Sunday Bulletin - Church of the Assumption
Sunday Bulletin - Church of the Assumption
Church of the Assumption We come to pray ...We leave to serve 29 Jefferson Avenue, Emerson, NJ 07630 (201)262-1122 [email protected] NEW CHURCH WEBSITE: EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER WEBSITE: Served By: Rev. PAOLO TANZINI, Pastor Rev. EUGENE J. HAZEWSKI, Pastor Emeritus Rev. CAMILO (MILES) LOPEZ, Parochial Vicar JOHN E. HOGAN, Deacon JOSEPH J. PAULILLO, Deacon Invite You to Celebrate with them: Saturday: Sunday: Weekdays: Holy Days: First Friday: Staffed By: SISTER DOMINIC MARIE MCDONNELL, O.P. Pastoral Associate for Catechetics SUSAN JUREVICH, Director Assumption Early Childhood Center JUDI AGNEW, Youth Leader RICHARD SORCE, Ph.D. Director of Music, Organist/Pianist PARISH MEMBERSHIP: Effective management of your parish requires that every Catholic family or individual living within the parish must be registered. Any changes should be reported to the rectory. 8:00 a.m., 12:05 p.m., 5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:15 p.m. 6:30 a.m., 8:00 a.m., 12:05 p.m. As announced in Bulletin Mass 12:05 p.m. Devotions, Adoration and Benediction following Mass First Saturday: Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary & Rosary 12:05 p.m. National Holidays: 9:00 a.m. O.L. of the Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday after 8:00 a.m. and 12:05 Mass St. Jude and St. Anthony Novena: Wednesday after 8:00 a.m. & 12:05 Mass Infant of Prague Novena: The 25th of the month after 8:00 a.m. and 12:05 Mass Rosary: Recited daily after 12:05 Mass SACRAMENTS BAPTISMS: Celebrated monthly. Arrangements should be made as soon as possible. Pre-Registration is required for the Program of Preparation and Baptism. Please call the Rectory to register. VISITATION /ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please inform the Rectory regarding persons who are hospitalized or confined to home, and arrangements will be made to bring the Sacrament to them. Anointing , any hour of the day or night, call the Rectory. CONFESSIONS: Saturdays 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. noon, or anytime by appointment. MATRIMONY: Couples contemplating marriage should contact a priest on staff at least one year in advance, prior to making any other arrangements. VOCATIONS: Anyone contemplating vocation to the Priesthood or Religious Life should contact the Vocations Office at (973) 497-4365. MINISTRIES Altar Servers - FR. CAMILO LOPEZ Archbishop’s Annual Appeal - MARY ANN TORRE Art & Environment Ministry – NANCY WHITEHOUSE Baptism Preparation - MARGE SPATARO Beautification – MARION VAN BLARCUM Bereavement - VIRGINIA BARKER Bible Study– DAVE & SUE RECTOR Bingo - MARIA PONZO Children’s Liturgy - NANCY PETRAMALE Choir Director – RICHARD SORCE, Ph.D. Cornerstone - LAURA SAVINO Cub Scouts– STACEY PRICE-MUNSON Development - BRIAN BEAHM Eucharistic Ministers - DEACON JOHN HOGAN Girl Scouts-TERRI RIVERS Good Samaritan – DEACON JOSEPH J. PAULILLO Homebound - LESLIE SOLIMANDO Jubilee Committee - BRIAN BEAHM Knights of Columbus - DOUGLAS HERON Lectors – DEACON JOHN HOGAN Legion of Mary - MARITA MORGAN Online Giving QR Code Parish Archives - FRANCESCA IANORA Parish Safety Environment Coordinator – SUE JUREVICH RCIA/Religious Education - SR DOMINIC MARIE MCDONNELL Respect For Life – FR. CAMILO LOPEZ Roadrunners - JOE MAURER Rosary Society – LOIS TOOLEN Senior Citizens - ROSE YENCO Small Christian Communities - ANN FUNK Social Concerns - MADDY SAUL Ushers – FR. CAMILO LOPEZ Venture Scouts - JOHN BROBSON Youth Ministry – JUDI AGNEW PARISH TRUSTEES - RAY ALBANO & PAUL BRIGNOLA PASTORAL COUNCIL RAYMOND ALBANO, Chairperson PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL KEN ALBERS, Chairperson EMERGENCIES Phone: 201-262-1122, EXT. 9 Fax: 201-262-7855 ASSUMPTION EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER Phone: 201-262-0300 Fax: 201-262-5910 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 201-986-0970 January 25, 2015 CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS SUNDAY, JANUARY 25th 8:30 Sr. Beata Virginia R/b George & Maureen Howlin 10:00 For All Parishioner 12:15 Kenneth F.X. Albers, Sr. R/b Tomansky Family MONDAY, JANUARY 26th 6:30 Sr. Ann Therese R/b Louise Lucivero 8:00 Maria Bussanich R/b John & Josephine Bussanich 12:05 Francis Galano R/b His Loving Family TUESDAY, JANUARY 27th 6:30 Sr. Ann Therese R/b Sr. Elizabeth Holler 8:00 Joan McGarry R/b Tom & Domenica Amato 12:05 Michael Joseph Moylan R/b Tom & Mary Healy WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28th 6:30 Sr. Ann Therese Trinidad R/b Timothy & Ellen Keohane 8:00 Richard