May 8, 2016 - Our Lady of Good Counsel Church
May 8, 2016 - Our Lady of Good Counsel Church
O UR L ADY OF G OOD C OUNSEL P ARISH 114 MacDonald Avenue, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6B 1H3 Phone: (705) 942-8546 Fax: (705) 942-8674 May 8, 2016 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: Ascension of the Lord OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m.—12:00 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. SUNDAY MASSES Saturday 7:00 p.m. (Easter Vigil at 8:30 p.m.) Sunday 9:00 a.m. Sunday 11:00 a.m. PARISH STAFF Pastor: Rev. Paul Conway Deacons: Rev. Mr. Robert Fex (retired) Rev. Mr. Walter Morrow (retired) Diocesan Order of Women: Raymonde Brant Secretary: Cathy LaBlance PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Dan Drazenovich Vincent LaRue Outreach Member Christian Formation Member Randy Johnson Finance Member Liturgy Member ADORATION CHAPEL Come spend some time alone with the Lord! Open 18 hours Adorers needed…. Please call either Raffaela Medaglia 942-7891; Angela Rasaiah 949-2208 Susanne Quinn-Perron 450-7732 PRAYER REQUEST to place a prayer request, please phone: Laverne……….... 942-7630 (ans. machine) Betty……………...649-3611 (ans. machine) CHURCH ENVELOPES If you would like to begin using parish donation envelopes, please contact the parish office. WEEKDAY LITURGIES Monday…. 7:00 p.m. Liturgy of the Word Tuesday…. 12:00 p.m. Celebration of Eucharist Wednesday… 9:15 a.m. Celebration of Eucharist Thursday… 9:15 a.m. Celebration of Eucharist Friday……. 9:15 a.m. No Mass today RECONCILIATION ***Saturday……. 3:00 p.m.—4:00 p.m. or by appointment. SACRAMENT OF INITIATION (Baptism) REGISTRATION FORMS are available for pick up in the foyer of the church. MARRIAGE Please contact the parish office. A MINIMUM OF SIX MONTHS NOTICE IS REQUIRED. ANOINTING OF THE SICK If you are sick and go to the hospital, please call the parish office 705-942-8546. This will allow us to arrange that you have the Sacrament of the Sick and a Pastoral Visit. Also, Eucharist is brought once a week to those in the hospital by a Pastoral Team member. Life is Sacred… “To defend and promote life, to show reverence and love for it, is a task which God entrusts to every man, calling him as has living image to share in his own lordship over the world.” St. John Paul II —Evangelium Vitae Life is Precious Ministry is once again sponsoring a Dedication of 40 Days of Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration for the “Sanctity of Life”… the unborn, disabled, elderly and terminally ill. Adoration Chapel hours are 6am to Midnight, 7 days a week. The 40 days of Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration which began April 1 and will conclude on May 10 2016. We invite parishioners who are interested in participating in this vigil, to simply sign the log book labelled “40 days of Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration”, which will be kept next to the Chapel’s regular Adoration log book. You can choose to attend one hour a week for the duration of the vigil period or 1 hour daily or simply 1 hour only. Please be sure to sign into the correct log book. This vigil is not intended to interfere with regular adorers of the Eucharist. If you require further information, please call Claudette @ 945-8798. On behalf of Life is Precious Ministry, thank you and God Bless you for your commitment to Prayers and Eucharistic Adoration during this vigil. Your sister in Christ, Claudette Breton The Annual March for Life in Ottawa is May 12, 2016. Life is Precious Ministry will not be organizing a group to attend this year. If you wish to attend, more information can be found on the Campaign Life Coalition website. Blessings, Claudette Breton Life is Precious Ministry Eucharistic Adoration Ministry of Sault Ste. Marie Adoration Chapel Located at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church The Roman Catholic community of the City of Sault Ste. Marie is privileged to have an Adoration Chapel where Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is present at all times. This Chapel is located in Our Lady of Good Counsel Church at 114 MacDonald Avenue. We are running into difficulties where a lot of the Adorers are getting to an age where they are unable to attend the Chapel due to sickness or lack of transportation. The Chapel is open from 6:00 a.m. until Midnight. Anyone can drop in for a visit during that time; however, we do need adorers committed to a weekly visit for an hour. We are in need of someone for Sundays 11am-noon; Tuesdays 8-9pm Please call one of the following co-ordinators of the Chapel if you would like to come to the Chapel to experience the peace and tranquility of spending one hour weekly with Jesus: Susanne Quinn-Perron 450-7732; Angela Rasaiah 949-2208; and Raffaela Medaglia 206-3968. Would you like to help refugees settle in Sault Ste. Marie? For more information about how you can be involved with the local ecumenical refugee sponsorship group, contact: REMINDERS: ASSISTED HEARING DEVICES: If you have trouble hearing the Priest or Lector at Mass, ask one of the Ushers or Ministers of Hospitality about our Assisted Hearing Devices. They are available, free of charge, to anyone who requests to use them. DEFIBRILLATOR: We have one of these devices in our Sacristy in case it is needed, and many of our Parishioners have been trained in how to use it. SECURE YOUR VALUABLES: In the past cars have had their windows broken when valuables were visible inside. Everyone is reminded to secure your valuables. Nothing of any value should be left in your car, and at the very least should be out of sight (preferably locked in the trunk). Be aware, however, that Parishioners have had their trunks broken into while parked in our parking lot. On a related note, beware that thefts have occurred also in our church and in the Adoration Chapel. Do not leave valuable unattended for any length of time. This Week’s recap of parish activities: Mon., May 9th 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Tues., May 10th 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Wed., May 11th 9:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Thurs., May 12th 9:15 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Fri., May 13th 9:15 a.m. Sat., May 14th 9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Sun., May 15th 7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Liturgy of the Word with Holy Eucharist—Collegiate Heights Retirement Home Liturgy of the Word with Holy Eucharist—Church Small Faith Sharing Group (Irene) - Chapple Street Celebration of the Eucharist—Church Celebration of the Eucharist —Church followed by the Rosary Celebration of the Eucharist —Van Daele Nursing Home A Weekly Meditation Group—Blessed Margaret Room Liturgy Committee meeting—Blessed Margaret Room Celebration of the Eucharist —Church Choir Practice (Mary Ann)—Church Mass is cancelled for today! Prayer for Vocations—Church Confession Time—Church Pentecost Sunday Celebration of the Eucharist —Church Celebration of the Eucharist —Church Celebration of the Eucharist —Church with Baptisms Children’s Liturgy of the Word—dismissal during the Mass Friendship Meal—Parish Hall Praise & Worship– Everyone invited—Church CHECK the BULLETIN BOARD (entrance of Church) for listing of REGIONAL EVENTS & FLYERS…… __________________________________________________ COME! Come and feel the presence of the lord Come and experience His peace, His joy, His Love Come and find hope Come and realize the endless, unchanging love that God has for you YOUAREINVITEDTO ANEVENINGOF PRAISE&WORSHIP ON PENTECOSTSUNDAY, MAY15THAT7:00P.M. INTHECHURCHPROPER ComingtonightwillnotgiveyouanentranceintotheKingdomof God–Youhavealready receivedthatthroughyourbaptism. Itwillequipyouforyourlife’sjourney; itwillgiftyouwithwhatyouneed. ComedesiringagreaterrelationshipwithGod–Father,Son&Holy Spirit COME -- ALL ARE WELCOME FRIENDSHIP MEAL ….. will be on Sunday, May 15th at 5:00 p.m. (Coffee served at 4:30 p.m.) and is being sponsored by Mother Teresa