China Market Webinar
China Market Webinar
Te Puia, Rotorua China Market Webinar Chinese FIT expectations when visiting New Zealand Tourism New Zealand Insights Team Bryce Kelliher Lucy Alborn Senior Tourism Data Insights Analyst Senior Consumer Insights Ana [email protected] [email protected] Background & Purpose • • • The following insights have been sourced from a range of industry research projects and tourism data Purpose is to provide the New Zealand tourism industry with an overview of the latest research findings to help improve knowledge what Chinese FIT visitors are wanting when they visit New Zealand on holiday, and how best to meet their needs and to improve our offer The intent is to help our domestic operators make the most of the increasing numbers of Chinese visitor arrivals, and in particular FIT visitors Strong arrival growth with more to come China Arrivals Total and Holiday, and Forecasts TOTAL 571 500 Arrivals 400 265 300 305 200 195 100 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 forecasts 116% total arrivals growth forecast from 2014 to 2021, 11.6% growth of any other major market Contributing one third of total arrivals growth from 2014 2021 2015 arrivals = 302k – on track to exceed 305k in 2015 China is the market that will provide the best growth opportunity over the next several years –be ready to capitalise Source: Statistics New Zealand International and Migration March 2015; MBIE 2015-2021 Tourism Forecasts Middle Class Growth Share of Urban Households % 3 9 14 Income Definitions 54 54 Income Renminbi Affluent Upper Middle Class Affluent > 229,000 Mass Middle Class 22 Poor 29 16 2012 Upper Middle Class Mass Middle Class 106,000 – 229,000 – 106,000 2022 Underpinning arrival growth is a growing middle class with a desire to travel A growing middle class has already emerged, what we will see is a shift to majority of urban China households moving into an Upper Middle Class underpinning future consumption including travel Source: McKinsey; Mapping Chinas Middle Class June 2013 Dominic Barton, Yougang Chen, Amy Jin China delivering volume and value China Visitor Expenditure YEDec 2013 China Visitor Average Expenditure YEDec 2014 YEDec 2013 1200 YEDec 2014 1037 5000 1000 4178 4092 772 694 505 4000 400 2000 200 1000 Total Visitor 3178 3060 3000 Holiday Visitor Total Visitor Holiday Visitor Electronic Card Spend Index Rolling 12 Month Average – Indexed to 2008 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 Sep-09 Dec-09 Mar-10 Jun-10 Sep-10 Dec-10 Mar-11 Jun-11 Sep-11 Dec-11 Mar-12 Jun-12 Sep-12 Dec-12 Mar-13 Jun-13 Sep-13 Dec-13 Mar-14 Jun-14 Sep-14 Dec-14 Mar-15 Dec-08 Mar-09 334 Source: MBIE International Visitor Survey Dec 2014, Regional Tourism Indicators April 2015 China holiday visitor expenditure up 52% RTI Growth up 49% YoY for YE April 2015 Group vs FIT China Travel Style – YE Mar 14 2% 4% Tour Group (ADS) 5% China Travel Style – YE Mar 15 4% 2% 4% Tour Group (ADS) Delegations) Group (Other) Delegations) Group (Other) 13% Independent Holiday 51% 20% Business & Conference Education 13% 47% Business & Conference Education 27% Other Other 2% 3% Independent Holiday 1% 2% Independent Holiday / FIT steadily growing as a proportion of total arrivals Source: Statistics New Zealand International and Migration March 2015, Immigration NZ, Tourism New Zealand China Development Unit Increase in longer stay holidays Holiday Arrivals (000) Changing Length of Stay – YE March 1 Day - 4 Days 5 Days - 7 Days 8 Days - 11 Days 12 Days - 14 Days 15 Days - 28 Days Over 4 Weeks - 12 Months 20 17 33 34 3 13 110 1Day-4 Days 5Days-7 Days 8 Days-11Days 12 Days-14 Days 15Days-28 Days 4 W eeks-12 M onths Mix of Holidays 2008 2012 2015 81% 72% 50% 10% 12% 16% 4% 8% 15% 1% 3% 8% 2% 4% 9% 2% 2% 3% 64 2008 • • • • 2012 2015 Half (110k) of holiday arrivals still stay for only 1 4 days, although this is changing 1 4 day holiday grew 8% in the past