Hourihan R/b Mary & John Zerbo 12:05 John Scrivanich R/b The Busanic Family THURSDAY, JANUARY 29th 6:30 Sr. Ann Therese Trinidad R/b Rosanne Galle 8:00 Bernard Newman, Jr. R/b John & Suzanne Walsh 12:05 Luigi Tanzini R/b Fr. Paolo FRIDAY, JANUARY 30th 6:30 Geraldine McCloskey R/b The Quigley Family 8:00 Edward Moylan R/b His Loving Family 12:05 Harry Menta R/b Marge & Ralph Spataro SATURDAY, JANUARY 31st 8:00 Perfecto O. Mico R/b Mr. & Mrs. Dakay 12:05 Mary Ann Cohen R/b Dianne Conklyn & Family 5:00 Catherine Troise R/b Jeanne McManus SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1st 8:30 Dec’d Members of the R/b Lois & Jim Toolen 10:00 Anthony Capone R/b The Amato Family 12:15 For All Parishioners IN LOVING MEMORY Blessed Mother Candle burns in Loving Memory of Jan & Tekla Lozowski R/b Sofia St. Joseph Candle burns for continued healing & prayers for Mary McCole R/b The Devaney Family Sanctuary Lamp burns for continued healing & prayers for Breid Doherty R/b The Devaney Family MASS OFFERTORY Thank you for your support of our Parish Community. The weekly collection for January 17/18 was $ 3,647.00 Finance: The monthly financial need for the Parish is large and has increased from last year. The increase is due, in part, to the increase in the Archdiocesan assessment, utility expenses and in increase in general operating expenses. We on the Finance Council are trying to be diligent in keeping expenses as low as possible while meeting the financial needs of the parish. The amounts for December 2014 are: Monthly Need -$ 46,500. Donations - $ 42,668. (Excluding Christmas Donations) PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK John Sullivan, John Spellman, JR., Sara D’Elleto, Lucy DeCarolis, Bob Gilbert, Andrea Korner, James E. Hough, Jimmy Muth, Jennifer Gismondi, Jackie Santalla, Joseph Amato, (Baby) Mireya Devaraj, Jeanne Minck, Richard Pavone, Thomas Polenz, George Dfouni, Frank Bello, Nicholas Santiago, Laurel Saluzzi, Cathy Dwyer, Constantinos Ballas, Troy Wright, Lilo Gudzowski, George Green, David Martin, Earl L. Harrison III, Amelia Gallo, Frank Deluga, William Whelan, Trevor Monroe, June Guarino, Joe & Keith Sweatlock, Julie Cornella, Ned Holtje, Katie Wojcicki, Maryann Capuzzo, Donna Jean Donaccico, Louise Romagnoli, Rose Ligammari, “Jenny” and “Sandra”, Tommy Branchini, Brenden Ayers (infant), Maryann Anselmo, Richard Semenock, Debra Kool, Michael Mulvenna, Baby Declan Bogyo, Mark Francke, Lauren Scarola, Samran Dhillon, Donna Woods, Lisa Graf, Marie Tanner, Richard Falotico, Connie Roccanova, Mary Lou Gorab, Rev. William Pape, Lisa Graf, Anne Stahl, Leonardo Franchino, Pauline DeLuca, Carol Price-Decker, Rita Puleo, Rose Mulloy, Domenick Sipala, Kathy Belloise, John Bollinger, Vito Lucivero, Lori Levine, Janice Hanson, and Thomas Blehl. Please call the rectory to make any changes to this list. PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE IN THE MILITARY: Major Jonathan Varoli, Maj. David J. Orzech, Cpt. Peter J. Orzech, PFC Justin Mignogna, Lcpl. Capt. Trev Moncure, Brian Cirola, Staff Sgt. David Elliott, Lcpl, Sgt. Damon Baker, Justin Di Niro, US Navy, Cpt. Michael Anthony Franson, Sgt. Graig A. Fraser, USMC, PFC Ryan Christopher Fraser, USMC, Sgt. Augie Manfre, US Army, PFC Christopher Leone, PFC Mark MacFarlane Jr., Sgt. Paul Cimino, N.J.N.G., Corporal Kevin Quigley, USMC, SPC David Fasano, U. S. Army, James Davies, USMC Please call the Rectory to make any changes to this list. WORKERS’ SCHEDULE JANUARY 30, 2015 at 7:30 Team 3 WELCOME: Newcomers, Visitors and Parishioners The priests, deacons & ministries of Church of the Assumption welcome you. If you would like more information about entering more fully into our parish life & ministry, we ask that you complete the form below & give it to an usher, or send it into the Rectory. Thank You! I would like…. ____ to become a Parishioner ____ to change my address ____ to receive envelopes ____ to let the Parish know of someone who is ill, or homebound & would like to receive Communion Name: ___________________________ Address: ___________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Church of the Assumption Online Giving Demonstrate your Thankfulness this Season Each holiday season, Church of the Assumption anticipates and relies on a seasonal increase in contributions. It is through the donations of every individual and family in the congregation that we are able to carry on our work now and throughout the year. If you need a convenient way to make recurring contributions or plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to check out our electronic giving options. As the pace of life speeds up around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions. To set up a recurring giving schedule, visit us online at and locate the Online giving button. Or if it’s easier, complete a paper authorization form and return it to the church office. Thank you for your generosity and support. Online Giving Cards Many parishioners have signed up for our Online Giving program. Some of them have requested cards to be put into the Sunday’s collection basket in place of their cash donation. Cards are now available at the Rectory office for anyone interested in using them. Thank you for your continuous support. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS All men 18 years old and older wishing to join the Assumption Council # 5819 Knights of Columbus are welcome to call 201225-1874, or check us out on our website at to learn more about us. Assumption Knights of Columbus Council #5819, are running their Annual 50/50 Raffle. This is the only event that is used by the Council to help it continue to run through-out the year. Tickets are $10.00 each. Please help support your Knights Council by purchasing as many tickets as possible, so that we can continue to serve our community, our parishioners and our church with close to 50 years of dedicated service. SPECIAL RENEWAL OF VOWS SERVICES Father Paolo in conjunction with the Jubilee Committee would like to ask that all married couples make a special effort to attend one of the Valentine’s Day weekend Masses. Weekend Masses on February 14th and 15th will have a special “renewal of wedding vows” service at each Mass. There will also be a “special recognition” to the longest married couple at each Mass. Please join us in expressing again, in front of the Lord, your love and devotion for your spouse. ROSARY SOCIETY There will be NO Rosary Society meetings for the months of January and February. The next meeting will be held on March 16, 2015. Please try to attend. January 25, 2015 A note from the Pastor Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, L ast Thursday all dioceses in the United States have observed a Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. Since the 1973 Supreme Court decision Roe vs. Wade more than 56 million abortions have been performed in the USA (an average of more than two per minute.) All are aware that many mothers (and fathers) decide to terminate a pregnancy out of fear, ignorance, immaturity, and many other reasons. God offers his forgiveness to them also, who, like all sinners, suffer the emotional and psychological consequences of their mistakes. Indeed, many a parent has become a stronger defender of life by experiencing God’s mercy after confessing their abortions. We easily understand that any form of life must be respected and taken care of. Life is has such a high value in itself that no one has the right to interfere with its natural growth and development. As Christian we even have a further reason to defend the right of all humans to live: life is in fact eternal! We don’t live only for this world. We are all created in order to live eternally, first here on earth, then in Heaven, and finally in the world God will “recreate” at the resurrection of our bodies, when all will be restored and made incorruptible. The Church has always taught that we should keep our minds and hearts fixed on the reality of the resurrection and eternal life that Christ has conquered for all those who believe. St. Augustine describes such belief in one of his discourses on the Gospel of John. With profound wit (and a little bit of irony) he perfectly describes what the longings of all human hearts are, as he urges them to receive the promise God has made to all his children. He says: “Behold what we must love.…Let us see what He has promised us. Not earthly and temporal riches, not honors and power in this world.…Not, in short, bodily health itself, though it is He that gives that also.…Not long life; for what, indeed, is long that will some day have an end? “It is not length of days that He has promised to His believers as if that were a great thing, or decrepit old age, which all wish for before it comes, and all murmur at when it does come. Not beauty of person, which either bodily disease or that same old age which is desired drives away. One wishes to be beautiful, and also to live to be old: these two desires cannot agree together; if you shall be old, you will not be beautiful; when old age comes, beauty will flee away; the vigor of beauty and the groaning of old age cannot dwell together in one body. “All these things, then, are not what He promised us when He said, ‘He who believes in me, let him come to me and drink, and out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water.’ He has promised us eternal life, where we shall have no fear, where we shall not be troubled, whence we shall have no migration, where we shall not die.” With my blessing, Fr. Paolo JUBILEE ChurchEVENTS of the Assumption January 25, 2015 JUBILEE MOMENTS….. Women’s Cornerstone February 2015!! Are you looking to strengthen your spiritual connection to CHRIST? Do you want to reconnect with your faith? Meet other women in the Parish? What better time to start than at the beginning of LENT. Please join us for Cornerstone VII, which will be held at Assumption starting Friday evening, February 20th through Saturday evening, February 21st. Additional information can be found in registration forms at the doors of the Church. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy at 201-664-1424, or Laura at [email protected]. JOY’N THE ADULT CHOIR The Adult Choir needs YOU. Please consider becoming a member. Rehearsals are Thursdays 7:30-9:00. We sing at the 10:00 a.m. Mass every Sunday between September & June. All voice types are welcome, NO experience is necessary. Call Dr. Richard Sorce, Director, at 201-887-6175, for more information, or just come to the Church (rear entrance) any Thursday evening. KEEP THOSE CARTRIDGES COMING!!! We wish to thank ALL of you who have been donating your used ink-jet printer cartridges. This has proven to be very helpful in supplementing our income & also in protecting the environment. Please continue to participate in this program. We receive $2.00 for each used ink-jet cartridge we submit providing they are NO LARGER THAN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND & also if the print-head is not damaged. This can be accomplished by either placing them back into the original box from time of purchase, or covering the head with a small piece of foil. Thank you for your help. World Day for Consecrated Life Since 1997, the universal Church has celebrated the World Day for Consecrated Life close to the feast of the Presentation of the Lord. On Sunday, February 1st, the Archdiocese will observe this day with a special emphasis on the call to consecrated life in today’s world. The consecrated life is one way that men and women live out their baptismal commitment as followers of Jesus. Some become members of a religious congregation or secular institute. Others remain single and make a profession to God through the local bishop. We recognize and give thanks for those who have consecrated their lives to God and the Church through the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Pope Francis has proclaimed this year as the Year of Consecrated Life and it is in this light that Archbishop Myers invites all the faithful to gather in celebration, support and thanksgiving. This invitation is extended in a special way to the members of every parish as a means of participating in the Year of Consecrated Life and to thank the consecrated men and women of our Archdiocese for their selfless give of service to our local Church. Come celebrate with us as we gather in the spirit of that call. For more information, please see the Year of Consecrated Life Website at BLESSINGS OF HOMES AND FAMILIES On the occasion of the Jubilee Year, the Church of the Assumption is introducing the Catholic Tradition of the Blessing of Homes and Families. If you are interested in Father Paolo, or Father Miles coming to your home to provide a House Blessing, please call the Rectory office at 201-262-1122, to schedule an appointment. MYSTERIES OF MAGIC Saturday, March 14th, the Jubilee Committee has invited a Magician to perform a show in our Parish Center at 12:00 noon. Admission will be collected at the door, no tickets are necessary. Cost per ticket will be $ 10.00 for adults and $ 5.00 for kids. This will be a show oriented towards children, but is open to everyone. Doors will open at 11:30 a.m. CARNIVAL UPDATE: Our Parish is planning a Carnival this summer for Emerson and the neighboring towns. The dates are July 8th to July 12th. This event has potential to help provide substantial revenue for the Parish that is sorely needed. It also has the potential to bring our parishioners together. We will need many adult volunteers to help run this event. We have received excited responses from many of you, but we need more to ensure we have adequate coverage. If we have enough people, each person may only have to help out one evening or part of an evening. We do realize there are many other things in your lives that need attention, that is why we are giving all of you plenty of time to plan your schedule, so you might be able to help your