Sunday Bulletin - Church of the Assumption
Church of the Assumption We come to pray ...We leave to serve 29 Jefferson Avenue, Emerson, NJ 07630 (201)262-1122 [email protected] NEW CHURCH WEBSITE: EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER WEBSITE: Served By: Rev. PAOLO TANZINI, Pastor Rev. CHRISTOPHER D. ISINTA, Parochial V icar JOHN E. HOGAN, Deacon JOSEPH J. PAULILLO, Deacon Staffed By: SISTER DOMINIC MARIE MCDONNELL, O.P. Pastoral Associate for Catechetics SUSAN JUREVICH, Director Assumption Early Childhood Center JUDI AGNEW, Y outh Leader RICHARD SORCE, Ph.D. Director of Music, Organist/Pianist SACRAMENTS BAPTISMS: Celebr ated monthly. Ar r angements should be made as soon as possible. Pre-Registration is required for the Program of Preparation and Baptism. Please call the Rectory to register. VISITATION/ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please inform the Rectory regarding persons who are hospitalized or confined to home, and arrangements will be made to bring the Sacrament to them. Anointing, any hour of the day or night, call the Rectory. CONFESSIONS: Satur days 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. noon, or anytime by appointment. MATRIMONY: Couples contemplating mar r iage should contact a priest on staff at least one year in advance, prior to making any other arrangements. VOCATIONS: Anyone contemplating vocation to the Priesthood or Religious Life should contact the Vocations Office at (973) 497-4365. PARISH MEMBERSHIP: Effective management of your parish requires that every Catholic family or individual living within the parish must be registered. Any changes should be reported to the rectory. Online Giving QR Code PARISH TRUSTEES RAY ALBANO & PAUL BRIGNOLA PASTORAL COUNCIL RAYMOND ALBANO, Chairperson PARISH FINANCIAL COUNCIL KEN ALBERS, Parish Finance Council Chairperson Invite You to Celebrate with them: Saturday: 8:00 a.m., 12:05 p.m., 5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass Sunday: 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:15 p.m. Weekdays: 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 12:05 p.m. Holy Days: As announced in Bulletin First Friday: Exposition & Adoration after 12:05 pm Mass First Saturday: Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary & Rosary 12:05 p.m. National Holidays: 9:00 a.m. Novenas after Masses: Mondays: Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal after 8:00 am & 12:05 pm Wednesdays: St. Jude & St. Anthony after 8:00 am & 12:05 pm Thursdays: St. Michael, the Archangel after 8:00 am & 12:05 pm Infant of Prague: 25th of each month after 8:00 am & 12:05 pm Rosary: Recited daily after 12:05 pm Mass. EMERGENCIES Phone: 201-262-1122, EXT. 9 Fax: 201-262-7855 ASSUMPTION EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER Phone: 201-262-0300 Fax: 201-262-5910 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 201-986-0970 JULY24,2016 CHURCHOFTHEASSUMPTION MASSSCHEDULE&INTENTIONS SUNDAY,JULY24th 8:30 Joseph Romanowicz R/b Mary Rogan 10:00 For All Parishioners 12:15 Irene Lopez R/b Frank & Virginia Barker MONDAY,JULY25th 6:30RobertDePalmaR/bHisLovingFamily (4thAnniversary) 8:00 Mary Anne McKinney R/b Elaine & Joe Palombit & Family 12:05 Jane M. Carrier R/b Mr. & Mrs. Mancini & Family TUESDAY,JULY26th 6:30 Declan O’Sullivan R/b Maura & Pat Enright 8:00 Ann DiGeronimo R/b Her Loving Family 12:05 Kenneth Sausville R/b Anthony & Maureen Aurigemma WEDNESDAY,JULY27th 6:30 Steven Kambour R/b Avo & Bobby 8:00 Valerie Mohyla R/b Valerie Mohyla 12:05 Mihovil Cukar R/b Mr. & Mrs. Zvonko Suric THURSDAY,JULY28th 6:30 Ann Marie Ciamei R/b Tom & Mary Lynch 8:00 John Scrivanich R/b The Busanic Family 12:05 Mihovil Cukar R/b Mrs. Krista Gasparic FRIDAY,JULY29th 6:30 Anto D. Rayan R/b The Cross Family 8:00 Domenick Sipala R/b Annette & Ray Takla 12:05 Ann Carol Neebling R/b Sr. Dominic Marie SATURDAY,JULY30th 8:00 Fred Vermilye R/b Tom & Mary 12:05 Jean Passante R/b Diane Drago & Family 5:00 Patrick Brouder