
normal. I also at times feel the heartbeat or throb at the side of my throat. I
don’t have much energy and tire easily. Any suggestions? Should I be
concerned about this or how concerned? (middle aged house wife) All of
these symptoms; I suggest you need to see a good chiropractor immediately. He
can personally examine your total health and check to see if you have ribs, spine
or bones out of place that would affect these areas. Often a rib out of place can
make you feel like your having a heart attack, so much so that medical will run
every test possible and still be clueless about your symptoms, or, you really
could have serious problems, you should never ignore the way you feel. Just
considering all the damage a clogged liver, an acidic stomach, a poor colon,
worms, bacteria, fungus can cause to our health, one must stop and start taking
care of their body before it fails. Way too many people by age 40 are dying now, I
suggest never ignoring such symptoms and start with a good chiropractor, diet
correction and learn how to WEED & FEED until your blood stream is healthy
enough to rebuild your body. The ALL “N” One kit with additional Hormone
Balance capsules, 2-4 daily for the rest of your life, drink 1 quart of Red
Raspberry Tea daily until back to “normal”; extra Herbal Spray III on all that
hurts daily as needed along with spraying your room where you work often, so
you breath in Herbal Spray III. Until you know about your heart, it never hurts to
take Heart Drops, 1 dropper as many times needed per day.
Question: What is best to do for hemorrhoids? Is there a cure? Stuff a little
B&W into the hemorrhoid area daily as needed. Bend over and touch toes daily
to avoid ever getting them. It is a toxic / constipated condition. Some elderly allow
them to hang out so long that an operation to cut them off is needed. Lower
Bowel Balance daily as needed through out life is prevention for every
constipation problem. If bad meals are eaten, take 1-2 Lower Bowel Balance
capsules with each meal.
HERBS / yarrow testimony:
Over 12 years ago I was often laid up with severe lower back pain and a
chiropractor said that regular adjustments are needed to avoid my discs
from slipping further. Reading in an old herb book for yarrow works
directly on bone marrow and blood renewal, I started drinking a quart of
hot yarrow tea whenever I had pain and to my surprise my backache simply
vanished! I have not had an adjustment since and hardly ever have pain,
when it does come back, one quart of hot yarrow tea fixes it! Sometimes I
add stinging nettle for energy. If I drink to much I wake up at 3 in the
morning and can’t sleep. Try God’s herbs, they work!
Yarrow is located in most every yard or pasture and is an excellent herb, often
used to raise blood flow and mild fever. Drink the hot tea while taking a very
warm bath is a great cold treatment. I make Yarrow Tincture and also have
Yarrow bulk tea by the pound.
HERBS / speedwell
Question: My question is about speedwell. An herb that I want to use fresh,
but my different plant books offer so many different varieties. What is the
medicinal speedwell and does it grow in PA? Could you send me a picture?
I totally agree with Marie Treben in “Gods Pharmacy” that herbs should be
used fresh to get their full value, there for I like to grow my own when
The Common Speedwell is a native of the Old World, but is abundantly
naturalized in the eastern United States, where it grows in open, grassy places.
In this country, it is generally found on heaths, moors, dry hedge banks and in
coppices, where it is very common and generally distributed. Description- The
plant is a perennial, of a prostrate habit, with ascending branches, bearing erect,
spike-like clusters of blue flowers, the stems 3 to 18 inches long, varying very
much in length according to soil. The leaves are opposite, shortly stalked,
generally about an inch long, oval and attenuated into their foot-stalks, their
margins finely toothed. The flowers are in dense, axillary, many flowered
racemes, 1 1/2 to 6 inches long, the individual flowers nearly stalkless on the
main flower-stalk, their corollas only 1/6 inch across, pale blue with dark blue
stripes and bearing two stamens with a very long style. The capsule is inversely
heart-shaped and notched, longer than the oblong, narrow sepals. The plant is of
a dull green and is generally slightly hairy, having short hairs, sometimes smooth.
The fresh herb is faintly aromatic. After drying, it is inodorous. It has a bitterish,
warm, and somewhat astringent taste. Constituents- Enz found a bitter
principle, soluble in water and alcohol, but scarcely so in ether, and precipitated
by the salts of lead, but not by tannic acid; an acrid principle; red coloring matter,
a variety of tannic acid, producing a green color with ferric salts; a crystallizable,
fatty acid, with malic, tartaric, citric, acetic and lactic acids; mannite; a soft, dark
green bitter resin. Mayer, of New York (in 1863), found evidences of an alkaloid
and of a saponaceous principle. Vintilesco (1910) found a glucoside both in this
species and in Veronica chamaedrys. Medicinal Action and Uses- This species
of Veronica retained a place among our recognized remedies until a
comparatively late period, and is still employed in herbal medicine. Its leaves
possess astringency and bitterness. Among the Welsh peasantry, great virtues
are attributed to the Speedwell. The plant has diaphoretic, alterative, diuretic,
expectorant and tonic properties, and was formerly employed in pectoral and
nephritic complaints, hemorrhages, and diseases of the skin and in the treatment
of wounds. Modern herbalists still consider that an infusion of the dried plant is
useful in coughs, catarrh, etc., and is a simple and effective remedy in skin
Question: This newsletter is a good idea. I also would want to make more
herbal formula for my own use, but I need more experience in growing my
own or is it better wild crafted? I prefer wild crafted, that way you know the
plants are growing where God intended, in the correct types of soil and shade
and sunlight.
I have some friends who might be able to help me in the woods I don’t have
a good book for identification. My mother is in the hospital with perforated
colon right now. They operated the day before Christmas, so hopefully
she’ll get out of there soon. She is from PA and 76 yrs old dos I wont be
able to care for her just now, maybe when she regains some strength she
can come here. She was here for 6 wks in Sept-Oct. we are also families
with John Keim and were to a meeting 2 yrs ago in Antrim Ohio.
Sadly ever since we started making herbs, we noticed way too much colon
cancer in the Amish people, it seemed like every area had plenty of people with
one foot or more of colon removed. This is so WRONG! Why allow wrong diet
that makes a lot of food for worms, to go on so long, that the colon must fail and
be cut out? Hopefully as a result of this newsletter the Amish, Mennonite and
Plain community people can learn how to improve their colon health, because I
know of no good reason why anyone should ever need such operations or any
operation unless they have had a serious accident resulting in damage to the
tissues that need sewed up or bones set. I suggest De-worming and Lower
Bowel Balance capsules daily for the rest of her life along with seeing a good
chiropractor no less than once a month. These colon operations and every
operation and prescription drugs are costing not only a fortune, but people are
greatly suffering needlessly. Spending more time preparing proper foods, clean
drinks and keeping the worms DEAD, makes far more sense than paying
$$$$$$$$$$ endlessly and go through so much pains and sufferings. Having
these operations and never learning the lesson and returning to the same diet
and habits that resulted in the operations feeds the medical system that thrives
on people that give their health over to others to care for.
Question: Are there other ways to help a hernia without doing surgery?
We’re not sure if that’s my husband’s problem, but are wondering how a
hernia acts? A hernia commonly refers to the escape of some part of the
intestine from the abdominal cavity, through an opening in the abdominal wall.
The intestine is pushed out from the inner body, often to a point just below the
surface of the skin. When it reaches this point, we have a visible hernia. At first it
is about the size and shape of a marble, and grows larger as more and more of
the intestine escapes. Extreme pain in the abdominal area whenever there is an
exertion, such as bending over, leaning back or any other small movement
involving the abdomen. Early in life the male infant can encounter complications.
Two months before birth, the testicles descend from the abdominal cavity into the
scrotum. They descend through the inguinal canal, which soon closes behind
them. If the canal doesn't close, however, this could be a later trouble spot for a
hernia precipitated by muscle weakness and sudden heavy lifting. Other causes
are from overexertion in lifting which can cause the tear in the abdominal wall. In
the past, we had the “needle” doctors; they would use needles to pull out tumors
or inject acids that would dissolve tissues. These old time doctors were known to
treat hernia with nothing more than a needle, while today I know of none of these
doctors left in practice. Ideally monthly chiropractic treatments will be the best
medical prevention method, while proper diet and habits will be the best way to
maintain a strong body. We as humans tend to over work, lift too much weight
and worst of all; lift it wrongly. “If” the hernia is small and easily managed by
hand, I suggest simple WEED & FEED will enable the body to rebuild. The use of
Herbal Spray III and BF&C herbal formulas can greatly help when put directly on
a hernia properly or taken internally as well. A good chiropractor that can legally
examine you, can give you advice on hernia and if you need to seek medical
attention or attempt natural.
HERNIA / haital
Several Questions: I am a 23 yr old mother of 2 healthy daughters but I
believe I have a haital hernia. (I was not to a doctor to find out) it is worse
since the birth of our 2nd daughter in July 2010. I have problems with gas,
bloat and indigestion. At times there is so much upward pressure of my
stomach that it causes chest pain. My questions are: what can be done
about it; is there a natural way to cure it without surgery? Or is there a
natural way to live with it comfortably? What causes an over-acid stomach
and what can be done about it the natural way?
In my opinion, 99% of all so called hiatal hernia symptoms are nothing more than
results of continued wrong diet as well as chiropractic situation. The chiropractor
will put you on your back with his fist under your back and push down and
attempt to align the ribs and spine so the muscles that control the throat flap will
properly close and as well, seek to put the ribs back where they belong, same
with the stomach and hopefully give exercise and diet advice. Otherwise such
symptoms are a result of wrong diet that has resulted in a very upset digestion
and elimination system. This newsletter will be based on this subject. The cure is
stopping what you were doing and correct what can be corrected and then allow
your red blood cells to build you a new body. Each person makes their own
choices in life, which results in their total body health. I suggest you see a good
chiropractor monthly for as long as you think you have this and always take the
children monthly. The children should be free as long as you’re getting a
treatment and normal cost is about $37 per adult or up to $70 for a total family.
Also my baby, totally breastfed, is somewhat fussy unless I take 1000 mg
of calcium daily. What kind of calcium would you recommend? Could I take
too much calcium? In my opinion all products sold as calcium are extremely
bad for the kidneys and total health; most such formulas are very similar to the
make up of the common pavement of highways. Just as bad, is corral calcium,
which is nothing, but used sea shells that cut the kidney tissues as they clog the
cells; in which decreases the circulation of the kidneys. I have read and believe
we must have 900 x too much calcium in our body before we can die and this
same calcium is what we call old age, as the rock turns us “hard”. Taking such
calcium as a supplement is extremely detrimental to health in my opinion, unless
your product was all herbal roots / leaf, which most are not? Why would your
baby be less fussy? Hopefully, baby is not adapting to this and “accumulating”
this rock. Real calcium comes from plants, deep-rooted plants like comfrey in a
combination of other herbs with essential minerals that aid the body in
assimilation. What we call Women’s Wellness capsules 21 per day while
pregnant and nursing or in cases where extra calcium is needed to stop
Charlie-horse type symptoms, Calcium Balance capsules or liquid are what
we suggest. Otherwise, I suggest calcium supplements will age you as they rob
you of life.
What kind of vitamin E is best? Is it necessary to take vitamin E? Vitamins
cannot be manufactured into a capsule or liquid, the very idea was a medical
theory to create a new business back in the 1920s in my theory. All vitamins are
the life of a fruit, which dies within 7 minutes of picking the fruit with the exception
of the seed, which keeps life or its vitamins intact. Otherwise, with humans, if we
expose all of our skin as God intended every day to the sunlight, our skin makes
our vitamins; all of our vitamins. I suggest this is why 90%+ of what authors write
about health is wrong, such ideas are written as methods to sale commercial
products and commercial therapies, never considering human health at all, but
what it takes to sale the product that pays their paycheck. Vitamin E is nothing
more than a plant fat LG Cleanse and we humans thrive on good raw plant fats,
such as cold pressed Olive Oil, Sunflower Oil, Coconut oil, nut oils, seed oils,
wheat germ oil and best are tree fruits rich in oils. These oils allow our hormone
glands to function well, if we have adequate essential plant Iodine. Many farmers
pour vitamin E over their cattle feeds a few weeks prior to butchering, while cold
pressed olive oil would be much cheaper and better in my opinion and coconut
oil even better. Lecithin oil is the cheapest plant oil taken as a supplement or
used in baking breads, etc. Dogs love plant oils; it makes their hair shine. Many
dogs love to eat raw coconut flakes or lick the buckets of empty Lecithin oil.
Question: Could anyone with experience give us advice on how to help a
five year old that wets him self 3-5 times in a day just not getting to the
bathroom in time. It seems when he needs to go it is now. He also does not
stay dry at night. We as parents are trying to decide if he is only being
sloppy or is it more than that?
Often nothing more than habit, but also can be a nerve problem and at age 5, it
has went on way too long. Spanking and scolding is often the wrong thing to do. I
have known mothers to take a large tin can and have the little boys have fun
peeing in the noisy or unusual device. Rewarding with a cookie, etc. often makes
the boy want to pee next time. Naturally keeping all snacks and privileges away
for as long as he pees the pants is obvious and train him to want to pee. Never
give drink past 6 pm at night. At age 6, never supply pop, commercial drink of
any kind and never milk. Supply natural sweet fruit juices and or your own
distilled water. Make his peeing a happy time and not something he fears a
spanking over or in very rare cases, he can be doing this for your personal
attention, no matter how bad the attention may be, it is still attention to him. Even
put a penny jar at the toilet, so every time he pees correctly he can take a penny
and put in his own bank and then on very special occasion get to go to town and
spend his reward money. This should be nothing more than a fun to watch him
develop this skill in reward him with love. It can be as simple as putting a bell at
the toilet and allowing him to ring it upon success, have fun making up new ways
to entertain him.
INCONTINENCE (bedwetting)
Question: What can be done for a 16 month old girl of which her night
bedwetting has a severe strong odor and her urine seems to burn when
she wets herself? Odor is a sure sign of constipation, in that there is too much
waste accumulated and fermenting and the burning proves this; as it is very
acidic, which comes from the constipated state. All acid that leaves the stomach
burns the small intestines as described in this newsletter. For the baby, the
tender skin and mucus membranes burn very easily; which causes a lot of
irritation. At 16 months this is 100% in control of the parents in the choice of diet.
Correct diet results in an alkaline state of health, while the wrong diet causes ill
stomach, too much acid, burning and constipation. At 16 months she can handle
correct milk for two more months, then all mother’s milk should be stopped and
weaned to a raw fruit diet. Cooked fruits would be the next best option and
cooked vegetables the third option after age 18 months old. If you had supplied
details of the nursing mother’s total health and what is being fed to this baby,
along with info on any vaccinations, drug use and lack of chiropractic help; it
would be easy to point out the problems. It is not what you can give a baby, but
more of what needs to be stopped. Herbal wise; Baby Calm, Happy Baby,
Diluted oregano Oil, PICA, Calcium Balance, Natural Tree Iodine and beyond
these 6 products; Olive Leaf / Echinacea, then if need be Maximum Restore,
Skinners Salve, & Air Restore are the products we used to raise our children
beyond proper diet and always seek the help of a good chiropractor, that
normally treats children to age 12 for free with a paying parent.
Question: What do you think would be good for infertility and also for panic
attacks when you get hot and easily feel like fainting? Do you have
anything that could use to stop an attack if I feel one coming on? Infertility
is a huge subject that can date back generations; it can be human hormones or
worm hormones from those worms that fill the womb. It can be from mercury
tooth fillings, it can be a male problem, it can be a timing problem, it can be
stress related, and it can be a “mental” problem. It can be a problem for a woman
that has ill health and cannot support pregnancy. I have noticed before, that
women that suffer panic attacks also have suffered being sterile, so in those
cases, possible it is more stress and mental. Regardless, the first step is getting
metal free, dental trouble free, stop all harmful foods, avoid well water, it is
loaded with arsenic and upwards of 70,000 chemical combinations and it is
suggested that all well water today has traces of contraceptives that have been
flushed down the toilets of millions of Americans that is adding to these
problems. Distilling the water is essential for anyone seeking better family health.
The sheep fluke worm and probably many others like to line the human womb by
the hundreds / thousands and they expel their own hormones so you can never
get pregnant. Actually, 90% of the people that I seen do liver flushes years ago,
were loaded with the sheep worms and I read on the world health organization
website many years ago that the sheep fluke worms was at epidemic levels in
the U.S.A. Actually there are up to 20,000 different worms that can find their way
into the human body and cause problems. Besides all the normal WEED & FEED
methods you have read about so far in this newsletter, I suggest this as a
beginning. For you and your husband, drink 1 quart of Red Raspberry tea daily,
take 1 tablespoon of Lecithin or coconut oils daily or any plant fat oil you like,
such as cold pressed Olive Oil, flax seed, etc. along with 1 of our Hormone
Balance capsules 3 x daily, so that means 3 total tablespoons of plant fats with 3
hormone capsules daily and once pregnant, you stay on 1-2 capsules daily
through the pregnancy. We have seen women become pregnant the very next
month if their problem was simple. While we have seen women with mercury
fillings never are able to carry a baby. We have seen women de-worm and
become pregnant the next month, so it all depends on what the problem is, I
naturally suggest WEED & FEED until healthy and then become pregnant. If your
body is too sickly, never become pregnant. A healthy pregnancy will be covered
in a future newsletter. Keep in mind, the truly healthy woman will only be able to
become pregnant 3 days with the moon phase in September. In fact, all babies
should be born at the same time “if” all women were truly healthy and followed
Panic attacks can be caused by many reasons, mentally and emotionally as well
as imbalance of hormones and minerals. Sleep Eze 4 at bedtime and anytime
you wake up take 2 and Mind Tract during the day for minor problems and Mind
over Matter for serious problems such as bi-polar type symptoms. Always take
plentiful plant minerals daily as preventive for every issue, always see a good
chiropractor and explain every problem you have. Use plentiful Herbal Spray I
on the face and entire body as needed for panic attacks and health in general.
Question: What could be taken for a bad case of poison ivy with swelling in
the face and nose rather than taking prednisone? Most people get some
degree of poison ivy rash; some get it real bad, while others can’t get it. I believe
what makes the difference is the iron balance. Many people lack natural plant
iron in their diet and I believe those that have an imbalance will be the ones that
get the skin rashes from plants like poison ivy. This is just my opinion, because it
seems, people like myself that as a child that never took herbs, easily got poison
ivy. While now after years of taking herbs, I don’t get it at all. I have heard many
stories of people treating themselves with an ivy formula that I believe works,
because it is an iron formula with a little plant Iodine, and everything works better
with a little plant iodine; taking 1 teaspoon as needed daily of Ivy Aid or spray
often with Herbal Ivy Spray or best to use both. De-worming, helping the bowels
with Lower Bowel Balance and taking some form of plant minerals as a spray or
liquid such as Pica daily as maintenance will make the body more resistant and
each year should get better. In my opinion, no one should get poison ivy, if they
do; the body is lacking what it needs to protect itself.
We have a son that is 14 yrs old and has a knee problem. We were at a
doctor and the name of his problem is “ab good shatters” the growth plate
below the knee is being pulled apart by the muscles or ligament from the
upper leg. You can see the bump below the knee is bigger on that leg. His
body is lacking something at this age. It will heal when the growth plate
grows together solid about the time when he is 16, the doctor says. Now he
is wearing a brace. The chiropractor said he should not do any running till
he is 16, but he still does running because he loves to play with and train
horses. What is your recommendation for this?
At age 14, a boy should feel indestructible and play / work all day long. I suggest
his water and foods have lead to a constipated body, in that his kidneys are
constipated, his cells are constipated which leads to worms / fungus that lead to
deterioration of his flesh and bones. His cure is simple, remove the waste, feed
the body and the body will correct and cure itself. It truly is that simple. All
operations will cause permanent damage and scar tissue. All drugs will not cure
the problems. No vitamin made can supply a usable mineral for the blood supply
to make use of. At age 14 he can take all herbs an adult can. I suggest plentiful
use of Herbal Spray III on his joints, spine and everywhere it hurts. I suggest you
find a good chiropractor that can correct the joint problems and suggest diet and
habit changes to speed up the healing. I suggest the same herbs in the ALL “N”
One kit or at least the Lower Bowel Balance capsules 4-8 daily along with daily
herbs for de-worming. I suggest 1 teaspoon of Kidney / Pancreas Cleanse daily
for 1-2 bottles and not drink from your water source again, until you obtain a
water distiller and remove the rock from it. He can drink every form of natural fruit
juices that have no added water or made from concentrate. I suggest Herbal
Spray I on his face at bedtime and upon awakening as a method to slowly
correct and improve general health, a few squirts in the mouth daily makes it
work even faster. Note that Spray I and III are included in the ALL “N” One
kit. Added plant minerals such as Iodine Minerals or Pica will supply the
building blocks for stronger bones or as a bone treatment, BF&C syrup or
capsules is a great supplement for injured bones. Playing and running is what he
should be doing, such circulation and movement enables strong bones to be
developed. His body will heal rapidly when it has been WEEDED & FED. To be
told he won’t be healed for 2 years, “plants” a mental block within you and your
child that will harm his health in more ways than physical. Tell him what caused
the problems, show him via change that his problems will correct themselves,
because God gave us a body that repairs itself when allowed by following a non
toxic diet and lifestyle. If he feels like running and playing, then that is what he
needs to be doing. Give him the diet that is clean of rock, alkaline producing and
keep the worms killed and he will be healthier than the average child that will
have healthy children.
I would also like to have a good direction on dieting. Something that you
don’t have to take any thing for to lose the weight. Very simple, just eat the
foods that God created humans to eat and you will be slim, trim and very healthy,
it truly is that simple and the only real, true cure. The question is; will your habits
allow you to follow God’s design for diet and habits? Will you eat only ripe, in
season tree fruits in their whole state as provided by God? Do you live in a
climate that supports natural fruit trees that supply fresh food year around? Are
you willing to never eat cooked foods again? If so, health and proper weight is
the cheapest way to live a very long and fruitful life. Correct diet will be outlined
throughout the 2011 newsletter. Fruit juice fasting will result in one pound weight
expelled down the toilet daily for up to 50 pounds in 40 days with no harm to the
body, in fact, you get a new heart, new liver, new skin as a result of a 40 day
orange juice fast. Then correct fruit diet keeps the fat from forming again. Extra
fat is nothing but salty waste stored in the body that is of no value in health.
Removing all salt from the diet is your first step. Correct weight and health is an
education is removing the foods that poison your body and rob you of your health
and wealth.
LIVER / gallstones
Question: How can I prevent gallstones from forming again? I did the
cleanse consisting of olive oil and lemon juice twice. Each time I passed
stones. I get gallbladder attacks at least three times a year. I have fought to
have surgery, but am ready to give up and have it taken out. I try to avoid
greasy foods etc. but seems stress brings on the attacks. I appreciate your
help. Gallstones are a result of a constipated liver that will be a problem for as
long as diet is wrong. Cutting out the gallbladder does great harm to the liver and
bile, which results in a lifetime of not being to ever digest your foods properly
ever again. The last I heard, in Germany gallbladder operations are restricted,
while in America they are common and to be expected by most women and
many men. Your pains are your nerves / brain warning you, that you’re eating
improperly. Cutting out your gallbladder is cutting out your warning system, which
simply means your digestion will be forever harmed and create a problem that
can’t be corrected.
Doing liver flushes only works the day of the flush, unless you correct the cause,
which is diet. A few days later, your gallbladder loads up with gallstones again
and your liver remains loaded with stones and your lymph glands packed with the
mud that wants to be expelled properly and not become gallstones. In fact, I
believe almost all normal adults have gallbladders that are clogged and never
digest their foods properly. I know children by age 6 can have gallstones.
Clogged gallbladder / liver means that every time you eat a wrong food bile is
demanded and this bile can’t go out the gallbladder, so under pressure, it leaves
the liver and goes up into your breast, neck, shoulders into the lymph glands that
makes you feel horrible. When years of abuse has been ignored, the sick liver
can hurt so bad, that you will scream in pain to be taken to the hospital and “cut”
it out. This results in permanent damage, as do all surgeries for food eating
Since in your case, your gallbladder has soft / fatty stones and not hard rock
stones; your solution is a simple one; learn correct diet and use a few herbal
aids. I suggest the common liver is home to many of the liver fluke worms that
eat “pockets” through out the entire liver. These worms die easily with Dewormer herbs, but also easily come back and herbs must be used for life to keep
these worms out of the organs. What I call the All “N” One kit used monthly,
properly will aid in the removal of the worms and dissolving of the gallstones. No
gallstone should ever appear; they should stay liquid always and would, if the
diet was correct. This is why most every adult human has a clogged gallbladder.
If you cannot afford the All “N” One kit or De-wormer, then I at least suggest
one tablespoon of Lecithin from plant source, (never egg lecithin) or choice of
plant fats LG Cleanse daily for the rest of your life. This will enable your
gallstones to dissolve, stay dissolved, clean your arteries, restore your nerves
and maintain the brain. This will be explained in detail in later newsletters. I
believe all operations can be avoided. Having insurance or someone luring you in
by saying they can get your surgeries for ½ price only tricks you into believing
God must have created you wrongly and the wrong stuff needs cut out. While the
truth is, our earthly choices lead to our illnesses, always.
Question: What could I do to build up my lungs so they function better? If I
get a cold I always get a hard cough and it settle in my chest so easily. I’m
also bothered with a cough even if I don’t have a cold like when I exert
myself and get warmed up. Proper breathing through the nose and exhaling out
the nose, is the correct way at all times. Your stomach should rise up with each
breathe taken in, if not, then your breathing only with the top of your lungs, which
is bad and what smokers and otherwise damaged lungs do. Do not hold your
breath, the lungs are as tender as soap bubbles inside and should never be
abused by dirty / toxic air. Walking 5 miles a day helps build the lungs, especially
if you run part of the way. Jumping on a trampoline is very building. If you
practice deep breathing and even coughing deeply will build those lower stomach
muscles and lung power. Our lungs are like bellows, while our heart is more of a
valve it is our lungs that drives our blood and each time the lungs move, they
massage our heart and internal organs. I suggest your real problem is infection.
At least 30 different worms can make their home in the lungs and bacteria /
viruses love the moist air and mucus in the ill lungs. Pure Oregano Oil to me is
the lung life saver. I suggest spraying the bedroom air Herbal Spray III often or
even have someone spray your bedroom while you sleep through the night and
allow your lungs to breathe in the vapors. I find this the ultimate lung cure all.
Done nightly over a long period of time, the infection goes away and breathing
and general health greatly improves in my experience. For immediate problems,
Maximum Restore took 1 tablespoon per hour does wonders to expel the waste
in the lungs. Air Restore is potent tincture taken by the dropper to help relieve
the lungs. Herbal Spray I sprayed on the face at bedtime is ideal. While Herbal
Spray III or more powerful Herbal Room Spray can be sprayed above the bed.
Another way to build vigor is to make use of the cold water slap bath. Simple
pour ice cold water into the bath a few inches deep and take a bath by rubbing a
soaked wash cloth all over your body, then get out and using your hands only,
slap your body dry. This slap bath will stimulate all your lymph glands to work
and the cold water will stimulate muscles to be stronger. Slap your skin hard,
harder each bath until your skin is bright pink after each bath. Most of all, warm
clothing robs our health. Healthy lungs and skin need very little clothing. The old
person wearing way too many layers of cloths only proves how sick they have
became as they loose proper skin circulation. You are correct to seek better lung
health. We are only as healthy as our next breath of air. Never use oxygen; once
you’re on oxygen the lungs will become even more lazy and decayed.
Question: I have a lung condition called bronchiectasis and I’m wondering
what could be done for scar tissue in the lungs from having pneumonia
numerous times. I’m 54 yrs old and enjoy better health than I had 10 yrs
ago. (I also get immunoglobulin (IGG) infusions every 2 wks because 10 yrs
ago the medical found that my body does not produce IGG.) Again another
question by people that are on drugs, this newsletter does not answer drug
questions or suggest herbal use will be successful when a person has their faith
in medical drugs. It is my opinion that no one especially at age 44 would all of a
sudden; be found to be defectively made by God and need such things and I
would expect the body to fail from the side effects of not only drug use, but
because the original problems were never addressed and allowed to continue
and the immune system suppressed. The simple solution is to stop the
constipation, WEED & FEED the body, but since your faith has you believing
your body was not made right, I can only suggest you seek a good chiropractor,
a good alternative doctor, a good dentist and allow medical professionals work
with you to understand “why” your developing lung scar tissue and why your
body is different than everyone else’s body. It will take your own investigation
and education and then apply what you have learned if you are to escape from
the trap you fell for 10 years ago.
LUNGS / out of air
Question: What is the reason for huffing and puffing so easily, when doing
the least little bit of strenuous work. When at the young age of just shy of
53? What can I do or take for it? (male) Many years ago a man was not
considered adult, until age 120, at age 53, we are still “learning”. Anemia
activates your heart and lungs to work “harder” in an attempt to supply more
oxygen to the starved cells of the entire body. Often people, who seek medical
end up on drugs to slow down their heart, lower their blood pressure, etc. and
counter the brain’s attempts to keep the body fed properly. The brain “knows”
what needs done and drugs that stop the brain, lead to more and more health
problems; while in fact, all such warning signs should be heeded to and diet and
habits corrected until all constipation has been removed and correct circulation
obtained. There are so many reasons for this; a lifetime of hard water, wrong
diet, wrong minerals all lead to restricted circulation in the kidneys, arteries. You
are the only one that knows what your diet and habits have been over the past
50 years and what needs corrected. Starting by age 40, hormones start to
become a problem, unless a lot of meat and dairy has been consumed; then
hormones may be a real problem for someone by age 21. Ignoring these
problems (loss of hair, skin, weight, etc.) the first 10 years, leads up to real
physical problems in the 50’s and major problems in the 60’s (prostrate / heart).
Basically you’re looking at “reversing” what you have done as the method of
correction. I will attempt to cover all the foundational reasons in this 2011
newsletter and people can pick and choose what to believe and what to ignore,
because we are all responsible for what we have done to our own body and our
choices will determine its lifespan. I suggest ALL “N” One “adult” or better yet, if
you can handle spices Longevity “adult” kit monthly, Hormone capsules 2-4
daily for life, Prostrate Aid, and lots of Herbal Spray III. As a direct aid, you can
take droppers of Air Restore or Breath of Life Herbal Spray. Once dental is no
longer a problem and all rock mineral sources eliminated out of the diet, then
things will become simple to change to eating to live and not living to eat. Look at
your problem as nothing more than “constipation” of your entire body. As you
remove the restrictions, oxygen to your cells will become an easy job for the
lungs and heart once again. Old age is a myth, no one is living to an old age
anymore, their diet and habits are putting them down at an early age.
LYMES – (see February answers)
Question: Can Lymes disease in an advanced stage be treated successfully
with herbs? I know herbs can help but usually are not successful without
long term antibiotics, and not many doctors will treat lyme with long term
antibiotics as the insurance will not pay for it.
First of all, herbs are not drugs and anyone mixing drugs with herbs, will fail.
Drugs are drugs because of what? They are toxic, poisonous at some dose,
which requires a M.D. trained in the art of drug use. Insurance does what? It sets
you up for drug use and operations that any common sense person would refuse
to pay out of their weekly paycheck. Insurance is a scam created by the system
50 years ago in cooperation with corporations working with government /
pharmaceutical to feed the “system”. Luckily herbs are not part of this system. My
opinion is drug use creates the foundation for true lymes disease. Those using
drugs or believes in using drugs will have no use for this newsletter or natural
herb use, because herbs will never be paid by insurance companies.
We are a couple in the upper 60’s, 7 yrs ago our daughter was very sick
and helpless with lyme disease. She started with flu like symptoms at age
14. looking for help from different medical doctors What did you expect, your
trust was in the use of drugs and in my opinion, this sets you up for more bazaar
diseases that all lead to cancers once the body has been overwhelmed with
toxicity. You are never ever going to kill lymes with drugs. Lymes started world
wide 300 years ago and virtually all humans on earth die eventually from this
worm and no doubt, the early doctors using arsenic, mercury and every toxic
substance over these past few hundred years has allowed this common worm to
become the plague it is today. There are over 300 known carriers for lymes
today. Virtually every animal and biting insect can transfer this worm to humans.
Deer are the number one carrier, not the ticks that bite them. Anyone eating deer
meat or living close to animals and the outdoors needs extra herbs known to help
the human body stay worm free and those with bad teeth are asking to be
overwhelmed with lymes. People need to wake up, because these microscopic
little worms that have been given the disease name of lymes will eat the bones
right out of your body. This is why I make more herbal parasite formulas for use
of parasites than anyone else on earth and most likely the only one making
“adult” formulas that are all based on the theory of treating lymes disease, which
is a worm infestation. Drugs alter the human body, drugs creates problems that
can change the body to the point the body no longer has the abilities to fight
naturally. Once this ability has been taken away the person usually stays on
drugs the rest of their life and every time their body makes a desperate attempt
to remove the disease, the person seeks a new drug to stop it. This newsletter
has nothing to do with drug use, ask your provider of drugs about the drugs they
give you.
who could not find a cause medical education is the art of treatment via drugs
made by pharmaceutical companies that created the medical colleges.
Discovering the cause and removing it removes the need for the doctors and
their drugs. This 2011 newsletter will explain the simple causes that hopefully
every child can understand, because health is simple, while medical seeks to
“complicate” it, so you don’t understand why you’re ill.
for her severe head ache, we went to a lyme specialist when you seek the
specialist, your going to get what they specialize in, “they” know this when you
walk in their door.
90 minute drive from here. He diagnosed it as lymes disease and started
her on strong antibiotics. “you” started her on drugs, “you” made that choice,
you chose to seek drugs, not natural understanding of human health. The
doctors did what you wanted them to do and that is why they exist.
We also had a Dr. come to the house; a medical doctor who switched over
to naturals. Never have I heard of such a doctor, no M.D. today in my area
would do such a thing, if you’re referring to a naturopathic doctor, they in general
are not doctors, but salesmen in homeopathic “waters” and other worthless
commercial made products and vitamin pushers using worthless electronic
testing “fooling” the patients out of their money, time and health. Never have I
ever heard of one good naturopathic doctor in current times.
He worked on getting the immune systems stronger to help fight the lyme
and heal her body with healthy eating and supplements. He recommended
eating lots of eggs and meats. In my opinion, you invited in a person that knew
nothing about human health and recommended things that destroy human health
and feed lymes disease. One egg poisons the human body for 10 days and no
meat can be digested properly in the human body. Both create a foundation for
disease and cancer via acid production. These 2 food sources are always the
first foods removed from an ill person, to give their body a chance to remove the
accumulated acids and stop feeding their worms and fungus that they call their
Our daughters adrenal glands wasn’t working so put her on corisol for that.
Again, No, “you” made that decision, “you” hire a person for their advise; “you”
choosing their advice, lead to the drug use.
We were told the lyme affected her thinking-encephalitis- hense severe
headaches, so very tired, she could not control her thoughts, nor think to
do even minor things. Had pressure in her neck and could tolerate no
sugar, not even fresh fruits, nor starches because her adrenal glands
weren’t working. She was on Artemisia a while and cat’s claw, those are 2
herbs I remember. We feel if we’d know what we do now, she wouldn’t have
gotten down this far. She was sick for several years but now at 22 she
seems to be a fairly healthy person. But still important to get lots of rest
and her adrenal glands working again. The natural Dr. said since she’s still
young, her body has a better chance to heal. We thank the lord we came
though so well. Lymes disease is a worm disease that no government on earth
has a cure for. It has been out of control for 300 years and at plague levels
worldwide now. The adrenal glands are not going to cure lymes and few to no
one can “test” adrenal gland functions nor, will any drug or simple herb correct
the adrenal glands while wrong diet is being practiced. I suggest you and more
importantly your daughter took a roller coaster ride with those in the health field
and yes, thank God she survived it. Has her body been cured of lymes? If so,
she is the only human on earth to do so. I suggest she has “adapted” as her
Natural Immune Responses were harmed by your chosen treatments. I suggest
when you were calling her “ill”, was when her immune systems were fighting to
remove the lymes and the drugs / methods chosen along with time allowed her to
“adapt” and accept the disease. The proper route should have been to enable
her to “FIGHT” the good fight and expel the disease out of her body and build a
stronger immune system. Now, most likely, her immune system will once again,
one day, try again, to remove the disease from within her body and hopefully she
will not choose to drug this down, but to use herbs and proper diet and habits to
expel it. Every time a disease is adapted to, the next disease symptoms will be
worse. This is why the common cold turns into the sore throat, why the sore
throat turns into pneumonia, then mono, shingles, cancers, etc. “IF” the cold was
expelled from the body, then the cold would be the worse disease experienced.
Hopefully by the end of the 2011 newsletters everyone will understand disease
and its proper cure and then at least have a “choice” between medical and
Question: What can we use for our 24 yr old daughter diagnosed with lyme
disease that settled in her spleen and adrenal glands? She also has
chronic strep throat as a teenager.
I must wonder “how” you or anyone can know a person has lymes in their
spleen and adrenal glands.
Such diagnoses are made by the quacks and their worthless electronic machines
that all belong in the trash; often used by so-called “natural” doctors, who are
anything but doctors. Since lymes lives in the bones, same as syphilis in my
opinion such a diagnoses, as above sounds senseless to even make such a
statement to a person; because if lymes has set up house keeping in these three
small organs, you can only imagine the damage done in the bones and teeth.
Which also begs the question, what did the folks that made such a diagnoses try
to sell you as a treatment? In my opinion the quacks out there are ready to rob
you blind are many. The money is not as important as the “TIME” they rob from
you, because many such quacks allow their patients to die while believing their
potions and lotions are curing them. Regardless of the facts or questions, the
cure is the same, kill the worms, keep them killed and learn how to make your
body lymes proof. Got pets in the house? Put them outside or get rid of them.
Read each newsletter for lymes info, the entire newsletter will be info on how to
correct the problems and make the body “resistant” to lymes, because to me,
lymes is the plague that has been building for the past 300 years and every
human has it, only their immune system is keeping the symptoms down.
MOUTH / cold sores
Question: What would be helpful for cold sores in the mouth?
This would be called ulceration, chiefly of the mouth and lips aphthous stomatitis.
Painful sores on cheeks (inner), lips, etc. Canker is a condition not only in the
mouth, but also all through the entire system. This is a toxic condition, and the
sooner cleared the better. I consider this one of the seven forms of known
herpes, I suggest reading Olive Leaf extract by Dr. Walker $5.99; one of the
best little books ever written about herpes and all the bacteria / viruses and their
cure using Olive Leaf. This is the reason we add Olive Leaf to every formula we
make. Often if a person takes 20 Olive Leaf capsules daily as a treatment and
they ever had mouth sores in their past, they will have one huge outbreak of puss
coming out their gums and lips and the herpes is expelled and normally does not
come back. We have seen pregnant girls that had the very bad genital herpes
100% cure themselves by delivery date so the doctor had no worries by just
using Olive Leaf and the normal pregnancy formulas. Otherwise since Olive
Leaf is non-toxic and a cheap prevention supplement, we always suggested 7
capsules daily for prevention year around. All of the Herbal Spray Formulas
have Olive Leaf.
Question: We are having pneumonia at our home. Our daughter, 23 and I are
both wishing to be healed. What shall we do? My 5 days of antibiotics are
past. In my opinion, taking antibiotics leads to more severe disease. Each time
you suppress your symptoms as your method of cure, the accumulated waste
within the body becomes more toxic and the next symptoms become worse. In
the winter months, way too many people use very toxic heating sources that
harm their lungs.
I have my aches (someone who has had it several times tell me that’s how
it is) and tired!! Oh, I sleep more and rest, rest, rest, drink hot tea, grape
juice, and water. Now I’m tired again. My breath is shorter than normal. My
cough is 95% better! What do I do next time to get well? My daughter is
allergic to her prescription. Allergic to her prescription? This simply shows she
still has some naturally immunity to poisons.
Pneumonia is a swelling of the lungs. Parts of the lungs become plugged with a
fiber like fluid. Often referred to as the end to suffering for the elderly as they
drown in their own fluids once they can’t set up in bed anymore. The cure is to
STOP everything that causes stomach acids that causes mucus to be formed.
This means “fasting” is the fastest route back to health. Naturally if the person is
too thin, then “fasting” is not an option for them, being too thin is a sign of a much
more severe disease. Putting your waste in the toilet is priority one! The hot bath
in many, if not most health situations is critical, why? Because the waste needs
liquefied so the blood can get rid of it and sweating is the natural way. Those that
can build a fever are cured quickly, while many are not able to develop the
natural fever and need a long hot bath to help the body liquefy the thick pasty
mucus that is a result of wrong foods. Herbs are great at expelling the waste,
Maximum Restore at 1 tablespoon per hour or more as needed is what we have
came to use for raising a family and treatment for every lung accumulation. Air
Restore is a powerful tincture taken by the dropper as an aid. Both of these can
be taken daily as a preventive as well. Putting “skinners” salve on the bottoms of
the feet and putting socks on and going to bed helps, along with putting Skinners
Salve on the chest. Naturally taking the Lower Bowel Balance daily and more
when constipation becomes a problem is the best preventive. Once the cold has
been allowed to turn into a worse situation the need to empty the colon is a must,
otherwise the acid accumulations will continue to be expelled out the lungs and
skin. One method is to make a large pot of fresh lemon aid and make it as a hot
tea to drink. First take a tablespoon of Epsom’s salts in a large glass of water,
then get into a nice warm bath of 102 degrees and start drinking ½ gallon of your
homemade hot lemon aid…yes, you can guess, you are going to be going to the
bathroom a lot! This means your disease is going to go down and out, instead of
up and out your lungs. Doing a proper enema can be done in emergency cases,
but few people have ever done a proper 85 degree enema, because all warm
enemas do more harm to the colon, especially if they are done commonly. Garlic
is the anti-puss herb; this is why Maximum Restore is based on garlic and antiparasite herbs.
Taking drugs for accumulated food in the human body is asking for bazaar
diseases as time passes. Not understanding food diseases forces many to turn
to medical help. This newsletter has no medical education, ask your doctors
about drug use and professional medical advice. Dairy products are the number
one cause of all mucus forming diseases, all dairy must be stopped anytime
breathing becomes a problem or prevention is being practiced.
