Paw Prints - Humane Society of Durham Region
Paw Prints - Humane Society of Durham Region
Paw Prints Th e Hu mane So c i e t y o f D u r h a m R e g i o n N e w s l e t t e r A u g Humane Society of Durham Region Happy Endings Fundraising Events Saturday, November 13 (8pm-12am) Where: Royal Canadian Legion Oct 2010 IN THIS ISSUE Update When: Sept Gift Of Life Five Paw Salute 3 Pg 6 Pg 8 Pg 12 Pg 13 Pg (471 Simcoe St S in Oshawa) Price: $24 per person or $45 per couple Swing Shift Big Band, an 18-piece band, will be providing the entertainment as always! There will be prizes and a light luncheon. MADELINE Adopt-A-Pet See Pg 11 Tickets will be available at: Pet Valu - Taunton & Ritson Rd, Oshawa – 905 433-5564 Pet Valu – 1 Warren Ave (Park & King St), Oshawa – 905 571-6235 Global Pet Foods – 314 Harwood Ave S, Ajax – 905 428-7387 Pet Valu – Courtice Please call 905 433-2022 ext 5 for more information. Last year we sold out and had to turn people away, so get your tickets early! All the proceeds go to the animals in our care HAILEY Adopt-A-Pet See Pg 11 Visit us online at: { UPCOMING EVENTS for 2010 PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR FULL EVENT DETAILS! WWW.HUMANEDURHAM.COM OR JOIN OUR FACEBOOK PAGE! V is it u s o nline a t: www.huma nedurha DUNKRIK Adopt-A-Pet See Pg 11 ITEMS FOR SALE! T-Shirts Can We Send Your newsletter by email? Each newsletter costs us $3.00 to print and mail even with all the preparation done by volunteers and staff. We can now provide this to you at no extra cost! Your email address will be kept confidential. Please Note Paw Imprinted Golf Balls Taylormade “Noodle” golf balls. All are imprinted with a pawprint logo, made for us! A sleeve of three costs $10. A great gift idea; stocking stuffer (Christmas is just four months away, or just to say “Love you” to the golfer in your life! At the same time you are supporting the animals at the Humane Society of Durham Region. When you hit that ball into the woods, it will be easier to distinguish from the ones everyone else has hit there! Children’s Animal Hats Cute little hats, resembling the faces puppies, kittens, etc. for younger children in assorted colours. A novelty item for $3.00 each. Great for birthday parties! Paw Imprinted Bracelets Assorted coloured bracelets, red, blue, yellow and green – imprinted with pawprints. Have a small metal pawprint charm. Another cute novelty item for $3.00 each. Great for party loot bags. Flashing Paw Pins We have got great little paw pins that have flashing lights on them! Great for children’s parties; have your guests wear them at your wedding instead of giving out favors; having friends over for an evening barbecue, let everyone wear a flashing paw; wear them to a dance; wear them to a concert, wear them everywhere you go to show your support for the Humane Society of Durham Region. For only $2.00 each, these are a great way to help us build our new shelter! We sold them before the Bare Naked Ladies concert and it was great to see little paws flashing throughout the crowd. Even the Bare Naked Ladies remarked on the pins! If anyone is interested in purchasing any of these items or perhaps selling some at your business or office, please contact Keith Miller at (905) 576-6400 extension 238 or email Keith at [email protected]. Our Temporary Location Address 79 Taunton Road West, Unit 1, Oshawa, L1G 7B4 (905) 433-2022 Shelter Hours N Taunton Rd West SHELTER Simcoe St Mon : 11am - 5pm Tues : 11am - 6pm Wed : 11am - 5pm Thurs : 11am - 6pm Fri : 11am - 5pm Sat & Sun: 10am - 4pm Simcoe St All articles that appear in Paw Prints do not necessarily represent the thoughts and views of the Humane Society Of Durham Region We have a variety of T-shirts for sale in dark grey; light grey; maroon lime green; pink and turquoise. They have our logo on the left upper corner with a small paw underneath (similar to the hoodies that we sold). They fit large and we have medium and large sizes. The cost is $15.00 and to purchase, please contact Karin at (905) 433-2022 extension 5. Visit u s o n line at: w w w 2 Wish List NEW SHELTER UPDATE ·Gas Cards ·Large Garbage Bins on Wheels ·Large White Boards and Cork Boards ·Dog or Cat Encyclopedias ·Batteries AA, AAA - 9V ·Large and Medium Rain Coats ·File Folders ·Photocopy Paper ·Note Books ·Pens, Pencils, Tape, Liquid Paper ·Label stickers ·Kitten Formula "KMR" ·Kitten baby Bottles ·Dog Muzzles S-M-L ·Dog Coats S-M-L-XL ·Cat and Dog leashes, collars, choke chains and harness ·Cat And Dog toys ·Small Metal Litter Boxes ·Small metal food and water bowls ·Non-Clumping Cat Litter ·Yesterdays News Litter ·Cat Beds ·Cat Trees ·Lysol Spray or Wipes ·Large Garbage Bags ·Laundry Soap ·Dish Soap ·Toilet Paper ·Paper