Conference SSVP. All Parishioners are cordially invited to come, sit with Jesus as He reveals Himself in the face of the poor, and dine with Him here as a foretaste of the Heavenly Banquet. FRIENDSHIP MEAL ….. Now looking at 2017: We are now into our 9th year of hosting Friendship Meals on the third Sunday of every month. We currently need hosts in 2017 for February to December (no meals in July or August)….. HEALING MASS Our Lady of Good Counsel on Friday, June 3rd at 11:00 a.m. Together we will celebrate a Healing Mass for the sick, the shut-ins and our seniors, along with their caregiver/family member. Everyone is welcome! Following mass, there will be a luncheon for all those attending the Mass in our parish hall hosted by the parish. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! May God bless all mothers and mothers-to-be Thank you for all you do Thank you for all you say Please consider hosting a meal next year, contact the Parish Office 705-942-8546 we need to have 2017 covered by September 30th 2016. Funds are available to assist with the cost, please remember the parish has funds designated to help. ---------------------------------------------we are taking orders for the 2016-2017 SUNDAY MISSAL (Living with Christ) 2016-2017 the missal has all prayers and readings for Sunday Mass and Holy days (does not include weekdays). the cost for each book is $5.00. Please complete the form below and return to the office by May 31, 2016. I want a SUNDAY MISSAL 2016-2017 (Living with Christ) NAME ______________________________ PHONE NUMBER ___________________________ Thank you for the patience kindness and love you show us Your loving kids MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR THE ANNUAL BBQ –June 12, 2016 youth music ministry The Youth Music Group has a PRACTICE on the 2nd Sunday of every month after the 11am Mass, for 1 hour; they are Leaders of Song on the 3rd Sunday of every month at the 11am Mass. Are you a young person, grade 6 and up (junior high, high school, young adult), with a musical talent? (singing or playing an instrument) Join by contacting Franceline 705-946-1377 On Friday, May 20, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Church of Christ the King in Sudbury, His Excellency, Most Reverend Marcel Damphousse will ordain Deacon Daniele Muscolino to the priesthood. Everyone is invited to this celebration. The Gardening Season will begin soon! We NEED some new GARDENERS. The following gardens are available: 1) Both signs & side of church (on the south side of the church) 2) The walkway leading up to the Church south center door (by hall kitchen). 3) Small garden by handicap parking lot The other gardens have been spoken for. As you can see, there are a number of areas available this year. We have no plans to hire a gardener, so our options are to have volunteers tend them, or to remove them. Some of these areas are well planted with shrubs and perennials, and so require only weeding/tending. Any takers on any of these? Contact Cathy at the parish office 705-942-8546 by May 23rd. Winter Woolies…. Good news….we have two coordinators for the Winter Woolies Project, Judith & Roberta. For now knitted items can be dropped off at the parish office. If you would like to donate wool, it would be appreciated, and can be dropped off at the parish office and there is wool available if you want to knit items. Enjoy the summer and our coordinators will announce in the Fall the direction this Project will take for the future. In the meantime,Keep KNITTING/CROCHETING! GOD BLESS CWL ANNOUNCEMENTS Many thanks for those who donated their time & baking towards our monthly bake sale at the K.of C. Suppers. Special thanks to Gerri Yeo. There will be no bake sale in June. Next one will be in September. May 13th-15th, 2016 is our 96th Annual Sault Ste. .Marie Diocesan Convention. It will take place at Quattro Hotel & Conference Centre. Our CWL are on the Hostessing Committee. Please keep us in your prayers for a successful convention. May 17th, 2016, Tuesday, 7pm