msmc serves - Mount Saint Mary College
msmc serves - Mount Saint Mary College
MSMC SERVES is an initiative of Campus Ministry that aims to unify and centralize all service learning and community outreach programs offered by Campus Ministry, thereby helping raise awareness of all the various programs offered, encourage campus-wide participation, foster the continual growth of each program, and promote the development of new programs. MISSION OF MOUNT SAINT MARY COLLEGE “Consistent with Judeo-Christian values and the Dominican tradition of education that values the inherent worth of the individual, the mission of Mount Saint Mary College is to create an environment which fosters… students to reach their full potential as lifelong learners.” MISSION OF MSMC SERVES “To enflesh the Judeo-Christian value of service to others by assisting students in internalizing this value in their lives, and in turn helping students live out the mission of lifelong learning and service.” Contact us Campus Ministry is located in Hudson Hall FR. FRANCIS AMODIO, O.CARM Chaplain/Director of Campus Ministry Hudson Hall, rm. 115 [email protected] 845-569-3154 @ VISIT US ON THE WEB! Mount Saint Mary College Mount Saint Mary College FIND US ON FACEBOOK! MSMC Campus-Ministry Mount Saint Mary College CAMPUS MINISTRY Service • Community • Prayer Mount Saint Mary College OTHER PROGRAMS MSMC SERVES Service Sundays & Semester-Long Service Learning Service Sundays & Semester-Long Service Learning is a program which provides students the opportunity to participate in service learning. The program includes elements of education, placement, reflection, and evaluation. MSMC SERVES Objectives • To provide an in depth, systematic approach to service learning. • To educate students in their awareness of the spiritual, sociological, historical, and cultural realities of poverty. • To reflect on these realities of poverty through the lens of social justice and morality. STAGE 1: SERVICE SUNDAY STAGE 2: SERVICE/PLACEMENT • Students will fulfill the weekly commitment with their placement group. Description: Students are expected to attend their placement each week. Should a student be unable to attend, they must inform Campus Ministry via e-mail and Newburgh Ministry prior to missing a scheduled service time. STAGE 3: REFLECTION • Introduction to the cycle of poverty • Tour of Newburgh Ministry • Introduction to Semester-Long Service Learning program • Sign up for service groups and times • Attend reflection seminars • Maintain a written journal of reflection on experiences • Complete an end of the semester one-on-one evaluation • Complete an end of the semester written evaluation and final reflection • Develop an experience into a written case-study Description: Students go to Newburgh Ministry for 2 hours where they are introduced to the Ministry, the cycle of poverty, and get a tour of the facility. At the end of the event, the students form groups of 2 to 4 people and select a time for weekly service. The amount of time will vary based on the group’s availability and the needs of Newburgh Ministry. Service Sundays are offered at the beginning and the midpoint of the semester to give students an opportunity to commit for the whole semester or join the program half way through. Description: Throughout the semester, students meet with Campus Ministry at reflection seminars. Each student is also encouraged to keep a journal to document their experiences. At the end of the semester, one-on-one evaluation meetings are scheduled. In these meetings, the student’s involvement, personal growth, and development is discussed. Finally, students are encouraged to write a final reflection and evaluation. In addition to these reflections, interested students are also encouraged to further document their experiences by drafting a case study of a particular event or experience they participated. THE GIVING TREE: In collaboration with Catholic Charities of Orange County, the Giving Tree is an effort to provide local families in need with gifts for Christmas. Each year the Mount Saint Mary Community collects hundreds of gifts and every year we aim to increase our total number of donations! THE THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE: During the months of October and November, Campus Ministry sponsors a drive in which food is collected to support the efforts of Loaves and Fishes, a local organization that provides the ingredients for a Thanksgiving meal to local families in need. The Mount Saint Mary College community donates over $1,000 worth of food each year to the effort and every year we continually strive to exceed our previous years amount. RESPONDING TO SPECIFIC NEEDS: Every year there are specific events that create a need and through targeted efforts, the Mount Saint Mary College community has responded. In the past, Campus Ministry has partnered with local churches on collections of items to benefit the community and various campus organizations to respond to natural disasters. When our brothers and sisters are in need, it is important that we respond. RESOURCE FOR THE CAMPUS: Campus Ministry is always available to assist individuals and groups on campus looking to participate in service. Our connection with local organizations can be a valuable resource when looking for a location or activity to participate in. In addition, Campus Ministry is always interested in partnering with individuals and groups in their efforts. By combining our efforts, we can achieve a greater impact.