Sunday Bulletin - Church of the Assumption
Church of the Assumption We come to pray ...We leave to serve 29 Jefferson Avenue, Emerson, NJ 07630 (201)262-1122 [email protected] NEW CHURCH WEBSITE: EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER WEBSITE: Served By: Rev. PAOLO TANZINI, Pastor Invite You to Celebrate with them: Saturday: 8:00 a.m., 12:05 p.m., 5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass Sunday: 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:15 p.m. Weekdays: 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 12:05 p.m. Holy Days: As announced in Bulletin Fridays: Exposition & Adoration after 12:05 Mass until 7:00 pm First Saturday: Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary & Rosary 12:05 p.m. National Holidays: 9:00 a.m. Rev. EUGENE J. HAZEWSKI, Pastor Emeritus Rev. CAMILO (MILES) LOPEZ, Parochial V icar JOHN E. HOGAN, Deacon JOSEPH J. PAULILLO, Deacon Staffed By: SISTER DOMINIC MARIE MCDONNELL, O.P. Pastoral Associate for Catechetics SUSAN JUREVICH, Director Assumption Early Childhood Center JUDI AGNEW, Youth Leader RICHARD SORCE, Ph.D. Director of Music, Organist/Pianist PARISH MEMBERSHIP: Effective management of your parish requires that every Catholic family or individual living within the parish must be registered. Any changes should be reported to the rectory. Novenas after Masses: Mondays: O.L. of the Miraculous Medal after 8:00 am & 12:05 Wednesdays: St. Jude & St. Anthony after 8:00 am & 12:05 pm Thursdays: St. Michael, the Archangel after 8:00 am & 12:05 Infant of Prague: 25th of each month after 8:00 am & 12:05 pm Rosary: Recited daily after 12:05 Mass. SACRAMENTS BAPTISMS: Celebr ated monthly. Ar r angements should be made as soon as possible. Pre-Registration is required for the Program of Preparation and Baptism. Please call the Rectory to register. VISITATION/ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please inform the Rectory regarding persons who are hospitalized or confined to home, and arrangements will be made to bring the Sacrament to them. Anointing, any hour of the day or night, call the Rectory. CONFESSIONS: Satur days 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. noon, or anytime by appointment. MATRIMONY: Couples contemplating mar r iage should contact a priest on staff at least one year in advance, prior to making any other arrangements. VOCATIONS: Anyone contemplating vocation to the Priesthood or Religious Life should contact the Vocations Office at (973) 497-4365. MINISTRIES Altar Servers -FR.CAMILOLOPEZ Archbishop’s Annual Appeal -MARYANNTORRE Art & Environment Ministry –NANCYWHITEHOUSE Baptism Preparation -MARGESPATARO Beauti ication –MARIONVANBLARCUM Bereavement -VIRGINIABARKER Bible Study–DAVE&SUERECTOR Bingo -JOHNWALSH Children’s Liturgy -NANCYPETRAMALE Choir Director –RICHARDSORCE,Ph.D. Cornerstone-LAURASAVINO Cub Scouts–STACEYPRICE-MUNSON Development -BRIANBEAHM Eucharistic Ministers -DEACONJOHNHOGAN Girl Scouts-TERRIRIVERS Good Samaritan –DEACONJOSEPHJ.PAULILLO Homebound-LESLIESOLIMANDO Knights of Columbus-KEVINMULVENNA Lectors –DEACONJOHNHOGAN Legion of Mary -JOYCEPYLE Parish Archives -FRANCESCAIANORA&ANNPRYER Online Giving QR Code Parish Safety Environment Coordinator –SUEJUREVICH RCIA/Religious Education -SRDOMINICMARIEMCDONNELL Respect For Life –FR.CAMILOLOPEZ Roadrunners -STEPHENMUNSON Rosary Society –LOISTOOLEN Senior Citizens -ROSEYENCO Small Christian Communities -ANNFUNK Social Concerns -MADDYSAUL Ushers –FR.CAMILOLOPEZ Venture Scouts -JOHNBROBSON Youth Ministry –JUDIAGNEW PARISH TRUSTEES - RAY ALBANO & PAUL BRIGNOLA PASTORAL COUNCIL RAYMOND ALBANO, Chairperson PARISH FINANCIAL COUNCIL KEN ALBERS, Parish Finance Council Chairperson EMERGENCIES Phone: 201-262-1122, EXT. 9 Fax: 201-262-7855 ASSUMPTION EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER Phone: 201-262-0300 Fax: 201-262-5910 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 201-986-0970 April 24, 2016 CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS SUNDAY, APRIL 24th 8:30 Francis Galano 10:00 Frank Vernon R/b His Loving Family R/b Mr. & Mrs. Steve Setteducati & Family 12:15 For All Parishioners MONDAY, APRIL 25th 6:30MartinEnrightR/bMaureenForan 8:00 Stephen Sweatlock R/b His Loving Mom, Dad & Family 12:05JohnDriscollR/bAnnPryer TUESDAY, APRIL 26th 6:30 Martin Enright R/b Joe DiGeronimo 8:00 Rocco Parisi R/b The Mulligan Family 12:05 Cosimo Possidel R/b Diana Coren WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27th 6:30 Martin Enright R/b Deacon John Hogan 8:00 Martino Scrivanich R/b The Busanic Family 12:05 Fanny Cafone R/b Her Loving Daughter (21st Anniversary) & Family THURSDAY, APRIL 28th 6:30 Martin Enright R/b Michael Flynn & Family 8:00 Jacqueline DiMeglio R/b Anna & John Sasso 12:05 John Scrivanich R/b The Busanic Family FRIDAY, APRIL 29th 6:30 Lourdes Pisari R/b Brian & Laura Beahm 8:00 Herman Velthaus R/b The Velthaus Family 12:05 Owen M. Toolen, Sr. R/b His Loving Son & (27th Anniversary) Family SATURDAY, APRIL 30th 8:00 Sr. Jane Halligan R/b Kevin Enright 12:05 Evelyn Gull R/b Mary & Kenneth Dunne 5:00 June Leslie Miller R/b The Linsalata Family SUNDAY, MAY 1st 8:30 Diane Woods R/b John & Jackie Woods 10:00 Frank Vernon R/b Maria & Keith Panza 12:15 Frances Woods R/b May Lee & Kevin Augustowicz IN LOVING MEMORY BlessedMotherCandleburnsinLovingMemoryof Stephen Sweatlock R/b HisLovingMom,Dad&Family SanctuaryCandleburnsinLovingMemoryof Peter Petrosino R/b AdrienneNelson&KennethRoman St.JosephCandleburnsinLovingMemoryof Margaret Farrell R/b Teresa&DaveDonohue MASS OFFERTORY Thank you for your support of our Parish Community TheweeklycollectionforApril16th/17thwas$5,438.00. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: John Sullivan, John Spellman, JR., Sara D’Elleto, Lucy DeCarolis, Bob Gilbert, Andrea Korner, James E. Hough, Jimmy Muth, Jennifer Gismondi, Jackie Santalla, Joseph Amato, (Baby) Mireya Devaraj, Jeanne Minck, Richard Pavone, Thomas Polenz, George Dfouni, Frank Bello, Nicholas Santiago, Laurel Saluzzi, Cathy Dwyer, Constantinos Ballas, Troy Wright, George Green, David Martin, Earl L. Harrison III, Amelia Gallo, William Whelan, Trevor Monroe, June Guarino, Joe and Keith Sweatlock, Julie Cornella, Ned Holtje, Katie Wojcicki, Donna Jean Donaccico, Louise Romagnoli, Rose Ligammari, “Jenny” and “Sandra”, Tommy Branchini, Brenden Ayers (infant), Maryann Anselmo, Richard Semenock, Debra Kool, Michael Mulvenna, Baby Declan Bogyo, Lauren Scarola, Samran Dhillon, Donna Woods, Marie Tanner, Richard Falotico, Connie Roccanova, Mary Lou Gorab, Rev. William Pape, Anne Stahl, Leonardo Franchino, Rita Puleo, Rose Mulloy, Kathy Belloise, John Bollinger, Thomas Blehl, Connor Hennessey, Marcelle Nelson, Elaine Ferretti, Jack Obermayer, Dorothy Kalivas, Hugh Hennessy, Renee Cevallos, Robert Prevedel, Claire DiNiro, “Bill” Baillargeon, Marge Spataro, Carly, Angela Barat, John Smith, Joseph Iskra, Kevin Frank, Marilyn Ferrity, Michael Kesselbrenner, Ed Helm, Zach Spadaccini, Deb Manente, John Preolo, Marianne Sullivan, Michael Conmy, Joseph Cittadino, Gloria Magyer, Fr. Eugene Hazewski, and Chris Strout. PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE IN THE MILITARY: Major Jonathan Varoli, Maj. David J. Orzech, Cpt. Peter J. Orzech, PFC Justin Mignogna, Lcpl. Capt. Trev Moncure, Brian Cirola, Staff Sgt. David Elliott, Lcpl, Sgt. Damon Baker, Justin Di Niro, US Navy, Cpt. Michael Anthony Franson, Sgt. Graig A. Fraser, USMC, PFC, Sgt. Augie Manfre, US Army, PFC Christopher Leone, PFC Mark MacFarlane Jr., Sgt.PaulCimino,N.J.N.G., Corporal