Parish. Please contact Brian Beahm at 551-404-4965 or online at [email protected] and let me know if you are willing to help, or if you have any questions. We will try to accommodate any special needs you might require. As a Parish Family, we can come together and do this, while having fun!!!! INDOOR CARNIVAL FOR SPRING While planning an outdoor Carnival, the Jubilee Committee and Father Paolo have thought about running a smaller, indoor Carnival, on April 24th at the Parish Center. This Carnival will be geared towards our children, with Bounce Houses and Carnival games galore. We are in the planning stages and ask for Moms and Dads who would like to help out with ideas for what the children may like to do, to contact us with your ideas. We will also need Moms and Dads to lend a hand the day of the event. It will be open to anyone that wants to come regardless if they are Parishioners or not. Please contact Brian Beahm at 551-404-4965, or at [email protected]. Let’s give our kids something that they can help celebrate the Jubilee with. NEED A NEW LOOK?? TRY A FAITH LIFT! Church of the Assumption ASSUMPTION EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER Dear Parishioners: This week, the focus is on Pre-K4 and Kindergarten! Mrs. Pacella does a wonderful job in preparing all of her students with the help of her assistants, Mrs. Jones & Mrs. Woods. The Kindergarten students have all studied consonants and now they are moving into recognizing vowels. They have also worked diligently on number patterns. Pre-K4 is concentrating on all of the alphabet letters and they have covered quite a lot of Math as well. All of the students are taught Religion on a daily basis…along with the “specials” that each child takes here at Assumption. Both groups are looking forward to the 100th Day of School celebration which will happen in a few weeks. The weeks are moving by very quickly!!! Our Open House is Sunday, January 25th from 12 noon - 3 PM. If you know someone who is looking for a pre-school, please invite them to attend our Open House! If they cannot make it, we are more than pleased to give personal tours of the school- just have them call to schedule an appointment. Stay well and God bless, Miss Jurevich Here are different ways that you can be involved in our school: • • We have added a new fundraiser here at school…..SHOPAROO!! Just find the app for this company, complete some general information on your SmartPhone, list the name of our school and start helping us earn cash asap!! How is that possible? All you do is scan grocery or non-grocery receipts into your SmartPhone…you will be credited with points, and those add up to cash for us. This is an EASY fundraiser that I hope you will participate in throughout the rest of the school year. Flyers with further instructions are available at the school and in the Rectory. AS OF 1/14, WE HAVE ALREADY EARNED OVER 12,665 POINTS!!! We collect BOX TOPS & Campbell SOUP LABELS… feel free to bring them over whenever you gather some together. We send them directly to their respective companies throughout the year. • We have an ongoing T-shirt sale. It says Assumption Early Childhood Center on it. It comes in Royal Blue only. Adult shirts are available for $ 15. per shirt. Children sizes are $ 12. Call the school at 201-262-0300 for order details. • Assumption ECC is still collecting clothing, shoes, purses, belts, linens and stuffed animals. This collection will continue throughout the summer as well. Please bring the items in plastic trash bags to the cafeteria or gym in the school. Thank you for your generosity. January 25, 2015 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Religious Education began on Monday, September 8th. If you have not registered yet, please contact the office at 201-9860970 from Monday -Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm. If the child was not baptized at Assumption, please bring a copy of their Baptismal Certificate. Sister Dominic is in need of a 5th Grade Teacher. If you are interested, please call Sister at 201986-0970, as soon as possible, she would be happy to work with you. Please join Grade 6 for the Class Mass during the Sunday 10:00 AM morning Mass. All children are welcome! For adults who haven't received any of the sacraments and are seeking instruction, please call Father PaoloTanzini at 201-262-1122. OUTSIDE PARISH ACTIVITIES ENGLISH LESSONS OFFERED The Emerson Public Library is offering free lessons in English to adults who wish to master the language. Instruction is individual, or in small groups, and is scheduled at the convenience of the tutor and the student. Interested adults may register at the