September 2014 - Heritage Presbyterian Church


September 2014 - Heritage Presbyterian Church
September 2014
The Newsletter of the Saints at Heritage Presbyterian Church
On Stewardship .............. 2
Financial Spotlight........... 2
Christian Education ......... 3
Prayer Concerns ............. 4
Music Notes .................... 4
Missions .......................... 4
Heritage Scrapbook ........ 6
Community Events .......... 8
HPW ................................ 8
Smellin' The Roses ......... 9
Around the Parish ......... 10
Sept.. Calendar ............. 11
Upcoming Events .......... 12
Presbyterian Church
8503 Fort Hunt Road
Alexandria, Virginia 22308
Phone: 703-360-9546
Fax: 703-360-7389
Rev. Bill Teng
[email protected]
Rev. Holly Davis
Associate Pastor
[email protected]
Elder Mary Oliver
Elder Jeff Taylor
Music Director
[email protected]
People get ready, there’s a train a comin’!
Don’t need no baggage, you just get on board.
All you need is faith to hear the diesels hummin’;
Don’t need no ticket, you just thank the Lord.
This is a great old gospel song by Curtis Mayfield. The train
describes the community of faith as we travel together toward
the destination of loving God and one another. I’m so excited
about something new at Heritage. This 9-month challenge will
focus our scattered lives on growing closer to God and each
other. What an adventure to see where God will take us!
The challenge has three parts. The first part of the challenge is to read through the
entire Bible in the next nine months. (I know what you’re thinking: “Are you
CRAZY”???? How do you expect me to add one more thing to my life?) Here’s the
thing…it’s time to focus. We need to prioritize. We have to demonstrate that nothing
really matters in this short life on earth if it’s not grounded on loving and knowing our
We make time for everything else. Let’s do something radical! Let’s change the
culture of our lives, our family, church, community and the world. Let’s listen to God
speak through His Word every day and let’s do this as a family of faith.
How? Use the 9-month “Read Through The Bible Challenge” schedule (copy
Each day you’ll read about five pages of Scripture (sometimes more and sometimes
Every Sunday the sermon will correlate with the previous week’s reading.
Let’s pray for the world. Every day pray specifically for one country and its people. Look
at the church website (, our weekly bulletin, subscribe online
( or order your own hard copy of the Operation
World prayer guide. Also, remember to pray for our church and our community.
Finally, ask some friends to form a “Grow Group” to fellowship together and discuss the
Bible readings. Participate in the Pastors’ Grow Group that meets every Monday
evening from 7:30-8:30 and Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:45, or call the church Office
for other options.
Heritage needs to come together and move forward. Don’t we want to be a living,
healthy and growing church? Will you take on the challenge? Are you on board?
Blessings & love,
Miguel Valdes
Denise Hayden
Office Manager
[email protected]
Perry N. Carvellas
“Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light for my path” — Psalm 119:105
On Stewardship
Mary Oliver
Emily Perez
Children’s Christian
Education / Youth
Scott Towle
Nancy Pope
Congregation Care
Diana Johannes
Congregational Life
Glenn St. John
P.D. Smith
Van Davis
Ann Strohm
Terry Harroun
John Kohout
Bill Sams
Jennifer McAllister
Pastor Holly Davis
Associate Pastor
“Engagement Is Stewardship!” by Linda Friesen
From Ephesians 4: The gifts he gave were ... to equip the saints for the work of ministry,
for building up the body of Christ.
Imagine church members 13 times more likely to have invited someone to participate
in a church activity in the past month. Imagine church members 3 times as satisfied with
their lives. Imagine church members each spending more than two hours per week
serving and helping others in the community. Imagine church members tripling their
giving to the church.
I can only imagine. What's the difference between the church where you attend and
the church described above? Engagement! It is the difference between “doing” church
and “being” church. Engagement is not about one more program. Engagement is about
building a congregation of dedicated and energized members who are growing
spiritually and reaching out in concern and service to the world. Engagement is about
helping people explore their God-given talents and move them into action. Engagement
is about being good stewards of the talents gifted to us — and putting them to use to
build the kingdom of God, the body of Christ in the world.
Engagement happens when the people of God are given the opportunity to discover
their God-given talents and how to use them for God’s glory. Gallup StrengthsFinder
(and StrengthsExplorer, which is designed for youth ages 9-15) is an online talent
assessment instrument that invites people to discover their talents. Gallup defines talent
as naturally recurring patterns of thought, feeling or behavior that can be productively
applied. Talents exist naturally. They are your inborn, God-gifted predispositions. They
are those things that you do instinctively and that naturally give you satisfaction. Pair
talents with skills and knowledge and you have created a strength; the ability to provide
consistent, near-perfect performance in a given activity. To live your strengths, you must
first identity your talents. By taking StrengthsFinder, you identity your top five themes of
talent, your Signature Theme. Discovering and learning about our innate, God-given
gifts is a very affirming process and helps to more completely be the unique disciples
that God created us to be. As this happens God's kingdom is realized among and
through us and then amazing things happen, engagement!
