Paychex Time and Labor Online User`s Guide


Paychex Time and Labor Online User`s Guide
Paychex Time and Labor
Online User’s Guide
This manual is the property of Paychex, Inc. and should never be removed from the office
premises without the manager's express permission.
Copyright 2014 Paychex, Inc. All rights reserved.
Paychex , Taxpay , Readychex , and Paychex HR Solutions are trademarks of Paychex, Inc.
Paychex, Inc.
911 Panorama Trail South
Rochester, New York 14625-0397
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Table of Contents
System Requirements ......................................................................................................... 1
About This Manual .............................................................................................................. 1
Disclaimer ........................................................................................................................... 1
How This Guide Is Organized ............................................................................................. 2
Definitions and Symbols ..................................................................................................... 2
Term and Symbol Definitions .............................................................................................. 3
Paychex Time and Labor Online Interface ......................................................................... 4
Tabs and Submenus ........................................................................................................... 4
Employee Home Page Tab ................................................................................................. 5
Admin Tab ........................................................................................................................... 6
The Submenu .............................................................................................................. 7
Status Board Tab ................................................................................................................ 8
Sections and Subsections ................................................................................................... 8
The Personal Settings Icon ................................................................................................. 9
Maximize, Minimize, and Hide Sections...................................................................... 9
Security ............................................................................................................................. 10
Enter Dates, Times, and Numbers in Paychex Time and Labor Online ........................... 11
Navigate To Commonly Used Pages ................................................................................ 11
Paychex Time and Labor Online Support ......................................................................... 11
Chapter 1 - Getting Started
Log On ................................................................................................................................ 1
Log Off at the End of a Session .................................................................................. 1
Import Employees Link ....................................................................................................... 2
Import File Specifications .................................................................................................... 2
Fields Allowed for Import ............................................................................................. 3
Import Employees ............................................................................................................... 4
Additional Settings Section ................................................................................................. 5
Select File Section .............................................................................................................. 5
Chapter 2 - Configure the System
The Configuration Page ...................................................................................................... 1
System Configurations ................................................................................................ 2
General Configuration ................................................................................................. 2
Payroll Policies ............................................................................................................ 4
Pay Types ................................................................................................................. 27
Pay Adjustment Types .............................................................................................. 31
Holidays ..................................................................................................................... 33
Closing ...................................................................................................................... 37
Re-Open .................................................................................................................... 37
Assign Pollicies ......................................................................................................... 37
Time Clocks............................................................................................................... 37
Schedules .................................................................................................................. 38
Custom Personal Information.................................................................................... 48
New Employee Defaults ............................................................................................ 50
Benefits ..................................................................................................................... 57
Shift Differentials ....................................................................................................... 65
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
TOC - 1
Table of Contents
Security Configuration ............................................................................................... 69
Feature Access Templates ................................................................................ 69
Employee Group Members ............................................................................... 74
Time Sheet Audit Trails ..................................................................................... 76
Notifications ....................................................................................................... 78
IP Access .................................................................................................................. 79
Labor Levels .............................................................................................................. 82
Define Labor Levels .......................................................................................... 82
Setup Labor Levels ........................................................................................... 83
Assign Labor Levels to One Employee ............................................................. 85
Assign Labor Levels to Multiple Employees ...................................................... 86
Chapter 3 - How to Use Your Configured System
Admin Home Page .............................................................................................................. 1
Exceptions Section.............................................................................................................. 2
Resolving Exceptions .................................................................................................. 2
Time Off Request Section ................................................................................................... 3
Display Calendar View ........................................................................................................ 5
Generated Reports Section ................................................................................................ 5
Preview a Generated Report....................................................................................... 6
Delete a Generated Report ......................................................................................... 6
Employee Labor Level Filter Section .................................................................................. 6
Search Section .................................................................................................................... 7
Perform a Basic Search .............................................................................................. 7
Search Tips ................................................................................................................. 8
Search Results Section ............................................................................................. 11
Current Employee Section ................................................................................................ 12
Add an Employee ...................................................................................................... 12
Edit an Employee’s Information ................................................................................ 19
Time Sheet Section ........................................................................................................... 20
Time Sheet Icons ...................................................................................................... 20
Time Sheet Summary Subsection............................................................................. 21
Terminology............................................................................................................... 21
Add, Edit, Delete, and Approve a Timesheet ............................................................ 22
Schedule Section .............................................................................................................. 31
Navigate in Schedule ................................................................................................ 31
Edit an Employee’s Schedule ........................................................................................... 32
Scheduled Shift Section ............................................................................................ 32
Week Schedule Section ............................................................................................ 33
Schedule Templates Section .................................................................................... 33
Assign an Employee to a Schedule Template .......................................................... 33
Express Scheduler .................................................................................................... 34
Add Pay Adjustment Section ............................................................................................ 38
Pay Adjustments Section .................................................................................................. 39
Navigate in Adjustments ........................................................................................... 39
Edit Adjustments ....................................................................................................... 39
Quick Message Section .................................................................................................... 40
To Send a Message .................................................................................................. 40
Benefits Section ................................................................................................................ 41
View Detailed Employee Benefits Section ................................................................ 42
Recalculate Employee Benefits ................................................................................ 43
Custom Info Section .......................................................................................................... 44
Add or Edit Custom Info ............................................................................................ 44
TOC – 2
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Table of Contents
Chapter 4 - Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Home Link ........................................................................................................................... 1
Reports Link ........................................................................................................................ 1
Terms Used in Reports ............................................................................................... 2
Understanding the Reports Page ................................................................................ 3
Schedule Reports Section ........................................................................................... 3
My Scheduled Reports Section ................................................................................... 8
Other Users’ Scheduled Reports ................................................................................ 9
Public Reports ............................................................................................................. 9
View a Generated Report ............................................................................................ 9
Labor Level Assignments Link ............................................................................................ 9
Schedules Link .................................................................................................................. 10
Message Center Link ........................................................................................................ 10
Modify a Message ..................................................................................................... 10
Delete a Message ..................................................................................................... 11
Import Link ........................................................................................................................ 11
Configuration Link ............................................................................................................. 11
Audit Links ........................................................................................................................ 11
Status Board Tab .............................................................................................................. 12
Enable/Disable the Status Board .............................................................................. 12
Customize the Status Board ..................................................................................... 13
Navigate to the Admin Home Page for a Selected Employee .................................. 13
Personal Settings .............................................................................................................. 14
Section States ........................................................................................................... 15
Employee Home Page Subsection ........................................................................... 15
Admin Home Page Section ....................................................................................... 16
Labor Levels Page .................................................................................................... 17
General Look & Feel Subsection .............................................................................. 18
Custom Reporting ............................................................................................................. 20
Create New Report or Export .................................................................................... 22
Edit Custom Report or Export Information ................................................................ 23
Remove Report or Export Information ...................................................................... 25
Copy a Report or Export ........................................................................................... 25
Employee Data Type Fields ...................................................................................... 26
Company Data Type Fields ....................................................................................... 31
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
TOC – 3
Table of Contents
Chapter 5 - How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Employee Functions............................................................................................................ 1
Employee Home Page ................................................................................................ 1
Actions Section............................................................................................................ 1
Employee Submitting Timesheets (optional) .............................................................. 4
Employee Submitting Timesheet Express (optional) ................................................ 10
Status Section ........................................................................................................... 16
Messages Section ..................................................................................................... 16
Hours Worked Section .............................................................................................. 17
Schedule Section ...................................................................................................... 18
Pay Adjustments Section .......................................................................................... 19
Adjustments Section ................................................................................................. 20
Benefits Section ........................................................................................................ 20
Personal Info Section ................................................................................................ 22
Status Board Tab .............................................................................................................. 23
Navigate in the Status Board ................................................................................... 23
Personal Settings Icon ...................................................................................................... 23
Employee Home Page Section ................................................................................. 24
Status Board Page Section ....................................................................................... 25
General Look & Feel Section .................................................................................... 26
TOC - 4
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Paychex Time and Labor Online is a 100 percent Web-based application that offers a fast, easy
method of automating employee time and labor management processes. Available anytime and
anywhere, all you need to use Paychex Time and Labor Online is an Internet connection and a Web
browser. With this application:
Administrators can:
Manage employee data
Review employee timesheets
Generate schedules for employees
Send companywide messages
Organize company departments and jobs
Track vacation, sick, and personal time
Generate reports
Employees can:
Clock in and out
Submit timesheets
Review schedules
Review hours
View vacation, sick, and personal time accrued
Request time off
System Requirements
Paychex Time and Labor Online requires an Internet browser that can access secure Web sites.
About this Manual
In addition to providing you with step-by-step information for performing various procedures, this
guide helps you get the most out of Paychex Time and Labor Online.
Paychex strives to keep this guide up-to-date. However, because Paychex Time and Labor Online is
a Web-based application and can be automatically updated through the Internet, you may experience
brief periods during which the information contained in this guide does not coincide exactly with the
latest version of the application.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Intro - 1
How this Guide is Organized
This section introduces the Paychex Time and Labor Online application and this guide. It also
includes technical support information.
Getting Started
This section describes the process of getting started with Paychex Time and Labor Online
including a recommended procedure for implementing the application.
Configure the System
This section provides definitions and instructions for configuring your Web site.
How to Use Your Configured System
This section discusses features and tools to customize the application to your specific needs.
Administrator Functions: the Submenus
This section defines links and settings essential to the administrator’s role.
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
This section provides everything you need to know about using Paychex Time and Labor Online
and is conveniently organized in the same order as the information within the application.
Definitions and Symbols
This guide uses the following terms and symbols.
Intro - 2
When possible, standard computer industry terminology and conventions are used.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Term and Symbol Definitions
Web page within the Paychex Time and Labor Online
Division of the application that subdivides and organizes
each Paychex Time and Labor Online page.
Tabs (similar to the tabs on manila folders) that display at
the top of every Paychex Time and Labor Online page.
You use tabs to navigate to the appropriate location in
the application.
Link is synonymous with hyperlink and refers to text that,
when clicked, causes another page to display.
Text Box
Drop-down Menu
Radio Button
Plus (+)
A text box is a field on a Web page that allows you to
enter information.
A drop-down menu is a text box that includes an arrow.
When you click the arrow, a list of options displays from
which to select.
A radio button is a hollow, round selector that displays
next to items in a list or group of items. Use radio buttons
to select one item in the list or group.
The plus (+) symbol indicates to press and hold one key
while pressing another.
Dash ( –)
The dash symbol (-) indicates to press and hold a key
and a mouse-button at the same time.
CTRL + X or ALT + TAB.
CTRL – Click
Select indicates to use the mouse to highlight an item
within a list, or marking a checkbox or a radio button.
A template is a set of rules that can be saved and applied
to employees.
policies, weekly schedules, and shift
differential guidelines
Work Shift
A work shift refers to a complete clock cycle in and out,
or a block of time, including a full lunch or break.
Partial Shift
A partial shift refers to a single transaction, such as an In
or Out punch, a Start/End lunch or break, or a
department transfer.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Intro - 3
Paychex Time and Labor Online Interface
One of our highest priorities is presenting information to users logically and intuitively. A navigation
bar displays across the top of all the pages making it easy to access the different features within
Paychex Time and Labor Online. We also use consistent color schemes and conventions to guide
you through the displayed information. Paychex Time and Labor Online works like any other Web
page, so you can use the Web browsing techniques you already know. Below, find the standard
conventions used throughout this application.
Tabs and Submenus
The tabs across the top of the navigation bar link you to the main centers within Paychex Time and
Labor Online. Three tabs display:
Employee Home tab displays as the employee's name and links to a personalized home page
where the employee can perform all user access functions.
Admin Home tab links to a central location where an administrator can perform all the
administrative functions granted to them.
Status Board links to a page listing all employees and displays their current work status.
This application displays different combinations of these three tabs, depending upon the security
rights of the person logged on.
An employee with only user-level access does not have access to display the Admin
The following chart describes the combinations and functions of the three tabs.
Person Logged On
Employee with User
Employee with Full
Administrative Access
Employee with Restricted
Administrative Access
Admin Logon ID
Intro - 4
Tabs Displayed
Employee Home Page
Status Board if the employee’s payroll policy is set
up with Status Board access
Employee Home Page
Admin Tab
Status Board
Employee Home Page
Admin Tab
Status Board
Admin Tab with full access to all admin menu items
Status Board
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Employee Home Page Tab
The Employee Home Page tab always displays the name of the employee logged on. Clicking the
tab displays the employee's personal home page, allowing the employee to clock in and out, submit
timesheets, check benefit balances, and perform all other permitted functions.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Intro - 5
Admin Tab
The Admin tab displays the Admin Home page with important system and employee data. It also
contains links to all administrative functions with Paychex Time and Labor Online. From the Admin
Home page, depending on your security, you can manage employees, link to configuration screens,
and generally administer your company’s account.
Intro - 6
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
The Submenu
The submenu displays on the navigation bar directly below the Admin tab and contains links to
features administrators use to manage Paychex Time and Labor Online. It is only visible when the
administrator or an employee with administrator rights is logged on. To access a page shown on the
submenu, click the link. The following table provides a map to the links on the Submenu.
Links to the Admin Home page.
Links to the Reports page, which provides access to all the
reports available in Paychex Time and Labor Online and
where you can schedule report generation for your company.
Assign Labor Levels
Links to the Labor Levels page where you manage your
company’s structure and jobs.
Links to the Schedules page where you can create new
schedule templates, assign templates to employees, and
generate schedules.
Message Center
Links to the Message Center page that displays all messages
that you have sent.
Messages do not display after the expiration date.
Links to the Import page where you can import your
employees from an ASCII text or CSV file.
Links to the Configuration page which displays all
configuration links.
payroll policies, pay types, security settings,
and labor levels.
Links to the Training page which displays all training links.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Intro - 7
Status Board Tab
The Status Board tab displays the Status Board page. The Status Board page displays the current
work status of all employees tracked by the system. Among other things, you are able to view which
employees are clocked in or out, and which employees are at lunch. The Notes column allows webpunchers to send brief notes to supervisors along with their punch. This tab is displayed if your
administrator has given you permission to view it.
Sections and Subsections
Paychex Time and Labor Online divides each page into sections and subsections that organize the
displayed information. Sections organize categories of information on a page; subsections break out
details within sections. Sections and subsections are differentiated by a default color scheme.
Intro - 8
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
The Personal Settings Icon
Maximize, Minimize, and Hide Sections
Paychex Time and Labor Online provides three display options for each section on a page.
These options allow you to enlarge, shrink, or completely hide sections, based on what you
would like to view and use. There might be certain sections on a page that you use daily,
others that you use occasionally, and others that you never use at all. The three options are
described on the next page.
In the maximized state, a section’s label and its content are
visible. We recommend this state for sections you use
frequently because it gives you the fastest possible access
to a section’s contents and actions.
To maximize a minimized section, click the underlined label
or click the Maximize button
in the section you wish to
In this state, the section’s label is visible, but the content is
not. We recommend this state for sections you use
occasionally. Pages with minimized sections display faster
because less information needs to be transferred from the
Paychex Time and Labor Online servers to the user’s
screen. The content of a minimized section is readily
maximized by clicking its label.
To minimize a maximized section, click the Minimize button
in the section you wish to minimize.
In this state, neither the section’s label nor its content is
visible. You are not able to view the section at all. This state
is recommended for sections you rarely or never use. Pages
with hidden sections display faster than pages with
maximized or minimized sections.
To Hide a section, click the Hide button
to be hidden.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
in the section
Intro - 9
If you have hidden a section to recover, you must access the Personal Settings
page and change the state from hidden to either maximized or minimized.
Additionally, the Personal Settings Page allows you to adjust how you view the
Employee Summary Fields on the Admin Home page.
Paychex Time and Labor Online offers three levels of security: Full Administrative, Partial
Administrative, and User Only access.
Security is assigned to an employee on the Add Employee or Edit Employee page.
Full Administrative access grants full rights to all parts of Paychex Time and Labor Online and to
your company’s information. This level of security is appropriate for company wide
administrators, managers, and anyone else who needs unrestricted access to your account.
Partial Administrative access grants permission to view only the employees in selected
employee groups and allows access to selected parts of the application. This level of security is
appropriate for department managers and supervisors who need to view and edit time sheets.
User Only access grants rights to specific areas of the program and only to the user's employee
information. Employees with User Only access can:
Intro - 10
Clock in and out using Paychex Time and Labor Online.
Submit timesheets using Paychex Time and Labor Online.
View the Status Board, if allowed.
Review their schedule, timesheet, pay adjustments, and benefits.
Submit time off requests.
View messages.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Enter Dates, Times, and Numbers in Paychex Time and
Labor Online
Paychex Time and Labor Online has standard conventions for entering dates, times, and numbers.
Dates can be entered with either dashes or slashes as separators. For example, 7/13/01, 7/13/2001,
7-13-01, 7-13-2001.
Times can be entered in a 12-hour format, typing a.m. and p.m. to indicate time of day, or in a 24hour format. For times at the top of the hour, do not type the colon and 00. The a.m. and p.m. can be
abbreviated to a and p. Spacing does not matter. For example, 8:15 am, 8:15a, 8a, 9:27p.m., 13:00.
Numbers can be entered in a variety of formats, but you only need to enter the number. A decimal is
only necessary when you enter numbers other than zero after the decimal. For example, 5.76.
When entering currency, do not include the dollar $ sign. Paychex Time and Labor Online
automatically formats fields with dollar amount entries to display as currency after you submit the
changes. For example, 100, 100.00, 100.45, 5.6
Navigate to Commonly Used Pages
Paychex Time and Labor Online, like all websites, gives you many ways to navigate from page to
Admin Home Page: On the submenu, click
Configuration Page: On the submenu, click
Personal Settings Page: On the Navigation Bar, click
Paychex Time and Labor Online Support
Telephone support (1-866-933-3185) is available Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., ET.
You can also send questions to [email protected].
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Intro - 11
Intro - 12
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Getting Started
Chapter 1 - Getting Started
Log On
You must log on to Paychex Time and Labor Online to access your company’s account. Paychex
Time and Labor Online verifies your access rights and displays the appropriate page based on your
security permissions.
Navigate to the Paychex Time and Labor Online Web site.
Type the following in the fields:
Client ID
Type your company’s client ID. This is your branch and client ID
with no dashes or spaces. For example, if your branch/client ID
is 0444-d505, type 0444d505 in the field.
Login ID
Type your personal Paychex Time and Labor Online login ID.
Type your personal Paychex Time and Labor Online password.
When you login for the first time, you must change your password.
Click Login.
Log Off at the End of a Session
We recommend that you log off Paychex Time and Labor Online when you finish, so that others
cannot view or change your data without authorization. This is particularly important for those with
administrator rights, but also applies to all other users.
Log Out
All Paychex Time and Labor Online page headings display a
From the top, right corner of any page, click
and Labor Online Login page.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
. You return to the Paychex Time
Getting Started
Import Employees Link
Importing employees is the quickest way to add your employees to the database. To import
successfully, the employee listing must be in a specific format as described on the following pages.
You can perform multiple imports. Each subsequent import updates and appends your existing
records. It updates employee records that currently exist in the Paychex Time and Labor Online
database and adds new employee records based on the unique employee ID number.
You can manually add employees individually at any time, or you can use Paychex Time
and Labor Online’s custom importing feature that allows you to use your payroll or HR
software to extract employee information for Paychex Time and Labor Online.
Import File Specifications
You must format your employee listing according to the specifications listed below before importing.
The file must be in delimited ASCII text format.
Fields can be delimited with any character. You tell Paychex Time and Labor Online the field
delimiter character during the import process.
Fields can have surrounding characters. You tell Paychex Time and Labor Online the field
surrounding character during the import process.
The import file must include the three required fields specified below, in the order shown:
Employee Number (must be unique for each employee)
First Name
Last Name
Paychex Time and Labor Online imports data by position. You can select not to import all the fields,
but the fields that you import must be in the order specified in the table “Fields allowed for import”.
For example, Last Name must come before SSN, even if Middle Name does not import.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Getting Started
Fields Allowed for Import
Employee #
First Name
Last Name
Middle Name
Badge Number
Address – Street
Phone 1
Phone 2
Is Salary
Indicates whether the
employee is active or
Starting Vacation
Current vacation balance
Starting Sick
Current sick balance
Pay Rate Currency
Start Date
Benefit Start Date
Is Exempt
Is Active
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Must be unique
Indicates whether the
employee is hourly or salary
Getting Started
Starting Personal
Labor Levels 1 - 15
Current personal balance
Import Employees
To successfully import employee records:
Select the fields into which Paychex Time and Labor Online should import your data.
Verify the data file matches those fields exactly.
Paychex Time and Labor Online imports data by position. The first field in your data file
imports to the first field chosen, the second field to the second, and so on.
You must verify the position of the data in your file matches the order of the fields selected
in this step.
Select the fields to import to by checking the box next to field name on the Import Employee
Before going to the next section, verify that your import file formats correctly. Verify that:
Your data file is in the correct file format as the example in step 2.
The required fields are included.
The fields in the data file are in the same order as the fields selected on the Import
Employee page.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Getting Started
Additional Settings Section
These settings define the data format specifications for your import file:
Fields are separated with:
Type the text delimiter character used in your import file.
Fields are surrounded
Type the characters, if any, that surround fields in your import file.
Leave this field blank if there are no surrounding characters.
Start import from line:
Type the starting line for your import file. The default for this
setting is 1.
Use Default Settings
Select this option to use the existing default settings for import.
Retain Current Settings
as Default
Select this option to save and retain the selected employee
import/additional settings.
Select File Section
Select the file for import into Paychex Time and Labor Online. Preview your file carefully after
you click Import because the process cannot be reversed.
Click Browse.
Navigate to the file you wish to import.
Click Open.
Click Preview Import to display the imported data.
The Error: Required Fields Missing screen displays. This screen lists employees
with missing information that needs to be corrected before the file can be successfully
imported. The approximate time to import displays below the Preview page.
The Error: Duplicate Login IDs Exist screen displays. This screen lists employees
with duplicate employee login IDs that need to be corrected before the file can be
successfully imported. The approximate time to import displays below the Preview
Review the data for errors, including mismatched fields.
If you need to make changes, click the Back button of your browser to return to the previous
screen, then modify the import settings or the data file.
If you do not need to make changes, click Import to begin. A confirmation page displays
when the import is complete.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Getting Started
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Chapter 2 - Configure the System
The Configuration Page
Admin | Configuration
The Configuration page contains three sections with links to all screens in Paychex Time and Labor
Online to help you configure your company’s account. This chapter is organized in the order the
Configuration page displays, from left to right and top to bottom. This is not necessarily the order that
must be followed when configuring the system.
Refer to the recommended steps for configuring Paychex Time and Labor Online for additional
information on a standard implementation process.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
System Configurations
General Configuration
Admin | Configuration | System | General Configuration
The General Configuration page allows you to define the basic settings for your company’s
application. The information entered is used for reporting, scheduling benefits accruals, and
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Enter the settings as appropriate.
Labor Level
Type your company’s name, address, and phone number. Use this
information primarily in printing reports.
Define how you refer to labor levels. You can call them
departments, business units, or any label your company uses to
define the overall structure of labor divisions.
The settings for benefit accruals define the automatic summation of
benefit time. For example, vacation, sick, and personal.
Paychex Time and Labor Online calculates available benefits yearly
and resets once a year. The accrual reset date is the date when the
benefits start over.
Use Global Reset Date determines if the accrual reset date
is the same for all employees or unique.
Use Accrual Pay Type Detail Date determines when
accrual occurs according to specific criteria per employee.
Select an option when an accrual period crosses a reset date:
• Apply entire accrual to next year
• Apply percentage of accrual to next year
Select an option for the date when befits begin to accrue:
• Use Global Benefit Start Date
• Use Employee’s Most Recent Reset Date
When Benefits are administered by the Paychex Preview
Payroll application, the Benefits Accrual Settings section
does not display.
This is a critical section if your company works with a payroll
company to export a file of employee hours worked for importation
into their software. The Export Matrix, after it is configured with your
payroll software’s codes, allows data to transfer between the two
platforms, and allows you to enter additional information for the
client (such as Earning Codes from Preview). To enter the Earnings
Export Matrix
Click Configure Export Matrix.
Select the Salary Type (Salary or Hourly) for this Export Matrix.
Select a pay type from the Pay Type drop down.
Complete the fields to define the export codes used by your
payroll company.
Click Save, then Exit. Repeat steps b - e as necessary.
If you are exporting time and attendance data to the
Preview application, the codes in the export matrix must
match the earning/deduction codes in Preview exactly. If
you have questions regarding the proper configuration
your export matrix, please consult with technical support.
When all entries are complete, click Apply Changes to save the changes.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Payroll Policies
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies
Click Payroll Policies to display the Payroll Policies page and manage the payroll policies
for your company. Paychex Time and Labor Online uses payroll policies to store and apply
the rules governing attendance, lunches and breaks, overtime, pay periods, etc. An
organization can have more than one set of rules, so Paychex Time and Labor Online allows
you to create many policy templates. You can then assign employees to the appropriate
payroll policy.
Payroll policies play a vital role in time management and you must assign every employee
to a payroll policy. You must create at least one payroll policy. Paychex Time and Labor
Online include a predefined payroll policy entitled Default Payroll Policy that you can rename
and redefine. You can create additional policies later as well.
Selected Policy Section
The Selected Policy section indicates the currently selected payroll policy. Select a
payroll policy by clicking its link in the List of Policies section. The Selected Policy
section contains the following items:
Click Add to add a new payroll policy.
Click Delete to delete the selected policy.
Policy Name
Click Policy Name from the List of Policies to display
the name of the currently selected policy.
Click Members to displays a list of employees
assigned to the currently selected policy.
Click Include Inactive to list inactive employees
assigned to the selected policy.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
List of Policies Section
The List of Policies section displays all the payroll policies available in your company’s
application. The currently selected policy displays in black text in the list and also in the
Selected Policy section at the top of the page.
Select a Payroll Policy
Click the link for the payroll policy to edit in the Payroll Policy list. The selected payroll
policy displays in the Selected Payroll Policy section.
Add, Edit, and Delete a Payroll Policy
In the Selected Policy section, click Add. The Add Payroll Policy page
Type the name for the new payroll policy.
Select the existing payroll policy to copy as the foundation for this new policy.
Click Add Policy to complete the entry. The Payroll Policies page displays with
the new policy selected.
Complete the settings as described in the Payroll Policies Settings section.
Editing a Payroll Policy
Verify the policy that displays in the Selected Policy section is the one to edit. If
it is not the correct policy, select the policy from the List of Policies section.
Click the link for the section of the policy you want to edit.
Edit that section as described in the Payroll Policies Settings section.
Delete a Payroll Policy
Verify the policy that displays in the Selected Policy section is the one to delete.
If it is not the correct policy, select the policy from the List of Policies section.
In the Selected Policy section, click Delete. The Confirmation page displays.
Click Yes to complete the deletion or click No to cancel and return to the Payroll
Policies page.
A payroll policy with employees assigned cannot be deleted. You must
first assign the employee to another payroll policy before you can delete
the selected payroll policy.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Payroll Policy Settings Section
Payroll Policies contain several different categories of information. Companies can have
several payroll policies. The following sections describe these categories and their
You must click Apply Changes after modifying each section. This
automatically takes you to the next section.
When you edit payroll policies, expand the sections to edit by clicking the
link for the section.
Payroll Policy
Paychex Time and Labor Online has a predefined payroll policy titled Default
Payroll Policy. You can rename and redefine this policy. You can also create
additional policies later. The first time you visit this page, the predefined payroll
policy is selected by default.
Type a new name for the payroll policy in the Policy Name field.
Click Apply Changes to complete the entry.
Payroll Start Date
Select a day in this section to determine when your workweek begins. It also affects
when overtime resets on a weekly basis.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Pay Periods
These settings define the pay periods for Paychex Time and Labor Online. Paychex
Time and Labor Online uses these values when scheduling, displaying cost estimates,
or filtering reports.
Select the appropriate settings to keep track of pay periods for your company:
Sets a one week pay period.
Every Two Weeks
Sets a bi-weekly pay period.
Every Two Weeks
Sets a bi-weekly pay period.
Sets a twice a month pay period. Use the
drop-down arrow to select the dates the
employees are paid.
Sets a once a month pay period. Use the
drop-down arrow to select the date on which
employees are paid.
Click Apply Changes to complete the entry and save the changes.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Attendance Exceptions
Use the Attendance Exceptions settings to set the guidelines for flagging deviations from
an employee’s schedule. You must generate schedules for these settings to be
The In settings apply only to clock-in times and the Out settings apply only to
clock-out times. Select the settings as appropriate:
Up to XX minutes before: Type how many minutes before the
scheduled start time an employee can clock in before the entry is flagged.
Up to XX minutes after: Type how many minutes after the scheduled
start time an employee can clock in before the entry is flagged.
Up to XX minutes before: Type how many minutes before the
scheduled end time an employee can clock out before the entry is
Up to XX minutes after: Type how many minutes before the scheduled
end time an employee can clock out before the entry is flagged.
The next option applies to both clock-in and clock-out times. Select the setting
as appropriate:
If an employee clocks in more than XX minutes away from their
assigned schedule, do not flag the entry as early or late: This setting
defines an outer limit for flags. This allows people with authorized
time off to clock in or out without being flagged. The maximum value
for this setting is 480.
It also allows employees who have permission to come into work
very early or stay very late the ability to do so without being flagged.
Click Apply Changes to complete the entry and save the changes.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Round to Schedule
The Round to Schedule setting tells Paychex Time and Labor Online how to round
clock in or out times to the employee’s scheduled time, if the entry falls within a
specified timeframe. This setting helps control unauthorized overtime.
These settings are not compatible with the Attendance Exception
settings. If you plan to use Attendance Exceptions, you must set the
values in these fields to 0.
The IN settings apply only to clock in times. Enter the settings as appropriate:
Up to XX minutes before: Type how many minutes before the
scheduled start time an employee can clock in and still be rounded
forward to the start time of the schedule.”
Up to XX minutes after: Type how many minutes after the scheduled
start time an employee can clock in and still be rounded back to the start
time of the schedule.”
The OUT settings only refer to clock-out times. Enter the settings as
Up to XX minutes before: Type how many minutes before the
scheduled end time an employee can clock out and still be rounded
forward to the end time of the schedule.
Up to XX minutes after: Type how many minutes after the scheduled
end time an employee can clock out and still be rounded back to the end
time of the schedule.
