The bikesmith


The bikesmith
School Shopping List
By Shira Hellman, Eighth Grade
Here’s your school
supply list Avi.
Are you sure
you need this
It’s on the school list
for second grade. See!
School List
2nd Grade
• Backpack
• 10 pencils
• lined paper
• 6 notebooks
By Miryam Lakritz, co-editor
Do you read Harry Potter? If you answered no, here’s another question. Do
you know anybody who reads Harry Potter? Well, I bet that you said yes to at
least one of these questions. For all those Harry Potter fans out there, this is
going to be a very interesting article for you to read. But, just so you know,
you have to be a fan of the book to understand what you are about to read.
This article is about the mistakes in the Harry Potter books 1-6. Not mistakes
like a missed punctuation mark or a missed quotation mark. These mistakes
are much more interesting. For example, Harry’s wand hand is his right hand,
but on the cover of book five, it shows Harry holding his wand in his left.
Now, jump on your broomstick and enjoy the read!
Book 6
In the American edition, when Dumbledore and Harry enter Horace
Slughorn's house, something "darkly red and glutinous was spattered over the
wallpaper." Later, when asked what kind of blood it was, Slughorn explains,
"On the walls? Dragon... My last bottle, and prices are sky-high at the
moment." (p. 65) However, in Book 5, Order of the Phoenix, when Hagrid
finally returns in Chapter 20, he is nursing his bloodied face with a greentinged steak of dragon meat. "He picked up the steak and slapped it over the
left side of his face. Greenish blood trickled down into his beard as he gave a
soft moan of satisfaction." Did you notice that the color changed?
In the American Edition, page 188 of Half Blood Prince, Slughorn says,
"One tiny bottle of Felix Felicis enough for twelve hours' luck. From dusk til'
dawn, you will be lucky in everything you attempt." But then on page 476,
Harry says, "I don't reckon I'll need all of it, not twenty-four
hours' worth..." Did you notice the time difference?
Book 5
The cover of Order of the Phoenix shows Harry in the
Department of Mysteries holding his wand in his left hand.
However, it is clearly stated that his right arm is his wand arm.
Another interesting point is when Harry is able to see the
Thestrals at the beginning of Order of the Phoenix. It is later explained that
you can see the Thestrals after you have seen death. Harry had seen the death
of his mother and possibly his father before he saw Cedric Diggory die, so
why didn't he see the Thestrals before?
On page 651, the illustration shows Fred and George flying into a night sky
with a very full moon. However, on page 675 it says, "Fred and George
wheeled about to tumultuous applause from the students below and sped out
of the open front doors into the glorious sunset." They totally had the wrong
time of day in the illustration!
Book 4
On page 23 of the American version of Goblet of Fire, when Harry is
writing to Sirius about the pain in his scar, it says that Harry was "marveling
at the fact that he hadn't thought of Sirius straight away. But then, perhaps it
wasn't so surprising -- after all, he had only found out that Sirius was his
godfather two months ago." Harry actually found out Sirius was his godfather
about eight months before, on that day in the Three Broomsticks in
In Chapter 26 of Goblet of Fire, page 505, Krum tells Hermione that she
has a beetle in her hair, "but Hermione brushed away the beetle impatiently."
In Chapter 37 on the train after she had captured Rita Skeeter, Hermione says,
"and Viktor pulled a beetle out of my hair..." Hermione says, “Viktor pulled
the beetle out,” yet the book says that she brushed it away.
Book 3
Prisoner of Azkaban, UK edition: On page 242, it says, "Harry felt
strangely unreal, and even more so when he saw Buckbeak a few yards away,
tethered to a tree behind Hagrid's pumpkin patch." Later, on page 293,
however, it says, "Harry began to fumble with the rope tying Buckbeak to the
fence." Here Buckbeak is tied to a fence, not a tree.
On page 324, it says that after his exam with Professor Trelawney, "Harry
got up, picked up his bag and turned to go." But when Professor Trelawney
began her prediction, the book then says, "Her eyes started to roll. Harry sat
there in a panic." How could Harry be sitting when it states that he got up
right before Professor Trelawney began her prediction?
Book 2
In Chamber of Secrets, on page 119 of the American version, it states,
"...Harry was dragging his feet along the SECOND floor corridor to
Lockhart's office. He gritted his teeth and knocked." However, on page 141,
after Mrs. Norris is found petrified on the second floor, Lockhart urges
Professor Dumbledore to use his office to examine her, saying that it is just
upstairs. That would mean that his office is on the THIRD floor, not the
When Professor McGonagall took Harry to Professor Dumbledore's office,
the password was "lemon drop," but then in the fourth book when he's going
to tell Dumbledore about Mr. Crouch in the forest it says "...five minutes later
he was hurtling towards a stone gargoyle standing half way along an empty
corridor. 'Sher-sherbet lemon,' he panted at it. This was the password to the
hidden staircase to Dumbledore's office- or at least it had been two years
Continued on page 5
The bikesmith
By Ben Noll, Seventh Grade
My father, Scott Noll, owns a bike
shop along with my uncle, Kirk Noll, on
the East Side of Milwaukee. The bike
shop is called The Bikesmith and it was
named the best place to get your bike
fixed by Milwaukee Magazine. This past
summer I started working at the bike
store because I didn’t go to camp. I
helped build bikes and put inventory out
on the showroom floor. Running a bike
shop is a pretty unique occupation, so I
decided to interview my dad to provide
insight to our readers on what it’s like to run a bike store.
Q: How long have you co-owned The Bikesmith?
A: Since 1981, Twenty-six years together with my uncle.
Q: Who or what gave you the idea to own a bike shop?
A: My younger brother worked in a bike shop that went on sale. That’s
why we were able to purchase it.
Q: What are some of your daily responsibilities in owning the store?
A: Take care of customers, buy merchandise, manage employees, pay
bills, and plan for our future.
Q: Have you ever had anything stolen from your shop?
A: Yes, bikes and clothing.
Q: What is the difference between buying a bike at a department store
and at a bike store like yours?
A: The service and the quality of the bikes that are available are better
at a bike store.
Q: How many different types of bikes do you sell and what are their
different uses?
A: I sell every kind of bike. They’re used for various uses including
industrial, recreation, racing, and rehabilitation.
Q: We know that wearing a helmet is an important part of bike safety.
How tight should the helmet be so that it is safe?
A: It should be snug all around. Proper fit is very important in order to
protect the head in case of a fall.
Q: Besides wearing a helmet, what other safety tips do you recommend
when bike riding?
A: If it is dusk or later, make sure you use a red flashing light so that
drivers can see you. Also have a white headlight in the front. It is also
important to have your bike checked once a year for proper fit and to
make sure the tires are properly inflated and the brakes are working
correctly. In addition, having a lock is important so that your bike
doesn’t get stolen. It is important to have identification on you during a
bike ride, especially if you bike alone or are going long distances.
Q: What’s the best bike for kids and why?
A: The best bike is one that properly fits them, meets their needs, and
is safe.
Q: How many employees do you have at The Bikesmith?
A: There are a total of eight.
Q: Do you bike race?
A: No, I don’t have the time.
After I interviewed my father, I learned that owning a bike shop is
pretty fun. It seems that it could be pretty hard sometimes, like if, G-d
forbid, someone breaks in. I would like to continue working at my
father’s shop and maybe take over when he retires. I hope that you
enjoyed my article.