Sunday Bulletin - Church of the Assumption
Sunday Bulletin - Church of the Assumption
Church of the Assumption We come to pray ...We leave to serve 29 Jefferson Avenue, Emerson, NJ 07630 (201)262-1122 [email protected] NEW CHURCH WEBSITE: EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER WEBSITE: Served By: Rev. PAOLO TANZINI, Pastor ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE 2015 Confessions: Monday to Fr iday, after 12:05 Mass Saturdays 11:00 a.m. -12:00 noon Deanery Penance Service: Monday, Dec.14 at 7:30pm Our Lady Mother of the Church, Woodcliff Lake Living Nativity Play: Sunday, Dec.20th at 3:00 P.M. Caroling: December 24th before the Midnight Mass Rev. EUGENE J. HAZEWSKI, Pastor Emeritus Rev. CAMILO (MILES) LOPEZ, Parochial V icar JOHN E. HOGAN, Deacon JOSEPH J. PAULILLO, Deacon Staffed By: SISTER DOMINIC MARIE MCDONNELL, O.P. Pastoral Associate for Catechetics SUSAN JUREVICH, Director Assumption Early Childhood Center JUDI AGNEW, Youth Leader RICHARD SORCE, Ph.D. Director of Music, Organist/Pianist Masses: PARISH MEMBERSHIP: Effective management of your parish requires that every Catholic family or individual living within the parish must be registered. Any changes should be reported to the rectory. Saturdays:8:00a.m.,12:05p.m.and5:00p.m. Sundays:8:30a.m.,10:00a.m.,12:15p.m. ChristmasEve:Dec.24-4:00p.m.and12Midnight ChristmasDay:Dec.25-8:30am,10:00am,12:15pm SolemnityofMary,MotherofGod:Jan.1,2016-8:30 am.,10:00am.,12:15p.m. SACRAMENTS BAPTISMS: Celebr ated monthly. Ar r angements should be made as soon as possible. Pre-Registration is required for the Program of Preparation and Baptism. Please call the Rectory to register. VISITATION/ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please inform the Rectory regarding persons who are hospitalized or confined to home, and arrangements will be made to bring the Sacrament to them. Anointing, any hour of the day or night, call the Rectory. CONFESSIONS: Satur days 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. noon, or anytime by appointment. MATRIMONY: Couples contemplating mar r iage should contact a priest on staff at least one year in advance, prior to making any other arrangements. VOCATIONS: Anyone contemplating vocation to the Priesthood or Religious Life should contact the Vocations Office at (973) 497-4365. MINISTRIES Altar Servers -FR.CAMILOLOPEZ Archbishop’s Annual Appeal -MARYANNTORRE Art & Environment Ministry –NANCYWHITEHOUSE Baptism Preparation -MARGESPATARO Beautiϐication –MARIONVANBLARCUM Bereavement -VIRGINIABARKER Bible Study–DAVE&SUERECTOR Bingo -MARIAPONZO Children’s Liturgy -NANCYPETRAMALE Choir Director –RICHARDSORCE,Ph.D. Cornerstone-LAURASAVINO Cub Scouts–STACEYPRICE-MUNSON Development -BRIANBEAHM Eucharistic Ministers -DEACONJOHNHOGAN Girl Scouts-TERRIRIVERS Good Samaritan –DEACONJOSEPHJ.PAULILLO Homebound-LESLIESOLIMANDO Knights of Columbus-KEVINMULVENNA Lectors –DEACONJOHNHOGAN Legion of Mary -MARITAMORGAN Parish Archives -FRANCESCAIANORA&ANNPRYER Online Giving QR Code Parish Safety Environment Coordinator –SUEJUREVICH RCIA/Religious Education -SRDOMINICMARIEMCDONNELL Respect For Life –FR.CAMILOLOPEZ Roadrunners -JOEMAURER Rosary Society –LOISTOOLEN Senior Citizens -ROSEYENCO Small Christian Communities -ANNFUNK Social Concerns -MADDYSAUL Ushers –FR.CAMILOLOPEZ Venture Scouts -JOHNBROBSON Youth Ministry –JUDIAGNEW PARISH TRUSTEES - RAY ALBANO & PAUL BRIGNOLA PASTORAL COUNCIL RAYMOND ALBANO, Chairperson PARISH FINANCIAL COUNCIL KEN ALBERS, Parish Finance Council Chairperson EMERGENCIES Phone: 201-262-1122, EXT. 9 Fax: 201-262-7855 ASSUMPTION EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER Phone: 201-262-0300 Fax: 201-262-5910 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 201-986-0970 December 13, 2015 CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13th 8:30 Vivian Stephan R/b A Loving Friend 10:00 For All Parishioners 12:15 Kevin Bayley R/b Mr. & Mrs. Steve Sasso MONDAY, DECEMBER 14th 6:30 