year, 5 7 day arrivals grew 31%, 8 11 days grew 50% 82% of those who stay 1 4 days arrive via Australia vs. 17% arrive direct from China / Hong Kong Average LOS via AU is 4.5 days, Average LOS via CN/HK = 12.5 days Source: Zealand International and Migration March 2015 • Statistics MoreNew arrivals, staying longer, seeing more of the country, doing more With longer stays expect greater regional spread Regions visited China Holiday Visitor by LOS LOS 1-4 LOS 5+ Auckland 64.2% 22.1% Bay of Plenty Canterbury 32.8% West Coast Wellington Southland Waikato Northland Manawatu-… Marlborough Hawke's Bay Tasman Nelson Taranaki Gisborne 61.4% 18.6% Otago 47.8% 47.1% 22.5% 2.8% 21.5% 5.6% 4.0% 20.3% 13.5% 5.2% 3.7% 5.8% 1.4% 5.3% 1.7% 5.1% 1.2% 4.6% 0.3% 2.5% 0.2% 2.1% 0.2% 0.1% Those who stay 5+ days are more likely to venture past the traditional destinations With arrival growth and a greater mix of longer stay, FIT travellers; regions should expect to see more Chinese visitors in the regions, perhaps with growth exceeding the total arrival growth rate Source: MBIE International Visitor Survey December 2014 Potential Regional Reach Year Total China Holiday Arrivals % 5+ stay Days Region X Share of 1 4 Days Region X Share of 5+ Days Region X Share of 1 4 Days Region X Share of 5+ Days Total Region X Additional Holiday Arrivals Holiday Arrival Growth vs. 2014 2014 195,000 50% 2021 f 420,000 50% 2021 f 420,000 55% 2021 f 420,000 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 4,200 12,600 4,620 13,860 5,040 15,120 16,800 18,480 20,160 10,680 137% 12,360 158% 1,950 5,850 115% Potential holiday arrivals based on three scenarios – significant increase regardless of scenario If % who stay 5+ days increases only marginally will increase visitors for smaller regions significantly New Zealand # 1 for Satisfaction China Outbound Visitor Satisfaction 72% New Zealand Italy 74% 82% 80.4% Singapore France Japan Spain Thailand Russia Indonesia Australia Malaysia Germany Canada South Korea South Africa Brazil Phillipines Argentina Mongolia India Vietnam Cambodia Compared to other outbound markets New Zealand delivers a high satisfaction rating among Chinese Source: China Tourism Academy – Tourist China Holiday Likelihood to Recommend Canada UK 82 France 86 Germany China 69 Korea 75 Strongest NPS scores in Western Markets with Australia, USA, UK, and France all with NPS scores of 80+ Japan 58 USA 85 Source: Visitor Experience Monitor – YE Dec 2014 Singapore 65 SEA Pen 65 Australia 81 Lake Gunn, Fiordland Chinese Visitor - Webinar Chinese FIT expectations when visiting New Zealand Active Considerers – our global target audience FITs dominate the China AC market, particularly among younger age groups China Active Considers market segmented by age group and travel style (%) ‘Group’ Intend to travel as part of an organised group 7% 6% 7% 5% 9% 7% ‘FIT’ Intend to visit as FIT 18% 15% 8% 7% 8% 2% 18-29 years 24% 30-34 years 20% 35-39 years 15% 40-44 years 12% 45-54 years 19% 55-69 years 10% FIT 30-49 Source: AC Monitor Q2FY15 Quarterly Presentation AC Monitor – preference trends Total ACs Independent Professionals Linear (Total ACs) 90% 88% 83% 84% 83% 82% 75% Q2 FY15 77% Q2 FY14 Q1 Q4 75% 82% 80% Q1 79% 74% 74% 87% 86% 84% Q4 79% 78% 75% 74% 74% 83% 81% Q3 75% 74% 78% 77%77% Q2 FY13 Q3 Q2 FY12 73% 78% Q1 76% 77% Q4 77% 86% Q3 85% Source: AC Monitor Q2FY15 Quarterly Presentation Independent Professionals (FIT) Travel as a couple taking a break from busy lives Motel / hotel accommodation Rental cars Travel for adventure, relaxation and luxury Aged 30 49 Chinese FIT’s view of New Zealand FIT’s understand what New Zealand offers as a destination: • Pure & clean • Nature – various landscapes • Peaceful – good place away “to’get the last clean •place Pleasant weather in the world” – opposite season Source: Project Kiwi – China FIT qualitative research Nov-DecFY15 Chinese FIT – travel is