TEAM BEE’S RAZ REPORT IDUS 215 TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT THE ABSTRACT PURPOSE Forsyth Park is the central landmark in Savannah, Georgia, serving as a key intersection of the city. Team Bee’s task was to evaluate the role of cyclists within Forsyth Park and their relationship within the whole community of Savannah. METHODOLOGIES Team Bee’s used four methods to gain knowledge on cyclists within Savannah: presentation by Excutive Director of the Savannah Bicycle Campaign Dr.John Bennett, popular media research, observations, interviews and email questionaires. Additionally we attended a Savannah’s Downtown Neighborhood Association meeting to gain further insights on the community as a whole. FINDINGS VALUE Oportunity #4 By increasing cycling on Savannahs roadways, the opportunity for driver awareness through visual recognition and familiarity. TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT 1. RESEARCH CONTENT TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT BACKGROUND INFORMATION FOCUS In order to successfully design for people, contextual researching is necessary. In the course, Contextual Research Methods, our class is being taught how to conduct, analyze and transform research data into solutions. The Savannah Bicycle Organization, headed by Mr. John Bennett, presented us with the task of analyzing a “pedestrian only” zone, within Savannah’s historic Forsyth Park, that bicyclist frequent. Our process will include research, field ethnographic studies and conducted interviews. Throughout we will analyze the data to uncover deep insights and the design opportunities to Forsyth Park’s controversial pedestrian zone. PURPOSE: Our focus is to understand the usage of Forsyth Park and to examine the role of bikers. Through our fieldwork, media research and interviewing, our team is looking to discover the needs of the park users and what the purpose of the pathways within Forsyth are. RESEARCH QUESTIONS: To guide our project, we are trying to uncover the answers to these key questions: How do specific user groups move throughout the park? How are people informed of the rules in the park and how are these rules enforced? What motivated bikers to use specific pathways within the park or alternative pathways outside of the park? TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT 2. DATA COLLECTION METHODS TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT 1. JOHN BENNETT PRESENTATION Dr. John Bennett is the Excutive Director of the Savannah Bike Campaign. Bennett presented us with a overview of the mission and goals of the Savannah Bicycle Campaign, current regulations within the park, and key stakeholders and organizations. 2. POPULAR MEDIA SEARCH 3. OBSERVATIONS 4. INTERVIEWS TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT 3. KEY FINDINGS TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT John Bennett Presentation: When John Bennett came to our class and spoke to us about the bicycle community in Savannah, he mentioned a lot of different factors that contributed to how bicyclists are engaged throughout the area. Out of the many points that were mentioned, our team found Dr. Bennett’s topics of Important Laws, Cyclist Community, Infastructure, and Key Organizations. These Key Terms led us to compile more in depth research in our Popular Media Search Popular Media Search: Using our Key Terms of Important Laws, Cyclist Community, Infastructure, and Key Organizations, our team found some interesting facts not only about Savannah, but also about other bike communities as well. Some of the Key Findings from our Popular Media search is as follows: • It is a healthy investment to have a strong bike infrastructure • Minneapolis is “Gold” rated in having a bike friendly city according to the League of Bicyclists (?). Savannah has a “Bronze” Rating. • Bike Lanes are cheaper to make since roads are larger infrastructure. • Bike Tours visit Forsyth Park. • Bikers out consume cars in small businesses. From compiling all of our Key Findings from our Popular Media Search, we as a team kept this information in mind when going out to complete our next step of research: Fly on the Wall in Forsyth Park. Fly on the Wall: With 5 different team members all visiting Forsyth Park on two different occasions, we saw a diverse amount of actors and artifacts that contributed to our Key Findings and Terms from earlier Processes. Here are some of our most salient Key Findings from Fly on the Wall: • People left bikes locked to benches and trees rather than bike racks. TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT • • • • • 6:1 Male vs. Female Cyclists Police Officer was stopping cyclists to dismount Lots of Dogs on and off leash People walk through the center of the pedestrian zone. Lots of strollers, families, and children playing in the pedestrian zone. Interviews: After gathering all of our information from John Bennett’s presentation, our popular media search, and our fly on the wall, we as a team interviewed multiple actors that play a part in Savannah’s bicycle community such as commuters, students, casual cyclists, and staff of bicycle operations all throughout Georgia. There was a ton of information that we acquired from our nine interviewees. Here is a general summary of the most important findings from our interviews: • Bikes are the best and easiest way to get around Savannah. • Roads that are generally avoided by all cyclists are Whitaker, Drayton, Bay, Victory, and South Abercorn.