Click Apply Changes to complete the entry and save the changes.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Standard Rounding
The Standard Rounding settings control how rounding applies for times that are
outside the Round to Schedule Times. If the Round to Schedule Times are not
set, these settings apply for all clock in or out times.
The IN settings apply only to clock-in times and the OUT settings apply only to
clock-out times. Enter the settings as appropriate:
Round to the XX: Select to round to the previous, nearest,
or next increment.
XX minutes: Type the increment to round to. Type 0 (zero) to avoid
Click Apply Changes to complete the entry and save the changes
In the Overtime screen, overtime factors and how employees qualify for overtime
are specified.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Type Overtime settings as appropriate.
Apply Overtime
Select where to apply overtime.
Overtime Factors
Select the overtime factor.
Weekly Overtime
Pay OT1 or OT2: Select this option to indicate
employees paid overtime for working more than a
certain number of hours on unscheduled days.
Anything over XX hours: Type the number of
hours in an unscheduled day an employee must
work before overtime accrues.
Weekly Overtime resets on Sunday at: Displays
and is grayed out when the Daily Overtime resets
24 hours from punch time radio button is selected.
The reset time is determined by the clock in
transaction time.
Period Overtime
Pay OT1 or OT2: Select this option to indicate
employees paid overtime for working more than a
certain number of hours on unscheduled days.
Anything over XX hours: Type the number of
hours in an unscheduled day an employee must
work before overtime accrues.
Daily Overtime
Daily Overtime resets on New Day: Select this
option when daily overtime resets on a new day.
Daily Overtime resets 24 hours from punch in
time: Select this option when daily overtime resets
24 hours from the punch In time.
Split Daily Overtime On Weekly Reset Time:
Select this option when daily overtime is split on
weekly reset time. The reset time is determined by
the clock in transaction time. The option is grayed
out when the Daily Overtime resets 24 hours from
punch time option is selected.
Pay OT1 or OT2: Select this option to indicate
employees paid overtime for working more than a
certain number of hours on unscheduled days.
Anything over XX hours: Type the number of
hours in an unscheduled day an employee must
work before overtime accrues.
Click Apply Changes to complete the entry and save the changes.
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Configure the System
Advanced Overtime
The Advanced Overtime settings allow you to set additional overtime parameters.
Enter the settings as appropriate.
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Unscheduled Days/Shifts: Use this setting only if overtime pays
differently for days or shifts not scheduled to be worked. These settings
define how overtime accrues on unscheduled days and on unscheduled
Pay OT1 or OT2: Select this option to indicate employees paid
overtime for working more than a certain number of hours on
unscheduled days.
Anything over XX hours: Type the number of hours in an
unscheduled day an employee must work before overtime accrues.
Enable Time Worked Outside Schedule: Select this option when
employees are paid for time worked outside their schedule.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Consecutive Days Overtime: These settings define special overtime for
the consecutive days worked. If selected, Paychex Time and Labor
Online pays overtime for the consecutive day. Regular overtime is paid
for anything over the number of hours specified in the Regular Overtime
Pay by Day field in the Over Time Pay Options section above. Double
overtime is paid for anything over the number of hours specified in the
Double Overtime Pay by Day field of the Over Time Pay Options section
Enable Sixth Day Overtime: Select this option if, on the sixth
consecutive day worked, employees are paid overtime for regular
hours and double overtime for anything in addition to regular.
Enable Seventh Day Overtime: Select this option if, on the
seventh consecutive day worked, employees are paid overtime for
regular hours and double overtime for anything in addition to
Click Apply Changes to complete the entry and save the changes.
Holiday Timesheet Settings
Enter the settings as appropriate:
Activate Holidays Rules: Defines if Paychex Time and Labor Online
pays holidays and their titles.
Pay Holidays: Pay holidays within this policy.
Pay Type: Type to use for the holiday entry. This typically is Holiday.
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Configure the System
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Holiday Eligibility: Defines what requirements the employee must meet
to receive a holiday.
Minimum days of employment to qualify: Days that an employee
must work with the company in order to qualify.
Employee must be scheduled to work on the holiday: If the
employee should receive the holiday only if they are scheduled to
work on that day.
Qualify employee on scheduled days: If the employee must work
the days they are scheduled in order to receive holiday pay. If not
selected, the last day the employee worked before the holiday
and/or the next day they worked after the holiday is used to qualify.
Required to work: Which days the employee must work to qualify.
Minimum minutes before: The number of minutes an employee
must work on the day before the holiday. Use this value only if the
employee is required to work the day before.
Minimum minutes after: The number of minutes an employee must
work on the day after the holiday. Use this value only if the
employee is required to work the day after.
Holiday Timesheet Settings: Defines how and when the employee
receives their holiday hours.
Apply the Holiday on the Next Day: If the employee’s holiday are
recognized on the day after the date entered in the holiday list.
Holiday hours apply towards overtime: If the holiday hours are
included when calculating overtime pay.
Un-worked holiday: Minutes to add for each unworked holiday:
Type the number of minutes an employee receives for holiday hours
when they did not work on the holiday.
Worked holiday:
Minutes to add for each worked holiday: Type the number
of minutes an employee receives for holiday hours when they
work on the holiday.
Multiply worked hours by a factor of XX to increase the
holiday time duration: Select this option to pay employees
more for time worked on a holiday. If they get eight hours for a
worked holiday, the holiday factor is 1.5, and they worked 1
hour on the holiday, they get 9.5 paid hours on the holiday. 8.5
holiday hours and 1 work hour.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Holiday Daily Overtime: These settings define how hours are paid.
Daily overtime rules override both standard daily overtime and
unscheduled daily overtime settings.
Pay Overtime anything over XX hours: Select this option if the
holiday hours should be paid as overtime. Type the number of hours
an employee must work before overtime begins.
Pay Double Overtime anything over XX hours: Select this option
if the holiday hours should be paid as double overtime. Type the
number of hours an employee must work before double overtime
Click Apply Changes to complete the entry and save the changes.
The Lunch settings control how Paychex Time and Labor Online collects and
calculates lunch times.
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Configure the System
Enter the settings as appropriate:
Lunch Type: These settings define how Paychex Time and Labor Online
collects lunch times.
Lunch is not allowed: Select this option if employees are not allowed to
clock in and out for lunch.
Employees manually clock out for lunch: Select this option if
employees are expected to clock in and out for lunch.
The system automatically subtracts lunch time from employees’
shifts: Select this option for Paychex Time and Labor Online to
automatically subtract a predefined amount of time for lunch from the
employee’s shift. Employees are not expected to clock in or out for lunch.
Add Detail: These settings define how Paychex Time and Labor Online
calculates lunch. These settings do not apply if the Lunch is not allowed
option is selected.
Advanced Lunch Rules: These settings define how a Meal Penalty is
added to the timecard for employees who do not take a lunch for a work
period of more than five hours per day.
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The system deletes and regenerates Automatic lunches when an
edit occurs within the clock in/out for the shift. Use existing business
rules during regeneration. Any modified and saved auto deduct
lunches do not delete or regenerate.
Check Enable Meal Penalty to add an additional hour of pay when
an employee fails to punch out/in for lunch.
Click Add Detail to add specific details to the meal penalty. The
Add Meal Penalty Detail screen displays.
Enter the settings as appropriate.
Click Update to enforce the policy or Return to Payroll Policies
to cancel.
Select Actual or Rounded from the Apply meal penalty rules toward
punch times drop-down menu to determine how punch times
calculate the hours worked. Valid options are Actual or Rounded.
Click Apply Changes to complete the entry and save the changes.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Lunch Rounding
The Lunch Rounding settings control how Paychex Time and Labor Online
rounds lunch times.
Enter the settings as appropriate:
IN: These settings define how Paychex Time and Labor Online rounds
the IN from lunch punch.
Round to the…: Select the rounding option from the drop-down
You select Nearest and the number of minutes is set
to 15. If an employee clocks in at 12:40, the time
rounds to 12:45. If an employee clocks in at 12:35 it
rounds to 12:30.
X minutes: Type the number of minutes to round by.
OUT: These settings define how Paychex Time and Labor Online rounds
the OUT for lunch punch.
Round to the…: Select the rounding option from the drop-down
You select Nearest and the number of minutes is set
to 15. If an employee clocks out at 12:40, the time
rounds to 12:45. If an employee clocks out at 12:35 it
rounds to 12:30.
X minutes: Type the number of minutes to round by.
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Configure the System
Rounding Options Section: This section sets rounding for lunch to a
certain duration if an employee takes a shorter lunch then they are
supposed to take.
Round short lunches to X minutes: Select this option if lunch
should be rounded up to a specific amount of time. Enter the
amount of time.
Use above rounding only if the lunch taken is at least X
minutes: Type the length of lunch an employee must take to allow
the lunch rounding.
Click Apply Changes to complete the entry and save the changes.
The Breaks settings control how Paychex Time and Labor Online collects and
calculates break times.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Enter the settings as appropriate:
Break Type: These settings define how Paychex Time and Labor Online
collects break times.
Break is not allowed: Select this option if employees are not allowed to
clock in and out for breaks.
Employees manually clock out for breaks: Select this option if
employees are expected to clock in and out for breaks and get a fixed
number of breaks per day. Enter the details of their break schedule by
selecting the Add Detail link.
The system automatically subtracts break time from employees’
shifts: Select this option if employee breaks automatically subtract from
their shifts.
The system deletes automatic breaks, and then regenerates
when an edit occurs within the clock in/out for the shift.
Existing business rules are used during generation. Any
modified and saved auto deduct breaks do not delete or
Add Detail
Type break duration in the Allow for XX minutes of Break field.
Check the Break is paid checkbox if break is paid.
Check the Apply Break to overtime checkbox if break is applied to
Under the Automatically add Break to shift section, select how
the auto break is added.
Click Add to add detail.
Advanced Break Rules
States have varying wage, hour laws, and regulations that may
affect time and attendance requirements regarding rest periods.
Select the Enable Break Penalty checkbox if you are a California
employer and you do not authorize and permit non-exempt
employees to take rest periods.
Click Apply Changes to complete the entry and save the changes.
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Configure the System
Breaks Rounding Section
The Break Rounding settings define how Paychex Time and Labor Online distributes
paid lunch and break charges.
The same rules apply as in the lunch rounding section.
Click Apply Changes to complete the entry and save the changes.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Employee Settings
The Employee Settings section defines parameters for automatic clock-out, yearly
hours, and restrictions to schedule.
Enter the settings as appropriate:
Automatic Clock Out: Select this option to have Paychex Time and
Labor Online generate the missing clock out when the employee fails to
clock out.
Default Shift Minutes: Type the length in minutes of the default
Missing Punch Out Minutes: Type the number of minutes that must
pass, from the clock-in time, before the missing punch automatically
Work Year: These settings define how many hours are in a work year.
Restrict to Schedule: Employees that are restricted to schedule and
clock in for the day have a window before their scheduled time when they
are able to clock in. Type the number of minutes for this window.
The employee does not get paid for this time until a
supervisor edits the shift.
The maximum value is 60.
Options: These settings define if employees assigned to the payroll policy
can view the status board, change their passwords, enable the Employee
Time Sheet Approval option, and enable the Employee’s Timesheet to
populate by their schedule option the option to have only the
administrators to edit employee personal preferences and Timesheet
Submission View select.
To use the Employee Timesheet to populate from schedule option, select
Options, then run the Create Timesheets From Schedule report. Timesheet
entries generate by running this report.
Any timesheet entry for employees using this feature is deleted and
replaced by the entries generated from the assigned schedules.
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Configure the System
If your employees submit timesheets, you need to select the format for them to
submit their timesheet.
Show start time and duration.
Show start time and end time.
Show start time and end time with lunch.
Show duration only.
Action Options: Selects Transfer option for employees to use the Default
labor levels or the Employee’s Scheduled labor levels.
Supervisor Edits: Selects the option to require the supervisor/manager to
add a note when making an edit to an employee timesheet and how they
send a message to the employee when edit is made.
Click Apply Changes to complete the entry and save the changes.
Time Sheet Processing Configuration
You must select how your employees’ time displays on their timesheets after they
clock in.
The Time of Day Change field determines when the start of a new day begins
for time reporting purposes. Default time is 12:00 AM.
Check Activate Split Shifts at Time of Day Change to activate split shifts are
the same time. This automatically adds a Clock Out and an immediate Clock In
at the specified time of day change.
You must also set how many minutes to use to reject duplicate or opposing punches.
Duplicate or opposing punches such as In and In or In and Out are suppressed.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Spread of Hours Pay
State Specific Options
The State Specific Options determines if wages and hours include additional
payments based on duration or type of work shift. For example, some states may
require minimum wage for every hour worked, plus an additional hour at minimum
wage, when the employee’s work day exceeds 10 hours.
Spread of Hours Pay
Check Enable Spread of Hours Pay if your state requires spread of hours pay.
Enter the minutes (between 0 and 1440) that exceed the duration of the work day
and the pay adjustment amount (between 0 and 999999).
Split Shift Interruption Pay
Check Enable Split Shift Interruption Pay if your state requires employers to adjust
pay when the employee’s shift is interrupted.
Enter a positive dollar amount for the pay adjustment between 0 and 999999.
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Configure the System
Comp Time Configuration
The Comp Time Configuration setting determines how to pay out comp time for hours
worked instead of OT hours for employees assigned to certain payroll policies.
Click Enable Comp Time to put the policy into effect.
If you would like users to change their own comp time selection, select Allow
users to change comp time selection from the Employee Tab.
Select the pay types:
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If you want to accrue comp time by a factor, denote that factor in the Accruing
Comp Time Pay Type drop-down menu.
If OT2 hours accrue comp time, select OT2 hours accrue to comp time by a
factor of XX and type the factor that applies.
Click Apply Changes to complete the entry and save the changes.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Meal Allowance Configuration
Meal Allowances allow Paychex Time and Labor Online to grant meal allowances
based on assigned settings.
Check Enable Meal Allowance to turn on the feature.
Select the applicable option from the Pay adjustment to post drop-down
In the Amount of Meal Allowances field, type the maximum amount of meal
allowance allowed in dollars and cents.
In the Employee may not have more than XX meals per week field, type the
number of allowances allowed per week.
Click the Time Qualified or Duration Qualified radio buttons.
Time Qualified: Add rule; must work over HH:MM am for at least XX
Duration Qualified: Add rule; after XX hours allow one meal.
Click Apply Changes to complete the entry and save the changes.
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Configure the System
Call Back Configuration
Enabling the Call Back Configuration feature, allows one of two options for
employees who get called back to get paid for that call back. This feature works only
via the web login. The employee has the option in the Actions drop-down menu to
select the Call Back Action.
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Use Create Time to assign the employee called back minimum time duration
for the call back. Type in the duration received along with the paid time rate. If
you select the Create Time option, the Call Back action acts like a clock in, but
allows a guaranteed minimum assigned duration. When the shift has ended, the
user simply clocks out.
Use Pay Adjustment to pay a specified amount as a Pay Adjustment. Select
the rate at which the Call Back pays; enter amount received with the call back
export code. This requires no clock out and no time posts to the Timesheet.
Click Apply Changes to complete the entry and save the changes.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Pay Types
Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Types
Click Pay Types to display the Pay Types page and manage the pay types and identify the
kinds of time employees spend for your company. For example, in addition to tracking work,
you might want to track time spent in training, on jury duty, travel, bereavement leave, etc.
Paychex Time and Labor Online supports an unlimited number of pay types. Seven pay types
are built into the application:
You cannot delete these types, but you can rename them. Vacation, sick, and personal are
benefit pay types that accrue. Use the Benefits page to define the rates and method by which
these types accrue.
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Configure the System
Selected Pay Type Section
The Selected Pay Type section indicates the currently selected pay type. Select a pay
type by clicking the appropriate link in the Pay Types section. The Selected Pay Type
section contains the following items.
Add Link
Click Add to add a new pay type.
Delete Link
Click Delete to delete the selected policy. The option is not
available when you select one of the seven built-in pay
Note: Paychex Time and Labor Online does not allow
you to delete a pay type if any time has already
been associated with it.
Pay Type Name
Displays the name of the currently selected pay type.
Displays the number of the currently selected pay type.
Include Inactive
The Include Inactive checkbox is unselected by default. Click
Include Inactive to display a list of inactive pay types. An
asterisk (*) displays next to the inactive pay type in the list.
Pay Types Section
The Pay Types section displays all the Pay Types available in your company’s
account. The currently selected type displays in the list as black text and also
displays in the Selected Pay Type section at the top of the screen.
Selected Pay Type Section
Select the pay type to edit or view from the list in the Pay Types section. The selected
pay type displays in the Selected Pay Type section.
Edit Pay Type Information Section
The Edit Pay Type Information section displays the settings for the currently
selected pay type.
Edit Pay Type Information
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In the Selected Pay Type section, verify that the pay type to edit displays. If not,
select the intended pay type from the Pay Types section.
Enter the following settings as appropriate:
Code: Type the number for this pay type. This can be alphanumeric, but
must be unique.
Description: Type a name for this pay type.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Select the appropriate option in the Default Pay Level field. Options include:
Paid - Policy Rate (default)
Paid - OT1 Rate
Paid - OT2 Rate
Select the appropriate check boxes:
Active: The Active checkbox is selected by default, but grayed out for
Work, Break, Lunch, Vacation, Sick, and Personal pay.
Count towards holiday minimum minutes: If you are paying holidays in
Paychex Time and Labor Online and if the pay type should count towards
the holiday minimum minutes qualifier, select this option. When this is
checked, the minutes assigned to this pay type will count towards the
minimum minutes needed to work the day before and/or after the holiday
to qualify the employee for the holiday transaction. For example, if an
employee works 4 hours and takes this pay type for 4 hours, with this
checked and with a minimum amount of 8 hours required to work before
and/or after the holiday, then the holiday will be added to the employee
time sheet since the employee met the minimum minutes required to
receive it.
Overrides absences for the day: When this is checked, the employee
will not show on the "Absence (Current Day)" Report.
Can be Overtime: When this is checked, the pay type will be overtime if
this is added into the employee’s time sheet when the employee has
already worked enough hours that they are in overtime for the week.
When this is not checked, the only Default Pay Level options are Paid Policy Rate and Unpaid.
Applies towards overtime by Default: When this is checked, any hours
that are applied to this pay type will be included in the hours adding up to
the minimum amount needed for weekly overtime.
Applies towards Benefits: This needs to be checked for some of the
options in the benefit policy to function. This activates "Warn when
employee goes below allowance but allow the transaction to occur" and
"Display warning when employee goes into negative" in the benefit policy.
This also allows you to apply this pay type to a different pay type by
selecting it from the Benefit type drop-down menu. This will cause all
hours applied to this pay type to apply towards the pay type selected from
the Benefit Type drop-down list.
Display Pay Type on Calendar: When this is checked, Pay Types
display on Calendar View in Admin | Home.
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Configure the System
Default Pay Level: This option allows the pay type to default to unpaid.
Options include:
o Paid – Policy Rate (default)
o Paid – OT1 Rate
o Paid – OT2 Rate
o Unpaid
In the Used Time Applies to Benefit Type drop-down menu, select the
appropriate option.
Click Apply Changes to complete the entry and save the changes.
Add and Delete Pay Types
Add a Pay Type
In the Selected Pay Type section, click Add. The screen refreshes and the new
pay type’s settings display in the Edit Pay Type Information section of the page.
Enter the settings as appropriate:
Number: Type a number for this pay type. This can be alphanumeric, but
must be unique.
Description: Type a name for this pay type.
Count towards holiday minimum minutes: If you are paying holidays in
Paychex Time and Labor Online and if the pay type should count towards
the holiday minimum minutes qualifier, then select this option.
Click Apply Changes to complete the entry and save the changes.
Delete a Pay Type
Paychex Time and Labor Online does not allow you to delete a pay type if time
associates with it. As an alternative, you can rename a pay type. If you must delete
the type, first transfer its entries to another pay type. Refer to the instructions in the
Transfer Entries for additional information.
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In the Selected Pay Type section, verify that the pay type to delete displays.
Click Delete. The Confirmation page displays.
Click Delete Pay Type, where Pay Type is the name of the pay type you
selected to confirm the deletion, or click Cancel to cancel and return to the Pay
Types page.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Pay Adjustment Types
Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Adjustment Types
Click Pay Adjustment Types to display the Pay Adjustment Types page and manage
adjustments to employee earnings. Pay Adjustments are lump sum additions or subtractions
to an employee's net or gross pay. Adjustments can be bonuses, tips, and union or
professional dues, etc.
Use Pay Adjustments to track additions such as bonuses and tips, or deductions such as
union dues or uniform fees. You must create pay adjustment types before entering
adjustments. Pay adjustment types can be additions or deductions. You can allow employees
to enter their own adjustments, for example, when tips are received. Enter pay adjustments
from the Admin or Employee Home pages.
Selected Adjustment Type Section
The Selected Adjustment Type section indicates the currently selected adjustment type.
The title of this section is the name of the adjustment type currently selected. Select an
adjustment type by clicking the appropriate link in the Pay Adjustment Types section. The
Selected Adjustment Type section contains the following items:
Click Add to add a new adjustment type.
Click Delete to delete the selected adjustment type.
Note: Paychex Time and Labor Online does not allow you to
delete an adjustment type if any entries are already
associated with it.
Displays the code of the currently selected adjustment type.
The Include Inactive checkbox is unselected by default. Click Include
Inactive to display a list of inactive adjustment types. An asterisk (*)
displays next to the inactive adjustment in the list.
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Configure the System
Adjustment Types Section
The Adjustment Types section displays all the pay adjustment types available in your
company’s account. In the Adjustment Types section, click the link for the adjustment
type to edit. The currently selected type displays in black text in the list and in the
Selected Adjustment Type section as shown previously.
Add, Edit, and Delete Adjustment Types
Add an Adjustment Type
In the Selected Adjustment Type section, click Add. The screen displays the
new adjustment type’s settings in the Edit Adjustment Type section of the page.
Enter the settings as appropriate:
Code: Type the code for this adjustment type. This can be alphanumeric
and must be unique.
Description: Type the name for this adjustment type.
Active: The Active checkbox is checked by default. When unchecked, the
adjustment type becomes inactive and is not able to be selected in TLO.
Employee Entry: Check this option if employees are allowed to enter
adjustments (for example, tips or mileage) of this type.
Deduction: Check this option if the amount of the adjustment is deducted
from the employee’s earnings.
Click Apply Changes to complete the entry and save the changes.
Edit an Adjustment Type
In the Selected Adjustment Type section, verify that the adjustment type to edit
displays. If not, first select the adjustment type from the Pay Adjustment Types
Enter the settings as appropriate:
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Code: Type the code for this adjustment type. This can be alphanumeric
and must be unique.
Description: Type the name for this adjustment type.
Employee Entry: Check this option if employees are allowed to enter
adjustments (for example, tips) of this type.
Deduction: Check this option if the amount of the adjustment is deducted
from the employee’s earnings.
Active: The Active checkbox is selected by default. When unselected, the
adjustment type becomes inactive and is not able to be selected in TLO.
However, previously created transactions using inactive Pay Types will
not be deleted and will still be visible on time sheets.
Click Apply Changes to complete the entry and save the changes.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Delete an Adjustment Type
Paychex Time and Labor Online does not allow you to delete an
adjustment type if entries are already associated with it.
In the Selected Adjustment Type section, verify that the adjustment type to
delete displays.
Click Delete. The Confirmation page displays.
Admin | Configuration | System | Holidays
Click Holidays to display the Holidays page and add an unlimited number of holidays. You
can assign these lists to employees and denote which days an employee should receive
holiday pay.
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Configure the System
Selected Holiday List Section
The Selected Holiday List Section indicates the currently selected holiday list. The title of
this section displays the name of the currently selected list. Select a holiday list by
clicking a name in the List of Fields section. The Selected Holiday List section contains
the following items:
Click Add to add a new holiday list.
Click Delete to delete the selected field.
This is displayed as the current selected holiday list.
Click Members to view the employees assigned to this list.
Holiday Lists Section
The Holiday Lists Section displays all the holiday lists available in your company’s
account. The currently selected type displays as black text in the list and displays in the
Selected Holiday List section at the top of the screen.
Select a Holiday List
Click the link for the holiday list to edit. The selected list displays in the Selected Holiday
List section.
Assign Multiple Employees Section
The Assign Multiple Employee section allows you to assign select employees to the
currently selected list.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Adding, Editing & Deleting Holiday Lists
Add a Holiday List
In the Selected Holiday List section, click Add. The New Holiday List section
displays on the right side of the screen.
Type the name of the holiday list.
Click Apply. This changes the name in the Selected Holiday List section.
Click Add Holiday. The Holiday page displays.
Make the following selections as needed:
Holiday Name: Type the name of the holiday.
Holiday Date: Type the date of the holiday.
Active: Select this option if the holiday is an active holiday.
This holiday lasts for XX day(s): Type the number of days this holiday
This is commonly used with Thanksgiving when an employer
gives both Thanksgiving Day and the day after.
Include Weekends for additional days: Select this option if the holiday
is longer than one day and if you would like the holiday to fall on a
Company worked Holiday: Select this option if the holiday is a company
worked holiday.
Prevent PTO requests on this day: Select this option to prevent PTO
requests on this day.
Click Add or Regenerate the Holiday.
Repeat Steps 1 through 6, as needed.
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Edit a Holiday List Name
In the Selected Holiday List section, verify that the holiday list to edit displays. If
not, first select the list from the Holiday List section.
Type the new name for the holiday list.
Click Update to complete the entry.
Edit a Holiday in the Holiday List
In the Selected Holiday List section, verify that the holiday list to edit displays. If
not, first select the list from the Holiday List section.
Click the link of the holiday to edit.
Make the appropriate changes.
To complete the entry, click Update.
Delete a Holiday List
In the Selected Holiday List section, verify that the holiday list to delete displays.
If not, first select the list from the Holiday List section.
Click Delete. The Confirmation page displays.
To delete the list, click Yes.
Delete a Holiday in the Holiday List
In the Selected Holiday List section, verify that the holiday list to edit displays. If
not, first select the list from the Holiday List section.
Click Delete on the row for the holiday to delete. The Confirmation page
To delete the holiday, click Yes.
Display Inactive Holidays
In the Selected Holiday List section, verify that the holiday list to view displays If
not, first select the list from the Holiday List section.
Click Show Inactive Holidays.
Hide Inactive Holidays
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In the Selected Holiday List section, verify that the holiday list to view displays. If
not, first select the list from the Holiday List section.
Click Hide Inactive Holidays.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Regenerate Holidays
The Regenerate Holidays option ensures that your company holidays post properly for
qualifying employees. Use this feature when you:
Add a new holiday
Delete a holiday
Add new employees to TLO
Edit the name or posting date for a holiday
To use the Regenerate Holidays option:
1. Select the appropriate date.
2. Select the appropriate Payroll Policy. Keep at the default of All if the change applies
to all policies.
3. Click Regenerate the Holiday.
Click Closing to allow an administrator or anyone granted permission to close any pay
period after it passes. Closing a pay period prevents any more edits to that pay period.
Click Re-Open to allow an administrator or anyone granted permission to re-open any pay
period. When re-opening a previous pay period, all subsequent pay periods to the present
are also re-opened.
Assign Policies
Click Assign Policies to allow an administrator or anyone granted permission to assign time
Time Clocks
Click Time Clocks to display the Time Clocks page where you configure and manage the
time clocks that provide data to Paychex Time and Labor Online. Paychex Time and Labor
Online. To adjust the settings of one or more of your clocks, contact your Time and Labor
Online Implementation Specialist at 866-933-3185.
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Configure the System
Admin | Configuration | System | Schedules
Click Schedules to display the Schedules page and manage schedule templates and
generate schedules. Paychex Time and Labor Online allows you to create schedules for
your employees. In addition to providing useful information, Paychex Time and Labor Online
also uses schedules for tracking attendance, enables rounding to schedules, calculates
overtime for unscheduled days, and restricts employees to schedules. It compares actual
clock in and out times to the scheduled clock in and out time for preparing reports on
tardiness and scheduled versus actual hours worked.
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To use schedules, you must create schedule templates, assign employees to
templates, and generate schedules.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
The following terms are used in schedules:
A shift is an uninterrupted block of time. Before creating
a schedule template, tell Paychex Time and Labor
Online how many shifts per day to schedule.
Examples: •
To schedule someone from 8:00
a.m. to 5:00 p.m. without
specifying a lunch break, use one
If you want to indicate a lunch
break, use two shifts: one before
lunch and one after lunch
A schedule template consists of one week’s worth of
daily shift information. Templates indicate a general
work pattern.
Monday thru Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00
p.m., rather than specific dates and
times. You can have an unlimited
number of schedule templates, which
allows for an unlimited number of work
schedule scenarios.
Note: You can only assign an employee to one
This option writes daily schedules for all employees for
a specific time. Paychex Time and Labor Online only
performs this process when you specify.
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Configure the System
Understanding the Process
Before beginning, you should understand how Paychex Time and Labor Online
approaches scheduling. Creating schedules is a three-step process:
Create schedule templates for your company: Create one week’s worth of daily shift
information. As described previously, a schedule template is a generic pattern indicating
the hours that a person works in a one-week period and rather than specific dates and
times. Normally, you create schedule templates one time, then create or edit templates
as you add or change shifts.
Assign employees to appropriate templates: This option assigns employees to the
schedule template appropriate for them and tells Paychex Time and Labor Online the
pattern to use when generating the employee’s schedule. You can also do this from the
Admin Home page in the Schedules templates section.
Generate the schedules: This option writes the daily work shifts for all employees during
a specified timeframe. Generating schedules is a critical part of the overall process, as it
actually writes the employee schedules for a timeframe.
After you generate schedules, you can review and edit them from the Employee and
Admin Home pages. Each employee can view his or her own schedule from the
Employee Home page.
Selected Template Section
The Selected Template section displays the currently selected template. The settings for
this template display in the Schedule Template and Work Times sections on the right side
of the page. The Selected Template section contains the following items:
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Add Link
Click Add to add a new schedule template.
Delete Link
Click Delete to delete the selected template.
Template Name
Displays the name of the currently selected template.
Members Link
Displays the number of employees assigned to the
currently selected template. Click the link to display a list
of the members.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Add a Schedule Template
Click Add in the Selected Template section. The Schedule Template Properties
section expands and displays the settings for the new template. Fill in the settings
as appropriate:
Template Name: Type a name for the schedule template.
Access Type:
Select Private to permit only the owner to view, edit, or delete.
Select Public – View Only to allow anyone to use or assign the
template. Only the owner can edit and delete the template.