Towels ·Pine sol ·Bleach ·Industrial Mop Buckets and Mops ·Brooms and Dust Pans ·Spray Bottles ·First Aid Kits ·Strong, durable ladder ·Pine Shavings ·Aspen Shavings HSDR OFFICIAL GROUND BR EAKING CEREMONY, FRIDAY , JUNE 4 Joe Dixon MPP, Adrian, Nancy Shaw, Major Pat Perkins, Karin Martins - HSDR, Jeff JJ McGuire, Warren Young IPM Photography by Ian Goo dall - www.iangoodallphotogr Happily, we had our ground breaking ceremony on Friday, June 4, 2010. Keith Miller was our emcee, who introduced speakers Joe Dickson MPP; Christine Elliot MPP, Mayor Pat Perkins and representatives from the Honourable Jim Flaherty MP and Colin Carrie MP. Other attendees included Mark Holland MP and various councilors from Whitby and Oshawa. Now, we are moving along, approximately one week behind schedule, as we had to postpone our original group breaking date. To date, they have completed clearing and grubbing, curb cuts topsoil removal; site services including storm, sanitary and water. Presently they are working on the foundations. Soon, we will be pouring the floor slab and forming the cat and dog runs! How exciting is that? Financially, things are not so great. We need money! Unfortunately, at this time, corporate sponsors have been very slow to come through for the animals. We need $562,000.00. Surely there are 562 businesses or organizations who can donate $1,000.00 to help our animals in need. Time is running out! If we are not there to help the animals, who will be? We recently took in 19 dogs from a deplorable situation and had nowhere to put them. We pleaded with various animal services in Durham for help, only one, Uxbridge Animal Services helped by fostering 6 of the dogs for us. As well, Brooklin Pet Care has some of our dogs, including Angus from this rescue. Both of these organizations have been incredibly helpful to us since the fire and we thank them! We had to go as far away as Brampton to get more help. Who would these dogs depend on to help them if we don’t have the money to make our shelter happen? What would have happened to them or the many others out there covered in fleas and lice, skin abrasions and feces and urine? I am pleading with anyone who can help us or if you know someone else who can! Several people have helped with various fundraisers and donations and we greatly appreciate it. Without your support we would not be as far along as we are. To now, supporters have purchased naming rights to the animal kitchen; one dog run; a cat room and two cat cages. (See our naming opportunities on page 5.) We have thus for raised $133,133.00 and have received our first payment from the government infrastructure funding program. We have spent $241,708.34, so far, since January 2010 for the contractor, consulting services and permit and development fees. Take a drive to the property and see for yourself how it is coming along, it is all very exciting! 3 Vis it u s o nline at : ww w.huma nedurha PHOENIX RISING Since May 1, 2010, our “One Paw” donors include Pet Eats 'N Treats – Home Sweet Home - $7,153.84. All one paw; two paw; three paw; four paw and five paw donors will be displayed on our wall of recognition in the new shelter. SPCA International in the U.S.A. donated $2,000.00. Phoenix Rising Dance raised $1,400.00. As well, 2 cat cages have been purchased; one by Michael and Miranda Bekiaris is honour of their wedding, in lieu of wedding favours for their guests. The other one by J. Hobson from Kingston, the love of animals knows no borders! Thanks also to Bon and Carol Halliday; Swan Printing; Jerry Coughlan of J.F.C. Developments and Dr. J. Swan for your donations. There have been several smaller donations towards Phoenix Rising. We thank all of you for your support. To summarize, you have an opportunity to… 1. Help a good, worthy cause 2. Gain valuable exposure and publicity 3. Make an everlasting legacy We have precious pets and friends who need a home today while they wait for adoption. Help make our new home and caring stay for our pets and friends a reality. RUSH your sponsorship contribution with the below sponsorship form to me today. If you have any questions about the best way for your company to participate in the Humane Society of Durham Region Building Fund, please contact me at [email protected] Sincerely, Judy Melland-Smith, Fundraising Chair We Want to Help Close the Gap! Yes, we agree – the Humane Society of Durham Region’s work is too important to let a funding shortfall derail the building of your much needed new home for the Humane Society after the tragic fire in December last year. Please use our enclosed gift to help close the funding gap and allow the Humane Society of Durham Region to continue its wonderful work in a much