Annual Report 2014-15


Annual Report 2014-15
A Year in Reflection
Leading, Equipping, Uniting
Joel Westa, president and CEO of Christian Schools International
Since taking over as the CEO of Christian Schools International
five months ago, I have visited every region in Canada, schools
on both US coasts, and myriad schools in the central US. I
have participated in one of our ELDI cohorts, in one of our CEO
Roundtable events, and in several Christian school conventions.
I was asked at the November Board of Trustees meeting if I could
briefly sum up my observations from those 45+ days of travel.
The first observation is an easy one: travel is not as glamorous or
comfortable as it used to be, and I am not as young as I used to be!
I also noted that no matter where I traveled, my general observation
is that customer service is not as important as it used to be.
My second and more important observation is that I am heartened by the quality and passion of
CSI’s members to accomplish the mission of Christian education. I spoke with board members,
teachers, and administrators, all of whom are deeply committed to providing the finest Christcentered education to their students. Customer service does matter to these folks, and they are
striving to provide the very best rigorous, faith-forming education for their students.
CSI is committed to leading, equipping, and uniting our members with the highest quality
leadership education, curriculum, school support, and customer service, because you matter to us!
We could not accomplish our mission without your support, and for that, we are deeply
grateful! Thank you for your generosity and for your continued prayers!
God bless!
Joel S. Westa
Jeff Blamer, vice president of membership
From 2000–2010 Christian Schools International
experienced a decline in the number of students in
our member schools. Total enrollment dropped
from about 102,000 to 90,000 students. The years
2012–2015 have been marked by stability, as total
enrollment has grown slightly from 90,000 to 92,000.
During the past four years, 92 schools have dropped
or have been dropped from membership, and 83
schools have become members of Christian Schools
International. One half of the 92 either closed their doors
or did not respond to our communications with them.
Christian Schools International
Member Students
The primary reasons that schools that are choosing to become members of Christian Schools
International are shared mission and worldview, participation in employee benefit programs,
and participation in our accreditation and school improvement programs.
Accreditation Grows!
Bob Van Wieren, accreditation program director
Schools Involved in the
CSI Accreditation Process
0 2012
With continued growth in the
accreditation program, CSI has
added six regional coordinators in
2014; these coordinators mentor
our schools in the accreditation
program and plan school site visits.
A commission of CSI administrators
oversees the program, makes
changes to the standards as needed,
approves the work of the school
site visit teams, and approves the
reports that schools must submit
annually. The accreditation cycle
includes a self-study and a site visit
every five years.
2013 2014 2015
Total Number of Schools Number of New Schools
Beacon Christian First Graders Learn Giving
“We don’t think that’s fair!” Such was the reaction of
first grade students at Beacon Christian School when
they learned about the many families in St. Catharines,
Ontario, who can’t afford to live in a house. Determined
to help out, the students worked with Habitat for
Humanity—a Christian housing ministry that seeks to
build affordable homes for those families.
For the first grade teacher at Beacon, Wilma Harris,
it wasn’t just a matter of raising money for a good
cause. She wanted her students to know where their
dollars and cents would go. They learned from Habitat
for Humanity that a whopping 20,000 nails (five cents
each) typically go into building just one average sized house. Her class succeeded in raising
enough money to purchase 22,933 nails by doing chores for their families and neighbors.
But perhaps the most important part of the class’s efforts was the video they made inviting
the community to help. Each student—the nervous, the confident, and the camera shy—spoke
in the movie. Some wore plastic hard hats and avoided looking directly at the camera; others
talked to viewers with breathless excitement. The video was shown at Smithville Christian High
School, where many teenagers were happy to donate.
Eventually, the school and the community raised enough money to present Habitat for
Humanity a check for $1,146, which will be used to buy the nails needed to construct a home.
Ms. Harris’s first graders look forward to seeing pictures of the home as it is built. As the
students continue to work for good in their community, Ms. Harris said she’d like to see them
do three things along the way: “act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.”