Select Public – Allow Edits to allow anyone to use or assign and edit
the templates. Only the owner or an administrator can delete the
Owner: Select the owner of this template.
After created, only an administrator can change the owner.
Click Update Properties to complete the change and save the changes.
For each shift for each day, enter the following information:
Start time: Type the starting time for the shift.
End Time: Type the starting time for the shift.
Click Update Properties when complete and to save the changes. The page
displays your new settings.
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Configure the System
Delete a Schedule Template
Paychex Time and Labor Online does not permit you to delete a schedule template if
clocked time is already associated with it.
Verify that the schedule template to delete displays in the Selected Schedule
Template section.
Click Delete. The Confirmation page displays.
Click Delete Schedule Template where schedule template is the name of the type
you selected to confirm the deletion
Click Cancel to cancel and return to the Schedule Templates page.
Express Scheduler
The Express Scheduler allows for a prompt approach to adding weekly schedules for one
or many employees. It can also be used to edit individual employee schedules that are
generated from a template. You can keep the normal generated schedule most of the
time and take into account occasional deviations, for example, special projects or shifts.
To access the Express Schedule, click Express Scheduler in the Schedule menu.
Note: Refer to Chapter 3 for more information on the Express Scheduler.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Generate Schedules Link
Generating schedules is a critical part of the process, because it actually writes the
schedules. Schedules generate into the future, for a specified timeframe. At the end of
that timeframe, you must generate schedules again. Paychex Time and Labor Online
allows you to specify when and how far into the future you want schedules generated.
You can select to generate just one time or to set up generation on a recurring basis. The
benefit of recurring generation is that Paychex Time and Labor Online automatically
generates schedules each time they need to be done.
Click Generate. The dialog box displays.
Enter the settings as appropriate:
Scheduled through date: This field displays the last date schedules
generated. When new schedules generate past this date, the system
generates schedules for all the employees assigned to schedule templates.
When schedules generate for dates before the date shown above, the system
generates schedules only for the selected employees.
Generate schedules one time: Select this option to generate schedules at
your convenience.
Use this option if you often have schedule changes.
From: Select the date schedule generation begins.
To: Select the date schedule generation ends.
Generate schedules for: Select for whom you would like to generate
Refer to Quick Assign instructions throughout this manual.
Generate a schedule automatically: Select this option for Paychex Time and
Labor Online to automatically generate schedules on a specified day and for a
set period.
If you generate every Saturday for three weeks, then every
Saturday the system generates schedules far enough out to be
sure three weeks worth of schedules generate beyond the
current week.
Every: Select a day of the week.
Generate For: Select a timeframe you would always like to show in the
Click Generate. The Schedules page displays.
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Configure the System
Search Section
The Search section allows the user to search for a specific template name. Companies
with many templates often use this section.
Type the exact name in the Search field.
For additional help, click Search Tips.
List of Templates Section
The List of Templates section displays all the schedule templates available in your
company account. The currently selected template displays in the list in black text and
also displays in the template section at the top of the page.
Select a Schedule Template
Select the name of the template to edit in the List of Templates section. The selected
schedule template displays in the Current Schedule Template section.
Show / Hide Public Templates
Click the link to toggle from, including public templates to hiding public templates.
Schedule Template Assignment Section
The Schedule Template Assignment section is where you assign one or more
employees to the currently selected schedule. Assign by employee groups to make
scheduling easier when you administer large numbers of employees.
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Click Assign Multiple Employees to open the Assign Employees page. Notice
you can filter the assignable employees by Employee Group.
To select multiple employees from the Employees Not Assigned box, click
and drag the cursor to select all the employees you want to move. To move the
employees, click the blue arrow pointing to the Employees Assigned to box.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Assign/Generate Schedule Rotation to Employee
Click Assign/Generate Schedule Rotation to Employee to generate and view
schedules for rotating shifts for all employees. The following options display.
Generate schedules one time
Enter a date range in the To and From fields or click the calendar to
select a date range.
Click Overwrite Existing Schedules if the existing schedule should be
Select the appropriate option from the Generating Schedule for drop
down menu.
Click Generate.
A rotating schedule for a specific time frame is created.
Generate a schedule automatically
Select the appropriate day and timeframe from the Every <enter day of the
week> generate schedules forward so that they are generated for drop
down menu.
Click Generate.
A rotating schedule automatically generates based on the criteria
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Configure the System
Schedule Shifts Section
The Scheduled Shifts section allows you to specify the number of shifts per day the
currently selected schedule template contains. Remember, a shift is an uninterrupted
block of time. The number directly corresponds to the number of shift lines per day
shown in the Schedule Template settings on the right of the page. When determining
how many shifts per day you need, consider all days in the week. Select the highest
number, even if it applies only to one day; you are able to leave shift entries blank, if
The following examples illustrate how to determine the number of shifts per day you
An employee works Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. without clocking to a lunch break. For this scenario,
use one shift per day, because the time block does not need to
break in the middle.
An employee works Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. with an hour lunch at 1:00 p.m. For this scenario,
you would use two shifts to account for the lunch break. The
first shift would be 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.; the second would be
2:00 p.m., to 5:00 p.m.
An employee works Monday through Wednesday 8:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. with an hour lunch taken at noon. Thursday and
Friday the employee works a half day, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00
noon. For this scenario, you would also use two shifts, to
account for the lunch breaks on Monday through Wednesday.
Enter the settings as appropriate:
Shifts per day: Type the maximum number of shifts per day needed for the
selected schedule template.
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This applies only to the currently selected schedule template.
Click Refresh to complete and save the change.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Schedule Template Properties section
The Schedule Template Properties section displays the settings for the currently
selected schedule template.
Enter the settings as appropriate:
Template Name: Type a name to use for the schedule template.
Access Type:
Select Private to permit only the owner to view, edit, and delete.
Select Public – View Only to allow anyone to use or assign the
template. Only the owner can edit or delete the template.
Select Public – Allow Edits to allow anyone to use or assign and
edit the templates. Only the owner or an administrator can delete the
Owner: Select the owner of this template.
After a template is created, only an administrator can change
the owner.
Click Update Properties.
Work Times Section
The Work Times section displays the daily work times for the schedule. The number
of shifts per day specified in the Schedule Shifts section determines how many line
items display for each day’s entry.
For each shift for each day, enter the following information:
Start time: Type the starting time for the shift. Enter times in 12-hour
End Time: Type the starting time for the shift. Enter times in 12-hour
8:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 7:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 7:30 p.m.
Click Update when all settings are complete to save the settings. The page
displays the new settings.
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Configure the System
Custom Personal Information
Admin | Configuration | System | Custom Personal Information
Click Custom Personal Information to display the Custom Personal Fields page to add an
unlimited amount of custom fields. Paychex Time and Labor Online adds these fields to the
Employee Edit screen, allowing the administrator to enter specific employee information that
otherwise would not be tracked. The information stores with the employee’s file and can be
accessed from the Home page.
Selected Custom Personal Field Section
The Selected Custom Personal Field section indicates the currently selected custom
personal field. The title of this section is the name of the currently selected custom field.
Click the appropriate link in the List of Fields section to select a custom personal field.
The Selected Custom Personal Field section contains the following items:
Click Add to add a new custom field.
Click Delete to delete the selected field.
Deleting a custom personal field deletes this entry for all
This displays the current selected custom field.
List of Fields Section
The List of Fields section displays all the personal custom fields available in your
company’s account. The currently selected type displays in black text in the list and in the
Selected Custom Personal Field section at the top of the screen.
Select a Field Type
In the List of Fields Type section, click the link for the custom field to edit. The selected
custom field displays in the Selected Custom Personal Fields section.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Add, Edit and Delete Custom Personal Fields
Add a Custom Field
In the Selected Custom Personal Field section, click Add. The new custom
personal field displays.
Type the name of the custom personal field you want to track.
To complete the entry, click Update.
Edit a Custom Field
In the Selected Custom Personal Field section, verify that the custom field to
edit displays. If not, first select the Custom Field from the Custom Personal
Field section.
Type the new name for the Custom Field.
To complete the entry, click Update.
Delete a Custom Field:
In the Selected Custom Personal Field section, verify that the Custom Field to
delete displays. If not, first select the Custom Field from the Custom Personal
Field section.
Click Delete. The Confirmation page displays.
This deletes the custom field from all employee files.
To confirm deletion, click YES.
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Configure the System
New Employee Defaults
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults
Click New Employee Defaults to display the New Employee Defaults page to update the
default settings used when new employee records are added. On this page, you establish
standard settings for new employees. Paychex Time and Labor Online enters the standard
settings into each new employee’s profile to reduce repetitive work.
The New Employee Defaults settings eliminate redundant data entry by creating a standard
profile for new employee records. In addition to new hires, a new employee can be an
existing employee whose record you are now adding to Paychex Time and Labor Online.
Reassign Defaults to Existing Employees
Click Reassign or Reassign Defaults to Existing Employees when changes to any of the
new employee values need to be reassigned to existing employees. Refer to Reassign
Defaults to Existing Employee procedure later in this section.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Employee Information Section
The Employee Information section defines the default time zone for new employees.
Initially, the default is the Pacific time zone. Select the appropriate time zone for new
Payroll Information Section
The Payroll Information section defines the default payroll settings for new employees.
Enter the settings as appropriate.
Payroll Policy
Select the default payroll policy template for new
Employee Type
Select the default tax classification.
Exempt or non-exempt for new
Shift Differential
Select whether new employees belong to a defined shift
differential policy.
Holiday List
Select whether new employees belong to a defined
holiday list.
Salary Type
Select whether new employees are either hourly or
Select whether new employees are restricted to
schedule by default.
Enforce Lunch
Select whether new employees are restricted to lunch
by default.
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Configure the System
Employee Labor Levels
In the Employee Labor Levels section, select new employees’ default to labor levels that
you define. This is useful for batch importation of records.
Benefits Section
The Benefits section settings determine the initial hours an employee receives for
vacation, sick, and personal time. You can change any of the names on the Pay Types
page, reflected in the titles below. Enter the settings as appropriate.
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Accrual Rule
Use the drop-down menu to select the benefits accrual
rule Policy, applicable for this employee.
Initial Personal
Type the starting number of personal hours for new
Initial Sick (Hrs)
Type the starting number of sick hours for new
Initial Vacation
Type the starting number of vacation hours for new
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Web Access Section
The Web Access settings define the default access to Paychex Time and Labor Online
for new employees. Enter the settings as appropriate
Allow Employees to
Access the system
through the Web
Select this option if, by default, new employees use the Web to access
Paychex Time and Labor Online.
Feature Access
Select the default security group for new employees.
Permission to
Employee Manager
Select Edit if new employees have permission to view specific
employee access groups that you establish. This is usually only
applicable to supervisors and administrators who manage multiple
employee groups
Employee Access
Group 1
Select the default for Employee Access Group 1 for new employees.
Employee Access
Group 2
Select the default for Employee Access Group 2 for new employees.
Login Generation
Select the default method for creating log-on names for new
employees. These options are only used when importing employees.
Password Generation
Select the default method for creating passwords for new employees
These options are only used when importing employees.
Allow Employee to
clock in/out through
the Web
Select this option if, by default, new employees clock in or out through
the Web
Allow Employees to
submit Time Sheets for
Select this option if, by default, new employees can submit timesheets.
Work Hours
Select this option if, by default, new employees can submit timesheets
for regular work hours.
Default Clock-In Time
Type the default clock-in time for timesheets submitted.
Non-Work Hours
Select this option if, by default, new employees can submit timesheets
for non-work hours, such as vacation, sick, or personal time.
Default Non-Work
Hours to “Paid”
Select this option if Paychex Time and Labor Online pays non-work
hours by default.
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Configure the System
Hardware Information Section
Select up to two hardware zones to assign to employees. Click Update when you
complete all settings and save the changes.
Reassign Defaults to Existing Employees
Click Reassign or Reassign Defaults to Existing Employees when changes to any of the
selected employee values need to be reassigned to existing employees.
Assign Policies
Click Assign Policies to display the Assign Policies page and assign policies to the
selected list of employees.
Employee Settings
The Employee Settings section defines the default employee settings for selected
employees. Enter the settings as appropriate.
Time Zone
Select the appropriate time zone for selected employees.
Employee Type
Select the default tax classification.
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Exempt or non-exempt for selected employees.
Salary Type
Select whether selected employees are either hourly or
Enforce Schedule
Select whether selected employees are restricted to
schedule by default.
Enforce Lunch
Select whether selected employees are restricted to lunch
by default.
Select active or inactive.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Web Access
The Web Access settings define the default for selected employees. Enter the settings as
Web Access
Select this option to allow employees to access the
system through the web.
Login Generation
Select the default method for creating log-on
names for selected employees. Only check
Replace Existing to update all employees.
Note: Employees with a
account must log into to
change login information.
Password Generation
Select the default method for creating passwords
for selected employees. Only check Replace
Existing to force the user to change their password
on their next login.
Note: Employees with a
account must log into to
change login information.
Allow Employee to
clock in/out through the
Select this option if, by default, selected employees
clock in or out through the Web.
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Configure the System
Timesheet Submittal & Attendance Tracking
The Timesheet Submittal and Attendance settings define the defaults to assign to
selected employees. Click Apply Defaults when you complete all settings.
To save the changes, you must click Apply Defaults.
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Allow Employee to
submit Time Sheets
Select this option if, by default, selected employees
can submit timesheets.
Work Hours
Select this option if, by default, selected employees
can submit timesheets for work hours.
Default Clock-In Time
Type the default clock-in time for timesheets
Non-Work Hours
Select this option if, by default, selected employees
can submit timesheets for non-work hours, such as
vacation, sick, or personal time.
Non-Work Pay Type
Select at least one non-work pay type from the
choice boxes to determine which pay types an
employee can access via the time sheet.
Default Non-Work Hours
to “Paid”
Select this option if Paychex Time and Labor
Online pays non-work hours by default.
Track Attendance Only
Select this option if the employee is only required to
‘Clock In’ in order to receive a total lump sum of
Shift Length in Minutes
This defines the amount of time to post to an
employee time sheet when they are tracking
attendance only.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits
Click Benefits to display the Benefits page and manage benefit accruals for your
employees. Paychex Time and Labor Online automatically calculates the available vacation,
sick, and personal time benefits for your employees. These calculations use rules that can
account for different accrual methods, seniority rules, and other factors. Benefit time taken
automatically subtracts from the available benefits, so that balances are always accurate.
Paychex Time and Labor Online allows for an unlimited number of policies so that you can
accommodate different situations within your company. After you create the policies, assign
them to employees in the company. Assign policies to employees from the Benefits, Add
Employee, or Edit Employee pages.
When Benefits are administered by the Paychex Preview Payroll application, the
Calculation (including the Recalculate link), Accrual Policy headings, and Banking
Policy headings do not display.
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Configure the System
Selected Benefit Policy Section
The Selected Benefit Policy section displays the currently selected benefit policy. The
settings for this policy display under the heading “Policy Name” on the right side of the
page. The Selected Benefit Policy section contains the following terms:
Click Add to add a new benefit policy.
Click Delete to delete the selected policy.
Policy Name
Displays the name of the currently selected policy.
Displays the number of employees that are
assigned to the currently selected policy. Click
Members to display the names of employees
assigned to the selected policy.
Add a Benefit Policy
In the Selected Benefit Policy section, click Add. The new policy displays as New
Policy in the Selected Benefit Policy section and can be modified on the right side
under Policy Name.
Delete a Benefit Policy
In the Selected Benefit Policy section, verify that the policy that displays is the
one to delete. If it is not, select the policy from the List of Policies section.
In the Selected Benefit Policy section, click Delete. The Confirmation page
To complete the deletion, click Yes. To cancel and return to the Benefit Policies
page, click No.
Edit a Benefit Policy
In the Selected Benefit Policy section, verify that the policy that displays is the
one to edit. If it is not, select the policy from the List of Policies section.
Select the pay type to modify by clicking on the link name.
Modify the settings in the selected Benefit Pay Type as described in Benefit
Policy Setting on page 62..
List of Policies Section
The List of Policies section displays all the benefit policies available. The currently
selected policy displays in black text in the list and in the Selected Benefit Policy section
at the top of the screen.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Select a Benefit Policy
In the List of Benefit Policies section, click the link for the policy to edit. The selected
benefit policy displays in the Selected Benefit Policy and Policy Name sections.
Benefit Maintenance Section
The Benefit Maintenance section allows you to manually recalculate or Pay Benefits
for an employee’s benefits.
Calculation – Recalculate: This option recalculates all benefits for one or for a
group of employees from a selected date.
Pay Benefits: This option allows employee accrued pay types to be paid out on
a specific transaction date. This process gives all employees a balance of zero
on every pay type selected. All negative balances display on this page, but do
not create transactions.
Group Assignments Section
The Group Assignments section allows you to assign employees to the currently
selected policy. You can assign all employees or selected employees to the selected
benefit policy.
Policy Name Section
Several different categories of information make up benefit policies. The following
sections describe these categories and their settings.
Notes: • If you are editing a benefit policy, you can click the link for the
section or pay type to expand.
• It is important to click Apply Changes after modifying each section.
Benefit Policy Name
This section displays the name of the currently selected policy.
Type a name for this policy.
To complete the entry, click Apply Changes to save the changes.
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Configure the System
Under the Policy Name section, click Add Pay Type. The Add a Pay Type to
New Policy screen displays.
4. Select the appropriate checkbox for the pay type to add to this benefit policy. The
settings in this section determine the method by which Paychex Time and Labor
Online accrues the pay type within this policy.
When Benefits are administered by the Paychex Preview Payroll
application, the Benefit Type columns do not display.
5. Enter the settings as appropriate.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Delete Pay Type
Allows the user to delete this pay type from the selected
Determines the granted and the accrued time frequencies.
Choices are: Daily, Weekly, Per Pay Period, Monthly,
Quarterly, Semi-Annually, and Annually.
Accruing Calculation
Determines how accrued hours calculate based upon one
of two states:
On Time Passed, as time passes, 1 day or
Hours Worked, based on a preset amount
of hours
For Percent of Hours Worked,
Type the number of hours per
year based upon 2080 - 40 hours
per week for 52 weeks.
Select Percent of Hours can’t exceed
100% if accrued hours cap at 100%.
Select Exclude Overtime from hours
worked calculation if employees do not
accrue benefit time on overtime hours.
Defines daily restrictions for required hours worked;
restrict from accruing for a certain length of time form hire
date and an employee probation period where time
accrues but not granted while employee is on probation.
When Benefits are administered by the Paychex Preview Payroll
application, the Frequency, Accruing Calculation and Restriction
sections do not display.
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Configure the System
Defines rules for accruing benefits. Allows one or multiple rules for
Benefit policy. All assigned rules display in the Rules Section. To add a
rule, click Add Rule.
Start months: Defines the month from hire date that benefit rule
begins. The starting date should be 0 to start at day 1. A 1 in this
field starts accruals after one month of work.
End months: defines the month form hire date the benefit rule
Hours to Accrue on a X basis: where XX is the selected accruing
basis. Type the desired amount.
Cap available benefit hours at: Caps hours at a specific value. A
cap limits the maximum number of hours an employee can have
available for this benefit. When an employee's available benefit
balance reaches the cap, they stop having time granted until their
available balance falls below the cap.
All hours accrued over the cap should be transferred to: allows
for accrued hours accrued over the cap to be transferred to another
Benefit Pay Type.
At a factor of: determines the factor used in transferring the hours.
Use this factor to multiply the transferred hours.
Cap annual used benefit hours at: Limits the hours an employee
can use for one benefit year.
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A factor of .5 would give 1 hour transferred for
every 2 hours of benefit time.
If cap is set to 80, an employee can only use 80
hours of benefit time for the assigned annual
benefit year.
Maximum hours to carry over year to year: Sets maximum hours
that can be rolled over to new accrual year.
When Benefits are administered by the Paychex Preview Payroll
application, the Rules section does not display.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Defines the reset date for the Benefit Pay Type and when the next benefit period begins.
Calendar Year (January 1).
Benefit Start Date (assigned to each employee in Employee Edit screen) defaults to
employee hire date.
Other – enter month and day (07/01).
When Benefits are administered by the Paychex Preview Payroll application,
the Reset Date section does not display.
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Configure the System
There are several options to set.
Allow up to XX negative hours for the current balance. Allows an employee’s
negative current balance to be limited to a specific amount.
Warns when employee goes below allowance, but allow the transaction to
occur. Warns administrator when amount being given takes balance below
Displays warning when employee goes into negative. Displays warning when
balance goes negative for given benefit type.
Allow up to XX negative hours for the available balance. Allows an employee’s
negative available balance limited to a specific amount.
Warn when employee goes below allowance, but allow the transaction to occur.
Warns administrator when amount being given takes balance below allowance.
Display warning when employee goes into negative. Displays a warning when
balance goes negative for given benefit type.
Allow Adjustments to exceed cap. Allows administrator to adjust benefit
balance beyond cap.
Disable benefit calculations. Disables benefit rules engine, allows for imported
balances or manual adjustments only.
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No rules apply to benefit balances. This setting is useful if
another application is calculating your benefit accruals, and
they are imported into Paychex Time and Labor Online to
display for your employees.
When Benefits are administered by the Paychex Preview
Payroll application, the Disable benefit calculations option
does not display.
Include future time taken in the time used total for each benefit. Adds any
assigned benefit type for a future date to the time used total.
When Benefits are administered by the Paychex Preview Payroll
application, the Allow Adjustments to exceed cap option does not
When Benefits are administered by the Paychex Preview Payroll
application, the Include future time taken in the time used total for
each benefit option does not display.
Enable email alerts for time off requests. Sends an email to the supervisor
informing them of the request.
Enable emailing employees upon admin time off request actions. Sends an
email to the employee informing them of the action taken for their time off
Display this benefit type on the Employee Home page. Allows each employee
to view this benefit Pay type on their Employee Home page.
Allow employees to request time off for this benefit type. Allows each employee
to request time off for this benefit type.
To complete the entry, click Apply Changes >> to save the changes.
Repeat steps 3 thru 5, as necessary, to add all the pay types for the selected
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Shift Differentials
Admin | Configuration | System | Shift Differentials
Click Shift Differentials to display the Shift Differentials page and manage the shift
differentials for your company. A Shift Differential Policy is a group of rules that describes
how your company pays shift premiums. Shift differentials allow you to specify extra
monetary amounts paid for hours worked during certain times for the day.
For example, your company might pay an extra 15 percent to employees who work the
graveyard shift. Paychex Time and Labor Online uses rules to specify each day, time, and
premium in the template. Each shift differential policy can contain multiple rules. Because
each employee can only have one shift differential policy assigned, you must include every
rule that is likely to apply.
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Configure the System
Selected Policies Section
The Selected Policy Section displays the currently selected shift differential policy. The
settings for this policy display in the Shift Differential sections on the right side of the
page. The Selected Policy section contains the following items:
Click Add to add a new shift differential policy
Click Delete to delete the selected policy.
Policy Name
Displays the name of the currently selected policy.
Displays the number of employees assigned to the
currently selected policy.
List of Policies Section
The List of Policies section displays all the shift differential policies available in your
company’s account. The currently selected policy displays in black text in the list and in
the Selected Policy section at the top of the page.
Select a Shift Differential Policy
In the List of Policies section, click the policy to edit. The Selected Shift Differential
Policy displays in the Current Policy section.
Group Assignments
The Group Assignments section allows you to assign employee member groups to the
currently selected policy. Click Assign Multiple Employees to assign all employees or
specific employee member groups, and select your assignment selection.
Employee Group
This option selects all employees in the database.
This option selects the employee group to which to
assign a policy.
Adding, Editing, and Deleting Shift Differentials
Add a Shift differential policy
2 - 66
In the Selected Policy section, click Add. The shift differential policy section
expands to display the settings for the new policy.
Type a name for the shift differential policy.
To complete the change, click Update to save the change.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Under the Shift Rules section, click Add Rule. The Shift Differential Rule page
For each unique rule, enter the following information:
Shift Code: Type a code for this shift. It can be alphanumeric.
Shift Times:
Start Time: Type the start time for the differential.
End Time: Type the end time for the differential.
Create Entry For: Select each day that qualifies for the differential.
Pay Modification: Defines the amount of the differential earning. You can
enter both an Additional Pay Factor and an Additional Wage per Hour.
Additional Pay Factor: Type the additional percentage of pay
earned during the hours specified above. You must enter this
number in decimal format. For example, if employees get an
additional 15 percent, type .15.
Additional Wage per Hour: Type the extra dollar amount for the
hours specified above.
Advanced Rules: Defines further how the employee is paid for shift work.
An employee must work at least
minutes in this
differential to receive it: Select this checkbox and type the number
of minutes that apply to this rule.
An employee must have work time between
to receive the differential: Select this checkbox and type
the time range that applies to this rule.
If the employee does not work within the time span, they should
instead: Select this checkbox
receive Shift Differential Code
and type the shift differential code that applies to this rule.
When you complete all settings, click Add Rule to save the settings. The page
displays the settings you entered.
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Configure the System
Edit a Shift Differential Policy
Verify that the shift differential policy to edit displays in the Selected Policy section.
Type a name for the shift differential policy.
To complete the change, click Update to save the changes.
To edit an existing rule, click the link for the day to edit. The Shift Differential Rule
page displays.
Edit the information as appropriate. Add a Shift differential policy for details.
You cannot edit the day.
When all settings are complete, click Update to save the settings. The page
displays the settings you entered.
Delete a Shift Differential Policy
2 - 68
Paychex Time and Labor Online does not allow you to delete a shift differential
policy if employees are assigned to it.
Verify the Shift Differential policy to delete displays in the Selected Shift Differential
Policy section.
Click Delete. The Confirmation page displays.
Click YES to delete or NO to cancel.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Security Configurations
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates
Click Feature Access Templates to display the Feature Access Templates page and select
which areas of Paychex Time and Labor Online supervisors or managers have access to
their employees' records and to certain functions Paychex Time and Labor Online.
You can give a manager the ability to review and edit employee timesheets, create
schedules, print reports, and more. In the Employee Access Group Members section, you
specify which employees and functions you want the manager to access, then assign the
feature access template and employee access group to the manager. When logging into
Paychex Time and Labor Online, the manager can view the employees and use the features
granted by the security group.
You do not need to assign regular employees to a security group. Regular user
access gives them the ability to track their own time without having special access.
A full-access, admin security group is built into your Paychex Time and Labor Online account.
This admin security group grants full access to all employees and all functions of Paychex
Time and Labor Online.
Current Feature Access Template
The Current Feature Access Template section displays the currently selected feature access
group. Select a feature access group by clicking the appropriate link in the Feature Access
Groups section. The first time you access the Feature Access Group page, the admin
security group displays in the Current Feature Access Group section. This admin feature
access group is built into Paychex Time and Labor Online and grants full access to all
employees and all functions. The Current Feature Access Group section contains the
following items:
Click Add to add a new feature access group.
Click Edit to edit the selected policy.
Click Delete to delete the selected policy.
Paychex Time and Labor Online does not
allow you to delete a feature access group if
any employees are assigned to it.
Feature Access
Group Name
Click Feature Access Group Name to display the
name of the currently selected feature access group
and edit the selected policy.
Click Members to display the names and the number
of members in a group.
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Configure the System
Add, Edit, and Delete Feature Access Templates
Add a Feature Access Template
In the Current Feature Access Template section, click Add. The Add Feature
Access Template page displays.
Enter the settings as appropriate:
Feature Access Template Name: Type the name for this access template.
This can be alphanumeric, but must be unique.
Access Type: Select the access type from the drop-down list. Select Partial
Access for users who only need access to certain features. Full Access users
should be assigned to the existing Administrator template. The users have no
restrictions to features in Time and Labor Online.
Feature Access Template to Copy: Select an existing access group to copy if
the new group you are creating is similar.
Department access does not copy.
Click Apply to complete the entry and save the changes.
The Feature Access Template page displays with the Feature Access Template in
the Current Feature Access Template section. The settings for the new feature
access group display on the right side of the page.
To select the parameters for the Feature Access Template, click Yes or
click No to toggle the option from one setting to the other.
Edit a Feature Access Template
In the Current Feature Access Template section, click Edit. The Editing Feature
Access Template page displays.
Enter the settings as appropriate:
2 - 70
New Name: Type a new name for this access group. This can be
alphanumeric, but must be unique.
Access Type: Select the access type from the drop-down list. Select Partial
Access for users who only need access to certain features. Full Access users
should be assigned to the existing Administrator template. The users have no
restrictions to features in Time and Labor Online.
Click Apply to complete the entry and save the changes.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Delete a Feature Access Template
Paychex Time and Labor Online does not allow you to delete a feature access
template for any assigned employees. Remove or transfer any security group
members before deletion.
In the Current Feature Access Template section, verify that the feature access
template to delete displays.
Click Delete. The Confirmation page displays.
Click Delete Feature Access Template, where Feature Access Template is
the name of the selected template, to confirm the deletion.
Click Cancel to cancel and return to the Feature Access Template page.
Feature Access Templates
The Feature Access Templates section displays all the feature access templates
available in your company’s database. The currently selected template displays in the
list as black text and also displays in the Current Feature Access Template section at
the top of the page.
Select a Feature Access Template
In the Select Feature Access Templates section, click the feature access template to
use. The selected feature access template displays in the Current Feature Access
Template section.
Feature Access Template Assignment
The Assign Multiple Employees link allows you to assign employees to the currently
selected feature access template.
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Configure the System
Feature Access Templates
Some features prompt you to select whether or not this group can view, add, edit, or delete
this option. Select the appropriate Feature settings for selected Feature Access Template.
Feature Access Templates is grouped into the following sections.
Admin | Home
Permits access to the employee file.
View Employees not
assigned to any
Grants the ability to have access to employees not assigned to
any group.
View/Edit Rates of
Grants the ability to view and modify employee pay rates or
Time Off Requests
Allows the user to view, approve, or deny time off requests. This
feature is accessed from the Admin Home page.
Grants permission to the timesheet section in the Admin Home
page. Selecting No for editing restricts the user from adding a new
Pay Adjustment
Allows the user to add, edit, or delete a pay adjustment. This
feature is accessed from the Admin Home page.
Verbiage of pay adjustment in Paychex TLO is any type of dollar
amount that is not included in hourly pay configurations. Typically,
only the main administrators are granted access.
Benefit Adjustments
Grants access to make an adjustment to a Benefit balance.
Admin | Configuration
Provides access to the Configuration link on the Admin Home
page. Permits access to the General Configuration menu.
