view bulletin - Carmel Mission
view bulletin - Carmel Mission
PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD MARCH 20, 2016 PASSION The word “passion” connotes deep, focused engagement. It also relates to passivity, interestingly. The deeply passionate person in the Gospel narrative from Luke is Jesus. He appears passive, but he is not. He is wholly self-possessed and wholly present for the one day that begins on Thursday evening at his last meal with his apostles and ends with his burial before sunset the next day. Then follows the long Sabbath silence. The narrative of the Passion is read whole and without pause on the Palm Sunday of the Passion. This story, found in each of the Gospels, is unchanging. We are the ones who change. Each year, we bring ourselves with another year’s history to hear and heed the story we so badly need. Life has its way with us, and we look again to the Passion narratives to learn to follow. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. PARISH STAFF CARMEL MISSION BASILICA (1771) Rev. Paul P. Murphy, Pastor 3080 Rio Road, Carmel, CA 93923 Phone: (831) 624-1271 Fax: (831) 624-8050 Mission Rev. Miguel Rodriguez, Parochial Vicar [email protected] Deacon Warren Hoy Deacon Bill Reichmuth _________________ (831) 624-1271 Justin J. Burke, General Manager [email protected] Rosie Murray, Administrative Assistant, ext. 200 [email protected] Bobbie Herndon, Dir. of Faith Formation, ext. 216 Christian Cahill, Dir. of Liturgy/Youth Ministry, ext.218 Kathy Anderson, Director of Music [email protected] Mass Schedule/Communion Services Blessed Sacrament Chapel Daily Mass (Monday-Friday) Weekdays: 7:00 a.m., 12 noon Saturday: 8:30 a.m. Communion Service: Tuesday & Thursday, 12 noon Basilica Saturday: 5:30 p.m.—Vigil Mass Sunday: 7:30, 9:15, 11:00 a.m., 12:45 & 5:30 p.m. Holy Days: 7:00 a.m., 12:00 noon, & 5:30 p.m. Nicki Pasculli, Special Events Coordinator, ext. 214 Liz Tana, Wedding Coordinator, ext. 208 Tiffany Bedner, Organist Jewel Gentry, Museum Manager, 219 Phil Nash, Safety Coordinator Museum Store Stephanie Haney, Store Manger, ext. 210 Reconciliation Saturday: 9:30—10:30 a.m. St. Francis of the Redwoods 1st & 3rd Saturday Mass: 6:00 p.m. Junípero Serra School (831)624-8322 Mary Ellen Ryan, Principal, [email protected] Page 2 CARMEL MISSION BASILICA (1771) March 20, 2016 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 20, 2016 The Lord GOD is my help, therefore I am not disgraced. — Isaiah 50:7a Week of March 20—27 Sunday, March 20 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Coffee & Doughnuts after 7:30, 9:15 & 11:00 am Masses (Crespi) Monday, March 21 7:30-8:30 AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (BSC) 9:00-10:30 AM Knitting Project (Crespi) 11:30-1:00 PM Legion of Mary (Crespi) Tuesday, March 22 7:30-8:30 AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (BSC) Wednesday, March 23 7:30-8:30 AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (BSC) 10:30-11:30 AM Bible Study (MAC) 5:00-6:00 PM Recitation of the Rosary (BSC) Thursday, March 24 7:30-8:30 AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (BSC) 7:00 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Basilica) followed by Adoration until 11:00 PM (BSC) (No 7 a.m. or 12 noon Masses) Friday, March 25 7:30-8:30 AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (BSC) 1:00 PM Celebration of the Lord’s Passion (Basilica) (No 7 a.m. or 12 noon Masses) ▪ 6:00 p.m. Service at Big Sur 7:30 PM Tenebrae (Basilica) TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION What day is today? Ask most folks strolling home from church today and they will reply “Palm Sunday.” Not too long ago, today was known as the “Second Sunday of the Passion,” and in 1970 it was renamed “Passion Sunday.” This made some sense, since the procession recalling Christ’s entry into Jerusalem is usually only celebrated once in a parish on this day, but the Passion is proclaimed solemnly at every liturgy. In its most recent incarnation, the name for this day includes both aspects of the celebration: “Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord.” In the United States today, most worshipers are provided with palm branches, although in northern Europe pussy willows are favored, and in Italy olive branches are the norm. When our calendar was reformed, the entire structure of the week to come was revised even as the traditional name, “Holy Week,” was retained. The major benefit of the restructuring of our calendar is to help us see that the Triduum, the great three days beginning at sunset this Thursday and extending until sunset on Easter Sunday, is at the heart of the Christian life. Today, as you ponder the Lord’s Passion, you may consider your response to so great a gift. Centuries ago, good Christians vowed to go on pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Today, at least once in your lifetime, promise to participate faithfully in the liturgies. Now begins the Church’s annual baptismal retreat: don’t be left out!