needed new home. We choose to support the Humane Society of Durham Region’s work with a gift of $5,000 - $14,999 - 1 PAW • $15,000 - $29,000 - 2 PAWS • $30,000 - $49,000 - 3 PAWS • $50,000 - $99,000 - 4 PAWS • $100,000 + - 5 PAWS Your name Company Address City Prov. Tel. Fax VISA Number Expiry Email Direct deopsit is available at any Scotia Bank Attention: Building Fund Trust/Oshawa Main, Account # 80762-01000-13 Please mail this form to: Attention Phoenix Rising - Humane Society of Durham Region, 79 Taunton Road West, Unit 1, Oshawa, Ontario, L1G 7B4 REGISTERED CHARITY NUMBER 13256 2984 RR0001 V is it u s o n line a t: www.huma nedurha CAN THE ANIMALS IN DURHAM REGION COUNT ON YOU? DONATION NAMING OPPORTUNITIES There are a number of naming opportunities available to individuals, corporations, service clubs and foundations. Cat Group Housing Room Cat Adoption Room (2) Small Animal Adoption Room Animal Treatment Room Animal Isolation Room Interview Room Outdoor Cat Enclosure (3) Outdoor Dog Exercise Pen $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $15,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 each $20,000 Animal Kitchen Cat Intake Room Individual Dog Run (15) Laundry Room Individual Cat Cages (several available) Grooming Room Outdoor Seating Benches $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 each $5,000 $500 each $10,000 to be announced $20,000 donations are named for 15 years. $10,000 - $15,000 donations are named for 10 years. Less than $10,000 donations are named for 5 years. Multiple year donations are also avaliable. Please use our enclosed gift to help close the funding gap and allow the Humane Society of Durham Region to continue its wonderful work in a much needed new home. We choose to support the Humane Society of Durham Region’s work with a gift of For naming of the Your name Company Address City Prov. Tel. Fax VISA Number Expiry Email Direct deopsit is available at any Scotia Bank Attention: Building Fund Trust/Oshawa Main, Account # 80762-01000-13 Please mail this form to: Attention Phoenix Rising - Humane Society of Durham Region, 79 Taunton Road West, Unit 1, Oshawa, Ontario, L1G 7B4 REGISTERED CHARITY NUMBER 13256 2984 RR0001 HAPPY ENDINGS Just wanted to let you know that Marc......well he is known as Jack now is doing great. It did not take him long to get used to his new home and his personality comes out more and more every day. We love having him around. He has brought many smiles and lots of laughter to our home.He was a perfect match for our family, thank you for introducing him too us. He is sitting beside me now content and watching me type. I did have a question for you though. He still has lots of dander or is that dry skin? I'm a little allergic to him so not sure if I can get him groomed with some special soap or if I should add some olive oil to his food to help his coat? -Spring Bosworth was adopted from the old humane society almost two years ago ... Ike was just adopted about two weeks ago .... They got along instantly. I'm so happy with my new loud kitty haha! Love Steph and Brennan Just a quick update on Freckles. He seems to have settled into my home very well. He is eating, pooping and playing. He is especially cuddly. He loves to give and get affection. He sleeps with me and seems to prefer sleeping on the pillow up near my head. I purchased a scratcher (Emory as seen on tv) but he has no interest in it at all. I had purchased some toys (which he also has no interest in) but what he loves the most are rolled up balls of foil or paper and he's a big fan of straws (a friend told me about the straws and they really are fun for him). Also, he does like to play with the empty toilet paper roll. One of his favourite pasttimes is sitting in the bedroom window watching the kids in the schoolyard behind my condo. There are also a lot of birds out there. I really want to thank you and the staff at the Humane Society. You made the process so easy and truthfully, it was a big step for me. After having to put my cat down (I had him for 15 years) a couple years ago, I really didn't think I would be able to get another pet. The pain was truly unbelievable but I don't think I could have picked a better one than Freckles. You give great advice and I really appreciate all your time and help. Thanks. Sue I hope you remember me, but more importantly Nikki. Nikki has been such a source of joy to me and I just love her to pieces. She has quite the personality and we are a like an old couple together! She still licks me like crazy, and I am now just used to it. I spent $1,000 installing new screen doors for her so she can bask in the sun and see outside the front and back doors of my new home. You certainly