If you restrict access by not allowing the user to edit, the user is
able to view the settings but cannot edit the settings.
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Payroll Policies and
New Employee.
Grants access to payroll policies and new employee default
configurations. Typically, only the main administrators have
granted access.
Pay Types
Grants access to the pay types configurations. Generally only the
main administrators are granted access.
Pay Adjustment
Grants access to the pay adjustments configurations. Generally
only the main administrators are granted access.
Grants access to holiday configurations. Generally only the main
administrators are granted access.
Closing and Re-Open
Grants access to the Close and Re-Open Pay Period(s) page.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Assign Policies
Grants access to the Assign Policies page.
Time Clocks
Grants access to the Time Clock Configuration page.
Grants access to the Schedule page. Also allows the user to
assign and edit schedules from the Admin Home page.
Custom Personal
Grants access to the Custom Personal information.
Grants access to the Benefits Configuration page.
Benefits Advanced
Grants access to adjust benefit balances and recalculates benefits
for all employees, to which they have access, from the Benefits
Configuration page.
Shift Differentials
Grants access to the shift differential.
Labor Levels
Define Labor Levels
Grants access to the Define Labor Levels page.
Setup Labor Levels
Grants access to the Setup Labor Levels page.
Assign Labor Levels
Grants access to Assign Labor Levels to one or multiple
Feature Access
Grants access to Feature Access Templates.
Employee Group
Grants access to employee group members.
IP Access
Grants access to IP configurations. Generally only the main
administrators are granted access.
Time Sheet Audit
Allows viewing of the time sheet audit trails.
Employee Updates
Allows administrators to view changes made to employee
Time Card Export
Allows administrators to view transmissions with aggregate hours
and punch detail information.
Grants access to the reporting functions.
Allows the user to use importing.
Status Board
Grants access to view and print information for all employees and
suppress notes for employees outside of the group.
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Configure the System
Employee Group Members
Admin | Configuration | Security | Employee Group Members
Click Employee Group Members to display the Employee Group Members page to define
the employee groups to which your supervisors or managers have access. This is a
powerful tool used throughout the application. You can assign many different features in
Paychex Time and Labor Online by Employee Groups. Employee Group Members allows
you to control which employees’ supervisors can access. Employee Groups Members makes
it faster and more convenient to assign employees to certain policies.
To begin the process, determine how you want to set up your Access Groups. You can set up
Employee Access Groups for supervisors, so they can access only those employees for
whom they are responsible. You can also set up larger Employee Access Groups for system
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Add, Edit, and Delete Employee Groups
To create an Employee Group:
Click Add in the current access group.
In the Employee Group Name field, type a name for your group.
Check the Managed Group checkbox if the group for managed groups.
Click Create Group to save.
Add a Manager to an Employee Group
To add a manager to an Access Group, click Add Manager.
Select Main Manager Name using the drop-down menu.
Select a Start Date by clicking the Calendar icon.
Click Create Manager to add a manager to the group.
If the group was previously created, select the desired group. Under
Current Group, select group name. This allows you to add a
manager to the Access Group.
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Configure the System
Assigning Employees to Employee Groups
To assign employees to the member groups you created:
1. Select the correct member group from the Current Group section.
2. Highlight the employees to assign to that group.
3. After you highlight the employees, click the arrow pointing to the Member of
Employee Group box.
There is no need to save or update; they are now a part of that
employee member group. You can assign Employees to multiple
groups, but you must repeat the process to add them to other member
Time Sheet Audit Trails
Admin | Configuration | Security | Time Sheet Audit Trails
Click Time Sheet Audit Trails to display the Timesheet Audit Trails page to view a record of
changes made to employee timesheets by administrators or managers through the Admin
Home page. The Audit Trail shows:
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The original record.
The changed record.
When the change was made.
Modifications made to existing shifts and shift details.
Shifts originally added through the Admin Home page.
If the employee or the supervisor approved the shift.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Paychex Time and Labor Online allows you to sort the data by clicking the column
headers. After you submit the request, Paychex Time and Labor Online returns a list of
modified records that match the criteria you specified.
Display Audit Trails
Paychex Time and Labor Online allows you to specify the date range and employees for
which to display changed records. After you submit the request, Paychex Time and Labor
Online returns a list of modified records that match the criteria you specified.
Enter the settings on the Timesheet Audit Trails page as appropriate:
Group Filter
Allows you to select which employee member
group by which to search.
Allows you to select specific employees for whom
to search.
Transaction By
Allows you to search for a transaction-bytransaction time or by the change time.
Employees By
Allows you to further narrow your search by looking
by employee or by supervisor change.
Start Date
The date on which you would like to begin your
End Date
The date on which you would like to end your
Click Get Timesheet to retrieve your information.
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Configure the System
Admin | Configuration | Security | Notifications
Use Notifications to set up email notifications.
When email notifications are set up to send non-encrypted information, a warning message
displays informing users that personal information should not be sent in an email.
Select Admin | Configuration | Security | Notifications.
Select the checkbox to allow an email to be sent.
Click Apply.
4. A warning message displays. Click Ok to enable the email notification feature.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
IP Access
Admin | Configuration | Security | IP Access
Click IP Access to display the IP Access page and manage IP access policies. IP access
policies allow you to control employee access to the Paychex Time and Labor Online site by
restricting the IP addresses from which they can connect to the site. You can use this for
preventing employees from clocking in from unauthorized locations, such as home. The IP
access policy indicates the allowed IP address or addresses to the site. You can specify a
particular IP address or a range of addresses. We recommend that you enlist the help of your
information technology department in obtaining the correct IP address for your employees. By
default, Paychex Time and Labor Online grants employees unlimited access to the site.
Assigning an employee to an IP access policy limits the employee to access from the policyspecified addresses only.
Selected IP Access Policy Section
The Selected IP Access Policy section indicates the currently selected IP access policy.
Select an IP access policy by clicking the appropriate link in the List of Policies section.
The Selected IP Access Policy section contains the following items:
Click Add to add a new IP access policy.
Click Delete to delete the selected IP Access
Paychex Time and Labor Online does not
allow you to delete an IP access policy if
there are employees assigned to it.
Displays the name of the currently selected policy.
Click Members to display the names and number
of members within a group.
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Configure the System
Assign Multiple Employees
The Assign Multiple Employees section allows you to assign select employees to the
currently selected IP access policy. To assign employees to an IP Access Template:
In the Current IP Access Policy section, verify that the correct IP Access Policy
In the IP Template Assignment Section, select Assign Multiple Employees.
To assign employees, select the names from the Employees Not Assigned To list
and click the arrow pointing to the Employee Assigned To list.
Selecting the employees and clicking the arrow moves the employees
and save the settings. No further action is required.
Add, Edit and Delete IP Policies
Add an IP Access Policy
In the Selected IP Access Policy section, click Add. The new settings for the IP
access policy display on the right side of the page.
Type a name for the new IP access policy.
To complete the entry, click Update and save the changes.
The IP Access Rules section contains the following:
Allows employee web punching form the IP Access Masks below.
Allows access with no punch capability from outside the IP Masks below.
2 - 80
The default is Yes. The value changes to No.
The default is Yes. Clicking Yes changes the value to No. The
Yes setting allows regular employees to do non-web-punching
tasks like view benefit balances, hours worked and time off
request status. However, the employees will not be able to
web-punch unless they are at the work location.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
The IP Access Mask section contains the following:
Add adds a new address or address range to the policy.
Mask displays the IP addresses specified by this policy.
Click Add to add a new IP address or address range to the policy. The Add IP
Address page displays.
Type the IP address to add to this policy in the IP Mask box.
You must enter all four parts of the IP address.
You can use * as a wildcard to indicate IP address ranges.
Allows access from any address that begins with
213.12.31, where the last three digits can be any
Allows access from any address that begins
with213, where the last 9 digits can be any
Allows access from any address. Is the same as
entering *.*.*.*.
To complete the entry, click Add Access Address and save the changes.
Repeat the previous steps for each address or address range to add to this
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
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Configure the System
Delete an IP Access Policy
Paychex Time and Labor Online does not allow you to delete an IP Access Policy if
associated with entries.
In the Selected IP Access Policy section, verify that the IP access policy to
delete displays.
Click Delete. The Confirmation page displays.
To confirm the deletion, click Delete IP Access Policy where IP access
policy is the name of the policy you selected.
To cancel and return to the IP Access page, click Cancel.
Paychex Time and Labor Online does not allow you to delete a
policy if employees are assigned to it.
Labor Levels
Admin | Configuration | Labor Levels
The Labor Levels section allows you to select from different configurations where you manage
the levels and departmental hierarchy for your company. It is critical to properly configure your
company’s labor levels and to fully understand the concepts of this feature. Labor Levels track
where employees spend their time. You can associate costs with labor levels and assign
employees to more than one level.
Employees are only able to clock into assigned labor levels.
Define Labor Levels
Clicking Define Labor Levels allows you to create up to 15 different labor levels.
2 - 82
You can define labor levels as region, location, and department. In this
instance, your company would have three labor levels.
You must complete this step before proceeding to Setup Labor Levels.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
The first step in building your labor levels is to determine how many Labor levels your
company has. Paychex Time and Labor Online supports as few as one or as many as fifteen.
To set up your labor levels:
Click Add. Provide a name for the labor level.
Click Update to save.
Setup Labor Levels
Access Admin | Configuration | Labor Levels \ Setup Labor Levels
Clicking Setup Labor Levels allows you to define the sub-levels of your pre-defined labor
levels. In the previous example, we define three labor levels as region, location, and
Examples: Region: Northeast Location: New York Office Department: Sales
After you define your labor levels, you must setup labor levels. Note in the figure below that
you must select the level using the drop-down menu next to Selected Labor Level that you
want to build out. In the example below, Location is the first level selected.
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Configure the System
To continue with the setup of your labor levels:
Click Add under the Selected Labor Level Unit Detail. Fields on the right side of the
page display for you to enter your criteria.
The Include Inactive checkbox is unselected by default. When selected, an
asterisk (*) displays next to the inactive labor level in the listing.
In the proper fields type the following that apply to the added record:
Description (50 character limit)
Code (50 character limit)
Pay Rate
Change Rate
Active checkbox
To save the record, click Save.
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The Active checkbox is checked when adding or importing labor levels
for employees assigned to that labor level by default. This checkbox can
only be unselected when no employees are assigned to the labor level.
You must click Save before you enter the next record.
Click Add again to add another record. After you complete your first labor level, use the
Selected Labor Level drop-down menu to select the next labor level to configure.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Configure the System
Assign Labor Levels to One Employee
Admin | Configuration | Labor Levels | Assign Labor Levels to One
Clicking Assign Labor Levels to One Employee allows you to assign one employee to any
defined labor levels. In Paychex Time and Labor Online, you have multiple ways to assign
employees to different labor levels. You can assign employees one at a time, in multiples, or
by employee member groups.
Employee Test
Assigning Labor Levels to One Employee
Select the employee to assign using the Employees drop-down menu.
To assign the selected employee, highlight the desired labor level by clicking a
selection in the box below. Press Ctrl to select more than item at a time.
After you highlight your selections, click the arrow pointing in the direction of the
Assigned to box.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
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Configure the System
Assign Labor Level to Multiple Employees
Admin | Configuration | Labor Levels | Assign Labor Levels to Multiple
The Assign Labor Level to Multiple Employees option allows you to assign multiple
employees to any defined labor levels.
Assigning Labor Levels to Multiple Employees
From the Employee Group drop-down menu, select an employee member group,
or press Ctrl + click to select multiple employees.
Click the arrow icon pointing to the blank Selected Employees box.
Select all labor levels in which to assign your employees.
4. Click Save to save the changes.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
Chapter 3 – How to Use Your Configured System
Admin Home Page
The Admin home page is an administrator’s workspace. The Admin home page displays important
system and employee data. It also contains links to all administrative functions within Paychex Time
and Labor Online.
From the Admin home page, you can manage employees, link to configuration screens, and
administer your company’s Paychex Time and Labor Online account.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
Exceptions Section
If you have employees that web punch or punch using a time clock, there may be times when
employees forget to punch. Missed punches are called exceptions. The Exceptions section flags
missing clock in or out punches. Exceptions should be resolved on a daily basis.
This section contains:
type of exception (Missing Clock In/ Out)
name of the employee the exception is tied to
date the exception occurred
Resolving Exceptions
1. Click on the link in the Exception column. The employee’s time sheet displays.
2. Resolve the exception by adding the indicated punch type or further editing the timesheet.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
Time Off Request Section
This section allows you to process employee time off requests. You can filter the listed requests by
the following options: Employee group, Status, Type, Employee Name/ID, Submitted Date, and
Requested Date or sort by Pending, All, Approved, Denied, Incomplete, or Partial regardless of
Each request has the following information:
employee ID and name of the employee making the request
date the request was submitted
time off type (personal, vacation, etc)
the first date being requested off
normal start time of the employee’s shift
total hours being requested off
balance of hours the employee has before processing
checkboxes to approve or deny the entire request
To display a detailed view of multi-day requests, click the details icon.
. The icon only
displays next to requests that are greater than one day. In this view, you can approve or
deny all days or individual days of the request.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
Filter Options
Employee Group:
Select the employee group in which you wish to search.
Select the status to include in the search. Valid options:
Pending (default)
Select the type (vacation, holiday, sick) to include in the search.
Employee Search:
Search by employee name or employee ID.
Submitted Date:
To search by the submitted date, type the submitted date, or
to select the date.
Requested Date:
To search by the requested date, type the date of the request, or
to select the date.
Sort Options
Time off requests can be sorted by clicking the column header hyperlink. The information in the
column displays in ascending order. The default sort order is Employee ID (in ascending order).
Note: The Action and Available Balance columns are not available for sorting.
Time Off Request Icons
Icons display in Time Off Request search results.
Displays detailed information about the selected request.
Indicates the request is Partially approved (part of the request was
approved and part of it was denied).
Indicates the request is Pending approval.
Indicates the request is Incomplete (part of the request was approved and
part of it is pending approval).
Indicates the request was Approved by the administrator.
Indicates the request was Denied by the administrator.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
Display Calendar View
If you have staff concerns for a specific day or period of time, click Display Calendar View.
When Benefits are administered by the Paychex Preview Payroll application, the Current
Balance and Available Balance columns display.
On this page, employee names with approved time off display on the specific dates. You can also
process pending requests.
Process pending requests
1. Click
2. Select the Approve or Deny checkbox.
3. Click Apply.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
Generated Reports Section
With Paychex Time and Labor Online, you must generate reports from the Reports page before you
can view them. The Generated Reports section of the Admin home page lists the report once it
generates. You can preview, print, and delete a generated report from this section. The listing
displays the generated report name and the generation date.
The reports listed in this section are the same under each employee, regardless of the
current employee selected for all public reports. Reports are employee-specific only
when designated as private reports in the report scheduling process.
Report Name
Click Report Name to view the report.
Generated Date
Displays the date the report was generated.
Displays the time the report was generated.
Delete Button
To delete the report, check the checkbox next to the
report; then click Delete Marked Reports.
Preview a Generated Report
Select the appropriate report’s name in the Generated Reports section. The Generated Reports
page displays your report.
Delete a Generated Report
Check the checkbox next to the designated report(s).
Click Delete Marked Reports.
Employee Labor Level Filter Section
The Employee Labor Level Filter section allows you to narrow your employee search by choosing a
labor level in which to search.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
Search Section
The Search section of the Admin home page helps you find employees quickly. You can search by
name, employee number, badge number, or social security number. You can also filter to display only
the members of a particular department.
Several features in Paychex Time and Labor Online allow you to perform actions on
the results of a search.
The Quick Message feature allows you to send messages to all the people in the
current search results list. If you wanted to send a message to everyone in the Tax
department, you could first perform a search and then use the Quick Message
function to send the message.
Perform a Basic Search
Go to the Employee Search section of the Admin home page.
Enter the settings as appropriate:
Search for: Enter the search term. This can be the whole or part of the name of an
employee. Click Search Tips for additional information.
Search by: Select the field in which you wish to search. The options allow you to
search by First or Last Name, Badge Number, Employee ID, and Social Security
Employee Group: Select the employee group in which you wish to search.
Sort by: Select the field by which you wish to sort. This option allows you to sort the
results of your search by First or Last Name, Badge Number, Employee ID, and Social
Security Number.
Include inactive: By default, inactive employees do not display in the
employee listing. Select this option if you wish to display inactive employees.
To perform the search, click Search. The Search Results section displays the employees
who match the specified criteria.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
Search Tips
Paychex Time and Labor Online allows you to use wildcards in searches. Wildcards
represent unknown characters in a search. For example, if all you knew was that Mary’s last
name started with S, you could use wildcards to enter all the characters after the S. Your
results display everyone whose last name begins with S, followed by any other characters.
Wildcards are helpful in a variety of situations. For example, searching for everyone whose
name starts with a particular letter or a range of letters such as A - L, or searching for a name
that you are not sure how to spell.
For more powerful searches, wildcards can be used in combination. Paychex Time and Labor
Online recognizes the wildcard characters listed below.
Stands for any number of characters. Place this wildcard wherever the
unknown characters are.
To find a name:
• Starting with A: A%
• With an A in it: %A%
• Ending with A: %A
Stands for one character. Place this wildcard wherever the unknown
character is.
[ ]
Searches for items that match the entries between the brackets; see
the next two items below for examples of entries.
Searches for items that match the range of values entered between the
[A, L, R]% returns anyone whose name begins with A,
with L, or with R.
Negates a character.
[A-M]% returns anyone whose name begins with any
character between A and M, inclusively.
Searches for items that match any of the values entered between the
Sm_th displays Smith and Smyth
^A returns anyone whose name
does NOT begin with A.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
The following examples describe how to accomplish some common searches:
Example 1: Find employees named Smith:
Complete the Search fields as follows:
In the Search for field, type Smith.
In the Search by field, select last name.
In the Search in field, select the department of your choice or leave <All
Departments> to search all employees in the organization.
In the Sort by field, select last name.
Click Search. The results display in the Search Results section.
Example 2: Find employees within a certain department:
Complete the Search fields as follows:
Leave the Search for field blank.
In the Search by field, select last name.
In the Search in field, select the department of your choice.
In the Sort by field, select your preference.
Click Search. The results display in the Search Results section.
Example 3: Find employees whose last names begin with C:
Complete the Search fields as follows:
In the Search for field, type C%.
In the Search by field, select last name.
In the Search in field, select the department of your choice or leave <All
Departments> to search all employees in the organization.
In the Sort by field, select your preference.
Click Search. The results display in the Search Results section.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
Example 4: Find employees whose last names contain an S:
Complete the Search fields as follows:
In the Search for field, type %S%
In the Search by field, select last name.
In the Search in field, select the department of your choice or leave <All
Departments> to search all employees in the organization.
In the Sort by field, select your preference.
Click Search. The results display in the Search Results section.
Example 5: Find employees whose last names begin with A, L or R:
Complete the Search fields as follows:
In Search for field, type [A, L, R]%.
In Search by field, select last name.
In Search in field, select the department of your choice or leave <All
Departments> to search all employees in the organization.
In Sort by field, select your preference.
Click Search. The results display in the Search Results section.
Example 6: Find employees whose last names begin with A – F:
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Complete the Search fields as follows:
In Search for field, type [A-F]%.
In Search by field, select last name.
In Search in field, select the department of your choice or leave <All
Departments> to search all employees in the organization.
In Sort by field, select your preference.
Click Search. The results display in the Search Results section.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
Example 7: Find employees whose ID number is between 1 and 100:
Complete the Search fields as follows:
In the Search for field, type [1-100]%.
In the Search by field, select Employee ID.
In the Search in field, select the department of your choice or leave <All
Departments> to search all employees in the organization.
In the Sort by field, select your preference.
Click Search. The results display in the Search Results section.
Search Results Section
The Search Results section displays the results of your last search. The number of the presently
displayed page and the total number of pages found in the search displays below the list. To
navigate to another page, click Next. To skip to a specific page, type the desired page number,
then click Go.
Some Paychex Time and Labor Online features and pages allow you to perform
actions on the current search result list. For example, you could assign a department
to everyone in the Search Results list.
Select an Employee
In the Search Results list, click the employee’s name. The employee’s name displays in the
Current Employee section.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
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How to Use Your Configured System
Current Employee Section
The Current Employee section indicates the currently selected employee. The subsection displays
the selected employee’s name. The Summary area directly below the subsection displays the
selected employee’s basic information at a glance. Many of the other sections on this page also
reflect the selected employee’s information.
The following information displays in the Current Employee section:
Add Employee
Select this option to add a new non-PNG employee to
the system.
Edit Employee
Select this option to edit the current employee’s
information or click the employee’s name, as
described previously.
Previous Employee
Select this option to change to the previous employee.
This option is grayed out when the first
employee is reached.
Employee Name
Displays the name of the selected employee.
Next Employee
Select this option to change to the next employee.
This option is grayed out when the last
employee is reached.
Employee ID
Displays the selected employee’s unique employee ID
Badge Number
Displays the badge number, for use with hardware
clocks, of the selected employee.
Last Name
Displays the last name of the selected employee.
Select the Personal Settings icon to customize the employee summary fields.
Add an Employee
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In the Current Employee section, click Add Employee. The Add Employee page displays.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
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How to Use Your Configured System
Enter the settings as appropriate.
First Name
Type the employee’s first name.
Last Name
Type the employee’s last name. This field is
Middle Name
Type the employee’s middle name or initial.
Type the employee’s business title.
Employee Number
Enter the unique ID number that identifies this
employee. This field is required. This field is
Notes: This field is disabled for integration
The maximum number of characters
is 20.
Badge Number
Type the number of the physical badge given to
the employee. The badge number must be
numeric and must match the number on the
physical badge given to the employee.
Start Date
End Date
Type the employee’s hire date.
Type the employee’s termination date, if
Time Zone
Select the time zone in which the employee
works. This field is required.
Enter whether the employee is Active or
Inactive. Use the Active value for employees
who are currently working for the company and
clock in or out. Use the Inactive value for
employees who are no longer working for the
company and are not clocking in or out.
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It is not necessary to put in leading
An employee who has a status of
Inactive cannot clock in or out. Also,
inactive employees do not display in
the employee listing unless they
select the Include Inactive
Employees option.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
Phone 1
Type the employee’s primary contact phone
Type the street address for the employee.
Phone 2
Type the employee’s alternative contact phone
Type the employee’s city.
Type the employee’s e-mail address in the
format: [email protected]
Type the employee’s state.
Type the employee’s zip code.
Default departments and default jobs display only when editing an employee.
Payroll Policy
Select the payroll policy template that applies for this
Salary Type
Select the appropriate salary type for the employee.
The options are:
Employee Type
This setting works in combination with
the Pay Rate field.
Select the tax status for the employee. The options
Pay Rate
Type the employee’s pay rate. This calculates
according to the option selected in the Salary Type
field. Salaries should be yearly.
Non-Paid Individual
Select Non-Paid Individual to add a non-paid
individual to track hours and run reports only.
Select the shift differential template for the
Shift Differential
Charge Rate
Select the Charge Rate applicable for this
Enforce Schedule
Select whether the employee is to be restricted to
working his or her schedule. If this setting is
checked, the employee can only clock in or out when
scheduled to clock in or out.
Holiday List
Select the holiday list applicable for this employee.
Enforce lunch
Select whether new employees are restricted to
lunch by default.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
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How to Use Your Configured System
Use Accrual Rule
Check this box if you want Paychex Time and Labor
Online to use a benefit policy accrual rule to accrue
benefits on an ongoing basis, in addition to the
starting balances for vacation, sick, and personal.
Accrual Rule
Select the benefits accrual rule, also called benefit
Policy, applicable for this employee.
Reset Date
Type the benefits reset date for this employee. The
benefits reset date is the date on which the
employee’s yearly benefits accrual starts over. Reset
dates can be globally set for the entire company or
set individually for each employee. If the Use Global
Benefits Reset Date option is selected on the
General Configuration page, this field displays
<global> and cannot be changed.
Initial Vacation (Hrs)
Type the number of vacation hours available to this
Initial Sick (Hrs)
Type the number of sick hours available to this
Initial Personal (Hrs)
Type the number of personal hours available to this
These fields are specific to your company. See the Custom Personal Information page for
details. Where applicable, enter the corresponding information for each custom field.
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Allow this Employee to
Access the system
through the Web
Check this option if the employee can access to the
Paychex Time and Labor Online Employee page or
Admin Home page. If this setting is not checked, the
employee can not access the application.
Generate default login
Check this option to auto populate the Web Login ID,
Password, and Confirm Password fields based on
employee defaults.
Web Login ID
Type the login ID for this employee. This is the login
the employee uses when accessing Paychex Time
and Labor Online.
Notes: •
The maximum number of characters
is 20.
When the ‘Generate default login
information’ check box is selected,
the Web Login ID field is grayed out.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
Reset Invalid
Password Lock
Select to unlock a locked user’s
TLO account when the user attempts to log into TLO
directly, fails to provide the correct credentials, and
is locked out of TLO due to too many failed attempts.
Type the password for this employee.
Notes: •
When the ‘Generate default login
information’ box is checked, the
Password field is grayed out.
The maximum number of characters
is 20.
The minimum number of
characters is 8 and require 3 of
the following 4 composition
Confirm Password
When the ‘Generate default login
information’ box is checked, the
minimum password requirements
are ignored.
Type the password for this employee again to
confirm it. The maximum number of characters is 20.
Feature Access
1 upper case alphabetic
1 lower case alphabetic
1 numeric (0-9)
1 special character
When the ‘Generate default login
information’ box is checked, the Confirm
Password field is grayed out.
Select the appropriate security access for this
employee. The options are:
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
User Access Only
Admins (full administrative access)
Any security group templates,
department-restricted administrative
access that could have been created.
User Access only allows the employee to
use Paychex Time and Labor Online to
clock in and out and view his or her own
benefits, schedule, hours, and messages.
It does not allow access to any systemwide centers or settings. For more
information, refer to the Feature Access
Templates section.
3 - 17
How to Use Your Configured System
IP Access Policy
Select the appropriate IP access policy for this
employee. This policy restricts the locations
from which the employee can access the
Paychex Time and Labor Online site.
Allow Employee to
clock in/out through
the Web
Select this option if the employee can use
Paychex Time and Labor Online to clock in
and out, clock to lunches and breaks, and
transfer departments and jobs.
Allow Employee to
submit Timesheets
Select this option if the employee can submit
timesheets through Paychex Time and Labor
Work Hours
Select this option if the employee can submit
timesheets for hours coded as the work pay
Default Clock-In
Enter the default clock-in time for work entries
submitted through timesheets.
Non-Work Hours
Select this option if the employee can submit
timesheets for hours coded as non-work pay
types. This includes hours coded as vacation,
sick, personal, etc.
Non-Work Pay Type
Default Non-Work
Hours to “Paid”
Select at least one non-work pay type from the
choice boxes to determine which pay types an
employee can access via the time sheet.
Select this option if hours coded to the nonwork pay types are to be paid by default.
Default Non-Work
Hours to “Apply to
Select this option if hours coded to non-work
pay types are to be included in overtime by
To save the entry, click Apply. The Confirmation page displays to confirm
the employee was added.
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The employee is not added and the entry is lost if you do not click Apply.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
Edit an Employee’s Information
In the Current Employee section, verify that the employee you want to edit displays. If the
employee does not display:
select the employee in the Search Results section
select Previous Employee
select Next Employee.
In the Current Employee section, click the employee’s name or click Edit. The Edit
Employee page displays.
Edit the settings as appropriate. For more details on these settings, refer to Adding an
To save the entry, click Apply Changes or Apply and Return Home.
The employee is not added and the entry is lost if you do not click Apply
Changes or Apply and Return Home.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
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How to Use Your Configured System
Time Sheet Section
The Time Sheet Section is a convenient display of the current employee’s hours for the specified
week. At a glance, you can view any pay type that has hours for this period such as work, lunch,
break, sick, vacation, and personal as well as totals. You can also edit your employees’ time from this
Time Sheet Icons
Icons display with the current week’s time sheet; the table below identifies their meaning.
The Expand View icon displays detailed information about the selected
shift and allows you to edit, add, or delete
The Red X icon allows you to delete the selected shift.
The Checkbox icon indicates that a timesheet has been approved by a
The Check icon indicates that a timesheet has been approved by an
The Arrow/Page icon indicates that information on the timesheet has been
modified. Click the icon to display the Time Sheet Audit Trail page.
The Notes icon displays that an employee has entered a note. Move your
cursor over the note to view it.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
Timesheet Summary Subsection
The current week’s timesheet summary displays the Regular, OT1, OT2, and Unpaid time.
The following table defines some of the terms used in timesheets. Refer to the figure of a
timesheet below for further reference.
A Shift is a block of time.
Work Shift
A Work Shift is a shift defined by a clock in and a
clock out, usually entered by the employee
punching in and out. Administrators can also enter
work shifts for an employee through the Day
Timesheet page, if necessary.
Non-work Shift
A Non-work Shift is a block of time associated with
a pay type other than work and is usually entered
by the administrator through the Day Timesheet
page. Employees who have been given permission
to submit timesheets for non-work hours can also
enter non-work shifts.
Shift Detail
A Shift Detail is an action that occurs while an
employee is clocked in. Shift details only exist
within a shift. There are five shift details:
Start Lunch
End Lunch
Start Break
End Break
Add a Partial Shift
Select the Add a Partial Shift function to add any of
the prior details.
Mass Transaction
Mass Transaction Editor allows the administrative
user to add a pay adjustment to an individual
employee or multiple employees for closed pay
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
3 - 21
How to Use Your Configured System
Add, Edit, Delete, and Approve a Timesheet
Add a Work Shift
When an employee is not able to clock in or out normally, you can add a work shift. For
example, this is useful if the employee is working away from the office while traveling or at
Click Add Work Shift. The Add Single User Work Shift for ALLEN, JEFFERY page
In the Shift Section, enter information in the settings, as appropriate.
SHIFT Section
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Select the appropriate action (Clock In, Clock Out, Start Lunch
Type the date of the clock in or click the Date Picker icon to
navigate in the calendar.
Type the time for the clock in.
Supervisor Notes
Type any notes you wish to associate with the clock-in entry.
Employee Notes
Displays any notes that the employee entered.
Supervisor Approved
Select this option to approve the shift entered.
Swipe and Go
When this option is selected, TLO does not define the type of
punch entered (Clock In, Clock Out, Start Lunch, etc.). TLO only
records the time of the punch.
