Johnston County Capital Democrat - Tishomingo, Okla.


Johnston County Capital Democrat - Tishomingo, Okla.
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THE CAPITAL-DEMOCRAT ❖ Thursday, August 16, 2012
All together now: 'Let's roll, Kato!'
you who read last week's
column may recall
my mentioning that I
was waiting final word
on a certain "extracurricular," non-newspaper related writing project which I had been asked to be a part of some time
Well, the ink was barely dry on last week's issue when
the awaited word came down: I have officially joined the
ranks of storytellers who have chronicled the adventures
of the famed pop culture hero The Green Hornet.
My story "Bad Man's Blunder" appears in the new
anthology The Green Hornet: Still At Large, published
by Moonstone Books. It is the company's third volume
of Hornet collections and part of a larger series of
anthologies featuring all-new adventures of similarly
well-known characters. Other volumes in the series
feature such pop fiction icons as Sherlock Holmes, The
Lone Ranger, Zorro, The Phantom, Captain Midnight
and The Avenger.
A more detailed article regarding this latest book (and
my contribution to it) can be found in an article appearing
on Page 5 of this week's issue of the Capital-Democrat.
But I wanted to take a moment here to express my joy at
being asked to participate in such a venture in the first
place, and to invite those of you who share an affinity for
this kind of adventure story to order a copy of The Green
Hornet: Still At Large today. I've read the other stories in
the collection and they are quite good indeed.
And I have to admit, it's kind of neat to be able to
announce to fellow fans, "The Green Hornet rides
again!" (Cue that wonderful Al Hirt theme song from the
old Green Hornet TV series...)
On On
A few weeks back I mentioned my old friend and
former college professor Dr. Joe Bentz, who now teaches
at Azuza Pacific University in California.
Not long afterward I received the following bits of
information from Joe, who graciously allowed me to
share them with my readers. He calls them "Bentz's Rules
for Social Media Quotes," and says they were created for
the benefit of those who come across a good quote they'd
like to share with friends on Facebook and Twitter but
aren't sure who actually said it.
Bentz's Rules for Social Media Quotes are as
1. Attribute the quote to Abraham Lincoln if it has
anything to do with politics or government. (Ronald
Reagan will also do nicely if you're conservative.)
2. Any spiritual quote should be credited to C.S. Lewis
unless it has to do with poor people - in which case, trust
me, Mother Teresa said it.
3. Quotes about writing may alternate randomly
between Anne Lamott and Ernest Hemingway.
4. Any quote containing words like "thou" or
"wouldst" may be safely attributed either to Shakespeare
or the Bible, your choice.
5. If it doesn't really matter who said it but you just
like the quote because it is particularly clever, please use
the name "Joseph Bentz."
6. As for "context," that's not your problem.
Joe ended the message as follows: "I hope this is
helpful. As Lincoln himself put it, 'If you're not for the
people, you can't buy the people.'"
(And, for the record, please bear in mind that Joe was
writing with tongue planted firmly in cheek. He knows
perfectly well that it was Buckaroo Banzai — NOT Ronald
Reagan — who uttered the immortal phrase "No matter
where you go, there you are.")
On On
Speaking of quotes worth remembering, I came
across a couple in the past week or so which, for varying
reasons, I felt were appropriate for repeating here:
"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream
a new dream." (C.S. Lewis)
"A society grows great when old men plant trees
whose shade they know they shall never sit in." (Greek
"Tomorrow's just your future yesterday." (Craig
"I don't know what you said, but I'll defend to the
death your right to confuse me." (Benjamin Franklin
"Hawkeye" Pierce)
"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through
the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter
the kingdom of God." (Matthew 19:24)
"Winners are losers who got up and gave it just one
more try." (Dennis DeYoung)
"Tell someone you love them today, because life is
short - but shout it at them in German, because life is also
terrifying and confusing." (Julian Frye)
(Column copyright @ 2012, by John A. Small)
Johnston County
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Published every Thursday at
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By the Johnston County Publishing Company, Inc.
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A member of the
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REAP funds sought for road repair project
Approval of documents
pertaining to a planned grantfunded road project was the
main item of business before
the Johnston County Board of
Commissioners this week.
During their regular meeting Monday morning, commissioners Roy Wayne Blevins,
Mike Thompson and Melvin
Farmer voted to approve a
resolution pledging to assist the
unincorporated community of
Connerville in applying for a
grant through the state's Rural
Economic Action Plan (REAP)
Blevins explained that the
application is seeking up to
$50,000 in grant funding to
chip and seal 2.5 miles of road
in Connerville.