did pick out the best kitty for me and I thank you for that. And, Nikki thanks you too! Because she is very spoiled now and runs the house, as she should! I hope you are well! You are an angel.... Kind regards! Carol I just thought I’d give you a 1 week update on Normandy... (Now named Sly)The first 5 days we almost never saw him. He found every possible hiding place in the house. Sly wouldn’t make a sound (we actually thought he never knew how to meow), and anytime he saw us, he’d run away. But, his food kept going missing overnight, so we knew he was there somewhere. We spent a lot of time trying to find him, but once we did find him, he loved to cuddle. He’d drop himself on us, and fall asleep. Then, on day 6, it’s almost like a new cat had snuck into the house. The new Sly would hunt us down, and jump on us. He loves his new toys, and spends a lot of time playing with them (even during the night, keeping us awake). He now gets along with the dog, Storm, like they were brother and sister, and grew up together. Sly has been a great addition to our family. Thanks again for the new joy in our life… Jenn, Dion and Storm V is it u s o nline a t: www.huma nedurha 6 HAPPY ENDINGS I just wanted to let you know that Felix is doing AWESOME!! He loves to be around people, and on them :) He is such a wonderful being and we're getting to know each other more with every day. Meaghan Here are a few photos of Peter and Diablo together. They definately like each other and are enjoying being together. Peter is very comfortable in his new home and loves to snuggle and play! We are so happy to have them both in our home! The Carters Thank you for taking such good care of us until our Mommy & Daddy found us. We love it here. We get lots of cuddles; can watch the birds out the window; play with springs, toy mice & the kittie tunnel and we play with our new brother Merlin. (he hissed a little but then wanted to play with us, too) I (Wiseman) had a nap with Mommy this afternoon & woke her up with kisses! Please say hi to all of our friends. Love & Purrs, Wizard & Wiseman. “Cats are rather delicate creatures and they are subject to a good many different ailments, but I never heard of one who suffered from insomnia.” - Joseph Wood Krutch FOSTER HOMES NEEDED We need foster parents now more than ever because of our lack of space to house animals. Cats, cats with kittens, occasional dogs…so please if you can for any length of time, we need you. Please call 905 433-2022 ext 3. HUMANE EDUCATION For information or to speak with someone about our Humane Education Programme, please contact Ruby at at 905 433-2022 ext 4 V is it u s o n line a t: www.huma nedurha 7 UPCOMING EVENTS SWING SHIFT BIG BAND Get your dancing shoes ready. We will be hosting our annual Swing Shift Big Band dance on Saturday November 13 at the Legion Hall on Simcoe St S in Oshawa. The evening will include the wonderful live music of Swing Shift Big Band, a light late evening buffet and numerous prizes. As those of you who have attended in the past will attest to, this is a wonderful, wonderful evening. Inexpensive and for a great cause: the animals at the Humane Society of Durham Region. The cost will be $24 per person or $45 per couple. Tickets will be available at Pet Valu Taunton Rd E in Oshawa, Pet Valu Warren Ave in Oshawa, Pet Valu Courtice, Global Pet Foods Harwood Ave S in Ajax or the Humane Society of Durham Region 79 Taunton Rd W in Oshawa as of September 1, 2010. For more info call Karin at (905) 433-2022 ext 5. CORNROAST On Thursday August 26th, we will be having a Cornroast at Vandermeer Garden Centre – corner of Bayly and Lakeridge (Pet Pics with Santa location) from 2-7 p.m. Every Thursday they have a farmer's market there and we've been invited to have a cornroast. Please join us for this great family outing. Cost to be determined. PET PICS WITH SANTA – HO HO HO! That's right everyone, it's only a few months away. November 27 & 28, December 4 & 5 and December 11 & 12 at Vandermeer Garden Centre aka A Beautiful Christmas Wonderland. See next newsletter for complete details. REGIONAL & MUNICIPAL ELECTION YEAR As most of you are aware, soon we will be having municipal and regional elections. Now is the time for you to speak up for the animals in our community. Find out all you can about the people who are running for office – what are their true thoughts towards the animals of Durham Region? Many may say they care but have their past actions shown it? There are many animals languishing in shelters and animal services throughout the region … they need you to speak for them with your vote. Please vote with your heart, who cares of our animals and animal throughout the region! For more events please visit our website! 