+Forsyth’s parks rules generally make cyclists avoid them or completely ignore them. Only few follow the Park’s guidelines rigourously. • Cyclists are not only the problem. Pedestrians and Cars need to be accountable too! • The city of Savannah is not fully embracing biking. • Forsyth is a central location, with Bull St. Dividing the city. • Many were not formally taught of bike rules. • Signage in Forsyth is too small • Rules are based on Complaints, not logic. TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT 4. STRATEGIC INSIGHTS TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT Familiarity and central location creates comfort and high traffic volumes. A central location is only relevant to the user groups and destinations. Visual confirmation and word of mouth are the most effective ways to establish habits. Cyclist feel more comfortable in the park because they are larger than pedestrians. On hazardous roadways they feel unsafe because they are the smaller vehicle. The way a cyclist feels on the road, a pedestrian feels in the park. There is a sense of safety in scale. Cyclists do not consistently define themselves as a vehicle. They believe that they have more right of way than a vehicle. TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT 5. DESIGN OPPORTUNITIES TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT Opportunity #1 By creating familiarity and comfort with alternative routes we can lessen bicycle commuter traffic through the pedestrian zone. Solutions • Create a map that outlines bicycle friendly routes especially to popular destinations. The map can be handed out with purchase or rental of bike in Savannah shops. It is important that it is readily available for students and local residents. • Connect bike lanes and create them with attention to bicycle traffic and popular destinations. • In addition to the orientation at SCAD, have a bicycling class to demonstrate and explore the best routes to get to school facilities. Why? The cyclists moving against park policy are not trying to cause a problem. They are seeking out a familiar route. Our finds show that comfort and saftey have to do largely with a sense of knowing the route. We founds that our interveiwies expressed a hesitence to explore new routes. Opportunity #2 Create conversation about cyclists in the city by exercising the rights of a cyclist on the road. Solutions • Hold cycling events within the city. • Create a massive group ride throughout the city. Opportunity #3 Add visual confirmation of cyclists rights on roadway for users observe. Solutions • Add “Share the Road signs” TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT • New pavement marking signage and symbols. TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT REFERENCES TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT APPENDIX TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT Date & time of interview: Wed, Feb 19th, 2014 Location and type (face-to-face, phone) of interview: Perry Rubber, face-to-face Interviewer: David Udinsky Interviewee: Christian, Andrea, Bhakti Contact Info (Phone, email): 912-313-5164 Position: Bike Shop Owner Profile: (brief job description and other relevant information) Founder and Owner of Perry Rubber on Perry St. and Bull St. Points for discussion Notes from respondents How long have you lived in the city of Savannah? This is the four year [for the shop]. I have lived in Savannah all of my life. Could you tell me about your average day in Savannah? How often do you visit Forsyth Park? What is your preferred means of getting around in Savannah? Is bicycling a good way to travel around the city of Savannah? Absolutely, and not just because I am in the business. People who rent bikes with us come and say it is the absolute best way they have ever gotten around the city. The tours are nice but they are slower and you have to stay in that group. The cars are impossible to get around with so bike you can ride around stop and lock it up. How often do you ride your bike? What type of Cyclist would you consider yourself? Not a commuter more sport rider. I kind of do it all. I don’t race anymore, I would if I could. TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT If you are biking are there a certain places you avoid? Could I name any, simply places you wouldn’t walk anytime. Common Sense. I don’t mind traffic, as much I would ride Whitaker St. anytime. There is just no place to go. If there is something to go into I am all for it. Where do you go when you’re on your bike? We have a couple of route on our website. We go to the west side of town, less traffic. We go to Louisville road, to hw 80, farmers market, Chatham parkway and loop around, it’s marked