PROSTRATE / large (see February answers)
Question: What is a good formula for an enlarged prostate? Understanding
prostrate health and doing prevention, especially by age 40, is better than
seeking a supplement after the damage has been done. Prostrate Aid contains
the popular herbs for this problem, but there are many reasons for failure.
I was tested for cancer and it showed negative. Testing is the first step
towards seeking drug treatment. How beneficial are PSA tests? Very beneficial
for those selling drugs. In December 09 mine showed 11.3, in June 10 it
showed 9.3. I don’t know why it went down. In June 09 it was 9.0 The test
results can be anywhere up to 500+, checking all the time shows you’re very
medical, while if you were trusting natural, you would be doing prevention for as
many years possible. Eating cabbage drops the test results, but is meaningless
other than altering a medical test result.
Question: How do you get rid of sciatic? Is there a cure? I have been going
to chiropractor and it helps but just so long, then I have to be treated again.
Sciatic nerve pain is caused by constipation and normally felt in the left leg. A
good chiropractor treats to help the constipation of the colon as well as the hip
and lower back. I have seen chiropractic cure very bad cases when the patient is
treated weekly until cured, but this could take a few months if no diet change was
corrected. Removing the constipation along with a few chiropractic adjustments
would be the better choice. Worms are always a problem when constipation and
age is to be considered. Removing these two causes will help greatly, but also
wise to take plentiful plant based minerals to help the blood rebuild the weak
body. Herbs; ALL “N” One kit monthly with extra Herbal Spray III and assuming
near age 40+, would call for Hormone Balance capsules 2-4 daily for life. At the
very least, Herbal Spray III morning and night with 8 Lower Bowel Capsules.
Using a homemade slant board takes the pressure off each night and naturally
massage does wonders. When your body is over worked and being harmed, pain
is nothing more than a single from the brain that you need to slow down and take
care of your body and never allow it to fail, because once failed, life gets
Also you don’t know if Vicco toothpaste is still on the market? We had
gotten it from Chupp’s Herbs, now we can’t anymore. Vicco All Natural
Toothpaste 200g - $6.25 this is the largest size I could find, plus shipping. Note,
we do not sale this, but it is an interesting product.
Question: Our daughter has seizures, she started with light seizures about 1
yr ago and keep getting worse and kind of acts like epileptic seizures, falls
and is out for a few minutes and then breathes hard and seems like muscle
spasms then sometimes sleeps for a while afterwards. She seems nervous
and sometimes worries a lot. Have tried lots of different natural
supplements with no help. Very serious, see a good chiropractor immediately
and a good one will believe he can help her and continue, never giving up on her,
as along as you co-operate. Not knowing age or if she hit her head or as a result
of too acidic body fluids, etc. makes for more guessing. The chiropractor has to
be a good one, well experienced with such things. Otherwise stopping all acid
forming foods and never ever drink an acid drink, such as pop, I have seen kids
that drink Mt. Dew develop such symptoms and just stopping such acid drinks
makes their seizures go away. Removing the constipation, the poisons and
correcting the diet and habits is by far the first method so such things don’t
develop until medical must be relied upon. Some of the drugs taken for seizures
can cause seizures if you stop the drugs, so not knowing all the history of what
has been done, currently being done, is nothing but wasting space. This is one
case I would be taking the girl to see my local Chiropractor 2-3 x per week until
he said he has done all he can do for her, along with removing everything
poisonous out of her body.
Question: This add says there is an explanation for every illness. I’ve tried
so many, many things for the last 19 years. I wasted 20 years and as many
thousands of dollars until I got on the right path. If we try what current authors
suggest in their books and ads, we often just waste our money and years of
precious time on nothing but gimmicks. Wrong education will rob us of our health,
often for our entire life.
I’m better, but still always miserable. Have you heard of anyone that the
body never holds completely still internally (This cannot be seen on the
outside) I’m trembly, throbbing sensations, or palpitations especially in my
legs and feet and arms and hands. Wringing out a wash cloth sends the
fingers in fits. Activity increases the trembliness, laying down in bed slows
the shakiness, but never stops. Anxiety of any kind or even happy
excitement increases it. At times, burning sensations. Our Doctor feels I
have nervous systems damage. I wonder what you’d say? Most doctors
say they haven’t heard of such a description. Yawning, coughing and etc.
sends these sensations shooting through my body. Neither do I like to be
touched on the bare skin. If you had filled out the questionnaire I would have
been able to have a better idea of your problems, not knowing if you male,
female, how many children, your age, etc. along with your dental, medical, etc.
past and present, you are leaving a lot to guess about. Otherwise, I will guess
this is a combination of a lifetime deficiently of plant Iodine, plant magnesium,
plant calcium and the hormone ability to handle it and balance your body.
Also I have digestion problems, not being able to eat raw veggies and
fruits, although I love them and would want to for better health. What would
help more to get this back? An ill stomach is the foundation of all illness and
correct diet correction along with education and herbal help can make a huge
difference, if I knew more about your age, etc. I could then guess how long and
how many variables need attention.
I take probiotics, enzymes and etc. All of which will rob you of your stomach /
pancreas health…..learning to stop the gimmick products starts a person on
saving money and their health.
Seems if I try to eat more raw things the trembling at times seems to get
This is simply telling you that you’re way too acidic. Your poor heart, circulation,
and nervous systems are trying to tell you to STOP what you have been doing
and correct this before it stops you.
I don’t have stomachaches but a burning throat or acid reflux. To be able to
actually rest would be a wonderful blessing! Treatments; especially hard
massage, slows this considerably. If taken regularly I can keep it better in
control. If this throbbing is to sever I have problems sleeping, thus always
very tired.
I suggest you need to start from scratch! WEED & FEED as you remove the
toxic substances out of your body. I have no clue if you have dental metals, no
clue if you’re taking drugs, vitamins, what type of water you’re drinking, your
common diet, etc.
Everything you have been doing these past 20+ years and beyond would
paint a picture explaining WHY you are like this. There are no mysteries in
health, only the mystery in guessing all the blanks not filled in with the
lifetime of diet and habits one has done.
2 things are common,
1. The person is starving, because their diet and lifestyle has harmed their body.
2. The person is poisoned.
The solution is to correct 1 & 2.
Not knowing enough, I will suggest this. 3 tablespoons of Lecithin and or Raw
Coconut oil daily for a few years and then reduce if desired. Rubbing coconut oil
and or cold pressed olive oil all over your entire body at least one time a day
would also be great. Magnesium, Real Iodine, Calcium, essential plant minerals
along with Hormone help is what your body is starving for. How old you are
would give an idea of how much you need, by knowing how long you have lived
in a depleted body and what all you have put your body through all those years.
Not knowing this, I can suggest the ALL “N” One kit, double bottles until you
are well and then drop to single bottles. Along with Herbal Spray I all over your
face, neck and tender skin and Herbal Spray III all over your spine, hips, joints,
feet at least twice per day until 100% cured. I would also spray Herbal Spray I in
the mouth several times daily. “IF” you can handle hot spices, I would suggest
upgrading the ALL “N” One Kit to the Longevity Spices Bottle over the normal
kit bottle. I suggest 2-4 Hormone Balance capsules daily until completely healed
and then 2 per day for life. I would take a serious look at your water supply, your
dental, your diet and habits and decide to never be sickly again by doing what
you need to get your life back. I would find a good chiropractor and good
massage therapist that know what they are doing and not just treat you for years.
Because you have left this go so long, you most likely will take some time to
correct this problem. I will explain as many of the problems and solutions as I can
in the 2011 newsletters.
Question: I have a reoccurring painful shoulder area from shingles 4 yr ago.
Any suggestions? Shingles consists of a very painful rash that often appears on
the side of the body in a narrow band. This disorder usually affects individuals
with compromised immune systems. The same virus (varicella zoster) that
causes chicken pox also causes shingles. The nerve pain that lingers after the
rash has cleared is known as postherpetic neuralgia. Shows that your body is still
struggling to remove the virus and probably complicated with a wide variety of
worms and various constipation issues. The ALL “N” One kit, lots of extra
Herbal Spray III, Maximum Restore and “fasting” properly if need be to correct
weight and remove toxins until the red blood cells are able to kill and remove the
parasites that are harming your total health. Read Olive Leaf extract by Dr.
Morton Walker $5.99 to understand this disease and all bacterial, viral diseases.
SKIN / picking
Question: Has anyone had experience with having a son/daughter that
constantly picks off scabs or anything on the skin till their arms/legs don’t
even look normal anymore, kinda scarred or blotched all over. Is this just a
habit? We tried to get her over it when she was small with no success. We
did give her de-wormer different times. Thanks for any help. The first
question would be “how” could a little girl have so many scabs for such a long
period of time? Is she being “bitten” by bed bugs, fleas, lice, etc? Are there toxins
being expelled out of her skin that are irritating acids that will itch? Scabs in
themselves are waste being expelled from her blood stream. This waste naturally
itches and should in every case, especially your case, have an applied bandage
that keeps her from touching the sore. The open skin being scratched is an
invitation to a wide variety of parasites / infections. Since this covers her body, it
would point to bed bugs or a similar bug bite or damaged nerves that are driving
her to claw at her skin. Not knowing her age or weight, all I can suggest is WEED
& FEED for her age, use Herbal Spray I on her entire body every day, morning
and night until her skin is clear of all problems. Bed bugs are epidemic in every
state; the bugs come out of the walls after 3 am, suck the blood and back into the
walls before sunrise. Bed bugs are responsible for most all iron deficiencies and
can spread disease. Her skin needs to be kept clean all the time, same with bed
and bedroom. Children that take herbal formulas that have Pure Oregano Oil in
them, often become bug proof, ants; even bees leave them alone; while children
taking no herbs often will be tormented by biting insects. If it is due to nerves,
then I suggest Mind Trac herbal formula taken morning and night and if old
enough and need be, Sleep Eze at bedtime. It all depends on age and situation
on how strong of herbs and dosages could be suggested. In every case, take her
to a good chiropractor and often a good chiropractor can suggest things based
on their physical examination of their patient. To allow this to go on for so many
years only causes more and more damage to the skin and risk of serious
infections. No child in this condition should be near pets, farm animals or playing
in a manner that is dirty or close to animal waste. When the skin has been
broken, a worm from a horse easily enters and can cause tetanus or a specific
horse worm that enters the brain and can cause lifelong headache. I put Pure
Oregano into every liquid herbal formula, for the simple fact, it helps stop people
from being bitten by bed bugs and insects, because over 300 known bugs and
animals have been known to spread lymes to humans. Having a little Pure
Oregano in the water / diet every day of life, is the best “prevention” to lymes and
all diseases in my opinion. It depends on her age such is she having problems
with puberty, etc. Baby Calm to age 2, Kids “B” Well and then onto Pica is like
having insurance when raising children in the prevention of mineral deficiency
and making them “bug” proof.
SKIN / itchy
Question: What is the best remedy for an 8 yr old boy with a skin condition
that is itchy and easily scratched open? Acid forming diet loads up his blood
with undigested foods that then enter into the lymph glands which once over
loaded, pours out into the skin producing “itchy” fluids full of puss and toxins that
attract plentiful fungus. De-worming and correction of diet should do wonders.
Lots of Herbal Spray I all over his skin morning and night, use Herbal Spray III
or Room Spray on his bed and in bedroom at night, watch for bed bugs, pin
worms, etc. and no pets in the home what so ever and wash child daily with soap
and warm wash from head to toe. No dairy products or constipating foods; make
sure his bowel flow at least once for every meal eaten. At age 8, he can swallow
one Lower Bowel Balance capsule daily. Once de-wormed for a few months
daily, then maintain by adding a drop of Pure Oregano oil to the daily drinking
water for all, or some form of Olive Leaf or other herbal formula, because worms
are a part of every day life and they will comeback just as fast as they were killed
when permitted. Kids “B” Well daily is ideal. If money is scarce, then at least
add 1 drop of Pure Oregano Oil to every gallon of drink consumed daily by the
entire family. Correct diet by far the cheapest corrective.
SKIN / eczema
Question: My youngest daughter has eczema. She is 3, what can I give her
to help? The skin is the largest organ and helps when the internally organs are
over worked. Wrong diet causes the internal organs to fail and forces the skin to
come to the rescue, often starting at the liver. Correction of diet is a must and the
only true cure. Applying pure coconut oil to the skin can be used as a direct
treatment, while spraying all affected areas with Herbal Spray I would help in
many ways with pain and health of the skin. Happy Baby helps with the
constipation from wrong diet and calming of the nerves and supplies plant
minerals to grow on, once constipation is not an issue, Baby Calm is better,
because no child should “need” a laxative. At age 3, it is all about diet, if you
choose to treat a toddler like an adult at the dinner table, you are going to over
work every organ and by the time the skin shows the problem, you know the
entire body inside is over worked. Never have pets in the home and keep baby /
toddlers clean every night before bed and clean sheets. Bed bugs are an issue
coast to coast and every effort made to have a bug free home for little ones.
7 questions, one person: What to do for eczema, skin problems, answered
Dandruff - Dead skin (scaly material) shed from the scalp. Many times
commercial soaps can cause this. Otherwise the scalp and hair do expel waste
such as inorganic minerals / metals, fat and parasites that can easily live in the
scalp. Besides all the normal WEED & FEED methods, I suggest spraying the
scalp daily with Top Knot Herbal Hair Spray for adults, which will increase
blood circulation to the scalp and also very strong anti-parasite spray. Deworming always a good idea along with making sure the diet has essential plant
based Iodine. Herbal Spray I can be sprayed all over the face and hair of babies
and children.
bunions, hammertoe, answered previously.
heel spurs? Kidney / Calcium balance problem. Cleansing the Kidneys and
correcting the diet and water source so no rock minerals are being consumed
along with ample plant based Iodine and plant minerals of all kinds. Herbal
Spray III used on legs and feet daily and WEED & FEED until the body can take
care of itself. Rubbing the heal spur every day with your thumb very hard, may
help over time. See a good chiropractor monthly for life.
How to lose weight? Correct diet and habits, there is no other way that last. ALL
commercial made weight reduction products are “fakes”, they never work in a
healthy way nor do they last very long! This newsletter will teach the orange juice
fast and correct diet after the general education about human diseases and
ailments. The proper orange juice “fasting” can properly lose 50 pounds of weight
in 40 days. Never waste your money on any commercial made product that says
taking it will reduce your weight, such manufacturers are predators. The only real
method is education and then applying what you have learned. Weight is
controlled at the dinner table, plain and simple.
Question: We can a 13 yr old girl with a severe case of eczema and I think
she also has psoriasis on her scalp. We have tried lots of things for her
eczema but it still persists. Answered previously.
At this writing her right hand is so cracked up, she can barely bend her
fingers. She is using Eucerin to lotion them at present, with not much relief
Using a commercial lotion, especially medicated lotions only adds to the skins
problems. Constipation can be anywhere in the body, including the skin. I
suggest soaking her hands in pure raw coconut oil and having her consume 1-3
tablespoon internally daily. At age 13, puberty always plays a part and what child
today has ever had enough natural plant iodine in their diet from conception till
puberty? Iodine Minerals 1 teaspoon daily for the next year and Lower Bowel
Balance capsules 1 with each meal eaten as needed. Buy a large quantity of raw
organic type coconut oil and use it or pure cold pressed olive oil on all skin
problems, because you never put something toxic on your skin, it must be edible,
because the skin will absorb and the substance ends up in the blood stream and
liver eventually. If she has any extra weight, keep her on a fruit ‘fast” until her
weight is perfect and her skin should correct itself.
Does she have allergies? Not having proper natural Iodine leads to all problems
that start showing up by puberty age. Or what do you suggest? I know this is
a fairly common problem but we’d be glad for help! She can barely stand it
to wash dishes or do cleaning for me. Her hands and arms just wont take it.
Number one, what is your cleaning agent? Can you drink it? If not, then give the
girl protective gloves, because if house soap is the cause, she is being poisoned
and her body is doing battle by stopping the chemicals from entering her skin,
even if it means all circulation is being stopped to do it. Buy her latex type house
cleaning gloves. At bedtime, soak her hands in pure coconut oil or even B & W
ointment, because they sound like they are chemical burns. If your hands can
take it, doesn’t mean hers can. Her immune system is seeking to STOP the
chemicals at point of contact. Her body is trying to show there is a problem,
always listen to the body. Herbal Spray II on her hands before applying coconut
oil would help kill the pains and increase the speed of healing.
SKIN / dry
Question: What to do for eczema, it gets worse as the winter goes on. Come
summer it’s almost cleared up. You can hardly see anything, but comes
back of course each winter. I am supposing its dry and sensitive skin but
so far I’ve not found anything to keep it away. Answered previously, try
applying plentiful raw coconut oil at bedtime on both hands and consume 1-3
tablespoons every day.
SPURS / heal
Question: I would like to know what there is to do about a heel spur?
Bone Spurs in general are a result of poor kidney function that allows acidic
crystals to form in the flesh. This acidic condition leads to the calcium to form on
the outside of the bones. A common x-ray shows the thousands of bumps of
calcium all over the human skeleton which is considered “normal” since most all
humans have this condition that leads to premature aging. The number one
cause is hard water and all sources of rock in the diet, such a vitamins, etc.
Cleansing the Kidneys and restoring the elimination organs, so acid waste can
exit the body and not accumulate is the only true path leading to a cure. (Kidney
/ Pancreas Cleanse, LBB, Spray III)
Suggestion: I am an asthma patient using Advair, Combivent, and
Prednesone. Also use vitamin galore. I stated using vitamin B complex and
went without Prednesone for 5 weeks. That’s better than I have been doing.
(76, male)
In my opinion, asthma is a 100% food induced acidic condition that is cured by
diet correction and often aided by the chiropractor. The out of aligned ribs and
spine can pull / push on nerves that can create asthma symptoms that can cause
wheezing, loss of breath and extreme coughing. If going 3 days with no foods
other than fruit juices and distilled water relieves the asthma, then I suggest diet
is the cause, it always is, unless one uses drugs, once on drugs, many
complications can occur.
Suggestions: For children that are always tired, rundown, dark under the
eyes and white of eye blueish in color, give them herbal iron. For a quick
cure of a cold use enzymes! Herbal Iron is probably something most adults
lack in their diets. Studies suggest humans that do acts of great violence often
have an imbalance of Iron. Being tired and dark circles under the eyes are signs
of anemia or lack of oxygen to the cells and proper plant Iron is known to help the
blood. The only enzymes I suggest are found on the skins of tree fruits, otherwise
I would avoid all commercial products called enzymes.
Suggestion: Yesterday I pinched my finger and it hurt pretty bad do I put
ZMO on it several times and in a few minutes it didn’t hurt as much
anymore. ZMO contains turpentine and other ingredients. At home we
would mix together turpentine and castor oil together and that brought fast
relief from aches and bruise. Turpentine is a solvent that enters the skin with
toxicity. African natives often used it to induce stalled labor by rubbing it on the
belly. The mild toxicity would force the labor to happen when the body realized it
was being poisoned. Old timers in the hills would tie a rag soaked in turpentine
on snakebites of their hunting dogs. The snakebite area would fester up and fall
out, leaving a hole in the flesh, but otherwise not dying from the rattlesnake bite.
Castor beans are extremely toxic and often these oils and potions work only
because they are mild poisons that the blood rushes to the area applied to the
skin and the blood rushing it off to the liver to be detoxed; this would also send
many cells to the affected area and repair the damages. The use of poisonous
substances has been popular over the past 200 years. Many believed in the use
of mercury and arsenic. I have seen old horse trainers use arsenic for every
disease animal or human, but the arsenic never cures anything, it can only
poison. This is why so many of these products have been removed from public
sales; too many people have poisoned themselves. Turpentine today is very
expensive and very hard to obtain in a pure grade. The only source I know of is
fine art stores that carry pure turpentine that is needed to dilute a specific type of
paint. Otherwise if you find turpentine in a hardware store or most any other
source, it has been made very toxic on purpose, so no human will use it for
health. None-poisoned, pure turpentine can easily cost $80 a gallon with shipping
if you can find it.
For a pinched finger, I would have used Herbal Spray I, II or III which often
removes swelling in less than two minutes. If the injury was bleeding, I would
have covered the cut in STOP BLEED powder and then sprayed the surrounding
areas with Herbal Sprays and if shocked over the injury, then Herbal Spray I all
over the face and chest as often as needed. If no herbs or products were
available, simply soaking in cold water or water with Epsom’s salts and then
wrapping would usually work. Swelling is the thing to avoid, swelling destroys
tissues. Cold water or wrapping firmly often stops damaging swelling.
Question: They say the body heals itself if given the chance. Does this hold
true for teeth too? What can be done for cavities in teeth, other than going
to the dentist and having it filled? Is there anything to do to help tooth
enamel grow back on it’s own? What is your opinion about going to the
dentist in the states? How much damage to our health can bad teeth do?
Would you suggest having bad teeth pulled and getting false teeth? This
question is covered in the newsletter. “IF” the teeth have never been worked on
by a dentist; then corrective diet, plentiful plant minerals that lead to a clean
blood stream will lead to correct teeth health. Enamel will grow back if the salvia
is proper alkaline. Only the proper alkaline diet supplies the building blocks and
circulation needed so the body rebuilds. De-worming and staying de-wormed and
proper colon health all have to be working right. You cannot expect to treat a
symptom of any nature without treating the body as a whole. There are better
dentist than others, all dental materials have toxicity and every good dentist will
tell you the drugs they use are very toxic. Bad dental health, dirty / rotten teeth
poison us with every swallow we take and pollutes every breathe of air we take
into our lungs, in fact, poor dental health is the easiest way to determine the
health of any human. Today many children by age 5 have rotten teeth. Save your
teeth when you can, dentures are never good, we must adapt to wearing
dentures and keep them clean at all times and replace them every 5 years,
because fungus gets inside the dentures discoloring them. For each tooth
missing the total health will be compromised. I was raised on the dairy farm and
milked 100 cows twice a day, needless to say, my dad, my brothers, my sister,
and myself all have dentures. I do not wear my dentures. Dental health is the
largest subject in human health that 90% of the people refuse to ever correct and
this is the reason authors such as Dr. Hulda Clark wrote that humans will take
their dental disasters to their graves. People that refuse to clean their teeth daily
will simply loose them. I have seen one amish family that consumed plentiful
homemade sorghum and a book written along time ago stated that if a child
consumes 1 tablespoon sorghum every day of his life, he will be cavity free and
this I agree with and have seen with my own eyes, but the ones that have lived
this way generation after generation have showed me that they take a dull knife
and scrape the plague off their teeth; in my opinion this plague came up and out
of the gums as a result of constipated blood. Yet the diet is consuming enough
plant minerals that the teeth are strong and cavity resistant. Plant minerals are
the key to tooth health. Just allowing the teeth to rot will always result in ill health.
Taking 1 drop of Pure Oregano Oil in a glass of water and then dip your tooth
brush in that water often as you brush, will do wonders for mouth health.
Spraying the teeth with Herbal Tooth & Gum Spray for babies, toddlers, teens,
adult of extreme adult spray formula is something I strongly advise. If the gums
are loose and in bad health, the old fashioned method was to pack them each
night with Tooth & Gum powder which I make the original formula and while
blending ad a little Pure Oregano, which makes the formula better and gives it a
permanent self life in my opinion.
TEETH / pain
Question: I am a mother of 8 children and like to treat naturally. We seldom
need a doctor. Right now I have a very painful tooth. It had a large cavity
filled 2 yrs ago. It would not take hot or cold but did not hurt till in the last
months it was sore when I bumped it. Now over the Christmas weekend I
am using pain relievers to keep the pain bearable. Commercial pain relievers
often have bad side effects; never use them any longer than you must. I like
Herbal Tooth & Gum Spray adult for tooth pain and “fasting” is the only way to
stop tooth pain that has not turned into infection from dental filling complications.
Once an old filling has failed and infection set in, all food and toxic things must be
stopped and the filling repaired ASAP. Never ever allow a root canal, seek to kill
the infection and repair with a new filling, if this is impossible, the root canal is not
a healthy or safe option in my opinion.
Any advice on for to save the tooth? It is a front one and I have never had a
tooth pulled. Strict diet and habit correction along with as much Tooth & Gum
adult spray as needed. The blood stream must cleanse and then cure this
infection if you’re to save the already past damaged tooth. If the filling is metallic
mercury, then it must be replaced ASAP with safer plastic or pulled.
Two years ago the dentist said two root canal teeth need pulled because of
infection at the roots. SORRY, every root canal must be pulled, they are all
very toxic and that dead tooth will be absorbed into your jaw bone over time, with
the metals and cause more harm to health than most anything else can.
I used Infection Aid (Formula 717) and still have the teeth. I don’t know
what an x-ray would show. No clue what 717 is other than it has failed you! An
x-ray would show infection if your pain has been in one tooth for a few days. A
dentist that tells a patient to pull root canal teeth is VERY RARE and possible a
very good dentist! Everyone seeking dental, needs to be educated first. You the
patient are paying the bills, you need to tell the dentist what you want done, after
he has given you his best advice, because it is your mouth and all dental work is
Believe it or not government sees testimonies as a bad thing, because they hate
self-health in the first place. The politically correct name would be “stories”, in the
eyes of the government stories are fiction, while testimonies can be seen as
factual. Even though our newsletters are between you and us, very private, to
play it safe, I always rename testimonies and call them stories. We have received
thousands of stories over the past 13 years, they make us smile and allow us to
know we are doing some good. I will not put old stories in this newsletter; those
willing to write in their stories I will make space and letting you all know, they are
new, not one of our thousands of past stories. I wish I could give you all a bonus
for taking the time to write in your stories, but until this newsletter is over with, we
will not be able to afford more at this time.
God bless you for your work! I use your Baby Calm and I don’t like to be
without it! It works like magic! Thank you! If nothing else, we hope to bring
relief to some of the little ones, I know we older folks hate change, but we often
will do what we can to help our babies have a better start in life. We personally
gave our children 5 gallons of Baby Calm by age 2 and Jody that works for us,
gave her son 10 gallons by age 2. I know this is more than customers will be
willing to give their children, but when you see the difference in the children’s
health and the herbs are available, the herbs become part of their diet. Our
children have never seen a M.D. after being born that alone makes it all
worthwhile to us.
I just received your Feb. Newsletter. WOW! I have been so impressed by
your products, newsletters, etc. Even your binder is different and
impressive! I wanted to say thanks so much for the information. I live near
Scottsville, KY and will look for your products. I did see the store I go in all
the time. I’ve seen the products but haven’t bought any, not knowing who
made them or if they are any good. I’ve been using and making natural
food/products for probably 30 years. I will use yours. Thanks again for all
you are putting into this project! Thank you and many blessings!
Just a note about LBB.
I was diagnosed with an ulcer and sent home with a prescription to cure it. I
took one pill, came to my senses and got on LBB. Within 3 weeks I could
feel a difference (it also helped with the constipation which I have had all
my life). I could feel my esophagus healing and getting cleared up (acid
reflux and the feeling of something being stuck went away) and then I
could feel my stomach healing and clearing up. It's like LBB was working
on the first problem it encountered, clearing it and then moved on to the
next. I was taking 4 with each meal.
The formula will help with much more than constipation.
THROAT / phlegm
Question: How can we get rid of continual phlegm in the throat?
The mucus is created to protect our tender membranes. The diet has forced the
stomach to create acids that have failed to be neutralized and have entered the
blood stream and fluids of the body. Without this protective mucus, our cells
would become “burned”. Within the lungs, every degree of mucus production up
to full-blown, sever asthma and allergic attacks that restricts the breathing is all a
direct result of an acidic diet. Some can adapt to more, while others are plagued
their entire life with breathing problems and the cure will always be the
same…corrective non acid forming diet. The quickest recovery is fruit juice
fasting and allowing the stomach to return to alkaline as the ulcers are cured and
alkaline stomach returned. The fastest way to stop the cough and mucus is
always to stop eating and fruit juice fast properly, with proper bowel movements,
which all will be described in the upcoming newsletters. Air Restore and
Maximum Restore are the two top herbal formulas for direct treatment, along
with Herbal Spray I, II, or III sprayed on the neck and chest daily as needed.
Often it takes 3 days of no solids foods to stop the tormenting coughing up of
THYROID / under active
Question: I have 5 children ages 13-3 yrs old. I have had an under active
thyroid for 11 yrs. Taking Syntroid 200mg ever since, but I keep gaining
weight, not fast but it keeps going up. I have tried different things with not
much luck. It seems I can try something for so long then my throat feels
swollen (in thyroid area) and it feels like I almost can’t breath but after a
day or so after I quit taking it, I feel better. Would you recommend to take a
blood test every year? I have not tested for several years. Can anything be
done to reverse this condition? Or what would you recommend?
Answered previously and again, this newsletter has no solutions for those that
have faith in drug use, the longer the drug use has continued it is my opinion that
the human body has been damaged in many ways, mostly that it is being
manipulated by the drugs to not function as it was intended. Often such drug use
has done long term damage that may be near impossible to reverse and almost
always the person must relive the original problems and cure them, plus fight all
the troubles the drug use caused. Very few will ever give up their drugs and once
they fill bad, run back and ask for more drugs. Only once educated and selfexperimentation experienced does one build their confidence up to be drug and
operation free. Always seek professional help when you’re on drugs, seek a
professional chiropractor that knows professional medical doctors that are
alternative and desire their patients to not be on drugs. Once off the drugs, then
your herbs will do wonders for your health in my opinion. It takes a good liver to
assimilate and make use of the foods and herbs a person eats and I find it hard
to believe any herb does not do damage to the liver. If I had this problem, I would
take Herbal Spray I and spray my face daily, Herbal Thyroid Spray and spray
my neck and chest daily, Herbal Tooth & Gum Spray and spray my teeth and
gums daily, Herbal Spray III and spray my body daily along with taking the All
“N” One kit monthly. I would pull every tooth that a dentist ever put a filling in for
any reason. Take herbs to remove the dental metals from every cell of the
human body, make my own distilled water and never consume commercial drinks
or processed foods. Make sure all shampoos, lotions and potions are stopped
from commercial sources as well as all junk foods and all products that contain
titanium dioxide / edta, because these chemicals with mercury within your body,
which most every human has some degree of mercury, will cause death to the
thyroid over time in my opinion. The thyroid is not to be taken lightly; it is a world
wide plague ever since 1992 when titanium dioxide / edta was added to our air,
foods and skin products as a method to reduce the world’s population.
Question: In making tinctures, it is important what proof vodka you use? I
have several herb books. One states to water it down until we have 50%
vodka. Another says to use 120 proof, while still others mention 80 proof.
It’s confusing to say the least. I never use vodka, a bacteria found in potatoes
can be identified in vodka. Vodka is a cheap form of alcohol that is not pure and
mostly water. It is suggested by herbal authors simply because vodka is easily
obtained. The best alcohol is grape alcohol, but expensive and not easily
obtained unless you live in the states that make it. Otherwise pure grain alcohol
would be wiser, but you will not find herbal books on its proper use. Many if not
most authors just spread the same info over and over never knowing what they
are really writing.
QUESTIONS / odd Question
What is MSG?
Monosodium glutamate, also known as sodium glutamate and MSG, is a sodium
salt of glutamic acid, a naturally occurring non-essential amino acid. It is used as
a food additive and is commonly marketed as a flavour enhancer. It has the HS
code 29224220 and the E number E621.Trade names of monosodium glutamate
include Ajinomoto, Vetsin, Accent and Tasting Powder. It was once made
predominantly from wheat gluten, but is now made mostly from bacterial
fermentation. The "MSG symptom complex" was originally termed as the
"Chinese Restaurant Syndrome" when Robert Ho Man Kwok reported symptoms
of patients who consumed American-Chinese cuisine. Kwok suggested multiple
possible reasons behind the symptoms that these subjects were experiencing,
including: alcohol from cooking with wine, the sodium content, or the seasoning
of MSG. Despite these other suggestions, MSG became the focus and the
symptoms that were described have been associated with this food additive ever
since. There have been concerns that MSG may be associated with migraine
headaches, food allergies in children, obesity, and hyperactivity in children.
There have also been many studies trying to find an association with MSG and
Asthma. Since glutamates are important neurotransmitters in the human brain,
playing a key element in learning and memory, there is ongoing study by
neurologists about possible side–effects of MSG in food. Monosodium glutamate
is one of several forms of glutamic acid found in foods, in large part because
glutamic acid, being an amino acid, is pervasive in nature. Glutamic acid and its
salts can also be present in a wide variety of other additives, including
hydrolyzed vegetable proteins, autolyzed yeast, hydrolyzed yeast, yeast extract,
soy extracts, and protein isolate, which must be labeled with these common and
usual names. Since 1998, these cannot be included in the term "spices and
flavorings". The food additives disodium inosinate and disodium guanylate, which
are ribonucleotides, are usually used in synergy with monosodium glutamatecontaining ingredients. The FDA considers labels such as "No MSG" or "No
Added MSG" to be misleading. I personaly know a local lady that went to OSU
hospital with a very upset stomach, she was examined and diagnosed with
chinese restaurant disease that was a fast acting “stomach cancer” that she was
dead of in less than 2 months.
These folks followed the request, so I would have a better idea of their situation.
Keep in mind, even though I know more of the story, I do not ever see these
people’s names, I have no clue who you are or what state you are even from. I
answer ever question in a general way as an education for all and never answer
a person direct. Those wanting direct answers need to be examined by a
professional chiropractor or other care provider that has seen your body, knows
your life history and can make specific advice just for you! I diagnose no one; I
only give my opinions based on my beliefs and nothing more.
28 / female / 4children / fillings / not vaccinated / vitamins/drugs/supplements / no
operations /
Question: How do we know that we need iodine? All humans on earth are
suggested to be iodine deficient, with the exception of the few living on a seafood
diet along the ocean. This is not because God doesn’t supply enough iodine in
our air and soil, no, it is because we humans eat the wrong foods, which
demands much larger mineral intake as the body struggles with constipation and
bacteria. The World Health Organization (WHO) years ago took out a 2 page add
in the USA TODAY newspaper telling Americans that you can build all the
schools and hire all the teachers you want and it won’t help your children,
because American children are iodine deficient, born to deficient mothers and if
not corrected long before age 5, their brains will not develop correctly and their
math skills be low and by puberty they will be a mess.
Is it ok for pregnant women to take it? I suggest natural iodine minerals are
safe for all humans, but the very toxic Lugol’s Iodine commercial made product is
very toxic, not real iodine at all and Dr. Lugol is the bad doctor that took the
natural Iodine doctor created formula and created the Lugol Solution from
chemicals over 150 years ago and his involvement was an evil act for his own
financial gain. I put together a book on iodine that covers professional doctor’s
opinions and my own opinions on what iodine really comes from. I believe the
ocean plants do not make iodine, but are simply bathed in a very small portion of
iodine along with every pollutant on planet earth. My research makes me believe
the only “true” iodine is created by trees and they make it as a result of injury,
etc. making it something “special” to extract and I believe I am the only human on
earth that has taken the time and efforts to learn this. He results from adding this
natural tree iodine minerals to the diet is nothing less than amazing! Usually after
only a few ounces people have thicker finger nails; people with heart rhythm
problems have reported back that after a lifetime of problems, their heart seems
OK, after just a few bottles, etc. Naturally every person is at a different stage of
health and their results can be different. We only know when people will take the
time to tell us their ‘story”. No herbalist or non professional doctor will ever tell
you that anything is safe to take while pregnant, all I can say is we took it and
have heard many stories back from others that have and I personally suggest
any mother that lacks it, will experience deficient hormone function, bone function
and basically their entire body will not work properly as a result of lacking
essential minerals known as iodine. Keep in mind, this is my opinions only, not
being a qualified medical doctor, nothing I write can be taken as medical advice
in anyway, I am just telling a “story”, story government demands you take as
“fiction” or none professional truth that you can only get from your local
Also what do we do for gums that bleed and are red? All dental fillings that
have metals and other poisons infect the gums as these poisons leech into your
body and enter every cell of your entire body and then cause a lifetime of ill
health. If your fillings are dark, they are mercury combinations, if you have a root
canal, it can be filled with lead, etc. ALL dental work is toxic. All crowns harbor
deadly bacteria between the crown and you’re chopped off tooth. The infection
will not stop until the poisons are removed. Using Herbal Tooth & Gum teen or
adult strength spray will help kill bacteria and increase blood circulation to the
area until you can one day be dental work free.
If you have something for this, is it ok for pregnant women to take?
Again, you are NEVER ever going to get such a question answered, medical has
made the pregnant women scared of everything and everyone making or selling
health products; scared of pregnant women! This is why you’re always going to
find me saying that “you” need to take these natural products while you are not
pregnant and not nursing and “you” from your own self-experimentation then be
able to tell your family, your children, your neighbors your experiences. THERE
will never be any test known for any natural supplement or drug for that matter
that can state as fact as being safe for the pregnant woman, in fact, many
pregnant women should not be pregnant for the fact they are too sick to have a
healthy baby and every new product they take, they can then blame for their
sickly baby. This is why people learn from experience and should always use
natural herbs that are natural foods, so you can guess what “my” personal
opinion would be, but I can’t tell you to self-experiment while you are pregnant,
nor will anyone in the health field, but if you use reason, understand herbs as
being just foods, it is not hard to figure out.
49 / Female / 6 / 24-5 / mercury fillings / B-C-E CALCIUM, MAG, ETC.. LYRICA /
My problem is my stomach pain way up in the upper part of my stomach. I
have been treated for GERD, Reflux, etc with Nexium, Prevacid etc. I have
been to a lot of different doctors and have had the scope test done
probably ten times. They say they can’t find anything except an inflamed
esophagus which would then be treated but no relief of the pain. I have
also had the scope test done on the colon though the test was painful they
found nothing except maybe IBS. I was told by others I probably have a
hiatal hernia, then pain is a burning pain we then went to Mexico to have
the hiatal hernia fixed.
Your faith has destroyed your life in my opinion and I NEVER EVER suggest
anyone going to Mexico for their health and have always shook my head when I
see so many Amish, Mennonite and Plain People promoting such a disaster and
promoting ½ off operations, what a disaster is all I can say. If you really were
operated upon for a hiatal hernia, then you were gutted and a good chiropractor
and proper diet correction was your real cure and still your only chance in my
The Dr said it wasn’t very big but he fixed it. NO, you went to him for that
operation, he did as you wished! You got what you asked for.
He then told me my stomach looks nice on the inside and out side but I
continue to have this pain. It seems to get worse as time goes on. It almost
seems pointless to see Dr more but I am losing weight. The pain makes me
feel weak and shaky. The pain is constant and started when I was in the
upper teens. I tried a lot of natural things colon cleanse, probiotics, things
to heal the stomach etc. my bowels move in the morning pretty regular. I
can’t eat a lot so don’t have a lot to put out either. I still do the house work
but some days are very hard for the pain is almost more than I can tolerate
and get some things done. The pain has gotten me down to where I find it
hard to enjoy things in life such as my work, reading, putting puzzles
together etc. I can not concentrate. Do you have any idea what my problem
could possible be? My stomach is very tender to touch on the outside it
was always hard for me to hold my little babies because my stomach hurt
so much.
You have had almost ½ of your Immunity Organs cut out, you can never ever
properly digest your food again and will always have a dry liver, that is just a few
of the side effects of your operations and if you really were gutted for a tiny hiatial
hernia that basically never are “real”, then your damage was enormous thanks to
a Mexican rip off. The money people spend to go to Mexico more than shows a
problem and choosing such a place where the poorest doctors end up, in a land
that has no value for your life or anyone’s life has to be the largest scam that
plain people have been sucked into in history. That all being in the past and can
not be corrected, you still can stop what you have been doing and start over and
live better every day.
Your problems started out very simple, very common, the cure is “stopping”,
empty your kitchen of all the vitamins and commercial supplements of every kind,
along with every over the counter drug / vitamin you have, Take your drugs to a
good chiropractor, show him what you’re on and see if he knows of a Doctor that
can help you stay off drugs. Once off all this “stuff” that only adds more
chemicals / toxins for your already harmed stomach and digestive and
elimination organs to deal with, then you can allow simple foods and simple
herbs and corrective habits so your body can rest and heal. A child can
understand that you must stop eating, that which harms the stomach and makes
you feel badly. If such foods are not stopped, you are the classical example of
the disaster that waits. I suggest you tell a good chiropractor all you have done
your life story, even write it down and hand him and if he does not take interest in
your health, then go find a real chiropractor that will. You must stop all the bad
foods and bad drinks and start WEED & FEEDING your body. For your poor
stomach, living on Slippery Elm gruel until it is healed is a must. Eat plenty of
the gruel and nothing else. Once healing, you can add Maple Syrup, Sorghum,
Honey etc. to the gruel and then eventually raisins and soft fruits. Do this and eat
plenty, you can not starve, actually what you have been eating is starving you to
death and making money for those that can chop your organs out. STOP and
“think” about what you have done to your body and realize you have always been
in control and all is a result of your choices. Once your stomach is feeling
GREAT, then start life over, this means you eat baby food! Take cooked fruits or
cooked vegetables and grind them up like fine baby food and chew these baby
foods well, mixed with your saliva before you swallow. Your drinks must be whole
fruit juices and or your own homemade distilled water. Once you’re doing great,
stop all breakfast for the rest of your life. Eat only fruits for your lunch and have
one proper meal in the evening. Rest when you need rest, expose all your skin to
the sun, those that avoid the sun lack real vitamins and will eventually look like a
sick animal that has been locked up in a dark barn by the farmer. De-worm,
cleanse the kidneys, cleanse the colon, stop wasting all your money on store
supplements and drugs/operations and trust that God gave you proper organs
and keep what you still have for the rest of your life. You are the perfect example
for the All “N” One kit, double bottles at first, until doing better, then down to the
normal kit. I suggest consuming 5 pounds of Slippery Elm in the form of gruel,
which as a “fasting” on this gruel, which coats your stomach and intestines as
they heal. Take 2-4 Hormone Balance capsules every day for the rest of your
life. Extra Herbal Spray I until doing great, spray your face and all tender areas
and extra Herbal Spray III until doing great and spray your spine, hips, knees,
legs, feet, etc. every day. If your chiropractor doesn’t help you immediately, then
find another, if your chiropractor agrees you need to go to Mexico or any
operation, then you have a very bad chiropractor in my opinion or one that you
have “failed” to do as he ask and not had the needed adjustments at his request
over the years leading up to this disaster by age 49. In reality, all you needed
years ago was simple truths, simple advice on diet, habits and chiropractic and
all of this disaster could have been avoided in my opinion and what cost more?