Adapted from “Change for Nails at BCS “ by Laura Konyndyk, OACS community journalist and
communications assistant,
Darryl Shelton, curriculum development director
Susan Koppendrayer, a member of the CSI team that pulled together And It Was Good: Teaching
Science from a Christian Worldview, will be presenting two seminars at the National Science
Teachers Association (NSTA) National Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. Susan teaches
science at Calvin Christian School in Edina, Minnesota, and is employed by Christian Schools
International as a science specialist, offering workshops about And It Was Good and about the
integration of faith and science.
Every year NSTA, the largest
association of science teachers in the
world, holds many conferences for its
55,000 members to promote excellence
and innovation in science education;
however, the national conference is
by far the biggest and most anticipated.
Rachael Heyboer, manager of
curriculum product development
at CSI, says, “It is an incredible
opportunity to have a teacher from one of our member schools lead sessions specific to the
private school mission and purpose. Christian Schools International has the potential to
highlight our organization and our belief that as Christians we are empowered by our creator
to discover, probe, explore, and seek after knowledge in every discipline, including science.”
This will also allow CSI to reach out to the many private school teachers that attend the
NSTA national conference. Most of the sessions at the conference are led by public figures
or representatives from public school districts; to have the option to attend sessions that are
presented from a Christian worldview and teaching environment will be an added benefit for
private school teachers.
Susan’s workshops are titled “Empowering Our Students to Be Citizen Scientists” and
“Designing Lessons for the Private School Setting That Implement the NGSS.” Her goal in
these workshops is to help teachers in Christian schools integrate faith (Christian worldview)
into current science teaching.
This is also the goal of And It Was Good, a resource from Christian Schools International that
provides sample lessons that seamlessly incorporate Christian principles into science lessons
based on the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). And It Was Good is available for
grades kindergarten through middle school.
The conference takes place April 2016. Said Susan, “God really wants the greater science
community to hear about CSI and what we have to offer. I am so thankful to be part of this new
CSI venture. I am also thrilled to be able to teach and speak at the NSTA.”
We would like to thank you, our faithful donors. Without your support, developing this
innovative teacher science resource, And It Was Good, would not have been possible!
Health Insurance and Pension
Howard Van Mersbergen, vice president of employee benefits
In 1943, Christian Schools International started the Canadian and US pension plans for our
Christian schools to assist in securing the financial futures of thousands of teachers. In the
1960s we began to offer health insurance plans.
Our US pension plan remains fully funded and continues to provide an excellent retirement
benefit to the employees of the 143 schools that participate in the plan. Our Canadian pension
plan continues to make progress toward fully funded status. In August 2012 the funding status
of the plan was at 80 percent. The most recent valuation of the plan showed the funding status
at 91 percent. Our Canadian pension plan has 103 schools participating.
April30,2013 April30,2014 April30,2015
Our US health
plan $
our 92 1,477,958
participating schools competitively priced
1,324,740to $
health insurance, with many plan options through Priority Health and Starmark, our carriers.
$1,069,649 $965,516 $715,622
Over the past three years we have seen six new schools join the US health plan.
April30,2014 April30,2015
Our Canadian health
has 103
participating schools. Through our carrier, Manulife, we are
$723,496 plan
able to offer many
plan options at very competitive rates. Over the past three
482,344 joined
years eight new$456,135
the Canadian health plan.
$474,458 $430,457 $500,859
$2,430,150 $2,328,919
Three-Year Trend
Wolters, chief financial officer
Schools International Revenue Comparison
April30,2013 April30,2014 April30,2015
$1,324,740 $1,420,806 1,477,958
$1,069,649 $965,516 $715,622
April30,2014 $
$1,324,740 $1,420,806 1,477,958
$2,394,389 $2,386,322 $2,193,580
$2,430,150 $2,328,919 $2,463,502
*School services include accreditation, advertising, events, testing, and sponsorships.
Schools International Revenue Allocation Comparison
$2,000,000 $2,500,000
$1,500,000 $2,000,000
Eastern Christian School Exemplifies Character
Eastern Christian in New Jersey has been
named by as one of only three
school districts nationwide as a National
School District of Character. was founded in Washington,
DC, in 1993 as the Character Education
Partnership to support character education
efforts in public and private schools. affirms schools where
teachers work together as professionals
to positively shape the social, emotional,
and character development of the young
people entrusted to them. Students in these
schools feel safe, respected, and connected
to those around them, allowing them to
thrive academically and socially and to be
motivated to give back to their communities.