Type the date of the clock out.
Type the time for the clock out.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
Recurrence Section
This section defines a recurring pattern for the shift. By default, the recurrence is set to
zero to indicate that the shift should be entered only once. Entering a number in the
recurrence section causes the shift to be duplicated for the number of days specified.
Use this when entering the same basic information for several days in a row. As an
example, you could use this option to add a shift for the entire work week, if necessary.
Duplicate this entry
for the next XX days
Type the number of additional days for which to
create this entry.
Include weekends
when creating
recurring entries
By default, Paychex Time and Labor Online
duplicates the entries only on weekdays. Select
this option if Paychex Time and Labor Online is
to also create entries on weekend days.
To complete the entry, click Apply. The Time Sheet page displays the new entry.
The shift is not added if you do not click Apply.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
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How to Use Your Configured System
Add a Non-Work Shift
Use the Add a Non-Work Shift section to enter time associated with any time other than the
work pay type; vacation, sick, and personal time used; as well as any custom pay types your
company can use.
1. Click Add Non-Work Shift. The Add Single User Non-Work Shift for ALLEN,
JEFFERY page displays.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
Enter the settings as appropriate:
SHIFT (Non-Work) Section
Pay Type
Number of Hours
Employee Notes
Supervisor Approved
Mutual Consent to
Waive Period
Pay Level
Apply towards OT
Select the pay type to associate with this shift.
Type the date for the shift.
Type the number of hours for the shift.
Type any notes you wish to associate with this
Displays employee notes.
Select this option to approve the non-work
time entered.
Select this option when the total work period
per day is more than six hours. This allows
the meal period to be waived by mutual
consent and automatically changes the
additional hour to zero.
Select whether non-work time is paid at
regular, OT1, OT2, or unpaid.
Select whether the hours apply towards
overtime for the week.
Duplicate this entry for the next XX days: Type the number of additional days for which
to create this entry.
To complete the entry, click Add Shift. The Day Timesheet page displays with the new
You must click Add Shift to add the shift.
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How to Use Your Configured System
Edit Timesheets
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In the Current Employee section, verify that the employee displayed is the one whose
timesheet you wish to edit.
Navigate to the week containing the shift to edit.
Change the In Time or Out Time cells that correspond to the day you want to change
and click the Save icon. Or, edit the shift by clicking the Expand Timesheet icon
(magnifying glass), The Timesheet Detail page displays.
Change the value in the Time field for clock in, clock out, and labor levels, add a note,
and click Apply to update the timesheet.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
Delete a Shift
Use the Delete a Shift section if someone enters a shift in error. This can happen when an
employee double punches
An employee accidentally clocks in or out twice.
Deleting a shift removes only the shift selected.
Navigate to the date on which the shift you wish to edit occurred.
Click Delete Record. The Confirmation page displays.
To confirm the deletion, click Yes. To cancel and return to the Day Timesheet page,
click No.
Add a Partial Shift:
Use the Add a Partial Shift section to manually enter work, lunch, and break details in the
Add a Partial Shift section. This is useful for adding a single punch when an employee forgets
to clock out to or in from lunch or break.
Click Add a Partial Shift. The Partial Shift page displays.
Enter the settings as appropriate:
Select clock in, out, start lunch, start break,
end lunch, end break, or transfer option.
Type the date for the detail. This must be the
same date as the shift in which you are
entering the detail.
Type the time for the detail. This must be
within the range of the shift in which you are
entering the detail.
Supervisor Notes
Type a note if appropriate.
Employee Notes
Displays a note that an employee has
Supervisor Approved
If the shift entered is approved, select this
Swipe and Go
Select this option if detail is Swipe and Go.
Recurrence Section
This section defines a recurring pattern for the entered shift. By the default, the recurrence is
set to zero to indicate that the shift is entered only once. Entering a number in the recurrence
section causes a duplication of the shift for the number of days specified. Use this when
entering the same basic information for several days in a row. You could use this to enter
time for an employee out of the office at training for a week, for example.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
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How to Use Your Configured System
Daily Timesheet Approvals/Unapprovals
You can approve timesheets on a daily basis from the Time Sheet section.
Navigate to the date for which you would like to approve timesheets.
Above the shift you would like to approve or disapprove, click Supervisor Approved.
The link changes to reflect your request.
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Timesheets can also be approved through the Timesheet Approvals link.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
Timesheet Sheet Approvals Link
Select the Time Sheet Approvals link to view the Timesheet Sheet Approval page. Use this
page to list employees with unapproved or approved time within a specified date range. Once
identified, group approvals or unapprovals can then be performed collectively.
An asterisk displaying to the right of a day of the week indicates that the
timesheet is unapproved.
In the Current Employee section, verify that the employee displayed is the one for which
you wish to approve or disapprove timesheets. If not, select the name from the Search
Results section.
On the Admin home page, click Timesheet Approvals.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
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How to Use Your Configured System
Enter the settings as appropriate:
Based on Payroll Policy: Use this option to select
a date range specified in one of the policies. You
must select a new payroll policy from the pick list to
change the payroll policy.
Date Filter
Previous: Use this option to return to the previous
pay period for the selected policy.
Current Pay Period: Use this option to select the
current pay period for the selected policy.
Next: Use this option to advance to the next pay
period for the selected policy.
User Defined: Use this option to enter any date
Employee Filter
Show employees:
With Unapproved-time
That are Approved
Only employees with all their time
approved display when you select
That are Approved.
Employee Access Group: Select from the
appropriate Employee Access Group in the dropdown menu.
Results Summary
Displays result from Employee Filter settings –
Total Employees, Employees with exceptions, and
Timesheets not approved by employees.
Results Filter
Select form pick list from – Show Exceptions only,
Employee Unapproved Timesheet or Exception
and Unapproved.
Employee List
Use check boxes to approve.
Process all
employees on this
Use this option to select all employees to process.
Processing a large number of approvals can take some time. To finish
timesheet approvals, select all the employees that need their timesheets
approved, then click Approve Checked Employees. This approves the
selected employees and generates a timesheet audit trail of the transaction.
You can also refer to the legend to explain any icons that can display next to
an employee’s name.
To finish timesheet approvals, select all the employees that need their timesheets approved
and click Approve Checked Employees. This approves the selected employees and
generates a timesheet audit trail of the transaction. You can also refer to the legend to
explain any icons that can display next to an employee’s name.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
Schedule Section
The Schedule section is a convenient display of the current employee’s generated schedule for the
specified week. Schedules must generate before they display here.
Navigate in Schedule
The current week’s schedule displays by default, but you can easily navigate to other weeks.
Click Previous Week to scroll to the previous week’s data.
Click Next Week to scroll to the next week’s data.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
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How to Use Your Configured System
Edit an Employee’s Schedule
Changes made to an employee’s schedule on this page only affect the days modified; they do not
change any other days, any other weeks, or the Schedule Template assigned.
Click Edit Schedule to change the employee’s schedule. The Week Schedule page displays.
Scheduled Shifts Section
The Scheduled Shifts section displays the number of shifts per day this employee’s schedule can
accept. A shift is a block of time from clock in to clock out. The number entered on the Scheduled
Shifts page corresponds to the number of shift lines per day that display on the page. When
determining how many shifts per day are needed, take into consideration all days in the week.
Select the highest number, even if it only applies to one day, as you are able to leave shift entries
blank, if necessary.
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Verify or enter shifts per day by entering the maximum number of shifts per day needed for
the selected Schedule Template.
Click Refresh to complete the change.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
Week Schedule Section
In the Week Schedule section, the currently selected employee’s weekly schedule displays; the
employee’s name is at the top of the page. The schedule for the current week displays by default,
but you can scroll to previous or following weeks by clicking Previous or Next.
For each shift for each day that needs to be edited, modify the settings as appropriate:
Start time: Type the starting time for the shift. Times should be entered in 12-hour
Use a and p in place of a.m. and p.m.
End Time: Type the starting time for the shift. Times should be entered in 12-hour
8:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 7:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 7:30 p.m.
Use a and p in place of a.m. and p.m.
To complete the edits, click Update. The screen refreshes to reflect the changes.
You must click Update to save changes.
Schedule Templates Section
The Schedule Templates section allows you to assign a previously created schedule template to
the current employee. The employee’s schedule does not change until the next time you generate
Assign an Employee to a Schedule Template
Assign templates to employees without a rotating schedule
Click Add. A template drop-down menu displays.
Select the Schedule Template that applies to this employee.
To complete the assignment, click Assign.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
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How to Use Your Configured System
Assign templates to employees with rotating schedules
Click Add. A template drop-down menu displays.
Repeat step 1 until the employee displays the correct number of weeks for the
employee’s rotation.
After you add all of the weeks, the schedule rotation weeks display in the order
they occur in the future. The date next to the week number indicates the next
time that that schedule occurs in the rotation.
Select the Schedule Template for each week in the rotation that applies to this
To complete the assignment, click Assign.
Express Scheduler
The Express Scheduler allows for a prompt approach to adding weekly schedules for one or
many employees. Access this feature through the home page under the schedule section.
Access the Express Schedule by using the Express Scheduler link in the Schedule Menu.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
In the Express Scheduler, there are fields for Week Starting date, First and Second Labor
Levels to Display, Employee Group filter along with a link to Default Labor Level Filter.
In the Week Starting field type the week start date that the Express Scheduler displays.
In the Labor Levels to Display field use the drop-down menus to select which labor levels
must be displayed in the Express Scheduler.
In the Employee Group field use the drop-down menus to filter which group of employees
displays in the Express Scheduler by Employee Group.
Click Default Labor Level Filter to filter which group of employees to view in the Express
Scheduler by Labor Levels.
Click Apply to apply filter and return to the setup screen of the Express Scheduler.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
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How to Use Your Configured System
After all the filters are set, click Apply to access the Express Scheduler. The Express
Scheduler displays current assigned schedules for selected Employees.
To use the Express Scheduler, complete the appropriate data for selected employee(s),
then click Apply Changes. If your have employees on the next page, click Apply and go to
next page.
In the start and stop times, a.m. and p.m. are not case sensitive.
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8 am, 8:00, 08:00, 8p.m., 20:00. are all valid entries.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
To add labor level information click the Assign Labor Levels icon (magnifying glass). On the
Select Labor Levels screen, select from the lists of labor levels that you wish to assign.
Use the
icon to copy the day’s information to the next day.
Click the
Click Add Shift to add another shift for that employee for that week.
Click Apply at the bottom of the page to apply the changes made to the employee’s
icon to delete schedule data for that day.
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How to Use Your Configured System
Add Pay Adjustment Section
The Pay Adjustments section allows you to grant a pay adjustment to the currently selected
employee. Pay adjustments are defined on the Pay Adjustments page.
This section is hidden by default.
Verify that the employee to whom you wish to grant the adjustment displays in the Current
Employee section.
Type the settings as appropriate:
Select the adjustment type for this adjustment.
Type the posted date for this adjustment.
Type the dollar amount for this adjustment.
Type any notes you wish to associate with this
To complete the entry, click Apply.
Notes: To make the adjustment, you must click Apply.
Pay adjustments cannot be applied to a closed pay period.
The adjustment displays in the Pay Adjustments section.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
Pay Adjustments Section
The Pay Adjustments Section provides you with a brief look at the current employee’s pay
adjustments for a selected period.
This section is hidden by default. The Pay Adjustments Section includes the following:
The day you recorded the adjustment.
The date you recorded the adjustment.
The adjustment type for the pay adjustment.
The monetary amount of the adjustment.
The notes entered with the adjustment.
The total of all adjustments for this employee
during the selected period.
Navigate in Adjustments
The current week’s adjustments display by default, but you can easily navigate to other
Click Previous Week to scroll to the previous week’s data.
Click Next Week to scroll to the next week’s data.
Edit Adjustments
Navigate to the week/day you wish to view or edit.
Click Expanded View for the one you wish to edit.
Edit the settings as defined in the Pay Adjustment section.
Click Update.
You must click Update to save the changes.
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How to Use Your Configured System
Quick Message Section
The Quick Message section allows administrators to send messages to employees. Send messages
to individuals, all employees in the current search results, or the entire company.
Employees receive sent messages when they log onto their home page.
To Send a Message
Enter the settings as appropriate:
Type the message you wish to send.
Type the message’s deletion date.
Send to
Select the recipient(s) of the message.
The options are:
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All: Sends the message to all
employees in your Paychex Time
and Labor Online database.
Current: Sends the message to the
employee displayed in the Current
Employee section of the Admin
home page.
Search Results: Sends to the
Message to employees displayed in
the Search Results section of the
Admin home page.
To send the message, click Send. The Confirmation page displays to indicate that the
message went through successfully.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
Benefits Section
The Benefits section provides you with a brief look at the current employee’s benefit accruals. The
Amounts cannot be changed in this view. The Benefits section includes the following:
Column 1
The name of each benefit type within the selected employee’s benefit
The initial number of hours given to the employee or those that rolled over
from the previous accrual period.
The current benefit hours accrued, based on the benefit template
assigned to the employee and the accrual reset date.
The amount of benefit time used by the employee for the specific pay
type, for example, Vacation.
When Benefits are administered by the Paychex Preview payroll application, the
Initial, Granted, and Used columns are replaced with Current Balance, Approved,
and Available Balance. Additionally, the Benefit types are not linked. The Current
Balance is updated as payroll updates occur from Preview.
The current balance is fed to TLO from Preview.
All the time approved for the current pay period or in the future.
Any time off added manually for the current pay period or a future pay
period by the supervisor.
The difference between the Current Balance and Approved columns.
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How to Use Your Configured System
View Detailed Employee Benefits Section
To access the Detailed Employee Benefits section, click a benefit from the Employee home page.
When the Hide Benefits feature is set to “Yes”, the Initial, Granted, and Used
columns do not display; and the Benefit types are not linked.
This section contains the following fields:
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Pay Types
The name of the pay type.
The initial number of hours given to the employee or
those that rolled over from the previous accrual
The number of accrued hours based on the benefits
accrual rules established.
The amount of time used or taken by the employee
since the accrual reset date. This number calculates
based on the vacation, sick, or personal shifts
entered for the employee.
The current available balance for the employee.
Paychex Time and Labor Online calculates this
number using the following formula:
(initial time + time accrued) – (time used) = time left
Enter the starting time on the Edit Employee page.
The benefit calculates through this date.
Reset Date
The date on which the benefit is reset
Recalculate this
This link opens a page where you can recalculate an
employee’s benefits. Refer to the Recalculate
Employee Benefits section for more information.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Your Configured System
Recalculate Employee Benefits
Access the Recalculate Benefits page from the Detailed Benefits page by clicking Recalculate
this Employee's Benefits. The current totals at the bottom of the page are the current totals to
date for the employee selected.
In the Current Employee section, verify the employee selected is the employee you wish to
edit. From the Admin home page, click Pay Type.
Click Recalculate this Employee’s Benefits. The Recalculate Benefits Screen displays.
Select the checkboxes next to the pay types you wish to recalculate.
Type the appropriate changes in the Initial time, Initial Time Accrued, or Starting On
Type the desired recalculate through date.
Click Request Recalculation. The Recalculate Benefits Process screen displays.
Only checked pay types recalculate.
The Recalculate through Date overrides the benefit accruals Calc Thru Date,
which is set in the General Configuration section. This date must be prior to
To recalculate benefits using different recalculate through dates, start with the
latest date and work backwards. Each operation, when complete, returns you to
this page. Refresh your browser to see the recalculated values.
When the Hide Benefits feature is set to “Yes”, the Initial, Granted, Used, and
Balance columns do not display.
Click Return for the Detailed Benefits for Employee screen to review the recalculation.
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How to Use Your Configured System
Custom Info Section
The Custom Info section displays the current employee’s custom personal information.
Before this field can accept any information a Custom Personal Information field needs
to be added by the administrator, through the Configuration link,
Add or Edit Custom Info
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In the Current Employee section, verify that the employee you wish to edit displays. If not,
first select the employee in the Search Results section.
In the Current Employee section, click the employee’s name or click Edit. The Edit
Employee page displays
Type the custom personal fields as appropriate.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Chapter 4 - Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Home Link
The Admin home page is an administrator’s workspace. The Admin home page displays important
system and employee data. It also contains links to all administrative functions in Paychex Time and
Labor Online. From the Admin home page, you can manage employees, link to configuration screens,
and generally administer your company’s Paychex Time and Labor Online account.
Reports Link
The Reports page provides access to all available reports in Paychex Time and Labor Online and
allows you to generate schedule reports for your company.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
On the Paychex Time and Labor Online’s Report page:
You can make reports either public or private.
Any of your company’s Paychex Time and Labor Online administrators can view public reports.
Only the administrator who originally requested the report can view a private report.
You can generate reports immediately, at a particular scheduled time, or on a recurring
Terms used in Reports
Refers to specifying the elements for a report, such
as: filters, date ranges, and when to schedule the
report. A report request does not display any
specific data. It displays the parameters for the
Refers to specifying a time and/or recurrence for
Paychex Time and Labor Online to run a report.
Refers to running the report at its scheduled time.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Understanding the Reports Page
Reports are scheduled, rather than produced on-demand, for several reasons. Some reports take
several minutes to generate, depending on the complexity of the report and the number of
employees. Most people prefer to know when a report is to be ready. Many customers ask for
reports at the same time. Scheduling reports allows Paychex Time and Labor Online to balance
the requests, ensuring that everyone receives their reports in a timely manner.
Reports are queued so that they do not slow down the response times of customers working in
Paychex Time and Labor Online. Scheduling a report to be generated is a simple process.
Select a report to schedule.
Provide a name and select other criteria you want to include.
Indicate how you would like it scheduled: one time or recurring, and when.
Generate the report.
You can request an e-mail notification when the report is ready. It is very helpful to
schedule some reports on a recurring basis. This allows you to have key reports
available at regular intervals, especially if they are requested frequently.
If you need a payroll report every Friday at noon for the previous week’s hours,
you can schedule the report to run every Thursday night at midnight. The report is
ready for you automatically when needed.
Printing and Exporting
You can print all Paychex Time and Labor Online reports and select from the PDF, RTF,
CSV, and TIFF file formats to view the report.
Schedule Reports Section
The Schedule Reports section displays a list of all available reports that you can generate. Select
the report you wish to generate from this section.
Request and Schedule a Report
The first step to scheduling a report is to complete a request form that specifies the report
you want, when you need it, and other important parameters. Click the link for the report you
wish to schedule. The Report Request page for this report displays.
The settings available depend on the report selected. Enter the settings as appropriate.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Describes the attributes of the report you
Report Information
Defines how Paychex Time and Labor Online
refers to this report and who can view it.
Payroll Policy
Report Name: Type the name you wish to
use to refer to this report after it is
generated. This name displays in the
Generated Reports section of the Admin
Home page.
Type: Select if this is a public or a private
report. Public reports can be accessed by
any administrator in your company. Private
reports are only accessible to you.
Select the Payroll Policy link to filter the list of
employees that appears in a report by payroll
Report Options
Select the options for this report.
Generate Report
This option is not available for
Template reports.
These options are not available for all
Select which employees are represented in this
Click All if the report is to show data
for all employee groups that you can
Labor Level Filter
Select this option if you wish to filter your report
by different labor levels.
Sort by
Select how you would like to sort your
employees' information on the report.
Report Format
Select the file format for your report (PDF,
Excel, RTF, or TIFF).
Extra Option
Select if you want to filter by exempt or nonexempt employees or by salary or hourly
Select if you want to Include Other
Manager Permissions information on the
Note: This option is not available for all
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Date Ranges
Select the dates to run your report.
Current pay period: Select this option to
include data from the current pay period
as defined by the payroll policy selected in
the previous option.
Previous pay period: Select this option if
you want the report to include data from
the previous pay period as defined by the
payroll policy selected in the previous
Yesterday: Select this option if you want
the report to include only yesterday’s data.
Today: Select this option if you want the
report to include only today’s data.
User defined: Select this option if you
want the date range for the report to be
user defined. User defined dates are
indicated using the report date as a
defining point.
From: Type the starting date for the
data included in the report.
To: Type the ending date for the data
included in the report.
A valid date range must be entered
to generate a report.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Generate Report
Enter e-mail to
send report as
attachment when
Define when to run the report.
As soon as possible: Select this option
to run the report at the earliest opportunity.
At this time: Select this option to run the
report at a specified time. Type the time
when it should run.
In this time zone: Select the time zone
that applies to the time entered. This
ensures that the report is run at the correct
time for you, regardless of what time it is
at the Paychex Time and Labor Online
On Date: Select this option to run the
report one time on a specific date, at the
time entered above. Type the date the
report should be run.
Daily: Select this option to run the report
every day at the time entered previously.
Include Weekends: Select this option if
the daily setting should include weekends.
Weekly on: Select this option to run the
report every week on a particular day of
the week. Also, select the day of the week.
Biweekly on: Select this option to run the
report every other week on a particular
day of the week. Select the day of the
week. Select Start after next occurrence if
Paychex Time and Labor Online should
run the report after the next time the
selected day occurs.
Semimonthly on: Select this option to run
the report twice a month, on a specific
date. Select the dates to run the report, for
example on the first and fifteenth, the
fifteenth and at the end of the month.
Monthly on day XX of the month: Select
this option to run the report once a month
on a specific date. Enter the date of the
If desired, type the e-mail address where you wish to
send the notification.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Click Generate My Report.
When you return to the Reports page, the name of the report request displays
in the My Scheduled Reports list. The expected creation time displays in the
To Be Queued column. If you select As Soon as Possible for the creation
time, Not Scheduled displays because Paychex Time and Labor Online
already generated the report.
Employer Shared Responsibility Reports
The Employer Shared Responsibility reports assist you in complying with the Employer Shared
Responsibility (ESR) provisions of the Affordable Care Act that requires all businesses with 50 or
more full-time equivalents (FTEs) to report detailed information about their workforce and health
insurance benefits to the IRS. Businesses that do not comply are at risk for substantial financial
The following reports assist you in meeting these requirements.
Applicable Large Employer Report - This report calculates the total number of Full Time
employees and Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employees per month as defined by the Employer
Shared Responsibility provisions and lists all employees' Total Paid Hours.
Applicable Large Employer Scheduled Report - This report calculates the total projected
number of Full Time and Full Time Equivalent (FTE) employees based on the employer’s
schedules for a month as defined by the Employer Shared Responsibility provisions and lists
all employees' Total Scheduled Hours.
Approaching Threshold Hours Report - This report lists employees and their number of
hours worked within a specified date range.
Refer to the instructions included with each report for additional information.
Paychex also has a robust suite of Employer Shared Responsibility reporting, administrative, and
benefits solutions, to help you with the Employer Shared provisions, Visit the Paychex Employer
Shared Responsibility website at for additional
Points Tracking Export Report
The Points Tracking Export Report provides information used for points tracking by generating
four files; one for each of the following: employee, punch, shift, and schedule data.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
My Scheduled Reports Section
All of your scheduled reports display in the My Scheduled Reports section. The section displays
the following information:
Only reports that are re-run display in the My Scheduled Reports section when you:
select the Create New Scheduled Report option
modify the file name or file type, and do not select the Create New Scheduled
Report option.
Report Type
The type of report you wish to generate is indicated
by an icon in front of the report’s name.
Report Name
Displays the name you gave to the report when
creating the report request.
To Be Queued
Displays the next time the report is generated. Not
Scheduled displays if the report request is nonrecurring.
Delete Marked
Scheduled Reports
Allows you to delete a report request when it is
no longer needed.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Review a Report Request or Regenerate a previously Generated Report
Paychex Time and Labor Online indefinitely stores your report request criteria, so
you can re-generate them.
In the My Scheduled Reports section, click the name of your report template. The
Report Criteria page displays the report’s settings.
To generate the report again, click Generate My Report.
Delete a Schedule Report Request
If you no longer need a report previously scheduled, you can delete it.
Click Delete next to the report request you wish to delete. The Confirmation page
To complete the deletion, click Delete Report Name where the Report Name is the
name of the report you selected, or to cancel, click Cancel.
When the deletion is complete, the Reports page displays. The deleted report no longer
displays under My Scheduled Reports.
Other Users’ Scheduled Reports
The Other Users' Schedule Reports section displays a list of the reports scheduled by other
users. The information displayed is similar to that of the My Scheduled Reports section. The
information is display only, which means that you are not able to modify the report templates in
this section.
Public Reports
TLO reports that are run as Public reports will only display in the Generated Report section for
users that have access to run Public reports. These users have access to run the report,
however, they are unable to change any report settings. Public reports will display under Other
Users Scheduled Reports for users that do not have access to run Public reports. The report only
displays the information for your direct reports, depending on your group access.
View a Generated Report
View the generated report from the Generate Reports section on the Admin home page.
Labor Level Assignments Link
Labor levels track where employees spend their time. You can assign employees to more than one
level and can clock in to any labor level assigned to them.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Schedules Link
Paychex Time and Labor Online allows you to generate schedules for your employees. In addition to
being useful information for you and your employees, schedules are also used by Paychex Time and
Labor Online to track attendance. Actual clock in and out times are compared to the scheduled clock
in and out time to generate reports on tardiness and scheduled versus actual work. From the
Schedules page, you can generate new schedule templates, assign templates to employees, and
generate schedules.
Message Center Link
The Message Center page displays all currently active messages. Send messages from the Quick
Message section on the Admin home Page. You can send a message to an employee if the payroll
policy is set up to send a message to an employee when a supervisor or administrator edits their
timesheet. The following fields display on this page:
Displays the name of the person who sent the message.
Displays the date on which this message expires. The
message automatically deletes on that date.
Displays the text of the message. You can modify this
text by typing in the message box, then clicking Update.
After making an edit to the message, click Update to
save the changes.
To delete a message, click Delete.
Modify a Message
You can modify a previously sent message:
Modify the message by typing in the Message field.
To save the changes, click Update.
You must click Update to save changes. The page displays the new message.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
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Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Delete a Message
You can delete a message before it expires. Paychex Time and Labor Online deletes the
message automatically when it expires.
Next to the message you wish to delete, click Delete. The Confirmation page displays.
To confirm the deletion, click Delete, or, to cancel and return to the Message Center page,
click Cancel.
Import Link
Importing employees is a good choice when first setting up your Paychex Time and Labor Online
account, as it allows you to enter employee records quickly as well as any updated employee
information you changed in payroll.
There are some factors to consider; however, to ensure that you import successfully.
You must put the employee listing in a specific format (.csv file).
You can perform multiple imports. Keep in mind that each subsequent import updates and
appends your current records. An import updates employee records in the Paychex Time and
Labor Online database and adds new employee records, based on the unique employee ID
number. Because you can affect large quantities of data, verify you are thoroughly prepared and
organized before beginning any import operation.
Configuration Link
The Configuration page contains links to all the pages within Paychex Time and Labor Online that
helps configure your company’s account. The Configuration page links to other pages within the site
that are documented elsewhere in this manual. The instructions in this chapter describe how to use
the Configuration page and how to use cross-references to locate appropriate documentation for the
linked pages. For more information and details, refer to the Configuration page.
Audit Links
The Audit page contains links where you can view Employee Updates, Time Card Export Log and/or
Labor Level Export Matrix Audit Log.
Employee Updates: Changes made to employee demographic information, including changes
made to employee information in adjoining applications.
Example: If you update the employee’s address in HRO, the change displays in the TLO
Time Card Export Log: Preview clients have this option to export a history of all employee
hours and/or punch data from TLO to Preview.
View Labor Level Export Matrix Audit Log: Use to identify and track changes to the Labor
Level Export Matrix.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Status Board Tab
The Status Board allows you to view employees that are in, out, at lunch, or on break. You can view
the employee’s status from the Status Board, but you cannot change it. You can view all employees
or filter to see just the employees you need, and you can select if employees can view the Status
Board. The Status Board displays a grid with the following columns:
Employee Name
At Lunch
On Break
Last Transaction Time
Colored push-pins in the columns indicate if the employee is out for the day, working, at lunch, or on
break. For example, a red push-pin in the Out column indicates that employee clocked out; a green
push-pin in the working column indicates that the employee is currently clocked in. The Notes column
displays notes that the employee entered at his or her last punch. By default, the Status Board
displays all employees. The number of pages needed to list all employees displays at the bottom of
the employee listing.
Enable/Disable the Status Board
Click Configuration. Payroll policies and employee settings define if employees can view the
Status Board.
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Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Customize the Status Board
Navigate in the Status Board Tab
To navigate to a different page of employees in the Status Board, click Next, or type the page
number you wish to navigate to, then click Go.
Filter for a Particular Labor Level
You can filter the list to display only employees of a particular Labor Level.
Click Change Labor Level then select the Labor Level to display from the dropdown menus.
To apply the filter, click Apply.
Display the complete employee listing after filtering for a status
Click the Filter drop-down menu, then select All Types.
To apply the filter, click Filter.
Print Status Board Results
Click Generate Status Board Results.
Select your criteria, then click the Generate my Report button.
Go to Admin home. You can then view your report under the Generated Reports
Navigate to the Admin Home Page for a Selected Employee
Click the employee’s name under the Search Results section. The Admin home page displays
with the employee in the Current Employee section.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Personal Settings
Paychex Time and Labor Online allows each employee to customize their own workspace in a variety
of ways. The settings that an employee can customize are:
The section states on the Employee home page
The section states on the Admin home page
Labor Levels
The number of employees displayed on the Status Board
The general appearance of the site, including color schemes and fonts
These settings store with the employee’s user profile, and are available from any authorized
computer when an employee logs in.
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Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Section States
In Paychex Time and Labor Online, you can customize the section states of your Employee home
page. You can maximize, minimize, or hide sections. Understanding these states is helpful when
customizing the personal settings for your Employee home page. The following describes the
three section states:
In the maximized state, a section’s label and its
content are visible. We recommend this state for
sections you use frequently because it gives you
the fastest access to a section’s contents and
actions. When you first visit Paychex Time and
Labor Online, all sections are
maximized, except for Pay Adjustments.
In the minimized state, the section’s label is visible,
but its content is not. We recommend this state for
sections you use occasionally. Pages with
minimized sections display faster because less
information needs to be transferred from the
Paychex Time and Labor Online servers to the
user’s screen. The content of a minimized section
is readily maximized by clicking its label.
In the hidden state, neither the section’s label nor
its content is visible. You cannot see the section at
all. This state is recommended for sections you
rarely or never use. Pages with hidden sections
display faster than pages with maximized or
minimized sections.
For example if you will not be using schedules in
Time and Labor Online, the Hidden option removes
this unnecessary information from your Admin
Home page.