Library, or by calling Francesca at 201-2614010. If you know anyone who may profit from this opportunity, please pass the information on to them. This program (ESL or English as a Second Language) is helping residents become active members of the community, as well as advance in their employment. St. Joseph Regional High School will be performing “Miss Saigon” in the upcoming weeks. Performances will be Jan. 30th and 31st at 7:00 PM, Feb. 1st, 5th, 6th and 7th at 7:00 PM, plus 2 afternoon performances Jan. 31st and Feb. 7th at 2:00 PM. All seats are reserved. Tickets are $ 22. and $ 20. They can be purchased at SJR.Booktix or at the box office 1/2 hour before show time. Tickets can be purchased for $ 5.00 per ticket for a block of 10 tickets or more for the 2:00 PM show only. For more information, please call the School at 201-3913300. There will be special Senior Citizen Preview on Jan. 28th at 3:00 PM. Senior Citizen tickets are $ 5.00 and can be purchased at the door. St. Joseph Regional High School is located at 40 Chestnut Ridge Rd., Montvale. New Hope Pregnancy Resource Center located at 106 West Palisade Avenue, Englewood is looking for volunteers to help in various ways with the women and babies that are trying to get along in life. They work with Moms for 3 years, mentoring and motivating them to make a better life for them and their new babies. We hope that you can play a part in their lives in 2015!!! All talents are accepted. If you are interested in helping out and volunteering a few hours a week, please contact Carol Lavis, Director at 201-408-4726. THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OUTSIDE PARISH ACTIVITIES Don Bosco Prep Hosting Musical Valentine’s Concert Celebrate Valentine’s Day at a concert featuring you favorite love songs! Chapel Concerts at Don Bosco Prep presents Broadway actors Matt Ban Class of ‘05 and his wife Erin Rubico, and Christopher Capone Class of ‘09 and his fiancé Nicole Millilo for a concert entitled, Isn’t It Romantic? on Saturday, February 7th at 7:30 PM in the Don Bosco Prep Chapel, located at 492 N. Franklin Turnpike, Ramsey. Tickets are $ 15.00 each and include a post-concert reception to meet the artists. Seating is limited. For additional information, please call 201-327-8003, ext. 188 or e-mail [email protected]. (Snow date is February 8th at 2:00 PM.) This building is wheelchair accessible. Annual Men’s Weekend Retreat-February 20th-22nd, The men of the parishes in the Northern Pascack Valley are invited to join their brothers in Christ on Retreat the weekend of February 20-21st. The Retreat will be held at the Loyola Jesuit Center, Morristown, NJ, starting with dinner on Friday night and ending after lunch on Sunday. The Retreat will be led by Fr. Kirk Reynolds, S.J., whose topic will be “Jesus in the Spiritual Exercises.” For more information or to register, please call Ed Delaney at 201-7689474, or go to Immaculate Conception High School - Alumnae Mother Daughter Legacy Tea will be held on February 8, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. Please call the High School for more information, or to register to attend the Tea, at 973-773-2400. The Archdiocese of Newark is organizing their second annual collection of gently used and new communion outfits. A First Communion is a special day for any family and the Archdiocese of Newark is trying to make sure financial hardship does not stand in the way of it being as special as it can be. All items can be dropped off at the Archdiocesan Center, 171 Clifton Ave., Newark beginning February 23rd through March 27th between 8:45 AM and 4:00 PM. They will distribute the outfits in April. Last year over 300 dresses and 100 suits were donated. Any questions, please contact Lynn Gully at 973-497-4589 or Tatiana Paredes at 973-497-4046. AS THE SEASONS CHANGE, SO DO THE NEEDS OF OUR PARISH We are in the process of additional renovations in our Parish, many of which would not be possible without your added support. I offer my gift of : $ 1,000.00______$ 750.00_______$ 500.00_______ $ 250.00______$ 100.00______$ 50.00 ________ $ 25.00_______ Other $_________ Name:________________________________ Address:_______________________________ Phone Number # : _______________________ January 25, 2015 ARCHDIOCESE OF NEWARK - EVENTS & CLASSES The Archdiocese of Newark is once again registering couples in the Parishes who are celebrating milestones in their marriages. The Anniversary Liturgies will be celebrated by Archbishop John J. Myers in the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark on the following dates: April 19, 2015 3:00 PM 50 years May 3, 2015 3:00 PM 25 years & 5 years Anyone