What are the outcomes of engagement? Through extensive research and analysis,
Gallup has identified four outcomes that are the most relevant indicators of a church’s
spiritual health: inviting, giving, serving and life satisfaction. These are the proven
outcomes of increased engagement.
In closing, consider the Hasidic tale of the Rabbi Zusya. When he was an old man,
Zusya said, “In the coming world, they will not ask me ‘Why were you not Moses?’ They
will ask me: ‘Why were you not Zusya?’” That is God’s question to each of us as well.
We are not expected to be who we are not. We are expected to be who we are. We, the
church, are in a unique position to help people name, claim and use their talents; to
claim their true identity as children of God, created on purpose and for purpose in the
— Rev. Linda Friesen is the lead pastor at Hosanna Lutheran Church in Forest Lake, MN
and is a trained Gallup StrengthsFinder Coach for both individuals and teams.
Reprinted by permission. ©2014 Center for Stewardship Leaders, Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN.
Pastor Bill Teng
Moderator / Pastor
Financial Snapshot
2014 Stewardship
Operating Revenues
Operating Expenses
Over (Under)
Tithes and Offerings
Special Offerings
Building Fund
HORIZONS Newsletter
Denise Hayden
Elder Marge Hernandez
Circulation Staff
Pat Meeks, Ann Perkins
Page 2
Tithes and Offerings in regular (white) envelopes apply toward the 2014 Budget of $390,315 unless
otherwise notated. Special-Envelope Offerings (e.g., One Great Hour of Sharing) and Special Appeals
(e.g., Disaster Relief) are freewill offerings over and above pledged amounts, and do not support the
operations of Heritage, but are passed through to various missions.
Christian Education, Pastor Holly Davis
Fall 2014 Christian Education & Discipleship
This is going to be a great year! No matter what your age, please
know YOU are an important part of this faith family and we need
everyone to “get on board”!
Equipping Event — If you are teaching, leading or helping with
children this year — or even just thinking about it — please come
Thursday, September 4, to the Heritage House (Pastor Holly’s).
This will be a time of fellowship, encouragement, visioning and
dessert! (You also need to sign a sexual misconduct policy form).
See you at 8506 Crowley Place at 7:00 P.M.!
Christian Education Kick-off Sunday, September 7, at
9:45 A.M. Let’s celebrate the beginning of a new program
year for children K-5th grade. We will begin together in
Rooms 1-2 and then split into two classes of grades K
through 2nd and 3rd through 5th. You’re going to love our
new curriculum. Don’t forget to stay for worship and the
annual church picnic!
Children in Worship is offered for all children ages 4-8
following the Children’s Time during the weekly 11:00 A.M.
worship service beginning on September 7. Will you
consider taking a week to lead or help? The curriculum is
extremely user-friendly! Please sign up with Elder Emily
Perez or on the hallway bulletin board outside the
Fellowship Hall.
Vacation Bible School 2014
Western Maryland Railroad Scenic Excursion — Mark
your calendar for a fun train trip on Saturday, September
27! Elder Diana Johannes is organizing this fun event
and will let you know how to buy your ticket. All aboard!
Middle School & High School — Let’s see how many of you can take on the church challenge of reading through the
Bible in nine months! I dare you. I triple dog dare you! Plan to meet with the adults at 9:45 A.M. in the Fellowship Hall and
then break out into your own youth group.
Youth Group — Sunday, September 21, at 5:00 P.M. Bring a friend!
Youth Lock-in — Sunday, November 2. Yes. For reals. All night. This. Better than ever….
Is it a Pastors’ Class? A small group? No, it’s a “Grow Group” gathering Monday evenings beginning September 15.
Meet weekly from 7:30-8:30 P.M. in the Library. The pastors will facilitate this time of praying together and discussing
questions from the Bible reading challenge.
DIG. You know what it means: to move, uncover, break up, turn, loosen, prepare, to bring to light or out of hiding. This is
what we will do in the Sunday morning class for adults and youth at 9:45 A.M. Let’s dig into the Word and talk about
how it applies to our lives today. Even if you haven’t kept up with the “Read Through The Bible Challenge,” you will enjoy
being together in this group.
Bible Study Class — 9:45 A.M. Sunday mornings in the Library. The fall study explores looking for signs of hope in the
writings of Jeremiah, Habakkuk, Psalms and Job. Let’s learn together. Sign up to lead a week!
Small Group — This casual discussion group meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of every month at 10:00 A.M. in
the church Library. This fall will feature the book I Love Growing Older but I’ll Never Grow Old. Starts September 4!
Contact Elder Mary Oliver for more information.
Page 3
Music Notes, Elder Jeff Taylor
For healing:
 Barbara Beardsley
Bubp (Karen Rudolph’s
 Marianne Benson
 John Benson
(Marianne’s brother)
 Dave Capelleti and Bob
Kuhn (friends of
Marianne Benson)
 Joan Henderson
 Mary Alice Keller
(Pastor Holly’s mother)
 Mickey Lenz (Valarie
Sowell’s mother)
 Glen Miller
 Melissa Morrison (friend
of Monica Reed)
 Joanne Riedesel (friend
of Mary & Pat Oliver)
 Judy Spears
 Margaret Spurgat
 Mia Vago
 Sylvia and Marie
 Lucy Willis
Please pray for Karen
Rudolph and family as her
step-father, Bob Bubp,
died on July 13; and Tom
Jarvis & Rebecca Hess
and family as Tom’s
mother, Thelma Thalton
Jarvis, died on August 11.