fundamentally important Take me away Polluted air, sky & food from… Intense urban living Man made environment Place Nature: dramatic, unspoilt & protected Natural intensity of clean air & blue, blue sky Clean & safe Immerse me in… People Crowed, hectic Competitive Lack of trust Open spaces, few people Welcoming , open & contrasting lifestyles, & culture Trusted Lake Matheson, West Coa Lake Alexandrina, Canterbury Pressured, stressed Lack of trust Repetitive & bored Experience Relaxed, easy going Calm & safe Stimulating & reviving Our offer of 100% Pure New Zealand absolutely hits the mark Source: Project Kiwi – China qualitative research Nov-DecFY15 Chinese FIT at a glance Experienced TravellersHigh Expectations • International travel is nothing new. Long haul travel is routine – at least once a year • They have been to other Asian countries (often) and Europe, USA, they seek new exciting places • They still like a deal Comfort & Freed • The “freshness” • They expect travel itself is comfort, they decreasing – they have little long for some spark of willingness to excitement every endure any “hardship” time they travel • Not satisfied with • Willing to pay for common sights & better, they do experiences, they not want to arrive are looking for surprises exhausted or Source: Project Kiwi – China FIT qualitative research Nov-DecFY15 • Unique packed in an experiences/scenery itinerary they • Culture/food that prefer to self drive represents local life • Want freedom to explore Planning and relationships They seek: Therefore: • They will take time to see and experience a region well • Provide a cohesive regional offer making the region a destination to spend time in • They will return to do more, or to build on an experience • Top 10 highlights, or must dos, make it easy for visitors to navigate • They do not want to be rushed, feel pressured to do it all in a day • Provide itineraries that allow time to enjoy the sights, smells and interactions with people, wildlife and culture. Increasingly our Chinese visitors want immersive experiences • They seek time to sit & watch, to “live like the locals” “ ’m there, I feel REAL –• They do not want everything planned, and I can bring it back to make finding and booking activities easy China with me” to do at hotels/online/phone • Connect with them after the experience, build theKiwirelationship - they may come & Source: Project – China FIT qualitative research Nov-DecFY15, AIAL/MBIE backChina Market Development qualitative research Sept FY15 Immersive experiences They seek: Therefore: • Simple and easy ways to experience our place, no stress • Taking people to the experience is highly attractive, bus, train, helicopter, boat – they will pay • They want to be there and see it but not necessarily do it • Experiences are ALL about social currency • Serendipity – stumbling across the unexpected “I want to sit in a boat and atch the crayfish being caught, not catch them myself” • They don’t necessarily want to do the work – look at the mountains, not climb them • The photo is a massive marketing opportunity, brand it, its all about sharing now, and later • Give them memorable surprises – it makes the experience exciting, unique and worth sharing through stories Source: Project Kiwi – China FIT qualitative research Nov-DecFY15, & AIAL/MBIE China Market Development qualitative research Sept FY15 Food – Xin Xian = New Fresh They seek: • Preparing very good quality ingredients without adding great flavours is a waste Therefore: • Emphasise options for food at the source, the back story is important – provides a multi sensory experience • Self cooking – allow them to participate, share the moment with a BBQ (have Chinese foods/seasonings/sausages available • The idea of “new fresh,” or xin xian – –its about the choice) see it in its natural state, get it, eat it • Restaurants that allow the fish that was caught to be prepared, cooked