is our General Meeting, all members & ladies of the parish are welcome. Your Sister in the League! Lois Lemieux, CWL President. _______________________________________ **Ministers involved in the Liturgies— NEXT Schedules will be for June, July, August & September. Please advise Cathy 942-8546 of any dates you are not available during these months. These schedules are being prepared & will be available May 20th. --------------------------------------------we are taking orders for SUNDAY MISSAL for Young Catholics 2016-2017 (Living with Christ) it is perfect for children ages 7 and up it has key words for every Sunday explaining biblical words and concepts the cost for each book is $9.00. Please complete the form below and return to the office by May 31, 2016. I want a SUNDAY MISSAL for young Catholics 2016-2017 NAME ______________________________ PHONE NUMBER ___________________________ MASS SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK OF…………. Monday, May 9th to Sunday, May 15th, 2016 Date & Time Mass Intention Readings Monday 7:00 p.m. Liturgy of the Word with Communion Acts 19: 1-8; Ps 68: 1-6; John 16: 29-33 May 10th Tuesday 12 Noon Albano Gomes by Duarte & Irene Carpinteiro Acts 20: 17-27; Ps 68: 9-20; John 17: 1-11 Byron Hunt Betty Boissineau Bill O’Dennell May 11th Wednesday 9:15 a.m. David Dickson by Jim & Joan Ross Rosina Lucio & Rosina Perri by Ottavio & Rose Lucio Acts 20: 28-38; Ps 68; 28-35; John 17: 11-19 Walter Morrow Velma Robinson Art Massicotte May 12th June Plycloud by Vern & Rose von Roenn Acts 22: 30—23: 11; Ps 16: 1-11; John 17: 20-26 Margie Skulech Margaret Twentyman Ed Twentyman May 9th Thursday 9:15 a.m. May 13th Friday May 14th Saturday, 7:00 p.m. Mass May 15th Sunday 9:00 a.m. Mass & 11:00 a.m. Mass Readers Extra-Ord. Min. of Holy Comm. Servers Lectors, Acts 24: 27—-25: 21; Ps 103: 1-20; John 21: 15-19 No Mass today! 7:00 p.m. Gaetano Lombardo by Lombardo Family For the Sanctity of Life by Life is Precious Ministry Nino Della Penta by The Family Pentecost Sunday 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Maurice Cormier, Laverne Guzzo Betty Boissineau, Norie Tapiru-Cormack Art Massicotte Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Ushers and Welcomers Liturgy Schedules for May are available on the parish website, and in the Sacristy. 7:00 p.m. Welcomer & Coffee Susie Shaughnessy Ushers: Gerry Yeo & Carol McFarlane 1 Corinthians 12: 3-13; 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Don Barill (A) Stella Dugas (B) Val Barill, Fernando Jour Margie Skulech, Margaret Twentyman 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Welcomer & Coffee Ed Twentyman Serge & Stella Dugas Ushers: Joe Bumbacco & John Nogalo John 20: 19-23 11:00 a.m. For the intentions of the all Parishioners 7:00 p.m. Betty Belec (A) Peter Belec (B) Acts 2: 1-11; Ps 104: 1-34; 9:00 a.m. Rosina Perri & Giuseppina Bernardo by Joe & Enrica Trunzo David Dickson by Gerry & Pat Gingras Welcoming/&Ushers 11:00 a.m. Daniel Lance (A) Samantha Lance (B) 11:00 a.m. Bryon Hunt, Randy Johnson, Shirley Jour, Dan Lance 11:00 a.m. Tony Fera 11:00 a.m. Welcomer & Coffee Bob & Loretta Harrison Ushers: Norman Cardiff & Pat Ruscio CHILDREN’S LITURGY of the WORD is held at the 11:00 a.m. Mass on Sundays for ages 5 to 12 Fr. Paul calls forth the children during the opening of Mass. ADULT LEADERS are needed for this children’s programme, please contact Fr. Paul if interested. PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED especially for …..…William “John” Reedy, husband of Barbara Hodgson and for all deceased family & friends. ____________________________________________________ Celebration of the Eucharist — Extendicare Van Daele Nursing Home on Wednesday, May 11th at 10:30 a.m. Please remember to pray for: all the sick & Shut-ins in our parish Community.
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Rev. Paul Conway
Deacons: Rev. Mr. Robert Fex (retired)
Rev. Mr. Walter Morrow (retired)
Diocesan Order of Women: Raymonde Brant
Secretary: Cathy LaBlance