May God’s peace and
comfort surround them.
Please also pray for those
who need gainful
employment in this
depressive economy
and for the safety and
protection of the men
and women serving our
country in the Armed Forces.
Page 4
Many thanks and much appreciation for our guest soloists
and musicians who provided such wonderful music again this
summer: Dave Bossman, Bob Garrod, Jim Hayes, Kate
Keating and Abigail Tucker, Jennifer McAllister, Rachel
Messman, Marty Nau and Vivien Peterson. Also, we
especially want to recognize Zach Johns and Bill Sams for
their musical leadership during the early outdoor service this
The Heritage Ringers and the Sanctuary Choir will resume
regular Thursday evening rehearsals starting on September 4, at 6:30 & 7:30,
respectively. Please know that we warmly welcome newcomers at any time. Try us for a
month or a season. We would love for you to be part of our music ministry!
Missions, Elder Van Davis
School Supplies Drive a HUGE Success!
Thanks to everyone who donated to this year’s School Supplies
Drive for UCM. Because of your generous support, we were
able to deliver to UCM 26 backpacks, 6 bags of supplies and
$1,010 for the purchase of additional school supplies. UCM’s
new partnership with Kids R First, Office Depot and Wal-Mart,
will allow them to use this money to buy in bulk. This important
effort ensures that children in our community have the tools
they need to start the school year off right. Thank you for your
Eagles’ Wings Tutoring Program
Are you looking for a mission in your local community — a way to serve here in Fairfax
County? Do you have one hour a week to spare? Then why not consider tutoring an
elementary school student with the Eagles’ Wings Tutoring Program. The Eagles’ Wings
Tutoring Program will begin its 26th year of tutoring students from Mount Eagle
Elementary School every Wednesday evening at Calvary Presbyterian Church. Last
year 31 students in grades 3-6 were tutored from October to early May. This is a terrific
and award-winning outreach program that benefits not only the Mount Eagle students
but the tutors and community at large.
Please consider committing one hour a week to tutor or become a substitute tutor. If
you are a high school junior and senior, Eagles’ Wings is the perfect service learning
project — accumulate service hours tutoring a student. If you are interested in Eagles’
Wings or have questions, please contact Elder Susan Palmer at 703-768-2319 or
[email protected]. Tutor Orientation is Wednesday, October 1 at 7:00 P.M. at
Calvary Presbyterian Church. Tutoring begins Wednesday, October 8.
Peacemaking Offering
The Peacemaking Offering is one of the four special offerings and supports the efforts of
the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to live out a deeper commitment to peacemaking as
part of our faithfulness to God. This year’s Peacemaking Offering will be collected on
Sunday, October 5, World Communion Sunday. As we gather with Christians from all
over the world to celebrate a simple meal of bread and cup, we are reminded that Christ
brings us together to make us one family. A simple meal that celebrates Christ, our
peace. Heritage retains 25% of the Peacemaking Offering which will be donated to a
designated agency in our community. Envelopes are provided in your offering box.
Malawi Mission
What a blessing! On August 2, Ms. Maggie Chisi — now Rev. Mrs.
Maggie Chivunga — graduated with distinction from the College of
Theology at the University of Livingstonia in Ekwendeni, Malawi. For the
past four years, Heritage Presbyterian has enabled Maggie to pursue
her calling by providing an annual full scholarship of $3,000. In a
country where the pastor to member ratio is 1:7000, the need is great.
Maggie tells (in her own words) that her “calling to ministry started in
1983 when I was eight years old but I didn’t realize it up to June 6,
2008. However, if God chooses you, you can’t run away. On June 6,
2008, I was convicted to write an application to the Holy Ministry. I had
no peace until I wrote the application. From there I had peace in my life.
I promise to serve my God the rest of my life.”
Heritage became a partner in Malawi as a result of the Mission Night
Rev. Maggie and her husband, Kondwani Chivunga.
and Dinner on May 28, 2010. Rev. Debbie Chase, Presbyterian Church
(U.S.A.) Mission Co-Worker, who was then the Dean of Academic Affairs and Lecturer at the University of Livingstonia,
College of Theology, shared her work and the levels of need in Malawi. Malawi is the 4th poorest country in the world.
Forty percent of the population is undernourished. And where the annual income is less than $500, not only is secondary
education out of reach for most Malawians but any college education is almost unattainable. The Mission Committee
prayerfully considered funding a scholarship. In October 2010, funds were sent for a full-year scholarship and, as a
result, Maggie was identified as the recipient. After her first two years of outstanding performance in the diploma of
theology program, Maggie earned the privilege and honor of being accepted into the bachelor of theology degree
program. She was consistently at or near the top of her class all four years and served as Vice President of the College
of Theology’s Student Union. Heritage’s “abundant blessing” made possible Maggie’s training for the Ministry of the
Word and Sacrament and is strengthening the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) by training a new minister.