Patricia Conti R/b Peggy Vesta 8:00 Martino & Antonia Busanic R/b The Busanic Family 12:05 Renee Wisener R/b Frank & Mary Ann Ruggiero (2nd Anniversary) TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15th 6:30 Maria Mircovich R/b Anton & Elena Busanic 8:00 Luisa Sasso R/b Her Loving Family 12:05 August “Gus” Cademartori R/b Marge & Ralph Spataro WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16th 6:30 Maria Mircovich R/b Nick & Maria Busanic 8:00 Peter Murad R/b Lusi Murad & Family 12:05 August “Gus” Cademartori R/b Marcella & Domenic Cafarella THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17th 6:30 Carmela Isadori R/b Sr. Dominic Marie & Religious Education Dept. 8:00 Michael Allen R/b The Pavone Family 12:05 Mircea Andronescu R/b Peggy & Tony Battle FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18th 6:30 Antonio Buldo R/b His Loving Family 8:00 Feride Samanoglu R/b Luis Murad & Family 12:05 Robert Grauer R/b The Sabella Family SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19th 8:00 Arnaldo Sia R/b His Loving Wife & Daughter 12:05 Mary Spataro R/b Ralph & Marge Spataro 5:00 Patrick Reilly R/b His Loving Wife & Family (23rd Anniversary) SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20th 8:30 Rev. Msgr. Lawrence W. Cull R/b Mr.& Mrs. John McKinney 10:00 Shoshana Holland R/b The Fazio Sisters 12:15 For All Parishioners IN LOVING MEMORY BlessedMotherCandleburnsinLovingMemoryof Mrs. Maria DiLorenzo ( Anniversary Remembrance) R/b HerLovingMother,RosaDiLorenzo St.JosephCandleburnsinLovingMemoryof Eileen Roman (Dec.. 18th - 3rd Anniversary ) R/b HerLovingHusband,KenRoman& LovingDaughter,AdrienneNelson SanctuaryCandleburnsinLovingMemoryof Carmela Isadori R/b Sr.DominicMarie&LusiMurad MASS OFFERTORY Thank you for your support of our Parish Community TheweeklycollectionforDecember5th/6th was$7,967.00. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: John Sullivan, John Spellman, JR., Sara D’Elleto, Lucy DeCarolis, Bob Gilbert, Andrea Korner, James E. Hough, Jimmy Muth, Jennifer Gismondi, Jackie Santalla, Joseph Amato, (Baby) Mireya Devaraj, Jeanne Minck, Richard Pavone, Thomas Polenz, George Dfouni, Frank Bello, Nicholas Santiago, Laurel Saluzzi, Cathy Dwyer, Constantinos Ballas, Troy Wright, George Green, David Martin, Earl L. Harrison III, Amelia Gallo, William Whelan, Trevor Monroe, June Guarino, Joe and Keith Sweatlock, Julie Cornella, Ned Holtje, Katie Wojcicki, Donna Jean Donaccico, Louise Romagnoli, Rose Ligammari, “Jenny” and “Sandra”, Tommy Branchini, Brenden Ayers (infant), Maryann Anselmo, Richard Semenock, Debra Kool, Michael Mulvenna, Baby Declan Bogyo, Lauren Scarola, Samran Dhillon, Donna Woods, Marie Tanner, Richard Falotico, Connie Roccanova, Mary Lou Gorab, Rev. William Pape, Anne Stahl, Leonardo Franchino, Rita Puleo, Rose Mulloy, Kathy Belloise, John Bollinger, Janice Hanson, Thomas Blehl, Connor Hennessey, Marcelle Nelson, Elaine Ferretti, Jack Obermayer, Dorothy Kalivas, Hugh Hennessy, Renee Cevallos, Robert Prevedel, Claire DiNiro, “Bill” Baillargeon, Marge Spataro, Carly, Angela Barat, John Smith, Joseph Iskra, Kevin Frank, Marilyn Ferrity, Michael Kesselbrenner, Ed Helm, Zach Spadaccini, Ken Agnew, Deb Manente, John Preolo, Bob Saul, and Marianne Sullivan. PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE IN THE MILITARY: Major Jonathan Varoli, Maj. David J. Orzech, Cpt. Peter J. Orzech, PFC Justin Mignogna, Lcpl. Capt. Trev Moncure, Brian Cirola, Staff Sgt. David Elliott, Lcpl, Sgt. Damon Baker, Justin Di Niro, US Navy, Cpt. Michael Anthony Franson, Sgt. Graig A. Fraser, USMC, PFC, Sgt. Augie Manfre, US Army, PFC Christopher Leone, PFC Mark MacFarlane Jr., Sgt.PaulCimino,N.J.N.G., Corporal Kevin Quigley, USMC, SPC David Fasano, US Army, James Davies,PFCKyleRyan,Sgt.PatrickMyers,PFCEdwardJ. Korn,USMC,andSeanFlanagan. PLEASE CALL THE RECTORY TO MAKE ANY CHANGES TO THESE LISTS. WORKERS’ SCHEDULE DECEMBER 18, 2015 TEAM 2 WELCOME: Newcomers, Visitors and