Buying worthless toxic vitamins, drugs, operations or seeing your chiropractor as
needed and staying de-wormed and a diet that promotes an alkaline body? What
mother could become pregnant and not see her chiropractor monthly and take
her babies starting at age 3 days old as needed? A little proper prevention makes
pregnancy an easy thing, raising health babies an easy thing; while those that
don’t know, was never told, or fall into the wrong hands and not the courage to
go find another care provider often just end up as victims, not knowing what
happened to them or why. We all often must go through such trials in life, so we
can learn and then be teachers to others. Your goal should be to never allow
your children and grandchildren to end up as you have.
52 / Female / 6 / 16-29 / lots of filled teeth, done as a teenager (no root canals)
have 2 teeth right now that have cracked fillings that they want to refill, but not
much cavities in the last years. Wear a splint at night to help deep over bite and
TMJ jaw problems. / tetnus / Take vitamins, over counter supplements,
prescription drugs, etc. ---- Vitamins, Bio-Flex II, B-50 complex with C, at times
Vit D-3, black cohosh, red clover- to take care of night sweat and hot flashes /
operations?___cyst on wrist in Dec.
What can be done for low back pains. 8 yrs ago at start I tried calcium and
magnesium. Always resulted with diarrhea. Calcium sold in health stores is
basically “rock” similar to common road pavement. Magnesium taken internally is
more than he body can handle and water goes to it to protect the colon from the
magnesium and this water washes the toxic magnesium away as common
4 years ago had x-ray, a bulge disk, spur and calcium deposits. Spur and
such problems started with the kidneys in my opinion and taking wrong calcium
only added to more kidney problems and bone problems and most likely a good
x-ray will show your bones have calcium deposits on the outside of the bones,
which medical and even chiropractor will determine as “normal”, because all sick
people have such bad calcium, bad bone health.
X-rays again a year ago shown a dislocated hip, bulge disk, spur, and
calcium deposits. Sitting is painful, low back burns or stings and feet get
numb. Pains a bit all the time but after sitting in church 2 hours, need ice
for pain. Have taken ibuprofen for pain too. Then takes several days of
hardly any sitting. Have used a lot of heat packs, helps to not be so stiff
low back and cold. Circulation is poor and often cold hands and feet. Do
exercises 2 times a day and try to move around a lot. No heavy work. Didn’t
go to medical doctor for back. I suggest your water supply and every so called
vitamin and supplement put you in this situation and if you don’t STOP what your
doing, then you’re heading for a very painful crippling death. “IF” you had went to
a wise chiropractor with each pregnancy and taken care of yourself, I would
suggest you could live another 52 years with no pains, but as you loose kidney
function, we loose our bones.
Did consider MRI. Which does what? Such a thing may benefit the surgeon, but
otherwise has its side effects and no good chiropractor should ever suggest such
a thing or even suggest a X ray, because all REAL CHIROPRACTORS have
sworn to do NO HARM and these devices do, do harm and should be reserved
for accidents or when we have failed and must succumb to medical practice in
my opinion.
Had many chiropractor treatments, 2 different chiropractors. Then you never
found one that you trusted enough to consider good, I suggest an older man with
20+ years experience, does not do insurance, does not do x-rays, etc. A real one
just does chiropractor and nothing else, no gimmicks or plays the insurance
games. I suggest maybe 1 good chiropractor exist out of X? All I can say is find a
good one and often, the patient fails to do what the chiropractor suggest and this
can only be solved by the patient’s choices in life. I wish everyone could have a
nice chiropractor like I have, many from around the world have traveled to be
treated by him and very common for Amish to travel up to 100 miles to see him at
least once, but in every case, find a local one.
Also some neck, jaw and upper back problems but respond to treatment.
Some low back pains constant. The Lymes / Syphilis worms in my opinion eat
the bones up like termites do wood. The chiropractor can try to keep the bones in
place, but the health of the bones falls back on the person. Poor bone health
makes for a painful life.
Take Bio-Flex II, that is an arthritis formula has glucosamine, salfate, and
chondroitin safate in it. All 3 none plant foods, all 3 in my opinion fall into the
vitamin / drug class that the kidneys could never permit to exit through the 1
million cells in each Kidney that get clogged with rock from well water and such
supplements. I will admit I have seen dogs regain some use of bones when these
ingredients are added to dog food, but nothing I would want in my blood stream.
In my opinion, none of these ingredients help correct the cause of arthritis in a
Try to drink a lot of water now. Good functional kidneys can process ½ gallon
of clean, pure homemade distilled water or fruit juice. Clogged kidneys rely on
the skin and this is why the skin clogs and starts to fail.
Years ago used more sweetened drinks but not soda pop. People want to
sweeten their drinks and foods for one reason only, because humans were
designed to live on sweet tree fruits and lacking the 220+ different sugars found
in fruits, we add sugar to all our none human foods.
Always hungry for meat so eat plenty of that. And you have answered your
question, the hunger for meat shows how your body is thriving off the death of
your own cells and by doing so, you are “burning” yourself into an early grave.
The younger more healthy can tolerate meats, while the effects of meat
accumulates over the years and eventually leads to the worst of diseases. Bad
teeth, bad water, bad diet and a lifetime of bad habits lead to bones that fail to
support the body. I suggest no drug, nor herb can counter the diet and habits and
this is why thousands of supplements exist, because those refusing to
understand how their diet and habits have lead to such a wreck; and always keep
searching for that magic cure. All the while, medical / fda loves all of this,
because like vultures setting on the fence post, they “know” the patients will
come in pain, asking for morphine.
My iron was often on the low side. The bad diet, bad supplements do not
supply a plant diet rich in plant iron and pregnancy / babies always suffer when
the diet lacks proper iron.
Otherwise diet is diary, produce, vegetables, fruit, some baked good. Aka
the “normal” American diet! In which produces the most heart disease, cancers,
arthritis, diabetes, and every bone disease imaginable.
The good news is as long as you’re alive and able to go to the bathroom on your
own; you can greatly improve your health. You can learn to be your own
“physician” as this newsletter goes along, I hope everyone can help themselves
and never be lost at what to do for their health problems. At the end of this
education, I will try to make available 2 of the best medical books ever written
about diet as the cure for every known disease. I believe these types of books on
diet along with herbal use, is the best method to return to health. The best herbal
products I can suggest are the All “N” One kit double bottles until doing well,
then one normal kit per month. More specific for your age and situation; 2-4
Hormone capsules daily for life, lots of extra Spray III on all the joints that hurt
daily and Herbal Spray I morning and night on your entire face. More specific
herbs can be used after the organs are cleansed and working properly. When
weight is perfect, all the dental metals long gone, all bad supplements stopped,
water cleaned up and never ever consume a dairy product again and learn less
damaging ways of consuming meats, then you will see your body starting to
restore. The acidic waste must be removed, or your bones will continue to
dissolve and be eaten by parasites in my opinion. It is not near as hard as it
sounds, once over the dental disaster, the rest is easy.
37 / Female / 7 / 16-12-10-9-7-5-4 / UPPER AND LOWER DENTURES
Vaccinations: no / stuttering and slower learner / Reliv and Bowel Balance
removed 1 ovary because of cyst
I am always tired-am overweight a little, easily corrected by proper diet control
always had a problem with stuttering and constipation. Stuttering normally is
a nervous issue that can date back to toddler age, while constipation is common
for women who have had children and easily corrected with herbs such as Lower
Bowel Balance taken properly with diet control.
Used calcium and magnesium for constipation for years, commercial non
plant sources in my opinion are little different than consuming road pavement.
then at 34 yr started on bowel balance from several different companies.
Never healed for me. No clue what your products contained, but I assure you,
herbs are not going to UNDO your past damage, “IF” you don’t make changes to
avoid the same damage in your future. Understanding Lower Bowel Balance
Herbal formulas is the key to knowing how your colon works and what the herbs
are doing for your health and what changes you may need to do. Taking
supplements expecting a cure is a dream that manufacturers wish you would
believe enough to buy their products.
I take chiropractic treatments once a month. Great, hopefully your
chiropractor is a good one and all your children make regular visits.
For back and neck pain. He can make sure your bones are where they belong,
only you can make your bones and flesh worm free and supplied with proper
plant minerals and most of all, that your body is an alkaline body, because all our
blood is alkaline from birth till death and an acidic diet eats us alive.
One of our boys 10 yr old is a bed wetter and has concentration problems
in school especially in spelling. This is very similar to stuttering, a nervous
condition. Read about bed wetting suggestions elsewhere in the questions /
answers, same with stuttering, already covered.
He is little for his age. Is a bed wetter wince 4 yr old. Mal nutrition starts in
the womb and affects the nerves.
Our oldest girl had monthly problems, like more than once a month. This is
nothing more than a very acidic / toxic condition caused by wrong diet and
always iodine / minerals deficiency. If she has consumed too many animal
hormones, then she also may need hormone help that plants can provide as long
as the animal products are stopped. Very much a constipation issue where her
body is expelling waste out her reproductive areas, which is a big problem that
only grows bigger with time unless diet corrected and worms removed, etc. in my
Reliv helps her some. Taking drugs always has side effects and since these
things do not correct the diet, does not expel the acid waste, does not promote
an alkaline body, I must suggest you’re only pouring gas on a fire.
Our 7 yr old is also a hard learner. When conceived in a womb lacking natural
Iodine and proper plant based minerals, along with generations of the same,
results in children that dislike school, don’t do well in math or have a good
memory. Some suggest that by age 5, permanent damage has been done to the
brain that can’t be undone, while I always suggest everyone can undo much of
the damage by supplementing their diet now and for the rest of their life and have
“faith” that the body will renew itself over time.
My husband had back surgery for a bulged disc in May 2010. All surgeries
do permanent damage, create scar tissue and never ever correct any of the
foundational problems that lead to defective bones and flesh. To correct the
problem remains the same, plus dealing with the surgery damage.
Our 10 yr had right arm broken 3 times since 1 yr old. Again, a womb that
lacks proper nutrition creates a baby that is lacking in health and children’s bones
should be very “flexible” and easily mend themselves fast. Unless the diet was
poor, bones and flesh starving for plant based minerals and worms eating the
bones up. This is “Just” my opinions of course. All just simple diet and habit
problems that all can be corrected over time; along with some simple plant
minerals and education on how the body works could make a great change in
quality of life and more importantly, break the chains and make it so the next
babies are way healthier and each generation become healthier and healthier.
That is the goal of this newsletter. We can’t undo all the past damages, but we
can make a better life for our children and grandchildren. Best of all, everything is
RETURNING to NATURE and away from the world, so no one should have a
problem living better by following God’s design for the human body. I know it may
sound complicated, but actually it is very complicated to be sickly and even more
complicated when drugs and operations are involved….drugs and operations
should be the main things all plain people should avoid like the plague…..Every
settlement waste so much money and experiences so much undo pains in life
when sickness forces people to turn to the world for help.
Every human is born smart enough to have good health; that is my theory.
We learn to not be healthy and this newsletter has the goal of undoing
wrong education that forces people to enter the cities, while all along, we
country people should be the healthiest people on earth and the city
people should be searching us out for wisdom in nature.
62 / Female / 10 / 41-23 / My teeth are in pretty good shape what are left. I have
a partial plate and still mercury in my teeth. Vaccinations: yes / much sore throat,
ear aches, had tonsils removed at age 10, then a touch of rheumatic in later
years. I take herbal vitamins. Cod liver oil and caphanite and … (cant read it)
recommended by Dr. I have stiff sore muscles as soon as I do something extra
strenuous, but am active. Love moving.
I had a prolapsed uterus and got that fixed aged 20
Now I fighting a fungus on my fingers which heals if I eat no bread, no milk,
no sugar. I imagine having candida or yeast inside on colon walls. But
flares up as soon as I eat only a little sugar. I eat only fruit like apples,
bananas, grapefruit, and lemons. No oranges as they are to sweet- nor
grapes. Amish research says I have spots on kidneys. My weight is 173lb
5ft 2in. do you have an herb that heals? I avoid Dr and medicine. Many
adults have fungus that over whelms their organs so badly, it expels out into the
feet, arm pits, fingers and most anywhere when it flares up. Your statement
should be a witness to others, that if you try to obey nature and eat fruits, your
problems are less and if you eat acid forming foods, your condition worsens.
Oranges and Grapes in nature do not have too much sugar; fruit sugar is what
humans thrive upon. These fruits are cleansing and people feel the cleansing
effects and then blame the “feeling” on the food. Naturally bad foods should
make you feel bad, but when good foods make you feel bad, you have to try to
figure out why and usually it is because they are cleansing fruits. Spots on your
kidneys? If you don’t have exploratory surgery and physically see the spots or
otherwise have a test that is “guessing” that you have spots, then I would
suggest every adult has kidney problems many years before they ever gave it a
thought. Your mercury filling affected all of your children’s health in the womb
and for the rest of their lives hopefully they do not have mercury fillings now. You
will battle the mercury in your cells the rest of your life according to the studies of
Dr. Hal Huggins back in the 1960’s which suggest that if you’re not mercury free
by age 40, you can’t live long enough to expel all the mercury you get from 1
mercury filling. You have 50 pounds of weight to spare, which makes orange
juice fasting easy for you, which will be explained in great detail as the main
method of “fasting” to restore health. Correcting your dental is priority one,
removing every trace of metal and seeking to purify your drinking water by
distilling all the rock and chemicals out of it, so many today have been scammed
into buying worthless water filters, ionizing units and water manipulating
machines, all of which are in my opinions, scams and not healthy. Your cure is to
remove the waste that the fungus lives upon. Reversing the damage done in the
past will make you feel and look younger over time. You can only imagine the
amount of worm damage a human obtains by age 62 and as you reverse the
easy things, life will become less and less painful. A cheap herbal method to
show you better health is to take 1 drop of Pure Oregano and add to your daily
drinking water and then take 1 drop and put in an empty capsule and drink 1 full
glass of water ever hour with 1 capsule for a total of 8 per day. Do this for a few
weeks or longer and as the bacteria come under your control, you should feel
better. I suggest the All “N” One kit taken properly along with 2-4 Hormones
Balance capsules daily for life and extra Herbal Spray III used morning and
night on all that hurts. Once things are flowing properly in the right directions,
then “fasting” with fruit juice will speed up your recovery and reach proper weight.
As long as we carry an extra 50-100 pounds of waste as many adults do, fungus
/ parasites are doing the job God created them to do. I assure you that you have
done better than most people your age and you are wise enough to live another
62 years with a little education on acid and alkaline diet.
Also our son- age 25 has polyps in his nose. He avoids surgery as we hear
it grows back anyway. But affects his breathing and overall health. He has
some allergies. I think cause by polyps. Any remedy? He’s using salt water
in his sinus’s hoping to dry them up. Do you have a quick fix better than
that? In my opinion ruptured mucus membranes develop from too much waste
entering the blood stream from an acidic stomach that developed from an acidic
diet. I see no way that flushing with salt water will cure the wrong diet. During an
orange juice “fast” the waste is stopped and starts to be dissolved and removed
and during the fruit juice “fast” those with nose problems breathe so easily and
effortlessly, but once they return to their acidic diet, their lungs fill and the mucus
ends up in the nose and lymph glands and the condition quickly returns. It takes
time for all the waste to be removed and the mucus membranes and lymph
glands to return to normal size and function; so the person must live correctly for
as long as it takes to correct the condition. Herbs can help. I will explain some
methods in the newsletters later on this year showing how the sinus and lungs
can be treated at night while sleeping and result in the killing of the broad
“infection” through out the entire blood supply and eventually lead to fantastic
health. Besides all the WEED & FEED methods already discussed so far, I
suggest at bedtime to take Herbal Spray I and spray the entire face, wait a few
minutes and spray again. Keeping an 8 ounce spray bottle handy, each time he
has trouble breathing, have him spray his face until he falls asleep and if he
awakes, spray and keep spraying every night or as often as he desires during the
daytime and prolonged use will help a lot, but the cure comes when the waste is
eliminated and infection killed. This is a problem that plagues many adults and
children alike and all diet created. It is a real constipation issue, same as most all
diseases are.
• Operations do what? They cut out the symptom.
67 / Female / 14 / 12 upper teeth 8 lower teeth 3 fillings / Vaccinations: yes /
Your general health as a child-----good / no operations.
My thyroids are swollen and also lymph nodes on the right side. DR would
like to take half of the thyroid on left out. Had an aspiration done, shows
benign at present. He says my thyroid are still working. Have you ever
heard of a goiter that went away?
Some of what I consider “great” doctors suggest every lump in the human body is
a “goiter” that resulted from lack of proper plant based iodine. Thyroid disease
was started in 1992 as explained elsewhere in this newsletter and “if” your 3
fillings are black fillings, have the teeth pulled or replace with plastic fillings by a
good dentist that understand mercury and thyroid disease. Meantime, see a good
chiropractor every month or more if needed and explain this to him. You
massage your neck in an upward motion often every day for the rest of your life. I
strongly suggest Iodine Minerals (tablespoon daily for life) and Thyroid Herbal
Spray (on neck daily for life). 14 children took a lot of your health and having
good teeth and no operations has served you well. Your weight will need to be
“perfect”, your “health” perfect if you want to save your health and avoid the
surgeries and you “know” surgery will solve nothing and drugs will solve nothing,
because everything is created at the dinner table and the amount of poisons that
enter our body via our lungs and from eating and drinking that accumulate within
our body, which brings fungus and parasites and eventually failure of the organs.
WEED & FEED while you have all your organs is BEST, de-worming and plentiful
plant minerals a must and always remove the rock from your water, etc.
28 / Female / 2- 5 & 3 / 1 root canal, some fillings, took fluoride as a child and
had excellent dental until I had children then began to have cavities./
Vaccinations: yes
As a child- very healthy, occasional cold and flu / we drink Monavie juice and am
using Reveal, Monavie weight loss products, no vitamins, no prescription drugs.
operations? 2000- age 18- nasal bone removed; 2006-age 23-remove
This started in my mid teens about age 16. I have a stuffy congested
sinus/nose with VERY sticky, stringy mucus draining down my throat. It’s
worst in the morning and clears up about mid afternoon. Very simple – an
acidic diet forces your mucus membranes to produce mucus for protection from
your acids that originated in your stomach.
I’ve had 5 different allergy medications, which can never treat the foundational
reasons and always toxic with side effects.
herbal potions and nasal surgery. Not a thing has helped. This is simple
because you treated the symptoms and not the cause.
It’s especially bad during pregnancy. Yes, because your babies had no choice
but to suffer and often are affected the rest of their lives because of the health of
the mother while pregnant and nursing.
I also have daily foul smelling, yellow-brown vaginal discharge, and
occasional itchiness. Showing you have a lot of waste (constipation) being
expelled from the wrong area and loaded with infection.
Prescription drugs only helps while I was using them. Drugs harm the liver in
my opinion, the harmed liver can’t put up the good fight, so the infection is
allowed to live freely in the body and not be expelled as puss.
I bath/shower daily so the smell is not a lack of hygiene and is unpleasant.
External cleansing is a must, but internal cleansing needed as well.
I sweat excessively and the smell doesn’t all come off with lots of soap.
Showing you are very toxic and the stronger the odor, the stronger the fungus /
infection or basically constipation of the elimination organs are.
It’s a skunk like odor and I wash under my arms with Clorox water to
remove the small.
Warning: All use of Clorox internally and externally on the human body is BAD;
even smelling it is BAD in my opinion. I know too many have been falsely told o
take Clorox internally as a “cheap” method to treat the cold / flu, etc. and all these
folks have done is poison themselves and set themselves up for cancer
according to the late Dr. Hulda Clark that believed Clorox is the number 1 reason
for all cancer in America.
I counted 12 different expensive deodorants I’ve tried over the years, some
natural, some helps, but only a short time until I became “immune” to that
brand. Deodorants are only needed by those that are constipated and they
NEVER WORK, they only COVER UP at best. They are all a waste of money
and often poison the body further.
Beginning at age 16, I worked 1 ½ years for a lady who was a heavy
smoker. I constantly inhaled second hand smoke. Could this have caused
my strange smells and sticky mucus? The second hand smoke affected you
while you were breathing it we are more poisoned by the toxins in our home and
bedroom, where we spend the majority of our lifetime.
I suggest you are very constipated, your idea of fruit juices are GREAT, only your
choice of Monavie juice and such gimmick products have only robbed you of your
money, these gimmicks always use cheap methods of production and terrible
methods of preserving, this is why they always taste “TERRIBLE” and eventually
everyone of these gimmicks come and as all the lies told about them are made
out, the people stop buying and then these commercial doctors come out with
their next gimmick, tell a thousand lies, lure ignorant people in by telling them
they can make $$$$ and when all is said and done, it is all forgotten about. ALL
fruit and berry juices are healthy, only they need to be REAL, not from some
gimmick / toxic source.
If your womb is damaged, the sitz bath and or the female correction herbs will
repair it quickest. To start; I suggest 8 Lower Bowel Balance daily for 1 year
and then reduce to what is needed to maintain 1 bowel movement for each meal
eaten daily. I suggest WEED & FEED big time while no pregnant or wanting to be
pregnant and start today repairing the damage done to the children, because all
of your constipation, infection and lack of proper nutrition ended up in your next
generation. I suggest you and your husband take Pure Oregano, 1 drop in an
empty capsule per hour, up to 8 per day for as long as it needs to stop your
infection. Taking 1 tablespoon of Maximum Restore hourly would be a total
treatment for the infection / puss. Otherwise start consuming garlic daily until you
are puss free. Brush your teeth with 1 drop of Pure Oregano daily, by putting in
water and dipping your brush. Also, I suggest 12 capsules of Women’s Wellness.
Removing your gallbladder in my opinion was a crime, seeing your chiropractor
and correction of diet would have been wiser. Now you can never ever digest
your food properly, always have a dry liver; always be more prone for worms.
You will need more herbal help and better diet for the rest of your life, all because
of this operation, in fact, every operation, every drug cost more money for the
rest of a persons life, so I can not figure out “WHY” there are so many people
that keep ”luring” Amish, Mennonites and Plain People into ½ off operations?
Going to Mexico to get operations from doctors that failed to work in real
hospitals? This newsletter is anti “ALL” operations and suggest chiropractic and
simple diet will correct all that can be corrected. In time I will explain this in detail
in these newsletters and hopefully, saving thousands of children from future
operations and drug use.
52 / Male / 9 / 7 to 26 / had approximately 21 teeth. Infected teeth extracted last
winter over 4-5 months time / Vaccinations: small pox / some infected teeth as
teenager- milk and wheat allergies / vitamin A & D some C and B vitamins, iodine
supposedly natural, Juice Plus (all 3) asparagus, Hoffnung (Keim), liver cleanse,
acidophilus, Jiagulon, Digestive enzymes / operations? NO
Had infected teeth for years and low energy. Had mild rapid heart beat in
late April 2008, infected teeth often leads to ill heart health.
early July had a brown recluse spider bite, was very sick, used clay to draw
out poison. Did not work much for a few weeks. Luckily we don’t have such
spider problems in my area, but have always wondered if Oregano Oil put
directly on the bite immediately after the bite would cure it instantly like it does for
hornet stings and normal bug bites.
End of July ate to much at work because worked in hot sun to soon then
drank cold water when heated have hiatal hernia I personally don’t believe in
the hiatal hernia diagnoses so many say they have, I suggest it is nothing more
than a chiropractic issue along with problem resulted from wrong eating habits
that is easily solved with no operation. “IF” there actually was such a hernia, then
the person would be in bad shape.
since then and also rapid heart beat I would suggest natural plant calcium
imbalance along with deficiencies in natural plant iodine and infection always can
be a problem.
went to reflexologist in Sept. had very low adrenal function and H H
systems, bad digestion. No reflexologist can even begin to know such a thing,
just purely a guess or the use of some “quack” device, there are many quack
devices being used by a host of different people scaring customers into buying
their worthless products.
Later in fall chiropractor confirmed this also some infection from spider
Again, NO chiropractor can diagnose this; I suggest you are being lead around
by such people that want to “think” they can tell you this. You surely know if the
spider bite is still a problem? Did it heal properly or a large junk of flesh fall out?
Standard process product took care of that. Took some products for
adrenal, liver, digestion, heart, infection. Was last at chiropractor in fall 09
he agreed I should get rid of infected teeth so am working on recovering
can do light work but heart goes wacky if do too heavy lifting or over do it
does settle down easier most times lately and not so weak afterward. At age
52 you’re still a young man, but bad teeth can put you in the grave early.
Consider lymes disease and all the worm problems with infection from several
sources and it would be easy to see why the heart aches. I suggest you need
help WEEDING & FEEDING ASAP and take care of the heart, starting with
plentiful plant calcium, natural Iodine, Heart Drops or Longevity Spices
which is a type of cayenne, herbs & garlic formula. Always consume at least 1
well ripe pineapple per week and a clove of garlic daily if you can afford to do
nothing more. Later on in the newsletters I am going to explain a very simple
method that allows a new heart to be built in 21 days, not repaired, but a new
heart, but if you’re full of worms, teeth harming you and a constipated body, then
naturally building new organs will not happen easily. My personal opinion of the
products you’re taking are mostly all harmful to your kidneys, your stomach, your
pancreas, etc. all of which greatly affects the heart. All digestive enzymes do
great harm to the stomach and pancreas if they are not plant and if they are
plant, then just eat the fruit and not pay for a worthless commercial capsule. My
opinion is so many wastes so much money on products they don’t really
understand and if they did understand would never take such products. No clue
what type of natural iodine you’re taking, but I can assure you, if it comes from a
commercial source, odds are it is not iodine your body can truly make use of. I
know this “sounds” like I only want to sell my products, but as I learned about
the products sold for our health, even all the herbal products being sold, I
determined I had to make my own if I wanted something that would work and not
poison the body.
Did not use medical or drugs as did not want side effects. GREAT!
Have started using iodine lately. (I wish I knew what kind / type and how much
you are using) Had some problem with light headedness last winter want to
get to chiropractor sometimes. When heart goes wacky it is connected to
stomach and I get tight in stomach area and have gas to get rid of some
days I can do a lot more than other day. Naturally you have let this problem go
on way too long. You’re now at the point where you need to see a good
chiropractor every week or several times monthly for a long period and then at
least once per month after your well. The teeth need taken care of NOW, all
metal removed, all root canals removed, etc. Often when the heart is affected,
every tooth that ever had mercury in it ever, is a tooth better removed and start
cleansing the kidneys and take foods and herbs that help expel mercury, heavy
metals and inorganic rock out of your body. Once constipation is being solved,
gas fermentation stopped, stomach health returned, then heavy duty de-worming
can be started and kept up until youth returns. “IF” you drag your feet, can’t
afford to care for yourself, there are always plenty of simple things you can do
with diet and habits to save your life. You know that “IF” you allow you’re self to
go down, then you won’t last long with modern drugs and operations and the cost
will be enormous. My theory is this, as long as you can get out of bed; go to the
bathroom unassisted, still able to walk and get around, then your able to cure
yourself. Once down, you’re at the mercy of others. The farmers are well known
to suffer and die rather than spend their hard earned money on their health. I
have seen this all my life. Prevention is so much cheaper than allowing things to
pile up, because ONCE piled up, it does appear to be expensive, but no matter
what you do naturally, it always cost less than 1 day in the hospital. One day in
the hospital leads to endless testing, endless drugs, operations and eventual
cancers in my opinion. This newsletter has zero medical info and only my opinion
based on herbs and natural methods that are to be taken as “education” only.
Your decisions are your decisions, no one can make them for you and
government instructs all to enter the hospitals and not read such stuff as this.
“IF” you can handle the taste of cayenne, I would suggest 1 gallon of Longevity
Spices Adult formula taken every month along with 6-8 Lower Bowel Balance
capsules daily, which would be a 150ct bottle monthly along with Herbal Spray
III / 8 ounce bottle sprayed all over your body daily and at bed time. These 3
products in large dose would turn your health around as fast as possible as far as
herbs can do. Keep in mind, I always have said herbs supply about 1/6th the
cure. The other 5/6th are diet, habits, poisons, faith, etc. that may all need
corrected depending on each person’s past that has accumulated upon them and
lead to very ill health.
31 / Male / 3 /what ages 3-2-4 wks / Vaccinations: yes / health as a child-----had
a kidney disease when 6, took natural products and doctor called him weird. /
vitamins yes / no operations.
We were wondering if there’s a natural cure for a degenerating disc, it’s a
mild pain right side, lower back. 5 years on and off, just chiropractic care
so far. The chiropractor took a cat scan about a ½ yr ago and said it’s not
getting any better so we were wondering if we could do something before it
gets worse. Something in the natural line. Sounds like you have a bad
chiropractor, because the cat scan does some damage and no true chiropractor
can suggest anything that causes damage to the health if he follows his oath to
“do no harm”! A chiropractor that needs a cat scan is so questionable to begin
with, because a good one is suppose to correct the problems and suggest the
changes in diet and habits to correct these problems naturally. At age 31 having
5 years of lower back pain should be something a good chiropractor could help
with in 1-2 visits and the rest of it be; your diet and habits. If you’re going to over
work and harm your back, then naturally no chiropractor can correct wrong
habits. If your diet is very bad, very acidic, then again, no chiropractor can correct
that. You have mentioned kidney disease and being off to the right side, I
assume not as far as the right hip. At age 31 I would seek to exercise the lower
back muscles and make them stronger along with plentiful plant minerals to build
strong bones, such as Bone, Flesh & Cartilage capsules or syrup, and daily
Tree extracted Iodine and I would probably be taking 2-4 Hormone Balance
capsules daily for life along with taking 1-3 tablespoons of Plant Lecithin daily
for life. At the very least, I would take Herbal Spray III and soak your back
morning and night, wait 5 minutes and soak again by spraying heavily. WEED &
FEED will be the theme through out this newsletter, but because of expense, diet
and habit changes, I assume most will not until all else has failed, because of
this, my goal provide this newsletter that will be like a book that will explain the
whys and the natural paths back to health using herbs, foods, exercise, etc. and
avoid all drugs, all operations and stop wasting money on commercial made
supplements that only add to the problems.
81 / Male (widower) children -0 / upper dentures, 1 root canal, some fillings have
cavity, dentists rob you! (I agree, if you “knew” all about dentistry, it would be
a horror story) Vaccinations: yes / - whooping cough and diphtheria / health as
a child - lots of headaches, stomach ulcers / flax seed, what do you think about
super foods? “I” think super foods are fresh hand picked tree fruits, if you
are referring to all the quack commercial supplements sold as “super”
foods, I think those manufactures are not much better than dentist and
surgeons. Had operations? hernia 2, appendix, eye.
Had pain on left side, went to clinic in Mexico, no cancer. My opinion is that
Mexican doctors are in Mexico simply because they can’t work elsewhere in the
world, often because too many people died and I will never ever suggest anyone
go to Mexico for health, for any reason what so ever. I am anti- American
hospitals / doctors and even more so anti Mexican hospitals / doctors.
Have to get up at night so often had prostate problem, took only herb tea
from Belgium helped right away, but now have to get up sometimes every
hours most times 3-4 times. Got prostate checked, is ok now doctor says is
it the bladder or what do you think? Hard to believe a medical doctor gave you
the OK on your prostrate, odds are they just wanted you gone, would be my
“guess”, otherwise you would have been ripe for their picking. My personal view
in anyone past age 65 that enters a hospital is lucky to ever see their home
again, just my experiences in life. Bladder makes no difference, the cure is the
same. At 81, especially in this situation, I strongly suggest a good chiropractor,
he can put your bladder in place and a truly good one, often can solve a prostrate
problem in 1 visit; it just all depends on what the foundational problem is.
I get lots of gas, could it be bladder? Gas forms from a very bad acidic diet
that has lead to a lifetime of accumulations or what you would simply call,
constipation that then creates a lot of fermentation which creates the very toxic
gas you are referring to. This gas is very common and a torment that few ever
will correct.
Sometimes I get up take tea of flax seed lemon and blackstrap molasses
which relieves my gas and I go back and can sleep real good again. Good!
• I don’t want drugs my concordance says drugs are witchcraft.
YOU BET! I agree! No wonder you are out living most of the modern men of
today! Your wisdom has saved you from many problems and blessed you!
I told this to one and he said it is not. They use poison to heal drugs. I
believe in natural herbs and vitamins. You are wise; do not believe those that
preach drugs and operations that are “their” way, not yours or natural.
I had sciatica, went to chiropractor, spent lots of money but did not help
any maybe I should try the one you mentioned. What would you
recommend? Sciatica is considered a constipation problem; often a good
chiropractor can help, but takes maybe 1-2 months. Otherwise, I suggest all bone
pains and bone problems can be affected by lymes disease (worms). The old
fashioned homemade slant board to take the pressure off your hips and perfect
weight aids the body a lot. Naturally I am going to say WEED & FEED and
whatever still needs fixing then use select herbs for extra help. Herbal Spray III
on your legs, hips, spine and anywhere it hurts several times daily would do
wonders as a treatment.
What do you think about sprouts? Sprouts are a green food! Many people do
well on fresh greens, but I suggest fresh ripe sweet tree fruits are the true human
foods that all children naturally love, while all children are going to turn their nose
up to vegetables and greens……nature never lies and children are good
indicators of real food verses wrong foods…..that is, till their taste buds have
been perverted with commercial foods, baked goods, candies and sugars.
Lord does healing. The LORD is ALL. Creator, Teacher and in 100% total
control from our conception till our departure and I personally believe we are just
“school” children and we would learn more if we kept a child’s trust.
Could I come to your place? Am interested in chiropractor. I have sent well
over 1,000 people in the past 35 years to Dr. Anthony Schneider 1-937-652-1516
and many from as far away as Australia, Thailand, Taiwan, Canada, Dubai, and
every state in the U.S.A. have came to see my dentist and my chiropractor based
on how I have bragged how he has helped me over the years. We do not have a
“real” store open to the public, but average about 1 person per month stopping by
for a chat. If we allowed more than that, I would get very little done as people will
travel to have someone to talk to all day long. We live about 20 miles North of
Urbana, Champaign County where the chiropractor is. People often stop by after
or before their chiropractic visit. I always tell people to make arrangements with
Brenda my wife. Jody that works for us can talk to you most any day Monday
through Friday as long as she knows your coming otherwise, I tell them to limit 1
visit per month for me to talk to a person. I can teach thousands via the
newsletters, while it takes all day to talk to one person and tell them things they
will forget before they leave the room.
I used lots of vitamins, waste lots of money! Yes, they are predators or
basically zero different than those that make the drugs; you knew doctors created
the vitamin racket back in the 1920’s didn’t you? Vitamins in general are ‘waste”
products based on medical theories….all lies in fact, because there has never
been a vitamin that can be put into a bottle, pill or liquid never and ever
will…anyone selling you a vitamin; that I would put in the same class as those
selling drugs.
What do you think about fasting? John Keim is the Nations expert in “fasting”.
I believe “fasting” permits the stomach to heal and if your stomach is healed and
stays healthy, you will have perfect health. Every human should be a fasting
expert and this newsletter will show step by step proper fasting that was proven
by Yale, Harvard and the Rocker feller Institute in 1950 as being the cure for
every known human disease and what I base everything on, only I use herbs with
the proven medical methods, making it easier and superior in my opinion. I will
make a copy of the top 3 medical authored health books ever written at the end
of these newsletters that had the cure for every known disease and all 3 are
fasting expert books and try to prove that all I have said has merit and those that
self-experiment can prove what is true to them selves.
Also have varicose veins in left leg. The Left leg being the sciatic nerve leg,
both true signs of loss of circulation. The cheapest quick treatment would be to
apply Herbal Spray III heavy on both legs, twice a day. De-worming and Lower
Bowel Balance would be starters, but even better yet, I made an Herbal Powder
formula called P/W Elimination. This powder must be put into a capsule by the
customer, which can be done easily a few at a time or with a simple little device
50 at a time. Taking 2 capsules 3 x daily would do wonders at the cheapest
possible price. It is a super powerful adult de-wormer, colon formula, iron
formula, calcium formula, kidney formula, prostrate formula, heart formula, etc.,
etc., etc. all n one and the product I take. I will explain it in detail in a latter
newsletter. 1-3 tablespoons of Plant Lecithin of your choice and lots of Spray III
and you would see things change in my opinion and as you understand diet and
habits, your “mind” will guide you; as the Lord guides your path. P stand for
Parasites, W for worms and Elimination of the dead worms and feeding of
the entire body with proper plant minerals is what the formula is designed to
do. It is very powerful, the most powerful herbal powder ever formulated and I
suggest it has a lifetime shelf life, because it is that powerful of a de-wormer.
I do not see any of the names or letters sent in, Jody that works for us reads your
letters and types up the info I need to answer the questions. “IF” you ever would
make an order, tell Jody by letter or phone that I said I would send you a large
bottle of Herbal Spray III as my gift in your box, to you for taking the time to write
in. It would be nice if there was some method to set up a fund for people past
age 75 to help reduce the price or make available for free. I often reduce or help
out pastors that I have met at least once and those that become “special” by way
of strange meetings, etc. that you know the Lord guided each person to. At
present my idea of supplying this newsletter free for one year is costing in excess
of $30,000.00 which is turning quickly into a much larger and much more
expensive adventure than I had not planned on, but the Lord provides and we
just go as we are lead, so we don’t worry. If it is God’s will, it will happen. If it
fails, then it was my idea and man’s ideals often fail.
53 / Female / 5 / 28,25,23,18, (1 died at 4 months) / no root canals, 8 fillings,
wisdom teeth pulled and 2 others pulled. Have 6 month check ups and cleanings
present dental health good / Vaccinations: yes / general health as a child-----well
/ Citalopram 10 mil. a day for 4-5 yrs. I take no other supplements at this time.
Have lost some weight in last 3 years / operations? C Section one time
Pain in knees and in feet at times for 15 years. I have not gone medical for
15 years. I have not gone medical but herbal and chiropractic. My husband
turns my feet to the side both ways and holds it there and it loosens my
knees. This has been helping for a year or 2. One chiropractor says my
stress goes in my feet which affects my knees. Does he actually know my
upper body has plenty of energy.
At age 53 your body has been changing for at least 13 years as it looses the
ability to have a menstrual time properly, this same waste then starts
“accumulating” in the joints! This attracts fungus, that eats the accumulated
waste, also called “arthritis” and when you add in that in my opinion, all humans
have the lymes worms, that eat the bones / joints, is it no wonder the knee and
hip replacements are so common.
I normally will not take time to look up the drugs a person has decided to take,
but yours seemed a weird name and your question is the last one I am answering
for this month and I found this:
initial: 10
10-40 mg/day
Ejaculation disorder; other sexual dysfunctions; insomnia;
dry mouth; nausea; somnolence. In vitro studies indicated
that CYP3A4 and CYP2C19 are the primary enzymes
involved in the metabolism of citalopram. Citalopram is a
relatively weak inhibitor of CYP2D6.
Side effects that you should report to your doctor or health care professional as
soon as possible:
allergic reactions like skin rash, itching or hives, swelling of the face,
lips, or tongue
dizziness or light headedness
fast talking and excited feelings or actions that are out of control
hallucination, loss of contact with reality
suicidal thoughts or other mood changes
unusual bleeding or bruising
Side effects that usually do not require medical attention (report to your doctor or
health care professional if they continue or are bothersome):
blurred vision
change in appetite
change in sex drive or performance
increased sweating
trouble sleeping
Again, this newsletter is very anti–drug use, I understand why people end up in
medical hands on drugs and often their drug use leads to more and more serious
conditions, but they must work that out with their professional doctors and not a
subject for this newsletter. My opinion is all drugs harm the liver and a harmed
liver has a hard time making proper use of herbs and foods. Once drug free, I
can suggest many things, but it appears you’re taking this drug for Depression or
sex issues? And the side effects can be dangerous. So I must suggest you seek
a good Chiropractor for treatment and advice on this drug and talk it over with
your doctor to see if you can get drug free and then start from scratch rebuilding
your body.
UTERUS / tumor
Question: I am 46 yrs old and have had a good sized fibroid tumor in my
uterus for years. Just recently I’ve been experiencing pains in the area of
my rectum and also my pelvis. It’s sometimes hard for me to sit when the
pain is at it’s worst. Also have frequent bladder problems. Could the tumor
be pressing against some of my organs? I’ve tried to shrink it over the
years with progesterone cream, Aveloz drops, and maybe fenugreek? Tea.
Also clary sage essential oil. No luck. I get lots of exercise and take
vitamins and mineral supplements. I would so like tot shrink it naturally if
at all possible. What would you recommend?
I would strongly suggest you stop your life today and start reversing this problem
before it kills you. To allow a tumor of this kind or any kind develop over periods
of years is only asking for trouble. I suggest you find a good chiropractor today
and see him every 2 weeks for as long as this tumor exists. I suggest a very
strong WEED & FEED program done daily for the next couple of years or until
your body weight is perfect and your health perfect. The Herbal Bolus method
applied properly along with learning and applying the sitz bath. No longer can
you allow the diet to feed this dangerous constipation. Every effort must be made
now if you expect to avoid operations and drugs for the rest of your life, is my
opinion. I suggest all women read the Dr. Mom book; we have 108 of these
books hand signed and dated by her when she lived for a month at our house.
When she wrote the book she was working for the Christopher company and has
since then liked our herbal formulas much better and was one of my teacher’s
years ago at the Christopher school. These books retail for $29.95 and a must
read for all women of all ages, Dr. Mom explains the female methods of herbal
treatment and we hand make most every herbal product listed in the book, even
though she had to suggest the Christopher Company as the source, which also
sold several times since the book was printed. I will sale them on a first come first
serve basis. This book is a must when women find themselves in trouble and not
knowing what to do or explain what is happening to them or why it has
happened. We can make most any herbal formula found in such books.