Hi, Miss Palmer,
I am Maggie R. K. Chisi (now Mrs. Chivunga) writing from Malawi, a student who you have been sponsoring
through Rev. Debbie Chase, former Dean of Academic affairs of the University of Livingstonia College of
Theology, now faculty of theology, Ekwendeni Campus. On behalf of me and my husband, Kondwani Chivunga,
I would like to extend my sincere gratitude for the continued support in sponsoring my education since first year
2010 of my studies to the end 2014. It has been a long way but you have never grown tired of supporting me.
May the Almighty God bless you abundantly.
At this point I would like to inform you that the Graduation Date is 2nd of August, this year 2014. I would be
very happy to seeing you on this date to grace the occasion if possible. My objectives upon graduation are that I
would like to go to the congregation first to fulfill the purpose of the call but if chances of you sponsoring me are
there for continuation with further studies, I will be going for further studies. This is part of my Goals to attain
higher education and have vast experience and knowledge so that I can serve God better. My dream is to see
myself preaching at Heritage Presbyterian Church one day.
One of areas of concentration is to empower women and mobilize them to active service of God amongst
other objectives. I will be sending you a picture of my family in the next e-mail.
God bless you, Maggie Chisi (Mrs. Chivunga)
More Malawi News:
From July 31-August 3, Elders Mary Oliver and Susan Palmer attended the 12th Annual Malawi Mission Network
Conference at St. John’s College in Annapolis, Maryland. This was a wonderful opportunity to learn about all the great
works being done by Presbyterian churches and organizations across America in Malawi.
Located in southeast Africa, Malawi is land-locked and one of the most densely populated nations in Sub-Saharan
Africa with a population of 16.4 million. Christianity is the dominant religion. Did you know that there are more
Presbyterians in Malawi than in the U.S.? Dr. David Livingstone, the Scottish explorer and missionary, introduced
Christianity to what now is Malawi. The Church of Scotland and the Free Church of Scotland established missions in
southern and northern Malawi respectively.
As one of the poorest countries in the world, poverty is pervasive. 27% of children, ages 5-14 are “working” —
primarily in subsistence farming. 47% of the population is undernourished. Poor access to education, endemic malaria,
extremely high maternal mortality and an 11% rate of HIV/AIDS infection pose major problems for Malawi. And where
there is great need, there is opportunity to serve God. Mary and Susan brought back many ideas for serving God
through serving others. The Missions Team will be considering options. If you have any questions or concerns about
Malawi, the conference, or how you can help, please feel free to talk with either Mary or Susan, or any member of the
Missions Team.
Page 5
Joyous Jumpin’ Jenny was at it again this year. In a cheetah safari hat, I
was leading forty VBS weird animal campers and forty zookeepers in
singing and dancing about how “we’re all a little different, in many
different ways. No matter where we come from, God loves us the same.”
Vacation Bible School at Heritage has been the highlight of my year since
2003, like a calling, to Ephesians 5:19, “Speak to one another in spiritual
songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord.” Each year there is
a different theme, and each year another part of my heart is unlocked to
reveal more of God’s love. This year a song had us spinning around and singing “God’s Love — Give It Away!” I get that
so much better now! Hope the kids do too. Last year we sang how “we are strong, and we are brave,” in a castle, and
the year before, we flew high in the sky to sing about the “joy unspeakable that won’t go away.” In 2011, I again
memorized the twelve tribes of Israel, singing about how God-with-Us, Jesus, was a boy, who walked the earth (clap,
clap, clap). Earlier, we traveled the high seas for the deep, deep love of Jesus, and faced our Bayou Bible Bites in the
swamp, where we sang “I Will Not Be Afraid,” complete with Michael Jackson Thriller moves. We have been to outer
space, on an archeology dig, to the jungle, the Olympics, and a farm, where we grew the fruits of the spirit and learned
them all in song. Finally, an all-time favorite song for many of us VBS veterans was Beach Beatitudes, complete with our
best Elvis impersonations, strumming a guitar and singing Bah-Bah-Bah-Bah-Bah-Bah-lieve! We Believe!
— Jennifer McAllister
Our story with Heritage Presbyterian Church starts back when we were fifth
graders. We tagged along with a previous member and neighbor, Kristin
McSwain, who volunteered at Vacation Bible School for years until she and
her family moved. We were welcomed into the Heritage family with open
arms. We came back every year since fifth grade to help at VBS, graduating
from crew helpers to crew leaders. We have loved volunteering at VBS. We
enjoyed watching the kids learn their faith and core values and have fun.