Parishioners The priests, deacons & ministries of Church of the Assumption welcome you. If you would like more information about entering more fully into our parish life & ministry, we ask that you complete the form below & give it to an usher, or send it into the Rectory. Thank You! I would like…. ____ to become a Parishioner ____ to change my address ____ to receive envelopes ____ to let the Parish know of someone who is ill, or homebound & would like to receive Communion Name: ___________________________ Address: ___________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Church of the Assumption Could you be a PRAYERWARRIORand ADORER? WeeklyadorationoftheBlessedSacramentsbegan thisFriday, December 11, 2015,asawaytocelebrate the Year of Mercy. The Blessed Sacraments will be exposed for adoration every Friday afternoon after the12:05Massuntil7:00PM. Wouldyouliketocommittoonehourofadoration onFriday,becomingaprayerwarriorinordertoask the Lord to provide for the need of our parish? Or simplycometothechurchwheneveryoucanon Fridayafternoonsandprovideyourprayersupport. CalltheRectoryto indoutthehourswhenweneed moreadorers,andtocommunicateyouravailability. There is no limit to the number of people who can come and pray! There is no limit to the graces that can be received through prayers! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Allmen18yearsoldandolderwishingtojoin theAssumptionCouncil#5819KnightsofColumbus are welcome to call Kevin 201-669-1304, or check us out on our website tolearnaboutus. ROSARY SOCIETY - IMPORTANT REMINDER If you missed the last Rosary Society meeting andyouintendtocometoourChristmasPartyat Dino’s Restaurant on December 16th, PLEASE drop off your check in the amount of $ 35.00 to theRectoryof iceIMMEDIATELY. DECORATING WITH STYLE Anyone interested in joining the parishioners who have so generously been decorating our Church for the Christmas season, are welcome to join them on Saturday,December 19th at2:00P.M.todecorate thetreesandputtogethertheNativity. Thefollowingweek,onWednesday,December 23rdat3:00P.M.SHARP, theywillbedecorating the Church with the poinsettia’s and adding any inal touches. If you are an early riser, please think about joining them. All are welcome to help!! Remember many hands make light the work! December 13, 2015 A note from the Pastor DearbrothersandsistersinChrist, A t the beginning of this Y ear of Mercy the Lord is blessing our Parish with the “birth” of its First NeoCatechumenal Community. It’s the fruit of the Catechesis for Adults and Youth that was concluded last week. At the end of the Catechesis a group of men and women – some of which reconnecting with the Church after a long time – have responded to God’s call to begin the Neo-Catechumenal Way. This fact fills all of us with great joy and gratitude to the Lord. Many years ago I also began the Neo-Catechumenal Way in my home parish in Italy. The Lord brought me back into the Church through the Way while I was facing depression and nonsense in my life at the age of 16. Thirty-three years later I can witness to the good that the Way has done to me, to my family, and many, many other people around the world. Without a doubt, I wouldn’t be a priest, and I wouldn’t probably be in the Church today, if I had not met the Way. The Neo-Catechumenal Way is a Christian initiation into the faith, a journey through which one can rediscover and live his or her baptism in a small community within the parish. Pope St. John Paul II acknowledged it in 1990 as “an itinerary of Catholic formation, valid for our society and our times.” He then encouraged all bishops to value and support the Way, a reality “generated by the [Holy] Spirit in our days” whose “fruits of personal conversion and fruitful missionary impulse” he had personally been able to verify on many occasions. Like any other fruitful reality inspired by the Holy Spirit after the Second Vatican Council, the Way has been misunderstood by many, and its “enemies” are