on there. It’s our standard ride. Do you ever ride your bike through Forsyth Park? If I wasn’t breaking the law, yes I would. I have been there for a couple birthday parties but that is the extent of it. To just say I am going to hang out at Forsyth again I would do it if something was going on. I don’t care if it was 5 miles per hour I would do it. Which way do you usually bike through Forsyth Park? (Show on map) How do you feel bicy- I think parks are a whole other story. Cars don’t drive cles are being used in through the par, but bikes. You look at old pictures of the park and what do you look at. People walking the park? and riding their bikes. Yes you are looking at a lot more cyclist now out their but back in the 1900’s it was a way of transportation for them. I think you can set a speed limit for five miles per hour and enforce it but to make pedestrian only zones I think is really difficult. But if I want to go down bull st to bean I shouldn’t have to ride around. What you are telling me if I got to ride drayton st. which is dangerous, whitiker st which is dangerous or on the side walk which they are saying you cant do… You should be able to ride through it. A good cyclist will be attuned to what is going on around them, just like driving a car. You are not just looking front, you are looking behind you, you’re looking at people approaching your vehicle. You do the same thing on a bike. TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT It is more on the lines not how fast they go. The fundamental thing is training. You train for what you want to do, I think classifying as commuter, recreationals, racers is quite align with not so much of their abilities. The big problem is In the state of Georgia, anybody on that bike is a cyclist so if you have an accident on that bike you are cyclist, you may have never ridden a bike before, you may say I know how to ride. What constitutes a cyclist just because you are riding a bike? Everyone has to pay attention whether you are walking or riding. As a pedestrian you need to be a little aware of what is going on around you, cellphones. But how many people look down like this walking riding it doesn’t matter you are not paying one damn bit of attention. They’re thinking I am in the park here what is going to happen to me. Do you feel that people on bikes are just cutting straight through the park? It is a central location. If it was more bike friendly, I guess they would argue that the sidewalks have access to the fields but the beauty is right there in the center of the park. It is not the grassy field. It is the fountain. I think anyone who rents a bike from us, the first thing they do is at somepoint. Bull st. being the dividing line between east and west, you would be amazing by how many people all day long traverse bull st. they walk down to the park and walk back bull to brought to bay. It is that dividing line that gives you a good point to walk. Where do you normally enter Forsyth Park? Do you participate in any activities at the park? TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT Do you feel that Forsyth Park is equally divided for each activity? I think the problem is in that play ground area, children do cross the sidewalk. They have made it a pedestrian only period. They have segregate north and south by that area. People will argue and say hey my kids love playing there. Well you got swings over there and it is just like crossing the sidewalk. Don’t pedal through there at 20mph. Forsyth is something that should be enjoyed and viewed. If you want to go fast then bypass it by all means. What kind of activity do you see most in the park? Do you feel that Forsyth Park is equally divided for each activity? What kind of activity do you see most in the park? Have you ever been stopped by a Police Officer in the park? Were you ever informed of the Park’s rules? If you drive a car. Stop light stop, stop sign. They put those up for a reason. I have seen plenty of people get hurt because they just ride through. How were you informed? Have you witnessed any rules being enforced at the park? Are you comfortable breaking the law? TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT No, It doesn’t mean that they are not. One of the riders, she was out doing a ride out in pooler, it was a weird time of day not much traffic. And she got a ticket for running a stoplight. The police wrote her a ticket. She said she was mad at first but it was absolutely her fault. They were not picking on her. Additional notes from respondents They think that a bicycle is just a two wheel means of walking. I hate to say it. You ask people should a bicycle fall under the same laws as car and they say no. If we want to share the road with cars then yes we should abide by the same rules. If you want drivers to respect you, you need to respect them. I have a right to ride in road as a car does. I don’t the city has really grasped the idea of cycling as transportation method. Just as a bunch of SCAD students riding around. If they could look at the number of bikes of students alone. They think the big thing is