We were fortunate enough to get a job from volunteering and have been so
happy to work in the Nursery on Sundays. Both the Nursery and VBS have
brought us joy to play with the little kids who we have watched grow over
the years. As we are now seniors, it is our last year working in the Nursery
and this past summer was our last week of VBS. Even though we are
moving on, Heritage has taught us so much about responsibility, kindness,
and ourselves. We were truly blessed to have spent the last eight years
being part of the Heritage family and will never forget our time here. Thank
— Christine and Rachel Macey
The Vacation Bible School Critter Café reports there were numerous happy
attendees eating snacks that they assisted in preparing each day, along with
having God sighting written down! Each day a different snack was prepared
to correlate with that days Bible adventure. Some of the snacks that were
enjoyed were pudding parfaits with choices of fresh fruit to add; sugar
cookies the children added faces using M&Ms for eyes and mouth & red
licorice for that cute smile God gave us. Another fun one for everyone was
buttering a slice of bread, putting a cross template over it and sprinkling on
cinnamon sugar (what’s not to like?). Many ate two slices that day, as so
much fun to make. The boys especially liked filling a latex glove with popped
corn that gummies had been added first for the fingernails to reflect giving a
helping hand as God does. Yes, the popcorn was good to eat right after
some tried scare tactics with them!!! So much fun. Extra popcorn was
available that day so the gloves could be taken home. Wonder how many
tried to scare their family members that day? What a joy it was for all the
Critter Café volunteer’s to be a part of the Heritage Vacation Bible School.
Hope to see everyone back next year.
— Lori Bossman
Page 6
Celebrating You!
VBS at Heritage is part of the cycle of each year for our family. It is hard for
me to comprehend that our William (13) and John (10) have “aged out,” and
now serve as helpers! Annelise (4) is thrilled to participate, and literally talks
about it all year long.
My first year of helping was the summer of 1999, when Heritage and
Mount Vernon Presbyterian ran a joint VBS. I was pregnant with William,
and had so much to learn about children! I co-taught the kindergarten
class. One of our students later moved across the street from my parents
with his family, and I saw him grow to young adulthood before that family
moved. Another year, Tanya Anderson, Liz Larkin and I team-taught the 3year olds at Heritage. We would go out for lunch afterward at McDonald’s
and plan for the next day.
I’ve served at VBS in different ways over the years. The summer we were
imminently expecting John, I served as registrar and helped with publicity, taking a step back from being on-site for the
day-to-day. I fondly remember the year that dear Mary Menke cared for John in the Nursery when he was too little to
participate in VBS. The year Annelise was born, I shepherded a group of children. As Heritage moved to a rotationbased VBS (children don’t stay in one classroom, but move to different stations), I have especially enjoyed serving in the
Bible Story area. Over the years, I have run that on my own, coordinated it with Emily Perez-Reyes, and coordinated it
with Emily, P.D. Smith, and my father, John Christenson. Lots of fun memories!
Many children who attend our church’s VBS do not attend our church. It has been heartening to me to see many VBS
children come back over the years, and to watch them grow up. Some have continued to come back as helpers!
VBS is exhausting. It requires much planning and preparation months beforehand, and during the week itself. There
is so much that goes on behind the scenes. My children like to kid me, because upon coming home each day, I usually
have to recover a bit — sometimes with a little nap! However, VBS is God’s work, and it is joy-filled too! The volunteers
come together and there is a real sense of teamwork and joy as we labor together.
To paraphrase Isaiah 55:11-12, “As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without
watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is
[God’s] word that goes out from [His] mouth: It will not return to [Him] empty, but will accomplish what [He] desire[s] and
achieve the purpose for which [He] sent it.” It is my prayer that the seeds of God’s truths and love that are planted in the
children’s (and volunteers’) hearts each VBS week will grow and flourish, drawing us all to a vibrant relationship with
Jesus Christ.
— Sara Sams
One ordinary mid-July week this summer, VBS at Heritage Church (the theme
being Weird Animals) took place from 9:00 to 12:30 every morning. I helped
out with the youngest kids this year, along with a few other people. The main
message was that God loves you no matter what! It was a special time for me,
as always.
I have attended Vacation Bible School at Heritage since I was three years
old; first as a camper and then later as I grew older as a helper. It is practically
a tradition in our family as my mom and sister and I participate every summer.
When I was younger and attending as a camper, I remember getting very
excited every spring when I would finally find out the theme of the upcoming
VBS year. Then, I would look forward to the summer and the week in July of
VBS. I also loved to help with decorating the rooms and the hallways. We
would transform the church into whatever the theme was — from pirate ships,
an airport, the ocean, a space ship, a farm, and my personal favorite, the
jungle. I remember during my very first year of VBS, there were baby rabbits in a pen outside the church!
VBS has always been one of my favorite parts of summer. Even when I became too old to participate in the fun
activities, arts and crafts, and interactive Bible stories, I could still experience it through the little kids I was helping. I still
receive the good message that our church is trying to teach these little children attending our VBS, and I feel proud that
the members of our church work together every year to bring God and his lessons to those that attend. God loves us and
works through us no matter how we are experiencing VBS.
— Claudia Santa Anna
Page 7
Heritage Presbyterian Women, Elder Gail Trimble
September 13 & 14
12th Annual King Street
Art Festival
10:00 A.M.– 7:00 P.M.
September 20 & 21
Colonial Market & Fair
Mount Vernon Estate
9:00 A.M.– 5:00 P.M.