8 V is it u s o n line a t: www.huma nedurha SHELTER NEWS FUNDRAISING EVENTS PEOPLE FOR PETS WALKATHON 2010 RAISES $14,173.10! What a beautiful day we had for our walkathon this year! Not a hint of rain; beautiful sunshine and great temperatures. There were not a lot of people this year but those who came out had a wonderful day. All of the dogs thoroughly enjoyed themselves, running and socializing with other dogs; playing games and winning contests for great prizes and just having fun. Some of our adoptees from the past were there and it is always wonderful to see them again, with their families. This year we raised $14, 173.10. Out top pledge winners were M. Gray, who raised $3,650.00 and won an overnight stay and three course dinner at the Vintage Inns in Niagara on the Lake … a gift for her parents. C. Fong had the 2nd highest pledges of $3,600.00 and chose an HBC gift card for her prize. D. Paré and F. Lapena were third, raising $2,762.00 in pledges and chose Pickering Town Centre $100 gift card and a $50 Global Pet Food card. E. McDonald was the fourth place winner with $1,337.50 in pledges and received a Skin & Body clinic spa card. Mysteriously Yours theatre tickets in Toronto and a Boston Pizza gift certificate. Several others who brought in pledges received assorted gift certificates and prizes as well. We thank all of our volunteers who came out to help make the day a success … those at registration; the teens who manned the check points; Nadine, Frank and Sandy who organized the games and all of the other volunteers and board members who came out and helped. Thank you to all of the businesses who donated prizes and supplies, your support and belief in us year after year makes the event a positive one and encourages people to always come back, at the insistence of their dogs, of course! And to all of you who came for the day and helped raise money for our many animals in need, we thank you so much. Hope to see you all again next year! GOLF TOURNAMENT 2010 RAISES $11,863.00! We held our 7th annual golf tournament on Wednesday June 16th at Kedron Dells Golf Course in Oshawa and had another wonderful year!! There were 107 golfers who made our event a huge success and helped us raise a record $11,863.00 with mulligan sales, 50/50 tickets, putting contest and fabulous silent auction table. Thanks to Deanna for running the putting contest every year, rain or shine! Many thanks to our generous sponsors, prize donors, volunteers, and golf committee members, Jodi, Brett, Laurie, Gillian, Eileen, Bruce & Cindy. Special mention also has to go to Len Butticci of Watermark Insurance for his very generous donation to the tournament, and the animals. We hope to have everyone’s support again next year! Thank-you! 9 V is it u s o nline a t: www.huma nedurha MORE SHELTER NEWS SHELTER NUMBERS It has been an incredibly busy summer with incoming animals. Unfortunately, as is usually the case, adoptions are down! Kittens, kittens, kittens …… it is never ending. As well, it is difficult for people to come in and see the dogs as they are scattered throughout the region. Fortunately, people are viewing our animals on the webpage and we are able to arrange meetings between dogs and their prospective new families. Rose, who had been with us in a foster home for awhile, was recently adopted by a family from Kingston who saw her on the internet and drove here to meet and adopt her. We have so many cats and so many little animals in the shelter. Please if you are considering adopting a new family member, come and see …. some of residents are bound to win your heart! In foster care – 54 cats and kittens, 15 dogs In various Pet Valu stores – 13 cats and kittens (Ajax, Bowmanville and Courtice) Uxbridge Animal Services – 6 dogs Brooklin Pet Care – 3 dogs In our temporary shelter on Taunton Road: 79 cats and kittens 5 dogs 7 rats and 1 shelter rat 1 guinea pig 1 hamster For donation 10 rabbits VOLUNTEERS NEEDED toll collection at the Oshawa Centre, on Saturday, August 21st. Please contact Keith Miller at (905) 576-6400 extension 238 or email Keith at [email protected]. Hurtful Accusations Unfortunately, there is an organization who has been spreading some malicious lies against the Humane Society of Durham Region. Sadly, when something like this happens, the only ones who suffer are the animals. We are here for the animals in need and do everything in our power to help ease their suffering. We truly appreciate everyone’s continued support and belief in us! V is it u s o nline at : ww w.huma nedurha WEDDING CARDS Instead of giving out favours or small gifts to the guests, why not consider a donation to the Humane Society of Durham Region instead. One