not few. Many ask me, “Father, haven’t you read what people write in the Internet about the Way?” Well, I certainly don’t need to surf the Internet to know about the Way: more than 30 years of personal experience tell me enough, and certainly much more than any casual statement posted somewhere in the Web. Moreover, if I want to value any reality in the Church I must appeal to those who have been entrusted by the Lord with the task to confirm the work of the Holy Spirit, that is, his Apostles and their successors. On March 6, 2015, Pope Francis addressed a large group of members of the Neo-Catechumenal Way gathered in Rome. The initiators of the Way were also present. He said, “The Pope’s task, the task of Peter, is to confirm his brothers in the faith. Thus, you too wanted … to ask that the Successor of Peter confirm your call, support your mission, bless your charism. And today I confirm your call, I support your mission and I bless your charism. … Christ goes before you, Christ accompanies you, Christ brings to fulfillment that salvation of which you are bearers.” The Pope confirms, supports, and blesses a reality that is now present in our Parish! Together with all other ministries, communities, and programs that make our church so lively, it will contribute to bring ever more people to Christ. Let us pray for the First Neo-Catechumenal Community that begins its journey here at Assumption! Withmyblessing, Fr.Paolo Church of the Assumption HAVE YOU CONSIDERED USING OUR ONLINE GIVING PROGRAM YET? Our Online Giving Program allows all parishioners to send their Church donations electronically in a secure way. Sending recurring donations is easy: just set it and forget it! If you haven’t enrolled in our Online Giving Program, please consider doing so TODAY! Your donations will be automatically sent to your Church either weekly or monthly, even when you cannot come to Assumption for Mass. To set up a recurring online donation, please visit our website, and click on the Online Giving button. You may also scan the QR Code found on the cover of the bulletin using your smart phone or tablet. If you need assistance, or have any questions regarding our Online Giving Program, please call the Rectory Office at 201-262-1122. Thank you for your continuous and generous support. SOCIAL CONCERNS MINISTRY PRESENTS… THE GIVING TREE As we wait in prayerful anticipation of the joys & blessings of Christmas, please join in our annual ChristmasGivingTreeProject. Our “Giving Trees” are placed on our altar this weekend and next with cards attached showing gift suggestionsforchildren,women&menlessfortunate thenus.Pleasetakeone,ormorecards,ifpossible& purchasethesuggestedgiftitem. Allgiftsshouldbewrappedwiththecardattached! (VERY IMPORTANT) and returned TODAY, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13th!! These gifts will be donatedtotheneedyatBERGENREGIONALMEDICALCENTER,NEWCONCEPTSFORLIVING,FAMILYPROMISE, NEW COMMUNITY CORP., SEVERAL SOURCES SHELTERS, ST. VINCENT’S ACADEMY. Also our Youth Group will be donating to local families in need! Your support in this worthwhile project is greatly appreciated!! THANK YOU FOR SCHOOL BOILERS DONATING TOWARDS OUR Many thanks to all who have generously contributed towards the installation of new boilers inourschoolbuilding!! The project has been a very costly one, and hasn’t been paid in full yet. If you haven’t sent your donation yet, please consider doing it now (usethecutoutfoundonthenextpage). PLEASE, NOTE: We will continue collecting donations until December 31st, 2015 only! All donations will be acknowledged for tax deductionpurposes. December 13, 2015 ANNUAL AFTER CHRISTMAS PARTY OurAnnualAfterChristmasPartywillbe heldonJanuary 9th thisyear.Itwillbeheld intheParishCenterfrom7p.m.to11p.m. Tickets went on sale last weekend, December 5th andcanbepurchasedafterallweekendMasses,orat theRectoryduringregularbusinesshours.Last day of ticket purchases is January 4th. Ticketscost$35.00perperson/$65.00percouple. This