Question: What can be done for a young mother with 2 children who cannot
lose weight? Mentally you never call it weight “loss”, because if your mind
believes you lost it, it will make sure you find it back and usually extra. Think of it
as “poison” that you want rid of! Accumulated weight is 100% a result of wrong
diet and wrong habits. You will never buy a weight reducing product that works,
because a product cannot change your diet and habits for you, if anything, such
products are bad for your health, very bad for your adrenal glands and heart in
my opinion. I suggest no one ever waste their money on any commercial made
product that says it can help you loose weight. Such manufacturers and sales
people are predators, nothing more. Not supplying your history of diet, habits,
drugs, dental, etc. does not allow for suggestions on what you need to change.
This subject will be well covered through out the entire newsletters.
Also is there any hope in repairing an umbilical hernia in a mother without
having surgery? Such problems plague those that have not taken care of their
health and not ready to have healthy children and thus fall into the hands of the
surgeons and drug doctors. I always suggest learning the lessons and not do
such things again, luckily medical often can save the lives of those that have
failed to care for themselves and normally the babies pay for the sins of their
parents dating back up to 7 generations. The only hope is to break the chains
and start a new generation of health, producing healthy babies that marry healthy
spouses that make healthier babies until the past has been undone.
Otherwise starting today with correct drink, correct diet, correct herbs will
give this mother the greatest advantage to avoid surgery and future
Question: I’d like to ask a question about Cell U Life, the capsules and also
the capstone spray. Are those what they claim to be? Also how do you feel
about Saba? Are they both good products or is none? (CellULife Ad
included) My personal opinion is all commercial made products are cheap
made, reproduced even cheaper and if it were not from their sales marketing
methods, no one would buy them, but since they thrive on one time sales, you
will forever get their glossy ads. It reminds me of moths going to the light, even if
they know the light can kill them, but the fatal attraction exist for those that lack
education. Education or Elimination is what nature is all about. What these
manufacturers write in order to obtain your order often is laughable. I assure that
all their products and our products are DEAD, they do not do miracles, all they
can do is supply the human blood stream the proper plant minerals that the
blood, liver bone marrow, etc. then converts into human nutrients that then
supports better human health. ALL ads proclaiming their product will do this or
that without educating their customers about parasites, stones, constipation, diet,
habits are trying to say their “products” are the cure and that is never the fact, in
fact, 90% of the humans buying these commercial products never consume more
than a few capsules before they go on to another fancy ad’s products and by the
end of each year, they find themselves throwing away dozens of bottles that are
out dated. The elderly are preyed upon by such predator like advertisers
continuously sending flyers in their mailboxes trying to teach them that they
“need” their products. PLEASE do not write in asking about the thousands of
gimmick products sold.
Lighting the Darkness
Below is the first person to be asked to be removed from the mailing list, if
anyone finds the free newsletter offensive or distasteful, etc. please ask to be
removed, because the postage alone is too much to be wasted. I had assumed
plenty would not like info on diet or habits, I mean after all, who would? We have
actually had letters thanking us for the newsletter and referring to it as a breath of
fresh air. I know change of diet and habits come slow; the goal of this newsletter
is to simply explain the whys and not say anyone has to do this or that or buy
anything. It will explain why some people can’t tolerate certain foods anymore in
their life and why drugs, operations, vitamins and herbs can’t help as long as diet
and habits have not been understood and corrected. Each letter, each piece of
paper is an opportunity for education and all education in this newsletter is just
my opinions and nothing more. For many years, I have seen many get upset and
have seen a few come back years later and say they did learn and were sorry for
getting upset, etc. This is also why I never want to know a name of a person, it
allows me to say what I want in a manner for all that reads my answers to know I
am always suggesting in general and not to any one person. This person was
clearly angry because the newsletters were starting to “point” at things they
couldn’t accept. I don’t ask anyone to accept anything as God’s Truth, because
everything a man writes is subject to flaws. Such a letter does invite my
comments, especially this one.
I am writing to ask you to please not send me any more newsletters. We
were very disappointed. If so many foods aren’t fit to eat, why did God say
he have them to man for food?
God created all in perfection, supplying each creation with all the food and proper
shelter required for perfect health; only man has chose to sin against God, no
other creation has that ability. God created tree fruits for man’s diet; this is
proven by science, by medical, by anyone that ever lived outdoors. I must ask
who this God is that they are referring to. The man that manipulated the world’s
history; created the dark age wars; that murdered over 70 million men in order to
create his version of world history that lead to the eventual first printing of the
common Bible was Constantine the great and most today believe this war still
lingers 2,000 years later and has resulted in the murder of billions with the
invention of jets and germ and chemical warfare world wide; as a one-world
government seeks to eliminate every religion the pope does not approve of. It is
Pope Constantine that has the world history credit for manipulating the Bible to
allow Constantine’s perversions. Some authors have written that they can find
3,000 errors in the Bible made by Constantine’s efforts to change world history.
So when people quote Pope Constantine’s manipulations as the world of God, I
can truly understand how confusion is a way of life that leads to believing the
Garden of Eden was a mistake and now humans can eat everything they can kill,
makes zero sense! Why? Very simple, God did not “change” the human body to
be a carnivore; we still have the same digestive and elimination organs that
original man was created with. There was no evolution process that changed
man from a tree fruit eater to a cow, pig, sheep, goat, snake, bird, fish, lobster,
snail, rat, lion, tiger, monkey, insect, frog, etc., etc. eater! Each living creature on
this planet is given all the proper foods it needs to live well on earth, from the
God that created them, in perfection. We humans eat and drink what we do, by
choice, not because a self proclaimed god such as the popes decided to change
in order to create the world government that we know of today. A very simple roll
of pH paper proves to any human that desires to understand what foods are
healthy and what foods create an acidic stomach or simply believe the Garden of
Eden Bible Story that every child can understand and every mother knows to be
true, because only the sweet fruits are what children do not resist and all the
others foods must be cooked, sweetened or seasoned and forced at the dinner
table to eat them until they are accepted as “normal” foods. The diet is not a
subject for debate; each person can take their creation up with God. No one can
argue what human food is, medical science proved it and it can be proved over
and over, the facts will never change. This newsletter will simply prove that when
ill, when our daily habits and diets have ended in illness that the fastest route
back to health is to return to God’s original design, the same as every “good”
doctor for the past few hundred years has tried to teach people.
Also considering how every animal of today looks “different” than it did 100 years
ago, due to man’s manipulation of genes and breeding practices; along with
companies such a Monsanto that have altered most every food product grown in
America directly or indirectly that has results in the largest upset in soil / plant
balance possible. Just the other day the government approved roundup ready
sugar beets, is it any wonder so many children are sick today and children born
after 1992 are not expected to live to see their 40th birthday.
And urine and saliva PH are not the only thing to go by as accurate. If you
say distilled water is the only fit water, your knowledge is limited indeed!
God created rain by evaporation, leaving all rock minerals down on the surface
and then raining down pure pH 7 rain water, the healthiest water known. Distilling
water from the earth that is saturated with rock minerals, gases and chemicals
from pollution; by building a fire and steam distilling it is exactly like Nature, the
closest man can do, using a wood fire or electric heat to make the water boil and
leave the solids behind. This a child can understand. Rain water makes the drops
grow, while well water only makes plants wet and if used too much, the minerals
in the well water will stain and clog the pores of the plants and if used too much,
will kill the plants.
The Kangen Water Machine by Enagic produces water very safe and
healthy to drink, plus the taste is not to be compared to distilled. It is not
being humble to uphold oneself so highly and runs everything else down.
So please take our name off of your list.
Now the truth is really being exposed, this is merely the victim of another:
Multi-Level Marketing pyramid scheme!
It is GREED that fuels false education and anger when such schemes and fraud
are exposed! Such companies at this one and there are many multi-level scams
going on in every community today, lurring in people that are greedy; and by
greedy, I mean willing to pass on any lie to make their sales. Everyone has seen
these scam artist come and go with their worthless / gimmick products. You can
always recognise them by their super high prices and how they want to come to
your home and see if your greedy enough to resell their gimmicks and have
learned that if they offer you 50% of the sale, that the greedy people will try to
sell such products regardless how worthless they are. I hate to waste valuable
space for such trash as this is, but it is an education that people need to
understand, wake up and march back to all the scam artist and demand their
hard earned money back, because as long as this fraud continues, there will be
thousands of wronged people. These scam artist want the people they con, to go
and con their family members, because family members done wrong, often will
not say anything and this allows the con to continue. Below is a SMALL example
of info available on this scam that has robbed thousands in the plain communities
from what we have been told.
Below is public information:
Since Enagic's unit is presently the most expensive on the market, ALL other
ionizers are less expensive than the SD-501. Keep in mind that Enagic pays out
more than $2100 in multi-level marketing commission for each ionizer sold, which
is why the price is so high.
Don't Buy a Kangen Water Machine or any such rediculous ioniser! No, we're
not kidding! Listen...If you were even considering buying an expensive Kangen
Water Machine from an Enagic representative, just read this short warning first.
Don't become another unsatisfied Enagic customer who reads this a few days
too late...Now let's begin. The Kangen Water Machine is technically named the
Enagic SD-501. There are a few new variants such as the SD-501U or "Super
501", but they're all under the Enagic company umbrella we're discussing
today. In order to talk about these machines, we first need to go into detail about
the company itself and their marketing tactics, which are almost universally
known in the water ionizer industry as being the biggest ripoff out there...“Kangen
Water” The Enagic Corporation owns the trademark for the term “Kangen Water”
but it’s really just a marketing phrase. Kangen Water is no different from Ionized
Water, or Alkaline Water, whatever you’d like to call it. The Kangen Water
Machine is a Water Ionizer, which converts regular water into alkaline water by
removing some of the acidic components from your tap water, along with filtering
out some pollutants. Multi-Level Marketing Now on to the bad parts about the
Enagic corporation. First, they are a multi-level marketing (MLM) company,
which is very similar to a pyramid scheme. When you buy a machine from
them, they see it as a business opportunity to get you involved in selling their
machines yourself. If you sell one to your friend, you get a commission on it…
and so does the person who sold you your machine, and so does the person who
sold them their machine too… on and on for EIGHT (8) tiers!
That means that more than half the price of the machine (which costs a
whopping $3980) is getting paid out as commission to all the people
higher up the stream.
They have plenty of competitors, but they won’t tell you that, because their whole
marketing campaign is shrouded in secrecy and they use these tactics to
convince you that their machine is the only one that provides results, etc. If
you’ve been told that, then you should know that they’re all blatant deceptions.
My personal opinion is that water machines that manipulate water by separating
the acid from the alkaline minerals are creating poisonous liquids. Too alkaine
will poison the stomach and pancreas and too acid will poison the stomach and
pancreas. It is that simple and real water is H2o, just plain pure rain water and
nothing more. Below is a profesisonal explaination of iodized water.
You won't find anything about the benefits of alkaline water in any standard
textbook on nutritional biochemistry, and anyone with training in physiology or
biochemistry would consider the claims in favor of it ludicrous, but the
alkaline/ionized water quacksters and promoters have woven a nexus of
scientific-sounding nonsense and outright lies in order to convince a gullible and
scientifically-naïve public that drinking partially electrolyzed water (produced by
their over-priced "machines") is the key to health. "Ionized water" is one of many
products and panaceas that the wonky-water wellness industry flogs onto the
large segment of the general public that lacks the scientific background to
distinguish scientific fact from pseudoscientific hype when the two are closely
intertwined. The purpose of this page is to critically examine some of the claims
about "ionized" and alkaline waters from the standpoint of modern chemistry and
physiology in order to provide you with the information you need to make your
own informed decision before opening your wallets to the hucksters of these
products and whose claims are totally lacking in scientific support. What most of
these outfits actually sell are grossly overpriced electrical devices that purport to
produce "ionized" and alkaline water by the process of electrolysis. Many of
these "water ionizers" appear to have their origins in Japan and Korea, two
countries whose populations seem to be particularly susceptible to being taken in
by pseudoscientific water-treatment schemes. In North America, distribution of
these dubious devices has depended largely on multi-level marketing schemes
that enroll science-ignorant dealers to exploit even-more-vulnerable consumers
while enabling the manufacturer to maintain a low profile to regulatory agencies
such as the FTC
The bottom line - Here, in a nutshell, are a few basic facts that I believe anyone
with a solid background in chemistry or physiology would concur with. "Ionized
water" is nothing more than sales fiction; the term is meaningless to chemists.
Pure water (that is, water containing no dissolved ions) is too un-conductive to
undergo significant electrolysis by "water ionizer" devices. Pure water can never
be alkaline or acidic, nor can it be made so by electrolysis. Alkaline water must
contain metallic ions of some kind — most commonly, sodium, calcium or
magnesium. The idea that one must consume alkaline water to neutralize the
effects of acidic foods is ridiculous; we get rid of excess acid by exhaling carbon
dioxide. If you do drink alkaline water, its alkalinity is quickly removed by the
highly acidic gastric fluid in the stomach. Uptake of water occurs mainly in the
intestine, not in the stomach. But when stomach contents enter the intestine, they
are neutralized and made alkaline by the pancreatic secretions — so all the
water you drink eventually becomes alkaline anyway.
"Ionized"/alkaline water is falsely claimed to be an anti-oxidant. It is actually an
oxidizing agent, as can be seen by its ability to decolorize iodine.
Electrolysis devices are generally worthless for treating water for health
enhancement, removal of common impurities, disinfection, and scale control.
Claims that "ionized" waters are antioxidants are untrue; hypochlorites (present
in most such waters) are in fact oxidizing agents. Many "water ionizer" devices
depend on the addition of ordinary salt to make the water more conductive.
Electrolysis of a dilute sodium chloride solution liberates hydrogen gas and
hydroxide ions at the cathode, producing an alkaline solution that consists
essentially of sodium hydroxide NaOH which can be drawn off as “alkaline
water”. At the anode, chloride ions are oxidized to elemental chlorine. If some of
this chlorine is allowed to combine with some of the hydroxide ions produced at
the cathode, it disproportionates into hypochlorous acid HOCl, a weak acid and
an oxidizing agent. Some ionizer devices allow the user to draw off this solution
for use as a disinfecting agent. In many cases the two streams can be combined
to form a mixture consisting of both HOCl and sodium hypochlorite (equivalent to
diluted ordinary laundry bleach). So buying a "water ionizer" is a very expensive
way of obtaining a solution that you could in principle make yourself by diluting
some laundry bleach, and perhaps adjusting the pH by adding a weak acid such
as lemon juice. But would you want to drink this "eau de Clorox"? Don't try this at
This brings up another subject, I have heard of people adding Clorox to their
water and their animal water for health reasons, I personally agree with the late
Dr. Hulda Clark, that Clorox in our foods and drinks is the number one reason for
loss of health and cause of cancer. How people can ever get so mislead that they
start drinking poison and poisoning their animals, I can not imagine. It pains me
to waste so much valuable space on such trash, but it pains me even more to
see hard working people spending millions of dollars on all the trash gimmicks
that slick sales adds brings to the mailbox every day. Not to mention all the
children that are sickly and people living in pain, believing they don’t have
enough money to have the latest operations and drugs that surely would save
them. This newsletter does not teach new education, but “de-education” People
in general want to believe other people, but when it comes to selling junk, the
junk salesman will say what he needs to make his sells. Sad to say this, but “I”
was capable of the above letter sent to us approx. 20 years ago, back when I
was a sucker for every book I purchased that promised better health. I was too
willing to trust other people. I was clueless how evil some of these authors really
can be and how evil so many of these mass marketers really can be, when they
want to make money from the people that is ill. It is sad that the innocent people
have to “harden” themselves to beware those that have something to sell. It is my
personal belief that there are more predators in the health field than any other
business on earth. Corporations of today actually have life insurance on their
present and past employees and depend each year on 3% dying and they collect
all the money, the employee never knew there was such a life insurance policy. A
documentary on this great crime stated that Wal-Mart has 38,000 life insurance
policies on their employees that are kept until the person dies as a way to make
more wealth for the company. Documentation was shown where upper
management of major companies complained that more employees need to die
so the company can stay in business! U.S.A. Today newspaper showed back in
the 1970’s how medical was preparing for every child in America to have
diabetes and should have an insulin pump installed in their side. Now 30 years
later American children are plagued with diabetes. I watch my skies being
sprayed daily, weather being manipulated, jobs being sent over seas to Chinese
slave factories that imprison teenage girls to do all the work. Those that will open
their eyes to their environment around them are more prepared to handle daily
life and not get scammed into buying every false promise that finds its way to
their door. Nature never lies, return to Nature is a God given grace available to all
that seek.
Let me make it REAL CLEAR, my opinion is that all water ionizers are creating
very toxic water and doing damage to your mouth, your stomach and your entire
health if you use one. I suggest everyone selling them is a scam artist and if you
purchased one of these machines by any make or model, that you should return
it asking for a complete refund, otherwise these scams just continue.
March Questions
April 2011 Newsletter
BABY / ear aches
Question: Can you please give us an explanation on a baby’s earache?
Very simple, wrong diet and or poor / toxic milk that has filled babies blood
stream with waste that is then expelled out the lungs as mucus and ears as wax.
Mother’s milk is no more pure as her blood stream is and all nursing mothers
expels her daily waste out her milk, so no baby can be healthier than mother’s
What can we do to cure it? Is it a lack of nutrition? Can something be done
to prevent it?
The cure is a proper pregnancy that develops a healthy baby, resistant to all
disease. The mother-to-be prepares her womb before she becomes pregnant.
This is a huge subject that will be covered in the newsletters soon. Every choice
mother makes during the entire pregnancy and while nursing creates or breaks
her baby’s health.
We have a 3 wk old baby which has earache every day. Our oldest child
had constant earaches from 3 months on till she was approx. 1 yr old. Also,
my friend has a baby with weak lungs. Most of the time he breathes with a
rattle. What do you recommend?
You avoided all the important information, such as, how old is the mother, how
many children has she had. What was her health before pregnancy, during
pregnancy and what did she consume for a diet during these times, what herbs
did she consume, what drugs, what vitamins, what type water is she drinking,
what type of plant Iodine is she taking, has she been vaccinated, did she
vaccinate her children, what heat source in the house; coal, wood, kerosene,
diesel, oil, gas, etc.
It comes down to how toxic is the mother, the diet and the house. Address
these 3 problems and baby’s health will improve with the efforts the
parents put forth.
Children’s health is no different than adults, it all depends on how poisoned they
are and how deficient their diet. Adults have more accumulations and less
immune system, so babies recover quicker when allowed to. Government is
going to demand all mothers take their sick children to government created
hospitals, because government believes all children are “theirs” and anyone that
believes otherwise has not seen government remove children from homes yet.
For our children we made Baby Calm, Happy Baby, Olive Leaf / Echinacea,
Maximum Restore, Diluted Oregano Oil and Air Restore, but soon after the
birth of our first child we learned that it is the mothers health that determines the
babies health, so by the time of our second pregnancy mother was consuming
Women’s Wellness 21 capsules daily the entire pregnancy and while nursing,
Plant Fats, Red Raspberry Tea and seeing the chiropractor properly and
followed Dr. John R. Christopher’s pregnancy herbs the last 6 weeks. The
second pregnancy was trouble free and the third pregnancy basically the only job
the doctor had was to catch the baby has he came out. The dental health of each
child is a reflection of mother’s health while she was pregnant. Actually, each
child can be seen as the result of his mother’s health. “IF” we had been taught
how to have a healthy pregnancy before hand, our children would have received
the benefits, but we had to teach ourselves along with the guidance of David
Christopher, the son of the late Dr. John R. Christopher that was a great teacher
of proper pregnancy and midwifery. With out the Christopher books and help with
our first pregnancy, we could have never developed Women’s Wellness
capsules or understood how to properly use the Hormone Balance capsules for
pregnancy problems and the proper use of a hormone formula before and during
a pregnancy. David Christopher had a student become a salesperson for the
Christopher company and made a book and called it; Dr. Mom. While Dr. Mom
herself is no doctor, doesn’t make herbs and was never anything more than a
sales gimmick for the company, the book itself is a great book for the mother-tobe. Naturally the book teaches to buy the Christopher company herbs, which has
changed hands many times since the writing of the book and the herb quality so
bad in my opinion that we quit buying Christopher herbs 14 years ago and
decided we had to make our own if we were to have results like Dr. John R.
Christopher teaches in his old books that I learned from and wanted to take the
Christopher Master Herbalist Courses. So every formula in the Christopher / Dr.
Mom books I make or can make properly and not as a commercial product. Dr.
Mom actually lived at our property for 1 month and was paid by Fountain of Life
to write a woman’s health book, little did we know that she never made herbs,
never wrote the Dr. Mom book and she stole Fountain of Life’s money and our
money as we did not know we were being “scammed”. Regardless, the Dr. Mom
book is actually a David Christopher book on women’s health. We purchased 100
of the Dr. Mom books before we knew her problems and had her sign and date
each book. I highly recommend these Christopher authored books as general
reading material for a healthy pregnancy. The book covers many subjects on
pregnancy and home birth. It is sad how a famous man’s children can do so
much harm to the legacy once the father has passed on. Dr. John Christopher
was 100% against all meat consumption and insists on making your own distilled
water. Once dead, his children wanted to turn his herbal business into a pizza
parlor, but David Christopher kept the store running, but sales meat, eggs and
reverse osmosis water, 3 of the top things his dad teaches was bad for health.
This is why I suggest we learn from the old books and not from “people” selling
old books or products. It is my opinion, U“No Child”U should be sick; sickness is
a lack of education on diet, parasites, and toxicity.
Question: I’ve been battling high blood pressure for years. Have been on
meds but am not at present. As is doesn’t seem to help and am afraid of
side effects. Have tried so many things. Any suggestions? Age 64-Female.
Garlic daily for life, one fresh pineapple weekly for life is the 2 things anyone can
do with the greatest benefits for the heart. The foundational problem usually
starts with the clogged kidneys, for as long as the kidneys are clogged, the heart
will be told by your brain to create more pressure. Your lungs are the bellows that
pushes the blood, while your heart is the regulator of pressure. Heart Drops 1
dropper as many times daily as needed. Any of the Herbal Sprays will help, but
Heart Drop Herbal Spray taken by mouth and spraying of the chest daily would
be more specific an herbal spray. Kidney / Pancreas Tincture 1 teaspoon daily
for as long as you have any problems, see your chiropractor for this and the All
“N” One kit with the above mentioned herbs would be ideal. Proper De-worming
and proper plant minerals always helps every situation and is the reason for the
making the ALL “N” One kits. Diet and clean water are most important. You are
correct, no drug can cure these problems, and drugs only treat the symptoms
with a toxic substance, which never made any sense to me.
BONES / calcium
Question: What can we take for the following: - poor calcium assimilation;
teeth sensitivities, cavities, bone aches, help to heal teeth, arthritis. – poor
circulation; cold hands/feet, erectile dysfunction, hard of hearing. – tired a
lot but work anyways. – poor sleep patterns (awake when should be
sleeping and sleepy when should be awake).
Poor bone health is to be expected when the stomach is forced to make acids,
which then drains the blood of calcium, which then effects the heart. Hopefully by
now you are seeing how diet and stomach health explains every symptom you
have mentioned here. Circulation is KING and only proper blood supply can
supply you great health. Too much acid makes life miserable. The irritated
nerves will irritate your muscles, never allowing them to “rest” and thus destroy
your muscles while you try to sleep and eventually end in a too thin exhausted
body. Since you failed to supply age, weight and etc; I have zero idea how long
this problem has existed or the foundational causes that were created as a result
of bad diet, bad habits, drugs, supplements, etc. Hard of hearing would suggest
you have some age and hopefully by now, you have caught on that I believe we
must have 900 X too much calcium in our body before we can die from the loss
of circulation. This calcium forms on the outside of your bones and results in
muscles can never rest and starts accelerating the deterioration of every muscle
which is very common today with people by age 50. Your symptoms all point at
advanced food disease and a lifetime of hard water. Advanced calcium problems
almost always is a result of a lifetime of dairy products. Sweet milk harms the
entire human body and the number one cause of old age, heart disease, loss of
bones, loss of eye sight and skin health. Ideally the symptoms are reverses by
correction of diet and habits, but since most people past age 50 refuse to change
their diet or habits, it makes herbal use popular and makes for monthly trips to
the chiropractor. For all the symptoms above, I would suggest if the person could
handle a little spice in their life, 1 gallon Uevery month Ufor the rest of their life of
Longevity Spices Adult formula, with 8 Lower Bowel Balance capsules daily.
Along with spraying the entire body morning and night with Herbal Spray III,
which is also spicy herbs. This does not correct your diet, but it does create a
new habit and thins your blood as it feeds it with plant minerals. Naturally all the
herbal formulas would be a great help, but the above is the strongest with the
least amount of products and very simple; if it is not working, you’re not taking
enough. Consume a gallon monthly along with the Lower Bowel Capsules and
your body will be fired up with lots of blood circulation and plant minerals for
building blocks. I would see a good chiropractor monthly for the rest of your life.
Since your nerves are shot, I would also take an ounce of plant fats of your
choice every day for the rest of your life and take 4 Sleep Eze capsules 15
minutes prior to bedtime and 2-4 every time you wake up through out the night
until your body learns how to rest. “IF” you do not rest your nerves, your nerves
will destroy your body in my opinion.
Do you know about PXP Products? How do you rate them? (info included) I
learned to stop wasting time with commercial made products and worthless
modern day health books that promote such worthless products; I also learned to
not waste time reading and researching these products. If you have used them,
then “you” know if they work.
Question: I am a 31 yr old girl that had health problems since 15 and I have
endometriosis so would love to know what others do for different health
problems for I don’t like to use drugs. So I always watch for healthier ways
to get well.
Normally this problem starts with the use of a tampon, which is not healthy and
known to cause endometriosis. Other problems could be worms that like to live in
that area of the body or the premature “thickening” of the tissues such as cause
fibromyalgia. Keeping in mind that many girls and boys today are coming down
with old age symptoms by age 21, symptoms can be almost anything. The first
step is a great chiropractor that becomes your lifelong personal doctor that sees
you; helps you and can guide you through pregnancy and just about every health
problem there ever could be and he knows you and can ask you, while I don’t
know you, can’t ask you. Iodine is always an issue with women and the
reproductive organs, I suggest Iodine Minerals, Women’s Wellness and if need
be the Herbal Bolus method to feed malnourished organs and draw out toxic
accumulations, making the malfunctioning area clean and healthy. The herbal
bolus is made by taking the herbal powder (Herbal Bolus Formula) and mixing it
with coconut oil (butter). Melt the coconut butter so that it will mix well with the
herb powder. Mix a small quantity of this formula with coconut butter until the
consistency of pie dough is achieved. Next, roll this mass with your hands until
you have a pencil-like bolus approximately the size of the middle finger, cut in
inch-long lengths. Harden the bolus in a refrigerator for a few hours. These are to
be inserted into the vagina much the same as a suppository would be. It may be
necessary to wear a sanitary napkin so as not to soil clothing when the bolus is
melted. Insert upon retiring and leave in all night, six nights a week. The coconut
butter melts at body temperature, leaving only the herbs, which are absorbed by
the body. On the seventh morning use the Herbal Douche Formula as a douche
to wash out any remaining material. The Herbal Bolus formula helps to heal the
vagina/uterus with its rich herbal minerals and aid in the rebuilding. This is
normally done by older women, but works for any age where there is a problem. I
also would suggest Hormone Balance capsules, 2-4 daily for life. If natural
iodine is lacking in your life then so is your hormones. If natural Plant Fats were
lacking, so is your hormones in my opinion. I have no clue if you have had
children, etc. so I can’t make guesses beyond these general ones.
EYES / lazy eye
Question: We have a 2 yr old daughter who we started noticing some
months ago that her eyes do not lineup with each other when focusing. It
seems that one eye or both turn either inward or outward. The
ophthalmologist cannot see her till late Feb or later. The thing they’d
possible do is put drops (drugs!?) in her eyes to relax the muscle (to check
dilation). This could require surgery, glasses, etc. some conditions can get
worse if too much time goes by. If at all possible I’d much rather do
something natural for her that works, rather than do surgery, etc. can you
help us? is this a liver issue?
What is Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)? Amblyopia, commonly known as lazy eye, is the
eye condition noted by reduced vision not correctable by glasses or contact
lenses and is not due to any eye disease. The brain, for some reason, does not
fully acknowledge the images seen by the amblyopic eye. This almost always
affects only one eye but may manifest with reduction of vision in both eyes. It is
estimated that three percent of children under six have some form of amblyopia.
Causes of Lazy Eye Anything that interferes with clear vision in either eye during
the critical period (birth to 6 years of age) can cause amblyopia. The most
common causes of amblyopia are constant strabismus (constant turn of one
eye), anisometropia (different vision/prescriptions in each eye), and/or blockage
of an eye due to cataract, trauma, lid droop, etc. Amblyopia is a neurologically
active process. In other words, the loss of vision takes place in the brain. If one
eye sees clearly and the other sees a blur, the brain can inhibit (block, ignore,
suppress) the eye with the blur. The brain can also suppress one eye to avoid
double vision. The inhibition process (suppression) can result in a permanent
decrease in the vision in the blurry eye that can not be corrected with glasses,
lenses, or lasik surgery. Detection and Diagnosis of Lazy Eye An eye exam by a
pediatrician or the 20/20 eye chart screening is not adequate for the detection of
amblyopia (and other visual conditions). The most important diagnostic tools are
the special visual acuity tests other than the 20/20 letter charts currently used by
schools, pediatricians and eye doctors. Examination with cycloplegic drops can
be necessary to detect this condition in the young. Since amblyopia usually
occurs in one eye only, many parents and children are unaware of the condition.
Many children go undiagnosed until they have their eyes examined at the eye
doctor's office at a later age. Comprehensive vision evaluations are highly
recommended for infants and pre-school children. Treatment of Amblyopia (Lazy
Eye) Treatment involves glasses, drops, Tvision therapyT and/or patching.
Recent medical research has proven that amblyopia is successfully treated up to
the age of 17. Treatment of amblyopia after the age of 17 is not dependent upon
age but requires more effort including vision therapy. Although improvements are
possible at any age with proper treatment, early detection and treatment still offer
the best outcome. Lazy Eye (Amblyopia) and Crossed Eyes (Strabismus) are not
the same condition. Many people make the mistake of saying that a person who
has a crossed or turned eye has a "lazy eye," but amblyopia and strabismus are
not the same condition. Some of the confusion may be due to the fact that an eye
turn can cause lazy eye. In other words, amblyopia can result from a constant
unilateral strabismus (i.e., an eye that turns or deviates all of the time).
TAlternating or intermittent strabismus (an eye turn which occurs only some of
the time) rarely causes amblyopiaT. While a deviating eye (strabismus) can be
easily spotted by the layman, amblyopia without strabismus or associated with a
small deviation usually can be not noticed by either you or your pediatrician. Only
an eye doctor comfortable in examining young children and infants can detect
this type of amblyopia. This is why early infant and pre-school eye examinations
are so necessary.
The above is common explanation and I suggest a good chiropractor can do
wonders for this issue in all ages from birth up, if not, then you need to find a
better chiropractor experienced in skull plates, if you lived close to central Ohio, I
strongly suggest you give Dr. Anthony G. Schneider, 203 Park Ave., Urbana,
Ohio 43078 1-937-652-1516 and tell him every detail and ask if he has success
with this. He can give you honest advice about chiropractic and has a lifetime of
treatment of people of all ages. I would suggest natural child birth does a lot of
pressure on the skull plates and this is why I so strongly suggest every mother
take her new born baby to a good chiropractor at 3 days old or soon as possible.
I will bet an adjustment in the upper pallet in the mouth or skull plates will greatly
help this problem when done by a skilled and confident chiropractor that loves to
help children. You have zero to loose by seeking a good chiropractor and
supplying baby and child with the best plant minerals, such as in Baby Calm and
I would also use Herbal Eye Spray regularly or at least Herbal Spray I on the
face daily. I would listen to Dr. Schneider and take his advice on waiting or if he
believes professional eye care is needed. If professional eye care is needed, I
would insist on exercises, patch method, etc. and not allow surgery of any kind
unless several different eye doctors said it had to be done. I would do this now,
work with a good chiropractor, use good herbs, start reading eye books, such as
the Dr. Bate eye book from a very long time ago that didn’t believe in the use of
eye glasses or surgeries. In every health situation, we must seek answers,
natural answers when at all possible; you would not believe all the problems that
can be avoided by a good chiropractor. I know a good one is hard to find, but find
we must; even if we have to travel.
Question: How to stop hair loss?!
Knowing your age, etc. would help with this question, otherwise a general
question receives a general answer. Commonly a bacterium in the scalp or fat in
the scalp or combination of both, otherwise it can be heavy metals being expelled
into the hair that clogs and kills the hair. If it happens around age 30, it can be
hormonal; if it happens while having children, it is a sign the mother was giving
her health to make the baby, because she was lacking enough essential plant
minerals. Every herb that helps with human health will help and the specific
product I make is Topknot Herbal Hair Spray, which is an adult scalp spray that
is very anti-bacteria and stimulates blood circulation as it supplies plant minerals.
Use it at least 2 years, often results in hair color similar to childhood and new
hair. The side effects are some people go through a side effect of reddish hair for
the first year and then gradually to their childhood hair color, but since everyone
is different stage of health, results will vary with each person. I personally have
better eye sight after using Topknot Herbal Hair Spray for 2 years, which also
would to be expected from any of the Herbal Sprays used daily for 2 years.
HEART / congestive heart failure
Question: Right now I am suffering from edema cause from my heart
condition (congestive heart) (all these problems stem from life long severe
low thyroid). My heart is terribly enlarged and I also have high blood
pressure. What is a natural cure for high blood pressure and extreme low
thyroid function? How can I treat these conditions? The edema makes me
very uncomfortable. How do you use the thyroid sprays? Also my carotid
arteries in my neck are partially plugged. I am 64-Female.
All the symptoms you have listed are diet created and by diet corrected. Enlarged
heart shows long term kidney failure in my opinion. Knowing you have long term
thyroid problems, heart problems, clogged, etc. all suggest you have probably
been taking medical drugs, etc. since I have no clues. There is not doubt you’re
in serious condition and late stage heart failure and if you don’t stop what you
have been doing, your diet and habits are going to end your life. Not knowing
your diet, habits, weight, how many children, drug use, vitamin use, etc., etc.
makes it hard to suggest what things you need to change fast. I can say see a
good chiropractor every week and do as he says. I assume you’re seeing
medical doctors that specialize in terminal diseases, but this newsletter only deal
with herbs, diets and habits. The question always remains, is the person “willing”
to STOP dying and start “Living”? It is sad that so many ends up this way and
have no real clinic to go to or place for education to avoid these self-created
problems. It is the goal of this newsletter that every reader understands what the
foundational causes of the ill health is and it is their choice to change or accept
their fate. If you have read these newsletters then you already have an idea that I
am going to suggest you need to stop and start over new from scratch. You have
extreme constipation and lack of circulation. You must seek to have perfect
weight, perfect diet, perfect drinks and best of herbs with a great chiropractor. In
my experience, very few past age 50 will change, they refuse to pull the dead
teeth, refuse to give up the coffee or clean up their water supply and never want
to stop the bad foods that cause extreme heart failure, such as all dairy and
meats. I have read from back in the 1940’s, a top M.D. from a top medical
college, wrote that an aspirin a day will destroy the heart, yet his colleagues were
starting the aspirin a day scam way back then; same as the dairy association
was formed to teach Americans to consume dairy, even though medical knew it
would cause heart failure, eye failure, organ failure and premature death, all of
which feeds the medical association. How many eggs does a person need to
consume in a lifetime to create heart failure? Worms eat at the valves of the
heart, otherwise the heart is the strongest organ we have, those with congestive
over sized heart, have complete body failure and to save their life, they must stop
and start from scratch and the ones I have seen, are too tired and feel it is too
much to do and perhaps that is the reason in the first place, because we must
seek answers when sick and never allow such destruction to happen and this is
why I try to teach the children to “learn” from their parents and grandparents. I
suggest everything or at the very least, a gallon of Herbal Spray III and spray,
spray, spray your body. I suggest 1 gallon of Longevity Spices Adult per month
with 8 Lower Bowel Capsules taken daily for life. That is 12 gallons of
Longevity Spices Adult per year, which is cheaper than 1 trip to your local
hospital for an hour of test. Kidney / Pancreas and Heart Drops even better
added to the above in large quantity daily. You must be more aggressive if your
treatment than your disease is or you will succumb to a lifetime of diet and habits
like we all will eventually. You need rest and live daily to save your life. Those
around you, must take care of your needs because your work is done, you now
need to take care of yourself. Your children now need to provide for you!
Question: Is there any harm in using peppermint essential oil by mouth, in
unlimited amounts every day? If so, what?
All essential oils are suggested to be too powerful to take undiluted and most
companies make the consumer agree that all essential oils never be consumed
internally as the agreement to their sales. A few authors over the years have
suggested internal use of essential oils that has enabled people to try them. Your
question ofU “unlimited”U amounts makes no sense, for the simple fact “real”
essential oils direct in the mouth will “burn” very badly. What happens is people
are sold herbal oils that are not pure essential oils; these diluted oils can be
taken more than 1 drop at a time. The side effects are what you will discover for
your particular product you’re self-experimenting with.
I make my own tea mixtures, which includes red raspberry, alfalfa,
chamomile, gingko, nettle, oatstraw, and peppermint. If I drink 4-6 cups of
these tea blends a day, will this supply me with enough of calcium for a
women of 40 years and up? Without taking an additional supplement?
Again, you’re asking an impossible question, only you will know as you do this. If
your method works for you, then you have taken enough. I personally believe as
Dr. John R. Christopher did, that comfrey is the king of the calcium herbs and no
calcium formula would be without it.
Question: We have lots of stinging nettle on our farm and a friend wanted
roots to grow her own. Such an obnoxious weed! What woods or shaded
area doesn’t have stinging nettles, it one of the most common of herbs available
almost everywhere.
Is it actually good for you?
Nettles are an herb that the entire plant can be used for not only health, but to
make paper and even clothes. Often used for hair formulas, prostrate formulas,
Is there a good way to find out if the thyroid is making problems, causing
tiredness, etc. without taking blood tests?
Since 1992 with the introduction of titanium dioxides in our air and foods as a
method to slow HIV, thyroid disease was expected to kill everyone born after
1992 by their 40PthP birthday; so hopefully as a result of this newsletter, every
human alive will start taking their thyroid health more serious. In my opinion,
every test is a test designed to support medical drug use and all medical is not a
subject for this newsletter, I suggest asking your chiropractor for advice to seek
the best alternative M.D. in your area for the best medical testing and advice. My
opinion is, just treat your body as a whole and it will take care of you. With the
thyroid, mercury, titanium dioxides / edta are 2 common enemies as is every
toxin in the blood stream. Radiation harms all cells as does all poisons, so it only
makes sense to take care of our thyroid.
Which herb could be used to strengthen the thyroid?
You’re always going to see iodine when it comes to thyroid health. I would say
that I am the only person on earth that makes a tree extracted natural iodine
mineral extract that the body thrives upon and I suggest all man made iodine’s
are toxic. Tree Iodine Tincture, Tree Iodine Minerals and Herbal Thyroid
Spray are the 3 specific formulas I make for thyroid health. The Herbal Thyroid
Spray also comes in Uadult strengthU, as does all Herbal Sprays can be made,
which means they have extra spices to stimulate more blood circulation. I also
suggest you massage the thyroid in an upward motion daily and see your
chiropractor and discuss your thyroid health.
Which herbs help to make more milk or better quality milk for baby?
I make Dr. Christopher’s old favorite formula using Blessed Thistle with Red
Raspberry Syrup in a rich tree and plant mineral formula with a little Oregano and
Olive Leaf for anti-parasite aid. It is simply called Milk Aid and mostly is used by
Amish, Mennonite and Plain (women) mothers, as modern day English mothers
rarely trust herbs for their pregnancies and babies health. Keep in mind, mother’s
milk is made from mother’s blood. While in the womb baby lives on direct red
blood cells from the mother, while outside the womb baby lives on mothers blood
minus the red blood cells, which means mother needs to be drinking plenty of
pure distilled water and or pure whole fruit juices and stay hydrated. The number
one mistake mothers can make while pregnant or nursing is to consume any
dairy product, including butter and any source of milk or fermented milk, because
this animal milk does great harm to the developing baby and nursing baby,
resulting in mucus, sickness and virtually any disease you can come up with by
age 2. Every mother that consumed a dairy product is asking to have a sickly
baby always hungry, even though mother feeds him so much milk he spits-up
and is till crying from hunger, because her milk is not nourishing enough, so she
also stays up ½ the night feeding baby or stuffing bad rice cereal down his belly
to shut him up. A mother with good health and good diet will have peaceful sleep
every night along with baby.
Is it true that nursing mother should stay away from parsley and
peppermint? To what extent?
Parsley is a diuretic that makes you pee, so that would not be wise for baby.
Peppermint is very stimulating and would cause sleep problems, so that would
not be good for baby.
In my opinion normal use of these 2 herbs would be no problem and any mother
seeing a problem of any kind with their baby, would always change her diet to
avoid foods that affect her milk and baby’s health.
Is there an herb that would be helpful in preventing or treating yeast
A yeast infection is a end result of wrong diet, that lead to an ill stomach, ill colon,
clogged liver, clogged kidneys, toxic blood, clogged lymph glands an final stage
would be symptoms called “yeast”. The first herbal formula would be the Lower
Bowel Balance capsules, which most women come to refer to as “better than
gold”; simply because it allows them to expel their last dinner before it ferments
in their colon and over feeds the yeast. The wise person will always change to an
alkaline diet and clean water supply along with restoration of their colon health.
HERNIA / haital (answered previously)
Question: I have digestion problems and also a haital hernia, I believe.
When I eat I feel so full so soon and the food seems to be stuck in the
esophagus giving me a choking feeling. I almost have to drink water to
wash it down. What could I do to fix this problem? Please help! I’ve had
this problem since I was a teenage.