Dick Van Yperen, curriculum and instruction advisor;
Mary Faber, middle school vice principal; Jessie
Wright, high school teacher; Donna Holly, kindergarten
teacher; and Tom Dykhouse, head of school
A team of teachers and administrators from Eastern Christian Schools presented on the
subject of character education to public and private school educators from across the US at
the National Forum on Character Education in Atlanta, Georgia, in October. Their topic for the
conference, which was sponsored by, was “Relevance across the Ages,” which
traces the development of character education within Eastern Christian School, beginning at
the earliest grades and continuing on until graduation.
The presentation marked the completion of the district’s four-year effort to earn the National
School of Character designation. The district went through a rigorous application and
screening process that reviewed the school’s core values and the ways that character education
is embraced and supported. While at the conference, the team from Eastern Christian accepted
a banner commemorating the designation as a National School District of Character.
The Christian Schools International school community congratulates Eastern Christian on this
prestigious award.
Board of Trustees
David Dykhouse, Chair
Franklin Lakes, NJ
Elaine Brouwer
Bainbridge Island, WA
Margi McCombs
Sanford, FL
Julius DeJager, Vice-Chair
Hamilton, ON
Carolyn Cooper
Mira Loma, CA
Ed Noot
Abbotsford, BC
Randy Kroll, Treasurer
New Brighton, MN
Sheryl Hammer
Dyer, IN
Randy TenPas
Hull, IA
Teri Vos, Secretary
Pella, IA
Charles Kuperus
Sussex, NJ
Elco Vandergrift
Lacombe, AB
Glenn Vos, At Large
Des Moines, IA
Thank You!
We would like to thank the following individuals, churches, and organizations for
the contributions they have made to Christian Schools International in support of
our efforts to provide leadership and support to Christian schools around the world.
Donations are for the time period of September 2, 2014, through August 31, 2015.
Kenneth and Shirlee Achterhof
Gary Adams
Annetta Apotheker
Jackie Archer
Robert and Elizabeth Aupperlee
Shirley Baas
Richard and Ruth Baas
Paul and Ruth Bajema
Ralph and Verna Baker
Rich and Fran Baker
Paul and Marge Bakker
Helen Balkie
Andy and Ruth Bandstra
Larry and Carole Barber
Dave and Mary Bardolph
Ben and Judy Barkema
Mary Baron
Henry and Ruth Baron
Philip and Marilyn Battjes
Willis and Verla Beckering
Roger and Pat Becksvoort
Terence and Joni Beezhold
Augustina Berendsen
Ken Betten
Gordon Beute
Doris Bierens
Syne Bierma
Jeff and Karen Blamer
Barry and Clarice Blankers
Ed and Carol Blankespoor
Ted and Lorraine Bloemhof
Bert Boersma
Gervin and Helen Bonnema
Peter and Mary Boonstra
Harriet Borgman
Dave and Nancy Bos
Meindert and Evelyn Bosch
Joe and Mary Bosma
John and Sharon Boss
Jim and Angie Bosscher
Kathy Bosscher
Tim and Pat Bosscher
Carl and Elizabeth Botting
Emily Bouwman
Lewis and JoAnne Brasser
Daniel and Leona Brockopp
Delbert and Ann Broek
Bertha Brouwer
Elaine Brouwer
Rog and Connie Brummel
William and Gert Buikema
Donald Buist
Jim and Cheryl Buist
Paul Buiten
Ed and Toni Bulthuis
George and Trudy Bulthuis
William and Marcia Bulthuis
Steven Bulthuis
Pete and Milly Buma