—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. March 19 & 20, 2016 Entrance Chant 5:30 7:30 9:15 11:00 12:45 5:30 Saturday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday 142 142 142 142 Missa Oecumenica Missa Oecumenica 142 Penitential Act Missa Oecumenica Palm Procession Pres. of the Gifts 479 Holy, Holy Saturday, March 26 (No 8:30 AM or 5:30 PM Masses) 8:00 PM Easter Vigil Mass (Basilica) RCIA Reception following Mass (Crespi) Sunday, March 27 Easter Sunday:7:30 a.m., 9:15 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 12:45 p.m. (no 5:30 p.m. Mass) ▪ 6:00 p.m. Mass at Big Sur No Coffee & Doughnuts 139 139 139 479 Choral Anthem 479 479 Missa Oecumenica Missa Oecumenica Missa Oecumenica Mystery of Faith (Save us Savior) Missa Oecumenica Missa Oecumenica Missa Oecumenica Amen Missa Oecumenica Missa Oecumenica Missa Oecumenica Lamb of God Missa Oecumenica Missa Oecumenica Missa Oecumenica 409 409 639 639 Communion 409 Communion Meditation Sending Forth 639 409 409 Stay With Me 639 639 639 Page 3 CARMEL MISSION BASILICA (1771) MASS INTENTIONS TODAY’S READINGS Day Time Celebrant Sat 3/19 8:30 Fr. Miguel Margaret Bett Richard Heaney 5:30 Fr. Dominic John Wayne Konczal (int.) Sr. Julie Carmel, SND de Namur Patricia Keller Agnes Klasa Peggy & Phil Quast Sun 3/20 Mon 3/21 Tue 3/22 Wed 3/23 Intentions Requested By Christian Keller 6:00 Fr. MIguel BIG SUR 7:30 Fr. Miguel Camaldolese Monks of Big Sur Janet Cahalan Dan Corrigan Family Tom Cahalan 9:15 Fr. Paul Richard Sebok Mr. Pierre Barateau Sebok Family Loyer Family 11:00 Fr. Paul Isidra & Mario Jayubo George Tipton Family Rick & Lisa Shea 12:45 Fr. Paul Thomas Pascual Antoinette Lambetecchio Fran & Vincent Lambetecchio Fernandez Family 5:30 Fr. Miguel People of the Parish 7:00 Fr. Eleazar Msgr. D. Declan Murphy His Friends at Carmel Mission 12:00 Fr. Miguel Gloria O’Keefe Catherine Lord Dietz Richard Heaney Peggy & Phil Quast 7:00 Fr. Miguel Mary Kane Richard Heaney 12:00 Paul Gutierrez Communion Service Fr. Miguel Edward O’Keefe Richard Heaney Fr. Paul (int.)Amauri Garcia Mora Steven Torres Lugue Laura Petersen Minda Abella Lugue Patricia & Anthony Albano Mary Hanna 7:00 12:00 Holy Thurs 3/24 7:00 Fr. Paul John Gallagher Thomas Hanna Good Friday 1:00 Fr. Miguel Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 6:00 Fr. Miguel BIG SUR 7:30 Fr. Paul Tenebrae Holy Sat 3/26 8:00 Fr. Paul (int.) Victor Ryan His Family Easter Sun 7:30 Fr. Miguel Delfino & Richoborio Family Janet Cahalan Tom Cahalan 9:15 Fr. Paul Ron Berry Modesto Dominguez Kim, Dillan Jordan Carol Dominguez 11:00 Fr. Paul People of the Parish 12:45 Fr. Paul Marcia Morante Norma Thompson (int.) Joey Murray on his 18th birthday 3/25 3/27 March 20, 2016 Gospel at the Procession with Palms — Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem (Luke 19:28-40). First Reading — In spite of my sufferings I am not disgraced. I am not put to shame (Isaiah 50:4-7). Psalm — My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? (Psalm 22). Second Reading — Christ emptied himself, and God filled this emptiness with exaltation (Philippians 2:6-11). Gospel — The account of Christ’s passion according to Luke (Luke 22:14 — 23:56 [23:1-49]). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Is 42:1-7; Ps 27:1-3, 13-14; Jn 12:1-11 Tuesday: Is 49:1-6; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Wednesday: Is 50:4-9a; Ps 69:8-10, 21-22, 31, 33-34; Mt 26:14-25 Thursday: Chrism Mass: Is 61:1-3ab, 6a, 8b-9; Ps 89:21-22, 25, 27; Rv 1:5-8; Lk 4:16-21 Lord’s Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; Ps 116:12-13, 15-16bc, 17-18; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15 Friday: Is 52:13 — 53:12; Ps 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-16, 17, 25; Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9; Jn 18:1 — 19:42 Saturday: a) Gn 1:1 — 2:2 [1:1, 26-31a]; Ps 104:1-2, 5-6, 10, 12, 13-14, 24, 35; or Ps 33:4-7, 12-13, 20-22; b) Gn 