Region II Market Share
Region II Market Share
AGENDA Coverage Fixed-Mobile Convergence Strategy Launch Offers Region II Market Share Brasil Telecom GSM Forecasts AGENDA Coverage Fixed-Mobile Convergence Strategy Launch Offers Region II Market Share Brasil Telecom GSM Forecasts Coverage BrT GSM chose the GSM technology because it is the most modern in the market More than 600 localities will be covered in 2004, besides the main highways, serving more than 30 million people (82% of the total) in its operating area Coverage Network infra-structure: More than 1,700 sites at the launch Largest GSM coverage in the Region by the end of 2004 Main partners: Alcatel and Ericsson AGENDA Coverage Fixed-Mobile Convergence Strategy Launch Offers Region II Market Share Brasil Telecom GSM Forecasts Fixed-Mobile Convergence Brasil Telecom GSM is, from its inception, already integrated to Brasil Telecom wireline business, benefiting from the existing structure. Brasil Telecom is part of the FMCA (Fixed Mobile Convergence Alliance), which has the objective of promoting the development of the fixed-mobile strategy globally and interacting with suppliers in order to develop new solutions. Partners: British Telecom (BT), Rogers wireless, NTT Communications, Korea Telecom (KT), CEGETEL and Swisscom. The integration of telecommunications services can occur at three different levels Integration levels m Co i ex pl ty Integrated transmission Integrated switching platforms Common Operating Support Systems s se a e cr in Integrated IN platforms Single handset (wireline (wireline and wireless) Integrated services: • Single telephone number Handsets and services Packages and bundles Single bill One stop shop Commercial integration Integration level solely commercial, i.e. integrated sales and customer care Integration level sharing services with existing infra-structure In many cases it happens through partnerships between different operators Handset integration (fixed and mobile) Service integration based in an intelligent network platform, which allows for the delivery of a package of common services (e.g. solutions of personal numbers, home zone services, mobile VPN and mobile Centrex) Main goals are convenience (one-stopshop), a single bill and the possibility of discounts Business units relatively independent Commercial Network integration Handsets and services integration Business units with increased need of unified management Network Full integration level of transmission systems, switching platforms and network elements, with full integration of systems to support the operation Integration of systems and infrastructures is clearly easier for start-ups that foresee integration, and not for operators with existing equipment Final objective of a full integration of platforms will be reached in the transmission of switched networks to IP networks The Only One to Have – “A Única que tem” Brasil Telecom GSM is The Only One to Have Fixed-Mobile convergence in Brazil All of the completely new, singular and exclusive services can be easily identified by our consumers by the Stamp: The Only One to Have AGENDA Coverage Fixed-Mobile Convergence Strategy Launch Offers Region II Market Share Brasil Telecom GSM Forecasts • Mobile to mobile intra network • Mobile to fixed Brt Choice of 14 phone numbers to call at reduced rates (fixed and mobile accesses of BrT) Free additional pulses in a fixedline phone of the Brasil Telecom GSM customer´s choice Bonus Every Month Use in public phones, fixedline and mobile phones Bumerang 14 Use of CSC 14 warrants free minutes for local calls: Unique Prepaid phone card Friends at All Times Synergic Products and Services VU-M (Promotion) Reduced rates for calls originated from fixed-line phones to BrT GSM mobiles Fixed-Mobile Convergence (Prepaid card/ payphones / DLD / local Calls) The "ÚNICO“ prepaid card from Brasil Telecom GSM is exclusive in the market because it allows unrestricted use of credits in mobile phones, fixed-lines and payphones. The format is also innovative. Brasil Telecom GSM’s card is the only one in the market with a round shape and the only one to offer SMS bonus for all face values. Convergent prepaid: Fixed + GSM + Public phones “Único” (Unique) Use R$ 0 to 30.00 R$ 30.00 Buy R$ 30.00 Virtual Credits R$ 30.00 Service 0800 Use R$ 0 to 30.00 • •By Bydialing dialingaatoll tollfree freenumber number(0800), (0800),BrT BrTGSM GSMclients clientsare areable ableto tocomplete completecalls calls from fromthe thewireline wirelinenetwork network • •The Thetotal totalbalance balanceof ofcredits creditscan canbe befreely freelyused usedininany anyof ofthe theaccesses accesses (fixed/mobile/pay (fixed/mobile/payphones) phones) Mobile – DLD Convergence “Bumerang 14” All the minutes of long distance calls originated from BrT GSM’s mobiles made with the CSC 14 are given back as bonus in free local calls to any phone of Brasil Telecom, fixed-line or mobile. Fixed-Mobile Convergence (Reduced VU-M and “Bonus Every Month”) Every client that buys a BrT GSM mobile can choose a BrT fixed-line phone to be credited free minutes every month, to be used in local