If funding is approved the
project will take place some
time next summer, Blevins
In a related action the commissioners also approved the
actual application for grant
funding which will be submitted to the REAP program. Both
documents were approved by
separate votes of 3-0.
The commissioners also
voted 3-0 to approve a separate
resolution stating their intent
to participate in the state's
County Road Machinery and
Equipment Revolving Fund
during Fiscal Year 2012-13.
The revolving fund is
used to fund machinery and
equipment which are leased
to counties by the Oklahoma
Department of Transportation.
Participation in the program
is renewable on an annual
Thompson cited plans by
the county to use the revolving fund to obtain two needed
pieces of equipment: a chip
spreader to be used by all
three commissioner districts
for street projects; and a road
grader for Farmer's District
The resolution passed by
a 3-0 vote.
A third resolution approved
by the commissioners on Monday calls for the disposal of a
Duplo paper folding machine
which has been used by the
Johnston County Treasurer's
Blevins said Treasurer
Rana Gilpin recently obtained
a newer model paper folding
machine. He stated that Gilpin
plans to donate the older machine to the Tishomingo Fire
The resolution was approved 3-0.
In other business Monday,
the commissioners voted 3-0 to
approve a list of county-owned
equipment to be removed from
the county inventory and sold
at a Civil Engineering District
statewide auction in McAlester on Sept. 22.
The items scheduled to
be included in that auction
include a 1991 GMC pickup
truck, 1994 Chevrolet pickup,
back side mower and two 500gallon gasoline tanks owned
by District 1; a 1968 John
Deere tractor owned by District 2; and a 1979 International
bucket truck, 1996 Dodge
pickup and 1996 Chevrolet
double cab pickup, all owned
by District 3.
West Nile virus affects victims differently
When Clark Curry, 65,
started feeling sick to his
stomach during a road trip
from Wisconsin to Edmond,
Okla., West Nile didn't even
cross his mind.
"I started getting the
symptoms on the way home
and it wasn't pretty," said
Curry, who said his initial
symptoms included vomiting,
diarrhea, fever and muscle
aches. "We made it back home
to Edmond and I still wasn't
feeling better, so we came to
the ER and for the first time in
my life, I was admitted to the
Curry, who describes
himself as a fit person who
previously walked a mile and
a half multiple times per week,
found himself losing mobility in his right arm and leg.
Eventually, he would become
unable to even sit up in bed.
After nearly a week of tests
and observation, Mercy physicians arrived at the problem
— West Nile virus.
"The West Nile virus will
affect people differently. It can
range from symptoms of the
common cold to neurological
deficits. Unfortunately there is
no treatment. One just treats
the symptoms," said Dr. Beth
May, a Mercy physician in the
Ardmore emergency department. "It's important people
know how serious this disease
can be."
According to the U.S.
Center for Disease Control
(CDC), the four states Mercy
serves — Arkansas, Kansas,
Missouri and Oklahoma — are
seeing their share of the virus.
As of Aug. 7, 2012, Arkansas
has six confirmed cases, Kansas has eight, Missouri has one
and Oklahoma has 22.
There are 390 confirmed
cases in the U.S., in 26 states.
Texas has by far the highest
number of cases at 205, according to Aug. 7, 2012, data
on the CDC website.
Harkess says the disease
affects everyone a little bit
differently, but commonly
symptoms start with a fever,
muscle aches, headaches and
a skin rash. Some people never
see symptoms worse than that.
For others, like Curry, it's lifechanging.
"All it took was one bite,"
said Curry.
The virus attacked Curry's muscles and nerves, making him unable to move his
left leg and right arm. After
three weeks of treatment and
aggressive physical therapy,
Curry is making progress. He
The very term "dialysis"
refers to the separation of particles in a liquid on the basis
of differences in their ability to
pass through a membrane.
Using the medical process
as a template, Daniels and his
brother developed a method
by which nitrogen is extracted
from the atmosphere and used
in combination with highpressure units to boost oil
and natural gas after fracking
Daniels said the new technology has allowed oil and gas
companies to go back and drill
into deposits which had been
found years earlier but were
not considered accessible at
the time. The technology is
also being used to find new
reserves, especially in the
natural gas industry.
"Some of these reserves
were originally located as long
as 50 years ago, and the technology is just now catching up
and allowing the oil companies
to start tapping into them,"
is still unable to walk without
help, but he can tap his left foot
and he can bring his right arm
up nearly to his shoulder.
"I've come a long way,"
said Curry. "But we've still got
a ways to go. I wouldn't be able
to do this without my family.