See a great chiropractor immediately and explain this to him, often a muscle is
being pulled by an out of place rib or vertebra. Are you extremely thin in the
neck? Regardless, would see a good chiropractor and start today by chewing
your food very well before swallowing. I know people that have had operations on
their neck for this problem and after the surgery, they must chew their food
extremely well for the rest of their lives and I tell them, “IF” you had only done this
in the first place, you could have avoided the terrible surgery. Never swallow your
food until you have chewed it to a liquid, this naturally means no meat eating
Also what could I do for my 4 yr old girl to get her to stop bed wetting. She
wasn’t a bed wetter since she is out of diapers, till just this fall when it got
cooler she started doing it. Not quit every night. She drinks very little water
after supper. She also started wetting herself through the daytime. Could it
be a weak bladder?
At age 4 I would hate to think any child had a weak bladder, I know teenage girls
and their mothers learn to become “camels” and hold it, but at age 4, more likely
it is do to what she is drinking. Return her to Nature, which means she eats raw
or cooked fruits and fruit juices to drink and or pure distilled clean rock free water
and I bet your problems will be gone and your little girl be much happier and
grow up much happier. Otherwise as stated earlier, I am going to make the old
fashioned bed wetting formula and just call it Bedtime for those that want a little
herbal help for the kidneys and bladder.
INCONTINENCE / answered previously
Question: Is there not something out there for bed wetters. Teenagers that
wake up wet. Many people have tried many different things. Some help for
a few weeks then it comes right back worse than ever.
As explained previously, stop all drinks after 6 pm, stop acid forming diet and
remove the rock from the water and rock accumulated in the Kidneys. Once the
body is in an alkaline state the fluids will be less acidic, less irritating and if need
be, set an alarm so they get up at 3 am each morning and go to the bathroom. At
3 am we are at our most acidic condition and most likely to be sick, wake up or
wet the bed. Since there are so many questions about bed wetting, I will make
the old original bed wetting herbal formula and call it Bedtime. I will enclose
simple instructions along with the herbal aid for the kidneys, bladder, nerves, etc.
that should end this embarrassing problem for children and teens and will work
for adults as well. You can be the first to give it a try!
Question: I so badly need something for kidneys. I have swollen ankles and
have had it for 40 plus years. Please read about kidney in the newsletters and
questions answers and hopefully you can understand that it all started with the
water supply and every rock source in your diet and if you don’t correct the
circulation, your body can only tolerate so much. It is my opinion we all should
live well past 120 years old and we all only die because of the rock we drank and
ate during our lifetime. I suggest Kidney / Pancreas Tincture 1 teaspoon
morning and night for 1 bottle and then 1 teaspoon every day until your problem
is gone and by all means, seek to clean up the water and diet and see your
chiropractor monthly for this. I also strongly suggest Herbal Spray III on your
legs morning and night for the rest of your life. The ALL “N” One Kit done
properly even better, because your past age 40, take 2-4 of the Hormone
Balance capsules daily for life.
Question: I am 31 yrs old. Mother of 5 children and pregnant and expecting
in May. I am wondering what you recommend me to take for my general
health and the baby. I take a multi vitamin daily but according to your
writings they are of no value!
No, they are harmful, which is worse than of no value! In general they are waste
products, fillers and rock.
I have bother with varicose veins and usually after each baby I loose a lot
of hair.
The varicose veins means waste solids in your arteries could not pass through
your venous valves and clogged them, your veins then re-grow around the
clogged valves leaving a large repair that has no circulation in it and if you see
them externally, I have read they can also be internally as well. This is a true sign
of loss of circulation, loss of health. Loss of hair shows you are mineral deficient,
lacking proper plant minerals and you must give of your own health to save your
baby’s life. This also means your poor health makes for very poor milk, which
continues to drain your health away with each baby.
I have red raspberry.
Great, drink 1 quart of red raspberry tea daily through out the entire pregnancy
and while nursing.
Would you probably recommend: Women’s Wellness
Yes, 21 capsules daily or approx. 2 teaspoon morning, noon and night during the
entire pregnancy and while nursing.
Topknot would probably be ok, since the dose is small and on your scalp, but to
always be safe, I would wait till after the baby is born.
Baby Calm (for baby)
Yes and most likely at a very early age, if baby is not satisfied with your milk,
then a dropper of Baby Calm before every feeding would do wonders. Give the
dropper and then immediately breast feed, this also will make baby so use to
herbs that they will not refuse to take herbs through out their lifetime. We used it
by the 5 gallon bucket, while Jody that works for us; lead a more busy life and
between her and her husband, they fed their boy 10 gallons of Baby Calm and
he is one healthy boy!
Also is there a de-wormer I can take during pregnancy.
Normally no, but since some herbs that are known to be safe during pregnancy
are very good de-wormers, I can suggest Olive Leaf and Oregano Oil. The
Women’s Wellness has Olive Leaf and most of the herbs have anti-parasite
qualities. Taking the Women’s Wellness along with a few drops of Oregano Oil
daily would be more than enough de-wormer during pregnancy and should make
your pregnancy much easier, especially for those that do this starting day 1 of the
pregnancy or as a pre pregnancy treatment. Only after you’re done nursing,
would I suggest the stronger and more adult type powerful de-wormer herbs
known for treatment of Lymes, syphilis, worms, etc.
Now for our 7 yr old son, he’s had ear trouble off and on since age 3 we’ve
had tubes put in his ears twice and this winter he’s been having trouble
again with earaches and draining out of the ear. We don’t want to put tubes
in again and am wondering if your products would help?
Ear tubes always puts a hole in the ear drum and more often than not, falls inside
the ear, so you can imagine I am very anti –ear tubes and have seen Ear
Candles work perfect for everyone wanting to avoid that horrible surgery. Did
you watch this surgery? They basically clamp the head down and such an
unnecessary procedure in my opinion. At age 7, with that background, I would
suggest 2-3 Ear Candles per ear, done at the same setting. I strongly suggest
every mother use ½ ear candle on their 1 year old and 1 ear candle per ear on
their 2 year olds as a method of prevention of ear problems and ALWAYS take
your baby to the chiropractor at the first sign of ear troubles and after birth for
prevention. All chiropractors should be very anti-ear tubes. I would also use
Herbal Ear Ache Spray and Garlic oil in both ears directly after the Ear
Candles and nightly at bedtime as prevention by spraying direct on the ear and a
little in the ears.
Also you probably recommend getting off of dairy products?
No human can digest dairy properly and medical suggest only the oldest
European white races that have done it for hundreds of years, have adapted to
dairy, but still create mucus from its consumption and every child will suffer from
it in my opinion, even though they will become very addicted to the sweet rich
flavor and grow up too fast and eventually grow fat on it. A child with no dairy will
be normal height, a child raised on dairy will be 4 inches taller and adult looking
much more prematurely and stronger! This may sound great, because my dad
started milking when I was in 3PrdP grade and I grew taller than my older
brothers, but medically, the children that grow up too quickly and too big and tall,
also have over worked their body and it will wear out prematurely compared to a
child that grows up normal and adult by age 22. If you’re looking for strength and
no brains, a diet high in dairy will make the “mule” type child, while the proper
diet and proper growth period will produce a lean, strong, healthy and long living
life. We have a boy down the road 10 miles from us that drink 2 gallons of milk
every day at age 19. He was the strongest kid in school and he can about break
your hand with a hand shake, yet he is already experiencing terrible kidney and
bone health. Regardless what the goals, any child that has mucus will have
better health when dairy is removed, or at least milk. As bad as it sounds and as
much as the dairy farmers will hate it, it is a fact, the dairy cow is having a daily
“period”, by period; I mean she is expelling her waste out of her blood stream into
her milk. Only by man’s manipulation, do these cows have large utters that
produce way too much milk for way too long. In fact, every dairy cow is a sick
cow and if allowed to return to Nature, her utter restore to normal size, her body
would would slender down and she would live well for 15 years having a calf for
every year.
I wonder what you call constipated, like 2 BM a day, or having to sit on the
toilet to long?
Constipation is all cells of the human body that do not have proper circulation.
Colon constipation is a too solid bowel movement, a too narrow bowel movement
and in general we should clean out 100% upon awakening each morning, having
1-2 total bowel movements. Often having one and then a few minutes later
expelling the rest so the colon is 100% emptied. Or, while eating, the urge to
have a bowel movement before the meal is finished, this is what many children
do, until they are scolded and learn to hold it. The bowel movement should be
soft, never narrow and very easy. If you have to set and wait, then yep, ya got a
problem! The great medical doctors of years ago condemned the invention of
toilet paper, claiming it allowed the sick people to not correct their bad eating
habits and just wipe their mess up. The correct diet provides a bowel movement
encased in a light mucus tube that comes out with no mess, nothing to clean off;
while all sickly people or constipated people, need their toilet paper. So yes, most
humans today, have colon problems and I have heard way too many stories in
the Amish, Mennonite and Plain communities over the years of colon operations
to remove sections that have rotted. The Lower Bowel Balance capsules
eliminates these colon issues and has been the number one produced herbal
capsule formula on earth for better than 100 years and was invented by a well
known German “fasting” expert. All sickness starts with a troubled colon that is
struggling with the wrong food eaten.
PREGANCY / nursing
Question: Is your Longevity Spices safe to take when pregnant or nursing?
The problem with pregnancy and nursing and the consumption of herbs is
simple, the mother that kills her worms, bacteria and viruses as well as cleanse
her kidneys and body of acidic crystals add waste, will be doing the same for her
unborn baby and her nursing baby. A developing baby with worms could possible
be harmed by the killing of such worms while in the developing stages and while
nursing, the mother’s blood will expel her waste into her blood, making her milk
her dumping grounds and because of these reasons, pregnancy and nursing
should avoid the powerful de-wormers and cleansers, because no real
information exist on this subject. “Yet” we all know, so many “modern” pregnancy
mothers abuse their body by consuming drugs, alcohol and every conceivable
toxin in commercial foods and again, no real information exist on the damages
done to the child. It is wiser to just take the “normal” accepted herbs and
methods during pregnancy and nursing and play it safe. There should be plenty
of time between each pregnancy to cleanse and restore the womb properly. No
mid wife should ever attempt to deliver a baby for a mother that has ignored her
health and her baby’s health and make sure the mother has taken the proper
customary herbs through out the entire pregnancy. Parents that have taken
herbs for years and understands what they are taking, have no problems or
fears, because they know the herbs are just foods. It is experience that can only
answer this question for each parent.
Would your Kids-B-Well Kit take care of parasites so that they won’t need
to take De-wormer?
If the herbs have been taken properly from baby up, then I would say yes, every
liquid formula I make is anti-parasite. Only those that ignore the children’s health
until the body is overwhelmed with worms would need to take the stronger dewormer formulas.
Also, do you have the Women’s Wellness in a powder form so we wouldn’t
have to swallow so many capsules? Or does it have such an awful taste
that it would be hard to take in powder form?
Yes, it is very popular in powder form and easier to take a teaspoon at a time by
mixing in applesauce or preferred method, such as a fruit smoothie. Other stores
might not carry powders in bulk, while we try to make what we need in life and
then make those products available to others.
Question: What is the cause of dry, wrinkled skin on face and hands,
sagging skin? And what can be done for it.
Hopefully this is not a young person, but since I don’t know, I am going to
presume an elderly person is asking this. The answer is simple, waste has
accumulated in the blood, that could not get out the clogged kidneys, so it exited
into the lymph glands, that are constipated, can’t expel into the colon, so
eventually this waste expels upward and out the skin, making the skin
constipated and when the skin can no longer take over the load of the clogged
internal organs, the largest organ, our skin dies and we suffocate to death.
Correct “fasting” will restore this problem faster than anything I know and will be
properly explained in detail at the end of these newsletters. It can not be cured
externally, but can be treated by using Herbal Spray I over all your skin daily and
Herbal Spray III on your joints, legs, back and eventually all over your body as
you get use to the herbs and spices. Using the sprays alone will do wonders over
a year and 2 years you will be amazed! Obtaining raw coconut oil and rubbing
into your skin will feed it, so will first cold pressed olive oil. Keeping skin clean is
essential and wearing as few cloths as possible and exposing your skin to the
sun and air is a must. For most people, they smother their skin, deprive it from
sunshine. I have always agreed with the late Dr. John R. Christopher, every
white person needs enough sun to make their skin look as dark as a Mexican
and he highly suggested taking your cloths off and bending over periodically and
allowing the sun to shine down under. Sunshine is essential for human health
and the most potent method know to restore health is proper sun exposure.
Naturally I am going to say WEED & FEED. Remove all the constipation and
your skin will look new.
Question: For as long as I can remember I had problems with strep throat. It
was nothing unusual to have a dose 2-4 times a year. I do not have a strong
immune system.
Quite the contrary you have a great first defense immune system in your throat
that is working!
But the older I for the more herbs I started taking. Which seems has helped
a lot already. As I grew older I had more and more compassion for herbs.
Herbs can be confusing. 2yrs now since I started looking through herb
literature. Sometimes I used drugs to cure it, but in reality I feel it has
caused other problems like liver, pancreas, etc. my worst case of strep was
when I could barely swallow because of swollen tonsils. So I always
thought why wouldn’t herbs be the answer for health. I’ve read enough
about herbs that I know herbs alone won’t cure you. Peace with the Lord
must be included. I just started buying herbs together to start making my
own formulas. It seems everyone is tight with money so I want it as cheap
as I can and still quality.
This newsletter is telling that it is your diet and parasites, the cheapest strep
throat herbs are horseradish and garlic, so you should grow both for very little
money. Those that can afford the short cut and easy availability what I call
Maximum Restore “adult” strength should work well at 1 tablespoon per hour
as treatment and 1 tablespoon daily as preventive.
Question: Is there anything to take for varicose veins so they’ll completely
Only proper circulation can correct this problem. Herbal Spray III will do a lot and
I make a more specific Herbal Varicose Spray that has added herbs to help
“shrink” tissues as it aids in the removal of waste. All the herbal Sprays aid in
removal of swelling and waste when used over a period of time. Large varicose
veins can be sprayed several times daily and or stronger salve applied. I make 3
BF&C based ointment / salves, Ointment I for burns and all tender skin,
Ointment II for once the burn is not tender and Ointment III for anything that
hurts and needs “deep” healing. I should make Ointment IV designed to shrink
Varicose veins, but have not gotten the time as of yet. For now, the spray and
anyone of the ointments or the B&W type ointments will help. Hard water,
clogged kidneys, dirty blood are the foundational problems and all varicose veins
are a sign of long term damage and it will take correction and time to repair such
wide spread damage to the entire body.
Also what is the reason if you see black dots in front of your eyes?
I would ask your chiropractor and your personal eye doctor, otherwise I am going
to say it can be worms and certainly some form of constipation within the eye. I
would use Herbal Eye Spray several times daily as a starting point, by spraying
the eyes while closed and then after a few days, spraying the eyes while open
from a little distance and then closer as you’re use to it and then if need be, move
up to the adult Herbal Eye Spray. Never ignore your eye health, when in fear,
get the opinion of a good eye examination doctor, probably cost you about $35
for a normal eye examine to see if you need glasses and they will explain to you
what these spots are.
Question: Angston size rock minerals (water for life), No, in my opinion, this
water is water for death, because “rock” clogs your kidneys and shortens your
life. does it also accumulate in the body? All rock consumed accumulates in
the body, and in my opinion, we die based on how much rock we have consumed
and could not expel before it turned us hard.
Are your herbs raised on mineral rich soil? Can you “measure” the mineral
content in your herbs? I prefer wild crafted herbs, which simply means God
planted them where the soil best suited their growth. I never seek “organic”
raised herbs, because that simply means some farmer raised his crop following
“organic” accepted methods which means he decided where to plant what and
what chemicals that are allowed by his so called organic practices permits. Wild
crafted plants are the only ones that through out the centuries will be what history
says about them. Minerals are what plant matter is; so the more you consume,
the more minerals you’re going to have. This is why Dr. John R. Christopher was
the most successful herbalist in American history, he believed in large doses of
herbs or large mineral intake, believing the herbs are just foods that the liver
takes and makes the building blocks of the human body with.
The questions are a great education, in that they allow us all to see the
“common” problems with general health. It is my opinion that all non common
health issues are a result of generations of wrong diet and habits or a result of
medical drug / operations. The common issues are easy to understand and
realize that they can be reversed if the person still has enough “life” in their
organs to rebuild new tissues. Removing the parasites is essential, because
once they are living in the human body, they desire to survive and they have
adapted well in their ability to live in the human body the entire lifespan. The next
newsletter will cover parasites and how they affect us all in every day life.
Hopefully by the end of this year, anyone reading these newsletters will be able
to explain all of the common health problems and suggest methods to recovery.
The old saying that you can lead a horse to water, but you can not make him
drink, is very true! Every human has the freedom to live, drink, eat, play as they
choose, we can not make others “change”; we are all slow to change. The goal of
this newsletter is to provide some answers for those that are left wondering why
they got sick and want a natural approach to restoring health. Everyone’s choices
are their own to make.
April / May / Questions
May / June Newsletter
Due to this first example listed here, we are asking everyone that still
wants this newsletter to send in another letter to Old Fashioned Spices,
P.O. Box 263, Middleburg, Ohio 43336, (those that also write a few good
sentences appreciating the free information may find its way into the next
newsletter as a testimony.) This way those that do not, will not have to
waste a stamp or their time. We are sorry to have to do this, but there
are always a few rotten apples in a basket and we can not afford to keep
sending this free newsletter out to those that will throw it away or start
their fire with it. I know there are plenty that don’t read it as well and when
they don’t get future newsletters they will wonder why.
We no longer want to receive your newsletter. Please take our name off
your mailing list.
OK, thank you! Most just write that and no need to ever respond back to them,
but when they put comments like below, their letter becomes an example for the
questions and answers, because more often than not, the people that get mad,
are the ones that need the most help. Their letter continues:
You say you want to educate people about health and herbs, why, only for
a year?
In 12 newsletters everything can be explained why people get sick and give
many examples of restoring their health and since I am paying the bill 100%, that
makes 1 year plenty long for me.
You are just trying to scare people so they buy your products,
Such letters always make no sense, I have only shown what herbal formulas I
have made for my own family and am attempting to explain why people get sick
and hopefully explain many paths back to health in the newsletters. If that little bit
of information made you scared, then I suggest you don’t know 5% of what
causes premature deaths in the human population. I, on the other hand am
scared to enter a hospital and turn my life over to strangers, I have seen too
many die when they did that.
well, it has done just the opposite for us, in the past we have tried a few of
your products but in the future I will no longer use them.
I have seen people like you from day one, they are always the sickest and most
fearful and the ones we tried to avoid by saying people had to write in and “ask”
for this free newsletter. We do not want to waste our time and money on people
who have no interest in reading. Those that read, learn to ignore what they do
not understand or like and learn from what they accept as good for their family. I
have seen many get so mad, when they believe the finger is pointing directly at
the things they like to do and years later, often those that say the nastiest of
things, end up coming back and being one of our best customers, because when
nothing is working for them, they remember what they read that I wrote and it
starts making sense to them then, if it is not too late.
I didn’t get that great result from them anyhow.
Which proves you had no clue what you were buying; no clue how to use the
products and the reason for this newsletter to help people. Many just like you,
buy things based on what a marketer puts in a paper that ends up on your table
and you impulsively buy and never use correctly, such people like you, often
spend over $1,000 yearly on such products and complains they never work; you
in fact are the reason for this newsletter, but we never want to waste our money
on those that refuse to understand.
We know we don’t eat as healthy as we should but we have never heard of
most of what you write about, it’s ridiculous!!
I believe that is why people read, it is so they read about things others have done
or read of and are passing on for others to read. I have made it very clear,
everything good about human health has been written prior to 1900, so to answer
your statement, I would have to suggest you start collecting old medical and
herbal books and actually start reading so you have some comparison education
so you can judge what I wrote.
Also your print is so fine my eyes feel terrible every time I read it and
there’s nothing wrong with my eye sight either.
Books written prior to 1900 have extremely small print, books written 200 years
ago and newspapers written long ago, all have such fine print, I can’t read them,
why? Because our eye sight has worsened that badly. While I keep the
newsletter as large a print as I can afford and the questions / answers large
enough for anyone to read if they want to read it. Your free newsletter cost me
over $3 to get to you, multiply that times 1,200. If I made the print LARGE, then
that cost would be double, if I used color pictures, it would double again. The
information would remain the same, so those with your opinions are using it to
start their morning fire, which will stop with this newsletter thanks to your efforts
and 10 others of the same attitude.
What do YOU eat?
Now we know what your real problem is, you’re mad about the diet information
that I will get to in the actual newsletter this fall. What I eat or you eat is
meaningless to nature. As far as Nature is concerned, every creation God made
that does not live accordingly, will suffer health issues from eating and drinking
wrong foods.
How old are you anyhow? Maybe 100 yrs old??
My age and your age is meaningless, while actually a child can understand
proper diet and habits better than an adult wants to.
The way you write you should live to be a lot older then most people, but
that is all in God’s hands. There is a happy medium and we will strive to do
our best to stay there.
Thank you, but God does have all in control; as far as health goes, all creation
that obeys God’s laws for living will live better than those that go against God’s
laws and attempt to live their way. Being happy with what you do leads to the
longest life. Our newsletter was designed only for those that had interest in
herbal and self-applied health information and why it is called; The School of
“Self-Applied” Prevention.
Another confused reader:
Question: Why don’t you sell your products wholesale or direct and give me
free shipping even when I buy one bottle? We can hardly afford it. I think
you are making money like those other gimmick companies you write
about. We lowered our prices to the Amish just for this newsletter as a method to
undo the damage done by Fountain of Life when they chose to quit selling our
products, except for our Sprays and now they have also sold their property and
moved away. The newsletter is a way for people to “understand” health, so they
can make wiser decisions on diet & habits and show what I did as a father for my
family by learning to make my own herbal supplements. I was a very poor factory
worker and could not afford to buy herbal supplements as well. So this newsletter
is an example of what I did what I learned so I could cure my own sickness and
make my family healthier. We have always sold wholesale to all. We have always
used the largest family size bottles and we have always made the best herbal
products for fewer prices than anyone else I have ever heard of. My desire was
to always sell wholesale, it was “I”” that got fountain of life to sell wholesale, “I”
offered fountain of life free buckets of product if they would offer wholesale prices
to Amish stores! I took it a step further and offer the same prices to every Amish
family / settlement. Just because of this newsletter, “I am spending $30,000.00
to educate” the ones that asked and lowered all my prices and every raw
product I use, all goes up in price each year as do all my utility bills, such as my
thousand dollar a month electric bill. There is no such thing as a free lunch or
free shipping; “I loose shipping cost on every box” I send out, which has to be
absorbed from the price charged for the product. The wholesale price available to
all Amish is basically the once a year sale price fountain of life ran and I give free
shipping on each case. Why should each person in a given community pay $10
shipping per box, when 2-3 families could go together and buy wholesale and
pay no shipping! I have done everything possible to make it cheaper than these
products have ever been sold before! An Amish store owner can be anyone that
buys by the case and if they choose to make a living reselling products like any
other store owner does, then good for them, because they seek to do a service to
their community.
I personally have always believed this: buy by the case, resell
enough to make what you use; free! I have some Amish that buy
volume and resell at cost and they will be blessed for such kindness.
Many like me can’t afford to play give away all the time or soon enough, I
would be back in a factory. If anything, you should want us to do well, so we
can continue to provide a service, to wish us broke, is to wish us gone.
“Because too many complain”; even though we charge nothing, we must ask
those with no interest to do nothing, so they do not receive this newsletter
The OPPOSITE letter of the above request for removal
First I want to thank you for all the effort you’ve put into these newsletters
and then mailing them out to interested folks free of charge! I greatly enjoy
the reading and the education that’s in it all! My husband and I are the
parents of 5 wonderful children and I have been studying health for the last
10 years, although I haven’t been able to experiment much being busy with
the family and also not home schooling. But I have made quite a few
extracts and gathered herbs in the wild and grew my own. We have had the
blessing of good health with the exception of our oldest son when he
developed allergies because of black mold in our shed/house. Once we
were aware of it we moved out and he recovered from his allergies. Thru
that I got a clearer understanding of what our Lord designed as out food
and how his creation is wonderfully and fearfully made! But I’m always
eager to learn more! I started heirloom gardening about 7 years ago and
raise my own seed. I’ve saved seed of all the vegetables we raise and that,
it is an interesting and exciting experience. Thank you again for sharing
what you’ve learned.
Thank you for the kind words and you are the perfect person for these
newsletters as a part of your total self-learned education that leads you to having
a better life.
Comment: Thanks so much for your products, service and willing to work
with us. We appreciate it! I want you to know that I GREATLY appreciate
your newsletter, and am trying to make use of the info. I have been health
minded since a teenage (am 50 now), but some of what you say I never
knew. It makes sense, though some I am still dealing with, like eggs and
goat milk. Thank you, keep in mind, “this newsletter does not intend to tell
anyone what to eat, “it only seeks to provide explanations about disease and
premature death. It seeks to explain “how” we develop sickness and that we
create our own problems and we can’t blame others for what ails us. So many
people do not know why they and others get sick; this newsletter is just trying to
shed a little light on the subject. Those that understand this newsletter obviously
seeks the cheapest and healthiest way to live by allowing their foods and drinks
to be their medicines and avoidance of all operation, drugs and most
supplements. Ideally this newsletter by its end will enable every human with the
desire; to be their own physician and live in peace, knowing they will never need
an operation or a drug their entire life. At the end, I will make available medical
written information explaining each human can become their own physician via
proper diet and habits and proven by medical to be the cure for every known
disease. It is the cheapest way to live, the path to longest life and most of all, end
childhood sickness. If these newsletters make one child’s life easier, then its goal
will have been reached.
1. Questionnaire Form: Age 24 – Female – 2 children ages 14 months, 29
months – Dental: 2 white fillings and had my wisdom teeth cut out –
Vaccinations: Yes – Childhood Health: lots of earaches – Taking: “Lyme a Day”
by Vonner, (ingredients: distilled water, glycerin, timbo, yarrow root, yellow
gentian flowers, juniper flowers, garden nasturtium flowers, hyssop
flowers, alcohol) – Operations- C-Section for first baby.
Your homeopathic solution is “water” and nothing but a marketing sales gimmick.
It is almost criminal to consider how many c-sections are performed in America.
Symptoms: backaches, low sun tolerance, mild arthritis, extreme fatigue,
insomnia, headaches, depression. Have tried many things! Medical Dr.
gave steroids,
Steroids are never to be used in my opinion.
Lyme Dr, antibiotics and depression medicine, (did that for one year).
That is plain scary to think antibiotics are going to kill the worms and a person
would need depression drugs for a worm infection.
Natural Dr changed my diet and put me on lots of supplements and
vitamins, this really helped but best results have been from Vonner
Many of the so called “natural” doctors are nothing but vitamin pushers and
homeopathic (water) salesmen. The results you get from homeopathic are
“mental”, in that you will feel good based on how much you want to believe the
salesperson. To date, I have never met or heard of one naturopathic doctor that
was anything other than a vitamin salesperson that talks their customers into
buying loads of bottles and within 1-2 years the customers discover they are no
better off and had been throwing their money away on false promises. Hopefully
there is a naturopathic doctor that does not sell water (homeopathic) and
vitamins and actually does understand human health, but I have yet to hear of
Which are mostly herbs, although these products did not change my body
enough tot have healthy babies. I still struggle with low energy! What are
the best steps I can take to build up my body before another pregnancy?
Number one, in order to have healthy babies, you need a healthy body and good
herbs are at best, 1/6PthP the solution. Your dental health, water, diet, sunshine,
air quality, parasites, plant minerals and your mental health and trust in God all
play a major part in your total make up and abilities to cope in life. Low energy is
low oxygen, often associated with imbalance of natural iron, all of which can lead
to more infection and loss of total health / energy. Steps for baby 3? The lymes
needs removed, head aches corrected, and depression addressed. For the
lymes, since your young and planning more children, I suggest 1 drop Pure
Oregano Oil in a Lower Bowel Capsule by pulling the capsule apart carefully
and using the dropper, drop in 1 drop and put the capsule back together and
swallow with a glass of water or juice. Then keep adding to this dose until you
are taking 1 capsule with a drop added every hour up to 8 per day, every day.
The Pure Oregano Oil has corrected this problem of lymes for many people at
this dose, so much that they come back and buy a kilo of the Pure Oregano Oil
so they have it for the rest of their lives. Once under control, reduce back to 1
drop of Oregano daily for life. This also goes for all diseases of all kinds where
the person wants to use the safest herbs possible. Pure Oregano Oil is nothing
but highly concentrated wild oregano plants. An herbal product we used with
each pregnancy and each baby through adulthood for life is my theory. I suggest
you take 2-8 Lower Bowel Capsules daily as needed for life; they are the
greatest herbal formula to avoid constipation while pregnant. To avoid plant
mineral deficiency in your diet, I suggest 12 Women’s Wellness capsules or
equivalent of powder daily for prevention and 21 when pregnant or nursing.
Because of the depression at this early age, I suggest 2 Hormone Balance
capsules daily, 6 days per week, every week, for the rest of your life, including
while pregnant. I suggest throwing away every vitamin and homeopathic product
in the home for the better health of the entire family. I suggest you stay away
from those that suggest vitamins, drugs and homeopathic are a path back to
better health, because those 3 things are not natural or part of a healthy life. The
hormones need plant fats, not animal fats, consume 1 ounce of plant fats daily,
for the rest of your life, this can be wheat germ oil, flax seed oil, first press olive
oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil, grape seed oil, etc. Avoid constipating and acidic
forming foods, enjoy much free flowing air and expose your skin to the sun daily,
avoiding the hours of 11 am through 3 pm and never allow yourself to sunburn.
Seek to have a tan body; this tan is your body responding to the sun, making the
true vitamins that we live healthy by. The skin that never sees the sun lacks
vitamins and no true vitamin can be put into a bottle and sold. I strongly suggest
seeing a good chiropractor monthly that treats both your children for free with
your visit and all three of you stay with this chiropractor until all your issues are
resolved and life enjoyable with no fears. It is fears that harm us most. Do not
over work your body, having 2 small children is a lot of work.
Thank you for much for your help!!! We are having wonderful results on the
boys with Happy Baby, and Herbal Baby Calm. Are looking forward to more
Thank you!
More questions if you have room in the newsletter: Are blueberries,
strawberries, and raspberries not a good choice for children under four?
After age 18 months, raw fresh ripe fruits are natural foods, also very cleansing
foods. “IF” these are hand picked and ripe, I don’t see a problem; if they are
purchased from a store, then all three are bad choices because of the added
chemicals. Years ago when children lived or died based on their mother’s ability
to have milk, there were cases that very young babies were raised on smashed
up fruits. In all cases, use 1 fruit at a time in small amounts and see how baby
gets along and don’t be surprised if the fruits try to cleanse out the wrong foods
that were fed and say the fruit was bad because of that. I personally believe a
child should never taste anything but mothers milk till age 18 months and nothing
other than fruits prepared as baby foods until age 5 for the very best results.
Babies that eat grains and meats before age 5 will want such foods for the rest of
their lives and dislike the natural foods. It is like a horse that lives 50 years old in
the wilds on fresh green grass verses a penned up horse that eats dead
grass/weeds and grains that barely lives to be 25 years old. Once on the grains,
the horse will literally eat itself to death, while in nature; they avoid seeds and
search out the freshest grasses.
Do the bananas, oranges, grapes, etc. shipped from California, Florida and
such places have enough of food value to be used in an all fruit diet?
Yes, but the greater problem is the chemicals used on such foods and many
times, these foods originate in China. Most restaurant foods originate out of
China. Enter the restaurant depot type stores that cater to the restaurants and
the cases these foods are shipped in, often have Chinese addresses and are
loaded with chemicals. No strawberry can survive from Florida without a toxic
dose of chemicals, same thing goes for salads. The berries all rot rapidly once
picked from the bush or plant. The berries are the best of the fruits, but also the
ones we need to buy fresh frozen or pick fresh ourselves. The non berries need
fewer preservatives for shipping. Nothing is better than hand picked raspberries /
blackberries and eaten direct from the plant, but if you put that berry in a bowl or
container, fungus from your fingers will immediately start to grow and rot that
berry. NEVER buy picked berries, unless the person was wearing rubber gloves,
otherwise you are eating their fungus, this I guarantee and whatever disease that
picker had, you now are subjected to. If a family member picks your food, it is not
a problem because everyone in the same house shares the same parasites /
diseases. The Immune System determines how much a parasite bothers our
daily lives; so what makes one sick will not bother the other, but both are
consuming the same parasites. We all take our chances with commercially
prepared foods and a good clean body can process and expel much of the
chemicals. Ideally live in an area that you can raise or find plentiful wild fruits. In
Ohio, the raspberries, black berries, mulberries, wild apples, wild grapes, etc, are
plentiful, otherwise most tree fruits need to be farmed.
What are the best food choices for children under four during the
Pennsylvania winter months? All baby foods that have been prepared by
grinding and making them very easy to consume. All fruits and cooked
vegetables such as peas, squash, and sweet potato. Ideally you prepare these
fresh in your home or buy the best baby jars available, such as the more organic
prepared ones. Never use rice, cereals, meats or dairy; such foods add weight
only because they are hard to digest and expel. Once a child is school ready,
then the cooked oatmeal type breakfast can be prepared for the long day away
from the home and a child raised on fruits and cooked vegetables will always
love these throughout the lifetime and want them in their lunch.
What is second best food or formula choice for a 14 month old who is not
getting mothers milk? Find the best raised milk goats in your area that are
raised drug free. Obtain enough milk to last through the period needed and
freeze this milk is quart glass jars, leaving room for expansion. We always put 1
drop of pure Oregano Oil to each jar and 1 dropper of Olive Leaf Tincture. The
milk often needs to be frozen when the goats are in their prime season, because
nothing is worse that to try to find goats milk out of season. Fresh or frozen,
dilute this milk with 50% distilled water and feed baby as normal. Keep in mind,
mal nourished babies want to drink / eat way too much food until they vomit or
the food ferments in the stomach and comes up later with great discomfort. The
hungry baby is not getting the needed plant based minerals for bodily functions.
This is why we made the Baby Calm herbal formula a rich mineral formula that
has been used up to 5-10 gallons per child by age 2.
2. Questionnaire Form: Age 55 – Female – 6 children – Dental: had a mouthful
of metal from child up, full set of dentures 8 yr. – Vaccinations: Yes – Take
protein based whole food supplement and veg. iodine because of low thyroid. –
weight: 150lb – No operations – No meat eater. Diabetes is in my family so I
bought a blood sugar meter and it shows 80-84 before meals and 83-100 after
meals. Is this bordering on hypoglycemia?
Diabetes and Normal Blood Sugar Levels - At present, the diagnosis of diabetes
or TprediabetesT is based in an arbitrary cut-off point for a normal blood sugar
level. A normal sugar level is currently considered to be less than 100 mg/dL
when TfastingT and less than 140 mg/dL two hours after eating. But in most
healthy people, sugar levels are even lower. During the day, blood glucose levels
tend to be at their lowest just before meals. For most people without diabetes,
blood sugar levels before meals hover around 70 to 80 mg/dL. In some, 60 is
normal; in others, 90. Again, anything less than 100 mg/dL while fasting is
considered normal by today's standards. What's a low sugar level? It varies
widely, too. Many people's sugar levels won't ever fall below 60 mg/dL, even with
prolonged fasting. When you TdietT or fast, the liver keeps sugar levels normal
by turning fat and muscle into sugar. A few people's sugar levels may fall
somewhat lower. Without taking diabetes medicine, though, or having uncommon
medical problems, it's difficult to drop sugar levels to an unsafe point.
In reading up on it in alternative books they say you must eat protein for
breakfast, hence the shake above. In your March newsletter you wrote
breakfast is not necessary and that was the first ever I heard of this, but I’m
relieved, as I’m not hungry at breakfast time. What’s the scoop on this
protein deal in hypoglycemia? Won’t the sugar in a fruit heavy diet cause a
The high protein diet is the cancer diet; many authors / medical etc. promote
methods that support the need for more medical colleges and hospitals for the
graduates to work in. At the end of these newsletters I will make available the
best medical written book in North American history that no M.D. or hospital can
argue against and in this book. It explains why we should never eat breakfast
and seek to avoid lunch and how to use simple foods to cure every known
disease that was all proven by medical experts before 1950. This book also will
prove that humans thrive on all fruit sugars and loose health when we lack the
220+ known fruit sugars. Otherwise, virtually all the great cancer doctors of the
past used a protein free diet when treating cancers. Most protein diets support
the dairy association. I will explain diet in the upcoming issues and then seek to
make available one of the rarest medical books in North American History that
explains human health, the cure and the prevention using no herbs, no drugs, no
operations; just human foods. I suggest herbs for dissolving rock out of the body
and de-worming, otherwise a wise diet supports all human health. This M.D. was
known as the best and he learned to cure over 63,000 patients of every known
disease, using proper food. Food being the cheapest prevention and cure for all
diseases and the reason why medical in 1950 chose to ignore all food cures in
fear it would end medical practice.
For years I’ve wondered about our acidic well water. It’s PH 5. It wouldn’t
have much minerals would it, but isn’t it like drinking pop and wouldn’t it
leech minerals out of the body? We have a very shallow well in sandy
Shallow wells have more current water in them, which means more of the current
toxins from pollution. They also are usually full of bacteria and once exposed to
air, the water turns red. This water is very heavy in rock minerals and all the
common poisons found in North American well water. If your well casing is metal,
I would never drink from it or water the animals with it, but can be used for the
soil. It will kill plants if you spray it directly on the leaves too often. The only true
pH reading is a liquid reading, otherwise the pH strips will always read low for
water. Once you remove these poisonous minerals, they will read pH 14 and the
pure distilled water will always read a pH of 7, because it has no minerals,
making it neutral water or the same as rain water. If your pH testing method does
not read 7, then the test is not an accurate test for water. Another method is
using electricity, they sell a device that you plug into electric and then set in a
glass of water, if the light glows brightly your water has a lot of metal in it, if the
light will not glow at all, your water is clean of metals or pH 7.
Sorry to say, but American well water is the leading cause of death of
all Americans. When people that were raised on well water die, their
arteries can be snapped like pretzels from all the accumulated rock in their
organs. Anyone that has ever boiled a pot of their well water down to dry
and saw the lime, rust and rock residue can understand that this stuff
enters their blood stream and clogs their kidneys and this reduced kidney
function then leads to premature death that we accept as “old age”; while
really that oldness is a result of accumulated rock. There are 2 obstacles
that end up putting most people in the premature box, 1 is hard water and
2 are their dental metals. That is my opinion!
3. Questionnaire Form: Age: 41 – Male – 9 children, age 6-18 – No fillings, No
dentals, No vaccinations – Generally fine health as child – Takes B complex and
colon Rebuild #1 – Age 15, had appendix removed.
I was said to have hypoglycemia by a chiropractor. Symptoms are weak,
sad over myself, low mood, foggy mind, lately experienced belly pain
(mild), weak knee joint and cold feet. I ordered a few remedies (LBB,
Kidney/Pancreas Cleanse, Adult Longevity Spices), what I thought may be
a start to treat my problem, according to your writings. If you have a
different opinion on the thing, don’t be afraid to say so. Keep your
newsletters coming!
By age 40 things “change”, similar as they do by age 30 for most people. These
changes usually have to do with hormones in that the hormone producing organs
deteriorate and our hormones must be perfect for us to have perfect health. Dr.
Christopher believed that by age 40 all should start “prevention” for the problems
that hit most people in their 50’s such as prostrate problems, menopause,
arthritis and loss of hair and skin health. He made the formula we call Hormone
Balance as an herbal solution. I would suggest 2 capsules daily for life starting
now. Or for mood, what I call MIND over MATTER is the strongest I know of
herbal wise. I have no experience with this formula, but it is the best of the best
herbs known to help with all mood / depression / bi-polar problems so many
experience today. After you have emptied the bottles you presently have, I
suggest the cheapest route to go is the P / W Elimination powder made into
capsules by the customer. This formula has the prostrate herbs, de-wormer,
calcium, minerals, kidney, heart, pancreas, etc. herbal formulas all in one and if
taken daily for life, should supply the best prevention; but I would add the extra
Hormone Balance and Mood / depression herbal formulas if you still need a little
help. Your key is “prevention” and do not allow a real problem to develop that
then wrecks your life. Those with real depression or real bi-polar issues often
can’t cope well in life. Your “B” complex is most likely a bottle of chemicals, no
one can bottle “vitamins”, and things sold as vitamins are normally chemicals.
4. Questionnaire Form: Age: 50 – Male – 9 children, age 1-23 – Dental: I have
one tooth with cavity. I have only 8 of my teeth left. Did have a few of my teeth
pulled, at the time was in my 20’s but don’t have any left. – Childhood health: No
vaccinations. I always got the flu easily – I have used vit. C Ester C for quite a
few years also used other herbs but couldn’t stay on them long at a time also
used drugs in my earlier years but don’t know for sure what they all where. – No
operations. I have had an under-active thyroid in the past and used herbs
and supplements for it and I am feeling better in that area at the moment. I
got kicked by a horse at age 6 in the liver area so that my liver bled. A few
years ago I did a liver and gallbladder flush the apple juice and olive oil
one, and had lots of gall stones. I also had a hair test done by Circle of Life
and they found that I had an elevated level of cadmium which I used their
products for, this was in 2001.
Cadmium and many metals are in daily life and show up in a hair test. “IF” a
person does a “fast”, all of these metals will show up higher in the hair as the
body expels the waste faster while “fasting”. Many people use these hair test as
a “scam” to scare people into buying their products and nothing more, they are
clueless what the results of the test really mean. All they care about is using the
test to trick people into buying products and nothing more and I suggest “their”
products usually make health worse, especially when they sell vitamins as the
cure. The so called naturopathic doctors use fake electronic test which are
nothing but pure gimmicks to make their sales of commercial vitamins. If you
want a “real” hair test, make sure it is from Data Labs in Chicago; they do
medical testing for 50 countries and have done millions of hair sample test world
wide. Otherwise I suggest most hair test are nothing but gimmicks used to sell
products and never result in better health.