cost includes a gourmet buffet dinner, soft drinks, desert and coffee, DJ Music and dancing. Please feel free to bring any beverages you wish to makethiseveninganenjoyableevent.Thisevent is open to all adults, parishioners and nonparishioners,soinviteyourfamilyandfriends. We would like to thank the Knights of Columbus for organizing this event for our Parish. Any questions, please call Kevin Mulvenna at [email protected]. The Living Nativity of Our Lord Please join the Assumption Youth Group for their rendition of The Living Nativity of Our Lord on Sunday,December 20th at3:00 PM intheChurch. Weknowitisabusytimeofyear,butwehopeyou canjoinusforanhourtorememberthetruemeaning of the holiday. All are welcome!!! The Assumption Youth Group wishes each of you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS&aHAPPY,HEALTHYNEWYEAR! BLESSINGS OF HOMES AND FAMILIES TheChurchoftheAssumptionhasintroducedthe CatholicTraditionoftheBlessingof&Families.Ifyou areinterestedinFatherPaolo,orFatherMilescoming to your home to provide a House Blessing, call the Rectory of ice at 201-262-1122, to make an appointment. CHRISTMAS FLOWER DONATIONS If you would like to donate a Christmas plant for the Altar in memory of someone special, deceased or in honor of someone living, please fill out this form & bring it to the rectory during regular business hours, or place it in the collection basket at Mass. Please send your check in by Monday, December 21st. Cost is $15.00 per plant. Your Name: ____________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________ In Memory of : _________________________________ Living Intention: _______________________________ Someone Special: ______________________________ December 13, 2015 Church of the Assumption ASSUMPTION EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER Dear Parishioners: Christmas is approaching so quickly! Where doesthetimego? The children had a great time attending their BreakfastwithSantaandleftfeelingfullandhappyandmoreexcitedthenever. Thechildrenarepracticingdiligentlyfortheir concert which is on December 15th. Everyone fromtheparishismorethanwelcometoattend bothevents.Pleasefeelfreetocalltheschoolat 201-262-0300fordetails. It is amazing that the school year is going by so quickly…..enjoy the moments in life! Thank you for also continuing to donate your gently usedclothinganditemsfortheschool’sclothing drive…everybithelps. GodBless, MissJurevich Here are different ways that you can be involved in our school: • Check out our new fundraiser here at school… SHOPAROO!! Just ind the app for this company, complete some general information on your SmartPhone,listthenameofourschoolandstart helping us earn cash asap! How is that possible? Allyoudoisscangroceryornon-groceryreceipts into your SmartPhone…you will be credited with points,andthoseadduptocashforus.Thisisan EASY fundraiser that I hope you will participateinthroughouttherestoftheschoolyear.Flyers with further instructions are available at the schoolandintheRectory.Asof12/2, ourpoints sofartotal24,550!! • We collect BOX TOPS & CampbellSOUP LABELS… feelfreetobringthemoverwheneveryougather some together. We send them directly to their respectivecompaniesthroughouttheyear. • Wehavean ongoingT-shirtsale.ItsaysAssumptionEarlyChildhoodCenteronit.ItcomesinRoyalBlueonly.Adultshirtsareavailablefor$15.00 pershirt.Childrensizesare$12.00. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Classes have started for the 2015-2016 School year. Letters have been mailed out to your homes. If youhavenotregisteredyet,pleasecontacttheof ice at201-986-0970fromMonday-Thursday,9amto3 pm. If the child was not baptized at Assumption, please bringacopyoftheirBaptismalCerti icate. Sr. Dominic needs a 7th grade CCD teacher, if you are interestedinhelpingbyteaching,pleasecallSisterat 201-986-0970, as soon as possible, she would be happytoworkwithyou. Foradultswhohaven'treceivedanyofthe sacraments and are seeking instruction, pleasecallFatherPaolo Tanziniat201-2621122. Religious Education Class Masses Each week during the school year, our CCD programholdsaspecialClassMassduringthe10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass. ALL children are encouraged to attendtheirClassMasswiththeirfamilies. TheScheduleforthenextfewweeksis: Dates: Hosts: December13thGrade6 December20thGrade2 January3rd Grade8 January10thGrade7 January17thGrade2 January24thGrade6 All Students are welcome to attend Class Masses even if they receive Religious Education atotherplaces. HELP!HELP!HELP! OURSCHOOLISINNEEDOFA NEW BOILER FORTHEWINTER PLEASECONSIDERCONTRIBUTINGTOWARDS THISNECESSARYPROJECT. IOFFERMYGIFTOF: $1,000.00____$500.00____$250.00____ $100.00____$50.00____OTHER_________ Name:__________________________________ Address:_______________________________ PhoneNo.#:____________________________ Third Sunday of Advent December 13, 2015 A CHERRY COLORED ENVELOPE! Ifyouareusingenvelopesforyourweeklyoffering toourparish,youcan indacherrycoloredonewithin thelastpacketyouhavereceivedinthemail.Theyare notdated!Youcanusethemanytimeyouliketomake a donation towards our church Maintenance & Repairs. Please use cherry colored envelopes for any future capital project, or any other particular purpose, towards the upkeep of our facilities & grounds. All donations received through the cherry colored envelopes are restricted because they are designated for a special reason, & therefore they are not assessed by the Archdiocese: all donations are totally used for Maintenance & Repairs! If you are sending offerings through our Online Giving Service youmaysendyourMaintenance&Repairsdonations electronically: the box may be found under the “Church Renovation & Upkeep” menu in the Online Donationssettingpage. JOY’N THE ADULT CHOIR The Adult Choir needs YOU. Please consider becoming a member. Rehearsals are Thursdays 7:30-9:00. We sing at the 10:00 AM. Mass every Sunday from September to June. All voice types are welcome, NO experience necessary. Call Dr. Richard Sorce, Director, at 201-887-6175, for more information, or just come to the Church (rearentrance)anyThursdayevening. EMERSON SENIOR CITIZENS There will be an Atlantic City Bus Trip to Caesar’sfromtheEmersonSeniorCitizenCenter, onthelastTuesdayofthemonth,December29th. Thecostofthetripis$25.00andyouwillreceive $ 30.00. For more information or details on the trip, please call Peter at 201-265-3242. ALL are welcometocome!! GIRL SCOUT GOLD AWARD PROJECT Our parishioner, Leanne Guarnieri, has been attendingAssumptionChurchherwholelife.She is busily working on her Girl Scout Gold Award Project, which is comparable to the Eagle Scout Award. Leanne has been working diligently with members of the Parish and Youth in remodeling our Church basement. Our basement is the place where many of our Groups and Ministriesgathertogether. SOCIAL CONCERNS THANK YOU The SOCIAL CONCERNS MINISTRY thanks all who so generously contributed to the recent THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE in honor of ALL SAINTS. A total of 327 bags of food were collected alongwith8turkeysand$375.ingiftcardsfrom ourCCDstudentsandparishioners.Themajority of the food was contributed to THE OFFICE OF CONCERN Food Bank, along with 20 bags that wenttotheSt.Andrew’sFoodBank. ThiswasourbiggestThanksgivingFoodDrive EVER and we thank you all again for your generosity!! Archdiocese Information and Events Sharing God’s Blessings Annual Appeal Thank you for supporting the 2015 Annual Appeal. In order for our parish to receive a rebate, we must exceed our goal in funds collected by December 31st. If you have an outstandingbalanceonyourpledge,pleasemake suretosenditinbeforethedeadline.Ifyouhave notyetmadeyourgift,pleasecompleteyourgift envelope as soon as possible and either send it directlytotheArchdioceseofNewark. Currently,ourparishhasreached48%ofour goalinfundscollectedforthisyear’sAppeal.Not only does your contribution bene it many of the wonderful programs and ministries