My wife, my daughter, my
son, my daughter-in-law, my
son-in-law and my six grandchildren have been wonderful
Because West Nile is a virus, there is no cure. The virus
simply has to run its course
— and the body has to be in
good enough shape to beat it.
The CDC says West Nile
virus experts believe the virus
is, "a seasonal epidemic in
North America that flares up
in the summer and continues
into the fall." That means we
have a few more months to
take care.
Harkess urges people to
take all the precautions they
can this summer, including
repairing screens on windows
and doors applying insect
repellant to clothes and skin
wearing clothes that cover
skin as much as possible emptying containers of stagnant
water to prevent mosquitoes
from breeding staying indoors
— especially around sunrise
and sunset when mosquitoes
are more prevalent
The CDC website warns
people to wear gloves and
disinfect themselves if they
come in contact with dead
birds. Birds are often infected
with the virus.
ins Continued from Page 1
home for easy access.
• Repair or install window
and door screens to keep mosquitoes out of your home.
• Prevent items such as
buckets, cans, flower pots,
and tires from holding standing water so mosquitoes don't
have a place to breed.
• Empty, clean and refill
your bird baths and pet's out-
door water bowl daily.
• Clean leaves and debris
from rain gutters regularly to
ensure they are not clogged.
For more information
regarding West Nile virus, including prevention, visit http:I I and click on
"Disease Information," then
"West Nile Virus."
Continued from Page 1
Daniels said. "Even here in
the Johnston-Marshall county
area this type of technology is
what is propelling the drilling
operations here.
"A lot of oil companies
here in Oklahoma are using
this technology, (and) it has
helped to uncover a 150-year
supply of natural gas right here
in Oklahoma. We're just a portion of that overall process, and
the units we build in this new
facility will be distributed all
across the United States and
around the world."
In addition to Oklahoma,
Daniels said, equipment developed by Nitro-Lift is currently being used at drilling
operations in Texas, Arkansas,
Louisiana, Pennsylvania and
West Virginia.
He said the new facility
will initially employ between
15 and 20 new workers.
Joining Daniels and Matheny at Friday's ceremony
were Nitro-Lift co-founder
Danny Daniels; Seigel Paul
Heffington, director of the
Ray & Jenny Lokey
"[God's] Wisdom and [God's] Knowledge
will be the stability of your times, and the strength
of [your] salvation." —Isaiah 33:6
The opinions expressed are those held by the
individual columnists and writers, and do not
necessarily reflect the position of the Publishers.
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We love the people, we love the area (and) we continue
to grow our business and improve the local economy.
We look forward to a long-lasting relationship.
— Vernon Daniels
President, Nitro-Lift Technologies
Johnston County Chamber of
Commerce; County Commissioner Melvin Farmer; Joy
McDaniel, president of Murray
State College; Cecil Carter and
other representatives of the
Johnston County Industrial
Authority; Tishomingo City
Manager Jack Yates; Robert
Holliday of OG&E; architect
Tim Elliott; and Millie Vance,
the project's grant writer.
Also present were Joe Hill,
field representative for U.S.
Congressman Dan Boren;
Kay Watson of the Oklahoma
Manufacturers Alliance; Amy
Elliott of the Tri-County Indian
Nations Community Development Corporation; and representatives of the U.S.D.A.
and Oklahoma Department of
Commerce as well as NitroLift employees and family
Construction is being funded by a $236,000 Economic
Development Infrastructure
Financing grant awarded by
the Oklahoma Department of
Commerce, through its Community Development Block
Grant (CDBG) program.
The county applied for the
grant in 2010; Farmer and
fellow commissioners Roy
Wayne Blevins and Mike
Thompson voted to accept the
grant in February of 2011 and
provided preparation work at
the construction site.
The JCIA was also awarded
a $399,000 USDA grant for the
project. Thompson stated last
year that Nitro-Lift was also
providing a match of $75,150.
The facility is expected to be
completed around Nov. 1.
Newspaper Deadlines
`Letters to the Editor' Policy
The Capital-Democrat encourages letters from our readers.
Letters should address issues and ideas, not personalities;
should be printed or typed and signed by the author; and are
subject to editing for clarity and space, or to eliminate statements considered libelous or in questionable taste. Letters will
be accepted at the C-D office at 103 N. Neshoba in Tishomingo,
or may be mailed to: Letters to the Editor, c/o Johnston County
Capital-Democrat, P.O. Box 520, Tishomingo, OK 73460. UNSIGNED LETTERS WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED. Letters may
also be e-mailed to: capital_democrat@yahoo. corn. E-MAIL