22:1-18 [1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18]; Ps 16: 5, 8-11; c) Ex 14:15 — 15:1; Ex 15:1-6, 17-18; d) Is 54:5-14; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; e) Is 55:1-11; Is 12:2-6; f) Bar 3:9-15, 32 — 4:4; Ps 19:8-11; g) Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28; Ps 42:3, 5; 43:3-4 or Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 or Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; h) Rom 6:3-11; i) Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Lk 24:1-12 Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20:1-9 or Lk 24:1-12 Cynthia & George Young Her Family His Family NO 5:30 MASS 6:00 Fr. Miguel BIG SUR PRAYER LINE The Carmel Mission Prayer Line is confidential. Members of our faith community offer prayer daily for your special needs. Leave your message on the prayer line at 624-1271, menu option 5, if you want prayer for a special intention. Only the first name is needed with a short description of the intention need. Your prayer request remains on our list for three months (updates are appreciated). Note: names are not placed in the bulletin “Pray For” list without that individual’s permission SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Monday: Monday of Holy Week Tuesday: Tuesday of Holy Week Wednesday: Wednesday of Holy Week; Purim begins Thursday: Holy Thursday; Paschal Triduum begins Friday: Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday); Fast and Abstinence Saturday: Holy Saturday; Vigil of Easter Page 4 CARMEL MISSION BASILICA (1771) March 20, 2016 EXPLAINING HOLY WEEK HOLY THURSDAY has the story of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples and then we follow suit and wash each other’s feet – a reminder that being a follower of Jesus requires us to serve as well as to be served and that it may require some vulnerability. Holy Thursday also features the story of the last supper with Jesus saying to his disciples, “This is my Body, this is my Blood…do this in memory of me.” We do this in memory of him all year but in particular remember this last meal before his death on Holy Thursday. We then strip the church and move the remainder of the consecrated Body to an altar of repose and wait there with Jesus until his death. GOOD FRIDAY we enter into a stripped church that helps us to enter into the death of Jesus and experience it in our own lives. This is the one day of the year in which there are no Masses celebrated because a Mass celebrates Jesus resurrection and conquering death but at this point in our living out the story that has not happened yet. We retell the death of Jesus in a vivid and real way to remind ourselves of the sacrifice that Jesus experienced. THE EASTER VIGIL on Holy Saturday is the culmination of the three days of the Triduum. The service begins in darkness with a fire that we bless together as a community. From this fire we light the large Paschal Candle that is the Light of Christ that we hold together as a community throughout the rest of the year to continually remind us of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus that brought new life and light into our world. This candle is used for Baptisms, and funerals all year. The Vigil continues with the telling of all of the great stories of our faith history and our relationship with God, our salvation history. These stories connect the oldest and newest members that we then baptize and confirm into our faith and community. The Easter Vigil is a joyous celebration of new life and the resurrection that we will all eventually get to experience. We express our hope amidst the fears and challenges of this world because we have the light of Christ with us to light up the darkness. Holy Week Morning Prayer Reconciliation (Blessed Sacrament Chapel) (Blessed Sacrament Chapel) Saturdays 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM Thursday, Friday, Saturday March 24th – 26th 9:30 AM (except March 26th) Holy Thursday – March 24th Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:00 PM Basilica Followed by Adoration until 11:00 PM in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel Chrism Mass (Madonna Del Sasso Pro Cathedral—Salinas) Monday, March 21st 11:00 AM Good Friday – March 25th Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 1:00 PM Basilica Tenebrae 7:30 PM Basilica Holy Saturday – March 26th Easter Vigil Mass 8:00 PM Basilica (NO 5:30 PM Mass) Easter Sunday – March 27th (Basilica) 7:30 AM Easter Mass at the