Employee Home Page Subsection
You can change the default state for the sections of your Employee home page.
Select the appropriate state for each Employee home page section.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Admin Home Page Section
This section displays only if you have administrative, either full or departmentrestricted, rights to Paychex Time and Labor Online.
Change the default state for the sections of your Admin home page by selecting a state for each
section. For more information on the different states available, refer to Section States.
Search Settings
Specify how many names to display per page. Type the number in the Search Results section of
the Admin home page.
Employee Summary Fields
You can select up to four fields to display in the in the Employee Summary section of the Admin
Home page.
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Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Labor Levels Page
You can change the default state for the sections of the Departments page. For additional
information on the different states available and what they mean, refer to Section States.
This section displays only if you have administrator rights to Paychex Time and Labor
Change the default state for the sections of your Departments page by selecting a state for
each section. For additional information on the different states, refer to Section States..
Labor Levels
The name of this section refers to defined labor levels in your account.
Business Units.
To display the labor level’s number next to its name you can select in on-screen views and
drop-down menus. To display labor level numbers and names on-screen, click Yes, or, to
display only the labor level name, click No.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Status Board Page Subsection
You can customize the display and refresh settings for the Status Board page.
Type the settings as appropriate:
Number of employees to list per page: Type the number of employees to display on
each page of the Status Board list.
Status board refreshes every X minutes: Type how often you wish the Status Board
to refresh. Type 0 if you do not want it to refresh.
General Look and Feel Subsection
The General Look and Feel screen allows you to customize your personal format settings for
Paychex Time and Labor Online. These settings affect all areas of the application, but they apply
only when you are logged on. Other users view their own customized sites.
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Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Enter the settings as appropriate:
Color Theme
Select a theme: Select a color scheme to apply.
Type a default width in pixels for pages in your browser.
If you are unsure, leave this setting at 720.
Define a look for page content.
Labor Levels
Drop Down
Date: Select a format for displaying dates.
Time: Select a format for displaying time.
Time Duration: Select a format for displaying total
Full Names: Select an order for displaying full
Type the number of previous levels to display in
department drop-down menus. This enables you to see
the full hierarchy of your department structure.
Session Time
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Type the number of levels in your department
hierarchy, less one. For example, if there are
three levels in your department structure, enter
General Font Name: Select a font for regular text.
General Font Size: Select a font size for regular
Heading Font Name: Select a font for section and
page headings.
Heading Font Size: Select a font size for section
and page headings.
Select the length of time that the system remains logged
on without any activity from the user.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Custom Reporting
The Custom Reports page provides access to customizable reports that allow the user to define the
parameters of a report. With Custom Reporting, users navigate through a series of screens with
options for defining filters, sorting, subtotals, totals, display headings, and settings about field access
that can be viewed in a browser, emailed, or downloaded to a preferred format (.xls, .pdf, .xml, .csv,
.rtf, or .tiff).
Refer to the Data Export Field Mapping Document at the end of the chapter for a list of all available
fields that you can export and their location within the application.
Note: The Custom Reporting page only displays upon request. Please contact
your TLO administrator or Paychex representative to activate this feature.
To create a custom report, refer to Create New Report or Export in this section.
To view a generated custom report, select Admin | Home | Reports.
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Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Create New Report or Export
Displays step 1 of 5 of the Create New Report or Export
Report Name
Displays the name you gave to the report when creating the
report request. Clicking a report name brings you to step 5 of
the Create New Report or Export process so that you can
generate the report. All existing data is pre-populated.
Displays the appropriate value for each custom report. Access
only displays in the My Scheduled Custom Reports section.
Valid values: Public, Private
Displays each custom report’s type based on the Type
selected during step 1 of Create New Report or Export. Valid
values: Company, Employee
Last Modified
Displays the date each custom report was last modified. The
date and time format is determined by the preferences set in
Personal Settings.
Displays the creator of each custom report. Creator only
displays in the Other Users’ Scheduled Custom Reports
To Be Queued
Displays the date and time of a queued report. The format is
determined by the preferences set in Personal Settings.
Notes: •
The time format can be 12-hour or 24-hour,
depending on preference.
If the report is not scheduled to run again
automatically, Not Scheduled displays.
If the report is generating, Generating displays.
If the report is scheduled to run at a specific time,
the next run time displays.
when the report has edit permissions. Click
display step 1 of the Create New Report or Export process. All
existing data is pre-populated.
when the report has copy permissions. Click
make a copy of the report, with Copy appended to the report
when the report has remove permissions.
To create a custom report, refer to Create New Report or Export in this section.
To view a custom report, click Admin | Home | Reports.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Create New Report or Export
Use Create New Report or Export to create a report or export data.
Note: Click a Step number icon to jump between steps. Default values are used in any steps
1. Click Admin | Reports | Custom Reports.
2. Click Create New Report or Export. The Custom Reporting: Create New Report or Export Step 1 of 5 screen displays.
3. Type a report name in the Report Name: field. This is a required field.
4. Select the report type from the Type drop-down menu.
5. If applicable, select the Discard Duplicate Information check box to ensure duplicate
information does not print on the report.
6. Select the information from the Choose Information for Report list that you want to add to the
report, then click >> to move the information to the Information in Report list. Press and hold
Ctrl or Shift to select more than field at a time.
Note: The Report Gauge updates as information moves to the Information In Report
box. The more information you select, the longer it takes the report to run.
50 – 100%
25 – 49%
1 – 24%
7. Click Next >>. The Custom Reporting: Create New Report or Export - Step 2 of 5 screen
8. Complete the applicable fields. Choose basic reporting filters from the applicable fields. If you
need advanced filters, click Employee Filters or Schedule Filters from the Choose Advanced
Reporting Filters section.
9. Click Next >>. The Custom Reporting: Create New Report or Export - Step 3 of 5 screen
10. Add applicable sorting options from the Report Information and Direction drop-down menus.
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Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Note: In some cases, you can subtotal specific fields depending on the sort options you
11. Click Next >>. The Custom Reporting: Create New Report or Export - Step 4 of 5 screen
12. Choose Additional Options you want for the report (rename column headers, add grand totals,
add averages, etc.
13. Click Next >>. The Custom Reporting: Create New Report or Export - Step 5 of 5 displays.
14. Click the applicable Report Header information radio button to include or suppress header
15. Select the applicable Access to Report or Export option from the drop-down menu to make the
report or export only available to you (private) or all users (public).
16. Select the report format from the Report Format drop-down menu.
• Microsoft Excel file (XLS)
17. Enter email addresses to send the report to when completed in the Email field. Click Add
Another to enter another email address.
18. Click the applicable Scheduling option to schedule as soon as possible or to run at a specific
19. Click Generate My Report.
Edit Custom Report or Export Information
Click a Step number icon to jump between steps. Default values are used in any steps
1. Click Admin | Reports | Custom Reports.
for the applicable custom report that you want to edit. The Custom Reporting: Create
2. Click
New Report or Export - Step 1 of 5 screen displays.
3. Type a report name in the Report Name: field. This is a required field.
4. Select the report type from the Type drop-down menu.
5. If applicable, select the Discard Duplicate Information check box to ensure duplicate
information does not print on the report.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
6. Select the information from the Choose Information for Report list that you want to add to the
report, then click >> to move the information to the Information in Report list. Press and hold
Ctrl to select more than one line of information at a time.
Note: The Report Gauge updates as information moves to the Information In Report box.
The more information you select, the longer the report takes to run.
7. Click Next >>. The Custom Reporting: Create New Report or Export - Step 2 of 5 screen
8. Complete the applicable fields. Select basic reporting filters for the applicable fields. If you need
advanced filters, click Employee Filters or Schedule Filters from the Choose Advanced
Reporting Filters section.
9. Click Next >>. The Custom Reporting: Create New Report or Export - Step 3 of 5 screen
10. Add applicable sorting options from the Report Information and Direction drop-down menus.
11. Click Next >>. The Custom Reporting: Create New Report or Export - Step 4 of 5 screen
12. Choose Additional Options you want for the report.
13. Click Next >>. The Custom Reporting: Create New Report or Export - Step 5 of 5 displays.
14. Click the applicable Report Header information radio button to include or suppress header
15. Select the applicable Access to Report or Export option from the drop-down menu to make the
report or export only available to you (private) or all users.
16. Select the report format from the Report Format drop-down menu.
• Microsoft Excel file (XLS)
17. Enter email addresses to send the report to when completed in the Email field. Click Add
Another to enter another email address.
18. Click the applicable Scheduling option to schedule as soon as possible or at a specific time.
19. Click Generate My Report.
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Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Remove Report or Export Information
1. Click Admin | Reports | Custom Reports.
for each report or export you want to remove.
2. Click
3. When the pop-up message displays, click OK.
Copy a Report or Export
1. Click Admin | Reports | Custom Reports.
for the each report or export you want to copy.
2. Click
A copy of the report is created in the My Scheduled Custom Reports section with Copy appended to
the report name. You can edit or generate the report.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Employee Data Type Fields
Employee Data Type Fields
Time & Labor Online Field Location
Benefit Adjustments | Day
Admin | Home | Benefits | Benefit Type | Benefit Adjustment | Day
Benefit Adjustments | Date
Admin | Home | Benefits | Benefit Type | Benefit Adjustment | Date
Benefit Adjustments | Hours
Admin | Home | Benefits | Benefit Type | Benefit Adjustment | Hours
Benefit Adjustments | Notes
Admin | Home | Benefits | Benefit Type | Benefit Adjustment | Notes
Benefit Adjustments | Pay Type Code (Benefit
Benefit Adjustments | Pay Type Description
(Benefit Adjustment)
Custom Fields | Custom Field Name
Admin | Configuration | Pay Types | Code
Employee | Accrual Rule
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Employee Benefits | Accrual Rule
Employee | Allow Employee Clock In/Out Web
Employee | Badge Number
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Web Access | Web Access Settings |
Allow Employee Clock In/Out Web
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Time Sheet Submittal and Attendance
Tracking | Time Sheet Submittal | Allow Submittal
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Employee Information | Badge Number
Employee | Benefit Start Date (Employee)
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Employee Benefits | Benefit Start Date
Employee | Charge Rate (Employee)
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Payroll Information | Charge Rate
Employee | Contact City
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Contact Information | City
Employee | Contact Email
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Contact Information | E-mail
Employee | Contact Phone 1
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Contact Information | Phone 1
Employee | Contact Phone 2
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Contact Information | Phone 2
Employee | Contact State
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Contact Information | State
Employee | Contact Street
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Contact Information | Street
Employee | Contact Zip
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Contact Information | Zip
Employee | Default Clock-In Time
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Time Sheet Submittal and Attendance
Tracking | Time Sheet Submittal | Default Clock-In Time
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Employee's Default Labor Level
Employee | Allow Submittal
Employee | Default Labor Levels (Employee)
Employee | Employee Number
Admin | Home | Benefits | Benefit Type | Benefit Adjustment | Type
Admin | Home | Edit Employee | Custom Field Name
Employee | Employee Type
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Employee Information | Employee
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Payroll Information | Employee Type
Employee | End Date (Employee)
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Employee Information | End Date
Employee | Enforce Lunch
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Payroll Information | Enforce Lunch
Employee | Enforce Schedule
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Payroll Information | Enforce Schedule
Employee | Feature Access Template
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Web Access | Web Access Settings |
Feature Access Template
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Employee Information | First Name
Employee | First Name
Employee | First Name Last Name
Employee | First Name Middle Initial Last
Employee | First Name Middle Name Last
Employee | Holiday List
Employee | IP Access Policy
Employee | Last Name
Employee | Last Name, First Name
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Employee Information | First Name/Last
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Employee Information | First
Name/Middle Name/Last Name
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Employee Information | First
Name/Middle Name/Last Name
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Payroll Information | Holiday List
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Web Access | Web Access Settings | IP
Access Policy
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Employee Information | Last Name
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Employee Information | First Name/Last
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
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Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Employee Data Type Fields
Time & Labor Online Field Location
Employee | Last Name, First Name Middle
Employee | Middle Name
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Employee Information | First
Name/Middle Name/Last Name
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Employee Information | Middle Name
Employee | Non-Work Hours
Employee | Pay Rate
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Time Sheet Submittal and Attendance
Tracking | Time Sheet Submittal | Non-Work Hours
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Payroll Information | Pay Rate
Employee | Payroll Policy
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Payroll Information | Payroll Policy
Employee | Salary Type
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Payroll Information | Salary Type
Employee | Shift Differential
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Payroll Information | Shift Differential
Employee | Shift Length in minutes
Employee | Start Date
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Time Sheet Submittal and Attendance
Tracking | Attendance Tracking | Shift Length in minutes
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Employee Information | Start Date
Employee | Status
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Employee Information | Status
Employee | Time Zone
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Employee Information | Time Zone
Employee | Title
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Employee Information | Title
Employee | Track Attendance Only
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Time Sheet Submittal and Attendance
Tracking | Attendance Tracking | Track Attendance Only
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Web Access | Web Access
Employee | Web Access
Employee | Web Login ID
Employee Benefits | Accrued Hours
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Web Access | Web Access | Web Access
Settings | Web Login ID
Admin | Home | Add/Edit Employee | Time Sheet Submittal and Attendance
Tracking | Time Sheet Submittal | Work Hours
Admin | Home | Benefits | Benefit Type | Detailed Benefits | Accrued
Employee Benefits | Approved Hours
Admin | Home | Benefits | Benefit Type | Approved
Employee Benefits | Available Balance
Admin | Home | Benefits | Benefit Type | Available Balance
Employee Benefits | Balance
Admin | Home | Benefits | Benefit Type | Balance
Employee Benefits | Calc Thru
Admin | Home | Benefits | Benefit Type | Detailed Benefits | Calc Thru
Employee Benefits | Current Balance
Admin | Home | Benefits | Benefit Type | Detailed Benefits | Current Balance
Employee Benefits | Granted Hours
Admin | Home | Benefits | Granted
Employee Benefits | Initial Hours
Admin | Home | Benefits | Initial
Employee Benefits | Last Rollover
Admin | Home | Benefits | Benefit Type | Detailed Benefits | Last Rollover
Employee Benefits | Pay Type Code
(Employee Benefits)
Employee Benefits | Pay Type Description
(Employee Benefits)
Employee Benefits | Reset Date
Admin | Configuration | Pay Types | Code
Employee | Work Hours
Admin | Home | Benefits | Benefit Type
Employee Benefits | Used Hours
Admin | Home | Benefits | Benefit Type | Detailed Benefits | Reset Day
Admin | Home | Benefits | Used
Exceptions | Exception Name
Admin | Home | Exceptions | Exception
Exceptions | Date/Time
Admin | Home | Exceptions | Date/Time
Groups Managed | Group Name
Group Membership | Manager Name
Admin | Configuration | Employee Group Members | Add | Add Group |
Employee Group Name
Admin | Configuration | Employee Group Members | Current Group | Group
Admin | Configuration | Employee Group Members | Managers Name
Finger Template | Fingerprint Status
Admin | Configuration | System | Time Clocks
Labor Levels | Labor Level Charge Rate
Admin | Configuration | Labor Levels | Setup Labor Levels | Charge Rate
Labor Levels | Labor Level Code
Admin | Configuration | Labor Levels | Setup Labor Levels | Code
Labor Levels | Labor Level Detail Description
Admin | Configuration | Labor Levels | Setup Labor Levels | Description
Labor Levels | Labor Level Name
Admin | Configuration | Labor Levels | Define Labor Levels
Group Membership | Group Name
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Employee Data Type Fields
Labor Levels | Labor Level Override Charge
Labor Levels | Labor Level Override Pay Rate
Labor Levels | Labor Level Pay Rate
Labor Levels | Labor Level Prevailing Charge
Labor Levels | Labor Level Prevailing Pay Rate
Time & Labor Online Field Location
Admin | Configuration | Labor Levels | Assign Labor Level Override Rates |
Charge Rate
Admin | Configuration | Labor Levels | Assign Labor Level Override Rates |
Pay Rate
Admin | Configuration | Labor Levels | Setup Labor Levels | Pay Rate
Pay Adjustments | Amount
Prevailing Rate based on Setup Labor Levels or Assign Labor Level Override
Rates | Charge Rate
Prevailing Rate based on Setup Labor Levels or Assign Labor Level Override
Rates | Pay Rate
Admin | Home | Pay Adjustments | Amount
Pay Adjustments | Date
Admin | Home | Pay Adjustments | Date
Pay Adjustments | Day
Admin | Home | Pay Adjustments | Day
Pay Adjustments | Notes
Admin | Home | Pay Adjustments | Notes
Pay Adjustments | Pay Adjustment Code
Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Adjustment Types | Code
Pay Adjustments | Pay Adjustment Type
Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Adjustment Types | Description
Permission to Employee Manager Groups |
Group Name
Permission to Employee Manager Groups |
Permission to Employee Manager Groups |
Manager Name
Punch Detail | # of Hours
Admin | Home | Edit Employee | Web Access | Permission to Employee
Manager Groups | Group Name
Admin | Configuration | Security | Employee Group Members
Punch Detail | Action
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Expanded View | Action
Punch Detail | Apply towards Overtime
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Expanded View | Apply Towards Overtime
Punch Detail | Clock ID
Admin | Configuration | Security | Time Sheet Audit Trails
Punch Detail | Date
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Expanded View | Date
Punch Detail | Employee Note
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Expanded View | Employee Notes
Punch Detail | Labor Levels
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Expanded View | Employee Labor Level
Punch Detail | Pay Level
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Expanded View | Pay Level
Punch Detail | Pay Type Code (Punch Detail)
Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Types | Code
Punch Detail | Pay Type Description (Punch
Punch Detail | Rounded Time
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Expanded View | Pay Type
Punch Detail | Shift Code
Punch Detail | Source
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Expanded View | Shift Differential Information |
Admin | Configuration | Security | Time Sheet Audit Trails
Punch Detail | Supervisor Approved
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Expanded View | Supervisor Approved
Punch Detail | Supervisor Notes
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Expanded View | Supervisor Notes
Punch Detail | Swipe & Go
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Expanded View | Swipe and Go
Punch Detail | Time (Punch Detail)
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Expanded View | Time
Schedule | Day of the Week
Admin | Home | Schedule | Day
Schedule | Date
Admin | Home | Schedule | Date
Schedule | End Time
Admin | Home | Schedule | End Time
Schedule | Labor Levels
Admin | Home | Schedule | Edit Schedule | Labor Levels
Schedule | Start Time
Admin | Home | Schedule | Start Time
Time Card | Charge Rate
Admin | Home | Edit Employee | Payroll Information | Charge Rate
Time Card | Date
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Date In/Out
Time Card | Day
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Day
Time Card | Earning Code
Admin | Configuration | System | General Configuration | Export Matrix
Time Card | Employee Approved
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | App.
Admin | Configuration | Security | Employee Group Members
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Expanded View | Number of Hours
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Expanded View | Time
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
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Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Employee Data Type Fields
Time & Labor Online Field Location
Time Card | Employee Notes
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Employee Note
Time Card | End Time
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Time Out
Time Card | Exception Code
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Exception
Time Card | Exception Description
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Exception
Time Card | Labor Levels
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Expanded View | Employee Labor Level
Time Card | OT1
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | OT1
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | OT2
Time Card | OT2
Time Card | Paid Hours
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Reg
Time Card | Pay Rate
Admin | Home | Edit Employee | Payroll Information | Pay Rate
Time Card | Pay Type Code (Time Card)
Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Types | Code
Time Card | Pay Type Description (Time Card)
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Type
Time Card | Regular
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Reg
Time Card | Rounded End Time
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Expanded View | Time
Time Card | Rounded Start Time
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Expanded View | Time
Time Card | Shift Code
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Shift
Time Card | Start Time
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Time In
Time Card | Supervisor Approved
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | App.
Time Card | Supervisor Approved By
Admin | Configuration | Security | Time Sheet Audit Trails
Time Card | Supervisor Modified
Admin | Configuration | Security | Time Sheet Audit Trails
Time Card | Supervisor Notes
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Supervisor Note
Time Card | Total Hours
Admin | Home | Time Sheet
Time Card | Unpaid Hours
Admin | Home | Time Sheet | Unpaid
Time Off Request | Employee Notes
Employee | Home | Time Off Request | Request Status | Employee Notes
Time Off Request | Include Holidays
Employee | Home | Time Off Request | Request Status | Include Holidays
Time Off Request | Include Weekends
Employee | Home | Time Off Request | Request Status | Include Weekends
Time Off Request | Pay Type Code (Time Off
Time Off Request | Pay Type Description (Time
Off Request)
Time Off Request | Request Start Date
Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Types | Code
Time Off Request | Request Start Time
Employee | Home | Time Off Request | Request Status | Start Time
Time Off Request | Status
Employee | Home | Time Off Request | Request Status | Status
Time Off Request | Status Date
Employee | Home | Time Off Request | Request Detail | Status Date
Time Off Request | Submitted Date
Admin | Home | Time Off Request
Time Off Request | Supervisor Name
Employee | Home | Time Off Request | Request Detail | Status User
Time Off Request | Total Hours
Admin | Home | Time Off Request
Time Off Request Details | Date Submitted
Admin | Home | Time Off Request | Submitted
Time Off Request Details | Employee Notes
Admin | Home | Time Off Request | Employee Notes
Time Off Request Details | End Date
Admin | Home | Time Off Request | End Date
Time Off Request Details | End Time
Admin | Home | Time Off Request | End Date
Time Off Request Details | Hours
Admin | Home | Time Off Request | Hours
Time Off Request Details | Pay Type Code
(Time Off Request Details)
Time Off Request Details | Pay Type
Description (Time Off Request Details)
Time Off Request Details | Start Date
Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Types | Code
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Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Types | Description
Employee | Home | Time Off Request | Request Status | Start Date
Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Types | Description
Admin | Home | Time Off Request | Start Date
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Employee Data Type Fields
Time & Labor Online Field Location
Time Off Request Details | Start Time
Admin | Home | Time Off Request | Start Time
Time Off Request Details | Status
Admin | Home | Time Off Request | Status
Time Off Request Details | Status Date
Admin | Home | Time Off Request
Time Off Request Details | Supervisor Name
Admin | Home | Time Off Request
Time Off Request Details | Supervisor Notes
Admin | Home | Time Off Request | Supervisor Notes
Zone | Supervisor
Admin | Configuration | System | Time Clocks | Clock Configuration | Zones
Zone | Zone Name
Admin | Configuration | System | Time Clocks | Clock Configuration | Zones
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
4 - 31
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Company Data Type Fields
Company Data Type Fields
Time & Labor Online Field Location
Company | Benefit Policy | Benefit Policy Name
Admin | Configuration | System | General Configuration | Company Information
| Address 1
Admin | Configuration | System | General Configuration | Company Information
| Address 2
Admin | Configuration | System | General Configuration | Company Information
| City
Admin | Configuration | System | General Configuration | Company Information
| Company Name
Admin | Configuration | System | General Configuration | Company Information
| Fax
Admin | Configuration | System | General Configuration | Company Information
| Phone
Admin | Configuration | System | General Configuration | Company Information
| State
Admin | Configuration | System | General Configuration | Company Information
| Zip
Admin | Configuration | System | Custom Personal Information | Custom
Personal Field | Field Name
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Web Access |
Employee Manager Group 1
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Web Access |
Employee Manager Group 2
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Benefits | Accrual
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Web Access | Allow
Employees to Access the system through the web
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Web Access | Allow
Employee to clock in/out through the web
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Web Access | Allow
Employees to submit Time Sheets for
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Web Access |
Default Clock-In Time
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Web Access |
Default Non-Work Hours to “Paid”
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Frequency
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Miscellaneous Settings | Hours to
Accrue are calculated based on
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Policy Name | Benefit Policy Name
Company | Benefit Policy | Benefit Type Code
Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Types
Company | Benefit Policy | Benefit Type Name
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Rules | Add Rule | Cap annual used
benefit hours at
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Miscellaneous Settings | Disable
benefit calculations
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Miscellaneous Settings | Display
this benefit type on the employee home page
Company | Address 1
Company | Address 2
Company | City
Company | Company Name
Company | Fax
Company | Phone
Company | State
Company | Zip
Company | Custom Personal Information |
Field Name
Company | Employee Defaults | Access Group
Company | Employee Defaults | Access Group
Company | Employee Defaults | Accrual Rule
Company | Employee Defaults | Allow EEs to
Access the System Through the Web
Company | Employee Defaults | Allow EEs to
Clock In/Out Through the Web
Company | Employee Defaults | Allow EEs to
Submit Time Sheets
Company | Employee Defaults | Default ClockIn Time
Company | Employee Defaults | Default NonWork Hours to “Paid”
Company | Benefit Policy | Accrual Frequency
Company | Benefit Policy | Adjustment Cap
Company | Benefit Policy | Cap Benefit Hours
Company | Benefit Policy | Disable Benefits
Company | Benefit Policy | Display on
Employee Home Page
Company | Benefit Policy | Do Not Accrue Time
Over Work Hours Per Year
Company | Benefit Policy | Enable Email Alerts
Company | Benefit Policy | End Months
Company | Benefit Policy | Exclude Overtime
From Hours Worked Calculation
Company | Benefit Policy | Future Time
Company | Benefit Policy | Grant Frequency
Company | Benefit Policy | Hours to Accrue
4 - 32
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Accruing Calculation
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Miscellaneous Settings | Enable
email alerts for time off requests.