I also have low blood pressure. In the last few weeks I am having lots of
trouble with heart burn or acid. I am also loosing my eye sight. The only
thing I am using is Ester C Powder.
You have answered your own question by supplying enough information and this
is why I suggest people tell their story! Ester C powder is PURE ACID, all
Vitamin C supplements are CHEMICALS that destroy your stomach and pH of
your body. Throw every product and every food in the trash that has Vitamin C
added. Avoid all people that tell you vitamin c is good! This is a fact: if a healthy
person takes a drink or eats any product that has vitamin c added to it, they
should have a nosebleed a few minutes later. The blood will contain the vitamin c
acid as the body expels it as fast as it possible can. Vitamin C is added to foods
to extend the shelf life because the acid kills the bacteria, same as it kills the
friendly bacteria in your body as it drops you pH levels that forces your stomach,
pancreas, and heart to work hard to maintain a safe level of calcium in your blood
so you don’t have a heart attack. Often “removing” the poisons are enough to
change a person’s life. At age 50 I would suggest “prevention” that should have
started by age 40. I suggest Men’s Wellness because it has plentiful herbs for
calcium and minerals along with the prostrate herbs at 12 capsules or a
tablespoon daily along with 2 capsules of P / W Elimination daily. These 2
formulas along with an ounce of olive oil, wheat germ oil, coconut oil or any
combination of plant oils of you’re choosing or what we call Plant Fats or Liver /
Gallbladder Cleanse formula and this should be enough to change your life. The
only other option would be if you need additional Hormone Balance. Once
returned to “normal”, ideally the P / W Elimination at 2-4 capsules daily will
supply everything other than the 1 ounce of daily plant fats. The herbs supply
about 1/6PthP the solution, the rest comes from sunshine, plentiful fresh air, diet,
habits and peace with God and family to make up your total health.
I had lots of treatments in the past started in my early childhood. I would
also like to have more info on how to make a water distiller.
Non electric water distillers are hard to operate, because they must be watched
and never allowed to run dry. The best is a stainless steel pressure cooker with a
special tube that runs to a stainless steel coil that is placed inside a bucket of
cool water and exists out a hole in the bottle of the bucket. The steam rises out of
the pressure cooker into the coil and condenses back to water and drips into a
glass container. Toxic gas that travels in the steam is allowed to escape out of
the open glass collection container. The toxic minerals remain in the pressure
cooker. I tried to sell these non electric water distillers 12 years ago and 2 Amish
people tried them and both burned them up, so I gave up on the idea and still
have 5 of them left. They were made for the mission field in South America to
protect the missionaries from the parasite infested drinking water. Otherwise the
electric water distillers are the only way to go, they take 4 hours to make 1 gallon
of clean water and consume approx. 50 cents worth of electric. We have 6
Waterwise 12 gallon capacity water distillers running on our property. 12 gallon is
ideal for a family; it gives enough water for drinking and cooking / canning. A few
took my idea years ago of collecting the steam from maple syrup making. Any
method to collect steam and allow it to return back to water in a clean manner
makes distilled water. NO ONE likes non electric water distillers, they demand
patients and time, something people today have little of.
5. Questionnaire Form: Age 17 – Male – No Children – Dental: had a couple
cavities 4 yrs ago and we went to pull teeth, he almost passed out and refused to
pull them. – Childhood health: No Vaccinations, over all good health except hard
of hearing as a school age child and when we treated his thyroid it went away. No operations. – Takes naturals supplements for thyroid which really helped
brighten his mood in school years among other improvements. The problem we
are most concerned with right now is acne. We intend to start him on Tree
Iodine / Minerals for thyroid health. What can we do to clear up his acne
without spending a lot of money? The problem just keeps getting worse as
he gets older. He has treated himself for yeast just recently using natural
supplements. Very few people understand yeast, people that sell products sold
for yeast never understand yeast problems. Yeast is basically a universal word
that stands for the over feeding of our friendly bacteria, which is solved by diet
correction, not supplements. Acne has a worm living inside each pore living on
excessive waste / oils. Acne normally is noticeable starting after puberty change
when hormones are changing and the foundational causes are a lifetime with a
deficiently of natural Iodine that makes puberty a train wreck for too many girls
and boys. Naturally, iodine makes for a healthy thyroid and the thyroid helps
keep the blood clean of parasites. The information you have provided actually
shows the “connection”. Once these worms have made their homes in the skin
the blood can not easily get to them and where the blood does not travel, the
worms will live freely and in my opinion; this is why we see acne that can lead to
scaring. These worms often start on the face and for some people can cover their
backs and chest. I suggest the WEED & FEED theory that all have noticed that
these newsletters are about. Acne can be related to hormones, so most will take
2 of the Hormone Capsules daily for hormonal help and I make a P / W Spray
for the skin. The parasite / worm spray enters the skin where worms hide from
the blood stream, making it ideal for acne, ring worm, and all skin afflictions. Is
there a cheap no money cost method? He could try soaking his acne is pure
apple cider vinegar, applying clay, lemon juice, coconut oil, etc.
6. Questionnaire Form: Age 43 – Female – 6 children, ages 10mo -10yrs. –
Dental: Fillings, root canals, cavities, otherwise in good health. – Vaccinations:
Measles – Childhood Health: Occasional sore throat – Take prenatal through
Kramers Health Foods – No operations.
A question concerning pregnancy: with my last two, I had excessive water
in my uterus that they said kept my baby from dropping, I wanted home
birthing but because of baby not dropping 5-8 days after my due date, they
took me into a midwife clinic and started my labor. Do you know of
anything that could be done to regulate the excess water?
In general you always read about the Potassium / Salt imbalance, in that people
have way too much salt and very little potassium. Too much salt forces the body
to protect itself by collecting the salt and storing it in accumulated water that
gives the appearance of weight / fat. It also has to do with circulation, so seeing
your chiropractor every month, especially while pregnant would be essential.
Naturally, medical is going to consider all pregnancy past age 35 to be HIGH
RISK to mother and baby and will treat you so. I suggest a good chiropractor rich
in knowledge of pregnancy probably could have worked you through this problem
if you are of normal weight. If you are excessive weight to begin with, that should
be corrected first. Metal fillings and root canals affected all your children’s lives
for the rest of their lives in my opinion, besides continuing to harm your health. It
would be very unwise to have children with such dental problems in my opinion.
7. Questionnaire Form: Age 29 – Female – Children 2 & 3 adopted – Dental: 6
mercury fillings, approx 5 wt. fillings and a bridge to replace a broken tooth.
Bridge has caused decay underneath etc. also have approx 5 more cavities to fill.
I have had poor teeth even as a child. – Had vaccinations – Childhood Health:
small for my age, digestive problems as a teenager etc. – Takes herbal antiyeast killers, minerals, probiotics, and more. I have taken your worms-b-gone
and tree iodine plus. – Operations: Tubes in ears and Appendicitis.
Symptoms: Candida yeast throughout the body causing tiredness and
yellow complexion especially around my mouth. As a teenager I was
diagnosed with primary ovarian failure and weak hormones. I see a
chiropractor regularly and was on an herbal yeast program from Candida
Wellness Center which have helped my symptoms quite a bit but the cost
of the program is high. What would you recommend as an effective,
affordable program regarding your products? Even with yeast problems in
my digestive tract I hardly ever have vaginal yeast symptoms. Only other
symptoms which affect organs throughout my body. Liver, Kidneys,
glands, etc.
6 mercury fillings are enough to kill some people, 1 is enough to make anyone
sickly. A bridge affects your skull plates. The additional cavities show your real
problem is what simply can be called “dirty blood”. All commercial yeast products
are worthless in my opinion, the very word “yeast” is a word created to make
product sells. All the mercury has to be properly removed as the first step. Never
get a dental bridge, they stop your skull plates from moving properly, they move
with every breath of air you take and when they can’t move, your health suffers. I
suggest you go to a good mercury free dentist that refuses to do root canals; you
probably can’t find one that refuses to do bridges, because the $$$$ is too good
for them to resist! You cannot correct health with mercury being swallowed with
every swallow you take. The dental decay most likely resulted in the womb from
the lack of proper natural iodine and then growing up lacking iodine. As long as
the blood has waste to be expelled, it will attempt to expel it at the weakest
places in your body, your teeth and your reproductive organs. So once again, a
person has supplied enough information about them selves, to solve their own
mystery of ill health. “IF” a person examines their life, they can always find the
reasons for their ill health, there are no mysteries in health, and we are a result of
our past.
I suggest ideal diet and habits while you have your dental completely corrected;
you need a good dentist like Dr. John Johnson that understands the ill effects of
dental metals. He does everything he can to save the savable teeth, because
dentures are never a good option if they can be avoided. The sad news as you
know, dental correction is very expensive. It sounds like your teeth are a mess,
but very savable. You are looking at probably $4,000.00+ to correct would be my
guess. The longer you avoid the teeth, the worse your health will become and
more expensive later. Correct diet and habits will cleanse your blood and herbs
can help a lot as well, but I suggest you fix the dental first. If you can afford to
use some herbs, I would suggest the Women’s Wellness Powder as the
cheapest method to obtain plant minerals and take 1 tablespoon total every day if
you can afford to do so. Once the metal is out, I would then seek to help the body
expel the mercury and other poisons that will take a lifetime to expel. The womb
can be helped as can most any part of your body with corrective diet and herbal
8. Questionnaire Form: Age 25 – Female – 3 children, 4mo, 16mo, 2 yrs. –
Dental: I am wearing dentures for my upper teeth and filled some of my lower
teeth, No vaccinations – Tubes in ears age 15. I am having some pain in both
my wrist sometimes more than others. Also have a lump at my right wrist
and a lump at my left elbow. What is it? And what could I use for it?
Lumps in general are accumulations that the body is protecting itself from. When
located on the wrist, they often are a result of the membrane breaking and
allowing the fluids that lubricate the wrist joints to form on the outside of the
membrane causing a lump referred to as a Bible lump. Called a bible lump
because they use to take the heaviest book in the house and “smack” the lump
and bust it and the fluids would be reabsorbed by the flesh and carried away; not
a cure, but works to get rid of the lump. You having one on the elbow also show
a more serious problem. I have noticed young people that drink a lot of pop such
as mountain dew develop such lumps throughout their arms and often eventually
show up on their backs. Needing ear tubes at age 15 is almost unheard of, but
also describes your problem, because the same waste that clogs the ears comes
from a dirty blood stream; the same blood stream that makes the lumps in your
wrist and elbow in my opinion. So I am suggesting it is all related, the same
problem. I suggest using 5-6 ear candles on each ear in the same day and apply
Ear Ache Spray afterwards and then use the Ear Ache Spray occasionally and
use the ear candles on your ears every 6 months 3-4 per ear for life. Your
children will need proper use of ear candles after age 1. For your lumps, I would
see your chiropractor often; taking all your children with you for treatments that
should be free each time you pay for yourself and ask your chiropractor about
these lumps that he can personally examine. Otherwise I would spray them 3x
daily with Adult Strength Goiter Herbal Spray until they go away. There are a
few doctors that believe every lump is a goiter in nature that will respond to
iodine. I have seen lumps drop to ½ size in just 10 minutes of being sprayed, but
I assume it all is determined by the nature of the lump and its actual cause. Your
children are very close in age, suggesting you need plentiful plant minerals in
your diet. I suggest 21 Women’s Wellness capsules daily or 1 tablespoon of
same powder and plentiful Baby Calm for the little ones to aid their plant
minerals. The closer the babies come, the faster the mother’s health will flee and
children suffer deficiencies.
9. Questionnaire Form: Age 29 – Female – 5 children, age 11mo-11yrs –
Dental: fillings and cavities – Vaccinations: yes – Wisdom teeth removed – Takes
vitamins, probiotics, fish oils, and grape seed antioxidants.
I have a question for you again. After reading you last pamphlet. You
mentioned quite a few times of how important it is to space your children at
3 years or more. Well, how in the world do you achieve that goal without
using birth control or ruining the marital relationship?
If things are “normal”, a mother can not become pregnant while nursing. As
explained previously a male that expels his waste through his reproductive
organs will become addicted to expelling the accumulated waste daily and the
female with the same problems, develop longer and longer menstruation as she
expels her waste through her blood. The acid producing diet is the reason for
this, or simply put, the MEAT DIET. The meat diet creates the most acid and the
most aggressive life. Simply put; those eating the most meat will seek to have the
most sex, it still does not explain “how” a woman can become pregnant while
nursing, because it is not suppose to be possible; but is something that has
evolved with humans. That and sex should never be a requirement of marriage
because eventually by accident or loss of health, sex will end and that should
have nothing to do with ending the marriage. Also the fact, half of the month
every month, no woman can become pregnant. Every pregnancy should be well
planned for a healthy child, doing anything less can result in a disaster for the
family. We do try to follow the natural family planning, but as you can see
there’s too much room for error. And yes, we do love our children dearly,
but would love to be able to take care of what we have without neglecting
them to take care of another. Make sense? I am sure many other ladies are
wondering the same thing. Also you said how important it is to eat right.
Could you explain that in plain words, like what do you eat? How do you fit
it? And where do you get it from? And how can you afford it on a limited
income? I’d really appreciate some answers. In plain words; God created
humans to have sex 3 days in September every 3 years. Do you see the male
deer running his heard of females all year long? Do you see any male mammal,
bird, reptile, fish, etc. having sex beyond what God created it for? I hope that is
plain enough? As this earth cycles and lifespan decreases, humans are having
more sex at earlier ages because humans are living shorter lives. They must
develop faster at younger ages; this is why some girls are starting their
menstruation by age 5 and not 13-21. It is all a result of de-generation or
deterioration of the human race. Some old timers just simply call it “perversion” to
go against Nature. “IF” you see a deer having sex all summer long with the
female deer, what would people think of that deer? They would say it was
“perverted” and kill it. Sex is something boys and girls grow up and do based on
what is “expected” and referred to as “normal”. And as we all know, with the
human race what makes us human is to do the opposite what God designed for
us, which brings us to diet.
The meat diet is a sexually aggressive diet and the fruit diet is a more natural
diet; or simply put, meat diet equals acidic diet, fruit diet equals alkaline diet.
Humans are born with 7.3 pH alkaline blood and if that drops to 7.2 pH, they
claim we die from being too acidic. What I eat or you eat changes NOTHING,
God created all humans alike when it comes to our food and drink. Correct diet
equals good health, wrong diet leads to ill health, and every farmer knows this.
Will humans eat correctly, especially in a northern climate? NO, they will not, I
have never in my life met one person that eats correctly and medical authors
suggested that it has been over 200 years since a healthy human specimen has
existed to use as the example of health. Yet, medical and history has proven
over and over that if we want to stop disease, we have to return to a natural diet.
You have noticed “I” have never said you can not eat this or that, “I” only have
stated that certain foods cause an acidic system that creates disease and these
newsletters are only attempting to explain why people create their own sickness
and at the end I will make available a old medical book that discovered food as
the cure for all diseases, the correct foods that God created humans to eat. Cost
wise, it always cost more to eat wrongly and develop illness and shortened
lifespan. Even in North America, people can raise grapes, apples, pears,
peaches, raspberries, strawberries, etc. so there is zero excuse for us all and
what child hates such sweet fruits? So expense has nothing to do with health, it
actually cost more for the wrong diet and the wrong habits. Luckily we humans
respond quickly to diet and habit correction as long as we have some liver
function left. The marriage relationship is something the husband and wife have
to agree upon and ideally their decisions will take the health of their children as
top priority. No one can argue against nature; so sex, diet and habits really is not
open to discussion with anyone but God and those that don’t like the rules of
earth. As humans, we all have been raised to fight Nature and as we all know,
nature never looses a battle. Those that go against God’s Creation are
eliminated through illness and elimination, because like it or not, survival of the
fittest will never change no matter how much we desire otherwise. Understanding
why we get sick, why we die of disease; enables our brain to develop a defense
within our own body by learning to “adapt”. Not knowing why we become sick
and die makes for a life of “fear” that creates even more stress that leads to even
a shorter lifespan. Understanding our environment is the key to living in our
environment. Every wild animal is easily trapped when the animal is not ‘aware”
of the trapper, once made aware, the animal takes steps to “avoid” the problems
in its life. This newsletter seeks to point out the problems to avoid so we can live
longer and have healthier children. What people do or not do is not a subject for
anyone to discuss, we all make our own choices. If my wife and I knew what we
know now, back when we were children, we would have changed much of our
decisions in life; but having no teachers, we did what our parents and everyone
else did. Which mostly relied on doctors and professionals to care for our
problems; which in most cases, creates worse problems later in life. I did not
realize there were old medical and health books that explained human health.
Once I read many of these books, I started to realize why I am who I am. I am a
result of all my choices in life. Choices that determine our total health, I have
seen our current decisions to improve our health, result in better health of our
children. Having to learn on our own, our slow decisions resulted in less health
for our children. In fact, the bible is correct, we all suffer from the last 7
generations; we are a result of the decisions of the past 7 generations of our
family. The only way to “break” the chains is to learn to avoid the diet and habits
that lead to an acidic body. The old doctors called it “Returning to Nature” or the
alkaline diet. The alkaline diet of every creature can be summed as this: the diet
God created for every creature”. “ALL” creatures are given for free, by God. All
they need. No creature but man, tries to grow and preserve his food supply. The
manna story in the Bible explains the problems with storing foods. Bacteria will
always eat away at dead thing. We are designed to eat live foods. Live foods
support our health, while dead foods do not. The all meat and grain diet leads to
scurvy! Early pioneers died of scurvy when they came to America and lived on
meat and grains. Scurvy is avoided by eating fresh green grass, herbs or fruits.
Humans must consume some of the natural diet or die. Humans that eat a lot of
the natural diet, live much better. The diet will be explained much better towards
the end of these newsletters. The spreading out of children should be this simple;
look at races of people that are known to have close pregnancies. Generation
after generation you see where the large majority of birth defects result. With
each new generation, the sexual abuse increases. It should be noticeable that
families that raise large gardens, verses families that live more on wild game and
beef have better family relationships; while the meat eating families are more
aggressive in nature which enables them to kill and butcher. Often as a man
grows older and wiser he does not feel good about killing animals. Many times in
his last year of life he feels bad for the killing of animals and creatures that really
never did him any harm. I have seen very old men actually take a baby bird that
was scooted out of the nest, put that baby bird back in the nest or put it away
from the harm of the cat, etc. I have seen old men not want to shoot the
groundhog in his hayfield and prefer one of the younger boys to do it, while when
the man was younger he would have thought nothing about shooting all the
varmints. While on the other hand, I have seen old men that believed they were
not a man unless they killed the deer, turkey, squirrels, rabbits every season and
even when they no longer could walk unassisted, they insisted till the day they
died that they be taken to the woods with a gun where they could kill something.
There are two kinds of humans, same as there is an acid producing diet and an
alkaline producing diet. Dr. John R. Christopher was a World War I doctor and he
100% believed a soldier needed to be a meat eater; otherwise they were not
aggressive enough to be good at killing. Dr. John R. Christopher believed in the
natural sex of humans and when asked what he did when he wanted sex, he
commented he ate an orange. In his book, he states that the male must refrain
from sex all but 3 days of each month as the best possible way to conceive a
child and Dr. Christopher stated that his method for conceiving never failed and
he was one of the best children’s herbalists in American history. Understanding
sex points out problems and that is why no one wants to understand it and it
does not show up in normal health books. Instead, medical makes a fortune from
ill children; a deformed child is a lifetime paycheck for medical.
10. Questionnaire Form: Age 5 – Female – Good Teeth – No vaccination –
Take Exiode (deferasiox) iron chelation. She is also taking Reliv which has
helped. This is what she is diagnosed, cartilage hair hypoplasia, dwarfism
aplastic red cell anemia part in bone marrow that makes red blood cells she
has basically none of them. Needs blood transfusion every 4 weeks. Her
liver and spleen are enlarged. Have you had any cases similar to this and is
there something natural to use? (she was a 7 month premee baby and was
in the hospital for several months and is a dwarf)
As far as plant minerals, diet, habits and de-worming goes, they all apply to every
human. In the case of problems that developed in the womb such as severe birth
defects; the child must deal with the “original” magnetism or “blueprint” of their
body. The body will always try to return to the original design. This child
obviously is an extreme medical case when you’re talking blood transfusion
every 4 weeks. The fact that she is 5 years old is amazing! This alone proves she
wants to live. I would treat her the same as any other 5 year old, only double –
triple the amount of herbs for minerals and plentiful natural iodine minerals. I
would spray her entire body every day with what I call Herbal Spray I. I would
give her the Kids “B” Well is huge doses, such as our children had 5 gallons of
Baby Calm by age 2, I would be giving large doses of the Kids “B” Well in an
attempt to supply her liver and blood what it needs to over come such problems.
The daily total body spray would be the greatest possibilities of a miracle and I
would spray her bedroom every night after she went to bed with Herbal Spray III
or stronger Room Spray. Naturally the only way for a real miracle comes from
prayer. The more people pray, the better, because each person is here on earth
for reason and for what ever reason things happen, it happens for a reason, but
nothing is a mistake, nothing happens that God is not in 100% total control of.
Once away from medical and older you can step to more aggressive treatments
of herbs and water therapy, etc. but for as long as medical needs to keep her a
live, she is in their hands. They most likely will suggest operations as she gets
older to extend the arms, legs, etc. Our prayers be with you!
11. Questionnaire Form: Age-37 Female – Children: 6 ages 10mo-10yr –
Dental: mercury fillings, cavities that I am trying to heal without going to the
dentist – No Vaccinations – Childhood Health: good, other than I had sever
pimples on my face during my teens – Taking calcium supplements, Omega 3,
Liver cleanse formula, Kidney Activator, B-Complex, VitoE, Red Raspberry
capsules or tea – Had appendix removed when I was 14 yrs old. I was very run
worn through my 1PstP pregnancy and afterward for several years. I had kidney
problems almost all my pregnancies, some worse then others. I have been
having gallbladder attacks occasionally. Through my last pregnancy I especially
had problems with it. Also I have had almost constant diarrhea like (very watery)
bowels for a year and a half now. I used Liver cleanse and Kidney Activator all
through my 4PthP, 5PthP and 6PthP pregnancies. Our 3 oldest children all had skin
rashes from 1 yr on. Our oldest child has lad constipation problems since the age
of 2 yrs. I have recently started giving them my own combination of herbs. He
has improved much from that. But if anything out of the ordinary comes up or we
get out of routine it shows up again. He’s also had behavior problems and he is a
bedwetter. Our 2PndP child has poor bladder control since the age of 2, and cries
easily over very small issues. Our 3PrdP child is often itchy all over especially his
eyes. His skin is rough, not smooth. He has a hard time focusing or
concentrating. He has a lot of allergies, with asthma like symptoms, but that
seems somewhat cleared up by now. Sometimes when he is doing his
schoolwork his mind seems to go blank. At times you coach him a little then he
can go again. Other times he can’t get started, so I tell him to just put it away for
awhile then it goes better. He is also very fidgety and chews his fingernails. The
five and 3 yr old have rashes like the older ones but are more nervous and cry
easily. Since I have been reading your newsletters I have quit taking
supplements (calcium), vitamins and omega 3. I also drink red raspberry tea and
comfrey tea and also take a liquid herbal formula for my teeth called Dental
Health, which is supposed to help the teeth. I am still nursing the baby. We’re
planning on doing a whole body cleanse for the whole family as soon as we
have more of our own fresh vegetables available. Colon Cleanse- (no
breakfast, fruits and nuts for lunch, fruits and vegetables for dinner)
Kidney, Liver and gallbladder cleanse. But this is new for us and we’re not
sure what to expect. You say once the body gets used to it, it isn’t hard to
go without breakfast, and eating fruits, nuts, and vegetables for lunch and
dinner. Have you personally done this, then gone out and done strenuous
farm labor all day? No criticizing intended, but not all occupations are
same. My husband says he’s sure he couldn’t handle it.
I worked on a lead platter for 30 years that you kept 35# in your hands all day
long loading and unloading the huge machine while breathing chemicals and oils
in heat over 100 degrees every day, mostly working 6-7 days a week and many
forced 12 hour days and I learned to “fast” from reading old medical books and
did sow while working on the lead platter. Note than 1 in 30 men that tried out for
the lead platter would quit, it took someone young and dumb to learn that job and
stay with it and I put the full 30 years on this same machine because the other
jobs seemed boring. The “fasting” books say we waste 80% of our energy trying
to digest the foods we eat during the daylight hours. Those that learn “fasting”
often experience 80% increase in energy and feel better than they ever have
before in their life and often need very little sleep. I would tell your husband that
he has never known real health, real energy and would have no words to
describe the energy he would have if he ate only live / alkaline producing foods.
How long does it take to get used to it? May we call you for advice and
support during our cleanse? Is it necessary to be on the LBB if our means
hardly allow it? Eating breakfast breaks your nightly fast; it takes no time at all
to never eat breakfast again. Start with fresh fruits, and then fruit juices and or
water and NO CHILD will ask for breakfast unless trained to do so first. Never eat
before noon and adults should avoid all solid foods till after 5 pm each day.
Children will munch on fruits through out the day as they need, if they know how
to get them. The LBB is an herbal method to help restore colon function and your
statements above show your colon health is an absolute mess. If you stick with a
well chewed raw fruit diet, then your colon will not have to deal with the acidic
mess of indigestible foods and you can surely avoid spending any money on
herbs. The use of the 85 degree enema can be used until you get the colon
health back by natural diet. My husband would be willing to do this if he
could see the rest of us got benefits without getting sick first. He (or we) is
very anti-drug/medicine. We have spent thousands of dollars trying to gain
health and it is pulling us down. This is making no sense to me, you don’t want
to spend a dime at the dentist, don’t want to spend on herbs, but now your
admitting you have spent thousands on something…$$$$ is probably more
stressful of a subject than your family health is. While you probably realize by
now, I suggest family health comes first, because with bad health, nothing else
really matters.
Then we hear remarks like- “If they’d forget about all natural, whole grains,
no sugars etc! other people don’t eat that way and their children don’t have
health issues” (yes, our children’s problems are obvious to others) it has
been very discouraging at times, and we don’t get support from family
members. Diet and habits are 2 things that each family as a family decides
upon. Just because the children down the road can eat road kill and moldy
grains, does not mean the children at the next house can. In fact, real healthy
children get sick every time they are subjected to poisons, while real sick children
can be poisoned daily with no ill visible effects showing at the time; because they
have no real immune system capable of throwing off the poisons. These sickly
types will develop cancers once their poisons have overwhelmed their body,
while those that get sick every time they are poisoned have the much healthier
body. I want a child that gets the cold every time he / she eats badly or was
around another sick person; this shows these children have the ability to “expel”
the toxins.
My husband (age 36) had an accident while riding a pony a number of years
ago. His ankle broke and they put in a plate and screws. Those plates and
screws are not natural, the immune system if working properly, will seek to
remove those metals; so if he was to discover health, he would also discover the
metal has to go.
He’s had back problems most of his adult life and he has indigestion
problems. Those 2 coexist, bad diet leads to acids, acids eat the bones up, and
we end up with a bad back. It all started with the wrong breakfast….and years of
wrong foods, leads to a low immune system that allows lymes disease to become
a problem. In my opinion, anyone with aching bones is feeling the results of
lymes disease (worms). The food is costing a lot of time and money, the aches
and pains are costing a lot of loss work and income, so in my opinion, living
sickly is the expensive way to live.
He is always tired and just drags himself along and he can barely put in a
full days work. He has cavities in his teeth but no fillings. He had no
surgeries except for his ankle. He has seldom taken supplements of any
kind or not for any length. He had tried them but they always make him feel
worse. Your husband is very lucky to have such great teeth, as his health fails so
will the teeth, same with yours. In your case with mercury fillings, you’re not
going to restore the cavities or restore your stomach / colon health. The mercury
poisons are too great and your breath is actually mercury toxic to the entire
family with every breath of air you exhale. I would suggest along with better diet
and habits that you first seek to professionally remove the mercury and replace
with proper white fillings along with your husband and seek to keep every tooth
that is savable. The children would all do well with additional herbal help, since
money is too hard to obtain and as the health fails, it will become impossible to
obtain, I suggest obtaining the best Amish Made Maple Syrup and or Sorghum
you can afford and give each child 1 tablespoon daily for ever. If you can afford 1
ounce of Pure Oregano Oil, I would suggest 1 drop daily each for you and your
husband and once the husband looses his fear of health, put him 1 a drop every
hour, 8 total per day until he can work a full day with out complaint and then as
he wakes up he will want the entire family doing better. For the children, put 1
drop a day in the sorghum or maple syrup so that all the children get a UtotalU of
1 drop daily. Taking Pure Oregano Oil in Maple Syrup is an easy way for taste.
If you can not afford the Oregano Oil, then I suggest the best diet you can afford
and seek to never be over weight. At age 36-7 you both have a very long time to
work, so now is the ideal time for change, while you’re able. Life will not become
cheaper as we get older.
12. Questionnaire Form: Age 48 Female – Children: 14 ages 4-24 – Dental: 14
yrs ago pulled upper teeth and 7 yrs ago pulled lower teeth and wearing dentures
since – No Vaccinations – Childhood Health: constipation, stress, stomach & liver
problems – Taking: no drugs, using mostly herbs, tinctures, buying herb powders
and filling capsules Had a few tests done which showed viral 50 so used
things for that and got relief but not cured yet. Seems liver, kidneys, and
colon function is not good. As need to be using laxatives or something to
keep going. Get very aching, burning hot soles and heels what could be
done to get results. The Lower Bowel Balance Capsules and Women’s
Wellness Powder are the 2 powders I would suggest, never taking laxatives
unless absolutely necessary and take 8 LBB daily for at least 1 year and 1
tablespoon daily of the Women’s Wellness. The soles could be an early warning
sign of poor kidney heath from clogged up kidneys if you have been drinking well
water. At age 48, most women are nearing menopause and once they loose their
menstrual cycle, their waste will accumulate in the joints and not be expelled
monthly that results in common women’s arthritis. At this age all women need a
little help with the hormones to avoid problems later, so ideally I would suggest 2
Hormone Balance capsules daily for the rest of your life. De-worming is a
lifetime thing, if you’re not having more children, then I would suggest the adult
The world health organization states that the average death rate world wide is by
age 68, so everyone by age 50 should be “thinking” if they want to live longer
than average and if so, its time to kill some worms and keep them killed in my
opinion. The diet and habits will work themselves out over time, because with
age, we find we can’t fight nature as well as we did while younger and we will be
forced to eat and drink better.
13. Questionnaire Form: Age 4 Female – Has down syndrome – No
Vaccinations – Taking Ambrotose from Mannatech and herbs when need for
colds, cough etc. – Operations: 2 open heart surgeries to correct tetralogg
of fallot, both defects could not be corrected by taking herbs. I take her to
chiropractor who does cranial adjustments, her skull was overlapped at top
where speech comes from, her speech is delayed, does not talk much yet.
She stays pretty healthy but gets stuffy nose when she gets cold. She
grinds her teeth so much the chiropractor says she has tight muscle in her
jaw but doesn’t seem to make a difference when he gives her a treatment.
He says it may be kinda like tics, a habit she can’t help, is there something
you could suggest? And would there be something to speed up her speech
like mind trac? Seeing the chiropractor monthly for life is a must, such medical
cases are stressful and when medical shines their best to save lives. Herbal
wise, the herbs are the same for all children. Weed & Feed based on a 4 year old
which means the Kids “B” Well syrup and sprays. As long as the chiropractor
feels confident he is doing all that can be done, I would say you are doing the
best you can for her. All the reasons for this are irrelevant for her, but are the
main reason for this newsletter, is to help avoid these problems with pregnancy
and developing children. Mind Trac may help her cope better. I would try Kids
“B” Well in good doses first with the spray. Even Baby Calm if need be or have
me just add the Baby Calm herbs and Mind Trac into the Kids “B” Well formula
to avoid having too many bottles. I would just take a cup and pour out a little of
the Kids “B” Well with each meal and go through quite a bit of it as early an age
as possible, because after age 5, they say things start becoming “permanent”.
And what could I take as a 40 yr old mother of 9 children to help for better
bladder control? Someone told me the bladder drops and needs to be
pinned back up through surgery. I want to avoid surgery. The fallen womb is
a result of too many children, too fast without proper nutrition and otherwise does
not exist with normal mothers. Avoiding such surgeries is most desired, because
no surgery is a healthy thing to go through. Dr. Christopher created a herbal
bolus method to aid restoring the womb in between children and in such cases
as you speak of. It consists of making your own Herbal Bolus using powdered
herbs and coconut oil along with herbs to rebuild your body. Dr. Christopher
naturally insisted on the mucusless diet that would have avoided such problems
in the first place, so those that refuse to change just opt for the operations, which
makes them popular in the hospitals.
Why is your red raspberry so much more expensive than other catalogs?
And how do you prepare it for tea, just add it to hot water and drink the
grounds too? I make a concentrated herbal syrup / tincture of Red raspberry
that also has olive leaf, oregano oil, etc. in it for those that refuse to make their
own Red raspberry tea. Otherwise those that want to save money, just go to your
garden or woods and cut your own raspberry branches and leaves and chop
them up and make your tea with. The grounds are normally always strained out
of herbal tea, if you want to drink them, make sure you didn’t chop up any
stickers. I personally suggest all teas be strained before drinking.
14. Questionnaire Form: Age 43 Female – 5 Children ages 15-24 – Dental: 7
fillings, 3 are dark fillings and the rest are white. – Has had Vaccinations –
Childhood health good – Taking nothing – No Operations Sore shoulders and
back, probably from tension. Always tired! Everyday! Go to the
chiropractor every so often, doesn’t help sore shoulders. Don’t like
medicine so I probably wouldn’t take the liquid herbs like I should. Naturally
the 3 mercury filling should be removed; it only takes one to affect your health
and the health of your children. For the sore back, a good chiropractor is a must,
often it takes time to find a good one and a good one you will want to go to with
every pain you experience. Otherwise what I call Herbal Spray III sprayed daily
on your entire back and shoulders, every day for years to come would be a great
treatment. Consuming natural plant calcium and minerals would be wise and
since your age 40+, taking 2 Hormone Balance capsules daily for life, is
prevention started by age 40, to avoid the many female problems that develop by
the 50’s.
15. Questionnaire Form: Age 41 Male – 6 children – Dental: have 8 or 10
fillings done as a teenager presently no problems – No vaccinations – Childhood
health good – Taking Calcium magnesium – Had tonsils removed. Ringing ears
24 hrs a day sometimes I hear music is worse when having a cold or sinus
infection have 20% hearing loss to shrill or high pitched sounds has
frequent earaches in my school years still have 2-3 times a year. What can I
do to correct it? Ringing in the ears can be caused by a variety of things, from
high blood pressure, to wax build up. A good chiropractor can treat this if it is do
to the neck / spine out of alignment that is causing a loss of circulation to the ear
area or constipation. The use of 4-5 Ear Candles per ear, done on the same day
and then apply Herbal Ear Ache Spray daily is where I would start after I seen a
good chiropractor and checked my blood pressure enough to know if it is a
problem. Otherwise, weed & feed and remove the toxins so the health stays
good! Since your past age 40, 2 Hormone Balance capsules taken daily for life
and or what I call P / W Elimination would be ideal at 2-4 capsules daily for
prevention. After age 40, we start reaping what our past is leading us to.
Question: At the age of 5 (now 16 yrs ago) our son was in an accident where
he was squished starting at his feet going to his neck. The whites of his
eyes were solid red. With time we discovered his one eye lost the central
vision and we’re told there is no help or hope for healing or fixing it. They
say it’s the same thing that happens in a stroke victim. Have you had any
experience with this type of blindness? 11 years of past damage is a lot,
regardless, much can be done. As far as the eyes go, I would be spraying what I
call Herbal Eye Spray daily for the rest of his life. Since you avoided explaining
all the other problems I will only suggest this child needs lifetime chiropractic help
every month for the rest of his life. Can a rectocele be healed? (the rectum
falls into the vagina) yes or greatly improved as long as the person is willing to
start living and stop the habits and diet that leads to such destruction of the
human body. What is cystocele? A cystocele is a medical condition that occurs
when the tough fibrous wall between a woman's TbladderT and her TvaginaT
(the Tpubocervical fasciaT) is torn by childbirth, allowing the bladder to herniate
into the vagina. TUrethrocelesT often occur with cystoceles. This condition may
cause discomfort and problems with emptying the bladder. The elastic tissues of
the vagina may compensate for this tear for some time after the injury occurs.
Because the hormone TestrogenT helps keep the elastic tissues around the
vagina strong, a cystocele may not occur until TmenopauseT, when levels of
estrogen decrease.There are no muscles around the vagina, except the
TbulbocavernosusT muscles at the entrance to the vagina. The levator muscle
passes around the vagina and the rectum and inserts into the levator plate, which
can elevate rectum, the vagina and the bladder neck together. It is this muscle
that is exercised by TKegel exercisesT. Elevation of the levator plate may
partially compensate for the herniation. A bladder that has dropped from its
normal position may cause two kinds of problems: unwanted urine leakage and
incomplete emptying of the bladder. The pubocervical fascia provides back
support to the mid urethra, allowing compression when abdominal pressure is
increased. This prevents urine loss with sudden increases in pressure, as with
TcoughsT, TsneezesT, TlaughsT, or moves in anyway that puts pressure on the
bladder. If this compression is lost by tissue tears, then stress incontinence
results. If the base of the bladder herniates, then urine will sump down into the
inside of the hernia, and bladder emptying will be impaired. Note: by learning
about such problems, we that are still considered “healthy”, should learn to avoid
these mistakes others have made and this is the reason for these newsletters, to
learn that “prevention” is better than cure. Cure cost a lot of pain and suffering
and often premature death, while prevention avoids undue disease and
promotes longevity.
ADRENAL / fatigue
Question: What do you recommend for adrenal fatigue? Take care of the
Kidneys starting with clean rock free water as explained earlier in the
newsletters. Stop all caffeine consumption and stimulants. This means all pop
and commercial drinks, as well as coffee and commercial tea. Herb wise, Dr.
John R. Christopher made an adrenal aid formula that I make and call Adrenal
Balance. This is a general formula for the adrenal glands as a food, best taken
as prevention. Results most likely will not be fast felt unless all stimulants have
been stopped.
CHILDREN / breathing
Question: Regarding children- respiratory problems- constant colds, runny
nose. We do not use any white sugar and any exposure to white sugars,
causes stomach pains and yeast infection type problems and unidentified.
Reason for headaches/fever/stomach pains (2 yr old) once diagnosed with
gastroenteritis. Always take the children and yourself to a great chiropractor for
every ailment at the first sign of every ailment and with little ones, especially 2
year olds, Uit is what they eatU that creates the headaches, the fever and
stomach pains and the diseases are under the control of the cook of the house.
Worms are a forever problem, but more of a problem for those fed wrong foods.
Regarding mom- whirling mind, dizziness, specially if around people,
unable to concentrate clearly sometimes worse than other times,
sometimes early morning and or evening, constipation problems unless on
laxative products, often either hot or cold. Laxatives creates worse
constipation and loss of health, constipation of the brain takes a lifetime to
create. The good chiropractor can keep the circulation from the brain to the
elimination organs working when seen regularly. Worms in the brain are very
common and everything within the brain that reduces circulation leads to the
symptoms you describe for mom, especially in the winter months when the blood
is thicker. Herbs that thin the blood increase the circulation often are the quick fix,
but the cure comes from seeing her chiropractor monthly and restoring her colon
health, de-worming, staying de-wormed and supplementing her diet with plentiful
plant minerals. Correction of diet is often to late for the older people, they do not
take kindly to “change” of any kind, especially when it comes to their diet and
habits. So herbs that speed up their circulation and thin their blood are common,
but these are the spices, such as cayenne. Garlic is the blood thinner and these
2 herbs make up the foundation of Longevity Spices that supplies the plant
minerals, thins the blood and increases circulation in one formula, taken 1-3
tablespoons after each bad meal with a large glass of water. Some men will like
this formula, while most women will not because of the spice taste. The P / W
Elimination is designed for men, older men especially, but also great for older
women that only want to take 1 product and very small dose, such as 2-4
capsules daily. She also would need extra Lower Bowel Balance to undo the
years of taking laxatives and poor colon health. Always tell the chiropractor every
symptom and he can guide her / you to professional help when it is needed for
those that wait too long and become seriously ill.
What is your thought of Xylitol which we use instead of white sugar.
Humans thrive on sugar, all 220+ varieties of plant sugars. All sugar substitutes
are dangerous to health. Those that avoid sugar all together often turn grey as
they develop sugar diabetes in my opinion. Real human food is loaded with
mineral rich sugar, the only reason anyone craves sugar, is because they lack
enough raw tree fruits in their diet, it is that simple and why candy is so popular
and so dangerous as it supplies the wrong sugar that lacks the proper plant
mineral balance. Throw all candy away, never ever make it, and never ever buy
white cane sugar. Never buy brown sugar; it is just burnt white sugar. Use maple
syrup, sorghum molasses, or whole raw cane sugar such as evaporated cane
sugar, etc. Supplying the children with sweet apples, sweat pears, grapes,
raisins, etc. is the best option. All sugar substitutes are bad and there is no need
for stevia products. Real Fruit sugar promotes health. The worse fake sugar is
corn syrup, a by product of making plastic, throw away every product you have
that has traces of corn syrup and never buy them again. The average American
consumes 20# of corn syrup yearly, mostly in the form of pop and it is suggested
this has “changed” the human race to being less “human”.
CHILDREN / hernia
Question: We have a 1 yr old son with a herniated belly button. When he
was a baby we were told by a medical Dr that it would need to be fixed, if
not better at a yr old. Could you explain a bit what causes it and if it will
cause any problem for him if left alone. We do not have any intentions of
taking him to a medical DR but will this fix itself with proper diet? Medical
experts opinion is that about 90 percent cases of herniated belly button
disappear within 3 years. Also navel hernia in infants resolves as they grow
older. So, the doctor is the best person to examine and confirm, whether Thernia
repairT surgery is crucial for the patient or not. If it were my child I would apply
what I call Herbal Spray I daily until healed 100% and never allow this child to
become over weight. Applying an herbal / comfrey ointment could also be done
or a Comfrey/ BF&C Herbal Spray could be made just for this.