Dawning 9:15 AM Easter Mass 11:00 AM Easter Mass (Choir) 12:45 PM Easter Mass (NO 5:30 PM Mass) BIG SUR Good Friday Services 6:00 p.m. Easter Sunday Mass 6:00 p.m. Page 5 CARMEL MISSION BASILICA (1771) March 20, 2016 Always Forward, Never Back ANNUAL MINISTRIES APPEAL (AMA) The response to our Annual Ministries Appeal has been wonderful—We are at 55.8%! Thank you to all who have donated! Pope Francis has challenged us to do more for those who are less fortunate. It is important to remember his words when we prayerfully consider making a donation to the appeal. These days there is a lot of poverty in the world, and that’s a scandal When we have so many riches and resources to give to everyone. We all have to think about how we can become a little poorer. As you know, the funds which are contributed support our many diocesan ministries. Some of the ministries your donations help to support are: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Diversion programs for troubled teens 18 Catholic schools and 5,000 students Campus ministry programs at UC Santa Cruz, MPC, and Cal Poly Retreats of hope for troubled marriages Programs to assist returning military veterans Human trafficking education seminars Development centers offering job training skills for teens and adults Please consider joining your fellow parish members in support of the ministry efforts of Bishop Garcia and Fr. Paul. No donation is too small or unneeded! Please use the envelopes in the pews or donate online at We need everyone to participate in order to reach our goals! 55.8% Together, we proclaim God’s merciful love! Thank You for your Stewardship Due to early bulletin transmission deadlines, collection amounts will be published after Easter. Your generous support of Carmel Mission is gratefully received and appreciated! May God bless you all. —Fr. Paul, Pastor Page 6 CARMEL MISSION BASILICA (1771) SICK IN THE PARISH Please pray for the sick in our parish especially: Bobbie Herndon, Nancy D’Angelo, Charlie Franks, Debra Paulikas, Candace Cerny, Martin Britz, Judy Mollner, Jim Koehnen, Mark Schlegel, Jerry Bell, Ryan Teixeira, Ray Black, Ann Romeo, Bill Sosic, Pat Kelly, Bud Biery, Pat Finn, Linda Sheffron, Patrick Kelly, Antonia Allegra, Patricia Allen, Joy Bianchi, Judson Lein, Edith Beninate, Bill Deakyne Sr., Frank Klhan, Mercedes Ferrante, Myrna Moore, Hisako Tucker, Trudy McDonald, Ron Meyer. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY Keep in prayer our brave parishioners, relatives and friends of our parish family who are in service to their country in the Armed Forces abroad: Mark Brophy, Richard Brophy, and Robert Maher. We ask the Lord to keep them safe from harm and pray for their families while they are far from home. DECEASED IN OUR PARISH Please pray for our brothers and sisters who have died, especially: Richard Sebok, George Tipton, Katherine Margaret Ryan, ...that they may rejoice with the Risen Lord. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let your perpetual light shine upon them; and may the souls Come to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel for a little R&R: Rosary & Reflection. During the season of Lent, the Rosary group will be praying the sorrowful mysteries and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Bring a prayer intention as we pray for the needs of the Church and the world. Meetings will take place every Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. For more information please contact Agnes Klasa (831) 236-1201. March 20, 2016 SOLEMN EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT The worship of the Eucharist outside of the Mass is of inestimable value for the life of the Church. Please visit our Lord during our daily Blessed Sacrament Adoration, Monday through Friday 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM. On First Fridays we have 25 hours of Adoration from 7:30 AM to Saturday 8:30 AM. Many parishioners have signed up to spend an hour with our Lord, but we still need sign ups for early morning hours. For more information, Call Sandi at 624-9491. HOMEBOUND EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY If you or someone you know, are unable to get to Mass and would like to receive the Eucharist at home, please call Joan Brophy Thomas at 831-624-3074 Carmel Mission Book Club News The Book Club is now reading Church Fathers from Clement of Rome to Augustine. The club meets at 2 p.m. Saturdays in MacMahon Center. All are welcome, and