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Rules | Add Rule | End Months
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Accruing Calculation
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Misc Settings | Include future time
taken in the time used total for each benefit
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Frequency
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Rules | Add Rule | Hours to Accrue
on a Daily basis
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Company Data Type Fields
Company | Benefit Policy | Hours to Accrue
based on
Company | Benefit Policy | Maximum Hours to
Carry Over
Company | Benefit Policy | Member Count
Company | Benefit Policy | Negative Allowance
Company | Benefit Policy | Negative Allowance
– Available Balance
Company | Benefit Policy | Negative Allowance
– Current Balance
Company | Benefit Policy | Request
Company | Benefit Policy | Reset Date Other
Company | Benefit Policy | Reset Date Type
Company | Benefit Policy | Restrict Accrue
Benefit Amount
Company | Benefit Policy | Restrict Grant
Benefit Amount
Company | Benefit Policy | Restrict Work Hours
to Qualify
Company | Benefit Policy | Start Months
Company | Benefit Policy | Warn Below
Negative Allowance
Company | Benefit Policy | Warn When
Negative Balance
Company | Benefit Policy | Work Hours Per
Company | New Employee Defaults |
Employee Type
Company | New Employee Defaults | Enforce
Company | New Employee Defaults | Enforce
Company | New Employee Defaults | Feature
Access Template
Company | New Employee Defaults | Hardware
Zone 1
Company | New Employee Defaults | Hardware
Zone 2
Company | New Employee Defaults | Holiday
Company | New Employee Defaults | Initial
Company | New Employee Defaults | Initial
Company | New Employee Defaults | Initial
Company | New Employee Defaults | Labor
Company | New Employee Defaults | Login
Generation Method
Company | New Employee Defaults | NonWork Hours (Vac/Sick/Etc)
Company | New Employee Defaults | Password
Generation Method
Company | New Employee Defaults | Payroll
Company | New Employee Defaults |
Permission to Employee Access Groups
Time & Labor Online Field Location
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Accruing Calculation
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Rules | Add Rule | Maximum hours
to carry over year to year
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Members
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Frequency | Misc Settings | Allow
up to negative hours for the current balance
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Frequency | Misc Settings | Allow
up to negative hours for the available balance
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Frequency | Misc Settings | Allow
up to negative hours for the current balance
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Frequency | Misc Settings | Allow
employees to request time off for this benefit type
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Frequency | Reset Date
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Frequency | Reset Date
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Restrictions
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Restrictions
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Restrictions
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Rules | Add Rule | Start Months
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Frequency | Misc Settings
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Frequency | Misc Settings
Admin | Configuration | System | Benefits | Frequency | Misc Settings
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Payroll Information
| Employee Type
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Payroll Information
| Enforce Lunch
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Payroll Information
| Enforce Schedule
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Web Access |
Feature Access Template
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Hardware
Information | Hardware Zone 1
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Hardware
Information | Hardware Zone 2
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Payroll Information
| Holiday List
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Benefits | Initial
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Benefits | Initial
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Benefits | Initial
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Labor Levels
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Web Access |
Login Generation Method
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Web Access | NonWork Hours (Vac/Sick/Etc)
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Web Access |
Password Generation Method
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Payroll Information
| Payroll Policy
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Web Access |
Permission to Employee Manager Groups
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
4 - 33
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Company Data Type Fields
Time & Labor Online Field Location
Company | New Employee Defaults | Salary
Company | New Employee Defaults | Shift
Company | New Employee Defaults | Time
Company | New Employee Defaults | Work
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Payroll Information
| Salary Type
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Payroll Information
| Shift Differential
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Employee
Information | Time Zone
Admin | Configuration | System | New Employee Defaults | Web Access | Work
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Closing and Re-Open | Allow to Close
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Closing and Re-Open | Allow to Re-Open
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature | Labor
Levels | Assign Labor Levels
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Assign Policies
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | Benefit Adjustment | Add
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | Benefit Adjustment | Delete
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | Benefit Adjustment | Edit
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | Benefit Adjustment | View
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Benefits | Add
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Benefits | Delete
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Benefits | Edit
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Benefits | View
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Benefits Advanced Functions
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Custom Personal Information | Add
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Custom Personal Information | Delete
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Custom Personal Information | Edit
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Custom Personal Information | View
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature | Labor
Levels | Define Labor Levels | Add
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature | Labor
Levels | Define Labor Levels | Delete
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature | Labor
Levels | Define Labor Levels | Edit
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature | Labor
Levels | Define Labor Levels | View
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Security | Employee Group Members | Add
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Security | Employee Group Members | Delete
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Security | Employee Group Members | Edit
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Security | Employee Group Members | View
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Security | Employee Updates Audit
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | Employees | Add
Company | Feature Access | Allow to Close
Company | Feature Access | Allow to Re-Open
Company | Feature Access | Assign Labor
Company | Feature Access | Assign Policies
Company | Feature Access | Benefit
Adjustment (Add)
Company | Feature Access | Benefit
Adjustment (Delete)
Company | Feature Access | Benefit
Adjustment (Edit)
Company | Feature Access | Benefit
Adjustments (View)
Company | Feature Access | Benefits (Add)
Company | Feature Access | Benefits (Delete)
Company | Feature Access | Benefits (Edit)
Company | Feature Access | Benefits (View)
Company | Feature Access | Benefits
Advanced Functions
Company | Feature Access | Custom Personal
Information (Add)
Company | Feature Access | Custom Personal
Information (Delete)
Company | Feature Access | Custom Personal
Information (Edit)
Company | Feature Access | Custom Personal
Information (View)
Company | Feature Access | Define Labor
Levels (Add)
Company | Feature Access | Define Labor
Levels (Delete)
Company | Feature Access | Define Labor
Levels (Edit)
Company | Feature Access | Define Labor
Levels (View)
Company | Feature Access | Employee Group
Members (Add)
Company | Feature Access | Employee Group
Members (Delete)
Company | Feature Access | Employee Group
Members (Edit)
Company | Feature Access | Employee Group
Members (View)
Company | Feature Access | Employee
Updates Audit
Company | Feature Access | Employees (Add)
4 - 34
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Company Data Type Fields
Company | Feature Access | Employees (Edit)
Company | Feature Access | Employees (Edit
Initial Times)
Company | Feature Access | Employees
(Recalculate Benefits)
Company | Feature Access | Employees (View)
Company | Feature Access | Feature Access
Templates (Add)
Company | Feature Access | Feature Access
Templates (Delete)
Company | Feature Access | Feature Access
Templates (Edit)
Company | Feature Access | Feature Access
Templates (View)
Company | Feature Access | Feature Access
Template Name
Company | Feature Access | General
Configuration (Edit)
Company | Feature Access | General
Configuration (View)
Company | Feature Access | Holiday
Company | Feature Access | Holidays (Add)
Company | Feature Access | Holidays (Delete)
Company | Feature Access | Holidays (Edit)
Company | Feature Access | Holidays (View)
Company | Feature Access | Import
Company | Feature Access | IP Access (Add)
Company | Feature Access | IP Access
Company | Feature Access | IP Access (Edit)
Company | Feature Access | IP Access (View)
Company | Feature Access | Member Count
Company | Feature Access | Pay Adjustment
Entries (Add)
Company | Feature Access | Pay Adjustment
Entries (Delete)
Company | Feature Access | Pay Adjustment
Entries (Edit)
Company | Feature Access | Pay Adjustment
Entries (View)
Company | Feature Access | Pay Adjustment
Types (Add)
Company | Feature Access | Pay Adjustment
Types (Delete)
Company | Feature Access | Pay Adjustment
Types (Edit)
Company | Feature Access | Pay Adjustment
Types (View)
Company | Feature Access | Pay Types (Add)
Company | Feature Access | Pay Types
Time & Labor Online Field Location
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | Employees | Edit
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | Employees | Edit | Edit Initial Times
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | Employees | Edit | Recalculate Benefits
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | Employees | View
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Security | Feature Access Templates | Add
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Security | Feature Access Templates | Delete
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Security | Feature Access Templates | Edit
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Security | Feature Access Templates | View
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Add | Feature
Access Template Name
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | General Configuration | Edit
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | General Configuration | View
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Holidays | Regenerate Holidays
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Holidays | Add
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Holidays | Delete
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Holidays | Edit
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Holidays | View
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Miscellaneous | Import
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Security | IP Access | Add
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Security | IP Access | Delete
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Security | IP Access | Edit
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Security | IP Access | View
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Members
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | Pay Adjustment Entries | Add
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | Pay Adjustment Entries | Delete
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | Pay Adjustment Entries | Edit
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | Pay Adjustment Entries | View
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | Pay Adjustment Types | Add
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | Pay Adjustment Types | Delete
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | Pay Adjustment Types | Edit
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | Pay Adjustment Types | View
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Pay Types | Add
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Pay Types | Delete
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
4 - 35
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Company Data Type Fields
Company | Feature Access | Pay Types (Edit)
Company | Feature Access | Pay Types (View)
Company | Feature Access | Payroll Policies
and New Employee Defaults (Add)
Company | Feature Access | Payroll Policies
and New Employee Defaults (Delete)
Company | Feature Access | Payroll Policies
and New Employee Defaults (Edit)
Company | Feature Access | Payroll Policies
and New Employee Defaults (View)
Company | Feature Access | Reports (Delete)
Company | Feature Access | Reports (Run)
Company | Feature Access | Reports (View)
Company | Feature Access | Schedules (Add)
Company | Feature Access | Schedules
Company | Feature Access | Schedules (Edit)
Company | Feature Access | Schedules (View)
Company | Feature Access | Security Level
Company | Feature Access | Setup Labor
Levels (Add)
Company | Feature Access | Setup Labor
Levels (Delete)
Company | Feature Access | Setup Labor
Levels (Edit)
Company | Feature Access | Setup Labor
Levels (View)
Company | Feature Access | Shift Differentials
Company | Feature Access | Shift Differentials
Company | Feature Access | Shift Differentials
Company | Feature Access | Shift Differentials
Company | Feature Access | Status Board
(Suppress Notes for Employees Outside of
Company | Feature Access | Status Board
Company | Feature Access | Status Board
(View All Employees)
Company | Feature Access | Time Clocks
Company | Feature Access | Time Off
Requests (Approve)
Company | Feature Access | Time Off
Requests (Deny)
Company | Feature Access | Time Off
Requests (View)
Company | Feature Access | Time Sheets
Company | Feature Access | Time Sheets
4 - 36
Time & Labor Online Field Location
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Pay Types | Edit
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Pay Types | View
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Payroll Policies and New Employee Defaults | Add
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Payroll Policies and New Employee Defaults | Delete
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Payroll Policies and New Employee Defaults | Edit
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Payroll Policies and New Employee Defaults | View
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Miscellaneous | Reports | Delete
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Miscellaneous | Reports | Run
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Miscellaneous | Reports | View
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Schedules | Add
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Schedules | Delete
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Schedules | Edit
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Schedules | View
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature Access
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature | Labor
Levels | Setup Labor Levels | Add
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature | Labor
Levels | Setup Labor Levels | Delete
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature | Labor
Levels | Setup Labor Levels | Edit
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature | Labor
Levels | Setup Labor Levels | View
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Shift Differentials | Add
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Shift Differentials | Delete
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Shift Differentials | Edit
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Shift Differentials | View
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Miscellaneous | Status Board | Suppress Notes for Employees Outside of
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Miscellaneous | Status Board | View
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Miscellaneous | Status Board | View All Employees
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Configuration | Time Clocks
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | Time Off Requests | Approve
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | Time Off Requests | Deny
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | Time Off Requests | View
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | Timesheets | Add
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | Timesheets | Delete
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Company Data Type Fields
Time & Labor Online Field Location
Company | Feature Access | Time Sheets
Company | Feature Access | Time Sheets
Company | Feature Access | Time Sheets
Audit Trails
Company | Feature Access | View/Edit Rates
of Pay
Company | Feature Access | View Employees
Not Assigned to Any Group
Company | General Configuration | Allow
Supervisors to Approve Time with Exceptions
Company | General Configuration | Apply
Entire Accrual to Next Year
Company | General Configuration | Apply
Percentage of Accrual to Next Year
Company | General Configuration | Global
Benefit Start Date
Company | General Configuration | Global
Reset Date
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | Timesheets | Edit
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | Timesheets | View
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Security | Time Sheets Audit Trails
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | View/Edit Rates of Pay
Admin | Configuration | Security | Feature Access Templates | Feature |
Admin | Home | View Employees Not Assigned to Any Group
Admin | Configuration | System | General Configuration | Benefit Accrual
Settings | Allow Supervisors to Approve Time with Exceptions
Admin | Configuration | System | General Configuration | Benefit Accrual
Settings | Apply Entire Accrual to Next Year
Admin | Configuration | System | General Configuration | Benefit Accrual
Settings | Apply Percentage of Accrual to Next Year
Admin | Configuration | System | General Configuration | Benefit Accrual
Settings | Use Global Benefit Start Date
Admin | Configuration | System | General Configuration | Benefit Accrual
Settings | Use Global Reset Date
Admin | Configuration | System | General Configuration | Labor Level Settings |
Labor Level Description
Admin | Configuration | System | General Configuration | Labor Level Settings |
Labor Levels Description
Admin | Configuration | System | General Configuration | Benefit Accrual
Settings | Use Accrual Pay Type Detail Date
Admin | Configuration | System | General Configuration | Benefit Accrual
Settings | Use Employee's Most Recent Reset Date
Admin | Configuration | System | General Configuration | Benefit Accrual
Settings | Use Global Benefit Start Date
Admin | Configuration | System | General Configuration | Benefit Accrual
Settings | Use Global Reset Date
Admin | Configuration | System | General Configuration | Start of Work Week
for Schedule Templates | Week Start Date
Admin | Configuration | Security | Employee Group Members | Current Group |
Add | Employee Group Name
Admin | Configuration | Security | Employee Group Members | Current Group |
Add | Managed Group
Company | General Configuration | Labor Level
Company | General Configuration | Labor
Company | General Configuration | Use
Accrual Pay Type Detail Date
Company | General Configuration | Use
Employee's Most Recent Reset Date
Company | General Configuration | Use Global
Benefit Start Date
Company | General Configuration | Use Global
Company | General Configuration | Week Start
Company | Group | Employee Group Name
Company | Group | Managed Group
Company | Group | Manager Employee
Company | Group | Manager Name
Admin | Configuration | Security | Employee Group Members | Manager Name
Admin | Configuration | Security | Employee Group Members | Manager Name
Company | Group | Start Date
Admin | Configuration | Security | Employee Group Members | Start Date
Company | Group | Stop Date
Admin | Configuration | Security | Employee Group Members | Stop Date
Admin | Configuration | Security | Employee Group Members | Current Group |
Total Active Members
Admin | Configuration | System | Holidays | Add Holiday | Active
Admin | Configuration | System | Holidays | Holidays | Add Holiday | Company
Worked Holiday
Admin | Configuration | System | Holidays | Add Holiday | Holiday Date
Admin | Configuration | System | Holidays | Add Holiday | This holiday lasts for
Admin | Configuration | System | Holidays | Add Holiday | Holiday Name
Company | Group | Total Active Members
Company | Holidays | Active
Company | Holidays | Company Worked
Company | Holidays | Date
Company | Holidays | Days
Company | Holidays | Holiday
Company | Holidays | Holidays List Name
Company | Holidays | Include Weekends for
Additional Days
Company | Holidays | Member Count
Company | Holidays | Prevent PTO Requests
on this day
Company | IP Access | Allow Access
Admin | Configuration | System | Holidays | Holiday List | Holidays List Name
Admin | Configuration | System | Holidays | Holidays | Add Holiday | Include
Weekends for Additional Days
Admin | Configuration | System | Holidays | New Holiday List | Members
Admin | Configuration | System | Holidays | Holidays | Add Holiday | Prevent
PTO Requests on this day
Admin | Configuration | Security | IP Access | IP Access Rules | Allow
employee web punching from the IP Access Masks below
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
4 - 37
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Company Data Type Fields
Time & Labor Online Field Location
Company | IP Access | Allow Punch
Admin | Configuration | Security | IP Access | IP Access Rules | Allow site
access with no punch capability from outside the IP Access
Company | IP Access | IP Access Template
Company | IP Access | IP Mask
Company | IP Access | Member Count
Company | Labor Levels | Active
Company | Labor Levels | Charge Rate
Company | Labor Levels | Code
Company | Labor Levels | Description
Company | Labor Levels | Labor Level Name
Company | Labor Levels | Pay Rate
Company | Pay Adjustment Types | Active
Company | Pay Adjustment Types | Code
Company | Pay Adjustment Types | Deduction
Company | Pay Adjustment Types | Description
Company | Pay Adjustment Types | Employee
Company | Pay Types | Active
Company | Pay Types | Applies Toward
Company | Pay Types | Applies Toward
Company | Pay Types | Benefit Type
Company | Pay Types | Can be Overtime
Company | Pay Types | Counts Toward
Holiday Min
Company | Pay Types | Overrides Absences
Company | Pay Types | Pay Type Code
Company | Pay Types | Pay Type Name
Company | Payroll Policies | Attendance
Exceptions: Clock-In Grace Period (Minutes
After Schedule)
Company | Payroll Policies | Attendance
Exceptions: Clock-In Grace Period (Minutes
Before Schedule)
Company | Payroll Policies | Attendance
Exceptions: Clock-Out Grace Period (Minutes
After Schedule)
Company | Payroll Policies | Attendance
Exceptions: Clock-Out Grace Period (Minutes
Before Schedule)
Company | Payroll Policies | Attendance
Exceptions: Number of minutes after clock
in/out exceptions
4 - 38
Admin | Configuration | Security | IP Access | IP Access Policy | Policy Name
Admin | Configuration | Security | IP Access | IP Access Masks | Add | IP Mask
Admin | Configuration | Security | IP Access | New Policy | Members
Admin | Configuration | Labor Levels | Setup Labor Levels | Add new record |
Admin | Configuration | Labor Levels | Setup Labor Levels | Add new record |
Charge Rate
Admin | Configuration | Labor Levels | Setup Labor Levels | Add new record |
Admin | Configuration | Labor Levels | Setup Labor Levels | Add new record |
Admin | Configuration | Labor Levels | Define Labor Levels | Selected Labor
Level | Labor Level Name
Admin | Configuration | Labor Levels | Setup Labor Levels | Add new record |
Pay Rate
Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Adjustment Types | Edit Adjustment
Type Information | Active
Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Adjustment Types | Edit Adjustment
Type Information | Code
Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Adjustment Types | Edit Adjustment
Type Information | Deduction
Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Adjustment Types | Edit Adjustment
Type Information | Description
Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Adjustment Types | Edit Adjustment
Type Information | Employee Entry
Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Types | Add | Edit Pay Type Information |
Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Types | Add | Edit Pay Type Information |
Applies towards Benefits
Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Types | Add | Edit Pay Type Information |
Applies towards overtime by Default
Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Types | Add | Edit Pay Type Information |
Benefit Type
Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Types | Add | Edit Pay Type Information |
Can be Overtime
Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Types | Add | Edit Pay Type Information |
Counts Toward Holiday Min
Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Types | Add | Edit Pay Type Information |
Overrides Absences for the day
Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Types | Add | Edit Pay Type Information |
Admin | Configuration | System | Pay Types | Add | Edit Pay Type Information |
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Attendance Exceptions |
Clock-In Grace Period | The grace period ends minute(s) after the scheduled
clock-in time.
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Attendance Exceptions |
Clock-In Grace Period | The grace period ends ? minute(s) before the
scheduled clock-in time.
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Attendance Exceptions |
Clock-Out Grace Period | The grace period ends ? minute(s) after the
scheduled clock-out time.
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Attendance Exceptions |
Clock-Out Grace Period | The grace period ends ? minute(s) before the
scheduled clock-out time.
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Attendance Exceptions |
Clock-Out Grace Period | If an employee clocks in more than minutes away
from their assigned schedule, do not flag the entry as either early or late.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Company Data Type Fields
Time & Labor Online Field Location
Company | Payroll Policies | Advanced
Overtime: Unscheduled Days Pay OT2
Company | Payroll Policies | Advanced
Overtime: Seventh Day Overtime Based On
Company | Payroll Policies | Advanced
Overtime: Enable Seventh Day Overtime
Company | Payroll Policies | Advanced
Overtime: Enable Sixth Day Overtime
Company | Payroll Policies | Advanced
Overtime: Enable Time Worked Outside
Company | Payroll Policies | Advanced
Overtime: Seventh Day Overtime Based On
Custom OT1
Company | Payroll Policies | Advanced
Overtime: Seventh Day Overtime Based on
Custom OT1 Hours to Qualify
Company | Payroll Policies | Advanced
Overtime: Seventh Day Overtime Based On
Custom OT2
Company | Payroll Policies | Advanced
Overtime: Seventh Day Overtime Based on
Custom OT2 Hours to Qualify
Company | Payroll Policies | Advanced
Overtime: Seventh Day Overtime Levels
Company | Payroll Policies | Advanced
Overtime: Sixth Day Overtime Based On
Company | Payroll Policies | Advanced
Overtime: Sixth Day Overtime Based On
Custom OT1
Company | Payroll Policies | Advanced
Overtime: Sixth Day Overtime Based On
Custom OT2
Company | Payroll Policies | Advanced
Overtime: Sixth Day Overtime Based on
Custom OT2 Hours to Quality
Company | Payroll Policies | Advanced
Overtime: Sixth Day Overtime Levels
Company | Payroll Policies | Advanced
Overtime: Time Worked Outside Schedule Pay
Company | Payroll Policies | Advanced
Overtime: Time Worked Outside Schedule
Company | Payroll Policies | Advanced
Overtime: Unscheduled Days Pay OT1
Company | Payroll Policies | Advanced
Overtime: Unscheduled Days Pay OT1 Hours
Company | Payroll Policies | Advanced
Overtime: Unscheduled Days Pay OT2 Hours
Company | Payroll Policies | Break: Allow
Manual Break
Company | Payroll Policies | Break: Break
Duration Minutes
Company | Payroll Policies | Break: Break
Insert At Time
Company | Payroll Policies | Break: Break
Insert After Minutes End
Company | Payroll Policies | Break: Break
Insert After Minutes Start
Company | Payroll Policies | Break: Break
Insert At Time
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Advanced Overtime |
Unscheduled Days | Pay OT2
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Advanced Overtime |
Consecutive Days Overtime | Pay overtime based on
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Advanced Overtime |
Consecutive Days Overtime | Enable Seventh Day Overtime
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Advanced Overtime |
Consecutive Days Overtime | Enable Sixth Day Overtime
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Advanced Overtime | Time
Worked Outside Schedule | Enable Time Worked Outside Schedule
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Advanced Overtime |
Consecutive Days Overtime | Based on Custom Overtime Rules
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Advanced Overtime |
Consecutive Days Overtime | Based on Custom Overtime Rules | OT1
Anything over hours
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Advanced Overtime |
Consecutive Days Overtime | Based on Custom Overtime Rules
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Advanced Overtime |
Consecutive Days Overtime | Based on Custom Overtime Rules | OT2
Anything over hours
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Advanced Overtime |
Consecutive Days Overtime | Pay at overtime level
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Advanced Overtime |
Consecutive Days Overtime | Pay overtime based on
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Advanced Overtime | Time
Worked Outside Schedule | Enable Time Worked Outside Schedule
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Advanced Overtime | Time
Worked Outside Schedule | Enable Time Worked Outside Schedule
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Advanced Overtime | Time
Worked Outside Schedule | Enable Time Worked Outside Schedule
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Advanced Overtime |
Consecutive Days Overtime | Pay at overtime level
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Advanced Overtime | Time
Worked Outside Schedule | Enable Time Worked Outside Schedule
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Advanced Overtime | Time
Worked Outside Schedule | Enable Time Worked Outside Schedule
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Advanced Overtime |
Unscheduled Days | Pay OT1
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Advanced Overtime |
Unscheduled Days | Anything over hours
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Advanced Overtime |
Unscheduled Days | Anything over hours
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Breaks | Break Type | Auto
Breaks | Allow manual breaks
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Breaks | Break Type |
Manual/Auto Breaks | Break Detail | Duration
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Breaks | Break Type | Auto
Breaks | Break Detail | Start Break at
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Breaks | Break Type | Auto
Breaks | Break Detail | End Break minutes after rounded clock in
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Breaks | Break Type | Auto
Breaks | Break Detail | Start Break minutes after rounded clock in
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Breaks | Break Type |
Manual/Auto Breaks | Break Detail | Start Break at
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
4 - 39
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Company Data Type Fields
Time & Labor Online Field Location
Company | Payroll Policies | Break: Break Is
Company | Payroll Policies | Break: Break Is
Company | Payroll Policies | Break: Break Type
Company | Payroll Policies | Break: Enable
Break Penalty
Company | Payroll Policies | Break: Round
Break Duration To
Company | Payroll Policies | Break: Round
Break Duration Type
Company | Payroll Policies | Break: Round
Break End To
Company | Payroll Policies | Break: Round
Break End Type
Company | Payroll Policies | Break: Round
Break Start To
Company | Payroll Policies | Break: Round
Break Start Type
Company | Payroll Policies | Break: Round
Short Breaks Down
Company | Payroll Policies | Break: Round
Short Breaks Down Less Than Minutes
Company | Payroll Policies | Break: Round
Short Breaks Down to Minutes
Company | Payroll Policies | Break: Round
Short Breaks up
Company | Payroll Policies | Break: Round
Short Breaks Up Less Than Minutes
Company | Payroll Policies | Break: Round
Short Breaks Up To Minutes
Company | Payroll Policies | Break: Use Break
duration Rounding
Company | Payroll Policies | Call Back: Call
Back Create Time Minutes Received
Company | Payroll Policies | Call Back: Call
Back Create Time Pay Level
Company | Payroll Policies | Call Back: Call
Back Create Type
Company | Payroll Policies | Call Back: Call
Back Pay Adjustment Amount Received
Company | Payroll Policies | Call Back: Call
Back Pay Adjustment Type
Company | Payroll Policies | Call Back: Call
Back Use Pay Adjustment Export Code
Company | Payroll Policies | Call Back: Enable
Call Back
Company | Payroll Policies | Comp Time:
Accruing Comp Time Pay Type
Company | Payroll Policies | Comp Time: Can
select Comp Time
Company | Payroll Policies | Comp Time:
Comp Time Expires Months
Company | Payroll Policies | Comp Time:
Comp Time OT1 Factor
Company | Payroll Policies | Comp Time:
Comp Time OT2 Hours
Company | Payroll Policies | Comp Time:
Comp Time Regular Hours
Company | Payroll Policies | Comp Time:
Comp Time Regular Hours Factor
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Breaks | Break Type |
Manual/Auto Breaks | Break Detail | Apply Break to overtime
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Breaks | Break Type |
Manual/Auto Breaks | Break Detail | Break is paid
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Breaks | Break Type
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Breaks | Advanced Break
Rules | Enable Break Penalty
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Breaks Rounding | Round
Break Duration | Round actual break durations to the
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Breaks Rounding | Round
Break Duration | Round actual break durations to the
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Breaks Rounding | OUT |
Round to the minutes
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Breaks Rounding | OUT |
Round to the minutes
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Breaks Rounding | IN |
Round to the minutes
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Breaks Rounding | IN |
Round to the minutes
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Breaks Rounding | Round
Short Breaks | Round short breaks down
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Breaks Rounding | Round
Short Breaks | Use above rounding only if the break taken is less than minutes
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Breaks Rounding | Round
Short Breaks | Round short breaks down to minutes
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Breaks Rounding | Round
Short Breaks | Round short breaks up
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Breaks Rounding | Round
Short Breaks | Use above rounding only if the break taken is at least minutes
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Breaks Rounding | Round
Short Breaks | Round short breaks up to minutes
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Breaks Rounding | Round
Break Duration | Round actual break durations to the
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Call Back Configuration |
Call Back minutes received
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Call Back Configuration |
Call Back hours are paid at
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Call Back Configuration |
Create Time
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Call Back Configuration |
Pay adjustment received
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Call Back Configuration |
Create Pay Adjustment
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Call Back Configuration |
Call Back Export Code
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Call Back Configuration |
Enable Call Back
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Comp Time Configuration |
Accruing Comp Time Pay Type
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Comp Time Configuration |
Allow users to change comp time selection from the Employee Tab
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Comp Time Configuration |
Accrued comp time expires if not used within months
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Comp Time Configuration |
OT1 hours accrue to comp time by a factor of
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Comp Time Configuration |
OT2 hours accrue to comp time by a factor of
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Comp Time Configuration |
Regular hours over
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Comp Time Configuration |
accrue to comp time by a factor of
4 - 40
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Company Data Type Fields
Time & Labor Online Field Location
Company | Payroll Policies | Comp Time:
Comp Time Regular Hours For Hours Over
Company | Payroll Policies | Comp Time:
Default Comp Time Selection
Company | Payroll Policies | Comp Time:
Enable Comp Time
Company | Payroll Policies | Comp Time:
Posting Accruing Comp Time Pay Type
Company | Payroll Policies | Comp Time OT2
Company | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting:
Allow only Administrators to Edit EE personal
Company | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting:
Allow Time Sheet Approvals
Company | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting:
Allow Time Sheet Edit after Approved
Company | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting:
Allow Time Sheet to populate from Schedule
Company | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting:
Allow to View time off requests
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Comp Time Configuration |
Regular hours over
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Comp Time Configuration |
Default Comp Time Selection
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Comp Time Configuration |
Enable Comp Time
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Comp Time Configuration |
Posting Comp Time Pay Type
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Comp Time Configuration |
OT2 hours accrue to comp time by a factor of
Company | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting:
Automatic Clock Out
Company | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting:
Automatic Clock Out Missing Punch Out
Company | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting:
Can Change Password
Company | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting:
Can View Status Board
Company | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting:
Default Punch Labor Level Minutes Schedules
Company | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting:
Default Punch labor Level Option
Company | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting:
Default Shift Minutes
Company | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting:
Do not default to Transfer option after clock in
Company | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting:
Require Supervisor Note
Company | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting:
Restrict To Schedule Window Minutes
Company | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting:
Send Message to Employee
Company | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting:
Time Sheet Submission View
Company | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting:
Work Hours Per Year
Company | Payroll Policies | Holidays: Apply
Holiday on Next Day
Company | Payroll Policies | Holidays:
Employee Worked Holiday Daily Overtime Pay
Company | Payroll Policies | Holidays:
Employee Worked Holiday Daily Overtime Pay
OT1 Hours Over
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting | Options |
Allow only administrator to edit employee personal preferences
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting | Options |
Enable employee timesheet approvals
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting | Options |
Allow employee to edit their time sheet after it has been supervisor approved
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting | Options |
Allow employee time sheet to be populated from schedule
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting | Options |
Allow employees to view time off requests
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting |
Automatic Clock Out | Missing Punch Out Minutes | Check this box to enable
automatic clock out
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting |
Automatic Clock Out | Missing Punch Out Minutes | Missing Punch Out
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting | Options |
Allow employees to change password
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting | Options |
Allow employees to view the status board
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting | Action
Options |Number of minutes before and after the punch when schedules apply
when using scheduled Labor Levels
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting | Action
Options | Use Employee' Scheduled Labor Levels before using Default Labor
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting |
Automatic Clock Out | Missing Punch Out Minutes | Default Shift Minutes
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting | Action
Options | Do not default to "Transfer" option after employee has clocked in.
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting |
Supervisor Edits | Require a supervisor note when a Supervisor/Manager adds
or edits a timesheet.
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting | Restrict
To Schedule | Enter the number of minutes for this "window".
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting |
Supervisor Edits | Send message to employee when a Supervisor/Manager
adds, edits or deletes a timesheet.