that they put sixteen rental bikes out. Have you looked at one of those? For one, when you come in to rent a bike by law I have to offer you a helmet. What happens to those who rent the bikes? There is no one there manning it. There is no reason they should be treated any other way. But just the same that cyclist should show their knowledge on the road, and abide by the law and it should be enforce that way. If I run that stop sign then I should be given a ticket. All I say is don’t knock little old ladies over on the ground. I say be aware of your surrounds. I really do, I tell them there are signs up that say no bikes I really don’t think unless you are being wild, I don’t think they’d give you a ticket. Could they? Yes they could. I can’t tell you. Would I do it, yes. Bike lanes are fine I have no problem. They just don’t connect. How do I connect dots. When the opportunity is there. They replaced the bridge to skidaway. Here they are building this billion dollar bridge and its too expensive to put bike lanes. There is no way to cross that bridge, oh you can you can ride with traffic but not even something to walk on. Nothing. That was a major why. You created a barrier. The campaign works hard the problem is there is the campaign and there is the government. They don’t have enough manpower. They can’t scream loud enough maybe one day they will. They are doing a great job. The city is much of the problem as anybody else. They don’t care about cyclist it is in their way. TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT Date & time of interview: Tuesday, February 25th 2013 at approximately 3:00pm Location and type (face-to-face, phone) of interview: South end of Chippewa Square Interviewer: Bhakti, Christian, Andrea Interviewee: Michael Contact Info (Phone, email): n/a Position: Savannah Pedicab Driver Points for discussion Notes from respondents How long have you lived in the city of Savannah? I moved to Savannah last January, I have been doing this since last February. So a year now. I just got tired of the big city life in Atlanta. It is a slow down pace. On the bicycle. I usually work a flag shift so I work Could you tell me about your average day between 2 and 10 and I just chill in the city and take rides enjoy the tourist. Does anyone actually enjoy in Savannah? the tourists? How often do you visit Forsyth Park? Everyday, when I bike through it. What is your preferred means of getting around in Savannah? I don’t even own a car in Savannah I just bike everywhere. Is bicycling a good way to travel around the city of Savannah? How often do you ride your bike? Everyday. What type of Cyclist would you consider yourself? I ride my bike places but I don’t just ride for fun. If you are biking are there a certain places you avoid? Well yeah. On this job we are not even allowed on Whitaker, Drayton and Bay and we are only allowed to go north bound on MLK. I just avoid those streets when I am on my bike because they are just busy. TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT Where do you go when you’re on your bike? When it is warm out but not during the winter. I did last year a lot. Do you ever ride your bike through Forsyth Park? Yes, I ride through Forsyth Park everyday! I actually never get off my bike in the pedestrian zone. I see it and sometimes I will ride side saddle in case a police officer comes. Which way do you usually bike through Forsyth Park? (Show on map) I usually I just come from the back side on bull street everyday. How do you feel bicycles are being used in the park? Do you feel that people on bikes are just cutting straight through the park? Where do you normally enter Forsyth Park? South end. Do you participate in any activities at the park? Do you feel that Forsyth Park is equally divided for each activity? What kind of activity do you see most in the park? Have you ever been stopped by a Police Officer in the park? One time we don’t get off on Friday and Saturdays till 3am and one time I always shoot through Forsyth because it is a lot safer. I didn’t get a ticket but they were like ‘parks closed you have to go around.’ K, so I just road around the outside. Were you ever informed of the Park’s rules? How were you informed? TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT Date & time of interview: Thursday, February 13th, 2014 8:00pm Location and type (face-to-face, phone) of interview: Hall St. & Mongomery St. Interviewee’s House Interviewer: Andrea Young, Uriel Brown Interviewee: Tory Contact Info (Phone, email): N/A Position: High school math teacher, Points for discussion Notes from respondents How long have you lived Lived in Savannah since June 2011, Three years in in the city of Savannah? Savannah Could you tell me about Wakes up around 5:30, goes to work at high school, works all day, then afterschool programs/ your average day in coaching baseball, 6:00pm comes home, workout Savannah? make dinner. How often do you visit Forsyth Park? In Nov. training for Rock n’ Roll half marathon, would run around track, “its about a mile around which is easy to track” I run about every other day What is