interested can contact the Rectory Office anytime Monday through Friday, during regular business hours, 9 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to obtain a registration form. If there are any questions, please call the Office of Family Life at 973-4974323. The Office of Family Life Ministries is sponsoring support Groups for Parents Grieving the Death of a Child. The groups are led by trained facilitators, parents who have also personally suffered the loss of a child. Groups meet the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at St. Peter’s Church, 445 Fifth Ave., River Edge. If you have any questions, please contact Family Life Ministries at 973-497-4327. Charitable Gift Annuities - Are you interested in giving a substantial gift to the Church? You might consider a Charitable Gift Annuity offered by the Archdiocese of Newark. CGA’s regularly pay you a fixed amount of money every year for the rest of your life. Payments on our CGA’s are guaranteed by the Archdiocese of Newark. When you pass on to eternal life, what is left in the annuity is distributed to the Catholic Charities you specify. For more information about this please call Theresa Lynch at 973-497-4042. Check out Relevant Radio!! The Archdiocese is endorsing Relevant Radio, a Catholic Talk Radio network with a mission to help bridge the gap between Church and everyday life. It currently airs on WNSW 1430 AM. There are live interactive programs 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Please check your AM Radio stations and enjoy the Gospel of Jesus Christ, along with Catholic News, opinion and entertainment for the in between times. This is a great gift for yourself for during and after the Christmas Season and for everyday. My Catholic Faith? There’s an APP for that!!! Check out the free new mobile app “Newark Evangelization” at your App Store. This free app found on the App Store at the “Newark Evangelization” will be the resource in the palm of your hand, which will allow you to answer these questions and many more. Access daily Mass readings, pray the Rosary, Chaplet of Devine Mercy, plus many more additional inspirational ideas. REMEMBER...It is through the generosity of our advertisers that we are able to place this bulletin into your hands without cost to the Parish. Why not get into the habit of looking through the ads and give these neighbors and merchants a chance to serve your needs? Tell them you read about them in the Assumption Parish Bulletin. • Independently owned & operated • D. Matthew Leber, Vice President/Manager - N.J. Lic. No. 4593 • 268 Kinderkamack Road, Oradell, NJ (201) 261-1088 • Whether pre-planned or at-need arrangements... your main goal should be finding a funeral home that meets your family’s cultural, emotional and financial needs. ORTHODONTIC ASSOCIATES OF WESTWOOD Practice Limited to Orthodontics Salvatore J. Carcara, DMD, MS, PC NJ Specialty Permit #5105 381 Broadway, Westwood 664-4443 River Dell Flowers & Gifts 241 Kinderkamack Rd. Oradell, NJ 201-262-8118 Flowers For All Occasions A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. E XPERT R EPAIRS P ERFORMED B Y A N E XPERIENCED A ND P ROFESSIONAL T EAM C ERTIFIED F OREIGN & D OMESTIC C OLLISION R EPAIR W E W ILL W ORK W ITH Y OUR I NSURANCE C OMPANY F REE E STIMATES A LL W ORK G UARANTEED 24hr E MERGENCY S ERVICE G.D.C. Contracting Inc. Rich Tuntigian Roofing • Windows • Siding • Carpentry 201-262-3333 45 Years in Business Emerson Parishioner (201) 225-1957 50 Chestnut St., Emerson , NJ Gene Durocher, Pres. 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Plumbing & Heating M A U S O L E U M N E W E X PA N S I O N Established 1981 “Serving the Catholic Community for Over 150 Years” For Pre-Need Planning and to Reserve Your Space Please Call 866.392.1951 2070 Hoefley’s Lane • Fort Lee, New Jersey 911152 Church of the Assumption (B) 201-750-0840 Bonded, Licensed & Insured Work Guaranteed/Small or Big Jobs Patrick DeRiso #7680 Michael DeRiso #9387 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 BECKER FUNERAL HOME 201-664-0292 219 Kinderkamack Road, Westwood, NJ 07675 Martin O. Seitz, Manager, NJ Lic. No. 3889 FRANCO’S Pizzeria & Restaurant LOUIS J. LAMATINA 207 Kinderkamack Rd., Emerson ATTORNEY AT LAW ($10 OFF) any Dine In S. 105 FARVIEW AVE., PARAMUS Order of $25.00 or more!! LUNCH SPECIALS Start $5.95 201-265-8111 [email protected] 11 AM - 3:30 PM NEW YORK & NEW JERSEY BARS 201-291-1122 AIRPORT LIMO EMERSON To LGA $50 + toll To EWR $50+ toll • To JFK $65+ toll [email protected] 201-333-3111 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. 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