R/b The Adelhoch Family SUNDAY,JULY31st 8:30 Joseph Romanowicz R/b Ray & Kathy Trochanowski 10:00 Donald Queren R/b Warrin & Jeannie Minck 12:15 For All Parishioners INLOVINGMEMORY BlessedMotherCandleburnsinLovingMemoryof RobertDePalma-(4thAnniversary) R/bHisLovingFamily SanctuaryCandleburnsforPrayers&Healingfor ClaireDiNiro R/bHerSisterRosarians St.JosephCandleburnsforPrayers&Healingfor MargeSpataro R/bDawnFalone&MariaArchetti MASSOFFERTORY ThankyouforyoursupportofourParishCommunity ThetotalcollectedforJuly16th/17thwas$5,458.00. TheamountcollectedfortheAnnualMissionaryAppeal was$2,512.00.Thankyouallforyourcontinued generosityforFr.MarcoandtheMissionariesof theArchdioceseofNewark. PLEASEPRAYFORTHESICK: John Sullivan, John Spellman, JR., Sara D’Elleto, Lucy DeCarolis, Bob Gilbert, Andrea Korner, James E. Hough, Jimmy Muth, Jennifer Gismondi, Jackie Santalla, Joseph Amato, (Baby) Mireya Devaraj, Jeanne Minck, Richard Pavone, Thomas Polenz, George Dfouni, Frank Bello, Nicholas Santiago, Laurel Saluzzi, Constantinos Ballas, Troy Wright, George Green, David Martin, Earl L. Harrison III, Amelia Gallo, William Whelan, Trevor Monroe, June Guarino, Joe and Keith Sweatlock, Julie Cornella, Ned Holtje, Katie Wojcicki, Donna Jean Donaccico, Louise Romagnoli, Rose Ligammari, “Jenny” and “Sandra”, Tommy Branchini, Brenden Ayers (infant), Maryann Anselmo, Richard Semenock, Debra Kool, Michael Mulvenna, Baby Declan Bogyo, Lauren Scarola, Samran Dhillon, Donna Woods, Marie Tanner, Connie Roccanova, Mary Lou Gorab, Rev. William Pape, Anne Stahl, Leonardo Franchino, Rita Puleo, Rose Mulloy, Kathy Belloise, John Bollinger, Thomas Blehl, Connor Hennessey, Marcelle Nelson, Elaine Ferretti, Jack Obermayer, Dorothy Kalivas, Hugh Hennessy, Renee Cevallos, Robert Prevedel, Claire DiNiro, “Bill” Baillargeon, Marge Spataro, Carly, Angela Barat, John Smith, Joseph Iskra, Kevin Frank, Marilyn Ferrity, Michael Kesselbrenner, Ed Helm, Zach Spadaccini, Deb Manente, John Preolo, Marianne Sullivan, Michael Conmy, Joseph Cittadino, Chris Strout, Addie Rich, May Goldstein, Gerry Farrell & Steve Makocy PLEASEPRAYFORTHOSEINTHEMILITARY: Major Jonathan Varoli, Maj. David J. Orzech, Cpt. Peter J. Orzech, PFC Justin Mignogna, Lcpl. Capt. Trev Moncure, Brian Cirola, Staff Sgt. David Elliott, Lcpl, Sgt. Damon Baker, Justin Di Niro, US Navy, Cpt. Michael Anthony Franson, Sgt. Graig A. Fraser, USMC, PFC, Sgt. Augie Manfre, US Army, PFC Christopher Leone, PFC Mark MacFarlane Jr., Sgt.PaulCimino,N.J.N.G., Corporal Kevin Quigley, USMC, SPC David Fasano, US Army, James Davies,PFCKyleRyan,Sgt.PatrickMyers,PFCEdwardJ. Korn,USMC,andSeanFlanagan,USNavy. PLEASE CALL THE RECTORY TO MAKE ANY CHANGESTOTHESELISTS. WORKERS’SCHEDULE JULY29,2016TEAM5 WELCOME:Newcomers,VisitorsandParishioners The priests, deacons & ministries of Church of the Assumption welcome you. If you would like more information about entering more fully into our parish life & ministry, we ask that you complete the form below & give it to an usher, or send it into the Rectory. Thank You! I would like…. ____ to become a Parishioner ____ to change my address ____ to receive envelopes ____ to let the Parish know of someone who is ill, or homebound & would like to receive Communion Name: ___________________________ Address: ___________________________ Phone: ____________________________ ChurchoftheAssumption JULY24,2016 AnotefromthePastor DearbrothersandsistersinChrist, EucharisticAdoration- OurEucharisticAdorationsweeklyonFridays, will be postponed for the summer months because of vacation schedules and summer commitments. WearekeepingFirstFridayAdorationthrough the summer, our nextEucharisticAdorationwill beFriday,Aug.5th. We will begin our weekly adorations every Friday, starting September 2nd, continuing weeklythrough the year.Pleasecall the Rectory of ice if you have any questions.Please consider signing up for Adoration for this coming September.SpendanhourwiththeLordtopray fortheneedsofourChurch,ourfamiliesandthe