your preferred means of getting around in Savannah? If going Downtown, just walk especially on the weekends, weather permitting. Prefers to walk. Does not bike. Drives if he is going somewhere farther. Is bicycling a good way “Yes absolutely, I think it is a great biking city. They to travel around the city have a lot of bike lanes. I think the city itself lends itself to biking in terms of distances.” Weather imof Savannah? portant for biking. How often do you ride your bike? What type of Cyclist would you consider yourself? If you are biking are there a certain places you avoid? TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT Where do you go when you’re on your bike? Do you ever ride your bike through Forsyth Park? Which way do you usually bike through Forsyth Park? How do you feel bicycles are being used in the park? Feels everyone is pretty consistent and considerate. Occasional person trying to “bob and weave”. Saturday morning biking traffic morning increases during farmers market. Do you feel that people He felt most people go around the edges of the on bikes are just cutting park and not the center. He has seen bikes go through the middle. straight through the park? (if yes) Do you feel that they have a reason for it? Do you participate in any activities at the park? Concerts at amphitheater, if a nice day play football or throw baseball and used to play tennis once a week, Do you feel that Forsyth Agrees, setting up volleyball courts, rugby tournaments, Frisbee, kickball leagues. Huge park with Park is equally divided lots of opportunity, “I have never heard of anything for each activity? you couldn’t do.” What kind of activity do you see most in the park? Do you feel that Forsyth Park is equally divided for each activity? What kind of activity do you see most in the park? People walking and Running Have you ever been stopped by a Police Officer in the park? Never seen any police Were you ever informed Never heard of rules, maybe they can’t cut across grass of the Park’s rules? TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT Date & time of interview: Saturday, February 15th, 2014 2:30pm Location and type (face-to-face, phone) of interview: Gulfstream Interviewer: Andrea Young, Kristen Warkow, Christian McKenzie, Bhakti Interviewee: Jonathan Palacio Contact Info (Phone, email): [email protected] Position: Student, Bike fitter at Perry Bikes Points for discussion Notes from respondents How long have you lived in the city of Savannah? “I’ve been in Savannah since 2007” Could you tell me about Monday- Thursday “Out of the house by about 10, most of my travyour average day in eling is done by bike but I do have a car.” Routine Savannah? consist of school and eating. “I go on longer bike rides when I have time.” How often do you visit Forsyth Park? “I have actually seen people get tickets so I don’t go through anymore. I do sometimes like to walk by bike through for the scenic aspect of it if I am not pressed for time.” “If I am actually go somewhere I will talk any one of the side streets. Usually Jeferson or Barnard.” What is your preferred means of getting around in Savannah? “I think Savannah is a great city for cycling. It is how I get around.” Is bicycling a good way ^^^ to travel around the city of Savannah? How often do you ride your bike? TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT “For commuting I pretty much do it everyday that the weather permits. I usually don’t ride on my bike under 40 degrees. Everyday that I can I do.” Between 2 to 5 miles per day. “For the most part I am on my bike. That is how I prefer to get around.” What type of Cyclist would you consider yourself? Commuter, but doesn’t have a commuter specific bike. If he is lucky, he might do a 20-50mile ride, twice a month. If you are biking are there a certain places you avoid? “I avoid Whitaker, Drayton and Bull Street.” Heavily Traffic by cars and pedestrians. Lots of trolleys and tours, “plus I don’t think they respect cyclists.” Where do you go when you’re on your bike? “I absolutely love taking the ferry across the river to Hutchinson Island. It’s free and it runs till midnight. Its awesome, you see the bridge and you have just your bike. It like sanctuary. Its really quiet” Do you ever ride your bike through Forsyth Park? “Its weather based and mood based. If I am heading somewhere where I am pressed for time I will avoid Forsyth complete. For me Forsyth is a thing of luxury. I’ll do it because I want to. In the years I have been here, it has gotten so much busier. The café, the rose garden, the anti cycling laws, the last thing I need is to be harassed by a police officer.” Which way do you usually bike through Forsyth Park? Enters through the south end. Bikes to Forsyth on the weekends to go to Farmers Market and lock bike up. [sidenote] Bike racks on both extremes of the park and are useless if walking through. How do you feel bicycles are being used in the park? “I respect the laws. I have seen kids get hit by cyclists and seen cyclist bike very recklessly.” “It really is dangerous. I really do respect that they put those laws up. I