Patricia Bushouse
Emma Butenas
Neal and Helen Buteyn
Louise Butler
Carol De Jong
Rog and Marcia De Kock
Gordon and Joyce De Kruyter
Leon and Shirley De Lange
Jack and Henny De Roo
George and Nancy De Vries
Richard and Janet De Vries
Bruce and Trudy De Windt
Joanne DeBoer
2014 Leadership Conference, Rosemont, Illinois
John and Barb Buursma
Brad and Julie Byl
Jeff and Cheryl Bylsma
William Chambers
Gary Clousing
Howard and Cindy Cole
Roger and Ruth Cole
David Collings
Randy and Chris Commeret
Ed and Berdella Cooper
Joshua and Carolyn Cooper
Jon and Wanda Cowan
James and Marlene Dahm
Matt and Julie Davidson
Mark and Rose Davis
Dan and Lois Day
Betty De Boer
Paul and Eileen De Boer
Peter and Joy De Boer
Jack and Jennifer De Boer
Andy and Judy De Boer
Vi De Boer
Keith and Gloria De Bruin
Stan and Janice De Groot
Dan De Hoek
Ralph and Lu Ann DeHaan
Rod and Carol DeJong
Johanna Dekker
Mrs. William Dekleer
Garry and Lynne Den Besten
George and Eleanor Den Hartigh
Frank and Bernice Deppe
Donald DeRuiter
Bob and Mary Deters
Glenn and Pat DeVries
Daniel and Lisa DeVries
Norma deWaal Malefyt
John and Linda Dice
Henry and Tena Diedering
William and Emily Dieleman
Joe and Mary Dirksen
James Doezema
Richard and Annette Dorff
Rich and Carol Dykema
David and Barbara Dykhouse
Darin and Linda Dykstra
Dick and Dorothy Dykstra
Neil and Joyce Dykstra
Richard and Marion Dykstra
Robert and Judith Dykstra
Thank You!
Tina Dykstra
Paul and Carol Dykstra
Roseann Dykstra
Gerrit and Arlene Egedy
Carl and Gertrude Eggebeen
David and Carol Eichinger
Jim and Pat Eriks
Thomas and Rosemary Ervine
Bruce and Donna Essebaggers
Sandra Faber
Charles and Ann Fisher
Norbert and Carolyn Fisher
Joyce Frens
Ken and Betty Frieswyk
Robert Gerritsen
Bernice Heys
Don and Marilyn Hielkema
Clarence and Connie Hockema
Doug and Jeri Hoek
Dave and Lin Hoeksema
Benjamin Hoekstra
Bill and Jan Hoffman
Mary Lou Hofman
Thomas and Wendy Hofman
Bonnie Hofmann
Gerrit and Jean Hofstee
Kay Hoitenga
Evelyn Holtrop
June Holtvluwer
Kenneth and Dawn Holtvluwer
Students tend a community garden, Toronto District Christian High
School, Ontario
Orletta Gillikin
Peter and Dot Goudzwaard
Marilyn Grant
John and Nellie Grasmeyer
Norma Greenfield
James and Bonnie Griffioen
Lillian Grissen
Bill and Kathy Gritter
Dave and Linda Gritter
Kenneth and Ruth Groenenboom
Carl and Sandra Gronsman
Sandra Haagsma
Bernard and Ruth Haak
Ron and Debbie Haan
Don and Sheryl Hammer
Larry and Sheryl Hanthorn
Gerry and Marilyn Harms
Ina Harris
Adelene Haverhals
Sid and Jean Helder
Earl and Edith Hemmeke
John Henderson
Mindi Hengst
Robert and Gladys Heyboer
Dave and Gayla Holwerda
Robert and Joyce Holwerda
Case and Pat Hoogendoorn
Alvin and Jo Hoogeveen
John Hoogland
Calvin Hoogstra
Don and Ruby House
Don and Ruth Huisenga
Gertrude Huisken
Gerald and Audrey Huizenga
Keith and Debra Huizenga
Fred and Janet Huizinga
Leigh Hunt
Ivan and Susan Imig
Robert and Janis Iwema
John and Susan Izenbaard
Dirk and Joy Jasperse
Glenn Jasperse
John and Gwen Jellema
Jakob and Oeke Jonkman
Paul and Linda Kalkman
Jack and Mary Kalmink
Carl and Jean Kammeraad
Henry and Grace Kamp
Gordon and Ruth Kamps
Corrine Kass
Ellen Kemink
Peter and Susan Kieft
Bruce Klanderman
Charles and Grace Klein