September 20
INOVA Blood Drive
St. Luke’s Episcopal
7:00 A.M.– 11:30 A.M.
Day to Serve
Community Event
Hosted by Heritage
10:00 A.M.
(More information to follow)
September 27
73rd Annual Historic
Alexandria Homes Tour
10:00 A.M.—3:00 P.M.
October 3
Rising Hope Mission
Hope Grows Gala
Waterford at Springfield
7:00 P.M.
October 11
Rock & Stroll 2013
To End Homelessness
Benefiting New Hope
Housing and 4 other
homeless service providers
Cameron Run Park
Noon– 4:00 P.M.
Page 8
The Heritage Presbyterian Women’s Circles are coming together again for a new
season of Bible Study. Please consider joining one of these groups as they work toward
nurturing their faith through prayer, Bible study and fellowship.
Dorcas Circle will be studying “Reconciling Paul: A Contemporary Study of 2
Corinthians,” by Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty. They will be studying Paul’s writings, which
were some of the most influential in Christianity, and will revisit the struggles Paul faced
and consider his theology and ideas as they relate to today’s issues. Dorcas Circle
meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 P.M. in the homes of the Circle
members. The first meeting will by October 7. Elizabeth Tolles is the coordinator and
can be reached at 703-360-8083.
Rebecca Circle’s study will be a six-week video series by Jessica LaGrone, entitled
“Broken and Blessed” (How God used one imperfect family to change the world). This
study tracks the story of the Genesis family from Adam and Eve through the generations
to Joseph and his brothers, bringing blessing from their brokenness. Despite the good
and bad traits that were passed down, God worked for good in every generation —
determined to transform those within and outside family bloodlines. This study shows us
how God can use our brokenness to bring blessing in a hurting and broken world.
During the year, we will also have at least one hands-on mission project. Rebecca
Circle meets on the second Monday of each month at 10:00 A.M. in the church
Library. The first meeting will be on September 8. Fran Myers-Lovell is the coordinator
and can be reached at 703-360-0916. The bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall also has
key updates.
Nurturing Parenting — Save the Date! Heritage Presbyterian, led by the
Presbyterian Women, has been participating in the Fairfax County Nurturing Parenting
Program for many years by providing a meal twice a year for 40-50 people enrolled in
the program. This Fall, we will be providing the meal on Monday, October 27. Help will
be needed to provide food and for some assistance with the meal service. Mary Oliver
will be providing more details and provide a sign-up sheet outside Fellowship Hall as the
date gets closer.
Made by the Belles is the major fundraising effort of Heritage Presbyterian
Women. Proceeds go to the ministries of women and children. Made by the Belles
crafters meet on the second Wednesday of each month from 10:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M. in
the church Library. Please come join us for fun and fellowship — no experience
needed! You can bring items you have been working on at home or help the group with
the current project. Any ideas you have for future projects are always appreciated. We
have a place for you whatever your gift or talent! Peggy Russo is the coordinator and
can be reached at 703-619-6695.
Looking for another
way to stay up-todate on the latest
Heritage news?
We’re on Facebook!
Search for our Page
and become a fan!
Smellin' the Roses, Elder Marge Hernandez
Ask Winnie & Gary Larson about their summer
trips. There was one to Williamsburg and Bush Gardens
with several younger members of the family. And then
there was a super adventure in Oregon, with visits to the
lovely Pacific Coast and cool weather and other good
stuff. Sounds wonderful!...And how great it has been to
have Sylvia Wasylyk back with us in church again. And
doesn’t she look glamorous??...It’s been nice to see
Mathew Gordon again, after a year in Richmond at
VCU. Now he’s heading back for his sophomore
year!...Charley Budde, we hope you are feeling good
again after your early summer surgery...Wolfgang Maier
was planning some interesting trips for the summer. He
was spending some time in South Carolina, and also was
going to visit the Pennsylvania Dutch Country. And how
was the Shoo Fly Pie, Wolfgang? And then there was the
cruise out of Baltimore Harbor. Been thinkin’ about doing
that yourself? Why not ask him how it went?...A very
Happy Anniversary wish is sent to Pat & Perry
Carvellas. They were feted at a special Fellowship Time
Reception hosted by their children Jennifer, Michael and
Perry, in July. Talk about special!...There’s news of
another baseball hero named Sams. This time it’s
William! He was named to the Fort Hunt Baseball AllStars. His team got all the way to the semi-final round for
the state championship, in Luray. Way to go, William!!...