don’t love it but it does service a purpose.” “Forsyth is a tourist spot, it is too slow. If there was a dedicated bike lane I would consider it. You have to look at the cultural aspect of it. Do you feel that people “Yeah people use it as a shortcut.” on bikes are just cutting straight through the park? (if yes) Do you feel that they have a reason for it? “It has to do a lot with its central location. It separated east from west and it’s a very easy vain or artery to flow through but it is heavily trafficked by foot.” “There are many reasons why people are drawn to it. Forsyth is a very central part to our town” TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT Do you participate in any activities at the park? Not really, he has athletic injuries that have led him to choose biking as his main activity. “there are no cycling events in the park.” Do you feel that Forsyth I guess. “I’d like to see it used more.” He knows person from Well Fed magazine who has trouble Park is equally divided running events in the park. “I don’t know if there for each activity? are greater institutional issues.” Not used to its potential. What kind of activity do you see most in the park? “Homeless hanging out. Sunbathing… when I walk through I see a lot of homeless people charging their cellphones. Have you ever been stopped by a Police Officer in the park? No. “I think that the way-finding signs to dismount are awful. They are the size of iPhones. They are minuscule.” Were you ever informed “In the beginning there were officers who would just stand there and tell you to dismount all day. I of the Park’s rules? never found out it just happened one day. There was never a proper education. I think that is a larger underlying issue. I think that cyclists are not educated. They are expected to navigate through the city in a certain way but they are not educated how to do it.” “Taxation without representation. I have seen a person get pulled off their bike for not having a front light.” [side note] Jon got a light ticket and explained that he didn’t believe in it and told officer that he would not pay it. Got his NJ drivers license suspended for 90days. Worked at Perry Rubber. Riding down Bull St. Car wouldn’t pass him even though he waved him to pass. Speed up and turned right, trapping Jon on the right side of the car. He had turned with them and his pedal scraped the entire door. The car speed off because they were in the fault. On Broughton St. cars just open doors, if they do you could break a collarbone. Jon prefers to take the whole lane when riding down Broughton. He relates it to lack of education. Mass influx of students and population has led to mass bike usage. TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT How were you informed When I initially came here I wasn’t taught. I learned about the squares through pedestrian, not SCAD. I of rules? think it is different now. I am big believer in education, ground up. Have you witnessed any [answered above] rules being enforced at the park? Are you comfortable breaking the law? “Take my space. Give myself three feet for cars. I don’t mind interrupting traffic. I think a cyclist is far more important than a car. Maybe they see bikes as some thing only poor people use. I have a car; last semester put 30miles on my car in 10 weeks. Always have a light, always have lock. I stop at red lights look and go. I won’t stop the entire way.” Additional notes from respondents Bike lanes and trails are outside of the city and that is not where the people are. Truman Parkway is overly ambitious. The park doesn’t change enough to entice him. It is the same experience. If the park wasn’t beautiful it wouldn’t be cool. I think that Forsyth is a walking place Demographics: Represents Savannah. Comfort Zone, Everyone is allowed. Something we all share despite differences. Skate Boarders, tourists, young parents, students, dog walkers I am not afraid of cars. I respect them. Its important to be heard, felt, seen. Possess a certain amount of space. TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT Date & time of interview: Saturday, February 15th, 2014 2:30pm Location and type (face-to-face, phone) of interview: Starbucks Coffee on Broughton Street Interviewer: Andrea Young, Kirsten Warkow, Bhakti Interviewee: Jessy Scarpone Contact Info (Phone, email): Position: Student, Cross Country runner Profile: (brief job description and other Studying at SCAD relevant information) Question Interviewee #1 How long have you lived Since September 2012. in the city of Savannah? Could you tell me about Goes for a run in the Morning, then bikes to class at 11 from her house on 37th near Daffin. Bikes your average day in about 5-6 miles a day. Savannah? How often do you visit Forsyth Park? 3-4 times a week. What is your preferred means of getting around in Savannah? Biking. Is bicycling a good way I say Definitely. It’s the fastest and you don’t have to travel around the city to abide by the traffic laws as much. of Savannah? How often do you ride your bike? Every Day. Without Fail. What type of Cyclist would you consider yourself? Casual. If