throughout the Archdiocese, but it also has the potential to bene itourparishbyearningusarebate. For those who have supported, THANK YOU; yourgifttrulymakesadifference.Forthosewho have considered making a gift, or are looking to make an end of the year gift, we invite you to viewthisyear’svideotoseethedifferenceYOUR gift makes. You can view it online at REMEMBER…It is through the generosity of our advertisers that we are able to place this bulletin into your hands without cost to the Parish. Why not get into the habit of looking through the ads and give these neighbors and merchants a chance to serve your needs? Tell them you read about them in the Assumption ParishBulletin. • Independently owned & operated • D. Matthew Leber, Vice President/Manager - N.J. Lic. No. 4593 • 268 Kinderkamack Road, Oradell, NJ (201) 261-1088 • Whether pre-planned or at-need arrangements... your main goal should be finding a funeral home that meets your family’s cultural, emotional and financial needs. River Dell Flowers & Gifts ORTHODONTIC ASSOCIATES OF WESTWOOD Practice Limited to Orthodontics 241 Kinderkamack Rd. Oradell, NJ Salvatore J. Carcara, DMD, MS, PC NJ Specialty Permit #5105 381 Broadway, Westwood 664-4443 Jesus A to Z P L A Z A AU TO R E PA I R A S E C e r t i f i e d Te ch n i c i a n s 9 Emerson Plaza East • Emerson, NJ 07630 Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS (201) 265-6525 A colorful Catholic ABC G.D.C. Contracting Inc. Roofing • Windows • Siding • Carpentry 45 Years in Business Emerson Parishioner (201) 225-1957 E XPERT R EPAIRS P ERFORMED B Y A N E XPERIENCED A ND P ROFESSIONAL T EAM C ERTIFIED F OREIGN & D OMESTIC C OLLISION R EPAIR W E W ILL W ORK W ITH Y OUR I NSURANCE C OMPANY 201-262-8118 Flowers For All Occasions Gene Durocher, Pres. F REE E STIMATES A LL W ORK G UARANTEED 24hr E MERGENCY S ERVICE book for kids and families! Includes a glossary of questions to help adults pass on Rich Tuntigian their Catholic faith. 007199 9 x 12 Hardcover 201-262-3333 $16.99 each • Special Offer — 2 for $25.00! 50 Chestnut St., Emerson , NJ 800-566-6150 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal n nal Companio o s r e P r Your Praye through 2030 Designed to be The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes CHECK IT OUT TODAY! The Diamond Jewelry Experts All Kinds Of Repairs Special Orders, Diamond Settings Your Family Jeweler Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 179 Kinderkamack Road, Emerson, NJ 07630 (201) 265-3118 Fax (201) 265-4449 800-566-6150 • 559 Kinderkamack Road Oradell, NJ 07649 William G. Basralian, Manager 201-261-0222 N.J. License No. 3173 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA You Live Alone You Need LIFEWatch! Madonna Cemetery and Mausoleum If 24 Hour Protection at HOME and AWAY! ✔Ambulance Solutions as Low as NEW MAUSOLEUM EXPANSION $1a Day! ✔Police ✔Fire “Serving the Catholic Community for Over 150 Years” ✔Friends/Family For Pre-Need Planning and to Reserve Your Space Please Call 866.392.1951 2070 Hoefley’s Lane • Fort Lee, NJ 07024 FREE Shipping FREE Activation ntracts NO Long Term Co CALL NOW! Established 1981 201-750-0840 Bonded, Licensed & Insured Work Guaranteed/Small or Big Jobs Patrick DeRiso #7680 Michael DeRiso #9387 911152 Church of the Assumption (B) 800.393.9954 Frank DeRiso & Sons, Inc. Plumbing & Heating For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 BECKER FUNERAL HOME 201-664-0292 219 Kinderkamack Road, Westwood, NJ 07675 Martin O. Seitz, Manager, NJ Lic. No. 3889 Music for Reflection and Meditation Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Blessed Assurance Les Stahl For further information, please call the Parish Office. Inspiring collection of solo piano arrangements of classic hymns on CD ($17) Thomas G. Polito, Director, NJ Lic. No. 4268 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months [email protected] Bob Callagee CAL’S CAR CARE, INC. 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