Kevin Quigley, USMC, SPC David Fasano, US Army, James Davies,PFCKyleRyan,Sgt.PatrickMyers,PFCEdwardJ. Korn,USMC,andSeanFlanagan. PLEASE CALL THE RECTORY TO MAKE ANY CHANGES TO THESE LISTS. WORKERS’ SCHEDULE APRIL 29, 2016 TEAM 2 WELCOME: Newcomers, Visitors and Parishioners The priests, deacons & ministries of Church of the Assumption welcome you. If you would like more information about entering more fully into our parish life & ministry, we ask that you complete the form below & give it to an usher, or send it into the Rectory. Thank You! I would like…. ____ to become a Parishioner ____ to change my address ____ to receive envelopes ____ to let the Parish know of someone who is ill, or homebound & would like to receive Communion Name: ___________________________ Address: ___________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Church of the Assumption A note from the Pastor DearbrothersandsistersinChrist, T he Holy Spirit manifests his presence in the Church and the world by the way He inspires people to abandon themselves to the will of God and allow him to work wonders through them. Most recently we have been mourning the loss of one of them, whose answer to her divine call has produced so many fruits: Mother Angelica. Mother Angelica passed from this life to God on Easter Sunday, March 27th. She was a member of the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration, a monastic community whose charism is adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament in a spirit of thanksgiving, and prayer for all but in a special way for priests and missions. Borrowing from an article by Bishop Robert Barron, I like to reflect upon three areas of particular spiritual importance in the life of Mother Angelica: “her trust in God’s providence, her keen sense of the supernatural quality of religion, and her conviction that suffering is of salvific value.” They are, of course, so relevant to us today as they were to her throughout her life. Trust in God’s providence. According to Bishop Barron, “Mother had a blithe confidence that if God called her to do something, he would provide what was needed.” It is easy to believe that without such a confidence in God EWTN, and all its amazing accomplishments, would not have been possible. Undoubtedly, Mother Angelica understood her call to become the most charismatic American Catholic media personality of her time as something coming from God. She once said, “We need to be attuned to the will of God so we only ask for the things He desires, then you will get all you ask.” Supernatural dimension of Christianity. At a time when there was a tendency to naturalize the supernatural, to reduce Christianity to the works of social justice and the cultivation of psychological well-being, Mother Angelica “brought to the fore prayer, liturgy, the sacraments, sacramentals, the saints, adoration of the Eucharist, spiritual warfare, etc.” A great lesson for us today, a call to go back to the “basics” of Christian life and find closeness to God in the silence of a personal relationship with Him. Understanding the value of suffering. Mother Angelica endured tremendous suffering, both physical and psychological, most of her life. But she appreciated these trials as opportunities for spiritual growth. She once said, “Sometimes my worst day – one filled with pain and suffering – is my best day if I have born it cheerfully and I have born it with love.” And, “Only in eternity we shall see the beauty of the soul, and only then shall we realize what great things were accomplished by interior suffering.” May the following words become our daily prayer, as they gave strength to Mother Angelica during her life and ministry: “My God, You are my anchor on a stormy sea, my serenity on a windy night, my hope when