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting | Options |
Timesheet submission view
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Employee Setting | Work
Year | A work year consists of hours
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Holidays | Holiday
Timesheet Settings | Apply the Holiday on the Next Day
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Holidays | Employee
Worked Holiday Daily Overtime | Pay OT1 when working the holiday
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Holidays | Employee
Worked Holiday Daily Overtime | Anything over hours
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
4 - 41
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Company Data Type Fields
Company | Payroll Policies | Holidays:
Employee Worked Holiday Daily Overtime Pay
Company | Payroll Policies | Holidays:
Employee Worked Holiday Daily Overtime Pay
OT2 Hours Over
Company | Payroll Policies | Holidays: Holiday
Apply to Overtime
Company | Payroll Policies | Holidays: Holiday
Daily Overtime Pay OT1
Company | Payroll Policies | Holidays: Holiday
Daily Overtime Pay OT1 hours Over
Company | Payroll Policies | Holidays: Holiday
Daily Overtime Pay OT2
Company | Payroll Policies | Holidays: Holiday
Daily Overtime Pay OT2 Hours Over
Company | Payroll Policies | Holidays: Holiday
Company | Payroll Policies | Holidays: Holiday
Pay Type
Company | Payroll Policies | Holidays: Holiday
Required to Work Minimum Minutes Day After
Company | Payroll Policies | Holidays: Holiday
Required To Work Minimum Minutes Day
Company | Payroll Policies | Holidays:
Required to Work Type
Company | Payroll Policies | Holidays: Holiday
Qualify On Time Worked
Company | Payroll Policies | Holidays: Time
Worked Type ID
Company | Payroll Policies | Holidays: Holiday
Unworked Minutes
Company | Payroll Policies | Holidays: Holiday
Use Scheduled Shift Company Worked
Company | Payroll Policies | Holidays: Holiday
Worked Minutes
Company | Payroll Policies | Holidays:
Minimum Days of Employment
Company | Payroll Policies | Holidays: Pay
Company | Payroll Policies | Holidays:
Scheduled to Work On Holiday
Company | Payroll Policies | Holidays: Use
Holiday Factor
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Allow
Manual Lunch
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Enable
Meal Penalty
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Lunch
After Worked Minutes
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Lunch
Duration Minutes
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Lunch
Insert After Minutes End
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Lunch
Insert After Minutes Start
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Lunch
Insert At Time
4 - 42
Time & Labor Online Field Location
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Holidays | Employee
Worked Holiday Daily Overtime | Pay OT2 when working the holiday
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Holidays | Employee
Worked Holiday Daily Overtime | Anything over hours
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Holidays | Holiday
Timesheet Settings | Holiday hours apply towards overtime
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Holidays | Holiday Daily
Overtime | Pay OT1
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Holidays | Holiday Daily
Overtime | Anything over hours
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Holidays | Holiday Daily
Overtime | Pay OT2
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Holidays | Holiday Daily
Overtime | Anything over hours
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Holidays | Holiday
Timesheet Settings | Multiply worked holiday hours by a factor of
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Holidays | Activate Holiday
Rules | Pay Holiday as
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Holidays | Holiday Eligibility |
Required to work Minimum minutes after
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Holidays | Holiday Eligibility |
Required to work Minimum minutes before
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Holidays | Holiday Eligibility |
Required to work
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Holidays | Holiday Eligibility |
Qualify employee based on time worked
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Holidays | Holiday Eligibility |
Qualify employee based on time worked
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Holidays | Holiday
Timesheet Settings | Un-worked holiday | Minutes to add for each un-worked
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Holidays | Holiday Eligibility |
The employee must work their whole scheduled shift on the holiday, if the
holiday is marked as a company worked holiday
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Holidays | Holiday
Timesheet Settings | Worked holiday | Minutes to add for each worked holiday
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Holidays | Holiday Eligibility |
Minimum days of employment to qualify
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Holidays | Holiday
Timesheet Settings | Holiday hours apply towards overtime
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Holidays | Holiday Eligibility |
Employee must be scheduled to work on the holiday
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Holidays | Holiday
Timesheet Settings | Worked holiday | Multiply worked holiday hours by a
factor of
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch | Lunch Type | Allow
manual lunches
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch | Lunch Type | Enable
Meal Penalty
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch | Lunch Type |
Manual Lunches | Lunch Detail | Make start available for interactive punching
after minutes of work
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch | Lunch Type |
Manual/Auto Lunches | Lunch Detail | Allow for minutes of Lunch
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch | Lunch Type | Auto
Lunches | Lunch Detail | End Lunch minutes after rounded clock in
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch | Lunch Type | Auto
Lunches | Lunch Detail | Start Lunch minutes after rounded clock in
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch | Lunch Type | Auto
Lunches | Lunch Detail | Start Lunch at
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Company Data Type Fields
Time & Labor Online Field Location
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Lunch is
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Lunch is
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Lunch
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Meal
Penalty Add Minutes
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Meal
Penalty After Minutes
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Meal
Penalty Duration Type
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Meal
Penalty Labor Levels
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch | Lunch Type | Lunch
Detail | Apply Lunch to overtime
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch | Lunch Type | Lunch
Detail | Lunch is paid
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Meal
Penalty Waive Minutes
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Round
Lunch Duration To
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Round
Lunch Duration Type
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Round
Lunch End To
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Round
Lunch End Type
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Round
Lunch Start To
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Round
Lunch Start Type
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Round
Short Lunches Down
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Round
Short Lunches Down Less Than Minutes
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Round
Short Lunches Down to Minutes
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Round
Short Lunches Up
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Round
Short Lunches Up Less Than Minutes
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Round
Short Lunches Up to Minutes
Company | Payroll Policies | Lunch: Use Lunch
Duration Rounding
Company | Payroll Policies | Meal Allowance:
Enable Meal Allowance
Company | Payroll Policies | Meal Allowance:
Meal Allowance Amount
Company | Payroll Policies | Meal Allowance:
Meal Allowance Apply to Weekend/Holiday
Company | Payroll Policies | Meal Allowance:
Meal Allowance Only for out of schedule time
Company | Payroll Policies | Meal Allowance:
Meal Allowance Pay Adjustment to Post
Company | Payroll Policies | Meal Allowance:
Meal Allowance Qualification
Company | Payroll Policies | Meal Allowance:
Meal Allowance Weekly Limit
Company | Payroll Policies | Member Count
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: Daily
OT Resets 24 Hours from Punch In Time
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: Daily
OT Resets On New Day
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch | Lunch Type
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch | Advanced Lunch
Rules | Meal Penalty Detail | Add minutes to the Time Sheet
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch | Advanced Lunch
Rules | Meal Penalty Detail | Enable Meal Penalty after minutes of work
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch | Advanced Lunch
Rules | Apply meal penalty rules towards the punch times
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch | Advanced Lunch
Rules | Meal Penalty Detail | Use Default/Current Labor Levels
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch | Advanced Lunch
Rules | Meal Penalty Detail | If the total minutes worked is less than or equal to
the Meal Period may be waived by mutual consent
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch Rounding | Round
Lunch Duration | Round actual lunch durations to
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch Rounding | Round
Lunch Duration | Round actual lunch durations to
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch Rounding | OUT |
Round to the minutes
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch Rounding | OUT |
Round to the minutes
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch Rounding | IN |
Round to the minutes
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch Rounding | IN |
Round to the minutes
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch Rounding | Round
Short Lunches | Round short lunches down
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch Rounding | Round
Short Lunches | Use above rounding only if the lunch taken is less than
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch Rounding | Round
Short Lunches | Round short lunches down to minutes
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch Rounding | Round
Short Lunches | Round short lunches up
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch Rounding | Round
Short Lunches | Use above rounding only if the lunch taken is at least minutes
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch Rounding | Round
Short Lunches | Round short lunches up to minutes
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Lunch Rounding | Round
Lunch Duration
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Meal Allowance
Configuration | Enable Meal Allowance
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Meal Allowance
Configuration | Amount of Meal Allowance
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Meal Allowance
Configuration | Applies to time worked on Saturday, Sunday, Holiday
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Meal Allowance
Configuration | Only applies to time outside of scheduled shift
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Meal Allowance
Configuration | Pay Adjustment to Post
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Meal Allowance
Configuration | Time / Duration Qualification
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Meal Allowance
Configuration | Employee may not have more than meals per work week
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Members
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Daily Overtime Resets 24 Hours from Punch In Time
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Daily Overtime Resets On New Day
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
4 - 43
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Company Data Type Fields
Time & Labor Online Field Location
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 1 Apply
toward overtime
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Apply Overtime |
Apply OT1 towards overtime
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Overtime Factors
| For OT1
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Period Overtime |
Pay OT1
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Weekly Overtime
| Pay OT1
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Weekly Overtime
| Anything over hours
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Friday | Pay OT1
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Monday | Pay OT1
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Saturday | Pay OT1
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Sunday | Pay OT1
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Thursday | Pay OT1
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Tuesday | Pay OT1
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Wednesday | Pay OT1
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Friday | Anything over hours
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Monday | Anything over hours
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Saturday | Anything over hours
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Sunday | Anything over hours
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Thursday | Anything over hours
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Tuesday | Anything over hours
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Wednesday | Anything over hours
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Apply Overtime |
Apply OT2 towards overtime
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Overtime Factors
| For OT12
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Period Overtime |
Pay OT2
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Weekly Overtime
| Pay OT2
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Weekly Overtime
| Anything over hours
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Friday | Pay OT2
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Monday | Pay OT2
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Saturday | Pay OT2
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Sunday | Pay OT2
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Thursday | Pay OT2
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Tuesday | Pay OT2
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Wednesday | Pay OT2
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Friday | Anything over hours
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 1 Factor
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 1 Pay
by Period
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 1 Pay
by Week
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 1 Pay
by Week Hours Over
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 1 Pay
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 1 Pay
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 1 Pay
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 1 Pay
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 1 Pay
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 1 Pay
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 1 Pay
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 1 Pay
Friday Hours Over
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 1 Pay
Monday Hours Over
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 1 Pay
Saturday Hours Over
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 1 Pay
Sunday Hours Over
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 1 Pay
Thursday Hours Over
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 1 Pay
Tuesday Hours Over
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 1 Pay
Wednesday Hours Over
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 2 Apply
toward overtime
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 2 Factor
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 2 Pay
by Period
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 2 Pay
by Week
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 2 Pay
by Week Hours Over
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 2 Pay
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 2 Pay
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 2 Pay
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 2 Pay
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 2 Pay
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 2 Pay
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 2 Pay
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 2 Pay
Friday Hours Over
4 - 44
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Company Data Type Fields
Time & Labor Online Field Location
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 2 Pay
Monday Hours Over
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 2 Pay
Saturday Hours Over
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 2 Pay
Sunday Hours Over
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 2 Pay
Thursday Hours Over
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 2 Pay
Tuesday Hours Over
Company | Payroll Policies | Overtime: 2 Pay
Wednesday Hours Over
Company | Payroll Policies | Pay Periods:
Company | Payroll Policies | Pay Periods:
Number of Periods per Year
Company | Payroll Policies | Pay Periods: Type
Company | Payroll Policies | Pay Periods: Work
Week Start Day
Company | Payroll Policies | Payroll Policy
Company | Payroll Policies | Round to
Schedule: Round In After Schedule
Company | Payroll Policies | Round to
Schedule: Round In Before Schedule
Company | Payroll Policies | Round to
Schedule: Round Out After Schedule
Company | Payroll Policies | Round to
Schedule: Round Out Before Schedule
Company | Payroll Policies | Standard
Rounding: Round In Times to
Company | Payroll Policies | Standard
Rounding: Round In Type
Company | Payroll Policies | Standard
Rounding: Round Out Times to
Company | Payroll Policies | Standard
Rounding: Round Out Type
Company | Payroll Policies | Time Sheet
Processing: Count Time Towards
Company | Payroll Policies | Time Sheet
Processing: Enable Spread of Hours
Company | Payroll Policies | Time Sheet
Processing: Reject Duplicate Punch Time
Company | Payroll Policies | Time Sheet
Processing: Reject Opposing Punch Time
Company | Payroll Policies | Time Sheet
Processing: Split Shift On New Day
Company | Payroll Policies | Time Sheet
Processing: Spread of Hours Amount
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Monday | Anything over hours
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Saturday | Anything over hours
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Sunday | Anything over hours
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Thursday | Anything over hours
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Tuesday | Anything over hours
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Overtime | Daily Overtime |
Wednesday | Anything over hours
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Pay Periods | Monthly
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Pay Periods
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Pay Periods
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Pay Periods | Work Week
Start Day
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Payroll Policy | Policy Name
Company | Schedules | Day of Week
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Round to Schedule | In | Up
to minutes after
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Round to Schedule | In | Up
to minutes before
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Round to Schedule | Out |
Up to minutes after
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Round to Schedule | Out |
Up to minutes before
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Standard Rounding | In |
Round to the minutes
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Standard Rounding | In |
Round to the minutes
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Standard Rounding | Out |
Round to the minutes
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Standard Rounding | Out |
Round to the minutes
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Time Sheet Processing
Configuration | Count time towards the date
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Time Sheet Processing
Configuration | Enable Spread of Hours Pay
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Time Sheet Processing
Configuration | Reject duplicate punch time within minutes
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Time Sheet Processing
Configuration | Reject opposing punch time within minutes
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Time Sheet Processing
Configuration | Activate Split Shifts at Time of Day Change
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Time Sheet Processing
Configuration | Spread of Hours Pay | Add pay adjustment in the amount of $
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Time Sheet Processing
Configuration | Enable Spread of Hours Pay where duration of the work day
exceeds minutes
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Time Sheet Processing
Configuration | Apply Spread of Hours rules towards the punch times
Admin | Configuration | System | Payroll Policies | Time Sheet Processing
Configuration | Time of Day Change
Admin | Configuration | System | Schedules | Schedule Template Properties |
Access Type
Admin | Configuration | System | Schedules | Work Times
Company | Schedules | End Time
Admin | Configuration | System | Schedules | Work Times | End time
Company | Schedules | Labor Level(s)
Admin | Configuration | System | Schedules | Work Times | Labor Level(s)
Company | Payroll Policies | Time Sheet
Processing: Spread of Hours Duration
Company | Payroll Policies | Time Sheet
Processing: Spread of Hours Duration Type
Company | Payroll Policies | Time Sheet
Processing: Time Of Day Change
Company | Schedules | Access Type
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
4 - 45
Administrator Functions: The Sub-Menus
Company Data Type Fields
Company | Schedules | Owner
Company | Schedules | Start Time
Company | Schedules | Template Name
Company | Shift Differentials | Additional Pay
Company | Shift Differentials | Additional Wage
Company | Shift Differentials | Advance
Differential Rules
Company | Shift Differentials | Crosses
(Day/Shift Group)
Company | Shift Differentials | Day
Company | Shift Differentials | End Time
Company | Shift Differentials | Fix Differential
Clock In
Company | Shift Differentials | Min Hours
Company | Shift Differentials | Required Shift
Company | Shift Differentials | Shift Code
Company | Shift Differentials | Shift Policy
Company | Time Clocks | Active Employee
Company | Time Clocks | Clocks Assigned
Company | Time Clocks | Zone Name
4 - 46
Time & Labor Online Field Location
Admin | Configuration | System | Schedules | Schedule Template Properties |
Admin | Configuration | System | Schedules | Work Times | Start time
Admin | Configuration | System | Schedules | Schedule Template Properties |
Template Name
Admin | Configuration | System | Shift Differentials | Shift Rules | Add Rule |
Shift Differential Rule | Pay Modification | Additional Pay Factor
Admin | Configuration | System | Shift Differentials | Shift Rules | Add Rule |
Shift Differential Rule | Pay Modification | Additional Wage Per Hour
Admin | Configuration | System | Shift Differentials | Shift Differential Policy |
Use Advanced Differential Rules
Admin | Configuration | System | Shift Differentials | Shift Differential Policy | If
the employees time crosses more than one differential in a Day Shift Group
the employee receives the differential with the majority of time accrued toward
Admin | Configuration | System | Shift Differentials | Shift Rules | Day
Admin | Configuration | System | Shift Differentials | Shift Rules | Add Rule |
Shift Differential Rule | Shift Times | End Time
Admin | Configuration | System | Shift Differentials | Shift Differential Policy |
Fix differential to the Clock In
Admin | Configuration | System | Shift Differentials | Shift Rules | Add Rule |
Shift Differential Rule | Advanced Rules | An employee must work at least
minutes in this differential to receive it.
Admin | Configuration | System | Shift Differentials | Shift Rules | Add Rule |
Shift Differential Rule | Advanced Rules | An employee must have work time
between and to receive this differential.
Admin | Configuration | System | Shift Differentials | Shift Rules | Add Rule |
Shift Differential Rule | Shift Code | Shift Code
Admin | Configuration | System | Shift Differentials | Shift Differential Policy |
Policy Name
Admin | Configuration | System | Time Clocks | Clock Configuration | Current
Zone | Active Employees
Admin | Configuration | System | Time Clocks | Clock Configuration | Clocks
Admin | Configuration | System | Time Clocks | Clock Configuration | Current
Zone | Add | Add Zone | Zone Name
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Chapter 5 – How to Use Paychex Time and Labor
Employee Functions
Employee Home Page
The Employee Home Page is for employees to perform common tasks, such as clocking in or out,
submitting timesheets, viewing benefit information, and requesting time off. The Employee Home
Page displays automatically when an employee logs onto Paychex Time and Labor Online and
displays the information only for the employee currently logged on. You can customize this page
for each employee.
Actions Section
The Actions section of your home page allows you to clock in and out, start and end lunches and
breaks, and transfer from one job or department to another. You also have the option to enter
notes about the transaction.
Using the Actions Command to Change Labor Levels
Click Change Labor Levels to change a labor level or job level to associate the action
with. When complete, click Apply.
Your company can customize the label for this option.
Click the Action drop-down menu, then select the action you wish to perform.
In the Notes field, type a note about the transaction, if necessary.
Click Punch to complete the action.
You must click Punch to record this action.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Clocking In
Click the Action drop-down menu, then click Clock In.
In the Notes field, you can type a note about the transaction.
Click Punch to complete the action.
You must click Punch to record this action.
Clocking Out
Click the Action drop-down menu, then click Clock Out.
In the Notes field, type a note about the transaction, if necessary.
Click Punch to complete the action.
You must click Punch to record this action.
Starting Lunch
Click the Action drop-down menu, then click Start Lunch.
In the Notes: field, you can type a note about the transaction.
Click Punch to complete the action.
You must click Punch to record this action.
Ending Lunch
Click the Action drop-down menu, then click End Lunch.
Click Change Labor Levels to change a labor level or job level with which you wish
to associate the action.
In the Notes field, you can type a note about the transaction.
Click Punch to complete the action.
Your company can customize the label for this option.
You must click Punch to record this action.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Starting Break
Click the Action drop-down menu, then click Start Break.
In the Notes field, you can type a note about the transaction.
Click Punch to complete the action.
You must click Punch to record this action.
Ending Break
Click the Action drop-down menu, then click End Break.
Click Change labor levels to change a labor level or job level with which to
associate the action.
Your company can customize the label for this option.
In the Notes field, you can add a note along with the transaction.
Click Punch to complete the action.
You must click Punch to record this action.
Change Labor Levels
Click the Action drop-down menu, then select the action you wish to perform.
Click Change Labor levels. From the labor level drop-down menu, select the new
department or job.
Click Apply to go back to the main screen.
Click Punch to complete the action so you are now clocked in under the new labor
You must click Punch to record this action.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Employee Submitting Timesheets (optional)
Paychex Time and Labor Online allows employees to submit a timesheet as an alternative to
clocking in and out. There are four different views for Submit Time Sheets found in the Employee
Setting section of the employee’s assigned Payroll Policy. These four views are:
Show Start Time and Duration.
Show Start Time and End Time.
Show Start Time and End Time with Lunch.
Show Duration Only.
The timesheet is an online form that allows you to enter the date, start day time, start lunch time,
end lunch time, end day time, pay type, and notes. Control the form’s details by the selected
setting within the assigned Payroll Policy.
Apply any auto-deducted breaks or lunches, whether paid or unpaid. If you see a
Submit Timesheet link on the Action menu, you can submit electronic timesheets. If it
is not visible, your administrator has not enabled that option and you can still clock in
using Paychex Time and Labor Online. The employee has the ability to delete
submitted shifts from the Submit Time sheet screen as long as the shift has not been
approved by the supervisor or if the pay period has not been locked.
Click Timesheet to access this page.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Submit Time Sheet section for Show Start Time and Duration
Defaults to today’s date.
Start Day
Defaults to the default start time assigned in the Allow
Employees to submit Time Sheet for: section, located
on the Edit Employee screen.
Defaults to zero hours; type the total hours of the shift.
Defaults to Work pay type. Use the drop-down menu to
select the desired pay type.
Use to enter any required notes. Notes display in the
Timesheet section.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Submit Time Sheet section for Show Start Time and End Time
Defaults to today’s date.
Start Day
Defaults to the default start time assigned in the Allow
Employees to submit Time Sheet for: section, located
on the Edit Employee screen.
End Day
Defaults to a blank window; type the end time.
Defaults to Work pay type. Select a pay type from the
drop-down menu.
Use to enter any required notes. Notes display in the
Timesheet section.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Submit Time Sheet section for Show Start Time and End Time with
Defaults to today’s date.
Start Day
Defaults to the default start time assigned in the Allow
Employees to submit Time Sheet for: section, located
on the Edit Employee screen.
Start Lunch
Type the lunch start time.
End Lunch
Type the lunch end time.
The End Lunch time cannot be less than the
Enforce Lunch rule.
End Day
Type the end time.
Defaults to Work Pay type; select the appropriate pay
type from the drop-down menu.
Used to enter in any required notes. Notes display in
the Timesheet section.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Submit Time Sheet section for Show Duration Only
Defaults to today’s date.
Defaults to zero hours; type the total hours of shift.
Defaults to Work pay type, use the drop-down menu to
select appropriate pay type.
Used to enter in any required notes. Notes display in
the Timesheet section.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Employee Labor Level Section
Assigned Labor Levels:
Each default assigned Labor Level displays by level and assigned entity.
Change Labor Level Link:
1. Click Change Labor Level to alter default assigned levels.
2. Change your labor levels by selecting them from the drop-down menu, then
clicking Apply.
3. Click Apply on the Submit Timesheet screen to add your shift with your
new labor levels selected.
Hours Worked Section
Click To – From Date windows to manually enter desired dates to view or click
to select a date range.
Click Apply to view the date range.
Click Go to Links to select the Previous, Current, or Next pay period, or, Previous,
Current, or Next week.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Employee Submitting Timesheet Express (optional)
Paychex Time and Labor Online allows for a second option to submit time sheets called
Timesheet Express. This feature allows the employee to enter a week’s worth of hours at one
time. As with Submit Timesheets, Timesheet Express has four different views found in the
Employee Setting section of the employee’s assigned Payroll Policy.
Show Start Time and Duration.
Show Start Time and End Time.
Show Start Time and End Time with Lunch.
Show Duration Only.
The timesheet is an online form that allows you to enter the date, start day time, start lunch time,
end lunch time, end day time, pay type, and notes. The Employee Settings section within the
assigned Payroll Policy controls the form’s details.
5 - 10
Any auto-deducted breaks or lunches apply, whether paid or unpaid.
An employee cannot change an entry after they submit it unless the Employee
Setting with the assigned payroll policy is set to allow employees to edit
timesheets after administrator approval. Otherwise, only administrators can edit
timesheets after the employee submits hours.
Click Timesheet Express to access this page in the Submit Time Sheet screen.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Header Section
Click Timesheet to return to the Submit Timesheet screen.
Type the number of shifts to be displayed per day in the Shifts per day field.
Search By:
Code (requires exact match): Use when the exact Labor Level Code is known.
Select the appropriate labor level from the drop-down list.
Description (requires partial match): Use when part of the description is known
instead of code. Select the appropriate labor level from the drop-down list.
Click To – From Date windows to manually enter the desired dates to view or click
to select date.
Click Apply to apply the date.
Click Go to links to select Previous, Current, or Next Pay Period, or Previous, Current,
or Next Week.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
5 - 11
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Submit Timesheet Express Section for Show Start Time and
Detailed for each day of the work week:
5 - 12
Defaults to work pay type. Use the drop-down menu to select the
appropriate pay type.
Start Day
Defaults to the start time assigned in the Allow Employees to submit
Time Sheet for: section, located on the Edit Employee Information
screen. Type the start time of the shift.
Default is zero hours. Type the total hours of the shift.
Labor Levels
Defaults to assigned levels for each employee.
Used to enter in any required notes; notes display in the Timesheet
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Submit Time Sheet Section for Show Start Time and End Time
Detailed for each day of the work week.
Defaults to work pay type. Use the drop-down menu to select the
appropriate pay type.
Start Day
Defaults to the start time assigned in the Allow Employees to submit
Time Sheet for: section, located on the Edit Employee Information
screen. Type the start time of the shift.
End Day
Defaults to a blank window; type the end time of the shift.
Labor Levels
Defaults to assigned levels for each employee.
Used to enter in any required notes, notes display in the Timesheet
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
5 - 13
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Submit Time Sheet Section for Show Start Time and End Time with
Detailed for each day of the work week.
Defaults to work pay type. Use the drop-down menu to select the
appropriate pay type.
Start Day
Defaults to the start time assigned in the Allow Employees to submit
Time Sheet for section, located on the Edit Employee Information
screen. Type the start time of the shift.
Start Lunch
Type the lunch start time.
End Lunch
Type the lunch end date.
5 - 14
The End Lunch time cannot be less than the Enforce Lunch
End Day
Defaults to a blank window; type the end time of the shift.
Labor Levels
Defaults to assigned levels for each employee.
Used to enter in any required notes, notes display in the Timesheet
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Submit Time Sheet Section for Show Duration Only
Detailed for each day of the work week.
Defaults to work pay type. Use the drop-down menu to select the
appropriate pay type.
Type the number of hours related to the pay type that you select.
Labor Levels
Defaults to assigned levels for each employee.
Used to enter in any required notes, notes display in the Timesheet
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
5 - 15
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Status Section
The Status section of your home page displays your current work status as one of the following:
Paychex Time and Labor Online determines your status by your last punch. If you just clocked in
for the day, your status is Clocked In.
An employee works Monday through Wednesday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with an
hour lunch taken at noon. The same employee works Thursday and Friday.
Messages Section
The Messages section allows employees to view messages sent to them by administrators or
Expiration Date
5 - 16
Select one or multiple messages to delete from your message list.
Displays the date the message expires.
Displays who sent the message.
Displays the text of the message.
Deletes all messages from your message list.
Click Delete to delete the message from your message list.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Hours Worked Section
The Hours Worked section allows you to view the hours you have worked. The current week’s
timesheet displays by default. This section contains the following fields:
Calendar Icon
Enables user to view a date range of time worked and nonworked time.
Displays if employee or supervisor has approved time for the
given dates.
Displays the type of punch or transaction associated with the
calendar day.
Displays the total number of paid hours for the week in each
Pay Types
Displays the total number of paid hours for the displayed pay
type. For example, lunch, vacation, work, etc.
Total (bottom)
Displays the total number of paid and unpaid hours by the
selected date range. For example, current week.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
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How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Schedule Section
The Schedule section allows you to view your schedule. Paychex Time and Labor Online displays
the current week’s schedule by default. This section contains the following fields:
5 - 18
Displays the day of the week worked.
Displays the scheduled start time.
Displays the scheduled end time.
Total Time
Displays the total duration of hours for the shift.
Previous and Next
Click Previous to return to previous pages. Click
Next to advance to next pages of schedules.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Pay Adjustments Section
This section allows you to enter a pay adjustment if your administrator configures any pay
adjustment types for employee entry. For example, to enter tips.
The definitions of the pay adjustments are on the Pay Adjustments page.
This section is hidden by default. To maximize or display this section, go to your
Personal Settings icon.
Select values for the following fields:
Select the adjustment type.
Type the date to post this adjustment.
Type the amount for this adjustment.
Type any notes you wish to associate with this
Click Apply to complete the entry.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
5 - 19
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Adjustments Section
Pay adjustments are lump sum additions or subtractions to your pay. If your company is using
Paychex Time and Labor Online to track pay information, you can display the adjustments.
This section is hidden by default. To maximize or show this section, click Personal
Settings icon.
This section contains the following fields:
Displays the day of the week the adjustment is made.
Displays the date the adjustment is made.
Displays the type of adjustment. For example, bonus, union
dues, or tips.
Displays the amount of the adjustment.
Displays any notes regarding the adjustment.
Benefits Section
The Benefits section allows you to view the number of benefit hours you accrued, used, and that
remain. Each benefit has a link that displays the Detailed Benefits page for that employee. Refer
to the Detailed Employee Benefits section for additional information. This section contains the
following fields:
5 - 20
When the Hide Benefits feature is set to Yes, the Initial, Granted, and Used columns are
replaced with Current Balance, Approved, and Available Balance. The Benefit types are
not linked.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Detailed Employee Benefits Section
Clicking a benefit link from the Employee Home Page displays the Detailed Employee
Benefits section.
This section contains the following fields:
Displays the number of hours the employee received upfront
or that rolled over from the previous accrual period.
Displays the number of hours accrued, based on the benefits
accrual rules established.
Displays the number of hours available for use or additional
hours given to the employee as an adjustment.
Displays the amount of time used or taken by the employee
since the accrual reset date. Paychex Time and Labor Online
calculates this number based on the vacation, sick, or
personal shifts entered for the employee.
Displays the number of hours remaining.
Currently available balance for the employee.
This number calculates on the following
(initial time + time accrued) – (time used) = time left.
Enter the starting time on the Edit Employee
page in the Employee Benefits section.
Displays the date through which the benefit calculates.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
5 - 21
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Personal Info Section
The Personal Info section allows you to change your password. It is recommended that you
change your password the first time you log into the system and then every 45 days, at a
minimum. Keep your password private. If someone else knows your password, that person could
log onto Time and Labor Online and edit your records. If you forget your password, contact your
supervisor or human resources personnel to get it reset.
5 - 22
Click Change Password.
Type your old password, then type your new password.
Type your new password again to confirm it.
Click Change Password to complete the change.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Status Board Tab
The Status Board contains a grid of columns that allows you to view at a glance employees’ names,
whether or not they are in, out, at lunch, or on break, their last transaction date, and any notes
pertaining to the status. You can view the employee’s status from the Status Board, but you cannot
change it. You can view all employees or set a filter to see just the employees you select. You can
also select if regular employees can view the Status Board within the Employee Settings sections of
the Payroll Policy they are assigned to.
Color-coded push pins in the columns indicate if the employee is out for the day, clocked in for the
day, at lunch, or at break. For example, a red push pin in the Out column indicates that employee has
clocked out; and a green push pin in the Working column indicates that the employee is currently
clocked in. The Notes column displays any notes the employee entered at his or her last punch. By
default, the Status Board displays all employees.
Navigate in the Status Board
To navigate to a different page in the Status Board, click > to advance one page at a time or type
a page number, then click Go to advance to a specific page. Click >> to advance to the last page.
You can also click any number to advance to that page of employees.
Personal Settings Icon
Paychex Time and Labor Online allows each employee to customize their personal login in several
ways. Employees can customize the following settings:
The section state for sections on the Employee Home Page.
The number of employees to display on the Status Board.
The appearance of the site, including color schemes and fonts Paychex Time and Labor Online
stores these settings with the employee’s user profile so they are consistent from any computer
where the employee logs on. Click the Personal Settings icon to adjust these settings.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
5 - 23
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Employee Home Page Section
This section allows employees to customize what they view when logging onto Paychex Time and
Labor Online.
Sections Subsection
You can change the default state for the sections included on your Employee Home Page.
You can set sections to be Maximized, Minimized, or Hidden.
Select the state you wish for each section of your Employee Home Page by clicking the
drop-down arrow and selecting one of the following states.
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Section’s label and its content are visible. We
recommend this state for sections you use
frequently because it gives you the fastest possible
access to a section’s contents and actions. When
you first visit Paychex Time and Labor Online, all
sections are maximized.
Section’s label is visible, but its content is not. We
recommend this state for sections you use
occasionally. Pages with minimized sections
display faster because less information needs to be
transferred from the Paychex Time and Labor
Online servers to the user’s screen. You can
readily display the content of a minimized section
by clicking the label.
Neither the section’s label nor its content are
visible. You cannot view the section at all. We
recommend this state for sections you rarely or
never use. Pages with hidden sections display
faster than pages with maximized or minimized
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Timesheets Default Week Subsection
This section allows the user to select the default workweek to view when
logging on.
Status Board Page Section
You can customize the display and refresh settings for the Status Board Page.
Enter your settings as appropriate.
Number of employees to list per page: Type the number of employees you wish to
display on each page of the Status Board tab.
Status board refreshes every X minutes: Type how often you wish the Status Board to
refresh the displayed data.
If you set this variable to 0, the Status Board does not automatically refresh.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
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How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
General Look & Feel Section
This section allows you to customize the format settings for Paychex Time and Labor Online
when you log on. These settings affect all areas of Paychex Time and Labor Online to which you
(the user) have access.
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
Enter the settings as appropriate:
Select a color scheme to apply.
Define a look for page content.
Levels Drop
Down Lists
Type a default width in pixels for pages in your browser. If you
are unsure, leave this setting at 720.
Date: Select a format for displaying dates when an
employee is selected.
Time: Select a format for displaying time when an
employee is selected.
Time Duration: Select a format for displaying total times
when an employee is selected.
Full Names: Select an order for displaying full names when
an employee is selected.
Type the number of previous levels to display in department
drop-down menus. This enables you to see the full hierarchy of
your department structure.
Time Out
Type the number of levels in your department
hierarchy, less one. For example, if there are three
levels in your department structure, enter two.
General Font Name: Select a font for regular text.
General Font Size: Select a font size for regular text.
Heading Font Name: Select a font for section and page
Heading Font Size: Select a font size for section and page
Select the length of time that the user is to remain logged on
without any activity from the user.
When all settings are complete, click Apply Changes.
You must click Apply Changes to save the changes made.
Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide
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How to Use Paychex Time and Labor Online
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Paychex Time and Labor Online User's Guide