you are biking are there a certain places you avoid? Avoid Victory and MLK. Busy Streets. Avoids Forsyth on Saturday. I go down Price instead to avoid going around all of the squares. Where do you go when you’re on your bike? TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT Do you ever ride your bike through Forsyth Park? Yes. Which way do you usually bike through Forsyth Park? Usually on the Drayton side. Enters through park Street. How do you feel bicycles are being used in the park? Do you feel that people Yes. Even though it says not to. on bikes are just cutting straight through the park? (if yes) Do you feel that they have a reason for it? I think so. It’s pretty and nice to look at. Do you participate in any activities at the park? Run. Sometimes lay out and draw. Do you feel that Forsyth Park is equally divided for each activity? Have you had any prob- Experiences Bikers at the park, but hasn’t had any lems with bikers at the problems. park? Do you feel that Forsyth Park is equally divided for each activity? What kind of activity do you see most in the park? Running. Have you ever been stopped by a Police Officer in the park? No. Were you ever informed No, but I have seen the signs. Avoided biking through there when she first of the Park’s rules? moved, but never saw anyone getting fined so bikes through anyways. TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT Date & time of interview: March 2nd, 2014 8pm Location and type (face-to-face, phone) of interview: Boundary Dorms Interviewer: Christian, Bhakti, Kirsten Interviewee: Nathan Cordius Contact Info (Phone, email): Position: Student Profile: (brief job description and other relevant information) Studying at SCAD Points for discussion Notes from respondents How long have you lived in the city of Savannah? Since September, a short period of time Depends if I have class, wake up early, head to Could you tell me about your average day class. I’m there until lunch. Lunch do homework. everyother day I ride my bike to the gym as warm in Savannah? up and cool down. Weekends I ride my bike down town, unless I am the sober D How often do you visit Forsyth Park? I’ve only been to the park a couple of times to hang out, but I ride past alot. What is your preferred means of getting around in Savannah? Depends on where I’m going, if it’s in the area. Especially if it’s warm. Because parking is a pain. If far I will take care, to get groceries. Is bicycling a good way Definitely, it’s a good way to exercise. The only downside is the drivers are pretty terrible so you to travel around the have to be careful. It’s faster and much less of a city of Savannah? hassle to park your bike than to search for a half an hour to find space for a car. How often do you ride your bike? At least every other day. What type of Cyclist would you consider yourself? I would consider myself a commuter, I don’t ever just go out to ride my bike. Indirectly I use it for exercise TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT If you are biking are there a certain places you avoid? I usually go straight up and down Bernard it will connect me just about everywhere I’m going. Mostly MLK because it’s really busy, you know if I have to cross lanes, it’s really dangerous. But there are no area’s I’ve avoided. Where do you go when you’re on your bike? The main places, gym downtown, river street, I can walk to gulfstream, other buildings I’ll ride my bike. I drive to the freshman building because there is ample parking. Do you ever ride your bike through Forsyth Park? I’ve never rode my bike through Forsyth, cause I assumed, I’ve been told you’re supposed to stay on the roads. So I’ve just assumed you’re not supposed to. I do see people ride through it, the rule are kinda confusing, but I bike around it a lot. Which way do you usually bike through Forsyth Park? How do you feel bicycles are being used in the park? Sometimes I think it would be nice to ride my bike straight through, instead of having to go around, because going around is a bit of a nuisance, but it doesn’t add too much additional time. I don’t really have a strong opinion on the matter as I have not been there as a bike or a pedestrian. I don’t have much experience to judge how I feel. Do you feel that people I don’t really have a strong opinion on the matter as I have not been there as a bike or a pedestrian. I on bikes are just cutdon’t have much experience to judge how I feel. ting straight through the park? Do you participate in any activities at the park? Napping and hanging out It’s a big park for walking but not for biking. If I were Do you feel that Forsyth Park is equally di- to go for a bike ride I probably wouldn’t ride there, vided for each activity? even if there were a bike lane I would probably use it just as a short cut. I don’t think it’s big enough that you would ride your bike around on a Sunday afternoon TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT What kind of activity do you see most in the park? A lot of people with dogs, that’s really common. Either dogs or people laying out in the sun. there are always