calls to any other fixed-line phone. Each mobile can credit only one fixed-line number, but a fixedline number can be credited by different mobiles. Fixed-Mobile Convergence (Reduced VU-M and “Bonus Every Month”) The fixed-line clients will pay less whenever they call Brasil Telecom GSM mobiles. Fixed to mobile calls made to mobiles from other wireless operators will cost at least 60% more. “Friends at All Times” The customer will be able to choose 14 friends to call with a reduced rate of only R$ 0.10 (without taxes), at any time of the day or night, including fixed-line and mobile phones of Brasil Telecom (both in the same local area, the same area code of the mobile phone). Promotion: “Fale por menos” (Talk for less) Today a local call from a Brasil 66% 66%more more expensive expensive Telecom fixed terminal to another operators’ mobile phone costs approximately R$ 0.678* Brasil Telecom fixed terminal Operator A A local call from a Brasil Telecom fixed terminal to a Brasil Telecom GSM mobile phone will cost approximately R$ 0.4068* Pay Payless less calling Brasil calling Brasil Telecom TelecomGSM! GSM! The Thecost costof ofaalocal localcall callfrom fromaaBrasil BrasilTelecom Telecomfixed fixedterminal terminalto toanother another operators’ mobile phone will remain at least 60% more expensive. operators’ mobile phone will remain at least 60% more expensive. * Reference DF – regular time Pay Less - Elasticity Clients=0.0605344+0.0491557Discount -0.0012139 Dscount**2+0.0000103Discount**3 S=0.0365898 R-Sq=93.2% R-Sq(adj)=89.1% • •The Thegraph graphshows showsthe theresults resultsof of 60 the theresearch researchabout aboutthe thereduction reduction of offixed-mobile fixed-mobiletariff tariffattractiveness attractiveness Clients • • From From30% 30%onwards onwardsthe the difference differencebecomes becomessignificant significantfor for more morethan than70% 70%of ofclients. clients. • •Brasil BrasilTelecom TelecomGSM GSMwill willoffer offeratat least least60% 60%to toits itsclients. clients. Discount (%) Initial Blow Pula-Pula Prepaid The minutes received by prepaid clients turn into credits for use in the next month. Post-paid Pula-Pula For each monthly bill paid, the client receives the value back as credits for use in the next month. Pula Pula 1st mo nth 2nd mon th 3rd mon th 4th mon th 5th mon th 4th mon th TOT AL Value of Bill 100 120 80 70 130 140 Credits Earned - 100 - 80 - 130 Value Paid 100 20 80 - 130 10 340 Savings - 100 - 70 - 130 300 640 Mobile Banking + Banco do Brasil SALDO 23/04/04-14:00 RS 1.200,00 Voltar = Sair Banking transactions through BRASIL CHIP, including: Checking account balances and transactions; Payment of utilities bills (energy, water, phone, etc...); Collection payment; Value Transfers; Value transfers to prepaid phone cards; Sale of credits for prepaid phones; Contract with Banco do Brasil and other seven financial institutions (confidentiality) Value Added Services Services Communication Entertainment Customization Multimedia Torpedo Torpedo Chat Sounds Multimedia Torpedo Mail Box Torpedo Web Games Wall paper Album Caller ID m-Encontra Portal de Voz Screen Saver Multimedia Card Call Forwarding Messenger Quiz Conference Wap Sr da Guerra Call waiting tc :) News E-mail GPRS Banking Value Added Services Partnerships Multimedia Entertainment Services Communication Banking Customization AGENDA Coverage Fixed-Mobile Convergence Strategy Launch Offerings Region II Market Share Brasil Telecom GSM Forecasts Region II Market Evolution Region II Market Share Operator 2003 MKT Share total Penetration % Population 1Q04 Subscribers MKT Share 2Q04 Subscribers MKT Share aug/04 Subscribers MKT Share Subscribers 57.9% 7,525 57.7% 8,060 56.8% 8,841 55.6% 9,205 21.0% 2,726 20.0% 2,788 20.5% 3,190 21.6% 3,576 20.4% 2,656 21.5% 2,999 21.9% 3,414 22.1% 3,654 0.2% 23 0.2% 25 0.2% 26 0.2% 28 0.6% 74 0.5% 74 0.5% 74 0.4% 74 0.1% 15 0.1% 18 0.1% 19 100% 13,004 31.2% 41,627 * Subscribers and population (thousands) 100% 13,961 33.1% 42,196 100% 15,564 36.9% 42,199 100% 16,556 39.2% 42,199 AGENDA Coverage Fixed-Mobile Convergence Strategy Launch Offers Region II Market Share Brasil Telecom GSM Forecasts Number of Mobile Accesses Region II reaches 22 million mobile accesses in 2006 (thousands) 2004 Mobile Accesses in Region II 2005 18,212 2006 20,946 22,011 Penetration Rate in Region II 43% 48% 50% Market Growth 40% 15% 5% 24,000 20,946 22,000 20,000 22,011 50% 18,212 48% 18,000 50% 48% 46% 44% 16,000 14,000 52% 42% 43% 12,000 40% 10,000 38% 2004 2005 Mobile Accesses in Region II 2006 Penetration Rate in Region II Brasil Telecom GSM Forecasts (thousands) 2004 2005 Client Base 500 1.700 Pre-Paid Sales Mix 75% 77% Sales Share 6% 21% Market Share 3% 8% Real Time Loyalty Pula–Pula Convergence Unique card Bumerang 14 Friends at All Times Bonus Every Month Talk for Less Client Loyalty Lower Churn Brasil Telecom will have reduced churn when compared to other wireless operators. Higher NPV The higher retention of customers in our client base reduces the impact of acquisition costs and client maintenance, which in turn yields an increase in NPV of up to 25%.