all else fails. Your Presence surrounds me like a protective shield and when the arrows of my selfishness pierce through, your loving arms extend themselves to reach out and grasp my wandering soul.” Mother Angelica, 1923-2016. R.I.P. Withmyblessing, Fr.Paolo April 24, 2016 YOU could be a PRAYERWARRIORand ADORER? Weekly adoration of the Blessed Sacrament continues every Friday after the 12:05 Mass until 7:00p.m. If you would like to commit to one hour of adoration, please call the Rectory to ind out the hourswhen weneedmore adorers,andtoadviseus ofyouravailability. Allarewelcometocomeatanytime. There is no limit to the number of people who can come & pray! There is no limit to the graces that can be received through prayers! CATECHESIS FOR ADULTS AND YOUTH Did you miss the Catechesis back in the Fall? Or, do you want to hear it again? Catechesis for Adults and Youth began again at Assumption on April 4th, every Monday and Thursday at 7:30 PM. Everyone is still welcome to attend at anytime. Do you have everything and still feel empty? Do you believe that God loves you as you are? Are you looking to deepen your faith? Jesus Christ has the power to transform your life! COME AND LISTEN! Mondays and Thursdays at 7:30 PM. All are welcome, adults and youth, 12-year-old and older! No fee, no commitment, free babysitting! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Allmen18yearsoldandolderwishingtojointhe AssumptionCouncil#5819KnightsofColumbusare welcometocallKevin201-669-1304,orcheckusout onourwebsitewww.kofc5819.orgtolearnaboutus. KnightsofColumbusCouncil#5819wantstothank each&everyoneofyou foryour generousdonations for the Help with People of Special Needs collection thispastweekend,April16th&17th,atthedoorsof theChurch.Agrandtotalof$ 530.16 wascollected!! Church of the Assumption WE ARE LIVING STONES CAMPAIGN ThankstoallwhohavealreadycontributedtowardstheWe Are Living Stones Campaign. To date we have raised $ 158,268.40 in pledges from78donors(that’slessthan5%ofourregistered families!) Ofthatamount,$ 27,165.15 hasalreadybeenreceivedtowardsourWorksofMercygoalof $ 48,800.00 - over 50% of the goal! Imagine what wecandowiththeparticipationof100%ofourparishfamilies! Please keep in mind that we will immediately receive 50% of all the monies collected above our WorksofMercygoal,tobeusedforourparishneeds. If you have not sent in your pledge cards yet, please deposit them in our collection baskets. Keep praying for the success of the Campaign. The little sacri iceofeachoneofuswillmakeusachievegreat resultsforthebene itofall! Thankyouagainforyourcontinuedsupport. “BABY SHOWER COLLECTION” MAY 7 & 8 The Social Concerns Ministry is onceagainsponsoringa“BabyShower”onMother’sDayweekend,May 7th and 8th forthebeneitofNEWHOPE,INC.,whohaverecentlymoved their of ices to Westwood. New Hope is a nonpro it 501c(3) organization. They have been helping irsttimesinglemothersandtheirbabies in Bergen County for 30 years. They provide subsidies for housing, day care, education and counseling.Eachmother’srighttoalifeofdignity isatoppriority. Suggested gifts are: Baby wipes, baby shampoo, A & D Ointment, Infant wash cloths, Bibs, Infantonesies-sizes12mos.,18mos.,&24mos., Diaper bags, Aventi baby bottles, Paci iers, Girls short sleeve clothes sizes 18-24 mos., Pull-ups, Diapers-sizes5,6. ThereisagreatneedforInfantcarseatswhich have become quite costly, it was suggested that maybeagroupwouldliketochipintobuyone. WEaskthatallgiftsbeNEWandUNWRAPPED and brought to the main entrance of the Church by Mother’s Day Weekend. Thank you for your generosity! April 24, 2016 JOY’N THE ADULT CHOIR The Adult Choir needs YOU. Please consider becomingamember.RehearsalsareThursdays7:309:00. We sing at the 10:00 AM. Mass every Sunday fromSeptembertoJune.Allvoicetypesarewelcome, NO