refreshments are served. There is no charge, but a goodwill donation is welcome to cover the cost of the book and shipping. Written by Pope Emeritus Benedict VI, this selection is a rich and engrossing survey of the early Church, focusing on the followers of Christ immediately succeeding the Apostles, the “Apostolic Fathers.” This book is a wonderful way to get to know many of the prominent early Christians and the tremendous spiritually-rich legacy they have bequeathed to us. Interested? Want to know more? Call Deacon Bill at 646-0358. Wheelchairs Available: Wheelchairs are available in the Museum Gift Store for anyone needing mobility assistance while visiting. The irregular surfaces around the Mission can make it difficult for parishioners to get from their cars to the Basilica. Please let the staff know and they will be happy to assist you. Page 7 CARMEL MISSION BASILICA (1771) Italian Tenor Pascuale Esposito will perform on Sunday, April 17, 2016 at Carmel Mission Basilica Doors open at 7 p.m., Concert at 7:30 p.m. For tickets call (408)528-6308 or visit Portion of ticket sales will benefit Notable Music and Arts Organization Produced by Notable, Inc. The Graduate Program in Pastoral Ministries at Santa Clara University is taking applications for the Fall 2016 quarter. Did you know that this 60 unit Master of Arts degree is offered right here in the Diocese of Monterey? Classes are held in the diocesan offices on Church Street in Monterey. For more information please call Ann Ventura at 831-373-1335 or academics/graduate-program-in-pastoral-ministries/ Women and babies deserve better than abortion! Please come pray, fast, and stand vigil with us at Seaside’s Planned Parenthood Seaside For our vigil hours and details or call Liz 831620-5540. *Bishop Garcia will lead us in prayer on Wednesday, March 9th from 7 to 8 p.m. in front of Planned Parenthood at 625 Hilby Ave in Seaside. **Are you suffering from an abortion? There is healing! Go to to start on the journey… March 20, 2016 The carrier, USS Stennis, has left on deployment to return end of June. A parishioner whose son is on the Stennis would like to help the morale of the sailors by sending care packages, consisting of anything uplifting such as: DVD’s, stationery, stamps, pens, cards, games, books, crossword puzzles/ Sudoku, magazines, chocolate, good coffee, personal items, etc! No aerosol products, please. A personal letter included would also be supportive. Priority Mail Small Flat Rate Box: $4.95; Medium Flat Rate: $10.70. Please mail to: CMC Joe Lovelace, c/o Any Sailor, CVW 9, Unit 200166, FPO AP 96601. CMC Lovelace will deliver them to the sailors. Any questions please call Joan Brophy Thomas, 624-3074. Join Maestro Michael Nowak & Orchestra Novo on Sunday, April 10 at 4:00 pm at Old Mission San Juan Bautista! Acclaimed, violin soloist and Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra concertmaster, Margaret Batjer will perform the timeless, Vivaldi Four Seasons, and, Ecos Armónicos, composed by Cal Poly professor and musicologist, Craig Russell which has its roots in early mission music. Tickets are available at Premium $50, General $30. Our parish Bible Study will examine the Resurrection events of Our Lord this week, Wednesday morning, 10:30 a.m., McMahon Center. Please join us as we look at this event of our Salvation. Page 8 CARMEL MISSION BASILICA (1771) March 20, 2016 MAKING FRACTIONS REAL: THIRD GRADE IDEAS I have read 8/8 of these Roald Dahl books.—Ben 4/13 of the markers are Yellow.—Loren I am using 1/3 of my pencils—Steven We have earned 8/100 of our Teamwork Bingo Squares.—Boston Mathematics comes alive when 3rd graders analyze the makeup of their classroom reality. Students work individually and in groups with their teacher to see how they can find the fractions that surround them. As students progress through the standards, they will consider part-to-whole and part-to-part ratios as they explore proportions in 6th grade. Employing Common Core strategies, students also learn to “use their words” to explain the reason that a problem is solved in a certain way. Student understanding of mathematical concepts is much deeper than a simple memorization of math facts. Congratulations to these young mathematicians! Do you remember smiling all the way through math class? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Students and Staff at JSS unites with our Carmel Mission parish during this Holy Week; we are praying for and with you. AFFORDABLE ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE PreK through 8th Grade Awarded Best in State and Best in Western region, Verizon Innovative App Challenge (1/2016) 3090 Rio Road Carmel, CA 93923 (831) 624-8322 Now accepting requests for tours and applications for 2016 - 2017 Call 831-624-8322 Come join our Family! Page 9 CARMEL MISSION BASILICA (1771) March 20, 2016 Faith Formation Children, Youth and Adults Phone: 624-1271 Fax: 624-6840 Bobbie Herndon, Ext 216 [email protected] Christian Cahill, Ext. 218 [email protected] Upcoming Confirmation Dates: ♦ April 10– Both Years ♦ Morality ♦ April 17– Year One ♦ Eucharist ♦ April 24– Year Two (with St. Angela’s Year Two joining us) ♦ Holy Spirit as instigator and inspiration in our lives. ♦ April 30 (Saturday)- Year Two Retreat DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY Carmel Mission Basilica will celebrate a special Mass at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 3rd for Divine Mercy Sunday. Fr. Miguel Rodriguez will be the celebrant. All are invited to attend. Confessions from 2:00–2:45 p.m. At 2:30 p.m. the Rosary will be recited followed by the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. A procession will announce the start of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is highly recommended that those wishing to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, do so on Saturday. Confessions prior to the Mass will be limited. Carmel Mission Healing Mass with the Order of Malta April 10th, 11:00am Mass Father Paul Murphy Presiding Please join us for our healing mass at the 11:00 mass on April 10th. We will especially pray for those with serious illnesses in our parish family as they are anointed with Holy Oil. Any parishioner wishing to receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is welcome to attend. The Order of Malta will assist in the mass. We will have a number of our malades who have attended our annual pilgrimage to Lourdes and several individuals who will be traveling with us this year to Lourdes seeking a miracle of spiritual and physical healing. The Order of Malta has been an active religious order since 1113 and we operate major hospitals, healthcare clinics, leprosy clinics, elder homes and orphanages around the world. Our members are active with hands-on work with those in great need. We are based in Rome and the majority of our members are in France, Italy, Germany, Spain, the United States and in Mexico. Page 10 CARMEL MISSION BASILICA (1771) March 20,, 2016 Theology On Tap Returns! Theology on Tap offers fellowship and discussions about topics important in our lives today, with interesting speakers guiding the conversation, while enjoying your favorite beverages and snacks. The meeting will be on: Wednesday, March 30th, 7:00 PM London Bridge Pub, 256 Figueroa Street (at the foot of Wharf 2), Monterey Our speaker will be Sr. Gloria Loya. Sister Gloria earned her D.Min. at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, and served for many years as Adjunct Professor of Theology and Hispanic Ministry at the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley. She now serves the Diocese of Monterey as Vicar for Religious and as Human Trafficking Liaison. Sister Gloria’s topic will be “Women in the Church”. We will look at both the historical and contemporary roles of women in the Church, and consider the theological and historical foundations of the roles we all play. We will also look at the future of women in the Church. Please join us for a frank discussion! You can also send questions to Deacon Warren Hoy at [email protected] We hope to see you there! 513553 Carmel Mission Carmel, CA Rosie Murray (831) 624-1271 ext. 200 Contact: Email: [email protected] 831-224-3480 Software Using: Publisher 2007 Pages Sent: (1-12) Special Instructions: Please print first; we need our bulletins by Thursday afternoon because of weekly inserts. Thanks! Page 12 CARMEL MISSION BASILICA (1771) March 20, 2016 Carmel Mission Museum Store (831) 624-1271, Ext 210 Store Hours: Daily—Monday through Sunday: 9:30AM—5:00PM Milagros Collection—Fine hand-crafted folk art from Mexico. Milagros are small metal religious charms found in many areas of Latin America. The word “Milagros” means “miracles”. These small charms, often depicting arms, legs, praying people, animals and a wide range of other subjects are typically nailed to crosses or wooden statues.
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