CHILDREN / weaning
Question: When you say a two year old child should just be coming off
mother’s milk, how much of his daily diet (after 1 yr) do you recommend to
be of the mother’s milk? What do you suggest the other food would be?
With humans, they are weaned at 18 months of age. Milk is the closest thing to
mother’s blood that baby lived on in the womb. At age 18 months the child’s teeth
have developed to the stage of being weaned. This means NO MILK for the rest
of that child’s life. Milk is for those not yet weaned. It is a form of near blood
drinking and not done by any mammal other than man. In some African tribes
people still drink cow blood. The human stomach looses the acid that enables it
to break down milk by age 18 months. Milk should upset the stomach of all
children by 18 months and produce mucus as a result of not being able to digest
it. Humans are designed to chew, digest and assimilate only tree / vine fruits, all
other things consumed are not human foods, but choices made as “foods”, this is
why all these foods lead to mucus production, fermentation and disease as a
result of acid accumulations. A toddler started out on raw fruits will thrive, but, a
toddler that was breast fed by a mother that was consuming milk, eggs and meat
will also crave those foods once fed them. Baby will want what mother was
eating. Otherwise, all children love tree fruits, it is what God created for them to
eat. In Nature, you would seek out every fruit in your land as your natural food,
before guns and weapons, you did not crave raw dead animals nor were you
able to ever collect milk from them. Wild honey was your yearly treat. This is
what children crave, unless first corrupted at the dinner table. Naturally no one
eats the raw fruit diet, but that does not mean it is not correct thing to do, try it
with the little ones, they never lie, they will show you that they love the apple
sauce, sweet grapes, pears, etc. Grind the fruits into sauce for less than 18
months old, after 18 months, they can chew the fruits that makes their jaws large
and their teeth strong. True healthy humans have large jaws that supports all
their wisdom teeth for life, while sickly humans have narrow jaw and loose their
teeth early. The child that puts the fruit in his mouth and then pulls on it with his
hands, are the ones that will develop proper jaw and teeth.
EYES / cross eyed
Question: We just received the March and April newsletter today. Thank you
and thank you for answering my question in the April issue on crossed
eyes. If we refuse the procedures the ophthalmologist recommends can
they report us to child services? Sure, anyone can and once investigated most
anything can happen, usually loss of control as others believe they should take
over and follow medical guidelines for the child’s best interest. How far can we
go in resisting their treatments? You can never know, because it all depends
on the person you’re dealing with. How bad are those dilating drops? They do
not think they are bad at all, but to me, all drugs that touch the delicate eyes is
potentially toxic, I always reject their use in eye examines. Finding a good local
eye doctor is essential, especially when you know glasses will be needed to help
correct eye problems. No one should go through life without glasses once they
are needed.
Question: How do you recommend having fresh tree fruits in the northern
climates year round? We can grow or buy local apples; but a diet of apples
alone from Sept-June is not very appealing. We can buy shipped fruit but
some has been treated with preservatives. Please make a list of good
things to eat in winter in northern states. Notice-buying almost all the fruit
our family of 7 could consume would get extremely expensive, if we would
eat only fruits (and vegetables?) The ideal human living conditions are where
the winters never get colder than 60 degrees. This is why you have seen the
American diet; a meat, grain and vegetable diet. As you have stated, if you don’t
raise it and have to buy it, it will be preserved and grown in unnatural conditions.
This still does not change the design by God for humans to live on raw fruits in
season that will be proved by the end of these newsletters. Expense, I beg to
disagree, you may think killing animals, eating grains, drinking milk is the cheap
way to go, while all of history has proven otherwise and why the medical doctors
collect most of the wealth a man makes in a lifetime in the last 30 days of that
man’s life. Today the cheap people allow the tax payers to pay the hospitals, but
regardless, they still end up with the wealth as a result of wrong diet. I have a
good collection of medical written books proclaiming they have made their wealth
because the mother fed her family wrong. Nature proves it; science proved it
over 150 years ago and anyone can prove it to them selves. The raw fruit diet
creates an alkaline system that builds flesh and bones; while the meat / grain
diet creates the acid system that dissolves bones and flesh. Many lessons prove
in life that the cheap route often ends up being the most costly. We all can grow
plentiful peaches, pears, apples, grapes, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries,
mulberries and a host of other berries and fruits and import an endless variety
and no matter what they have been preserved with, they will be less damaging
than the acid forming diet. Those that refuse to remove the poisons from their
wells and the poisons from their dental metals usually just give up before they try
and decide they are defeated and might as well die like the rest, which is the right
of all humans to make such choices, but they also should not be alarmed to see
babies and children die from such things.
Question: Last year after I was so down, after my daughter was married in
July, this itchy and terrible fungus started way deep in my privates and I
scratched and it was so dry and skin dried is and scaled fall off and I just
about went nuts. Then I for small blisters and they popped open and finally
a big blister on one side filled with fluid and I was so itchy that also popped
and drained down my left leg and spread fast. I didn’t want to go to any
doctor about this! So I tried everything, soaking in vinegar and soda baths
and I couldn’t stand elastic around the panty line. I still am allergic to some
panties. I finally started using any oils I had, peppermint, milalucca,
eucalyptus, and that gave me relief and seemed to heal it up, but every so
often this comes back and I am so itchy!! I thought of venereal disease but
how in the world could I have gotten that bug!? My husbands been gone
now for 8 yrs and I sure am not around men like that! I know I have yeast
problems and I was told to take “Kefer” Probiotic Cultured Milk Smoothie
as I need that culture. I can buy it at a local store. That has helped me a lot
and its good to drink-all flavors. Also after my husband died I finally
decided to donate blood to the red cross for the 1PstP time ever. I was ready
to start donation. Well they didn’t take my blood because I have the Human
T-Lymphotropic Virus! HTLV is associated with adult T cell leukemia and
myelopathy or paraparesis in endemic areas of Japan and the Caribbean
and has been shown to occur as a result of parenteral transmission. It can
be transmitted by contaminated needles such as those used by
intravenous drug users. Both viruses may be transmitted sexually,
predominantly from male to female. They thought my husband may have
contracted it by blood or shots in the hospital he had congestive heart
failure and was sick for 20 years and had two open heart surgeries and
twice the mitro and aortic valves replaced and died when he was 61. He
was 41 when he had his first attack. So then this Dan Phend Read all my
information and he said by the computer feed back that he killed that virus.
I never did try to give blood any more as they said I could never donate. So
now maybe you have some answers for me. Thank you so much.
The Human T-lymphotropic virus Type I (HTLV-1) is a ThumanT TRNAT
TretrovirusT that causes TT-cellT TleukemiaT and T-cell TlymphomaT in adults
and may also be involved in certain Tdemyelinating diseasesT, including
Ttropical spastic paraparesisT. HTLV-III is also known as THIVT, the virus that
causes TAIDST. The HTLV-1 genome is diploid, composed of two copies of a
single-stranded RNA virus whose genome is copied into a double-stranded DNA
form that integrates into the host cell genome, at which point the virus is referred
to as a TprovirusT. Adult T-lymphotropic virus (ATLV) is a strain of this disease
that affects primarily adults. A closely related virus is Tbovine leukemia
virusT TBLVT. HTLV-I is an abbreviation for the human T-cell lymphotropic virus
type 1, also called the Adult T-cell lymphoma virus type 1, a TvirusT that has
been seriously implicated in several kinds of diseases including THTLV-Iassociated myelopathyT, TStrongyloides stercoralisT hyper-infection, and a
Tvirus cancer linkT for TleukemiaT (see Tadult T-cell leukemia/lymphomaT).
Between 1 in 20 and 1 in 25 infected persons are thought to develop cancer as a
result of the virus. HTLV-III is also known as THIVT, the virus that causes
TAIDST, was characterized in 1984 by TRobert GalloT and TLuc_MontagnierT.
"HTLV-IV" has been used to describe recently characterized viruses.
The above is some general descriptions and your symptoms and diagnoses are
not good! It sounds like you went to some quack that used a computer or trick
device to fool you, such as naturopathic quackes comonly use. I don’t know your
age or much about your past or present condition, age, etc. but can tell you that
you had better take this serious and start living today and work every day for the
rest of your life, to correct your health. Personally, I suggest your entire family all
de-worm now and stay de-wormed the rest of their lives and use herbs as
prevention. Never consider giving blood and by no means, ever get near cows or
consume any dairy of any kind ever again. I would weed & feed as though your
life depended upon it and use your experience to teach others. Never believe
these problems are not contagious, because if we share the same air, we share
the same health problems, only the state of the Immune System determines who
lives and who does not. The big question will be, are you willing to start reversing
a problem that has been a problem and will be a problem for others around you?
Ignoring such problems can end in a disaster.
Question: My wife is got an out ward goiter and she is got it probably about
8 years now. And she is been looking for an herbal way of treatment. What
could be done? A few doctors suggest every lump in the female is a goiter,
regardless if it is in the breast, womb or neck and all a result of deficiency of
Iodine. I suggest all commercial made iodine is very toxic and not suitable for
humans. I have seen every person that uses natural iodine extracted from trees
get results such as stronger fingernails with their very first bottle; I have seen 1
woman with a goiter at the back of her ear, reduce 50% in size with just one
spray of what I call Thyroid Spray which is a natural Tree Iodine Mineral Spray.
Ideally a person, especially all women need daily natural Iodine and children born
to mothers that lack iodine will suffer problems in the womb that will affect them
the rest of their lives in my opinion. I suggest seeing a good chiropractor that help
restore circulation, all the weed & feed suggestions in these newsletters and
Spraying the neck and the lumps direct with Thyroid Spray normal or adult
strength and a few squirts in the mouth daily as well. Taking a tablespoon daily of
the Iodine Minerals formula would be the best internal and external treatment I
know of to help with iodine deficiency. Damage done to the thyroid over a lifetime
is not going to erase like magic, but lacking proper iodine only allows the thyroid
health to continue to fall in my opinion. All women should take daily natural iodine
to avoid the female cancers and any lump is a sign that the body is experiencing
problems. A few doctors treat all female cancers with nothing but high dose
iodine for a year or more. Prevention is King! Do not wait until the body fails and
then try to fix it, which is normally referred to as the HUMPTY DUMPTY story.
We do not have all the kings’ men to put us back together again.
Question: We want your opinion for Graves Disease. What causes it and
how can it be treated or prevented? Graves' disease is an TautoimmuneT
disease where the TthyroidT is overactive, producing an excessive amount of
thyroid hormones (a serious metabolic imbalance known as ThyperthyroidismT
and TthyrotoxicosisT). This is caused by autoantibodies (TSHR-Ab) that activate
the TTSHT-receptor (TSHR), thereby stimulating thyroid hormone synthesis and
secretion, and thyroid growth (causing a diffusely enlarged TgoiterT). The
resulting state of hyperthyroidism can cause a dramatic constellation of
TneuropsychologicalT and physical signs and symptoms. Graves' Disease is the
most common cause of hyperthyroidism in children and adolescents, and usually
presents itself during early adolescence. It has a powerful ThereditaryT
component, affects up to 2% of the female population, and is between five and
ten times as common in females as in males. Graves’ disease is also the most
common cause of severe hyperthyroidism, which is accompanied by more
clinical signs and symptoms and laboratory abnormalities as compared with
milder forms of hyperthyroidism. About 25-30% of people with Graves' disease
will also suffer from TGraves' ophthalmopathyT (a protrusion of one or both
eyes), caused by inflammation of the eye muscles by attacking autoantibodies.
Diagnosis is usually made on the basis of symptoms, although thyroid hormone
tests may be useful. However, Graves’ thyrotoxicosis often gradually affects the
life of the patients, usually for many months, but sometimes years, prior to the
diagnosis.This is partially because symptoms can develop so insidiously that
they go unnoticed; when they do get reported, they are often confused with other
health problems. Thus, diagnosing thyroid disease clinically can be challenging.
Nevertheless, patients can experience a wide range of symptoms and suffer
major impairment in most areas of health-related quality of life.There is no cure
for Graves’ disease. There are, however, treatments for its consequences:
hyperthyroidism, ophthalmopathy and mental symptoms. The Graves’ disease
itself - as defined, for example, by high serum TSHR-Ab concentrations or
ophthalmopathy - often persists after its hyperthyroidism has been successfully
I personally believe prevention starts in the womb with the mother having proper
natural iodine and plant minerals in her diet sufficient enough to produce a proper
developed baby. The baby not properly produced will have the tendency to
develop any and all of the diseases. The baby once born can be supplemented
to avoid the problems in the womb, but nothing can ever undo the damage done
by a mother that did not properly prepare for a healthy baby. As a treatment, all
the WEED & FEED suggestions explained in this newsletter along with daily
spraying of the neck area with what I call Herbal Thyroid Spray which can be
made into strong adult formula as well. This also can be sprayed in the mouth,
but I would also be taking a tablespoon daily of the Iodine Minerals for
prevention and treatment. As explained previosuly, since 1992 it has been
suggested all humans have a comprimized thyroid, especially if they have any
mercury in their teeth fillings or accumulated with in their body. The avoidance of
all products with titanium dioxide / edta is a must and removal of mercury a
lifetime chore. All humans born after 1992 are suggested to have a lifespan of
less than 40 years because of the loss of their thyroid function, so prevention
now is essential, while waiting for thyroid failure is asking for disaster. It is easier
to build a house correctly that to rebuild a house that has fell down.
Also about fasting and body cleanses, I have read and heard about fasting
for a body cleanse: what foods and drinks and how long should the course
be? This will be discussed in detail in the upcoming newsletters, hundreds of
books have been written on these subjects, and to answer you properly in a few
paragraphs is impossible. At the end of this year, I will try to acquire enough
copies of a very old medical book that properly explains the ‘fast”; why it works
and the proper foods to eat afterwards to become your own physician for the rest
of your life using your foods as your medicines.
HAIR / shampoo
Question: What kind of shampoo do you recommend? Is there anything
natural out there? Anything I use stings my throat and eyes, with no
I do not recommend any commercial made shampoos or soaps, since 1992 they
have added chemicals to thwart hiv/aids and the side effects are loss of thyroid
function. Homemade soaps are great, “if” human grade ingredients are used,
such as first cold press olive oil and real essential oils, etc. Most homemade
soaps use toxic perfumes, poor grade olive oil, etc. The sting to your eyes and
throat are the “smells”/ fumes coming from these toxic commercial products. This
also shows your body is overwhelmed already and just one more toxin makes
your Immune Systems respond to repel the additional toxins. I use bar soaps that
are made in Turkey using food grade ingredients they cost about $7 a bar, but a
bar last a very long time for me. I do not know of an American source for such
quality bar soaps, but anyone that makes soap, could use good quality
ingredients if they wanted, the problem would be that no one would buy them
because of the additional cost. So I suggest using any hand made bar soap you
find and try to rinse all the soap off your hair best you can. Rain water which is
similar to distilled water makes for the best water to wash and rinse your hair. “IF”
the so called natural soaps are made in a commercial factory, I would not trust
anything the label says, in my opinion, all soaps and lotions were made toxic
starting in 1992. The chemicals added are said to result in all children born after
1992 to have a lifespan of less than 40 years, these same chemicals were added
to the chem trails that you see flying checker board patterns most every week
since 1949 in American skies as a method of population control and weather
LIVER / transplant
Question: I am an avid reader of your newsletter. I sent you a letter recently
asking questions about fibromyalgia, etc. I am 56 and have read lots and
lots of health books and information on alternative medicine. Finally at age
56 I am earning money myself to gain my health back. By the end of this
month I will, Lord willing, be ordering some products from you. At this time
my health has already improved quite a bit, but I still have a ways to go. In
the meantime I have met a baby who is very ill. She is on medication of
course, but also uses herbs, and understands “organic” is better. By the
end of this month she has an appointment to take tests and evaluations to
put her on the waiting list for a liver transplant. She is also very overweight.
My question is: can we save her liver? I have a book here, The Liver and
Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse by Andreas Moritz. He described a very simple
cleanse you can do at home, but you need to do it once a month for a year
or until you pass no more stones. I am doing this cleanse for the 7PthP time
now and have passed thousands of liver and gall stones and am feeling
much better. I hope to get Vicky on this cleanse and my question to you is:
what next? I have my ideas, but would love to have you outline a program.
Thank you, I am anxiously waiting for the next newsletter. Also, do you
have any products that suppress the appetite and helps control food
cravings? In other words a weight loss program? Moritz basically got all his
information from the Dr. Hulda Clark books and the Clark Style liver flush as
explained in the previous newsletter is the same type flush made “simple”. Face
the facts, anyone that wants to live, will do something about the weight and try to
avoid the drugs. Drugs harm the liver in my opinion and the liver is the number
one source of food for the parasites. Once the liver has been replaced, the
doctors own her for the rest of her life and if she had to pay for the drugs to keep
her alive, she can’t make that much money. She will live as long as the tax
payers money exist to pay her doctors. I have heard that they can cut 90% of the
liver and throw it away and it will grow back in 40 days, thus avoiding liver
transplants, but since such operations are worth big $$$, they will continue for as
long as people do them. In her case, can she live with out this? Only her doctors
know and if she has not been seeing a good chiropractor every 2 weeks for a
long time, then she does not care and if she or her family had to pay the full cost
of such an operation and the lifelong drugs, she would not be looking at such a
thing, in fact, few people would; they only do it because someone else pays the
bills. Naturally I am going to say if you can stand on your own two feet and make
it to the bathroom, then you can cure yourself; if not, then you will need a close
friend to care for you. A miracle product to stop her from eating herself to death?
It does not exist, no matter how many fancy ads make it into your house, they are
all SCAMS produced by those into marketing! Such products will always fail,
always! She can eat all the good foods she wants and loose the fat, waste and
disease by simply obeying what God created humans to eat, which is proven to
be raw tree fruits. She can eat these by the bushel and never ever go hungry and
put her disease in the toilet, but will she? They never do, that is why they develop
such diseases and then seek medical help as long as they don’t have to pay for
it. Many of churches have spent millions on such people, insurance companies
spent trillions and tax payers spent more than can be counted that has created
the medical monster we know today, while the proponents will say such systems
has saved lives and I say such systems created these things by wrong education
and greed. WEED & FEED there is no other way! On drugs leads to operations
and premature death, those that prescribe drugs believe they are only prolonging
the inevitable. If your friend wants to live, then you have a chance of helping her,
if she only trusts medical and wants her common diet to stay the same, just be
her friend and learn from her mistakes. I learned a long time ago, you can not
help a person that does not want help. You have read more than enough that you
would have written that your friend is seeing her chiropractor weekly now, deworming daily, taking 8+ Lower Bowel Capsules daily now, taking liver herbs
now, etc., etc. and laying in the sun, breathing fresh air and on her new fruit diet
and stopped all breakfast, but since you did not, you proved this friend is not
eager to save her own life.
Question: My husband had Lymes disease and we were wondering what
you would recommend. And I would also like to have something for myself.
I am always so tired and have to push myself through the day. Any
suggestions? Had, I assume you meant to write “has” and I believe we all have
it to some degree. Already well covered in the newsletters, the P / W Elimination
is he ultimate formula for prevention and treatment in my opinion for those that
want to only take 1 product. I suggest 2 capsules daily for life, 4 if needed. Good
also for you if you’re past age 40 and no longer planning on having children.
Parasites rob you of your nutrition and your oxygen; it all begins with a lifetime of
diet and habits that wear the body down. As you clean up the diet, see your
chiropractor regularly and the parasite load reduced, oxygen levels come up,
energy is restored. Never take a product that gives you energy, those products
stimulate your adrenal glands to produce hormones that makes your heart work
harder and when the adrenal glands bust from working too hard, you fall over
backwards dead. All caffeine products lead to destruction of the adrenal glands; I
make Dr. John R. Christopher’s Adrenal Balance formula in liquid 16 ounce
bottles for those that want to use herbs to try to help restore the adrenal glands.
Naturally the Women’s Wellness 1 tablespoon daily or 12 capsules daily would
serve you well over a lifetime.
PREGNANCY / birth control
Question: Wonder what you would suggest for birth control so the body can
be built up? As of now I am nursing an 11mo old. We have a 2 ½ yr old that
I nursed till 9mo and I got pregnant as soon as I quit. Thanks. Ideally there
are only 3 days per month that it is possible to become pregnant and to be on the
sure side, 12 days are allowed as being “possible” days. Those that use the
simple Cycle Beads or understands how to use a calendar and keep tract of
their cycle; knows exactly how to avoid unwanted pregnancy and keep control so
mother and baby has the best chance at a healthy and long life. The father has to
be the wise one and the leader of the family. Understanding his own health and
his wife’s health is his first step into raising a healthy family. This should be well
discussed and understood prior to marriage. If his health does not allow him to
maintain control, his wife can help him in many ways other than having an
unhealthy baby or making his wife sickly. Understanding nature is the greatest
key and nature never lies, while authors of books can. A healthy mother is the
foundation of the family life. The father should work to make sure the mother of
his children is at her best health at all times, otherwise, all he works for is at risk.
PREGNANCY / spacing
Question: I’m wondering how you’d recommend natural child spacing if you
think they should be 3 yrs apart? Any advice is appreciated.
Nature normally makes women sterile while nursing as a natural way to space
out the children, how pregnancy happens to a nursing mother still makes no
sense to me, physically it is not suppose to be possible if her body is functioning
properly. The womb must be repaired and made new for the next baby, this takes
2 years from the last birth which accounts to the last baby taking 18 months till
weaned. True pregnancy happens with the moon cycle in September, so figure 3
years between conceiving obeys nature perfectly, anything less goes against
nature and mother and baby will have more of a battle for perfect health. In fact,
if the parents plan well, they will have a larger family that lives longer and enjoys
better health longer. While having a child every year leads to disease and
premature death for all. Every mother deserves to live well enough to enjoy their
grandchildren and the very smart enjoy their great grandchildren. Children raising
children because one or two mothers have already died is just wrong! Too many
get married up to three times because the mothers died from complications of
child rearing. The children pay a bigger price than their mother did, they will
suffer earlier problems than their mother did, unless their health is drastically
changed to the better.
Also what could be done for a small child that gets nightmares or screams
in the night? For approximately 2 yrs already. Any idea what causes it?
We all as children have nightmares and often as adults learn to forget them as
soon as we wake up. It is a subject seldom spoken of and certainly not found in
normal health books. Nightmares and night terrors can become a TsourceT of
serious concern for both the child as well as the TparentsT if they start occurring
regularly. Nightmares usually trouble a child during the REM period. REM stands
for ‘rapid eye movement’ and it is a phase of sleep when the eyes are not at all
still and thus indicate feverish brain TactivityT. Nightmares are not of a regular
length but they have one characteristic and that is that the child always tends to
remember them. So, their frequent occurrence can really be a tormenting
experience for your child. On the other hand, night terrors do not occur during the
REM period but they occur about one or two hours after the child has gone in the
lap of sleep. They may be of a small duration or may extend up to even an hour.
The child may keep his eyes totally open during this period but otherwise he is
completely asleep and has no connection with the outside world. On being
awake, the child does not show any memory of these night terrors. If your child is
experiencing either of the two conditions, there are several methods that can be
adopted to soothe and calm him. These techniques are for the time when your
child is about to sleep as well as for the time after he awakens from it. First of all
the time when your child has to sleep, should not involve any busy, exciting or
noisy activity. He should sleep in a calm and serene atmosphere. Children tend
to sleep very quietly and peacefully in the presence of their parent. All the more,
if you sing a lullaby to your child or tell him a beautiful story, his chances of being
tormented by the nightmares and night terrors are reduced to a minimum. This
will also come in handy after the child has got up from his sleep. It is also
necessary that the parents should behave in a very relaxed way, once the child is
awake. It is because the child is intelligent enough to judge from our expressions
whether something is wrong or not. If he finds his parents worried he would
become very difficult to be tackled. Make it a point to sleep near your child, from
where you can hear his cry in case he is frightened and cries at night. You should
have a baby monitor for this, as they are very useful for the purpose. You should
try to reach your child in the least possible time because he needs your
immediate attention and care at this juncture. If your child is crying but not
awake, don’t force him to get up. Rather wait till he gets up on his own. Or else,
lie down with your child and do so until he sleeps peacefully again. After that,
don’t continue sleeping with your child because it may be detrimental to his
confidence and he may get even more frightened in future. He may develop fear
of his own room or things and such a habit once developed is very difficult to
change. So, avoid too much protection of the child and allow him to get rid of
nightmares and night terrors on his own. Always be there for his help but don’t
allow him to become dependent on you.
A child properly nourished and healthy will have better sleep and less problems.
Reading bible stories at bedtime often makes for better sleep for the entire
household. Babies “feel” the problems of their mother and family, their emotions
are much stronger and as they learn to tame their emotions and pen up their
frustrations in life, their troubles can affect their adult life. The spiritual side of
nightmares and depressions, bi-polar, etc. are seldom discussed to avoid
conflicts with religious beliefs but spiritual attack is very real to those that are
aware of such things. Making the children feel loved and wanted no doubt is the
most productive cure for the entire family. Never pick up and try to wake a child
having a bad nightmare, the best thing you do is hold them and comfort them
until it is over. Praying always helps! Baby Calm is the best product we make to
be used on a daily basis.
What could be done about a 2 yr old son that got 5 convulsions due to high
fever, but recovered nicely? Any idea what to do so they don’t return when
he again gets the cold and high fever?
ALWAYS take these children to a good chiropractor at the first sign of an illness
and return them to a proper diet immediately and NEVER EVER allow the
dehydration that leads to convulsions that can lead to death. UWhat has the diet
of this 2 year old been? U Parasites most likely can be playing a role and most
possibly a chiropractic visit 3 days after birth and 6-8x by age 2 could have total
avoided this horrible problem for this poor little child. High fever normally is the
human body seeking to remove the mucus that was caused by wrong diet and in
this case, it would sound like a dairy diet or a mother that has the worse milk on
the planet. With out knowing the diet or if this child has been poisoned with
drugs, vitamins, vaccines or basically everything the nursing mother was taking
and passing her illness to this child, it would only be guessing. It is simple,
normally; to just stop all the bad stuff and the baby will take care of its own health
and if all the simple stuff does not solve the problems, in rare cases, then
medical may need to do test for tumors, rare diseases, etc. this is why you work
with a great chiropractor that will guide you when you need professional help for
the little ones.
Question: Do you know about PXP Forte Products and how do you rate
them? No, there are thousands of commercial made products, pamphlets and
books to entice people to buy; I did this for close to 20 years and figured I wasted
$20,000.00 on such gimmicks and today I try to ignore them all as a waste of
time. I got tired of being a victim of all their marketing lies.
PRODUCTS / baby calm
Question: Concerning the herbal Baby Calm we bought from you. We had
another product that really worked from another company but is altogether
different. This other contains chamomile, catnip, passion flower, spearmint,
rosehips, hops, shave grass and aromatic flavorings. We were wondering if
these could be mixed in with the eleven bottles we still have and what this
would cost us. Yours would have catnip in so wouldn’t need that. I won’t be
able to sell these as they are. So was wondering what your opinion would
be. The formula I make called Baby Calm is a Dr. Christopher formula made into
mineral rich liquid syrup. The hops and passion flower would make your formula
more of a sedative formula and hopefully made very mild, otherwise you’re going
to knock the baby out. If made mild enough, the formula you suggest could be
used at sleep time, but otherwise makes no sense for very young babies or
daytime use. Using herbs to knock the baby out so mother can sleep longer is
not “ideal”, the baby needs to have his / her full functions and be able to let
mother know when they are hungry or otherwise not feeling good. I could see too
many mothers abusing such a formula. Your next step would be to just give the
babies sleeping pills. Baby Calm is a formula for the upset stomach that results
when mother’s milk is poor and baby over eats; it is not designed as a powerful
sleep aid. If you want me to make you a mild Baby Sleep aid, the above listed
herbs could be used properly. Our formulas have one price; it makes no
difference what herbs are used.
SLEEP / waking up
Question: I have to get up 3-4 times a night to urinate, most of the time and
have a burning or pain when I urinate. I don’t know is it the prostate or
kidney and bladder. I wonder what you think it is and do you think you have
something that would help me? I assume your male and depending upon your
age, the prostrate would be a good guess. All the weed & feed info previously
listed along with Men’s Wellness as an all purpose daily supplement for
prevention of all deficiency diseases, Prostrate Aid herbal powder (we do not
have this formula encapsulated) as a direct herbal powder formula or I make a
Liquid Prostrate Aid S/T . The P / W Elimination powder formula also has the
prostrate formula in it and covers all the herbs to avoid deficiency. Not knowing
much based on the little info supplied, I would suggest the P / W Elimination
powder that you encapsulate and take 2-4 capsules every day for the rest of your
life, if this does not solve the problem, then add the Prostrate Herbal Powder to
the P / W Elimination powder to make it stronger or make strongest by making
pure capsules. Keep in mind, often this can be nothing more than your spine
being out of place, I have seen many men be cured of what they believed to be
prostrate problems in 1 treatment from a “good” chiropractor, this is why you see
me always say see your chiropractor at the first sign of any ailment and use
herbs for prevention on a daily basis and not like a “drug”. Using herbs like a
drug is like reaching for water after the fire has already started.
Question: We saw your warning about not using silver. We have silver here
that we are using. We wouldn’t want to be without. We use it for
toothaches, etc. this is what the label says: The Silver Blessing , Made from
99.99% pure silver suspended in deionized water. Ten part per million
concentrations…. Have you had any experience of this kind of silver? We
would be glad to know if this silver is bad also? In my opinion, you have
poisoned your entire family. The FDA outlawed silver solutions years ago, but
never seemed to enforce it. The silver is metal and the smaller it is made, the
more toxic it becomes, because it easily enters your bloods stream and can’t
pass through the venous valves or exit through the kidneys properly and ends up
in the lymph glands and eventually your skin and hair for the rest of your life. This
leads to all the mono type diseases and if abused to the extreme, your skin turns
grey / blue and you die quickly enough to be pronounced dead by silver
intoxication. You are using poison, which is nothing new, mercury and arsenic
use to be in every medicine cabinet. You have poisoned your friendly bacteria as
well as your bad bacteria, but bad bacteria / fungus can never be poisoned, it
only mutates into more and more dangerous bacteria. You train off immediate
results as a cheap remedy (cheap poison) and will reap long term devastation in
my opinion. I have always suggested anyone that takes silver, please never try
any of my products, I do not want to be associated with such people because the
day will come when they will blame anything but their poisons for their ill health.
The fact is if you believe in silver poison, it is easily made. If you have 3 nine volt
batteries, some salt and a Canadian silver dollar, you can make 55 gallon drums
of silver water, so those you’re buying from are the only ones benefiting; they
might have 5 cents a gallon investment. Do a data labs hair sample test out of
Chicago if you want to see the extent of your accumulation. Few will tell you the
damage done, other than a few hospital doctors and nurses that have watched
people die from consuming silver.
SOAP / lye
Question: Are homemade soaps with lye safe to use?
They are not edible, but I would use them over all commercial made soaps. If
they are made with food grade olive oil and food grade essential oils, they would
be much better, but most people making bars of soap use the cheapest raw
products. I use home made bar soap to wash the skin and hair. All commercial
made soaps, shampoos, and lotions have titanium dioxides / EDTA added since
1992 as a method to curb HIV/aids deaths in America, the side effects are loss of
thyroid health, which resulted in a suggested lifespan of all children born after
1992 to be 40 years. It has to do with a chemical reaction with mercury and this
is the reason mercury has been slowly removed from dental work, but mercury is
in many other products, even in the water in such places as Florida; so all soaps,
lotions, shampoo and the numerous commercial foods that titanium dioxide /
EDTA was added to, needs to be avoided if people are to have a chance with
thyroid health in my opinion. Most every modern home on earth has products
with this added chemical and thyroid disease is now a world wide problem. Never
buy products or foods with this listed on the label; this is why many today suggest
buying nothing commercially made.
QUESTIONS / general
Questions: 1. what value has grape juice that is processed thru a steamer?
Heated fruits / juices that are not allowed to spoil supply plant minerals.
Unheated plant minerals are more natural and easier to assimilate. 2. what’s the
cause and what can be done for facial hair in women? In the womb there is
not a huge difference that determines a male or female, both male and female
share very similar hormones and medical knows they can give hormones to
either male or female and make their body appear more male or more female.
Females tend to have less facial hair than men, but most women pull out their
facial hair all their life, while men cut their facial hair. The only herbal solution
would be what I call Hormone Balance, an herbal formula created by Dr. John
R. Christopher to help women and men that hormone balance problems,
normally by age 50 or as early as age 21. Excessive hormones or even the lack
of hormones can make a wreck of the human body. This herbal formula is
designed to take for a lifetime and the results are very slow or go unnoticed.
Hormone formulas are always expensive; the main hormone herb used, cost
over $150 a pound. Hormone function needs proper plant fats, so everyone
should take up to an ounce daily of their desired plant fats, such as olive oil,
coconut oil, wheat germ, lecithin, sunflower oil, etc. along with 2 Hormone
Balance capsules as prevention to hormone imbalance. Those with too much
desired facial hair will have to pull it out as it comes. 3. do you eat chemical
sprayed fruits? What I or anyone else eats, is irrelevant to UyourU health. The
fact remains that the best fruits you can grow or obtain are the best foods. I
worked 30 years in a lead factory, which was extremely hard on my health. I
have eaten and drank most anything, same as other humans have. I have paid
the price the same as every human will. 4. what healthy cleaner to use to
clean rusty water stains? I only use borax laundry soap, what stains it does not
remove, don’t get removed. I assume there are many soaps sold, but I only use
this one. Yes, most of my work cloths I wear are stained. 5. Clorox 2 (powdered
form) is that a safe product? NO, Clorox is a powerful cleaner and some such
as Dr. Hulda Clark believed it is the number 1 reason for human cancer and the
product should never be stored in a house or where the fumes can be smelled. I
assume as long as it was 100% rinsed out of clothing, it would have no ill effects
on the people wearing the clothes, but can it ever be all rinsed away and what
about the people doing the wash? If you go to a restaurant, you can taste the
Clorox on the silver ware, cups and plates, the law requires restaurants to
saturate these items that are shared between humans to stop the spread of
disease. People working in restaurants have a high risk job, same as those that
live on city water.
6. milk lactose (powdered form) is that good or bad? Good for what?
Humans past age 18 months can’t digest or assimilate milk and babies need real
raw mothers milk, so I do not know what powdered milk would have a use for?
Dr. John R. Christopher claimed powdered milk was reclaimed slaughter blood
that scientist learned to remove the red blood cells from and leave a white
powder milk product. In China and elsewhere, you can buy cases of powdered
horse milk, are they milking horses somewhere on earth or do they take the
blood of slaughtered horses, remove the red blood cells and sell it as horse milk?
I have never seen powdered milk made, so I can’t say one way or the other. 7.
how and what do you eat on a daily basis? I grew up on a large dairy farm, so
like my dad; I lost my teeth health at an early age and have no teeth today. It is
not what I eat or how I eat it that is important, it is all the bad foods I ate that
made me loose health that is important to me, so my children do not make the
same mistakes I did. Towards the end of these newsletters I will explain diet and
make available the best medical written book that explains human food in great
detail and how food can and should be the only medicines needed to become
your own physician. I believe the use of herbs along with proper diet is the better
choice for people that were raised on foods that lead to cancers and diseases. 8.
chiropractor? One that massages or adjusts? All real chiropractors “adjust”
the bones of the entire body, while those that massage only need a few months
training and have no clue how to adjust the bones like a well trained Chiropractor
“should”. Both done well feels good and increases proper circulation that
promotes better health. 9. lavillin for underarm odor, good or bad?
Commercial sources say this: A single application of Lavilin, eliminates odor for
up to 7 days! Lavilin frees you from the embarrassment of unpleasant
perspiration odor regardless of the amount and extent of physical activity. It
allows you to bathe, swim, exercise and engage in strenuous sports. Whatever
you do, whatever the weather, Lavilin leaves you “odor free” is natural, long
lasting deodorant cream - The "Single Application Revolution" Eliminates
perspiration odor at the source by killing odor-causing bacteria. Safe deodorants
- do not interfere with bodily functions. Aluminum and alcohol free. Contains
Arnica and Calendula - known for their anti-bacterial properties. Chamomile Soothes skin. Sounds like 100% lies to me, anything that can make your
underarms odor free for 7 days with 1 application would be so toxic, I personally
don’t even think the most poisonous substances could work that long, so with out
testing it for myself, I would believe it to be all lies as a method to snag the 1 time
buyer. 10. what causes teeth grinding in children while they are sleeping?
Most say worms, worms that can be in the gums themselves, while this can be
so, I suggest it is more nerves than anything else, the same type of nerve
disorders that cause stuttering, wetting of bed, general nervousness.
Question / general
I wasn’t going to order right away but I saw the head lines in our daily
newspaper warning! U.S.! “Warning points to more direct threat!” so I am
sending this out quickly in case. We sure don’t know what out future is, but
God knows! And we will trust in Our Lord and Savior. I am widowed now
for 8 yrs. I will be 67 this month and had 13 children, 1 was a still born. As
of now I have 65 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren on the way. I
have had quite a few problems, but I feel good and blessed. I have had
surgeries in Mexico to take out blood clots in both legs. I can’t imagine why
you would choose to go to old Mexico for surgeries, unless you lived near the
border and wanted to save a dime by crossing the border where if something
goes wrong, it just goes wrong and you get what you paid for. Blood clots in the
legs are a very bad sign that the blood is too dirty and clogging up the valves in
the veins. They do it different after I awake alone in this Mexican hospital
they had a bowl of my veins all knobby with clots beside my table!! That
sounds horrible and if they were your veins and not something they did to “fake”
you, then their removal in no manner a cure. Oh well, I got over that and never
regretted it but I also had implants put in (new ones) for holding my bottom
false teeth on they fit fine, but I could write pages how that went. Implants
are foreign to the body and the blood will always want to dissolve and remove
them, but in general, people will not notice the problems. I had pylori. I did all
this just before my husband dies, as he wanted me to so now I am having a
problem that my arches broke down in both my feet. I’m wearing my arch
supports I got a long time ago they’re still good as new (plastic). I had both
ankles broken at different times when my children were young. I was a
busy mother. I had 5 children in 5 years time and most of the others were 2
years apart except my youngest who married last year was 7 ½ year later at
the time we were getting ready (last spring) for Sara & Matthews wedding I
got deeply depressed. My children all came home to paint my entire house
and at that time, I had that problem with my wrist by lifting to heavy. I was
getting treatments and then when I excised I did it on the run and popped
my knee inward talk about pain! And then I couldn’t walk hardly and finally
the children said they think I have a blood clot in my inside vein, so all I did
was take Excedrin 2 every 3 hrs for over a week. I got over that and now I
feel good except my stomach hurts and rumbles and I do take No.2 bowel
pills and oodles of other vitamins. I take “Daily Advantage” Mountain Home
by Dr. David Williams. I cannot complain as I have energy and own my
home and 30 acres or so. I love to work outside and inside too. I have a
loving family. An interesting story, no real questions that I can see, naturally you
can figure that I am imagining the conditions of your poor legs. Having the
children close, the operations, the drugs, the vitamins, etc. have explained your
situation well. To try to correct the damage and save the legs would mean 100%
correct diet that created the absolute most perfect weight and a diet rich in the
best of plant / fruit minerals with proper sunshine, clean air, plenty of rest and
internal and external treatment of your entire body. I rarely ever see anyone past
age 50 willing to put effort in restoring their body; so I have always preached
people change the diet and habits prior to turning 50. It seems like so many
figure they are going to die soon anyway and don’t want to spend any money on
their own health. While I suggest all the children need to be the ones supporting
their parents and buying the foods and supplements needed for better health;
after all, you gave your health so they could be born, it only seems fair that they
as adults now care for you. The largest threat to America now is the radiation
from Japan’s nuclear meltdown of 6 electrical generators. This radiation has
been falling out all over the world, especially the USA and the cow milk very
contaminated with the iodine/radiation as all animals that eat the grass are being
badly effected this year. Avoiding all dairy will help a little, while if your body lacks
natural iodine, your thyroid will absorb the nuclear iodine as it falls to the ground
and we breathe it in.
Question / general
What about the radiation escaping from the Japanese nuclear plant
destruction, how much are we in jeopardy? They say the damage will last at
least 100 years. All cow milk in America has radioactive iodine in it now, this
simple means the radioactive fall out has circled this earth and the entire planet
will be affected for a very long time to come. The country of Japan and the ocean
around their island is not a fit place to live and has not been fit since World War
II. This is the worse nuclear disaster reported to the public. It seems the radiation
never stops and the fuel rods never quit burning, so they cover everything with
cement and spray water on the area for the rest of eternity as they have been
doing in Russia for a long time now. All humans need to have enough proper /
natural iodine in their thyroid to avoid the radioactive iodine in their air and on the
ground and concentrated 600 x in all cow milk; otherwise the iodine is only a
small portion of the total problems. The cancer rates will all go up and the true
damage not known for another 20-40 years as the death rates can be examined.
All dairy should be eliminated forever; same goes for all animals that eat grass.