experience necessary. Call Dr. Richard Sorce, Director, at 201-887-6175, for more information, or justcometotheChurch(rearentrance)anyThursday evening. GOSPEL MUSIC CONCERT AT ASSUMPTION! Haveyouenjoyedourmusicconcertsandthe vibrancytheyhavebroughttoourchurch?Then you don’t want to miss this one, HAPPENING TODAY!! Share the joy of GOSPEL MUSIC as Mack Brandon brings his fabulous choir to Church of the Assumption for an unforgettable interactive experienceonSunday, April 24th,at 4:00 PM. A music professor at Ramapo College for the past 20 years, Brandon was the pianist and musical director for Ben E. King, The Drifters, Average White Band and the Supremes. Brandon’s choir features the best voices from around the state, including Ramapo College students. Don’t miss this opportunity to rejoice in the Lord during this Easter time by attendingthiswonderfulconcert! Take Me Out To the Ball Game!! The Church of the Assumption, in conjunction with Roadrunner’s is sponsoring a Community Event. Anyone interestedinattendingaNJJackalsbaseball game on Saturday, June 11th, 6:00 p.m. at Yogi Berra StadiumatMontclairStateUniversity,pleasepickup a lyer at the doors of the Church, or in the Rectory of ice. Thecostoftheticketis$15.00perperson,which includesboxseats,hotdog,chipsandasoda!Tickets arelimitedto40!!Firstcome, irstserved!Formore information, please contact Stephen Munson at 201497-0054,[email protected]. Church of the Assumption ASSUMPTION EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER Dear Parishioners: During this Easter season, the entire Assumption ECC community wishes you happiness and joy. We sing words of praise because Jesus is alive! We aresothankfulthatyouare illedwithJesus’love…we experience it when you donate something to our schooloryousupportaneventthatisgoingoninthe school.Onceagain,wesay“thanks”forbeingsogenerousandthoughtful.Itisgreatlyappreciated! WehopethatyouwilljoinusforourTrickyTray on April 23rd…it should be a fun evening for all! The admission fee is $20.00 and if you would like prices on the bags of tickets that we are selling, please call theschool’sof iceat201-262-0300.Pickupyour lyer today at the doors of the Church, in the Rectory of ice,orattheschool. We are also trying to start a Summer Camp for children ages 2-6 years old that would run until the endofJuly.Ifyouwouldbeinterestedinthis,orknow someone else who is looking for a pre-school camp, sinceyoudonothavetoattendtheschooltojoinus forcamp…pleasecalltheschool’sof iceaswell. StaywellandHappyEaster! Miss Jurevich Director Here are different ways that you can be involved in our school: • • Check out our new fundraiser here at school… SHOPAROO!! Just ind the app for this company, complete some general information on yourSmartPhone,listthenameofourschooland start helping us earn cash asap! How is that possible? All you do is scan grocery or nongrocery receipts into your SmartPhone…you will becreditedwithpoints,andthoseadduptocash forus.ThisisanEASYfundraiserthatIhopeyou will participate in throughout the rest of the school year. Flyers with further instructions are available at the school and in the Rectory. As of 4/20, ourpointssofartotal55,425!! WecollectBOX TOPS &CampbellSOUP LABELS… feelfreetobringthemoverwheneveryougather some together. We send them directly to their respectivecompaniesthroughouttheyear. April 24, 2016 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS It is almost time to Register for CCD Program for the 2016-2017 year. Re-registration forms will be mailed out in the beginning of May. If you know of anyoneinterestedinaNewRegistration,pleasehave themcontactourof iceat201-986-0970. We welcome ALL children; we also welcome anyone who has a desire to help spread God’s word by teaching in our CCD Program with our other wonderful and dedicated teachers. God bless each andeveryoneofyou. Foradultswhohaven'treceivedanyofthe sacraments and are seeking instruction, pleasecallFatherPaolo Tanziniat201-2621122. Assumption Early Childhood Center will be relocating the playground for the children into thecourtyardinthecenteroftheschool. We are looking for donations to purchase ground cover for that area which is approximately1,400squarefeet. Anydonationscanbesentintotheof iceofthe Assumption School, at Mass or mailed or droppedoffattheRectoryof ice. Thankyouforyourhelp! URGENT! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO HELP RUN BINGO!! Our Bingo on Friday nights is in danger of beingcancelledduetolackofvolunteerstohelp run the Friday night Bingo Program. Please contact the Rectory of ice as soon as possible if you are able to help us on Friday nights, or for any questions. With the additional volunteers you may only need to help one (1) Friday night permonth. ASSUMPTION EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER If you would like to donate towards the ground cover needed for the new playground area in the courtyard of the school, please fill out this form and drop in the basket on Sundays, in the Rectory Office, or at the School. Any amount you are able to donate will be gratefully accepted. Thank you for your support! Name:______________________________________ Phone:_________________________________________ ** Make checks payable to Assumption ECC** FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER EMERSON SENIOR CITIZENS There will be Atlantic City Bus Trips to Caesar’s from the Emerson Senior Citizen Center, on the last Tuesdayofthemonth.Thecostofthetripis $25.00andyouwillreceive$30.00inSlotPlay.For more details, please call Peter at 201-265-3242. All arewelcometocome!! CASA MASELLI FUNDRAISER CONTINUES CasaMasellihasextendedtheirfundraisingefforts for donations to the Church. All food ordered on TUESDAYS until the end of May and paid for in cash, 20% will be donated back to the Parish. Please stop by Casa Maselli’s on Tuesdays to get your lunch and/ordinnerandhelptheChurchatthesametime. High School Open Houses: Holy Angels Academy,Demarest Monday,April25th,from9:00to11:45AM Immaculate Heart Academy, WashingtonTwnsp. Thursday,April28th,from6:30to8:30PM Paramus Catholic High School, Paramus Wednesday,May4th,from7:00to9:00PM St. Joseph Regional, Montvale Wednesday,May4thfrom6:30to9:00PM Registrations can be made on the school websites at grade sneak peek,orforParamusCatholic,callAdmissionsat201445-4466, ext. 104, & for St. Joseph’s registration,&[email protected]. Academy of Holy Angels, located in Demarest will be sponsoring their 2nd Annual Food Truck & Arts Festival on Sunday, May 1st from 1:00 to 6:00 PM. This festival will include the following food trucks: Luke’s Lobster, Wafels & Dinges, CheezeN Empanada Mania,PizzaVita,Ms.Fu’sYummyFoodTruck&Polka DotCupcake.AHAwillhighlightitsextensiveArtsProgram with performances from the vocal ensemble, cast of the production “Children Of Eden” & National ChampionVarsity&2ndPlaceJVDanceTeams.This isafamily illeddayTicketscanbe purchasedonline for$15.with$15.infoodvouchers.Atthedoorticketswillbe$15.witha$10.foodvoucher. The Acoustic Café Music Series will present a special Spring Concert on May 7th, at St. John’s Church in Hillsdale.JointhemforanupliftingeveningofAmericana,folk,pop,&country lavored musicwithaward winningperformersArlonBennett&theHealingProject&theLorettaHagenTrio.8PMshowtime.Tickets $ 20. advance online & $ 23. at the door., or call 201-573-0718. Proceedswillbene itSt.John’sArt&MusicFestival. April 24, 2016 ARCHDIOCESE OF NEWARK 2016 LENTEN REGULATIONS 1. The days of both Fast and Abstinence during Lent are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. If possible, the fast on