of our members, Sharon Zinner has designed beautiful cards that in place of a wedding favour, a donation has been made to the shelter. Each card is professionally hand made and they are really lovely with a small cut out paw in the corner and soft blue ribbon across the tent card. Or we have a flat card, again with a white card on blue background. If anyone is interested in more information, please call Karin at 905-433-2022. Ext 5 10 Adopt-A-Pet If you are interested in any of our furry friends, please come down to our shelter and meet them in person. We are located at 79 Taunton Road West, Unit 1, Oshawa. See map and our new shelter hours on Pg 2. MADELINE Female, Lionhead/Purebred Rabbit, I year old. FREEDOM Male, rabbit, 2 years old. P l ea s e v is it u s on l in e for MA N Y M O R E a va il a b le p et s f o r a d o p t io n : w ww. huma n e d u rh a m . c o m MAX Max is a handsome, easygoing fellow. He is at the Pet Valu in the Bowmanville Mall where he lives with 5 other shelter cats. He loves attention and would like to have lots of windows in his new home as one of his favorite past times is to gaze outside to see what action is going on! Max would be fine with children but he does not like dogs. DUNKRIK Dunkirk was abandoned in a house with 12 other cats. He needs to find his forever home with his best buddy, Verdun. He is afraid of small children (under 7 years) and dogs but is a wonderful, snuggly, laidback boy. Hes very affectionate and has to be the center of attention. He loves to come snuggle on your lap. GEORGE HAILEY Hailey is a lovely medium large sized girl. She is very much a big puppy still and enjoys playing with other dogs. Although she is a little nervous around men at first, she warms up quickly. She seems to be good around older kids. VERDUN Verdun needs to find his forever home with his best friend, Dunkirk. He was abandoned in a home with twelve other cats and would do best in a home without dogs and children (under 7 years old). He is the shy one of the pair but quickly warms up to love and snuggles. Once in awhile he will squawk with his funny little meow when he wants to get your attention. George is 1.5 years old and has been classified as a sighthound/German Shepherd cross. At first glance he has similarities to a pitbull but he has been seen by Bullies in Need and they have confirmed that he is not one. He is a very loving boy who was found on a construction site being kicked by some workers. He likes cats and other dogs. He is a little nervous when he meets men but does warm up once he gets to know you. He is definitely a ladies dog and bonds quickly with women. 11 Paws For Our Cause Gift of Life A Truly Special Gift of Life This morning I received a call from the shelter. A little kitten left in a box outside a building was very ill, lethargic and had very little movement. The staff took her to the veterinarian who determined she had minimal red blood cells, in other words she was very anaemic – life threatening anaemia – from a flea infestation. Two of our big healthy cats at the shelter were chosen and gave the ultimate gift of life – a blood transfusion for this little noodle who needed their help. One unit was given today which only brought her red cells up to half of what they should be. Tomorrow, the second transfusion will be given. As people receive transfusions, so do animals. The donor cats don't have any ill effects and neither do the recipients. As this little kitten depended on it to survive, so do people. Be a blood donor. With summer, came more injuries and illnesses. Our Gift of Life fund has once again been depleted but I am sure you all agree. Charlie - a little kitten who required surgery to repair a broken leg. Verdun – a wonderful cat, mentioned in the last newsletter with an inner ear abscess that would not heal despite treatment. We finally tried a different approach with some holistic medication and we are keeping our fingers crossed because it seems to have worked. Sunny – a beautiful cat who required hernia repair. Haylen – a six month old yellow lab who suffered from a twisted bowel and required urgent resection. Wednesday – a lovely young stray cat who was in distress during the birth of her babies. Oshawa Animal Services refused to help the woman who found her. We assumed care of the cat who was rushed to the vet and required medication and assistance to help with the delivery. Riley & Tank – sadly, two beautiful cats who succumbed to their illness, despite treatment. Max – a gorgeous white cat who suffered with gastric problems. After veterinary care and medications, he is completely recovered and waiting to go home with someone. He is one big, loving “couch potato”. Depending on the