And, WOW! Have you heard all the superlatives being
repeated in connection with this year’s Vacation Bible
School? It had to have been some kind of good!!! Thanks
to the great, patient, loving, talented saints who made it
all happen...Thanks too to our gardeners who have
shared the lovely abundance of their summer produce
with the rest of us. Fran Myers was among them!!...And
a very happy and special Happy Birthday to Bob Trimble
who turned (would you believe it?) 90 in July...Also, Dick
McIntosh celebrated birthday number 92 in July! No
way!! But, Happy Birthday, just in case that is
true!...Rachel & Mike Messman should have returned by
now, from their super duper trip from Moscow to Saint
Petersburg, Russia, via riverboat. We are all envious of
that one...Jean Coyle is back to volunteering more
frequently at the Mount Vernon Rec Center. All the HPC
gang gets to say hello to her as they check in for their
swims and exercise sessions...Vivien & Richard
Peterson got plenty of exercise, as well as lots of fun, on
a summer visit to Japan. Going up and down steps at the
temples can be a bit of an attention getter, according to
Richard! But oh, the sights you see and the joys you
experience!...Thanks to Ed McClelland who was spotted
on a recent summer day out in the HPC backyard cutting
away at the high grass out there. Another unsung
Heritage Hero! Sam Armstrong’s name is one more for
HUHL (Heritage’s Unsung Heroes List). He was spotted
one day in late July, in our back driveway, hauling out a
bunch of trash...It’s been a while since we have seen
Mary Alice Keller, Holly Davis’ mom. We miss
her!...Have you noticed how tall some of “our kids” are
getting? Elle and Eva Magnuson are really getting up
there, as are Arthur and Newman Stirewalt. Just look
around, and smile!...Geoff Gallante traveled with dad
Dave, during the summer, playing his horn in Texas and
in New Orleans and in New York City! Then later he
joined forces with Marty Nau in a Worshipful Jazz service
with the National Capital Presbytery...Congratulations to
Karen & Jon Grundy who welcomed the birth of little
Miss Mackenzie Kate Grundy on July 21st! Mackenzie
Kate!! Isn’t that a wonderful name!!...Hugs and
sympathy go to Karen Rudolph and to her mom, our
former member Barbara Beardsley, on the loss of stepdad and husband, Bob Bubp...Evangeline Taylor was
limping a bit following surgery on both her feet in
July. Let’s hope she’s all better soon...There’s a For Sale
sign in front of Glenna & Dorsie Page’s house, a sad
reminder of friendships past...Ask Charles Jones about
some of the treasure he has found with his metal
detector. He has many wonderful and interesting pieces
lost by participants in Civil War battles in the Northern
Virginia area over 150 years ago...Thank you to all the
talented and special friends and members of HPC who
shared their music talents with us in our summer worship
services. Thanks too to our super wonderful organist
Miguel Valdes who is always there Sunday after Sunday
making lovely music which helps lift souls heavenward…
In case you have been wondering just what it is in the
HPC front yard that looks different, ponder no longer! It’s
our big sign! Russ Perkins and John Kohout have
spent many, many hours in refurbishing it. And indeed it
is gorgeous, with new coats of paint and all shiny and
smiling (well almost smiling, anyhow!). Thanks so very
much to John and to Russ, also on the HUHL...Anna
Johannes is now living in Louisville, Kentucky. She’s
assisting the coach of the University of Louisville swim
team, and also is in training for the 2016 Paralympics
which will be in Rio de Janerio. And, would you believe it
could be possible that she turned 21 on August 12th!...
Planning to attend any West Potomac games this
fall? Watch closely when the Dance Team is on the field
with the Cheerleaders. You might recognize one or two
members. Erin McAllister will be there. And on the
sidelines will be team coach Adrienne Magnuson…
Jamie Ferguson suffered a nasty broken ankle not too
long ago. While he’s officially an invalid he’s going to be
staying with his parents Anne & Jim Ferguson. Speedy
healing Jamie!...And now, with summer coming to a
close, we will celebrate our friendships on Sunday,
September 7th, at our annual-and-always-wonderful
Church Picnic. You wouldn’t miss it, would you? Do,
please, sign up on the poster opposite the church Office,
and get out the recipe for your favorite picnic dish to bring
Page 9
Around the Parish
Geoffrey Gallante
Vivien Peterson
Bill Sams
Claudia Santa Anna
Bianca Warner
Diana Johannes
Dwayne Lovell
Karen Galambos
Sara Sams
Mike Messman
Van Davis
Jess Hernandez
Clarke Magruder
Ann Strohm
Lori Bossman
Kitty St. John
Jim Hayes
Margie Davis
Holli Vaughan
Glenn Willis
Marge Hernandez
Kala Thompson
Anne & Jim Ferguson
Jeanne & Larry Leggett
Susan Palmer & Joseph
Betsy & Matt Rogers
Happy & Ralph Simmons
Kitty & Glenn St. John
Liz & Mark Vago
Please contact the church
Office to have your name
Page 10
Made by the Belles
Coffee House, Market and Silent Auction!
On Saturday, October 25, from 9:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M., HPW’s
Made by the Belles crafters will showcase their amazing
talents with charming, homemade delights ranging from
jewelry and Christmas ornaments to their famous Heritage
Bean Soup mix. They will also have a market table of “treasures” and a silent
auction. Best of all, shoppers will be able to enjoy coffee as well as home-baked treats
as they peruse the crafts, market and auction items.