Willard and Karen Klein
Carl and Ellen Klompien
Ray Klyn
Wilma Knoll
Jack and Joyce Koeman
Dave and Marla Koetje
Gord Koetje
Jim and Lisa Koetje
Jay and Evelyn Koets
Herm and Jean Kok
James and Sally Koldenhoven
Stan and Jayne Konynenbelt
Fred and Dorothy Kooi
Gail Kooi
Jack and Robin Kooienga
Ken and Ruth Kooima
Roger and Karen Koole
Don and Doris Koopman
Barry and Delianne Koops
John Kooyenga
Sidney Kornelis
Herb and Bernace Korthuis
Al and Tracie Kosters
Harlan and Linda Kredit
Bill and Phyl Krombeen
Kathryn Krosschell
Harvey and Karen Kruithof
Charlie Kuperus
Charlie and Marge Kuperus
Annette LaMaire
Lois Landheer
John and Lois Lanser
Herb and Sharon Lantinga
Tom and Deb Lantz
Rodney and Julie Ledeboer
Edward Lee
Ken and Barb Leep
Arlene Leidy
James Leistra
Glenn Lemmenes
Beverly Lich
Peter and Paula Limburg
James and Mary Jo Lipscomb
Ken and Ruth Lobbes
Hank and Maureen Loerop
Vivian Louis
Keith and Jill Lubbers
Phil and Carolyn Lucasse
Dorothy Lyzenga
Robert and Pamela Machiele
Jim and Jackie Marsh
Raymond and Julia Martin
James and Renae Medenblik
Jeanne Meenderinck
Thank You!
Ed and Sherrill Meeuwsen
Muriel Meindertsma
Ted and Tena Mejan
Jim and Luanne Mellema
Helen Meulink
Merle and Joyce Meyerink
Mark and Tammy Michmerhuizen
Arthur and Wilma Miedema
Mark and Grace Monsma
Joe and Kathryn Morino
Phil and Marilyn Mouw
Paul and Lynn Mudde
Harold and Marlyce Mulder
James and Nancy Mulder
Jane Mulder
Ken and Carol Mulder
Paul and Joan Mulder
Doug and Lois Nagel
Elaine Nagel
Mary Nagelkirk
Rachel Navis
Joel and Mary Lou Nederhood
Dan and Carol Netz
Jerry and Mary Nichols
Gary and Florence Nieuwenhuis
Gladys Nieuwsma
Tom and Marcia Nobel
Dale and Michelle Norquist
Ron and Carol Nyhoff
Matthew and Doris Okkema
James and Wendy Onderlinde
Alice Otter
Beverly Ozinga
Barb Padmos
Arnold and Joanne Pals
Tracie Pals Sakel
Kathleen Pasma
Dan and Esther Pastoor
Dumitru and Elisaveta Paul
Pauline Peterson
Rob and Sally Petroelje
Nate and Kelly Pettinga
Roger and Barbara Phillips
Don and Janet Piersma
Craig and Kathleen Platt
Mary Jo Poel
Norm and Lou Poel
Ron Polinder
Ternice Postema
John and June Primus
Don and Marilyn Prince
Carl and Berdiene Prins
Dirk and Liesl Pruis
Bruce and Joan Quist
Donna Quist
Tom Quist
Jim and Jayne Rauwerda
James and Alice Richmond
Bernard and Ann Ritterbush
John and Shirley Roels
Ralph and Ginny Roos
Christine Roos
G. J. Rozenboom
Jeff and Brenda Rozeveld
Helen Ruiter
Vernon and Betty Rushing
Bill and Diane Ryckbost
Cornie and Dolores Rylaarsdam
Bruce and Jeralyn Ryskamp
Dale and Marcia Ryzenga
George Schaaf
Arlyn and Beatrice Schaap
Luke Schaap
Henry and Dorothy Schierbeek
Tom and Harriet Schipper
Arnold and Shirley Snoeyink
Harold and Jennifer Snyder
Rufus Soodsma
Steve and Sue Soodsma
Robert and Karen Speyer
Ruth Spikeboer
Nicholas Spoolstra
Hugo and Thelma Staal
Rob and Susan Stafford
Greta Stam
Dirk and Christie Start
Ed and Sharon Start
John and Candi Steen
Frank and Verlie Sterk
Maxine Stiemsma
2015 Educators Leadership Development Institute (ELDI), Sumas,
Harold Schnyders
Cliff and Lori Schoolland
Joyce Schoonejongen
Etta Schregardus
Ron and Mary Schrotenboer
Thelma Schrotenboer
Rich and Linda Schutt
Calvin Schutte
John and Karen Schutter