needsoftheworld. There is no limit to the number of people whocancome&pray!Thereisnolimittothe gracesthatcanbereceivedthroughprayers! A few days before leaving for my summer break to visit my family in Italy, I received an anonymous message containing the following text: “Parishioners of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, in Montclair are going to politely, but very, very actively seek your parishioners to cancel their Living Stone Pledges to express solidarity with the unjust closing of our parish.” The message ended with a candid expression of apologies “in advance” saying that I “can thank” someone, whose name I chose here to withhold. Interestingly, I had decided to write this column expressing my thankfulness to all our parishioners who are participating in the We Are Living Stones Campaign. As of today, the total amount received through the Campaign is $47,485.33. We are very, very close to reaching our Works of Mercy goal of $48,800.00! As you know, half of all donations received beyond that goal will be sent back to our parish, and partially used to refund our saving/emergency account that has been depleted due to the many repairs made in the past few years. The parish will receive rebates immediately after the reaching of the Works of Mercy Goal, hopefully soon! The total amount of pledges from our parishioners is $188,811.40, while the total amount of donors is 101, which represents about 7% of our registered families. Can we do better than that? I can certainly answer, yes! We can at least increase our participation, perhaps through a one-time donation, and quickly raise the percentage of families responding to the Campaign. Many parishioners, even in the present day and age, are able to send one single donation: $1.00, $10.00, $100.00, $1,000.00 ... any amount counts! What’s the advantage of sending a one-time donation? Simply put, you send it, you “forget” it, and you will not be solicited again in the future: no further reminders of pledges, no mailings, no phone calls! Yet, your contribution will help both the Archdiocese and your parish! The message I received from parishioners of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Montclair makes me very, very sad. Seeing a parish closing down is itself quite upsetting. In fact, according to the June 15, 2016 issue of The Catholic A dvocate, Our Lady of Mount Carmel will be merged to Immaculate Conception to form St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish in September. As we can read in the Archdiocesan newspaper, “the decision centered not of finances, but rather on a dramatic decline in the visible signs of faith life in the parish.” The merging of the two parishes in the saddest sign of a widespread crisis of faith reflected in a decline of participation in what the Church teaches, professes and lives. Would reducing our participation in an Archdiocesan Capital Campaign solve the problem? I don’t think so. It would rather make it more and more difficult to bring people together to participate in the life of the Church and enrich and revitalize our parishes. We have certainly the right to express our disappointments against decisions that upset us. Yet, a “passiveaggressive” approach always aggravates the problem rather than solve it. Withmyblessing, Fr.Paolo KNIGHTSOFCOLUMBUS Allmen18yearsoldandolderwishingtojoin the Assumption Council # 5819 Knights of Columbus are welcome to call Kevin 201-6691304, or check us out on our website www.kofc5819.orgtolearnaboutus. MinistriesReorganization- We are in the process of reorganizing and restructuring our Ministry Groups for the late summer/ earlyfall. If you have any interest in joining one of our ministries, please stop by the Rectory for a MinistryBooklet,orcalltheRectoryof iceforthe namesandphonenumbersoftheContactPerson incharge. We thank you for your patience and please lookforournewlistinginSeptember. Kindly silence your cell phones and refrain fromusingthemwhileyouareinChurch. Do