animal and the illness or simply for spays and neuters of our animals, we use different veterinarians and specialists. Our veterinary bills are in excess of $150,000.00 a year – we need your help! Special thanks to the following people who have given generously in order to give our animals a second chance through our gift of life fund. (see page 17 for details) R. Northey C & L Margison – in loving memory of Athena D. Diamond C. Carter D. Menard D & C Harris J. Johnston – for the cats L. Rese M. Pearson W. Lahoda S. Hembroff M. Longenecker Thank-you! Leave a Lasting Legacy... We need your help now more than ever, with a rebuilding project underway. You can make a difference for decades to come for so many animals. A charitable bequest – name the Humane Society of Durham Region in your will. Reduce the tax payable on your final income tax return. Life Insurance – donate a new or existing life insurance policy to the Humane Society of Durham Region and receive tax savings. Gifts – donate securities, mutual funds, stocks, bonds etc and receive substantial tax savings.There are many ways you can help your own financial situation as well as the animals at the Humane Society of Durham Region. Make a difference please. For information on these and other investment advice, please contact a lawyer or investment advisor who can help you invest in the gift of life. 12 V is it u s o nline a t: www.huma nedurha Five Paw Salute Very special thanks to Mars and their pedigree adoption programme. Your generous donations have helped so many of our animals. As always, Jeannie Hawley and the “bubble gum” kids raised funds throughout the year within class raffles. These wonderful students from Jeannie’s class at St. John the Evangelist School in Whitby raised $4,105.23 this year! Sadly, Jeannie retired at the end of this school year to spend more time with her new grandchild. You have been an incredible inspiration to so many children throughout the years, Jeannie. We will miss you but we wish you all the best in your retirement. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to you and all past, present and (hopefully) future bubblegum kids! Thank you to Emily, Mollie and McKenna for kindly asking for donations to the animals instead of gifts for yourself for your birthdays! To the wonderful students and teachers of Sinclair Secondary School in Whitby who held various fundraising events through the year and raised $3,428.07 to help our animals. You are all wonderful and because of you we are able to do what we do. You have helped rescue those 9 dogs from squalor, eventually to be adopted into loving new homes. Thank you! Other schools who have done collections for us include Lakewoods Public School in Oshawa; Dr. Ross Tilley Public School in Bowmanville; Norman G. Powers Public School in Oshawa; Sherwood Public School in Oshawa and the Durham District School Board Staff Association, Thank you all!! Again there have been several fundraising events and we thank J.P. Morgan Chase Employee Giving Campaign on behalf of C. Onno; Global Pet Food Stores for your generous donation; St. Johns Anglican Church; Bowmanville Zoo; Orono United Church Sundy School, Rogers Cable Inc. in Oshawa, Uxbridge Rotary Club; Kinsmen Club of Ajax; Whitby Hydro Casual Day; and Dr. John Sciuk and his staff and patients. To those of you who have made memorial donations in honour of friends, family or pets, you are truly making a difference in their name. To all of you who support and believe in us, Celia thanks you …. Celia was an 8 weeks old blind beagle found wandering the streets in Whitby. Fortunately a kind samaritan rescued her before she was injured by cars driving past her. After a press release in the Sun paper, little Celia has been happily adopted and has two beagle siblings to help lead the way! Bowmanville Veterinary Clinic On Saturday June 12, the veterinarians and staff of Bowmanville Veterinary Clinic held their 2nd Annual Barbecue & raised $2,117.85 for the Humane Society of Durham Region. It was a fun-filled day for everyone who attended and in turn, our animals were the lucky beneficiaries. Thank you everyone who made this successful day happens. Hartshorn-Walton Music and Walk Down Sound Phoenix Rising CD Launch – February 6, 2010, 2nd Phoenix Rising fundraiser and CD launch with the help of many local media: NewsDurham, RogersTV and Durham College News and all volunteers including a silent action, raised $1,400.00. The performing artists from the Phoenix Rising CD included: Mélaine E., Stacey Green, Geordie Mackay, Rolf Eikeland, He Said She Said and Oceanic Air. Special Guest appearance from Artemis and The Guess Who’s Dale Russell. Many thanks to the 420 Wing for donating