A new and exciting part of the sale will be the special table of Africa Bags made by
women from seven villages in Malawi, Africa. Each is crafted using an old-fashioned
treadle sewing machine since there is no electricity in these remote areas. Proceeds
from these “bags of hope” have been changing lives and allowing an unprecedented
level of self-sufficiency for the women who make them. When you purchase an Africa
Bag, you’ll know the name of the village you’re helping. These are unique items whose
purchase will underscore Heritage’s ongoing mission to help spread the Gospel in
HPW asks that all Heritage members come out to support this event. If you have
“treasure” that you’d like to donate for the market, please touch base with Gail
Trimble. Gail and her team will be able to evaluate and price the items for quick sale at
the market table.
Another new feature will a Silent Auction. Please consider donating a “one-of-a-kind,
priceless item” for the auction…sharing something you love with someone else here at
church! Maybe something you have made or a gift of time. Ideas include a homecooked meal, a car wash, yard clean-up or technology help or you could teach
something like painting, knitting, or gardening. Other ideas could be tickets to a sporting
event, a day of kayaking, biking, or golf. Perhaps you could get a group together and
make a themed basket. Ideas for group baskets include Book Worms, Chocolate
Lovers, Coffee Fans, Family Game Night, or Night Out at the Movies. The possibilities
are limitless! We thank all of you in advance for your thoughtful contribution. Please call
or email Jenny Kennedy (703-360-9420, [email protected]) or Kitty St. John
(703-780-0770, [email protected]) with your ideas and questions.
All proceeds from this event will benefit women and children’s projects, including the
women of Malawi. Committee sign-up sheets will be posted later this month for those
who’d like to volunteer their time, skills and baked goods. To get involved immediately,
please contact one of the following committee chairs: Made by the Belles: Peggy
Russo and Mary Oliver; Coffee House Food & Beverages: Karen & John
Christenson; Publicity: Romelda Guglielmo.
This is sure to be a fun event for our congregation as well as our community! If you
have any questions, please contact our event coordinator Peggy Russo via email at
[email protected].
Laugh of the Month
If you have friends or family who would
A Sunday school teacher asked her enjoy getting Heritage’s Thought of the Day
or eHappenings, or if you need to update
children as they were on the way to your e-mail address, please notify the
church service, “And why is it
Office Manager, Denise at 703-360-9546.
There are so many ways you can
necessary to be quiet in
participate here at Heritage: ushering,
church?” One bright
little girl replied,
sponsoring flowers, just to name a few!
See the sign-up posters outside the Library
“Because people are
and in the Hall and please sign-up today!
Heritage Presbyterian Church ~ September 2014
Sunday 22 1
9a Outdoor
Summer Worship
9:45a Sunday
School for all ages
11a Worship
12:05p Fellowship
Labor Day
(Office Closed)
Sunday 23
9:45a Sunday
School for all ages
11a Worship
12:15p Annual
10a Rebecca Circle
7p All-Team Night
Sunday 24 15
7a Men’s Prayer
6p Hispanic
6:30p Ringers
7:30p Choir
8:30p AA Meeting
5:30p Hispanic
10a Made By The
Bell Crafters
1:30p Hispanic
10a Small Group
1:30p Hispanic
6p Hispanic
6:30p Ringers
7:30p Choir
5:30p Hispanic
8:30p AA Meeting
9:45a Sunday
School for all ages
11a Worship
12:05p Fellowship
10a Small Group
1:30p Hispanic
6p Hispanic
6:30p Ringers
7:30p Choir
8:30p AA Meeting
5:30p Hispanic
6p Hispanic
6:30p Ringers
7:30p Choir
8:30p AA Meeting
5:30p Hispanic
7:30p Pastors
Small Group
Sunday 25 22
7p Session
9:45a Sunday
School for all ages
11a Worship
12:05p Fellowship
Noon – Newsletter
1:30p Hispanic
7:30p Pastors
Small Group
Sunday 26 29
9:45a Sunday
School for all ages
11a Worship
12:05p Fellowship
7a Men’s Prayer
10a HPW
10a Small Group
7:30p Pastors
Small Group
6p Hispanic
6:30p Ringers
7:30p Choir
1:30p Hispanic
7a Men’s Prayer
8:30p AA Meeting
5:30p Hispanic
To add meetings or events to the calendar please contact the church office: 703-360-9546 or [email protected]
Deadline for submitting articles and announcements for Horizons is the 15th of each month.
Page 11
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Growing Older
Heritage Church
Annual Picnic
Sunday, September 7
Good food, good fun
for all ages!
Rain or shine.
Page 12
We’re all doing it. Join the Small
Group discussion as we explore the
book “I Love Growing Older but I’ll
Never Grow Old.” Topics such as
being fruitful in age, aging as a lovely
gift, going home again, growing old
together and other subjects guide our
armchair discussion in the Heritage
Church Library.
The group meets in the comfy
chairs on the first and third
Thursdays each month at 10:00 A.M.
September 4 and 18. All are
welcome to join this time of
discernment, sharing and prayer.
Contact Elder Mary Oliver at 703
-341-6179 for more information.
Save the Date!
Made by the Belles
Coffee House,
and Silent Auction
October 25
9:00 A.M. – Noon
Come and sit a spell!