not let yourself or others be distracted fromprayer&recollection!! Thankyouforyourcooperation!! ChurchoftheAssumption WEARELIVINGSTONES CAMPAIGN Thanks to all who have already contributed towards the We Are LivingStonesCampaign. To date we have raised $188,811.40in pledges from 101donors (that’s about 7% of our registered families!) Of that amount, $ 47,485.33 has already been receivedtowardsourWorksofMercygoalof $ 48,800.00- over 84% of the goal! Imagine what wecandowiththeparticipationof100%ofourparishfamilies! Please keep in mind that we will immediately receive 50% of all the monies collected above our WorksofMercygoal,tobeusedforourparishneeds. If you have not sent in your pledge cards yet, pleasedeposittheminourcollectionbaskets. KeepprayingforthesuccessoftheCampaign.The littlesacri iceofeachoneofuswillmakeusachieve greatresultsforthebene itofall! Thankyouagainforyourcontinuedsupport. SECONDANNUALCARNIVALCOMINGSOON! Our 2nd Annual Carnival is going to be held from Sept.14ththroughthe18ththis year. Last year’sCarnivalwasahugesuccess,bringingin $15,000.andwehopethathavingitintheearly Fallthisyearwillmakeitevenmoresuccessful. Oursuccessreliesonallofusasparishioners tomakeithappen. It involves many people to volunteer to help runtheCarnival,soIaskallofyou,whoiswilling tohelp?Allvolunteerslastyearhadagreattime, andlotsoffunworkingattheCarnival,theyalso hadasenseofpridebeingpartofoneofthebiggesteventsAssumptionheldinalongtime. Do you want to be a part of the Carnival this year? Pleasecontact,BrianBeahmat551-404-4965, or via email at [email protected] (preferred). Please contact me as soon as possible.Let’sdothisagain!!! Assumption ECC is still collecting clothing, shoes, purses, belts, linens & stuffed animals. Thiscollectionwillcontinuethroughoutthesummer as well. Please bring the items in plastic trash bags to the cafeteria or gym in the school. Thankyouforyourgenerosity. JULY24,2016 JOY’NTHEADULTCHOIR The Adult Choir needs YOU. Please consider becoming a member. Rehearsals are Thursdays 7:30-9:00. We sing at the 10:00 AM. Mass every Sunday from September to June. All voice types are welcome, NO experience necessary. Call Dr. Richard Sorce, Director, at 201-887-6175, for more information, or just come to the Church (rearentrance)anyThursdayevening. WANTED:BINGOPLAYERSANDWORKERS Our Bingo program on Friday nights is in dangerofbeingcancelled,duetolackofplayers andworkers. Please contact the Rectory of ice as soon as possible if you are able to help us on Friday nights. Withadditionalworkers,youwillonlyhaveto work once every 5 weeks. Please consider helping and getting your family and friends to play!!! SOCIALCONCERNSMINISTRY AUGUSTFOODDRIVE The SOCIAL CONCERNS MINISTRY will be conducting our annual FOOD DRIVE the entire month of AUGUST in honor of Our Lady of Assumption. As you know, all Food Pantries experience a greater need in the summer months, so we are asking you to contribute what you can from the suggested list below. ALL donations, including gift cards to our local supermarkets will be gratefully accepted! You may bring your food donationstothemainentranceoftheChurchany weekend in August. Gift cards may be dropped off at the Rectory Of ice during regular business hours,from9:00a.m.to5:00p.m. SUGGESTED ITEMS: Cereal, Rice, Tea, Jelly, Canned Juice, Peanut Butter, Pudding, Canned Vegetables, Instant Potatoes, Coffee, Soup, Powdered Milk, Pork & Beans, Canned Meats, Oatmeal, Tuna, Diapers, Mac-and-Cheese, Paper Towels,andToiletPaper. Thankyouallforyourcontinuedgenerosity! ChurchoftheAssumption ASSUMPTIONEARLYCHILDHOODCENTER DearParishioners: Ihopethatyouareallhavingawonderful,relaxingsummer!TheclassesatAssumptionhaveall illed up very quickly this summer…I thank all of you for speaking so kindly about the pre-school to others. It is very nice to even see some alumni of Assumption returnherewiththeirchildnow!Wearegladtohave suchastrongreputationinthiscommunity! The teachers will be getting their rooms ready and before you