Calvin and Nancy Scott
Jean Scott
Darryl Shelton
James and Susan Shoemaker
Leah Sieplinga
Bea Siersema
Fred and Audrey Sikkema
Carl and Cora Sinke
Betsy Sinke
Kenneth and Alice Slager
Bob and Karen Slager
Evelyn Slagter
Patrick and Florence Smith
Glenn and Sharlotte Smits
Timothy and Stacia Smits
Ward and Myrna Stienstra
Joseph and Jean Stojak
Robert and Ann Storteboom
Lucille Stravers
Ken and Jan Stremler
Jim and Dolly Strikwerda
Tom and Mary Stuit
Ron and Bonnie Stuk
Henry and Betty Stuursma
Thomas Swigart
Jon and Pat Sybesma
Mark and Katie Sytsma
Bill and Anna Sytsma
Marian Takens
Ed and Shirley Talen
Randy and Kristi Ten Pas
Al and Mary TerHaar
Margaret Teune
Bob and Marcia Theule
Arla Thomasma
Harry and Jane Thomasma
Kelly and Jayne Tien
Vern and Irene Tinholt
Crystal Unema
Thank You!
Mary Vahle
Dennis and Ruth Van Andel
Marty Van Andel
Phyllis Van Andel
Jean Van Beek
Joyce Van Dellen
Herm and Dawn Van Den Hul
Steve and Vi Van Der Weele
Martin and Ruth Van Dyke
Melvin Van Farowe
Jerry and Sherri Van Groningen
Ruth Van Hal
Mae Van Hekken
Marguerite Van Hook
Henry Van Klaveren
Bill and Marcia Vander Eems
Daryl and Maris Vander Kooi
Richard and Arlene Vander Laan
Bob and Barb Vander Wal
Delmar and Lois Vander Zee
Elco and Joanne Vandergrift
David VanderHart
Jackie Vanderlinden
Joyce VanderMolen
Al and Evelyn VanderPlaats
Margery VanderPloeg
Geraldine VanderPol
Al and Jannie Vanderschoot
Ted and Joan Vanderveen
Francis and Joan VanderWall
Students at Calvin Christian School, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Henrietta Van Meekeren
Howard Van Mersbergen
Stanley and Arlene Van Otterloo
Sam and Judy Van Til
Frank and Gladys Van Til
Bob and Trudy Van Wieren
Case Van Wyk
Tony and Donna Van Zanten
Gordon and Carol Van Zanten
Harry and Jane Van Zytveld
Tom and Mary Vande Guchte
Henry and Ruth Vande Voort
Harlan and Sandy Vanden Einde
Kurt and Melodee Vandenbosch
Condon and Mary Vander Ark
Gord and Saramae Vander Ark
Wanda VanderZee
Drew and Betsy VanGoor
Esther VanRavenswaay
Bill and Marge VanWienen
John and Julie VanWyk
Gretta Veenstra
Ronald and Elaine Veenstra
Bruce and Linda Veldkamp
George and Henrietta Veldstra
Mearl Veltema
Philip and Aileen Velthuis
Louis and Pam Venema
Carol Ver Burg
Bernice Vermeer
William and Gladys Vermeulen
John Verwolf
Cecilia Verwys
Sadie Visscher
Freda Visser
Scott Visser
William and Elaine Volbeda
Sandy Volkers
Glenn and Marcia Vos
Rob and Teri Vos
Abe and Carol Vreeke
Anthony and Alice Vyfvinkel
Joan Walcott
Dale and Kim Walters
Wanda Warne
Doug and Lisa Westenbroek
Homer and Betty Wigboldy
Betty Williams
Theresa Wiltjer
Ena Witte
John and Lynda Witte
Hank and Thressa Witte
John and Char Witvliet
Gord and Jan Wolterink
John Wolters
Dan and Joyce Workman
Marvin and Suzanne Wynalda
John and Karen Wynbeek
Len and Ruth Wynbeek
Glenn and Marjorie Wyngarden
Sue Wyngarden
Dave Zandee
Bernard and Patricia Zandstra
David and Muriel Zandstra
Duane and Dianne Zandstra
Larry and Sylvia Zevenbergen
Gary and Mavis Zondervan
Kim Zondervan
John and Laurey Zwart
Myra Zwiep
Matt and Amy Zwiep
Tim Zylstra
From the Estates of
Hilda Aukeman
Prince Ella Clark
Benjamin Gritters
Helen Van Beek
In Memory of David Hanstra
Joyce Hanstra
Thank You!