the space for our event. The CD continues to be available for sale throughout Durham Region at by visiting: Next year’s Pheonix Rising evening will be a dinner and dance and will be held on Saturday, February 12, 2011. For more information contact Mélaine Hartshorn-Walton at (905) 242-4853 or email her at [email protected]. Thank-you! 13 V is it u s o nline a t: www.huma nedurha TOXIC FOODS FOR PETS Tomato: stems, leaves Onions Caffeine Tobacco Mushrooms Alcohol/Hops Toadstools Salt Potato: stems, leaves Avocado Rhubarb leaves Chocolate Eggplant Compost Raisins/Grapes Yeast – ruined bread dough Medications PET POISON HELP LINE 1-800-213-6680 Five Paw Salute Thank you W.B. White Insurance On Wednesday, May 26, the staff at W.B. White Insurance held a barbecue for us in their parking lot. They sold jumbo hot dogs and refreshments; chocolate treats; paw print bracelets, flashing pins and a draw for a raffle. It was a beautiful day and those delicious fragrances of barbecuing sausages attracted many customers from the nearby courthouse. The raised $1,000.00 from this event and donated it toward “Phoenix Rising”. Thank you so much everyone for your support! Congratulations Keith! Keith Miller recently received notification from the Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce that he has been chosen as “business person of the year!” No one is more deserving of this award. A.k.a. Santa Claus for Pet Pics, Keith has helped many charities in the past and particularly this year, has been spearheading many fundraising events and talks with services clubs for the Humane Society of Durham Region. Congratulations Keith – enjoy your special evening! p.s. Sylvester should stay at home that night! Home Sweet Home Dance On Saturday May1, Mary Kay Lang and Gordon Lee, of Pet Eats 'N Treats held their second Home Sweet Home Dance to raise funds for the new shelter. It was held at Heydenshore Pavilion in Whitby. Everyone who attended had a lovely time dancing to live music of “the usual suspects”, bidding on wonderful silent auction items donated by local merchants and a late evening buffet. This year they raised an incredible $7,153.84, over a $1,000.00 more than last year. Thank you, thank you, thank you and we cannot wait until next year’s “Home At Last” dance! p.s. We wish Mary Kay & Gordon a wonderful upcoming wedding day in October. A lifetime of happiness to both of you!! Sinful Inflictions Tattoo’s in Whitby Wags and Purrs to Jay, owner of Sinful Inflictions Tattoo’s in Whitby. His reputation as one of the best tattoo artists is renowned. He has supported us with various fundraising events in the past and in December; he held an art infusion with all proceeds for the Humane Society. He cares deeply for animals! They raised $2320.80 that day auctioning off various works of art. A special artist can use any canvass for his work…..thank you Jay and all the Artists and Staff who donated their work and time to help make this happen. As well, thanks to everyone who came out to this event in support!. Thank-you! Charitable Donations Anyone working can have charitable withdrawals from their paycheques to be forwarded directly to the shelter! 14 V is it u s o nline a t: www.huma nedurha CLASSIFIED PAGE FOR PETS The Classified Page for Pets is a new feature in our Newsletter to help directly support the production cost of the Newsletter and promote local pet related businesses in Durham Region that have supported us. Humane Society of Durham Region, 79 Taunton Road West, Unit 1, Oshawa, L1G 7B4 I hereby authorize the Humane Society of Durham Region to arrange donation withdrawals from my bank account or Visa credit card on the first day of each month for my monthly pledge for animal care. I understand that I may cancel this authorization at any time subject to providing notice of 14 days. To obtain a sample cancellation form or for more information on my right to cancel a PAD agreement, I may contact my financial institution or visit 2010 I have certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply wit this agreement. For example, I have the right to receive reimbursement for any debit that is not authorized or is not consistent with this PAD agreement. To obtain more information on my recourse rights, I may contact my financial institution or visit VERY IMPORTANT: Please enclose an encoded blank cheque marked "VOID" Make sure your account has chequing privileges! For credit card donations don't forget your expiry date. Mail to: Humane Society of Durham Region, 79 Taunton Road West, Unit 1, Oshawa, L1G 7B4 Phone: 905 433 2022 Humane Society of Durham Region 79 Taunton Road West, Unit 1, Oshawa, L1G 7B4
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