and enjoyed “What a waste to just • New Zealand is not seen to have a distinctive cuisine – seafood at source is the closest panfry • ish with a bit of lemon queezed – it is such a waste and not very enjoyable” Cater for their tastes buds Source: Project Kiwi – China FIT qualitative research Nov-DecFY15, & AIAL/MBIE China Market Development qualitative research Sept FY15 Catching the whole experience “The story” “Catch it” “Eat it” Food – the importance of breakfast They seek: • While they will try our food, they do want access to Asian food • Sushi over sandwiches • Hot noodles and rice for lunch forms a staple meal • Hot breakfast please – preferably with congee. It’s really important, and they will seek it out • The importance of snacks – Chinese have an expectation that snacks are available everywhere, local and Asian. It’s also an easy way to try our food, and take home as gifts • Warm water, never cold Source: Project Kiwi – China FIT qualitative research Nov-DecFY15, & AIAL/MBIE China Market Development qualitative research Sept FY15 Sources of information least influential most influential Implication: Use online forums and WOM to get our message out – much more credible in China ONLINE TRAVELLER FORUM/BLOG • Most popular source • Traveller perspective is highly relevant & credible • www.mafengwo • www.tuniu • • • TV WOM/FRIENDS EXPERIENCE SHARING • Pictures from friends Wechat & Weibo • Recommendation from those who have returned from trip MAGAZINES Source: Project Kiwi – China FIT qualitative research Nov-DecFY15 Social Media – people go where others post What you need to know: • Chinese are avid social networkers • Chinese FIT are really avid social networkers • Chinese FIT while on holiday are extreme social networkers • For many smaller New Zealand operators this is the single most useful tool for attracting Chinese visitors to you • If you are not getting your operation uploaded then find a way to do this People go where others post, it’s that simple Source: Project Kiwi – China FIT qualitative research Nov-DecFY15, & AIAL/MBIE China Market Development qualitative research Sept FY15 Case Study - Skydive Wanaka • • • In 2008 the Hall family owners of Skydive Wanaka recognised the potential opportunity in Chinese outbound travellers & formed a relationship with Hunter & Winnie, Hunter is a Kiwi guy and Winnie Chinese. Through Winnie, they started promoting Skydive Wanaka using Weibo. Posted one picture a day, and an offer a …this started to build a social presence in China August 2013 the business was bought by the Ferguson family who have not only continued to focus on Chinese but have in fact increased their investment to attract even more Chinese visitors to their business, building on the initial success of the Halls. Great results with high brand awareness Chinese people coming Case Study - Skydive Wanaka How did Skydive Wanaka achieve further growth ? • Identified the opportunity with the growth in Chinese arrivals and the need to invest in trade relationships • Invested further in having Chinese advice & resource using Kate Deng. Kate use to NZ tourism industry, now has her own business in China • Kate manages the social media for Skydive Wanaka Weibo Wechat • Developed a Chinese page on their website • Now Skydive Wanaka are investing in a Chinese staff member and Chinese visitors make up 35 40% of sales Lisa’s (Sales Manager at Skydive Wanaka) advice to others: • Have a plan and stick to it • Be focussed, if you are going to attract Thankyou to Lisa Chambers, theyour teambusiness at Skydive Wanaka sharing their Chinese visitorsand to you for need tostory invest, start small, be consistent… it will pay • Network and form relationships with bigger operators that are doing the job well, learn and get ideas on how … Links to Useful Information China Toolkit TIA Cultural Briefs China Skinny - sign up to the newsletter Te Puia, Rotorua Thank you