Churches, Foundations, and Businesses
Alger Park CRC
Grand Rapids, MI
Applied Imaging
Grand Rapids, MI
Artevel Foundation
Nokomis, FL
Atlantic Stewardship Bank
Midland Park, NJ
Aylmer CRC
Aylmer, ON
Baker Publishing Group
Ada, MI
Bethel CRC
Lynden, WA
Bethel CRC
Waterdown, ON
Bradenton CRC
Bradenton, FL
Budding Polishing
& Metal Finishing
Alsip, IL
Calvary CRC
Pella, IA
Calvin CRC
Rock Valley, IA
Calvin CRC
Oak Lawn, IL
Christian Evangelical Foundation Grand Rapids, MI
Cottonwood Heights CRC
Jenison, MI
Covenant CRC
Grand Rapids, MI
Creme Curls Bakery, Inc
Hudsonville, MI
Crossroads CRC
San Marcos, CA
The Dave and Carol
Van Andel Foundation
Grand Rapids, MI
DeLange Family Foundation
Miami, FL
The Dick and Betsy
De Vos Family Foundation
Grand Rapids, MI
The Douglas and
Maria De Vos Foundation
Grand Rapids, MI
Dynamic Realty, Inc.
Holland, MI
East Martin CRC
Martin, MI
Eastern Avenue CRC
Grand Rapids, MI
Ebenezer CRC
Leota, MN
Exeter CRC
Exeter, ON
Faith CRC
Holland, MI
Faith CRC
Pella, IA
First CRC
South Holland, IL
First CRC
Grosse Pointe Park, MI
First CRC
Hanford, CA
First CRC
Vancouver, BC
First CRC
Sioux Center, IA
First CRC
Orange City, IA
First CRC
Fremont, MI
First CRC
Pella, IA
First United Methodist Church
Elkins, WV
Fourteenth Street CRC
Holland, MI
Fuller Avenue CRC
Grand Rapids, MI
Graafschap Church
Holland, MI
Grant CRC
Grant, MI
Heritage CRC
Byron Center, MI
Hope CRC
Grandville, MI
Hospers CRC
Hospers, IA
The Huizenga Foundation
Oak Brook, IL
Ideal Park CRC
Grand Rapids, MI
Immanuel CRC
Hudsonville, MI
Inwood CRC
Inwood, IA
Luctor CRC
Prairie View, KS
Macatawa Bank
Holland, MI
Messiah CRC
Hudsonville, MI
The Nick Van Til
Family Stewards Fund
Crown Point, IN
Olthof Homes
St John, IN
Orland Park CRC
Orland Park, IL
Ozinga Bros., Inc.
Mokena, IL
Palo Alto CRC
Palo Alto, CA
Palos Heights CRC
Palos Heights, IL
Pleasant Street CRC
Whitinsville, MA
Prairie City CRC
Prairie City, IA
Providence CRC
Grand Rapids, MI
The Richard and
Helen De Vos Foundation
Grand Rapids, MI
Ridgeview Industries
Walker, MI
Second CRC
Pella, IA
Second CRC
Byron Center, MI
Shalom CRC
Sioux Falls, SD
South Grandville CRC
Grandville, MI
Spring Lake CRC
Spring Lake, MI
Stewardship Foundation
Escondido, CA
Third CRC
Denver, CO
Vander Stelt Family Trust
Nampa, ID
West Sayville Reformed
Bible Church
West Sayville, NY
Western Springs CRC
Western Springs, IL
Woodlawn CRC
Grand Rapids, MI
Christian Schools
advances Christian
education and
supports schools in
their task of teaching
students to know God
and his world and to
glorify him through
obedient service.
3350 East Paris Ave SE
Grand Rapids MI 49512-3054