Those consuming dairy and animal meats multiply their exposure to the fall out;
otherwise most will just ignore all the environmental pollution and dangers and
live life as “normal” and be happy. Being happy with the situation we are all in
promotes longer life. To worry about that which we can not change only harms
the health from too much stress. Those desiring to live better will improve diet,
clean their water and use herbs to help cleanse the blood stream. Also give
some information on chem trails and the involvement of the H.A.R.P. Chem
trailing started with the USA NAVY by 1949 after learning from Hitler’s
experiments in Poland on how to control humans via metallic poisons such as
aluminum. Russia and the USA immediately implemented such poisons on their
entire populations as a way to make people more slave like; this also lead into
learning how to control the weather. The state of California pioneered weather
control which enabled it to raise vegetables and soon spread world wide. Most
humans alive today have not lived long enough to remember clean blue skies
and natural weather. Today the air force tells the weather 14 days in advance as
they seek to control it every day. In short, if you look at your skies, you can see
the military jets fling above spraying streams of metallic chemicals about 5 miles
apart and then they crisscross making checkerboard like patterns and often you
will see large X put in the sky that are seen by satellite that controls the H.A.R.P.
systems in Alaska. The system electrifies the skies and pushes and pulls these
manmade clouds and on demand, they are electrified in a manner to release rain
or snow. A wise person knows the weather by watching the activities of these
chem trail jets. In 1992 it was realized that this long term aluminum spraying was
killing humans too rapidly, known as HIV/aids and a chemical called titanium
dioxide EDTA was added to the chem. trail mixture and to all products used by
humans to wash their hair and skin and as well added to many baked foods. This
mixture slowed down the HIV deaths, but does permanent damage to the thyroid
of a human has any mercury in their body. This is why the dental association was
ordered to phase out mercury, but it was too late for all humans that have
mercury fillings and those that have mercury in their body from other sources;
they have thyroid related illnesses that lead to a study that suggest all humans
born after 1992 will die by age 40 from thyroid related diseases. All cow milk has
a greater concentration of these metallic poisons as does all animals that eat
grass. Those eating dairy and meats have more thyroid disease because of
these chem trail jets. ALL vegetables do not have root bark, they allow in too
large of minerals, so they also have these chemicals from the chem trail jets,
while trees and vine fruits have root bark and this root bark does not allow too
large of minerals / toxins to enter and since humans were designed to live on tree
/ vine fruits, this added pollution only makes it wiser to add more tree fruits to the
diet. Anyone that looks UP daily soon sees this problem. “IF” you buy a 1 million
candle power or stronger flashlight and go out after dark on a calm night with no
winds and shine your light towards the heavens, you will see that we all live in a
cloud of aluminum dust and you then know why so many Asian people world
wide where those white face mask all their life. Once you see this aluminum /
titanium dust in your air, you will never be the same again; you will realize we are
in a war that we didn’t even know about. This in fact, is an extension of World
War II or some call it the last war. This weather control also lead to controlling the
amount of sunshine allowed on earth. If you watch these chem trail jets, there are
a group of them that follow the sun around the earth almost daily. Their job is to
put aluminum in the upper atmosphere to filter out the sunshine, they believe by
doing this, they have made the earth 3 degrees cooler. I put a book together
years ago showing the chem trailing of America and today, most humans world
wide realize they are caught up in this world wide war that we have no control
over. Those that control the skies, controls us all. The main goal is population
control, hospitals report daily to the pentagon that then determines what cities,
states or areas need more chemicals, which promotes more medical greed and
less pay out of social security as people die younger and younger. Chem Trail
poisons are known world wide now, for 50 years it was a tight kept secret, today
it even shows up in school books. These chemicals affect every vegetable
grown; only plants with root bark can protect them selves from the metallic
fallout. How much damage will it do to our bodies? Every human on earth has
been poisoned by design for 60 years, only the strongest survive it. Those doing
the spraying are trained in military schools to believe it is good for all humans on
earth, an easy way for population control, death by poisons and not by bullets.
One pilot I knew said he sprayed the country of India from 1960-63 and when I
asked him about the spraying of America and his children; he stated it was good
for all, that otherwise humans live too long. Watch your skies and you can see for
your self, they do it world wide, but more around cities and retirement areas,
such as Florida and California. This is a war against the elderly. What about the
radiation pills that can be bought to protect us, how good are they for us?
Radiation pills are nothing more than powdered chemical iodine; this is chemical
iodine that poisons the body, but because the human diet so lacks natural iodine,
it will absorb and try to use the chemical iodine, also known as lugol’s iodine.
Lugol’s iodine is poison, more than 6 drops daily is very toxic and once applied to
your skin or swallowed, it will stay in your body as a metal for many years, if not
for the rest of your life, which results in sterility and the shrinking of the
reproductive organs. Lugols’ Iodine is a poison; its only possible use would be to
spray on the fields to add chemical iodine that the soil bacteria could break down
into suitable soil iodine. The government pills is a short term medical pill for when
a nuclear disaster or war happens, otherwise they have no solutions for the
thyroid problems. On the other hand real tree iodine I believe is the only Iodine a
human / mammal is designed to make use of. I do not know of any ocean plant
or other plant that makes iodine, they may grow in water or soil that has a very
mild amount of iodine, but they do not make it, as far as I know of, only trees
make it. Those eating a tree fruit diet, have no iodine diseases, in fact, everything
about human health always leads back to the tree, the food God created for us.
Everything other than tree food, has health problems, it truly is that simple. The
herbal solution for chem trails, nuclear disasters, and chemicals added to drinks
and foods, bad foods, bad drinks would be the herbs known to cleanse the blood,
dissolve the rock and stimulate kidney health. I make a variety of such herbal
formulas, but when Japan’s radiation hit the USA, I made a multipurpose herbal
formula for all ages that I call THE SKY IS FALLING in a dropper bottle where I
suggest all humans of all ages past 2 take a dropper per day and THE SKY IS
FALLING SPRAY version that I suggest all humans spray their neck daily and to
do this the rest of their life to avoid thyroid related premature death. I made this
for my family; we all have our own bottles on the kitchen table to remind us to do
this every day. People do not realize the dangers in their environment; I was a
trapper as a child and I soon learned that the animals that learned I was after
them, learned to avoid me! Those that didn’t avoid me, ended up as someone’s
coat. It is education or elimination. The main reason for refusing education is
cost, while I suggest it cost more to live sickly than it does healthy. Clean water
and correct diet is 90% of the goal to a clean body. A few supplements can not
undo daily bad diet and bad drinks. We need not fear our environment, we need
to understand it.
We have received thousands of stories of the years; here are just a few of
the recent ones: (I often am referred to as M.H. that stands for master herbalist)
1.) I used MH's Spray III on my shingles and the symptoms disappeared over
night and the blisters disappeared within about a week. Never to be seen again.
Thanks God for MH's sprays.
God Bless
T2.) Congratulations MH!
The "BREAK THROUGH formula" will be a great gift to humankind. I look forward
to using it. When it comes to the weeding and feeding of the body MH, you are
one of the most knowledgeable human beings presently walking on the face of
the earth. I use your products faithfully on a regular basis because they work.
The following sprays and products are a partial list of a single order that I had
sent to me here in Canada:
2 Herbal Hormone spray 2oz and 1 4oz, 1 Ivy spray 2oz, 2 Potassium /Iodine 2oz
and 1 8oz, 1 Herbal Eye spray 2oz, 1 Calm/Sleep spray 2oz, 1 Hearing Aid spray
2oz, 3 Sinus/Breath of Life spray 2oz, 2 Top Knot spray 2oz and 1 4oz, 2
Kidney/Pancreas spray 2oz, Spray 1 8oz, Spray 2 4oz, 1 Spray 38 oz, 1 Pro
Sports 8oz, LBB caps 550 count, Hormone Balance caps 550 count, 1 pound
olive leaf powder.
I believe in your products, and my continued use of a great number of them, is
more than proof that I have benefited. In brief I see better. I hear better. I sleep
better. My eczema cleared up. I feel better all over. Your products are sowing
seeds for the future MH. Whether you like it or not, many millions of people will,
in the years to come, greatly benefit from your sprays and formula's. God has
given you your gift of knowledge as a seed to plant today for mankind's use, well
into the future. It only takes a few of us "seeds" to recognize your light to ensure
that your efforts will be shared by millions in the future. You see MH, you can't
shut us up. We know what you are on this earth to do. A few of us get it. We see
it. We thank you. Feel free to use my testimony in any way you see fit. I can
never thank you enough for helping me on my journey to return to the land of the
living. I truly was on deaths doorstep before being led to the efforts of your good
self MH. Create a nice day, TGDT
3.) Hi MH, I am interested in ordering the Farmers Solution, The Sky is Falling
and the new improved Thyroid Spray. I have been using your products for over
three years now and couldn’t live without them. I suffer from Crohn’s, celiac and
chronic anemia / malabsorption. I started taking the LBB, De wormer and Iron
Balance. I have taken Mrs. Barefoot, L/S, Olive Leaf, Oregano Oil the All n One
kit etc. Then came the sprays. I have used Spray I, II & III, ear spray, eye spray,
parasite sprays. When the sprays first came out I developed Shingles on my
back. I had never had Shingles before and didn’t really know what it was. My
chiro told me I should go to the doctor. I sprayed those scabs every time I
thought about it and they stopped itching and the soreness went away in days.
What a relief that was. I hear Shingles can be a nightmare. Thank God for the
sprays! Then came the P/W Elimination. That was the best of the best. After
about a month of taking p/w elimination I started to feel better. I had always been
tired and could only leave the house maybe two days out of the week due to
tiredness, fatigue and just not feeling well. It has been a few months now since I
have been taking the p/w elimination and I am starting to live again. I have
energy and I feel ALIVE again; no more dead, sluggish feeling. I am able to get
out and have a social life.
I am looking forward to using the Sky Is Falling to help cleanse my blood and
give me more energy as well as the new thyroid spray. I would like to use the
Farmers Solution on my back and my legs. I also have a six year old Husky that
injured her leg last summer running. She jumped for the ball and hurt her left rear
leg. The operation is $5,000.00 and the vet said sometimes it is successful and
sometimes not. We opted out of the operation and instead we sprayed her leg
with Spray III. We continue to use that spray when she starts limping and she
seems to be okay now but I would love to try the Farmers Solution on her.
TI thank MH everyday for his products and his free education as I would hate to
think where I would be if not for him and Brenda.
God Bless you and your family. LBT from Canada
4.) Hello MH, I hope all is well. I want to try your Farmers Solution so here's my
testimony. I educated myself by reading at Curezone, your school, the Dr.
Christopher book, etc. and also by self-experimentation. I learned how to rid
myself of allergies by cleaning up my liver. I've always been generally healthy
and intend to stay that way. I am into self-experimentation. I use many of your
products including the Pica, Mrs Barefoot, LBB, K/P/H/P, Oregano Oil,
DeWormer, Tree Iodine and I especially like your Longevity Spices. I knew I had
liver flukes years ago but thought I had killed them all off because I stopped
seeing them during liver flushes and I had been taking anti-parasite herbs every
day for years, so I thought I was clean. I started seeing them again about a year
ago. That was disappointing. I think it was the Longevity Spices with the adult
parasite herbs that was killing them because I was drinking a lot of it at the time.
Sadly I ran out of L/S but I still continue to see the flukes. I want to kill them all
once and for all. I will also order the P/W powder. My favorite spray is your Top
Knot because it is re-growing a lot of hair for me. I have fine hair and have had
diffuse thinning over the years and the Top Knot is definitely growing back hair
for me. My hair is thicker now than it was before I started using it.
I feel blessed to have discovered your excellent products and information.
Feel free to use my testimony. Thanks,TB
5.) My name is E. B. from Texas. You can use my testimony on your website and
you already have one testimony on the Pro Sports folder. I've been through
several of your products and continue to use them daily, I can't wait to try the The
Farmer's herbal solution and The Sky is falling products. I still have the wood
basket that my 1st cleansing kit came in that the Amish made. This first cleansing
was amazing for me because I never had any symptoms of gall stones but once I
did the cleansing kit I literally passed over 100 small and medium sized stones.
I've slowly begun to feel all of my nagging aches and pains with my knees and
feet dissipate. Last year I tore a ligament in my knee while playing basketball and
I refused to allow a doctor to cut on me. I started on the BF&C along with the
other products that I have below and here I am 7-8 months later about 95% back
from this injury and still playing basketball and I am over 40. I first found MH
when I was looking for a good parasite cleanse product, I was just about to
purchase a different product when I saw his herbal de-wormer and started
reading up on it which led me to his site and all of his unique products. The
videos on MH's site about the Chemical trails also opened my eyes to the evil
New World Order, so he has opened my eyes in more ways than one.
I have 2 kilos of the oregano oil, a couple of 5 gallon buckets of longevity spices,
sorghum molasses & Pica minerals. I also have the silver cord sprays & the
herbal spray 3 that I used for several aches and pains & they have always
brought relief to me and my B-Ball players. I've completed several fast including
a 40 day. I am currently 4 days into what I hope to be another 40 day fast & this
is why I can't wait to get my hands on the 2 new products so I can experiment
with them during my fast. Thanks for all of your dedication and honesty to your
work/products & to your family. It's a rare thing to see in a world that is a total
6.) My older child, GT's mama, lives in my house. She is allopathic all the way!!
Her diet STINKS; she couldn't tell you what year she last ate a piece of fruit or
anything raw. At age 16, before seatbelt laws, she back ended a car, crashing
both knees into a real metal dashboard. Her kneecaps were literally pushed up
her thighs. We saw an ER doctor that evening. He said this happens from
stretched ligaments and tendons and since she was walking, a minor condition
that should correct itself shortly, but did warn that she may have problems with
her knees later in life. Sure enough, we watched as her kneecaps returned to
their proper place in her body. Twenty years later (last summer), I realized my
child was grunting every time she walked up the each of the 7 steps from the
basement where she lives to the kitchen. She went to the family doctor (well, the
nurse practitioner that she sees). She was sent to see a surgeon. X-rays showed
she had a spur on the back of one kneecap that was eating away at her minicus,
the cartilage between the kneecap and the knee joint. It required surgery of
course. She diligently saved for what they expected her part to be. As the
appointed day that used up all her savings and then some. She groaned over the
cancellation of for surgery approached, she experienced a family emergency that
surgery; she'd had enough of the pain! She had witnessed the "miracles" that
BF&C had worked on GT's sports injuries. I offered to try and help. We sprayed
with Spray III generously, applied B&W salve to keep it in place (we had no
BF&C salve and were using what we did have, wrapped the knee in saran wrap
for over night. She washed this off in the mornings to go to work. MH, after 6
nights, she told me she didn't need it anymore, the pain was GONE. That was
last Oct, and it still hasn't come back!
I'm the only "Barefooter" in this house, but everybody - my Mama, my daughter,
and GT, my grandson asks me to "get the spray" for aches, pains and injuries.
They even have me helping their friends! A 2nd testimonial, this one for Spray II,
this time a teenage boy across the street: He's knocked a chunk out of his leg on
a metal bracket corner of a hauling trailer. It had been 3 weeks by the time I saw
it; it STILL needed stitches by allopatic standards; the wound was large, gaping
and too deep! I had him call his mama and have her get the large sports
bandages. I didn't even see him daily, but when he'd come over, we'd spray with
Spray II, add a bit of the B&W salve and bandage it. Within 1 week that gaping
hole was all but a memory. We use the sprays on an 80 yr olds aches and pains,
sports injuries (I've been known to take it to baseball games to spray teammates, my kidney and gall-bladder meridians, a knee, sprained ankles, and the
list goes on ...... It hasn't failed to work on anybody or for anything tried so far!
Spray I, II & III are staples in my herb box. Fill free to leave my name attached, if
you choose to use this. BLESSINGS, Marilyn in SC
7.) Looking anywhere else for herbal products! I've been down the line of dewormers, including clarkia and humaworm and found your products last summer.
your de-wormer is the first I’ve used where I actually saw critters come out! I’ve
been using your p/w elimination formula since the end of January, during my
40day oj fast and I swear there was something that looked like a slug that came
out! Maybe it was just mucus, and I should have taken a pic but it was really
gross! Anyway, better out than in! I’ve been playing around w/ the dose of p/w
since I started eating again and I have days where my bm's are huge and full of
bugs! I can only imagine how many more are in me! I have also been using your
lbb, bf&c, oregano oil daily w/ improved eliminations noted and quicker healing
bruises/muscle soreness from all the sports I play compared to before. I also use
herbal spray I and III, well mainly just III now as spray I doesn’t feel strong
enough anymore. I was spraying my face and neck w/ spray I originally w/ my
skin improving tremendously and feeling like baby skin! I was using spray III on
my hips and knees as i run a lot and get joint pains sometimes. I used to notice
that spray III would make me cough when breathed in, but that no longer is the
case! I can feel my lungs getting stronger everyday! I actually experimented w/
spray III on my face and neck and I love the feeling! I also used to use spray III
on my abdomen during my period and my cramps would completely go away! i
thought it was in my head the first time, but I tried it on a friend of mine too who
gets worse cramps than I do and it worked for her too! That alone is worth its wait
in gold! I no longer get bad cramps after fasting and cleaning up my diet, but I
can tell you that spray helped get me through work/life because I would rather
suffer through the pain then use any sort of pain med ever again (it's been
several years since I’ve used any medication for anything) and that spray was
like magic. I love being able to take charge of my health and be in control of how
I feel, knowing it is up to me if I want to feel sick or healthy. Health is really so
simple and basic that people want to make it more complicated than it needs to
be! Thank you for all u do and thank you for providing such wonderful products
that I will continue to use as long as I can purchase them! S.P., from CA
8.) Hay MH, We would love to get a bottle of your new Farmers Solution. We
have 2 -11 year old dogs that seem like they are slowing down a bit and it would
be great to get for them. I use the LBB on the one and she is not scooting
around anymore. But it would also be for my husband and myself also. We have
been using Sprays 1 and 3 and OMG, they work instantly. My husband has pain
because of the repetitiveness of his job, and I was in a car accident a few years
ago and use it when I hurt. My husband is using the P/W and loves them. I use
the MH 108 and can't say enough about that one. We are also taking the
lecithin, K/P/H/P, Calcium Balance, LBB and Mrs. Barefoot. Honestly MH, in the
past I have tried tons of other products and never felt anything working. I order
your products knowing they will work and they always do. I have been reading
books from the 108 school since the beginning of the year and am learning so
much. I have Dr. Christopher's Natural Healing book, and am trying to collect
Hilton Hotema books. I have 3 so far and read one as them as I can. These are
the things we should have been taught in school instead of all the garbage they
wasted our time on. Thank you for all you're doing. Blessings to you, Brenda,
your sons and Jody, Debbie
9.) Dear MH: I am interested in trying your Farmer's Herbal Solution. I will be
using it on my back and elbow/shoulder of my right arm. I purchased you herbal
spray III - 1 gallon. I use it daily - depending on the day I use it on different parts
of my body. If my back and arm are hurting I use it there - if I have no pain then I
just spray my chest/neck and stomach area. After using it for as long as I have
been using it I find it does not make me cough or react at all from it. I have also
used it on parts of my body that I may have injured ie. stubbed toe - I find it gives
prompt relief for such pain. When using it for back and arm pain there is relief
but I am interested to try your new spray hoping that it will do even more than
the spray III does. I use herbal spray III daily - either for pain management or to
supply minerals. I am fortunate indeed that I have been able to purchase and use
many of your fine products - herb basket (enjoy keeping my herbs/teas etc in it),
Hormone balance spray, l liter pure oregano oil (use it everyday, put in in distilled
water, etc), No Crash powder (used it with success on a fast a few years ago,
really satisfying), Blonde hair spray (still have some left, use it on my bangs),
herbal de-wormer, and many more.....One day I also hope to try your PW
elimination. Please feel free to use my testimonial. Thank you in advance. H C
10.) Hey MH, I have had these soft humps (between my neck and shoulder) on
both sides. Sort of look like a buff football player but I don't weight train. They
were soft and squishy. Probably the size of a plum. To my knowledge they have
been there since I can remember in my early 20's maybe all my life. Doctors
always ask if they have been there or are new; once told that they'd been there
they didn’t seem to worry and gave me some long medical name for it...I didn’t
worry about it...until 2 weeks ago when my right one felt tender. I grabbed my
Spray III and sprayed it really good. When that absorbed I sprayed again. It
began to burn like it was on fire...I thought my skin was turning red from the
intensity I was feeling but no it wasn't red on the outside. Anyway I continued
sprayed 3 times a day and the one that was tender on the right is gone!!! My
neck to shoulder is smooth..no hump, no tenderness. My husband is trying to get
a pic of the one on the left but a photo doesn’t seem to show the hump part very
good...we will try taking it outside and see if it helps without the flash. I have
started tackling the left one now and have faith it too will be gone within 10-14
days. I seem to look for things to attack with Spray III. It truly is a miracle spray
and does well on so many things. THANKS AGAIN
11.) I ordered the 2 oz "Top Knot Adult" spray for my hair. It lasted me for a
month and a few days. I AM extremely happy about the results I am receiving
from this product. My hair had fallen out to the scalp and with that amount of
applications--I am seeing fine re-growth. I ordered the 8 oz. and hope to report
even greater results soon! Thank you for this product because I had tried quite a
few other commercial products that did not live up to their claim of re-growing the
hair but this product is certainly a must have. C. M.
12.) Recently, my two year old had a mild cold with a cough at night that
extended for about three weeks. By the second week, I was using spray 3 on
her chest and back and on the humidifier, and a teaspoon of maximum restore
at night. It made her symptoms a lot more manageable, and eventually they went
away. After spraying her chest (being careful to not spray her face, that stuff is
strong), she would always have a couple of strong short coughs, and then be
cough free for 3-4 hours, until the cough went away completely at night.
Her cousin (age 3) was having the same cold at the same time (they do day
care together at grandma's) and the cold became a sinus infection that they are
still battling with antibiotics from a doctor. Go spray 3! that stuff is strong, it
always cleared my sinus when I went into that room. I am ordering maximum
restore and spray l to be ready for flu season.
13.) Went to the Philippines (Private Island detox resort) this summer.
Regrettably after the second week I got bitten by something in my leg in the
middle of the night during sleep. It itched like crazy, so the days after while
sleeping I unconscious crabbed the wound further open. For a few days this
continued on, so the wound got deeper and deeper thanks to all this mid night
crabbing. After a week the wound in my leg looked like a big fat bullet hole. It was
horror, as I almost could not walk anymore. So much pain I had, my leg started to
swell up. Could not find any real herbs over there, so I went to the hospital to see
what could be done. Assuming that in the Philippines they would be more contra
Western Medicine, and instead use herbs.... hmmmm (wishful thinking from me)
Saw 5 different Hospital doctors over a week time and all of them advised
surgery as the wound was so deep plus that it was non-stop oozing puss/blood
like crazy. All those doctors tried to convince me in a way like there is no
tomorrow that I should take several vaccinations which fight against the infection
plus that I should have surgery and LOTS AND LOTS of Pills. OFCOURSE I
REFUSED..... because they tried to convince me with too much pressure and
aggression. Almost like I had no choice! Like you have a gun placed against your
head. But at the same time I felt desperate, because I did not know what else to
do !!! I mean my whole Philippines trip seemed over (saved a whole year for
this), but I simply could not travel back home because of my leg that had a huge
hole. At the same time knowing that at home I have that lovely Spray I and Spray
III. Having it shipped to the Philippines was not an option, as it would have taken
weeks to reach the local Island where I staid. So I went back to Manila, took an
Hotel as close as possible to the International Airport, and waited there until the
moment that the wound would finally start to calm down a little bit so that I would
be able to fly home again. (fear of that the customs might refuse a person with so
much oozing blood/puss coming out of his leg. I mean with so much blood/puss I
could not wear any covering cloths over my leg.) Besides that it was exactly the
time of the upcoming Bird Flu fear mongering, in other words the time that every
person got visually scanned more thoroughly by the customs so to say. Warning
sings everywhere! But anyway in this Manila Hotel the wound got even worse, it
was constantly dripping blood and puss over my whole leg and thus messing up
the whole hotel floor wherever I walked. Daily my whole bed was full with blood,
from top to bottom. So bad it got that I thought I have to see the Hotel Doctor
now, see if THIS doctor can do something for me. I know, going to Doctor nr 6
would not have made a difference after those 5 killer doctors I saw before, but I
was f#$%$ scared okay....So I went to the Hotel doctor. A woman doctor so fat
like she could hardly go through an open door. But okay, she said that my wound
looks dirty and needs to be cleaned. I agreed that somehow my wound must
indeed be dirty that it is oozing so much blood and puss. She suggested cleaning
it with Hydrogen Peroxide, which I initially thought that it could not harm me so
much. Without giving me an anesthetic she took a sort of round shaped scalpel,
dipped it in Hydrogen Peroxide and with lot’s of aggression steered it in the
wound. In order to remove all the dead flesh in the wound! My my my, I went
through the roof from pain. Screaming like hell. She said that I am a sissy and
over-sensitive, and that I need to go the Hospital and have there surgery from
her Boss and stay there for a week. (DONT WORRY) Convincing enough for me
to leave her praxis ASAP. I mean the EVIL eyes from this woman, that how in the
world she could even tell me that I am a pussy while at the same time steering in
a 1 inch deep wound without any form of anesthetic. Almost that I had to enjoy
this without any form of anesthetic , without making any sounds that it hurts me.
So yes I left again, back to my hotel room, full of despair that I might never be
able to go home again. Not much later, out of desperation, I decided to go to the
travel agency located in the very hotel and booked there the first possible
business class flight back home, so I could at least stretch my legs while laying
down. Next day I wrapped my leg completely with gauze, plus a pair of long
pants over it, even that I knew it was not smart as the wound could not breath.
But I had to, I knew I had no change to pass through the customs (in respect to
all the bird flu scare mongering) that they might indeed refuse me on the flight
because of all the blood oozing. With all kind of tricks I luckily was able to pass
customs, so in the Airplane I went. After the 16 hour flight home my leg was
swollen like I have never seen before, but at least I was home !! Close to my
herbs, the herbs I trust. When I came home the first thing I did was spray Herbal
Spray I in the open wound, did this a few times per day. After a few days the
wound started to look more relaxed, namely it stopped oozing blood and puss.
Also I noticed that the wound got less deep ! So I gave Herbal Spray III a try for
the extra stimulating kick, to speed up the healing I thought. After a few days
using this spray III in the open wound it started to close, something I could never
imagined to be possible anymore. After a few weeks the wound finally closed
completely. There was still a big scar left (from all the aggression of the fat meat
eating scalp steering Hotel doctor ), but I assume that will heal over time. So yes,
I am thankful to MH who made these wonderful sprays. Without this I probably
would have died from blood poisoning or DOCTORS !!!!!!!!.
14.) MH: I just reordered your Tree Iodine tincture. Here's my testimony.
1. Our canine son, T In 2007, our vet reported that our chocolate Labrador
retriever’s thyroxin level was at the lower end of the normal range. I refused to
give "T" medication and began feeding him kelp with his meals. At T's 2008 vet
visit, we learned that T's thyroxin level had not changed - still in the low normal
range (we thought this was a good result). After T's 2008 vet visit, I read about
your Tree Iodine tincture and bought a supply. I began giving T a few drops
everyday, working up to 15 drops at breakfast. At his 2009 visit, the vet did not
even mention T's thyroxin level (which means the level was normal). During the
year, T also lost 5 pounds (he weighed in at a lean 73 pounds). T turned 13 on
December 18, 2009.
2. My Results (age 55, female, Asian) I also began taking the tree iodine tincture,
5 drops once a day until I reached a level that works for me - 15-20 drops, 2x a
day. My results are more subtle and include: finer skin texture (a miracle since
my skin is oily), stable weight (5'2", 105 pounds), new hair growth around hairline
(the new hair is my natural brown/black color, not gray), increased energy (I work
full time and love to rock climb). Thanks for this great product - definitely a daily
essential for T and me. Best regards, Dee
15.) I definitely agree with the sprays. I just got a bottle of spray 3 and I want to
see if it helps out my hip pain. It has given me the peach fuzz so I'm trying to get
my hair to grow too. Also I have a plantar wart which I started to spray and after a
few days half of it just fell off! I wouldn't be surprised if somebody cashes in on
the spray concept. A couple of months ago on TV I saw some 'alternative health'
guy selling a LBB knockoff with psyllium and rock calcium added and touted it as
a miracle drug. The sharks out there will take a good formula (like the LBB) and
trash it to make a quick buck.
16.) I have definitely noticed a huge difference in my psoriatic arthritis since I
started using the sprays. I have been on enbrel since September 2006 and had
my last injection the week of Thanksgiving 2009. If I was a 1/2 a week or 1 week
late on my injection my feet and hands would start to hurt bad, but since I have
been spraying my hands and feet with the spray (mostly spray 3) they hardly
ever hurt. I am doing some other things to help it too, but I can tell the sprays are
definitely helping since the pain has improved greatly since starting them. The
sprays are also helping with my husband's skin problem on his scalp. Thanks
17.) Monday night my wife came to me and said look at my neck. It was all pink,
and a skin tag was forming, and she says what should I put on it..so I reached
over and grabbed my spray II, and gave it a good squirt. It quit aching right away
and was forgotten. Tuesday night she went to get ready for bed, and came out
and said look at my neck, I said I don't see anything....she goes exactly the skin
tag is gone!!!!! with no evidence of it ever being. I have had some old ones in the
arm pits that I have sprayed with out much success. The key must be to catch
them when they are forming.
18.) I noticed that my hubby's hair was thinning a bit so i decided to get some
top knot from MH and give it a try; he was VERY skeptical but decided to go
along and give it a try. He wasn’t putting it on very often in the beginning but
desperate, he noticed an improvement and then started using it more and more.
I noticed a huge difference when I cut his hair yesterday. There is easily double
the amount of hair as there was before. We will keep on using it and keep on
watching it get thicker and thicker! thx MH for an awesome product.
19.) Hi M. H. I was in to see my dentist Dr. John Johnson two weeks ago and he
and Trish were going on and on about your herbal spray product he is using
because he is growing new hair. Trish gave me your website info and printed off
some info from your site before I left. But I can't find the product Dr. Johnson is
using. I know it's an herbal spray, but it wasn't in the info Trish printed for me. I've
searched your site and none of the info looks like what they told me. I'd love to
know which spray to order for my sister who has had some hair loss. Thanks so
much for your help. My best,
20.) Last Sunday I played guitar hero with my daughter for about 2 hrs. straight.
On Monday I awoke and could not close my left hand it was so sore. I started
spraying with spray 2 for 2 days until my order w/ spray 3 came in on Wednesday
and started with that and it really excelled! No pain by Thursday evening and
making a fist like it never happened. GOOD STUFF! Thanks MH.
21.) MH, About 3 days ago a lump the size of a walnut came up on my lower
abdomen. I have to admit to some concern. The lump was accompanied by quite
a bit of fluid around it. After some investigation, I determined it was the lymph
node in that area. Last night at 10 pm I sprayed the area with Spray III and when
I awoke the morning the lump and the fluid were gone! My wife and I continue to
be amazed at the spray products. Thanks MH. Mickey.
22.) Hi MH, I noticed that after a month of using Top knot my hair becomes
reddish. I’m an Asian and my hair is black and ever since I used it on my temples
and crown has a tint of red. My wife noticed it too but I couldn’t explain to her
exactly the reason behind it. I just reordered again from Jody since I’ve been
spraying it a lot after every shower because I have thinning hair and a few gray
hairs on the side but Top knot surely makes my hair healthy hoping to have it
thicker with long term use. Thanks, Jose
23.) Hi! I am Angel Early's friend and I am writing you to let you all know how
wonderful I think the herbal spray 1 works. I had severe sunburn on my legs and
ended up getting sun poisoning. I had tried Aloe and it made my legs tight and
stiff, but this herbal spray 1 really works it took the burn out and made my life a
little easier. See I work in a factory where you have to wear uniform pants and
steel toed shoes so it was trapping the heat right in, but when I used the herbal
spray it took the burn out and gave me the relief I needed to get through the day.
I used it at first around 20 sprays a day and each day got better and better the
better I got the less I had to use it. I just wanted to thank you for making such a
great product. I was also wondering if you have anything for fibromylgia that I
might be able to try. Thank you so much for helping me with my sunburn. A. J.
24.) Hi MH, I had ordered the All “N” One Kit for my girlfriend and myself. She
had been taking the De Wormer as well. My girlfriend had a bone density test
done 5 year’s ago and then had another one done since taking the All ‘n’ One
formula. She went to her doctor yesterday and the results of her bone density
test had come in. Her doctor said she had improvement in her bone density. She
said the calcium you are taking must be working. My girlfriend looked at her
funny and said I’m not taking calcium. The doctor said well what you are taking.
She said I am taking herbs. The doctor said well I have never seen a bone
density test show any improvement ever in all the time I have been practicing.
She said keep on doing whatever you are doing. Of course she didn’t want to
know what she was actually doing.
25.) Hi MH, I'm on day 20 of orange juice fast + your herbs and I just want to say
wow!!! I've been taking 2 LBB + 1 oz De-wormer + 1 TBSP Longevity 2010 with
each glass of orange juice I drink and other than dealing with some cleansing
episodes, I feel great!!! Today I tried 1 oz 2010 Longevity Spices Plus + 1 oz
Adult De-wormer + 1 oz 2010 Longevity Spices Plus + 2 LBB with my orange
juice. All I can say is that it really packs a punch!!! My face got warm and felt
flushed, I had an immediate cleansing reaction (I'll spare you the details), and I
worked all day from this morning on one glass of orange juice. Didn't feel hungry
at all; just having my second glass now. I also take 2 Mrs. Barefoot a day.
Now when I take your herbs out of the cupboard, I feel like I'm taking out
ammunition and lining it up on my counter. This stuff is seriously "weapons of
mass destruction" for parasites. Mira
KEEP IN MIND- Most all of the stories you read in the Fountain of Life ads and
booklets were stories from people who used our products.
Burn Testimony Just a few lines to write a little story on what my husband
experienced on March 16PthP almost 3 weeks ago. He was taking an old freezer
box apart to get the copper etc out for junk and made a little fire in the box to
burn the foam type insulation. He was using a steel post in there to loosen it all of
a sudden was a bang and a flash of fire in front of him burning the top of his left
hand and fingers 2nd and 3PrdP degree and face 1PstP degree. Skin came off on
hand right away. This happened in eve at 5:00 he put snow on hand till he could
reach water. He cooled his face with wash cloth dashed in cold water while
holding his hands in water for 3 hrs then we put B&W and Burdock on his
hands but it hurt so much he put it back in water letting it run a little. His
face didn’t hurt so much now. We tried a few more times to bandage then
hand but he just tore it off back in water till now he had big blisters on his
fingers. Finally at 12:30 we bandaged it again then soon it felt no pain. We
kept putting B&W on his face was real red but in a weeks time it was good.
We used B&W and Burdock on his hands 3 times a day for 2 weeks and 2
days was healed good except his first finger and thumb was more red &
sore so we started to use union salve instead of B&W and 2 days it looked
more pink. No more bandages at 3 weeks. Must be there was Freon or gas
in the freezer that exploded. I experienced union salve last November. I got
my left side ankle scalded with hot water the skin came off. I used B&W and
Burdock for about 2 weeks. Seemed to be healing then it got more red and
sore. Then I quit B&W and used union salve with the burdock in 2 days it
was pink and not sore any more. The B&W education / ointment have saved
many people that have been burned or skin damaged. I never have understood
the use of the union or other petroleum salves. I made an Herbal Burn Spray to
be used as fast as possible on all burns and damaged skin as a method to kill
bacteria ands sooth the burn. After the B&W is applied properly, the entire area
or even entire body can be continued to be sprayed as a method to relieve pain,
increase circulation and healing. The one thing most people ignore is the diet
after a burn, what a person has been eating or continues to eat and drink after a
burn makes all the difference in the world how that burn will or will not heal. I
highly believe in taking many herbs to correct the function of all the organs and
book perfect diet and cleanest of water and fruit juices in the correct treatment of
burns. I also made 3 stages of ointments for burns, a simple non animal ointment
similar to B&W and BF&C ointment, then once the burn can be touched, then a
stronger Ointment and then once healed over, then a much stronger ointment to
make sure proper healing and no scar. The use of the Herbal Burn Spray or
Spray I insures far less pain, less infection and a must for little ones or hard to
reach areas that can’t easily be bandaged, not to mention when dealing with the
eyes. When I was a child of 7 years old, I was burned on the face by burning
sticks that fail on my face; both of my eyes were burned shut. My dad took a dull
butter knife and cut my eye lids open and applied much butter, that was the only
treatment I had and I had a scar down my face to my chest for 10 years; I know
the B&W method would had made a huge difference and the herbal sprays takes
it to the next step for bacteria control, cleanliness and pain control and each burn
victim should be put instantly on a book perfect diet. The only fault I have ever
seen with the B&W was the use of dead sheep fat, I choose to use the safer
plant oils and avoid all dead animal products, especially for open skin such as
burn. Petroleum products are not even an option. For those that have never fully
understood the B&W education, I took the time to make a 108 page book with
many colorful pictures that would enable anyone to understand the B&W method,
but it was not put into print like the burn booklet I made was that has the picture
of the burning barn on the front cover. I felt the book was the best method to
teach with and have it on my website, but otherwise John chose to not print and
use it. John knows best when it comes to the use of the B&W. We as a family
have used B&W for over 10 years and I decided to make my own burn salves
when I received a letter stating it was illegal for me to sell the B&W brand to
English people. For the Amish that have access to the B&W, it is the cheapest
ointment available with the most success stories.
Question: I am a mother of 7 children, age 35 and try to do my own
doctoring with herbs and chiropractor. But there’s just so much to learn
that I just sometimes don’t know where to start or which is the good thing
or the best. But greens powder seems to help my family. But would like to
learn more and I have some questions too. As I think all health issues have
an answer. We live on a dairy farm so takes extra effort to get all done yet
then yet learn more about our health. I grew up on a dairy farm, it is a 365 day
per year job, morning and night and the sad thing is, it provides nothing beneficial
for mankind, but supports every hospital in the country. We have a 3 yr old boy
who has a problem to have a bowel movement ever since 8 months old
he’s been battling with it. I tries all kinds of herbal laxatives and everything
that supposed to help. And also chiro. But seems he just doesn’t want to
be bothered with it. And also exercise helps but still seems when his mind
is made up nothing helps but enema. So it seems to be a mind thing why?
He was a fussy child as a baby so maybe something was hurting. How can I
help correct this problem? A natural Dr. once listened to him tummy and
said it sounds like rushing water why? Very simple; diet and worms just think
about what you wrote, this poor little boy has had laxatives and enema all before
age 3. You fail to mention a thing about the boy’s diet, habits and medical…the 3
things that will point to his real problems. Problems are not magical or evil things
out to get us; in fact, we create our own problems, especially when it comes to
our health. A couple of our boys have this itchy rash on their legs
sometimes worse then other time. Could it be parasites? What can I do to
correct this problem? I do treat for parasites. It is all about acidic diet that
causes kidney and liver failure in my opinion, which allows parasites to thrive.
What would be a good thing to give calves that look like they have
pneumonia? Is there something to give to strengthen their lungs or
whatelse? I don’t like to give medical but I don’t know what else? Again,
what is the diet of these calves? Are they on milk from a sick cow or on a
commercial formula? In either case, the calf is being poisoned by its diet and or
its poor diet has weakened the Immune system so badly, that bacteria / parasites
easily consume it. As a treatment, most mammals respond to herbs, the herb I
have used the most with every pet and animal we have ever had, is Pure
Oregano Oil. Oregano Oil is extremely helpful in lung / breathing problems.
Naturally, prevention is best, so the mother needs to have some Oregano Oil in
her daily water, or if the calf is being fed a commercial formula, the water needs
to have some Pure Oregano Oil. I made a animal formula for a fellow treating
horses that is a large De-wormer / Circulation / Oregano oil formula designed to
be added to the drinking water at 1 drop to the gallon or more as desired. I tell
people to add 1 drop to a gallon of their drinking water and then taste a glass and
that way they can “judge” the strength they desire to use. Animals that are
penned up with no access to a pond or creek seem to have no problem drinking
water that has the herbs added to it. The formula is extremely concentrate,
extremely experimental and should never have contact with children, tender skin
or the eyes, because it has the hottest cayenne and spices on earth, as well as
wormseed, wormwood, cloves and a total of 16 essential oils in their purest form
making them extraordinarily hot. These may be too strong for the sickly near
dead calf, so once deathly sick; I would use only the Pure Oregano Oil as a
treatment. The calf can be sprayed so it breaths in the Pure Oregano Oil mixed
with water, it can have a drop or up to ½ dropper added directly in the mouth as
the most powerful method; I use it that way on our dogs. They will jump and
slobber for about 15 seconds, but otherwise are not harmed from the direct dose
in my opinion. Naturally a person should be well experienced with Pure Oregano
Oil and its many uses before they find themselves treating a dying animal or
sickly person. I have a sister who is in her twenties and has 3 children and
very sickly and not able to care for her family like she would like to. Which
makes her depressed. But medical says it’s an enlarged heart. An enlarged
heart is not good and more of an old age condition and sadly, many young
people today, by age 21 are dying of what use to be old age diseases.
Depression is normal when a person is dying slowly. She is very underweight
and sleep is not that good. She's going to this natural Dr, was better but
not all better. I personally have never met or heard of a “good” natural doctor,
most are just scam artist selling worthless homeopathic water solutions and
using fake electronic machines to trick their customers. Then he stressed diet
and flu settles in. always, always had and has a problem with bowels either
too loose or not go from one day to the next as a child too. And she is a
fighter. But fear seems to be some of her problem. How can she get that
assured feeling and leave the rest? How or where do you start? And just
can’t let go of all medical, but then her question is this good for the heart?
What about iodine? Would that be good? Such a person is an advanced case
that dates back to when she was in the womb; she is experiencing the way she
was raised and eventual end as we all will do; only she is dying younger than
what is accepted as normal. Her path has to be the same, Weed & Feed as the
toxins are removed. She must live daily to live and stop living like she wants to
die. This simply means what she has done, has to be stopped and a new life
chosen if she wants to change and start to live. Will this happen? Often such a
person never tries, for the simple reason that if she is successful, it makes all the
people around her “uneasy”, knowing the problems were self-created and “selfcured”; which also means everyone else is doing the same to themselves, only
their immunity is making their death slower and more acceptable to the
community as a whole. People are dying rapidly in this very toxic world, those
with problems need to wise up and work harder to stay healthy. The sick person
and her family needs to be the ones searching, otherwise those ask for others
rarely ever do any good. We can’t live for others. Those reading this newsletter
wisely by the end of this year, hopefully will all know the cause and cure for every
disease known at least in theory and what we all choose to do or not do is our
own personal choices in life.