Good Friday is continued until the Easter Vigil (on Holy Saturday night) as the “paschal fast” to honor the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus, and to prepare ourselves to share more fully and to celebrate more readily His Resurrection. The other Fridays of Lent are days of Abstinence. On a day of Fast, only one (1) full meal is permitted, and two (2) smaller meals, which if added together, would not exceed the main meal in quantity. Those between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to fast. On a day of Abstinence, no meat may be eaten. Those who have reached the age of 14 are obliged by the law of abstinence. 2. The obligation to observe the laws of Fast & Abstinence “substantially”, or as a whole, is a serious obligation. 3. The Fridays of the year, outside of Lent, are designated as days of penance, but each individual may substitute for the traditional abstinence from meat some other practice of voluntary self-denial as penance. 4. The time for fulfilling the Paschal Precept (Easter Duty*) extends from the First Sunday of Lent, February 14, 2016 to The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, May 22, 2016. *Canon 920, 1. All the faithful, after they have been initiated into the Most Holy Eucharist, are bound by the obligation of receiving Communion as least once a year. New Hope, Inc. will be holding their Annual 31st Anniversary Gala, on Wednesday, April 27th, from 6:30to10:30p.m.CocktailatSeason’sinWashington Township. Tickets are $ 75.00 which include a cocktail hour, gourmet dinner, Tricky Tray, Silent Auction, raf les & dancing. Your generosity enables us to help irst time mothers and their babies. Call Kathy 201-573-8697, or [email protected], for reservations,orinfo. REMEMBER…It is through the generosity of our advertisers that we are able to place this bulletin into your hands without cost to the Parish. Why not get into the habit of looking through the ads and give these neighbors and merchants a chance to serve your needs? Tell them you read about them in the Assumption ParishBulletin. • Independently owned & operated • D. Matthew Leber, Vice President/Manager - N.J. Lic. No. 4593 • 268 Kinderkamack Road, Oradell, NJ (201) 261-1088 • Whether pre-planned or at-need arrangements... your main goal should be finding a funeral home that meets your family’s cultural, emotional and financial needs. River Dell Flowers & Gifts 241 Kinderkamack Rd. Oradell, NJ 201-262-8118 Flowers For All Occasions P L A Z A AU TO R E PA I R A S E C e r t i f i e d Te ch n i c i a n s F REE E STIMATES A LL W ORK G UARANTEED 9 Emerson Plaza East • Emerson, NJ 07630 (201) 265-6525 G.D.C. Contracting Inc. Roofing • Windows • Siding • Carpentry 45 Years in Business Emerson Parishioner (201) 225-1957 Gene Durocher, Pres. PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... E XPERT R EPAIRS P ERFORMED B Y A N E XPERIENCED A ND P ROFESSIONAL T EAM C ERTIFIED F OREIGN & D OMESTIC C OLLISION R EPAIR W E W ILL W ORK W ITH Y OUR I NSURANCE C OMPANY Jesus A to Z Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC 24hr E MERGENCY S ERVICE Rich Tuntigian 201-262-3333 50 Chestnut St., Emerson , NJ book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH The Diamond Jewelry Experts All Kinds Of Repairs Special Orders, Diamond Settings Your Family Jeweler 800-566-6150 ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made 179 Kinderkamack Road, Emerson, NJ 07630 (201) 265-3118 Fax (201) 265-4449 TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months 559 Kinderkamack Road Oradell, NJ 07649 William G. Basralian, Manager 201-261-0222 N.J. License No. 3173 Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 800-566-6150 • Frank DeRiso & Sons, Inc. 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