know it, September will be here! If you hear of anyone who is looking for a pre-school, pleasehavethemcallusat201-262-0300toseeifwe haveanyplacementsleft. As soon as school opens, we will be selling KidStuff Books. They do make great gifts for families…ifyouareinterestedinorderingonewhenthey become available, please call 201-262-0300. If you are cleaning out items from your home, continue to leavegentlyusedclothingatthecafeteriadoor,since we collect these donations throughout the entire year.Staywellandenjoythelastfewweeksof summer! GodBless, MissJurevich Here are different ways that you can be involvedinourschool: • Check out our new fundraiser here at school… SHOPAROO!! Just ind the app for this company, complete some general information on yourSmartPhone,listthenameofourschooland start helping us earn cash asap! How is that possible? All you do is scan grocery or nongrocery receipts into your SmartPhone…you will becreditedwithpoints,andthoseadduptocash forus.ThisisanEASYfundraiserthatIhopeyou will participate in throughout the rest of the school year. Flyers with further instructions are available at the school and in the Rectory. As of 7/20,ourpointssofartotal71,720!! • WecollectBOXTOPS&CampbellSOUPLABELS… feelfreetobringthemoverwheneveryougather some together. We send them directly to their respectivecompaniesthroughouttheyear. JULY24,2016 RELIGIOUSEDUCATIONNEWS IT’StimetoRegisterforCCDProgramforthe20162017year. Re-registration formsweremailed outin the beginning of May. Please get your forms back to the of ice as soon as possible!! Ifyou know of anyone interested in a New Registration, pleasehavethemcontactourof iceat201-986-0970. Sr. Dominic is looking for 6th & 7th grade teachers. Please call her of ice if you are able to help!WewelcomeALLchildren;wealsowelcome anyonewhohasadesiretohelpspreadGod’swordby teaching in our CCD Program with our other wonderfulanddedicatedteachers. Foradultswhohaven'treceivedanyofthe sacraments and are seeking instruction, please call Father Paolo Tanzini at 201-2621122. DO YOU KNOW HOW TO RECOGNIZE THE WARNINGSIGNSOFASTROKE? If you or someone you know is experiencing anyofthebelowsymptoms,call911rightaway!! It is important to seek medical treatment immediately. Sudden numbness, Dif iculty Speaking, Severe Dizziness, Loss of Coordination, Sudden Loss of Vision, Sudden Intense Headache,LossofConsciousness. ProtectyourhealthbyparticipatingintheLife Line Screening health screenings that will be at ourChurchonThursday,July28,2016. Registrations are being accepted now!! Callearlytogetyourchoiceoftimeslots. Register now for a Wellness Package which includes 4 vascular tests & osteoporosis screening from $ 149. ($ 139. with our member discount.)All ivescreeningstake60-90minutes to complete. Inordertoreceivea$ offanypackagepricedabove$129. Please call 1-888-653-6441, or visit Life Line Community Healthcare will also offer the Medicare Annual Wellness Visit to eligible Medicare bene iciaries with TRADITIONAL MEDICARE PART B. There is NOCOST/NOCOPAY. This is not a physical, but a personal wellness consultation performed by a certi ied NursePractioner.Medicareisbilledforthisvisit. Pre-registration is required. Call 1-888-6536450. SEVENTEENTHSUNDAYINORDINARYTIME EMERSONSENIORCITIZENS There will be Atlantic City Bus Trips to Caesar’s from the Emerson Senior Citizen Center, on the last Tuesday of the month. The cost of the trip is $ 25.00 and you will receive $ 30.00 in Slot Play. For more details,pleasecallPeterat201-265-3242.Allarewelcometocome!! CASA MASELLI FUNDRAISER CONTINUES THROUGHSUMMER!!!CasaMasellihasextended their fundraising efforts for the Church. All food ordered on MONDAYSANDTUESDAYS and paid for in cash, 20% will be donated back to the Parish. Don’t cookinthissummerheat!!Call in pick up a delicious dinner, keep your kitchen & home cool, while helpingtheChurch!! HELPWANTED:Thereare 2 job openings that have openeduplocally. St.Andrew’sChurchinWestwood,NJisseekinga part-time Music Director/Keyboardist. If