people with a soccer ball or playing lacrosse...Stuff like that. Parents with their kid with the play ground, but I think people with their dogs… Have you ever been stopped by a Police Officer in the park? I have not Were you ever informed Yeah, I was told with the rotaries and the small parks that you are supposed to bike around it or of the Park’s rules? they will ticket you for Forsythe I just kinda assumed the same thing. I have walked there and I noticed there is this like this section of the road that is pedestrians only which is kinda weird. It is the only sign that made me kinda aware that maybe I can ride my bike in certain sections, but I just assumed that the rules for Forsythe with the same as the little parks you’re supposed to bike around. How were you informed? Pretty sure it was scad, but I’m not sure exactly Have you witnessed any rules being enforced at the park? I’ve seen biking police at Forsyth , a couple times, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen people break the rules at Forsyth. I have seen people break the rules at the little parks, which really bugs me, because I spend all the time going around and then people just ride right through. It definitely happens. I saw the bicycle police at the very entrance of the park Are you comfortable breaking the law? I usually try to not risk getting a ticket, like is said, it is not a huge deal to ride your bike around. Plus if you’re riding it through during the day it will not save you that much time because there are all the pedestrian s to go around and be careful of and if it is t night it’s not necessarily safe, so I kinda have no problem just using the roads. TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT PRILIMINARY QUESTION MATRIX WHAT DO I NEED TO KNOW? WHY DO I NEED TO KNOW THIS? WHAT KIND OF METHODS WILL ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? WHERE CAN WHO DO I I FIND THIS CONTACT? INFORMATION? Which organizations contribute to the park? How the park runs and who regulates it. Popular Media X, Interviews Parks and Rec. Government Website Website, Website, contributing, contributing, Mr. Bennet Mr. Bennet What are the consequence for riding through the pedestrian zone? To underPopular stand why Media X, people are Interviews and aren't following the rules Police Department, Scad Security Police Department, Staff Where are the alternative pathways around the park? To know where else bikers can go. Popular Media X, Interviews Maps of Savannah, Maps of routes in Savannah Bikers, web- Bikers, websites sites How are people informed of the rule in the park? To know how well laws are being enforced Observations, Interviews From other bikers/park goers, The Savannah Bike Campaign Park patrons Park patrons Why do bikers ride through the park? To understand the traffic patterns of the park Observations, Interviews From other bikers other bikers other bikers Observations, data collection, fly on the wall Direct Observation other bikers other bikers What is the To figure flow of traffic out dangers in the park? and danger zones in the park WHO DO I CONTACT? Police Department, Staff TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT What are the social categories of people in the park? ...characteristics? ...patterns? To understand the demographics and to figure out who utilizes the park Observations, data collection, fly on the wall Direct Observation other bikers To figure out the purpose of the pedestrian zone and to see if it is still needed Observations, data collection, fly on the wall Government Website Website, Sa- Website, Savannah Bike vannah Bike Campaign Campaign Why was the ordinance created and enforced? TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT other bikers TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT TEAM BIOGRAPHIES TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT Kirsten Warkow is an Industrial Design Sophomore at the Savannah College of Art and Design. With her degree, she hopes to use her talents to work as a toy designer. mobile: 847-370-6714 email: [email protected] Christian McKenzie is a freelance illustrator and toy maker. He enjoys baking cookies and writing inane things about himself in the third person. He can currently be found in the historic city of Savannah, Georgia pursuing a degree in Industrial design. mobile: 734-771-6733 email: [email protected] Bhakti Salunkhe is a Service Design / Advertising major Junior at Savannah College of Art and Design. With this degree she plans to use her talents to better society in a productive and entertaining way. mobile: 832-317-8171 email:[email protected] Andrea Young is studying Service Design at SCAD. Her love for user centric design allows for intuitive services and products that leave customers satisfied. In her spare time she loves biking through Forsyth. mobile: 802-338-2676 email:[email protected] Uriel Brown is an Industrial Design major, and sophomore at the Savannah College of Art and Design. With his degree, he plans to use his talents to work as a car designer. mobile: 678-542-0609 email: [email protected] TEAM BEE’s RAS REPORT