interested, pleasecontactFr.AlexatSt.Andrew’s201-666-1100. St.JosephSchoolin Oradell, NJ has a Sept. openingforthepositionofschoolnurse.Hoursare9:30am - 2:30 pm, Monday to Friday, when school is in session. Contact Mrs. Vail, Principal via e-mail at [email protected]. Ideal for part-time parent with school age children, or energetic retiree!! Acurrent RNLicenseisrequired. CongratulationstoParishionerConnorMunson! OneofourveryownParishioners,ConnorMunson, hasquali iedtocompeteinthe2016USATFNational JuniorOlympicsinSacramento,CAfromJuly25th-July 31st. Connor quali ied at a Regional Meet this past weekend, inishing1stinthePentathlon,2ndinHigh Hurdlesand2ndintheHighJump. With your help, Connor can attend and represent our local Communities at this prestigious event. Please visit Connor’s GoFundMe campaign at http:// www.gofundme.com2d5deys?pc=em_co_dashboard_a Everylittlebithelps.Thankyouforyoursupport. Archdiocese of Newark Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat Theworld’slargestministryofhealingafterabortion. SponsoredbytheArchdioceseofNewarkRespectLife Of ice. The Retreat will be held Sept. 9th to Sept. 11th, at the Archdiocesan Youth Retreat Center, 499 BelgroveDrive,Kearney,NJ07032. Cost of Retreat is $ 150. which includes all retreat materialsandmeals) For more information, call Cheryl A. Riley at 973497-4350,[email protected] JULY24,2016 CharitableGiftAnnuity Are you looking for the perfect gift for your aging parents that would guarantee income for life? Consideropeningupacharitablegiftannuitywiththe ArchdioceseofNewark.Acharitablegiftannuitycan provide payments with direct deposit to your aging parentsnowandagifttotheirparishlater,allwhile providingyouwithbothpieceofmindandanincome tax deduction. If you want more information about this unique gift, please contact Theresa Lynch, PlannedGivingManager,ArchdioceseofNewark,973 -497-4042,[email protected] Family Life Ministries sponsors support groups forParentsGrievingtheDeathofaChild.Thegroups are led by trained facilitators-parents who have personally experienced the death of a child. The GroupmeetsatSt.PeterTheApostleChurch,Rectory Basement, 445 Fifth Avenue, River Edge, onthe3rd Mondayofeachmonthat7:30PM.Thereisnofee to participate and pre-registration is not required. PleasecalltheOf iceofFamilyLifeMinistriesat973497-4327ore-mailat [email protected] information. MarianistFamilyRetreatCenter, Cape May Point, NJ. Looking for a unique Family vacation. Marianist FamilyRetreatCenteroffersRetreatWeeksbeginning June29ththroughtheendofAugust. Costfortheweek:$210.ages8&up;$140.ages27;under2free.Financialaidisavailable. Join together with other families in a Christcentered community for the week. Mass and other family liturgies are complemented by skits, presentations,familysharing,peergroupdiscussions, sunset beach walks, and free time 4-5 hours a day. Thebeachis1/2blockaway. Tosignuporformoreinfo,call609-884-3829,or REMEMBER...It is through the generosity of our advertisers that we are able to place this bulletin into your hands without cost to the Parish. Why not get into the habit of looking through the ads and give these neighbors and merchants a chance to serve your needs? Tell them you read about them in the Assumption ParishBulletin. CoincidenceiswhenGodchoosestoremain anonymous. • Independently owned & operated • D. Matthew Leber, Vice President/Manager - N.J. Lic. No. 4593 • 268 Kinderkamack Road, Oradell, NJ (201) 261-1088 • Whether pre-planned or at-need arrangements... your main goal should be finding a funeral home that meets your family’s cultural, emotional and financial needs. River Dell Flowers & Gifts 241 Kinderkamack Rd. Oradell, NJ 201-262-8118 Flowers For All Occasions P L A Z A AU TO R E PA I R A S E C e r t i f i e d Te ch n i c i a n s F REE E STIMATES A LL W ORK G UARANTEED 9 Emerson Plaza East • Emerson, NJ 07630 (201) 265-6525 G.D.C. Contracting Inc. Roofing • Windows • Siding • Carpentry 45 Years in Business Emerson Parishioner (201) 225-1957 Gene Durocher, Pres. PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... E XPERT R EPAIRS P ERFORMED B Y A N E XPERIENCED A ND P ROFESSIONAL T EAM C ERTIFIED F OREIGN & D OMESTIC C OLLISION R EPAIR W E W ILL W ORK W ITH Y OUR I NSURANCE C OMPANY Jesus A to Z Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC 24hr E MERGENCY S ERVICE Rich Tuntigian 201-262-3333 50 Chestnut St., Emerson , NJ book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH The Diamond Jewelry Experts All Kinds Of Repairs Special Orders, Diamond Settings Your Family Jeweler 800-566-6150 ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made 179 Kinderkamack Road, Emerson, NJ 07630 (201) 265-3118 Fax (201) 265-4449 TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months 559 Kinderkamack Road Oradell, NJ 07649 William G. Basralian, Manager 201-261-0222 N.J. License No. 3173 Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 800-566-6150 • Frank DeRiso & Sons, Inc. Plumbing & Heating Madonna Cemetery and Mausoleum NEW MAUSOLEUM EXPANSION “Serving the Catholic Community for Over 150 Years” For Pre-Need Planning and to Reserve Your Space Please Call 866.392.1951 2070 Hoefley’s Lane • Fort Lee, NJ 07024 911152 Church of the Assumption (B) Established 1981 The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes CHECK IT OUT TODAY! 201-750-0840 Bonded, Licensed & Insured Work Guaranteed/Small or Big Jobs Patrick DeRiso #7680 Michael DeRiso #9387 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 BECKER FUNERAL HOME 201-664-0292 219 Kinderkamack Road, Westwood, NJ 07675 Martin O. Seitz, Manager, NJ Lic. No. 3889 Thomas G. Polito, Director, NJ Lic. No. 4268 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal n nal Companio o s r e P r Your Praye through 2030 Designed to be Readings • Reflections • Prayers Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 In Stock & Ready to Order Today. an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. CST 2117990-70 $39.95 800-566-6150 • [email protected] Bob Callagee CAL’S CAR CARE, INC. Master Technicians Foreign & Domestic Car & Truck Repair Over 25 Years Experience Snow Plowing Commercial & Residential NJ State Inspection Tel: 201-664-0559 • Fax: 201-664-7646 310 Old Hook Road, Westwood, New Jersey 07675 WHY IS IT AIRPORT LIMO A man wakes up after sleeping EMERSON to under an ADVERTISED blanket LGA $50+ toll • EWR $50+ toll • JFK $65+ toll on an ADVERTISED mattress [email protected] and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas 201-333-3111 Serving NJ, PA & DE 877.401.4777 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS • FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS • LICENSED & INSURED CHECK OUT OUR REVIEWS ON: Follow us on: bathes in an ADVERTISED shower Approved Auto Repair Masucci Electric Inc. Residential • Commercial Lic. #6752 Free Estimates Westwood: 358-6611 shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? If You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as ✔Police ✔Fire FREE Shipping ✔Friends/Family FREE Activation $1a Day! ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! 800.393.9954 Robert Martini, DDS J. Meeks Painting General & Family Dentistry Power Washing Implants ✦ Cosmetics Dentures ✦ Emergency Care FREE Estimates Fully Insured No Job 2 Small Wall Paper Removal 201.262.3663 110 KINDERKAMACK ROAD, EMERSON, NJ 07630 911152 Church of the Assumption (A) 201-384-2890 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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John Sullivan, John Spellman, JR., Sara D’Elleto, Lucy DeCarolis,
Bob Gilbert, Andrea Korner, James E. Hough, Jimmy Muth,
Jennifer Gismondi, Jackie Santalla, Joseph Amato, (Baby) Mireya
Devaraj, Je...
Sunday Bulletin - Church of the Assumption
John Sullivan, John Spellman, JR., Sara D’Elleto, Lucy DeCarolis,
Bob Gilbert, Andrea Korner, James E. Hough, Jimmy Muth,
Jennifer Gismondi, Jackie Santalla, Joseph Amato, (Baby) Mireya
Devaraj, Je...